2008 Report to the Community - Yampa Valley Medical Center


2008 Report to the Community - Yampa Valley Medical Center
2008 Report
to the Community
Our mission is to provide excellent healthcare
to our communities through safe,
personalized and quality services.
Current Success, Future Progress
Welcome to Yampa Valley Medical Center’s
2008 Report to the Community, a sample of
the many services and programs we provide.
YVMC offers a breadth of services rarely
found in similar small communities. While
the environment for health care providers
continues to be a challenge, we feel very
proud of our ability to continue to grow
to meet the needs of northwest Colorado
residents and visitors.
Special recognition goes to our staff and
physicians, whose collective efforts were
recognized in 2007 by our patient satisfaction survey firm. For the fifth year in a row,
patient feedback placed YVMC in the top
ten of the 300 hospitals surveyed nationally
by Avatar International, Inc.
In 2007, planning began in earnest for a
Y a mp a V a l l e y M e d i c a l C e n t e r
facility expansion to double the size of our
Family Birth Place and build an additional
operating suite and minor procedure area.
The expansion will also alleviate some of the
crowding that has resulted from our growth
since the campus opened in 1999.
Two new services began in early 2008.
Heart Center of the Rockies, a cardio-thoracic
specialty practice based in Fort Collins,
opened a full-time Steamboat Springs office
in January. To support this service, the
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
has assisted YVMC in upgrading diagnostic
capabilities and is working to develop
resources for future needs.
YampaWorks, a new program providing
a full-scale occupational medicine service
to large and small businesses, launched
The Yampa Valley Medical Center 2008 Board of Trustees.
Front row: Vice Chair Nancy Stahoviak, Treasurer Tony Connell,
Jane McLeod, Karl Gills, Secretary Tim Jenkins, Amy Williams.
Back row: Dr. David Cionni, Dr. Jeanne Fitzsimmons,
John Duffey, Chair Dr. Sharon Gulley, Scott Marr,
Dr. William F. Cox, Jr., Ed Trousil.
Ear, nose and throat surgeon Maryann Wall, MD, performs
a septoplasty operation assisted by certified surgical
technologist Laurel Berry. A major expansion
of the surgery area is planned for 2008.
Thanks for Being There
in February 2008. This is the only service
designed around the specific needs of
employers and employees.
At the end of 2007, Jane McLeod
completed her term as Chair of the Board of
Trustees and was succeeded by Sharon Gulley,
M.D. We thank Jane for her leadership during
a time of significant growth. As we continue
our commitment to quality care and service
development, YVMC is well-positioned to
take on the challenges of the future.
Karl Gills CEO
Sharon Gulley, M.D.
Board Chair
Throughout this report, we feature letters from patients
who share their thanks for the care they received at YVMC.
Dear Karl,
I want to personally thank you for the service my daughter
Bailey, age 6, received in your Emergency Room on Thursday
evening, March 15, 2007.
Specifically, I would like to thank David Wilkinson, MD, and
Jeannie Karren, RN. Their kindness, competence and service
were great.
As a fellow Hospital Administrator, I know the service
issues that patients and families can encounter in an ER
experience. Karl, please know that we left our townhome for
your ED shortly before 6 p.m. and were back having dinner
by 7:15 p.m.
Excellent work and service by all! Thanks again for being
there for my family. Keep
up the great work!
Jeffrey D. Nowlin
Memorial Hermann
Memorial City Medical
Center, Houston, Texas
Patient satisfaction comes
first at YVMC. Jeannie Karren
and Annabelle Fisher are two of our registered nurses who helped
YVMC earn the Avatar International Five Star Service Award for
Overall Best Performer.
Presented in February 2007, the award places YVMC among the
top 10 hospitals in Avatar’s national database for the fifth year in a
row. Our Emergency Department was also honored for top service.
www . yvmc . o r g
Baby, We’re Growing!
Those bright little bundles of pink and
blue continue to arrive in record numbers.
Spurred by the ever-rising birth rate, YVMC
will break ground in 2008 to double the space
for the Family Birth Place, which includes the
Special Care Nursery.
The emphasis is on enhanced comfort,
privacy and support in a family-friendly design.
Features include a new family waiting room, a
lactation consultation room and an expanded
area for healthy babies and the Special Care
Nursery. Spacious rooms will accommodate a
support person for each mother.
Often, mothers are moved to the Medical/
Surgical unit for care after their babies
arrive due to overcrowding in the current
space. We anticipate being able to care for
all maternity patients within the expanded
Family Birth Place.
Y a mp a V a l l e y M e d i c a l C e n t e r
Expansion is also planned for the surgery
department, another area of steady growth. As
our surgeons continue to perform more cases
and more complicated surgeries, a fourth
operating room is needed. Additionally, two
new suites for minor procedures will offer
patients a less-intensive environment.
Construction crews are poised to begin
excavating and raising walls as soon as
the snow melts in the spring of 2008. The
two major building additions and a series
of internal remodeling projects will be
completed in 2009.
Not all of our expansion requires new
construction; numerous programs and services
are growing within existing space. A prime
example is cardiology. The valley’s first fulltime cardiologist, Dr. William Baker, arrived
in January 2008.
Family Birth Place staff welcomed a record number of newborns in
2007 and eclipsed the previous monthly record with 59 deliveries in
October. Pictured are Chip Parfitt, RN, of the Special Care Nursery,
Mary Gills, NNP, and Meg Widmer, RN, labor-delivery nurse.
Crews constructed an access route to facilitate an early spring
groundbreaking for the YVMC expansion.
The YampaWorks team includes Meg Montgomery, RN, BSN,
Ted Morton, CPTA, and Linda Starks, MSN, NP-C.
Cardiac Rehab Coordinator Susan Cowan, RN, MN, and
Medical Director William Baker, MD. Dr. Baker is the
region’s first full-time cardiologist.
As YVMC’s Medical Director of Cardiology,
Dr. Baker is overseeing the well-established
Cardiac Rehab program at SportsMed and
developing programs that can be supported
with a full-time cardiologist in the community.
YampaWorks launched the region’s first
comprehensive occupational medicine program
in February 2008. Director Ted Morton,
physicians specializing in occupational medicine
and YampaWorks staff provide needed services
to employers and their staffs, including:
■ Occupational physical exams and injury
■ Diagnostic services – from pulmonary
function tests to pain management
■ Drug and alcohol screening
■ Preventive services such as functional
capacity evaluations and ergonomic job
site evaluations
Treated with Special Care
Mr. Gills,
I am writing to you to thank you for the wonderful
experience my family had at your medical center. On June
19, 2007 I went into premature labor. From the moment I
entered Yampa Valley Medical Center I was treated by the
kindest and most helpful medical professionals.
My newborn son was treated with special care. I would
like to thank everyone I remember: Edie, JoAnne, Suzie,
Chip, Heather, Darlene, Amanda, Susan, Meg, Jeanne, Char,
Michelle, Ruth and Victoria.
Doctors Palmer, Bowman and Ahlmeyer all were absolutely amazing and made coming to Steamboat Springs
midway through my pregnancy such an easy transition. A
special thank you to Doctors Harner and Harrington and
their staff for taking special care of Kasen and me.
You are fortunate to have so many caring employees.
Nothing compares to how I was treated at your facility.
My deepest gratitude!
Angela Young ~ Steamboat Springs
www . yvmc . o r g
Technology Drives Advancements in Care
Medical care and technology are as
interdependent as skiing and snow. A
commitment by YVMC to purchase the latest
equipment and put it in the capable hands
of our healthcare professionals adds up to
continual advancements in care.
With strong support from our Healthcare
Foundation for the Yampa Valley, YVMC was
able to enhance cancer diagnosis and improve
nuclear medicine studies in 2007.
Pathologist William F. Cox, Jr., M.D.,
expanded his field of vision with a 12.1megapixel microscope camera attachment.
He can magnify the cells, view them on a
full-screen monitor and consult with Denver
colleagues who see the images simultaneously. The camera is an important tool in
Y a mp a V a l l e y M e d i c a l C e n t e r
diagnosing numerous serious diseases.
The new nuclear medicine camera
produces superior images and a more
comfortable experience for patients. Exam
times have been reduced by half, said YVMC
Lead Nuclear Technologist Kevin Chapman.
Nuclear medicine studies provide vital
information about bones and organs; they
also measure the effect of cancer treatments
on the heart.
A new program at SportsMed relies on
technology to help determine the causes
and extent of incontinence and pelvic pain.
Biofeedback is an important part of the
individualized therapy that helps adults and
children take control of their lives by gaining
control of their bladders.
Kevin Chapman demonstrates YVMC’s new gamma camera used for
nuclear medicine studies.
Therapists Kim Miles and Marybeth Strotbeck review patient data.
Biofeedback is an important component of incontinence treatment
at SportsMed.
Tracie Line, NNP, obtains an oxygen reading on Shane Rocco
Mariano for a research study on how altitude affects newborns.
The Nurses were Outstanding
Technology plays a role in a study that may
one day guide care standards for healthy babies
born at moderate altitudes. YVMC Neonatal
Nurse Practitioner Tracie Line, with assistance
from Jane Dickinson, YVMC Diabetes Education
Program Director, recruited Brigham Young
University and Intermountain hospitals in
Utah to lead the study in which several
mountain-town hospitals are participating.
