March 2016 - Twin City Quilters Guild


March 2016 - Twin City Quilters Guild
March 1st. 2016
Penny McDowell
Vice President
Arlie Sears
Deb Marshall
Linda Smyth
Dawn Bishop
Newsletter Ed:
Joanne Sentman
The 15th of each month. All members are encouraged
to participate.
Volume 27, Number 3
Holy Moly, what a great meeting. Denise, of
Aunties Attic Quilt Shop, did a wonderful program
on Color Theory. She explained how it all works
and why. I still luck out and just pick what I like.
Everyone seems to like the “Flash Reports”, from
the different chairs. As chairs, you can post your
info, cost, dates and details in the newsletter so
those that everyone knows what you and your
committee are up too. The Flash Reports are just a
brief reminder. The newsletter is also on our web
page and my hidden ????? for a prize at the next
I'm looking forward to start working on our new
challenge quilt for the Xmas Party….ya, right, the
week or day before I'll get it done, but I'm thinking
anyway. I'm also looking forward on the mini
mystery projects. What better way to feel good then
to make small useful things then another quilt. They
also can be used for gifts too.
Can you believe it; we are having a quilt show next
year. Hats off to Cheryl, Liz and Dorothy for cochairing. You Go Girls! The rest of us will have to
step up and do our part too. Now to finish some
quilts to put in the show.
Remember next month we will be having a White
Elephant Sale. You have to make your own change
and have to take back home what you don't sale.
Brief meeting, Flash Reports, treats, shopping,
drawings and good time for all.
Hopefully I'll be done with all the repainting of the
rooms in our house by our March meeting. I had the
bright ideal to get rid of all the popcorn ceilings.
What better way to spend these cold winter days.
Stay warm and stitch away.
Please remember when you are looking for quilt fabric, notions and classes to patronize our
advertisers who help defray our newsletter costs. If we don’t support our independent shops
they won’t exist.
Fat Quarters for 2016
March: stars
April: purple
July: summer realted
Hosts for March
May: floral
August: blue
Novemer: music
June: Green
September: fall colors
Sharon Sacco, Esther Stoeckel, Judy Lilac, Donna Mileham, Sharon Shakarjean, Dorothy Spears
Pat Vitthuhn, Adele Gabalski, Rene Harbison, Deb Marshall
Schedule 2016
March 2nd Wed 6:30
March 12th Sat 9:30-3
April 6th Wed 6:30
April 9th Sat 10-3
April 23rd 9-3
May 4th Wed 6:30
May 7th Sat
June 1st Wed 6:30
White Elephant Sale
Linus Day at Crestwood
Pink Ribbon Day at Crestwood
National Linus Day at the Sheridan Fire Hall
Sue Nami Class with Deb Thomas
MINUTES February 2016
The February 3, 2016 meeting was called to order by Guild President, Penny McDowell at 6:30PM. One
visitor, Diane DeArmond, was recognized.
The Minutes from the January 6, 2016 meeting were approved with the following correction - 5,750 Pink
Ribbon Comfort Pillows have been made since 2009, not the 5,070 as stated.
There was no Treasurer’s Report to be presented by Guild Treasurer, Dawn Bishop, who is currently on a
personal leave. Upon her return arrangements will be made to amend the authorization signatures with the
Guild banking institute. Also, a new policy will be adopted pertaining to the timely deposit of payments
submitted to the Guild. Future deposit of funds should be done within two weeks after receipt.
Old Business:
Karen McMurdo reported that the funds received from the raffle quilt donated to Crestwood
Nursing Home
were used to purchase two tablets for the residents. Guild Member,
Kristine Gedeon won the
Joan Rockenbrock and Kelly Urtel will represent the Guild at the Buffalo History Museum as
part of their
Buffalo History Museum Quilt Project on February 14 for their Live Quilting Bee. Mary Militello and
Cheryl Shoemaker, volunteered for the next assigned slot for the
Guild, February 18.
Flash Reports from the Committees:
Esther Stoeckel reported that the annual display at the North Tonawanda Public Library is all set. Members can
bring items to the Library prior to the March display and leave with Library employee/Guild member Deb
Marshall. If you drop off an item at the library, please make certain you contact a member of the committee
(see January Guild Newsletter for complete committee listings) so the item can be properly identified.
