Autumn Term 2014 - St Anne`s Catholic High School
Autumn Term 2014 - St Anne`s Catholic High School
St. Anne’s n i t e l l u B n m u t Au Catholic High School for Girls 014 December 2 IS ISSUE E • IN TH THIS ISSU IN • E ISSU IN THIS ISSUE • IN THIS • E SU IS IN THIS ISSUE • IN THIS From the Headteacher Dear Parent/Carer, We have come to the end of another busy and successful term and I hope that you will enjoy reading about the many activities and events that have taken place since we started the school year in September. Year 7 students made a successful transition to secondary school and have already made a substantial contribution to many areas of school life. We are fortunate to have so many gifted and talented students and staff here at St Anne’s. Building work has commenced on the new Sixth Form Centre situated on the Upper Site in Palmers Green. The addition of this Centre will provide much needed accommodation and facilities for our expanding Sixth Form. This term we have undertaken various events to fund-raise for the new centre and I would like to thank all of you who supported the Christmas Bazaar on 29th November. We raised £3,000 for the Sixth Form Centre on this day. This term we say goodbye to Mr Jones from the Geography Department and Miss McCloskey from the RE Department. I would like to thank them for their hard work and contribution to school life and wish them all the very best in their new posts. Finally, thank you, parents and carers, for the support you give to your daughters and to the school. I wish you and your families a happy and holy Christmas and I look forward to seeing all of our students on Tuesday 6th January at 8.40am for the start of the Spring Term. God bless. Yours sincerely, Siobhan Gilling, Headteacher Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. The Catholic Life of the School Retreats Years 7, 8, 10 and Sixth Form students have had their Retreats this year. As a Catholic community, Retreats provide students with some time and space, away from their daily routine, to reflect on important issues connected with their lives and faith. On Retreat days, students spend the day with the school chaplain and their form tutor for creative activities, group discussions, meditation etc, aimed at helping them grow in their relationship with others and God. Reconciliation Services Students from Years 7 and 10 have had the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent. Other Year Groups will receive the sacrament during Lent. The services followed individual confessions. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an opportunity for the students to look deeply into their lives to discern what it is that they really need to change, and move forward into the future filled with hope and confidence. It is also an invitation to become better faithful friends accepting the stranger and caring for each other. Advent Preparation We often miss the meaning of Advent and Christmas because these December weeks are full of Christmas parties and shopping, making it easy for us to become too focused on the material things. During the four weeks of Advent students had an opportunity to come to the chapel at lunch time and reflect on the meaning of Advent and Christmas. It was good to see students taking this opportunity and putting aside time for personal prayer. Mr Ravi, School Chaplain Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Workshop for Year 13 The Catholic Life of the School We recently had a workshop about Marriage and Relationships for Year 13 students. It was run by the Diocesan Marriage commission about family life. Part of the team were three married couples who shared their first hand experience on family life and marriage. It was well received by our Year 13 students! St Anne’s Students – Good Neighbours to the Elderly As well as our liturgies, retreats and services of Reconciliation, the Catholic Life of the School Working Party has also been addressing a worrying issue in today’s society – the loneliness, isolation of, and treatment of older citizens. Having heard news reports about the number of older people who do not get to talk to anyone in a month, we felt it was important to raise our awareness and take some action. As well as the news reports, our London Citizens’ students had observed that it was difficult for older citizens travelling on the bus at the same time as all the school children going home. Our emphasis this year is that helping our neighbour is not all about fund-raising, and that we are called on to give in other ways such as giving up our time and putting others first. So with all the above in mind, we hosted our first tea party and plan to have another later in the year. In the Summer Term we will also be focusing on a ‘dementia awareness’ week in school to help us all to increase our understanding and consideration and to be able to offer some practical help such as visits to local residential homes. The articles here give further detail about progress so far and I look forward to updating you on our next tea party and other plans at the end of the Spring Term. As Christmas approaches, I wish you all a happy and holy Christmas from myself and all staff in the Religious Education Department. Ms Pugh Subject Leader Religious Education/Assistant Headteacher Catholic Life of the School Come to Tea at St Anne’s! On Sunday 5th October 2014, we held our first tea party for older citizens at the Upper Site in Palmers Green. Our guests were parishoners from St Monica’s Church, members of Ruth Winston House and friends and relatives of staff and our thanks go to the Knights of St Columba from St Monica’s for their assistance with transport. Staff and some Year 10 students prepared and served sandwiches, tea and cake and chatted to our special guests. We also had entertainment from some of our Year 9 girls in the form of Irish dancing accompanied by a member of staff on the accordian. It was a really lovely afternoon and our guests were kind enough to send lovely thank you cards praising the girls and requesting more tea parties! We look forward to our next one in the Spring Term. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. The Catholic Life of the School Our Carol Service On 10th December, we held our Christmas Carol Service at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint George’s Church. Once again the students outdid themselves. The theme of the evening was peace which was echoed by the choir’s stunning performance of Let There be Peace on Earth. There were very moving solos from Anna Maria Achilleos and Ines Maria Carracedo Lerma, as well as performances from our fantastic Gospel Choir. As a reward the girls are all being treated to a Christmas Pizza Party. Well Done! Sixth Form Visit to Holloway Prison On Saturday 13th December 2014, I accompanied some of our Sixth Formers along with students from other schools to HM Prison Holloway. It was a day where the children of the inmates were allowed to come in and celebrate Christmas for half a day with their mothers. Our task was to sing Christmas carols and entertain everyone. We gained a real insight into some of the difficulties for all involved when someone is imprisoned. “In spite of the common negative image of prisons, there can be real human feelings. I learnt to break the taboo surrounding the prisoners and not to stereotype them,” said Tia Locker, one of our students. It was a humbling experience and it was difficult to witness the sadness when the children had to leave, and when expected visitors did not arrive, but we hope that in some small way our presence helped on the day. Mr Ravi, School Chaplain Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. London Citizens The Catholic Life of the School Following on from the listening project we took part in last year, our London Citizens’ students worked together to pass on what they learned through the surveys they conducted in Enfield Town during the Summer Term. Their focus was on community building through increased communication, understanding and through taking more ownership and responsibility. They received very positive feedback and found it a valuable experience to see themselves through the eyes of others. From their observations, the girls highlighted the need for greater consideration of others from all ages, but in particular they raised the issue of the treatment of older citizens. This issue was reinforced when they attended the Haringey Assembly and listened to people talking about their concerns about vulnerable people in their community. “Just walking through Enfield town, we saw there was a general lack of consideration for others from people of all ages in the community.” Tobechi Oti, 11A “We heard one woman talking about the need for a better care system for those suffering from dementia. Her mum had experienced 22 different carers in one month, not giving her any stability of care.” Mollie Webster 11L On the 8th October 2014 we were invited to attend the Catholic Social Teaching and Community Organising Conference hosted by Trinity Catholic High School in Essex where the girls made a presentation and delivered a workshop to other schools about their experiences. They raised the issue of vulnerable older citizens through thought provoking role plays showing school children and an elderly lady on the bus. The students from the other schools commented that the St Anne’s group was very motivating and helped them to think about consideration for others. Christmas Hampers Each year, St Anne’s students gather together to donate food items and gifts to create Christmas Hampers. This year, our students have once again been generous and delighted to give, to help make someone else’s Christmas special. As a school, we made a total of 40 hampers to support local families in our community and parishes. Mr Ravi, School Chaplain Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. The Catholic Life of the School Sixth Form visit Auschwitz On Wednesday 1st October 2014 two of our Sixth Formers, Monica Singh and Abena Bediako, accompanied by one of our RE teachers, Miss Yiannakis, visited the former Nazi Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and death camp in Poland. This visit was part of the Lessons from Auschwitz (LFA) Project and organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust. “Recently, we were privileged to be given the opportunity to visit Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland. It was an extremely moving trip where we were able to have first-hand experience of the site where so many people were brutally murdered just because of who they were. We were with approximately 250 other Sixth Formers from various schools in England. One of the people accompanying us was Rabbi Marcus who was the founder of the Holocaust Education Trust and he gave the following definition of holocaust: ‘The result of prejudice and intolerance unchallenged’. We think this is so powerful because it summarises the cause of the holocaust and presents us all with a challenge in how we see and treat others.” Monica Singh, Year 13 “As part of visit we were taken into a room about the size of our school hall and it was filled with shoes. I was taken aback when the guide said: ‘Here are some of the numerous amounts of shoes left by the prisoners. Each of these 40,000 pairs of shoes represents a life that was snuffed out.’ George Santayana once said, ‘The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again.’ This quote tells us why it is so important to remember what we as humans have done in the past so that we do not let it happen again. Unfortunately, as human beings we have not learned from the past. There have been numerous other holocausts since 1945 where whole groups of people have been systematically killed just because of who they are or where they are from. One of the most shocking things we were confronted with was humans’ inhumanity and how such terrible suffering was allowed to happen.” Abena Bediako, Year 12 No amount of words can describe the feeling I had whilst in Auschwitz. No picture can fully translate what it is like to be standing in the concentration camps, on the same ground where innocent people were brutally murdered. I could not believe that people were actually capable of causing so much pain and suffering to others and what dawned on me the most was the realisation that many people stood by and watched this happen yet they said and did absolutely nothing. After returning from Poland, I was sitting at home reading the Bible, and I came across a passage in the book of Proverbs that summarised my thoughts during the visit to Auschwitz: “Condemning the innocent or letting the wicked go - both are hateful to the Lord” (Proverbs 17:15). For me this highlights the importance of challenging injustice. We have to pass on the message and we have to realise that standing down when we witness injustice allows further injustice to happen. Miss Yiannakas, RE Teacher Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. That’s No Excuse! This is a call out to all Parents who do not currently receive our ParentMail Emails. With the increasing use of internet and emails, we still have 192 students, for who we do not have an email address registered for their Parent/Carer. This means, that for those students, we are not able to send out instant emails and notices home. If you do not receive ParentMail Emails from us, please get in touch and give us a valid email address that we can update our system with. Why Attendance and Punctuality Matter If students are to achieve their potential, good attendance and punctuality are critical. The link between attendance and achievement is well documented. At St. Anne’s we want all of our students to achieve the very best examination results that they can and poor attendance will have a significant impact on student achievement. Students with irregular attendance: 4 Get behind with work 4 Lose the thread of the topics being taught 4 Become de-motivated on return to school 4 Lose friendships 4 Miss out on important career and guidance input 4 Miss out on extracurricular opportunities 4 Are less likely to feel part of the school 90% attendance is equivalent to one day of absence every fortnight. Over an academic year this amounts to four weeks of absence (100 lessons missed!). Mrs Sanders, Deputy Headteacher Punctuality is a life skill that everyone needs to learn. However, some girls have taken this to a new level! Reproduced below are some genuine explanations that St Anne’s students have given regarding their lateness during the Autumn Term. “Wrong bus route.” “Stayed away from London.” “Wrong appointment.” “Unwell but not now.” “Bus got full three times.” “Locked in the toilet.” “Mum told me to leave late.” “Coz of my Dad.” “My sister needed strawberries.” “Times got mixed up.” “Something caused traffic on road.” “Bird pooed on uniform.” “Mum left for Italy and took my book.” Mrs Franklin, Attendance & Welfare Officer - Lower Site Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Mobile Phones at St Anne’s At St Anne’s, we have a very strong belief in the importance of the quality of teaching and learning that takes place within our classrooms so that all our community are able to work in an environment that is conducive to teachers teaching, students learning, and therefore student success. It is our policy that students are permitted to bring a mobile phone into school but they are not permitted to use it during school hours. It can be most disruptive to all concerned if a mobile phone goes off during a lesson and disrupts the learning environment for both teachers and students. We are very proud of the fact that when visiting teachers spend time at our school they are most impressed that mobile phone disruption to lessons is not a cause for concern as it is in many other schools. We advise all students that mobile phones should be switched off as soon as they arrive at school. Phones should be stored safely in bags or on the student’s person. It is strongly advised to remove all batteries as this will ensure any alarms set on the phone will not go off. Students are also strongly advised to be very careful and vigilant in mobile phone usage both on their way to and from school. I would very much appreciate your support in reminding your daughter that she must always be aware of her surroundings in terms of members of the public and traffic if she has her earphones plugged in. They should avoid drawing attention to themselves. If a student is found with a mobile phone in school the sanctions imposed are as follows: • 1st Occasion: A Serious Misdemeanour Detention is set. • 2nd occasion: A two day Fixed Term Exclusion is set. If a student is found in possession of a mobile phone or a student’s mobile phone rings during a Controlled Assessment or during a public exam, we would like it known that this is a very serious matter as the consequences are very serious in terms of the students affected and the implications for our school as an examination centre. It has therefore being decided that any student found with a mobile phone in the above mentioned circumstances will automatically face a minimum two day fixed term exclusion. Mr Maguire, Key Stage 3 Director Child Protection At St Anne’s, we all have a moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where all staff, students, parents and visitors are respected and valued. We are alert to signs of abuse and neglect and follow Safeguarding good practice to ensure that our students receive effective support and protection. Guidance Here in school we all have a key role and responsibility in safeguarding the young people in our care. Mrs Gumbrell, First Deputy Headteacher is the designated Child Protection Co-ordinator. The Achievement Leaders of each year group liaise with Mrs Gumbrell on Child Protection related matters and action taken in response to concerns. Our students are made aware of who the members of staff with responsibility for co-ordinating Child Protection are and are encouraged to discuss any concerns or worries that they have for themselves or others. If as a parent/carer you have a concern relating to the welfare and safety of a student at our school, any of the Achievement Leaders or Mrs Gumbrell will be happy to discuss this matter with you. There is a copy of our Child Protection Policy for your information on our school website. This can also be requested for reading at the Lower and Upper site Reception areas. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Safeguarding Children Online Safety As parents – or relatives, teachers and other adults responsible for children’s safety – we want our children and those we look after to be healthy and happy – and to develop well both physically and mentally. Children learn through exploration and natural curiosity, and it is part of our job as parents and carers to encourage that. However, as our children grow up, develop and discover new experiences, we have to take more and different steps to ensure their safety. Until their understanding and instincts catch up with their curiosity, our children need to be protected from everyday dangers – whether crossing the road, in and around the home, trying new foods or talking to new people they meet. And sooner or later… going online. They’re growing up fast Your child may already use certain trusted websites or – if older – social networks. Chances are they know more about technology than you do, but lack the life-experience and wisdom to handle all they encounter. This is why we need a measured approach to keep our children safe when online. So what’s changed? Until recently, most homes had one computer, on which parents could safely monitoring their children’s online activity. Now that children have their own computers for homework it is more difficult to ensure they visit appropriate websites and don’t talk to strangers online. In the age of smartphones and tablets most parents find it a real challenge to not only educate their children in doing the right thing, but monitor and control their online behaviour. The risks No-one is immune from encountering problems online. Our children are naturally more trusting than adults and less aware of the darker side of the ’net. They are also not as well equipped to deal with such issues – or their consequences. Some of these potential issues are as follows: 4 Talk frankly to your child about how they explore issues related to health, wellbeing, body image and sexuality. They may be discovering inaccurate or dangerous information online at what is a vulnerable time in their lives. 4 Review parental control settings in line with your child’s age and maturity. Adjust them if appropriate. If they ask you to trust them and turn the controls off, think carefully before you do. Agree in advance what is acceptable online behaviour. 4 Talk frankly to your child about how they behave towards others online. Discuss bullying, posting hurtful or untrue comments and the dangers of behaviours like sexting and inappropriate use of webcams. 4 Give your child their own budget online activity, but agree boundaries so they manage their money responsibly. Don’t give them access to your payment card details. 4 Explain to your child the legalities concerning issues such as copyrighted material and plagiarism. 4 Hacking amongst this age group is very rare, but it does exist. Explain the dangers and consequences. Six important questions to ask Here are some questions you could discuss with your daughter, now that she is older: 4 Inappropriate contact from strangers; 4 Inappropriate online behaviour, such as becoming a Q Do you really know everybody on your ‘friends’ list? Q Do you know how to use and set privacy and security settings? Can you show me how? Q Do you ever get messages from strangers? If so, how do you handle them? Q Do you know anyone who has made plans to meet someone offline that they’ve only ever spoken to online? Q Are your friends ever mean to each other, or to other people, online or on phones? If so, what do they say? Q Has anyone you know, taken naked or sexy photos and sent them to other people, or received photos like that? Our advice The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) - - provides information and advice, and allows you to report concerns regarding online child protection issues. CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency, and is dedicated to tackling the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people. CEOP exists to help young people (up to age 18) who have been forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity with anyone online or in the real world. ‘cyber-bully’, especially when encouraged by others; 4 Exposure to inappropriate content of a sexually explicit, racist, violent, extremist or other harmful nature. 4 Receiving aggressive advertising and marketing messages. 4 Personal information stored on your computer, mobile device or games console can become compromised. 4 Enabling viruses and spyware by careless or misinformed use of computers, smartphones, tablets or games consoles. Everyone needs help sometimes… and that’s especially true of parents staying switched-on to their child’s online safety: 4 Reinforce boundaries. Your child may think they are mature, but they still need your wisdom and guidance. 4 You may think your child knows more about using technology than you do, and you may be right. Endeavour to keep up to date and discuss what you know with your child. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. St. Anne’s in the Social Media World We are continuously updating our school Social Media accounts and are proud to share good news and update our community on what’s going in school. We have also recently uploaded some clips of our Amazing Gospel Choir – something that you must all see. As well as the two accounts shown below, there are also a number of individual department Twitter pages. For the school’s latest news, please follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Twitter: @StAnnes_N13 Facebook: St Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls Maria Geraci, Marketing and Special Projects Officer Cars and Buses Do you Bring Your Daughter(s) to School by Car? If so, please do not stop on the zig-zag lines; if you can, stop or wait well away from our gates. We also ask you to respect our neighbours; for example, please do not park across any driveways. Thank you. Does your Daughter(s) Travel To and from School by Bus? There are frequently long waits for buses, particularly in Enfield. It is often the case that many students cannot get on the first, second or even third or fourth buses that come. The W8 service is too often inadequate at around 3.30-4.00pm. We are doing all we can to prompt Transport for London to improve the service for when students leave school each day. Mr Goldbart, School Business Manager Lost Property May we please remind parents and carers to clearly label all items of school uniform, PE kit etc. We have a large amount of lost property that we are unable to identify due to it not being labelled. A Message from PC Kurt The Mayor’s Police and Crime Plan for London sets out the importance of reconnecting the public with the police and that engaging with and understanding the views of young Londoners is vital. The survey aims to secure the views of young people in relation to a range of crime and safety issues including: 4 Personal safety 4 Victimisation 4 Confidence and satisfaction with the Police 4 Specific police tactics 4 Wider Information and engagement needs Could all students please complete the online Youth Survey. Launched on Monday 10th November 2014 and closes on Friday 19th December 2014. youthmatter1 PC Kurt Schools Police Liaison Officer Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Youth Travel Ambassadors We are very proud of being part of an exciting programmed organised by Transport for London, with the aim to improve communication between young people and TfL. Students are given the chance to make a real difference to the travel and transport issues which may affect them and the local community. Four of our Year 7 students have attended a workshop and have since prepared a pitch to persuade TfL to award them a small grant. They hope to improve travelling conditions for young people and students from our school. Our students will be delivering their pitch at Enfield Council on Wednesday 17th December and we wish them luck. Mrs Danneau-Joyce, Director of Vocational Studies & Student Voice Have you made your Voluntary Contribution this Year? There is still time to make your £50 (per family, not per student) contribution to the Governors’ Fund. As a Voluntary Aided school the Governing Body has to fund 10% of the cost of significant building work and, this year, fill the funding gap for the new Sixth Form Centre. We really do need your contribution. If you have not yet had a chance to pay, we wrote to you a couple of weeks ago. For more information, please email finance@st-annes.enfield. or telephone 020 8920 5228. Thank you. Temporary Student Entrance at our Upper Site Campus Owing to the Sixth Form Centre development one of the pavements in Oakthorpe Road has been closed. Your daughter(s) may have told you that an entrance has been opened down a short, well lit alley off Green Lanes between Woody’s Restaurant and some residential flats. This has been done with safety in mind. Safe Cycling b If your daughter would like to cycle to school your local Council may offer lessons. We can provide you with a contact; just drop a line to or telephone 020 8920 5228. Both our sites now have cycle parking available for students, staff and visitors. Mr Goldbart, School Business Manager Maths 2017 School Performance Measures Please see below the recent message announced by the Department of Education regarding Maths GCSE. We would like you to be aware of this information. 2017 School Performance Measures The only GCSE Maths qualification that will count in the 2017 secondary school performance tables (due to be published in January 2018) will be the new GCSE in Mathematics. Neither any earlier (pre-2017) results from the current GCSE in Mathematics nor any results from the Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 Certificate in Mathematics will be included in the 2017 secondary school performance tables. Thank you. Mrs Gumbrell First Deputy Headteacher Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. St. Anne’s Christmas Bazaar Prize Winners --- Raffle --1st : iPad Air - Mr Gilling 2nd : £50 Cash - Lina Spadafora 3rd : £50 Cash - Kelly Gannon West Lodge Tickets - Christy Foley Pantomime Tickets - Helen McCarthy & Ebonie Chin Art Pack - Leo Ioannou Paintballing - John Donnelly Free Driving Lesson - Gerri Forsyth On Saturday 29th November, St Anne’s hosted its annual Christmas Bazaar at our Upper Site with the Friends of St Anne’s. The event was very well attended and was a compliment to the tremendous support and effort provided by the girls on site, the Sixth Form Students and our teaching and support staff including caretakers and cleaners. With all school-based fundraising aimed at supporting our New Sixth Form Centre, all profits were added to the on-going appeal. Once again, the afternoon was a wonderful success with various games, activities and stalls including a Christmas Gifts & Decorations Stall, Vintage Hand Bag Stall, Henna, cake stalls, tombola and of course our raffle, all of which contributed towards a grand total of £2,800. Thank you to all who attended and supported the event. Crystal Decanter - Eleanor Gabayo Sweet Christmas Tree - Mr Golbart Fruit Basket - Clare Buttery Breakfast Hamper - Mrs Turner Breakfast Basket - Barbara Costa --- Other Prizes --Champagne Game - Mrs Neocleous Guess the Weight of the Cake Ms Forsyth & Mrs Jones (Jointly) Guess the Name of the Husky Katerina Nicolaou Guess Where Santa Is - Ms Khan Sixth Form Centre Progress Great News! The building work on our exciting, new Sixth Form Centre is going to plan. We expect our current Year 11 to be using the Centre in September 2015. The Friends of St. Anne’s (FOSA) Buy-A-Brick Appeal will launch in January. Mr Goldbart School Business Manager Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Enfield Parade of Light St. Anne’s School Choir Get Enfield in the Christmas Spirit! On Sunday 30th November 2014 the School Choir, conducted by Miss Fortune, along with Mrs Gilling, Mr Maguire and other members of staff, led the community in song at the switching on of the Tree Lights by the Mayor of Enfield. The choir was accompanied by the North London Brass Marching Band. The switching on of the lights is part of the Enfield Christmas Parade of Light which involves over 25 community groups and nearly 500 participants and is now one of the biggest events in Enfield where the community all meet together to celebrate the start of the Christmas season. The event raises money for local charities. This year’s total is in excess of £2,000 plus match funding of £1,000 from Barclays Bank. The money will benefit eight Enfield-based charities. Mrs Worrall The Parade of Light was just one of the exciting events for the Music Department this term. We started off with our Year 7 Welcome Mass, where the whole of Year 7 came together to sing the song ‘We Are Marching in the Light of God’. It was an excellent performance and a fantastic start to the year. Our Gospel Choir has been very busy, recording competition entries and singing at Canary Wharf in aid of the charity ‘Missing People’. The feedback we received about the choir was totally overwhelming with people commenting on how outstanding the choir sounded. In response to this, we started a Facebook group dedicated to the Gospel Choir - On it you will find updates about the choir, photographs, videos and information about upcoming performances. Again the response to this has been tremendous with some of the videos attracting thousands of views. To top this off ,we managed to raise over £1700 for the charity, which Barclays Bank will match. Miss Fortune, Subject Leader for Music Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Prize Giving 2014 On Thursday 6 November 2014 we hosted our annual Prize Giving Evening celebration. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate attainment, progress and outstanding contributions to the life of the school through each Key Stage. The evening was attended by many proud parents, School Governors and our talented prize winners. Mr Donnelly, the Chair of Governors, praised the achievements of the girls and made a unique analogy between the care and talent demonstrated in The Great British Bake Off competition with a similar attention to how as a school community we nurture and support the talent and aspirations of our students. Indeed, he went even further and likened the chief presenters of the TV programme – Marry Berry and Paul Hollywood – to two members of the SLT team. He was of course referring to their strategic vision and care for the students and not their seniority! Mrs Gilling gave an uplifting speech to staff, students and Governors. She reminded us of all the many and varied achievements and successes which have occurred over the last 12 months – and that we are justly proud of them all. We then had the presentation of certificates. The Prize Winners in each Key Stage had their names read out by Mr Maguire, Mr Foster and Mrs Turner and each student came on to the stage and shook hands with the Guest of Honour, who presented each prize winner with their envelope of certificates and vouchers. It is good to remember that not only do we recognise outstanding achievement in each subject but prizes are also awarded for effort and contribution at each Key Stage. We also awarded prizes for the outgoing Fairtrade Team, Deputy Head Girls Team and Head Girl. Kate Anolue, the Freeman of the London Borough of Enfield, was our Guest of Honour and gave a moving and motivational address that reminded us that girls’ education is not always valued in certain cultures. She praised the successful students but equally reminded them to work even harder to secure their goals and to continue to change perceptions about how successful women of the future can be. We are very proud of the exceptional singers and musicians in our school, the Gospel Choir gave a fabulous performance of two inspiring numbers and Daria Philips concluded the musical interlude with an excellent bassoon recital which was accompanied by her mother on our grand piano. It was good to see large numbers of parents and staff socialising in the hall at the end of what had been a celebratory and memorable evening. Many thanks are extended once again to Mrs Jones, Mrs Pausey and Mrs Worrall for all their help with arranging and organising the certificates, prizes, seating plan and the programme for the evening. Mr Foster, Assistant Headteacher & Director of Key Stage 4 Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Jack Petchey Award Winners 2014 Congratulations to the students listed below who have been nominated for a Jack Petchey achievement award. These awards are given to students in recognition for making a valuable contribution to either the school or the local community. Esther Lusembo 10L Anita Audit 9J Lucy Nguyen 8T Vanessa Amankwah 11T Courtney Boateng-Smith 13F Haille McFarlane 13A Laura Spadafora 9F Harmony Nkundo 10F Mercy Korsah 8J Each award winner is presented with a certificate and badge in recognition of their achievements; they are also given a fund of £200 to spend on something for the school or local community. So far this year the school has been able to purchase a range of equipment for different departments including: 4 A HeadCam for school visits and trips 4 Geometry sets and Scientific calculators for the Maths department 4 A large magnetic atomic structure model for the Science department 4 A Level text books for the History department 4 Extra materials for the Art department 4 Microscopes for the Science department All Award winners will be invited to attend a Borough Jack Petchey Celebration evening in March. Mrs Lee, Jack Petchey Co-ordinator St Anne’s Fairtrade Hello, I am Francesca Giambrone and I am delighted to have been chosen as the new Chair of Fairtrade at our school. Fairtrade is a foundation in which we can contribute to help farmers receive a better deal when trading and tackle any injustice that occurs, resulting in a better quality of life for the farmers. As a team, we have already started well, having successful stalls each week. Without the whole of the Fairtrade Team, our stalls each week, as well as work behind the scenes, we would not be as successful. The team has also been busy thinking up new ideas such as a St Anne’s Fairtrade Twitter account (@StAFairtrade). We hope this will raise the profile of the team and the work we do in school advertising the products we have on offer. We are also planning on getting Fairtrade T-shirts for the team and a big banner to place on our stall each week. The purpose of these ideas is to make people more aware of Fairtrade and the hard work many do to benefit the farmers and their families. Additionally, we are also looking into introducing a range of new products on the stall to fit everyone’s preference, as well as having products that would also promote a healthy eating lifestyle. Being the Chair of Fairtrade has been a great honour so far and I am looking forward to future success with my team. Without the whole of the Fairtrade team, the staff who help us and the school community who purchase their Fairtrade products from us each week, our stalls would not be as successful. I would like to thank everyone for supporting us. Francesca Gambrone, Chair of Fairtrade at St Anne’s Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Friends of St Anne’s - FOSA We thank all parents/carers who have supported one or more of our events this academic term. Your support allows us to continue to fundraise and support initiatives in school which benefit all of our students. We are joining the school in their fundraising to support the Sixth Form Centre Appeal. We have two social events planned for students at the beginning of the spring term. There will be a Year 8 & 9 Disco on Friday 30th January 2015 with St Ignatius College and an Ice Skating Trip to Alexandra Palace on Saturday 7th February. Tickets and more information will be sent out in the New Year. For parents, staff & friends, we also have our second Quiz Night on Friday 27th February 2015, and we invite you all to attend this event, which promises to be an entertaining evening. More information regarding tickets & tables will follow. Friends of St Anne’s are continuously seeking new volunteers to join us to provide fresh ideas and suggestions as well as supporting and organising upcoming events. If you are interested, please get in touch via email to fosa@ Discos for St Anne’s and St Ignatius Students Another school year, another round of School Discos. Our Autumn Term has seen two so far, for St Anne’s & St Ignatius students. Year 10/11 students had their one first, held at our Upper Site with more than 300 students in attendance. The second was Christmas-themed for Year 7 students, and 160 students danced the evening away and thoroughly enjoying their night. Both events have helped to raise £1,955 for the Friends of St Anne’s. A big thank you goes out to everyone who supported the event, including students, parents and staff who chaperoned on the evening. These social evenings organised for both schools have proved to be a big hit, and we are happy to say that they will continue to be a part of our school calendar. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Lower Site Students Walk the Walk! With the start of the construction work for our new Sixth Form building, a sponsored walk was organised at the Lower Site to help raise additional funds to support our appeal. This took place on the Lower Site field and involved all students from Years 7-9. Students were encouraged to come to school in their own clothes and wear something in their House colour. The girls completed lots of laps and had fun singing along to music on their way round. Each student was also given a sponsor sheet. They took these home to try and find as many sponsors as possible. We had a great response, and a number of girls raised significant amounts of money to help us raise over £2,000 from that day alone. The winning Year Group was Year 7, who raised an amazing £1077.30, more than of half the total amount raised! Well done, girls! Top Student in each Year Group: Name & Form: Raised: Isabelle Keeley, 7 L £125.00 Adora Okerulu, 8 L £76.10 Ella-Maya Virgo, 9 J £110.00 FOSA Autumn Quiz Night On Friday 17th October the Friends of St Anne’s hosted another successful Quiz Night. With a total of 22 teams, all those who attended had a fun-filled evening. The teams were made up of parents/carers, friends, the Head Girl Team and staff. Prizes were given to the winners and losers and the evening’s raffle helped to raise a magnificent total of £867.30 for FOSA. Our Next Quiz Night: Friday 27th February 2015. All Parents/Carers & Friends Welcome Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. St Anne’s Poetry Competition - The Winners! To celebrate poetry month Ms Bunbury ran a school poetry competition. There was an influx of entries with a lot of talent to choose from. The overall winner and Key Stage 3 winner was Sneha Shankthakumar with her poem The Sea, which employed great personification. The Key Stage 4 winner was Tanjin Huda with a descriptive poem entitled Snowflakes’ Halcyon Spell. The girls won framed copies of their poems, shopping vouchers, vivos and certificates. Other winners in Key Stage 3 were Deyonce Murdock for her surreal poem Dear Red and Molly Hamlin with a historically-inspired piece entitled Pompeii. At Key Stage 4, in 2nd and 3rd place were Kalifa Etienne with a characterization of Lady Macbeth and Oluwakemi Owoseni with the African-American influenced Sister 2014. Runnersup were Bethany Creasey (Family), Ada Kaukenaite (Untitled) and Rhian Keady (You Tube) at KS3 and Oluwakemi Sorinola (Untitled on Lady Macbeth), Rebecca O’Toole (Power) and Vanessa Amankwah (Macbeth Perspective) at KS4. The Sea by Sneha Shanthakumar 8L The swift air grabs me by the neck pulling me closer to the freshness of the sea, The light crisp sound of the sea rings in my heart and fills me. The sea glares back at anyone who admires his beauty, Then he smiles when he knows they are doing their duty. The sea, a handsome prince sitting on the glittering throne, All his jewels are hidden and unknown. But he opens his treasure and shows them to me, He is happy when he sees I’m filled with glee. He gives me a shy smile only to me; Everyone waits for him to see. His eyes are warm, welcoming and they are aqua sapphire, To get closer to me is his only desire. He calls to me and sings his songs accompanied by the zephyr, The foam arises and it’s white as a feather. The wind whispers for him, and beckons me to sit close by his side, But I can’t wait to feel the warmth inside. The blue eyes stare at me as I walk past the beautiful sea, I go and sit close by his hands as he holds me. It is calm and peaceful, and this melts my heart, The Sea’s structure is a work of art. There is more joy than triple, When I stare out and listen to every subtle ripple. I hope I will see his exquisite looks every day, He whispers to me that he will always stay. Snowflakes’ Halcyon Spell by Tanjin Huda 10J Descending artistically from the Heavens, Delicate and mild crystals of ice approach the timekeeper of the realm Mandating time to stand and minutes to halt. Encompassed by an incandescent coruscate Light feathers resembling stemless flowers Embellish the truth of unfortunate calamities Rough edges, covered by snow’s enchanting petals. While the Earth rests, from growing over Spring and Summer the trees sleep, the animals sleep, A veil of quiet peace And the entire world is silent - Snowflakes’ halcyon spell. Thank you to everyone for entering and all staff who supported. Keep writing, ladies! Ms Bunbury, English Department Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Mayor’s Award for Public Speaking Final On the evening of Tuesday 2nd December St Anne’s hosted the Final of the Mayor’s Award for Public Speaking at the Upper Site. We were represented by Zahra Alawoad 9A, Sophia O’Sullivan 9A, Chinma Johnson-Nwosu 11M and Aimee Christodoulou 11A, who were fresh from success in the semi-final. It was a tough, hard fought competition and the standard of the speeches was extremely high. St Anne’s girls were on top form again and their speeches were original, inspiring and highly entertaining! I am delighted to report that we came away with the following awards: KS3 – Second Place – Zahra Alawoad KS4 – First Place – Chinma Johnson-Nwusu Congratulations to all of our girls who took part. The level of commitment and effort that you put into representing St Anne’s is something to be very proud of. A big thank you also to Renee Kapuku and Courtney Boateng-Smith in Year 13 for helping to coach and mentor the girls. Mrs Lee, Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator Dates for your Diary - Spring Term 2015 Monday 5th January 2015 ................................................................................................................................... INSET Day Tuesday 6th January 2015 ...................................................................................................... Back to school: 8.40am start Tuesday 13th January 2015 ............................................................................. Year 8 & New Head Girl Team Photographs Thursday 15th January 2015 ....................................................................... Year 7 Parents Evening: Classes A, F & J Thursday 22nd January 2015 ....................................................................... Year 7 Parents Evening: Classes L, M & T Thursday 29th January 2015 ................................................... Parents’ Drop-In Morning, 9am-12 noon, Lower Site Thursday 29th January 2015 ..................................................................................................... Year 11 Parents Evening Friday 30th January 2015 ............................................................................................................................. Year 8 & 9 Disco Saturday 7th Febuary 2015 ....................................................... Friends of St Anne’s Ice Skating Event at Alexandra Palace Thursday 12th February 2015 ..................................................................................... Year 9 Pathways Evening, Upper Site Monday 16th - Friday 20th February 2015 .......................................................................................... HALF-TERM BREAK Friday 27th February 2015 ............................................................................................... Friends of St Anne’s Quiz Evening Friday 6th March 2015 ..................................................................................................................................... Year 9 Photographs Wednesday 11th March 2015 ..................................................... Parents’ Drop-In Morning, 9am-12 noon, Upper Site Monday 16th March 2015 ......................................................................................................... Year 11 & 13 Leavers’ Photographs Friday 20th March 2015 .............................................................................................................. Comic Relief Red Nose Day Wednesday 25th March 2015 ............................................................................................................. Year 8 HPV Injections Thursday 26th March 2015 ................................................................................................................................ Ski Trip Starts Friday 27th March 2015 ............................................................................... End of Spring Term - School closes at 12 noon Monday 30th March - Friday 10th April 2015 .............................................................................................. EASTER BREAK Monday 13th April 2015 ....................................................................................................................... Start of Summer Term Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Year 10 Art Students meet artist Ibrahim Mahama The Art Department has been selected to participate in the Jack Petchey Start Programme which gives young people the opportunity to work with the Saatchi Gallery whilst exploring and engaging with the Arts. The project will take the form of two gallery visits and artists workshop, exploring contemporary visual art through visits and workshops at the Saatchi Gallery. It will culminate in an exhibition of the students’ work, which is to be displayed as part of the main Saatchi Gallery programme at the end of the project. On Thursday 16th October all Year 10 GCSE Art students visited the Saatchi Gallery. The group had the opportunity to attend a talk by Nigerian artist Imbrahim Mahama, whose work represents his cultural background. His talk was followed by a question and answer session, where the girls were able to discover how the artist created his large scale studies and develop a greater understanding of how an artist portrays meaning in their work. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to the next visit in March 2015. Portrait Workshops It’s been a very busy start to the Year 10 GCSE Art course. In addition to the Saatchi Gallery project, the girls have enjoyed a series of drawing workshops as part of their lessons. Working in the A level room with easels added an air of challenge for all. The results of the sessions are excellent. Well done everyone! Miss Garry, Subject Leader for Art Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Design & Technology It has been a busy and productive term in the Design & Technology department! The girls have produced some fantastic work. We are very pleased with the effort and commitment shown by our students and wish them all a very peaceful festive break & a happy new year! Please follow us on Twitter for all our latest news! @DT_StAnnes Mr Patel, Subject Leader, Design & Technology Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Media Studies Students are currently working hard on their coursework pieces, a thriller movie opening in Year 12 and a music video in Year 13. Students recently attended study days at the British Film Institute and learnt about recent TV drama, nusic videos and how to make a film opening. The students enjoyed the trip and said how interesting the different speakers were, especially Dexter Fletcher, actor and director, who talked about film making. Mr Riley, Media Studies Geography Department YEAR 11 FIELD VISIT TO STRATFORD ICT Department Year 13 Creative Media students were out and about this term with the objective of enhancing the lives of the third generation whilst encouraging social interaction and companionship. Ophelia Abebreseh, Patricia Baidoo, Clarissa Do, Daniella Mankulu and Melissa Ramos visited the Ruth Winston Centre in Palmers Green each Monday over a six week period. Each week they shared their skills and expertise with the over 50s by delivering a structured and effective set of presentations and providing one to one guidance on the following topics: mobile phones, tablets, Skype, You Tube, Twitter, Facebook and online forums. The project with the Ruth Winston Centre was a massive success, one which was warmly welcomed by the members and enjoyed by all. Well done, ladies! Mr Delaney, ICT Department On 22nd October 2014 the Geography Department took the brave decision to take 80 Year 11 students shopping at Stratford in East London! In actual fact it was a field visit to look at the impacts of the regeneration scheme in this area that was triggered by the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012. This study formed the basis of their Controlled Assessment whereby students carried out a range of survey work including conducting interviews with local people to assess how effective the Olympic Legacy has been, particularly for local people. The group visited both the Westfield Shopping Centre and the Olympic Park to gauge the level of impact the regeneration has had. Despite the great temptation to shop, the girls were able to put aside the attractions of stores such as Armani Jeans and focus on the task in hand. In fact, they were brilliant and were a real credit to St Anne’s in terms of their conduct and work. Who is this? Ms Bolt??? Well done Year 11 – you were true Olympic champions! Mr Sikuade and Mr Orme, Geography Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. There’s lots going on in Science! It has been a busy term in the Science Department on the Lower Site. As always, the Year 7 Specialised Cells project resulted in a number of outstanding models and demonstrated the creativity of students. We apologise for any mess made in your homes during the preparation of the creations shown here! Chelsi Green, 7A Abioseh Kamara, 7F Rhian Keady, 7L Going Wild in Science In addition to our fish, we are pleased to welcome new additions to the Lower Site Science Department in the form of guinea pigs and stick insects. The winners of our competition to name the guinea pigs were: As part of the new Year 7 curriculum, girls have completed numerous projects including 7T making element cubes with Miss Nicolaou. Year 7: Oreo suggested by Rachelle Masala 7M Year 8: Einstein suggested by Claire Ojoh 8L Year 9: Eugene suggested by Karen Wumba Mbadu 9M Daisy 7M and Alicia 7A welcoming our new additions KS3 Science Club with Mr Thompson The Year 7 girls having been making slime, extracting salt from rock salt and generally enjoying some fun practical activities in Science Club with Mr Thompson. All of the girls have been having a great time and are developing their love of science. We look forward to more investigations, creativity Moyo 7J and Emma 7J making King Kong hands and fun in the New Year. Miss Kitching, Teacher of Science for Halloween in Year 7 Science Club Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Physical Education News Inter-Form and Championship Cross Country During the first two weeks of term all of our KS3 PE groups took part in cross country running training and inter-form competitions. The complete course measured a little under a mile and required the students to develop their cardiovascular fitness, as well as their resilience and determination! Points were awarded to each member of the form, so it was not just about the fastest runners, but the contribution of all students. Year 8 and 9 students were aiming to beat their previous year’s results, and Year 7 students all set themselves a target based on their training during week 1. Well done to all KS3 students who took part (especially when the weather was less then inviting!). Following their success in inter-form cross country, 21 girls were selected to represent St Anne’s at this year’s Borough Cross Country Competition held at Trent Park. Although the sun was shining, the course was particularly muddy from the recent spells of rain. All girls put in fantastic performances, running approximately 2 miles on very difficult terrain which was a new experience for most. The Year 7 team finished overall in 5th position and the Year 8 and 9 Team in 3rd. These were our best results in this event to date. Our top individual runner was Alison Arredondo 7F who finished an amazing 5th place out of 88 runners. Year 8 & 9 Inter-Form Netball Huge congratulations go to all the girls who took part in the Year 8 and 9 inter-form competitions. There was a very high standard of play over both of the days of the netball, and we look forward to the Year 7 inter-form competition, which will be taking place after Christmas. Year 8 Results (Player of the Tournament won by Tochi Anunobi) Year 9 Results (Player of the Tournament won by Savannah Stokes) Thank you very much to the Year 11 GCSE PE students who helped umpire and support the PE Department during this two day event. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. KS3 Netball Teams - Their Successes So Far... Our Year 7, 8 and 9 Netball teams have had much to celebrate already this term. Firstly, attendance at Thursday afternoon’s Netball training has been excellent. At the start of the term both courts were full with enthusiastic and committed players, all keen to secure themselves a place on the team for a fixture. As term has progressed (and the clock change affected the visibility), we have noticed a decline in Year 8 and 9 attendees, although we are hoping that in the new year the girls will be back in preparation for our next fixtures. Year 7 netballers continue to progress with their individual skills and knowledge of the rules, and we are delighted that some new students have recently joined us - new members always welcome! The team have only played 2 games with an impressive 8-0 win against Oasis Hadley and a tough draw of 3-3 against Latymer. Year 8 have also had good attendance after school and additional lunch time practices, with over 14 girls training it has been a difficult job to select players for fixtures! The girls have only been defeated in one league game so far this year, enjoying wins against Lea Valley (11-0), Latymer (7-2) and Oasis Enfield (14-0). In the new year we have matches against Heron Hall, Chace Community School and Winchmore, so Mrs Rogers looks forward to seeing lots more Year 8s at training in preparation! Indoor Athletics October kicked off the start of the Athletics season with Year 10 & 11 students competing in the Lee Valley Indoor Cup, a competition open to schools in the north of London and Essex. As always, our girls ran, jumped and threw as quick, high and far as they possibly could. St Anne’s cruised through the first round and secured themselves a place in the ‘A’ final. The standard of competition in the final was raised somewhat and the team managed to finish in an amazing 2nd place out a total of 19 schools. With the success of their peers, the Year 8 & 9 Team who were to compete next in the competition had a tough standard to try to maintain. Competition was stepped up from the start with a total of 43 school teams entering the first round at this stage. St Anne’s entered an A and a B, both of whom qualified for the semi-finals, making it into the top 18 teams. With some extremely hard matches in the semi-finals unfortunately our B team did not qualify any further, but our A team have secured a place in the ‘A’ Final. Watch this space to see what position they came away with at the finals on Wednesday 17th December. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Bulletin Extra • Key Stage 3 Gilwell Park On Monday 15 September all 180 Year 7 students went to Gilwell Park in Epping Forest. The aim of the trip was to help all the new girls build friendships and to do some team building in their new Form Groups. Activities such as Go-karting, High Wire Walking and 3G Swing were a big hit with the girls, all supporting one another to step out of their comfort zone. The weather was perfect so picnic lunches were the order of the day and the journey back to school was a very quiet one as everyone was totally exhausted but proud of their achievements. Mrs Cheeseman City Hall Twenty two girls from across the Lower and Upper sites were chosen to represent the school on a visit to City Hall. We received a tour of this amazing building and learnt about how the Mayor of London has to make many decisions about education, health improvement and transport in the capital. The girls were praised for their excellent questions and ability to debate mature topics. We were privileged to sit in the London Assembly meeting room with its fantastic views across London. We finished with a walk along the South Bank and some lunch. A perfect day with a perfect group of students. Mrs Cowley and Miss Lawrence Children in Need Day Jeans for Genes Day As usual Jeans for Genes Day was supported by Key Stage 3 with enthusiasm by students and staff alike. Everybody wore something denim and an ice lolly sale took place during morning break. Lots of funds were raised and sent off to help with the worthy causes this charity works with. KS3 saw Children in Need Day in with the army, American high school students and girls in pyjamas. Staff joined in too with those in pyjamas saying it was the most comfortable day’s work ever. This is always popular day with St Anne’s students and staff and, as usual, everyone dug deep to provide support for all the hard work this charity does. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Pink Friday Everyone came into school wearing something or everything pink in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness. There was a cake sale during morning break and a Pink make up and nail varnish makeover was on offer for those who wished to take part. Lots of fun was had by all while raising lots of money for this worthy cause. Dove & TfL Come to St Anne’s The cosmetics company Dove came to talk to students about what beauty really is and to look at how we all feel about ourselves. Students did a workshop where they had to bring pictures of what they thought natural beauty was. They looked at why people have self-esteem issues and how this is compounded by the media. They learned how images in magazines and on TV are altered to make the models look perfect. The girls were shown that models don’t look like the finished pictures they see. Transport for London also visited to tell the girls about personal safety on public transport and how to be aware of their surroundings when travelling. The girls learnt that bus and rail travel is much safer than they thought but that they should always be alert to happens around them. Lots of good advice was given and the girls all now know what to do should they feel worried during their travels. Just Their Cup of Tea! St Anne’s hosted a grand Tea Party for the elderly at the Upper Site on Sunday 5th October. Sophia and Niamh (both 9A) and Aisling (9L) got the afternoon off to a spirited start when they performed a series of traditional Irish dances. Well done, girls! Ms Savin Bulletin Extra • Key Stage 3 New Prefects The new Year 9 Prefects have made a good start in the Autumn Term in their new post. Congratulations to the new Key Stage 3 Head Prefect Team pictured below with the Head Girl Team. Tamera McIntosh 9T: Head Prefect Mayowa Opedo 9F: 1st Deputy Prefect Laura Spadafora 9F: Deputy Prefect Daiana Condrea 9A: Assistant Head Prefect Zosia Stoklasek 9A : Assistant Head Prefect Sandra Agyeman 9L : Assistant Head Prefect Hannah Anyanwu 9L: Assistant Head Prefect Victoriane’s Ambition On Friday 5th December, I went to North Middlesex Hospital to meet with Kanta Patel, a Consultant Midwife. This was arranged for me by my Mentor Mrs Lacey. I asked lots of questions: did you know that 52% of babies are born at night? Kanta told me it is because of the Moon’s rhythms. I was told that mothers pass on their antibodies in the breast milk to protect their babies. I had an absolutely amazing time and have definitely learnt alot. I now know how I can achieve my dream to become a midwife. It will take a lot of hard work but I am determined to achieve my goal. Victoriane, 9L Mr Maguire, Mrs Cheeseman, Ms Savin and Mrs Cowley would like to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Bulletin Extra • Key Stage 4 It seems like only yesterday that I was bidding farewell to the Lower Site and looking forward to pastures new in Palmers Green and now we are already at the end of the Autumn Term and what a busy term it has been, as you’ll see from these Bulletin pages! Year 10 have made the huge jump from Key Stage 3 into their GCSEs and have already undertaken ISAs and an English Controlled Assessment. Year 11 Prefects have comfortably stepped into their new roles of responsibility and have been busy with their Pre-Public Exams and Sixth Form applications. Key Stage 4 have taken part in number of different events: a tea party that was held for the elderly; they celebrated the annual Year 10 & 11 disco; awakened our Christmas spirit at the Bazaar, supported charities, Year 10 Drama students performed to the Year 9 girls on the Lower Site, they celebrated success at the annual Prize Giving Evening, Year 10 went on retreat and Year 11 collected their Summer 2014 exam certificates. City Hall Visit Children in Need On Monday 15th September, a group of aspiring lawyers and politicians accompanied by Mrs Cowley and Ms Lawrence visited City Hall. Unfortunately, Boris was not available on the day but he should thank his lucky stars as the girls were on top form with their questions on key topics such as education and communities. As always, St Anne’s girls were praised for their maturity and conduct but the highlight of the day was not only going into the London Assembly meeting room but being allowed to sit in the fancy custom made chairs and looking out over London! The Upper Site went back in time on Friday 14th November when we supported Children in Need day with an Eighties theme. The sounds of Madonna, Salt ‘n’ Pepper and Duran Duran filled the air at break time as we had a sing along which ended with Mr Foster, Ms Chin and Ms Lawrence doing a rendition of Come on Eileen on stage! Jeans for Genes Day Friday 19th September saw St Anne’s take part in the annual Jeans for Genes day event. It was beautiful to see such an array of colours as the girls supported this worthy charity. Staff and students in St Marianne House raised extra money by setting up a nail painting bar and adding extra colour to the day. Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Bulletin Extra • Key Stage 4 Key Stage 4 recognised National Anti-Bullying Week (17th to 21st November) this year with an assembly that featured the wonderful Sticks and Phones cyberbullying video produced by our Year 13 Media Studies students: The girls also created a ‘Tree of Strength’ where staff and students from each House hung messages of encouragement and positivity such as “if bullies are trying to bring you down – it means you are above them”. The lit tree was situated in the Foyer where many visitors to the building took time to stop and admire the tree and read the wonderful, inspiring messages. Friday 17th October saw the Upper Site turn pink as we supported Breast Cancer Care’s Pink Friday. Breast Cancer Care is a national charity that strives to ensure everyone affected by breast cancer receives the best treatment, information and support. Boxing Sessions The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award On Saturday 18th October, 40 Year 10 students took part in a Duke of Edinburgh Practice walk around Epping Forest. The girls had the opportunity to refine their map and compass reading skills as well as gaining team working skills. The highlight of the day was walking through the golf course where Njeri Alao 10T went to war with a patch of mud and lost her shoe. Njeri showed true St Anne’s spirit, recovered her shoe and completed the walk. Congratulations to all students who participated. Students from Key Stages 4 & 5 undertook a martial arts inspired boxing and fitness session run by Esmond Francis from Martial Way Training. The girls were amazing as always and learnt lots of new techniques as well as improving their fitness. These sessions now take place on a regular basis after school on a Friday. from Mr Foster, Ms Chin, Ms Lawrence and Mrs Forsyth Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Bulletin Extra • Key Stage 5 A New Head Girl and Deputies I would like to congratulate the new Head Girl, Christina Tejada, and her Deputy Head Girls who were appointed to their posts after a stringent, highly competitive application and interview process. The team quickly swung into action to ensure that their contribution to the whole school community is already making a positive impact. The Christmas Bazaar was their first event, and the Senior Prefects ensured it was a great success. They started setting up on Friday night before the bazaar, with plenty of singing and dancing to help the work along, and were in school on Saturday morning from 9.30am– 4.00pm to help with every aspect. They have been exceptional and I thank them for the time and effort they all put in. Among other things, the Head Girl team are also implementing a mentoring scheme to support younger students in their academic work throughout the school. BTEC L3 Portfolios Meantime our BTEC L3 students are working hard to produce work for their portfolios, essential in support of their course applications. Fantastic handbags are the latest item to be produced by our very talented Fashion and Clothing students. Currently they are working on Fascinator head gear inspired by nature and movie inspired designer clothing. Our Graphics and Design students played an integral role in the design of our new Sixth Form Building which is rapidly developing in readiness for its opening in September 2015. Mrs Gilling and I have had great fun choosing the components of the interior design, featuring beautiful pink student washroom facilities! It’s a very busy month in the Sixth Form office, with many of our students attending interviews at their chosen Universities. To prepare all our students for their interviews, the Sixth Form office have arranged repeated practice formal interviews with Oxbridge graduates, doctors and entrepreneurs. Subject Leaders and staff have also been involved in the preparation process, to ensure the success of our students in their applications. Our Year 13 this year have already attended interviews at Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol and Manchester and other top Universities. Their chosen courses include Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, History, Geography, Politics, English Literature, Architecture, Geology, Law and many more. The Sixth Form office is also particularly busy at this time of year with 1-1 Personal Statement completion with Year 13. This proved especially successful last year when the vast majority of our students went to their chosen Higher Education institutions. Some students are permanent residents in our office needing as many as 12 tutorials prior to completion! Our exceptional Art students are preparing their portfolios for applications to the London School of Fashion and the University of the Arts London. So, it has been another very busy term in the Sixth Form Centre. It is always a great pleasure to work with our girls and I would like to take this opportunity to wish them all a very happy Christmas. Mrs Turner Assistant Headteacher for 16-19 University Interviews Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Projects Abroad Bulletin Extra • Key Stage 5 Projects Abroad took our students off to Costa Rica this year to complete a range of volunteering projects including medicine, teaching, care, conservation and business finance. They had a fantastic time and gained lots of valuable experience, travelling, living and working independently. There is a lot of fund raising activity throughout the school to support the girls who have to raise in excess of £2,000 each, which is part of the challenge. Car washing, cake sales and other events provide a welcome relief from all the hard work all the Sixth Form. Take time to read this wonderful article on the Projects Abroad website written by Norma Molla, one of the students who went, to hear about the amazing experience our students had: Trans-IT, the partnership between Age UK Enfield and St. Anne’s Upper School, has now been running successfully for a number of years. Older people from the local community have been recruited by Age UK to be trained in the use of computers and be matched on a 1:1 basis with students from the Sixth Form. The sessions run very smoothly with both learner and student showing dedication. Not only were the basics of IT covered but just as importantly, the exchange of ideas and experience in a relaxed, informal setting. At the feedback session the volunteers said they most enjoyed “learning about plumbing, DIY and general history from my learner”. The older learner: “From the very beginning, I was totally unfamiliar with a computer – but now I feel I have made good progress with the incredible patience of my tutor and all the young volunteers.” Leonie de Botton Manager Age UK Trans-IT Project Yet again, we have provided a unique opportunity for both our students and members of the older generation in our Age UK Trans-IT sessions. We arrange with Age UK to provide computers, refreshments, a fun learning environment and best of all, wonderful Sixth Form tutors, to teach people how to use computers effectively. Our girls really enjoy the sessions as do the ladies and gentlemen who are taught a wide range of skills, including internet shopping, e-mailing, how to use Facebook and many more everyday skills which the girls have but the older generation have missed out on. It has really broadened the horizons of our welcomed visitors who pass on their life experiences to our intrigued students. There is much laughter and fun for all. This continues from October to April and is free to attend. Fazilat Nesar, one of our students, says of her experience: “At UK Trans-IT we teach our older people to learn new computer skills and apply them. We had to go through an interview to be selected, which was a life experience for us. This was then followed up by a training session. In our first session we were introduced to our learner, which was exciting yet nerve wracking as we waited for our introduction. Everyone got to know each other very quickly. It helps develop our communication skills, which will help our journey to become medics. It is interesting to see the sense of achievement they feel as they learn new skills and realise their potential. Also it helps us as students to understand our teacher and help us to recognise their methods of teaching, which makes us appreciate them more. It has been good to bridge the gap between the generations, as it has changed our perceptions of older people and their perceptions of our generation. I would recommend this programme for anyone who wants to develop their social skills or learn more about patience and care.” Please take time to visit our school website where you can view our students working with Age Concern. Mrs Turner Assistant Headteacher for 16-19 Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. Our New Head Girl Team Hello, my name is Christina Tejada and I am privileged to be St Anne’s new Head Girl for this academic year. I am also pleased to announce the new Deputy Head Girls: Rachel Obeng Carly McCarron Nwando Okechukwu Linh Ninh Sarah Gallegher Jessie Edwards Niamh Murray I would like to thank Mrs Gilling and Mrs Turner for appointing me as their new Head Girl and providing me with a diverse, determined and talented team to work with. I would also like to thank Haille McFarlane and the previous Head Girl Team for setting us a successful path to follow. Our main aims for this year are to continue to build the bridge between the Upper and Lower Sites as well as to make connections between our school and the local communities via a range of events. Some of the projects we plan on carrying out include: • • • • • Growing Girls & Sister-Sister Scheme to help girls grow into mature young ladies as well as help them with any problems they may face. An International Evening which will bring together the two Sites to enjoy an evening of cultural performances and food from all across the globe. A School Band that can perform at different functions within and outside the school. More sports teams led by girls from the Head Girl Team. More fundraising events and activities for charities such as ‘Help For Heroes’. We look forward to working with students, parents, teachers and Governors over the next academic year and will continue to represent the school and uphold the catholic ethos to the best of our abilities. School Prayer God our Father, source of all wisdom and love, you gave Saint Anne the privilege of being the mother of Mary, the Mother of your Son, Jesus Christ. May her faith inspire us to use the gifts and talents you have given us, to bring your life and love to others. Guide us, the community of St. Anne, to seek your way, truth and life in all our thoughts, words and deeds. Amen. • Tel: 020 8886 2165 (Upper Site) / 020 8366 0514 (Lower Site) Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God.