report to the community - Yampa Valley Medical Center


report to the community - Yampa Valley Medical Center
Quality Care Today
and Always
“Cheers to 10 Years!” Our December 2009 celebration
capped an especially eventful year that included the 10th
anniversary of our current campus, the 20th anniversary of
our SportsMed program and completion of our $13 million
expansion and update.
We also took the first steps to promote development of
additional senior housing options in our community. We
see a real need to complement the high-quality skilled
nursing care that we currently provide at our Doak Walker
Care Center. After gathering community opinions through
surveys and face-to-face meetings, we are excited about the
momentum and growing support for this future project.
Although we have been busy with our construction
Karl Gills and Dr. Sharon Gulley
projects and planning for the future, this report focuses
primarily on the quality of services we provide here at
YVMC. During the past several years, much has been printed in various media about the quality of care in U.S.
hospitals. While we have always been a provider of high-quality care, we are always seeking ways to improve.
In concert with our medical staff, we are engaged in numerous quality initiatives. These include seeking
ways to prevent errors, improve outcomes and avoid healthcare-associated infections. We also strive to stay
abreast of the latest treatment methods.
We are proud of the safe, personalized and quality care we offer as we live our mission. It is especially
important to note that our efforts to constantly improve care are embraced by our staff and physicians. This
teamwork allows us to meet our firm commitment to our patients to provide excellence in care through
continuous review and improvement.
Our Mission:
Karl Gills
Chief Executive Officer
Sharon Gulley, M.D.
Board Chair
To provide excellent healthcare
to our communities through
safe, personalized and
quality services.
YVMC Board of Trustees: Chair Sharon Gulley, M.D., Vice Chair Scott Marr, Secretary Tony Connell, Treasurer
Ed Trousil, Chief of Staff Scott Kempers, M.D., Trustees Kristi Brown, William F. Cox, Jr., M.D., Meg Firestone, Karl
Gills, Ron Spangler, Diane Tarnoff, and Amy Williams.
Living Our Mission
Every Day
At Yampa Valley Medical Center, our commitment to patient safety and
quality is demonstrated every day by our dedicated team of nurses, physicians
and allied health staff. We work together diligently with a goal of providing
the highest standards of patient care.
This commitment goes beyond the hands that bring direct care to our
patients. It includes our dedicated board members and other volunteers, leadership and the people behind the scenes who make safe patient care possible.
In this year’s annual report, we discuss “Living Our Mission,” and how our
dedication to excellence, safety, quality and personalized care has led to
higher performance and improved outcomes.
At the beginning of 2009 we set some aggressive improvement targets with an
ongoing focus on following best practices while providing personalized care. We
strive for excellence in all that we do and meticulously measure our results to
ensure that we are identifying opportunities to improve our care and service.
With our focus squarely on doing what’s best for each and every patient,
we work with patients and their families to ensure that the care we deliver is
timely, efficient, effective, personalized, equitable and safe.
Our goal is to empower patients
and their families to be an integral part of our healthcare team
in order to improve safety and
clinical outcomes. With hospital and medical staff
working in concert,
we have celebrated
many successes over
the past year.
Kevin Chapman,
Cynthia MacMaster
and Tommy Clark
exemplify the team
approach in Diagnostic
Imaging Nuclear
Comments from
patient satisfaction
surveys received in 2009:
“I have been in a number of
different hospitals in my 25 years
of rodeo action. In all my years I
have never been treated with the
kindness, professionalism and
care as I was at Yampa Valley
Medical Center. I can’t say
enough about the staff, facility
and of course the food.”
“Knowing that Olympic athletes
are treated here is good enough
for me.”
“I had an exceptional nurse named
Autum Sloop. I think the hospital
should feel lucky to have a staff
member like her. I will never forget
her for everything she did.”
“I feel very fortunate to live in a
community with this outstanding
medical center. I also appreciate
very much all the ‘preventive
care’ education that is provided to
the community!”
“The ER nursing staff was friendly,
making me comfortable and less
anxious. Dr. Bookman was excellent
– intelligent, thorough and very
caring. He was such a nice guy
that I bet he’d be fun to take a
bike ride with!”
“I had a great time. The nurses
and doctors were great. Your
hospital is a very wonderful
place. I love all of you.”
YVMC’s Infection Prevention
team of Steve Hilley, Mary
Poskus, Tamara Floyd and
Dr. Mark McCaulley
demonstrates the importance
of frequent and thorough
hand washing.
Our Commitment to
Safety and Quality
In 2008-09, Yampa Valley Medical Center participated in the 5 Million
Lives campaign. This national effort was sponsored by the Institute for
Healthcare Improvement to improve patient safety and quality. As part of that
campaign and other national initiatives, we have implemented many “best
practice” protocols. While we have always been proud of our excellent care,
standardizing our care provides more consistency and reliability of outcomes
for our patients.
Here are a few of our success stories we proudly share.
David Baldinger and grandson Cash
enjoy Winter Carnival 11 months after
David received life-saving care for a
heart attack. Cash is grateful to YVMC
because “I need my Granddaddy
around to take me on adventures.”
The Gift of Life
Reliable care for cardiac patients
We evaluate the care of every patient who comes to YVMC with chest pain
to ensure that each received care according to standardized protocols. We
report our compliance to CMS. Our 2009 scores indicate that we are at 100%
compliance with all protocols for these cardiac patients. Especially significant
for our community is the fact that, since January 2008, we have had a fulltime cardiologist on our medical staff.
Reduction of healthcare-associated surgical-site infections
We place a high degree of importance on preventing infections. The Infection
Prevention Team at YVMC has designed a program to protect everyone who
comes into our hospital, including our health care workers and the public.
By following strict guidelines before, during and after surgery we have significantly reduced the frequency of surgical-site infections over the past two years.
We participate in the national Surgical Care Improvement Project and
monitor our compliance with all infection prevention standards. These
include meticulous hand-washing protocols, using proper precautions and
giving the right antibiotic at the right time.
YVMC scores considerably better than national averages for virtually all
these measures.
Should an infection occur, our Infection Prevention Team thoroughly
analyzes the care and involves the patient and the surgeon to help determine
potential causes and learning opportunities.
Surgical-site Infections Continue to Decrease
Dear Karl,
“This is really weird,” I thought,
as the pressure in my chest wouldn’t
subside even after I slowed and
then completely stopped my skateskiing workout last March. After a
quick call to Larry Bookman, a
friend and Emergency doc at YVMC,
I found myself being delivered by
ambulance to Dr. Will Baker, our
resident cardiologist, whose timely
administration of a clot-busting
drug cleared the artery that I later
was told has earned the nickname
“the widow maker.”
Next came an air ambulance
and the receipt of a “stent” at
Heart Center of the Rockies. I
arrived home in less than 72 hours
wondering “what just happened to
me?” Will’s consultations over the
last year have educated me to the
fact that a family history of heart
disease can trump other risk factors
which I felt were under control and
diagnostic testing that Will can
perform locally could have well
prevented my emergency that day.
Incredibly, I am now fully
recovered and skate-skiing again.
I feel that because of the quick and
professional actions of Will and
the staff at YVMC, I have been
given the greatest gift of all, the
gift of life.
Thank you,
David Baldinger
Steamboat Springs
When Zero Equals a Perfect Score
Safe care for high-risk patients:
Zero. Not one patient who has needed breathing
assistance from a ventilator has contracted pneumonia
at YVMC since 2002. And we adopted even stronger
standards in 2007. Preventing pneumonia is vital
for patients whose reliance on breathing machines
make them especially vulnerable. We continually
show 100% compliance with all protocols aimed at
preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Zero. That’s the number of healthcare associated
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
infections at YVMC in 2009. MRSA is a bacterial
infection that is highly resistant to some antibiotics.
The bacteria can cause infection when they enter
the body through a cut, sore, catheter, or breathing
tube. The infection can be minor and local (similar
to a pimple), or more serious (involving the heart,
lung, blood, or bone). Those who have been hospitalized or had recent surgery are at increased
risk. We test patients who are at risk for MRSA prior
to their admission for select high-risk procedures
so that appropriate measures can be put into place
to avoid these infections. Zero. We have achieved an outstanding record of
zero central line associated blood stream infections.
Some of our sickest patients require a “central line,”
a special intravenous insertion. This increases risk
for a bloodstream infection, which can cause other
complications. At YVMC, these lines are inserted
under the most controlled conditions, following
all recommended practices aimed at reducing the
likelihood of infection.
Debby Harris, RRT, and Ann
Heselbach, CRT, of YVMC’s
Respiratory Therapy department,
are ready to support a critically ill
patient with a ventilator.
YVMC’s Pressure
Ulcer Prevention team
includes Liz Guerra,
Rebecca Lea
and Holly James.
Safe Care for Patients
Preventing Pressure Ulcers
Patients who have longer hospital stays and/or certain medical conditions
are most at risk for pressure ulcers, also called “bed sores.” By using a rigorous
assessment process, purchasing special pressure-relieving mattresses and
meticulously monitoring our care, we continue to work toward eliminating
pressure ulcers.
Imaging Gently
In 2009 our Diagnostic Imaging department joined an international campaign
called Image Gently. Radiologic technologists
explain medical radiation to parents and
provide Image Gently cards to help them
track the amount of radiation exposure their
children receive with CT scans and other
exams. This education emphasizes our commitment to providing safe, quality medical
imaging examinations.
Dear YVMC:
I would like to express my gratitude for the extremely competent
and compassionate care I received
when I visited your hospital. I am
a practicing neurosurgeon, so I
obviously have a lot of hospital
experience myself.
The nursing care was outstanding. In the ER, I was cared for by
Angela Mercier and Laurie VoitPerry. OR nurses and staff included
Mary Salabounis, Scott Becker and
Laura Stamp. Day Surgery included
Jill Anstett, Marti Potter and Marty
Rotz-Kilhefner. I congratulate them
all on being outstanding nurses
from my perspective as a patient
that day.
Physician care was also outstanding. I was treated by Dr.
Laura Sehnert in the Emergency
Department, had anesthesia with
Dr. Eric Meyer, and my orthopedic
surgeon was Dr. Michael Sisk and
his P.A. Krista Bertz.
Once again, I was very
impressed with the hospital and
greatly appreciate the outstanding
care I was provided.
Christopher Guerin, M.D.
Ed Havel, radiologic technologist and lead
CT tech, explains radiation safety to Jenifer
Felinczak and daughter Grace.
“Lucky to Get My Care Here”
Longtime local Lynn Lawton feels she owes her life to Steamboat Springs obstetrician/gynecologist
Mary Bowman, M.D., and her continued well-being to YVMC’s Cancer Services.
During an annual examination in 2000, Dr. Bowman detected a change in Lynn’s body. She
ordered diagnostic tests, which revealed that Lynn had fallopian tube carcinoma, a rare form of cancer.
Fortunately, the disease was found in an early stage.
In the decade since, Lynn has had two surgeries and numerous courses of chemotherapy at
YVMC, her trusted hometown hospital.