Line hopes to discover and publish
the oxygen-saturation norm for healthy
newborns. “We want this study to benefit
the worldwide medical community, not just
our little corner of northwest Colorado,” she
said. “This could have an impact on all babies
born in the Rocky Mountain West and at
similar altitudes around the world.”
Dear Mr. Gills,
I want to express my sincere thanks to all the staff for the
excellent care I received during my recent hip replacement
surgery on August 16, 2007.
My surgeon was Michael Sisk. He was superb and
gave me great confidence and care. All the nurses
were outstanding but there was
one nurse that I would like to
Carrie Hoover was on the
night-shift for most of my stay.
When she entered my room
I never had to ask her to do
something. She always knew
exactly what I needed without
me saying anything. She was
very efficient and at the same
time demonstrated exceptional
caring and medical ability.
I am very grateful for the
Four months after her
success of my surgery and that I
replacement surgery
chose to have it done at YVMC.
Pam VR Long
Palm City, Florida and
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
at YVMC, Pam Long
enjoys a snowshoe
trek along Stagecoach
www . yvmc . o r g
Cancer Services Growing to Meet Needs
Sharon Schoening feels blessed that the
care she requires is available at Yampa Valley
Medical Center. “I didn’t even know that
cancer services were here until I needed
them,” she said.
YVMC has been providing chemotherapy
and other cancer care services since 1990.
Registered nurse Jan Fritz, who has coordinated the program on a part-time basis
since the beginning, is now the new full-time
Director of Cancer Services at YVMC.
“The dimensions of cancer care have grown
and the treatment options have become
more complex,” said Karl Gills, CEO. “Jan’s
commitment enables us to take the next step
in enhancing the total care experience for our
cancer patients.”
The need for cancer care continues to
grow in the Yampa Valley. YVMC patients are
well-served by the oncologists who provide
Y a mp a V a l l e y M e d i c a l C e n t e r
advanced care and the latest treatments. Dr.
Allen Cohn and Dr. Robert Rifkin practice at
Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers in Denver
and regularly see patients in Steamboat.
As medical treatment evolves, Jan also
looks beyond the disease to what she
considers the most important thing: how the
patients are going to live with cancer.
“We do everything we can to keep our
patients in the best place they can be,
addressing their physical, emotional, and
nutritional needs,” Jan explained.
For example, physical therapy and treatment of lymphedema, both offered at
YVMC’s SportsMed, can help counteract the
effects of cancer. Just a few steps across the
hall, patients can get free information on
current cancer research at the Community
Health Resource Center.
For the few cancer-related services that
YVMC’s patients find comfort in a warm and soothing environment
at the Infusion/Chemotherapy Center.
Jan Fritz, RN, YVMC’s new Director of Cancer Services,
and oncologist Al Cohn, M.D.
As Women’s Imaging Coordinator, Julie Isaacs assists women with
diagnostic tests at YVMC and helps arrange follow-up care.
Each One is an Angel
are not provided locally, YVMC supplies
guidance and support. Julie Isaacs, a longtime
radiologic technologist and mammographer
at YVMC, was named Women’s Imaging
Coordinator in 2007. Julie helps women
navigate through the system when followup diagnostic imaging is needed.
Sharon Schoening is grateful to be able to
stay so close to home for her care, which she
calls remarkable.
“My surgery was immediate, every question I have is answered, and everyone is very
compassionate. I have had overwhelming
support,” she said.
“The whole town of Hayden has rallied for
me, helping me get to my chemo treatments
and bringing us meals. I can’t imagine having
to travel all the way to Denver when you
have cancer.”
I would like to thank Jan Fritz, Terri Hawkins, Shannon
Sheldon, Tina Wilkerson and Lynn Jones in the Infusion/
Chemotherapy Center, where I have spent the last
six months undergoing treatment.
I must say this is the best facility, with state-of-theart equipment and
quality care that I
believe is unsurpassed in the state.
The staff and
surgeons in your
outpatient surgery
department have
treated me with
the utmost respect
and dignity and
Terri Hawkins, RN, who provides
made my time
cancer care at the YVMC Infusion/
there most pleasChemotherapy Center, checks blood
ant and comfortpressure for Sharon Schoening.
able. Each one of
them is an Angel who helped me through a most difficult
time. They treated me as a person, rather than a number.
Please share with all the nurses and Drs. McCaulley and
Hermacinski my deep gratitude for their compassion and
excellent care and their obviously deep commitment to
their work.
Sharon L. Schoening
www . yvmc . o r g
Volunteers “STAR” at YVMC
Our 200 volunteers make a difference
every day at YVMC, providing an invaluable
resource for patients and staff. In 2007 we
introduced two new programs.
STAR stands for Safety Teaching using
Auxiliary Resources. The STAR service helps
patients to become active participants in
their health care. YVMC Auxiliary volunteers
sit down with patients and encourage them
to be educated, involved and curious.
“We hope to break down the barriers
between patients and care providers,” said
Linda Casner, Senior Director of Patient Safety
and Clinical Education and founder of STAR.
“It’s a way for patients to feel more in control
in a place where they may feel vulnerable.”
On the outpatient side, the SportsMed
Players have raised the level of service at our
physical therapy and rehabilitation center.
“Not only do they allow our therapists
and aides to spend more time with patients,
Y a mp a V a l l e y M e d i c a l C e n t e r
they enhance our welcoming atmosphere,”
said Peggy Van Vliet, SportsMed clinic
coordinator and Players founder.
SportsMed Players prepare hot and ice
packs, clean tables and equipment, and
restock supplies. They also greet patients,
bring reading materials and offer moral
The Players are a great fit with our
“SportsMed spirit,” an upbeat atmosphere
that helps the healing process.
Many Auxiliary members devote time to
the Rubber Ducky Race, a popular fundraiser.
The thousands of duckies that swam down
the Yampa River allowed thousands of
dollars to be poured into a complete remodel
of the family waiting room on the Patient
Care Unit.
For information about volunteer opportunities at YVMC, call 970-879-1146 or visit
SportsMed Player Ann Ross offers comfort to patient Kelly Proudley,
while Physical Therapist Tracy Parcheta works on her knee.
The Yampa Valley Medical Center Auxiliary, Healthcare Foundation
for the Yampa Valley and Irene Nelson Interiors funded a remodeling
of the family waiting room at YVMC in 2007. Pictured left to right:
Dasha Durian, Irene Nelson, Terry Sherrill, Lynn Davis, Darcy Coale
and Lee Gamble.
Mya Boehm and her Special Friend, J.D. Gifford, celebrate her
4th birthday at the Doak Walker Care Center.
Creating A Community
We never stop wanting to give back. This cornerstone
of the national Eden Alternative philosophy is embraced
by residents at the Doak Walker Care Center who
continue to find meaningful ways to help others.
On Denim Day, staff members pay for the privilege of
wearing jeans to work, and the elders donate proceeds
to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer
research. Funds generated at an annual holiday crafts
and bake sale have purchased phone cards for our troops
overseas and assisted with multiple sclerosis research.
The newly renamed Community Life department
enriches the lives of our residents. A men’s group lunches
together monthly. Elders host wedding and baby
showers for staff, dispensing sage advice and well wishes.
A “getting to know you lunch” welcomes new residents.
Our monthly activities calendar, planned with input
from residents, includes plenty of interactions with
the infants, toddlers and preschoolers who attend our
on-site GrandKids Child Care Center. Whether enjoying
ice cream socials or spontaneous hugs, everything feels
better when generations are growing together.
An Amazing Team
Dear Staff of ICU at Yampa Valley Medical Center,
We would like to thank you from the bottom
of our hearts for the wonderful care and extra TLC
you gave Brendan after his snowboarding injury.
Special thanks go to Dr. Allen Belshaw, nurses
Melissa Uchitelle-Rogers and Annabelle Fisher,
and case manager Jane Howell.
Your expertise and kind, caring manner were
so gratefully appreciated. You are an amazing
team and a credit to your profession.
Now that we are back home in Canada we
reflect back on how his unfortunate accident was
eased by so many who cared.
Thank you,
Dawne & Ben Lucas (& Brendan too)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
www . yvmc . o r g
Physicians on the 2008 Medical Executive Committee.
Front row: Secretary/Treasurer John Lupori, Chief of Staff
Jeanne Fitzsimmons, Vice Chief of Staff Scott Kempers.
Back Row: Medical Affairs Director Larry Bookman, Vice Chair
Department of Surgery/Quality Management Medical Director
David Wilkinson, Chair Department of Medicine Jennifer Kempers.
Physicians missing from photo: Vice Chair Department of Medicine
Brain Harrington, Chair Department of Surgery Andreas Sauerbrey,
Professional Services Medical Director John Sharp.
Active Medical Staff
Catherine Johnson, M.D.
Scott Kempers, M.D.
Eric Meyer, M.D.
Jeffrey Pal, M.D.
William Baker, M.D.*
David Banks, D.D.S.
Ted Schrock, D.M.D.
Sandra Eivins, M.D.
Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery
Maryann Wall, M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Nathan Anderson, M.D.
Larry Bookman, D.O.
David Cionni, M.D.
Jeanne Fitzsimmons, M.D.
Laila Powers, M.D.
Laura Sehnert, M.D.*
David Wilkinson, M.D.
