Mattias Jacobsson
Mattias Jacobsson
Last updated: 160912 Mattias Jacobsson GENERAL INFORMATION Full name: Hans Mattias Jacobsson Date of birth: November 19, 1976 Address, residence: Orienteringsstigen 8A SE 903 38 UMEÅ, Sweden Mobile: +46 (0)70 - 595 52 00 Skype: masjao95 Webpage: Address, office in Umeå: Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University SE 901 87 UMEÅ, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)90 - 786 61 47 E-mail: Address, office in Jönköping: School of Engineering (Building E), Jönköping University SE 553 18 JÖNKÖPING, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)36 10 16 61 Email: CURRENT POSITIONS PhD and Associate Professor (Swedish, Docent) at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden, and Research Fellow at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden. EDUCATION AND APPOINTMENTS Associate Professor (Docent) in Business Administration Assistant Professor (Lektor) in Management Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – (defended 2011-06-08) Degree of Licentiate of Philosophy (Lic. Phil.) Degree of Master in Information Technology in Business Development Master of Social Science with a major in Business Administration Bachelor of Social Science with a major in Business Administration University diploma in Law Completed 2014-02-24 2011-11-10 2011-07-19 2008-10-08 2007-12-13 2007-04-11 2007-04-11 2007-04-11 SHORT ACADEMIC HISTORY Mattias started his academic career in 2006 when he was admitted to the PhD program at Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE), Umeå University, Sweden. Two years later, he defended his Licentiate thesis and by the spring of 2011 he had finalized his doctorate. With his doctorate completed, Mattias received a 2-year post-doc and in November 2011 he became an Assistant Professor (Swedish, Lekor) at USBE. During 2012, he was awarded a Pedagogical prize and an Outstanding Paper Award. Later the same year he also became Head of the Management Section at the Business School. In the beginning of 2014 he was promoted to Associate Professor (Swedish, Docent) and later that year he was a Highly Commended Paper Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. In 2010-2011, and again in 2012-2013, Mattias was a guest researcher at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, and in 2014-2015 he was a visiting scholar at the Department of Management, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, US. The 1st of January 2016 he was hired as a research fellow (part time) at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University. For several years, Mattias has been a central part of the TripleE.D research group (, and responsible for the 08:23 research community ( He is a doctoral supervisor and teaches in the fields of organizational behaviour, organizational theory, and project management. During the last four years, he has also been giving courses on the doctoral program at USBE, and taught a course on ‘Postgraduate supervision in practice’ at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (UPL). His previous work experiences span from the ICT industry to the insurance and real estate businesses. Mattias has published articles that have appeared in journals such as the Management Decision, Project Management Journal, International Journal of Project Management, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Construction Management and Economics, and Services Marketing Quarterly. 1 Last updated: 160912 PREVIOUS (AND PARALLEL) POSITIONS 2016Research Fellow at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden 2012-2016 Head of the Management Section at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2012-2016 Program Director for the Master's Program in Management at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2012-2016 Member of the Management team at the department of Business administration, Umeå University, Sweden 2012-2016 Member of the Committee for PhD Education at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2012-2016 Member of the Master's Program Committee at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2012-2013 Post-doc in Projects, Innovation and Networks (2-year) at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2011- Assistant/Associate Professor (Lektor) in Management at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2011-2011 PhD and Lecturer (Adjunct) in Management at Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden 2009-2011 Member of program board for the Bachelor program in Culture and Media, Department of Culture and Media, Umeå University, Sweden 2007-2008 Member of the USBE Board, Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden [Doctoral student’s representative] 2007-2008 Chairman of the Social Science doctoral student’s board, Socials sciences faculty, Umeå University, Sweden 2007-2008 Member and doctoral student representative at a strategic development group for PhD education at Umeå University, Sweden 2007-2011 Representative at the Social Sciences doctoral student’s board, Social sciences faculty, Umeå University, Sweden 2006-2011 Doctoral Student in Management, Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH EXCHANGES AND VISITS 2014-2015 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA [November - May] – Visiting scholar (Research professor) 2012-2013 RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia [November - February] – Guest researcher 2012 Stanford University (Scancor), Palo Alto, CA, USA [May, two weeks] – Research visit 2012 Stanford University (Scancor), Palo Alto, CA, USA [February, two weeks] – Research visit 2010-2011 RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia [November - January] – Visiting scholar 2007 Fudan University, Shanghai, China [June - July] – PhD student exchange 2 Last updated: 160912 PUBLICATIONS Monographs 1. Jacobsson, Mattias (2011), ”Samordningens dynamik: om samordningens samspel och förändring i ett interorganisatoriskt anläggningsprojekt”, PhD thesis, Umeå School of business, Umeå University, Sweden. 2. Jacobsson, Mattias (2008), ”Samordning och kommunikation i ett anläggningsprojekt: Mellan en laminerad A3-karta och ett dike”, BA-Publications 2008:201, Licentiate thesis, Umeå School of business, Umeå University, Sweden. Chapter in edited books 1. Jansson, Johan and Jacobsson, Mattias (2013), “Social and environmental value-based cluster development: The dilemma of wishing to do good by selling textile goods” In: Tesar, G. and Bodin, J. (Eds.), Marketing Management in Geographically Remote Industrial Clusters: Implications for Business-to-business marketing. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company 2. Jacobsson, Mattias., Linde, Anneli and Linderoth, C.J. Henrik (2009), “The relation between ICT and environmental-management practice in a construction company” In: Hallin, A. and Karrbom-Gustavsson, T. (Eds.), Organizational Communication and Sustainable Development: ICTs for Mobility, New York: Hershey. Articles in peer-reviewed journals 1. Jacobsson, Mattias, Lundin, Rolf and Söderholm, Anders (2016), “Towards a multi-perspective research program on projects and temporary organizations: Analyzing the Scandinavian turn and the Rethinking effort”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 752-766. 2. Jacobsson, Mattias, Hällgren, Markus (2016), “Impromptu Teams in Temporary Organizations: On their Existence and Nature ”, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 584–596. 3. Biedenbach, Thomas and Jacobsson, Mattias (2016), “The Open Secret of Values: The Role of Values and Axiology in Project Research”, Project Management Journal, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 139-155. 4. Lindberg, Lars., Jacobsson, Mattias, Wilson, Timothy L. (2016), “Swedish Sustainability through a Zhang and London Lens”, Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 370 - 394. 5. Jacobsson, Mattias, Lundin, Rolf A., and Söderholm, Anders (2015), “Researching Projects and Theorizing Families of Temporary Organizations”, Project Management Journal, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 9-18. 6. Walker, Derek H.T. and Jacobsson, Mattias (2014), “A Rationale for Alliancing within a Public–Private Partnership”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 648-673. 7. Jacobsson, Mattias and Hällgren, Markus (2014), “The Grabber: Making a First Impression the Wilsonian Way", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 739 – 751. 8. Jacobsson, Mattias and Wilson, Timothy L. (2014), “Partnering Hierarchy of Needs", Management Decision, Vol. 52, No. 10, pp. 1907-1927. 9. Jacobsson, Mattias and Roth, Philip (2014), “Towards a Shift in Mindset: Partnering Projects as Engagement Platforms”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 419-432. 10. Burström, Thommie, Jacobsson, Mattias and Wilson, Timothy L. (2014), “Integrating Service Practice into Project Management: A Matter of ‘Do or Die’?”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 5-22. 11. Jacobsson, Mattias., Burström, Thommie and Wilson, Timothy L. (2013), “The Role of Transition in Temporary Organizations: Linking Temporary to the Permanent”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 576-586. 