“I almost opted for a national cancer center in Oklahoma,” Lynn said. “But it was such a stressful
trip, and it was recommended that I reduce stress in my life. I realized I couldn’t travel for my care.”
After meeting with YVMC Cancer Services Director Jan Fritz, who “was just an angel,” and
oncologist Allen Cohn, M.D., Lynn realized there was no need to travel.
“Why go to Denver or another big city?” she said. “Here, I go in at 8 a.m. and get chemo for
two hours. I bring my laptop with me, log in and start working. When I’m done, I pack up and
go to work at Steamboat Central Reservations for the rest of the day.”
Convenience is one key factor
for Lynn, and confidence in the
expertise of her chemotherapy
nurses and Dr. Cohn is another.
“The YVMC team is so personable, so willing to help, give
information and find facts for me.
Jan has always been available and
responsive. Everyone is fabulous,
and I feel tremendously lucky to
get my care here.”
Lynn Lawton meets with Cancer
Services Director Jan Fritz and
oncologist Allen Cohn, M.D., to
discuss her treatment plan.
Win Park relies on his new hip
when working at SportStalker or
hiking and skiing on hut trips at
altitudes higher than 13,000 feet.
The Gift of Life
“Solid as a Rock”
After Hip Replacement
When Win Park is not tuning skis for the U.S. Freestyle Ski Team, he’s out
skiing, biking or trying to keep up with his sons’ activities. So his goal for
hip replacement surgery at YVMC was to return to his active life as quickly
as possible.
He credits YVMC’s Joint Replacement Program with providing the knowledge
and personal attention he needed.
“To me it was like being in school again,” Win said. “They let me know
what to expect and focused on the positives. Everything rang true. They didn’t
miss a beat.”
YVMC’s Joint Replacement Coordinator, Tamara Floyd, takes each patient
through every step of the process, from pre-surgery through recovery.
“The more informed the patient, the better the outcome,” Tamara said.
“Everyone is a different learner, so as I get to know the patient I find how to
best present the information he or she needs to know.”
Tamara also works with YVMC’s entire Joint Replacement team to insure
the patient’s goals are met. “Our therapists personalize their rehabilitation to
get patients back to where they want to be,” she said.
“Everyone on the YVMC team knew me, and I felt there was a need to take
care of me as an individual rather than a procedure,” Win said. “It’s been
more than great. I’m as solid as a rock.”
Dear YVMC,
I’ve just experienced the best
care I’ve ever had for my knee
replacement in your facilities –
hospital, Doak Walker Care
Center and 14 therapy sessions at
From doctors Eric Verploeg,
Kevin Borgerding and physician
assistant Kevin Kolvereid to all the
nurses and caretakers – the nicest,
friendliest group I’ve ever met.
My daughter and son-in-law
are residents here. I’m from
California. I certainly made a great
choice to come here for surgery.
And I should mention I’m blown
away by the food.
I’m 83 and have never imagined
such service. Kudos to everyone and
my sincere thanks!
Billie Leigh
Merced, California
Genah, Catcher and Matt Burditt
enjoy family time together with
6-month-old twins Tamsyn, left,
and Briar.
Bringing a Family Together
Heartbreak, terror, faith, hope, love, and the
miracle of life in two tiny packages.
That is how Genah and Matt Burditt, of Steamboat
Springs, describe the first months of life for their
twin daughters, Briar and Tamsyn. Their story illustrates how we at YVMC truly live our mission.
The Burditts’ difficult medical journey began on
August 30, 2009. Genah, in premature labor, was
flown from YVMC to Presbyterian St. Luke’s
Hospital in Denver. When delivered three months
early on September 9, their babies weighed less
than two pounds each.
Though grateful for the compassion and skill of
their care team in the big-city hospital, the family
was longing for home when YVMC stepped in to
help again.
YVMC’s case management team, specifically
Jane Howell and Chief Operating Officer Frank
May, coordinated “baby back” efforts and extended
a helping hand financially. The result was an air
ambulance transfer to YVMC’s Special Care Nursery
on October 31.
“This renewed our family’s hope and resolve to
pull through just when we were reaching the end of
our reserves,” Genah says.
Genah and Matt will always remember the professionalism and kindness of the team here, especially
neonatal nurse practitioners Mary Gills and Tracy
Heaberlin, and registered nurses George Detwiler,
Edie Seffrood, Melissa Reynen and Kristi Tullis.
November 18 was the magic day that the twins
finally moved home with their parents and big
brother Catcher.
“The combination of thoroughly trained staff,
technology and patient services provided by YVMC
gave us the resources and strength to survive what
at times felt insurmountable,” Genah says.
“You restored our faith in health care and made
us proud and happy to be a part of the YVMC community: for you gave us what no amount of planning
and solidarity, friend and family support, nor health
insurance could – our family, all together, home.”
How We Benefit Northwest
Colorado and Beyond
As a non-profit hospital, YVMC is dedicated to returning a benefit to the
community in addition to providing quality health care. Community benefit
primarily involves assisting individual patients.
In 2009, YVMC provided more than $3.7 million in charitable care. This
represents a 62 percent increase since 2008 in helping patients who were
unable to pay for their medical services.
Our “Taking Care of Me” series presents free programs on a variety of
timely health topics. YVMC’s Community Health Fair touches the lives of
more than 900 individuals annually. In 2009 we put special effort into
educating the community about the H1N1 influenza virus.
YVMC helps create future healthcare professionals, providing vital hospital
experience for nursing and medical students. We also participate in the
Steamboat Springs High School medical prep program.
We support staff in donating time to many organizations and provide
financial support for numerous health programs in northwest Colorado and
beyond, including Steamboat Mental Health, Northwest Colorado Visiting
Nurse Association, Yampa Valley Breast Cancer Awareness Project, Routt
County Detox Center and Yampa Valley Autism Program.
When chants of “USA, USA” sweep through the crowds at the Olympics or
World Cup events, SportsMed is there in spirit. And sometimes in person.
Providing physical therapy and athletic training services to the U.S. Ski Team and
U.S. Snowboard Team is one of many examples of how YVMC gives back.
Scott Blair, Frederica
Manning and Jen Kerr
of YVMC’s SportsMed
travel with the U.S.
Ski Team and U.S.
Snowboard Team,
providing physical
therapy and athletic
training services.
YVMC’s patient financial counselors,
including Yagé Varela and Kris
Seybold, helped patients qualify for
$3.7 million in charity care in 2009.
One patient shares his thanks:
To the staff at YVMC:
I had a balance on my hospital
bill at YVMC. In previous years I
was a busy construction worker but
now am happy to even have a job.
I was not asking for a free ride, just
some help with the deductible.
Has life ever beat you down so
far that you didn’t feel like getting
back up? Then you find yourself
sharing your troubles with a person
you’ve never met before. That person
then pours out enough sympathy
and compassion to give you extra
hope to get back up and keep trying.
That person is Yagé Varela.
I would like to take the time to
thank the staff at YVMC for hiring
Yagé. And furthermore, I’d like to
say to Yagé’s parents, you owe
mankind nothing, mankind owes
you for bringing such a caring
person into this world. Thank you
very much!
Tom Kemmsies
Steamboat Springs
Medical Staff
Active Medical Staff
Scott Fahrner, M.D.
Catherine Johnson, M.D.
Scott Kempers, M.D.
Eric Meyer, M.D.
Jeffrey Pal, M.D.
William Baker, M.D.
Gerald Myers, M.D.*
David Banks, D.D.S.
Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery
Kristen Fahrner, M.D.
Maryann Wall, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Nathan Anderson, M.D.
Larry Bookman, D.O.
David Cionni, M.D.
Jeanne Fitzsimmons, M.D.
Laila Powers, M.D.
Laura Sehnert, M.D.
David Wilkinson, M.D.
Family Medicine
James Dudley, M.D.
Phaedra Fegley, M.D.
Lisa Harner, M.D.
Brian Harrington, M.D., M.P.H.
Rosanne Iversen, M.D.
David Niedermeier, M.D.
David Williams, M.D.
Kristin Wilson, M.D.
John Sharp, M.D.
General Surgery
Allen Belshaw, M.D.
Mark Hermacinski, M.D.
Internal Medicine
Kevin Borgerding, M.D.
Jennifer Kempers, M.D.
Mark McCaulley, M.D.
Lambert Orton, M.D.
Charlie Petersen, M.D.*
Internal Medicine/Pediatrics
Louise Thielen, M.D.
Leslie Ahlmeyer, M.D.
Mary Bowman, M.D.
Megan Palmer, M.D.
Diane Petersen, M.D.*
David Schaller, M.D.
Mark Helm, M.D.
Oral and Maxillofacial
John Lupori, M.D.
Al Weimer, D.D.S.
Orthopaedic Hand and Upper
Extremity Surgery
Andreas Sauerbrey, M.D.
Orthopaedic Spine Surgery
Henry F. Fabian, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Bryan Bomberg, M.D.
Lori Harrington, M.D.
Greg Sarin, D.O.
Michael Sisk, M.D.
Eric Verploeg, M.D.
Pain Management
Brian Siegel, M.D.
Gregory Achenbach, M.D.
William F. Cox, Jr., M.D.
Ronald Famiglietti, M.D.
Dana Fitzgerald, M.D.
Sheila Fountain, M.D.
Mary McMurray, M.D.
Steven Ross, M.D.
Consulting/Associate Medical Staff
Regularly practicing
medicine or dentistry in
Steamboat Springs:
Addiction Medicine
Dawn Obrecht, M.D.
Roger Ashmore, M.D.
Thomas Downes, M.D.
Gary Luckasen, M.D.
Todd Whitsitt, M.D.
Curtis Comeau, D.D.S.
Gary Fresques, D.D.S.
Neil Ganz, D.D.S.
James McCreight, D.D.S.
Sandra Eivins, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Nils Albert, M.D.
Mike Fallon, M.D.
Lauren Grossman, M.D.
Jeff Hill, M.D.
Imtiaz Khan, M.D.
Family Medicine
Jon Freckleton, D.O.
William Geserick, M.D.
General Surgery
Les Fraser, M.D.
Michael Peetz, M.D.
Carole Milligan, M.D.
Pamela Kinder, M.D.
Gerald McIntosh, M.D.
Occupational Medicine
Frederick Scherr, M.D.
Ann Yanagi, M.D.
Oncology/Internal Medicine
Allen Cohn, M.D.
Robert Rifkin, M.D.
Orthopaedic Joint Revision
Jerome Wiedel, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Richard Rende, M.D.
Richard Berkley, M.D.
William Philip, M.D.
Pulmonology/Sleep Medicine
David Kukafka, M.D.
Rehabilitation Medicine
Cliff Gronseth, M.D.
John Tobey, M.D.
Vascular Surgery
Omar Mubarak, M.D.
Plastic Surgery
John Lupori, M.D., D.D.S.
Scott Sulentich, M.D.
Maryann Wall, M.D.
Kris Boyce, D.P.M.
Kimberly Nordstrom, M.D., J.D.
J.D. Gilliland, M.D.
Fred Jones, M.D.
Robert Lile, M.D.
Stacy Childs, M.D.
Jamie VanOveren, D.O.