Family Medicine
James Dudley, M.D.
Phaedra Fegley, M.D.*
Lisa Harner, M.D.
Brian Harrington, M.D., M.P.H.
Rosanne Iversen, M.D.
Daniel Smilkstein, M.D.
David Williams, M.D.
Kristin Wilson, M.D.
Leslie Ahlmeyer, M.D.
Mary Bowman, M.D.
Megan Palmer, M.D.
David Schaller, M.D.
James Summers, D.O.
John Sharp, M.D.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
John Lupori, M.D., D.D.S.
General Surgery
Allen Belshaw, M.D.
Mark Hermacinski, M.D.
Al Weimer, D.D.S.
Internal Medicine
Kevin Borgerding, M.D.
Jennifer Kempers, M.D.
Mark McCaulley, M.D.
Lambert Orton, M.D.
Internal Medicine/Pediatrics
Louise Thielen, M.D.
Mark Helm, M.D.
Orthopaedic Hand and Upper
Extremity Surgery
Andreas Sauerbrey, M.D.
Orthopaedic Spine Surgery
Henry F. Fabian, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Bryan Bomberg, M.D.
Lori Harrington, M.D.
Greg Sarin, D.O.
Michael Sisk, M.D.
Eric Verploeg, M.D.
Pain Management
Brian Siegel, M.D.
Y a mp a V a l l e y M e d i c a l C e n t e r
William F. Cox, Jr., M.D.
Ronald Famiglietti, M.D.
Dana Fitzgerald, M.D.
Sheila Fountain, M.D.
Mary McMurray, M.D.
Steven Ross, M.D.
Plastic Surgery
John Lupori, M.D., D.D.S.
Scott Sulentich, M.D.
Maryann Wall, M.D.
Kristen Boyce, D.P.M.
Kimberly Nordstrom, M.D., J.D.
J.D. Gilliland, M.D.
Fred Jones, M.D.
Robert Lile, M.D.
Rick Brothers, M.D.
Stacy Childs, M.D.
James Haden, M.D.
* Physicians who joined the active
medical staff in 2007/2008.
Thanks to the Doctors
I want to personally thank Dr. Kevin Borgerding, and Allison
Bowdre, PA-C, for the care they provided. They were true
professionals and very knowledgeable, friendly and open in
their discussions.
Pete Pedersen ~ Monument, Colorado
Consulting/Associate Medical Staff
The following individuals regularly practice medicine or dentistry
in Steamboat Springs.
Addiction Medicine
Dawn Obrecht, M.D.
Pamela Kinder, M.D.
Roger Ashmore, M.D.
Thomas Downes, M.D.
Gary Luckasen, M.D.
Todd Whitsitt, M.D.
Oncology/Internal Medicine
Allen Cohn, M.D.
Robert Rifkin, M.D.
Curtis Comeau, D.D.S.
Gary Fresques, D.D.S.
Neil Ganz, D.D.S.
Sunshine Lodwick, D.D.S.
James McCreight, D.D.S.
Jeffrey Piaskowy, D.M.D.
Emergency Medicine
Kelly Bookman, M.D.
Jeff Hill, M.D.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Karl Heggland, D.D.S.
Orthopaedic Hand Surgery
Sean Griggs, M.D.
Charles Hamlin, M.D.
Orthopaedic Joint Revision
Jerome Wiedel, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery
Richard Rende, M.D.
Family Medicine
William Geserick, M.D.
Gregory Achenbach, M.D.
General Surgery
Michael Peetz, M.D.
Richard Berkley, M.D.
William Philip, M.D.
Carole Milligan, M.D.
Just so you know, I drive 6 hours to be treated at your
hospital. I have a lot of trust in the hospital and Dr. Bryan
Comment on patient survey
So in comes my savior, Dr. Jim Summers. All I can say is wow!
He was knowledgeable, smart, a great surgeon, and had a
perfect bedside manner. He even gave me tips on the things I
was still able to do post-op to salvage the rest of my vacation.
I’m very thankful to have had such a great OB/Gyn.
Dr. Kimberly Wright, OB/Gyn ~ Naperville, Illinois
As I am nearing full recovery from my “little bicycle incident”
in June, I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to the
nursing staff and Dr. Mark Hermacinski for their attention
during my stay at YVMC. Being away from home, I was very
grateful for the care, understanding and support through
what was a difficult time.
David Currie ~ Houston, Texas
Dr. Jennifer Kempers was very pleasant and knowledgeable.
Her treatment was the very best! After each examination
Dr. Kempers stated that I was doing great, and left me no
unanswered questions. She even wrote the names of all my
medications on my tablet so I could tell my primary physician
what I was given.
Eddie Robinson ~ San Antonio, Texas
Rehabilitation Medicine
Cliff Gronseth, M.D.
John Tobey, M.D.
www . yvmc . o r g
Patient Financial Counselors Kris Seybold and Stephanie Courson
guide patients through the process to qualify for charity care and
other financial assistance programs provided by YVMC.
Non-Profit, No Tax Support
What does non-profit mean? At Yampa
Valley Medical Center, it means:
■ Receiving no tax support.
■ Providing $2.25 million in charity care in
■ Using all revenues in excess of costs to
develop medical services.
■ Offering a generous financial assistance
program for patients.
■ Providing numerous programs that
benefit the community.
Northwest Colorado’s only non-profit,
non-tax-supported medical center, YVMC
depends solely on patient care revenue and
charitable gifts.
YVMC needs to maintain a positive margin
as any business does. Our margin is generally
at or below national recommendations for
small and rural hospitals.
Y a mp a V a l l e y M e d i c a l C e n t e r
These funds are used to:
■ Keep nurse-to-patient ratios well above
national standards
■ Retain and recruit qualified staff
■ Purchase state-of-the-art medical
■ Add new services
■ Enhance existing programs
■ Maintain the buildings and campus
■ Expand to meet future needs
Our financial performance is achieved
while maintaining overall charges and
expenses below comparable hospitals and
state averages, according to Colorado
Hospital Association data.
Through careful management and community support, YVMC will continue to
provide quality care while meeting the
financial challenges that all hospitals face.
Financial Report
Yampa Valley Medical Center
Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2007
We charged our patients
for inpatient services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,700,041
for outpatient services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,320,122
for extended care services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,366,591
Subtotal patient service revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $86,386,754
We charged but did not receive full payments
from governmental programs (Medicare, Medicaid) . . . $15,603,296
from negotiated and other discounts & allowances . . . . . . 4,835,851
from uncollectable accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,915,059
Subtotal discounts and allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,354,206
We provided charity care totaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,258,089
Total net patient services revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $61,774,459
In addition, we received
from GrandKids Child Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $529,864
from contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448,617
from interest income on investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,806,768
from other sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218,114
Subtotal other revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,003,363
Total revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $64,777,822
What it cost
to pay our employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,796,160
to provide employee benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,079,756
to purchase supplies, insurance, utilities, other . . . . . . . . . 23,776,750
to pay interest on debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,914,049
for depreciation of plant and equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,328,885
Total cost of caring for patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $57,895,600
Revenue over operating expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,882,222
Cost of restructuring long-term debt . . . . . . . . . . . . ($1,402,357)
Net income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,479,865
Total return patient service revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.34%
Total principal payment on long-term debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,405,000
Total capital equipment and facility purchases . . . . . . . . . . . $2,180,000
Forever Grateful
Just a note of thanks and appreciation
for your wonderful health care providers
and for all the help that Kris Seybold,
a patient account representative, has
given me.
After losing my medical insurance, I
hoped nothing serious would land me in
the hospital, but unfortunately that was
not to be.
I told Kris that my husband and I had
both retired and the rest of our money
problems. She is an angel and helped me
so much. I’m forever grateful.
Thank you ever so much,
Diane Gama
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Above and Beyond
To the Billing Office personnel,
Thank you for all of your attention to
Ron’s billing and insurance information.
You have gone above and beyond to get
the billing corrected and taken care of.
Too often the people behind the scenes
don’t get credit at all. Karen BrantWachsman did such a fantastic job with
a complex insurance situation. Thank
you for your effort and results!
Lois and Ron Stoffle ~ Maybell
www . yvmc . o r g
Information at Your Fingertips
Our commitment to technology at YVMC
is not limited to medical care. We also use it
to connect with patients and the public. That’s
why we redesigned the entire www.yvmc.org
site with you in mind.
We invite you to log on and use the site.
You will notice a bright new look and more
information. It should be easier to find what
you need. You can even pay your bill online.
“Patients can view their statements,
update their address or any insurance
information, or send us an email with questions,” said Mike Nelson, YVMC’s Director of
Revenue Cycle. “Some patients had requested
this and we are happy to oblige.”
Other ways you can use the new and
improved www.yvmc.org site:
Y a mp a V a l l e y M e d i c a l C e n t e r
View the CPR class schedule
Download a joint replacement surgery
patient book
■ Find a physician
■ Apply for a job online
■ Make a gift to our foundation
■ Send a thank you to staff
■ See the YVMC department phone list
■ Read past Monday Medical columns
■ Request a copy of your medical records
■ Discover volunteer opportunities
Quality medical care and a strong hospital
are important elements in any thriving
community. Visiting www.yvmc.org will give
you insight into the spectrum of care offered
by YVMC, northwest Colorado’s regional
medical center.