3 Last updated: 160912 12. Burström, Thommie and Jacobsson, Mattias (2013), “The Informal Liaison Role of Project Controllers in New Product Development Projects”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 410424. Winning paper – Highly Commended Paper at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2014 13. Hällgren, Markus., Jacobsson, Mattias, and Söderholm, Anders (2012), “Embracing the Drifting Environment: The Legacy and Impact of a Scandinavian Project Literature Classic”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 5, No. 4, 695-713. 14. Jacobsson, Mattias and Linderoth, C.J. Henrik (2012), “User Perceptions of ICT Impacts in Swedish Construction Companies: ‘It’s Fine, Just as it is’”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 339-357. 15. Burström, Thommie and Jacobsson, Mattias (2012), “Transition Processes in an Interorganizational Platform project”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 400-419. 16. Jacobsson, Mattias and Wilson, Timothy L. (2012), “The Construction Company through the Lens of Service Management: Inferences from Sweden”, Services Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 155–176. 17. Jacobsson, Mattias and Söderholm, Anders (2011), “Breaking Out of the Straitjacket of Project Research: In Search of Contribution”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 378 - 388. Winning paper – Outstanding Paper at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012 18. Bergh, Pontus and Jacobsson, Mattias (2011), “‘Learn or Die’: The Development of an Assessment Framework for SME Entrepreneurial Learning Programs”, International Journal of Management & Enterprise Development, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 92-109. 19. Burström, Thommie and Jacobsson, Mattias (2011), “The Role and Importance of ‘Glue People’ in Projects”, IUP Journal of Soft Skills, Vol. V, No. 1, pp. 7-15. 20. Jacobsson, Mattias (2011), “On the Importance of Liaisons for Coordination of Projects”, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 64 – 81. 21. Jacobsson, Mattias and Linderoth, C.J. Henrik (2010), “The Influence of Contextual Elements, Actors' Frames of Reference and Technology on the Adoption and Use of ICT in Construction Projects: a Swedish Case Study”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 13-23. Articles in non-reviewed journals 1. Näsholm, Malin and Jacobsson, Mattias (2010), “Do Global Careers Imply Construction of Global Identities?”, FEEM - Note di lavoro, 71.2010. ISSN: 2037-1209 Articles in conference proceedings 1. Lindbergh, Lars., Jacobsson, Mattias and Wilson, Timothy. L. (2016). “A fourth look at Swedish housing: The business model”, Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Economic Association Conference, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, USA, June 2-4, 2015, Huang, Jui-Chi (ed.), in press. 2. Jacobsson, Mattias and Wilson, Timothy L. (2013), “The stickiness of partnering: Towards a layer cake conceptualizations”, Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), Reykjavik, Island, August 21-23, 2013. Track 11, ISSN 2298-3112 3. Jacobsson, Mattias and Derek HT. Walker (2013), “Alliancing within a Public–Private Partnership”, Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), Reykjavik, Island, August 21-23, 2013. Track 11, ISSN 2298-3112 4. Jacobsson, Mattias, Lundin, Rolf and Söderholm, Anders (2013), “Researching and Theorizing the Temporary Organization and Project Families”, Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), Reykjavik, Island, August 21-23, 2013. Track 11, ISSN 2298-3112 4 Last updated: 160912 5. Linderoth Henrik, Jacobsson, Mattias and Rowlinson, Steve (2011), “Taking Industry Seriously in ICT Research – The Case of Building and Construction Industry”, Proceedings of ICIS 2011 in Shanghai, China, December 5, 2011, paper 13. ISBN: 978-0-615-55907-0 6. Jacobsson, Mattias (2009), “Understanding Project Communication in a Construction Process: The Importance of Project Liaisons”, Proceeding of 5th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, 1, Reykjavík, Iceland, 10-12 June 2009, pp. 155-166. ISBN: 978-9979-9483-9-1 7. Linderoth, C.J. Henrik and Jacobsson, Mattias (2008), “Understanding Adoption and Use of ICT in Construction Projects Through the Lens of Context, Actors and Technology”, In: Rischmoller, L. (Ed). Proceeding of CIB W78, Improving the management of construction projects through IT adoption. Talca (Chile): Universidad de Talca, pp. 203-212. ISBN: 978-956-319-361-9 AWARDS 2016 Outstanding Reviewer Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2016 – Review work done for International Journal of Managing Projects in Business during 2015. The editorial team were asked to select up to two reviewers to receive this award and you were chosen as they wanted to recognize your significant