* Physicians who joined the
active medical staff in 2009.
Medical Executive Committee
Chief of Staff: Dr. Scott Kempers
Vice Chief of Staff: Dr. Kevin Borgerding
Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Laura Sehnert
Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Larry Bookman
Chair Department of Medicine: Dr. Jennifer Kempers
Chair Department of Surgery: Dr. David Wilkinson
Members At-Large: Dr. Will Baker
Dr. Dana Fitzgerald
Focus on the Future
2009 was all about honoring the past and embracing an exciting future.
Even in the midst of celebrating a decade of growth, we were taking the lead
in expanding senior living options.
After surveying the community, YVMC and partner Pearl Senior Living
acquired an ideal site on Walton Creek Road near Casey’s Pond. Plans are
progressing to design a campus that will include independent living and assisted
living apartments, Alzheimer’s and dementia-related “memory care” units and
relocation of the existing skilled nursing Doak Walker Care Center.
YVMC is supportive of Colorado Senior Residences, Inc., the new community non-profit organization that will develop and operate these services.
Our focus on the future got another boost when we completed a $13
million hospital expansion in February 2010. This massive addition and
renovation, nicknamed “Baby, We’re Growing,” more than doubled the size
of our Family Birth Place, enhancing privacy and adding amenities within a
family-friendly environment.
Additionally, YVMC is now poised to improve the patient experience and
accommodate future growth in numerous areas, notably surgical services
and oncology.
Grateful patients
Every year we receive letters from
patients from our community
and beyond, by mail and
through our website,
A small number of 2009
messages are shared here
and on page 15.
“I wanted to let you know how
impressed I was with YVMC – the
staff, the facilities, not to mention
the location. When my husband
was diagnosed with the appendicitis
last year, as first-time visitors to
Steamboat Springs, we were a little
worried about the facilities in a
small mountain town. I was totally
blown away by the care and
attention shown to my husband
and myself and came home raving
about our experience.”
~ Kim P., from Australia
“I want to express my sincere
thanks to Dr. Jeanne Fitzsimmons,
M.D., and her colleagues at your
outstanding emergency facility in
Steamboat Springs. From my
check-in to check-out I received
the kind of care so absent in our
country today. Please bottle your
way of doing things. It will sell!”
~ Billy Walker, from Arizona
“During my congestive heart failure
ordeal while visiting your city,
your love, care and professional
concern means more than I’m able
to express.”
~ Glenda Couey, from Georgia
CEO Karl Gills, left, and Pearl Senior Living Principal Phil Shapiro,
right, explain senior living campus plans to Franny Mervis and Bill
Dring at a Steamboat Springs Over the Hill Gang gathering.
Emergency visits......................................... 8,390
Other outpatient visits...........................119,656
Inpatient admissions................................. 2,901
Newborn deliveries....................................... 402
Vital Statistics
Surgical cases and treatments.................... 3,349
Help at Hand chair Liz Wright
assists patient Ginny Mills during
an emergency visit. Our 200
volunteers log nearly 10,000 hours
annually, providing invaluable
comfort and support to YVMC
patients and families and Doak
Walker Care Center residents.
SportsMed visits.......................................18,619
Doak Walker Care Center days...............21,115
Volunteer hours.......................................... 9,744
Patients by Location
Who Pays the Hospital Bill?
for care
cost of
Percent Paid
Routt County
Self Pay & Medicare
Other Payers
Red = Contractual discounts, bad debt, charity
Yampa Valley Medical Center
Gold = Payment as percent of hospital charge
Moffat County
Other NW Colorado
Mountain States Region
Financial Report
Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2009
We charged our patients
for hospital services............................................................$92,227,858
for Doak Walker Care Center services................................... 5,755,296
Subtotal patient service revenues................ $97,983,154
We charged but did not receive full payments
from government programs (Medicare, Medicaid).........(19,868,155)
from other insurers.............................................................. (5,908,378)
from uncollectible accounts................................................ (2,160,192)
Subtotal uncollected charges...................... (27,931,725)
We provided charity care totaling........................................ (3,772,262)
Total net patient services revenue................ $66,279,167
In addition, we received
Contributions............................................................................. 801,264
Net interest income on investments...................................... 2,154,419
Other sources.......................................................................... 1,293,524
Subtotal other revenues................................. $4,249,207
Total revenue................................................ $70,528,374
What it cost
to pay our employees wages and benefits........................(31,883,735)
to purchase supplies, insurance, utilities, other...............(27,319,833)
to pay interest on debt......................................................... (1,677,084)
for depreciation of plant and equipment........................... (3,410,736)
Total cost of caring for patients.................. (64,291,388)
Revenue over expenses................................... $6,236,986
“My wife and I brought out
9-month-old into the ED with a
fever and a boatload of worry.
Aaron Clark, Lynn Cerasoli and
Dr. Steven Ross did a great job taking care of our boy, but also dealing
with a kid’s parents who are both
health care providers. I appreciate
you hearing out all of our concerns,
helping us weigh options and taking
a bit of anxiety and irritability in
stride. Thanks again.”
~ Matt Powers, from Wisconsin
“I wanted to compliment your
entire staff as to the extraordinary
level of care I received while a
patient with you. Your entire staff
was as nice and courteous as any
group of people I have ever met in
my entire life. The level of care was
awesome and the accommodations
were extraordinary.”
~ A patient from Ohio
“From the day I entered in a very
serious condition to the time of my
release, we were impressed by not
only the professionalism of the
staff but their compassion and
caring attitude. We thanked all
we could find on the day of my
release; if possible we would like
to share our heartfelt appreciation
with the staff.”
~ Tom Grieve, from Wyoming
All patients identified by name in
this report gave their permission.
Total return on patient service revenues...................................... 6.37%
How we used cash reserves
Total principal payment on long-term debt................... $1,165,000
Expansion project construction costs............................. $9,676,801
Investment in new technology and equipment.............. $2,245,317
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
Hometown Hospital, World Class Care
Each time I walk through the doors of Yampa Valley Medical Center, I am amazed that we, a small rural
community, have this extraordinary facility. But beyond the beautiful physical plant with its state-of-the art technology, what is more amazing is the breadth, depth and quality of the YVMC staff. The physicians, nursing staff,
physical therapists, nutritionists, administration and support staff are some of our greatest community assets.
We at the Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley are committed to helping YVMC maintain and
expand the wonderful medical facilities we are so fortunate to have. This past year, with community support,
we were able to provide a large portion of the funds for the new digital mammography machine. This coming
year we are confident that, with the generosity of a Steamboat resident’s $250,000 challenge grant, we will be
able to provide a major portion of the funds needed to bring an advanced CT scanner to YVMC. In addition to
providing enhanced cardiology studies, this machine will be available for all other CT generated diagnostics.
None of us can take our good fortune for granted. As the world of healthcare becomes ever more complex,
we all need to remember that a community hospital needs community support. Please join us in helping to
keep YVMC strong.
Diane Tarnoff
HFYV Board Chair
FRONT ROW: Alice Klauzer, Karl Gills, Diane Tarnoff,
Art Smith, Wade Gebhardt BACK ROW: Geneva Taylor, Pam Vanatta,
Meg Firestone, Kris Bensler, Ron Branish, Sandy St. Clair
NOT PICTURED: Dr. Tom Page, Steve Green, Glenda Hachenberger
The Healthcare Foundation Board of Directors is committed to making a positive impact on health
care in the Yampa Valley. Our Board members show their commitment in many ways: working
with donors, shaping policy, planning events, even plunging into icy water. We deeply appreciate
all of the time and energy they devote to the Foundation Board and to our community.
Steve Dawes
Giving Back to the Community
“I can’t think of another
community leader who has made such a
continuous and lasting contribution to HFYV
and YVMC,” says Diane Tarnoff, HFYV Board
Chair. “Steve is an extremely thoughtful person
whose counsel has been invaluable to me
and to the organization.”
When Steve Dawes began serving on the Routt
Memorial Hospital Board in 1989, Yampa Valley
Medical Center was just a dream. Steve helped that
dream become a reality. He was on the construction
committee that oversaw the building of the new
hospital that was completed in 1999.
“I liked seeing a piece of dirt transform into the
wonderful hospital that so effectively serves the
needs of our community today. And I’m encouraged
to see the way the hospital is constantly growing to
fill our future needs,” Steve says.
As satisfying as it was to see the hospital take
physical shape, Steve says the best part of the process
was watching the community come together to
“It’s clear to me that
support the new hospital.
the quality of life we
“It was rewarding to see the number of people
all enjoy in Steamboat
who contributed to the building of YVMC,” Steve
is directly enhanced
says. “The community realized the importance of the
by the existence and
new hospital and came together to make it happen.”
operation of YVMC,”
Steve feels a strong sense of loyalty to the comSteve says, “I have a
munity. When he and his wife Poogie moved to
real interest in making
Steamboat Springs in 1979 to start Steamboat Resorts,
sure our privatelythey were starting from scratch. Steamboat embraced
owned, non-profit
them. “I feel it’s really important to give back to the
hospital continues to
community that provided me with such a great
be successful.”
opportunity to start my business,” Steve says.
Give back he has. After 14 years of service on the
hospital Board, Steve reached his term limit. But he wasn’t ready to stop
contributing to the community hospital where his sons were born. So he
joined the Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley Board of Directors.
Through his involvement with HFYV, Steve expanded his definition of
“support for YVMC” to include things like the Penguin Plunge and the Doc
Willett Health Care Heritage Awards.
“I see the direct benefit of the Foundation’s efforts in helping the hospital
achieve its mission,” Steve states.
During his years of service to the Foundation, Steve saw a lot of peaks, but
no plateau.
“The brightest moment for HFYV is yet to come,” he says.
Our Volunteers
The time our volunteers give to our
organization is just as valuable as
the monetary donations we receive.
Our volunteers contributed 972
hours to the Foundation in 2009.
With each volunteer hour valued
at $20.25, those 972 hours equated
to a cost savings for our organization
of $19,683.00.
If you’re interested in volunteering for
the Healthcare Foundation, contact us
at or 970-871-0700.
Volunteers: Janne Siegel, Suzanne Turner,
photographer Kim Cathey, Tracy Barnett
and Laurie Drew
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
Ski Town
USA Golf Classic
In 2009, after thirteen years of successfully partnering with the
Steamboat Springs Rotary Clubs on the event, the Foundation turned the
Golf Classic over to Rotarys’ capable hands.
Proceeds from the 2009 event went to support the acquisition of
an advanced CT scanner to upgrade diagnostic imaging capabilities at
Yampa Valley Medical Center.
Golfers enjoyed
gorgeous weather and
good friends at the
2009 Golf Classic.
Glenda Hachenberger,
Dr. Jim McCreight,
Sandy St. Clair, Diane Tarnoff,
Scott Marr
The Doc Willett Health Care
Heritage Awards
Honoring Our Past, Looking Toward Our Future
In recognition of Dr. Frederick E. Willett’s personal and professional contributions to health care in the Yampa Valley, the Healthcare Foundation for
the Yampa Valley established the Doc Willett Health Care Heritage Awards
in 2009. Each fall, HFYV will present Doc Willett awards to two community
members who have made an impact on health care in the Yampa Valley.
