2015 June Newsletter_v0_Inside Pages
2015 June Newsletter_v0_Inside Pages
Rebranding of Marinette Marine W e are excited to inform you about our rebranding of all of Fincantieri Marine Group’s companies and operational sites. This rebranding campaign is being done in order to reflect the internationally recognized reputation of our parent company, FINCANTIERI SpA for quality and innovation in shipbuilding, to a broader market sector across the United States. Under the new brands which are being launched formally today, MMC’s new logo and trade name is now Fincantieri Marinette Marine. practices, as well as our access to the engineering expertise and proven designs from the largest shipbuilder in the Western world. These enhanced capabilities facilitate our operating in a more costeffective and efficient manner. Please note that we are NOT changing our legal name, which remains Marinette Marine Corporation. All external facing exchanges and our logos, however, will reflect the new brand by replacing the prior “MMC Wave”. Start of Fabrication for the future USS Indianapolis. See page 2 for more details USS Freedom and USS Fort Worth in the news. See page 3 for their activities. Summer 2015 This rebranding identifies us more clearly as part of the global family of Fincantieri companies, which comprises over 20,000 professionals in 21 shipyards operating on four different continents. As you are already aware, FINCANTIERI proudly designs, builds, repairs, and maintains ships for the leading operators in the global cruise, offshore, and commercial transportation industry as well as for the most advanced navies in the world, including the U.S. Navy. Our new brand name underscores our ability to leverage and benefit from FINCANTIERI’s technologies and best Through the rebranding and our continued commitment to transformation, our parent company and we continue to work towards sustained profitability and stability in an intensely dynamic industry and despite ever-increasing competition. The new brand thus also signifies FINCANTIERI’s commitment to standing by our side and joining us in overcoming our many challenges yet seizing our opportunities to excel. Thank you for being part of this continuing journey to achieving excellence and success together. Best Regards, Jan Allman, President - CEO/GM MMC Care and Protection of our Ships Start of Construction on LCS 17 (Indianapolis) May 2015 – MMC marked the Start of Fabrication for the future USS Indianapolis (LCS 17), the ninth ship of MMC’s Littoral Combat Ship class, on May 26, 2015. To pave the way for the start of full production, MMC Program Management Office completed an extensive Production Readiness Review (PRR) with the U.S. Navy on June 9, 2015. The ship's design maturity readiness, the availability of materials and components and MMC's ability to successfully start fabrication were all closely evaluated at the PRR. An additional milestone completed this quarter was the Detailed Design Review for both LCS 17 and 19 on May 4, 2015; our next target milestone is the Production Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) scheduled in August 2015. Reminder: This is your newsletter, and we want your input. Please email your ideas for stories or ask questions that can be addressed in the future issues to Tina Dyer, Communication Coordinator at (Tina.Dyer@us.fincantieri.com). e2f The skilled workers here at MMC build military warships that protect the men and women all over the world who go into harm’s way to protect our freedom. We must support the care and protection of these ships to ensure the delivery of the highest quality product, in excellent condition and without functional and esthetic defects. If you have questions about the MMC Care and Protection Procedure (600-07), you can check it out on the MMC Bridge or contact your supervisor or any of our Quality Assurance representatives. You owe the pride to yourself, to your family, to your fellow shipbuilders and most of all you owe it to the men and women who protect our freedom. We must all “Protect the House.” Digital Communication at MMC May 2015 – Digital communications went live in break and lunch rooms throughout MMC last month. Monitors displaying digital communications were installed at MMC to reach employees with a medium that goes beyond the leaflets, newsletters, mailings, emails or toolbox talks currently in place. Digital communications, with or without audio, can instantly update our employees with information concerning benefits, health & safety, yard events, press releases, security and compliance, employee relations, news, emergency contacts, community outreach activities, newsletter clippings and more. Delivered through these monitors, information is unobtrusive and gives employees a passive way to receive news. We’ve reduced the time and expense of printing and