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To make sure you keep receiving this magazine, you need to renew your FREE subscription. HERE’S HOW: Just call 800-355-1088, (M-F, 8am-6pm ET) OR, RENEW ONLINE AT Your FREE subscription, online and in print, gains you access to many advantages of ADVANCE: ■ Articles on timely clinical topics ■ The latest professional news ■ Job opportunities ■ Useful career advice ■ New product information and helpful resource directory ■ Exclusive online content, digital edition archives, specialty spotlights, blogs & more ■ ADVANCE Healthcare Shop product catalogs ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 3 contents ADVANCE FOR PHYSICAL THERAPy & REHAB Medicine Vol. 22 | No. 14 | July 11, 2011 [COVER STORY] 18 World in Motion When Ernst van Dyk was born in apartheid South Africa with congenital limb differences in the early 1970s, his parents were told that he would face a lifetime of hardship. Despite what the team of physicians had said, they made a choice to raise him to believe that anything was possible. Today, van Dyk is a world-renowned athlete, advocate and champion who is an inspiration to thousands across the globe. “My hope is that through my story people are inspired to try new challenges and enjoy their lives in ways they thought might never be possible.” (Spaulding Rehabilitation Network) [FEATURED ARTICLES] 26 Real Relief Through Pressure Mapping 22 Stroke Recovery and Robotics The underlying causes of pressure ulcers are multifactorial and are usually the manifestation of any number of factors. Therapists address functional mobility deficits and equipment recommendations such as wheelchairs, ADL equipment and mattress selection. Interface pressure mapping (IPM) systems are an excellent tool for assisting in DME selection and for establishing optimal patient positioning. Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific (REHAB) in Hawaii is no stranger to the constantly changing health care climate. To integrate high-tech into Hawaii’s hightouch culture seemed incompatible. But in February of this year, REHAB Hospital introduced a bionic leg into its outpatient stroke program. A few months later, it was implemented into the inpatient program. 24 Pilates’ Core Focus An important element in any Pilates routine is the strengthening of entire muscle groups. Unlike weight-bearing exercise routines that isolate and develop short, bulky muscle, Pilates exercises incorporate fluidity and smoothness, training several muscle groups at once for a whole-body experience. The focus is on increasing muscle length and flexibility. An evenly balanced musculature is much more efficient, making the body less prone to injury. 4 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ANNOUNCING THE NEXT BIG STEP IN GAIT REHABILITATION The NESS L300® Plus is a wireless FES system that provides knee flexion and extension in addition to ankle dorsiflexion which may improve gait. The L300® Plus System: • Combines the award winning NESS L300® Foot Drop System with a functional stimulation thigh cuff allowing greater control over kneee flexion and extension. • Incorporates a reversible thigh cuff for quadriceps or hamstrings. • Provides a single control unit for the leg and thigh cuff, while walking. • Operates off the same clinician’s programmer as the L300. NESS L300® PLUS FOOT DROP & THIGH MUSCLE WEAKNESS CONTACT US AT 800.211.9136 option 2 or visit our new website at BIONESS.COM Individual results vary. Patients are advised to consult with a qualified physician to determine if this product is right for them. Contraindications, Adverse Reactions and Precautions are available on-line at (also available in the NESS L300 Plus Clinician’s Guide). NESS®, NESS L300®, NESS L300® Plus, Intelli-Gait®, Intelli-Sense Gait Sensor®, Bioness®, the Bioness Logo and LiveOn® are trademarks of Bioness Inc. | Rx Only © 2011Bioness Inc. 01287_advance_pt_ad_r03v01.indd 1 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 6/8/11 5 11:32 AM [more articles] On The Web 10 Management Focus: Referrals and Direct Access [multimedia] UPDATED DAILY! 14 Sports Rehab: Upper Extremity Taping 28 Laser Applications 30 Resource Directory: Aquatics Healthy Gamers Interactive digital games are programming healthy lifestyles and behaviors. Scenes from New Orleans ADVANCE gets up close and personal at the NATA Conference held in the Big Easy. Join Our Pt Community! Blogs: Meet our bloggers and read new Community Chat Interact with colleagues! posts daily! A NEW YORK PT IN QUEEN ELIZABETH’S COURT [DEPARTMENTS] Forums: Where Is My Raise? 8 Ad Index Would You Give Up Your Car? Dean discusses the potential health benefits of bike and mass transit use. I just passed my OCS examination. What can I expect, if any, for a raise for this? 9 Letter to the Editor A BUSY PT’S GUIDE TO FINDING BALANCE Forums: State Medicare/ Medicaid Cuts 34 Where We Work 37 Calendar/CE 46 Classified Marketplace 47 Classified Employment Opportunities 59 ADVANCE Healthcare Shop [coming soon] Our cover story will focus on the work of Physiofitness Associates, which contracts with the PGA Tour to provide physical therapy services to tour players through on-site trailers at each tour stop. The therapy professionals travel around the country providing care, and were recently at Aronimink Country Club in Newtown Square, PA, where the AT&T National tournament took place in June. Interruptions Janey says she needs to consider how her activities are beneficial and what they are costing her. More PT Blogs • PTA Blog Talk • Journey with a DPT Student • Life of an SPTA • A New PT Reality • PT and the City • Toni Talks About PT Today I’m seeing my medically fragile pediatric patients be denied PT services and I’m getting disgusted. Are there any parts of physical therapy that are still financially and emotionally rewarding? Answer these questions, ask more… Join in the conversation now! [NEW! Patient Handouts] [SPECIALTY SPOTLIGHT] Special Edition: Focus on Foot Drop Find targeted information tailored just for you! Go to our homepage to choose your specialty now: [Student Center] Article: Three Phases of an Interview: Ace It! News & Notes: Student–Specific! Student Links: Special interest groups and associations relevant to physical therapy. Community: Blogs, forums, Facebook and more! [Columns] Medicare Advisor Geriatric Function Book REview Advance for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine® (ISSN 1099-9493) is published bi-weekly on alternate Mondays by Merion Publications, Inc., 2900 Horizon Drive, Box 61556, King of Prussia, PA 19406-0956. Periodicals Postage Paid at Norristown, PA and additional mailing offices. ADVANCE was established March 1990 as a national newsmagazine. Its purpose is to provide in-depth coverage of news and employment opportunities to therapists in the nation. Subscriptions are free to all PTs, PTAs and senior students as well as to national PT schools & health care facilities employing PTs. Postmaster: send address changes to ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine®, Merion Publications, Inc., Circulation, 2900 Horizon Drive, Box 61556, King of Prussia, PA 19406-0956. Contents are not to be reproduced or reprinted without permission of publisher. ©2011 Merion Publications, Inc. Our company publishes magazines and websites for audiologists, laboratory administrators, healthy aging 6 This week’s hot topics: ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine • Pediatrics • Business & Practice Management • Aquatic Therapy • Hand Therapy • Geriatrics • Sports Rehab & Orthopedics • Industrial Rehab • Pain Management • Gait Analysis & Balance • Disabilities & Conditions professionals, health executives, health information professionals, imaging and radiation oncology professionals, long-term care managers and professionals, medical laboratory professionals, respiratory care and sleep medicine professionals, nurses, occupational therapy practitioners, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, physical therapy and rehabilitation professionals, and speech-language pathologists. Advertising Policy: All advertisements sent to Merion Publications Inc. for publication must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 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Online Assessment Application • Job Demands Analysis • Functional Capacity Evaluation • Functional Progress Note ™ • Functional Discharge Summary ™ • Work Hardening/Conditioning Evaluation • Pre-Placement Post-Offer Assessment • Six testing methodologies in one software system Chicago, I July 21 Mauston, Continuing Education Courses Comprehensive Industrial Rehab Training Functional Capacity Evaluation Training Advanced Functional Capacity Evaluation Training Work Hardening/Conditioning Training Job Site Analysis Training OccuPro July 28 Pre-Placement Post-Offer Testing Training Ergonomic Evaluator Training Office Ergonomic Evaluator Training Advanced Ergonomic Evaluator Training Healthcare Ergonomics Training • • L – 23, 20 11 WI – 31, 20 Kenosha, August 1 11 WI 6 – 19, 2 Trenton, N 011 J Septem ber 22 – Kenosha, Octobe r 18 – 22 25, 201 WI 1 , 2011 866-470-4440 6 470 4440 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 7 Advertiser Index Log on to Our searchable online Resource Directory allows you to receive detailed information about the companies and products listed below, as well as submit requests for free info. 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Give Us Your Two Cents If you have a topic you would like to discuss in a letter to the editor, send your letter and contact information to Letters to the Editor, c/o Lisa Lombardo, ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine, 3100 Horizon Dr., King of Prussia, PA 19406-0956; Fax 610-275-8562; or email FrEE Online Open House Memorial Healthcare System • July 14 • 12pm-4pm ET MEMorial HEalTHcarE SySTEM HaS Job opEningS! now Hiring pTs, oTs, Slps in Florida rEgiSTEr rigHT away For THiS FrEE onlinE opEn HouSE! Sign up to see all of the great career opportunities Memorial Healthcare System has to offer in Florida. You can attend from anywhere you can get online! This event is perfect for anyone who lives in Florida or is looking to relocate to the area. ■ Check out their facilities and benefits through multimedia features ■ Chat live with recruiters looking to fill positions immediately ■ Submit your resume ■ Review downloadable resources ■ And much more! 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Ferrie, Jonathan Bassett Senior Regional Editor-Rebecca Mayer Assistant Editor/Web Editor-Danielle Bullen Editorial Consultants-Margaret E. Rinehart Ayres, PhD, PT, Jane M. 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Gait analysis with highspeed video equipment is certainly a valuable tool when treating the injured runner. This article hits that point on the head. I disagree with a few of the other points presented, however. First, if the runner is dealing with an injury that is a direct result of poor biomechanics, the first step of action is not always to provide them with the most support possible. The symptoms associated with some injuries can change very quickly (for the better) when the source of stress is eliminated. Such sources of stress include, but are not limited to, excessive pronation, heel striking when compared to mid-foot or forefoot striking, and significant peak hip adduction and hip internal rotation in stance. As the authors stated, some runners may need more support initially, but what they failed to mention is that there are others who may benefit from less support. For instance, a patient who is struggling with persistent knee pain may need to adjust footstrike kinematics in order to eliminate the impact transient at initial contact. Take a closer look—is the patient heel striking, contacting the ground significantly outside their center of gravity aka overstriding? The proper way to eliminate that impact transient is not to provide them with a more supportive or cushioned shoe, but rather to teach them how to contact the ground lightly underneath their center of gravity. Applying this principle is quite simple. Within the session, trial test barefoot running on a smooth grass or carpet surface. If the patient experiences a reduction in symptoms, his or her injury is most likely related to footstrike kinematics, and a rehab program that involves performing balance activities and other stability exercises barefoot as well as short barefoot strides on grass (50-100m) will promote the development of a mid-foot or forefoot strike. If the runner does not experience a reduction in symptoms, then maybe the clinician does want to look into stability shoes or even an orthotic….but not until barefoot running has been trial tested. As physical therapists, we do not want to promote reliance upon external devices if they are not truly necessary. The human foot and ankle is a marvel and was created to be functional on its own. Physical therapists can help injured runners develop a healthier, more stable foot and ankle complex through proper exercise prescription. Which leads me to my second counterpoint: Why would the authors attempt to promote a forefoot strike among injured runners while they are wearing heavily cushioned and supportive shoes? A high heel-forefoot drop, which exists in almost all stability shoes, encourages a heel strike. The human body will take advantage of what it is given; therefore, if more cushioning is placed in the heel of a shoe, runners will initially contact the ground in that area of high cushioning. Compare that to barefoot runners or those who run in more minimalist footwear. They would not dream of heel striking as their calcaneus would be unable to repetitively bear such a load without bony injury. So, if we try to encourage runners to wear heavily cushioned and supportive shoes for forefoot strike, what are we doing? We are certainly placing an awkward load on the Achilles tendon as it is in a shortened state throughout. We should be encouraging the Achilles to lengthen through its normal range of motion so that more elastic energy can be stored before push-off in late stance. These are just some thoughts for discussion and to highlight that there is more than one approach when an injured runner comes to a clinic’s door. The clinic that considers both approaches is going to be the one that helps that runner return to running more efficiently and effectively. — J. Ryan Bair, PT, DPT ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 9 [management focus] A More Direct Approach By Larry Briand, MS, PT, ATC, and Kevin Svoboda, PT P hysical therapy was recently included among U.S. News and World Report’s assessment of the top careers of 2011. This comes at a time when graduates no longer leave school without a doctorate-level degree in physical therapy and the American Physical Therapy Association has introduced Vision 2020, a mandate that by the year 2020, every practicing physical therapist will hold a doctorate-level degree. According to the mission statement, “Consumers will have direct access to physical therapists in all environments for patient/ client management, prevention and wellness services. Physical therapists will be practitioners of choice...and will hold all privileges of autonomous practice.” This puts the physical therapy discipline at the cusp of an important era of heightened recognition and independence, one that suggests the current state of referral relationships between PTs and physicians should be perhaps redefined. One way to accomplish this is through wider implementation of direct access to physical therapists. Prior to the introduction of direct access, a patient must have previously been referred to a physical therapist by a physician for an initial assessment to occur. With these expanded rights, 10 however, patients are able to directly access the therapist of their choice simply by visiting that provider’s office and asking for treatment. The ability of the patient to do this, and to what degree, varies by state jurisdiction. Some states allow full, unfettered access. Others, however, allow only partial or no direct access at all. In recent years, the APTA has embraced the benefits of direct access for all physical therapists and has lobbied Congress hard, along with each state’s association, to expand direct access rights to all states. Mutual Benefits As frequently expressed by the APTA and state PTAs, all parties in a treatment model benefit from direct access, starting with the payer, which sees decreased costs because an initial referral is not required. If a patient is not first going to a physician, there are no costs associated with that visit. The physical therapy provider also benefits from direct access in many ways: they gain more autonomy as a practitioner, and increase their credibility. Earlier intervention leads to greater clinical efficiency, thus allowing the provider to offer more specialty prevention and wellness programs. Finally, direct access allows the provider to experience an open-door model to the medical system. The largest beneficiaries of direct access, however, are patients. Those benefits begin even before a patient enters a therapist’s office, the first of which is the ability to choose a provider. Without direct access, a patient must first visit a physician, who assesses them and makes a ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Goal of the Doctorate As it’s aligned with the APTA’s Vision 2020 plan, entry into the profession is controlled; if the model holds true, all practicing physical therapists will be licensed and one day hold no less than a doctorate-level degree. This goal, coupled with the fact that widespread Internet use makes continuing education fast and easy, means PTs are well qualified to initially treat a patient. Physical therapists also are well-qualified to recognize when a patient demonstrates dave perillo Redefining referral relationships under increasing direct access referral to a PT. This process is time-consuming and can be inefficient, sometimes taking three weeks or more for the patient to visit a physician and ultimately end up in a PT clinic. The patient’s condition can deteriorate rapidly in this amount of time, causing their recovery to take exponentially longer. Numerous studies supported by the APTA suggest that immediate access to therapeutic care, in cooperation and conjunction with the diagnostic assessment of physicians and supporting medical community, leads to a higher rate of success in a timelier manner for the individual seeking services. The goal of 2010’s health care reform law was to reduce costs across the board. Direct access supports this goal. Its cost control measures ensure that patients will make the most efficient use of their treatment and recovery times while increasing access to health care professionals. According to the APTA, a recent study by Dr. Jean Mitchell and Dr. Greg deLissovoy of Georgetown University and Johns Hopkins University, respectively, found that states and insurance companies that reimburse under direct access realize savings of about $1,200 per patient episode of care. Some may argue that physicians have always been the first and last lines of defense for everyone’s health, and indeed, physicians have traditionally been the gatekeepers in the medical model. Physical therapists, however, have an established track record of success in treating millions of patients. All therapists receive formal education and clinical training to evaluate a patient’s condition, assess his or her physical therapy needs and, if appropriate, safely and effectively treat the patient. Most therapists ground their treatments in the latest scientific and evidence-based models. [management focus] now recognize the value of a symbiotic relationship with physicians by referring their own patients, and in turn receiving a steadier stream of referrals. Additionally, direct access can encourage therapists to make inroads with industrial employers. This can help open doors to more workers’ compensation billables, and help diversify a therapist’s referral base and payer mix. Growing Health Concerns Therapists should recognize that direct access is a great way to grow a PT practice and should work to encourage its implementation. This can help advance the physical therapy discipline and ensure its recognition of credibility. Not only does direct access benefit all involved, it is also in demand. Patients are beginning to understand the benefits of being able to choose and now feel empowered to advocate for direct access along with therapists. Providers are positioned for a unique opportunity to recognize the market demand for direct access and expand its reach. Today there is a greater sense of health consciousness and emphasis on wellness. This has led to skyrocketing health care costs and the realization of a need to temper those costs while increasing access. Direct access achieves both of these mandates. The cost savings and rationale behind direct access are clear. It is perhaps contingent on physical therapists themselves to recognize their own patient management skills and encourage the re-evaluation of the patient-physician referral relationship. n Larry Briand is founder and CEO of Rehab Management Solutions. He has owned and operated private practice physical therapy clinics nationwide for more than 25 years and is an APTA and Private Practice Section member. He can be reached at Kevin Svoboda is clinical growth and development director of Rehab Management Solutions. He is membership chair of the APTA’s Occupational Health Special Interest Group. He can be reached at ksvoboda@rehab ▲ symptoms that require a second opinion, another form of therapy or the evaluation of another health care professional. If a serious medical condition is detected before starting therapy, direct access allows the therapist to refer directly to another physician. Hurdles still block the implementation of direct access in the four states that do not fully recognize the professional training and skills of physical therapists. It can be argued that one of the largest hurdles is PTs themselves. Some therapists have become accustomed to the traditional referral source relationship and may be afraid to assert their independence and claim their share of the patient market. As the profession has grown and developed, so must the relationship between therapists and physicians. Therapists should be encouraged to feel comfortable approaching referral sources, not intimidated. Physician relationships have not always been thought of as strategic partnerships. Instead, therapists asked for patients rather than earning them. Successful therapists Dreaming of Long-Term Success? Take control of your future with a partner who can help you find the ideal combination of quality patient care and increased financial opportunity. · Build a profitable, new center · Improve the financial viability of an existing center · Develop a succession plan · Successfully navigate health care industry changes Find out how Nueterra can bring the business resources and capital necessary to achieve long-term success. Call 1-888-887-2619, email info @, or visit today. PT_ad_rev2011.03.indd 1 2/9/11 4:20 PM ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 11 CLIPWELL [management focus] Therapists can add value to patient management skills with 97002 By Kevin Svoboda, PT I THERAPY BAND CLIP Get the most from your band. Try it now! No need to tie bands! Durable Clipwell Therapy Band Clip eliminates the need to tie bands into loops. Works great with all brands of non-latex and latex therapy bands and even better with Stretchwell’s line of Fit-Lastic therapy bands. To order or receive our full catalog, Call Toll Free: 1-888-396-2430 or fax: 215-675-8042 or mail: Stretchwell, Inc. PO Box 3081 Warminster, PA 18974 n a frequently changing world of third-party payer reimbursement —one that now includes random Medicare audits and a burden of proof on the therapist to demonstrate medical necessity—it is encouraging to see therapists recognize their patient management skills. One way of doing this is through use of CPT code 97002—the Physical Therapy Re-Evaluation code—for physical therapists, or CPT code 97004 for occupational therapists. The re-evaluation code differs from the evaluation code, 97001. Under those circumstances, “the healthcare provider re-examines the patient/client. This includes taking a comprehensive history, systems review and tests and measures. Tests and measures may include, but are not limited, to tests of range of motion, motor function, muscle performance, joint integrity, neuromuscular status and review of orthotic or prosthetic devices. The PT formulates an assessment, prognosis and notes an anticipated intervention,” according to the 2010 Coders’ Desk Reference for Procedures. Following the patient’s progression through their plan of care, a re-evaluation may need to take place. In this case, “the health care provider re-examines the patient/client to obtain objective measures of progress toward stated goals,” according to the 2010 Coders’ Desk Reference for Procedures. The code can be used after a change in diagnosis; after a change in status due to other medical problems; after a significant change in the plan of care or goals; or after a significant gap in services. It is critical, however, to utilize this code as described in the CPT handbook language – and to document it properly. Whereas 97002 is the clinically appropriate code to use, often therapists don’t value their patient management skills and fail to use this code to describe services rendered. This can happen when a patient comes to therapy, treatment is rendered and the therapist performs an assessment or examination which determines further intervention is not appropriate. Not only is assigning these services to the code 97002 the clinically appropriate thing to do, but it is also an opportunity to get paid for the skilled medical services that you have provided. To better understand the clinical presentations in which it is appropriate to use the 97002 code, consider the following examples. A change in diagnosis can be caused by an exacerbation of symptoms, recognition of comorbidity or a medical complication—the development of a wound from a surgical site, for example. The patient’s status can also change due to other, unrelated medical problems. Perform a re-evaluation after a significant change in the patient’s plan of care or established goals. This can occur when there is a redirection of treatment intervention, a change in symptoms due to the response to the treatment, a change in frequency of care, the establishment of new goals or a graduation/discharge from the PT or OT program. Re-state all of the goals from the initial plan of care and re-state any new goals established during the subsequent plan of care. It also is important to cite the patient’s progress toward each of the initial goals, citing any measurable evidence of progress. After establishing why the patient needs to continue therapy services, state what the plan is going to be to achieve those new goals. As medical professionals who have the privilege of billing CPT codes, it’s important that we uphold the standards of CPT terminology and use our goals properly. The proper use of the Re-Evaluation code is one opportunity for us to properly represent our profession and prove medical necessity. n Source: Ingenix. Coder’s Desk Reference for Procedures. 