As Yampa Valley’s country doctor, Doc Willett made “ranch” calls up and
down Routt County. By buggy or sleigh, horseback and later by automobile,
no patient was too far, no snow too deep for Doc Willett. During his 56 years
of service to our community, Doc Willett established a remarkable legacy of
caring that Yampa Valley Medical Center is proud to carry on today.
Our Community
Yesterday and Today
1914:Doc Willett planted the
seeds for a thriving Medical
Center when he helped
establish Steamboat’s first
community hospital, which
was housed in the building
at 6th and Lincoln that is
currently the Old Town Pub
1921:Doc Willett opened a new
hospital in a converted
apartment building he
owned at 7th and Aspen
1950:Funded in part by a
generous donation from
Doc Willett, Routt Memorial
Hospital was dedicated on
August 13, 1950
1999:Yampa Valley Medical
Center opened its doors on
November 21, 1999. Still a
hometown hospital, YVMC
offers world-class care.
Pictured at the first annual 2009 Doc Willett Health Care Heritage Awards are:
2009 Community Health Care Advocate Award recipient John Kerst, YVMC CEO
Karl Gills, and 2009 Health Care Professional Award recipient Dr. Larry Bookman.
The Healthcare Foundation proudly honored Mr. Kerst and Dr. Bookman, both of
whom have made a significant impact on health care in our community.
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
The Steamboat Springs High
School team made a big splash at
the 6th Annual Penguin Plunge.
Since its inception in 2004,
The Penguin Plunge has become a
fundraising tradition that Steamboat eagerly
anticipates each March. On event day, teams of
costumed Penguins plunge into the icy water
at Catamount, then dash to the hot tub
before joining the Post Plunge Party.
Diagnostic Imaging Assistant Director Julie Isaacs with the new
digital mammography machine.
Photo courtesy of Matt Stensland, Steamboat Pilot & Today
In 2009, a record 174 Penguins skipped, flipped and dipped
their way to fundraising success at the 6th Annual Penguin
Plunge. The event netted proceeds of $58,000, all of which went
toward the purchase of digital mammography equipment for
YVMC. In October 2009, thanks to our Penguins and many other
generous community members, the Medical Center unveiled its
new digital mammography machine.
According to Mary Jo Wiedel, Director of Diagnostic Imaging for
YVMC, patients are noticing a difference with the new equipment.
“We’re capturing the images digitally now,” Wiedel said. “This
makes for shorter appointment times and more detailed images.”
Wiedel says patients feel comfortable in the newly remodeled
diagnostic imaging area. “We get many compliments on the
atmosphere and decor and how well-thought-out the project was,”
Wiedel said, adding that the purchase of the new equipment was a
community effort.
“Many people have worked together to bring this technology to
the women in our community.”
The 6th Annual Penguin Plunge
It’s All Good!
Jason Sear loved spending time with his wife and kids. When he was diagnosed
with cancer, it was important to him to be in Steamboat with his family while
receiving his treatments. He was able to do that at the YVMC Infusion and
Chemotherapy Center, where the staff came to look forward to his visits.
“Anyone who met Jason did not forget him,” says Jan Fritz, Director of
Cancer Services. “Humor was a big part of his personality, and he connected
The Abneys
Joy, Clinton and James Lee
Fred and Carolyn Aebi
Jon Albert
Alcon Humanitarian Services Dept.
Alcon Laboratories
All Score Advertising
Pornpat Artornsombudh
Baker Family Foundation
David and Stacey Bass
Bronwyn Bateman and Doug
Elena Bayrock and Andy Sapora
Carolyn Bell
Sally and Bill Bennett
Dr. Annita Bens and Dr. Andre Bens
Kris and Bill Bensler
Sandy, Bob and Angie Beyer
Jerry and Annette Blaschke
Lisa Blue Baron
Gwen Bodenhamer
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan
Josh and Kelly Broadus
Jeff and Kristi Brown
Kim and Don Brown, & Girls
Liz Brown
Frank X. Buhler
Jerry and Nancy Burns
Don C. Butler
Susan and Charlie Butts
Jerry and Judy Cagle
Ann and John Chandley
Robyn and Jesse Chernis-Grant
Marcia and Peter Cherris
Chuck Mapes Insurance Agency, Inc.
Steve and Paula Clark
Julia M. Collins and Seth A.
Colorado Group Realty Foundation Inc.
Corrie Development Corporation
Carlos and Graciela Coscia
Ron and Juana Rosa Daniell
David & Julianna Pyott
Brian and Eirwen Davies, & Family
Graham, Heather, Amanda and
Adrian Davies
David and Tami DeClercq
Neil Degroot
Henry P. Doggrell
Caroline M. Dulle
Joe and Mary Dulle
Winona and Daniel Edwards
Phyllis and David Eig
The Elrods
Linda Morris Elsey
Beverly Engel
Joyce Erony
Regina and Patrick Eskew
Gene and Judy Estes
Mike and Esther Farhat
Vivian Faxel
Ian and Beth Ferguson
John and Sonjia Fields
Fort Worth Opera Association, Inc.
Foster and Sear
Doreta Foster
The Foundation of the American
Academy of Ophthalmology
Jackie Fouse
Elizabeth G. Garton
Jerry P. Georgopoulos
Kay Gold
Patricia Gold
Javier Gonzalez
Kristen Grant
Harry and Joyce Green
Toni and James Guckert
Lucia Hachem
Jennifer and Cory Hallmeyer
Kay and Bill Hargreaves
Sharon Harrison and Rick
David and Margarete Harvey
Sue and John Harvison
Sherri Havard
Rebecca Herz
Sheri Hicks
Larryssa A. Hilcher
K.C. and Susan Himelright
Richard and Lynn Hodges
Craig M. Holland
Travis, Kerry, Christopher and
Alice Holmquist
Helmut Horchler
H. Dunbar Hoskins, Jr. M.D.
Hourglass Capital LLC
The Human Source Foundation
Al and Regina Humphrey
The Ibe Family, Mr. Sachiaki, Mrs.
Tsutae, Miss Akiko, Miss
Miyoko and Miss Yukiko
International Sister Cities Assoc
of Ft. Worth, Inc.
Robyn and Colin James
Bob and Anne Jameson
Mouin and Hala Jeha, Fatin and
Fred Wysk, Maha and Jacque
Jerry J. Loftin, Attorney at Law,
Professional Corporation
Katy, Matt, Dylan and Chloe
Sam and Linda Johnson
Margo and Jess Jordan
The Kadosh Family
Jody Kautz
Gloria Kelly
Denys and Maria Kinsella
Tim S. Knight, D.D.S.
Wendy Kowynia
Gerald and Suzanne Kramer
Peter and Kim Kreissig
The Kwan Charitable Foundation
Paul Lager and Helga Stine
Lausier Family Trust
Becky and Mike Lausier
Law Offices of Roy English
C.J. Lawrence
Judy Lee
Elio and Juanita Loo
Dean and Ilene Luallin
Kim and Russell Lytle
John and Tina MacDonald
Doug MacHatton
Mansfield Animal Clinic, Inc.
Juli Siratt Mason
Nicole J. May
Lee and Mary Kay McCollum
James and Cora McCreight
Jim and Becky McCulley
Miller McCurdy
Alice R. McPherson, M.D.
Mesch, McBride & Evans LLP
Charles and Barbara Miller
Ella and Paul Miller
Karen Miller
Jean Pierre and Monique Millon
William and Gigi Mills
John D. Mixon
The Mortgage Institute, Inc.
J & M.C. Morton
Susan Musser
Jai and Linda Nagarkatti
Avi and Sandra Nash
Barbara H. Neal
Roy and Camilla Newman
The Oakridge School
Adele Oliva
William and Carolyn O’Neil
Nancy M. O’Shea
Sue Palmer
Pan-American Ophthalmoligical
Susan, Edith, Philip, Frances,
Steve and Sue Paterson
Pediatrics of Steamboat Spgs , P.C.
Peirson-Patterson LLP
Pet Kare Clinic
Peyco Southwest Realty, Inc.
Misha, Scott, Samatha, Jake and
Natalie Pfaff
Pat Poellet
M. G. and Ada Powell
Sushil K. Premchand
Prometheus Laboratories Inc.
Erfyl and Megan Protheroe, &
Doug and Janet Rau
Karen M. Ray
Cary and Janet Rayment
Robert and Judy Reagan
Recovery Service Inc.
Neill and Christine Redfern
Chris Reeves and Mike McCarty
Doug and Julie Renfro
Stephanie A. S. Romero
Barbara and George Rutledge
Maggie Sahabghalam
Jane E. Schlansker
Becky, Jerry, Charlie and Slade
Edgar Schollmaier
Sear Family Foundation
Adam J.T. Sear
Stephen and Katherine Seleny
Jeffrey and Dana Simon
Donnie, Julie, Lee, Sarah Grace
and Sofia Siratt
Donna J. Smiedt
James and Gail Smith
Sandra K. Standefer
Pat and Bo Stone
Strawberry Park Elementary
Julie and Eugene Szabo
William Tasman
Linda Thomas
Trinity Valley School
Wanda L. Walker
Edgar and Judith Wallner
Toni Wayne
S. Cass Weiland
The Wert Law Firm PLLC
Bill and Teri White
Kevin and Tami White
Jennifer L. Wiggins
Gina and Patrick Wolfe
Shannon and Trace Worrell
Maidie and Jeff Yale
Zeria USA, Inc.
Jason’s irrepressible grin
accompanied by his famous line,
“It’s all good” was a gift to all
who knew him.
Thank you! We deeply appreciate
the generosity of our donors.
Kris and Bill Bensler
Sear Family
Diane and Jeff
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
January 1 - December 31, 2009
$10,000 - $24,999
Alpine Bank
B & K Distributing
Glenda Hachenberger
The Ibe Family
Brooks and Gail
Litterman Family
Luck Family Foundation
Mast Rentals, Dale M.
Franny Mervis
Sheraton Steamboat
Resort and Villas
Steamboat Pilot &
Steamboat Ski &
Resort Corp.
Greg and Mignon
Wells Fargo Bank
William L. Searle
Charitable Trust/
Marion Searle
$5,000 - $9,999
CareTech Solutions Inc.
Bob Christoph
Steve Dawes
Faegre & Benson LLP
Doug and Livvy Floren
Karl and Mary Gills
Bruce and Jane Hannon,
in honor of Dr. Sean
Hannon and Allison
Federick Hannon
Les and Suki Kaplan
Scott and Lynne Marr/
Holiday Inn of
Steamboat Springs
Tom and Pam Mischell
Brett and Selma Nann
Gary and Sandra Neale
Lucy Nelson
Edgar Schollmaier
Paul and Noreen Slivon
Yampa Valley Bank
Yampa Valley Medical
Center Auxiliary
Harry and Lynn Zinn
$2,500 - $4,999
Adolfson and Peterson
Catamount Ranch & Club
Steven and Michele
Elk River Ranch/John Q.
and Pat Adams
Gary and Carol Berman
Family Foundation, Inc.