distributing notices while making sure that we reach every departPlease feel free to send tina.dyer@us.fincantieri.com your ideas ment and employee. for digital communications. LCS 19 - USS St. Louis LCS in the News USS Freedom Conducts Rough Water Trials since departing Singapore in February: April 2015 – USS Freedom (LCS 1) recently completed Seakeeping and Structural Loads Trials, commonly referred to as Rough Water Trials (RWT). The U.S. Navy uses these trials to demonstrate the seaworthiness and structural integrity of each “first of class” ship. During the 11 days of RWT, conducted off the coast of Oregon, USS Freedom performed its data collection while operating in sea states 5 and 6. The ship was steered in an octagonal route at speeds ranging from dead stop to flank speed to capture performance data at all speeds and orientations. Initial test results are positive; the machinery plant and auxiliaries all performed well, especially in the context of the sustained operations at sea. USS Fort Worth - Midpoint of Deployment May 2015 – USS Fort Worth's (LCS 3) maiden deployment reached its midpoint to the Indo-Asia-Pacific on May 26th of the year. Fort Worth hit a number of deployment milestones • Participation in exercise Foal Eagle 2015 with the Republic of Korea Navy, marking the first time an LCS has operated in Northeast Asia. • Successful testing of the ship's maintenance flexibility in Sasebo, Japan. This test will expand the operational reach of future LCSs deployed to U.S. 7th Fleet. • The first LCS to deploy under the "3-2-1" manning concept, allowing LCS to sustain a 16-month forward presence without fatiguing the crew during the extended deployment. • Crew 102 comes aboard with approximately 100 Sailors, replacing Crew 103. April 2015 – Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, announced this spring that the next Freedom-variant Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) will be named USS St. Louis. The future USS St. Louis, designated LCS 19, will be the seventh ship to bear the name. The first St. Louis, a sloop of war, was launched in 1828. “The name St. Louis holds a strong naval legacy,” Mabus said. “In this era when our country is faced with similar challenges as our forefathers, it's important that all who encounter this ship are reminded of the history of our Navy's bravery and sense of duty.” • Crew 103 will now spend time training on-shore and off the coast of California before redeploying to sail the future USS Detroit (LCS 7) from Marinette to its homeport in San Diego. Throughout the summer and fall, USS Fort Worth will take part in the 2015 Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) exercise series. FINCANTIERI TO BUILD 3 VIRGIN CRUISE SHIPS June 2015 – FINCANTIERI S.p.A., the world leader in cruise ship construction, and Virgin Cruises have signed a binding Letter of Intent (LOI) for the construction of three cruise ships to be delivered from 2020 to 2022. Virgin Cruises is a new cruise line based in South Florida that is planning to offer its guests an outstanding experience matched with the famed Virgin service. Each new unit will weigh 110,000 gross tons each and will feature 1,430 guest cabins to host more than 2,800 passengers on board, assisted by 1,150 crew members. The USS St. Louis will be led by a Lockheed Martin industry team and constructed at Marinette Marine Corp. It will have a modular design incorporating mission packages that can be changed out quickly as combat needs demand. These mission packages are supported by detachments that deploy manned and unmanned vehicles, and sensors in support of mine, undersea and surface warfare missions. The MMC Hotline Task Force Team wants to know if you have witnessed any unsafe practices, quality of work issues, theft, or breach of security throughout any MMC building or the yard. Call 715-735-4754 and leave an anonymous and secure message outlining your concern and include, time, date, ship, building and/or location of incident. e3f Summer Health Stay Hydrated and Protect Your Skin It is very important to stay cool and hydrated during the hot summer months. Hydration is critical for many body functions such as digestion, regulation of body temperature and the circulation process that carries nutrients to the cells. When you get dehydrated, you feel fatigued and less fit, which causes stress on your body and makes you more prone to illnesses such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion. The elderly, children and athletes are at a particularly higher risk to these. Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Heat Exhaustion can be caused by physical exercise or hot weather. You may experience any or all of the following symptoms: • Heavy Sweating If you think you are experiencing heat exhaustion, get out of the heat immediately! Rest in a building that has air-conditioning or find a cool shady tree. Drink plenty of water and take a cool shower. Heat exhaustion left untreated could lead to heat stroke. Heat Stroke is usually a progression of milder heat related conditions. It occurs when the body is dehydrated and exposed to high temperatures for prolonged periods of time. If you suspect someone is having a heat stroke, call 911 immediately. Symptoms of a heat stroke include: • Dizziness and feeling light-headed • High fever Summertime Hydration Tips Drinking an adequate amount of water on a daily basis is important for overall good health. The unfortunate truth about drinking water and your skin is that water will reach the other organs before it reaches the skin. It is important to apply water to your skin and keep it there. What is the best recommended way to add water to the skin? • Apply a hydrating moisturizer within 2 minutes of leaving the bath or shower • Apply a product containing Hyaluronic acid prior to your moisturizer • A flushed or red appearance to the skin • Feeling weak and/or confused • Lack of sweating • Headache or Dizziness • Nausea and vomiting • Nausea • Muscle weakness or cramps • Fast Heartbeat • Fast heartbeat and breathing • Dark colored urine, an indication • Feeling confused or disoriented • Drink more water Changes will not happen overnight, but with just a few weeks of increasing your water intake will be enough for you to see how hydration affects your own skin and health. • Seizures of dehydration Health Risk Assessment (HRA) It’s that time of year again, time to complete your Health Risk Assessment (HRA). An HRA includes a short questionnaire, a fasting blood test and a simple physical to check your height, weight, blood pressure and body composition. Combined, these three things can spot conditions (or the start of conditions) such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. If you completed an HRA through FMG last year, your results will include a comparison so you can see the results of your efforts towards a healthier YOU! Schedule your HRA today! Call (920) 445-7330 or visit www.healics.com. e4f Additionally, optional and employee paid PSA testing is available to FMG male employees for $25. If your spouse is covered in the FMG medical plan, they must also complete an HRA for you to receive the reduced medical premium in 2016. Take control of your health! Complete an HRA between July 11th and August 1st. To schedule your HRA, contact Bellin at (920) 445-7330 or go online to www.healics.com. For more details, please see the packet that was mailed to your home. MMC Weight Studies Go National May 2015 – Alan Bird, MMC’s Weight Engineer, traveled to Alexandria, VA to present two case studies at the International Conference on Mass Properties Engineering. Alan’s presentations were in the form of Technical Papers and explained the issues, problems, and challenges Marinette Marine encountered expediting Mass Properties Reports for the LCS program, and how MMC captures and processes Operating Space Items (OSI), Storeroom Items (SRI), and Repair Parts. The presentations were titled Challenges Encountered Doing Weight Reports on Multiple Ship Contracts, and Methods Used For Tracking, Validating, and Reporting The Weight Of Operating Space Items (OSI) and Storeroom Items (SRI). The U.S. Navy views MMC as one of the industry leaders in actively taking on the issue of weight control. This conference was hosted by the Capital Region Chapter of the Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE). Other attendees to the conference were from various aircraft, space, land vehicle, and maritime industries – including NAVSEA. Peregrine Falcons In spring of 2014, a pair of nesting Peregrine Falcons took up residence at MMC. On April 30th of this year, Jim Goin, MMC Journeyman Shipbuilder, saw the first Peregrine in flight near the MMC shipyard. This bird was dark in color and possibly not one of last years’ falcon adults. During the subsequent weeks, Jim’s coworkers reported two birds sitting on the Building #10 crane rails. However, it appears that the falcons have not nested in the same location in the yard as last year. Jim had three sightings in May and one in early June. We will welcome them back in 2016. Recent SLT Visit to Building 31 June 2015 – While visiting the Building 31 Blast and Paint Shop, MMC’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) was briefed by Tom Buelteman (Ship Area Manager) and Terry Denny (General Foreman), on the Building 31 metric boards, process improvements and potential areas of enhancement. Terry Denny, Building 31 General Foreman, discusses blast and paint processes with MMC Senior Leadership Team (SLT). While at their metric boards, both leaders detailed the Government callout success rate achieved in blast and paint. They outlined what their stats are today