Member Handbook 2009
Member Handbook 2009
OT SHOE • DURH RSE AM HO • W PPER CANADA •U •G EO R EN LD • AN GI DON • WATER LOO LON OR DS IN A• W TA ANDS • TORONT KEL O• LA GO Member Handbook 2009 Your guide to Landscape Ontario Directory • Benefits • Contacts Hanson Hardscape Products make a statement Hanson Hardscape Products provides the most comprehensive product offering in the business. Make each patio, poolside, driveway or walkway a statement of your creativity and craftsmanship with Hanson. For a free catalogue or to meet with a Hanson representative, visit us online at or call us today. Cambridge Mississauga T: 1 800 265 6496 T: 1 800 562 8490 Hanson Hardscape Products Paving Stones Architectural Tiles Retaining Walls Environmental Solutions Landscape Ontario Member Handbook 2009: Your guide to professionalism in the horticulture industry Welcome to all our members. Changes and developments throughout the horticulture industry have made 2008 a challenging year. Landscape Ontario continues its commitment and dedication to our industry professionals by offering a number of tools and educational opportunities to allow them to prosper and achieve new success. Members of Landscape Ontario continue to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and professionalism. With over 2,200 members, Landscape Ontario offers firstclass educational tools including seminars, conferences, certification programs, symposiums and social networking opportunities to unite the industry and offer a collective voice. Our industry trade shows have made many partnerships to involve other industries and broaden our horizons. These alliances help to further our mission — to be the leader in promoting and educating the horticulture industry to ensure the future of our industry. This Member Handbook will come in handy throughout the coming year. It is a valuable reference guide to the many services, programs and events offered by your association and the many professional companies that are such a huge part of it. Be sure to visit for the latest information on educational opportunites, events and programs available to Landscape Ontario members. Have a safe and prosperous season. Robert Adams Contents What is Landscape Ontario?...4 LO Board/Staff..........6 CNLA Board/Staff......6 Member Codes of Conduct and Ethics..............10 Member benefits Endorsed suppliers...............12 Information you can use..........14 Professional Development.........16 Certification..........18 Special events.......20 Promotional opportunities.........22 Literature..............24 Order form............26 Active member listings...................29 Associate member listings...................93 Advertisers’ index....................106 Robert Adams Landscape Ontario president cert no. XXX-XXX-000 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO What is Landscape Ontario? Introducing your trade association: With more than 2,000 members, Landscape Ontario is the province’s premier horticultural trades association. Our mission is to be the leader in representing, promoting and fostering a favourable climate for the advancement of the horticulture industry in Ontario. Landscape Ontario is a dynamic association offering professional development opportunities, industry trade shows and conferences, consumer events and cost savings benefits. Landscape Ontario is governed by an elected Provincial Board of Directors, which volunteers its time and effort to oversee the many programs and functions of the association. Landscape Ontario’s membership is organized by a chapter system. The opportunity to network is one of the founding principles of our association. There are currently nine LO chapters: • Durham • Toronto • Georgian Lakelands • Upper Canada • Golden Horseshoe • Waterloo • London • Windsor • Ottawa The chapters hold regular meetings that provide a forum for education, professional development and networking. Landscape Ontario’s 10 commodity groups address the specific needs of the various industry sectors. These groups meet regularly to look at sectorspecific issues and initiate solutions. They include: • Designers • Irrigation • Garden Centres • Landscape Contractors • Grounds Management • Lighting • Growers • Lawn Care • Interiorscape • Snow and Ice Through the efforts of members, volunteers and staff, Landscape Ontario provides a unified voice for the horticulture industry in Ontario. Ta k i n g h o r t i c u l t u r e t o t h e n e x t l e v e l landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Landscape Ontario 2008/2009 Board of Directors Provincial Board President: Robert Adams Past President: Bob Tubby, CLP 1st Vice-President: Tom Intven 2nd Vice President: Tim Kearney, CLP Treasurer: Phil Charal Members at Large: Jacki Ciphery, CLP and