YVMC is the Place to Stay
The new homepage features the latest news
and direct links to our event calendar, online
bill pay and Find A Physician pages.
CPR instructor Jim Johnsen assists Jesse
Florquist with her technique. All of YVMC’s
classes, Taking Care of Me programs and
other special events are listed on the event
calendar on our Web site, www.yvmc.org.
Vital StatisticS 2007
Inpatient admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,955
Patient days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,345
ICU days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Special Care Nursery days . . . . . . . . . 413
Emergency visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,105
Ski/snowboard injuries . . . . . . . . . . 1,759
Other outpatient visits . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,766
Surgical cases & treatments . . . . . . . . 4,119
Newborn deliveries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
CT scans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,435
MRI scans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,808
Mammograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,350
Other radiology procedures . . . . . . . . 13,361
Laboratory tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99,232
Pain Management cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
Respiratory therapy treatments . . . . 12,685
Sleep disorder studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Infusion therapy visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,284
Chemotherapy treatments . . . . . . . . . 3,369
SportsMed visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,465
Cardiac Rehab visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,147
Meals served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230,208
Volunteer hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,771
Heeling Friends patient visits . . . . . . . . 650
DWCC resident days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,516
GrandKids full-day visits . . . . . . . . . . 10,577
Thank you notes emailed through our web site, www.yvmc.org.
I was treated in the ER in October 2007, later in the evening. Ann Compton
was my nurse and Dr. Laura Sehnert was my physician. They were both very
attentive and sympathetic to my issues, being very professional at the same
time. I cannot tell you what a difference it makes when you don’t feel well to
be treated with such care!
Kimberly Cardille ~ Steamboat Springs
To Annabelle Fisher, Connie Andrews and Mona Warren:
Annabelle: Just a quick note to thank you for your loving and conscientious
care during my stay in your hospital December 31, 2007. You are particularly
compassionate, careful and professional in your care. I very much appreciate it.
Mona: Nights are especially difficult for patients but you made me feel
comfortable and safe. Your nursing skills are superb but your personal interest
in me and my welfare was extraordinary.
Connie: You were so thoughtful of me and my needs that you could have
been my sister. Your enthusiasm for the comfort of your patients is special. I
am so glad I was a beneficiary of your work.
I am home, safe, sound and well. Thank you again and may your 2008 be
Karen Grubaugh ~ Boerne, Texas
I just wanted to let you know that during the stay I had at YVMC for my
knee replacement surgery in July 2007, the nurses and nursing assistants were
the best ever.
Everyone that I encountered, from the housekeeping staff to the CNAs
to the nurses to the doctors, was just wonderful. I should also include the
admissions staff that pre-registered me and the physical therapy staff. YVMC
is the place to stay if you need to be hospitalized.
Debra Crouch ~ Hot Sulphur Springs
I was a day surgery patient in August 2007. I just wanted to say thank
you for the professional, caring way you treated me during what was an
emotionally trying time for my husband and I. I was in contact with people
in admissions, the lab, and of course everyone in day surgery, nurses, doctors
and anesthesia.
The process was smooth, everyone was compassionate and again,
professional. I would love it if you would forward this email to all appropriate
departments and to anyone else who might like to know what a top-notch
facility you have!
Kristen ~ Steamboat Springs
www . yvmc . o r g
The mission of the Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley is to support the healthcare services of Yampa
Valley Medical Center for the communities it serves.
Our purpose is to help build a stronger medical center with a secure future – a task and responsibility that
must be shared by all stakeholders. The challenges facing YVMC are substantial and we are committed to building
successful fundraising programs and sustain the momentum YVMC needs to succeed.
Our Board of Directors
Ron Branish
Retired, CFO Craig Hospital, Denver
Steve Cavanagh
Retired, President TCD Inc., Contractor
This Report to the Community is an
opportunity to express deep appreciation to
each of our dedicated Foundation Board of
Directors. Without their selfless commitment
to the mission of the Foundation, the work
could not be accomplished. These dedicated
board members support the residents and
visitors of northwest Colorado to help them
live healthier lives.
Partner, Wilton Development of Steamboat
Steve Dawes
President, Dawes & Associates, Inc.
Traci Day-Fenton
Director of Client Development, Woodstone Consulting
Wade Gebhardt
Vice President, Wells Fargo Bank
Steve Green
Owner, Steve Green Co.
Alice Klauzer
Assistant Vice President, Marketing, Alpine Bank
Diane Tarnoff, Chair
Scott Marr, C.P.A.
Karl Gills, Vice Chair
Dr. Jim McCreight
Art Smith, Secretary
Dr. Tom Page
Retired, Television/Media Executive (NBC, Fox, CBS)
CEO, Yampa Valley Medical Center
Retired, Founder of Smith Petroleum Company
Dr. Marilyn Johnson, President
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
Kris Bensler
Volunteer, Homemaker
Tony Connell
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
Owner, Holiday Inn of Steamboat Springs
McCreight Progressive Dentistry
Managing Partner, Children’s Primary Care Medical Group,
San Diego
Geneva Taylor
Retired, Banking Professional
Pam Vanatta
Broker/Owner, Prudential Steamboat Realty
Message from the Chair
Dr. Marilyn Johnson
Bonnie Bunker
Associate Director of Development
Nancy Kaminski
Associate Director of Prospect
Management and Tracking
Joan Hodo
Executive Administrative Assistant
Linda Johnson, CPA
Foundation Accountant
Working in partnership – investing in critical health
care for our communities
Each year, it is important to pause and assess what we
are achieving and determine our goals for the future.
Yampa Valley Medical Center is constantly looking to the
future, identifying emerging needs, such as new portable
ultrasound equipment, an upgraded CT scanner to expand
cardiology service, an enhanced chemotherapy service,
nursing education to help address the shortage of RNs and
to upgrade their skills and expanding facility needs. We at
the Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley embrace
and support this vision by developing new programs and
partnerships that will allow all of us to have the opportunity
to be part of this exciting investment in our future.
We know that by working together we can achieve
our goals. It is a philosophy that starts at home with everincreasing collaboration among our board members,
physicians, nurses, employees and administrators, and
extends to our growing number
of partnerships with generous
donors, volunteers, corporations
and organizations.
The future is here and with
everyone’s help, it is ours! YVMC
is the one community nonprofit organization that has the
potential to touch the lives of
every resident and visitor. Please
become our partner in this exciting
and important journey.
“Because life is precious, we encourage giving to life and
a lifetime of giving.” ~ Anonymous
Thank you for your support in giving the gift of health!
Diane Tarnoff, Chair
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
About the Foundation
The Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa
Valley helps Yampa Valley Medical Center to
purchase medical equipment and provide
life-saving services and programs. It has a
vital and continuing role in preserving and
enhancing services.
Established in 2001, the Foundation is a
non-profit 501(c)(3) public charity. It provides
financial support for the non-profit Yampa
Valley Medical Center, which does not receive
any tax assistance and relies on charitable
donations. As the principal fundraising body
for YVMC, the Foundation is dedicated to
working with the community to improve the
quality of life for this and future generations
of families and others in need of quality
In an era of rising demand and costs that
YVMC faces for providing care, the challenge
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
for the Foundation is not only to maintain
community support for YVMC, but also
to increase it. To achieve this goal, the
Foundation is committed to the pursuit of
excellence in the quality of YVMC’s services,
efficient fundraising, cost-effectiveness,
integrity, accessibility and good governance
and administration.
OUR VISION: To be renowned for creating
innovative and effective fundraising and
awareness campaigns for the benefit of
Yampa Valley Medical Center.
To support the premier regional medical
center of northwest Colorado, Yampa Valley
Medical Center, in order to provide those
medical services where we can achieve
excellence and create a dedicated referral
Karen Schulman receives a chemotherapy infusion from
Tina Wilkerson, RN at the Infusion/Chemotherapy Center.
Photo courtesy of Karen Schulman
Jean Galusha, a resident of Doak Walker Care Center,
enjoys an ice cream cone with Mya Boehm and
Paige Watson from GrandKids.
Supporting Healthcare
Karen sat in a comfortable recliner bed, headphones piping
soothing music to her ears and an intravenous line pumping
lifesaving fluids into her body. A few hundred yards down the hall,
George sat in a lively and colorful dining room enjoying a vanilla
soft-serve ice cream cone, his wheelchair parked among a throng of
friends all enjoying life’s simple pleasure.
The high-tech Infusion/Chemotherapy Center and an oldfashioned ice cream machine have something in common – the
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley – the organization that
helped fund the equipment that is improving the health and wellbeing of residents throughout northwest Colorado.
Donations enable the Foundation to support, establish or
expand many important projects and programs as well as purchase
equipment so that you and your loved ones can be cared for by your
community, in your community.
“The staff took excellent care of me. They became like family. A
scary situation became a very positive experience. After treatment
I didn’t always feel good and it made a big difference being able
to have this care in my own community where people could drop
by the chemo center and visit,” says Karen Schulman, professional
photographer and a patient of the Foundation-supported Infusion/
Chemotherapy Center.
The care Denny Swanson’s brother received from the Doak Walker
Care Center was as much about an ice cream social as it was the hightech, state-of-the-art equipment. In gratitude, Denny and his wife,
Joy, donated a soft-swirl ice cream machine to make the weekly ritual
of seniors joyfully sharing a tasty treat with giggling toddlers from
GrandKids Child Care Center even more special.
