Still time to decorate the mitten tree


Still time to decorate the mitten tree
December 2011
Beltrami Electric
Cooperative Inc.
Still time to decorate the mitten tree
Drop off items at Beltrami Electric
Beltrami Electric is still accepting donations of new and homemade mittens, gloves, hats or scarves for
distribution to area Head Start programs. If you’d like to help keep our area children warm and cozy this
winter, please consider joining BEC in collecting these items. Donations can be delivered to the Beltrami
Electric office at 4111 Technology Dr. NW in Bemidji. Donations will be accepted until Friday, Dec. 9, and
be distributed the following week.
Northern Lights (USPS 016488), Vol. 58, No. 12 is
published monthly by Beltrami Electric Cooperative
Inc., 4111 Technology Drive N.W., Bemidji,
Minnesota 56619-0488. Subscription rate $5.
Periodicals postage paid at Bemidji, MN 56601.
Postmaster: Please send address corrections to
Beltrami Electric Cooperative Inc., P.O. Box 488,
Bemidji, Minnesota 56619-0488.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Customer Service: 218-444-2540
or 1-800-955-6083
Board of Directors
Vice President
Rick Coe, DISTRICT 6
Frank Zentek, DISTRICT 5
Arnold Christianson, DISTRICT 7
(Square Butte Director)
Judy Honer, DISTRICT 9
Directors: Murl Nord, DISTRICT 1; Lea Perkins,
DISTRICT 2; Jeff Nelson, DISTRICT 3; Jerry Larson
Sr., DISTRICT 4; Terry Diffley, DISTRICT 8, (Minnkota
General Manager
Lynette Nieuwsma
Mitch Raile
Minnesota State Electrical Inspectors
Beltrami and Clearwater Counties
Mark Smythe
218-751-0487 or fax 218-751-3900
Cass and Hubbard Counties
Steve Schauland
218-652-2213 or fax 218-333-0451
These are the inspectors covering the area served
by Beltrami Electric. They can be reached by
phone Monday through Friday between 7 and
8:30 a.m. or by fax or e-mail as indicated.
Gopher State One Call
1-800-252-1166 or 811
Anyone who plans to dig is required by law to
notify the state of their intentions at least 48
hours in advance.
All digging requires the 48-hour notification
so that buried telephone line, television cable,
pipelines, electrical lines, water lines and sewer
lines can be located to ensure that none will be
severed or damaged.
ON THE COVER: The 2010 Mitten Tree
was overflowing with the generous
donations of Beltrami Electric members
and nonmembers.
Northern Lights • December 2011
Across the
Lynette Nieuwsma, General Manager
A busy December for
Beltrami E lectric
This month, I am going to say very
little about the Regional Haze issue.
However, I do want to thank all of
those folks who have contacted the
Environmental Protection Agency and
told them to follow North Dakota’s
State Implementation Plan, which has
been determined to be a very good and
affordable option.
Though I don’t have a specific
number, I can say that there were
at least 3,000 submissions made via In addition, an
unknown number of supporters have
also contacted the EPA with other
forms of communication. We won’t
know that number for a little while.
The comment period is now over and
we are waiting for the next steps in
the process. I would like to hope the
EPA hears your concerns and makes
the right decision. It will be a very
important step of the process with
more action to come. Of course, we’ll
pass that information on to you as
soon as we hear.
Budget almost complete
The staff and I have been working
hard to solidify the 2012 budget.
I am happy to say that it doesn’t
look like there will be a need for
Minnkota Power to change its revenue
requirements. There may be minor
structure changes, but it should have
little impact on your bill. One big
point of emphasis we have focused on
internally at the Cooperative for the
past few years is ways to keep costs
at a minimum. I am proud to report
that our employees have done a great
job staying within budget and holding
a line on costs. This effort can’t go
unrecognized and I want to thank
them on behalf of the members. In the
following months, we’ll have a more
detailed explanation of any changes
you could see on your bill in 2012.
Capital credits make us different
This month, many members will
see a capital credit refund on their
Beltrami Electric statements. In fact,
about 10,750 members will receive
some kind of credit on their bill. This
feature is one of the big differences
between a cooperative and an investorowned utility (IOU). When an IOU
returns dividends, they go only to the
stockholders of that company. The
average customer would not see any
type of payment from the profits of
the company. However, because every
member of a cooperative is also an
owner, they all see a portion of the
revenue. Beltrami Electric takes pride
in being able to return this money to
you, the members, via a check, or for
the most part, a credit on your bill.
continued on page 3
Donate to the Mitten Tree
There are many children in our area
who go to school or day care without
winter gloves, scarves or hats because
their families have financial troubles.
