December 2015 Newsletter - Wisconsin Music Teachers Association


December 2015 Newsletter - Wisconsin Music Teachers Association
December 2015
In this issue
of Events
Membership Update p.4
District Audition Schedule p.6-8
“What to Include on Your Website” p.12
 December 31, 2015
Deadline for 2016
Conference Session
2015 Conference Follow-Up p.14-15
 January 1, 2016
Teachers Can Start
Entering 2016 Students in Ovation
About Our Organization
Since 1910, Wisconsin Music Teachers
Association has continued in its goal to
develop, maintain, and recognize high
standards of music instruction and performance in Wisconsin.
We accomplish this by
supporting students and
educators with events,
resources and a powerful
network of likeminded
Our state now has 16 active local
associations which provide regular
meetings, student programs, teacher
development, membership networking
and so much more.
Our mission is to
advance the value
of music study and
music making
to society and to
support the
professionalism of
music teachers.
By providing structure
and activities at local,
state, divisional, and national levels, we work
together to accomplish goals which
couldn't be achieved by working alone.
The first official meeting of the WMTA
was held on June 22, 1910 in Appleton
Wisconsin under the direction of the first
president, Dean William Harper.
As an affiliate of Music
Teachers National Association, we share
and values with musicians and musical educators in all 50 states.
MTNA was founded in
1876 and is the oldest
professional nonprofit
music teachers association in the United States.
We actively endorse the MTNA mission "to advance the value of music
study and music making to society and
to support the professionalism of music teachers".
 January 15, 2016
February Newsletter
 February 5, 2016
Executive Board
Meeting Teleconference from 10am-12
 January—March
(Variable Dates)
Entry Deadline for
District Auditions
 March—April
(Variable Dates)
District Auditions
 April 15, 2016
Badger V/I Entry
 May 21, 2016
Badger Keyboard and
V/I Competitions
 October 21-22, 2016
State Conference in
LaCrosse, WI
Wisconsin Music Teachers Association
Part of Music Teachers National Association
Letter From The President
As I sit down to write my first newsletter welcome as president, my mind is still fresh with great
memories from our 2015 State Conference this past October at the Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan. There were wonderful sessions each day to energize our teaching, a terrific Friday evening
recital and Saturday masterclass by conference artist Panayis Lyras, and plenty of time to socialize with each other. Even though I felt pretty miserable due to a bad cold, it was still nice to reconnect with so many of the friends I’ve made over the years, and to form new friendships with
Before I continue, I want to give a big “thank you” to immediate past-president Catherine Walby
for her two terms of service as President of WMTA. As President-Elect this past year, I have
come to realize just how much work is in store for me, so the next time you see Catherine, thank
her for the countless hours she has given WMTA the past six years! All the same, I am excited to
get started in earnest and hope you will be patient with me as I take over.
As I reflect on some of the accomplishments of our group the past few years, it is pretty impressive. At the national level, our last commissioned composer, Dr. Christos Tsitsaros, was the 2015
MTNA Distinguished Composer of the Year, and Dr. Jessica Johnson was awarded the AMT Article of the Year in 2014. We launched the online registration system for District Auditions called
“Ovation” – a huge project that involved many volunteers giving countless hours – and finished
transitioning over to our new redesigned website. With both there were growing pains and lessons learned for future improvements, but we are certainly on the right path to remaining current
in our digital age.
We’ve also worked hard to maintain our membership (with recognition from MTNA at the last
National Conference for doing so), have seen collegiate membership increase significantly, and
are working to be more intentional in reaching out to new members so that they feel welcome. I
really believe that our strength as an association is in our members; we have such a collective
wealth of individual experiences and expertise, both musical and non-musical, that together we
are able to achieve great things!
When you read this, many of you will be preparing for studio recitals or holiday-themed studio
events, picking out repertoire for festivals and District Auditions for your students to begin over
break, making lesson plans, and otherwise preparing for the new year as 2015 comes to a close.
What events and opportunities do you have planned for your students in 2016? What do you have
planned for your own continued growth as a teacher? If you haven’t done so already, mark your
calendars for October 21-22 as the WMTA State Conference heads to La Crosse. Consider developing and submitting a proposal for it if you have a presentation to share. MTNA’s National Conference is April 2-6, and I can tell you that San Antonio is a great city to visit … as an added
bonus, the conference hotel is right along the famous “River Walk.”
I am excited to be your President, and hope to lead WMTA as best as I can over
the next three years. I look forward to meeting and getting to know as many of you
from around the state as possible. Happy Holidays!
Nick Phillips, DMA, NCTM
WMTA President
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
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Executive Board
PRESIDENT: Nicholas Phillips, NCTM
TREASURER: Rachel Fritz
Administrative Council
ARCHIVIST: Monica Scholz
THEORY: Diane Wilson
WEBSITE CHAIR: Elisabeth Daniels
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Membership Update
WMTA membership stands at 460. “MTNA – Your Partner in Teaching” is the 2015-16 Membership Campaign.
Check the website for ideas of how you can make better use of your MTNA membership. It contains lots of help and
advice to support you in your studio. Always be looking for other teachers who you can introduce to MTNA/WMTA so
we can continue to grow. Northwest Division Director-elect, Christopher Hahn says, “MTNA provides a pathway to
professional development that allows us to stay connected and growing throughout our career.” The 2015 Conference
provided ample opportunity to grow in many different areas. Please consider attending next year – there is something
for everyone!
A complimentary breakfast was held Saturday at the WMTA Conference for the first time attendees and new WMTA
members. Good connections were made between members. What a treat it was for us to have MTNA President Rebecca Johnson and WMTA President Catherine Walby sitting at the table with us as we shared life teaching experiences,
ideas, and concerns with each other.
WMTA would like to recognize the following for their membership milestones:
10 Years
25 Years
40 Years
Mara Beckman
Sue Christian
Gladys Bishop
Elizabeth Benson
Kathleen Frank
Carolyn Britton
Mary Anne Harris
Paulette Garin
Barbara Bunge
Kirstin Ihde
Ann Hoppert Keller
Rose Collier
Michelle Jacobi
Judy Meyer
Joan Gratton
Namji Kim
Karen Reeck
Joyce Grill
Marilyn Lee
Rita Schumann
Tricia Marton
Mary Tollefson
Janet Tschida
Mary Van De Loo
Lois Wolfe-Steiner
Karla Wakeen
Susanna Walby
As your VP-Membership, I will continue to share communications from MTNA regarding membership with the Local
Association Presidents and Collegiate Advisors. I will also send Newsletters to members who do not have email to keep
them informed.