“We want to create a community with the residents, children
and staff, friends and family so life here is like home,” says Celia
Buckley, Doak Walker Care Center’s Community Life Coordinator.
“This generous donation helps create daily pleasures that are really
important ways to bring us together.”
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
Healthcare Foundation Funds in Action
The Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa
Valley raises funds to help Yampa Valley
Medical Center purchase state-of-the-art
medical equipment and support life-saving
services, training and education programs.
YVMC’s extensive and diverse needs are
directly related to the treatment and care of
thousands of patients each year.
Some programs, services, technology and
equipment the Foundation supports include:
Cancer prevention and detection,
establishing the Infusion/Chemotherapy
Computerized mammography systems
Cardiac services
Chronic disease management
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
SportsMed’s Pediatric Therapy Services
Emergency medical services, ultrasound
Doak Walker Care Center
GrandKids Child Care Center
Community health and wellness education
Upgraded technology throughout YVMC
Nursing education and training
Special clinical initiatives
The Radiology Department’s new Cardiolite
nuclear medicine camera, purchased with
Foundation funding, allows technicians to
scan patients in half the time and with higher
quality images than the previous equipment.
“It’s a huge benefit and patients are much
happier,” says Kevin Chapman, Lead Nuclear
Medicine Technician.
The Doak Walker Care Center is one of many community health
programs that receive funding from the Healthcare Foundation for
the Yampa Valley.
Dr. William Cox, YVMC Pathologist examines a liver tissue
specimen that is projected onto his computer screen using a new
12.1-megapixel camera.
Seven-year-old Armando takes part in a SportsMed Pediatric
Therapy Services outing to Steamboat Pilates.
Funds Go to Work
Community Grantmaking
■ Lift-Up of Routt County Prescription Fund
■ Yampa Valley Medical Center Employee
Assistance Program through donations
from YVMC employees
■ Colorado West Recovery Center
■ Advocates Against Battering & Abuse
■ Routt County Emergency Medical Services
■ Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse
■ Bonfils Colorado Marrow Donor Program
■ Partners in Routt County Healthy
Lifestyles – school-based mentoring
■ North Park Medical Center
The Healthcare Foundation also receives
and administers funds for other community
health, medical, educational and charitable
purposes. The Foundation does not provide
philanthropic support for reimbursable patient
care expenses or the general operating budget.
Kathy and Steve Cain wanted to honor the memory
of their friend, Steamboat Springs builder Pat “Cowboy”
Nugent who died of melanoma, by raising money to help
others in Steamboat receive local cancer treatments. With
guidance from the Foundation, “Team Cain” received
donations to run in the Chicago Marathon. Their effort
brought nearly $10,000 for the Infusion/Chemotherapy
Center and for a new 12.1-megapixel camera to aid YVMC
pathologist Dr. William F. Cox Jr. in diagnosing cancerous
tumors and other diseases.
“This technology is what you find in large metropolitan
hospitals,” Dr. Cox says. “Now we have it here thanks to this
donation augmenting the cancer care abilities of YVMC. This
type of community support has an enormous impact.”
Many programs and services offered by Yampa Valley
Medical Center rely primarily on philanthropy for their
continued existence, and others count on gifts to enhance or
expand their programs. Countless lives have been touched
through the initiatives of the Healthcare Foundation for the
Yampa Valley.
“We wouldn’t be able to serve the number of people or
provide the level of services without donor support,” says
Beth Staunton, occupational therapist for YVMC’s Pediatric
Therapy Services at SportsMed about the Foundation’s
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
Fundraising Events
To support its charitable mission, the Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley conducts special
events each year aimed at raising funds to enhance the health and wellness of our communities.
5th Annual Penguin Plunge
Saturday, March 29 – Noon at Lake Catamount
Jump in and take the plunge in a really
“cool” fundraising event. With a goal to raise
$167,000 to purchase a sensor monitor for
emergency and intensive care patients at
Yampa Valley Medical Center, fundraising
“penguins” gather donations and form teams
(penguin colonies) with co-workers, friends
and family. Teams jump, flip or otherwise
enter the icy water at Lake Catamount, then
quickly move to the hot tub before joining
the Post Plunge Party.
11th Annual Ski Town USA Golf Classic &
Benefit Auction
Friday and Saturday, June 27-28 – Haymaker
Golf Course and Catamount Ranch & Club
Driving the ball toward their $175,000
fundraising goal to benefit cardiac services
at YVMC, the Healthcare Foundation,
Steamboat Dream Team and Steamboat
Springs Rotary Club promise an ace of an
event. Attracting more than 200 community
members and guests from all over the nation,
the Ski Town USA Golf Classic & Benefit
Auction has raised more than $1 million since
its inception.
To become an event sponsor, participant or volunteer, please contact:
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
The SmartWool Rockhopper Penguin Colony prepares to take the
A Ski Town USA participant makes a putt at Catamount Ranch &
Club golf course.
Suzanne Turner, a Foundation volunteer, challenges the
“One-Armed Bandit” at Casino Night.
Join the Team
4th Annual Casino Night
Saturday, August 2 - Steamboat Grand Resort
The old “One-Armed Bandits” will rake in
some cold cash for a worthy cause to raise
funds toward $1.6 million CT scanner upgrade
at Yampa Valley Medical Center. Blackjack is
back along with roulette, craps and slots to
raise funds for cardiac services and equipment.
Dust off your lucky dice and come out with the
high rollers for a night with a big payoff!
Fundraising events and the Foundation’s work are also
made possible by dedicated volunteers. Steamboat Dream
Team president Barbi Johnston continues to give tirelessly to
support our three fundraising events.
“The Dream Team is an eclectic group
of dedicated, fun-loving volunteers
who take pride in fundraising. We
strive to raise significant funds for
YVMC through the Penguin Plunge,
Ski Town USA Classic and Casino
Night,” Barbi says.
Dream Team President,
Barbi Johnston
Bonnie Bunker, Associate Director of Development • Phone: (970) 871-2501 • Email: bonnie.bunker@yvmc.org
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
Don Lufkin with his daughter, Vikki Franz.
It All Comes Back - A Lifetime of Giving
He may not have consciously decided to
create a legacy, but the mark that 84-year-old
Don Lufkin leaves on the Steamboat Springs
community is indelible.
A special cause Don has embraced over much
of his life has been the hospital. A director
on the board of the former Routt Memorial
Hospital, Don supported the community effort
to build the facility in the 1940s. As board chair,
he oversaw the hospital’s 1976 expansion that
established a modern emergency department,
radiology department and operating room. He
also helped raise funds in 1979 to incorporate
the community nursing home into the hospital
and again contributed to the capital campaign
that saw the new hospital, Yampa Valley Medical
Center, become a reality in 1999.
“It all comes back,” Don told a newspaper
reporter when he was being honored by the
Yampa Valley Community Foundation as the
2000 Philanthropist of the Year. Don was
referring to the kindness his father showed an
orphaned drifter who worked on his family’s
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
ranch. Later in life, this same worker returned
the favor when Don found himself in great need.
That lesson has stayed with Don.
The spirit of giving was passed down to Don
from his grandmother, Ida Dupiere, who came to
Steamboat Springs in 1902 and homesteaded the
Lufkin ranch on Highway 40 where Don worked
for more than 60 years. She donated the land to
build the Mesa Schoolhouse where Don would
graduate and many years later become a major
benefactor in its purchase and rehabilitation.
Don’s philanthropy cuts a wide swath through
the valley with abundant awards, recognitions
and yellowed newspaper clippings filling several
scrapbooks alongside cherished family photos
and mementos. His humble benevolence speaks
to the heart of our community.
Now a resident of the Doak Walker Care
Center, the same nursing home he helped save,
Don says he is proud of his accomplishments.
Grinning with pleasure during the center’s
weekly ice cream social, he says unequivocally,
“It’s important to leave a legacy.”
Giving Trees
We gratefully acknowledge our generous contributors who continue to
make a difference.
Some of our largest contributions in 2007 came from Steve
Dawes for GrandKids’ playground equipment; Kris and Bill Bensler;
and Alpine Bank assisted with event sponsorships. Our long-time
friend, Gloria Gossard, helped purchase a sensor machine to monitor
patients’ ventilation and oxygenation. The Regenstein Foundation
has consistently made donations to upgrade equipment for enhanced
patient care. Since her initial gift to help build the new Medical
Center, Franny Mervis continued her support in 2007. For six years
in a row, the Litterman Family Foundation has provided unrestricted
gifts for some of our greatest needs. Denny and Joy Swanson made a
generous donation to the Doak Walker Care Center in gratitude for
the care provided to their family member.
Founders’ Circle
Alpine Bank
An Appreciative Patient
Bill Arone
Russell and Carol Atha
Anita and Friedhelm Baitis
Lisa and Daniel Bankard
Ray and Mary Barton
Paula Cooper Black
Dr. Larry and Margy Bookman
Diane Bowers
Ronald and Linda Branish
Nancy Bretz
Rick and Nancy Brodie
Dr. Rick and Jane Brothers
Brown & Brown of Steamboat
Monte and Christine Brunner
Dr. Steve Brutscher
Dr. J. Kern Buckner
Karl and Bonnie Bunker
Calcon Constructors
CareTech Solutions, Inc.
