September 2013 • Elul - Herzl


September 2013 • Elul - Herzl
September 2013 • Elul/Tishri 5774
Herzl-Ner Tamid
3700 East Mercer Way
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Vol. 107 • Number 11
H a p p y N e w Y e a r 5774
High Holidays at HNT
New Year,
New Theme!
Where are you?
Where are we---in our relationships,
in our careers, in our connection to
Judaism and the Jewish people?
GO PAPERLESS! The HaKol is now available online. If you would like to support HNT’s efforts to save
environmental and financial resources, please email Rebecca Levy at and start
receiving your HaKol via email only.
206-232-8555 • •
Are You?
hen Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, their
eyes were opened, they became aware of their nakedness,
and they hid from God among the trees of the Garden.
God called to Adam, saying “Ayeka/Where are you?” And, Adam
responded: “ I heard your voice in the Garden and I was afraid,
so I hid.”
Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiators, Secretary of State Kerry said
that history is not made by the timid, but by men and women of
courage and vision. That’s good advice for all of us. Rosh Hashanah
is a time to remember the great men and women of our past who
overcame their own hesitations to lead the world in bold new
directions. May we be inspired by their courage and when God
asks us “Ayeka?” may we respond “Hineni”/I am ready to create the
world and myself anew this year.
Janine, David and Miri, Shani and I wish all of our friends at HNT a
happy, healthy and sweet New Year.
Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum
The obvious question is: “Why did God ask Adam where he was?
Doesn’t God know it all?” Abraham Joshua Heschel answered
that God’s question was not about Adam’s location but his
spiritual condition. God wanted to know not where Adam was
geographically, but where he was at as a human being.
In fact, said Heschel, Ayeka is the question God asks each and every
one of us in each generation: “Where are you at?” Especially during
this High Holiday season, it’s a good question to ask ourselves.
Where are we at---in our relationships, in our careers, in our
connection to Judaism and the Jewish people? Rosh Hashanah is a
moment to pause and review our lives. What has changed for us in
the past year? What have we learned? How have we grown? How
have we healed? What were our moments of celebration? When did
we show courage? What would we like to take with us into the new
year and what would we like to lay to rest?
Aryeh Ben David is a Jewish educator who created an organization
called “Ayeka.” His goal is to create opportunities for us to connect
to Judaism in a way that impacts our personal lives. “Ayeka” will be
our congregational theme this year, and we will be using some of
Aryeh Ben David’s educational materials. He suggests a follow up
question to “Ayeka/Where are you?” God’s question was directed at
Adam and Eve hiding in the trees. Ben David asks: What trees are
we hiding behind?
hanging ourselves and the world can be difficult, and
sometimes we’d rather escape that responsibility. Jonah did
not want to save the city of Ninveh, so he hid from God in
the hold of a ship. Each of us has our own escape strategies, ways we
avert our eyes from responsibilities and truths we’d rather not face.
For some of us work can be a way to avoid our relationships. Others
of us escape into the world of technology.
Or, perhaps, like Moses, we hide from God’s call behind a feeling
of unworthiness. “Who am I,” said Moses “to go before Pharoah?”
Overwhelmed with the challenge of leadership, Moses went into
hiding in the land of Midian. But, he did not stay there forever. Nor
should we. In speaking of the daunting obstacles facing the
3700 E. Mercer Way
Mercer Island, WA
HaKol is published monthly, except
June/July/August. Production by
HNT staff. The deadline for HaKol is
the first of the month preceding the
month of publication.
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
206-232-8555 • •
Teen Feed
T ’Filot
Daily Minyan: Weekdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 AM
Sundays and Secular Holidays . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM
PreShabbat Oneg: Fridays . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM
Please refer to your Guide to the High Holidays for detailed
holiday service times for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur,
Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Friday, September 6
• Services in Sanctuary - 6:00 PM
• Birthday Shabbat
Saturday, September 7
• Services in Sanctuary - 6:00 PM
Friday, September 20
• Services in Upper Foyer - 6:00 PM
Saturday, September 21
• Parsha Study - 9:30 AM
• Services in Feinberg Social Hall - 10:00 AM
Friday, September 27
• Services in Sanctuary - 6:00 PM
Saturday, September 28
• Parsha Study - 9:30 AM
• Services in Feinberg Social Hall - 10:00 AM
Sunday, September 22 • 5:30 PM
Meet at: UW Hillel 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle
Volunteers are needed during two shifts to help prepare, cook,
and serve food. Shifts start at 5:30 PM, and we need 10 or more
volunteers for a successful event. RSVP to
If you would like to receive monthly Teen Feed reminders, email
Thanks to Janet Gray & Clive Brazg for coordinating the May, June
and July Teen Feeds and to our wonderful volunteers including:
Cheryl Cohen; Leslie & Denise Klaff; Alan, Sari & Tori Weinstein
and Sue Amira-Weinstein; Aviv, Noah, Tzachi & Lara Litov;
Sue, Bryan & Celina Solomon; Bonni & Sam Alpert; Eres Younker;
Leiba Husock; Brian Lurie & Karen Moscowitz; Julie Katz, Andrew
& Elie Hess; Norene & Richard Arnold; Susan Tapper; Ken Kremen,
O’Dea High Schoolers, Myles G and Curtis Delgardo; and Sigma Nu
brothers, Brandon Goldman, Kyle Wheeler, Kevin Horwitz, Tyler
Leis and Adam Croissant.
Want to help, but aren’t available on September 22? Please consider
a donation to Teen Feed. Donations may be sent to HNT, attention:
Nancy, PO Box 574 Mercer Island, WA 98040.
Annual Appeal
HNT relies on your additional generosity when you
contribute to the Annual Appeal. It helps bridge the gap
between the dues and budgetary needs.Thank you if you
have already donated; if you have not yet done so, you can
turn down the tab on your Rosh Hashanah ticket, phone
the office or go to: Thanks so much.
Shabbat Dinner Circle
Friday, November 8 • HNT Members’ Homes
Register by October 18
Though registration may be closed for this month’s Sukkot Dinner
Circle, there’s still plenty time to sign up for Shabbat Dinner Circle
on November 8!
Whether you’re a frequent diner or brand new, we hope that you will
join us for these intimate, casual Shabbat gatherings in each other’s
homes. Sign up to host or attend at:
We appreciate your signing up early to accommodate the matching
process. Be sure to mark your calendar for even more Shabbat
Dinner Circles on February 7 & May 2!
College Students, their Parents & Grandparents !
Where are you? Let us know so we can send you some goodies!
Please email your new mailing address to to
receive some holiday treats from HNT.
Parents: don’t be shy, feel free to send us your kid’s address and
email address!
Shabbat Morning Minyan
Saturday, September 28 • 10:00 AM • Feinberg Social Hall
The Shabbat Morning Minyan fosters communal participation
through inspired davening. Our goal is to fill the room with ruach,
so come sing, harmonize, or just hum along!
If you’re interested in reading Torah for Shabbat Minyan, or
in leading part of the t’filot, please contact Andy Robinson at: or 425-378-2753.
Dancing with the Torah
Thursday, September 26 • 7:00 PM • Feinberg Social Hall
After the 6:45 PM ma’ariv service in the Gladstein Chapel, be part
of the HNT Simchat Torah experience by carrying a Torah, dancing
the hora or the kazatzky, clapping along, marching in a hakafa,
waving a flag, singing ‘Hoshia na,’ and having a nosh or drink
prepared by HNT’s most experienced bartenders.