Gregg Salivan Chapter Board Representatives Durham: Brian Marsh Georgian Lakelands: Mark Goodman Golden Horseshoe: Tim Cruickshanks London: Tim Cradduck Ottawa: Tim Dyer Toronto: George Urvari Upper Canada: Paul Doornbos, CHT, CLP Waterloo: David Wright Windsor: Karl Klinck Commodity Group Representatives Designers: Beth Edney, CLD Garden Centres: Bob McCannell Grounds Management: Mike DeBoer, CHT Growers: Bart Brusse, Dave Braun Landscape Ontario is YOUR association, and staff work to serve your best interests. Please call, fax or e-mail any questions, ideas or concerns. Interiorscape: TBA Irrigation: Chris LeConte Landscape Contractors: Peter Guinane Lawn Care: Gavin Dawson Lighting: John Higo Snow and Ice: Mark Bradley Landscape Ontario Staff Allan Dennis (ext. 320), Editor, Ashleigh Woodhall (ext. 326), Education and Training, Denis Flanagan, CLD (ext. 303), Manager, Public Relations, Jane Leworthy (ext. 301), Administrative Assistant, Member Services, Joe Sabatino (ext. 310), Controller, Kathleen Pugliese (ext. 309), Executive Assistant, Kathy McLean (ext. 306), Education and Training, Ken Tomihiro (ext. 319), Education and Training, Kim Burton-Ogrodnik (ext. 355), Art Director, Lee Ann Knudsen, CLP (ext. 314), Publisher, Linda Nodello (ext. 353), Trade Show Coordinator, Lorraine Ivanoff (ext. 366), Trade Show Sales, Lynn Lane (613-796-5156), Membership Services Coordinator, Ottawa Chapter, Paul Day, CDE (ext. 339), Trade Show Manager, Robert Ellidge (ext. 312), Print Production Manager, Classifed Advertising and Property Manager, How to reach us Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association 7856 Fifth Line South, RR 4 Milton, ON L9T 2X8 Phone: 905-875-1805 or 1-800-265-5656 Fax: 905-875-3942 Tom Somerville (ext. 351), Manager, Pesticide Industry Council, Tony DiGiovanni, CHT (ext. 304), Executive Director, Sally Harvey, CLP, CHT (ext. 315), Education and Training, Sarah Willis (ext. 313), Editorial Director, Steve Moyer (ext. 316), Sales Manager, Publications, Susan Therrien (ext. 305), Communication Assistant, Wendy Harry (519-488-0818), Membership Services Coordinator, London and Windsor Chapters, landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 08-1004 Landscape Ontario Directory Ad:Layout 1 7/3/08 3:54 PM Page 1 The Power of Three With 70 years of being Canada’s #1 choice and more than 70 models to choose from, there’s a HIAB truck mounted crane that’s right for every kind of landscaping job out there. With HIAB you can always count on higher built-in quality and safety. Cable and radio remote options are available for added control. And check out our work ready boom packages and in-house financing. HIAB at Atlas Polar…Engineered to be the choice for landscapers everywhere. 1-888-799-4422 GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO CNLA 2008/2009 Board of Directors Executive Committee President: Michael Murray, Past President/Succession Chair: Paul Olsen, 1st Vice President: Christene LeVatte, CLP, 2nd Vice President/Growers: Bill Stensson, Treasurer: Cary Van Zanten, Directors Our mission The CNLA, with the Provincial Associations, will develop programs, undertake initiatives, and form alliances in order to achieve sustainable prosperity for members and stakeholders. AQPP Rep: Paul Jensen, BCLNA Rep/Environment Chair: Peter Levelton, Government Liaison & COHA Chair/SNLA Rep: Vic Krahn, CHT, HR Co-Chair: Bill Hardy, CLP, HR Co-Chair: Harold Deenen, CLP, Insurance Chair: Rene Thiebaud, CLP, Landscape Canada Chair: Bruce Hunter, CHT, CLD, CLP, LANTA Rep: Jim Wortherspoon, LM Rep: Owen Vanstone, LNB Rep/Member Services Chair: Darrell Nameth, CLP, LNL Rep/Garden Centre Canada Chair: Anthony O’Neill, LNS rep: Doug Conrad, CHT, CLD, CLP, LOHTA Rep: Gerald Boot, CLP, Planning & Gov./NAPPO Chair: Bruce McTavish, CNLA Staff Our vision A prosperous, professional and ethical industry that is recognized by the public, as a result of the environmental, economic and life-style benefits provided by our member’s products and services. Agnes Zawartka, Member Services, Alanna Wolf, HortProtect Co-ordinator, Joel Beatson, CLP, CAE, Professional & Business Development Manager, Joseph Salemi, CAE, Member Services Manager, Julia Ricottone, Certification Co-ordinator, Liz Klose, Landscape Priorities Manager, Lydia Couture-Comtois, Executive Assistant, Michelle Gregory, Member Services, Peter Isaacson, B.Sc, M. P.M., IPM/Minor Use co-ordinator, Rebecca Wetselaar, Atlantic Region Co-ordinator, Rita Weerdenburg, Growers Manager, Victor Santacruz, CAE, Executive Director, CNLA contact information 7856 Fifth Line South, RR 4, Milton, ON L9T 2X8 Phone: 905-875-1399 Toll Free: 1-888-446-3499 Fax: 905-875-1840 Toll Free Fax: 1-866-833-8603 E-mail: Web: landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Discover