Linda and Hark Casner
Richard Casson
Chip and Cindy Chamness
Dr. David and Diane Cionni
John Cleary
Dr. Curtis and Karin Comeau
Community Benefits Group of CO, Inc.
Tony and Karen Connell
James Cook
Dr. William and Kathy Cox
Chandler and Dixie Coyle
Bill and Lynn Davis
Steve Dawes
James and Karen DeSorrento
John and Leslie Dorman
Rick and Carol Dowden
John and MaryAnn Duffey
Pat and Bud Durnil
Hank and DJ Edwards
Elk River Anesthesiology Assoc. PC
Robert and Audrey Enever
Craig and Mary Ewing
Dr. Ronald and Lisa Famiglietti
Paul and Bridget Ferguson
Mac and Tiena Fiske
Dr. Jeanne Fitzsimmons
Medora Fralick
Joseph and Kathy Gallion
Richard and Joan Gibbs
Karl and Mary Gills
Scott and Dawn Gordon
Gloria Gossard
Glen and Alice Gramps
Dr. Cliff Gronseth
Ted and Patty Grossman
Michael and Jean Haggerty
Jon and Anne Halverson
Tracy Heaberlin
Ed and Jayne Hill
Bob and Laura Hill
Holmquist-Lorenz Construction Co
Dr. Philip Hoovler
Terry Huffington and Dr. Ralph
Dr. Frank and Dot Hussey
Dr. Marilyn Johnson
Dr. Fred and Sandy Jones
Nancy and Jan Kaminski
Laura and Kerry Kaster
Jacquelyn Kaster
John and Patty Kerst
Sally Kikkert
Mignon Kimm
Jim and Erin Kissane
Greg and Darlene Koehler
Lyle Koehler
Debra Kole
Nancy and Lynn Kramer
Robert and Melrose Kuusinen
Tom and Janine Lake
Gary and Claudia Langstaff
James and Susan Larson
Rocco and Kathleen Laterzo
Dr. Ron and Alice Lewis
Keith Lightfoot
Les and Linda Liman
Michael and Jan Lomas
Eric and Cheri Luck
Donald and Eileen Lufkin
Cordelia Maasdam
Bob and Cindy Maddox
Scott and Lynne Marr
Frank and Diane May
Scott and Joy Mayor
Dr. Mark and Marilyn McCaulley
Dr. James and Dr. Wendy
Jack and Anita McEncroe
Christine and Bill McKelvie
Jane McLeod and Allan White
Edward and Linda Meagher
Julia Merkle
Dr. Wayne Miller
George Morris
Bob and Ann Murtha
Gary and Sandra Neale
Ray and Kitty Nolin
Dr. Lambert and Robyn Orton
Gary and Allison Petersen
Henry and Debra Phillips
Photo Express House
Pilot Office Supply
Bonnie and Mark Porter
Charles and Maria Porter
Mary Poskus-Fell
Tom and Cindy Ptach
Walt and Patty Rankin
Dr. Dennis and Barbara Richmond
Dr. Terry & Jan Riley
Eddie and Barbara Robison
Bob and Carol Schaffer
Robert and Mary Scott
Elizabeth Searle
Dr. John & Pat Sharp
John and Terry Sherrill
Dr. Brian and Janne Siegel
Arthur and Gloria Smith
Barbara Smith
James and Robin Somerville
Rulon and Linda Stacey
Michael Staenberg
Ron and Nancy Stahoviak
Robert and Saundra Steele
Strear Family Foundation
Vernon Summer
Dennis and Joyleen Swanson
Jeffrey and Diane Tarnoff
Senator Jack and Geneva Taylor
Carol Tomlin
Michael and Viola Turner
Tony and Cindy Vaida
Carl and Jan Vail
Ed and Mary Vanderwall
Marisa Wayne
Dr. Allan Weimer
Stan Whittemore
Dr. David and Lisa Wilkinson
Steve and Pam Williams
Fred and Flora Wolf
George and Beth Wood
Eliza Yeager
Judy and Jim Zuccone
Employee Giving
Julie Alkema
Constance Andrews
Susan Baker
Jean Ballard
Lisa Bankard
Parri Bell
Connie Brinkman
John Brockman
Dave Carley
Linda Casner
Debbie Cassidy
Geri Crosby
Kathy Curcio
Bonnie Curtis
George Detwiler
Lee Dickey
Jane Dickinson
Mary Ewing
Soniya Fidler
Dawn Finch
Mindy Fontaine
Karl Gills
Jody Guthrie
Susan Heiner
Joan Hodo
Jane Howell
Wes Hunter
Dr. Marilyn Johnson
Shara Johnson
Kathy Kortas
Tom Lake
Tracie Line
Joan Lucas
Kristine Masters
Frank May
Christine McKelvie
Doug Meinel
Meg Montgomery
Bill Moore
JoLynn Morton
Michael Nelson
Linda Poissant
Mary Poskus-Fell
Paula Rapp
Charlene Rusk
Darlene Schilke
Joy Selch
Paul Sherry
Angela Silvernail
Jane Sloan
Matthew Stevenson
Mary Beth Strotbeck
Marie Timlin
Kris Tratiak
Kady Watson
Donna Wentzel
Sue Winters
Jill Wolff
Judy Zuccone
Gift Clubs
Colorado River Society $25,000+
Kristine and William Bensler
Steve Dawes
Gloria Gossard
Yampa River Society
$10,000 - $24,999
Hoeft Family Foundation
Tom Jurich
Litterman Family Foundation
Franny Mervis
Regenstein Foundation
Searle Family Trust
Dennis and Joyleen Swanson
Elk River Society $5,000 - $9,999
Alpine Bank
Stephen and Janice Cavanagh
Cohiho Family Foundation
Richard Eddington
GrandKids Child Care Center
Indiana Gump Foundation
Bruce and Jane Hannon
Michael and Ute Lichtenstein
Eric and Cheri Luck
Gay Roane
Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation
Diane and Jeffrey Tarnoff
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
Burgess Creek Society
$2,500 - $4,999
American Airlines
Carolina Lifestyle Homes
Lawrence and Ruthie Harrison
Dr. Marilyn Johnson
T.M. McAvity
Sheraton Steamboat Resort
Steamboat Springs Rotary Club
Wilton West
Spring Creek Society
$1,000 - $ 2,499
A-1 Collection Agency, LLC
Robert K. Anderson
Russell and Carol Atha
Carl Steidtmann and Kathleen Cline
Joe Coffman
Coors Brewing Co.
Dr. William and Kathy Cox
James Crawford
Mindy Fontaine
Mike Forney
Steve and Susie Frasier
Karl and Mary Gills
James and Suzanne Haden
Mark and Jennifer Ann Lea
Scott and Lynne Marr
Marvin Meyers
Bob and Ann Murtha
National Automobile Dealers
Charitable Foundation
Planet Powersports
John and Ellen Serhant
Dr. Brian and Janne Siegel
Staenberg Family Foundation
Steamboat Lake Outfitters
Steamboat Smokehouse
Jim Steinberg
Tim and Alethea Stone
Tom Taylor
Foster and Gwen Tudor
Pam Vanatta
Steve and Pam Williams
Fred and Flora Wolf
Yampa Joe
Fish Creek Society $500 - $999
Jim Armstrong
Margaret Berglund
Gary and Carol Berman
Eve Bevill
Nancy Bretz
Bruin Banner & Sign
Ed Burr
Gary L. Cardaronella
Central Park Liquor
Dr. Stacy and Diana Childs
Christy Sports
Tony and Karen Connell
Erik Dargevics & Peggy WolfeDargevics
Traci Day-Fenton and Grant Fenton
Chris and Eileen Diamond
Joe and Emily Duksa
Pat and Bud Durnil
East West Frame Shop
Entelco Foundation
Wade and Tiffany Gebhardt
Ivan and Linda Gefen
Kent and Lynda Hamby
Gary and Marilyn Hay
Holmquist-Lorenz Construction Co.
Home Ranch
Norm and Anne Jacobson
Jim and Erin Kissane
Verne and Nancy Lundquist
LVO Corportation
Cordelia Maasdam
McCreight Progressive Dentistry
Christine and Bill McKelvie
Mountain Mattress
Brett and Selma Nann
Northwest Graphics, Inc.
Susan Peterson
Pilot Office Supply
Arthur and Gloria Smith
James and Robin Somerville
Steamboat Kitchen & Bath
Bob and Kim Strasheim
Jim and Stacy Swiggart
Scott and Pat Thomas
Thor Construction, Inc.
TIC – The Industrial Co.
Timbuk2u – Stu & Sue Fishman
Troon Golf
Chris and Elizabeth Wittemyer
Sarvis Creek Society up to $499
Richard and Michele Adams
Advanced Hardwood Floor Systems
Amy Albert-Davis
Adonna and Troy Allen
Allman Drywall, Inc
Allterrain Excavating, Inc.
Alpine Garage Door
Alpine Lumber
Alpine Oral & Facial Surgery
Alpine Taxi
Artisan’s Market
Aspen Electric & Supply, Inc.
Avantegarde Dental P.C.
