PERSONALIZED FCC BROCHURES & POSTERS FOR SCHOOLS Contact Tech Prep Delaware Today for More Details and Availability Volume 22-Fall 2014 A NEW YEAR BRINGS NEW PARTNERS Delaware State Adds New Articulations for Digital Media Production Faculty members in the Mass Communications Department at Delaware State University have been impressed by the Delaware CTE students that have enrolled in that program. The outstanding skill sets of the entering students spurred interest in pursuing articulation partnerships with Delaware high school programs. To date, Tech Prep has coordinated site visits at Sussex Tech, Polytech and Delcastle High Schools. The faculty representatives were so impressed with those three programs that articulation agreements are now in place for students to be eligible to earn 9 college credits. Articulated courses include Television Production I, Introduction to Media Technology, and Sound Production I. Additional high school program visits are being planned. These schools have already been approved and are participating for the current 2014—2015 school year: Sussex Tech High School (above), Polytech High School (right) and Delcastle High School (below). TPDE WELCOMES BACK Wesley College TPDE and Wesley College have re-established its articulation partnership. In October, Dr. Stephanie Stotts, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, articulated Delaware high school Agriscience Natural Resources and Environmental Science Programs with the Wesley College course ES 209 Introduction to Environmental Science. Tech Prep Delaware • 371-A West North Street • Dover, DE 19904 • State Mail D104 • Phone (302) 739-6163 • FAX (302) 739-6171 Visit us on the Internet at www.techprepdelaware.org MEET THE 2014-2015 TECH PREP COORDINATOR TEAM TPDE hosted its annual Coordinators Meetings on October 20th for New Castle County Coordinators, and 21st for Kent and Sussex County Coordinators. These meetings serve as informational sessions to kick off the new school year, as well as provide coordinators an opportunity to discuss issues related to teacher and student registration procedures, student eligibility, and postsecondary partner policies and procedures. There are several new coordinators, so please refer to the list below to identify the contact for your building. The TPDE staff is looking forward to working with this strong team of dedicated professionals for the benefit of Delaware CTE students. High School Coordinator Appoquinimink Elise Knable Middletown Jeffrey Billings Brandywine Brian Sherrer Concord Shana Dulin Mt. Pleasant Caesar Rodney Jessilene Corbett Amanda Mazzola Timothy Elmer Cape Henlopen John Myers Dover Sandy Gray Christiana Karen Powers Glasgow Patrick Costigan Newark Kristin Jeanne William Penn Nancy Talmo Delaware Mil. Acad. Scott Greene Delmar Donna Nesbitt Shawn Larrimore Indian River Jennifer Cordrey Sussex Central Miriam Targonski Lake Forest Linda Tjaden Laurel Dr. Richard Evans Milford Rose Parker Delcastle Rita Vasta Hodgson Mike Przywara Howard Colleen Conaty St. Georges Chad Harrison NCCVTSD Jack King Newark Charter Christine Orzechowski Polytech Barry Fillman Aaron Kellam A.I. Dupont Charles Schneider Dickinson Ray Wharton McKean Jim Craster Seaford Rob Schumacher Smyrna Angie Hewes Sussex Tech Troy Ricketts Woodbridge Cathy Sharp E-Mail elise.knable@appo.k12.de.us Jeffrey.billings@appo.k12.de.us Brian.Sherrer@bsd.k12.de.us shana.dulin@bsd.k12.de.us jessilene.corbett@cr.k12.de.us Amanda.mazzola@cr.k12.de.us Timothy.elmer@cr.k12.de.us John.myers@cape.k12.de.us Sandra.gray@capital.k12.de.us karen.powers@christina.k12.de.us patrick.costigan@christina.k12.de.us Kristin.jeanne@christina.k12.de.us nancy.talmo@colonial.k12.de.us Scott.green@dma.k12.de.us donna.nesbitt@delmar.k12.de.us slarrimore@delmar.k12.de.us jennifer.cordrey@irsd.k12.de.us miriam.targonski@irsd.k12.de.us Lbtjaden@lf.k12.de.us richard.evans@laurel.k12.de.us rparker@msd.k12.de.us Rita.vasta@nccvt.k12.de.us Michael.przywara@nccvt.k12.de.us Colleen.conaty@nccvt.k12.de.us Chad.Harrison@nccvt.k12.de.us John.king@nccvt.k12.de.us Christine.Orzechowski@ncs.k12.de.us Barry.Fillman@polytech.k12.de.us Aaron.kellam@polytech.k12.de.us