Our Cooperative has been decorating
our “Mitten Tree” for a long while as part
of our key principle of Commitment to
Community. In fact, many generous folks
have donated hundreds of new items
to area schools in Bemidji, Blackduck,
Kelliher, Laporte, Red Lake and Cass Lake
over the years. We are happy to assist in the
coordination and delivery of these mittens
but could not do it without the donations
of the items. Please help us continue this
wonderful holiday tradition and donate
new items to decorate our tree, which
stands in the lobby of our office. Last year’s
tree is on the front cover of this issue of the
Northern Lights, along with information on
how to help. Thank you for your effort and
continued support.
Happy holidays and until next month,
How to apply:
1. Purchase LED Christmas plug-in (not battery
operated) lights and decorations in 2011.
2. Complete this coupon and submit it to Beltrami
Electric Cooperative by Dec. 31, 2011, with your
original sales receipt and the LED packaging
showing the LED logo and number of lights per string.
Account #
Number of Strings
Phone #
Rebate per String
Total Rebate
3. Strings must be 100 or fewer lights.
4. $3/string of lights, maximum of 5 strings per customer.
Rebate cannot exceed price of LED string per package.
Mail to:
Beltrami Electric Cooperative • P.O. Box 488 • Bemidji, MN 56619-0488
Northern Lights • December 2011
deserve the credit
Beltrami Electric returns more than $625,000 to members
t’s time for you to get the credit –
capital credits, that is – you deserve
for helping build and sustain your
local electric cooperative. This
December, Beltrami Electric returns
more than $625,000 to more than 14,000
members and former members across the
service area.
You might not realize it, but when
you signed up to receive electric service
from Beltrami Electric, you became a
member – and owner – of an electric
utility. While investor-owned utilities
return a portion of any profits back to
their investors, electric co-ops operate
on a not-for-profit basis. So instead
of returning leftover funds, known as
margins, to investors who might not live
in the same region or even the same state
as you do, we periodically issue capital
credits (also called patronage capital or
equity capital) based on how much you
paid the co-op for electricity during a
specified time period.
This year, members from 1991 to the
present will receive capital credits through
a bill credit, reflecting your ownership of
the cooperative during those years. That
may seem like a long time ago. During
those 20 years, Beltrami Electric saved
part of what was paid by members to
cover emergency expenses and to build
and maintain a reliable electric delivery
For more information on this
rewarding part of cooperative business,
read the following Q & A:
Common Capital Credits Questions:
What are capital
Retained margins left over at the
end of a year at a not-for-profit electric
cooperative. Capital credits represent
the most significant source of equity for
Beltrami Electric. Since a cooperative’s
“shareholders” are also the people the
co-op serves, capital credits reflect each
member’s ownership in the cooperative.
Northern Lights • December 2011
This differs from dividends investorowned utilities pay shareholders, who
may or may not be customers of the utility.
Where does the money
come from?
Member-owned, not-for-profit
electric utilities like Beltrami Electric set
rates to generate enough money to pay
operating costs, make payments on any
loans and provide an emergency reserve.
At the end of each calendar year, we
subtract operating expenses from the total
amount of money collected during the
year. The balance is called a “margin.”
How are margins
Margins are allocated to members as
capital credits based on their purchases
from the cooperative – how much power
the member used. Member purchases may
also be called patronage.
Why does my
cooperative refund
capital credits?
Doing so follows one of our seven
cooperative principles – Members’
Economic Participation. This principle
states: “Members allocate surpluses for
any or all of the following purposes:
developing the cooperative, possibly by
setting up reserves, part of which at least
would be indivisible; benefiting members
in proportion to their transactions with
the cooperative; and supporting other
activities approved by the membership.”
Does Otter Tail Power or
Minnesota Power refund
capital credits?
No. Capital credits only exist at notfor-profit electric cooperatives owned by
their members.
Are capital credits
refunded every year?
Each year, the Beltrami Electric board
of directors makes a decision on whether
to refund capital credits based on the
financial health of the cooperative. During
some years the co-op may experience high
growth in the number of new accounts
added or severe storms may result in the
need to spend additional funds to repair
lines. Both events might keep member
equity low, causing the board to defer
any capital credits refunds. For this
reason, BEC’s ability to return margins
to members in the form of capital credits
reflects the cooperative’s strength and
financial stability.