contribution throughout 2015. We want to say thank you for your excellent work as a reviewer because without your effort and dedication, Emerald journals would not have the right to be called scholarly. More information about the Awards for Excellence can be found at the following website: 2014 Highly Commended Paper Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2014 – Winning paper, “The informal liaison role of project controllers in new product development projects” published in International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. Co-author: Thommie Burström. As the Editorial Team were asked to nominate an Outstanding Paper and up to three Highly Commended Papers. “The informal liaison role of project controllers in new product development projects” was chosen as a Highly Commended Paper winner as it is one of the most impressive pieces of work the team has seen throughout 2013. More information about the Awards for Excellence can be found at the following website: 2012 Awarded the 2012 Pedagogical prize from Umeå School of Business and Economics. 2012 Outstanding Paper Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012 – Winning paper, “Breaking out of the straitjacket of project research: In search of contribution” published in International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. Co-author: Söderholm, Anders. The award winning papers are chosen following consultation amongst the journal’s Editorial Team. The winning paper has been selected as it was one of the most impressive pieces of work the team has seen throughout 2011. More information about the Awards for Excellence can be found at the following website: EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIP 2014Editorial Board Member (Management and Business) at De Gruyter Open, Independent academic publisher house MEMBERSHIPS IN ORGANIZATIONS 2013-2014 Member of the Academy of Management, AoM, [] 2011- Member of the Association for Information Systems, AIS [] 2010-2011 Member of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, ECSB [] 5 Last updated: 160912 2010- Member, organizer, and main facilitator of the 08:23 research community on Practice, Projects and Temporary Organizing, 08.23, [] 2010- Member of the European Group for Organizational Studies, EGOS, [] 2010- Member of Föreningen Företagsekonomi i Sverige, FEKIS, [] 2007- Member of European [] 2006- Member of Nordic Academy of Management (NFF, Nordiska Företagsekonomiska Föreningen), [] 2006-2010 Member of the 08:23 research community on Practice, Projects and Temporary Organizing, 08:23, [] Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, EIASM, CONFERENCE ORGANIZER / CHAIR Session Chair for Track 2: Leadership, Session #8 at the 11th IRNOP, the International Research Network on Organizing by Projects, in Oslo, Norway, June 16-20, 2013. Co-author of track proposal: “Management of Sustainability in the Construction industry - Challenges and Possibilities caused by Conflicting logics”, The European Academy of Management, Ljubljana and Blend, Slovenia, May 14-17, 2008. [] WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS Presentation at the 7th International Project Business Workshop, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden, 28-29th of June, 2016, Theme: “Reestablishing Project Management and Project Work in Studies and in Practice”. Invited speaker at the Doctoral students day at the Department of Informatics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden, May 25, 2016, Theme: ”How to make the most of an idea in terms of both the number of publications and good publications”. Research seminar at UQAM, Department of Management and Technology, Montreal, Canada, October 14, 2014, Theme: Researching projects and theorizing families of temporary organizations. Presentation ‘Luncheon Talk’ at UQAM, Department of Management and Technology, Montreal, Canada, October 14, 2014, Theme: Breaking out of the straightjacket of project research. Presentation ‘Luncheon Talk’ at UQAM, Department of Management and Technology, Montreal, Canada, October 14, 2014, Theme: The Scandinavian approach to project research. Swedish Theoretical Perspectives in Business Administration, Umeå, Sweden, October 17, 2012. Theme: “Research and academic straightjackets”. Higher Seminar at Ångströmlaboratoriet, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, November 11, 2011, Theme: ”On Coordination, Dynamics and Scientific Straightjackets”. PhD student seminar at Ångströmlaboratoriet, Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, November 11, 2011, Theme: ”Becoming an Academic”. PMI research days 2010 [Forskardagarna 2010], in Stockholm, Sweden, September 23, 