206-232-8555 • •
a phone call or email, not been a good listener, spoken harshly, or
forgotten your name when you had an aliyah.
To all of our staff, our congregants and my friends - if I have done
anything this year to hurt or offend you, I ask your forgiveness.
To all of you, I wish you shana tovah and g’mar chatima tova. May
you be inscribed for a good year.
t our Scholar in Residence retreat last spring, Nigel Savage
recounted to us how often Rosh Hashanah will fall just
after Labor Day and Chanukah just before Thanksgiving. I
believe the answer was something like every 73,000 years. So, at no
other time will any of us get to say, “the holidays have never been so
early!” My husband’s response was that Rosh Hashanah falls on the
1st of Tishri every year. Whether we find our rhythm in life through
the secular or the Jewish calendar is an interesting dilemma. I think
the New Year is the single time in the calendar that my rhythm and
schedule are determined primarily by our Jewish calendar.
At this time of year everything revolves around “the holidays.”
Usually there is much more space between the lazy days of summer,
the crazy beginnings of the school year and the traditional activities
our Jewish holidays bring.
ur family rituals around the holidays are predictable. They
are filled with tradition, feel familiar and are beloved.
Whether it’s preparing for a huge Rosh Hashana lunch
we host each year, rushing to the Kol Nidre “dash” as the pre-Yom
Kippur dinner is called among our circle of friends, breaking the
fast with chocolate cheesecake or making comfort food to serve in
our sukkah, our traditions are warm and familiar and make me love
this time of year. For the 10 days of repentance through Sukkot
and Simchat Torah, our lives really do revolve around the Jewish
calendar, rather than the secular calendar. It is a time full of shul,
family, food, friends and reflection.
As I reflect on the past year as your synagogue President, my time in
service has brought some challenges, but much satisfaction as well.
I have had the opportunity to get to know many congregants in a
unique way, as part of a spiritual community. I have been warmly
welcomed by the morning minyan contingent this year. The Friday
night regulars are such a part of my weekly routine that when I
travel, I truly miss my hour of Shabbat at HNT. I’ve enjoyed many a
coffee date or lunch with congregants I never knew well.
have spent many Shabbat mornings sitting on the bimah,
sharing simchas with our synagogue community. This summer
brought our first celebration of a gay marriage, a milestone for
our congregation, and I was proud to be on the bimah to share
this occasion.
As Yom Kippur approaches, we ask forgiveness not only from God
for our transgressions, but from friends, family and community
whom we may have hurt during the past year.
Julie Ellenhorn
Young Adults @ HNT
Sukkah Social for 20s and 30s
Sunday, September 22
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
HNT Sukkah
Drop by the HNT Sukkah for
happy hour complete with wine, sangria, cheese and
more tasty noshes. Please register at:
Thanks to the following congregants who have hosted the
congregation at Shabbat Kiddush:
• Anna & Michael Tischler in honor of Jessica becoming Bat Mitzvah
• Julie & David Chivo, honoring Talia becoming Bat Mitzvah
• Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty in honor of their ufruff
• Gina & Marc Gonchar honoring Micah becoming Bar Mitzvah
• Chris & Marty Lazoritz honoring Davi becoming Bat Mitzvah
• Suzanne & Mark Rosenkrantz in honor of becoming B’nai Mitzvah
Thanks to Judy & Barry Schwarz, Rahla & Marvin Turck, Ruth &
Alan Bunin, Ruth & Mark Balter and Lore & Marv Coe, all of whom
shared the simcha of their anniversaries with the congregation by
hosting a preShabbat oneg during the summer.
Thanks to Lorna & David Isenberg for hosting a preShabbat oneg
in honor of the 2013 Israeli student contingent here to work at the
SJCC Day Camp.
Please contact Carol Maslan at ext 200 to discuss hosting options for
preShabbat oneg, Kiddush lunch or other ways of sharing the joy of
a simcha or the memory of a loved one with your shul family.
In my fast paced life, I know that I have occasionally not returned
206-232-8555 • •
Gardening at HNT
High Holidays 5774
Please note that we will not be using the SJCC facility for
services or family programs this year. All family programs
will be at HNT. Parallel services formerly held at SJCC
will be at Mercerwood Shore Club: 4150 E. Mercer Way.
his year’s High Holidays begin on Wednesday, September
4 with Erev Rosh Hashanah. Due to this unusually early
date, High Holiday preparations below must be done
earlier as well. You should have already received your
High Holiday packet in the mail. In the packet you will find tickets
for all adult family members in your household and HNT’s Guide
to the High Holidays, with our Annual Appeal, service times and
important Q&A. If you have not received your packet, please
contact Nicole at 206-232-8555 x204.
Huge thanks to Aileen Okrent, Scott Perry, Florence Burstein,
Lana Finegold, Alex Sytman, Peter Michel, Mitchell Silverstein,
Mark Gaponoff, and Robin Parsons for summer planting of
donated annuals, weeding, pruning, watering and more. Removing
blackberry vines has proved challenging but our workers are
Please note there are no youth tickets this year (through age 23).
Please remember to dress in layers for High Holiday services. Your
“too hot” may be someone else’s “too cold,” so the easiest way to “fix”
the temperature in the Sanctuary is with a sweater! Thank you.
We Need Greeters and Ushers!
We know you value making HNT a friendly, inviting place to
experience the High Holidays. You can help by spending a little time
welcoming people at our doors on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Please call Nadine to schedule your time.
Sukkot Orders Pickup
Pre-orders required by August 26. Pick-up is scheduled for Tuesday,
September 17, 9:15 AM - 1:00 PM at HNT.
High Holiday Shuttle
Shuttle buses will be ferrying those who wish from the main and
SJCC parking lots to Mercerwood Shore Club. There will also be
parking at Mercerwood.
Mercerwood Shore Club
Address: 4150 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040
Mobility issues
If you have mobility limitations, please use our free valet parking.
Call Carol Maslan 206-232-8555 ext. 200 if you need
accessible seating.
HNT Annual Cemetery Pilgrimage
Herzl Memorial Park
Sunday, September 8 • 11:00 AM
165th and Dayton Avenue North in Shoreline
Rabbi Bob Maslan will officiate
The congregation’s annual cemetery pilgrimage, led by
Rabbi Bob Maslan, is a traditional opportunity to visit our lovely
Herzl Memorial Park. This is a time for remembering our loved
ones whose influence lives on in our own lives. Following the initial
brief service, Rabbi Maslan is available to go with congregants to
individual graves to recite memorial prayers.
Come help in the HNT garden Sunday, September 22
from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We meet at the entry garden.
Bring a hand trowel, bucket for weeds, pruning shears and if you
prune blackberry plants, bring heavy gloves. Any Questions?
Want to work a different day? Contact Lana via email or 425-747-5742 or Cell 425-445-5742
Lost and Found
If you have lost an item please let Nicole at the front desk know as
soon as possible either by phone 206-232-8555 ext. 204 or by email The lost and found gets cleaned every 30 days at
the end of the month.
Save the Date
November 6, 10 & 13
The 2014
Legacy Brunch
Honoring Nadine Strauss,
Executive Director, for 25 years of service
Sunday, February 2, 2014
206-232-8555 • •
High Holidays
‫ּוכְל א‬, ‫הָנְּנַרְנ‬
‫הָעיִרָנ ;הָוהיַל‬,
‫ּונֵעְׁשִי רּוצְל‬. Psalm 95:1
1. O come, let
us sing unto the
LORD; let us shout
for joy to the Rock
of our salvation.