Kahl Insurance Services,
Jennifer Lea
Lockton Companies
Faith McClure
Drs. Jim and Wendy
Progressive Dentistry
Poudre Valley Health
Professional Finance
Carole Schneider
Dr. Scott and Lisa
 Sustaining contributor
Our special gratitude to these donors who have supported us
for three consecutive years or more.
 YVMC Employee
We are grateful for the generosity and dedication of the YVMC staff.
Susan Larson Community
Eric and Roxanne Tegl
TIC Holdings, Inc.
Tin Man, Inc.
Jacquelyn Kaster Torrens
Wilton Development
$1,000 - $2,499
Animal Assistance
Joan P. Anthony
Russ and Carol Atha
Atlas Medical
Dr. Will and Jennifer Baker
Baker Family Foundation
Barry Construction
Management Company
Jeremy Behling
Jeff and Jennette
Joe Bishop
Dr. Larry and Margy
Cameron and Jill Boyd
Ronald and Linda Branish
Frank X. Buhler
Bill and Sue Butler
Adelaide Canipelli
Central Park
Management, Inc.
Jim Chuslo
Carl Steidtmann and
Kathleen Cline
Joe Coffman
Colorado Group Realty
Foundation Inc.
Cook Chevrolet
COPIC Insurance
Dax Mattox Insurance
Agency Inc.
Connie and Randy Dean
Steve Dearholt and
Natalie Hurtig
R. E. Dillon
John and Leslie Dorman
Drahota Inc.
Lynne and Gayle Earnest
Employee Benefit
Management Services, Inc.
Paul and Bridget Ferguson
Mindy Fontaine
Jack and Nancy Fontaine
The Foundation of the
American Academy of
Jackie Fouse
Steve and Susie Frasier
Jerry P. Georgopoulos
Michael and Gail Goode
Steve and Lorraine Green
Matt and Anne Hamilton
Sharon Harrison and Rick
David and Margarete
Gary and Marilyn Hay
Helm Surgical Systems
Anne and Norm
Jerry J. Loftin, Attorney at
Law, Professional
Jon Sherman Construction
Craig and Lori Kerrigan
Greg and Darlene Koehler
Kullgren Family
Charitable Trust
Tom and Janine Lake
Land Title Guarantee
Robert and Mary Jane Logan
Elio and Juanita Loo
Verne and Nancy
Jeremy MacGray
Masterworks Mechanical, Inc.
Amy Matheis
Frank and Diane May
Roy and Yvonne McAnally
Malcolm and Dana
Mesch, McBride & Evans LLP
Marvin Meyers
Morgenstern Family
Mountain View Car
Wash, Inc.
Murtha Family
Michael Nelson and
Danielle McKillop
Northstar Management, Inc.
Northwest Colorado
Consultants, Inc.
Northwest Graphics, Inc.
Orthopaedics of
Steamboat Springs
Dr. Tom and Julie Page
Sue Palmer
Daniel and Gwen Perdue
John and Diane Pietig
Ian and Heidi Prichard
Susan Richey
Rocky Mountain Cancer
Rocky Mountain
Radiologists PC
Jim and Dabney Roe
Suzanne Schlicht
Dr. Theodore S. Schrock
and Lane Schrock
Sharp, Steinke,Sherman &
Engle LLC
Dr. Brian and Janne
Jim and Marilyn Simon
David and Teresa Smith
Kurt and Linda Soukup
Staenberg Family
Steamboat Powersports
Steve Green Co., Inc.
Bob and Kim Strasheim
Vernon Summer
Pat and Scott Thomas
Linda Thomas
Tilton Builders &
Woodworkers Inc.
Pam and Lonny Vanatta
Edgar and Judith Wallner
Wal-mart Foundation
Steve Weaver
Curt and Mary Weiss
Steve and Pam Williams
Woodstone Consulting
Zeria USA, Inc.
January 1 - December 31, 2009
$500 - $999
Ace Hardware Inc.
Aces High Services, Inc.
Alpine Oral & Facial
Surgery Corp.
Robert and Sydney Anderson
Joe and Katie Armstrong
David and Darlinda
Margaret Bass Berglund
Neil Bertrand
BG Real Estate LLC
Lisa Blue Baron
Janet Borden
Jim and Barbara Bronner
William and Margaret Brooke
Brown & Brown of
Colorado, Inc.
Sonia and Oliver Butler
Calcon Constructors Inc.
Mike Cannizzo
Capital Funding Advisors,
Claude and Barbara
Gene Chupik
Coca Cola Bottling
Company - High Country
Continental Equipment
Company, Inc.
Paula Cooper Black
Dr. Bill and Kathy Cox
Dawes & Associates Inc.
Neil Degroot
Stephen and Jacqueline
Jarett and Leila Duty
Robert and Audrey Enever
Mike Forney
Fry and Harriet Freiberger
Chapman and Kendall Geer
Gondola Pub & Grill
Daniel and Elizabeth Hagney
Larry and Ruthie Harrison
Jonathan and Barbara
The Human Source
Mouin and Hala Jeha
Dr. Frederick and Sandra
William Kennedy
Jim and Erin Kissane
Tim S. Knight, D.D.S.
Mike L. Kraft
William Ladewig
Tony and Sandy Lettunich
Laurel Linner
Douglas and Gail Lopez
Punch and Penny Martyn
Jack and Anita McEncroe
Millennium Bank
Robert and Laurie Milne
Moots Cycles
Mountain Resorts LLC
Mountain Valley Bank
Mountain West Insurance
& Financial Services, LLC.
Jai P. Nagarkatti
Avi and Sandra Nash
Owens & Minor
Pediatrics of Steamboat
Spgs, P.C.
Peirson-Patterson LLP
Chuck and Maria Porter
Mary Poskus-Fell
Prometheus Laboratories Inc.
Edward and Barbara
Routt County
Mr. & Mrs. Erroll Ryland
Adam J.T. Sear
Elizabeth B. Searle
John and Terry Sherrill
Ski Haus International
Art and Gloria Smith
Robin and Jim Somerville
Ronald and Sharon Spangler
Sandy St. Clair
Steamboat Motors
Steamboat Resorts
Steamboat Springs
Women’s Hockey Assoc.
Strong Arm Security, Inc.
Sundance @ Fishcreek
Jeff and Patty Sussman
The Tap House Sports Grill
Betty Tarnoff
Geneva and Jack Taylor
Tennis Center at Steamboat
Doug Terry
Tredway, Henion,
Palmquist & Kusy, PC
Daniel Tyler
Carl and Jan Vail
Vectra Bank Colorado
Craig and Kathleen
Watersong Computer
Ralph and Jennifer Watts
Ned and Liza Weihman
Wells Fargo Brokerage
Dr. Jerome and Mary Jo
Dr. David and Lisa
Larry Wonnacott
Susan Woodring
Yampa Valley Electric
Judy and Jim Zuccone
$250 - $499
Amaze Ventures, Inc.
Robert and Ann Ball
Lisa Bankard
Paul and Sherry Barnard
Adam Beaupre
Evlyn Berge
Lynne and Joe Bier
John and Mary Joan Blenke
Mark Branish
Todd Branish
Charles and Darby Burger
Burns Marketing
Chip and Cindy Chamness
Airgas Intermountain, Jim
Chuck Mapes Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Bunnie Clark
Langdon and Lyn Cook
Larry and Karen Covillo
Jennifer Covillo
David and Debbie Dacus
David & Julianna Pyott
Traci Day-Fenton
Chris and Eileen Diamond
Lee Dickey
Susan Dreska
Lynn and Ira Dubinsky
Caroline M. Dulle
Paul and Kathleen Edstrom
Drs. Scott and Sandy Eivins
Emdeon Business Services
Entelco Foundation
Grant Fenton
Meg and Steven Firestone
Fort Worth Opera
Association, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Jan Fritz
Robert and Sandra Frye
Parri Gabriel
Jan Gobeli
Gordon and Dorothy Gorrell
Cynthia and James Gossen
Sharon Gulley
Sue and John Harvison
Janis and Randy Henry
Cari Hermacinski
David and Dimmye High
High Meadows Ranch
Ed and Jayne Hill
John and Amy Hillenbrand
Travis and Kerry Holmquist
Construction Co
Linda and Seth Horowitz
H. Dunbar Hoskins, Jr., M.D.
Al and Regina Humphrey
Wes Hunter
Innovest Portfolio Solutions
Rod Ivy
K & K Builders, Inc.
Jamie Kingsbury
Denys and Maria Kinsella
Peter and Kim Kreissig
The Kwan Charitable
Henry A. Laughlin III
David Lawler
Rich Lowe
Dr. John Lupori and Susan
Doug MacHatton
Mansfield Animal Clinic, Inc.
Carl and Helen Marbach
Dax and Marci Mattox
Jim and Becky McCulley
Howard and Danna
Christine and Bill McKelvie
Jim McKillop
Jane McLeod and Allan White
MDM Group Associates, Inc.
Michael J. Holloran, LLC
Jim Miller
Maureen Morrissey
Native Excavating, Inc.
Barbara H. Neal
NorthWest Data Services
Ore House at the Pine Grove
Susan Paterson
Pinnacol Assurance
Rabbit Ears Dental Office
Redlinger Properties, LLC
Rio Grande Mexican
Georgene and William Robb
Roth Distributing
Dr. David Schaller and Tibby
Rosemarie Smith
John Smith and Gail Ward
Steamboat Springs Board of
Steaming Bean
Sunpies Bistro, LLC
Thurston Kitchen & Bath
Tim F. Townsend, D.D.S.
The Tugboat Grill & Pub
Michael and Viola Turner
Urology Clinic P.C.
Bob and Deane Weiss
The Wert Law Firm PLLC
Fred and Flora Wolf
Troy Wonnacott
YVEA Caring Consumers
$100 - $249
Greg Achenbach
Joy Acosta
Tamara Adams
Dr. Leslie Ahlmeyer and Brad
C. Piske
Alcon Humanitarian Services
Alcon Laboratories
Douglas and Susie Allen
Allterrain Excavating, Inc.
Alpine Garage Door
American Mechanical Services
Mark and Kristin Andersen
Cindy R. Antonucci-Ameen
Linda and Ernest Archuleta
Tony Ashe
Jill Asmus
David and Stacey Bass
Bronwyn Bateman and Doug
Margaret and Christopher
Carolyn Bell
John and Carol Bender
Drs. Annita and Andre Bens
James and Sandra Berger
Sandy Beyer
Jerry and Annette Blaschke
Dr. Bryan and Karen Bomberg
Jim and Amy Bowers
J. Scott Branch
Scott Branish
James Wachsman and Karen
Richard H. Brice and Bettina
David and Kami Brockway
Jeff and Kristi Brown
Liz Brown
Julie and Gregory Brownell
Charles Burket
Barbara Burkhart
Jerry and Nancy Burns
Billie Jo Burr
Robert G. Burr
Roger M. Burton and Patricia
Don C. Butler
Cable Care
Jerry and Judy Cagle
Bridget Casey
Central Electric LLC
Lynn Cerasoli
Karen Chirstensen
Steve and Paula Clark
Chris and Keena Clifford
Sari and Charles Cobb
Julia M. Collins and Seth A.