the Greener Side of STIHL At STIHL, we invest considerable resources in producing long lasting, energy-efficient products that minimize our impact on the environment. We’re committed to developing powerful, low-vibration, fuel-efficient outdoor power equipment that uses advanced, environmentally responsible product technologies. Maximum performance - Minimum impact. Discover STIHL’s greener products today at your friendly neighbourhood STIHL Dealer or visit us on-line at BR 500 High performance, low noise Backpack Blower with reduced emissions. FS 90 R Fuel efficient 4-MIX® engine delivers fast acceleration in a powerful lightweight unit. GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Member Codes Code of Conduct Members of Landscape Ontario are expected and encouraged to observe the code in spirit as well as letter. The code outlines the most important standards of ethical and professional conduct by which members are expected to abide. Members shall act fairly, honestly and in a manner they would be prepared to defend publicly in all aspects of the practice of horticulture. Members shall endeavour to serve clients with integrity, knowledge and creative ability. They shall provide only the highest level of professional services to clients, employers and others in the industry. Members have a responsibility to provide constructive professional criticism when necessary to ensure the continued quality of goods and services. Members shall not make a false or malicious statement that may injure the professional reputation of another member. Members should work to maintain confidence and trust in the profession of horticulture. Members’ advertising shall be neither false nor in any way misleading. Members have an obligation to render goods and services in an efficient and cost-effective manner in order to protect the client’s interest while maintaining acceptable standards. Members have an ongoing responsibility to improve their own professional knowledge and skills and keep abreast of new developments in their industry. Members shall encourage education and research within the horticultural field. Members shall endeavour to attract to the profession, individuals with a high degree of honesty, courtesy, integrity and competence. Members have a responsibility to pay their suppliers. Members will perform work or supply goods according to accepted industry standards and the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association Specifications and/or specifications written in the contract. Members shall continually strive toward the betterment of the environment through their dedication to the profession of horticulture. Code of Ethics The code of ethics is a description of general principles of conduct. They are timeless and not subject to the changes in day-to-day business practices. To serve our clients with integrity, knowledge and creative ability. To consistently maintain the confidence and trust in the profession. To encourage education and research within the horticultural field. To perform work or supply goods according to accepted industry standards and the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association Specifications and/or specifications written in the contract. To attract to the profession those who possess a high degree of honesty, courtesy, integrity and competence. To continually strive towards the betterment of our environment through our dedication to the profession of horticulture. To protect, at all times, the integrity of the profession and the interests of the client and the general public. 10 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Stinchcomb Nursery Sales Inc. High-quality B&B and container-grown trees, shrubs, and perennials at competitive prices. Unique and hard to find specimens. Our Sandusky, OH distribution center allows us to provide a wide selection of material with convenient shipping. Stinchcomb Nursery Sales Inc. is the exclusive sales representative for Glenn Walters Nursery - Cornelius, OR and Magness Nursery - McMinnville, TN Our office is located in Sandusky, Ohio — close enough to bring you the service that you deserve. We look forward to talking with you soon! Stinchcomb Nursery Sales Inc. 118 East Adams St., Sandusky, OH 44870 Toll free– 800-875-2296 (419) 609-2233 Fax (419) 609-2269 E-mail: Dave Stinchcomb John Lambert GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Endorsed suppliers Providing exclusive member benefits to save you money! Membership entitles you to savings on a wide range of business services through our endorsed supplier program. Most benefits listed below are administered by the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA). LO members automatically become CNLA members as part of LO