Arlyss Troge 2nd VP-Membership
Welcome to Our Newest Members
Allison Pond
Hannah Rocke
Elena Abend
Jenna Chesky*
Stephanie Miller*
Elizabeth Hudson*
Cynthia Jorgensen*
Kyle Johnson*
Loni Kovach*
Christina Hanson*
Derrick Hahn*
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Jennifer Lohmann*
Xi Lin*
Jonathan Hanrahan*
Jade Parker*
Sara Stefan*
Paul Nuyda*
Aboris De Jesus*
Laetitia Meghan Lehman-Pearsall*
Matthew Blair*
Kaitlyn Vande Ven
Anita Welsh
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Emmylou De Meij*
Steven Zubich*
Laurie Asch
Jennifer Hogan
Carolyn O'Brien
Anthony Cardella*
Aubrie Jacobson*
Benito Leatherwood*
*Denotes Collegiate Member
Local Associations
CVMTA—Chippewa Valley Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Esther Pedigo
FVMTA—Fox Valley Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Lisa Lawrence
GMC WMTA—Greater Milwaukee Chapter Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Betsy Hegwood
KMTA—Kenosha Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Judy Ballard
LAMTA—La Crosse Area Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Lisa Freedlund
MAMTA—Marshfield Area Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Linda Nelson-Schreiber
MMTA—Michibago Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Drea Wagner
OAMTA—Oshkosh Area Music Teachers Association
RRMTA—Rock River Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Julie Hildebrandt
SAMTA—Superior Area Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Roberta Grube
SCVMTA— St. Croix Valley Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Mary Anne Olvera
SPAMTA—Stevens Point Area Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Gail Heywood
WAMTA—Wausau Area Music Teachers Association
PRESIDENT: Shannon Whaples
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Be sure to find
and “like”
the Wisconsin Music
Teachers Association
on Facebook!
2016 District Auditions
All District Auditions information has been reorganized and clarified on the WMTA website.
Please study and review this information now as you begin to make plans for your students.
Visit the website at and look under “student events” and then “district auditions”.
“Ovation” is the online site for registering students for participation in WMTA District Auditions.
All teachers who used Ovation for the 2015 auditions still currently have access and can log in through the end of
December 2015. By January 1, 2016, these teachers will be “re-registered” if they renewed membership by paying
WMTA dues before the October 15, 2015 deadline. These registered members will then have access Jan. 1 – Dec.
31 of 2016.
WMTA teachers who did not use Ovation in 2015 that wish to enter students in 2016 district auditions, and have
paid dues by October 15, 2015, should contact Rita Schuman to be registered.
Current WMTA members that renewed and paid membership dues late (after October 15 2015) must pay a $100
late renewal fee (written to WMTA) in order to be registered and gain access to log in to Ovation for the 2016 season. This payment can be sent to Rita Schuman at 557 20th Ave. South, Onalaska, WI, 54650. The teacher will be
registered as soon as this payment is received.
Teachers will be able to start entering 2016 student registrations in Ovation after January 1st.
Put the auditions date and entry deadline date for your district on your calendar now!
District Chairs have been instructed to enforce all deadlines!
Teachers that enter students in the auditions MUST BE AVAILABLE TO WORK ON AUDITION DAY!
A reliable substitute may take the teacher’s place if this arranged with the District Chairperson in advance. If a
teacher (or substitute) does not arrive to help on auditions day, the teacher will be charged a $75 fee.
In Ovation, take a few minutes to look at the “help” page. The “help” button is located on the upper right hand
side of your screen near the “menu” and “log out” buttons. Even if you don’t feel you need assistance with Ovation, the “help” page offers much additional important information.
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
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To save time during the registration process, look for all of your students’ pieces that may already be in the database before you begin registering any students. If the piece is not in the database, you will need to “add composition”. Finding your students’ compositions in the database, (or adding new pieces if needed), BEFORE
you register your students, will significantly speed up the registration process.
To do this, when logged into Ovation, select “composition title finder” from the menu options. Select the composer’s name, leave the “title search string” field blank, and then hit “search”. All titles by that composer that are
in the database will appear in a list.
For specific questions about allowed repertoire or pieces in the database, contact:
Emily Schultz - Ovation Composition/Database Manager.
NEW ENTRY FEES for 2016:
D2 and D2NM: $20.00
D3, state track and duets: $25.00
Students do not pay WMTA directly. Students need to pay their teacher. Each teacher collects all fees and writes
one check to WMTA for the total of all their student entries. There is not a way to pay online at this time.
After you have entered the audition information for each of your students in Ovation, send the “teacher fee summary” report form (print from Ovation) and one check written to WMTA for the total of all their entry fees to the
District Chairperson before the entry deadline. There is an updated list of all district chairs and their mailing addresses on the help page of the Ovation site.
For any questions about District Auditions, contact the district chairperson or Rita Schuman.
Rita Schuman, NCTM, WMTA State Chair for District Auditions
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
2016 District Auditions
Eau Claire
La Crosse
River Falls
Sheboygan, West Bend
Stevens Point
Waukesha, Milwaukee
Lawrence University
UW-Eau Claire
Viterbo University
UW-Madison, Humanities
Silver Lake College
Our Savior’s Lutheran
UW-River Falls
Lakeland College
UW-Stevens Point
Wausau Conservatory
(SUNDAY) 3/13/16
Rita Schuman
Catherine Walby
Eau Claire
Sandra Statz
Joan Davies
La Crosse
Rita Schuman
Emily Schultz
Beverly Mark and
Diana Shapiro
920-242-7318 (Beverly)
920-686-6172 (Diana)
Katie Livingston
715-536-4054 or 715-218-6894
Carmen Shaw
River Falls
Deanna Roen
Sheboygan, West Bend
Marlene Wondergem and
Louise Mann
920-457-2522 (Marlene)
715-345-2851 (MaryLou)
Mary Lou Hofer and
Ann Marie Novak
Roberta Grube
Waukesha, Milwaukee
Elena Petrova
Mona Grote
Melodie Haddon and Mary
262-594-2476 (Melodie)
Stevens Point
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920-528-7343 (Louise)
715-346-4889 (Ann Marie)
MTNA Foundation News
This year WMTA has nominated Jessica Johnson as our MTNA Foundation Fellow. In order to complete this process, we need to raise $1000 towards her nomination. As of this newsletter, $900 has already been raised through the generous
donations of the following people and local associations:
St. Croix Valley MTA
Fox Valley MTA
Greater Milwaukee Chapter
LaCrosse Area MTA
Kenosha MTA
Carmen Shaw
Laurie Asch
Bethany Hartlaub
Barbara Erickson
Martha Fischer
Laura Swenson/Music Dynamics of Wales
Oshkosh Area MTA
Chippewa Valley MTA
Michibago MTA
Rock River MTA
Stevens Point MTA
Catherine Walby
Gail Hegwood
Joan Davies
Chris Groth
Anonymous Donor
Contributions will still be accepted until Dec. 31st! You may send a check made
payable to MTNA Foundation and notate that it is for the Jessica Johnson Foundation Fellow Award. Mail it to me and I will make sure that it gets to the proper
location. My address is: S43 W32669 Kettlefield Ct., Waukesha 53189. Thank
you in advance!
Please continue reading about our 2016 Foundation Fellow – Jessica Johnson.
Laura Swenson, NCTM, State Foundation Chair
Jessica Johnson serves on the piano faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as Professor of Piano
and Piano Pedagogy and Director of Graduate Studies.