2010 ed. 12 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Celebrate PTs During OCTOBER 2011 National Physical Therapy Month Start planning your PT Month celebration today! Our unique custom gifts and oneof-a-kind PT designs will help you promote the profession and celebrate in style! Support healthy, active PT lifestyles with this great kit equipped with pedometer earphone outlet, and more! p set-u Free r a fo e! d tim i lim te Along with physical activity, PTs know the importance of a balanced diet. This lunch bag combo keeps it fresh on the go. Item #17795 Item #7238 Visit to see our countless products and the many exclusive PT designs that will make your Physical Therapy Month celebration extra special! imumsieces n i M w Lo at 12 p cts g n i t r sta t produ c e l e s for 1.877.776.6680 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 13 [sports rehab] Patient Fares Issa is being taped by Chris Keating, PT, DPT, to temporarily decrease shoulder pain at Strive Physical Therapy. Shoulder Sensations Kinesiology tape helps upper extremity injuries heal more rapidly and fully By Rebecca Mayer K inesiology tape benefits a wide variety of injuries and inflammatory conditions. The modality can be used to correct a movement deficiency, brace an unstable joint or assist with muscle re-education. The thin, stretchy, therapeutic tape can be worn without binding, constricting or restricting movement. Kinesiology taping can either provide support or prevent over-contraction of muscles. When used for support, taping allows the patient to retain his full range of motion and normal biomechanics. When used to 14 prevent over-contraction, the taping technique provides all-day facilitation of lymphatic drainage. “In my practice, I have used several different types of taping methods to help a patient return to full functioning,” said Brian Koczenasz, DPT, SCS, A.R.T., physical therapist with Performance Physical Therapy in Stamford, CT. “I have used McConnell taping techniques to help with patello-femoral issues and kinesiology tape to help with muscle re-education and athletic tape for injury prevention prior to athletic events.” Dr. Koczenasz’s clinic is located inside a large athletic training facility and the majority of the patient caseload is sports-related, so he tends to use taping more than most physical therapists. “I find that it is very beneficial during the transition period between finishing up ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Kinesiology Tape Basics Unlike traditional athletic tape, which is wrapped tightly around an injured area to provide rigid support and restrict movement, kinesiology tape provides dynamic support and allows a functional range of motion. Kinesiology tape is applied directly over or around the periphery of the area, instead of being wrapped completely around an injured area. Kinesiology tape can be worn during intense exercise, showering, bathing or swimming. The therapeutic benefits last the entire time the patient wears the tape. Because it’s lightweight, breathable and flexible, kinesiology tape is an effective tool. And unlike athletic tape, therapeutic tape does not cause skin irritation from tight compression or moisture build-up. Kinesiology tape is applied to a patient’s shoulder when her arm is fully extended at 90 degrees. The PT gently presses the tape at the top of the shoulder area and unrolls down the length of the patient’s arm to the elbow. Proper application ensures the tape will glide along the same direction as the patient’s shoulder and arm muscles. Kinesiology tape can be applied to neck or shoulder injuries to help speed recovery time. Kinesiology tape is available in various cuts and colors to treat several different muscle groups, including shoulders, knees, wrists, back and other common areas where sports injuries can occur. These cuts, in shapes such as X, Y and I, are designed to mimic the structure and makeup of the muscle fibers, so the tape can be placed along the length Mark Muir with formal rehabilitation and a full return to sports,” he shared. The main benefits of kinesiology taping include pain relief, lymphatic drainage with bruising and edema, and as a corrective alignment or reminder to the patient, according to Chris Keating, PT, DPT, a physical therapist with Strive Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation in Marlton, NJ. The four main types of this taping are the Y, I, X, and fan shapes. The PT can adjust the amount of tension to suit the patient when applying the tape. Because kinesiology tape is flexible, research shows the modality helps circulation flow and speeds healing. Kinesiology tape must be applied correctly, by a trained professional. [sports rehab] of the muscle and provide extra support for faster healing. Kinesiology tape is used to help heal injuries or strains without the rigidity and inflexible properties of regular athletic tape. Because it is made of cotton, kinesiology tape is more breathable and allows for easy movement. The tape is safe to use while training or working out, and is both sweat proof and waterproof. “I see kinesiology tape mainly as a bridge to other treatments,” shared Dr. Keating. “The modality helps patients move on, rather than becoming dependent on the therapy.” In Dr. Keating’s experience, patients tend to get hooked on modalities such as TENS. But with taping, patients can be discharged more quickly because they are ready to stop wearing the tape. Dr. Keating often uses kinesiology tape for patients with fibromyalgia. “Shoulder taping is an effective treatment for vague pain,” he said. “It provides great sensory feedback.” With fibromyalgia, there is a central pain issue, and kinesiology tape can provide relief a constant reminder to sit upright and avoid throughout day when applied properly, said a C-curved spine. “When the person is in a Dr. Keating. With this patient population, he good postural position, they usually don’t commonly uses the tape two times a week, feel anything,” observed Dr. Koczenasz. and for about two to three weeks, then is able “When the patient moves into poor posto discontinue use because the pain has been tural position, he will feel the tape pull tight, relieved enough for the patient to participate which should remind him to use the proper in strengthening exercises. He generally uses postural muscles.” a Y strip from the deltoid to the front, and an Dr. Keating generally uses kinesiology I strip to unload the deltoid. tape for shoulder instability, postural issues “I use kinesiology tape to eliminate pain, and realignment purposes. “Because the not for structural purposes,” Dr. Keating patient wears the tape for a few days, it really explained. Applying kinesiology tape before helps with awareness of issues in the shoultaking a patient through a strengthening der,” he said. “I often use kinesiology tape program can help recruit muscle groups to for cuing patients to be aware of their body fire through the tactile feedback the tape pro- mechanics.” vides. This, in turn, can help correct faulty According to Dr. Keating, kinesiology tape neuromuscular firing patterns, according to is an appropriate solution for many of his Dr. Koczenasz. patients because there are sensory and neurological components in an orthopedic clinic Body Awareness that athletic tape cannot address. Kinesiology tape, used along the lumbar and Dr. Koczenasz has used kinesiology thoracic paraspinals, can significantly help tape post-surgically to help decrease swellwith postural corrections. The tape provides ing. “What I was taught when taking the ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 15 [sports rehab] kinesiotape courses was that the elastic recoil of the tape, when applied in a grid or lattice pattern causes the skin to dimple in the small squares not covered by tape,” he explained. “That dimpling creates alternating spaces of increased/decreased pressure, which should create a flow of fluid allowing the lymph system to better absorb it.” Patients with subacromial impingement or tendonitis typically also have a component of altered neuromuscular firing patterns causing poor glenohumeral and scapulothoracic biomechanics, shared Dr. Koczenasz. Kinesiology tape can help provide a tactile feedback sensation which helps the patient feel how the shoulder and arm both should and should not be moving. A muscle or muscle group can be activated or helped when the recoil of the tape is moving in the same direction as the pull of the muscle. “Inhibition can be achieved if the recoil is moving in the opposite direction as the pull of the muscle,” said Dr. Koczenasz. “It is the tactile sensation of the tape on the 16 skin when either activating or inhibiting that influences the muscle or muscle group.” Kinesiology taping is used to alleviate pain and swelling by lifting the skin, which serves to relieve pressure on the neural receptors, and allows the lymphatic system to drain more freely. Dr. Keating has had success using kinesiology tape with bruising. He generally applies a wide strip in a spider formation. The theory is to apply when the area is stretched to create a breather under the skin. He feels the tape helps the lymphatic system to get up and working. “If a patient has a gnarly bruise, it helps to get it out of the area,” he shared. “When it comes to the traditional taping, most patients understand the benefits and do not need much education,” shared Dr. Koczenasz. “When using kinesiology tape, patients do require some education about what it is and how it will benefit. After the first application, most patients will see the benefits.” According to Dr. Koczenasz, patients tend ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine to be a little skeptical about using kinesiology tape, however, after a time or two, most can see the benefit of the modality. Dr. Keating finds kinesiology tape to be exceptionally user-friendly. “There are social aspects of wearing tape that need to be considered as well. But with this tape, it simply comes off when it’s done being effective Typically it’s about three days of use and generally, the tape won’t have any effect after that time.” Kinesiology tape is one of many useful tools in the PT toolbox. “It provides another option and works like extra security because it’s easy to use and satisfies the patient’s psychological component about their injury or condition,” observed Dr. Keating. n Rebecca Mayer is senior regional editor of ADVANCE. For more information on taping, visit www. ONLY KINESIO TEX HAS THE FOUNDER’S Signature of Approval WITH 30 YEARS OF RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND CLINICAL USE, KINESIO® TEX GOLD IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN THE ONLY PRODUCT UPCOMING KTA SEMINARS 8/6-7/2011 New Rochelle, NY KT1, KT2 8/13-14/2011 St. Petersburg, FL KT3 Sports MANUFACTURED TO THE SPECIFICATIONS DR. KENZO KASE, FOUNDER OF THE KINESIO TAPING METHOD, SETS FORTH TO MEET KINESIO TAPING STANDARDS. KINESIO® TEX GOLD IS 100% LATEX-FREE AND WITH ITS PATENTED WAVE- 8/13-14 & 10/15/2011 Boston, MA PATTERNED ADHESIVE DESIGN IT OFFERS LIGHT, GENTLE, HYPO-ALLERGENIC MATERIALS THAT CAN BE USED WITH ALL SKIN TYPES RANGING FROM PEDIATRIC TO GERIATRIC PATIENTS. Distributed By: (800) 662-7283 - KT1, KT2, KT3 8/13-14/2011 San Jose, CA KT3 Expanded 8/20/2011 Round Rock, TX KT3 8/20/2011 Winter Park, FL KT3 8/20/2011 Royal Oak, MI KT3 8/20-21 & 9/17/2011 Perrysburg, OH KT1, KT2, KT3 8/20-21 & 10/1/2011 Knoxville, TN KT1, KT2, KT3 8/27/2011 Minneapolis, MN KT3 8/27-28/2011 Dallas, TX KT1, KT2 8/27-28/2011 Las Vegas, NV KT3 Lymph All seminars listed have been approved by the Kinesio Taping® Association * Seminars are provided by the Kinesio Taping® Association A FULL KTA SEMINAR SCHEDULE CAN BE FOUND AT: or call us at (888) 320-8273 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 17 [cover story] Born with congenital limb differences, South African wheelchair athlete Ernst van Dyk today is an advocate for people with disabilities. On behalf of Spaulding Rehabilitation Network and in partnership with Massachusetts Rehab Commission, van Dyk recently addressed a crowd at the Riverview School for students with complex language, learning and cognitive disabilities in Sandwich, MA. 18 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine [cover story] World in Motion South African handcyclist soars both on the course and behind the podium By Rebecca Mayer W hen Ernst van Dyk was born in apartheid South Africa with congenital limb differences in the early 1970s, his parents were told that he would face a lifetime of hardship. Despite what the team of physicians had said, they made a choice to raise him to believe that anything was possible. Today, van Dyk is a world-renowned athlete, advocate and champion who is an inspiration to thousands across the globe. “Sports have given me the opportunity to help others realize that life does not end with disability, it’s merely the beginning to a new way of life,” said van Dyk. “My hope is that through my story people are inspired to try new challenges and enjoy their lives in ways they thought might never be possible.” With his parents’ support, he became a competitive athlete at a young age. His affinity for sports—ranging from gymnastics to table tennis—reached a new level when he represented South Africa in the 1992 Barcelona Paralympics in swimming and wheelchair events. After hearing the roar of the crowd as he pushed wheelchair racing. His list of accomplishments is long and varied but all of them point back to his athletic achievements. He won a bronze medal in the 400 meters at the Summer Paralympics in Sydney in 2000. At the 2004 Paralympics in Athens, he won silver in the 800 meter race, silver in the 1500 meters and bronze in the 5000 meters. Van Dyk won gold in the hand cycling road race and bronze in the wheelchair marathon at the Beijing Paralympics in 2008. ▲ Spaulding Rehabilitation Network around the track during his events, he decided to focus his athletic career on ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 19 [cover story] Still a competitive athlete, he has devoted much of his spare time to inspiring people of all ages and abilities. In sharing his message of overcoming adversity, van Dyk often stresses that true victory is defined by how an individual chooses to get back up when he has been knocked down. Captivating an Audience From first-time marathoners to aspiring young athletes, van Dyk’s reach runs deep. “Ernst truly embodies the strength and perseverance I see in our patients each day. His story reminds us all that anything is possible,” Sharon Gale, PT, MHA, director of outpatient operations for Spaulding Cape Cod, told ADVANCE. With nine titles and counting, van Dyk holds the record for wins across all divisions in the Boston Marathon’s 115-year history. As Gale prepared to tackle the Boston Marathon herself for the first time this past spring, seeing someone as inspiring as van Dyk ener- Ernst van Dyk meets a fan. He believes that every athlete—whether disabled or not—attributes gized her personally. Beginning in 2003, the success to hard work, dedication and perseverance. Spaulding Rehabilitation Network has been one of van Dyk’s major sponsors. best qualities of strength and dedication that line up for an event. The critical factor is learnOn behalf of Spaulding Rehabilitation our caregivers and courageous patients display ing to dial in your skills, paying attention to Network and in partnership with Massachu- each day at Spaulding.” detail, planning carefully and most importantly, setts Rehab Commission, van Dyk recently consistently working hard. There are no more free rides in the sports world.” addressed a crowd of hundreds at the Riv- Global Recognition erview School for students with complex lan- “Disabled sports do not often receive media The decorated athlete feels that education, guage, learning and cognitive disabilities in coverage,” explained van Dyk. “When a corpo- particularly among the youth, is of paramount Sandwich, MA. “As a clinician, it was power- ration books me for a speech, it’s not unusual importance in the disabled sports community. ful to see the impact his message had on our for more than half of the audience members “People simply do not know about disabled community,” she recalled. to have never heard of me. People are just not sports because they are never exposed to “Spaulding is proud to have this long-stand- made aware of what we, as disabled athletes, or confronted with it. I try my best to eduing sponsorship with Ernst to support him as can achieve or the lives that we live.” cate through my motivational talks and I he continually rewrites the record books and In 2006, van Dyk was honored as the use my achievements in sport to facilitate challenges perceptions of what is possible,” Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability by the opportunity.” said David Storto, president, Spaulding Reha- the international Laureus Sport Foundation. People will become more knowledgeable bilitation Network. “Ernst embodies the very This award is the apex of the sporting world, about the abilities of people with disabilities and with this honor, he joined the likes of Ser- simply by taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture, observed van Dyk. ena Williams and Lance Armstrong. He hopes that by making a name in his sport, “Sometimes pros join when I am training with he will play a role in bringing disabled sports a group of cyclists, and they’re amazed that we to the forefront. “Media coverage of disabled can ride a bike just as fast and hard with our sports is very important in opening people’s arms as they can with their legs. It’s like a light MedicalBilling&Collection minds to the possibilities in life and how we switch going on and they realize what physical Doyou: are making the best of sometimes rather dif- and mental ability they’re dealing with.” 9Wonder if you are getting underpaid? ficult situations,” he said. 9Want to save money on staff? He believes that every athlete—whether dis- At the Top of his Game 9Struggle with increased coding complexity? abled or not—attributes success to hard work, With swimming as the first sport he knew, van VZP will help you with a FRESH solution! dedication and perseverance. Dyk still believes it is a great sport to develop “In the modern world in which we live, it’s young athletes. no longer enough to just have talent or athletic “My early days of swimming developed 347Ͳ462Ͳ4876 ability,” van Dyk shared. “Most competitors my cardiovascular system to an optimal level, WespecializeinPTBilling&Collection have the same natural attributes when they which really gave me an advantage when I 20 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine [cover story] moved over to wheelchair racing,” shared van Dyk. He works with a strength and conditioning coach three to four times a week and also sees a physiotherapist once a week for prehabilitation. “I’ve not suffered a serious injury for the last five years so it’s a formula that seems to be working well for me,” van Dyk relayed. He receives his sport science support at The Stellenbosch University Sport Performance Institute in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Winning the Boston Marathon for the ninth time and setting the record for the most wins was a dream come true, according to van Dyk. “For any athlete to stay at the top of [his] game for a decade is a massive challenge and achievement,” he shared. Although he is content with his achievements in the Boston Marathon, he plans to be back next year to attempt number 10 for the second year in a row. He acknowledges that the field is now crowded with new racers who admittedly may be hungrier for a win than he is at this point in his career. “I have a lot of respect for all of my competitors,” expressed van Dyk. “Sometimes when you listen to the horrific stories of how these individuals ended up disabled, you’re amazed that they were able to pick up the pieces and move on with their lives. I’m inspired by their resilience.” Although he was favored to win the 2011 Boston Marathon, he placed third. In retrospect, he believes that he was not as well prepared as he would like to be. He set the second-fastest time of his career and the fourth-fastest time of all time in the sport—all at 38 years old. Further, he has held on to the world record he set in 2004 for men’s wheelchair marathon. “Sometimes I’m still surprised by how hard we can push our bodies when we have to,” he observed. From May to September, the winter months in South Africa, he races on the UCI Handcycling circuit with three World Cup events and a world championship in August/September. Handcycling has become his sport of focus and he is looking forward to competing in the Paralympics in 2012. In addition to training as a professional athlete, he owns a business, works as an events manager at Stellenbosch University, gives motivational talks the world over and serves as chairman of the Western Cape Koi Keepers Society. But aside from the professional and athletic achievements, the fastest wheelchair marathoner in history is also a loving husband and father. Apart from his athletic career, van Dyk lists receiving his degree in sport science and becoming the first person with a disability to do so at his university as a top personal achievement. Ernst is ever focused on how he can continue to expand his impact for the community with disabilities worldwide. Fittingly, he has launched a new sports equipment brand in South Africa that offers a range of sports and recreational products for people with disabilities. “I live a balanced life and see my sport as one of my many jobs,” van Dyk shared. n Rebecca Mayer is senior regional editor of ADVANCE and can be reached at To see more photos of Ernst van Dyk’s inspiring visit to Spaulding Rehab, visit Do You or Your Patients Suffer from Myofascial or Musculoskeletal Pain? • Gently rehabilitates cervical musculature • Improves Cervical Mobility • Increases Cranial Blood Circulation • Enhances Neuromuscular Re-Education Techniques 888-884-4256(HALO) PHYSICAL THERAPIST WELLNESS NETWORK CHANGING THE FACE OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Biogenesis Group offers: Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) credentialling Free sample health risk assessment tool MSK ultrasonography workshops Auriculo-therapy education FOR FREE MEMBERSHIP INTO THE NATIONS LARGEST WELLNESS NETWORK-VISIT OUR WEBSITE IP BERSH “MEM S Y DOE REALL ’S HAVE IT EGES” PRIVIL 734.879.1138 | WWW.BIOGENESISGROUP.COM ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 21 [stroke rehab] Meeting the Challenge A therapist at Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific (REHAB) helps a patient with stroke use a bionic leg during gait training. Bringing ‘high-tech’ robotics to Hawaii’s ‘high-touch’ culture By Teresa Wong, PT A s the only acute medical rehabilitation hospital serving the state of Hawaii, Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific (REHAB) is no stranger to the constantly changing health care climate. These days, the challenges are even more pressing, with reimbursement cuts at every turn and the demand for rehabilitation 22 growing as our aging population explodes, with Hawaii leading the nation in the growth of the 65 and older population. In business for almost 60 years, REHAB Hospital is proud of its legacy of providing rehabilitation with “aloha.” Its 70-bed acute facility and three outpatient clinics serve more than 6,000 patients each year with strokes, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, orthopedic and sports injuries and general rehabilitation needs. In 2009, REHAB Hospital reorganized its outpatient clinics to meet escalating economic and regional competitive demands. One year ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Treating Stroke Survivors In February of this year, at the recommendation of the Innovation Center ’s Advisory Council member Nancy Byl, PT, PhD, REHAB Hospital introduced a bionic leg into its outpatient stroke program. A few months later, it was implemented into the inpatient program. The bionic leg is a wearable “intention based” robotic device that uses highly sensitive motors to provide assistance and “training” to the affected leg of a stroke survivor. A foot sensor inside the patient’s shoe detects the patient’s weightbearing status that is customized by the therapist to trigger the bionic leg’s motors. Once the patient demonstrates the proper weight bearing status, the bionic leg’s high-torque motor applies the predetermined percentage of “unweighing” necessary to equalize the strength of the affected leg with Teresa Wong/Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific later, its flagship Honolulu outpatient clinic underwent a metamorphosis with a precise business plan that identified necessary changes in facilities, services and marketing strategies with the ambitious goal of increasing revenues by 20 percent. In addition to a complete facilities renovation designed around new clinical programs such as Clinical Pilates and an East West Rehabilitation Program, REHAB Hospital’s new Innovation Center was instituted as a “think tank” to synergistically combine emerging technologies into clinical practice for maximal patient outcomes. REHAB Hospital’s Innovation Center has three goals: to seek breakthrough technologies, innovative methodologies and emerging trends; to inspire clinicians to implement the highest standards of care; and to advance program development to bring the most powerful treatment options to each patient. To integrate high-tech into Hawaii’s intense high-touch “island family” culture appears, on the surface, to be incompatible. But with technology comes the ability to engage a patient dynamically in the recovery process, creating a strong partnership between patient and therapist. In Hawaiian, the word is “kokua,” or cooperation; an integral part of Hawaii’s hightouch culture. [stroke rehab] that of the unaffected leg. This equalization enables stroke patients to perform many high-level functional activities such as walking and climbing stairs with significantly reduced assistance. A Paradigm Shift Traditional rehabilitation protocols rely on compensatory strategies such as the use of a walker or quad cane after a stroke because of demand for functional outcomes as quickly as possible. This biomechanically changes the natural bipedal gait pattern and reinforces a pathological gait pattern during the critical initial recovery period, resulting in long-term balance vulnerabilities and secondary pain due to functional physical asymmetries. With the bionic leg, its inherent design of using a customized weightbearing sensor to activate motion addresses not only what therapists have been encouraging for years—“shift your weight”—it is encouraged through a dynamic sensory experience that becomes naturally intuitive to the patient. More importantly, with its very snug fit and strong hold around the knee joint, patients begins to “trust” the bionic leg once they acclimate to its “assistance.” Patients feel safe using their affected leg much more aggressively then they would otherwise. This allows patients to actively engage in the intense, repetitive exercises necessary for neuroplasticity and true recovery of motor function. Stair climbing is an excellent demonstration of the advantages of robotics for rehabilitation. The challenge of going down stairs or down stroke continued on page 34 Lokomat – Functional locomotion therapy ® Functional movement and sensory stimulation play an important role in the rehabilitation of patients following neurological disorders and injuries. Through numerous repetitions and intensive training, activities of daily living may be improved. The Lokomat system is a driven gait orthosis that automates locomotion therapy on a treadmill. The Lokomat improves the efficiency of gait training • task-orientated and repetitive gait training supports the neural plasticity and the motor relearning • physiological gait pattern provided by individually adjustable orthosis, guidance force and weight support • real time feedback for a higher motivation leading to longer and more intensive training sessions compared to manual treadmill training • assessment and reporting functionality for an easy measurement of the patient’s progress Hocoma International Headquarters: Hocoma AG Industriestrasse 4 8604 Volketswil / Switzerland Phone 0041 43 444 2200 E-mail Hocoma North American Hub: Hocoma Inc, USA 100 Reservoir Park Drive, PO Box 553 Rockland, Massachusetts 02370 Phone 001 877 944 2200 E-mail Visit for conditions of product use. We move you ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 23 [pilates] Combining gravity and Pilates for more effective rehabilitation By Colette Barry, BMI, LMT, RYT I t’s hard to imagine that when Joseph Pilates first started developing his training ideas back in 1912, he could have envisioned the phenomenon it is today. You would be hard pressed to find a gym or physical therapy center that doesn’t offer Pilates as part of its comprehensive fitness program. Pilates has rocked the world down to its core—literally. When we think of Pilates, we think of the core. Developing a strong core, or center of the body, is one of the primary goals of any Pilates routine. If we look at the core of the body as those muscles that support the spine, and the deep abdominal muscles required in much of our daily body movements, then it’s easy to see why Pilates built his fitness regimen around it. But he didn’t stop at the core. Joseph Pilates, and many of his students after, saw the conditioning and balance of the entire body as essential for optimum health. Elongate and Strengthen Another important element in any Pilates routine is the strengthening of entire muscle 24 groups. Unlike weight-bearing exercise routines which isolate and develop short, bulky muscle, Pilates exercises incorporate fluidity and smoothness, training several muscle groups at once for a whole-body experience. The focus is on increasing muscle length and flexibility, which in-turn strengthens muscles down to their core. And an evenly balanced musculature is much more efficient, making the body less prone to injury. The Seven Tenets of Pilates Pilates is effective for rehabilitation and physical therapy because it has as its foundation seven key