What years will be
refunded in December
Beltrami Electric will be refunding
25 percent of 1991 capital credits and
2 percent of total remaining equity to
members who purchased electricity from
the cooperative since 1991 to present.
How much will
be refunded in
December 2011?
Electric (with capital credits due) will
receive a check with a minimum amount
of $15. Current members will receive a
bill credit on their December statement.
How much has Beltrami
Electric paid in total
capital credits refunds
since it began in 1940?
BEC has paid $15,600,000 in
capital credit refunds to current and
former members to date.
How often do members
receive capital credits?
Beltrami Electric members usually
receive capital credits once a year each
What if I have moved?
If you move or no longer have
electric service with Beltrami Electric,
it is important that members keep
their address current, so that future
disbursements can be properly mailed.
Capital credits are reserved for members
even if they move out of the BEC service
area. We will make a diligent effort to
send a check by mail.
How many people will
get refunds?
Roughly 10,750 currently active
members will receive capital credits. About
3,675 inactive members will also get checks.
How will the refund
Inactive members who no longer
purchase electricity from Beltrami
Beltrami Electric takes steps to protect your identity
As you may know, identity theft is happening every day. In fact, it may
have already happened to you or someone you know. Over the past few
years, Beltrami Electric employees have gone to great lengths to protect
our members’ identities from thieves.
In 2007, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that
it would require many businesses and organizations to implement a
written set of “Red Flag Rules” that would help detect warning signs
of identity theft in their day-to-day operations. Beltrami Electric took
this mandate seriously and was in compliance much sooner than
required by law.
Most of these regulations focus on the release of consumer
information. For example, you may have called our office looking for
information regarding a relative. However, unless you were authorized by
the person or persons listed on the account, you were denied access to this
information. This was due to the “Red Flag Rules” required by the FTC.
Even though the implementation of the rules are now complete, rest assured
that the employees at Beltrami Electric are committed to staying current with any changes to the
regulations. This includes a committee that meets quarterly to discuss any potential incidents or
changes that would affect you, the member. We know that some of these rules can be a bit of an
inconvenience, but they are in place for your (and the Cooperative’s) protection. If you have any
further questions, please call us at 800-955-6083.
Northern Lights • December 2011
For Sale:
8’ x 16’ fish house on wheels, heater, cook stove,
bunk beds, ready for ice, $2,000, 444-8629.
300 bu. gravity box; 12.5 – 16 tires, $750,
Flower girl dress, Little Maiden, size 3W, white,
floor length, $50, can e-mail photos, 444-9664.
Pronto Invacare power wheelchair, 300# capacity, excellent condition, $575, 835-6455.
Homelite generator, model# LRIE4400 with
wheel kit installed, used less than 15 hours and
in excellent condition, 4,000 watts continuous,
4,400 watts intermittent, 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz.,
Briggs and Stratton electric start 8 hp motor, 5
gallon gas tank, new battery installed, cost over
$1,100 new, sell for $650, 444-5791.
1981 Chevy Impala, rusted out, good work car,
new rear snow tires, very good mechanically;
Super C Farmall narrow front, good mechanical
shape; Farmall M, very good shape, all priced
to sell, 647-8775.
Frabill 2-person flip over ice shelter, never used,
$250, 586-2168.
Nice, like new, love seat, micro fabric, dark
green, $210, 586-2990.
New 30’ x 30’ handcrafted log home shell,
$14,900, 776-2117.
1997 17” Sunbird Spirit special edition boat, I/O
190 hp engine, back sundeck, walk-thru bow,
trailer w/spare tire, low hours, new canvas,
winterized, mint condition, $6,700, 556-7350.
Radial arm table saw, good condition, used very
little, $55, 751-3632.
8’ x 8’ snowmobile trailer, $799; boat/utility trailer,
$299, 444-8303.
350-automatic Chevrolet transmission, fits all
GM 4x4 1988 through 2000, 20,000 miles on
rebuild, $350, 308-4028 leave message.
’00 Chrysler Concord LXI, 4 dr., auto, AM/FM
cassette, leather, 195K, $3,500; yard machine
snow blower, 2-cycle, used very little, $300,
Jiffy 10” ice auger, $125; hand crank ice auger,
$75, boat lift, 1,800 lb. Hewitt lift, all aluminum,
needs new canopy, $500, 444-7308.