and the great strides made this spring to achieve their current 63% reduction in total Government call-outs. Jeff Lathrop, NACE Paint Inspector, helped establish the new Government callout process and Nathan Buelteman, Quality Assurance, contributed to the implementation and success of the new process. Tom Buelteman, Ship Area Manager, discusses the Government call-out success rate with Dave Johnson, member of the MMC SLT. Marinette Marine Corporation continues to look for men and women who want to be part of America's premier shipbuilding team. Visit www.marinettemarine.com or www3.apply2jobs.com/fmg for job opportunities or use your smart phone to click on the quick response (QR) code to the right to link to the jobs site. e5f Richard A. Norman, Jr. Edward J. Hasse For 15 years, Richard served in the U.S. Navy as a Hull Maintenance Technician, serving aboard the USS Sperry (AS-12) in San Diego, CA; the USS Reeves (CG-240) in Yokosuka, Japan and the USS Badger (FF-1071) at Pearl Harbor, HI. His primary duties were Ship Structure and Piping Systems Maintenance & Repair, Ship Damage Control, and Repair Party Leader for flood, fire and battle damage. Rich was also an Instructor/Non-Instructing Maintaining Training Mockups at Great Lakes, IL. He completed his final 3 years as Master of Arms (law enforcement) aboard the USS Yellowstone (AD-41) at Norfolk, VA. Richard left the service as a First Class Petty Officer (HTI SW - E6). Ed first worked at MMC from 1980–1981. In 1982 he left MMC to join the U.S. Navy where he trained as a Gas Turbine (GT) Systems Technician and served aboard the USS Stephen W. Groves (FFG29) out of Mayport, FL and the USS Port Royal (CG-73) in Pearl Harbor, HI. Ed also served as a GT Engine Inspector at NAVSSES PA completing two tours as a Course Supervisor at the GT Advanced Training Facilities in Great Lakes, IL. In 2002, Ed retired from the Navy as a Senior Chief Petty Officer (E8). Rich’s various Naval assignments allowed him to cruise from the Western Pacific, to the South Pacific, and to the Mediterranean Sea. He was awarded the Humanitarian Medal, National Defense Medal, 3 Good Conduct Medals and Surface Warfare Specialist. After 19 years as a pipefitter at MMC, Rich is currently a Lead Pipefitter working on Wichita (LCS-13). He recently received a LCS Bull Rider Award for outstanding achievements in his work. You can join the others posted on the MMC “Wall of Honor,” or be featured on this page by contacting Marissa Axtell, x6604, to complete a registration form. MMC Received SCA Awards May 2015 – Congratulations to Marinette Marine Corp. for earning the 2014 Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA) Award for Excellence in Safety and Award for Improvement in Safety. This amazing accomplishment is the culmination of years of dedication to safety and health by you and those working around you. Winning both awards is truly a testament to our commitment to safety. Pictured with both plaques are Anthony Guarisco, MMC Union President, Jan Allman, MMC President, CEO and GM, and Aaron Walters, MMC Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Manager. e6f He traveled the world in his four extended deployments to the Persian Gulf, one to the North Atlantic, and one to the South China Sea; he served from Europe to the Caribbean, the Arab Emirates to Australia, South Africa to Japan, and numerous U.S. cities. Ed, a disabled veteran, has 2 Navy Commendation Medals, 4 Navy Achievement Medals, 5 Good Conduct Medals, Meritorious Unit Medals and several other medals, ribbons & citations. After retiring, Ed returned to MMC as an Electrical Foreman. Working on several of our shipbuilding programs, he transferred to Planning in 2008 and is now a PP&C CAM and Process Manager at MMC. MMC Subcontractor Global Conference Hu May 2015 - When MMC is involved in a tract negotiations begin, MMC asks the large-scale project such as LCS, subcon- subcontractors to quote the price they tractors are often hired to ensure that will charge to do their part of the work. overflow work is completed. Early in Thus, MMC collects information from May, our Purchasing Department spear- electricians, plumbers, dry wall installers, headed the MMC annual Subcontractor and a host of other subcontractors. Global Conference here at MMC. Forty Selected subcontractors sign contracts subcontractor representatives attended with MMC that typically incorporate this half-day conference which consisted the agreement between all parties. of a Business Overview from Jan Once construction begins, MMC coordi- Allman, MMC President CEO and GM; nates the construction schedule, making as well as a Safety, Quality, Cost and sure the subcontractors are at the build- Schedule overview. Before offering the bid or before con- ing site when needed so that the project remains on schedule. CISCO Jabber Bringing