It is too quiet at HNT in the summer time. I miss the sound of
children in the hallways, parents coming in and out, and hearing
prayers and music echoing from the classroom. As the psalm above
reminds us, we are meant to serve God and the community in a
spirit of joyful noise. Children are supposed to be asking questions,
Jewish learning is meant to be active, and kids learn best when they
are integrating their knowledge through art, movement, or music.
I am so looking forward to seeing everyone back for the Frankel
Religious School, at our Shabbat and Holiday celebrations, and/
or during Shabbat for Kids on Shabbat morning. Join me as we
“shout for joy” on our opening day of Religious School, Sunday,
September 29th. Please remember that this day follows two days of
chag and then Shabbat. Therefore, it is important that all registration
materials are received prior to September 25th.
Also, do not forget to sign up for our opening day BBQ on the 29th
at 12:15 PM. It is a wonderful way to get to know other families,
meet your child’s teacher and to begin the school year with a tone of
celebration. I hope to see you there!
Opening Day BBQ • September 29
12:00 PM • Wittenberg Waterfront
Family & Youth High Holiday Programs: Your Passport to the
New Year! This year we welcome back Theatre Specialist Jake
Goodman who will lead our “out of the box” middle & high school
programs as well as our family services on Rosh Hashanah Day 2 &
Kol Nidre. We will also have a middle/high school
program on Rosh Hashanah Day 2 this year, a parent lounge on
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and a family tashlich service. Please see
below for details about all of our exciting programs.
Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, September 4
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Jewish New Year Rockin’ Eve with Rabbi Jill
Levy, Chava Mirel and Jake Goodman
Ring in the Jewish New Year in style with our musical Erev Rosh
Hashanah service for preschool aged children and their families.
At the end we will have a special countdown to Rosh Hashanah
accompanied by shofar blasts. Non-members are encouraged
to attend.
Rosh Hashanah, Day 1: Thursday, September 5
This year our Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Youth Programs are
completely different! We are featuring the “Passport to….” series.
Each child in grades 1-5 will receive a Passport with all of the
necessary ‘stops’ required for fulfilling their High Holiday journey.
Note the early dismissal so you can join us for our annual opening
day celebration! $10/adults and $5/children 3-12. RSVP at
in the calendar section. For details about all of our children’s High
Holiday programs see p. 7
All programs will take place at HNT this year due to
construction at the SJCC.
1st - 5th grade program is from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Middle School program, “The Way Back Time Machine” is
from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Our High School Program, “The Way Back Time Machine,”
and *NEW* Family Tashlich are 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Our Preschool/Kindergarten program will be from 11:00
AM - 12:00 PM. Children must be accompanied by an
Middle & High School programs will once again be led by
our fantastic specialist Jake Goodman
Jewish New Year Rockin’ Eve
Wednesday, September 4 • 3:00 PM • Feinberg Social Hall
Back by popular demand! Ring in the Jewish New Year in style
with our musical Erev Rosh Hashanah service for preschool aged
children and their families. At the end we will have a special
countdown to Rosh Hashanah accompanied by shofar blasts.
Non-members are encouraged to attend. Led by Rabbi Jill Levy,
Chava Mirel and Theatre Specialist Jake Goodman.
Garinim Open Sukkah at Rabbi & Janine Rosenbaum’s
House September 22 • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Meet other families, snack, and schmooze in the sukkah. This is a
great way to informally connect with the clergy and other families
with young children at HNT. RSVP at in the
calendar section.
206-232-8555 • •
Passport to Rosh Hashanah Schedule
You will notice from the chart below students will travel from room to room. Therefore, drop off and pick up locations will vary.
Time Block 1
(10:30 - 10:55 AM)
Time Block 2
(11:00 - 11:25 AM)
Time Block 3
(11:30 - 11:55 AM)
Time Block 4
(12:00 - 12:30 PM)
Time Block 5
(12:45 - 1:30 PM)
Family Tashlich
Youth Lounge
1st grade
(Room 2)
(Room 10/11)
(Room 5)
(Room 1)
Family Tashlich
2nd and 3rd grade
(Room 10/11)
(Room 5)
(Room 1 )
(Room 2)
Family Tashlich
4th grade
(Room 5)
(Room 1)
(Room 2)
(Room 10/11)
Family Tashlich
5th grade
(Room 1)
(Room 2)
(Room 10/11)
(Room 5)
Family Tashlich
Activities and Program with Jake Goodman
(Skolnick Board Room)
Middle School
High School
Family Tashlich
Program with Jake
Goodman (Board Room )
Parent Lounge – Grab a Cup of Coffee and Schmooze
(HNT Library)
Rosh Hashanah, Day 2: Friday, September 6
11:00 AM -12:00 PM: Back by Popular Demand - Family Service with Jake Goodman and Chava Mirel. Children must be
accompanied by an adult.
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: *NEW* Middle/High School Program
with Youth Director Dawn Shelley
Erev Yom Kippur: Friday, September 13
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM – *NEW* Kol Nidre Family Service with Jake
Goodman for 1st - 5th graders. Children must be accompanied
by an adult.
Yom Kippur Day: Saturday, September 14
1st - 5th Grade is from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Our Preschool/Kindergarten program will be from
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Children must be accompanied
by an adult.
Middle School program, “From the Belly of the Whale,” is
from 11:30 - 1:00 PM
High School program, “From the Belly of the Whale,” is from
10:15 - 11:00 AM
All programs will take place at HNT this year due to
construction at the SJCC.
206-232-8555 • •
Passport to Yom Kippur Schedule
You will notice from the below students will travel from room to room. Therefore, drop off and pick up locations will vary.
Time Block T-1
(10:15 - 11:00 AM)
Time Block 1
(11:00 - 11:25 AM)
Youth Lounge
Time Block 3
(12:00 - 12:25 PM)
Time Block 4
(12:30 - 1:00 PM)
1st grade
Helping Hands
(Room 2)
(Room 10/11)
(Room 5)
(Room 1)
2nd and 3rd grade
(Room 10/11)
(Room 5)
(Room 1)
Helping Hands
(Room 2)
4th grade
(Room 5)
(Room 1)
Helping Hands
( Room 2)
(Room 10/11)
5th grade
(Room 1)
Helping Hands
(Room 2)
(Room 10/11)
(Room 5)
Activities & Program with Jake Goodman (Skolnick Board Room)
Middle School
Program with Jake
(Board Room)
High School
Yom Kippur Day: Saturday, September 14 - Continued...
Middle & High School programs will once again be led by
our fantastic specialist Jake Goodman
Also, join us for our Flashlight Brigade at 7:55 PM
Sukkot Day 1: Thursday, September 19
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM – Programs for Preschool, K-2nd Grade,
and 3rd-5th Grade
Erev Simchat Torah: Thursday, September 26
Join us for our annual family-friendly celebration at 7:00 PM.
more. Students must purchase the book in advance of the first class.