principles: • Precision of movement for optimization; • C e n t e r a s f o c u s f o r m i n d - b o d y connection; • Balance before moving for safety; • Breathing to maximize muscle efficiency; • Alignment of posture for greater awareness; • Fluidity of motion for contour and grace; • Integration of muscles for full support. The Five Anchors Having been born with a severe hearing impairment that literally affects my sense of balance, finding a way to optimal physical and mental balance became a necessity. What I’ve learned as a hearing impaired person, and ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Gravity Gliding System By combining yoga, Pilates and a gravity gliding system, physical therapists, instructors and athletes can take Pilates to a whole new level. Blending these three systems allows you to isolate muscles that might seem unreachable. When patients or athletes rest their bodies against an angular glideboard, they actually reduce the load on the skeletal structure of the body, maximizing muscle use with minimal joint and back compression. In addition, the adjustable angles provided by the glideboard allow the patient or athlete to utilize gravity as resistance rather than additional external colette barry Focus on the Core what I’ve found in my 30 years of experience as a certified yoga instructor, Pilates instructor and massage therapist, is that optimum balance begins with the five key anchors of the body: • Heart Anchor (at the base of the breastbone); • T7 Anchor (at the base of the shoulder blades); • Pubic Anchor; • Chin Anchor; • Focal Anchor (looking inward). By combining these five anchors of the body with the seven key tenets of Pilates, and by incorporating a gravity gliding board found on home training machines, a person can take Pilates to the next level, producing perfect alignment, a well-centered body and optimum balance. [pilates] weight, which only compounds joint and ligament strain. The result is faster healing and a lesser chance at aggravating an injury through physical therapy or training. Reaching New Heights Pilates incorporates many moves and exercises on the mat, Cadillac “rack” and barrel devices. But the gravity resistance apparatus surpasses those pieces of equipment by offering adjustable moves, as well as inversion moves. It opens up a whole new world of opportunities for muscle integration, isolation and resistance. The glideboard provides greater stability against opposing resistance, which again decreases the chance of aggravating an injury you might be trying to heal. That’s why it’s great for PT and rehabilitation. Pilates on the gravity resistance apparatus makes it even better. Anybody can obtain almost any pose with the board in their first session, no matter the age or physical challenge they may be facing. Exercises such as the double-leg stretch, single-straight leg stretch and rollover are enhanced significantly with the use of the gravity board. By raising and lowering the glideboard, the patient or athlete is working every level of the rectus abdomonis and the transverse, internal and external obliques. Isolation is easily obtained, creating quick and effective results. When inverted on the gravity glideboard, exercises like the shoulder bridge, bicycle and jackknife challenge the user at a whole new level by using gravity to recruit deeper into the core and upper body. As simple as it sounds, one of the great things about the slanting glideboard is that it allows someone to easily master a solid sit-up, recruiting muscles from the ground up, not only from the chest down. Once proper recruitment is achieved, muscle memory is activated to the isolated muscle, which helps to restore balance. It’s easier to obtain healthy balance when all muscles are recruiting at their full potential—accurately and systematically. Ultimately, what Pilates users are trying to achieve in their workouts is the ability to anchor and steady their core against opposing resistance. By incorporating yoga and a gravity gliding apparatus into any Pilates routine, you elevate the workout or PT program three fold, maximizing healing and minimizing future injury. n Colette Barry is CEO of Healthy Fit Studio and Founder of The Barry Method™ training system. She’s author of the book, Wall Yoga - The Art of Centering, and the DVD, The Barry Method Workout For The Total Trainer. She has more I can move without pain again. Thank you. than 30 years of experience as a massage therapist, certified yoga instructor, certified Thai yoga therapist and certified Pilates instructor. She lives in Ohio with her husband. For more information on Pilates, visit www. Balanced Body® and Pilates will change your clients and your business. Find out more at YOUR CAREER. OUR FULL SUPPORT. Let’s talk! 1-800-PILATES (745-2837) ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 25 [pressure mapping] physical and occupational therapists to select support surfaces based on the manufacturer’s brochure as the “best pressure-relieving surface” on the market. Therapists must use solid evaluation skills, evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning when determining the optimal support surface for a specific patient. Interface pressure mapping (IPM) systems are an excellent tool for assisting in DME selection and establishing optimal patient positioning. Key Terminology In January 2007, the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) redefined critical terminology to facilitate universal standards when discussing pressure ulcers. Pressure redistribution is defined as the ability of a support surface to distribute load over the contact areas of the human body. Pressure-reduction and pressure-relief surfaces are no longer accepted terms. Support surfaces were further clarified as specialized devices for pressure redistribution designed for management of tissue loads, micro-climate and/or other therapeutic functions. This includes mattresses, integrated bed systems, mattress overlays, seat cushions and seat cushion overlays.2 Using advanced clinical applications of interface pressure mapping By Gina Kubec, OTR/L, OTD, and Martin J. Kilbane, PT, OCS This article is a follow-up to the authors’ previous article “Principles of Pressure Mapping,” published in ADVANCE’s January 10, 2011, issue. C urrent research estimates reveal that approximately 2.5 million people will develop pressure ulcers each year in the United States.1 The estimated costs of medical treatment and care associated with these pressure ulcers are astounding. Though neither of these figures can predict nor estimate the loss of quality of life for those affected by pressure ulcers. In the authors’ clinical experience, the 26 underlying causes of pressure ulcers are multifactorial and usually the manifestation of any number or combination of factors. These factors include impaired sensation, loss of functional mobility, body weight, nutrition, education, aging skin, lifestyle/psychosocial issues, incontinence, family or caregiver assistance, positioning and equipment. Optimal management and prevention of pressure ulcers can only be accomplished by the interdisciplinary team management approach including patient, family member or caregiver, physician, nursing, dietary, social work, psychology, recreational therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. A physician may consult physical and occupational therapists if a patient incurs, or is at risk of incurring, a pressure ulcer. In this situation, therapists usually address functional mobility deficits and equipment recommendations such as wheelchairs, ADL equipment and mattress selection. It isn’t enough for ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Interface Pressure Mapping IPM systems offer objective data, which can help to determine the optimal support surfaces and positions for individuals who are at risk of pressure ulcers. IPM systems allow the clinician and the patient to obtain quantifiable output on total surface area, peak pressure dave perillo Finding Real Relief Pressure Ulcers Pressure ulcers are caused by a variety of environmental factors including sheering, friction, moisture and of course, pressure. Sheering is a mechanical force that occurs when two internal surfaces in contact with one another move in opposite directions. An example of this would be rubbing your temples. Friction is a mechanical force that occurs when a body part and something external come into contact. An example of this is tight shoes causing a blister. Moisture can be an issue if the skin is left wet too long from incontinence or sweating, which can lead to maceration and increased skin fragility. Pressure is the force on an object divided by the area over which the force is spread. The pressure of your body weight is decreased when you sit as your weight is distributed over a larger area. [pressure mapping] and the average pressure. Total surface area is measured as number of cells on the IPM sensor pad that are coming into contact with both the person and the surface being mapped. The location of peak pressure provides numerical and visual data regarding if there is unequal distribution of weight over a specific location, i.e., an ischial tuberosity or the sacrum. The average pressure is the sum of all surface pressures divided by the total area of the body making contact with the surface. These factors are all important, as pressure ulcers can be caused by a small amount of pressure over a substantial amount of time or by a large amount of pressure for a brief period of time. Clinical interpretation of this data can assist in selecting or modifying surfaces to prevent pressure ulcers. components in the wheelchair or through modifying the seating surface. If an individual has one leg that is longer, a footrest may need to be adjusted so that both femurs are parallel to the cushion and able to redistribute pressure away from the buttocks. A patient may have discrepancies between the length of his ischial tuberosities due to surgery, injury or a natural variance, which results in increased pressure on one side. This can be remedied by building up one side of the cushion to compensate for the obliquity. The following two cases will describe and demonstrate how IPM was used as an effective adjunct that helped clinicians solve complex seating and positioning issues and provide the optimal management and treatment approach. Optimal Bed Positioning A patient with C5 tetraplegia was admitted to the hospital to heal a stage III pressure ulcer. The patient had hip and knee flexion contractures pressure continued on page 46 © 2011, HOMER TLC, Inc. All rights reserved. Goals of Pressure Mapping When completing an IPM of an individual on a therapeutic surface, the goals are to decrease peak values, increase surface area and equalize pressure distribution. Decreasing peak pressure values is a goal so that no one area of the body is bearing an excessive amount of pressure compared to other areas. This can often be achieved by unloading pressure onto other areas, or changing the therapeutic medium (e.g., air, gel, foam) between the individual and the solid surface. Increasing surface area allows for the body weight of the individual to be dispersed over a greater area, thereby decreasing the amount of pressure on a given area. Often this can be achieved by increasing seat depth on a wheelchair or lowering leg rests so that body weight can be distributed over the thighs. It can also mean adjusting the amount of air or gel in a therapeutic surface in order to better envelop the body and thereby distribute the pressure over not only the bottom surface of the buttocks, but also somewhat up the sides of the thigh. Equalizing pressure distribution is important so that bony prominences on one side of the body are not more susceptible to skin breakdown. This can be achieved by fixing asymmetries in posture through positioning For safer bathrooms at more affordable prices, point your patients’ caregivers to the bath aisle at The Home Depot. With a full selection of ADA-approved solutions, we have what they need. For less. That’s the power of The Home Depot. ® Learn more at ® ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 27 therapeutic lasers for use in the United States. With this clearance, American clinicians, physicians, insurance carriers and health care consumers should be aware of the positive potential of this technology. Phototherapy has a four decade history, yet it remains in its infancy in the United States. Fortunately, educational opportunities are now becoming available to practicing clinicians, and academic centers are just beginning to incorporate phototherapy into their programs. In addition, students aren’t given exposure to the modality, since many universities don’t have access to devices. This lack of education translates into skepticism and hesitation among therapists. At our clinic, we have years of clinical experience using this treatment option. Even with this understanding of the technology, though, we had to address certain questions before incorporating it into our practice. Our questions focused on the efficacy of treatment for our specific patient population, reimbursement and how we would sell the new approach to our referral base. We purchased the newly cleared modality with great caution, mainly because it’s a substantial investment and had an infamous history in the United States prior to FDA clearance. But we always kept in mind that it was also a huge step in providing a new type of treatment to our patients. In the competitive industrial sector, time equals money. Clinicians must obtain effective patient outcomes rapidly in order to keep clients happy and the business healthy. Our particular challenge was that a large proportion of our practice involves repetitive strain injuries, specifically carpal tunnel syndrome. We face this condition more frequently than any other occupational injury. The preferred solution for repetitive strain injuries is prevention. But many mid- to Special Delivery Phototherapy is being sought out by health care consumers. But is it lucrative? By Douglas Johnson, ATC, EES, CLS P hototherapy, also known as photobiomodulation, is a therapeutic modality that uses light energy from the visible and infrared spectrum to heal tissue and reduce pain. It’s an umbrella term encompassing low-level (cold) lasers and light-based technology, such as superluminous diodes (SLD) and light emitting diodes (LED). Literature and manufacturers indicate that light can produce significant results for a variety of conditions, from arthritis to carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) to wound healing. To date, more than 3,500 published articles espouse the benefits of light therapy, and more than 200 double-blind studies demonstrate its effectiveness on a variety of medical conditions. Although well documented, these results have been met with mixed enthusiasm from the medical community. It was just nine years ago that the FDA cleared the first 28 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine small-sized companies are ill-equipped technically and financially to implement proactive strategies. Therefore we need more effective treatments. Cortisone, the most common CTS treatment, has come under scrutiny. With more clinicians sharing these sentiments, along with recent recalls of antiinflammatory medications, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in patients seeking alternative ways to treat their chronic pain. Phototherapy offers a noninvasive, safe and effective way to meet this demand. But is it lucrative? According to a published study in the Journal of Hand Surgery (Sept. 2009), surgical management of CTS can vary between $3,335 plus or minus $2,097; and non-surgical care can run $3,068 plus or minus $983. At Sports and Industrial Rehab, we have been able to effectively treat CTS with laser therapy, reducing the number of office visits to 9.8 treatments, at a total of $180 for the laser therapy procedures. Yet despite its potential, phototherapy reimbursement has been met with mixed results. Most workers’ compensation carriers pay for the procedure when it’s detailed on a 1500 form with the 97039 procedure code, and accompanied by documentation that describes the phototherapy procedure (usually the FDA 510K summary). However, there is new, fourth-generation hybrid laser therapy technology that combines two forms of treatment. It can often allow for the reimbursement of one of the procedures. For instance, when using a laser/EMS combo probe, if both are being applied simultaneously, the EMS portion may be billed under attended electrical muscle stimulation (therapists should consult with a bonded coding specialist for additional information of this type of billing.) Recently, many major health plans have released policy statements stating that they don’t recognize phototherapy and won’t pay for the procedure. But many patients who’ve found unsuccessful results from conventional treatments have sought pain relief through this modality. Low-level laser and SLD therapy have fewer contraindications than other modalities for certain patients, such as those with decreased microcirculation, pacemakers, over implants (plastic or metal), or when heat isn’t indicated. It seems that patients like these drive the jeffrey leeser [laser therapy] [laser therapy] market for phototherapy, regardless of their carrier’s policies. It shows the emerging trend of fee-for-service in the private health care sector, and consumers’ overwhelming demand for safer, less invasive and more effective treatments. For patients who have inadequate insurance coverage, we offer fee-for-service treatment at a cost of $18 for 15 minutes. An average treatment takes between 10 minutes and 30 minutes, which puts phototherapy within the financial grasp of most patients. It’s been a successful endeavor, as evidenced by patients who’ve travelled more than three hours one way for treatment at our facility. In 2004, private pay for phototherapy was 13.5 percent of our overall revenue to date. In 2010, that number rose to over 22.8 percent. Our clinic’s journey into the world of phototherapy continues to surpass our expectations. At times it has even surprised us with unanticipated results. n Douglas Johnson is co-owner of Sports and Industrial Rehab in Taylor, MI. For more on laser therapy, visit ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 29 [buyers’ guide] Aquatic Therapy Buyers’ Guide A Word From ADVANCE W e invite comments so that our future product supplements, buyers’ guides and reference guides may better serve ADVANCE readers. Please forward comments to editor Lisa Lombardo, ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine, 3100 Horizon Drive, King of Prussia, PA, 19406; e-mail: llombardo@ ADVANCE strives for accuracy in its reports. Inclusion or exclusion doesn’t mean ADVANCE endorses one company over another. ADVANCE reserves the right to edit entries for style, clarity, brevity and fairness. Information in the listings was submitted by companies. Trademark and registered symbols are listed as they were noted on submitted entries. Only companies that responded to ADVANCE are included in this guide. 1921 Production Dr. Louisville, KY 40299-2119 502-425-5817 800-325-5438 Fax: 502-425-9607 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: Water-powered pool lifts that meet all of the regulations for access to public pools and spas. Full customization to fit any pool. Bariatric units available. Clarke Health Care Products 1003 International Dr. Oakdale, PA 15071 724-695-2122 888-347-4537 Fax: 724-695-2922 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: Dynamic Stair Trainer, electrically elevating steps, Dolomite rollators, Aquatec bath safety products, Mobeli portable grab bars, care bags for hygiene and infection control. Hudson Aquatic Systems 1100 Wohlert St. Angola, IN 46703 260-665-1635 888-206-7802 Fax: 260-665-8069 E-mail: Website: 30 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Products Offered: Aquatic treadmill systems— rehab, wellness, and conditioning products. The AquaCiser III full-sized self-contained aquatic treadmill system; the Hydro Track 1103 small footprint selfcontained aquatic treadmill system; the AquaGaiter drop-in aquatic treadmill system. Performance Pools: rehab, wellness, and conditioning products. The Beam Pool modular pool system with large viewing windows and swim jets available; fiberglass pools and spa systems with swim jets and built-in aquatic treadmill; in-ground liner pools system. Human Kinetics P.O. Box 5076 Champaign, IL 61825 217-351-5076 800-747-4457 Fax: 217-351-2674 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: Human Kinetics is a publisher of books and DVDs in the physical activity and health fields, including Aquatic Exercise for Rehabilitation and Training. HydroWorx International Inc. 1420 Stoneridge Dr., Suite C Middletown, PA 17057 717-902-1923 800-753-9633 Fax: 717-902-1933 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: HydroWorx, a manufacturer of kyle kielinski Aquatic Access Inc. [buyers’ guide] Sprint Aquatics aquatic rehabilitation/fitness products, offers innovation in every pool with an integrated underwater treadmill, fully adjustable floor and options to fit every application and budget. MJM International Corp. 323 E. Owassa, Ste. 4 San Juan, TX 78589-3206 956-781-5000 800-270-6199 Fax: 956-781-5552 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: Aquatic rehabilitation equipment such as aquatic rehab chairs, aqua floats for children and adults, therapy weight bars, therapy ball racks, exercise mats and much more. P.O. Box 3840 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 805-541-5330 800-235-2156 Fax: 805-541-5339 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: Aquatic therapy and therapy equipment; aqua aerobics and much more. Spectrum Aquatics 7100 Spectrum Lane Missoula, MT 59808 800-791-8056 Fax: 800-791-8057 E-mail: Website: erapy:: ckson pb104Products Offered: Commercial swimming pool and spa deck equipment. Spectrum manufactures ydrolift ADA-compliant pool lifts and assisted access; ermo therapy tt101L starting platforms; stanchion post and anchors; ermalator large 12pack lifeguard chairs; grab rails and handrails; storrmasplint open 2 door age reel systems for pool blankets and racing lane whirlpool lines; diving stands; thermal pool blankets; swim platforms; water polo goals; water slides; vacuum cleaner pump carts and ladders. SwimEx Inc. 846 Airport Rd. Fall River, MA 02720 508-646-1600 800-877-7946 Fax: 508-675-0525 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: SwimEx manufactures aquatic therapy, conditioning and hydrotherapy rehab pools. SwimEx pools are available in 11 different models to meet the needs of your facility. Manufacturer of a comprehensive Line of Therapy equipmenT Ph 800-782-7706 / 626-968-6681 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 31 LAIMS & MEDICAL C PRESS BILLING EX FULL MEDICAL BILLING SERVICE* LONG List of Services, Including: • One Person Contact System; that’s just one person to contact ALWAYS with any questions Mon-Sat, 9 AM-10PM! • 24 hr Online Access to View All Claims Sent, Status of Claims & More* • Credentialing/Contracting Services 2011 Promotions: • FREE Trial Offer • Drop in our Already LOW RATES for First 3 Months [buyers’ guide] Vision Aquatics Inc. 12177 Branford St., Suite B Sun Valley, CA 91352 877-338-5270 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: Therapy pools; fitness pools; plunge pools. Water Gear Inc. P.O. Box 759 Pismo Beach, CA 93448 805-929-2834 800-794-6432 Fax: 805-929-2851 E-mail: Website: Products Offered: Full-line supplier of aquatic equipment from aqua aerobics to competitive swim training gear. Water Gear has more than 300 items in its 36-page color catalog. Whitehall Manufacturing 15125 Proctor Ave. Industry, CA 91746 800-782-7706 Fax: 626-855-4862 Website: Products Offered: Since 1946, Whitehall has been manufacturing comfortable and effective equipment, such as Thermalator moist heat treatment units, ParaTherapy paraffin tanks, ThermoTherapy dry heat modalities, and Thermasplint thermoplastic splint pans—each offering specific types of regulated thermal effects. Whitehall continues to grow with the acquisition of Dakon and AquaWhirl whirlpools, as well as Dickson paraffin baths, Forma Splint, and Thermo Therapy product lines. n • Waiver of Set-Up Fee • No Contractual Obligations MCBEXPRESS...YOUR PATH TO PRACTICING WITH PEACE OF MIND* • (215) 725-4191 32 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Go Digital With ADVANCE! That’s right—you can get a FREE subscription to ADVANCE in digital format. The virtual editions are online and the pages flip just like a print magazine. It’s fast, it’s free and it’s flexible. Just log onto to sign up. The revolutionary swimsuit that and off! revolutionary new swimsu simply slips on The SlipOn Swimsuit is a completely revolutionary new style of swimsuit, designed for the elderly and the physically challenged. Get into the water with independence and comfort! Putting on the swimsuit: Undo Velcro to open to panty area. Pull panty on to the waist. Adjust straps over your shoulders. Bring left Velcro over to right side of Velcro on the suit. Pinch bottoms together and guide Velcro upward with the other hand to close. Cross over to match up the left side to close the Velcro securely. easy to put on, even easier to tak Ideal for plus sizes, physically challenged, aqua physiotherapy, pregnancy, arthritis, Fibromyalgi Parkinsons and all disabling diseases. Are you of putting on and taking off your swimsuit? The is the suit for you. • Flattering design • Chlorine Resistant • Four way stretch fabric • Enhances independence • Very comfortable • Hidden bust support • Three body lengths per size ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine • Pocket for cosmetic breast pads33 [where we work] Professional Healthcare Resources Inc. 8When determining where to work, health care professionals have many different work settings from which to choose. As the population ages, the demand will be even greater for home health care services. Professional Healthcare Resources Inc. (PHRI) is a home care agency that serves the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, including Baltimore, MD, and Richmond, Norfolk and Roanoke, VA. Home health care provides an opportunity to work one-on-one with patients and their families and make a real difference. The benefits of working in home health care include flexible schedules; advancement opportunities; higher-level relationships with physicians than in other health care settings; and opportunities to help patients be more self-sufficient. Founded by a nurse, PHRI is a family-owned and operated company dedicated to helping thousands of patients improve the quality of their lives. Professional Healthcare Resources established its first branch in 1994 and offers high quality care in a spirit of respect, compassion and dignity. PHRI delivers a wide range of home health care services, to include skilled nursing, therapy, personal care services and hospice. There are about 100 PTs and PTAs employed with PHRI. The therapists are employed on a full-time and part-time basis, as well as through contract agreements. PHRI has openings for physical and occupational therapists and speech language pathologists. The organization is recruiting for physical therapist assistants in its Maryland branches. The ideal candidate has at least one year of home care experience and at least one year of hospital experience in an acute care setting. The hospital experience would allow the clinician to have a basic understanding of common diagnoses and how they are managed. PHRI’s core hours are 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Because PHRI is a 24-hour home care provider, however, its employees are always on-call to provide triage services when necessary. The Washington, DC, metropolitan area is an exciting place to live. The surrounding area boasts plenty of shopping and many museums, as well as the Kennedy Center, the Capitol, the White House, top-rated school systems, outdoor activities, several universities for further education, cultural diversity and much more. PHRI offers a health plan with Kaiser Permanente, dental and basic life insurance with MetLife, a vision plan with Avesis, and an option for flexible spending. PHRI also offers a retirement plan, supplemental plans, employee assistance program, tuition assistance, family and medical leave, pre-paid legal, NW Federal Credit Union, seven paid holidays, and discounts for movies, museums, cell phones and more. n Candidates interested in applying for a position should contact Andrea McDade, Human Resources Manager, at 703-752-8700. [stroke rehab] stroke continued from page 23 curbs independently is heightened by the fear of tumbling forward. Eccentric muscle contractions, or the controlled lowering of the body, not only ignite tremendous apprehension, but require more stability. On stairs, most patients are taught to use a step-to pattern versus a reciprocal pattern for safety reasons. However, this reinforces the asymmetrical strength and motor pattern of the affected versus non-affected leg. With the bionic leg, most patients can immediately begin a reciprocal pattern on the stairs as the bionic leg provides a comforting “resistance” customized by the therapist to assist with the eccentric lowering of the body. With the bionic leg on, patients often feel confident enough to practice aggressively, and over time, with a programmable decrease in assistance, the patient demonstrates strong carryover of functional recovery without the leg. Optimizing functional alignment as soon as possible and consistently after a stroke becomes critical for the prevention of secondary and tertiary issues that can significantly impact a patient’s outcome, both physically 34 and emotionally. Once implemented and utilized as a functional pattern, compensatory and pathological patterns become increasingly difficult to change over time. However, even with the chronic stroke survivor, the bionic leg is still able to provide that intuitive sensory experience to facilitate the normalizing of motor patterns to improve a patient’s balance and dynamic function. Plasticity of the neurologic system requires both stress/challenge and repetition. Robotic equipment such as the bionic leg can do that. Efficiency and Hope Rehabilitation providers today face overwhelming challenges to providing optimal care, with rapid reductions from third-party payer systems. That pressure translates to the critical need to maximize efficiency with each treatment session. New technologies like the bionic leg facilitate faster functional outcomes, and its design emphasizes optimal functional alignment to get a patient walking faster while allowing the patient to intuitively self correct. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Contrary to common methods used by therapists, physical rehabilitation is not a cognitive task taught through verbal instructions; rather, it is sensory-based learning that needs to be experienced repeatedly. The critical shift in which the patient becomes engaged in the intuitive sensory experience of what their body needs to do allows for real learning and motor recovery. One of the most important things a therapist must do is provide hope during rehabilitation. This sets off a positive cascade including self-motivation, commitment and continued progress, even when formal therapy has concluded. Therefore, the high-touch element so integral to the Hawaiian culture becomes further enhanced with technology, as therapists facilitate motor recovery and a patient’s confidence and sense of hope. n Teresa Wong is executive director of the REHAB Innovation Center, Honolulu, HI. For more information on stroke, visit Free Healthcare Job Fairs & Sessions TAKE YOUR CAREER TO NEW HEIGHTS! Attend In Person Attend Online Spend the day at an in-person job fair and you’ll have the chance to meet recruiters, play games, win prizes, shop at our ADVANCE Healthcare Shop and more! Attend online to learn about featured exhibitors with urgent opportunities. Talk to recruiters in a public or private chat and submit your resume at the click of a mouse. SEPTEMBER 7 Pasadena Convention Center Pasadena, CA SOUTHERN REGIONAL September 27 1:00 PM CT SEPTEMBER 20 Westchester County Center White Plains, NY OCTOBER 25 Javits Center New York, NY NOVEMBER 3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore, MD MIDWESTERN REGIONAL October 26 1:00 PM CT CELEBRATING OUR 10TH YEAR! FREE JJob bF Fair i 9:30am - 2:30pm FREE Classes 8:00am - 3:30pm REGISTER TODAY! WESTERN REGIONAL November 9 1:00 PM PT FIND US ON FACE BOOK Network with your colleagues. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER Get career advice and the latest updates on our events. Call: 800-546-4987 • Email: • Visit: Check out complete in-person and virtual event details online, including session agendas, exhibitors lists, prizes, directions and more. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 35 Social Networking Strategies When Your Friend Becomes Your Boss Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Career Development Resources Infection Control Parts I&II Women’s Cardia Issues IN-PERSON ATTENDEE REGISTRATION FORM Mail this form to ADVANCE Job Fairs & Career Events, 3100 Horizon Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406 or fax to 610-270-3184. All information is required to process your registration, so please print clearly. SHOW: DATE LOG ONTO WWW.ADVANCEWEB.COM/EVENTS OR CALL 800-546-4987 FOR SESSION DETAILS. Sessions var y by city. *In-person shows only; 2-hours of free classes for online job fairs. MEET RECRUITERS FROM TOP FACILITIES SPONSORS ARE IN BOLD PASADENA, CA • SEPTEMBER 7 Pasadena Convention Center ADVANCE Healthcare Shop: For Gear, Gadgets & Gifts California Hospital Medical Center & Glendale Memorial Hospital Citrus Valley Health Partners Continuity Care Home Services Crescent Healthcare, INC The Gideons International Glendale Adventist Medical Center HCA Far West Division Huntington Hospital Interface Rehab LLC Loma Linda University Medical Center University of Southern California Hospitals VNA & Hospice of Southern CA Walden University Western Governors University WHITE PLAINS, NY • SEPTEMBER 20 Westchester County Center ADVANCE Healthcare Shop: For Gear, Gadgets & Gifts Bayada Nurses Bilinguals Inc Comprehensive Network, Inc The Gideons International Hartford Hospital Health Quest System Horizon Healthcare Staffing MJHS Paxxon Healthcare Services TheraCare of New York, Inc Visiting Nurse Service of New York Walden University BALTIMORE, MD • NOVEMBER 3 M&T Bank Stadium ADVANCE Healthcare Shop: For Gear, Gadgets & Gifts Bayada Nurses The Gideons International Kennedy Krieger Institute Maryland General Hospital Mercy Medical Center Professional Healthcare Resources Valley Health Walden University SAVE10% ____________________________________________________________________ TITLE ____________________________________________________________________ SPECIALTY ____________________________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP ____________________________________________________________________ PHONE (WORK) PHONE (HOME) ____________________________________________________________________ FAX EMAIL ____________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE We may occasionally send you mail/e-mail with special offers from selected companies. Check the box below if you do not wish to receive such offers. MAILINGS: ❍ I don't wish to receive special offers from selected companies via mail EMAIL OFFERS: When you provide your email address, you will receive an email from ADVANCE to welcome you and help you manage your email preferences. DIRECTIONS AND PARKING INFORMATION will be sent with your confirmation mailing about two weeks before the show. Directions are also available at or by calling 800-546-4987. Most shows are accessible by public transportation. WHO’S THAT GIRL? IT’S NANCY! RY A RS IVE WITH OUR COUPON IN THE PROGRAM GUIDE DISTRIBUTED AT THE JOB FAIR ____________________________________________________________________ FACILITY/SCHOOL (if your confirmation is being mailed to this location) N AN 36 Sonora Quest Laboratories ____________________________________________________________________ FULL NAME TH ADVANCE Healthcare Shop: For Gear, Gadgets & Gifts Axion LLC Bayada Nurses Better Healtcare OT/ PT/ SLP Bilinguals Inc Comprehensive Network, Inc Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center The Execu Search Group Felician College- Adult & Graduate Admissions The Gideons International Health Quest System Horizon Healthcare Staffing Medical Staffing Innovations Inc. MJHS Montefiore NYU Langone Medical Center MIDWESTERN REGIONAL OCTOBER 26 8/22 9/6 10/10 10/17 Registration includes FREE admission to the exhibit hall and classes. Parking and lunch are not included. 10 NEW YORK, NY • OCTOBER 25 Jacob K. Javits Convention Center NYU Langone Medical Center- Hospital for Joint Diseases Pride Health RCM Health Care Services Response Medical Services St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children TheraCare of New York, Inc Visiting Nurse Service of New York Walden University White Glove Placement Workforce 1 Healthcare Career Center Yeled V’Yalda E.C.C. EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE PASADENA, CA: 9/7 WHITE PLAINS, NY: 9/20 NEW YORK, NY: 10/25 BALTIMORE, MD: 11/3 Keep your eyes peeled! Nancy the Job Fair Navigator is wandering among the booths. Find her and you could win cash! GET MORE DETAILS AT WWW.ADVANCEWEB.COM/EVENTS OR EMAIL: ADVANCEEVENTS@ADVANCEWEB.COM • Prize details Visit the ADVANCE Healthcare Shop booth at the Job Fair for huge savings on hundreds of items including scrubs, professional products and more. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine • Driving directions • Complete session agendas • Exhibitor lists and locations • Restaurant recommendations • Hotel recommendations and more PT20110711 UP TO 5* HOURS OF FREE CLASSES EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES VIDEO SEMINARS VIDEO SEMINARS UNLIMITED CEUS All the Continuing Education Hours You Want for Only $199 For one low price of $199 you can have unlimited access to over 640 hours of clinical continuing education; over 90 CEU seminars and programs. Take as many courses as you want for 1 Full Year for only $199. Approved by BOC for Athletic Trainers and specific State PT Boards. Check our website for state PT board approvals. Take advantage of this Special Offer while it lasts! Contact: 575-526-0012; or www. DISTANCE EDUCATION DISTANCE EDUCATION Being a Better PT Made Easy Not Boring Learn and earn 5 hours of continuing education credit from each of our many exciting, interactive and extremely clinical online courses: Gait and Balance, Knee Osteoarthritis, Seating and Mobility, Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Wiihabilitation, Aging Foot, Vestibular, and Research to Practice. Wellknown instructors such as Dr. Carole Lewis and Dr. Richard Bohannon bring these courses to life with real patients, case studies and a focus on practical application. Fast and easy to complete. Hyperlinks to PubMed for all references. Bring evidence into your clinic. Visit our website to watch 2 minute relevant research videos on the most current studies impacting your practice - for free. Contact: www. DISTANCE EDUCATION Online and Home Study Courses Earn 6 hours of continuing education credit from any one of our four home study or online courses; 1) Assessment and Treatment of Age Related Balance Impairment, 2) Introduction to Therapeutic Ultrasound, 3) Dressed for Success! (An Introduction to Wound Dressings), and 4) Taking charge of Chronic Wounds: An Introduction to Electrical Stimulation and Wound Healing. Offered by the original author, Jamie Birmingham, PT, CWS, these courses have been recently updated to provide you with the most current information available and are only offered by JVB Enterprises, Inc., Cost: Only $125 per course or $100 each for 2 or more. Contact: JVB Enterprises, Inc., 888-328-6755 (toll-free); www.teachtx. com DISTANCE EDUCATION Start Your Own In-Home Therapy Practice Learn how to take control of your physical therapy career and work for yourself, instead of someone else. This seminar will teach you the ins and outs on how to successfully start and operate an in-home therapy practice under Medicare Part B. Therapists will learn about the start-up process, business structures, Medicare Part B requirements and regulations, proper documentation and billing, and marketing and practice expansion. Participants can access the seminar through our website. Contact: In-Home Therapy Services, LLC, 800-931-5769; for more information and to register online. ON-SITE SEMINARS JULY 13-15, 2011 SEPT. 21-23, 2011 LARGO, FL LARGO, FL Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy This three-day workshop provides “hands-on” training and includes an overview of vestibular anatomy and physiology, extensive training materials for therapy programs, direct patient observation, business, and marketing concepts. The American Institute of Balance has successfully trained thousands of therapists from around the world and is one of the few institutions that provide certification. Course Director: Richard E. Gans, PhD, nationally known expert in Vestibular Testing and Rehabilitation, and author of Vestibular Rehabilitation: Protocols & Programs. Also, see a list of additional workshop topics or take advantage of our online courses. Contact: Karen Stephenson, 800-245-6442 for program questions; or to register. JULY 15-16, 2011 AUG. 5-6, 2011 OCT. 21-22, 2011 CHICAGO, IL LAS VEGAS, NV NEW YORK, NY Secrets & Steps to Private Practice Success Step-by-step instruction course on how to increase referrals, revenue, & reimbursement quickly and affordably! Perfect for Experienced Owners & Beginners. SECRETS INCLUDE: 1) Why an MD will stop referring, 2) Your front desk will make or break you, 3) Coding & Modifier Secrets to double your reimbursements, 4) Employee Leadership is Key, 5) Advertising Secrets & Templates, 6) Secret Promotions for Instant Business, 7) Best Equipment & Software. TESTIMONIALS: “You will kick yourself if you don’t go.” “Its so worth the money and time to come here”, “It would be a MISTAKE not to take this course!” 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Contact: 800-801-4511; for more locations. JULY 15-17, 2011 SEPT. 23-25, 2011 NOV. 4-6, 2011 MERCERVILLE, NJ JACKSONVILLE, FL WHITE PLAINS, NY Vestibular Rehabilitation This course will focus on the assessment of patient w/ vertigo & disequilibrium from vestibular causes. Material covered includes the neuroanatomy & neurophysiology of normal vestibular system, the various pathological conditions that result in vertigo or disturbances balance & the compensatory mechanisms available for recovery. Specific emphasis on assessment & Tx of unilateral & bilateral vertigo, central vestibular disorders & multisensory dizziness. This info applicable to geriatric patients as well as individuals w/CNS lesions such as multiple sclerosis, CVA & head injury. 3rd day of course is optional. Instructor: Richard Clendaniel. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530; JULY 16-17, 2011 JULY 23-24, 2011 AUG. 6-7, 2011 TAMPA, FL ATLANTA, GA FT. LAUDERDALE, FL Edema-Differential Diagnosis & Treatment This intensive two day course is designed to teach clinicians to differentiate between various edema etiologies and design effective treatment programs based on those findings. Topics include the evaluation of the arterial, venous, and lymphatic systems. Numerous treatment techniques will be covered, such as compression bandaging as well as hands-on introduction to manual lymphatic drainage. Over 80% of attendants rated this course Excellent, all others rated it Good. Cost: $350 for 16 hours. CEUs vary from state to state. Contact: JVB Enterprises, Inc., 888-328-6755; or for other courses offered in your area or for more information. JULY 16-17, 2011 AUG. 20-21, 2011 SEPT. 17-18, 2011 WASHINGTON, DC SEATTLE, WA MINNEAPOLIS, MN Starting and Running a Pediatric Therapy Practice This seminar presented by entrepreneur Vincent Mullins, MOT, OTR, will provide clear steps to open and run a pediatric OT/PT/ST private practice. All aspects of start-up and growth of the practice will be presented through personal experience and years of research and development. Both therapy and business portions will be discussed. 11 CE hours. Live video available for those unable to attend. Contact: 940-300-2299; or to register online. JULY 17, 2011 AUG. 8, 2011 CHICAGO, IL LAS VEGAS, NV Advanced Billing, Coding, Collections and Audit-Proofing There are more requests for refund, denials, audits, and reimbursement issues than ever before in the history of our profession. Also, are your therapists billing only 3 units while spending over an hour with patients? Is your documentation making you vulnerable? This course will help solve many of the problems confronted by most PT/OT practices today. Get the secrets to quicker payment, better reimbursement, appealing denials, audit-proofing, and more. TESTIMONIALS: “This is the best course I’ve ever attended on billing, and I’ve attended over 100. Take it!” 100% No-Risk Guarantee. Contact: (800) 801-4511; JULY 22-23, 2011 SEPT. 24-25, 2011 NOV. 4-6, 2011 LOS ANGELES, CA JEFFERSON CITY, MO CLEVELAND, OH Geriatric Therapeutic Exercise Speaker: Mark Traffas, PT, GTC. Exercising geriatric patients presents a unique challenge to therapists. This course will demonstrate different, evidence-based exercise techniques and innovative interventions for all of the body’s major joints as well as for the most common diagnoses seen in older patients (i.e., stroke, Parkinson’s disease, gait and balance deficits). You will learn how to use functional tools to establish and guide exercise programs. Don’t miss this opportunity to enlarge your arsenal of treatment ideas. Contact: 877-7947328 (toll-free); JULY 22-23, 2011 SEPT. 30-OCT. 1, 2011 OMAHA, NE IDAHO FALLS, ID Rehab for Persons with Dementia: Making Therapy Worth It Speaker: Susan Staples, PT, GCS. This seminar provides participants with specific evaluation and treatment strategies that are critical to improve outcomes for this challenging and rapidly growing patient population. Included are strategies for gait, balance and falls, mobility, hip fractures, strength/ ROM, cardiopulmonary and pain issues, seating and positioning, restraints, and behavioral problems. Participants will also gain a thorough understanding of the different types of dementia with specific communication and approach strategies for success. The speaker provides an evidenced based seminar with an extensive handout. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); (Continued on next page) ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 37 EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES NPTE/NPTE REVIEW COURSE Therapy Team Exam Review is the only comprehensive evidenced based review course for the Boards. For 2008-2009 US grads (DPT/MPT) had a 100% first time US Educated DPT/MPT pass rate. Past performance does not guarantee you will pass, but it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your license and job offer. Join us in the following cities for the best review available. Recruiters call now to schedule your private NPTE-i Review Course Traditional Denver, CO Costa Mesa, CA Philadelphia, PA Atlanta, GA July 30-Aug 7, 2011 Sept 10-18, 2011 Oct 1-9, 2011 Oct 29-Nov 6, 2011 Toll Free: {877} 476-6684 BIG (Continued from previous page) JULY 22-24, 2011 SEPT. 23-25, 2011 DEC. 9-11, 2011 Dr. Carole B Lewis Presents: Clinical Geriatrics Orthopedics 2011 This entertaining and informative seminar describes age related changes and pathology, normative values, functional tools for every joint in the body and shows you how to track patient progress for reimbursement. In laboratory sessions, Dr. Lewis, a clinician, international lecturer and author teaches innovative mobilizations techniques, creative exercises and diagnosis specific protocols and efficient evaluations. 400+ page handout and over 5,000 evidence based references and endless evidence based treatment strategies. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); www.greatseminarsand JULY 22-24, 2011 SEPT. 24-25, 2011 OCT. 21-22, 2011 Intensive whole body amplitude-based protocol for individuals with Parkinson 's Disease. Chicago, IL July 23-24, 2011 Dallas, TX September 10-11, 2011 Sunnyvale, CA September 24-25, 2011 Traverse City, MI October 1-2, 2011 Atlanta, GA October 7-8, 2011 Miami, FL March 10-11, 2012 More Dates Coming Soon Visit our website to update your information. For more information visit our website at: Voice: 1-888-438-5788 Email: 38 HOUSTON, TX ARLINGTON, TX STOUGHTON, MA Vestibular Rehabilitation This evidence-based lab course will train clinicians in the practical management of dizziness. It will include instruction in anatomy and physiology, pathology, medical management, laboratory testing, performance of a detailed bedside/ office examination and treatment recommendations. The application of VRT to a variety of practice settings (outpatient, acute care, SNF, ER) will be discussed. An emphasis will be placed on the management of unilateral, bilateral and central vestibular dysfunction and BPPV variants. There is the option of a third day of Advanced studies at certain locations. Instructor: Jeffrey Walter. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); www. JULY 23-24, 2011 SEPT. 24-25, 2011 OCT. 15-16, 2011 WINSTON SALEM, NC GREEN BAY, WI LITTLE ROCK, AR Comprehensive Rehabilitation Strategies 2011-12 Training and Certification Workshops ORLANDO, FL ALBANY, NY NEW ORLEANS, LA Speaker: Doug Dillon, PT, GTC, Rehabilitation for our geriatric population is changing rapidly. Payment changes make it more challenging to deliver quality care for the rehabilitatively and medically complex older patient. This seminar, with its 350 page handout and 5000 references, provides a thorough approach to therapeutic strategies and goals, thereby preparing therapists with cutting-edge information, evaluation tools and treatment protocols for the complex geriatric patient. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); www.greatseminarsand JULY 23-26, 2011 AUG. 27-30, 2011 SEPT. 17-20, 2011 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL CHATTANOOGA, TN BATON ROUGE, LA Lymphedema Management Seminar The Academy of Lymphatic Studies has pioneered lymphedema management in the U.S. since 1994. This course serves as an introduction to the management of upper and lower extremity lymphedema (primary and secondary) and is focused on increasing the understanding of proper lymphedema management and the application of the techniques known as Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder/Foeldi technique) and Complete Decongestive Therapy for lymphedema and other conditions. The 31 hour program is taught in only 1 1/2 working days; the course length is 3 1/2 days in total. The program covers the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the lymphatic system and the introduction in the current treatment techniques for upper and lower extremity lymphedema. The textbook “Lymphedema Management” authored by the Academy’s director was published in 2004 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine by Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers, NY, and is included in the tuition. Discounts are available for APTA & AOTA members. Contact: 800-863-5935; academy@acols. com or JULY 30-31, 2011 AUG. 6-7, 2011 AUG. 13-14, 2011 DUBUQUE, IA TUSCALOOSA, AL CHEYENNE, WY Rehab of Persons with Common Medical Pathologies Speaker: Steven Tepper, PhD, PT. This entertaining lecture provides take home information on rehabilitation of MI/CHF, COPD, Diabetes, Renal Failure, Obesity, Peripheral Arterial Disease and Deep Vein Thrombosis seen in a wide variety of settings: acute, subacute, long-term care, home health, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation and fitness/wellness clinics. Specific evaluations, functional tools, interventions and limitations to functional activities, will be covered in a case study format and lab sessions utilizing the Guide to Physical Therapy Practice. Stay up to date with the latest research findings with this dedicated and talented educator. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); JULY 30-31, 2011 OCT. 8-9, 2011 DEC. 3-4, 2011 DALLAS, TX RICHMOND, VA CHERRY HILL, NJ Cancer Rehabilitation Speaker: Nicole Stout, MPT, CLT-LANA. Current evidencebased rehabilitation strategies for individuals undergoing treatment for cancer, survivorship from cancer, or facing metastatic disease will be described in detail: exercise prescription, contradictions and precautions with exercise & modalities. Identify in a problem based format, with group interaction, using real case examples; the latest in evaluation, treatment and progression of care. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); AUG. 4-5, 2011 BATON ROUGE, LA Wound Management Strategies for Patients with Lymphedema The Academy of Lymphatic Studies has pioneered lymphedema management in the U.S. since 1994. The Academy offers a variety of advanced and refresher programs specifically tailored to the continuing education of Health Care Professionals. Wound Management Strategies: this intensive 2-day course is designed to further the knowledge of therapists in the management of chronic wounds. Upon completion of this course, therapists will be able to properly identify wound characteristics consistent with venous insufficiencies in combination with lymphedema, and understand how to effectively apply the different components of MLD/ CDT for patients with integumentary dysfunction associated with lymphedema. Discounts are available for APTA & AOTA members. Contact: 800-863-5935 for a free brochure; acad or AUG. 6-7, 2011 OCT. 14-15, 2011 NOV. 5-6, 2011 ATLANTIC CITY, NJ AUSTIN, TX LAS VEGAS, NV Dr. Carole B Lewis Presents: Clinical Geriatric Neurology Carole B. Lewis, PT, DPT, GCS, MSG, MPA, PhD, FAPTA, presents Geriatric Neurology. This entertaining lecture provides take home information on cutting edge assessment and treatment of older clients with Parkinson’s disease, stroke, gait, balance disorders, and pain problems with a 300+ page handout with over 5,000 current medical references. Use these treatment techniques and evaluation tools to work smarter not harder. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); www. Manual Therapy and Orthopaedic Seminars 2011/2012 Seminar Calendar CONTINUING S1 - Spinal Evaluation & Manipulation Impairment Based, Evidence Informed Approach 35 Hours, 3.5 CEUs (No Prerequisite) $895 Cincinnati, OH . . . . . . .Furto . . . . . . . . . .Aug 10 - 14 St. Augustine, FL . . . .Viti . . . . . . . . . . . .Aug 17 - 21 Orlando, FL . . . . . . . . .Yack . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oct 5 - 9 Baltimore, MD . . . . . . .Smith . . . . . . . . . .Nov 11 - 15 Phoenix, AZ . . . . . . . .Yack . . . . . . . . . .Nov 16 - 20 Austin, TX . . . . . . . . . .Viti . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dec 7 - 11 2012 Chicago, IL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jan 18 - 22 Washington, DC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jan 25 - 29 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 1 - 5 New York City, NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 7 - 11 Little Rock, AR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 11 - 15 Harrisburg, PA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 18 - 22 Atlanta, GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 2 - 6 Orlando, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 16 - 20 Houston, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 6 - 10 S2 - Advanced Evaluation & Manipulation of Pelvis, Lumbar & Thoracic Spine Including Thrust 21 Hours, 2.1 CEUs (Prerequisite S1) $595 Baltimore, MD . . . . . . .Viti . . . . . . . . . . . .Jul 15 -17 Chicago, IL . . . . . . . . . .Irwin . . . . . . . . . .Jul 22 - 24 New York City, NY . . . .Yack . . . . . . . . . . .Aug 5 - 7 St. Augustine, FL . . . . .Irwin . . . . . . . . . . . .Oct 7 - 9 Grand Rapids, MI . . . . .Yack . . . . . . . . . . .Nov 4 - 6 2012 St. Louis, MO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 2 - 4 Ft. Lauderdale, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 20 - 22 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 11 - 13 Boston, MA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 18 - 20 S3 - Advanced Evaluation & Manipulation of the Cranio Facial, Cervical & Upper Thoracic Spine 27 Hours, 2.7 CEUs (Prerequisite S1) 15 Hours, 1.5 CEUs (Prerequisite S1) $795 30 Hours, 3.0 CEUs (No Prerequisite) Also Available to OTs MF1 - Myofascial Manipulation 20 Hours, 2.0 CEUs (No Prerequisite) $745 Austin, TX . . . . . . . . . . .Naas . . . . . . . . . .Jul 21 - 24 San Francisco, CA . . . .Turner . . . . . . . . .Jul 28 - 31 Boston, MA . . . . . . . . . .Busby . . . . . . . .Aug 18 - 21 Phoenix, AZ . . . . . . . . .Turner . . . . . . . .Aug 25 - 28 St. Augustine, FL . . . . .Baldwin . . . . . . .Sep 15 - 18 Harrisburg (Dillsburg) PA .Naas . . . . . . . . . .Oct 13 - 16 Denver, CO . . . . . . . . .Turner . . . . . . . . . .Nov 3 - 6 St. Louis, MO . . . . . . . .Naas . . . . . . . . . . .Nov 3 - 6 Washington, DC . . . . . .Baldwin . . . . . . .Dec 15 - 18 2012 New York City, NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jan 12-15 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jan 19 - 22 Denver, CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 16 - 19 Ft. Lauderdale, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 23 - 26 Atlanta, GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 8 - 11 Austin, TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 12 - 15 San Diego, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 19 - 22 Washington, DC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 3 - 6 Las Vegas, NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 17 - 20 E2 - Extremity Integration 21 Hours, 2.1 CEUs (Prerequisite E1) $595 Baltimore, MD . . . . . . .Conrad . . . . . . . . .Sep 9 - 11 New York City, NY . . . .Patla . . . . . . . . . .Oct 21 - 23 Chicago, IL . . . . . . . . . .Conrad . . . . . . . .Nov 11 - 13 St. Augustine, FL . . . . .Patla . . . . . . . . . .Nov 18 - 20 2012 Phoenix, AZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 24 - 26 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 27 - 29 Ft. Lauderdale, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 22 - 24 Advanced Manipulation Including Thrust of the Spine & Extremities San Diego, CA . . . . . . .Irwin/Yack . . . . .Aug 19 - 21 2012 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 30 - Apr 1 Grand Rapids, MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 22 - 24 Denver, CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nov 9 - 11 Additional Seminar Offerings Applied Musculoskeletal Imaging for Physical Therapists 21 Hours, 2.1 CEUs (No Prerequisite) $545 San Diego, CA . . . . . . .Agustsson . . . . . .Jul 29 - 31 Denver, CO . . . . . . . . .Agustsson . . . . .Nov 11 - 13 $545 The Older Adult with a Neurological Boston, MA . . . . . . . . . .Lonnemann . . . . . Jul 30 - 31 Minneapolis, MN . . . . .Lonnemann . . . . .Aug 13 - 14 San Diego, CA . . . . . .Nyberg . . . . . . . . .Aug 20 - 21 St. Augustine, FL . . . .Varela . . . . . . . . . .Sep 10 - 11 New York City, NY . . . .Nyberg . . . . . . . . .Sep 17 - 18 Orlando, FL . . . . . . . . .Lonnemann . . . . . . Nov 5 - 6 Atlanta, GA . . . . . . . . .Nyberg . . . . . . . . .Nov 12 - 13 Chicago, IL . . . . . . . . .Nyberg . . . . . . . . .Dec 10 - 11 2012 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 17 - 18 Baltimore, MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 14 - 15 New York City, NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 23 - 24 *Specifically designed to respect the Sabbath. E1 - Extremity Evaluation and Manipulation SEMINARS $595 St. Augustine, FL . . . . .Cantu . . . . . . . . .Jul 29 - 31 Ft. Lauderdale, FL . . . .Grodin . . . . . . . . . .Aug 5 - 7 Atlanta, GA . . . . . . . . . .Grodin . . . . . . . .Aug 12 - 14 Scranton, PA . . . . . . . .Grodin . . . . . . . .Sep 23 - 25 Baltimore, MD . . . . . . .Cantu . . . . . .Sep 30 - Oct 2 New York City, NY . . . .Grodin . . . . . . . .Oct 14 - 16 Las Vegas, NV . . . . . . .Stanborough . . .Oct 21 - 23 Chicago, IL . . . . . . . . . .Grodin . . . . . . . .Nov 11 - 13 Boston, MA . . . . . . . . . .Grodin . . . . . . . . .Dec 9 - 11 San Diego, CA . . . . . . .Cantu . . . . . . . .Dec 16 - 18 2012 Louisville, KY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 24 - 26 Columbus, OH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 16 - 18 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Apr 20 - 22 Denver, CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 18 - 20 MANUAL THERAPY CERTIFICATION Preparation and Examination 32 Hours, 3.2 CEUs (Prerequisites: S1, S2, S3, S4, E1, E2, MF1) $995 St. Augustine, FL . . . . .Paris et al . .Nov 28 - Dec 3 2012 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 27 - Mar 3 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 25 - 30 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oct 29 - Nov 3 SPORTS THERAPY CERTIFICATION Preparation and Examination 16 Hours, 1.6 CEUs (Prerequisites: S1, E1,) $498 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 27 - 29 Impairment 29 Hours, 2.9 CEUs (No Prerequisite) Also available to OTs $625 2012 St. Augustine, FL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 17 - 20 The Pediatric Client with a Neurological Impairment 29 Hours, 2.9 CEUs (No Prerequisite) Also available to OTs $625 2012 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jul 19 - 22 Seminar dates, locations, and tuition are subject to change, please call before making any non-refundable reservations. Stanley V. Paris, PT, PhD, FAPTA University of St. Augustine For Health Sciences 1 University Boulevard St. Augustine, FL 32086-5783 Registration: 800-241-1027 FAX: 904-826-0085 Name: _____________________________ ___PT Address: _____________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _________ Zip: __________ Email: _____________________ Home: (_____) _____-_________ Work: (_____) _____-_________ FAX: (_____) _____-_________ Please register me for: Seminars: _____________________________ Locations: _____________________________ Dates: _____________________________ Prerequisite information: Seminar:______________________ Location/Date: _____________________________ Is this your first seminar with the University? Yes____ No ____ 20 Hours, 2.0 CEUs (Prerequisite: Completion of MTC Certification) $775 Atlanta, GA . . . . . . . . .Smith . . . . . . . . .Aug 11 - 14 Denver, CO . . . . . . . . .Rot . . . . . . . . . . . .Sep 8 - 11 Boston, MA . . . . . . . . .Smith . . . . . . . . .Oct 20 - 23 New Orleans, LA . . . . .Rot . . . . . . . . . . .Nov 17 - 20 St. Augustine, FL . . . . .Paris/Smith . . . . . .Dec 1 - 4 Ft. Lauderdale, FL . . .Smith . . . . . . . . . .Dec 8 - 11 2012 Baltimore, MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar 22 - 25 St. Augustine, FL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 3 - 6 New York City, NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 17 - 20 Atlanta, GA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jun 14 - 17 S4 - Functional Analysis & Management of Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex EDUCATION EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Online at Register .edu or www.usa ay at Call tod 027! 1-1 1-800-24 The Continuing Professional Education Division of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences has been approved as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), 1760 Old Meadow Road Suite 500 McLean, VA 22102 A $100 non-refundable deposit must accompany registration form. A 50% non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is required for Certification. Balance is due 30 days prior to start date of the seminar. Balance can be transferred or refunded with 2 week written notice. Notice received after that time subject to only 50% refund. No refunds or transfers will be issued after the seminar begins. METHOD OF PAYMENT ____Check or Money Order enclosed Residency and Please make payable to: University of St. Augustine Fellowship Opportunities Charge my: ___ ___ Available! The University of St. Augustine is proud to offer the Clinical Orthopaedic Residency Program and the Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship Program. Both programs offer you the chance to be mentored in a one-on-one clinical environment while allowing you to work towards earning one of USA’s advanced degrees. Let us share with you one of the many advantages of continuing your education with USA! Please contact Dr. Erin Conrad 800-241-1027, ext 246 or Card # ______________________________ Exp. date: ___/___ Amount: $_________ Signature: ______________________________ Team Discount - Two or more persons from the same facility registering for the same seminar at the same time, receive a 10% discount at the time of registration. (Advanced notice and full payment required, does not apply after the first day of a seminar.) Multiple Seminar Discount - Register and pay in full for two or more seminars at the same time and receive a 10% discount. (May not be combined with any other discounts or previous registrations.) ADV 7-11 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 39 Now you can get Certified Faster! even EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Attention Therapists: Interested in Lymphedema Management Certification? The Source for Research Based Lymphedema Management Introducing the NEW Accelerated Hybrid Online Program! Announcing our new program: Accelerated Hybrid Online Program allows students to obtain their certification in 7 working days! We offer both Certifications Courses and Seminars. Advantages Include: Cost Savings Less time in the classroom means less time away. Quality Both online and classroom hours to obtain maximum benefit. fit. Flexibility Students utilize our Home Study or Online Portal.. More Locations more classes in more locations, allows students to choose which location best serves their needs. (Continued from previous page) AUG. 12-13, 2011 SEPT. 16-17, 2011 NOV. 4-5, 2011 SACRAMENTO, CA SPOKANE, WA TRUMBULL, CT Torticollis: Effective Assessment and Treatment Has the clinical presentation of torticillis changed? Novice and experienced clinicians will explore the effects of torticollis, sleep posture and increased use of positional devices on infant postural development. Functional, clinically oriented evaluation and evidence based treatment strategies for infants through 2 years of age will be provided. Clinical pathways of management of infant head shape, diagnostic procedures and surgical intervention will be appraised. Learning opportunities will transpire through lectures, group problem solving and video review. Instructor: Cindy Miles. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); All courses and seminars are approved for CEU’s Website AUG. 12-13, 2011 OCT. 14-15, 2011 NOV. 11-12, 2011 Phone 1.800.863.5935 35 TRUMBULL, CT CEDAR KNOLLS, NJ SACRAMENTO, CA Children’s Brains and Evidence for Intervention Contemporary theories of neuroplasticity especially as related to motor control, motor learning, and motor development will be presented. Emphasis will be on applying empirical evidence to pediatric evaluation and intervention strategies. Videotapes of treatment sessions will be used to illustrate major points. Controversial issues related to spasticity, handling techniques, and early gait training will be addressed, as well as cognitive and perceptual issues related to praxis. Instructor: Patricia Montgomery, PT, PhD, FAPTA. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); AUG. 12-20, 2011 SEPT. 17-25, 2011 OCT. 14-22, 2011 RED BANK, NJ CHICAGO, IL SAN ANTONIO, TX Lymphedema Therapy Certification/ Lymphedema Mgmt 22011 009 The American BackPain Center Lumbar - S.O. I Strategic Orthopedics Spine System Westlake- (Clev.), Lumbar S.O. I OH A New Paradigm For Conservative Spine Care Evidence-Based The most extensive compilation of spine research available – supporting Examination, Treatment Strategies, Documentation, & Outcomes. Expand Referrals Mar 12-15 Woodruff,OH WI Columbus, AugMay 27-301-4 Missoula, MT May 16-19 St. Cloud, MN Sept 15-18 Columbus, OH Aug 27-30 Allentown, PA IN Oct. 7-10 Fort Wayne, Sept 24-27 Chicago (Berwyn), IL Oct 8-11 Kalispell, MT Oct 14-17 Edgewood (Cinci), KY Nov 5-8 Edgewood, KY (Cincy) Nov 3-6 Cervical / Thoracic - S.O. II “SO I (Lumbar) was a great course. March 28-29 The most Rochester, MN S.O.30-31 II As a physician, I was impressed by Chicago (Berwyn), IL - May complete spine care system Cervical/Thoracic the extensive review of literature Edgewood, (Cincy) Oct12-13 1-2 EdgewoodKY (Cinci), KY Sep which now includes treatment supporting the concepts taught”. Appleton, WI Oct19-20 24-25 Nov of cervicogenic headache, TMJ, Joliet, IL V. Johnson, MD migraine, & oral-facial pain Migraine / TMJ - S.O. III Carle Spine Champaign, IL June 13-14 “After SO III (Migraine), I’ve increased my priv. practice Institute Reading (Philly),III PA Nov 21-22 referrals by 14-16 per week for the past 3 years”. Migraine/S.O. Edgewood, KY (Cincy) Dec 3-4 Jeff Turner, PT, Cert. MDT - Headache Institute of Texas Focus & Detail (S.O. II) Champaign, IL Highest Rated Your colleagues post-course critique scores are consistently the highest in our field - near perfect scores on content/presentation SO I – 97% SO II – 98% SO III – 98% Dec 5-6 Focus & Detail (S.O. II+III) San Antonio, TX April 4-5 “Fun Day” & Dinner April 6 40 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine This 135 hr lymphedema certification course combines 45 hrs of online home study & 90 hrs of classroom (lab) instruction: The most efficient & cost effective way to become lymphedema certified! UE lymphedema certification available. Pathophysiology, Diagnosis & DD taught by expert lymphedema physician. Lab instructors are the most experienced in the field. Approved for CEUs. Meets requirements to sit for Lymphology Assoc. of N. America (LANA) exam. Free post graduate services. Klose Training & Consulting; Guenter Klose, Certified Instr. since 1987, Kathy Francis, MD, Med. Director. Contact: 866-621-7888 (toll-free); info@klosetrain or for dates & locations. AUG. 19-20, 2011 SEPT. 16-17, 2011 OCT. 28-29, 2011 HARTFORD, CT RENTON, WA CHICAGO, IL Brachial Plexus Injuries Treatment: Infant thru Teen Do you assess and treat pediatric patients with Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Injuries? This workshop will provide you with the comprehensive knowledge you need to be able to confidently perform comprehensive examinations, develop attainable goals and choose the most effective therapeutic strategies and make surgical referrals for each stage of recovery throughout infancy, childhood, and teen years. Instructors: Cindy Servello & Pia Stampe. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 800-487-6530; 508-359-6533; SUBSCRIBE TODAY — CALL 800.355.1088 NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ LEXINGTON, KY OREGON, OH AUG. 19-20, 2011 OCT. 14-15, 2011 DEC. 9-10, 2011 ATLANTA, GA ENGLEWOOD, NJ LAUREL, MD AUG. 20-21, 2011 SEPT. 24-25, 2011 OCT. 15-16, 2011 BOISE, ID FRESNO, CA BOSTON, MA Yoga Therapy for the Child With Developmental Challenges Driving Neuroplastic Change in Stroke Survivors Taking Balance To the Limits This workshop teaches a balanced therapeutic yoga approach w/ modifications for various populations. Through experiential labs you will learn the physical, physiological, regulatory, emotional & sensory-motor benefits of Yoga for the Child w/ Developmental Challenges. Use of Rhythm & Breath control will be emphasized to facilitate regulation & organization. A sequence of postures will be analyzed to highlight the therapeutic aspects. Case studies will highlight the therapeutic benefits. Instructor: Anne Buckley-Reen. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); Designed to take the complexity and guesswork out of planning treatment, this seminar focuses on a new perspective on stroke recovery. Based on principles proven to drive neuroplastic change in stroke survivors, this seminar will provide the tools to incorporate leading-edge, research-based recovery options. Included will be an in-depth look at a variety of cutting edge strategies, technologies and treatment options to aid stroke survivors in reaching the highest level of potential recovery, such as modified constraint induced therapy, gaming technologies, and motor imagery techniques, among others. Instructors: Stephen Page and Peter Levine. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); Speaker Janene Barber, PT, GTC, has taught and treated extensively in this area with astounding results. This course goes beyond all you have learned about the effects of speed, strength and range of motion limitations as causes for balance dysfunction. You will leave with an in depth knowledge and skill in postural dyscontrol, somatosensation and vestibular arenas. Take home innovative usable evaluation and treatment techniques that will dramatically change your practice. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); AUG. 19-20, 2011 OCT. 14-15, 2011 INDIANAPOLIS, IN SAVANNAH, GA AUG. 20-21, 2011 Intensive Orthopedics Speaker: Sandy Shelton, PT, GTC. Take home innovative evaluation and treatment ideas for total joint arthroplasties and traumatic fractures. Learn clinically useful and cutting edge protocols, critical paths and ways of working with difficult patients. Diagnoses specific evaluations will be demonstrated. Utilize these tools to work smarter, not harder. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); www.greatseminarsand FIND A NEW JOB AT AN ADVANCE JOB FAIR & CAREER EVENT CALL 800.546.4987 FOR DETAILS! EDISON, NJ Assessment & Treatment Age-Related Balance Impairment This intensive two-day course is designed to provide evidence-based fall prevention strategies for reducing the number of falls in the elderly population and discuss balance treatments for inpatients as well as community-based falls prevention programs. Through interesting lecture and handson labs, this course will provide skills that can be used in the clinic setting the very next day. Over 80% of attendants rated this course Excellent, all others rated it Good. Cost: Only $350 for 16 hours. CEUs vary from state to state. Contact: JVB Enterprises, Inc., 888-328-6755; or for other courses offered in your area or for more information. FREE E-NEWSLETTER AUG. 20-21, 2011 SEPT. 24-25, 2011 OCT. 22-23, 2011 EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES AUG. 19-20, 2011 OCT. 1-2, 2011 DEC. 2-3, 2011 TOLEDO, OH MIAMI, FL LINCOLN, NE Safe Steps: Making Gait, Balance Assessment, & Treatment Speaker: James C. Wall, BSC, MSc, MEd, PhD, presents Safe Steps: Making Gait and Balance Assessment and Treatment Worth It. This seminar reviews the major changes commonly seen in the elderly, which can contribute to problems with gait, balance, and subsequent loss of independence. Evaluations tools, objective techniques to measure functional mobility tasks and evidence-based treatment strategies will be covered. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); or www. — WWW.ADVANCEWEB.COM (Continued on next page) TO ORDER ARTICLE REPRINTS FROM ADVANCE CALL 800-355-5627 ),(5 ,=,5),;;,9 4*4;!4HZ[LY`*LY [PÄJH[PVUPU4HU\HS ;OLYHW`^P[O+PTP[YPVZ 2VZ[VWV\SVZ7;7O+ +:J2VUZ[HU[PUL 9PaVWV\SVZ7;-(): ;/,9(70:; *(4;!*LY[PMPJH[PVU >0;/6<94(5<(3;/,9(7@ 0U(K]HUJLK4HUPW \SH[P]L;OLYHW`^P[O +Y0ULZ5HRHZOPTH /(5+:65 796.9(4: *(4;*,9;0-0*(;065 *(4;*LY]PJHS;OVYHJPJ:WPUL +H[LZ[VILHUUV\UJLK *(4;3\TIHY:WPUL +H[LZ[VILHUUV\UJLK *(4;<WWLY3V^LY,_[YLTP[PLZ >VVKIYPKNL=( (Z[VYPH5@ -,336>:/07>0;/+Y05,:5(2(:/04( (Z[VYPH5@ 6(0,1$56 4*4;*,9;0-0*(;065 7;!4HU\HS;OLYHW`(WWYVHJOMVY 3\TIHY:WPUL 7;!4`V-HZJPHS;YPNNLY7VPU[HUK 1\S`-[3H\KLYKHSL-3 7YVWYPVJLW[P]L;OLYHW` 1\S`3VZ(UNLSLZ*( (\N\Z[-[3H\KLYKHSL-3 :LW[LTILY+HSSHZ;? :LW[LTILY3HRLSHUK-3 6J[VILY+HSSHZ;? :LW[LTILY(Z[VYPH5@ +LJLTILY(Z[VYPH5@ 5V]LTILY>HY^PJR90 1HU\HY` (Z[VYPH5@ 5V]LTILY (Z[VYPH5@ -LIY\HY`:HU(U[VUPV;? 7;!4HU\HS;OLYHW`(WWYVHJOMVY 7;!4HU\HS;OLYHW`(WWYVHJOMVY :OV\SKLY,SIV^/HUK *LY]PJHS:WPUL7H[OVSVN` 1\S`(Z[VYPH5@ 1\S`+HSSHZ;? (\N\Z[:HU(U[VUPV;? (\N\Z[3HRLSHUK-3 (\N\Z[(Z[VYPH5@ :LW[LTILY>HY^PJR90 :LW[LTILY-[3H\KLYKHSL-3 6J[VILY(Z[VYPH5@ :LW[LTILY*OPJHNV03 :LW[LTILY>PSTPUN[VU5* -LIY\HY`(Z[VYPH5@ 3LHYUHUK3LHK^P[O<Z 7;!4HU\HS;OLYHW`(WWYVHJOMVY /PW2ULL-VV[ 1\S`>PSTPUN[VU5* (\N\Z[*OPJHNV03 6J[VILY:HU(U[VUPV;? 5V]LTILY +HSSHZ;? 5V]LTILY -[3H\KLYKHSL-3 +LJLTILY3VZ(UNLSLZ*( 7;4*4;4HZ[LY`*LY[PÄJH[PVU PU4HU\HS;OLYHW` (\N\Z[(Z[VYPH5@ 6J[VILY>PSTPUN[VU5* 6J[VILY*OPJHNV03 +LJLTILY3HRLSHUK-3 +LJLTILY+HSSHZ;? +LJLTILY:HU(U[VUPV;? 1HU\HY`-[3H\KLYKHSL-3 -69469,+(;,:(5+36*(;065:.6;6 ^^^/HUKZ6U:LTPUHYZJVT69*(33 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 41 EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES (Continued from previous page) AUG. 20-28, 2011 SEPT. 10-18, 2011 SEPT. 17-25, 2011 LOS ANGELES, CA NEW YORK, NY ST. LOUIS, MO Lymphedema Therapy Certification The Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy’s Advantage Optimal Access Format is a blended live & web-based certification program producing LANA-eligible lymphedema therapists in only 9 continuous days. Only 5 workdays and 2 weekends make this course the most sensible, costeffective, unmatched choice. Save large expenses on staff coverage, travel, hotel and meals. Take our online Virtual Tour and compare to other schools! This course teaches: Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) & Complete Decongestive Therapy (Vodder/Foeldi Tech) covering 135 hours, basic and advanced MLD, bandaging & Tx protocols, Tx of primary & secondary lymphedema, extremity & non-extremity ONLINE CERTIFICATION WORKSHOPS Ergonomics Assessment Certification - 15 contact hours CEAS I™ Certification Practice & Management of Occupational Ergonomics Certification - 16 contact hours CEAS III™ Certififcation 800.783.7536 W W W. B A C K S C H O O L O FAT L A N T A . C O M lymphedema. All Norton School instructors are recognized national experts and are available via e-mail & phone consultation for Tx of complex patients. We offer Advanced Training Programs, Reviews, Bi-Annual Conferences, Specialized Training Videos & free lifetime listing in our Therapist Referral Database. Multiple courses offered per month nationally. Inquire about hosting a course! MD, RN, PT, OT, PT & OT Assistants, Nurses & MTs qualified. The Norton School is recognized by FPTA, NJ, SBPTE, TPTA, AOTA & NCBTMB for CEUs. Senior Faculty: Steve Norton, MLD/CD, CLT-LANA; Andrea Cheville, MD, Medical Director. Contact: 866-4459674 (toll-free); 866-854-7800 (fax); info@NortonSchool. com or AUG. 20-30, 2011 SEPT. 10-20, 2011 OCT. 15-25, 2011 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL PHOENIX, AZ LAS VEGAS, NV Complete Lymphedema Management Certification The Academy of Lymphatic Studies has pioneered certification classes in Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder/Foeldi technique) and Complete Decongestive Therapy in the U.S. since 1994. This program is a comprehensive certification course (135 hours) and is taught in only 7 working days; the course length is 11 days in total, including 2 weekends (meets the requirements of the Lymphology Association of North America). The program covers: anatomy, physiology & pathology of the lymphatic system, basic and advanced techniques of MLD, bandaging for primary and secondary upper and lower extremity lymphedema (incl pediatric care and genital lymphedema) and other conditions (post-traumatic, postoperative swellings, CVI, Migraine). Special workshops are included in the course (insurance billing, certification for compression garments, etc.) The textbook “Lymphedema Management” (included in tuition) authored by the Academy’s director was published in 2004 by Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers, NY; tuition also includes educational CD, course manual, complete set of bandages, CD for limb volume calculation, set of posters of the “Lymphatic System”. After course completion each student is provided with instructor mentoring. All graduates qualify for free lifetime listing as certified lymphedema therapists for patient referral on our website. All courses are approved by FPTA, IPTA and AOTA for CEUs. Discounts are available for APTA & AOTA members. Financial aid available. Contact: 800-863-5935; academy@ or for a free brochure. AUG. 26-27, 2011 SEPT. 23-24, 2011 OCT. 21-22, 2011 PORTSMOUTH, NH FORT WAYNE, IN ROCKFORD, IL Yoga and Pilates Therapy for The Child with Special Needs Learn how to integrate pilates and yoga exercise techniques in to your therapeutic intervention. These techniques will be applied to the child with special needs from birth to school age with the diagnosis of sensory impairments, tone issues, autism, ADHD and spina bifida. Instruction will be completed on how to include these techniques into your everyday practice in pediatric rehabilitation. You will be able to design family friendly home programs for your clients and participate in labs so that you can better appreciate the use of these techniques. Instructor: Angelique Micallef-Courts. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); SEPT. 8-11, 2011 SEPT. 15-18, 2011 SEPT. 30-OCT. 3, 2011 PITTSBURGH, PA ATLANTA, GA DETROIT, MI Intro to NDT Part I Improving Gait Faster Part II Achieve functional outcomes for adults with hemiplegia. Content includes the principles of NDT, facilitation of sitto-stand, use of the LE in functional activities, transfers, UE weight bearing, remediation of pain and subluxation of the hemiplegic shoulder. Bed mobility will be demonstrated. Treatment ideas and a framework to document goals based on functional outcomes using NDT will be provided. Get to results faster when improving gait. Increased clinical reasoning will enable you to know what to expect and what to predict. You will be able to assess the cause of the problem and have more immediate influence. You will have a better understanding of the normal components of gait and then understand why your patient with hemiplegia has tendencies in gait. You will practice with “hands-on” how to increase ROM of the hip and foot. Concepts for use of a self-exercise program and use of orthotics will be discussed. Additional treatment ideas related to gait and more examples of documentation will be provided. Both parts include videotapes, “hands-on” experience and live patient demonstrations. Cathy Runyan, OTR, & Peggy Miller, PT, NDTA Inc. Certified Instructors. Audience: PTs, PTAs, OTs, COTAs. Contact hours: 30. Contact: Recovering Function, 408-268-3691; or www. for a complete brochure of introductory, advanced, and certification courses as well as information about additional course dates/locations, group rates, & free registrations when hosting courses at your facility. SEPT. 9-10, 2011 OCT. 15-16, 2011 NOV. 4-5, 2011 ENGLEWOOD, NJ NEW BERN, NC MINNEAPOLIS, MN Geriatric Neurology: Falls Prevention and Balance Are the interventions you are using to improve balance in geriatric and neurologic patients the most effective, up-todate and relevant for your individual patient? This course will teach you to select and use the most appropriate tools to assess the risk for falls, evaluate function and assess balance. Therapists will learn to differentiate normal aging from pathology and develop effective evidence based treatment strategies to improve functional balance outcomes to opti- 42 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine SEPT. 9-10, 2011 NOV. 4-5, 2011 NOV. 18-19, 2011 MALVERN, PA WALLINGFORD, CT MONROE, NC Traumatic Brain Injury: Cognitive Rehab This interactive course will provide therapists with the skills necessary for implementing programs across the continuum of care. Content will include, understanding associated impairments and activity limitations, mechanisms of injury, neurobiology, theory, cognitive and behavioral health issues. Evidence based evaluation and intervention will be emphasized as well as emerging practice areas; virtual reality, telerehabilitation. Instructor: Leslie Davidson. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); SEPT. 9-10, 2011 DEC. 9-10, 2011 WHITE PLAINS, NY NEW BERN, NC Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment of the Shoulder This lab seminar is an evidence based approach to examination and treatment of the conditions affecting the shoulder complex. This will address shoulder pain and overall function for adults with Impingement conditions, rotator cuff tendonitis, bicipital tendonitis, subacromial bursitis, adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder Pain, arthritis, overuse syndromes, scapular syndromes, shoulder instability, thoracic outlet syndrome, radiculitis/peripheral nerve entrapment. This seminar will cover differential diagnosis of this region and address cervico-thoracic contribution to the shoulder condition. The treatment approach will integrate the best evidence in a clinically relevant manner. Instructor: Megan Donaldson. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); SEPT. 10-11, 2011 EDISON, NJ The Lumbosacral Complex This Therapy Network Seminars 2-day lab intensive course incorporates medical screening procedures, differential diagnosis, muscle energy techniques, functional exercise prescription, mobilization & manual therapy of the lumbosacral complex. Evaluation and treatment is approached as a systematic process utilizing clinical reasoning and scientific evidence. Significant lab time allows each attendee to process, practice, and polish intervention techniques under the guided supervision of experienced manual therapists. The end result is the ability to immediately apply new skills upon return to the clinic. Sponsored by JFK Johnson Rehab Institute. Early bird rate in effect until Aug. 11th. Contact: Mary Ann Laurita, 732-632-1570; e-mail: SEPT. 10-11, 2011 SEPT. 10-11, 2011 SEPT. 10-11, 2011 INDIANAPOLIS, IN PHILADELPHIA, PA RALEIGH, NC KinesioTaping - KT1/KT2 More dates and locations, and KT3 Certification courses listed online. KTA approved seminar. Learn the fundamental and advanced concepts, corrective techniques of the KinesioTaping Method, and the unique properties and use of KinesioTex Tape. Lab sessions provide ample time to practice kinesiotaping skills for upper and lower body applications. Contact: Rehab Education, LLC, 845-368-2458; or for details and registration. SEPT. 10-11, 2011 OCT. 1-2, 2011 OCT. 28-29, 2011 DENVER, CO POWELL, TN SPRINGFIELD, MO Geriatric Neurology in The Medically Complex Client Learn evaluation tools and treatment protocols for medically complex older persons with neurological dysfunction. Evidence-based information on assessment and treatment of clients with Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, Alzheimer’s balance and gait disorders, neurosensory pathologies and pain will be provided. The changes associated with aging as well as pathological manifestations that affect the neurosensory system and result in problems with coordination, mobility, proprioception and kinesthesia, balance and falls, weakness and pain will be presented. Instructor: Jennifer Bottomley. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); www.educa SEPT. 10-11, 2011 OCT. 14-15, 2011 DEC. 2-3, 2011 EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES mize the environment. (Medically complex patient-StrokeDementia-Balance Elderly-Frail Elderly). Instructor: Carole Burnett. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); www.educationresourcesinc. com SEWICKLEY, PA SPOKANE, WA KEENE, NH Small Patients, Big Challenges: Complex Pediatric Patient Therapists are often challenged by complex pediatric patients whose care is constantly interrupted by medical issues, hospital stays and surgeries. This comprehensive course will guide clinicians through the process of managing complex pediatric patients and medically fragile patients within the context of their families, in all settings. Instructor: Jonathan Greenwood, PT, MS, NDT, PCS. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); (Continued on next page) Learn . . . John F. Barnes, PT International lecturer, author, and authority on Myofascial Release GOOGLE the leading search engine recognizes John F. Barnes, PT & Myofascial Release Seminars as the “Authority” on Myofascial Release. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Myofascial Release I™ August 19-21, 2011 Myofascial Rebounding August 23-25, 2011 Cervical-Thoracic August 26-28, 2011 TROY, MICHIGAN (NORTH DETROIT SUBURBS) Myofascial Release I™ September 9-11, 2011 Myofascial Unwinding September 13-15, 2011 Myofascial Release II™ September 16-18, 2011 MFR Seminars offers Over 80 Seminars a Year. For a Seminar near you call 1-800-FASCIAL or Visit ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 43 EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES (Continued from previous page) SEPT. 10-11, 2011 OCT. 15-16, 2011 NOV. 12-13, 2011 LOVELAND, CO FT. WORTH, TX LIBERTY, MO ICU and Acute Care Update Many therapists feel intimated by the ICU setting due to a lack of training, unfamiliar equipment, alarms, lack of EKG skills, fear of harming the patient and not knowing where to start! This comprehensive course will focus on mobilizing patients early and guide clinicians through the process of managing adult ICU patients. Case studies will be used to practice clinical problem solving skills needed for dealing with complications and complexities in this challenging population. Focus of the course will be on attaining functional outcomes by optimizing cardiopulmonary and neuromuscular status. Instructor: Christiane Perme. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 800-487-6530; www. There's H.O.P.E. Take the guess work out of your therapy. Julia Harper, MS, OTR/L, one of the industry's most sought after instructors, teaches PRACTICAL proven strategies for treating your pediatric clients diagnosed with Autism, Learning Disabilities, Developmental Delays, ADD/ADHD and many other common pediatric deficits. SEPT. 10-11, 2011 OCT. 22-23, 2011 NOV. 5-6, 2011 JACKSONVILLE, FL FINDLAY, OH TALLAHASSEE, FL Sara Meeks Seminars On Osteoporosis - Level I Statistics show that over 55% of people over age 50 have low bone mass (osteopenia/osteoporosis). Learn how to recognize people with these conditions; get the latest information on management; take home a comprehensive, safe, effective intervention for this and other back pathologies including spinal stenosis. Start Certification in The Meeks Method, based on sound therapeutic exercise principles as reflected in the research literature. An award-winning, international presenter, Sara Meeks, PT, MS, GCS, teaches all locations. CEUs provided. Contact: SARA MEEKS SEMINARS, 888-3307272; SEPT. 16-17, 2011 SEPT. 16-18, 2011 PUYALLUP, WA An NDT Approach to Treatment of the Baby Instructed by Kim Westhoff, OTR/L, C/NDT and Debbie Evans-Rogers, PT, MS, PCS, C/NDT, this course is a Lecture and Lab presentation that will address: typical and atypical components of motor development, sensory issues impacting development, assessment and treatment principles. This course will include both lecture and hands on labs throughout. Participants need to bring comfortable clothing for treatment labs. In addition it would be beneficial if each participant to bring a doll 18-24 inches long with movement available at shoulders and hips. These dolls will be utilized during labs in addition to lab partners in order to practice techniques. Contact: NDTA National Office, 800-869-9295; e-mail: or visit to register. HARTFORD, CT Pediatric Vestibular Rehabilitation This course focuses on effective vestibular rehabilitation for treating children with dizziness, coordination, balance, motor, postural, vestibular, visual motor, perceptual, sensory organization and motion disorders, due to disease, toxicity, infection, tumors, trauma, neurological, and congenital/ genetic disorders. The Clinician working in pediatric rehabilitation will learn a new frame of reference and treatment techniques that can positively affect the child’s motor skills, balance, coordination, rate of development, perceptual skills and tolerances of motion. Instructor: Gaye Cronin. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); SEPT. 17-18, 2011 NOV. 19-20, 2011 MORRISTOWN, NJ NEWTON, MA Best Practices in Home Health Care Home health care assessment and treatment has become more complex and requires specialized, advanced skills. Do you have the skills to provide your patients with the safest, best possible care? This course is designed to provide physical & occupational therapists with up-to-date, evidenced-based techniques for assessment & treatment of the medically complex geriatric home care patient. Instructor: Suzanne Clark. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 800487-6530; 508-359-6533 (within MA); www.educationre LEAVE EACH CLASS WITH a "How-to" Guide!!! • Practical Sense in Sensory Integration 1 • Practical Sense in Sensory Integration 2 • Practical Sense in Sensory Integration 3 • Pediatric Primer - Intro class taught by Janessa Rick, PT • RISE- Reflex Integration to Support Education • Treating Auditory Processing Disorders • New - The Sensory Chef 800.899.8832 Go to for locations, dates, and details SEPT. 16-18, 2011 HOLLYWOOD, FL NDT Treatment of The Baby and Child Learn how to assess and treat babies from birth to 3 years old with known or suspected neuromotor impairments. An emphasis will be placed on the practical application of treatment strategies to gain functional outcomes appropriate for this age group and how to incorporate therapeutic strategies into family life. Instructor: Suzanne Davis. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); CALL 800.355.5627 TO RENEW YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! American Continuing Education Solutions is the leader in providing interactive, online continuing education to the allied healthcare industry. Our success is built on understanding the needs of today's health care professional. Continue your education and advance your career on your schedule with our online continuing education (CE) courses. All of our courses are peer-reviewed and come from the author experts you know and trust. Select from a wide variety of courses approved for your state. Ful¿ll your CE requirements at your convenience from the comfort of your home. Take you tests online, and ¿nd out your results immediately For more information Please contact us at 202-904-2342 Or Visit our web site at 44 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine SEPT. 23-25, 2011 NOV. 4-6, 2011 FT. WORTH, TX NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ Stable to the Core: Low Back & Cervical/Thoracic Patient A theory and exercise seminar for health care professionals who seek to functionally and dynamically treat low back patients and cervical spine with core stabilization. Core Stabilization is a nationally recognized clinical method of restoring function to the spine patient. Drawing on up to date evidence based treatment involving dynamic training, participants will combine techniques of PNF, NDT and exercise physiology to take core stabilization to its highest level: using it in patient function, hobbies, sports, ADL’s and work. Instructor: Beverly Biondi. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508-359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); www. SEPT. 24, 2011 LONG ISLAND CITY, NY Everything You Need to Know to Work in Homecare As patient length stays reduce in hospital and subacute settings, the demand for home care is sky rocketing. This day long course will focus on all the basic information a clinician would need to begin to provide therapy in a home based setting. The speaker will cover all aspects of this practice, including receiving a referral, therapy intervention, reimbursement guidelines, documentation protocols, and the importance of team members for achieving patient’s therapy goals. This course is a must for clinicians who want to take cases immediately. Fee: $239. before 8/21 - $259 on or after 8/21. Location & Times: Therapeutic Resources, 36-36 33rd St., Long Island City, NY, 9am-4:30pm. Contact: 212-5299780; or visit for more info. SEPT. 24-25, 2011 WILKES-BARRE TWP, PA Mechanical Derangement of The Cervical and Thoracic Spine This course will present an integration of the Cyriax, Maitland, McKenzie, Edeling and Mulligan approaches for the examina- SEPT. 24-25, 2011 OCT. 14-15, 2011 NOV. 5-6, 2011 CHARLESTON, SC PROVO, UT SACRAMENTO, CA Rehabilitation for The Frail Elderly Speaker: Robert Thomas, MS, PT. Learn the latest information on 30 assessment tools and treatment protocols for working with the frail older population. Information on the effects of institutionalization, medical and cognitive pathologies that affect the frail population, pharmacological management, and the impact of reimbursement models will be presented. Specific evaluations and creative treatment protocols for gait, balance, strength, flexibility, and endurance will be provided. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); www.greatseminarsand SEPT. 24-25, 2011 OCT. 15-16, 2011 PHOENIX, AZ SAN FRANCISCO, CA Put Some Muscle Into Ther Ex Speaker: Wendy K. Anemaet, PT, PhD, GCS, CWS, GTC, COSC; Strength loss begins in the 30’s-but what’s next? MMT’s unreliable-what other options exist. Which muscles matter most to ADL? Join us for an intensive, fun, 2-day tune up to strengthen your outcomes & change the way you prescribe Ther Ex on Monday morning! Explore the current scoop on geriatric resistance training, practice evaluative techniques & exercises, and learn about parameters of strengthening for a range of medical & rehab diagnoses. Put Some Muscle into Ther Ex offers the essential tools & knowledge to design, implement, evaluate & modify effective resistance training programs for the older populations. - See you there. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); to make significant contributions to the medical team and frequently are the determining factor in hospital length of stay. This high tech seminar will provide therapists with clinical information, practical tips & high level problem solving skills by utilizing lecture & case studies to discuss the role of therapists in this challenging environment. Contact: 877794-7328 (toll-free); OCT. 6-9, 2011 OCT. 14-17, 2011 OCT. 27-30, 2011 SAN DIEGO, CA LONG ISLAND, NY DALLAS, TX Recovering Function NDT Courses Intro, Advanced, Cert Recovering Function’s series of “hands-on” NDT courses provides you with a step-by-step framework of problemsolving strategies and manual cues for assessing potential and individualizing functional outcomes when implementing interventions for your adult clients with hemiplegia. Audience: OTs, COTAs, PTs, PTAs. Cathy Runyan, OTR/L, & Peggy Miller, PT, NDTA, Inc. Certified Instructors. Offered nationwide. Contact: Recovering Function, 408-268-3691; or www. for a complete brochure of intro, advanced, and cert courses as well as information about additional course dates/locations, group rates & free registrations when hosting courses at your facility. OCT. 16, 2011 ALBUQUERQUE, NM URBANA, IL PHILADELPHIA, PA Meet employers at FREE ADVANCE JOB FAIRS! FREE CE Fun Shopping Great Prizes Exciting Games GREAT NECK, NY Therapy Ball Techniques for Early Childhood Skill Development This course will focus on teaching participants the therapeutic value of therapy balls and the application of handling skills to improve vestibular responses, balance, spatial orientation, body awareness, muscle strength and tone in an early childhood population. Video taped treatment session analysis and experiential lab sessions using therapy balls will enhance learning and promote skills which can be applied to the clinical setting. Fee: $239 before 9/18 - $259 after 9/18, 9am-4pm, Location & Info: Bounce Gymnastics, 683 Middle Neck Road, 2nd Floor, Great Neck, NY. Contact: Therapeutic Resources, 212-529-9780; or visit www.therapeuticresource. com for more information. ABOUT CALENDAR: SEPT. 24-25, 2011 OCT. 24-25, 2011 NOV. 5-6, 2011 Break away from the computer and the newspaper! Make sure your important event appears in the ADVANCE calendar. To place a listing or an attractive display ad in this section, call 800-355-5627 or fax (610) 278-1422. Deadline is Tuesday at noon, EST. EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES tion and treatment of cervical and thoracic derangement. Special emphasis will be placed on cervicogenic headaches. Lab experience will include how to perform a selective tissue tension examination and the application of joint mobilization for increasing spinal range of motion and decreasing pain in patients with mechanical derangement. Instructor: Russell Woodman. Contact: Education Resources, Inc., 508359-6533; 800-487-6530 (outside MA); www.educationre FREE Refreshments Visit and find the next job fair nearest you! Home Health Rehabilitation Speaker: Carol Schunk, PT, PsyD. Home Health is a unique physical therapy practice setting. Not only are there clinical issues but being in the patient’s home environment makes the delivery of service very different than in an outpatient or inpatient facility. This course will provide both clinical information relevant to those being treated in their home as well as the psychological aspects of dealing with families and caregivers including evaluation tools for balance, function, cognitive ability and environmental hazards presented to allow the therapist to develop an appropriate plan of care. Contact: 877-794-7328 (toll-free); www.greatseminarsand SEPT. 24-25, 2011 NOV. 5-6, 2011 OLYMPIA, WA PALM SPRINGS, CA UPGRADE YOUR WORK GEAR THIS SEASON! We have a vast variety of apparel and equipment for all healthcare professions. ›› Scrubs — Over 850 styles in prints and solids ›› Lab Coats — Various lengths and styles available ›› Shoes — Comfortable and fashionable work shoes and clogs ›› Medical Equipment — Stethoscope, scissors, penlights and more Acute Care Rehabilitation Speaker: Mark Nelson, MPT. This dynamic seminar provides the latest information on cardiac, pulmonary & geriatric rehab in the acute care setting. As in all practice settings, acute care rehab is continuously evolving. From the various entry points into the acute care setting to discharge, rehab plays an integral role. Therapists are being increasingly relied upon ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 45 [Classified marketplace] [pressure mapping] IMMIGRATION for PTs: H-1B Permanent Residency TN-1 Requests for Evidence Appeals Emily Lopez Neumann Attorney at Law REDDY & NEUMANN, P.C. Houston, Texas 713-953-7787 * Not Certified by Texas Board of Legal Specialization. PT PRACTICE FOR SALE • PT owned Private Practice conveniently located in midtown Manhattan • Established in 1985 with busy client base • Owner retiring • Business sold as whole including equipment, name, etc. Please email to: Serious inquiries only please or call 516-633-7636 ) ( Sell Your Practice Faster with ADVANCE Marketplace Ads Call 800-355-5627 today! MP2.2_3.5_4C011807_1.indd 1 46 1/18/07 pressure continued from page 27 that made finding a safe position in bed difficult. When the patient was initially placed on the sensor pad there were areas of peak pressure noted over his sacral region. The therapist adjusted the inflation of the mattress to increase the amount of air between the patient and the bed frame, thereby reducing peak pressure values at the sacrum. The mapping also showed that due to his contractures, virtually no pressure was being distributed under the patient’s legs. This was remedied by raising the foot of the bed and positioning the patient in “side-lying,” which mean the hips are at a 30-degree angle to the bed. This increased the overall surface area. IPM data was further improved by using a foam wedge under the patient’s back to maintain the side-lying position and to elevate the sacral area off of the bed. A pillow in between the patient’s knees was used to prevent new pressure ulcers. Optimal Chair Positioning A patient with complete paraplegia presented for seating evaluation following a shoulder surgery, and strict post-operative, upper-extremity activity precautions. The patient was using a standard foam cushion on a power wheelchair that did not have a power tilt feature. Prior to surgery, he developed an ischial pressure ulcer. Upon initial seating evaluation, it became evident he was unable to perform adequate pressure shifts of forward lean or lateral lean and maintain post-op activity precautions. Clinicians’ initial thoughts of the underlying causes contributing to the development of the pressure ulcer were: loss of upper-extremity function limiting ability to shift weight, poor posture and wheelchair configuration, and to a lesser extent inadequate support surface. Initial IPM showed significant high peak values at bilateral ischial tuberosities. Evaluation of his sitting posture revealed: moderate obesity, posterior pelvic tilt with lumbar kyphosis, severe thoracic kyphosis with protracted shoulders, severe LE “frogging” and minimal thigh contact with support surface. (Mat evaluation findings confirmed the posterior pelvic tilt was fixed). 10:12:17 AM Five different cushions (air, gel, combination foam/gel, combination foam/air, thermoplastic) were evaluated using IPM. No substantial improvements were noted in pressure-mapping readings even after allowing for adequate settling time. No single “pressure- ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine relieving” cushion evaluated using IPM was able to provide adequate pressure distribution, increase surface area and decrease peak values. In fact, all cushions continued to show extremely high peak pressure values over the ischial tuberosities. This helped confirm the clinicians’ initial theory that the patient’s posture and wheelchair positioning in combination with loss of upper-extremity functional mobility were the strongest contributing factors to the pressure ulcer and not the support surface. (It is important to note the patient had been using this support surface for years). Initial treatment focused on adjusting his current chair by lowering the foot plate and lengthening the seat depth in attempt to increase surface area and pressure distribution to his posterior thighs. Re-evaluation using IPM revealed some reduction in peak pressure at ischial tuberosities, with only one out of the five cushions evaluated (all five were re-evaluated). It was then determined the best course of treatment was to opt for a new wheelchair. A new power wheelchair was ordered with a custom contoured back support, lengthened seat depth, lateral thigh supports and tilt feature to allow for adequate pressure redistribution every 10 to 15 minutes. Justification for the new wheelchair was based on the patient’s diagnosis of stage III ischial pressure ulcer, recent shoulder surgery, documented findings from the initial IPM, IPMs of different support surfaces, IPMs post re-configuration of current wheelchair and IPMs in a new demo wheelchair. n References 1. Lyder, C.H. (2003). Pressure ulcer prevention and management. Journal of the American Medical Association, 289(2), 223-226. 2. National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Support Surface Standards Initiative. (2007). Terms and definitions related to support surfaces. Retrieved December 20, 2010, from NPUAP_S3I_TD.pdf Martin J. Kilbane and Gina Kubec are therapists at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VAMC Spinal Cord Injury/Disorders Center in Cleveland, OH. For more information on pressure mapping, visit www.advanceweb. com/PTPainManagement CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ADVANCE for Physical Therapists & Rehab Medicine reaches over 85,100 active, qualified physical therapy professionals nationwide every issue. Faculty, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York Physical Therapists Greater Boston & Worcester Full-time, Part-time and Per Diem Must be a licensed Physical Therapist with at least 2 years of rehab and/or homecare exp. Open House Physical Therapy Assistants Tuesday, July 26th, 4pm – 7pm VillageCare Corporate Offices 154 Christopher St. New York, NY 10014 Full-time, Part-time and Per Diem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middle Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Upper South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lower South Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East South Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East North Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West North Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . West South Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southwest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . US Territories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 47 p. 47 p. 47 p. 52 p. 53 p. — p. — p. 55 p. 55 p. — p. 56 p. 56 p. — p. 57 p. 58 Must be a licensed PTA with at least 2 years of rehab and/or homecare exp. Must have time, geographic commitment and flexibility. We offer excellent per visit rates and competitive benefits for full-time staff. Interested candidates, please contact: Judi Thomas Human Resources Director Tel: (508) 421-6800 X.232 Fax: (508) 421-6663 Email: Tender Touch Rehab Seeking The University of Nevada Las Vegas Department of Physical Therapy invites applications for a full-time, 9-month position for Assistant/Associate Professor which may be filled as a Faculty-in-Residence (nontenure-track) or within the tenure-track. A complete job description with application details may be obtained by visiting or call (702) 895-2894. EEO/AA Employer NEW ENGLAND Our growing outpatient orthopedic clinic is seeking full-time or part-time Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants to join our dynamic team. Not only will you be working along side experienced orthopedic physical therapists, but you will also have a great opportunity to work closely with a team of orthopedic surgeons with a wide array of specialties. We offer competitive benefits, salary and continuing education. Please fax your resume to OrthoSport Rehab Associates • (860) 447-2193. JOB OPENINGS – SENT DIRECTLY TO YOUR E-MAIL SIGN UP TODAY AT WWW.ADVANCEWEB.COM Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Assistant expanding to MA! Assistant/Associate Professor We currently have the following positions in Manhattan at VillageCare Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, and Rivington House. Physical Therapist EOE FACULTY VillageCare, a community-based, not-for-profit service organization, provides innovative care for older adults, persons living with HIV/AIDS, and individuals in need of medical and rehabilitation services. We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package! For further information or to apply anytime, please visit EOE Physical Therapist Staff or Supervisor for snf under new ownership in Rockland, MA! Top Salary, Sign-On Bonus, Great Benets! Call Yvonne: 732.987.3881 PHYSICAL THERAPIST Busy Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Outpatient facility in the Seacoast area of New Hampshire is seeking a full and/or part-time PT to assist in the growth of our new Raymond office. Looking for a strong Orthopaedic Therapist to join our team who is dedicated to quality patient care. Exceptional opportunities in program development and continuing education. Warm and friendly patient population, atmosphere, and administrative support staff. Very positive and upbeat work environment! Comprehensive benefits and competitive salary. Evening hours preferred. Multiple locations. Please send resume to Kristen White, PT/Clinical Director, Access Rehabilitation Specialists, 1 Hampton Road Suite 205, Exeter, NH 03833 or E-mail to or fax to (603) 772-9993 MIDDLE ATLANTIC Hillside Manor Adult Day Healthcare Program Is seeking a Physical Therapist to run Rehab Program Comp. Sal/Benets Fax Resume to: 718-262-8651 or e-mail: REBECCA SCHOOL 2011- 2012 SCHOOL YEAR A Model educational program for children with neurodevelopmental disorders of relating and communicating, including PDD and autism. PHYSICAL THERAPISTS ~ Full-Time position available. ~ ~ Knowledge of Autism and DIR a plus. ~ Résumé and cover letter indicating position of interest to: Melissa Fenice 212.810.4120 • Fax: 212.810.4121 PEDIATRICS! IMMEDIATE & SEPT. POSITIONS ! HIGHER EI RATES ! Great Westchester School Districts EI/CPSE Home Care & Private Sensory Gym! We have Web-Based Billing, You will Love it! Continuing Education, Supportive Environment E-mail: Call: (914) 686-3116 x3 or fax: (914) 686-3082 Donna Klein & Associates, Inc. | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 47 47 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES New York **Sr. Physical Therapist** **PT Supervisor** Rockland Physical Therapy Multiling Multil ingual ual Th Thera erapy py Associates Inc. Pediatric i Clinical Cli i l Service S i Situated on a Hudson River campus in Sleepy Hollow, NY, just 35 miles north of NYC, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center is a 238-bed acute care community hospital. We are dedicated to providing excellence in patient care with a staff of highly skilled experts, state-of-the-art equipment and a supportive management team. PHYSICAL THERAPISTS Full-time/Part-time PRESCHOOLS & SCHOOL BASED POSITIONS Immediate Openings: Summer & Long-Term Contract Positions Brooklyn, Staten Island and Bronx Locations Supervision available • New Grads Welcome Sr. Physical Therapist - Provide therapeutic services for inpatients and outpatients with a wide range of diagnoses, assist with staff scheduling and development, and participate in documentation review, student affiliations and upgrading patient care programs. BS in physical therapy, NYS license, experience in rehab, ortho, acute care, inpatient and outpatient settings required. • Excellent Pediatric Training • Highest rates in the industry • Benefits Package Call (888) 806-2497 Fax Resume To (888) 806-5151 PT Supervisor - Responsible for treatment and supervision of care for inpatients and outpatients, staff supervision, documentation review, QA activities and orientation of new staff and students. BS in PT and minimum 5 years as senior therapist required. Prior supervisory experience preferred. We offer one of the industry’s best benefits packages including tax-sheltered annuity with employer match, on-site childcare with reduced rates for employees, health plan with employee free option, tuition reimbursement and free parking. PHYSICAL THERAPISTS EARLY INTERVENTION/SCHOOLS Flexible Schedule • Full-time/Part-time Competitive Pay & Excellent Benefits Package. Rates from $55 to $120 per hour based on program Please visit our website to apply at EOE Contact Rudy or Apply Online: ALLIEDMEDIX RESOURCES INC. located in Suffern, NY is looking for a per diem PT for 2-3 evenings. Caseload is mainly orthopedic. Please fax resume to Lynda at 845-357-3897 or e-mail to PTA/Limited Permit An expanding NYC musculoskeletal/sports medicine practice is looking for a friendly and knowledgeable individual. Excellent salary and benefits. E-mail Outpatient facility in Manhattan. Now hiring full-time & part-time PTs. New grads welcome. Willing to sponsor H1B. Please fax resume to 718-268-1012 or E-mail: Health Service Mgr to coordinate a physical therapy clinic by managing personnel, policies etc. MSPT or DPT req. Resume to: C&K Healing Touch Physical Therapy, PC 271 Madison Ave, #1601 New York, NY 10016 Phone: 718.593.4121 Fax: 718.268.2646 E-mail: • Visit us at: Get better. Here. Be significant! Don’t just be successful. Walk-in Interviews PEDIATRIC PHYSICAL THERAPIST Every Wednesday 12pm-6pm for SLPs, PTs and OTs 460 West 34th Street 11th Floor, Manhattan Center and Community-based opportunities serving individuals with Developmental Disabilities Must have pediatric experience and possess NYS license. North Bronx location. Mail, fax or e-mail resume to: Rainbow School for Child Development 900 Pelham Parkway South Bronx, NY 10462 Phone: 718-931-6600 • Fax: 718-822-6369 E-Mail: FULL TIME STAFF THERAPIST Bronx Adult Day Program and Adult Group Home 2 blocks from 2/5 train • Mon-Fri, day hours FEE FOR SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Convenient after school hours! Bronx Adult Group Homes Elgar Place, E 225th St. and Aldus St. 2 afternoons/week each PT/PTA PT/PTA PT/PTA MR/DD Pop (1-2 eve/wk) Manhattan W. 183rd Street, W. 92nd Street E. 125th Street (AM - 1 hr only) Queens Flushing, Fresh Meadows, Whitestone, Long Island City, Jackson Heights Bronx Bryant Avenue, East Tremont Avenue Brooklyn Avenue H (AM - 1 hr only), Williamsburg, Crown Heights Staten Island Hylan Avenue Westchester Brewster, Carmel Seagate, Brooklyn School-age children 2 afternoons/week View all opportunities and apply online at: Email: Fax: 212-563-4836 Call GCS - 516-327-4681 #1 Best Companies to Work for in New York Award by NYS SHRM & APA National Psychologically Healthy Workplace Award WWW.YAI.ORG/CAREERS EOE CALL 800.355.1088 TO RENEW YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! 