Patty Kuriscak reported that a Pink Ribbon Day has been scheduled for April 9 at Crestwood. There are signup
sheets for those planning on attending, lunch will be included. June Roetzer is in charge of door prizes.
Cindy Hubacher announced that 37 quilts were turned in. There will be a Project Linus Day at Crestwood,
March 12, 9:30AM-3PM. Project Linus day will take place April 23, Sheridan Park Firehall. Details to
Joan Rockenbrock revealed the details for the 2016 Challenge Quilt. The $5 fee that is associated with the
challenge is reimbursed to the member upon presentation of their finished project at the annual Christmas
party. Prizes are also awarded.
Cheryl Shoemaker announced that she is working on a Guild Mystery Project. Instead of a mystery quilt this
will be an item that will be completed within 2-4 months. Themed methods will be utilized; first project
will be presented in March.
The newsletter will now only be presented on the Website.
Show ’n’ Share items have been placed on tables prior to the meeting enabling Guild members to view items
close up ahead of time.
Kelly Urtel, membership committee, reminded members that their membership cards have been placed on the
Arlie Sears reported that the May 7 Sue Name Class with Deb Thomas is limited to 20 members.
Program - Denise LaMarca owner of Aunties Attic Quilt Shop presented a program on Color Theory
Break for refreshments, February birthdays were acknowledge
Meeting resumes
2017 Quilt Show - Cheryl Shoemaker, Liz Wheeler and Dorothy Glosser volunteer to chair the event
A fall basket raffle/boutique is under consideration and is being planned
The Guild website will offer monthly tips and something pertaining to the Guild President will be hidden. In
order to encourage members to fully utilize the website, something will be hidden within the site each
month that is specific to Penny. Find the item to be entered into a monthly drawing at the next meeting.
Quilting related questions
Patty Kuriscak inquired as to the seam allowance for rag quilts (1/2”)
Penny McDowell offered a tip on how to stop a dog from digging in the garden (bury their waste in the
Cheryl Shoemaker is reworking a bag pattern that had been presented to members at a workshop years ago by
member Sharon Witul. A fall workshop will be planned.
Wendy Mangrum inquired of the status of the Dear Jane project (currently in a hiatus according to chair Arlie
Patty Kuriscak inquired whether a UFO (Unfinished Object) day was being planned (none as of yet on the
Show ’n’ Share items were presented by their owners
Fat Quarters - Dorothy Glosser and Sharon Socco
January BOM - Sue Cahill and Sandy Wardour
February BOM - Linda Smyth and Patty Kursiak
50/50 Split $35.50 - Mary Millitello
Next Meeting, Wednesday, March 2
Respectfully Submitted
Deb Marshall, Secretary
2016 TCQG Challenge
The Challenge is ready and waiting. This year’s Theme is: Self Portrait. This topic can cover a wide range of
interpretations. In the end it can be anything that makes you happy or describes you or your life in general.
You can use any technique you wish, add as many fabrics as you wish and embellish to your hearts content.
The only restrictions are: The finished project cannot be bigger than the muslin background provided (18 X
18) and you must use the ribbon provided (even if it is used to hang the project or it is stitched to the back).
As in past years, the cost is $5.00 which will be returned to all members bringing back their finished project at
the Christmas Party and there will be prizes.
Challenge Committee
Joan, Joyce, Linda
LOCK OF THE MONTH -- For the month of March, Puss in the Corner 3 is suggested. Instructions are shown on our
own website under the Blocks category shown just below our name. Colors shown online are dark green, light green and
tan ... but remember you can do your color choice if you wish! There can now be more winners as we giving nine (9)
blocks to each winner .. the more blocks we receive, the more winners! Only a suggestion was that with 9 blocks you
could make a simple Linus quilt by adding some sashing. If you do so, please remember to show it at our "Show and
NT LIBRARY ITEMS -- For National Quilting Month, our "Quilters Relax with Fabric" items should be taken to the
North Tonawanda Library, attention of Deb Marshall, before Tuesday, March 1st. If you do so, please email one of
our committee members (Linda Berwaldt, Ricki Por, Sharon Shakarjian, Esther Stoeckel, Diane Wekenmann) so that your
ID name can be preprinted in advance. Linus quilts; Pink Ribbon items, Wheelchair Bags, Christmas Stockings, and
Challenge items will be shown and explained. At this writing (Feb. 12) we may not have enough items to fill the display
areas ... so PLEASE consider taking some of your handiwork (with name on back) before March 1st, would you please?