1942 John Deere Model A tractor with older
Farmhand loader, $2,500, stored inside for
over 20 years; pine slabs for firewood, 8 ft., $35
bundle, 10 ft., $40 bundle, 751-5384.
2004 Taylor 710 C-LTD electric acoustic guitar with leather-bound case, limited edition,
Mexican cocobolo wood, new condition, $2,150;
6,500-watt Honda generator, brand new condition, $2,150, 444-2958.
Firewood for sale, full-size pickup load, $75,
hardwood, cut, split & delivered in Bemidji, area
(pine, $70), 444-7806.
20’ 10” I.D. Metalbestos chimney flue pipe, 10S30 stainless steel with SS cap, (8-30” sections),
$600/obo, 586-2499.
Snow blowers, riding lawn mowers with snow
blower, snowmobile, trailers, 224-3675 or
AKC German Shorthaired puppies, 4 females,
3 males, born 9/26/2011, these puppies come
from parents with amazing temperaments and
excellent hunting bloodlines, asking $500,
Homemade crazy block quilts, twin $35, full $40,
queen $45, king $55; antique all oak chairs $25
each; rockers $75; parlor table $75; square oak
dining room table $225; cabinets and portable
sewing machines $15 each, work good; wallpaper rolls, best offer; mesh steel end gate $50;
Homelite weed whacker, St. 175, 17 inch cut,
$65; Brother sewing machine $15, 243-2702.
2004 Ford F350 diesel, King Cab long box w/tow
and camper package, 86,000, new tires, excellent condition, $21,000; wood stove, double
door, $200; horse drawn cart, $300; vintage
2-burner Griswold, $85, 333-3879.
Queen-size, locally made, popple log bed, head
and footboard, easily attached to metal bed
frame, $300; 2 person hammock and metal
hammock stand, weight capacity 450 lbs., used
once, $100, 368-0194.
Adorable kittens looking for good homes, we
have 1 black tabby male, 2 orange males, 1
gray female, rehoming fee $15 please to good
homes only, 760-1273.
51” flat screen, rear projection Magnavox TV,
great for man cave, $200, 751-6714.
Table saw, like new, $65; 6½’ slim line Christmas
tree, $25; 8’ Christmas tree, $35, 444-7824
after 5 p.m.
110 Honda 3-wheeler, 2 90cc kids 4-wheelers,
$100 each, 368-9157.
Ram lambs (2), born in March, Dorset/Sundown,
$250 each, 224-2141.
1998 Polaris 6-wheeler with good metal box,
winch and plow, just serviced at Bemidji Sports
Center, $1,600, 243-3100.
New end table, wood & wrought iron $50; new
settee chair, $450; stylish, chocolate colored
sofa, $200; brand new 4-piece Ashley LR set,
complete with throw pillows, never used, $1,500/
obo, 556-6086.
Aluminum 20’ 4-place snowmobile trailer, front
winch, spare, fold-down tie downs, stored inside,
replaced brakes and tires, $2,800, 766-5543.
4 tires, P235/75R15, best offer, 333-8830.
Simco western saddle, black, $350/obo; new
chocolate colored western saddle, very flashy,
$325/obo, 759-0186.
’95 F150, Eddie Bauer, w/fiberglass topper,
super solid engine, interior A+, Michelin tires,
typical light wheel well/rocker panel rush but no
dings/dents, 368-2294 or 368-6700, e-mail pics
available, $1,995/obo.
White upright Sears Galaxy 24 cu. ft. refrigerator, nice, $175, 760-6409.
Popple firewood, cut and split, $90/cord,
Central Boiler outdoor wood stove, asking $900,
224-3123 or 368-0167.
2009 black Arctic Cat TZ1 LXR 1100cc, 4-stroke
snowmobile, heated seat, handles and thumb
for driver and passenger with remote start, low
miles, $8,900, 556-7892.
Two 12’ x 23’ carpet remnants, $100 each,
Blizzak tires, 205/65R16, used one season only,
$400/obo, 335-7665.
Desperately needed washer and dryer in good
condition to help family burdened with huge
medical bills, 368-4484.
Spirograph from 1960s; old encyclopedia,
Front steel wheels and wide front for Allis
Chalmers WC, 444-7806.
4 tires, 205/70r/15 Continental extreme winter
contact, used very little, Buick rims, $300,
2008 violin, like new, $500; red woolen blanket poncho, $175; 2005 Sebring convertible,
$6,500, 444-2840.