Registration and book information is available at:
Level 1 Beginner Hebrew • Taught by Janine Rosenbaum
Wednesdays, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM • Seminar Room
Weekly, beginning October 16. Cost: $150 members and Why
Be Jewish Students/$200 non-members plus new students must
purchase the book in advance of the first class. Registration and
book information available at:
Other Classes:
Why Be Jewish • Taught by Rabbi Rosenbaum
Sundays, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM • Youth Lounge
Adult Education
Kick off the new year with one of our fall adult education courses:
Hebrew for Adults:
Level 3 Intermediate Hebrew • Taught by Janine Rosenbaum
Sundays, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM • Youth Lounge
Weekly, beginning October 13. Cost: $200 members/$250 nonmembers plus new students must purchase the book in advance of
the first class. Registration and book information is available at:
Level 2 Advance Beginner Hebrew • Taught by Janine
Rosenbaum • Sundays, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM • Youth Lounge
Weekly, beginning October 13. Cost: $150 members and Why Be
Jewish Students/$200 non-members. This class will move past
Aleph Bet and focus on improved Hebrew reading, vocabulary and
Time Block 2
(11:30 - 11:55 AM)
Weekly, beginning October 13. Cost: $100 per person/ $150
per couple plus advanced purchase of all books and separate
registration and payment in beginners Hebrew, if applicable.
Registration and book information is available at:
Learn to Read Torah • Taught by Cantor Kurland
Mondays, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM • Skolnick Board Room
October 14- November 25. Cost: $50. In this class you will learn
the trope system and how to apply it with the goal of doing a
reading on Shabbat morning and beyond. Knowledge of Hebrew
reading is necessary.
Materials will be provided. Registration and information is
available at:
Also, save the date for Toraththon 7: November 6, 10 and 13
206-232-8555 • •
Marcy & Barry Bockow announce the marriage of their daughter, Rebecca Bockow to David Greenberg
Pam & Michael Orbach announce the marriage of their daughter, Tessa Orbach to Rami Bridge
Karen Dunn announces the marriage of her son, Daniel Dunn to Liat Hoffman
David Coe & Amy Gross announce their marriage
Norene & Richard Arnold announce the birth of their granddaughter, Molly Celia Mandelker
Nadine Strauss announces the birth of her granddaughter, Sienna Rain Mulroney
Sam Newson & Geri Schnitzer Newson announce the birth of their grandson, Rahamim Yehuda Newson
Yaffa & Paul Maritz announce the birth of their grandson, Oren Maritz Taylor
Refuah Shelemah to:
David Bloch, Valerie Epstein, David Gilman, Barbara Konikow, Alan Peizer, Ruth Peizer, Ann Marie Putter, Susanne Rosenkranz
and Carter Wax
Condolences to the families of:
Albert Brookenthal z”l, the father of Alesa Trager
Albert Gross z”l, the stepfather of Steven Schwartz
Josef Abramson z”l, the husband of Jessica Abramson and the father of Elyse Rice, Elan Abramson, Eliot Abramson and Evi Abramson
Annual Appeal
HNT relies on your additional generosity when you contribute to the Annual Appeal. It helps bridge the
gap between the dues and budgetary needs.Thank you if you have already donated; if you have not yet
done so, you can turn down the tab on your Rosh Hashanah ticket, phone the office or go to: Thanks so much.
Norman & Barbara Walker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Paul & Andrea Blustein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Erez & Nancy Toker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Aaron & Judy Findley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Tzachi & Lara Litov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Ken & Mathy Lustig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Will & Lauren Leahy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Tom & Irit Snyder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Lionel & Linda Galperin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
David & Judy Benami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Mitchell & Sherrie Nudelman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Jonathan & Karen Langman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Michael Goldman & Linda Bensimon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Irv & Bonni Alpert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Nick & Michele Keller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Ryan & Jodi Sternoff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Ed & Elaine Epstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Bryan & Michelle Kulp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Aaron & Leigh Anne Kiviat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sam & Rachel Blum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Eitan & Ella Toker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Marc Shecter & Kindra Perkins Shecter. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Bill & Dana Pruchno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Drew & Dena Herbolich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Jerry & Judy Weiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Marty & Melissa Nelson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Joe & Venessa Goldberg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Benjamin & Trea Diament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Eliyezer & Ruth Kohen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Norman & Lisa Judah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
David & Karen Rosenzweig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Joe & Judy Schocken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Marc & Michelle Sloan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Barry & Marcy Bockow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Gary & Sharon Constantine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Joey & Marcia Mayo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Eli Livne & Esti Karson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Jeff & Andrea Cordova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Adam & Annette Sherr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Albert & Betty Hasson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Stan & Harriet Litt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Arie & Amy Salomon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Justin Magaram & Amy Schottenstein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Sol & Mary Avzaradel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Sam & Jaime Slutzky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Kevin & Lori Sussman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Alan & Michelle Fingeroot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Aaron & Sasha Appelbaum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Avi Dunn & Daisy Matsa-Dunn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
206-232-8555 • •
Shabbat of August 30/31
August 31
Leo Rosenbaum
Benjamin Rosenthal
Stuart Schain
Irving Stone
Fan Shifrin Coe
September 1 Isadore Konigsberg
September 2 Ada Sanft
Joseph Lander
Benton Sterling
September 3 Irwin Wirth
September 4 Jack Lewis
Irwin Poll
Charles Leopold
September 5 Abraham Fish
September 6 Jennie Lazansky
Harry DuBonne
Shabbat of SEPTEMBER 6/7
September 7 Ruvim Kushner
September 8 Shimon Weinberger
Hermina Orchinsky
Birdye Wienir
Samuel Wienir
Anne Sorsky
September 9 Sara Weinthrop
Margaret Klatzker
September 10 Celia S. Champagne
September 11 Hetty Lighter
Louie Sanft
Sophie Lentzer
Louis Rosenblatt
Samuel Roth
Marlene Robinson
September 12 Freda Stoffer
Zelma Schocken
Dora Bloch
September 13 Arie Pomeraniec
Simcha Pomeraniec
Sora Pomeraniec
Ore Pomeraniec
Musha Pomeraniec
September 13 Simon Finkelstein
Meir Pomeraniec
Sol Topolovitz
Regina Powazek
Shabbat of SEPTEMBER 13/14
September 14 Izchak Pomeraniec
Risha Pomeraniec
Fanny Sanft
Nathan Sharin
Fanny Frankel
Betty Jungster
Sally Jungster
Annie Pearl
Werner Frankel
Hermann Oppenheimer
Shabbat of SEPTEMBER 13/14
September 14 Peter L. Thomas
September 15 Mark Feldman
September 16 Murray Seymour Goldman
September 17 Pauline Margolis
Riva Spokoiny
Kurt Leeser
Nora Eilenberg
September 18 Eleanore Friedman
Sophie Dwoskin
September 19 Anny Shifrin
Sidney Tat
George Miller
Leah Solomon
Abraham Wise
September 20 Rita Rickles
Lena Mutchler
Shabbat of SEPTEMBER 20/21
September 21 Salo Matzdorff
Morris Pearl
Joseph Arshon
September 22 Lydia Vinnick
Sophie Mesher
September 23 Charles Waldman
Betty Lesch
Marcus Lobl
Ida Sadick
Jean Putter
Rebecca Mesher
September 24 Max Efron
David Droker
Herman Tapper
September 24 Morris Mesher
Shirley Ungerleider
Abraham Lemchen
Meyer Rothstein
September 25 Abraham Sterling
Shabbat of SEPTEMBER 27/28
September 30 Beatrice Brenner
Felix Lublin
October 1
Eva Miller
Robert Lurie
Abraham Lozansky
Solomon Stalin
Helen Kaplan
October 2
Max Shifrin
Florence (Freddie) Myers
David Cohn
October 3
Jacob Bienn
Sarah Fleischman
October 4
Rebecca Director
Moses Shulman
Isadore Katz
Babette ‘Babs’ Fisher
September 25 Mary Wittenberg
Judah Delson
September 26 Ludwig Stern
M. Joseph Ungerleider
Rena Gerson
Loren Galanti
September 27 Louie Hasson
Sophia Levin
Marsha Rivkin
Ida Ginsberg
Esther Goldstein
Shabbat of SEPTEMBER 27/28
September 29 Joseph Coyne
Samuel Stoffer
Fanny Pinchev
September 30 Edward Rosenblatt
Jack Farber
Bernice Birch
Raissa Liwschitz-Liff
206-232-8555 • •
Wittenberg waterfront in July
Directory Updates
Daytimers Fall 2013 Series: Jews in Sports
Please use the updates below to keep your HNT
Congregational Directory current.