In 2006, she was the recipient of UW-Madison’s prestigious Emil Steiger Distinguished Teaching Award for
excellence in teaching. Johnson has formerly been on
the faculties of Augustana College (Illinois), Sterling
College, and the Ann Arbor School for the Performing
In addition to her love for the standard keyboard repertoire, Johnson frequently commissions and programs
contemporary solo and chamber works. She regularly
performs with Sole Nero, a piano and percussion duo
with Anthony Di Sanza, percussion. In an effort to contribute to the repertoire of this diverse medium, the duo has engaged in an extensive commissioning project resulting in many new works by
composers such as Laura Schwendinger, Les Thimmig, Evan Hause, Dave Hollinden, Joel
Naumann, Joseph Koykkar, Serra Hwang and Michael Kallstrom. In 2004, the duo released its first
compact disc recording on the Equilibrium label titled Music per Due. Recent performance venues
include the Percussive Arts Society International Convention, the Society of Composers National
Conference, the MTNA National Conference and multiple performances in the U.S. and China.
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
MTNA provides free
counsel for members.
Contact the MTNA
National Headquarters
with any business or
pedagogical questions.
(888) 512-5278
They will gladly assist
you in areas such as
business plans, contracts, copyright concerns, legal standards,
property acquisition,
zoning laws, partnerships, grants, acoustic
building standards,
ASCAP matters, certification, teacher development, group affiliations,
music supplies, equipment purchasing, lesson plans, customer
fees, health insurance
and teacher networking.
2016 Badger Keyboard
Badger Keyboard 2016 Competition Dates:
Northeast and Duets: Saturday, May 21 at UW-Stevens Point
South: Saturday, May 21 at UW-Whitewater
Northwest: Saturday, May 21 at UW-River Falls
Freeze date for audition entries for Badger Keyboard will be April 15. This is a one week turn around for Eau
Claire and Kenosha. All entries must be in the database by midnight on the 15th and all checks must be POSTMARKED April 15th. Also, there is a Badger ORGAN division. Please consider entering any students in this
division. Watch for further information as the site is arranged, but start preparing your students now! Check for
further updates and entry information on the WMTA website.
MTNA Composition Competition
Music Teachers National Association is pleased to announce the results of the composition competition for Wisconsin.
Junior Representative: Natalie Sandor, Student of Alexander Sandor
Senior Representative: Jack Russell, Student of Joslyn Vandermause
This year, the Wisconsin judge was: Eugenie Rocherolle
Winning and representative compositions automatically advance to the division competition. The results of that competition will be announced in the middle of December.
Congratulations to all of the participants in the competition! We hope that the comments you receive from the judges
will be helpful to you and your teacher. Your efforts are to be commended and we hope that you will continue to learn
and grow as a composer. Good luck with your musical studies!
Margaret Otwell, Wisconsin Composition Coordinator, (262) 786-1361,
MTNA Performance Competitions
Congratulations to the following Winners and State Representatives who will represent Wisconsin at the East Central Division Competition held on January 15–16, 2016 at Goshen College in Goshen, Indiana: Competition information will be
available in April at the MTNA Competitions website:
Colin Mayo, Student of Larisa Topolkaraeva - MTNA Junior Piano Competition State Representative
Julian Rhee, Violin, Student of Hye-Sun Lee - MTNA Senior String State Representative
John Schindler, Student of Alan Chow - MTNA Senior Piano Winner (8 Entrants)
Leo Sussman, Student of Erin Lesser - MTNA Young Artist Woodwind Winner (2 Entrants)
Anthony Cardella, Student of Michael Mizrahi - MTNA Young Artist Piano Competition (12 Entrants)
Christine Groth, NCTM, State MTNA Competitions Chair
Bethany Hartlaub, State MTNA Junior Competitions Coordinator and High School Virtuoso Chair
Ashley Hanke, State MTNA Young Artist and Chamber Music Competitions Coordinator
Dr. Abigail Mace abigail.mace@utexas.ed, State MTNA Senior Competitions Coordinator
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Theory Test News
At the June board meeting, there was some discussion on the difficulty of the theory tests, with the suggestion that
there be more help to prepare for the tests (in addition to the practice exams). There is now a list of helpful apps on
the WMTA website located by the practice exams and study guides. The list includes specific theory concepts and
levels. Thank you Erin Peyer!
I know many of you have some study guides and worksheets you have created in your studios – if they have been
created using notation software for the musical examples, and you are willing to share them with our membership,
please email them to me at the address below. I feel it is important for the materials we post to look professional.
I am willing to create worksheets for specific concepts on the WMTA theory exams. If you have found that your students struggle with a concept (the function of chords at the IC level, for example), you may request a worksheet for
that concept by sending me an email. Worksheets will be placed on the website for everyone to print and use.
Diane Wilson, WMTA Theory Chair,
2015 HS Virtuoso Competition
Congratulations to the winner of the 2015 High School Virtuoso Competition, Callie Olinski, student of Lori Schneider! The competition was held
October 9th at the University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire. Next year’s competition will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. More details
regarding this competition can be found at under the student events tab. If you
have advanced high school students, please consider this competition for
the coming year!
Bethany Hartlaub, High School Virtuoso Competitions Chair, 262.215.5495
2015 Commissioned Composer
Soon after officially taking over as President during the annual business luncheon at
this year’s conference, Nicholas Phillips gave the premiere performance of Keyboard of
the Winds by Stacy Garrop (
The piece was inspired by a jagged stretch of rock formations that link Longs Peak to
Pagoda Mountain in the Rocky Mountain National Park. The formations are called
Keyboard of the Winds as they suggest the splinted keys of an old broken piano.
A recording of the piece can be found on YouTube and the score is available directly
from the composer.
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Technology Article
What You Should, Could, and Shouldn’t Include on a Studio Website
You Should Include…
Contact Info: Make sure your name and email address are easily found on your home page. You may also include your phone number and the address of your studio, but those are not necessary, especially if email is
your preferred method of communication. Many studio websites will also include a contact page. On the contact page you can create a form that allows potential students to fill out their information without giving away
too much of your information. Most website hosts will also allow you to place social media icons (Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn) that visitors can click on to check out your social media presence.
Information About You: Let potential students know why they should choose you for a teacher. How long
have you been teaching? Do you have degrees or certification in your area of expertise? Have you won any
awards? Why do you love teaching?
Information About Your Studio: Be sure to post pictures of recent events and let visitors know about upcoming events. You can also include testimonies from happy parents and students explaining why you’re such
an amazing teacher!
You Could Include…
Teaching Philosophy: Writing out your teaching philosophy will help potential students and their parents decide if you would be a good fit. This could, however, turn some students away before they get a chance to meet
you in person.
Studio Policy & Rates: I think it’s great to be upfront about your expectations, but again, all these details
could turn potential students away before you get a chance to meet face-to-face.
For Current Students: On this page you can include your studio calendar, upcoming performance and group
classes, and a list of resources. Since I pay for my website, I am able to make this page password protected.