1996 Toyota Camry, 4-door, 4-cylinder, auto,
185,000 miles, good runner and clean, PW, PL,
AC, cruise, CD, 30 mpg+, $3,050, 751-9288.
Rocker recliner, teal blue, good condition, $30;
blue and white braided rug, $10, 835-7484.
Steel fence posts, metal gates and braided wire
fencing, 586-3112.
Shave fence post driver; Milwaukee heavy-duty
grinder, 15 amp, 766-3228.
Rust free pickup box to fit 1999 through 2002
Ford F250, 6 ft., prefer white, 556-2256.
Northern Lights • December 2011
Trampoline, 13’ Jump King fair condition,
Sylvania HDTV, $155; couch, $125; gently used
Bosch stainless steel dishwasher, $350; wood
cook stove, $275; new bypass tub door, $25;
3’x3’ glass top, $25; 75’ commercial track lighting, $400, 766-1759 or 751-9311.
Caravan III 3-person portable fish house on otter
sled, used twice, $300/obo, 444-8414.
Two-year-old female Siamese cat, spade; 36”
bathroom vanity, 586-2860.
Pekinese puppies, cute, fluffy and adorable,
ready to go 11/25/11, 987-2491.
Bissell ProHeat Pro-Tech, 12 amps, Model 7920
carpet cleaner with attachments, users guides,
$75, 547-1458 or 820-1058.
Cover straw bales, $2, 751-8191 before 7 p.m.
Male cat, 22 weeks old, shots, looking for loving
home, great with kids and other pets, 308-4235.
Utility trailer, 8.5’ x 12’, single axle, aluminum
frame, wood floor & sideboards, spare tire,
$650, 547-2612.
2007 Polaris Sportsman 500 EFI/HO with
Glacier II plow system and 2,500 lb. winch, 500
miles, like new condition, $4,800/obo, 255-4807.
Two RC airplanes, one never flown, complete
sets with remote controls toolbox, electric starter
chargers, very nice, $250, 224-3368, pictures
available at
Dry pine slabs, 2 mi. south of Bemidji, you pick
up, 751-5665.
Century fireproof gun case, $350; 2005 Suburban, 4x4, $14,000; 1998 Friendship 2-bedroom
mobile home, nice, $17,000, 760-6409.
1999 Ski-Doo 500 and 1994 Polaris 400 Trail
on trailer, ($1,500 each), very good condition,
reliable, all or each, make offer, 335-8011.
Monarch wood burning cook range, 26” x 56”,
white enamel w/silver trim, $100, 760-3415.
Used outdoor power equipment, free pick up/
haul away of unwanted or broken power equipment, 333-3890.
1994 Buick LeSabre limited, 160,000 miles,
$2,625, PS, PW, AC, cruise, block heater, new
battery, brakes/rotors, plugs, oil, no rust, can
see at your convenience, 252-5096.
Hay, small bales, $1.50 each; oats, $5/100
lb., 766-8167.
9.6-volt Makita drill set, $75; 2 sewing machines,
whole house water filter, Red Dalia root, large
chunk, $5, 586-2860.
Sturdy 3-wheel adult bicycle, 7 rings to leave
message, 224-2516.
Snowmobiles, snow blowers, wood splitters,
utility trailers, 224-3675 or 252-0589.
Used or not wanted wedding decorations and
tulling for cheap, 308-0988.
The Beltrami Electric
Cooperative office
will be closed on
Monday, Dec. 26, for
the Christmas holiday.
Classified ads rules
For sale and wanted items only. No
rental, business, service, real estate or
personal ads. Ads are published on a
first-come, first-served basis and are free
to Beltrami Electric members. Due to space
constraints, there is no guarantee your ad
will appear. The ad deadline is the first of
the month to be included in the next issue.
For example, an ad received Dec. 1 would
be included in the January issue due out
the end of December. An ad received
Dec. 2 would be included in the February
issue due out the end of January. Ads are
preferred to be submitted to the Web at or via e-mail
at, but may be
submitted by mail, phone or in person at
the cooperative. All telephone numbers are
presumed to have a 218 area code unless
otherwise noted.
Board Meeting
Conserve energy with
With the cold weather upon us, electricity usage
will be on the rise. In addition to conserving energy
by making changes to your usage or implementing
small changes in your home’s lighting, thermostat
and water temperature or repairing air leaks, using
the MYMETER™ tool from Beltrami Electric can
save you money.
This free tool available to all Cooperative
members tracks your daily and monthly electric
usage, which can reduce any “sticker shock” that
could appear when receiving your monthly bill.