2010, Presentation: “Samordningens dynamik: om konsten att lägga en kabel” PMI research days 2010 [Forskardagarna 2010], in Gothenburg, Sweden, September 21, 2010, Presentation: “Samordningens dynamik: om konsten att lägga en kabel” 6 Last updated: 160912 The 9th Umeå Winter Workshop on Projects and Temporary Organizations, in Umeå, Sweden, March 22, 2010. The 8th Umeå Winter Workshop on Projects and Temporary Organizations, in Bjurholm and Umeå, Sweden, March 30 - April 2, 2009. The 7th Umeå Winter Workshop on Projects and Temporary Organizations, in Holmsund, Sweden, March 14-15, 2007. WORKSHOP AND SEMINAR ORGANIZER Seminars: [08:23] Weekly seminars with the mission is to research, develop, and publish research on a variety of topics related to management in general, and temporary organizations and projects in specific. Responsible for arranging these seminars weekly since 2012 (approximately 180 seminars in total), for more information see Seminar: [On the dark side of science] “Writing academic papers, a complete waste of time?”, [Invited speaker: Dr. Arthur Shelley from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia], in Umeå, Sweden, September 23rd, 2014. Seminar: [On the dark side of science] “Survivors of the endangered species: Doctoral programs for the future”, Invited speaker: Professor Barbara Czarniawska, Chair of Management Studies at Gothenburg Research Institute, School of Business, Economics and Law, Sweden] in Umeå, Sweden, February 10th, 2014. Panel discussion: “Understanding and managing the peer review process”, [Invited panel: Professor Devi R. Gnyawali, Professor Derek H.T. Walker, and Professor Jörgen Hellström] in Umeå, Sweden, 18th of September 2013. Seminar: [On the dark side of science] Fair and double-blind: don’t think so!”, [Invited speaker: Professor Paavo Ritala from School of Business at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland] in Umeå, Sweden, March 12th, 2013. Seminar: [On the dark side of science] Constructive spanking: On the importance of writing good reviews?”, [Invited speaker: Professor Derek Walker, Editor of the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business] in Umeå, Sweden, May 24th, 2011. Seminar: [On the dark side of science] Lecturing, what is it good for?”, [Invited speaker: Professor Stewart Clegg, Research Director of Centre for Management and Organisation Studies and Professor at School of Management, UTS, Australia] in Umeå, Sweden, September 8th, 2010. Seminar: [On the dark side of science] A pact with the devil or merely prostitution?”, [Invited speaker: Associate Professor Marcus Lindahl, Senior lecturer and Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Industrial Engineering at Uppsala University] in Umeå, Sweden, April 7th, 2010. Seminar: [On the dark side of science] The Editor’s point of view: secret tricks on how to get published”, [Invited speaker: Professor Derek Walker, Editor of the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business], in Umeå, Sweden, September 9th, 2009. RESEARCH GRANTS A total of: 7 800 000 SEK SUPERVISION OF SCHOLARS 2015Supervisor of Medhanie Gaim Asgedom, doctoral student at the Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2012- Supervisor of Virginia Rosales, doctoral student at the Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2012-2013 Supervisor of Anna-Karin Byström, doctoral student at the Department of Culture and Media Studies, Umeå University, Sweden [Licentiate thesis, successfully defended 2013-10-04] 7 Last updated: 160912 THESIS EXAMINATIONS Opponent 2015-06-08 Sundqvist, Erik (2015), “Exploring a Project-Based Organization through the eyes of Continuous Improvement and Learning”, [Licentiate thesis, Department of Business Administration, Technology, and Social Science, Division of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering Quality Technology, at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden] 2013-11-04 Stål, Herman (2013), “Inertia and practice change related to GHG reduction: Essays on institutional entrepreneurship and translation in Swedish agri-food”, [Final internal seminar, PhD thesis, Umeå School of Business and Economics, Sweden] 2011-10-28 Stål, Herman (2011), “Translating GHG reduction in Swedish agriculture – Change towards climate friendly agro-practices”, [Mid seminar, PhD thesis, Umeå School of Business, Sweden] 2009-02-16 Burström, Thommie (2009), “Co-organizing interfaces in the truck industry: Product development boundary challenges in a platform setting; balancing through supra-management”, [Final internal seminar, PhD thesis, Umeå School of Business, Sweden] Examination board 2015-11-17 Öbrand, Lars (2015), “Information infrastructure risk: perspectives, practices & technologies”, [Grading committee, PhD thesis, Department of Informatics, Umeå University, Sweden] 2015-10-30 Arvidsson, Viktor (2015), “Digital transformation: the material roles of IT resources and their political uses”, [Grading committee, PhD thesis, Department of Informatics, Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS), and Swedish Center for Digital Innovation at Umeå University, Sweden] REVIEWING MANUSCRIPTS (BOOKS OR ARTICLES) 2013-2014 Reviewer for, Walker, D. H. T. and Harley, J. (2014), “Program Alliancing in Large Australian Public Sector Infrastructure Projects”, Melbourne, RMIT University, Centre for Integrated Project Solutions: 87pp. Report for ARC grant LP110200110 In the acknowledgements: “Last but not least I would like to acknowledge Dr Mattias Jacobsson at the Umeå School of Business and Economics (USBE), Umeå University, Sweden and Dr Beverley Lloyd-Walker of Victoria University, Melbourne both of whom provided peer review feedback to draft and final versions of the report.” 2012-2013 Reviewer for, Hällgren, Markus (Ed). (2014), “Reflections on a Scientific Career – Behind the professor’s CV”, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School press. 2012-2013 Reviewer for, Walker, D. H. T. and Lloyd-Walker, B. M. (2014), “Collaborative Project Procurement Arrangements”, Project Management Institute, Newtown Square PA. (In print) In the acknowledgements: “We would especially like to thanks Dr Mattias Jacobsson and Dr James Harley who participated as part of our team in data gathering and analysis as part of the ARC grant with insights that contributed to this book. Dr Mattias Jacobsson also provided valuable specific feedback on the draft.” 2014- Reviewer for C&O – Culture and Organization 2014- Reviewer for De Gruyter Open, Independent academic publisher house 2012- Reviewer for SMJ – Scandinavian Journal of Management 2012- Reviewer for PMJ – Project Management Journal 2011 Reviewer for IRNOP 2011 – “The Expanding Domain of Project Research” in Montréal, Canada. 8 Last updated: 160912 2009- Reviewer for IJMPB – the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business REVIEWING APPLICANTS FOR ACADEMIC OR OTHER POSITIONS 2014 External reviewer (sakkunnig) for a Assistant professorship in Industrial Engineering and Management at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (position stationed at Campus Gotland). 2014 External reviewer (sakkunnig) for a Post doc position in Organization, Management and Innovation, Industrial Engineering and Management, at the Department of Engineering Sciences, Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. 2013 Reviewing applications for a Post doc position in Management at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. 2012 Reviewing doctoral student applications for a doctoral student in Business Administration with specialization in management at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. TEACHING Spring term 2016 Master in International Project Management [in English], intensive post master course – 16 hours of lectures, [78/5] at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland Academic writing, [in English], PhD course on Campus (corresponding to two weeks full time, 8 doctoral students), [18/1-29/1], Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden Spring term 2015 Postgraduate supervision in practice, [in Swedish], (corresponding to two weeks full time), on campus in Umeå, mandatory postgraduate course for all supervisors at Umeå University – 20 Assistant professors), [22/5-20/8], Centre for Teaching and Learning, Umeå University, Sweden Master in International Project Management [in English], intensive post master course – 16 hours of lectures, [1011/5] at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland Spring term 2014 Postgraduate supervision in practice, [in Swedish], (corresponding to two weeks full time), on campus in Umeå, mandatory postgraduate course for all supervisors at Umeå University – 22 Assistant professors), [19/5-21/8], Centre for Teaching and Learning, Umeå University, Sweden Master in International Project Management [in English], intensive post master course – 16 hours of lectures, [1011/5] at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland Postgraduate supervision in practice, [in English], (corresponding to two weeks full time), on campus in Umeå, mandatory postgraduate course for all supervisors at Umeå University – 24 Assistant professors), [10/3-2/4], Centre for Teaching and Learning, Umeå University, Sweden Autumn term 2013 Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management, [in Swedish], (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, part