Instant Messaging and collaboration to FMG What is Jabber? Cisco Jabber is an instant messaging program that brings present technology to all of Fincantieri Marine Group’s computers. Benefits and Uses: • Instant messaging across departments and business units • Collaboration with group chat functionality • Screen sharing for one-on-one and group chats The 2015 Subcontractor Global Conference was recently held at the NWTC North Coast Marine Manufacturing Training Center facility just blocks away from Marinette Marine. Standing is Jan Allman, MMC President, CEO and GM, giving the Business Overview to 40 visiting subcontractors. Letter from the Editor Since spring of 2014, the BEACON, MMC’s newsletter, has been issued on a bi-monthly basis. However, since we now have a new digital means of communication throughout MMC, the decision was made that going forward we would publish the newsletter quarterly vs. bi-monthly. The newsletters will be released at the end of March, June, September, and December, just prior to our Holiday break. • Status messages tell when someone is Busy, Away, On a Call, In a Meeting or Offline. Custom statuses are also available. • Phone controls for answering your phone or the ability to decline the call and send a status message if you are away from your phone. • Visual voicemail and logging of recent calls Jabber is a great tool for oneon-one and group collaboration. If you need assistance or have any questions please contact servicedesk@us.fincantieri.com. The new digital communications system recently went live in break rooms and lunch rooms throughout MMC. Digital Communication is the electronic way to exchange pictures, video and audio information to the MMC employees at a faster pace. Please feel free to send tina.dyer@us.fincantieri.com your ideas for digital communications. e7f MMC Takes 1st Place in the 2015 Corporate Challenge Thanks to the over 130 employees and family members who represented MMC and brought home the 2015 Corporate Challenge Championship. history shooting a 3-under par 32. • In the Trivia competition, MMC was Day Three Highlights: • The Scavenger Hunt team successfully located all clues for the second only 3 questions away straight year, but just from taking top honors. missed the 50 minute • The Volleyball team deadline. capped-off a long • The Pictionary team was evening with a 1st ready to doodle their way place finish! Day Two Highlights: through the competition • The Dodgeball team but was tripped-up with a couple of tough words. advanced through the • The blindfolded Assembly winner’s bracket to take team assembled six and half first in the title game. • MMC earned points in puzzles, placing 155 pieces May 2015 — MMC participated in the the Corporate Walk together in the 40-minute week-long Greater M&M YMCA Corp- with over 80 partici- time frame; just a few con- orate Challenge. During this challenge pants. MMC participated in 15 events against nections shy of second place. • In a Three-Point basketball • MMC’s fastest walker in other companies to promote employee the Twin Cities (Bob shoot-out, the team com- health and fitness, develop community Watkins); breezed past bined for 17 three-pointers spirit, and boost company morale. most 2 mile walkers to in one minute. MMC held 1st place for most of the be the fastest 3 mile Day Four Highlights: week and narrowly finished as the walker in all of Corpo- • Team MMC dug in their 2015 Champions. rate Challenge! MMC Day One Highlights: was even awarded a • The Bowling team fought their way bonus point for his through the mind boggling trick shots to earn high scores. • MMC carded the best Golf score in modern day Corporate Challenge heels at Tug of War to finish as top dogs this year! • MMC challengers over- efforts. came extra obstacles in • The Two-Mile Relay the blow-up “bouncy team sprinted to the fin- house” at the Obstacle ish-line in the top five. Course competition. • MMC swung for home Get Involved in our Community through MMC Outreach • A “tasty” performance put the runs in the Softball HR MMC Cake Decorating team in Derby to tie for fourth. the middle of the competition. Event MMC Outreach Committee is reaching-out to employees and/or their spouses for volunteers. They are looking for individuals who are interested in organizing or to support the coordination of any event listed below. If you are interested, please email events@us.fincantieri.com or leave a message at 715-735-9341, ext. 6282. Throughout the year • Blood Drives • Summer Parades July and August e8f • Manufacturing Day October • Holiday Tree Lighting December Assembly Comp. Bowling Cake Decorating Dodge Ball Golf Scramble Obstacle Course Pictionary 2nd 2nd 8th 1st 2nd 8th 12th Scavenger Hunt Softball HR Derby Three Point Contest Trivia Tug of War Two Mile Relay Volleyball Awarded Points Corporate Walk 1 bonus point 