This allows me to share the link to our swap list (a list of student lesson times and parent contact info for those
interested in being able to swap lesson times). You could also include you studio policy and rates here if you’d
You Shouldn’t Include…
Excessive Information about your Personal Life: Feel free to share a little info about your family and even
pets, but don’t go overboard. This is a professional website. You can share your intimate personal details on
Your Teaching Schedule: If you post your entire schedule on your website, parents might assume they can
easily reschedule a lesson into your dinner break. Save yourself time and hassle by keeping your entire schedule to yourself. Besides, isn’t that what a swap list is for?!?
Check out my website – to see examples and feel free to contact me if you have any
Erin Peyer,, WMTA Technology Chair
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
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Independent Music Teachers Forum
Harvesting Your Independent Music Studio
Harvest time is a good time to evaluate your studio business. Do you have enough students? Are you
on track with the goals you set? Do you like the direction your studio is going in? How and where can
you improve? Have you realized a return on your investments of time and money?
It’s a good time to start a blog about the journey you are on. Put yourself and your studio out into cyberspace and build an online presence for your current students and the future ones. Google accounts
offer easy ways to participate online and “get found.” Consider starting with a question you frequently
hear from parents and students and start sharing your expertise. Google is in the business of finding
out how internet searches are used. Once they know this, they can formulate the fastest and best way to
provide information. Recently, I learned that “Googling” is now most often being done in the form of
a question. That fits nicely with the teaching business because that is what we do – answer questions.
If your blog and your website answer the same questions, even better! Your blog can be a part of your
website and can be linked to social media accounts as well.
Harvesting successes and capitalizing on them is essential to the health of your business and you personally. Make sure to look at the CEO in your bathroom mirror and acknowledge the journey he/she is
on. Perhaps a raise is in order. Maybe some time off, or a special gift would go a long way to fuel the
flame of passionate teaching. Take time to be mindful of how you feel during lessons, preparation,
evaluation and how these feelings correlate with the person you want to be.
Stress and anxiety are two of the sneakiest feelings in human nature. We generously guard and protect
our students from their effects while ignoring ourselves in the process. You are your biggest, most important business asset. Your business is dead in the water without you. Be sure to schedule in time to
eat, visit the restroom, go to bed at a regular time (without the TV) and get up after at least eight hours.
Many independent music teachers are teaching between the hours of 3pm and 9pm, with preparation
and paperwork before and afterward. These are called second shift hours and the time you have for
yourself is in the morning. If you schedule those mornings up with studio business, you may be working morning, noon and night. You will need a plan to accommodate that lifestyle. It is your responsibility to be realistic and take care of your assets.
MyFitnessPal is an application which can be used to assist with staying healthy. It can be used to track
everything from food to exercise. There are workouts, recipes and current research reports on health
topics. No excuses; your students need you to be healthy.
A healthy harvest includes putting what you’ve learned into practice. State conference and local association meetings here in southeast Wisconsin, were just full of new ideas and reinforcement of old
ones. New vocabulary such as “pedaling on today’s pianos can provide a ‘sheen’ on the sound” and
“Do not hit and run, finish the technical gesture” will be used on students who enter auditions this
spring. It’s a good time to organize those notes you took and find things that can be implemented right
away. Gather up the seeds for future planting and plan where, and how, they will be sown.
Happy Harvest! Celebrate and enjoy the beautiful music you foster with your business!
Sandy Ryan, Independent Music Teachers Forum Chair
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Memories from 2015 Conference
On behalf of the conference committee, I want to thank all of you who made this year's conference a
huge success! It was a lovely weekend in Sheboygan with time for learning, listening and networking
with colleagues. What a treat to hear a superb concert and masterclass conducted by Panayis Lyras
and having the opportunity to get to know the MTNA President, Rebecca Johnson.
Now we set our sites on the 2016 Conference! The next conference will be held at the beautiful
Radisson Hotel in downtown LaCrosse, on the Mississippi River. Dates for the next conference
are October 21-22. Hotel rates are for a standard 2 queen riverview room $135.00 per night (tax not
included). Guest rooms include free WIFI, free bottled water, coffee maker, refrigerator, complimentary gated parking, fitness center, indoor pool and whirlpool and complimentary 24 hour business
The 2016 guest artist will be Nicholas Roth.
Learn more about Nicholas by visiting
Mark your calendars and 'save the date' for the 2016 conference--make it a memorable fall weekend
in beautiful La Crosse!
It's time to submit a session proposal for next year's conference. Deadline to submit is December 31,
2015. For more information, click here: WMTA CONFERENCE SESSION PROPOSALS
Member of Year Award Recipients—Pictured (Left to Right) Back Row: Dr. Margaret Otwell, David Reedy,
Eileen Herrling, and Julie Hildebrandt. Front Row: Deanna Roen and Ann Marie Novak.
Not Pictured: Terry Wilkinson, Dr. Arthur Johnson and Pat Callahan-Schmidt.
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Badger Vocal/Instrumental
Badger V/I will be held May 21, 2016 at UW-Stevens Point. Entry deadline is April 15, 2016. This
is the postmark deadline; but it is always best to mail it early to make sure it is received in a timely
manner (the mail service has messed us up in the past). All communication will be via e- mail. No
scheduling requests are allowed due to the nature of the competition with various instruments and
age categories.
Please note that entry fees have gone up: Badger entry fee is now $25.00.
We have had the “Rule of 4” in place for many years. When there are 4 or less contestants in any
one category, the judge does not have to declare a winner. It was decided by the board to keep this
in place. It is up to the discretion of the judge to either award a winner, runner-up, or honorable
mention to any of the contestants if there is less than 4 entrants. The judges are told to preferably
give the winner award, if possible. But contestants are competing against a standard of performance, and sometimes that standard is not met for a winner status.
The goal of Badger V/I is to give all our students the opportunity to perform to the top of their ability, and still compete with others from around our state. It is also the chance for them to listen to
one another, learning more repertoire, and hearing some fine performances. Winning should not be
the ultimate goal.
When entering students’ information in Ovation note that vocal Broadway music is under the category of “Music Theater.” Students must perform three selections from three different style periods.
One style period must be Baroque or Classical. Vocalists must memorize all their selections, other
instrumentalists must memorize one, and the other two selections may be performed using music.
If accompaniment is called for, it must be used for all instruments. DO check the Handbook for all
rules that must be complied with. Each instrument has its own rules regarding memorization, style
periods and accompaniment.
As we work with the keyboard competition on the same day, there will always be some adjustments. But we will still plan on the ‘end of the day’ winners’ recital. The recital was very well received last year, and is wonderful to have available again for the V/I students.
Nancy Jane Burman, NCTM
Badger Vocal/Instrumental Chairperson
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Page 16
Local Association News
This quarter we are highlighting the three local associations whose
information did not appear in the August newsletter. These organizations always welcome new members and members from neighboring
local associations are welcome to attend any presentations. Check
out the Local Associations page on the WMTA web site for links to
each groups’ web sites for more information.