48 48 UÊ -Ê*/ÊU Rockville Centre, NY. Multidiscipline Outpatient Clinic. PT/FT Fax Resume and Salary requirements to 516-766-2405 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Causes of Nontraumatic SCI There are approximately three times as many people with non-traumatic spinal cord injury (NTSCI) as there are with TSCI in the U.S. While TSCI occurs through an external event, NTSCI typically occurs through some kind of internal process with a gradual onset. The cause may be vascular, neoplastic, inflammatory, infectious or degenerative. The most common cases of NTSCI presenting for inpatient rehabilitation are spinal stenosis and spinal cord tumors. Another cause of NTSCI is transverse myelitis, an inflammation of the spinal cord that can develop following a viral infection or in conjunction with autoimmune diseases such as lupus. Also, a neurological disorder that can mimic the clinical presentation of a SCI is Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS is an inflammatory disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the myelin sheath of its peripheral nerves, causing severe weakness and sensory changes in the body. New York “I’m wishing to spend my days happy and growing. Are you?” You don’t just enter a home – you enter a life! Every time you meet a client, it’s like you become their partner – devoting your energy, supporting their daily activities and inspiring long-term wellness. You strive to keep them happy, pain free, and comfortable (especially since they get to recover at home) and to restore functional capability. Comprehensive Care Management has room for PTs with your sense of engagement. CCM-LTHCP is a Long-Term Care Program in South Brooklyn, providing a network of services that help frail and elderly patients receive care in their own homes for as long as possible. In this role, you will collaborate with the Rehab Manager to plan and deliver the course of PT treatment for clients with injuries, disease, and other conditions. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited Physical Therapy Program and have 2 years of experience, ideally in a community or outpatient setting. Current NYS PT license is also necessary. Want to be part of our mission? Forward your resume, indicating position of interest to: Lina Hurston, Corporate Recruiter E-mail: Fax: (718) 696-5013. Visit: to learn more about us. EOE. Beth Abraham Family of Health Services values a culture of Integrity, Diversity, Caring and Creativity. In the tradition of our namesake, Saint Elizabeth Seton, the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center is dedicated to providing top quality medical and rehabilitative care to infants, children and adolescents who have complex medical and developmental needs. We feature a learning environment that nurtures your career as well as our residents’ lives. We’re moving to a new state-of-the-art facility in Yonkers in February 2012! For the past twenty years, Manhattan has been home to the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, a specialty nursing facility devoted to changing the lives of medically fragile children. The Center will be moving to a magnificent “green” building designed specifically for children and staff with nearly double the space. Specialty features will include: therapy on each of the 3 residential floors, a hydro-therapy pool, sensory rooms, art and music therapy suites, 5 terraces including a therapy terrace, 15 classrooms, a gym and outdoor play areas. The design creates smaller, intimate neighborhoods of care to speak to the feelings of “home.” PHYSICAL THERAPISTS To qualify, you must have a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s preferred; NYS PT license and certification; and a minimum of 1 year Pediatric PT experience. We offer competitive salaries and excellent benefits. Send your resume today, to: Recruiter, Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, 590 Ave of the Americas, New York, NY 10011. Fax: (646) 459-3460. Email: Visit our website at We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to diversity. To learn more, visit Physical Therapists Nationally ranked in the 94th Brooklyn, New York Full time Opportunities Immediate Openings for PTs in our center based comprehensive educational program serving children with a wide variety of special needs ages 3-8. Come Join our collaborative team with specialties in Applied Behavior Analysis, Sensory Integration, Martial Arts, and Swimming. State of the Art Suspension Equipment/ Multiple Treatment Rooms. Early Ed Experience Preferred. s#OMPETITIVE3ALARYAND"ENElT0ACKAGE&4 s/NSITE0ARKINGs-ONTH3CHOOL#ALENDAR Please contact Arlene Lehman: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Physical Therapists percentile for employee satisfaction! Enhance your career, while enhancing the lives of others. Hudson Valley Hospital is a 128-bed, acute-care Magnet hospital, located in suburban Westchester County, NY. Our dynamic team of professionals share an enhanced commitment to excellence! We are making life more rewarding than ever for this caring, compassionate team! We invite you to join us... Physical Therapist - Part Time Ph. 718-906-5430 or fax 718-906-5485 $2,500 SIGN-ON BONUS!!%-&$6 We are currently seeking an inpatient physical therapist to work every Sunday. Must be able to work independently. PTs, PTAs & OTRs Full-time or Part-time, licensed for PM&R clinics in Flushing, Midtown and Chinatown. Fluent in English/ Chinese a plus. Willing to sponsor H1B. New Graduates Welcome Fax resume: 212-732-2412 or e-mail: Applicant must be licensed in Physical Therapy in New York State. New salary scale in place! In return for your ability & dedication, we offer an excellent total compensation package and a pleasant working environment which fosters personal and professional growth. Please send resume & salary req’ts to: Human Resources, Hudson Valley Hospital Center 1980 Crompond Rd., Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Fax: (914) 734-3784 • E-mail: EOE M/F Visit us at: A Better Place To Work... ADVANCE for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants is on Facebook! Visit and click on the “Find Us on Facebook” link. | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 49 49 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES New York, New Jersey There’s more to life at VNSNY Physical PTA Therapist Full-time/Part-time Full-time Work as a respected part of a rehabilitation team, where you are challenged to develop your clinical skills by doctors that are board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Ongoing training and development. Clinical support. Cutting-edge technology. Competitive compensation and benefits. As a Physical Therapist with the Visiting Nurse Service of New York, you have the resources to provide the best care possible for your patients, while you enjoy the support you need to live your life and build your career your way. We are the leading Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation practice in Northern New Jersey and Rockland County. If you feel comfortable with treatments and patient instruction, managing a group therapy and fitness area and supervising established physical therapy programs, this is an excellent opportunity. We have a diverse patient population with an emphasis on orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries. • Staff and per-diem opportunities • New salaries! • Sign-on bonus* • Earn money! Refer a PT or OT • Relocation assistance • Visa sponsorship • New graduates welcome Benefits include health, dental, vacation, 401K, Continuing Ed Pay and monthly incentive pay. E-mail resumes to: or fax to 201-567-7506 VNSNY offers a variety of Continuing Education courses. To learn more, visit us at PTs: Home Care - Per Diem, F/T • Make your own schedule • Excellent Pay • Electronic Documentation • Bonus Program • Bergen & Hudson Counties • Great F/T Benefits Package! • Geriatric Experience a Must Fax/E-mail resume to (201) 645-4735 or For more information, please contact: Elizabeth Scholz • 212-609-7914 Email Apply Online Best Companies to Work for in New York, SHRM (2011) 50 Best Places to Work in New York City, Crain’s New York Business (2010) 50 Best NonProfit Organizations to Work For, The NonProfit Times (2011) ! " # ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 JACKSON DEVELOPMENTAL CENTER 3UMMER3EPTEMBER!VAILABILITYs.EW'RADS7ELCOME We offer P/T and F/T positions with excellent salaries and ongoing training and support. Come join our team! Fax resume to Abbe Grosser (718) 205-0178 or E-mail: 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 / . - , + * ) ( ' & % $ # " ! Therapy and Learning Center (TLC) in Park Slope, Brooklyn seeks a full time Physical Therapist for the preschool center-based program. Beautiful state of the art facility; multicultural families & dynamic transdisciplinary team. Must be NYS Licensed. Also Seeking Independent Contractors for Evals and El home-based program. Fax or email resumes with certification to: Fax: 718-290-2800 Email: 50 Pediatric PTs Special Ed Preschool in Queens and/or EI Services and Evaluations PHYSICAL THERAPIST 50 Physical Therapist *Ranges from $5,000-$10,000 for certain locations EOE M/F/D/V Preakness Healthcare Center 305 Oldham Road, Wayne, NJ is seeking part-time physical therapist w/2 years experience for subacute & long-term care residents. Send resumes to: Per Diem/Part-time Pediatric PT Westwood, NJ ! " # *Top Rates* Contact: Victor 201-722-4700 • Fax: 201-722-4751 Orthopedic Physical Therapist Needed Full-time • Trenton, NJ $95k + Benefits PSCH, Inc. a leader in Health and Human Services, seeks experienced Licensed Physical Therapist for immediate fulltime opportunity for a Queens, NY based Adult Day Treatment Program for individuals with developmental disabilities. The ideal candidate will develop, implement, and monitor physical therapy programs per physicians orders to include recommendations for adaptive equipment, orthotics screening, and wheelchair clinic. Duties also include but are not limited to; providing on-going supervision and training to Physical Therapy Assistants. Salary is commensurate with exp. Current NYS Physical Therapy license required, and must be able to work flexible hours as well as travel to multiple sites. Experience working with adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities is a plus. Please send your resume for immediate consideration to: ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Flexible hours, no evenings or weekends! Part-time position also available E-mail: or Fax: 609-695-8110 Description of BPPV BPPV is a peripheral vestibular disorder that causes spells of vertigo that generally last less than one minute when the patient moves the head. It can occur spontaneously, or it may follow head trauma, labyrinthitis or ischemia of the labyrinth. It is a common cause of dizziness with an incidence of 64 per 100,000 patients per year. Pennsylvania, New Jersey EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES PHYSICAL THERAPISTS & PTAS The only hospital in New Jersey selected as one of the Best Places To Work in NJ 6 years in a row. Summer is Here... New Opportunities Await! BE PART OF IT. Physical Therapist/Inpatient Rehab Medicine Per Diem/Days Physical Therapist/Outpatient Rehab Medicine Part Time/Evenings Tender Touch Rehab seeks Staff, Lead and Supervisors in New Jersey: Bergen . Cape May . Hudson . Hunterdon Mercer . Middlesex . Monmouth . Ocean Passaic . Salem . Somerset . Union PA: Philadelphia Competitive salary, sign on bonus, free health insurance options & more! Up to $15,000 Tuition Forgiveness for new grads! Call Beth: 732.987.3887 fax: 732.534.8660 Physical Therapists Early Intervention Phila. and Surrounding Counties Top Dollar! Flexible Schedules Contract Positions, Employee Positions Phone: 610-853-9919 Fax: 610-853-9921 E-mail: Sunshine Therapy Club, Inc. Prestigious Orthopaedic group seeks a Physical Therapist Manager for a new facility in Somerset, NJ. Candidate should have at least 5-7 years of clinical experience as well as leadership experience. Must have strong, confident ability to develop relationships with physicians, promote excellent working relationships with fellow PT staff, develop a team approach to healthcare, and manage the challenges of a multi-provider facility. Duties also include performing physical therapy care and ensuring efficient and effective operations. This is a working Manager position with liberal managerial down time. Benefits include profit-sharing opportunities. Please e-mail resumes to Alice at: Physical Therapist Sign-on Bonus! Outpatient Rehab Center located in Media, PA. Full-time, $75,000 to start. Benefits include educational reimbursement and vacation. Fax resume to: 610-892-0489 E-mail: Physical Therapist/Center for Child Development Per Diem/Evenings and/or Saturdays All positions require a Bachelor’s in Physical Therapy and NJ PT license. Our exceptional benefits include: • Highly competitive salary • Superior continuing education opportunities • Access to our Center for Advancement of Holistic Knowledge & Practice • Tuition Assistance -- Up to $10,000/year • On Site Master’s Programs • Exceptional Work & Family Benefits • Care for Yourself in our Wellness Center Discover more about Valley Health System and our exciting career opportunities by logging on to We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Full-Time Physical Therapy Director needed Advantage Therapy Centers has three Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities located in Southern New Jersey. Our reputation is built on the exceptional quality of care that we provide to our patients. Our multi-disciplinary team of clinicians work together to ensure that all patients experience the most from our comprehensive therapy program. The Director of Physical Therapy will be responsible to oversee and support the growth of the physical therapy program at all three facilities. The Director will update departmental plans, goals and objectives in collaboration with staff members of the other disciplines. The Director will make certain that the quality of care is provided while maintaining positive physician, patient and inter-departmental relationships. We offer a competitive salary and an excellent benefit package. SIGN-ON BONUS available Please visit our website at to learn more about Advantage Therapy Centers E-mail your resume to Full-time/Part-time PT Growing outpatient orthopedic clinics in Phillipsburg, NJ and Easton, PA COMPETITIVE SALARY Fully equipped facilities with emphasis on exercise, manual therapy and aquatics. Fax resume: 610-250-9257 or E-mail: Full-time PT wanted in a PT owned practice. Excel. salary, Bonus structure, benefits. Openings available in Flemington, Clark, Hazlet, Colts Neck, NJ. Call 732-335-8111 or fax: 732-335-8118 New grads welcome. Physical Therapist Immediate opening. Full-time position in our Adult Medical Day Care Special Needs Center for clients 21 years and older with various levels of developmental abilities. Enjoy working within a team approach of talented professionals and a very committed support staff. Competitive salary and benefits. Applicants must possess NJ PT license. Please send resume to: Maria Alvarez, Human Resource Coordinator Passaic County Elks Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center 1481 Main Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011 Ph: (973) 772-2600 • Fax (973) 772-5171 | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 51 51 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Washington, D.C. UPPER SOUTH ATLANTIC Full-Time and Part-Time Pediatric Physical Therapists needed in New Castle County If helping people is your calling.... Since 1773, the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center has been building a legacy of medical excellence and community service.We’re home to a 700-bed state-of-the-art academic medical center, a Level II trauma center, a regional burn center, and some of the area’s leading research facilities. Our scenic campus is unique among urban medical centers, combining the atmosphere of a community hospital with the prestige of a world-class institution. Located in southeast Baltimore, Bayview is easily accessible from I-95 and I-895. Our therapists enjoy many opportunities including: t Working with a wide range of patients t Providing care in acute, burn rehab, outpatient, post-acute and community-based settings t A variety of continuing education benefits t Learning from a staff of experienced therapists who love to mentor While we are seeking therapists with inpatient and outpatient experience, new grads are encouraged to apply as well. PT’s with pelvic specialty are highly desirable; however, training for the right therapist will be provided. We offer a comprehensive benefits package including excellent health care benefits, and tuition reimbursement for you and your dependents. Visit for more information and to apply today! EOE/AA, M/F/D/V PHYSICAL THERAPIST The Katherine Thomas School in Rockville, MD seeks to hire a part-time / PRN / consultant Physical Therapist to begin on August 22, 2011. The position will be responsible for providing therapy and IEPs for DCPS, MCPS, and private pay students. Two years working experience in an educational setting or clinic is required. Must be able to lift 25-40lbs suspended equipment in sensory gym. Must be licensed by the Board of Physical Therapy of the State of Maryland. Resume to Rema Haddad at EOE RENEW YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO 52 52 REVIVE YOUR CAREER In the Family Familial tendencies toward obesity and type 2 diabetes give significant credibility to the genetic predisposition theory. Studies of twins have demonstrated a definite link between genetics and obesity and diabetes. A child of obese parents has a 30 percent to 40 percent probability of becoming obese. The children of a diabetic parent have a 25 percent risk of developing the disease. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Bayada Nurses has immediate openings for full-time and part-time Physical Therapists. At Bayada Nurses you have the ability to make your own schedule and choose the areas you want to work in. We offer a $2500.00 Sign-on bonus (call for details), competitive pay rates and much more! If you are interested in joining a dedicated team of professionals who believe their clients come first, please call SherVonne Wilson at 302-322-2300 or fax resume to 302-322-6300 or e-mail to PEDIATRIC OPPORTUNITIES MD, DC, Northern Virginia PHYSICAL THERAPISTS Join our team of OTs, PTs, SLPs providing services to children in schools, early intervention settings and our private practice. • Full and Part-time positions • Great continuing education • Strong mentoring and support • Opportunities for growth For information on current openings call Toll-Free 1-877-ASK-CARE or E-mail: EOE M/F/D/V Serving Prince George’s, Charles County, Anne Arundel County, Calvert County, & St. Mary’s County ))))CURRENTLY HIRING )))) ) Physical Therapist ) Physical Therapy Assistant ) Flexible Scheduling ) Tuition Reimbursement ) Paid Time Off ) Discounted Gym Membership ) Comprehensive Healthcare Package E-mail resumes to or fax to 301-856-0218 Come join our team for a REWARDING and EXCITING career in Home Healthcare with the opportunity to travel and meet new people! ADVANCE for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants is on Facebook! • Meet tons of new people in your field • Share your experiences on our wall • Post your photos and videos • Read our staff blogs • And more Visit and click on the “Find Us on Facebook” link. Virginia, Washington, D.C., Lower South Atlantic, South Carolina, North Carolina EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Join a Community of Care and a World of Opportunity. Measures of success come in many varieties—sharing knowledge, gaining experience and achieving goals. At Carilion Clinic, our talented team works together to return every patient to a healthier life. We have hospitals, physician practices and home health offices throughout Southwest Virginia—and opportunities in a variety of settings for physical therapists, including: • Acute care • Inpatient • Outpatient rehab • Pediatrics • Community hospitals • Home health Our Total Rewards package offers: • Competitive salaries • Sign-on bonuses • Relocation assistance • Shift differentials To learn more about physical therapy career opportunities, contact Heather Welter by phone at 540-983-4070 or e-mail Visit for job postings and to apply online. EEO/AA Come see us @ APTA Booth 525 in Baltimore. Kids and Low Back Pain Low-back pain can be relatively common in our youth and is often underreported. The lifetime prevalence of LBP by the mid-teen years has been reported to be greater that 50 percent (Spine, 21(20)). Salminen et al reported a point prevalence of 17 percent (Spine, 20(19)). While LBP may be common, there are unique variables to consider in the young athlete. Specifically, the type of sport one participates in and the demands of that sport may significantly influence the rates of injury. Higher rates of injury have been noted in female gymnasts and figure skaters. Also, male hockey and soccer players have higher rates of LBP when compared with non-athletes. These higher injury rates are not limited to these sports as LBP is also prevalent in golfers, American football players, rowers and rugby players (Medical Science of Sports Exercise, 28(2)). Physical Therapists Full-Time, Inpatient and Outpatient Adult PRN, Inpatient and Outpatient Pediatrics (requires NICU experience) Part-Time, Outpatient Adult PRN Inpatient and Outpatient Adult Requires a DC license (or eligibility). Our PTs enjoy: s&LEXIBLEWORKSCHEDULES s#LINICALLADDERFORGROWTHAND promotional opportunities s0ERSONALIZEDMENTORSHIPPROGRAM s7EEKLYINSERVICES s#OMPLIMENTARYEDUCATIONDAYS s3UPERBEDUCATIONALOPPORTUNITIESAND tuition reimbursement s4HE,EARNING.ETWORKRESOURCEFOR WORKPLACEBASEDLEARNING s&REESHUTTLEFROM-ETROSTATIONS s,OWCOSTFITNESSANDRECREATIONALFACILITIES ,EARNMOREABOUTOUR0HYSICAL-EDICINE 2EHAB$EPT !PPLYONLINECLICKONCareers, Allied Health: LOWER SOUTH ATLANTIC Comprehensive Therapy Consultants PEDIATRICS + School-based + Full-Time/Part-Time + Excellent Compensation and Benefits + New Grads Welcome! + Sign-On Bonus GA, AL, FL, NC, SC & TN 678-445-1666 • FULL-TIME NEURO PT needed in Myrtle Beach, SC outpatient clinic. Balance Retraining and Neurological Diagnoses in a motivated and fun atmosphere! FULL-TIME PT needed for ortho. caseload in outpatient clinic as well. Strong caseload of ortho. and spine rehab. with lots of manual therapy opportunities! Contact: Catherine Sullivan, MPT Clemson Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (864) 482-0064 Ext. 20113 Physical Therapist-Outpatient Orthopedics Triangle Orthopaedic Associates seeks dynamic and motivated PTs for their busy outpatient clinics in Durham and Roxboro. These are exciting opportunities with unlimited career growth potential. Come work with a dedicated team of professionals who pride themselves on excellence in patient care. Great work environment. Excellent salaries plus bonuses and full benefits. E-mail resumes to or fax 877-885-6777 Carolina Therapy Services EOE H E A LT H CA R E J O B L I S T I N G S — PT/OT/SLP: Opportunities in Fayetteville PROGRAM MANAGER Fayetteville and Greensboro, NC Management Opportunities Available! SIGN-ON BONUS OR RELOCATION PACKAGE $3,000-$5,000 Competitive salaries and excellent benefits. Continuing education assistance with opportunities for professional growth. Call 866-388-9776 or Fax: 866-388-9779 Visit us at the Web at U P DAT E D DA I LY l W W W . A D VA N C E W E B . C O M | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 53 53 What’s buzzing at GHS? Today is the U New Pay Rates U New Programs U New Sign-on Bonus Greenville Hospital System University Medical Center first day of the rest of your career. South Carolina’s premier healthcare provider invites you to be part of a dynamic team of10,000 plus employees delivering high-quality patient care to the Upstate. Visit our website at to apply online or call 864-455-8452 for more info. Celebrate by making a bold move – to FirstHealth of the Carolinas. A leading healthcare system that puts patients first, we offer you a medically sophisticated and supportive environment where you can learn and grow. Our not-for-profit three-hospital system is an organization driven by our values: Focus on Quality and Excellence, Integrity, Respect for the Individual, Service to Others and Teamwork. Here, you’ll enjoy excellent resources, a supportive management team and exceptional opportunities for career growth. We invite you to explore the following opportunities: • PTA, FT - Greenville Memorial Hospital (Acute) • PTA II, FT - Greenville Memorial Hospital (Acute) • PTA II, FT, Baptist Easley/Roger C. Peace Rehab (Acute) • PT, FT - Baptist Easley/Roger C. Peace Rehab (Peds) • PT, FT - Home Health The Greenville Hospital System proudly values diversity. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. PHYSICAL THERAPISTS • Outpatient positions – Pinehurst, Raeford, Rockingham & Troy • Home Health position – Moore County • Acute Care – Pinehurst Requires a BS, MA or Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy, NC PT license and CPR certification. PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT • Home Health We offer an attractive compensation/ benefits package and a wonderful lifestyle in the Sandhills region of North Carolina. The mountains, ocean, several universities and the metro area of Raleigh, Charlotte and Fayetteville are all within easy driving distance. To learn more, visit EOE 701 Grove Road, Greenville, SC 29605 Physical Therapists Relocating to sunny South Carolina? Love working with Children? Need extra income? YOU can be an angel of change working at Easter Seals South Carolina. Work for one of the largest Early Intervention providers in the state of South Carolina. We change the lives of children with disabilities and special needs by providing quality therapy services in the home and school setting. Basic responsibilities include: provide discipline specific treatment, including evaluation, planning, documentation and professional communication. Applicants must be registered and licensed to practice in South Carolina. Graduate of an accredited program in Physical Therapy with a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree. Minimum of one year clinical experience working with infants/young children with developmental delays preferred. Fax or e-mail resume to: Working Together, First in Quality, First in Health. WANTED: PT/PTA in beautiful Tampa Bay area $3,500 Sign-on Bonus Dynamic private practice with multiple locations is seeking FT/PT/per diem PT/PTA. Cutting edge multidisciplinary team with abililty to treat either pediatric or adult patients, or both if wanted! We offer competitive salaries and benefits, flexible scheduling and career advancement. New grads always welcome. sK"ENEFITSs#%5Ss"ILINGUALAPLUS Please fax resume for immediate consideration to: Beth Ingram & Assoc. Pam Kynkor 813-654-6644 Fax 813-653-1149sEMAIL 54 54 Tami Adger 803-429-8474 803-708-0506 (Fax) CHARLESTON!! PTA NEEDED!! Full-time PTA for strong orthopaedic and sports med. caseload in SUMMERVILLE, SC at SPORTS PLUS! Wide variety of ortho. and spine diagnoses, fun atmosphere, and incredible mentoring opportunities! Send resume with references to: Catherine Sullivan, MPT Clemson Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation (864) 482-0064, x20113 • 1-877-776-6680 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Recent Pay Increase & $12,000 Sign-on Bonus or Relocation Assistance available! New Grads Welcome! PHYSICAL THERAPISTS needed in the Upstate SC area which was recently named #4 on the “Top 100 places to live.” • Since 2007 and annually, Member of HomeCare Elite for quality and financial performance. • Best Performance for Public Quality Measures for 2009, 2008, 2007 • TOP 500 Medicare Certified Home Health Provider in the country We offer laptop computers, Total Joint Program, Orthopedics/Rehab Specialty, Flexible Schedule EOE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES North Carolina, Florida, South Carolina, Georgia 1-800-439-4590 Over 30 Years of Extraordinary Home Health Care Well Care Home Health Beautiful Coastal Region of NC! Full & part time PT positions available in beautiful Wilmington area. Excellent pay, benefits. Sign on bonus! Well Care Home Health “Because We Care” Contact Lauren at 910-362-9405 Physical Therapist-Outpatient Orthopedics Kernodle Clinic in Burlington, NC is seeking a full-time PT for their outpatient orthopedic clinic. This is an exciting opportunity for a PT with a passion for orthopedics to work with a dynamic team of professionals. Diverse caseload. Flexible Schedule. Highly competitive compensation package including bonuses and full benefits. Please e-mail or fax 877-885-6777 Ducktail Pediatric Therapy • Augusta, GA FULL-TIME - PHYSICAL THERAPIST This is a great opportunity for a therapist seeking to make a real difference in children’s lives! To apply Please contact: Glena Boxrud, Office Manager 706-364-5262 • Fax 706-364-5263 E-mail: ARE YOU DIRECTOR MATERIAL? Seeking talented PT Director for neurological and vestibular rehab patients at Balance, Mobility & Dizziness Center of CHARLESTON! Full training on Neurocom Smart Balance Master, incredible caseload, team, and marketing opportunities! Check us out at Send resume to: Catherine Sullivan, MPT Clemson Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation PO Box 1844, Clemson, SC 29633 Phone: (864) 482-0064 x 20113 • Fax: (864) 482-0081 Losing a Limb In the United States alone, there are approximately 1.8 million people living with limb loss according to National Limb Loss Amputation Center statistics. Florida, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas PHYSICAL Join Our Team! Physical Therapists Immediate Openings: Florida Ì°ÊÞiÀÃÊUÊ7`Ü`ÊUÊ >«iÊ À>ÊUÊ>iÊ ÕÌÞ]Ê 2010-2011 School YearÊUÊÊÀ`>Ê-V ÊÃÌÀVÌà ÕÌÞÊ,i >LÊÃÃV>ÌiÃ]ÊV° PhÊnnÇ°ÓÈn°{ÎÓÊÝ££{®ÊUÊFx 866.547.1017 ,J ,i >L°À}ÊUÊÜÜÜ° ,i >L°À} Contact Kelly McDonnell, M.S. CCC-SLP - Director of Services 1.877.268.4329 x114 ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊiÞJ ,i >L°À} THERAPISTS Nova Medical Centers is the recognized leader in outpatient Occupational Medicine throughout Texas. Committed to those with talent and exceptionally high standards of care and professional ethics, we provide our team members with such things as above average salaries; health, vision and dental insurance; CCUs, re-licensure, malpractice and professional membership reimbursements; 401(k) w/ Company match & immediate vesting; PTO; retention bonuses or student loan repayment; relocation assistance; and US Work sponsorship. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WEST SOUTH CENTRAL For available locations and a detailed description of position duties and requirements, please send an e-mail request to: Equal Opportunity Employer $3000 SIGN ON BONUS Pediatric Physical Therapist ClinicPositions Positions in St. Petersburg Clinic Petersburg&&Tampa. Tampa. Home-based Positions Positions throughout the Home-based the Tampa TampaBay Bayarea. area. Schoolpositions positions in in Hillsborough Hillsborough and School andPasco PascoCounties. Counties. Competitive pay, benefits, CEUs & More! 813-963-6923 or email: ORTHOPAEDICS AT ITS BEST! Smithfield, NC - PTA • Orangeburg, SC - PT/PTA Charleston, SC - PTA • Director PT Myrtle Beach, SC - Neuro PT and Ortho PT/PTA Columbia, SC - PT From athletes to an active older patient population, enjoy a variety of ortho, sports medicine and neurological diagnoses! Great teamwork, mentoring and fun atmosphere! Visit to learn more about us! Send resume with references to: Catherine Sullivan, MPT Clemson Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (home company) (864) 482-0064, ext. 20113 • fax (864) 482-0081 WEST NORTH CENTRAL PHYSICAL THERAPIST Sign-On Bonus, Relocation Assistance and Student Loan Assistance Avera Queen of Peace Hospital has a career opportunity for detail-oriented Physical Therapist. Our rehab team is seeking a dedicated and talented physical therapist with excellent interpersonal and clinical skills who wishes to work in an environment that encourages and supports 1:1 patient care and “living” a Mission to make a positive impact in the lives and health of persons and communities. Avera Queen of Peace, a 120-bed, not-for-profit regional hospital located in Mitchell, SD offers a varied caseload of inpatient and outpatient with occasional home health. Join Our Rehab Physical Therapy Team and receive a $7,500 Sign-on Bonus and relocation assistance. In addition to our excellent compensation and benefit package, we offer student loan assistance to qualified candidates. Apply online at or provide resumes of interest to: Avera Queen of Peace Health Services HR Dept 525 North Foster Mitchell, SD 57301 (605) 995-2496 EEO/AAP Since 1997, HealthPRO has set the standard of excellence for Long-Term Care and Subacute rehabilitation. We currently have opportunities for PTs, PTAs & Rehab Directors in Dallas: The Traymore - Lemon Ave. and Lovers Lane Signature Pointe on the Lake - Preston and Hwy 635 Autumn Leaves - White Rock Lake area Walnut Place - Walnut Hill and Hwy 75 Bedford: Parkwood Healthcare - Murphy Dr and Hwy 183 %XPERIENCEINLONGTERMCAREAPLUSs&LEXIBLESCHEDULES #OMPETITIVE3ALARIES"ENElTSAND4IME/FFs#LINICALPROGRAMMINGSUPPORT &ORMOREINFOs2ITA+ACAL 888-531-8801 or e-mail or apply online Outpatient Orthopedic Physical Therapists & Clinic Directors Fort Worth, Plano, Houston & San Antonio • Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm at most locations • Manual Therapy Certification available • Transitional DPT assistance At Concentra, our PTs practice hands-on patient care with minimal administrative duties. E-mail: Call: 800-232-3550 x78039 • Fax: 866-420-0302 Rehab Synergies is an In-House Therapy Provider strategically aligned to provide skilled Occupational, Physical and Speech-Language Therapy services for our Sister-company of Residential and Transitional Healthcare Centers located throughout Texas. We are currently seeking enthusiastic Full-time, Part-time and PRN professionals for our In-House Therapy Program for the following locations: Dallas/Fort Worth • Houston • East Texas • El Paso San Antonio • McAllen • Lubbock • Wichita Falls Improving America’s health, one patient at a time. EOE Physical Therapist Region 10 Education Service Center seeks TX licensed PT to serve public school students in counties around Dallas. Competitive Full-time Salary, Benefits, School Holidays 196 Work Days with Summers Off! 972-348-1580 • We offer an outstanding benefit package, computerized documentation and an opportunity to grow with a secure In-House Rehabilitation Services Provider! We welcome you to inquire about becoming a member of the Rehab Synergies Family by contacting us at: 1-877-503-4552 • Fax 817-633-6285 | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 55 55 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Nevada, Washington, Hawaii, Alaska, California MOUNTAIN UNLV (See our ad on page 47.) PACIFIC You could work anywhere. You’re called to work here. THE SPIRIT OF PeaceHealth. Providence is calling Physical Therapists. The location you deserve. The lifestyle you’ve earned. Join the Alaska Therapy Team! Consider Anchorage, Kodiak Island, Valdez and Seward for Providence Health & Services (Alaska). We focus on developing the skills patients need to improve and maintain mobility and self care skills and to insure they feel prepared to meet the challenges of their home and community. PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center in Longview, Washington, is an integral part of a nationally recognized not-for-profit healthcare system known for its innovations in patient-centered care, patient safety, and healthcare technologies. Our rehabilitation program provides outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy to children and adults. About 80% of people we treat are adults with orthopedic injuries. We treat strokes, work related injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and developmental disabilities. Our resources are an Olympic size pool, therapy pool, and a fully equipped therapy gym. Rehab Clinical Coordinator – Acute Care This is an excellent opportunity for an experienced Physical Therapist who is passionate about acute care practice to grow and develop services at St. John Medical Center. We have a dynamic team of 5 PTs, 2 PTAs, 2 SLPs and 3 OTs awaiting a mentor and leader to further enhance their skills and program development direction. Previous leadership and/or mentoring experience is required. Are you ready to make a difference? Answer the call today. Physical Therapist Then call Mary Ann today! (907) 212-6400 This full-time, Monday – Friday, acute care position works with patients in our new Joint Replacement Center and other medical/surgical caseload as needed. Our therapists are a vital part of the interdisciplinary team whose ideas and expertise are highly valued. New grads are welcome to apply. Providence Health & Services is an equal opportunity employer. Physical Therapist - Martinez, CA With its ideal location just 40 miles north of Portland and a short drive from the beautiful Pacific Coast and several different mountain adventures, Longview is a small city with an urban flair. Longview’s 37,000 friendly neighbors enjoy the pace and natural beauty of a family-first community that benefits from the amenities of nearby Portland and Seattle. Join our team of dedicated rehab professionals at the Department of Veterans Affairs. We are seeking a dynamic, experienced Physical Therapist for our 120-bed skilled nursing rehabilitation facility. The position is a full-time, temporary position not to exceed one year plus one day, with full benefits. We offer a $10,000 sign-on bonus, relocation assistance, competitive wages and a comprehensive benefits package. For additional information or to complete an application, please visit our website at or email We offer a friendly work environment with generous vacation, paid sick leave, health insurance and retirement plan with matching 401 (k) and guaranteed hours. Full-time. A current and unrestricted license to practice physical therapy is required. Must be a U.S. Citizen. EOE. PeaceHealth is an AA/Equal Opportunity Employer. For application information contact Sandra Harris-Byrd, Human Resources Specialist at HAWAII PHYSICAL THERAPISTS Want to be a part of cutting edge technology & specialty programs? Come join us. We offer a competitive salary, excellent benefits package, CE courses, & relocation allowance. Applications accepted on-line at or Email: Call (800) 973-4226 x 3334 EOE 56 56 Peds Physical Therapist Come join our exp. multids team at The Children’s Therapy Center, Orange Co., CA, a leading clinic serving diverse clients from birth to school age. Great rates/benefits pkg., mentoring in NDT & SI, great learning environ. FT/PT, flexible sched. Exp. preferred, would consider new grad with peds. affil. Interested? Visit us at E-mail: or Fax: 714-898-9720 resumes. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Become a fan of ADVANCE for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants! Check us out on Facebook. Visit and click on the “Find Us on Facebook” link. Alaska, California, Washington, National NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Get away from it all in beautiful Ketchikan, Alaska Physical Therapist Opportunities FT Outpatient/HH Join our dedicated, knowledgeable and strong core therapy staff who are great mentors and teammates. Apply online: Email: Call: 888-890-8301 x1 Fax: 907-228-8554 WE OFFER: Loan repayments Relocation Aid • Sign-on bonus Hospital-based childcare EOE Retirement with no vesting period! Physical Therapist Be part of a collaborative, multidisciplinary team working with a variety of pediatric disabilities. • Extraordinary support • Full-Time and Part-Time • $2000 Cont Ed • Med/Dental/401(k) plus more Must like chocolate! Fax resume to Adrianna Foster 907-344-5103 We currently have openings in the following states: IN, MS Our superior beneÄts package includes: • 80% of premium paid for employee • 70% of premium paid for dependents • Over 5 weeks total Paid Time Off • $50K life insurance at no cost to you Low productivity requirements and high job satisfaction gives us lower than 7% turnover in staff when the industry average is in excess of 25%. Apply now at Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants or call at 877-651-3229 for further information Visit us at EBS has nationwide opportunities available for Physical Therapists including: entry-level, mentorship, supervisory, and director positions. Our therapists are acknowledged nationwide for their professional expertise and delivering superior quality of service. Travel Therapy Opportunities Nationwide! * Conditions Apply Contact: Julie Lopez 800-870-7989 ext. 201 Registered Physical Therapists. Select positions do offer a sign-on bonus. Find Your Balance at Interface Rehab, LLC For both full-time and per diem positions in Southern California. While you’re there check out our “Platinum Benefits” that includes Unlimited “Hands-On” Continuing Education.* National Therapy Company seeking PT/PTA Othello Community Hospital Othello, Washington We have an immediate opening for PT/PTA. Othello is located in sunny Eastern Washington. Come join our family of health care professionals. Contact the Physical Therapy Department at Othello Community Hospital Fax resume to Cheryl at 509-331-2617 or Nathan at 509-331-2612 t.FEJDBM%FOUBM7JTJPO tL o7FTUFE*NNFEJBUFMZ t)FMQJOH)BOET3FGFSSBM1SPHSBN tOur Rewards1SPHSBN Call 1.888.800.8744 800-578-7906 Pediatric Pain a d v a n c e c u s t o m p ro m o t i o n s . c o m RENEW TODAY! 800.355.1088 1-877-776-6680 The Gl Th Global b l Leader L d in i Physical Therapy Programs Children in pain are hardly a medical footnote. According to the journal Pain, conservative estimates say that 15 percent to 20 percent of the total pediatric population must deal with persistent pain conditions. | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 57 57 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES National, International % Welcome to the exception How does SunDance define ‘exceptional’? Unparalleled commitment to resident advocacy and innovative resident-centered care programs at 525 facilities in 37 states. Join the Physical Therapists & PTAs exception a Everything about SunDance makes us the exceptional choice for your rehab career. % advocacy :: competency :: innovation :: versatility :: partnership SunDance Rehabilitation offers a wealth of team member benefits. Please contact us to learn more about our exceptional benefits plans and opportunities. Toll Free: 888-267-2220 We are an equal opportunity employer that believes difference is what makes us exceptional. Drug-free workplace. INTERNATIONAL PHYSICAL THERAPIST needed in Japan. Excellent compensation & benefits! Relocation Assistance. Work under the Educational & Developmental Intervention Services program for US Military Families stationed abroad. Minimum Requirements: Bachelor’s deg & 5 yrs exp, or Master’s & 2 yrs exp with relevant concentration. 2 yrs exp providing pediatric physical therapy for children ages 0-5 with special needs. Contact Lynn Romer at 1-800-852-5678 x156 or e-mail Diabetes Related to Peripheral Neuropathy Current research supports that diabetic neuropathy is a peripheral nerve disorder caused by poor glycemic control. In the United States, 10 percent to 65 percent of the diabetic population has some form of peripheral neuropathy. It’s estimated to be present in 7.5 percent of patients at the time of diagnosis. A study conducted by the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) showed a 2 percent annual incidence of neuropathy. Interestingly, research data shows that diabetic polyneuropathy is one of the most common neuropathies in developed countries. 58 58 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine | July 11, 2011 | ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Unisex Tee Travel Tote Bag #14668 $18.99 S-XL; $21.99 2XL 16½" x 16½" #14373 $14.99 Poster Ceramic Mug 34” x 17” #17601 $17.99 15 oz. #14363 $9.99 Water Bottle 20 oz. #17474 $12.99 Personalize up to 25 characters for only $1. 1-877-405-9978 • Shop our entire product line and web-only specials at ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 59 PT Rocks � � Unisex “PT Rocks” Tee #10922 $18.99 M-XL; $21.99 2XL � Poster 18" x 24". #13344 $16.99 � Personalize Mug � Tote Bag 16½” x 16½”. #13281 $14.99 � � Ceramic Mug � Gift Pack 15 oz. #11993 $9.99 Personalize one line up to 24 characters for only $1! Includes: carabiner pen, 15 oz. ceramic mug, lapel pin, memo clip and car magnet. #11934 $24.99 � Super PT � Rehab � Unisex “PT” Super Tee #02042 $18.99 S-XL; $21.99 2XL � Stickers � Ceramic Mug 2". per sheet. #17376 $3.99 15 oz. #17377 $9.99 Personalize one line up to 20 characters for only $1! Set of 60 � � NEW � � Unisex “Reap the Rewards” Tee #18545 $16.99 S-XL; $19.99 2XL � � Canvas Tote Bag B 23" x 16" x 61⁄2". 23 ##09054 $$18.99 NEW NEW � Personalize C2 60 Join our email subscriber list online for exclusive discounts and promotions ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine � Button � 21⁄2". #10132 $$1.99 � Ceramicc Mug 15 oz. #13336 36 $$9.99 P Pe one ne line Personalize acters up to 24 characters fo for only $1! Personalize Property of � � � Unisex “Property of” Sweatshirt #01275 $19.99 S-XL; $22.99 2XL Over 10% OFF � Women’s & Men’s “Property of” Tees #00632 Men’s NOW $12.99 S-XL; $15.99 2XL #00631 Women’s $14.99 S-XL; $17.99 2XL � Toddler “Property of” Tee #01607 $9.99 2T, 3T, 4T � Customer Review Great service, great quality! My 20 month old son looks great in it! Wears and washes well! Maureen S. Post your ratings & comments today! Our One-of-a-Kind Tees! � � Unisex “Team PT – Physical Therapy” Tees #14670 Team PT #14671 Team PT / Personalize one line, up to 23 characters, placed under logo for only $1.99. $19.99 S-XL; $22.99 2XL Personalize Tee � � � Unisex “Physical Therapist Assistant” Tee #15246 $12.99 S-XL; $15.99 2XL � Unisex “Physical Therapist” Tee #03732 $14.99 S-XL; $17.99 2XL � � Women’s & Men’s “Party Like a PT” Tees #18147 Women’s #18148 Men’s $16.99 S-XL; $19.99 2XL NEW Men’s style also available • 1-877-405-9978 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine C3 61 Introducing the newest innovation for PTs - Spidertech™ Tape NEW NEW NEW #16466 #16470 � SpiderTech™ Kinesiology Tape NEW #16469 Right #16468 Left #16467 100% high-grade cotton fabric with 100% poly-acrylic adhesive. Engineered and precut for use, latex-free and hypoallergenic, one-piece construction, water-resistant, highly breathable and mimics the elasticity of human skin and muscle. Can be worn for approximately 5 days. Beige, Black, Blue or Red. #16470 Low Back #16467 Upper Knee Spider $7.99 ea. #16466 Full Knee #16468 Left Shoulder #16469 Right Shoulder $8.99 ea. � Digital Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Portable, reads SPO and pulse rate with six changeable display modes. Includes visual and audible alarms and ten display brightness settings. Lanyard and rubberized bumper included. 2¼" x 1¼" x 1½". Black. #13221 $124.99 � Digital Fingertip NEW Pulse Oximeter Portable, reads SPO2 and pulse rate, multi-color LED display and includes AAA batteries. 2½" x 1½" x 1". #17095 $89.99 � ThermoActive Hot and Cold Compression Therapy Wraps Plastic/cotton blend with adjustable Velcro straps, ambidextrous and universally sized with removable gel pack, exact compression supplied by removable pump and latex free. Black. #16463 Shoulder/Left or Right. $103.99 #16464 Knee $89.99 #16465 Wrist $77.99 C4 62 NEW � Push Pin Changer Plastic. For use with either hand. 1" x 1¼". Blue, Pink or Red. #16594 $4.25 Visit us online to see more styles, new products and web only specials ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine � � Exercise Bands � Door Anchor Latex. Endorsed by APTA. Measures 6 yards. #09049 Yellow/Light $11.49 Red/Medium $12.99 Green/Heavy $13.99 Nylon strap with synthetic rubber 7"D disc. Designed to be used with Thera-Band™ exercise bands and tubing. #09050 $5.49 � Exercise Tubing � Handles Latex. Available in 5' lengths. Endorsed by APTA. Light Set (Yellow/Thin, Red/ Medium, Green/Heavy resistance levels) or Heavy Set (Blue/Extra Heavy, Black/ Special Heavy resistance levels). #09051 $11.99 Foam rubber grips and nylon strap measures 4¾" x 8½" x 1". Set of two. Designed to be used with TheraBand™ exercise bands and tubing. #09052 $9.99 ��� � � � � � The Index Knobber® II by Pressure Positive � Molded polymer offers leverage when applying deep pressure to muscles. Green. #04277 $9.99 Plastic. Extends up to 60”/150cm. Royal or White. #06321 $1.99 � � � Prestige Medical � Medical Retractable Tape Measure Perfect for Bariatric Patients � Striped Cotton Gait Belt NEW � � � Ambu+ Res-Cue Mask™ with CPR Barrier and Case Soft Case � Prestige Medical Gait Transfer Belt Nylon with quick-release plastic buckle. 53" x 2". Black or Royal Blue. #04264 $12.99 Reusable mask with optional oxygen inlet valve and head strap. For adults, children and infants. Includes vinyl gloves, alcohol wipes and case. Red. #02623 Hard Case #02622 Soft Case $19.99 ea. � � Prestige Medical Large Gait Transfer Belt Hard Case Cotton belt with metal buckle. 72" x 2". #11180 $14.99 � Prestige Medical 14" Goniometer Plastic. Measures degree of movement and spinal displacement. Fits easily in pocket. #04265 $7.99 Cotton belt with metal buckle. 58" length. Pink Stripe or White Stripe. #14551 $13.99 Flexible and seemed to hold the cold longer than other cold packs we use. Maureen Palumbo TX Post your ratings & comments today! � Over-the-Door Shoulder Pulley Rubber handles with braided rope, over-the-door web strap and nylon pulley. Includes exercise book with photos and instructions for basic rehabilitation exercises. #09048 NOW $22.99 � Prestige Medical Wrist � Chattanooga Group Metal with foam pads. Stretches key muscles in the hands, wrists, forearms and upper arms. 10" x 1". Black. #11183 $15.99 Vinyl with non-toxic silica gel. Latex-free. #09045 Standard / 11" x 14" $19.49 Neck Contour / 23" $21.49 Oversized / 11" x 21" $33.99 ColPacs Wand™ Stretching Device � � Standard Neck Contour Oversized • 1-877-405-9978 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine C5 63 Red, White and Blue “The bag is a good size for all the things a home health PT has to carry. Love the outside pockets.” Cathy B. Post your ratings & comments today! � Women’s Sport-Wick® Polo #17870 $27.99 S-XL; $30.99 2XL-4XL � Baby Bodysuits its 6 M, 12 M or 18 M. #04701 Mom #04702 Dad $11.99 ea. � � � � Multi-Pocket Tote 20" x 15". #11252 $14.99 � Change Purse 41⁄8" x 35⁄8" x ¾". #08231 $4.99 � Retractable Badge Over 10% OFF � Ro ya l Holders 2½" x 2¼". #11035 Physical Therapist #11036 PTA $3.99 ea. � Utility Scissors Na vy 5½". #00602 NOW $4.99 � Ice Battery operated � Fingertip � Pulse Oximeter #17723 $69.99 Summer Lovin’ � Ankle Socks 5 pairs per pack. #09190 NOW $9.99 � Over 20% OFF Over 20% OFF NEW � � � Rehab Shorts #09106 NOW $9.99 � Bottle Top Necklace 16" L. #14949 $9.99 � � Sock Change Over 20 styles available Purse 2½" x 5" #03855 $4.99 C6 64 Fish Striped Flower Bugs Flower Power F Frogs Ice Cream Cone Stars and Strips Find us on Facebook, follow us on & read our blog on our site today ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Walking Ladybugs W Dazzle them with Daisies 40% OFF � “White Daisy” NEW Lanyard 18" length. #14566 $19.99 � � Flower Pendant NEW � Necklace Pink Blue 16" suede necklace. #02019 NOW $11.99 Lime Sky Blue � Violet � Daisy Retractable Badge Holder Extends to 30". #06951 $4.99 � 5-Pocket Belt Loop Organizer Nylon. #14557 $6.99 � “Daisy” Watch � Plastic with resin band. #14578 $19.99 For Animal Lovers Panda Tiger Penguin � Ankle Socks Fits 6-11. #08319 $7.99 � � � Ankle Socks Fits 6-11. #14427 Polka Dot Cat NOW $5.99 � � � Boo Boo Buddy® Zoo Animals Cold Pack 4" x 4". #10485 $5.99 Over 10% OFF 25% OFF � � Change Purse 4½" x 3" #08387 NOW $5.99 � Beaded Lanyards 18½" length. #14561 Black Cat #14562 Black Dog $19.99 ea. NEW 20% OFF � Travel Mug 16 oz. #09352 NOW $11.99 � Women’s “Sydney” Sweetheart Top � #16391 $25.99 XS-XL; $28.99 2XL-5XL � Animal Retractable Cat Frog Ladybug � Badge Holders Extends up to 23". #14575 $4.99 � • 1-877-405-9978 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine C7 65 Have you visited lately? Visit us online to find more than 4,500 different products for over 75 medical and allied healthcare professions Flip. Zoom. Click. Order. Also available in Black Women’s Sassies “Impressive” Mary Jane Women’s “Lollipop” Clog Whole sizes: 5-11 M. Half sizes: 5½-9½ M. #14528 $59.99 European sizes: 35-42. #17200 $89.99 H E A LT H CARE 97 1. 8 7 7. 4 0 5 . 9 8 SHOP advanc ehealth caresho FREE SHIPPING Catalog Only Special! See page 34 for details. Your Work.You r Life. The newest styles, the latest fashion s, and unique gifts for over 75 medical special ties. Shop our newest interactive catalog online! SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50 when you use promo code Women’s “Bounce” Lace-Up Whole sizes: 6-11 M; 7-10 W. Half sizes: 6½-9½ M; 6½-9½ W. #17943 $59.99 PTFREE516 Women’s Paloma “Midnight Garden” Mary Jane Clog European sizes: 35-42. #17084 $109.99 Enjoy FREE GROUND SHIPPING on single-package orders in the 48 contiguous United States now through 07/24/11. Four Easy Ways To Order ■ Shop and Order Online – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at ■ Order by Phone – 1-877-405-9978 – Live operators available 7 days a week to assist you in completing your order ■ Download a printable order form – Missing the order form? Go to ■ Order by Fax or Mail – Send your completed printable order form with payment to: Fax: 1-610-278-1424 or Mail to: ADVANCE Healthcare Shop Order Department 3100 Horizon Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406, USA Be in the know & get exclusive offers: 66 Get in the loop – click the BLOG icon on our home page. Join our email list online for special offers ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine Connect with us at ShopAdvance More than 4,500 different products for over 75 medical and allied healthcare specialties Follow us on ShopAdvance Catalog Code: PT-1129 Prices and offers valid through 08/08/11 Whether you’re searching for CE or a healthcare degree, the ADVANCE online education fair has something for you! Online Education Fair for Healthcare Professionals • October 12 • 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM ET Attend from a anywhere you can get online! Register Now! This FREE online event makes it easier than ever to learn more about schools and CE providers from all across the country. • Chat with admissions personnel from the comfort of your computer • Have your questions answered in real time • Find helpful information on CE courses and healthcare degree programs G Get career advice and tthe latest updates on ou our events. ADVANCECareers • Enjoy free educational ation sessions on college preparation and career enhancement ons • View multimedia presentations • Enter to win cool prizes A companion college fair will be held on October 13 for students interested in obtaining a Bachelor’s degree, Associate’s degree or healthcare diploma. If you’re contemplating a career move, you can register for this online event too! Network with students N and professionals already in the field. ADVANCECareers Register now to attend our Free online education fair! Visit or call 800-546-4987. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine 67 ” ToeOFF® makes me feel safe!” ” with ToeOFF ® I can take a walk without being afraid to fall!” 68 ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine