to THE CALL publication - Assyrian Orthodox Church of


to THE CALL publication - Assyrian Orthodox Church of
Quarterly Magazine of the
Assyrian Orthodox Church of Virgin Mary
July - August - September 2014
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652 •
A Quarterly Magazine of the Assyrian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary
Assyrian Orthodox Church Of the Virgin Mary
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652
Church Services
Divine Liturgy: Every Sunday 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Sunday School:
Every Sunday 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Includes $50 deacons fund
Minimum 1 deacon required
Weddings $300
Includes $25 Diocese registration fee and $50
Deacons fund, minimum 2 deacons required
Includes $50 deacons fund
Minimum 2 deacons required
Very Rev. Fr. John Khoury
637 Victoria Terrace, Paramus, NJ 07652
201.447.1329 - Fax: 201.251.2312
Church Information
Board of Trustees
Tevfik Sayanlar
George Saliba
Jemma Ayaz
Yalcin Turfan
Riyad Rachko
Nader Minas
Vice President
*Note: It is suggested that a contribution be given to the priest.
Memorial Services 40th or Year: If you wish to have coffee and
cake served to all parishioners in memory of a loved one following
a Memorial Service, kindly notify the Board of Trustees one week in
advance. The cost of donating coffee and cake is $200.
Social Hall Rentals: Contact Neil Akdemir (201.406.3689).
Damage deposit may be required. All parties must end by 1 a.m.
For Rental Fees, please contact Mr. Nail Akdemir
Advertising in The Call: Contact any board member.
A donation of $20 to cover the expenses
of printing 4 issues annually.
The Call is your quarterly Church Magazine. Consider making a donation
to cover expenses.
The Call
Assyrian Orthodox Church of Virgin Mary
644 Paramus Road
Paramus NJ 07652
Articles for the
next issue are due
November 30, 2014
The Call is printed four times a year
Winter Issue (January - February - March)
Spring Issue (April - May - June)
Summer Issue (July - August - September)
Fall Issue (October - November - December)
Neil Akdemir
Alan Aydin
Rosine Barone
Lenny Cheringal
Fuat Celikbas
Peter Nakkash
Ozcan Yarar
Coskun Tasci
Board of the Elders
Orhan Abaci
Sam Allos
Jack Aydin
Zakkour Chivi
Souheil Dunia
George Saliba
Adnan Aydin
Nuran Tasci
Zeki Celikbas
Edmond Rassam
Other Members
Aziz Akdemir
Deacons President
Gabriel Adamo Church Attorney
All submissions and questions
regarding The Call should be
directed to:
644 Paramus Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
Visit us at
Publishing of this quarterly magazine is made possible through your support.
Please advertise in THE CALL or DONATE to keep this magazine alive.
The Sunday of the Discovery of
the Holy Cross
By Very Rev. Fr. John Khoury
“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of man be lifted up, “That
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:14,15
When Moses delayed his decent from Mount Sinai, to bring to the people of Israel the Ten
Commandments, they murmured and complained to Aaron, Moses’ brother. The Israelites pondered
their predicament and alienation in the Sinai desert. And even Aaron, in a moment of weakness and disbelief, gave in and ordered
the people to break off and melt their gold earrings and erected the Golden Calf and worshiped him as god.
Yahweh became very angry and threatened to destroy His chosen people for going astray. Moses interceded and begged God to
cease and desist from His vow of annihilating the Israelites to whom He promised to bless and increase in great numbers. The Lord
God relented from the harm which He said He would inflict on His people. Exodus 32:14.
When Moses heard and witnessed the commotion and anger of his people and how they were worshiping the Golden Calf, he
found justification in God’s displeasure and wrath. Moses, himself, became extremely mad and broke the two Tablets on which
the Ten Commandments were inscribed, burnt down the Golden Calf and ground it to powder and made the children of Israel to
drink it. Moreover, Moses ordered the Levites’ sons, who sided with the Lord, to kill three thousands of the people of Israel. It was a
terrible massacre. Moses, ordered them to build a Serpent of Bronze, according to God’s order. And whoever was bitten by a snake
was healed when he looked on the Bronze Serpent.
Symbolically, lifting up the Bronze Serpent is likened to lifting up the Son of Man on the cross. Those who look up at the holy cross
and believe that the Son of man is truly the Son of God, are healed and saved and can obtain eternal life.
Crucifixion was indeed a very shameful and painful punishment. It was a curse to be crucified, “…for he who is hanged is accursed
of God”. Deuteronomy 21:23. The Romans passed the severe punishment of crucifixion on thousands of rebellious slaves,
historically speaking. Julius Caesar saw to it that those criminal slaves who rebelled against Rome were summarily crucified in the
First Century BC with their leader Spartacus. The Persians also meted out the punishment of death by crucifixion on criminals and
rabble rousers.
The Incarnation of the Son of God changed the meaning of the cross and the crucifixion from a negative punishment to a positive
reward. Jesus Christ was a peacemaker. He was called the Prince of Peace, the wonderful Healer and the great Teacher and the
miracles Maker. He was totally innocent of being called a law breaker. And that false accusation did not merit His crucifixion. Yet, he
accepted His destiny and even forgave His crucifiers.
Jesus’ death on the cross turned into a great blessing for us and not a curse or damnation. The cross turned into a symbol of
triumph and not into defeat or shame. Saint Peter and Saint Thomas and thousands of martyrs, who were crucified, considered
themselves honored and blessed to die on crosses like their Master and Lord Jesus Christ. No wonder Saint Paul says the following,
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved is the power of God”.I
Corinthians 1:18.
The message of the Holy Cross is powerful, meaningful and moving. If God, Himself, was willing to accept dying on the cross, then
from His suffering and death on it, we are given and granted salvation and redemption. King Constantine conquered his enemy,
Maxentius, his brother-in-law, when he, Constantine, used the cross, as his banner, as he was instructed to do in a vision. He saw the
following writing; Through You (the cross) I or we conquer our enemies
King Constantine was victorious in the year AD 312 and became the sole Ruler of the Roman Empire. And in the year AD 313 and in
the Edict
Of Milan, he declared Christianity the religion of the Empire. His mother, Helena, went to Jerusalem and discovered, with the help
of Roman authorities and Jewish natives, the Cross of our Lord, from among three crosses. When the three crosses passed over the
corpse of a dead young man, Jesus’ cross brought him to life. As a result of that great discovery and miracle, Helena, with her son’s
approval and help, built the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
The Discovery of the Holy Cross turned to be one of the holiest observations in the universal Christian church. We observe it on
September 14th. before or after this memorable date..
Continued on Page 19
September 2014
Re: Annual Membership Pledge, November 2014-2015
Dear Faithful Parishioner,
As a committed faithful parishioner of our beloved church, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for
your continued support and generosity throughout the years. As you know the maintenance and upkeep of
the church is a constant source of expense. Through your support, you have made our long term goals for
beautifying and maintaining our house of worship to slowly come to realization. We will continue to
provide for the needs of our growing community through various planned projects, as we intend for everyone
to consider the church as their spiritual home and place of worship. However, we can only achieve our
goals for the church with your help.
In order to continue undertaking our planned projects for the church we need your commitment to keep up
with your annual membership pledge of $100 a year per adult. Your generous contribution not only helps
support the church, but also the Sunday school, and all necessary programs and projects that allow our
church to provide for you and your family with spiritual and social support.
For your convenience, we have enclosed a membership card and a self addressed envelope to complete and
mail back with your contribution. You may also visit the Board’s office on Sundays for personal help; or
please visit the church’s website at for additional information.
We would like to thank you in advance for your continued generous pledge. Your financial support and
involvement are vital signs of your care and commitment to our church. All ideas and suggestions that you
may have are welcome.
May God bless you and your loved ones with good health and shower you with His grace.
Thank you,
Nader N. Minas
Membership Committee Chairman
Membership Reminder
Support your church by sending your membership dues. The membership fees are $100 per person (18 years or older) . It is a donation and
tax deductible too. All dues are due before the next elections in November. Help your church and become an active member.
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, New Jersey 07652
_________________________________________________________ Amount: $_____________
Address: _________________________________________________________ Check#: _______________
_______________________________ State _____ Zip ____________ Dated: ________________
LIST BELOW ALL VOTING MEMBERS 18 YEARS AND OLDER (Please Return this card with your pledge)
___________________________________ 3.
___________________________________ 4.
Re: Annual Membership Pledge, November 2014-2015
İsa Mesih Efendimizin huzur ve sulh gücü sizlerle ve aileniz ile beraber olsun.
Bilindiği gibi kilise masrafları her geçen yıl artmakta ve bunun karşılanması gerekmektedir.
İdare Heyeti olarak bizler, sayın kilise üyelerimizin yıllık aidatları hususunda gereken hassasiyeti
göstereceklerine inanıyoruz.
Sene sonu yakalaşımı nedeni ile kişi başına $100 (Yüz Dolar) olan aidatların ödenmesi gerekmektedir.
Bu nedenle aidatlarını ödemeyenlerin lütfen gereken yaklaşımı göstererek ödemelerini yapmalarını önemle
rica ederiz.
Meryem Ana Kilisesi İdare Heyeti
Finansal Sekreteri
Nader N. Minas
‫حضرة المؤمن العزيز‬
‫ ومن خالل دعمك الدائم لهذه المنظمة من خالل العمل في المشاريع المختلفة أو بتقديم شتى أشكال العون فإن دعمك يتم تقديره‬, ‫باعتبارك جزءا فعاال من كنيستك المباركة‬
.‫بأعلى درجة‬
‫ وكل المشاريع التي تمكن الكنيسة من القيام بواجبها في‬،‫ومدارس األحد‬،‫ الذي يذهب لتغطية مصاريف الكنيسة‬, 011 ,‫إن أحد أهم أشكال الدعم للكنيسة هو األشتراك السنوي‬
.‫خلق جو مسيحي صالح لك ولعائلتك‬
‫ بإمكانك أيضا زيارة‬.‫لتسهيل األمور قمنا بإرفاق بطاقة العضوية لملئها وإعادتها في الظرف المعنون إلرساله مع اإلشتراك‬
.‫مكتب المجلس الملي حيث يسعد أي عضو أن يقوم بمساعدتك‬
. ‫ كما نذكرك أن تبرعك واقتراحاتك تدل على اهتمامك بهذه الكنيسة‬،‫ كما نرحب بأي اقتراحات ترغب يتقديمها‬.‫نحب أن نشكرك مقدما لتبرعك الكريم‬
‫نرجو من هللا أن يباركك وعائلتك بالصحة والتوفيق‬
‫نادر ميناس‬
‫رئيس لجنة العضوية‬
Board of Trustees of the Church of Virgin Mary
By Tevfik Sayanlar, President
Dear Faithful Parishioners,
who has donated paint for the hall.
As the end of the summer is upon us, I hope everyone had a safe
and enjoyable summer. A few weeks ago we were so blessed
and joyful to have His Holiness celebrate the Holy Liturgy in our
church. We enjoyed a big attendance including parishioners
from all sister churches as well.
In a few days the contractor will begin the work to repair cracks
and damage on the exterior foundation and stucco walls facing
the patio.
As we go into the fall season, Sunday School registration
continues on Sundays right after the church services.
Work has continued on our church building and exterior
improvement projects.
Please be sure to notify us if you want to subscribe to our
church’s email list to receive our community news or if you have
recently changed your home address.
Finally, I would like to wish all our Sunday School and Pre-K
students returning back to school a great year. Please keep the
work of the Parish Council in your prayers.
Recently, some of the damaged sections of the concrete
walkway which had presented a trip hazard are replaced, the
church hall is painted. I would like to thank the Ipekci family
Tevfik Sayanlar
Ladies Aid
By Mary Sanar, President
Ladies Aid Society
years. The ladies have served whenever called upon for God’s
house. Serving has always been done with humility and
reverence for Who we are serving.
Our Ladies Aid Society organized the refreshments for our
Archdiocese Open House, Midland Ave., Paramus held
on September 14, 2014. Many thanks to our sister ladies
organizations who help by preparing desserts and serving that
day. Our hands are in the hands of our Lord.
Our prayer is that our ladies will continue on His path of
servitude. All for His glory.
Mary Sanar,
Our ladies organizations have been established for over 100
President Ladies Aid Society
Suryani American Social & Cultural Association (S.A.A.)
By Sait Elmas, President
This coming season, Suryani American Association(S.A.A.) will
celebrate, 2 events, Annual thanksgiving day and New year eve.
Celebration of thanksgiving day will start with Holy liturgy on
Thursday November 27, 2014 at 4.00pm in our church, followed by
a celebration at our social hall.
Delicious turkey and appetizers will be served along with
entertainment. We invite every one of you to this annual
celebration, but since seats are limited, advance reservations is
This party will be free of charge to our parishioners. Monetary
donations will be greatly appreciated.
Following event of the year will be, annual New Year eve party,
which will be held in our social hall on Wednesday December 31,
2014 eve.
We will have delicious food along with entertainment. All are
invited. Advance reservations requested.
It has been a very difficult year for our Suryani brothers and sisters
in the middle east especially the ones in Iraq and Syria.
Many of them forced to leave their home. Whoever remains are
not sure about their future. We pray for everyone’s safety. We must
support them in many ways as we can.
May GOD bless you all.
Sait Elmas/President
Please keep our church premises clean inside and out
Let a board member know of any issues
Fr Elias Shabo
Teaneck - NJ. On Friday July 11, 2014, his Holiness bestowed the
pectoral Holy Cross upon Fr. Elias Shabo in appreciation for his tireless
service to the community for the past 17 years in the patriarchal
vicarate of Eastern USA. His Holiness also thanked Fr. Elias Shabo for
his service to the St. Barsawmo church during Fr. Shamoun’s sickness
and after his passing away. Mr Neil Aydin, president of the board at
St. Barsawmo, also joined his holiness in thanking Fr Eli Shabo for his
care and service to the church during its difficult times.
Fr Elias never says No to anyone. He is always there when needed. We
thank Fr Elias for his dedication to serve the Lord. Congratulations.
From the Sunday School
By Sunday School Staff
Sunday Opening Day was Sunday 7, 2014.
Our 2014-2014 staff this year is Kindergarten; Yesim Turfan,
Assistants Melissa Akdemir & Laura Akdemir ; 1st. Grade; Jane
Jallo, Assistant; Stephanie Boyaci, 2nd. Grade, Julie Jallo, Assistants
Emily Maksoud: Kelsie Hannavi; 3rd. Grade, Joyce Jallo: Celine
Aliko Assistant; 4th. Grade, Stephanie Yachouh, Estelle Akdemir:
Renee Aliko 5th. Grade; Helda Minas, Assistant Christopher
Minas: Senior Grade; Issa Yachouh, Teen Bible Study; Sammy
Sanar; Bayhan Akdemir & Margaret Celikbas: Co-Superintendents;
Co-ordinates: Gladys Grasso, Mary Sanar and Theresa Jallo, Hall
Assistants; Brendan & Liam Rooney and Sunday School Advisor:
Linda Khoury.
Our next issue we will have a complete committee report on our
volunteering parents who are so essential to our Sunday School
Our appreciation to Karen Yayla who was our Sunday School
Superintendent for the past two years. Karen was a dynamic
and inspirational leader who was always prepared and ready to
take on the challenges put upon her. She “traded her talents”
successfully. Luckily for us Karen is still very much involved in our
Sunday School and will continue on with helping us. Thank-you
Our Sunday School has two additional grades, 4th. and 5th. added
to our curriculum. Our next achievement will be 6th. & 7th. grades
for 2014-2015 and then 8th. & 9th. grades the following year.
This is a tremendous feat of faith for our Syriac Orthodox church.
Teachers and students both benefit from this curriculum which
includes a teacher manual, student book and coloring activity
book (lower grade). There is a CD which contains our Syriac
vocabulary, greetings and hymns done in a progressive grade
level set-up. God bless all those who are involved in this project
and we applaud them for their commitment & dedication to our
children’s spiritual growth.
A thank-you to Emanuel & Stephanie Rahab for donating a new
computer to our Sunday School. A thoughtful gesture is well
appreciated by all.
We look forward to our Sunday School program filled with our
love and enthusiasm to imprint His word into the hearts & souls of
His little ones.
In the spirit of mutual commitment between our staff and parents
we ask our Lord to guide all of us to fulfill our ongoing mission of
instilling His word into the hearts and souls of our children.
Sunday School Staff
Aramaic American Association
By Fay Shabo
The Aramaic American Association is proudly starting
Mor Aphrem Syriac School at Virgin Mary’s Church in
Paramus, for the year 2014-2015, on September 26. We ask
all the Suryoye to help our school, so we can help spread
the Syriac language in the diaspora. Whoever wants
to learn the Language of Jesus Christ- regardless what
level, even starters- are welcome. Children’s hours are on
Fridays 8:30p.m. Adults, should speak with
Rev. Fr. Eli Shabo for the timing. If you did not register
your child, it’s not too late. We’re willing to take him or her
any time.
We don’t ask for any donations, but if somebody wants to
donate for this noble cause, we will be very grateful.
Please keep our church premises clean inside and out
Let a board member know of any issues
Board Of Trustees Elections - November 16, 2014
The Church of Virgin Mary will have its annual Board Of Trustees elections held on November 16,
2014. Any member of the community can run for elections by filling and submitting a written
application to the Board Office no later than November 2, 2014 by 2PM (2 weeks prior to elections).
Applications are available at Trustee’s office. All submissions after the deadline are not accepted.
Pledges must be paid 2 weeks prior to Election Day. Only members who paid their pledges can cast
a vote. One ballot/vote for every voting member.
Candidates’ pledge must be paid for the last 2 consecutive years in that Election year and candidate
cannot pay for previous year.
There are 5 vacancies. Names of candidates will be on the ballots and displayed on monitor. All
ballots must have at least 3 names chosen and 5 at most. Any ballot that has less than 3 names
will be discarded.
Voting members can vote only in one church.
Candidates must be able to speak, read & write in the English language.
The Board of Trustees would
like to acknowledge and thank
the following individuals and
businesses for their support in
caring and for maintaining the
Church of Virgin Mary.
their generous donation for
paint and material used to
paint the social hall August
COOLING for their continued
maintenance of our heating
and air conditioning systems
at no charge.
Please keep our church premises clean inside and out
Let a board member know of any issues
Assyrian Orphanage and School Association of America
vulnerable and needy.
By Peter Nakkash, President
We are reaching out to you asking you to extend your support
with a tax deductible donation that will help save a life, care
for the education of our needy Syriac student, or simply make
them feel they are not forgotten. Although we are not going to
have a party this year, We are asking our supporters to please
send a donation in lieu of the party. Your generous donation
will go a long way with those in need.
Dear TMS Supporter,
For over 115 years, the Assyrian Orphanage
and School Association of America has been a
staunch supporter of education, orphans and
other needy children in our Syriac Orthodox
Communities around the world. Funds are
normally raised through our annual Christmas drive, private
donations and our Annual Dinner Gala. Your care and
generosity have been outstanding, and we THANK YOU for that.
Earlier this year, we have canceled the annual dinner event
due to the passing of His Holiness the late Moran Mor Ignatius
Zakka I. As a result, much needed funds that would have
been channeled to helping the orphans were missed. This
year, the need for such funds is even greater due to the war
and inhuman suffering being endured, along to the lack of
basic life necessities. However, similar to previous times, your
overwhelming kindness always shined through for the most
May God bless you as you extend your helping hand to these
unfortunate ones.
Think of others. You can send any donations to: ASSYRIAN ORPHANAGE AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION
C/O Peter Nakkash
644 Paramus Road,
Paramus, NJ 07652
Our annual Party has been scheduled for April 2015, so please
save the date. We will send notification of the actual date.
Come Celebrate Our
115th Anniversary
Annual Benefit
Assyrian Orphanage and
School Association of America
Taw Meem Simkat
Live Music
Middle Eastern Mazza
April 2015
All proceeds go to our orphanages and schools
Sunday Nov. 2 and Nov. 9
Come and enjoy the great food and delicious
pastries at our annual bazaar.
Everyone is invited
right after Church
at Church Grounds
644 paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652
Syriac Urhoy Organization
Kabob Batenjan Party
Saturday October 25, 2014 at 8:00 pm
To be held at the Church of Virgin Mary Social Hall
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652
Entertainment Includes:
Suryoyo, Arabic and International Music
$40 adults / $15 children (under 10)
Kabob Batenjan, Middle-eastern mazza, Soft drinks
For Reservations
Basile Minas: (201) 970-4955
Peter Nakkash: (201) 264-5574
Amine Minas: (201) 960-0471
Tony Jabaly: (917) 642-6630
George Makdis: (201) 873-5039
Joni Makdis: (201) 523-0002
Seating is limited, please make your reservations as soon as possible.
Community Welcomes New Priest in the Archdiocese
Teaneck - NJ. On Friday July 11, 2014, his Holiness completed
the Ordination of Deacon Gabriel Barsoum Alkass to the rank
of Holy Priesthood at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Teaneck, NJ.
Father Gabriel Barsoum AlKass to Serve Our Community at
Mor Barsawmo Church in Wyckoff.
Father Gabriel, born March 14th, 1961 to Abouna Barsoum
and Sitto Eychou, in a village outside Qamishli, Syria. He grew
up with 4 sisters and two brothers and was the youngest
among them. At the age of 7, the family moved into the city
of Qamishli where he first became a deacon in Mor Ephraim
church. In 1981, Father Gabriel moved to America in hope
to start his future. On July 4th, 1987, Father Gabriel married
Madeliene Kiriakos and God blessed them with two children.
In 1990, Father Gabriel had his calling and decided to attend
Coptic Orthodox Theological School for 3 years, where he
studied the word of God. At the same time, he was serving
the alter at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Hackensack, NJ as a deacon.
Over the years, Father Gabriel was asked to become a priest by several different churches. But waiting patiently because he
believed in the word of God that says, “Who can command and have it done if the Lord has not ordained it?” (Lamentations, 3:37).
On July 9th, 2014, Father Gabriel was ordained as a full deacon in Mor Barsawmo church in Wyckoff, NJ by his Eminence Dyonissios
John Kawak. Two days later, on July 11, Father Gabriel was ordained into priesthood by His Holiness Mor Ignatius Ephrem II
surrounded by many family and friends. It was a very blessed and joyful night. Congratulations to Father Gabriel for his new
calling and we wish him a very blessed spiritual journey.
Donate - Save a LIFE
In Defence of Christians Summit and Patriarch
Aphrem II meets with President Obama
The deteriorating situation facing millions of Christians and
other religious minorities in the Middle East was the focus of a
bipartisan and ecumenical conference in the nation’s capital.
The three-day event sponsored by “In Defense of Christians”
(IDC) had speakers from all over the globe.
The primary purpose of the Summit was to bring all members
of the Diaspora together in a newfound sense of unity. Whether
Orthodox or Catholic; Evangelical, Coptic or Maronite; Syriac,
Lebanese, Chaldean or Assyrian – all Middle Eastern Christians
called on to join together in solidarity.
On Thursday September 11, 2014, His Holiness Patriarch Mor
Ignatius Aphrem II and the delegation of the patriarchs of the
East met with US President Barak Obama in the White House.
The meeting came at the end of the “In Defense of Christians”
summit which took place in Washington, DC from September
9-11, 2014.
At first, the patriarchs and bishops met with the US National
Security Advisor Suzan Rice; she listened to their demands
and discussed the problems that Christians in the Middle East
are facing. She also reviewed their recommendations and
suggestions to solve the crisis and help Christians in the Middle
The patriarchs then handed over to President Obama
a memorandum which includes their demands and
recommendations. They then met with him for more than 35
Patriarch Aphrem II presented his heartfelt condolences on
the occasion of the 13th commemoration of the September
11 attacks. He then asked the president to help in finding and
working for the immediate release of the two abducted bishops
Mor Gregorius Youhanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yaziji who have
been abducted for more than 500 days. Moreover, Patriarch
Aphrem II demanded international protection for Christians
and other minorities in the Nineveh Plains and asked President
Obama to opt for a peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria.
In turn, President Obama declared that the United States of
America fights terrorism and seeks to ensure that basic rights
and freedom are respect as well as spreading the principles of
democracy in the world.
Standing Conference Oriental Orthodox Churches
Submitted By Mary Garah
On Saturday August 16th, the Very Reverend Fr. John Khoury, Patriarchal Vicar for the Eastern Diocese of the Syriac Orthodox
Church, and the faithful of the Assyrian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in Paramus, NJ hosted more than 130 youth, more
than a dozen clergy, and a number of youth servants, at the Third Annual SCOOCH Oriental Orthodox Youth Conference.
You can read more about this event:
Very Reverend Fr. John wrote to reflect back on the conference:
“It was our pleasure to host the Third Annual Standing Conference of Oriental Orthodox Churches. This event
achieved the goal of bringing our youth together and enhance their knowledge of each of the participating churches. In addition, your committee brought the attendees to get to know each other by rekindling friendships made
from past conferences and beginning new friendships. Each year your conference is growing in attendance
which is attributed to your continued efforts to be His servants by doing His will and spreading His word:
For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister…Mark 10:45
May you continue to receive God’s blessing”
“The SCOOCH conference is an excellent way to improve
relations with other Christians as we strive for unity in the body
of Christ.” -John Dere, Youth Director for Archdiocese of the Syriac
Orthodox Church for the Eastern United States.
“It was extremely enlightening informatively; to see all 6 of
our churches give those presentations helped put in perspective
our church in respects to Christianity globally” - Farrah Erik, Mor
Gabriel Church.
YOUR Conduct Inside The Church
It is not appropriate to chew gum
It is not appropriate to cross your legs
It is not appropriate to talk unnecessarily during services or distract others.
It is not appropriate for children to run inside the church
BBQ at St Mark’s
On Sunday July 27,
2014 Father Joseph
(during his Sermon
that morning) spoke
about putting our
full Trust in God, and
not to lean on our
own understanding
because we are
sinful human beings.
That evening, Youth
President Phil Fermano
& Youth Director John
Dere expanded on
what it means to Trust
God and the benefits
of doing so.
BBQ at Virgin Mary
On Saturday, August
2nd, Virgin Mary
Church hosted a BBQ/
Bonfire for Jr. Youth
ages 13+. During
the bonfire, Robert
Ayaz spoke about
the Two Differences
of Believers, and the
Youth from all sister
churches were all
very receptive.
Fun at the Youth Retreat in Warwick, NY (by Mary Garah)
On Friday August 22nd, when thirty Jr. Youth arrived to Paramus, the chaperones checked their bags, had lunch, and then enjoyed
an M&M/Skittles icebreaker game where the kids got to know one another. Father Aziz then met us in Paramus where he led in
prayer and came with us to the Warwick Center. After checking in, Fr. Aziz Hadodo conducted a Bible Study discussing our theme,
James 4:10: “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up,” through the parable of the Good Samaritan in the
Gospel of Luke 10:29-37. After evening prayers and dinner, the junior youth had free time. Some chaperones took Jr. Youth to the
basketball courts and park/open field area. Then, we played the movie Heaven is For Real. Later on, John Dere led in meditation. The
Jr. Youth were really engaged and spent a few minutes meditating next to the candles afterwards....More in the next issue
Q & A with his Holiness.
On Tuesday, September 23rd, Youth from all different churches enjoyed a night of Q&A with
H.H. Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II. His Holiness even registered to our event when he walked in. God Bless our Youth and always
keep our Patriarch in your prayers!
Join The
Suryoyto Women’s Day
Suryoyto Women’s Day, September 27, 2014
Teaneck, NJ - Over a hundred suryoto women and clergy from
all area churches gathered on a Friday evening at St Mark’s
Cathedral in Teaneck, NJ on Friday to focus on the “Heroines of
the Syriac Tradition” which was presented by Prof. Jeanne-Nicole
Mellon Saint-Laurent. The lecture was dedicated in memory
of Very Rev. Fr. Shamoun Asmar. This meeting focused on
heroines of the Syriac tradion: mothers, martyrs, and monastics.
The meeting reviewed women from these categories in late
antiquity (approximately 2nd to 8th century) whose lives were
models of holiness and sanctity for the Christian Church. The
lecture also explored and discussed how their lives became
models for their tradition and how stories about these women
circulated in the tradition.
Great work and thanks to all who made this event a success.
Our beautiful social hall is available to rent for weddings and parties.
Please book the hall for your next event.
for rental information, Contact Neil Akdemir 201.406.3689 -
Health & Fitness
14 Benefits of Garlic You Never Knew
eating counterparts.
7. Treats High Blood Pressure
People who suffer from high blood pressure may find some help in
eating garlic.
8. Psoriasis Treatment
Due to its anti-inflammatory nature, rubbing garlic on skin that’s
affected by psoriasis may reduce symptoms. If used often enough,
garlic may reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks.
9. Tames Cold Sores
Garlic is one of my favorite herbs. It is known for flavoring dishes,
most notably pastas and breads. Beyond cooking, garlic is
incredibly good for the body and contains many health benefits, so
what’s not to love? (Just remember to pop in a few mints next time
you indulge in garlicky goodness.)
Because of the anti-inflammatory properties mentioned above,
garlic is also known to get rid of cold sores. Placing a small piece of
garlic directly on a cold sore has been shown to reduce the size of
the sore.
10. Splinter Removal
The Benefits
Garlic has been proven to coax splinters out easily. Cut a small
piece of garlic and place it directly over a splinter, securing it with a
1. Colon, Stomach, and Rectal Cancer Prevention
11. Soothe Toothaches
Garlic can improve your chances of avoiding these three types of
cancer. However, be warned: garlic supplements don’t do the trick,
so make sure you’re getting your garlic from the real thing.
Placing a small sliver of garlic directly on an aching tooth can help
soothe the pain.
2. Cold Protection
Because of its antioxidant-rich nature, garlic can arm you against
colds. Even if you end up catching a cold, adding more garlic
to your diet can improve your symptoms and help get the cold
moving out of your system.
3. Regulates Blood Sugar
Diabetics have turned to garlic to help regulate their blood sugar
levels. Garlic naturally helps in the production of insulin in the
4. Reduces Acne
While it doesn’t do much good for this internally, rubbing a slice of
garlic on your skin can help clear up acne. For best results, do this
right before bed and wash it off in the morning.
5. Hair Growth
This is another external use for garlic. It has been shown to improve
growth in places of hair loss on the scalp. Squeeze some garlic over
your scalp, and gently massage.
6. Tick Bite Prevention
Scientists have found that people who regularly include garlic in
their diets suffer significantly fewer tick bites than their non-garlic
Peter Nakkash Ozcan Yarar
Nader Minas Emily Nakkash Riyad Rachko Editor-in-Chief
Coordinator & Advertising
Copy Editor / Graphic Design
Coordinator & Printing
Advertising / Organization Reporting
12. Fights Allergies
Garlic can help ease the severity of allergies, especially those that
affect the airways. Garlic helps reduce inflammation of airways and
soothe areas of irritation.
13. Combats Hip Osteoarthritis
Eating garlic, and related foods such as onions and leeks, can help
reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis of the hip, and slow
down its progression.
14. Prevents Weight Gain
Garlic can help stop weight gain by changing the way fat cells in
the body are made.
What Amount is Enough?
Some of the benefits of garlic involve eating it, while others require
you to use the herb externally. The external uses involve very small
amounts of garlic, and some, such as the treatment of psoriasis,
depends on the size of the affected area. For internal uses, many
recommend eating about one clove a day. Luckily, garlic is easy to
include in many foods, so get creative and enjoy the benefits!
REPORTERS Sait Elmas Mary Garah Mary Sanar Linda Khoury Peter Nakkash Tevfik Sayanlar Suryani American Association
Paramus Youth
Ladies Aid
Sunday School
Assyrian Orphanage & School
Board of Trustees
Church Calendar & Events
October 2014
5: The Third Sunday after Discovery of Holy Cross
12: The Fourth Sunday after Discovery of Holy Cross
19: The Fifth Sunday after Discovery of Holy Cross
26: The Sixth Sunday After Discovery of Holy Cross
November 2014
2: The Sanctification of the Church
9: The Renewal of The Church
16: The Annunciation to Zachariah
23: The Annunciation to Mary, Mother of God
30: Visitation of Mother of God to Elizabeth
December 2014
7: Birth of John The Baptist
14: Vision of Joseph
15: Christmas Fast, (10 Days)
21: Sunday Before Christmas
25: Christmas Day (Mowlodo)
28: The Sunday after Christmas
Christmas Greetings &
New Year Wishes
will be available in the next
issue of THE CALL. If you
wish to list your name on the
greetings page, please submit
your name to any board
July 27th., 2014 Amelia , daughter of Nader & Mary Minas
August 10th. Naseef Christian, son of Shadi Marline Farah
May God bless these children who became members of God’s
Holy Family.
August 1st. Amanda Sawma & Christopher Freeman
September 7th. Katharina Candan & Joseph Akdemir
Congratulations for the newly weds
July 3rd. Funeral for the late Ramzi Frengul, survived by a son
Nadhim and brother Subhi Frengul
July 25th. Suat Aydin, late wife of Sabo, late mother of sons
Edward, George, Fuat, Adnan, Nadir and daughters Janet and
August 20th,. Chamoun Latte, Late husband of Magida, late
father of sons: Pierre, Elias & daughters: Randa, Pauline, Sadi,
August 26th. Sitto Akdemir,Late wife of her late husband
Malke Akdemir & late father to sons: Aziz, Gabriyel, Nail, Victor
& daughter: Samso Dilmac & sister: Kahzme Celik
September 4th. Ana (Anita) Rassam the late wife of Edmund
Rassam and the late mother of Anita Dadaian and Deborah
Our deepest sympathies to the families and friends. May their
souls be resting in God’s heavenly abode.
The Sunday of the Discovery of the Holy Cross.... Continued from Page 3
The Holy Cross was the means by which heaven and earth met and were bridged through the Incarnation of the Word. As children,
when we were baptized, our foreheads were stamped with the sign of the holy cross, and thus became Chrisitians, brothers and
sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And at the time of death, the holy sign of the cross is stamped on our bodies signifying the victory of life over death, because of
Christ’s death and His resurrection. And through the Holy Cross we make our long journey to Paradise and finally to the Kingdom of
Through the Holy Cross we are saved and not dammed.
Through the Holy Cross we are alive and not dead.
Through the Holy Cross we are victorious and not defeated.
Through the Holy Cross we are exalted and not humiliated.
We, Christian believers, through the Holy Cross, conquer our enemies: sin, death and the devil.
Very Reverend John Khoury
Some Things You Should Know While in Church
Entering the Church
Arrive early
When entering the Church, cross yourself in prayer
Do not enter or leave the Church during:
1. The Epistle or Gospel reading;
2. During the sermon (homily);
3. During the Great Entrance;
4. During the Anaphora and Consecration of the Holy
Gifts at the Divine Liturgy;
5. On all occasions when the Priest turns toward the
Conduct while in the Church
It is not appropriate to chew gum
It is not appropriate to cross your legs
Publishing this Quarterly Magazine and
mailing out to all the parishioners is a major
expense. This can only happen through
your support and donations.
- Advertise your business in The Call
- Donate $20/year to enable us to print and
mail it out to you.
Unless we have enough “THE CALL”
donations, this magazine will be e-mailed
out in the future.
It is not appropriate to talk unnecessarily during services or
distract others.
It is not appropriate for children to run inside the church
Receiving Holy Communion
Although no one should come to the Divine Liturgy late, if
one does come as late as after the reading of the Gospel,
he or she should not receive Holy Communion. In order to
receive Holy Communion a person must:
1. Be Baptized (or Chrismated) into the canonical Orthodox
2. Be prepared by prayer, repentance (and recent
Confession), and fasting for at least 3 hours from food,
drink, and smoking.
3. Observe the Church Fast.
4. Seek to be reconciled with fellow Orthodox Christians,
particularly of the community.
To date, the email database contains 215 email
addresses. Many of you have submitted their email
information. The Board of Trustees is asking you
to provide your email to communicate important
information with the parishioners of the church.
If you want to be notified of any church activity,
please submit your email to any board member
OR send an email to “”
requesting to be added to the list.
Membership Reminder
Support your church by sending your membership dues. The membership fees are $100 per person (18 years or older) . It is a donation and
tax deductible too. All dues are due before the next elections in November. Help your church and become an active member.
644 Paramus Road, Paramus, New Jersey 07652
_________________________________________________________ Amount: $_____________
Address: _________________________________________________________ Check#: _______________
_______________________________ State _____ Zip ____________ Dated: ________________
LIST BELOW ALL VOTING MEMBERS 18 YEARS AND OLDER (Please Return this card with your pledge)
___________________________________ 3.
___________________________________ 4.
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