Kenosha Music Teachers Association
President: Judy Ballard
Wausau Music Teachers Association
President Shannon Whaples
WAMTA’s meeting alternate between discussions on the second Friday of the month at Biggbys and business meetings on the second
Thursday of the month at the Wausau Conservatory of music.
This year will host round table discussions on business practices,
what do when a student finishes with method books, favorite studio
incentives. We also will host a master class with Sara Buechner.
Oshkosh Area Music Teachers Association
President Erin Peyer
OAMTA meets at 9:15 on the first Tuesday of each month, September through May at Heid Music in Oshkosh. In addition to WMTA
auditions, our group hosts a fall and spring recital for our students.
Our meeting presentations this year include information on acoustic
and digital instruments, teaching musical concepts through improvisation and composition, studio incentive programs and collaborative
Lisa Zwiefelhofer
Local Association Chair
Have You Moved?
Membership Changes
including renewals and
address changes should
be made on the MTNA
website by updating your
member profile.
Page 17
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Featured Student Article
The Perspective from an Adult Piano Student
Written by Jennifer Edmondson
Submitted by Catherine Walby, WMTA Past President
For the past 11 years I’ve been an adult piano student of Catherine Walby’s at Lawrence University Academy of
Music (LAM). I’m very fortunate to have a piano teacher who is patient, kind, and a wealth of information. She
asked if I’d share some thoughts about being an adult piano student.
I had taken piano lessons as a child, long ago. I’ve been an attorney for nearly 30 years. I’m generally a fast
learner. I’m accustomed to processing large amounts of information and using the data to develop multiple options
and strategies. I assumed, wrongly, that learning to play the piano would come as easily. That realization was both
humiliating (I must be stupid) and freeing (now I know what my challenges are. Catherine and I can work to overcome them).
I’ve learned that in order to progress, I must: set realistic goals, have practices that are regular, structured, and distraction free, communicate with my teacher, and identify the sources of my difficulties.
Setting realistic goals. No matter how much I want to master a piece, if it’s well beyond my skill level and time
availability, then I’m only setting myself up for frustration. There is no shame in taking a few steps back and working on less complicated pieces. Someday I will return to that Mozart sonata and do it justice!
Practices. Practicing regularly and efficiently has always been a challenge. I’ve been busy raising a daughter, and
running our household. My husband and I operate a small business. So, I needed to change my approach to piano
practice. Scales, cadences, and arpeggios are no longer a ‘necessary evil’ to rush through. Their purpose is to focus
my attention on the task at hand – piano practice.
Next, I study the sheet music, trying to notice the key and time signatures, any recurring patterns, and accidentals. I
no longer expect to play through the entire the piece right away. I’ll pencil in fingering, and beats per measure, if
necessary. Then I decide which sections to work on. Catherine suggested I break the piece down into manageable
parts. Sometimes I devote a practice session to only three or four measures.
Communication. If I don’t tell my teacher about problems I’m encountering, she can’t possibly try to help me. I
mark problem areas on the sheet music, so I’ll remember to tell her at my next piano lesson. I also tell her if I was
unable to practice during the previous week, so we can adjust the focus of the piano lesson accordingly.
Identifying other difficulties. Though I’ve always struggled with reading music, it’s taken years for me to recognize that I’ve needed a different prescription (from my everyday glasses) for reading sheet music at the piano. Now
I clearly see the notes on the page!
I still struggle with learning new pieces, and finding time to practice. But by reflecting honestly about my situation,
I’ve learned a lot about myself, and I think I’ve increased my chances for regular and consistent progress.
The End
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Page 18
Blue Harbor Resort and Spa, Sheboygan,WI
October 22, 2015 – 8:00pm to 10:00pm
In attendance: Catherine Walby, Gail Heywood, Arlyss Troge, Kayme Henkel, Rachel Fritz, Nancy Burman, Lisa
Zwiefelhofer, Rita Schuman, Drew Donica, Becky Johnson (MTNA President), Bethany Hartlaub, Drea Wagner,
Jess Johnson, Nick Phillips, and Katie Butler.
Regrets: Sandra Ryan
I. Called to Order/Welcome - President, Catherine Walby at 8:09pm. All present were introduced.
II. Adoption of the Agenda - Motion to adopt by Nancy Burman, seconded by Rachel Fritz with addition of new
business for MTNA travel grants.
III. Approval of Minutes - Approved by consensus.
IV. Officer Reports
President - Catherine Walby, NCTM – Resignations: Laura Swenson, MTNA Foundation. Appointments:
Drew Donica, Arts Awareness and Advocacy; Abigail Mace, MTNA Sr. Comp; Jess Johnson, College
Faculty. Work has primarily been done via email to revise the WMTA constitution and bylaws. The finance committee met in July to go over many procedures. We gave Katie Butler a raise. Catherine met
with Rita Schuman and Krista Miller to determine the status of Ovation, future needs and costs for future
updates. Any future work on Ovation will be $65/hour and will need finance committee approval. This
year, Local Association grants were given to: CVMTA, FVMTA, MMTA, LAMTA, MMTA, OAMTA,
RRMTA, SAMTA, SCVMTA, SPAMTA. ECD will be held January 15 and 16, 2016 at Goshen College.
Rachel Fritz will be attending.
Immediate Past President - Gail Heywood, NCTM - No report.
President Elect - Nick Phillips, NCTM – Nick attended the leadership summit, which took place in Cincinnati in September.
1st VP-Conference - Gail Heywood, NCTM - This year's conference has had higher registration than the
past few years. Gail recommends that the association provide a way to pay and register online. Further
research will go into the cost of creating online registration payments. The board also discussed the option
for creating a digital conference booklet for members with cell phones and tablets at conference. The
board is in favor of providing both a physical and digital program option, and this too will be researched
further before any decisions are made. The board also discussed the possibility of including an option on
the registration form to purchase extra tickets for the concert. For next year, these will be $10 per person
with a $5 student rate. The site for the 2016 WMTA Conference will be the Radisson Hotel in La Crosse,
Wisconsin. The dates will be October 21-22, 2016. Group room rate is: $135.00 per night (plus tax) for
double queen, river view (we have a block of 37 rooms). Our conference guest artist will be Nicholas
Roth. For more on Nicholas Roth, visit his website: WMTA is now
accepting session proposals for the 2016 conference. The submission deadline is December 31, 2015. Special thanks to the 2015 conference committee: Opala Bilhorn, Katie Butler, Elisabeth Daniels and Sandy
2nd VP-Membership - Arlyss Troge - MTNA membership stands at 18,995. WMTA membership stands at
456. 34 members did not renew from last year, but we had 20 new student members in the month of September. The issue of non-renewing members is something we need to continue to address as an association. Special thanks to Catherine Walby, the LA Presidents, and the District Chairs for help in contacting
nonrenewals. There are 14 members who do not have email. Lisa Zwiefelhofer suggested LA presidents
could print out the newsletter and deliver to those members.