charles.schneider@redclay.k12.de.us ray.wharton@redclay.k12.de.us James.Craster@redclay.k12.de.us robert.schumacher@seaford.k12.de.us angie.hewes@smyrna.k12.de.us troy.ricketts@sussexvt.k12.de.us Cathy.Sharp@wbsd.k12.de.us FOOD SCIENCE PATHWAY NEWS! Delaware Tech Adds New Articulations The new Delaware Technical Community College Food Science Program is now articulated with two Delaware CTE pathways: the Agriscience Food Science Pathway and the Family and Consumer Sciences Food Prep and Production Pathway. High school students in the Food Science Pathway will need to complete Levels I, II and III in order to be eligible to earn 3 college credits for FSY 100 Introduction to Food Science. Food Prep and Production students will need to complete Levels I, II, III and IV, as well as hold a ServSafe Certification. TPDE Welcomes Nick Buono As New Assistant Director Nicholas Buono joined the Tech Prep staff in July as the new Assistant Director. In this role, Nick manages the student enrollment database system, maintains the articulation database and master articulation matrix, oversees the Coordinator Information System, and assists the Executive Director in providing program support to secondary CTE programs. Nick’s career experience includes being a retired New Castle County policeman, the instructor for the Criminal Justice/Public Safety Pathway at Howard High School, serving as Tech Prep Coordinator at Hodgson Vo-Tech and Howard High School of Technology, and serving as a Vocational Specialist for the New Castle County Vo-Tech School District. TPDE is proud to welcome him into the organization, and look forward to a productive and progressive partnership! College & Career Readiness The CATEMA® Corner By Nick Buono The goal for America’s education system is clear. Every student should graduate from high school ready for college and/or a career. Every student should have meaningful opportunities to choose from upon graduation from high school. This belief is supported by leaders and educators across the State of Delaware. At Tech Prep Delaware, we have been fostering this philosophy for 29 years through the facilitation of opportunities to earn college credits with postsecondary partners, as well as advanced placement in apprenticeship programs through an agreement with the State of Delaware Department of Labor. As the new Assistant Director, I am excited to be part of a team working with Dr. Lydia Tucker and Carmen Strollo in expanding those opportunities for students. I invite you to contact me by telephone at 302-739-6163, or email at nicholas.buono@doe.k12.de.us, if you have suggestions for new articulation agreements, need assistance providing training to teachers, or would like support working with students as they register online in CATEMA for articulated courses. THE STUDENT REGISTRATION PERIOD (semester 1) FOR TECH PREP DELAWARE STUDENT ENROLLMENT IS NOW! First Semester Registration will close January 30, 2015. DO NOT DELAY—Please have your students register NOW! ech Prep Delaware Students should confirm their intent to enroll in and pass the T academic and technical courses necessary to assist them in preparation for an occupation in the career area of their choice. Have the student access the internet and go to www.catema.net/delaware STUDENTS SHOULD CREATE A NEW LOGIN ACCOUNT NOW! • Select "New Student" from the Login Menu. Follow the prompts to create your account • Complete the required fields on the form, and click "Submit" to save it • Your Username and Password will be automatically created, based on your personal information • Confirm that your information is correct, make a note of your Username/Password, and click "Yes" to continue. STUDENTS SHOULD REGISTER FOR CLASSES NOW! • Select the appropriate options: 1) the High School offering the course 2) the Teacher who is teaching the class 3) the Course (class) you will be taking 4) the Class Period you will be attending 5) your Career Interest • Click "Submit" the class to register for IMPORTANT: REMEMBER TO INSERT YOUR SIX (6) DIGIT STUDENT ID NUMBER, BEGINNING WITH “000” IN THE “UNIQUE ID” FIELD. ...a big thanks from Nick! Second Semester Registration begins February 16, 2015 