Colorado Group Realty, Inc.
Commercial Cleaning Service
Commercial Openings LLC
Commercial Property Group, LLC
Tony and Karen Connell
Corrie Development Corporation
Carols and Graciela Coscia
Chandler and Dixie Coyle
Randall and Karina Craig
Jerry and Kathleen Craig
Brenda N. Crist
Bonnie Curtis
Edward and Kami Dallwein
Deana Damiano
Ron and Juana Rosa Daniell
Clarence and Lili Darrow
Brian and Eirwen Davies
Edward and Anne DeGroff
Jane Denning
Carolyn Derscheid
Elizabeth Dickey
Henry P. Doggrell
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
January 1 - December 31, 2009
Donald E. McLeod
Joe and Mary Dulle
Arthur and Sandra Dye
Winona and Daniel Edwards
Ekstrom Family Partnership
Elk River Partners LLC
Christine and Daniel Elliott
Charlotte Elrod
Linda Morris Elsey
Regina and Patrick Eskew
Gene and Judy Estes
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Fagan
Mike and Esther Farhat
James Farley
Jenifer Felinczak
Monica Fenton
Soniya Fidler
John and Sonjia Fields
Lee Findell
Jeannie & Tom Flesch
Michael and Martha Fosdick
Carol Fox
Travis Gainsley
Wade and Tiffany Gebhardt
Get Hooked! By Laurie
Kay Gold
Paula and Dave Golden
Grainger Industrial Supply
Kristen Grant
Harry and Joyce Green
Rocky Grilli
Lynne Grimsley
Gary and Loretta Hammerslag
Larry and Barbara Hankin
Kay and Bill Hargreaves
Joseph and Mary Harker
Drs. Brian and Lori Harrington
John and Geri Harris
Joel and Nancy Hausman
Susan Heiner
Debbie and Orrin Heller
Michael and Toni Hennessy
Larry and Leslie Herchline
Rebecca Herz
Larryssa A. Hilcher
David and Amy Hill
Dr. Mattie Hill and Chris Hill
K.C. and Susan Himelright
Jain Himot and Renny Daly
Theodore Hoffman
David and Anne Hood
Dennis Hopkins
Helmut Horchler
Hourglass Capital LLC
Michelle House
Huyser Drywall Inc.
Industrial Water Engineering, Inc.
International Sister Cities Assoc
of Ft. Worth, Inc.
Bruce and Nancy Jarchow
M. Katy and Matthew Johnson
Steven M. Jones and Lisa
Margo and Jess Jordan
The Kadosh Family
Alfred Kahn, Jr. M.D.
Steven and Marcia Kaufman
Jody Kautz
Brenda Jo Keith
Gloria Kelly
Kids Kabin Preschool Inc.
Mark P. Koestner
Kroger - City Market Cares
Laser Works
Rocco and Kathleen Laterzo
Becky and Mike Lausier
Law Offices of Roy English
Dr. Ron and Alice Lewis
Earl and Elaine Liff
Les and Linda Liman
David and Evie Linner
Jack and Carolyn Little
John and Tina MacDonald
Juli Siratt Mason
Nicole J. May
Lee and Mary Kay McCollum
Bob McConnell
Tom and Carole McDermott
Rusty and Susan McIntosh
Alice R. McPherson M.D.
Richard and Roxie Miles
Ella and Paul Miller
Karen Miller
Charles and Barbara Miller
Jean Pierre and Monique Millon
William and Gigi Mills
Laurie Milne
John D. Mixon
Diane Moore
Marijo and Pat Moran
The Mortgage Institute, Inc.
J. and M.C. Morton
Bill Moser
Jeanette E. Mott and Benjamin
C. Hunt
Mountain Temp Services, LLC
C.J. and Nancy Mucklow
Susan Musser
Susan and Peter Neidecker
Brie Z. Neppl
Carolyn and Brad Nickum
David and Dale Nicodemi
NMM Real Estate, Inc.
Northwest Colorado VNA Inc.
Annie and Mark Nowe
Matthew Nugent
Jaki and Don Oakland
The Oakridge School
Barbara O’Connor
Old Republic Title
Adele Oliva
William and Carolyn O’Neil
Jan and Loren Parsons
Charles and Karen Parsons
Paws ‘n Claws ‘n Things
Peak Mechanical Services, Inc.
Performance Concrete
Construction, Inc.
Peyco Southwest Realty, Inc.
Henry and Debra Phillips
Sally and Roger Plath
Pat Poellet
Sushil K. Premchand
Scott Raberge
Doug and Janet Rau
Karen M. Ray
Cary and Janet Rayment
Susan Ring
Judy and Ken Riskind
Rocky Mountain Painting
Services, Inc.
Rockys Painting and
Wallcovering, Inc.
Bud and Jane Romberg
James and Barb Ross
Carolyn and Robert Roth
Barbara and George Rutledge
Mark and Amy Satkiewicz
Charles and Ann Schultz
Clarruth Seaton
Thomas and Sandy Sharp
Nick Sharp
Shirley Shearman
Rick and Patricia Shook
Angela Silvernail
Jeffrey and Dana Simon
Donnie and Julie Siratt
Jane Sloan
Hugh and Deborah Sloan
Ernest and Sandra Smith
Claudia Smith
Snow Country Construction,
Jennifer and Jerry Stabile
William and Anne Stagg
Sandra K. Standefer
Jim and Jo Stanko
Star Orthopedics LLC
Lance Steady
Steamboat Blueprint and
Steamboat Campground
Dona Steele
Andrew and Barbara Stofan
Alethea Stone
Pat and Bo Stone
Kendra E. Sullivan
Janice G. Sullivan
Kyle and Kathy Swingle
Julie and Eugene Szabo
William Tasman
Tierce & Company
Timco Walls & Ceilings, Inc.
Marie Timlin
Torian Plum Homeowners
Robert and Darcy Trask
Suzanne Turner and Mike Burks
Hal Unruh
Richard Van DeCarr
Ed and Mary Vanderwall
Toni Wayne
S. Cass Weiland
Geraldine Werner
Western Centers, Inc.
Western Security Systems
Kathy and Ronald Whaley
Amy and John Wharton
Kevin and Tami White
Stan Whittemore
Jennifer L. Wiggins
Amy Williams
Florence Willis
Anita K. Wilson
Tonia Workman
Shannon and Trace Worrell
Liz Wright
Maidie and Jeff Yale
David and Gina Zedeck
up to $99
Lynn Abbott
Mary Acton
Fred and Carolyn Aebi
Air Quality Systems, Inc.
Glenn and Christine Airoldi
Jon Albert
Julie and Bryan Alkema
All Score Advertising
Adonna Allen
Allen’s Clothing, Inc.
Todd and Joan Allsberry
Alltech Glass Service
Alpenglow Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Anand Amrita
Dr. Nate and Mary Anderson
Constance Andrews
Jill Antell
Patricia Anthony
Debbie A. Aragon Ins. Agency, Inc.
Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency
Pornpat Artornsombudh
Patricia and Todd Asbury
John and Pat Ayer
Janet Babish
Bamboo Market Health Food Inc.
Susan Banks
Larry and Kay Barents
Cooper and Tracy Barnett
Dave Barnett
Diane Barsanti
Latanya Batie
Jeremiah and Jaime Baughman
Elena Bayrock and Andy Sapora
Bee Bop Hair Shop
Christy Belton
Sally and Bill Bennett
Marc A. Bennett
Darin Bennett
Douglas and Myra Benson
Jacqueline M. Berdine
Randy Berner
Beth Walsh Real Estate, Inc.
Eileen and Charles Betz
Olive Blake
Gwen Bodenhamer
Patricia and Richard Bogle
Mark and Joanne Bollenbacher
Pam Bosch
Susan Bourn
James and Deidre Boyd
Brent and Meg Boyer
Edward and Suzette Brandt
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan
Pauline Breyare
Jodi Bringuel
Josh and Kelly Broadus
Carol Bromby
Terri and Carl Brooks
Brent and M. Linda Brookstein
Kim and Don Brown
Charlie Brown
Stacy Brown
Liana M. Buchan and Guy Del
Wayne and Janice Buntin
Tim Butler
Susan and Charlie Butts
Gina Cadrecha
Kathleen and Michael Calder
Barbara and Scott Campbell
Patricia Carney
Jean and Don Carpenter
Marian Carr
Linda and Hark Casner
Debbie Cassidy
Larry Caster
Catterson & Company, PC
Challenger Medical, Inc.
Ann and John Chandley
Betsy Chase
Robyn and Jesse Chernis-Grant
Marcia and Peter Cherris
Jack and Joyce Christensen
Kay Clagett
Cindee H. Clark
Vicki Clark
Mitch and Sharon Clementson
Kathy and Mike Clifford
Cogswell Construction, Inc
Columbine Mortgage
Sandy Conlon
Jacqueline and Kenneth
James A. Cook and Linda Knox
Raeann Cook
Hope and Mike Cook
Gena Cooper
Clarise and Jeffry Corriveau
Lesa Costanza
Kelda J. Counts
Susan Cowan
Natalie Cowan
Ann Crawford
Kerry M. Crimmins
Gayle and Walker Criswell
Crutch Comforts
Kathy Curcio
Linda and Michael Curzon
Lew Cutter
Dean and Elizabeth Danielson
Mary B. Darcy
Carol J. Davidson and Charles
Graham and Heather Davies
Bill and Lynn Davis
Amy S. Davis
Rob and Christina Davis
Michael and Colleen De Jong
Clarice and Byron Dean
Wesley Dearborn
David and Tami DeClercq
Gary DeLeon
Winnie Delliquadri
Kyleigh Demicco
Win and Elaine Dermody
George Detwiler
David and Carolyn Deverell
Willa Charlene Conklin
Anthony and Deborah di Santi
Erin E. di Santi
Kenneth and Kathleen Dickey
Norma Dietrich
Ruth and Daryl Dombrowski
Shirley Doolittle
Double H Management Group, Inc.
Douglas J. Champlin, Inc.,
American Family Insurance
Joanne and Stephen Downes
Pamela and George Drake
Dream Stone Inc.
Laurie and Tom Drew
Ross and Sally Dyer
Mary and Andy Echtermeyer
Samuel and Rachel Ecker
Eric and Sandra Edgerton
Hank and DJ Edwards
January 1 - December 31, 2009
Phyllis and David Eig
Elk River Guest Ranch
Elk River Guns
Raeanna and Jimmy Ellis
Mary A. Ellsworth
Beverly Engel
Susan Engle
Tracey Epley
Scott and Lynne Erickson
Kathleen and Robert Erickson
Joyce Erony
Joseph and Joy Esdale
Drs. Kristen and Scott Fahrner
Julie Farnsworth
Amy Farrell
Stephanie P. Faunce
Vivian Faxel
Dr. Phaedra Fegley
Ian and Beth Ferguson
Firetech, Inc., Safety by
First String Music
Mark J. Fischer, Esq.
