Major Attractions
Major Attractions
Covering an alea of 3,298 sq. km., Ranong is locaıed ı6S l::-l. froıı Bangkok and about 300 km. north of Phuket' ]t is bordered to the west by the Andaınan Sea, to the nonh L,1 Myanmar, to the east by Chumphon and to the south b\ Surat Thani. Ranong is the wettest province in Thailand, with over '1.00[r mm. of rain per year, and also the country's least populous province. As it has a long rainy period, which lasts for around 8 months each year, it is best visited between December and April. Its compact area includes many natural wonders such as hot springs, waterf-alls, white sandy beaches and offshore islands. In the nofiheast of the province, the Kra Isthmus signals the narrowest point of the peninsula, where just 44 kı-ı' separate the Al-ıdaman Sea from the Gulf of Thailand. Major Attractions Ranong Hot Springs and Raksawarin Arboretum Just I km. to the east of town, on the grounds of Wat Tapotharam, are solıe hot springs, which bubble rıp ouı of the ground at a scalding 65-70 degrees Celsius. This is too hot ttı bathe in, but the rustic public baths are a much cooler.ll degrees, while tlie nearby Jansom Thara Hotel has a iarge public spa that uses the same waters. The hot sprinqs are suııounded by the Raksawarin Arborerum. rr here there are benches for relaxing in the shade, and froııı rı here it is possiL,le to take elephant rides. Try the Jansoıı Hot Spa Ranong Hotel. ıvith its own mineral watel spa froıı a natural geı'ser. Website: www.j Ranong Hot Springs Ko Chang Not to be confused with Thailand's second largest island rr iıh the same name oVeI on the eastern gulf, this 18 sq. km. islaıi has four beaches stlmg along its west coast, and also bunga1ows to rent. Though there is a small Village here, there are ntı cars as yet, so it is a very tranquil place. Ko Phayam Similar in size and just south of Ko Chang, Ko Phayam Victoria Point Victııria Poiırt Raıroırg has 1oırg been popular among Thais aS a jumping ofT point for a glimpse into Myanmar at Mctoria Poiı-ıt, knor.vır as Ko Thuang to the Burmese and Ko Song to the Thais. Boats leave fioıı Saphan Pla. Ranong's pofi and 1ıarbour about 5 km. Southwest of the toıı,n centre. For a small fee, foreigners can also take the shoıı boat ride aCIoSS the Kra Buri River to this bustling island, which is mostly dedıcated to fishing, but also produces a high number of champion kick-boxers. Among the many shops in Victoria Point are some selling intricately made baskets, 1acqueı_ware and gems. Immigration Checkpoint Tel.0 7782 1216 Kra Jstl-ııııı.ıs The narrowest paı1 of the peninsula that connects Thailand with Myanmar is Ban Thap Li, 545 krn. fiom Bangkok and 66 km. noıtheast of Ranong town. A small moı-ıument just off Highway No. 4 marks the spot where the peninsula's waist measures a slender 44 km., while just 22 km. separate the Gulf of Thailand from Kra Buri River, whicl-ı florvs South into the Andaman. and foıms the border between Tlıailand and Mvanııar. Nanttok Nqao Located within sight of Highıvay No. 4, about 12 km. soı-ıtlr of Ranong, this waterfall tumbles down fiom a great height, and is paıticularly impressive during the wet Season. National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department Tel. 0 2562 07 6() Namtok Ngao National Park Tel. 0 7784 81 8 I Website: on its cashew orchards, tended by a handful of local residents. who include "Chao Le" or sea gypsies. The island also has some great beaches, and accommodation on Ao Yai and Ao Khao Khwai. Both these islands are best visited between November and May, to avoid the monsoon rains. Longtail boats to Ko Chang and Ko Phayam leave from Saphan Pla port near Ranong. Laemson National Park Situated 45 km. south of Ranong on the Andaman Sea coast and occupying 315 sq. km., including over 60 km. of coastline. two archipelagoes and 8 islands, Laemson National Park offers a chance to enjoy unspoiled nature, as few people live in this region. The Park headquaı1els iS at Hat Bang Ben, ıı'hıch is rypical of others in the region, a broad spread of sand. backed by shady casuarina. Four kilometres fufiher on from here. Hat Laemson is a memorably peaceful spot, good for birdlr atchıng. Park staff can arange boat trips out to other islands such as Ko Khang Khao and Ko Kam Yai, the latter of u-hich has some fabulous beaches and lies an hour and a half off the coast. National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department Tel. 0 2562 0760 Laemson National Park Tel. 0 1 978 6620 Website: www. dnp. Kra Isthmus Ğ ış ıEşı '€J *' IE lİ ı Gettirıg T1ıenc !h,.'1lı' Phuket (l hour Air flies one 1light daily betır,eeıı Bangkok 20 minutes.) anci Ranoııg Phuket Air Bangkok o1İce Tel. o 2679 8gg() (Headquarters) or 0 2535 6695 (Bangkok Iııternational Airpoıt) or O 7782 459I-2 (Ranong Airpi'ırt) Website : ıvrı,rr,.phrıketaırl ines. coıı l]ı'l]ıı.s Botlr air-conditioned and regrılar brıscs ıır Bangkok clepart tiom the Southern Bus Terıııinal to Ranong er'-ery day (8 hours..) Bangkok Southenr Bııs Termina] Tet. 0 289zl 6122 Ranoııg Bus Terminal Tel. 0 77Bl 15z18 \\]ebsite: rr'ş'l'r..transpoı ıi.. ( 'l, Frrını Baııgkok. take Highıl'a1,Ntı' 4 ı,ia Phetchabuı.i. Prachı.ıap Klıiıı K]lan and Churılpl-ıoır. a totaI distance c'ıf 568 kıı. Ac c ııirıl:ı oclatl Ask 1br reccinıı-ı-ıeıdatioı'ıs on rıl-ıere to sta.v ın Ranolıg at the TATChumphoırTel' 0 77'50 ]8]l-2. O ı-]5()2775-6. olı \\ıebsite : rr.rr,ıv.tourismthai1and.oı s Clıtuıg Islcını| .- a lĞ'' _tğ €