October 16: Watermarks - A 2004 Israeli
documentary with English Subtitles
Watermarks is the story of the Jewish
swimming champions who defied Hitler.
It is an uplifting tale of survival and
friendship of seven young girls, now in
their 80s, faithfully recounting a historical
period where prejudice and violence forced
these champion women swimmers of
the legendary Vienna Jewish sports club
Hakoah into exile.
For privacy reasons, we have
omitted directory changes in the
online version of HaKol. To obtain
directory changes, please contact
the office for a hard copy of HaKol
at 206-232-8555
November 20: Wondrous Oblivion – A
2003 European drama/comedy
Wondrous Oblivion is story of a young boy
from a traditional Jewish family dreaming
to be a cricket star despite lacking the
skills. When a lively and big hearted
Jamaican family become new neighbors
in the racial and cultural turbulence of
the 1960’s South London, his family is
forced to choose between aligning with
the prejudices of the neighborhood or
standing up for what is right.
December 18: The Yankles – A 2010
American comedy
The Yankles is the humorous story of an
ex-baseball player who needs to meet his
community service hours as a coach for
an inept and obscure orthodox yeshiva
baseball team. A match made in heaven, as
the team rises to unexpected triumphs and
entrance to the college world series. With
the championship in reach, the Yankles
might just need a miracle for that ultimate
grand slam victory.
All films are at
Herzl-Ner Tamid
$7.00/person for lunch
Films follow lunch, served
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Reserve by the Friday before the
event so that we may prepare for you!
For more information or to make
reservations, call 206-232-8555
Register at:
206-232-8555 • •
Building Fund
In Memory of
Joey Abramson
Richard & Barrie Galanti
Campership Fund
(Amy Mackoff)
In Appreciation of
Rabbi Rosenbaum
Cantor Kurland
Harvey, Alesa, Josh & Carly Trager
In Memory of
Jerry Katz
Adam Mihlstin & Marilyn Corets
Alex & Lucy Sytman
Maurice Epstein
Adam Mihlstin & Marilyn Corets
Albert Brookenthal
Michael, Susan, Jessica & Joey Becker
Samuel Peizer
Alan & Elaine Peizer
Samuel “Buddy” Friedman
Sandy Friedman
Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of
The unveiling services
Carolyn Kessler & Family
In deep gratitude to Cantor Kurland for his participation in Liam Bar‑Joseph’s
Brit ceremony
Eli Livne & Esti Karson
Cantor Kurland
Michael Arao & Karen Ruby
Rita Katz
Rose Liberman & the Mulnicks
In Honor of
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty’s Wedding
Arthur & Susie
Goldman, Brandon & Mackenzie
Dianne’s Conversion
Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty
Talia Raelee Piha’s Simchat Bat
Dan & Kelly Piha
Margret & Sid Weiner’s 70th Anniversary
Ernie & Esther Mednick
Ufruff of Audrey Covner and Dianne Dougherty
Terry & Marcie Wirth
In Memory of
Jerry Katz
Ella, Eitan, Dorit, Iris &
Erez Toker and Family
Lawrence Brazg, beloved father
Mickey & Debbie Kovsky
Joan Ellenhorn
The Zawadzki Family
Jack Greene
Zane & Celie Brown
Danny Lewis Fund
In Memory of
Jerry Katz
The Zawadzki Family
Annie Gottesman
Herman Gottesman
Millard Lesch
Harry Kessler
Wendy & Millard Lesch,
Andrea Weiss, Meredith Salomon
Eileen Mintz Kitchen
In Honor of
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty’s Marriage
Dick & Linda Jacobs
In Memory of
Jerry Katz
Bob & Rita Lowy
Ed & Elaine Epstein
Albert Brookenthal
Ken & Stacey Rudee
Norman H Cutson
Betsy Gail Rosen
These generous gifts & tributes were made through July 25th
Mildred Lilly
Mason & Diane Lilly
Endowment Fund
In Honor of
The birth of Elaine
& Michael Weinstein’s
Jill & Chuck Friedman and Family’s new house
Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty Ufruff & Marriage
Arny & Carol Barer
Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty
Jeff Robinson & Carol Stockton
In Memory of
Robert (Bob) Donin
Jay & Susan Friedman
James Glick
Albert Brookenthal
Larry & Adrian Lustig
Flowers Fund
In Honor of
Carolyn Kessler’s 70th Birthday
Jeannie Peha
Frankel Library Fund
In Honor of
Ruth Peizer’s Special Birthday
Nolan & Pat Newman, Adam, Gina and Jonathan
In Memory of
Albert Gross
Albert Brookenthal
Albert & Betty Hasson
Moe Epstein
Jerry Katz
David & Peggy Bernstein
Frankel Religious
In Appreciation of
Receiving an aliyah
Charles Balter
The marriage of
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty
Michael Murphree
206-232-8555 • •
In Honor of
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty’s Wedding
Alan & Barbara Rappoport
Arlene Schuster
Brad Rind & Janet Gray
David & Julie Chivo
David & Julie Ellenhorn
Emily Allen
Ilan Zawadzki & Patricia Blount
Joanne & Marc Epstein
Judy Greenstein
Larry & Joanne Glosser
Terry & Marcie Wirth
The Egnal Family
William & Sandra Burdick
All the High School Graduates
Audrey Covner
Talia Etsekson being
honored by the Friendship Circle
Audrey Covner
Michael & Cheri Levy
becoming grandparents again
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty
Judy & Bob Roberts
65th Anniversary
Dr. Irwin & Mrs. Babette Schiller
In Memory of
Albert Brookenthal
Alan & Barbara Rappoport
Albert Gross
Alan & Barbara Rappoport
Marv & Rahla Turck
Jerry Katz
Arlene Schuster
Gerald & Toby Braverman
Natalie Kohn Weinstein
Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty
Ruth Frankel
Edward & Leah Alexander
Josef Abramson
Jonathan & Patty Lazarus
Martin Landweber
Tony & Lynn Wartnik
Frankel Scholarship
In Honor of
Micah Gonchar’s Bar Mitzvah
Debra & David Barrett
In Memory of
Jerry Katz
Dan & Elaine Mintz
David & Beth Fine
Stan & Harriet Litt
Joan Ellenhorn