Barbara and David Fix
Gardner and Millie
Marilyn and John Floyd
Tracey Fortson
Doreta Foster
Foster and Sear
Steve and Mischael Frasier
Craig and Jennifer Frithsen
Frontier Structures, Inc.
Katherine Funkner
Chris Gallion
Joel R. Gardner
Michelle and Clay Garner
Elizabeth G. Garton
Brandon Gee
Susan and Nicholas Geeslin
Katrina and Gerard Geis
Denise and Todd Getz
Margaret Gibson
Melissa and Jed Gibson
Roberta Gill
Jim and Sherry Giordano
Patricia Gold
Katherine A. Gomez
Bennie Goodman
John and Lenore Grace
Brent and Melinda Graham
Luke Graham
Nancy Graves
Teresa and Travis Greenlee
Jacqueline Grimaldi
Robert P. Grippa
Toni and James Guckert
Janine Guerrero
Paula Y. Gwyn
Lucia Hachem
Matthew and Robin Hall
Jennifer and Cory Hallmeyer
Kristopher and Rebecca
Paul Hands
Tina Harlow
Debra M. Harris
Brian Harvey
Sherri Havard
George Hayes
JoEllen Heydon
Andrew and Dixie Heyl
Sheri Hicks
High Tide Ranch
Darcie Hills
Richard and Lynn Hodges
Joan Hodo
Craig M. Holland
Holloway, Brabec & Karet, P.C.
Sarah Hopkins and Clay B.
Daniel Howard
David and Donna Howell
Jane Howell
Stephanie Howle
Steve and Diane Hubbard
Donald and Jennifer Huckaby
Blaine and Nancy Hvambsal
Julie and Sidney Isaacs
J.C. Electric
Robyn and Colin James
Gloria James
Bob and Anne Jameson
Betsy Jay
Tim and Mary Jenkins
Jennifer Baker Accreditation
Services Inc.
Jennifer Jensen
Joanne Jesuale
Julie Johnson
Sam and Linda Johnson
Bob and Renee Johnson
Cynthia Johnson
Mary Jones
Melonie and Jimmy Juel
Greg and Peggy Kaiser
Harold and Peggy Kamins
Laura Karg
Karen M. Kehoe
Sandra Kent
Jennifer Kerr
Dennis and Patricia Kessler
Ann Kirton
Alice and Randall Klauzer
Eric and Kathryn Knez
William Knorr
Kathy Kortas
Karen Kosmicki
Wendy Kowynia
Tom Krabacher
Gerald and Suzanne Kramer
Kathy Krause
Lyle and Jane Krug
L. Virginia Kullman
James L. Kurowski and
Dianne C. Stoyko
Charles Kurtz
Robert and Melrose Kuusinen
Marla A. LaFore
Paul Lager and Helga Stine
Iva and Marvin Laman
Joann Lamerson
Diane Lamerson
Sarah and Thomas Larson
Lausier Family Trust
C.J. Lawrence
Rebecca Lea
Judy Lee
Bill and Sue Leeson
Ben and Pat Leibbrandt
Elizabeth Leipold
Brian and Maribeth Len
JoAnne Lewis
Vicki Lickteig
David and Pam Lindahl
Carol Littell
Thomas and Linda Litteral
Joann Lombardi
Mark Louden
LRV Enterprises LLC
Dean and Ilene Luallin
Joan Lucas
John and Shelley Luchini
George Lund
Daniel J. Lykins
Kim and Russell Lytle
Leslie Mack
Jay B. Mackenzie
Cynthia and David
Priscilla Mader
Ben Mahaney
Angelica Mangiardi
Rae Jean Martin and Paul Frehe
Sharon and James Martin
Ray Martinez
Heather D. Martyn
Lore Marvin
Heather Matney
Marie Matta
Harold and Anne Matthes
Crystal Matusiak
Kim and Frank Mayer
Cindy Maze
Jim McBrayer
Michael and Jennifer
Dr. Mark and Marilyn
James and Cora McCreight
Miller McCurdy
Martin and Juanita McDermed
Meadowstream, LLC
Laura Meagher
Doug Meinel
Ann Elizabeth Menges
Jenny Mess
Diane and David Miller
Sandra and Keith Miller
Dick and Karen Milner
Allision Miriani
Joanne and John Mitchell
Jan Modzelewski
Pamela G. Moffett
Kristen Moore
Robert Moore and Cheryl
Bill and Marguerite Moore
Howard and Joann Morgan
Lou and Lisa Morquecho
JoLynn Morton
Alicia and Ted Morton
Mountain View Door &
Michael and Jo Ann Mow
Roberta and Rick Murray
Carol P. Myers
Nancy Veskerna Trust
Jean Neas
Greg Neppl
Roy and Camilla Newman
Bernadette Norman
John and Mary Norris
Northwest Insulation, LLC
Northwestern Supplies, Inc.
Neil A. O'Keefe
Old Town Pub
Linda A. Orsi
Nancy M. O’Shea
Patricia Overton
Abbie Owens
Belinda Padilla and Charles
Anaya Jr.
Robert Padilla
Mandee Page and Brett
Michael and Marti Palmer
Lloyd and Edna Palmer
Pamela Palmquist
Christopher and Jennifer Paoli
Margaret and Rocky Pappas
Bethanie and Eugene Pashuck
Karen Goedert and Michael
Abbe Pensack and Robert
Pensack M.D.
Harvey and Joan Pensack
Robert and Erin Perlman
Bill and Jeanne Perry
Deanna H. Person
Pet Kare Clinic
Pete Wither, Inc.
William and Susan Petersen
Ronald and Carolyn Peterson
Misha and Scott Pfaff
Clarence Pfundheller
Phoenix Resources Mortgage
Arce Financial LLC
John and Nicole Piret
Connie and Marion Plumb
Bill and Karen Pohlen
Janice and Andrew Poirot
Linda Poissant
Riley Polumbus
M. G. and Ada Powell
Stacy Pratt
Brad Price
Melissa Proehl
Erfyl and Megan Protheroe
Victor A. Puleo
Patricia Rada-Sidinger and
Michael L. Sidinger
Alan Ramirez
Liza M. Ranftle
Rasmussen Real Estate of
Steamboat Springs LLC
Janet Ray
Robert and Judy Reagan
Recovery Service Inc.
Cliff and Kathy Reder
Neill and Christine Redfern
Chris Reeves and Mike McCarty
Laura D. Refka
Kim and Aaron Reimer
Doug and Julie Renfro
Donald E. Rice
Lynette Richmond
Bryan and Lucy Rickman
Holly Rogers
Kevin and Emilie Rogers
Stephanie A. S. Romero
Trixie and Adrian Romero
Bill and Ann Root
Dr. Steven Ross and Bridget
Susan M. Ross
Luke Rumull
Kristen Russell
Cynthia Rutledge
Joan M. Ryan
Barbara Ann Sachs
Safe Construction Co.
Stacey and Mark Sandvik
Patricia Santelli and David
William and Tosia Sauter
John and Pat Schalnus
Karen Schiller
Jane E. Schlansker
Memorial Gifts
In memory of Valerie Appell
Christine and Bill McKelvie
In memory of Eleanor Price
Jim and Jo Stanko
In memory of Stan Barnard
Paul and Sherry Barnard
In memory of John Rogan
Douglas and Susie Allen
In memory of John Belz
Steven and Marcia Kaufman
In memory of Michael Sabia
Steamboat Campground,
Tonrid and Christian, & Staff
In memory of Chris Corna
Marijo and Pat Moran
David and Dale Nicodemi
Patricia Santelli and David
Torian Plum Homeowners
Worldwest LLC - Steamboat
Pilot & Today
In memory of Mary Ann
Jim and Jo Stanko
In memory of Mary Grey
Linda and Hark Casner
In memory of George Kinkel
Gordon and Dorothy Gorrell
Dennis Hopkins
Carlyn and Ronald Staudt
In memory of Ernie Lombardi
Martin and Juanita McDermed
In memory of Elizabeth F.
Gary and Carol Berman
In memory of Sarah McAnally
Sari and Charles Cobb
Soniya Fidler
Katherine A. Gomez
Dennis and Patricia Kessler
Roy and Yvonne McAnally
Lou and Lisa Morquecho
In memory of Angus McLeod
Cynthia and James Gossen
Donald E. McLeod
Ronald and Carolyn Peterson
Carole Schneider
William and Anne Stagg
In memory of Cecil Weston
Joseph and Lynne Bier
Wayne and Janice Buntin
Willa Charlene Conklin
Jack and Joyce Christensen
Ann Crawford
Kenneth and Kathleen Dickey
Shirley Doolittle
Paul and Kathleen Edstrom
Donald and Jennifer Huckaby
Bob and Renee Johnson
Iva and Marvin Laman
Ben and Pat Leibbrandt
Robert and Mary Jane Logan
Joann Lombardi
Martin and Juanita McDermed
Dick and Karen Milner
Howard and Joann Morgan
John and Mary Norris
Michael and Marti Palmer
Bill and Jeanne Perry
Deanna H. Person
Clarence Pfundheller
Connie and Marion Plumb
Bill and Karen Pohlen
Janet Ray
Cliff and Kathy Reder
John and Pat Schalnus
Hugh and Deborah Sloan
Joy Walters
Doug and Linn Weston
Gerald and Pearl Weston
John and Ferrie Weston
Larry and Pat Weston
Moyne and Pat Weston
Roy and Nancy Weston
James and Patricia Woodcock
In memory of Jane A. Wray
Jacquelyn Kaster Torrens
In memory of Norma
Cindy R. Antonucci-Ameen
Colorado Group Realty, Inc.
Lee Findell
Betty and Clarence Wickstrom
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
January 1 - December 31, 2009
Laura and Mike Schmidt
Becky Schmidt
Krystal Schneider
Michael and Cheryl Schuldt
Tom and Lesley Schuldt
Heather Scott
Deborah A. Scott
Michael and Ginger Scott
Anthony and Emily Seaver
Stephen and Katherine Seleny
William and Carol Shafer
Tom and Sandy Sharp
Dr. John and Patricia Sharp
Judith Sheridan
Robert A. Shoaf
Amelia Sidinger
Barbara Siek
Silver Dollar Enterprises
Ann and Al Skiles
Heather and Erik Skinner
Donna J. Smiedt
Edelman Family
James and Gail Smith
Ryan D. Smith
Snow Bowl
Susan Sonnenschein and Rick Erb
Donita S. Soucek
Special Places of Steamboat
Toby Spikes
Suzanne Spiro
Nathaniel and Karina Spitzley
Jack Sprengle
Rulon and Linda Stacey
Scott and Kelly Stanford
Blake Stansbery
Carlyn and Ronald Staudt
Steamboat Home Loans
Steamboat Orthopaedic Assc, P.C.
Steamboat Real Estate, Inc.
Steamboat Reservations & Travel
Steamboat Shade & Shutter
Ben and Sheri Steiner
Virgil and Mary Anne Stemple
Robert and Daphne Stephens
Jessica Stevenson
Katie Stockhaus
Strawberry Park Elementary School
Deborah and Philip Street
Benjamin and Adrienne Strook
Styling in Steamboat
Joan and Richard Sullivan
Julie Sutton
Talulla, L.L.P.