membership. AUDIO MARKETING CONCEPTS Huge 40% discount for LO members on advertising and music on hold. Call Joel Ostroff at 1-866-433-6733 CATERPILLAR Save up to $2000 on the value added services on the purchase of CAT compact construction equipment. Visit your local dealer for pricing or contact the CNLA office for more information. CHASE PAYMENTECH MERCHANT SERVICES* 1.72% per transaction for Visa and 1.91% for MasterCard. Debit card transactions from 8 cents, terminal rental from $25.95/ month, 2% Interactive Voice Response (IVR). *Subject to credit approval, certain condidtions apply, rates subject to change. Call 1-877-552-5533 for more information FIREFLY ENERGY Discount of 1 cent per m3 on natural gas and 0.05 cents per kWh for electricity. Long-term fixed pricing available for both natural gas and electricity. Call 1-888-866-7575 or visit landscapeontario.aspx GENERAL MOTORS Save up to $8,500* on fleet leases/purchases on your new GM vehicle. $100 administration fee applies. *Certain conditions apply. Call CNLA at 1-888-446-3499 HARTWICK O’SHEA & CARTWRIGHT LTD. Negotiated clearance rates from Canada Customs for LO members. World-wide freight forwarding and personalized service. Call Marc Boddy at 905-678-6470, ext. 227 or 1-800-454-0230 HORT-PROTECT Business and Auto Insurance Total coverage for all your general insurance needs. This program meets all pesticide legislation, covers rented equipment, theft of 12 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 tools and errors and omissions. Sinclair-Cockburn Financial Group, 1-800-328-7887 Group Life and Health Insurance Flexible benefit plan designed to meet your needs. Available to groups of one or more. Non-medical coverage, free comparisons, drug cards and out-of-country protection. The Investment Guild, 1-800-459-8990 IMPERIAL OIL (ESSO) Save 2.9 cents per litre off the posted retail price, on all fuel. Call Tim Jones at 416-441-7816 JOHN DEERE Save 8-25% on selected John Deere equipment. Members are also entitled to a 0.50% discount on published finance/lease rates. Call CNLA at 1-888-446-3499 MBNA CANADA MASTERCARD Preferred or Platinum Card with no annual fee. Low introductory rate, high line of credit, up to $100,000 with the MBNA Platinum Card. Call CNLA at 1-888-446-3499 MULLIGAN MARKETING Enjoy LO pricing, with your logo on all promotional products. Complete line of clothing available. Call Bettyann Douglas at 1-800-661-3159 NEBS BUSINESS FORMS LTD. Save 10% on new orders, 5% on repeat orders and collect AirMiles™ with the NEBS Perfect Partner Program. 100% product guarantee. Call 1-800-461-7572 and quote catalogue #19959 NISCO NATIONAL LEASING Save with fleet discounts on your next vehicle or equipment. Speak with a professional who can lease most products and give you honest advice. Over 25 years of experience. Quick credit applications. Call Laura Catalano at 1-888-634-9559 PENSKE TRUCK RENTAL Save 10% off Penske’s best rate. Be sure to use the National Rental Account #10071 when you call to reserve your truck rental at 1-800-PENSKE1 PETRO-CANADA Discount of 2.4 cents per litre off posted retail price. 10% discount on maintenance at CERTIGARD locations. 15% discount on car washes. Call CNLA at 1-888-446-3499 for an application. PINPOINT GPS SOLUTIONS Tracking solutions for fleet owners and tools for manager and owners to actively log onto a secure website to track their vehicles in real time. Call Bob Farrell at 905-361-2880 PRIMUS Save 3.5¢ per minute for all calls in Canada and the U.S. Aggressive international rates as low as 7¢ per minute. High speed internet access for only $54.95 per month. Unlimited dial-up internet access for only $17.95 per month. Save up to 50% or more on your cellular long distance with Primus Wireless Access. Teleconferencing packages as low as 16¢ per minute. Call Primus at 1-888-612-6242 UPI ENERGY LP Receive a 3% discount on gasoline and diesel fuel purchases made on account, using UPI’s EnergyCard™. Receive 2 cents per litre off of posted tank wagon prices on gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil and propane bulk delivery purchases made on a credit approved account. Call 1-800-396-2667 or visit Miller Compost Quality Landscape Products Shipped throughout Ontario Since 1990 Quality Compost Organic Garden Soils Erosion Control Blends P r o f e s s i o n a l To p d r e s s i n g Co l o u r e d Wo o d c h i p M u l c h e s Natural Pine & Cedar Mulches D e co ra t i ve & Co n s t r u c t i o n Ag g r e g a t e s And Much Much More! Three GTA Locations To Serve You Better! 