David & Beth Fine
General Fund
In Appreciation of
Marcy & Barry Bockow
Mark & Jane Greenberg
Muriel Epstein
Mason Lilly
In Honor of
Michael & Tina Novick 35th Anniversary
Michael & Tina Novick
My friend Sheila’s upcoming birthday
Lynn Wartnik
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty’s Wedding
Bob & Carol Maslan
Carol Reynolds
Charna Klein
Bob & Sue Solomon
Jane Suskin
Joel & Michelle Younker
Judith Jackson
Judy, Scott, Amanda and Katie Zivley
Julia Vetromile
Judith Nihei
Kim Bollinger & Deb Robinson
Lonnie & Susan Edelheit
Marian Shulman
Mary Lou Cranna
Ron & Lori Kaufman
Ruth Winston
Saul & Joyce Rivkin
Wendy Reuben
Jessica Schwartz
for being Valedictorian
Eitan & Ella Toker
Robert & Judith
Roberts’ 65th Wedding Anniversary
Morton & Eleanor
George & Anne Hirschorn
Saul & Joyce Rivkin
Ruth Schocken’ 100th Birthday
Ricka Leeser
These generous gifts & tributes were made through July 25th
In Appreciation of
Ellis Corets for his leadership in honoring war heroes
Adam Mihlstin &
Marilyn Corets
In Memory of
Shira Putter
Harold Schildkraut
Larry & Bev Lemchen
Moe Epstein
Leonard & Louise
Janet Wilenzick
Louis & Claudia Isquith
Roberta Corets
Marilyn Corets, Adam Mihlstin & Brooke
In Memory of
Morris Mezistrano
Jerry Katz
Tobias Vinnick
Bob & Becky
Allan & Annette Vinnick
Arthur Boden
Laura & Brad Miller and Allan, Tamar, Hannah & family
Alyssa Boden
Saul & Joyce Rivkin
Marion Katsman
Steve & Kathy Berman
Alvin Katsman
Ron L. Cohen
Vladimir Barskiy
Martin Landweber
Anna Rozenblit
Al & Pauline Spokoiny
Jan Jaski
Marshall Chernin
Anne Harris
Daniel & Michele Glasser Norma N. Wartnik
Anna Stein
Anthony Wartnik
Esther Wyszogrodzki
Cyril Egnal
Jerry Katz
Antony & Rene Egnal
Justin Magaram & Amy Gertrude Rachline
Adolph Rachline
Natalie Kohn Weinstein Barbara Kaner
Kerry & Kara Moscovitz
Sydney Barrat
Albert Gross
Alec Barrat
Liz & David Director and Fortuna (Frankie)
Jacob Alterman
Barbara Solomon
Michelle & Jerry Rubin
Hilda Schwarz
Albert Gross
Barry Schwarz
Albert Brookenthal
Leo Baroh
Mitchell & Sherrie Cleamons Baroh
Bettie Baroh
Bernard Howard
Annie Bookman
Paul Sytman
Betty Kaminoff
Joey Abramson
Bess Pollock
Warren & Heather Brian Pollock
Leon Amon
Bruce & Marsha
Memorial Fund
206-232-8555 • •
Isabelle Florsheim
Bruce Florsheim
Laura Weiss
Bruce Levy & Marcia Weiss Levy
Abraham Greenbaum
Carla Greenbaum
Ruth Allen
David Allen
Carol Kane
David Reibman
Carrie Reibman
Norbert Reuben
Corbin & Debbie Tudor
Rose Farber
Edward Sadick
Joseph Farber
Corinne Farber
Gentill Israel
Daisy Israel
Herbert Drucker
David Drucker
Perry Levinson
David Levinson
Samuel Slotnick
Frieda Levinson
David Levinson
Beatrice Levinson
David Levinson &
Cynthia Shifrin
Ruth Reuben
Debbie Tudor
Sarah Appleton
Devorah Weinstein
Herbert Davis
Doug & Ellie Davis
Phyllis Davis
Doug Davis
Eva Krisher
Harry Krisher
Efrem Krisher & Syril Burn
Shlomo Dernis
Ella Dernis
Jack Brin
Burton Rosenstein
Ellen Rosenstein Brin
Louise Azose Chiprut
Esther Kahn
Irwin Lipsen
Esther Lipsen
Susan Angel
Esther Lott & Family
Charna Pressman
Irving Pressman
Esther Mednick
Jerome Chiprut
Fred & Esther Kahn
Moritz Kahn
Fred Kahn
Florence Maslan
Fred Maslan
Leonard Feldman
Fred Katz
Gary & Linda Feldman
Rose Siegel
George & Sylvia Siegel
Louis Wilkenfeld
Ruth Polsky
Gloria Polsky, Joel Polsky, Ellen & Mark Stone
Abraham Jaffe
Lena Pasternack
Harold & Kim Jaffe
Ruth Tatelman
Henry & Paula Feldman
Sheryl Kamph
Hermine Maxwell
Bella Shulman
Howard & Barbara Shulman
Sarah Ayon
Hylan Moises
Simon Kletskiy
Ida Kushner
Samuel Benzion
Irvin & Beverly Benzion
Jean Iglow
Irwin Silverstein
Arva Gray
Janet Gray & Bradley
Rind, David, Charles &
Shelley Singer
Jeff Robinson & Carol Stockton
Manney Adam
Natalie Rubenstein
Jerome Adam
Howard Keller
Jim & Lee Keller, Barbara & Stuart Sulman, Nick & Michele Keller
Betty Okrent
Rose Segarnick
Joan Okrent
Marilyn Grossman
JoAnne Pearlman
Jerome Chiprut
Joel Chiprut
Perry Levinson
Isaac (Ike) Mayo
Joey & Marcia Mayo
Alfred Ordell
Marilyn Teitelbaum
John & Elaine Cohn
Fanny Langman
Jonathan & Karen Langman
Bernard Goldstein
Kathy Goldstein
Jeannette Harrison
Larry & Linda Granat
Sylvia Granat Appel
Larry Granat
Sylvia Oseran
Laura Miller
Louis Epstein
Laurence Epstein
Samuel “Buddy” Friedman
Lea Fuller
Manney Berman
Leonard & Louise Berman
Charles Permut
Lester Permut
Susan Angel
Louise Angel Kiss
Isaac Benveniste
Lucie Benveniste Kavesh
& Elliot Kavesh
Miriam Isaac
Marc Isaac
Boris Dolgoff
Bessie Dolgoff
Marjorie Kadaner
Roberta Rindler
Sidney Rindler
Martin Rindler
Jack Levy
Marty & Joey Levy
Joan Winters
Ann Fink
Marv & Rahla Turck
Alex Liberman
Mary & Edwin Mulnick
& Family
Fannie Jaffe
Alex Shapiro
Michael & Cheri Levy
These generous gifts & tributes were made through July 25th
Ella Golden
Michael Golden
Bessie Fineman
Harry Fineman
Mike & Ruth Bovarnick
Rose Kuznetz
Sandy Kuznetz
Edward Sadick
Morton & Loretta
Beatrice Levinson
Mr. Joey Mayo
Luba Maizels
Mrs. Ella Dernis
Harry Mutchler
Nathan & Micky Sobel
Harry Tatelman
Paula Feldman
Irving Sherman
Pauline Sherman
John Sherman
Helen Shapiro
Ralph & Debbie Walker
Hyman Lewis
Randy Pollock
Guche Guberek
Raquel Shapiro
Irene Panick
Richard Panick
Eli Shulman
Rita Katz
Susan Winegrad
Nathan Cohen
Louis Malin
Robert & Natalie Malin
Hildareta Glowitz
Robert & Pam Glowitz
Sally Lackman
Edward Glazer
Robert Lackman & Family
Ethel Leibsohn
Ron Leibsohn
Alex Liberman
Rose Liberman
Max Stalin
Rose Stalin
Eugene Rickles
Sandra & Greg Moore
Rosa Shumskaya
Semyon & Yevgeniya Verlinsky
Paul Davis
Dorothy Davis
206-232-8555 • •
Seth & Cel Davis
Hermy Ducharme
Sharon Woolcott
Victor Putter
Debra Shira Putter
Sonny & Ann Marie Putter