Dale Terrell
Blythe A. Terrell
Brie Terrell
Earnest Thiel
Ernie Thiel
Guy Thomas
Lori and Danny Thompson
Jennifer and Mark Thomsen
Cheryl E. Thorp
Christopher and Anne Tisch
Sureva Towler
Diane and John Townes
Tom Traynor
Trinity Valley School
Darla and George Trujillo
Tuck Communication Svc, Inc.
Norbert and Melanie Turek
Amy and Dave Tweedy
Kathleen Ulmer
Sol and Jeanne Upbin
Pio Utu
Robert and Charla Valusek
Peggy Vanvliet
Connie Veskerna
Bobbie Vetter
Vision Service Plan
Dean Vogelaar
John and Jill Waldman
Mark Walker
Wanda L. Walker
Chris and Paul Walorski
Joy Walters
Kathy Watson
Elizabeth Watson
John and Geneal Watts
Weaver’s Waggin’ Wash
Karla Weeks
Aimee R. Weekslynn
John and Blair Weibel
Robert and Joanne Welsh
Western Slope Accounting Group
Doug and Linn Weston
Gerald and Pearl Weston
John and Ferrie Weston
Larry and Pat Weston
Moyne and Pat Weston
Roy and Nancy Weston
Betty and Clarence Wickstrom
Jennifer Wilkinson
Timothy and Holly Wilson
Shannon Winegarner
Sue Winters
Elizabeth Winters
Mary K. Wirta
James Wirta
Terri and Kirk Wishon
Gina and Patrick Wolfe
Robert and Karen Wolters
James and Patricia Woodcock
Woodland Trees Inc.
Jessica and Neil Woolf
Pamela and Abraham Wooster
Christopher Woytko
Teresa Wright
Heather Yeager
Elizabeth Zarlengo
10th Street Barber Shop
Abracadabra Hair Design
Aces High Services, Inc.
Affordable Flooring
All That Jazz
Alpine Taxi & Limo Inc.
Antares Restaurant
John Aragon
B & K Distributing
Back Country Provisions
Beau Jo’s Mountain Bistro
Bella Salon
Ben & Jerry’s
Kris and Bill Bensler
Hans R. Berend
Big Agnes
Big House Burgers Bottlecap Bar
Big O Tires
Black Tie Ski Rentals
Bombay Grill and Bar
Cameron Boyd
Jim Bronner
Bruin Banner & Sign
Bucking Rainbow Outfitters
BunkHouse Lodge
Cafe Diva, Inc.
Dan Callahan
Cantina Fresh Mexian Grill & Bar
Carr Farm
Catamount Ranch & Club
Central Park Liquor of
Steamboat Inc
Champu Hair Studio
Chez Nous
Christy Sports
City Market Grocery & Floral
City of Steamboat Springs
Colorado Bagel Company
Colorado Group Realty, Inc.
Taylor Cooper
Paula Cooper Black
Creek Company
Creekside Cafe & Grill
Crown Prints
Shalee Cunningham
Jan and Carol Curlee
David Chase Rugs & Furniture
Steve Dawes
Dermatology Center of
Steamboat Springs, PLLC
Double Z BBQ, Inc.
Drunken Onion
Duck Duck Goose
East West Frame Shop
Richard Eddington
The Egg & I
Elite Wellness - Alternative
Bodywork by Colleen
Elite Wellness - Simple Health,
Laurie Aigner
Elite Wellness, Cammie Monteith
Emerald City Opera
EN-R-G Foods, Inc.
Epilogue Book Company
Sandra Evans Hall
Exclusive Nails & Tan
Family Ancestry Video
Feldmann, Nagel & Associates
John Fershee
First String Music
Mike Forney
Gary Fresques, D.D.S.
Fusion Fit
Glen Eden Resort
Golf, Etc.
Gondola Pub & Grill
Grease Monkey
Steve and Lorraine Green
Kim Greenwood
Glenda Hachenberger
Rod Hanna
Noel Hanson
Hardage Fine Art Gallery
Harwigs & L’Apogee
Helm Eye Center
Hofmeister Personal Jewelers
John Holloway
Home on the Range
The Home Ranch
Jenn Warren Fitness
Kali’s Boutique
KBCR Radio
Brooks and Gail Kellogg
Kent Eriksen, Inc.
Olivia and Denny Kimmeth
Kristin Kronin
Legal Tender - Acoustic Music Duo
Life Essentials Spa
Light Works of Steamboat
Little Moon Essentials
Lockton Companies
Longford Aviation Inc.
Verne and Nancy Lundquist
Mahogany Ridge Brewery & Grill
Marabou Ranch
Scott and Lynn Marr/Holiday
Inn of Steamboat Springs
Bonnie McGee
Karl Mecklenburg
Phil Minch
Moots Cycles
Mountain Cuts
Mountain Eyeworks
Mountain Mattress and Bedding
Mountain Sports Kayak School
Mountain View Car Wash, Inc.
Natural Cleaners
Northwest Colorado VNA Inc.
Northwest Graphics, Inc.
Oak Creek Chiropractic and
Acupuncture Center
Old Town Hot Springs
Old Town Pub
Old West Steakhouse
One Stop Ski Shop
Orange Peel Bicycle Service, LLC
Ore House at the Pine Grove
Paragon Technology Group
Paws ‘n Claws ‘n Things
Perry Design Group Inc.
Pet Kare Clinic
Pineapple Fields Resort
The Portfolio Collection
Potter’s Wheel
Don Redlinger
Rex’s American Grill & Bar
Chris Rhodes
Riggio’s Ristorante
Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant
Rocking J Cattle
Romicks Into the West
Routt County Woolens
RSC Equipment Rental
Saddleback Ranch
Sanford Chiropractic
John Scherrill
Dr. Theodore S. Schrock and
Lane Schrock
Serenity Spa, Joan Peters
Serenity Spa, Valerie Pearl
Sheraton Steamboat Resort and
Brian and Janne Siegel
The Silver Lining
Ski Haus International
Sleeping Giant Gallery
Sprig Toys, Inc.
Starbucks Coffee
Steamboat Coffee Roasters
Steamboat Discount Liquors
Steamboat Flyfisher
Steamboat Interiors
Steamboat Meat & Seafood
Steamboat Motors
Steamboat Pilot & Today
Steamboat Powder Cats
Steamboat Powersports
Steamboat Restaurant Group
Steamboat Ski & Bike Kare
Steamboat Ski & Resort Corp.
Steamboat Smokehouse
Steamboat Snowmobile Tours
Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo
Series, Inc.
Steamboat TV 18
Steamboat Yacht Club
Greg and Mignon Stetman
Strings Music Festival
Summit Distributing
Sweet Pea Tours
Jim Swiggart
Tall Tulips Flower Shop
Diane and Jeff Tarnoff
Three Peaks Grill
Tin Man Inc.
Touchstone Promotions
Tim F. Townsend D.D.S
U.S. Foodservice
Dr. Maryann P. Wall
Weaver’s Waggin’ Wash
Adrienne Welder
Wild West Balloon Adventures
Wildhorse Salon and Spa
Wildhorse Stadium Cinemas
Dr. David Wilkinson
Wing-Time Buffalo Wing
Winona’s Restaurant
Larry Wonnacott
Troy Wonnacott
Yampa Valley Bank
Yampa Valley Sound Company
Zephyr Helicopter Company
Zirkel Wireless, LLC
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
ExxonMobil Foundation Mobil Retiree Match Gift
Bristol-Myers Squibb
We are grateful to
all of our generous
donors and sincerely
apologize if we have
accidentally omitted
any names from this
report. Please contact
the Foundation if you
feel we have made an
Financial Report
Oct 1, 2008 - Sept 30, 2009
2009 Revenue Sources
Total $1,304,256
� Special Events
� Contributions
� YVMC Operational Support
� Annual Giving
� YVMC Auxiliary
� Grants
� Interest Income
Funds Granted
in 2009
Total $436,219
� Doak Walker Care Center
� GrandKids Child Care Center
� Community
� Auxiliary Donation to YVMC
Sandy St. Clair
Please join us
in support of
Yampa Valley
Medical Center
Yampa Valley Medical Center
receives no tax support. With
the need for health care
services growing at a rate that
patient fees and insurance
payments can’t meet,
philanthropy is becoming ever
more essential to bridge the
gap and allow YVMC to
continue to provide the quality
of health care services that the
people of northwest Colorado
deserve. That’s where the
Healthcare Foundation for the
Yampa Valley comes in. HFYV
is a non-profit organization
whose mission is to support the
healthcare services of Yampa
Valley Medical Center for the
communities it serves.
Thank You!
Sandy St. Clair
HFYV Executive Director
HFYV Executive Director
Traci Day-Fenton
HFYV Development & Special Events
Joan Hodo
HFYV Donor & Gifts Management
Traci, Sandy, Joan
How You Can Make an Impact
Your gift to the Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa
Valley will make a positive impact on the health of our
community, directly affecting the lives of the people you
care most about: your family, loved ones, neighbors, and
friends. Please consider a contribution today for a healthier
tomorrow in the Yampa Valley.
Donations can be made to the Foundation for specific
hospital programs, projects, or equipment that are important
to you:
• Cardiac Services
• Cancer Services
• YVMC unrestricted – to be used for the greatest need
Thank You for Contributing!
During his 56 years of service, Doc Willett
established a remarkable legacy of caring for our
community that Yampa Valley Medical Center is
proud to continue today.
Judge Gooding was the first Chairman of the
Hospital Board, starting in 1946. He led the effort
to build the new community hospital.
1914 SOCIETY: $5,000–$9,999
Doc Willett planted the seeds for a thriving
Medical Center when he helped establish
Steamboat’s first community hospital in 1914.
LINCOLN SOCIETY: $2,500–$4,999
From 1914 to 1921, the local hospital was
housed in the building at 6th and Lincoln that is
currently the Old Town Pub.
ASPEN SOCIETY: $1,000–$2,499
In 1921, Doc Willett opened a new hospital in a
converted apartment building on 7th and Aspen.
2010 HFYV Board of Directors
Diane Tarnoff, Chair
Karl Gills, Vice Chair
Art Smith, Treasurer
Alice Klauzer, Secretary
Kris Bensler
Ron Branish
Meg Firestone
Wade Gebhardt
Renee Gilbertson
Steve Green
Glenda Hachenberger
Leslie Knutson
Dr. Tom Page
Sandy St. Clair
Geneva Taylor
Pam Vanatta
1950 SOCIETY: $500–$999
Routt Memorial Hospital was dedicated on
August 13, 1950.
Routt Memorial Hospital was located on Park
1999 SOCIETY: $100–$249
Yampa Valley Medical Center opened its doors on
November 21, 1999.
We continue to celebrate the community
members who are such an important part of our
healthcare heritage.
The Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
P.O. Box 883415 • Steamboat Springs, CO 80488
Phone: 970-871-0700 • Fax: 970-871-9148 • •