6th 4th 9th 6th 1st 5th 1st Mobile Security Series Part 1 of 5 Did you know your personal cell phone or tablet may have security vulnerabilities? According to Gartner's "Predictions 2014: Mobile Security Won't Just Be About the Device," 75 percent of mobile apps will fail basic security tests in 2015. Mobile Security can be broken down into the 5 categories; Physical Loss and Theft, Malware, Insecure Wi-Fi, Exploitation of Mobile Apps, and Privacy and Caution. This newsletter feature is the first of this 5 part series: Part 1 - Physical Loss and Theft Some thieves are only interested in the mobile device hardware to resell for monetary gain. Others however, try to break into the mobile device to look for valuable information; such as contact information, personal information, photos and videos which can be leveraged for other malicious criminal activities. • Use a PIN or password to lock your device. • Backup your data on your device. • Physically protect your device. More details at: http://www.istf.jucc.edu. hk/newsletter/volume2/ General_01/Gen01Mobile_Security.pdf Marine Trivia Q. What was the first U.S. Destroyer named after a woman? See page 11 for answer. Knowledge is Power MMC’s Information Technology (IT) Division is offering on-line training. To schedule an on-line training session; it’s as simple as submitting a meeting invite through the MMC Outlook calendar. Adobe: • Acrobat Professional 9 (Consolidated) • Fireworks (CS4) (Consolidated) • Fireworks (CS5) (Consolidated • Fireworks (CS5) Formatting, Layers and Symbols • Fireworks (CS5) Templates, Images and Integration • Flash (CS4) (Consolidated) • Flash (CS5) (Consolidated) • Flash (CS5) Working with Text, Images and Effects • Flash (CS5) Working with Drawing Tools, Audio, Commands and Publishing Options • Flash (CS5) ActionScript, Components and External Elements • Flash (CS6) (Consolidated) • Flash (CS6) Navigation, Interface, Text, Drawing and Creation Tools • Flash (CS6) Symbols, Timeline, Animation, Masks and Layout • Flash (CS6) Storyboards, Copyright, Importing ActionScript, Publishing, Accessibility and Testing • PhotoShop (CS4) (Consolidated) • PhotoShop (CS4) Navigation, Application Frame, Images, Selection Tools and Layers • PhotoShop (CS4) Images, Filters, Text, Styles, Photo Retouching and Actions • PhotoShop (CS4) Web and Vector Tools, Bridge, Camera Raw, File Formats, Color and Output • PhotoShop (CS5) (Consolidated) • PhotoShop (CS5) Navigating Selection Tools and Working with Layers • PhotoShop (CS5) Image Formatting, Painting Tools and Working with Type • PhotoShop (CS6) (Consolidated) The full course list is located on the Bridge under Shared Documents – IT Documents – MMC IT Online Training Courses. Sign-up for training today! e9f MMC Participates in Summer Festivals Marinette Marine will be participating in local festivals this summer and urges all employees to join the fun. Marinette’s Logging and Heritage Festival celebrates the rich history of Marinette’s lumber industry. The 5th annual festival was held on July 11-12 on beautiful Stephenson Island. Special attractions for 2015 included the Timberworks Lumberjack Show, the Wisconsin Fur Trappers, and a Beard Growing Contest. There was live music by the Renegade Band and the Cougars. Other activities included: Saturday fireworks, Sunday parade, the Ella Smetana Memorial 5k run (Chuck Bunton placed 3rd), a car and bike show, children’s games, local and regional crafters, family movies, and great food. The 33rd annual Waterfront Festival will be held August 6-9 at the historic Menominee Marina in downtown Menominee, Michigan. Enjoy the four-day event featuring the Saturday spectacular fireworks show at dusk, the Sunday parade, the Bay Area Medical Center Waterfront Festival 10k & 5k run and walk, sailboat race on the bay, plenty of food, live music, children's activities, and more. March with the LCS float at the next parade and hand out treats to the smiling and waving onlookers. You will find a parade sign-up sheet at the MMC reception desk and yard lunchrooms for this event. The August Waterfront Festival promises to be fun for old and young alike. Hope to see you there! e 10 f Back to School Drive Thanks to all who contributed and helped our community kids prepare to go back-to-school in 2014! Your help was greatly appreciated. However, our kids need your help every year, and it is now time to help them prepare for the 2015-16 school year. See below for a list of school supplies we will be collecting during this 2nd Annual MMC “Back 2 School” drive. Your contribution will do more than prepare a child for school – your kindness can help build confidence in kids all year long. More information will be posted on this event in July! Start purchasing items early. MMC Supports Local STEM Initiative MMC’s Outreach Committee approved a donation to support the