MEET THE 2014-2015 TECH PREP COORDINATOR TEAM TPDE hosted its annual Coordinators Meetings on October 20th for New Castle County Coordinators, and 21st for Kent and Sussex County Coordinators. These meetings serve as informational sessions to kick off the new school year, as well as provide coordinators an opportunity to discuss issues related to teacher and student registration procedures, student eligibility, and postsecondary partner policies and procedures. There are several new coordinators, so please refer to the list below to identify the contact for your building. The TPDE staff is looking forward to working with this strong team of dedicated professionals for the benefit of Delaware CTE students. High School Coordinator Appoquinimink Elise Knable Middletown Jeffrey Billings Brandywine Brian Sherrer Concord Shana Dulin Mt. Pleasant Caesar Rodney Jessilene Corbett Amanda Mazzola Timothy Elmer Cape Henlopen John Myers Dover Sandy Gray Christiana Karen Powers Glasgow Patrick Costigan Newark Kristin Jeanne William Penn Nancy Talmo Delaware Mil. Acad. Scott Greene Delmar Donna Nesbitt Shawn Larrimore Indian River Jennifer Cordrey Sussex Central Miriam Targonski Lake Forest Linda Tjaden Laurel Dr. Richard Evans Milford Rose Parker Delcastle Rita Vasta Hodgson Mike Przywara Howard Colleen Conaty St. Georges Chad Harrison NCCVTSD Jack King Newark Charter Christine Orzechowski Polytech Barry Fillman Aaron Kellam A.I. Dupont Charles Schneider Dickinson Ray Wharton McKean Jim Craster Seaford Rob Schumacher Smyrna Angie Hewes Sussex Tech Troy Ricketts Woodbridge Cathy Sharp E-Mail elise.knable@appo.k12.de.us Jeffrey.billings@appo.k12.de.us Brian.Sherrer@bsd.k12.de.us shana.dulin@bsd.k12.de.us jessilene.corbett@cr.k12.de.us Amanda.mazzola@cr.k12.de.us Timothy.elmer@cr.k12.de.us John.myers@cape.k12.de.us Sandra.gray@capital.k12.de.us karen.powers@christina.k12.de.us patrick.costigan@christina.k12.de.us Kristin.jeanne@christina.k12.de.us nancy.talmo@colonial.k12.de.us Scott.green@dma.k12.de.us donna.nesbitt@delmar.k12.de.us slarrimore@delmar.k12.de.us jennifer.cordrey@irsd.k12.de.us miriam.targonski@irsd.k12.de.us Lbtjaden@lf.k12.de.us richard.evans@laurel.k12.de.us rparker@msd.k12.de.us Rita.vasta@nccvt.k12.de.us Michael.przywara@nccvt.k12.de.us Colleen.conaty@nccvt.k12.de.us Chad.Harrison@nccvt.k12.de.us John.king@nccvt.k12.de.us Christine.Orzechowski@ncs.k12.de.us Barry.Fillman@polytech.k12.de.us Aaron.kellam@polytech.k12.de.us charles.schneider@redclay.k12.de.us ray.wharton@redclay.k12.de.us James.Craster@redclay.k12.de.us robert.schumacher@seaford.k12.de.us angie.hewes@smyrna.k12.de.us troy.ricketts@sussexvt.k12.de.us Cathy.Sharp@wbsd.k12.de.us FOOD SCIENCE PATHWAY NEWS! Delaware Tech Adds New Articulations The new Delaware Technical Community College Food Science Program is now articulated with two Delaware CTE pathways: the Agriscience Food Science Pathway and the Family and Consumer Sciences Food Prep and Production Pathway. High school students in the Food Science Pathway will need to complete Levels I, II and III in order to be eligible to earn 3 college credits for FSY 100 Introduction to Food Science. Food Prep and Production students will need to complete Levels I, II, III and IV, as well as hold a ServSafe Certification. TPDE Welcomes Nick Buono As New Assistant Director Nicholas Buono joined the Tech Prep staff in July as the new Assistant Director. In this role, Nick manages the student enrollment database system, maintains the articulation database and master articulation matrix, oversees the Coordinator Information System, and assists the Executive Director in providing program support to secondary CTE programs. Nick’s career experience includes being a retired New Castle County policeman, the instructor for the Criminal Justice/Public Safety Pathway at Howard High School, serving as Tech Prep Coordinator at Hodgson Vo-Tech and Howard High School of Technology, and serving as a Vocational Specialist for the New Castle County Vo-Tech School District. TPDE is proud to welcome him into the organization, and look forward to a productive and progressive partnership! College & Career Readiness The CATEMA® Corner By Nick Buono