Mark Litt
Stan & Harriet Litt
Justin Kahn
Steven, Stephanie, Talia
& Nicole Kahn
Mildred Kettleman
Sylvia Saperstein
Gerald Lewis
The Lewis Family
Lillian Witenberg
Toby, Shawn & Kellie
Louise Brody
Tom Brody
Leo Schlesinger
Tracy Schlesinger
Dalbert Rychter
Ursula Rychter
Eugene Rickles
Valerie Rickles Epstein
Anna Glass
Werner Glass
Mitzvah Corps Fund
In Honor of
Marriage of Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty
Jim & Judy Heber
Jack & Pauline Reiter
Peter & Bev Blum
Sharon Mossman
Craig Weinstein
Mark & Sharon Sandler
Michael & Cheri Levy
The 70th Anniversary of
Margaret & Sidney Weiner
Marv & Lore Coe
Judy & Jeff Ziedman’s 45th Anniversary
Michael & Cheri Levy
Jack Reiter’s Retirement
Tony & Lynn Wartnik
Carol Maslan
Craig Weinstein
Tov on receiving his award
Pat & Nolan, Adam, Gina and Jonathan Newman
In Memory of
Natalie Weinstein
Greg & Ilyse Wagner
Jerry Katz
Irv & Babette Schiller
Sam Newson & Geri Schnitzer‑Newson
Ted & Gloria
Bob & Talby Gelb
Efrem & Linda Krisher
Gail Wiener
Greg & Ilyse Wagner
Jules & Carol Gelber
Mr. & Mrs. Jules Gelber
Neil & Sari Schneider
Robert & Pam Glowitz
Ron & Lori Kaufman
Wayne & Nancy Morse
Albert Gross
Irv & Babette Schiller
Robert & Pam Glowitz
Lawrence Brazg
Julie Hirsch
Albert Brookenthal
Nolan & Pat, Adam, Gina and Jonathan Newman
Rose Youngson
Ron & Lori Kaufman
Natalie Kohn Weinstein
Sharon & Sam Eastern
Natalie Kohn Weinstein
Tony & Lynn Wartnik
Alfred Stark
Marv & Lore Coe
Prayerbook Fund
In Honor of
Marriage of Audrey
Covner & Dianne Dougherty
Deborah & Evan Firestone
Discretionary Fund
In Honor of
Tammy Ellenhorn
Zane & Celie Brown
In Memory of
Stanley Constantine
Gary Constantine
Rabbi Levy
Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of
Rabbi Levy
John Livingston & Andi Neuwirth
Michael & Dafna Tarlowe
Antony Egnal, for being
a Mensch
Rabbi Jill Levy
In Honor of
Rabbi Levy
Andrew Harris & Jenah Gold‑Harris
David & Deborah Beder
Dice Ikezawa & Carol Schiller
Eric & Leslie Kinder
Michael & Susan Enberg
Dianne’s Conversion
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty’s Wedding
Brian & Brandy Moss
Jonathan & Karen Langman
Nadine Strauss
The Lessings
Elaine Schiller
Carol Schiller
In Memory of
Jerry Katz
Jonathan & Karen Langman
Zane & Celie Brown
Lawrence Brazg
Jonathan & Karen Langman
The Lessings
Joey Abramson
The Moscovitz Family
Nancy Kohn Weinsten
Zane & Celie Brown
Rabbi Rosenbaum
Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of
The Unveiling Services
Carolyn Kessler & Family
In deep gratitude to These generous gifts & tributes were made through July 25th
Rabbi Rosenbaum for
his participation in
Liam Bar‑Joseph’s Brit ceremony
Eli Livne & Esti Karson
Rabbi Rosenbaum
Rita Katz
Rabbi Rosenbaum Memorial service for Joseph Stroum
Selma Stroum
In Honor of
Dianne’s Conversion
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty
Rebecca Bockow &
David Greenberg honoring their marriage
Barry & Marcy Bockow
Wedding of Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty
Barry Stulberg
Marv & Lore Coe
Mimi Fisher
Nolan & Pat, Adam, Gina and Jonathan Newman
Paul Burstein & Florence Katz Burstein
Robert & Judy Roberts
Zane & Celie Brown
Talia Raelee Piha’s Simchat Bat
Dan & Kelly Piha
Andy Robinson, Todah Rabah for the Aliyot
Esther & Al Lott
Gabi & Nicole’s Graduation
Rory & Lee’s College Graduation
Nolan & Pat, Adam, Gina and Jonathan Newman
In Memory of
Al & Ruth Sanft
Arthur & Susie
Goldman, Brandon & Mackenzie
Albert Gross
Irving & Bobbi Hirsch
Bill Tavelman
Michael Cypers & Jackie Tavelman
206-232-8555 • •
Reva Tavelman
Jerry Katz
The Zawadzki Family
Rachel Trager
Memorial Fund
In Appreciation of
Karen & Val Robins’ 40th Anniversary
Michael & Cheri Levy
Wittenberg Waterfront Fund
In Honor of
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty and their dedication to each other and bettering the lives of others
Ellie Halevy, Orli,
Gabriel & Larry Kalman
Youth Activities Fund
In Honor of
Audrey Covner &
Dianne Dougherty
Adam Mihlstin
& Marilyn Corets
Steven Hochstadt & Stephen Sass
Birth of Cheri & Mike Levy’s Granddaughter Dahlia Shira Levy
Jeff & Judy Ziedman
In Memory of
Albert Gross
Dan & Elaine Mintz
Greg & Ilyse Wagner and Family
Larry & Joanne Glosser
Bernard Howard,
beloved father of Bill Howard
Mickey & Debbie Kovsky
Jerry Katz
Joe Kosher
Albert Gross
Stuart & Karen Epstein
For the Young at Heart
Herzl Memorial Park
165th and Dayton Avenue North, Shoreline, WA
Thirty four years ago, The POLACK ADULT DAY CENTER
opened its doors to the senior Jewish community in the
greater Seattle area. Housed at the Caroline Kline Galland
Home, the Day Center offers an opportunity for seniors
living at home or in retirement settings to meet, develop
friendships and share common experiences in a Jewish
While visiting on any Monday through Thursday,
participants can join in a variety of programs including
exercise and movement groups, art classes and appreciation,
entertainment, current events and discussion groups,
outings, and Jewish cultural celebrations and activities. The
participants also enjoy a hot, nutritional kosher lunch from
the Kline Galland dietary department.
The atmosphere is warm and friendly. Caring friendships
are formed and a family-like atmosphere develops.
Services include limited transportation; health monitoring
by a registered nurse; family support and counseling.
The Day Center also provides needed respite for caregivers
and introduces participants and their families to the greater
network of services the Kline Galland Center offers.
For more information about the program, please call Joanne
Angel at (206) 725-8800.
Come join our family!