Thank you!!
There will be Rada order for the month of April. I will have order books at the March
meeting for anyone is interested. The order will go out right after the April meeting so
you would have it at the May meeting. So if you have any upcoming weddings or
showers and you would like to consider RADA as a gift please see me in March or
Karen McMurdo
6- Esther Stoeckel
8- Deb Marshall
Pink Ribbon Projects
Comfort Pillows & Chemo Hats
Returned at the February meeting: 30 unstuffed pillows
32 knitted chemo hats (28 adult and 4 infant)
34 sewn “sleep” hats
Special “Thank You’s” to:
Beverly Spry and the Crestwood Crafters for stuffing and tagging 30 additional pillows.
Linda Smyth’s friends at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Tonawanda for knitting 32 hats.
Tonawanda Garden Club for stuffing and tagging 60 comfort pillows!!!
Carol Blest of the Tonawanda Garden Club for making 10 fleece hats and 6 pillows.
Pearl Steiger for delivering pillows to Harbor Medical at Kenmore Mercy.
Helen Haseley for knitting 14 child-size hats.
June Roetzer for delivering pillows and hats to Millard Fillmore Suburban, Roswell Park
in Amherst, and CCS Oncology in Williamsville.
Linda Goodine for taking pillows to Dr. Bauer and hats to Dr. Soniwala.
The “regulars” – members who continuously take and work on pillow & hat kits.
Please Note:
Kits for the comfort pillows and chemo hats are available at all regular meetings. If anyone
needs kits at other times, please call Patty K. or Linda G. and we will deliver them to you.
A few pillow “tips”:
1) Please sew with a generous seam allowance (½” would be fine) on the side with the opening.
2) Leave at least a 4” opening for turning the pillow right side out & easier access by stuffers.
3) Please return the right-side-out pillows in the baggie, along with the sheet of instructions.
A few hat “tips”:
1) Please return sewn hats and/or pick up new kits from Caroline Knight at each meeting.
2) Please consider making a couple chemo hats each month – one can be made in about 10 min.
Haven’t tried one yet? We would be glad to demo it for you.
Thank you, all, for your continued support – the need is never-ending!
With deep appreciation,
Patty Kuriscak and Linda Goodine
P.S. Just a “heads up”—Saturday, April 9th, will be this year’s Pink Ribbon Day so
mark it on your calendars. An informational flyer is included in this newsletter.
Pink Ribbon Comfort Pillow Day
When: Saturday, April 9, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Elderwood/Crestwood Health Care Facility –
Skilled Nursing Building – in the large community room
2600 Niagara Falls Boulevard, Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Since there are many phases to these pillows, you will be able to work on whatever
“stage” you prefer: sewing the pre-cut pieces with your sewing machine,
stuffing the sewn pillows with polyfil, or
hand-sewing the opening & attaching the tag.
What you should bring:
If you will be machine sewing,  your sewing machine, assorted colors of thread, pins, and
If you will be hand sewing,  your favorite needle, various colors of thread, and scissors.
Note: pre-cut fabrics, pillow polyfil, and tags will be provided.
What about lunch?
A COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH will be provided in the Dining Room of the Independent Living
(just a short walk from the building we will be working in). Since a “count” for lunch is
please indicate your willingness to join us that day by either:
(1) signing-up on the sheets available at the Guild’s Feb. 3 rd meeting or March 2nd meeting
(2) contacting one of the Pink Ribbon Co-Chairs: Patty Kuriscak (2972040)
Linda Goodine (298-1002)
Anything else?
Yes, yes, yes …
 Friends, relatives, and other guests are VERY WELCOME to join us and “pitch
 Door prizes will be awarded, thanks to J.R. (our Queen of Fun and Games)!
 Desserts and snacks will be available; drinks (water, coffee, & tea) will be
 Lots of FUN, conversation, FUN, comradery, and FUN.
Please let us know you will participate by April 2nd.
Twin City Quilt Guild
7350 Ward Rd
North Tonawanda, NY 14120-1936