Other features in the MYMETER™ program will
allow you to create customer energy-reducing goals
and even notify you via text message or e-mail if
you are getting too close to using a predetermined
amount of energy, which is set by you.
So if you are looking for an additional way to
help you save energy, and most importantly, money,
register for MYMETER™ today at http://mymeter. It’s also available in a version
for your mobile device. If you need any more
information or have additional questions, please visit or call 800-955-6083.
Statement of Operations
Beltrami Electric’s board of directors
conducted its monthly meeting
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011. All directors
were present. Also present were General
Manager Lynette Nieuwsma, Manager
of Finance & Accounting Sid Sletten and
Executive Secretary Kay Olson.
The following reports were given:
• Mark Glaess, manager of Minnesota
Rural Electric Association, discussed the
state of the electric cooperative industry.
• The manager made her monthly report,
including discussion on customer
growth, legislative issues and her
testimony at the EPA hearing in
Bismarck, N.D.
Year-to-date: September 2011
September 2010
September 2011
Operating Revenue ...........................................................$ 29,230,406
Cost of Purchased Power .................................................$ 18,598,035
Other Operating Expenses ...............................................$ 9,801,277
Total Cost .........................................................................$ 28,399,312
Operating Margin .............................................................$
Interest Income.................................................................$
Other Margins ..................................................................$
Total Margins ...................................................................$
kWh Purchased ................................................................ 349,909,178
kWh Sold ......................................................................... 335,805,800
Meters Billed....................................................................
• Sid Sletten presented the September
financial report and work order
inventories and reviewed the 2011
actual expenses as compared to third
quarter budgeted figures and year-end
• Mike Bunny, Cooperative Finance
Corporation, presented the Key Ratio
Trend Analysis.
• Terry Diffley reported on the last
Minnkota board meeting.
The following actions were taken:
• Discontinue the use of revenue deferral
funds for October, November and
December 2011.
• Adopt the Resolution approving the
Power Requirement Study.
• Retire 25 percent of 1991 capital credits
and 2 percent of total remaining equity
plus settlement of estates in 2011,
wholesale accounts will receive 2
percent retirement but excluded in
first-in, first-out.
• To move the November board meeting to
Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011.
The next board meeting will be Dec. 1,
2011, beginning at 9 a.m.
Cooperative owned
and operated
Northern Lights • December 2011
Beltrami Electric
Cooperative Inc.
4111 Technology DR NW
PO Box 488
Bemidji, MN 56619-0488
218-444-2540 • 800-955-6083
Kelliher Resource Center Committee
wins Beltrami Electric’s Touchstone Energy® Community Award
Beltrami Electric Cooperative has named the Kelliher Resource
Center Committee the winner of the local 2011 Touchstone
Energy® Community Award from a great pool of worthy
nominations. The recognition comes with a $500 cash award
donated to a community service organization/project of choice
and an engraved Touchstone Energy® Community Award plaque
signifying the organization’s commitment to community.
The Kelliher Resource Center Committee is an organization
that promotes the development of the building that was formerly
the Kelliher School. The school district continues to own and
maintain the facility to provide a central location for services
necessary to the residents of Kelliher. Some of these services
include health care, a wellness center, Beltrami County resources,
physical therapy and a chiropractor. There are also plans to
include a dentist, as well as a retail store, which is scheduled
to open in the near future. Without this center, many of these
services would not be available to the community’s residents.
In its eighth year, the Touchstone Energy® Community
Award recognizes individuals or organizations for outstanding
contributions to their community. Past winners include the
Bemidji Skate & Bike Association, Bemidji Garden Club
(formerly Northwoods Garden Club of the Bemidji Area),
Paul Bunyan Broadcasting’s “Radiothon to End Child Abuse,”
Healthy Community Healthy Kids, Blackduck Tri Sigma
General Federated Women’s Club, Sexual Assault Program of
the Beltrami, Cass and Hubbard Counties, and the Bemidji Area
Task Force on Underage Drinking, Illegal Drug Use and Gang
The Kelliher Resource Center Committee’s application
will be submitted for consideration to the statewide Minnesota
Touchstone Energy® Community Award committee. The
statewide award recipient will be selected from numerous local
award winners throughout Minnesota and the overall winner
will receive $1,000 toward a community cause of choice. It will be
presented in February 2012 during the Minnesota Rural Electric
Association’s annual meeting in St. Paul.

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