Peshtigo STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Program. The Peshtigo Skills USA Team from the Peshtigo Middle/High School were determined that they could build an electric car. The Team of 6 students began their STEM project in the 2013- 2014 school years and built their car over the next 2 years. It is constructed of aluminum, with a power plant comprised of a ¼ HP electric motor powered by two Optima batteries. Currently there are three competitions held in Wisconsin for Electrathon teams; Platteville, Road America, and Fox Valley Technical College. These types of activities give the students confidence in their ability to build something, to think outside the box, to problem solve, and to challenge themselves to think and grow. They experience various aspects of running a project, planning, fund raising, budgeting, purchasing, fabricating, etc. that they will encounter in real world situations. All are excellent developmental skills for potential future MMC employees. Marine Trivia River Cities Habitat for Humanity The building of a home for families in need is the foremost symbol of River Cities’ Habitat for Humanity (RCHFH) work. RCHFH employs a part time construction manager to implement and supervise the building or renovation programs. He oversees an all volunteer building group, develops house plans, orders building materials, supervises the construction process, provides skilled and unskilled labor and contracts for the service of contractors as needed. The building group is concerned with work schedules, record keeping, and job safety. Persons who have the skill to serve as crew leaders or to coordinate various aspects of construction are very much needed. Serving on the building group is a great contribution for a volunteer who would like to be involved in the Habitat's program. MMC employs a large number of talented people; from purchasing to engineering and management through manufacturing. Why not consider using your talent to reach out and support your community by volunteering with the River Cities Habitat for Humanity. 2015 projects include: • Renovation of a home at 1814 11th Street, Menominee, MI (completed in June 2015) • Building of a new home at 350 Alimeda Street, Marinette, WI (near RedArrow Park). Volunteer’s needed for insulation, sheet rock, painters, and finish work. Completion scheduled for October 2015. • Wheelchair ramps for the elderly volunteer’s needed yearround. For further information, please visit their website at: http://hfh-wi-mari.huterra.com, stop by the ReStore at 2990 Cleveland Ave. Marinette, WI, or email Tom at tom_tebo@yahoo.com. A. USS Higbee (DD/DDR-806) was a Gearing-class destroyer in the U.S. Navy during World War II. She was the first U.S. warship named for a female member of the U.S. Navy. Her name sake, Chief Nurse Lenah S. Higbee (1874–1941), was a pioneering Navy nurse who served as Superintendent of the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps during World War I. USS Higbee was launched 13 Nov 1944 by the Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine and commissioned on 27 Jan 1945. She earned one battle star for her service in World War II and seven battle stars for her service in the Korean War. In 1978 Higbee had the highest score for Naval Gunfire Support (NGFS) of any ship in the U.S. Navy and was featured in Surface Warfare magazine for this distinction. She was decommissioned and struck from the Navy list on 15 Jul 1979. Citation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Higbee_(DD-806) BSC Earns 2014 SCA Awards BSC has also earned the prestigious Shipbuilders Council of America’s (SCA) 2014 Award of Excellence in Safety and the 2014 SCA Award for Improvement in Safety. BSC had a 74.3% reduction in incident rates, going from 10.62 in 2013 to 2.73 in 2014. Congratulations BSC for this outstanding achievement. e 11 f Unity Club Golf Outing The 3rd Annual Unity Club Golf Outing, held May 30th at Little River Country Club, was a tremendous success raising over $800 for Menominee Maroon Athletics. The outing was filled with MMC employees, friends and families eager to support this local organization. Celebrating MMC Anniversaries Here’s cause for celebration – your employment anniversary! Celebrating your anniversary demonstrates to all employees and prospects that, while others have come and gone, MMC has flourished. MMC’s Senior Leadership Team recognizes your accomplishments and wishes to spread awareness of your service. Sebero, Daniel Journeyman Shipbuilder Sovey, Earl Uphill, Robert Woodky, Terry Journeyman Shipbuilder Journeyman Shipbuilder Journeyman Shipbuilder 15 Year Anniversary Buelteman, Nathan Journeyman Shipbuilder Coakley, Dale Lead Shipbuilder Demerath, Robert Journeyman Shipbuilder Harris, Brandon Con., Chan. & Est. Manager Kraus, Paul Planner Manning, Gary