रचना - Maharashtra Mandal Chicago
रचना - Maharashtra Mandal Chicago
‘रचना’ महारा मंडळ िशकागो वष ३९ अंक caaOqaa 1 Important Announcement ELECTIONS FOR THE COMMITTEE OF 2009 The Board of Directors of Maharashtra Mandal Chicago is now inviting names for the following positions: President, Vice-President, Mahila Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and five (5) committee members. Names are also invited for one position of Trustee. All interested parties shall kindly submit their names to one of the following Election Committee members. The names must be submitted in writing so as to reach on or before November 12, 2008. The Election Committee is as follows: Mr. Shyam Anturkar santurkar2002@yahoo.com Mr. Niteen Joshi nnj21@sbcglobal.net Mr. Dileep Thatte dvthatte@yahoo.com Mrs. Nandini Vishwasrao dilipnand@aol.com (847) 397-7039 (847) 490-9323 (630) 904-4832 (847) 689-1274 If more than one name is received for any position, a secret ballot will be conducted by the Election Committee. Elections will be conducted per Maharashtra Mandal Chicago constitution submitted to State of Illinois in 1988. The election, if required, will be conducted on November 16, 2008 at 4:00 pm. Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for a position on the board of directors, a minimum of six months of MMC membership is required. The eligibility for co-opted members is also six months of MMC membership. A candidate for the Office of Trustee shall have a minimum of one-year experience on the Board of Directors. Please contact any of the election committee members if you have any questions regarding the eligibility requirements. Please note that plenty of time, dedication and resourcefulness are needed for these committee positions. Applications received after the due date will not be entertained. 2 Namaskar, On behalf of 2008 Committee, Happy Diwali to all of you! While it may have been 2 weeks since the last day of Diwali, at MMC, the festivities are not over until we have had our annual Diwali program. In keeping with our tradition of staging a play, we will have two ekankikas – one by the “Northsiders” and one by the “Southsiders”. (Is this experiment going to turn into a rivalry? Or will it be just a healthy competition?) Then there will be delicious faral and, most importantly, what promises to be a fiercely contested election for the 2009 Executive Committee! As the Diwali issue of Rachana is the last one for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members, sponsors, advertisers and, of course, countless volunteers for your support. It is because of your participation and encouragement that the committee has been able to successfully arrange a variety of programs in 2008. At the beginning of the year, in the Sankrant issue of Rachana, I had quoted President Lincoln (“of the people, for the people, by the people”) and sant Ramdas (“critic next door”) to solicit your participation and feedback. You offered your support and suggestions without hesitation, and I would like to request that you continue to do so with the 2009 committee. Thank you for a wonderful 2008, and best wishes for the new year. Regards, Shyam Anturkar MMC, President, 2008 3 Come celebrate your ethnic pride With unique gift wrap! We created the idea of ethnic-themed gift wrap to celebrate the heritage of our countries of origin by educating our children about the meanings of common symbols and celebrations in those countries. It is also a great way to enjoy diverse cultures that may not be your own and a unique way to personalize your gift. It is a wonderful way to celebrate, preserve and share cultures and traditions. On the reverse side of each piece of wrapping paper, you will find pearls of wisdom about the symbol or celebration depicted on the other side. We believe ours is the first gift wrap ever designed that holds equal value on both sides of the sheet! Every time you open a gift wrapped in our gift wrap, you have an opportunity to learn about another culture — how great is that? Enjoy! We are offering our ethnic gift wrap as a fundraiser for Maharashtra Mandal Chicago. When you log onto our website www.globalgiftwrap.com you can benefit MMC with every purchase you make. Please add the code MMC after a dash next to your last name when you check out and we will make sure a percentage of the proceeds are donated back to MMC. We have tremendous product offerings for four core ethnicities: Asian Indian, Irish, Hispanic and Chinese. Our Indian gift wrap that we presently have