Continued on Page 21
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Page 20
Treasurer - Rachel Fritz - Current balances: Checking, $2,462.01; Money Market, $20,584.29; CD,
$133,129.08. The current year balance from income and expenses is -$7,528.10, however not all items are
in for the year. The 990 has been filed for 2014-15. The finance committee has met to discuss audition
fees, reimbursements and audition software costs. Anybody with questions regarding association finances
may contact Rachel.
Program Chair Reports
Arts Awareness Advocacy - Drew Donica - After looking at the 2015 MTNA National Conference, Drew
want us to work better within our organization and with groups throughout the state. We should be brainstorming together for solutions to current issues the association faces. We need to decide how music fit
within our community and define what arts awareness and advocacy means to our organization. Drew
will be exploring further resources for grants and funding including funds given by MTNA. Drew is
happy to hear all thoughts and ideas on what the members would like to see happen with Arts Awareness
and Advocacy, and is interested in finding out what is happening in each LA.
Badger Collegiate Competition - Drew Wagner, NCTM - Badger Collegiate will be held on March 12 at Lakeland
College in Sheboygan. The registration postmark deadline will be February 12th. This event could be very appropriate for online registration and payments. The board agreed this would be a great opportunity to set up the online
registration system. The registration is currently $25. Discussion was made to determine if this was still applicable.
The board will discuss this issue further at the next meeting once further research has been done.
Badger Keyboard Competition, Kayme Henkel, NCTM - All three sites will be May 21, 2016: Northeast at UWStevens Point; South at UW-Whitewater; Northwest at UW-River Falls. Freeze date for audition entries for Badger
Keyboard will be April 15, 2016. Checks must be postmarked by midnight on April 15th. As a reminder to teachers,
please encourage your students to take advantage of the opportunity to listen to their peers. Also, consider entering
your students into the Badger organ division. Watch for further information as the sites are arranged, but start preparing your students now.
Badger Vocal/Instrumental Competition, NCTM - The Badger Vocal/Instrumental Competition is held at
the same time and location as the piano sites. This has been done because numbers are down. The situation is working very well. Combining dates also meant only one weekend of work for teachers, which was
much appreciated. There were a total of 39 student entries with 13 teachers participating. Badger/
Instrumental for next year will be held at Stevens Point on May 21, 2016.
College Faculty Forum, Jessica Johnson, NCTM - College Faculty Forum, Jessica Johnson, NCTM - The
college students will have a pizza party dinner instead of joining the banquet on Friday night. We are
looking to make this an annual event. Three groups will be presenting poster session during Conference.
The extra effort to help students attend Conference this year were well received and appreciated by students.
District Auditions - Rita Schuman, NCTM - A lot of time was taken to organize the new website to help
make everything easier to find. This includes the new online "handbook". Additional funding will be
needed to incorporate a download for the district chairs to have the ability to download just their individual areas information into a spreadsheet. The board discussed the financial cost because it was over the
original budget. Kayme Henkel motioned to approve, Rita Schuman seconded. The board discussed the
issue. It was decided that this would be a valuable and time saving step for the chairs. The motion passed
unanimously. We will be adding a new site this year in Manitowoc.
High School Virtuoso Competition - Bethany Hartlaub - The 2015 High School Virtuoso Competition was
held on October 9th at the UW-Eau Claire. It was proposed that this may be a good event to do in conjunction with the state Conference so the teachers could help and listen. It was also proposed to raise the
entry fee to help cover the costs. The board discussed both issues and the role of this competition within
the association. It was decided that space and schedule logistics make it difficult to combine with conference. Bethany Hartlaub motioned to raise the fee to $30. Arlyss Troge seconded. The motion passed
Continued on Page 22
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Local Associations Forum - Lisa Zwiefelhofer, NCTM - The biggest concern for Local Association chairs
is gaining and keeping new members. To raise awareness of our state’s local associations and encourage
more involvement, each local association president submitted information about when and where their
groups meet. All the groups now have updated their information on the website to make it easy for people
to find. The presidents’ reports were also used to prepare a letter inviting new WMTA members to join at
the local level. This document is now being included in the member welcome packets. Nine local associations will be honoring their Member of the Year at the Conference banquet on Friday.
Independent Music Teachers Forum - Sandra Ryan – Not Present. Sandy serves on Bylaws and Conference committees. Based on state need by members, she will continue to communicate information about
running a professional studio. She also thanks college faculty for their role in educating future teachers.
Standing/Special Committees
Bylaws Revision - Catherine Walby, NCTM - Proposed changes in the document were discussed. The
board discussed the proposed changes in board member terms and collegiate involvement. Every 5 years,
the constitution and bylaws for each local association should be reviewed, with any changes filed with the
LA chair in consultation with president and whomever the president assigns. No vote took place since that
is the responsibility of the Administrative Council and general membership.
Central Office - Katie Butler - The new website is now fully up and going including a new member database program. Members will be sent an email with a specific link to follow allowing them to create their
own profile in this system. This feature allows each member to control the information that is posted. To
add their profile, members need to follow the official link that is provided by WMTA. Members can contact the webmaster with help regarding this new option. The board discussed how the list is being sorted
and decided to leave the list as it is. Watch for further communication to come soon.
Finance - Rachel Fritz - The finance committee is currently Catherine Walby, Rachel Fritz, Rita Schuman,
and Nick Phillips. They met in July and discussed a wide range of topics. Finance questions can be directed to any of the committee members.
Nominating Committee - Rita Schuman, NCTM - Nick becomes president Saturday. Candidates to be
voted in Saturday: VP-Conference, Gail Heywood; VP-Membership, Arlyss Troge; Treasurer, Rachel
Fritz. The next cycle: elect president-elect Fall 2017, elect other officers Fall 2018. All information is
published in the August newsletter of the respective year.
Website/Classified ads - Katie Butler – The central office regularly receives job posting information. A
page on the website can be created to temporarily house this information. This is seen as a membership
benefit and can increase visibility of the association’s new website. Nancy Burman motioned to create a
bulletin board for music related job listings and is the responsibility of the webmaster. Seconded by Jessica Johnson. Motion passed unanimously. Watch for this function to become available in 2016.
Old Business - None
New Business
2016 Foundation Fellow - Catherine Walby, NCTM - The board discussed to two current candidates on the
floor and made a decision. Nick moved for Jessica Johnson for this year and the second candidate to be
considered, along with other members, for next year. Rachel seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Printing of Newsletters - Zwiefelhofer/Walby/Butler - Discussion was made regarding the benefits and
cost downsides of continuing with a printed newsletter. Catherine recommended a newsletter committee
to determine the content needs, and when to send what, along with the desires of the general membership.
It was also suggested that a survey be sent out regarding paper vs. digital newsletter, especially given the
extremely high cost of doing the August newsletter. Committee: Nick Phillips, Kayme Henkel, Katie
Butler, Catherine Walby.
Student Events Publication - Butler/Walby – Discussion of possible ideas and liabilities for publishing
photos. Tabled for future meeting pending research.