John and Pat Ayer
B & K Distributing
Backcountry Provisions
Backdoor Sports
Dave and Darlinda Baldinger
Bank of the West
Lisa and Daniel Bankard
Kathy and William Barker
Mary Barnes
A. Barriault
Oxley and Barbara Barrientez
Jeremiah Baughman
John and Sharon Beaupre
Bella Salon
Jeff and Jennette Bergstrom
Biggs, Kofford PC
Black Mountain Tavern
Scott and Connie Blair
John and Mary Joan Blenke
BMC West Building Materials
Kemp Bohlen
Toni Bond
Dr. Larry and Margy Bookman
Boots & Nails
Audrey Bortz
Kay and John Borvansky
Pam Bosch
Chad and L. Alison Bowdre
Linda Boylan-Starks
Ronald and Linda Branish
Breckenridge Golf
Jim and Barbara Bronner
Troy and Chris Brookshire
Dr. Rick and Jane Brothers
Brown & Brown of Steamboat
Janelle and Michael Buccino
Bucking Rainbow Outfitters
Cecelia Buckley
Karl and Bonnie Bunker
Cabin at the Steamboat Grand
Resort Hotel
Café Diva
Matthew Cail
Calcon Constructors
Dan Callahan
Ken and Ellen Campbell
Mehana Campbell
Butch and Mary Ann Casey
Linda and Hark Casner
Debbie Cassidy
Catamount Mortgage LLC
Kimberley Cathey
Cavanagh, Inc.
Central Electric LLC
Central Park Management
Chip and Cindy Chamness
Chase Oriental Rugs
Chez Nous
Sarah Chilton
Petra Chladek
Claude and Barbara Christiano
Gene Chupik
Dr. David and Diane Cionni
City Market
Anne Clark
Dave and Nancy Clarke
Christopher and Keena Clifford
Larry Clofine
Colorado Bagel Co.
Colorado Crush
Colorado Professional Builders, Inc.
Comcast Spotlight – Holly Larson
Commercial Cleaning Service
Nancy Conlin
Jim Cook
Langdon and Lyn Cook
Copic Insurance Company
Cottonwood Grill
Stephanie Courson
Chandler and Dixie Coyle
Judy Craddock
Randall and Karina Craig
Jerry and Kathleen Craig
Kerry M. Crimmins
Cugino’s Pizzeria & Italian
Jan and Carol Curlee
Edward and Kami Dallwein
Dean and Elizabeth Danielson
Erik Dargevics & Peggy WolfeDargevics
Robert and Claudia Dausman
Suzi Davenport
Carol J. Davidson and Charles
Del’s Jewelry
Tara Derick
Faith Detwiler
Diabetes Action Research &
Education Foundation
Lee Dickey
Alan and Betsy Dickinson
Jane Dickinson
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
Dirt Pimp, Inc.
Dirty Deeds Landscape &
Ironworks, LLC
Bridget Discenza
Double H Management Group, Inc.
Drahota Commercial, LLC
Susan Dreska
Glen Droegemueller
John and Cherie Duty
Ross and Sally Dyer
Lynn and Gayle Earnest
Samuel B. Ecker
Bret Edgerton
Eric and Sandra Edgerton
Hank and DJ Edwards
Edwin Eisen
Elk River Realty
Alvin Epstein
Michael and Kristine Erickson
Scott and Lynne Erickson
ExxonMobil Foundation
Jim and Norva Fagan
Fedewa Custom Works, Inc.
Jessica Feinerman
Jenifer and Robert Felinczak
Monica Fenton
Soniya Fidler
Findell Real Estate LLC
First National Bank of Steamboat
First National Bank of the Rockies
Gardner and Millie Flanigan
Thomas and Jean Flesch
Marilyn and John Floyd
Carol Fox
Medora Fralick
Alice Freschi
Dr. Gary Fresques
Frontier Controls Corp.
Frontier Structures, Inc.
Gannon Custom Shower Door, Inc.
Christa Gardner and Charles Roberts
H. Garell
Allison Geisler
Richard and Joan Gibbs
Jim and Sherry Giordano
Thomas and Suellyn Godino
Paula Golden
Jan and Susan Good
Michael and Gail Goode
Bennie Goodman
Steve and Lorraine Green
Tim Greene
Greener Pastures
Don Griffin
Pat and Maura Griggs
Ted and Patty Grossman
Robert and Eileen Grover
Bruce and Shelby Guettich
Dr. Sharon Gulley
Robert Haase
Chris and Mary Hahn
Carmen Haines
David Haines
Bill and Lauren Hamil
Kevin and Marin Hansch
Norma Hansen
Richard Hanson
Trip and Phyllis Harrelson
Cynthia Harris
Mark and Joyce Hartless
Joel and Nancy Hausman
Paul and Joan Heimbach
Susan Heiner
Helm Eye Center
Dr. Mark and Cari Hermacinski
Michele Hermansen
Wayne and Dawn Hester
Andrew and Dixie Heyl
David Hill
Jain Himot and Renny Daly
Hofmeister Personal Jewelers
John and Deb Holloway
Travis and Kerry Holmquist
Jane Howell
Howelsen Hill
Jen and Scott Howland
Michael Hurley
Huyser Drywall Inc.
Donald and Ronnie Iken
Interiors with Altitude, LLC
Marti Irish
Julie Isaacs
Jackie Owen Photography
Mark and Jessica Jacobson
William and Gloria James
Annie Jeckel
John Schaffer Plumbing
Tod Johnson
Dr. Fred and Sandy Jones
Mary Jones
Sheree Jones
Blane Joyner
Judith Ripka
Justin DeSorrento SportsMed
K to the 8th Power
Dr. Alfred D. Kahn
Kali’s Boutique
Harold and Margaret Kamins
Jeremy Kassib
Laura and Kerry Kaster
Steven and Marcia Kaufman
Keller General Contracting, Inc.
Dr. Scott and Dr. Jennifer Kempers
Regina Kendall
John and Patty Kerst
Jim and Judy Kewley
Christopher and Margrit Kipfer
Karen Klassen
Alice and Randy Klauzer
Gary and Barbara Knudson
Robert and Leslie Knutson
Lyle Koehler
Philip and Cynthia Konkel
Kum & Go
David and Marie Lacey
William Ladewig
Tom and Janine Lake
Landmark Consultants, Inc.
Michael Larson
Law Offices of Ralph A. Cantafio, P.C.
Brent Lehr
Elizabeth Leipold
Claire Lewis
Vicki Lickteig
Life Essentials Spa
Earl and Elaine Liff
Light Works
Kris Linner
E.L. and D.B. Linner
Laurel Linner
Eric Linner
Jack and Carolyn Little
Gail and Doug Lopez
Paul Lunsford
Charles Lusky
Angelica Mangiardi
Carl and Helen Marbach
Marno’s Custom Catering, LLC
Ray Martinez
Punch & Penny Martyn
Leith Little and Marci Marumoto
Kristine L. Masters
Heather Matney
Harold and Anne Matthes
Dax and Marci Mattox
Frank and Diane May
Hudson Maynard
Mazzola’s Majestic Italian Diner
Sean and Valerie McCarthy
Earl McCool
Tom and Carole McDermott
Danna McDonough
Tom McDowell
Kathleen McKinley
Robert McKirahan
Bob and Kathie McKune
MDM Group Associates, Inc.
Cindy Meade
Meadowstream, LLC
Arnie and Sheryl Meranski
Richard and Roxie Miles
Pat and Debra Milostan
Fred and Jewel Lee Minter
Lucille Mitchell
Jan Modzelewski
William and Judith Moncrief
Mary Monger
Moose Mountain Trading Co.
Marijo Moran
John and Linda Morrison
Bill Moser
Mountain High Appliance
Mountain Mattress
Mountain Millworks
Mountain Paint & Supply, Inc.
Mountain Resorts Realty
Mountain Valley Bank
David Murray
Trace and Catherine Musgrave
Calvin and Sara Myers
Gary and Sandra Neale
Michael Nelson and Danielle
Denise and Terry Nelson
Sarah Nelson
Bob and Sue Neville
Carolyn Nickum
Northwest Insulation, LLC
Northwestern Supplies, Inc.
Annie and Mark Nowe
Mathew Nugent
Padraic and Louise Nugent
Old Baldy Golf Club
Old Town Hot Springs
Ron Olfers
Olivia’s Home Accessories
One Stop Ski Shop
Ed and Georgene O’Neil
Ore House at the Pine Grove
Rae and John Otto
Overland Sheepskin Co.
Thomas and Julie Page
Pam Parker
Charles and Karen Parsons
Paws ’n Claws ’n Things
Peak Mechanical Services, Inc.
Sandy and Jon Peddie
Harvey and Joni Pensack
Dr. and Mrs. Pertcheck
Jodi Peterson
John and Diane Pietig
Pine Grove Dental
Planet Powersports
Allison Plean
Linda Poissant
Pole Creek Golf Club
Ron Pollard
Mary Poskus-Fell
Poudre Valley Health System
Powers Products Co.
Professional Finance Company
Deb Proper
Prudential Steamboat Realty
Robert and Betty Ralston
Bonnie and George Raner
Mike and Debbie Ratliff
Don and Julie Redlinger
Denise and Fabius Reed
Peggy Reed
James Reed
Aaron and Kim Reimer
Cindy Remillard
Rex’s American Grill & Bar
RFP Construction Corp.
Susan Ring
Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant
Ken and Judy Riskind
RJ Praxis, Inc.
Jenn Robbins
Patty Roche
Rocky Mountain Landscapes
Rocky Mountain Painting Services, Inc.
Richard and Donna Rodick
Holly Rogers
Jean and Jeff Roman
Romick’s Into the West
Stanley and Maureen Rosewater
James and Barb Ross
John Ross
RWR Enterprises, Inc.
Safe Construction Co.
Dr. Noel and Laurie Sankey
Saw Co.
Bob and Carol Schaffer
Carolyn Scherar
Robert and Candy Scherer
Hal and Suzanne Schlicht
Robert Schuellein
Tom and Lesley Schuldt
Hannie Schwanke
Serenity Spa
Shirley Shearman
John and Terry Sherrill
Shively Construction, Inc.
Robert A. Shoaf
William and Linda Silkey
Silver Spur Gallery – Sarah Buckles
Natalie Simmins
Jim and Marilyn Simon
Ski Haus Liquor
Sleeping Bear Pediatrics PC
Traci and Jeremiah Smith
Snow Country Concrete, Inc.
Snow Country Construction, Inc.
Soda Creek Pizza Co.
Kenneth Spalding
Regan D. Spindler
Virginia E. Srednicki
Stagecoach Marina
Kate Stamm
Steamboat Cleaners
Steamboat Discount Liquors
Steamboat Floral & Gifts
Steamboat Flyfisher
Steamboat Jewelry
Steamboat Kids
Steamboat Lake Marina
Steamboat Lumber Co.
Steamboat Motors
Steamboat Orthopaedic Associates, P.C.
Steamboat Pilates & Fitness Studio
Steamboat Pilot & Today
Steamboat Powder Cats
Steamboat Real Estate, Inc.
Steamboat Resorts
Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series
Steamboat Shoe Market
Steamboat Ski Touring Center
Steamboat Snowmobile Tours
Steamboat Veterinary Hospital, PC
Steamboat Yacht Club
Steamboat’s Finest, LLC
Robert and Saundra Steele
Gary and Diane Stensland
Stephany’s Chocolates
Steve Green Co.
Melanie Stewart
Donna and Bill Stormes
Dr. Scott Sulentich
Vernon Summer
Janice and Daniel Swanson
Pamela Swanson
Sweet Pea Tours
Mike Swinsick
Taber Plumbing & Heating Inc.
Tom Talbot
Tequila’s Real, Inc.
Doug Terry
The Cut Above
The Egg & I
The Home Ranch
The Homesteader
The Lighthouse Inn
The Potter’s Wheel
The Resort Company
The Ridge at Castle Pines
The Tap House Sports Grill
Lori and Danny Thompson
Harry Thompson
Three Peaks Grill
Nils and Courtnay Thunstrom
Timco Walls & Ceilings, Inc.
Christopher and Anne Tisch
Tuck Communication, Inc.
Michael and Viola Turner
Suzanne Turner and Michael Burks
Twin Medical – Tom McDowell
Kathleen Ulmer
UnitedHealthcare Services, Inc.
Harold Unruh
William and Ashley Vanness
Vectra Bank
Nancy Veskerna
Sandy Vilas
Vino/Vidalia Market
Dr. Maryann Wall
Ralph and Jennifer Watts
Weaver’s Waggin’ Wash
Steve and Kay Weinland
Curt and Mary Weiss
Wells Fargo Bank
Ron Wendler
Rob Wergin & Sarah Kiah-Wergin
Geraldine Werner
William and Mary Whelihan
Laura and Jeff Whitehead
Stan Whittemore
Mary Jo and Dr. Jerry Wiedel
Wild West Balloon Adventures
Wildhorse Salon
Barbara Williams
Tom and Patricia Williamson
Wilson Company LLC
Windemere Landscape & Garden
Wing-Time Buffalo Wing Sauces
Winona’s Restaurant & Bakery
Jill Wolff
Louise Woll
Yampa Valley Medical Center Auxiliary
Roger Young
Judy and Jim Zuccone
Memorial Gifts
In Memory of Vic Beckett
N. Lawton
Florence Hanson
In Memory of William Clayton
John and Judi Clayton
In Memory of Betty Cole
Marion Canter
John and Lisetta Hynes
Mary Kelley
Sheila and Edward O’Donnell
Max and Pauline Roesch
In Memory of Charlie Curcio
Linda and Hark Casner
In Memory of Mary Ann Enyeart
Jim and Jo Stanko
In Memory of
Mary Magdalene Edgar
Chuck and Sophia McKinney
Cindia and Ken Montgomery
James and Patricia Woodcock
Ronald Woodcock
In Memory of Margaret Green
Kay Wagner
In Memory of Ken Hards
Linda and Hark Casner
In Memory of Verda Harrison
Wava Morris
In Memory of Donna Healey
Linda and Hark Casner
In Memory of Darrell Hoaglund
Michael and Cheryl Schuldt
In Memory of Yona Julian
Linda and Hark Casner
In Memory of Laura Kirk
Susan Dreska
Derek and Gail Heins
Peter and Margaret Lallo
In Memory of Dave Linner
Kevin and Marin Hansch
In Memory of
Lorayne “Mickey” Maijala
John and Mary Maynarich
Janet Ray
Melissa and Joshua Augustin
Harold and Laurie Lujan
In Memory of Jean Morrissey
Susan Dreska
Daniel Huber
Herbert and Beverly Ludwig
Danna McDonough
Giles Wanamaker
In Memory of Judy Muldoon
Suzanne and Michael Brinks
Nikki and Chris McLeslie
In Memory of Pat Nugent
Matthew Nugent
Padraic and Louise Nugent
In Memory of George Raner
Linda and Hark Casner
In Memory of George Specht
John Fetcher
June Specht
In Memory of Doak & Skeeter Walker
William Yowell
In Memory of Margaret Wolf
Mickey and William Badaracca
Steve Dawes
Karl and Mary Gills
In Memory of Thelma Watt
Robert Dolloff
Patti Domsch
Marilyn Guire
Phil M. Houck and Mrs. Houck
Mary Jajdelski
Mr. and Mrs. Little
Albert and Phyllis McCall
Marvin and Carol McCall
Heritage Society (Planned Gifts)
Hill Blackett
Nancy Bretz
Karl and Mary Gills
Dr. Marilyn Johnson
We are so grateful to all of our generous
donors and sincerely apologize if we have
accidentally omitted any names from this
report. Please contact the Foundation if
you feel we have made an error.
Listed donations were received October 1,
2006 - December 31, 2007.
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
Future Needs
The Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
is seeking support from individuals, businesses
and community organizations to partner with us
to meet expanded needs including:
Facility Expansion
■ Operating Room addition
■ Family Birth Place expansion
■ Minor Procedure Room addition
Cardiac Services
■ CT scanner upgrade
■ General program startup
GrandKids Child Care Center
Cancer Services
Cancer program expansion
Patient Care Support
■ Central monitoring upgrade
• Patient Care Unit
• Electronic Medication Administration
Doak Walker Care Center
Robotic Services
Employee Recognition and Development
■ Employee housing
■ Nurse Specialty Training and Education Support
■ Recognition grants
■ Scholarships
Women’s Services
■ Digital Mammography System
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
Looking to enhance women’s health in northwest Colorado, the
YVMC Radiology Department is seeking support for an upgraded
mammography system. “To upgrade mammography for the
women in this community is so important,” says Mary Jo Wiedel,
Director of Diagnostic Imaging.
Dr. Henry Fabian performs spinal surgery at
the Yampa Valley Medical Center.
A labor/delivery room in Yampa Valley
Medical Center’s Family Birth Place.
Digital images are displayed on screens in the
Diagnostic Imaging department.
Financial Report
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
Revenue Sources
October 2006 through December 2007
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
Funds Granted
October 2006 through December 2007
Total Revenue = $1,224,448
Total Funds Granted = $555,399
Golf Classic
Penguin Plunge
Casino Night
Founders’ Circle
YVMC Operational Support
Total Yampa Valley Medical Center
Doak Walker Care Center
Annual Giving
Interest Income
H e a l t hc a r e F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e Y a mp a V a l l e y
How You Can Help
The Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa
Valley has undertaken ambitious fundraising
efforts that preserve past accomplishments and
consolidate present strengths to reach new levels
of care at YVMC in the future. The Foundation
helps provide funding for essential healthcare
programs that depend on philanthropic support
and would not exist without charitable giving.
Donations can be made to the Foundation for
a specific hospital program, project, service or
equipment, or may be given without restriction
to be used where the need is greatest.
■ Annual Giving
■ Planned Giving
■ Memorial Gifts
■ Naming Opportunities
■ Honor Gifts
■ Major Gifts
Contact us
Please direct email correspondence to
The Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
385 Anglers Drive, Suite B (in Sundance Plaza)
P.O. Box 883415
Steamboat Springs, CO 80488
Telephone: (970) 871-2522
Fax: (970) 871-9148
501(c)(3) non-profit federal tax ID #31-1806773
Printed on 100% Recycled Paper
Healthcare Foundation for the Yampa Valley
P.O. Box 883415
Steamboat Springs, CO 80488
Nonprofit Org
U.S. Postage
CPC Mail
Forwarding and address service requested