available is for Diwali called Diwali-Rangoli. Please place your orders by October 15th, to allow for delivery of Diwali paper in time for the holiday. We hope you will participate in the fundraiser and celebrate your culture! Best wishes for a happy and prosperous Diwali! Aparna and Maggie, Co-Founders Global Gift Wrap, LLC www.globalgiftwrap.com Tel: 847-989-9725 4 Maharashtra Mandal Chicago Presents, Annual Diwali Dhamaka Here are the details of Diwali program: When: Sunday, November 16th, 2008 Time: 2:00 pm to 6:45 pm Where: Forest View Education Center, 2121 S Goebbert Road , Arlington Heights , IL 60005 (Located between Algonquin Rd and Golf Rd and 1 block east of Arl Hts. Rd ) Program outline: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm : Ekankika “Chi. Sau. Ka. Champa Govekar” , by Ratnakar Matkari 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm : Faral and General Body meeting/elections 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm : Ekankika “Madrasine Kela Marathi Bhratar”, by Vasant Kanetkar Please come and enjoy an entertaining afternoon. Elect and meet the Committee for 2009. Ticket Prices: Patrons: No charge Annual Pass holders: No charge Life members and Annual members: Adult: $17/person, Children: $5/child Non-members: Adult: $22/person, Children: $7/child Students with valid ID: $10/student Note: RSVP is NOT mandatory, but would help us organize the event better. Please RSVP by email (preferred method) or by phone to Shyam Anturkar: santurkar2002@yahoo.com 847-397-7039 www.mahamandalchicago.org We appreciate RSVP 5 Dear Readers, First of all let me take this opportunity to thank you all for your overwhelming response for e-Rachana. Printing and distribution has always been a big job earlier, but with e-Rachana, we could reach to maximum number of Marathi readers. We are still waiting for your suggestions and comments so that in future we can incorporate those. In this Rachana, being Diwali, we have tried to bring best of the information available. The last and the main event of the year “Diwali Celebration” is at the door steps. See you all there. For the other details visit our website <mahamandalchicago.org>. Do send us your comments and suggestions on email at karyakarini@mahamandalchicago.org Waiting for your emails! Revati Oak megrev94@yahoo.co.in 6 saMpadkIya savaa-Mnaa idvaaLIcyaa SauBaocCa.hI idvaaLI AapNaa savaa-Mnaa sauK samaRWIcaI jaavaao. gaNaoSaao<sava,, kaojaaigarI ]<saahat par pDlao va idvaaLI darat idvao GaovaUna }BaI. gaNaoSaao<savaacaI saurvaat JaalaI tI sqaapnaa,, pujaa, AartaI va maM~GaaoYaat. gaNaoSaao<sava mainaYaa DaoMgaro yaaMcyaa “eosaI laagao lagana”k<qak naR<ya va Syaamala kulakNaI- yaaMcyaa “Aro saMsaar saMsaar” yaa ekpa~I p,yaaogaanao rMgalaa. b\aahor Qa\ao Qaao pa}sa tr Aat hasyaaMcaa vaYaa-va. kahI rsto pUranao baMd tr saBaagaRh gacca p,oxakaMnaI Barlaolao. maharaYT/ maMDL iSakagaaocaa gaNaptI }<sava gaajavaIlaa 13 sap,oMbarlaa. vaogavaogaLyaa )dyaspSaI- maIrocyaa paOraNaIk kqaa naR<yaatUna saadr kolyaa mainaYaa DaoMgaro va saaqaIdaraMnaI. p,oxak qa@k Jaalao yaa p,yaaogaanao. Syaamala kulakNaI yaaMnaI gauMtagauMtIcaa saMsaar hsat KoLt saadr kolaa. AiBanaya,, va SabdaMcaI fok yaatUna saalasa saUna, KTyaaL saasaU,, rMgaIt maaolakrINa, p,omaL va QaaorNaI navara yaa savaa-Mnaa <yaaMnaI rMgamaMcaavar ]Bao kolao. hasyakllaaoLatlaa saMsaar baGata baGata p,oxak SaaMt va ekaga, Jaalao to )dyaspSaI- saMsaar eoktaMnaa. gaNaoSaao<savaacaI saaMgata JaalaI tI TaLyaaMcyaa kDkDat. kaojaaigarI rMgalaI tI Fusioner cyaa lahana maulaaMcyaa AakYaI-t p,yaaogaanao. Fusioner cyaa samauhabad\la AiQak puZo vaacaalaca. maMjaU dvaMDo M 7 8 9 10 11 With Best Compliments from Shamkant P. Sheth, D.D.S. Cass Dental Care 7702 Cass Ave, Suite 210 Darien, IL 60561 Telephone : 630-810-0444 RITU MADAN Real Estate Consultant Cell # 847-932-9353 847-543-6639 • • • • • • • Thinking of making a Move Your First Home A New Job A Larger Home Downsizing for Retirement A home on the Lake Building the perfect Home/ New construction Relocating to / from Chicago All these are dreams I can help you realize. I’m your access to a team of professionals who will assist you in every phase of the purchase of your Dream Home. Completely dedicated to getting your home sold. Call me for your confidential, no cost, no obligation Comparative Market Analysis today! Service and Referability are the cornerstones of my client oriented business. I service the North Lake County Suburbs. 