NOV 4-5, 2016 - Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation
NOV 4-5, 2016 - Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation
4TH ANNUAL Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation Seminar NOV 4-5, 2016 HILTON GARDEN INN STONY BROOK 1 Circle Rd., Stony Brook, NY 11794 631-941-2980 TWO DAY EVENT INCLUDES: h P. D i B e r m or at io Me n H . . REGISTRATION BY MAY 1, 2016 - $135 AFTER MAY 1, 2016 - $150 H . . rdo Lt. p se na Jo - Networking Event & Full Day Training - Souvenir T-Shirt - Saturday Buffet Lunch This event is limited to the first 200 paid applicants. i a l Foun All registrations & payments required in advance via PayPal or check. Dept. vouchers/POs accepted until Oct. 15, 2016 (No cancellations after Oct. 15th). d FIRE SERVICE NETWORKING EVENT Friday, November 4 th 7 - 10 pm On the 15 year anniversary of the September 11th attacks, the Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Foundation is proud to present FDNY Deputy Chief Jay Jonas as our special guest for the 2016 “meet and greet.” Chief Jonas, who led his Ladder 6 crew into the World Trade Center to rescue trapped civilians on September 11, 2001, will share his story of survival. He will not only share their harrowing journey out of the collapsed North Tower, but he will also take part in a special Q&A session with you about that tragic day in our nation’s history. During the evening, you will also have a chance to talk one-onone with your instructors and other fire service leaders who have dedicated their time and support to the Foundation. FULL DAY OF CLASSROOM TRAINING Saturday, November 5th - 8 am - 5pm A full day of training kicks off with an introduction by “Black Sunday” Fire Survivor, Firefighter Jeff Cool. ENGINE COMPANY OPERATIONS Battalion Chief Gerald Tracy, FDNY (Ret.) STORE FIRE TACTICS Deputy Assistant Chief John Norman, FDNY (Ret.), SOC PRACTICAL SEARCH OPERATIONS IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Lieutenant Mickey Conboy, FDNY Rescue Co. 3 DON’T MISS THIS TRAINING - REGISTER TODAY! Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation Seminar MEET THE INSTRUCTORS DEPUTY ASSISTANT CHIEF JOHN NORMAN, Deputy Chief Jay Jonas is a 36-year veteran of the FDNY (RET.), SOC DEPUTY CHIEF JAY JONAS, FDNY FDNY. He has worked in the Bronx, the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Chinatown, and the Greenwich Village area of Manhattan. He is currently assigned to the 7th Division in the Bronx. Chief Jonas has an AAS Degree in Fire Science from SUNY Orange, a BS Degree in Fire Administration from Empire State College and is a graduate of the Fire Officers Management Institute administered by Columbia University. He is also a graduate of the West Point Anti-Terrorism School. On September 11th, 2001, he lead his unit, Ladder 6, into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. They were conducting the rescue of a woman in the North Tower when the North Tower collapsed with them inside. Their story has been told on NBCs Dateline “Miracle of Ladder 6,” History Channel’s “Miracle of Stairway B,” and has been featured in numerous books and periodicals. Chief Jonas is in charge of Training and Safety in the 7th Division and he publishes a monthly newsletter to promote those topics. Deputy Assistant Chief John Norman is a veteran of more than 44 years in the fire service, including over 27 years with the FDNY, the majority of that time in Special Operations units. In the days immediately after September 11th, 2001, John was designated as the Search and Rescue Manager for the entire World Trade Center site. He served as the Chief of Special Operations and a Citywide Tour Commander. He retired from that position in 2007. BATTALION CHIEF GERALD TRACY, FDNY (RET.) LIEUTENANT MICKEY CONBOY, FDNY RESCUE 3 Chief Tracy retired as a Battalion Commander with the FDNY, with more than 30 years of service. He developed numerous training programs for the FDNY for the ranks of firefighter, first line and chief officers. He has authored numerous articles for Fire Engineering magazine and FDNY’s training publication WNYF. Lieutenant Mickey Conboy is a 30 year veteran of the FDNY presently assigned to Rescue 3 in the Bronx. He previously served with Squad Company 41, Ladder Co. 37, and Engine Co. 79 . Lieutenant Conboy is an adjunct instructor at FDNY Fire Academy. p se . . n H H rdo io at or m . . Me DON’T WAIT - REGISTER TODAY! h P. D i B e r na Lt. Chief Tracy was the catalyst to the research conducted by NIST, UL and NYU Polytechnic Institute on fire behavior and most specifically, Wind Driven Fires. He was a member of the NFPA Project Technical Panel reviewing “Firefighting Tactics under Wind Driven Conditions.” Jo Chief Norman is the author of the best selling Fire Officers Handbook of Tactics and its study guide, and Fire Department Special Operations. He has written for such fire service magazines as WNYF, Fire Engineering, and Firehouse, and served on validation committees for the International Fire Service Training Association for the following training manuals; Ventilation, Rescue, Building Construction, and Terrorism. He lectures nationally on a wide variety of fire and rescue topics. i a l Foun d
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