Judaica shop
If there is a death in the family, call the Seattle Jewish
Chapel at 206-725-3067. For more information,
call Elaine at 425-455-4703.
The Cemetery Committee welcomes your calls:
George Siegel, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-363-2196
Elaine Weinstein, Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425-455-4703
Peter Michel, Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425-788-3249
Steve Burns, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-9427
Shirley Sidell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-801-7009
Harris Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-2026
Jay Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-5730
The Cemetery Committee reminds all visitors that there is a
collection of rocks to leave at graves. The rocks may be found
under the map of the cemetery plots on the north side of the chapel.
L’Shana Tova. During September we begin extended hours. Buy
Judaica, ritual items, jewelry and gifts and give twice!. Proceeds
from the shop funded camperships ($3,000), 50 new Shiva books
($750) and more.
To special order items, contact buyer Iris Schwartz at 425-649-5990.
For personalized kippot, contact Manager Lana Finegold at
425-747-5742. Please allow 6 weeks for special orders. We have what
you need to do Jewish. Thank you for being our customer.
Wednesdays: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sunday, September 29: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
OR call for an appointment:
Kari Haas: 206-719-2224
Babette Schiller 206-232-9749
Sue Solomon: 206-232-8480
Staff Phones
Phones are answered Tuesday - Friday 9:00 AM -12:00 PM Tuesday Thursday 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, and Friday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
You can dial the numbers below at any time after the system answers
and your call will go to the desk of the staff member you choose, or
you may listen to the list of options.
Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Cantor Bradlee Kurland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Executive Director, Nadine Strauss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Director of Congregational Learning, Rabbi Jill Levy . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Facility Operations/Office Manager, Carol Maslan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Accounting Manager/Controller, Nancy Babbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Assistant Accountant, Arianne Slayter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Clergy Assistant, Carol Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Religious School Assistant, Breanne Skolrud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Art Director, Siamack “Max” Sahafi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Youth Director, Dawn Shelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Front Desk Coordinator, Nicole Elbling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Special Projects, Carol Stockton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Judaica Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
FAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-0283
206-232-8555 • •
Knesset Member Adi Koll
Adi Koll Knesset Member at HNT
In June, HNT hosted an event co-sponsored
by J Street welcoming Knesset Member Adi
Koll of the Yesh Atid party. With 125 people in
attendance, MK Koll shared her experiences in
the Israeli government since her election
in January.
Swedish SummeRun
Kol hakavo d, Team HNT!
Thank you!
To everyone who was part of
Team HNT at the Swedish
SummeRun held on July
21, and special thanks to
Judy Ziedman, our team
captain! It was a fun and
inspiring event; more than
3,000 people participated, and more than
$500,000 was raised for the Marsha Rivkin
Center for Ovarian Cancer Research. See
you all next year!
206-232-8555 • •
Simchat Torah at HNT
206-232-8555 • •
See T’filot for PreShabbat oneg, Friday, Saturday, and Holiday service times & locations.
26 Elul
27 Elul
Labor Day
Office Closed
28 Elul
29 Elul
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Judaica Shop:
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Jewish New Year Rockin’ Eve
for Garinim: 3:00 PM
1 Tishri
Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Office Closed
4 Tishri
Fast of Gedaliah
5 Tishri
6 Tishri
7 Tishri
Judaica Shop:
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
206-232-8555 • •
Annual Cemetery Pilgrimage:
11:00 AM
2 Tishri
Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Office Closed
Shabbat Services: 6:00 PM
Birthday Shabbat
Check your High Holiday Brochure for Service & Program Times
8 Tishri
7:23 PM
9 Tishri
Erev Yom Kippur
Parsha Study: 9:30 AM
Prayer Service: 10:00 AM
JFS Food Sort
9:00 AM, Meet at HNT
12 Tishri
Sukkot Order Pickup:
13 Tishri
14 Tishri
Erev Sukkot
November Shabbat Dinner
Circle Registration Deadline
Judaica Shop:
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:15 AM - 1:00 PM
Yom Kippur
15 Tishri
Office Closed
Sukkot Services: 9:30 AM
16 Tishri
Office Closed
Sukkot Services: 9:30 AM
Shabbat Services: 6:00 PM
Sukkot Dinner Circle
Gardening: 10:00 AM
Garinim Open Sukkah at Rabbi
Rosenbaum’s: 3:00 PM
Teen Feed: 5:30 PM
Young Adult Sukkah Social:
6:30 PM
25 Tishri
Judaica Shop:
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
First day of FRS
FRS Opening Day BBQ:
12:00 PM
Move the bima back: 9:45 AM
19 Tishri
20 Tishri
Hoshanah Rabbah
21 Tishri
Judaica Shop:
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Shemini Atzeret
22 Tishri
Office Closed
Mincha/Ma’ariv Service:
6:45 PM
Simchat Torah Dancing:
7:00 PM
23 Tishri
Simchat Torah
Office Closed
Simchat Torah Services:
9:30 AM
Shabbat Services: 6:00 PM
26 Tishri
Minyanaire Breakfast
Sunday, October 6
17 Tishri
24 Tishri
Prayer Service: 10:00 AM
Shabbat Morning Minyan
6:40 PM
Parsha Study: 9:30 AM
Prayer Service: 10:00 AM
6:55 PM
18 Tishri
10 Tishri
Check your High Holiday Brochure for Service &
Program Times
7:09 PM
11 Tishri
3 Tishri
HNT High Holidays JFS Food
Collection Challenge
September 1 - September 29
Join your Herzl-Ner Tamid family and friends in the challenge of
the year! We are collecting canned food (i.e. tuna, peanut butter,
beans, vegetables, etc.) for the Jewish Family Service Polack Food
Bank. Our goal this year is to collect 5,000 lbs. of food for JFS.
Please bring one bag of canned food each time you come to HNT in
September. Bins for donations are located in the upper and lower
foyers. Please remember we cannot accept glass jars or previously
opened items. Dean & Gwenn Polik and Valerie Polack are again
generously contributing a matching gift for every item we collect.
By working together, we will help fill up those who are hungry in the
Seattle community!
Volunteers Needed!
JFS Food Sort
Sunday, September 15 • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Collecting food during the High Holidays is only half the fun! First
we’ll meet at HNT for morning minyan. At 9:45 AM we will sort and
pack the collected food, then transport it to JFS. To volunteer, email
Rachel Blum ( or call 206-653-6709 for
more information.
Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation
Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040
P.O. Box 574, Mercer Island, WA 98040
Phone: 206-232-8555 • Fax: 206-232-0283 •
Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum /
Cantor Bradlee Kurland /
Executive Director, Nadine Strauss /
Director of Congregational Learning, Rabbi Jill Levy /
Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy /
Youth Director, Dawn Shelley/
2013-2014 Executive Committee
Julie Ellenhorn - President
Brad Lehrer - Exec. Vice President
Michael Levy - Treasurer/Financial Vice-President
Tina Novick - Membership Vice-President
Chuck Friedman - Secretary
Audrey Covner- Immediate Past President
2013-2014 Board Directors
Sharon Constantine
Marilyn Corets
Benjamin Diament
Antony Egnal
Susan Enberg
Ricki Gafter
Michele Glasser
Kari Haas
David Isenberg
Art Kritzer
Jonathan Langman
Brenda Luper
Donna Peha
Leah Saltzman
George Siegel
Michael Tischler
206-232-8555 • •
Mercer Island, WA
Permit No. 42

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