Continued on Page 23
February 2014
Page6 22
MTNA Performance Grants - Catherine Walby, NCTM – We currently give students money to offset
travel costs to divisional and national competitions. Students have not applied. It was proposed that students need to apply for this grant to be able to receive it. Nick moved to have an application process for
division and national, Rachel seconded. The board discussed the application process. Motion passed
unanimously. A process will be determined by MTNA competition coordinators in conjunction with the
Executive Board.
Members, as individuals, are invited to look into GEEO (Global Exploration for Educators Organization) , a
501c3 organization that sends teachers abroad. For more information: or toll-free at 1877-600-0105 between 9 AM-9 PM EST.
A reminder that MusicLink is a good resource for students in financial. For more information:
We are in need of collecting conference booklets for archives from the following years: 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. Contact Monica Scholz if you have one to spare.
WSMA list: Individual teachers may purchase the entire piano list (or vocal, etc) for $10 total. This is a
change from last year.
The next meeting will be via teleconference on Friday, February 5, 2016 from 10am to noon for the executive
board. Meetings will be held on Friday, June 3, 2016 from 9:30 to noon for the executive board and 1:30
to 3:30 for the administrative council, with lunch/breakouts sessions over the noon hour.
Adjournment - Rita motioned to adjourn. Nancy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 11:07pm.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Blue Harbor Resort, Sheboygan
Meeting called to order by Catherine Walby, president, at 11:34am. Louise Mann was asked to take the minutes. A
quorum was present.
Agenda: To discuss and approve changes to the WMTA bylaws as distributed via email in the week prior to the
Proposed changes were explained and discussed. The following motions were made in addition to changes made by
the Constitution and Bylaws committee:
Drea Wagner motioned, Rachel Fritz seconded the minimum of 18 years of age for Active Membership struck
from Article II, Section 1. Motion passed unanimously.
Rachel Fritz motioned, Nick Phillips seconded the minimum of 18 years of age for Collegiate membership struck
from Article II, Section 2. Motion passed unanimously.
Carmen Shaw called the question for a vote on the Bylaws.
Nancy Burman motioned, Kayme Henkel seconded that the Bylaws be accepted as proposed by the committee and
amended by the Administrative Council. Motion passed unanimously.
Nancy Burman motioned, Sandra Statz seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11:42am.
WMTA’s new bylaws and constitution were approved at the Annual Business Meeting and are available at
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WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Blue Harbor Resort and Spa, Sheboygan, WI
October 24, 2015, 11:30am
In attendance: Catherine Walby, Gail Heywood, Arlyss Troge, Kayme Henkel, Rachel Fritz, Nancy Burman, Lisa Zwiefelhofer, Rita Schuman,
Christine Groth , Bethany Hartlaub, Drea Wagner, Jess Johnson, Nick Phillips, Monica Scholz, Diana Shapiro, Peggy Otwell, Sandra Ryan, Diane
Wilson, Erin Peyer, Michael Mizrahi, Laura Swenson, Katie Butler and general membership.
Regrets: Justin Krueger, Drew Donica, Elisabeth Daniels.
Call to Order/Welcome 11:55am by President, Catherine Walby.
Adoption of the Agenda – Nancy Burman motioned, Dorie Petersen seconded.
Approval of Minutes by consensus
Officer Reports
President – Catherine Walby, NCTM – Resignations: Laura Swenson, MTNA Foundation. Appointments: Drew Donica, Arts Awareness
and Advocacy; Abigail Mace, MTNA Sr Comp; Jessica Johnson, College Faculty/Wellness. Open positions: MTNA Foundation. Committee work: finance, bylaws/constitution, Ovation. Please let Nick, as new president, know if you are willing to serve in a leadership
Immediate Past President – Gail Heywood, NCTM – No report.
President Elect – Nicholas Phillips, NCTM – Nick looks forward to the new position and hearing from the membership about their ideas.
1st VP-Conference – Gail Heywood, NCTM – Thanks the committee for helping prepare for conference. Attendance, advertising and exhibitor attendance was up this year from last year. Anybody who is looking for a particular benefit from the state conference should let Gail
know. Next year’s conference will be in La Crosse at the Radisson Hotel. The guest artist will be Nicholas Roth. We will also be offering
online registration and payment. We are already accepting proposals for next year and the deadline for these proposals is December 31,
VP-Membership – Arlyss Troge – Current MTNA membership stands at 18,995. WMTA membership stands at 456. 34 members did not
renew from last year, but we had 20 new student members in the month of September. The issue of non-renewing members is something
we need to continue to address as an association. Special thanks to Catherine Walby, the LA Presidents, and the District Chairs for help in
contacting non-renewals. We continue to work towards the growth of the organization including continued focus on bringing more collegiate members into WMTA.
Treasurer – Rachel Fritz – Current balances: Checking, $2462.01; Money Market, $20,584.29; CD, $133,129.08. Our current year’s balance
is negative at $7528.10. The 990 for 2014-15 was filed. The finance committee has been in regular communication; please ask any members if you have questions. (Committee: Rachel Fritz, Nick Phillips, Rita Schuman, Catherine Walby.) Laura Swenson asked why all the
CD money is in one CD. This is due to the best interest rates. Finance will continue to look at all options.
Program Chair Reports
Archivist – Monica Scholz – We are looking for conference booklets from 2005-2012. Contact Monica if you are willing to have yours archived. A list of items put into archives was included.
Arts Awareness and Advocacy – Drew Donica, not present – After looking at the 2015 MTNA National Conference, Drew want us to work
better within our organization and with groups throughout the state. We should be brainstorming together for solutions to current issues the
association faces. We need to decide how music fits within our community and define what arts awareness and advocacy means to our
organization. Drew will be exploring further resources for grants and funding including funds given by MTNA and asks us to share any
ideas we have.
Badger Collegiate Competition – Drea Wagner, NCTM – Badger Collegiate will be held on March 12 at Lakeland College in Sheboygan.
The registration postmark deadline will be February 12th.
Badger Keyboard Competition – Kayme Henkel, NCTM –All sites will be May 21; Northeast at UW-Stevens Point, South at UWWhitewater, Northwest at UW-River Falls. Organ will take place at Stevens Point. Online registration deadline is April 15; postmark
deadline for check is the same.
Badger Vocal/Instrumental Competition – Nancy Burman, NCTM – Attendance is down for this event. We will be at Stevens Point next
spring on May 21.
Collaborative Performance Forum –Diana Shapiro – We will work to help publicize events around the state via Facebook. We will also
continue looking at need/interest in collaborative performance.
College Faculty Forum – Jess Johnson, NCTM – We have had great attendance at the conference by collegiate members. Last night’s pizza
party was well received and a great success. College faculty session will be held later during Conference. Any members with ideas for improving issues concerning the collegiate chapters should contact Jess.
Composer Commissioning – Michael Mizrahi –David Werfelmann will be the commissioned composer for 2016.
Composition Competition – Peggy Otwell – Results of the WMTA and MTNA competitions were listed. We encourage all teachers to explore composition during lessons.