407 ETR Kingston Rd. X Steeles Ave. Highway 401 X Miller Waste Durham Baseline Rd. Courtice Rd. Bayly St. Salem Rd. Westney Rd. Highway 401 Squires Beach Rd. 407 ETR Woodbine Ave. Leslie St. Highway 7 Highway 404 Yonge St. Bayview Ave. Jane St. Highway 400 Stouffville Rd. Brock Rd. X King Rd. Whites Rd. Bloomington Rd. Oshawa Solina Rd. Taunton Rd. Finch Ave. Aurora Side Rd. 1100 Hancock Rd. Courtice, ON Highway 7 Hancock Rd. 1351 Bloomington Rd. Richmond Hill, ON Highway 401 Kingston 1280 Squires Beach Rd. Pickering, ON Toll Free: 866.887.6457 Local: 905.773.9876 Fax: 905.773.4633 Email: GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Information you can use Top-quality publications, and web resources Through a commitment to communication, professional development and information sharing, Landscape Ontario ensures members are in-the-know on issues and trends affecting the horticulture industry. LO members receive Canada’s finest horticultural trade publications, a broad array of educational opportunities and up-to-date online resources. LO promotes and administers an ever-growing list of certification programs to improve professionalism and consumer confidence. Publications Landscape Trades and Horticulture Review Your membership includes subscriptions to Canada’s premier horticultural trade publications. Landscape Trades contains in-depth articles for a national audience, while Horticulture Review keeps you up-to-date on the latest industry news and policy changes on a provincial level, as well as informing you of upcoming events. Contact LO to add your employees to Horticulture Review’s electronic distribution list. Landscape Trades Annual Source Book The Landscape Trades Annual Source Book is the most comprehensive guide to who sells what to the horticultural industry in Canada. With a supplier directory and quick reference product directory, you’ll want to keep this book handy all year round. Updated content is available online at Web resources An excellent source of information with the latest on industry issues, association events, trade shows and more. Get referrals online! LO’s consumer web site promotes members and horticulture to the consumer with member lists, gardening and landscaping tips. The online version of Landscape Trades offers great resources: searchable story archives, subscription and advertising information, plus the Online Source Book (, the exclusive product guide for Canada’s horticulture industry. View Awards of Excellence winners from the construction, maintenance, design, interiorscape, lighting, garden centre and growers programs. Everything you need to know about Congress, Canada’s International Horticultural Lawn and Garden Trade Show and Conference. Includes a list of over 700 exhibitors, map and hotel information, and more! FREE online registration and show information for Garden & Florist Expo, Canada’s fall buying show for the retail and floral industries. Produced in partnership with Flowers Canada - Toronto Chapter. Information on Eastern Ontario’s only horticultural trade and equipment show, held in Ottawa each February. Register to become an examiner or technician in the Pesticide Technician Program. 1 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 Conserve water ...while maintaining the beauty of a lush, green landscape. AWS Irrigation Management is leading the industry in water conservation through weather-based irrigation, flow-sensing and rainwater harvesting. 740-304 Stone 740-304 Stone Rd., RoadW.West, Guelph ON N1G 4W4 Suite 740 Office: (519) 826-5752 Guelph, Ontario Toll Free: 1-888-LAWN-H2Ø 1-866-671-2355 Fax: (519) 823-8101 E-mail: Web: GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Professional development Boost your knowledge Landscape Ontario is the most active, effective horticultural trades association in Canada, when it comes to providing information specifically relevant to your business. Members have access to a broad array of educational opportunities that are concentrated around the off-season. Winter Seminars Chapter Speakers Our popular Winter Seminar series, held November to April, offers more than 100 industry related seminars taught by industry experts. Seminars range in duration from one day to a full week, with many featuring “hands-on” components. Watch for the seminar brochure, mailed with October issue of Horticulture Review. Preferred rates for LO members. Attend your monthly chapter meetings to hear guest speakers cover up-to-date industry issues and business topics. (Check the LO web site at for current dates or watch the Coming Events page in Horticulture Review). Call Kathy at 905-875-1805, ext. 306 Garden Centre Symposium Congress Conference Program Top-rated annual conference program at LO’s January Congress trade show features internationally acclaimed industry experts. Call Ken at 905-875-1805, ext. 319 Growers Short Course - February 11, 2009 Full-day seminar, designed and priced to keep management and staff informed on the latest developments in the growing industry. Held every year in mid-February, the 2009 Short Course will be held at the Royal Botanical Gardens. Call Kathleen at 905-875-1805, ext. 309 Integrated Pest Management Symposium Even more! Landscape Ontario also provides safety training to prevent injuries and lower insurance rates. The IPM Symposium is your best bet to develop your professional skills and find out what you need to know about serious issues facing the industry. Held at four locations in February: Toronto, London, Barrie and Ottawa. Call Ken at 905-875-1805, ext. 319 As a leader in helping to solve the industry’s labour shortage, LO also provices apprenticeship training. 