of the programme in Industrial Engineering and Management – 54 students), [2/9-4/10], Umeå Institute of Technology, Umeå University, Sweden Understanding and managing the peer review process, [in English], PhD course (two weeks full time on campus in Umeå – 12 students), [23/9/2013 - 7/10/2013], Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 9 Last updated: 160912 Spring term 2013 Introduction to thesis work [in English], PhD course (fifteen weeks part-time on campus in Umeå – 3 students), [6/12/2012 - 17/5/2013], Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden Master in International Project Management [in English], intensive post master course – 16 hours of lectures, [45/5] at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland Autumn term 2012 Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management, [in Swedish], (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, part of the programme in Industrial Engineering and Management – 52 students), [3/9-8/10], Umeå Institute of Technology, Umeå University, Sweden Spring term 2012 Project Management and Organizing, [in Swedish], (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, part of the programme in Industrial Engineering and Management – 38 students), [27/2-28/3], Umeå Institute of Technology, Umeå University, Sweden Master in International Project Management [in English], intensive post master course – 16 hours of lectures, [56/5] at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland Autumn term 2011 Introduction to thesis work [in English], PhD course (fifteen weeks part-time on campus in Umeå – 8 students), [6/10/2011- 22/1/2012], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management, [in Swedish], (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, part of the programme in Industrial Engineering and Management – 54 students), [5/9-10/10], Umeå Institute of Technology, Umeå University, Sweden The Masters in Strategic Project Management, Strategic Project Management Decision Making [in English], (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, single-subject course – 22 students), [5/9-10/10], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Spring term 2011 Master in International Project Management [in English], intensive post master course – 16 hours of lectures, [1415/5] at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland Research Methodology in Business Administration [in English], (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, part of the International Business Program – 75 students), [2/5-3/6], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Project Management and Digital Production [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå a part of Bachelor program in Culture and Media, B-level – 32 students), [22/2-24/3], Department of Culture and media, Umeå University, Sweden Autumn term 2010 Master program in Management, People – the human side of organizing [in English], 7,5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå – 70 students), [4/10-5/11], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden The Masters in Strategic Project Management, Strategic Project Management Decision Making [in English], (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, single-subject course – 29 students), [4/10-5/11], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Spring term 2010 Master in International Project Management [in English], intensive course – 16 hours of lectures, [8-9/5] at Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow, Poland 10 Last updated: 160912 Project Management and Digital Production [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå a part of Bachelor program in Culture and Media, B-level – 26 students), [22/2-24/3], Department of Culture and media, Umeå University, Sweden Autumn term 2009 Health Care Management [in English], 7.5 hp, (on campus in Umeå, a part of Master of Public Health programme MPH, – 22 students), [December 2009], Umeå International School of Public Health, Umeå University, Sweden Organisation and Management of the firm [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, singlesubject course – 142 students), [5/10-3/11], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Spring term 2009 Project Management [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, a part of Bachelor program in Culture and Media, B-level – 17 students), [19/1-20/2], Department of Culture and media, Umeå University, Sweden Introductory course in Business and Administration, 7.5 hp, (ten weeks part-time, online as a part of the Bachelor program in Hotel management – 76 students), [19/1-25/3], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Autumn