The goal for America’s education system is clear. Every student should graduate from high school ready for college and/or a career. Every student should have meaningful opportunities to choose from upon graduation from high school. This belief is supported by leaders and educators across the State of Delaware. At Tech Prep Delaware, we have been fostering this philosophy for 29 years through the facilitation of opportunities to earn college credits with postsecondary partners, as well as advanced placement in apprenticeship programs through an agreement with the State of Delaware Department of Labor. As the new Assistant Director, I am excited to be part of a team working with Dr. Lydia Tucker and Carmen Strollo in expanding those opportunities for students. I invite you to contact me by telephone at 302-739-6163, or email at nicholas.buono@doe.k12.de.us, if you have suggestions for new articulation agreements, need assistance providing training to teachers, or would like support working with students as they register online in CATEMA for articulated courses. THE STUDENT REGISTRATION PERIOD (semester 1) FOR TECH PREP DELAWARE STUDENT ENROLLMENT IS NOW! First Semester Registration will close January 30, 2015. DO NOT DELAY—Please have your students register NOW! ech Prep Delaware Students should confirm their intent to enroll in and pass the T academic and technical courses necessary to assist them in preparation for an occupation in the career area of their choice. Have the student access the internet and go to www.catema.net/delaware STUDENTS SHOULD CREATE A NEW LOGIN ACCOUNT NOW! • Select "New Student" from the Login Menu. Follow the prompts to create your account • Complete the required fields on the form, and click "Submit" to save it • Your Username and Password will be automatically created, based on your personal information • Confirm that your information is correct, make a note of your Username/Password, and click "Yes" to continue. STUDENTS SHOULD REGISTER FOR CLASSES NOW! • Select the appropriate options: 1) the High School offering the course 2) the Teacher who is teaching the class 3) the Course (class) you will be taking 4) the Class Period you will be attending 5) your Career Interest • Click "Submit" the class to register for IMPORTANT: REMEMBER TO INSERT YOUR SIX (6) DIGIT STUDENT ID NUMBER, BEGINNING WITH “000” IN THE “UNIQUE ID” FIELD. ...a big thanks from Nick! Second Semester Registration begins February 16, 2015 PERSONALIZED FCC BROCHURES & POSTERS FOR SCHOOLS Contact Tech Prep Delaware Today for More Details and Availability Volume 22-Fall 2014 A NEW YEAR BRINGS NEW PARTNERS Delaware State Adds New Articulations for Digital Media Production Faculty members in the Mass Communications Department at Delaware State University have been impressed by the Delaware CTE students that have enrolled in that program. The outstanding skill sets of the entering students spurred interest in pursuing articulation partnerships with Delaware high school programs. To date, Tech Prep has coordinated site visits at Sussex Tech, Polytech and Delcastle High Schools. The faculty representatives were so impressed with those three programs that articulation agreements are now in place for students to be eligible to earn 9 college credits. Articulated courses include Television Production I, Introduction to Media Technology, and Sound Production I. Additional high school program visits are being planned. These schools have already been approved and are participating for the current 2014—2015 school year: Sussex Tech High School (above), Polytech High School (right) and Delcastle High School (below). TPDE WELCOMES BACK Wesley College TPDE and Wesley College have re-established its articulation partnership. In October, Dr. Stephanie Stotts, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, articulated Delaware high school Agriscience Natural Resources and Environmental Science Programs with the Wesley College course ES 209 Introduction to Environmental Science. Tech Prep Delaware • 371-A West North Street • Dover, DE 19904 • State Mail D104 • Phone (302) 739-6163 • FAX (302) 739-6171 Visit us on the Internet at www.techprepdelaware.org