District Auditions – Rita Schuman, NCTM – Ovation is continuing to be updated to make it user friendly.
is the new website and a lot of hours have gone into clarifying and updating the information. The board approved the addition of further
programming to make reporting easier for district chairs. District Audition entry fees for 2016 will be going up by $5 for each category. As
a reminder, teachers should collect fees from their students and then write one check for the total of their entries to WMTA. Payment for
entry fees must be sent to the district chairperson. A new auditions site will be in Manitowoc.
High School Virtuoso Competition – Bethany Hartlaub – Competition took place October 9th in conjunction with the MTNA competitions.
This program gives high school students the opportunity to perform without the need to advance and is open to all instruments and voice.
This competition will be in Stevens Point next year at some time in October of 2016. Fees are now $30.
February 2014
Page6 24
Independent Music Teachers Forum – Sandy Ryan – Sandy continues to work with the different areas of our state to network, learn of their
needs and establish connections. In particular, members have expressed their desire to learn more about professionalism in the industry.
The state of Wisconsin is very good at bringing multiple generations together to support music education. Sandy asks that members contact their local or state leadership and let them know both what is working for you and what you would still like to see available from your
Local Associations – Lisa Zwiefelhofer, NCTM – Membership is up this year and we are always looking to increase participation in local
associations. To raise awareness of our state’s local associations and encourage more involvement, each local association president submitted information about when and where their groups meet. All the groups now have updated their information on the website to make it
easy for people to find. The presidents’ reports were also used to prepare a letter inviting new WMTA members to join at the local level.
This document is now being included in the member welcome packets.
MTNA Certification – Justin Krueger, NCTM, not present – As of July 2015, we have 18.4% of our members with national certification.
From June 2014 until July 2015 we had 6 teachers obtain certification and five more have certified since July. Congratulations to all who
are currently certified. As a reminder, upon successful completion of certification, you are able to receive reimbursement for your application fees. Anybody with questions about certification may contact Justin.
MTNA Competitions – Christine Groth, NCTM – Given on behalf of Bethany Hartlaub (MTNA Jr), Ashley Hanke (MTNA Young Artist/
Chamber) and Abigail Mace (MTNA Sr). A complete list from Oct 9 and 10 competitions was included. We encourage teachers to enter
students, especially those who do well at Badger. Next year will be at Stevens Point Oct 8 and 9. Competitions are open to the public and
volunteers will be needed.
MTNA Foundation – Laura Swenson, NCTM – Winners of the baskets for the silent auction were named. Our Foundation Fellow for 2016
is Jessica Johnson, who will be honored at the MTNA Gala in April
Teacher Award of Excellence, Drea Wagner, NCTM – At the Friday banquet we handed out 35 awards to teachers. There is information
about this program on the website.
Technology – Erin Peyer, NCTM – One of the thirteen local associations will be featured each month with two in April. If you haven’t already liked the association Facebook page, please do so by searching for “Wisconsin Music Teachers Association”. Contact Erin if you
have ideas for a technology session at Conference next year.
Theory – Diane Wilson – Diane is looking to grow the database of theory tests/materials currently available. After taking a poll of the members in the room, most members would value the development of further resources besides the practice exams that are currently on the
website. Please contact her if you have further ideas at
Webmaster – Elisabeth Daniels –Not Present. The old site is down, and the new website is We encourage members to reference it. For further questions or information updates on the website please contact Elisabeth at
Old Business/Standing Committee Reports
Central Office – Katie Butler – The new website is now fully up and going including a new member database program. Members will be sent
an email with a specific link to follow allowing them to create their own profile in this system. This feature allows each member to control
the information that is posted. To add their profile, members need to follow the official link that is provided by WMTA. Members can
contact the webmaster with help regarding this new option. The board discussed how the list is being sorted and decided to leave the list as
it is. Watch for further communication to come soon.
Finance – Rachel Fritz – included during Treasurer’s report.
New Business
Nominating Committee – Rita Schuman, NCTM – Huge thank you to Catherine for her service as President of the association. Nominees
were reviewed. Carmen Shaw moved to close nominations, Nancy Burman seconded. New officers are: Nick Phillips, President; Gail
Heywood, VP-Conference; Arlyss Troge, VP-Membership; Rachel Fritz, Treasurer. Terms run Fall 2015-Fall 2018.
Bylaws Revision – Catherine Walby, NCTM – Catherine reviewed the basic changes and edits to the Bylaws. Rachel Fritz moved to adopt
the new Bylaws with the proposed changes, Laura Swenson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Summary of Executive Board Actions – Catherine Walby, NCTM – The process for MTNA travel grants have changed; possible recipients
must now apply, details TBD. Classified ads for music related job postings will be added as a membership resource to the website in 2016.
Newsletter committee has been formed to evaluate the newsletter and future communications.
Members, as individuals, are invited to look into GEEO (Global Exploration for Educators Organization) , a 501c3 organization that sends
teachers abroad. For more information: or toll-free at 1-877-600-0105 between 9 AM-9 PM EST.
A reminder that MusicLink is a good resource for students in financial. For more information:
We are in need of collecting conference booklets for archives from the following years: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Contact Monica Scholz if you have one to spare.
WSMA list: Individual teachers may purchase the entire piano list (or vocal, etc) for $10 total. This is a change from last year.
FTC-related issues: The guideline for discussing these issues is always to think about historic information, not current information. Review the
MTNA website for more information about FTC compliance including a list of things you can and cannot talk about.
The next Executive Board meeting will be via teleconference on Friday, February 5, 2016 from 10am to noon. Meetings will be held on Friday,
June 3, 2016 from 9:30 to noon for the executive board and 1:30 to 3:30 for the administrative council with lunch/breakout sessions over
the noon hour.
Adjournment at 1:15pm, Rachel Fritz moved to close, Nancy Burman seconded.
Page 25
WMTA Newsletter, December 2015
Advertise Here
The WMTA Newsletter is published four times a year during the months of
February, May, August and December. The deadline for sending submissions
is the 1st of the month before the issue publishes. Please contact our central
office to learn more about the requirements and opportunities for advertising
in this and other WMTA publications.
Full Page Ad (8.5” x 11”) $100
Half Page Ad (8.5 x 5.5”) $50
Quarter Page Ad (4.25” x 5.5”) $25
Eighth Page Ad (4.25” x 2.75”) $15
1005 Quinn Drive, #158
Waunakee, WI 53597
1005 Quinn Drive, #158
Waunakee, WI 53597
Phone: 608-850-1033
Member Submissions
All WMTA members may submit relevant announcements or articles to be
published in the newsletter. All submissions should be submitted 2 to 4 weeks
in advance and must be received by the 15th day of the month prior to issue
date or they will not be included and are subject to space availability. All August newsletter submissions must be received by the 1st of July.
To propose information, please email the central office with potential text and
pictures. All text should be concise and edited for content, spelling and grammar.
Photos should be clear, high resolution and ready for publication. All content is
subject to approval before it can be included.