term 2008 Organisation and Management of the firm [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, singlesubject course – 93 students), [6/10-4/11], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Spring term 2008 Organisation and Management of the firm [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, singlesubject course and part of the Restaurant Management program and the Sports management program – 108 students), [25/2-28/3], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Autumn term 2007 Organisation and Management of the firm [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, part of the Bachelor program in Business Administration – 144 students), [8/10-7/11], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Spring term 2007 Organisation and Management of the firm [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, singlesubject course and part of the Restaurant Management program and the Sports management program – 159 students), [15/2-16/3], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Autumn term 2006 Organisation and Management of the firm [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, (five weeks full time on campus in Umeå, part of the Bachelor program in Business Administration – 157 students), [28/9-29/10], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden Organisation and Management of the firm [in Swedish], 7.5 hp, autumn term (five weeks full time, at campus in Örnsköldsvik, part of the Bachelor program in Business Administration – 23 students), [28/9-29/10], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden POST GRADUATE (TEACHER) EDUCATION AND TRAINING DAYS 2015 Pedagogical leadership, 2 weeks (Swe.) – Participant 2015 Post graduate supervision in practice, 2 weeks (Swe.) – Teacher 2014 Post graduate supervision in practice, 2 weeks (Eng.) – Teacher 2014 NVivo 10, 1 day – Participant 2014 Post graduate supervision in practice, 2 weeks (Swe.) – Teacher 2013 The New Manager (Nybliven chef, Informa Sweden) – Participant 2012 Post graduate supervision in practice, 2 weeks – Participant 2011 Pedagogical workshop on teaching competences, 1 day – Participant 2011 Teaching and Learning with ICT, 2 weeks – Participant 11 Last updated: 160912 2008 2008 2008 2007 Problem based learning and case methodology, 2 weeks – Participant Teaching and learning environments, 1 week – Participant Supporting learning, 1,5 weeks – Participant The roles of the university teacher, 1,5 weeks – Participant COURSE DEVELOPMENT 2013 “Understanding and managing the peer review process”, PhD course at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden 2011 “Projektledning och organisering” för Industriell ekonomi, [Project management and Organizing for Industrial Engineering and Management], 140 hours 2009 “Projektledning” för Media och kommunikationsvetenskap, [Project Management for the Bachelor program in Media and Communication], 35 hours TUTORING STUDENT THESES 2012 Supervision of Master theses, 15 hp, [29/3- 8/6], Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden (three theses, six students) 2011-12 Supervision of Master theses - MSPME, 15 hp, [11/9-1/22], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden (two theses, four students) 2009 Supervision of Bachelor thesis, 15 hp, [26/3-5/5], Umeå School of Business, Umeå University, Sweden (one thesis) NON-ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES 2011-2013 Member of the Venture Cup North Jury, Sweden 2008-2011 Member of the Business Advisory Board, RedQ, Sweden 2007-2008 Member of the US Doctoral Section Board, Umeå, the Umeå Union of Students, Umeå University, Sweden 2002Chairman of the 114th voting district, Umeå, Sweden EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE ACADEMIA Period Position and employer 2005-2005 Errand coordinator - Trygg Hansa, Umeå, Sweden 2002-2004 Assistant estate agent - Boporten, Umeå, Sweden 1999-2001 Account manager - Martinsson Informationssystem, Umeå, Sweden 1998-1999 Salesman/Departmental manager - Rusta, Umeå, Sweden 1997-1998 Salesman - Rusta, Umeå, Sweden 1996-1997 Platoon officer - NB20, Umeå, Sweden REFERENCES Professor Anders Söderholm, Vice Chancellor at Mid Sweden University [former supervisor] Contact information: Mid Sweden University, SE 851 70 SUNDSVALL, Sweden Phone: +46 (0) 60 - 14 86 40 Mobile: +46 (0) 70 - 322 86 40 E-mail: Associate Professor Jessica Eriksson [former Head of Department at Umeå School of Business and Economics] Contact information: Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, SE 901 87 UMEÅ, Sweden Phone: +46 (0) 90-786 99 82 E-mail: [Copies of employment- and educational certificates are available upon request] 12