12 JAYASHREE VITKAR 7241, Springside Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60516 Tel: (630) 963-0903 Fax: (630) 963-1034 Serving the Community's Travel Needs For Over 35 Years kotkr baMQau jvaolasasaaonao caaMdI maaotI AaiNa ih-yaacao vyaaparI p%ta: 2 SyaamavaaDI ranaDo raoD dadr (west) Please visit our new web site at – http://ketkarbandhujewellers.com Amaoirkot Aa^D-r krta sampk- kra kaMcana iBaDo (859 420 4746) email -mailto: bhidekp@yahoo.com 13 14 INFORMATIVE (Internet a web of information) Dear readers, Thanks for appreciating e-Rachana and this new series “Informative”. This is about Information, which is available on the internet. We will try to mention new links of articles on different personalities, varied topics, politics, entertainment and lots more. We are a medium to connect you to the information you would like to read, we do not have any intention to carry away credit of the original authors. This time we are talking about versatile Indian couple, Mr.Dilip Chitre and Mrs. Shobha Chitre. This talented couple has won appreciation for their contribution in ‘American-Marathi’literature. Want to know more about them? Find out by clicking the following link. This feature was published in Maayboli Diwali edition. <http://vishesh.maayboli.com/node/108> 15 Fusioneers!!!! We are a band and we Rock! Our children play a variety of Instruments in school, Strings, Brass, Percussion, Piano and the Tabla. On the other hand they love Indian music and Hindi songs. What if we could combine both create a fusion?.... This idea was put in action with a group of middle schoolers and High schoolers who got together under the mentorship of their Sameerkaka (Sameer Sawant).With the entertainment industry boom and internet there was no dearth of songs…songs were chosen; music notes of the melodies was prepared by Tanvi and Sameerkaka for Brass instruments & String instruments; Key board, Percussion and the Tabla were ‘hear and play’ and practice started along with the new year in January 2008 in the basement. With small rehearsals in the basement and full fledge rehearsals at Eola Center, the first performance was on 13th July 2008 at the Naperville library. Sponsored by Chicago Music Circle, they played three songs in front of a small audience. At the MMC Kojagiri celebration the group had added many songs and Jugal bandi of Tabla and Drums for a slightly bigger audience. Like the ‘Lakshya’ song the ‘Fusioneers’ are on their path towards more fusion, more fun and bigger audience in the coming years. They are hoping to add more instruments; clarinet, flute, more string instruments..whatever you can play …on their way. Here’s what they have to say… We the Fusioneers enjoy playing and have fun. Thank you for the support of Sameerkaka, Anandkaka, Premkaka, Suchetamaushi, Radhika, all our parents and the audience for the encouragement. Come and have fun with us!!!!! Strings: Tanvi Sawant, Pooja Bag, Neha Salgaonkar, Gargi Magar, Tanisha Thatte, Manas Gosavi Brass: Tanmay Sambare, Mohit Dhande, Chinmay Vaidya, Aashay Chavan Abhishek Deshpande Key board : Priti More Percussion: Sanat Divekar, Anuj Marathe, Akhil Chavan, Neil Akolkar ____________________________________________________________ 16 Kahitari Aiknyajoge There are many websites which are dedicated to Marathi songs and movies. One of them is <www. marathi world.com.> Here is melodious composition by “Pt. Jitendra Abhisheki” written by noted lyricist and poet “Smt. Shanta Shelke”. Click the following link to listen to this song <http://www.esnips.com/doc/1e83a665-32ae-4656-aa5f-bc45751f833d/Kata-RuteKunala> ******************************************************************** 17 Committee- 2008 President VicePresident Vice President Secretary Treasurer Members Trustees Shyam Anturkar Kalpana Neklikar (847) 397 7039 (312) 281 1786 Jaydeep Deshpande (337) 255 9800 Sujeet Vaidya (716) 560 9668 Saurabah Neklikar (312) 281 1786 Prakash Anturkar, Manju Dawande, Kanchan Bhide, Revati Oak, Vaishali Sharma Dileep Thatte, Nandini Vishwasrao, Niteen Joshi Event Diwali Function Date November 16th Program Details will be released on the website **************************************************** ************************** Rachna team:Shyam Anturkar, Revati Oak, Vaishali Sharma, Manju Dawande. 18
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महारा मंडळ िशकागो वष ३९ अंक ितसरा
diverse cultures that may not be your own and a unique way to personalize your
gift. It is a wonderful way to celebrate, preserve and share cultures and traditions.
On the reverse side of each piec...