Journeyman Shipbuilder Niemojuski, Ricky Lead Shipbuilder Miller, Clark Foreman Miller, Jeffrey Journeyman Shipbuilder Prevost, Robert Ship Area Manager Baldwin, Brian Blavat, Todd Hass, Andrew Mullins, Richard Patz, John Journeyman Shipbuilder Journeyman Shipbuilder Mechanic Shipbuilder Journeyman Shipbuilder Engineer Technician 5 Year Anniversary Beck, Kevin Conn, Charles Diercks, Michelle Miller, William Nerat, Benjamin Engineer Tool Room Foreman Human Resources Rep. Field Support Engineer Engineer Public Affairs Manager Engineering Scheduler 1 Year Anniversary 35 Year Anniversary 10 Year Anniversary Thirty-six teams participated in this year’s 4-person scramble and networking event. The overall winning team, finished with a score of 63 (8 under par) included: Aaron Doubek, Tony Ahlen, Ed Rastall and Mike Gromoske. Using a Peoria Scoring method, the next winning team was Kym Sindler, Nikki Myszak, Kelsey Hagert and Shannon Wilber. Skorik, Bethany Tomberlin, Luke 40+ Years of Service Alexander, Gerald Mechanic Shipbuilder Alexis, Madsen Engineer Allman, Jan President, CEO & GM Anderson, John Helper - Shipbuilder Antonson, Arnold Mechanic Shipbuilder Bermudez, Justin Journeyman Shipbuilder Bezio, William Foreman Boris, Daniel Mechanic Shipbuilder Bratton, Donald Mechanic Shipbuilder Brunner, Curtis Mechanic Shipbuilder Byers, Matthew Mechanic Shipbuilder Cassady III, Howard Journeyman Shipbuilder Cleary, Shawn Field Sup. Service Analyst Cook, Justin Mechanic Shipbuilder Davis, Gregory Sr. Engineer DeGrave, Corey Mechanic Shipbuilder Derouin, Dylan Mechanic Shipbuilder Dolliver, Jason Mechanic Shipbuilder Ducane, Michelle Mechanic Shipbuilder Gagne, Jeffrey ERP System Analyst Gawlik, Michael Financial Plng Analysis Mgr Gibson, Richard Mechanic Shipbuilder Gonzalez, Erik Helper Shipbuilder Hallfrisch, Delbert Mechanic Shipbuilder Hannon, Thomas Journeyman Shipbuilder Henson, Mark Ship Area Manager Hewitt, Spencer Journeyman Shipbuilder Jessel, Joshua Mechanic Shipbuilder Johnson, Andrea Mechanic Shipbuilder Kakuk, Tammany Associate Buyer Kasbohm, Shannon Program Cost Analyst Kertesz Sr, Peter Foreman Kleikamp, Emmitt Mechanic Shipbuilder Lanaville, Shelly Helper Shipbuilder Lossett, Zackary Foreman Lund, Michael Journeyman Shipbuilder Maye, Logan Helper Shipbuilder Molgaard, Todd Mechanic Shipbuilder Morgan IV, George Mechanic Shipbuilder Munger, Jerry Helper Shipbuilder Myers, Nathaniel Helper Shipbuilder Noppenberg, Thomas Helper Shipbuilder Pepin, Jason Journeyman Shipbuilder Raymaker, David Mechanic Shipbuilder Rossa, Eryn Accuracy Control Engineer Sinagel, Mark Foreman Stauber, Bradley Mechanic Shipbuilder Vanstippen, Corey Mechanic Shipbuilder Walk, Dylan Mechanic Shipbuilder York, Melissa Journeyman Shipbuilder Yost, Wayne Foreman Young, Joshua Mechanic Shipbuilder June and July 2015 List may vary dependent on the date list was pulled. Whether you’re celebrating a milestone year (those ending in 0 or 5) or an in-between year, your anniversary is a chance to remind the shipbuilding industry of MMC’s continued success. Announcing MMC Retirements After years of hard work and dedication, it's time to take a permanent vacation! Please join us as we offer best wishes to our recent MMC retirees. David Shehow Thomas Eichhorn May 2015 June 2015 4 years of service 42 years of service Ken (Puff) Paquette July 2015 Michael Bauer July 2015 42 years of service 37 years of service . .did you find the hidden “Easter Egg” in the Spring Beacon? Individuals participated in special events on the course such as a long drive contest, longest putt, closest to the pin, a pink ball contest, and a putting contest; all of which added to the fun. After golfing came to a close, the patrons headed inside the clubhouse for a buffet style dinner. During that time, many stories were told and embellished. Immediately following dinner, a raffle was held giving away many prizes. The 4th Annual Unity Club Golf Outing is set for May 21, 2016. © Marinette e 12 f The idea of the hidden Easter Egg involves hiding media content within another product. In the case of the Spring Beacon, it was the silhouette of the ARRV ship found on page 5. Congratulations to Dennis Plaunt and Jim Johnson for locating the hidden Easter Egg in the Spring newsletter. Both win an MMC t-shirt. For this issue, we again will be awarding two t-shirts. One union and one office employee are eligible. Contact Tina at ext. 6894 if you find the Easter Egg in this issue. MMC Outreach and Community Calendar of Events • Menominee County Fair • Waterfront Festival • Marinette County Fair July 24-27 Aug., 6-9 Aug., 27-30 • Back to School - Clothing and Supply Drive • Peshtigo Historical Days August Sat., Sept., 26 Marine Corporation • 1600 Ely Street, Marinette, WI 54143 • 715-735-9341 • www.MarinetteMarine.com
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