16 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Call Stephanie at 905-875-1805, ext. 354 Full day of seminars directed at garden centre owners and operators. Held at the Toronto Congress Centre on October 20, 2008 in conjunction with Garden & Florist Expo. Call Ken at 905-875-1805, ext. 319 Interiorscape Symposium Full day of seminars directed at interior landscaping. Held at the Toronto Congress Centre in conjunction with Garden Expo. The 2008 symposium is on October 20. Call Ken at 905-875-1805, ext. 319 Snow Symposium This annual event focuses on how to be more efficient and profitable in the snow removal business. Plan to attend the 2008 Symposium on September 16. Call Ken at 905-875-1805, ext. 319 GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Certification Accountability and confidence Landscape Ontario is committed to recognizing standards of expertise in the horticulture industry. Sector-specific certification programs help to promote professional practices and industry-wide excellence. Certified Landscape Professional (CLP) This exciting new program was created for green industry business owners and top managers. The CLP designation indicates knowledge of the varied skills needed to run a successful business. Candidates must complete exams in seven topic areas. Study manuals are available. Call Julia at 1-888-446-3499, ext. 8615 Certified Horticultural Technician (CHT) The CHT program recognizes standards of expertise for individuals employed in the horticulture industry, and is an international designation. CHT evaluation is available for Landscape Installation, Landscape Maintenance, Retail and Interiorscape. Call ashleigh at 905-875-1505, ext. 326 or Sally at ext. 315 Certified Irrigation Technician (CIT) The Certified Irrigation Technician designation was created to establish and recognize skill standards for irrigation technicians. CIT status is achieved upon passing a two-hour written exam. Study Guide is available. Call ashleigh at 905-875-1505, ext. 326 or Sally at ext. 315 Certified Landscape Designer (CLD) A Certified Landscape Designer (CLD) designation will provide you with a means of proving to your customers that you not only have the necessary education and industry experience, but also that you have written and passed an industry test proving a high degree of proficiency as a landscape designer. Call ashleigh at 905-875-1505, ext. 326 or Sally at ext. 315 Pesticide Technician Program (PTP) The Pesticide Technician Program licenses examiners to administer the Registered Technician Program, which verifies that individuals are able to apply pesticides safely. Call tom at 905-875-1805, ext. 351 Information on certification is also available through the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association,, under Professional Development. 1 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 INSTALLATION SERVICES Professional Landscape, Irrigation, Deck and Fence Contractors Wanted The Home Depot is installing residential landscapes and is looking for additional landscape professionals to design and build landscapes. We have great opportunities in the Greater Toronto Area as well as in various centres in ON, BC, AB, SK, MB and Atlantic Canada. If you are interested in finding out more about joining the Home Depot landscape team, please contact: Todd Wilton, CHT 1-800-361-3542 Bruce Warren 1-800-361-3542, Western Canada: Phil Petit (403) 873-3344 GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Special events Opportunities for learning, selling, networking and growing your business are offered throughout the year. Many LO members report networking at special events as the most valuable member benefit. Annual General Meeting (AGM) January 7, 2009 All members are encouraged to attend the AGM to vote on new by-laws and issues concerning the future of the association. This is your chance to have your say. Held in conjunction with Congress. Call Kathleen at 905-875-1805, ext. 309 Arbor Week Begins on the last Friday of April and runs through to Mother’s Day. Arbor Week offers many tie-in promotional programs for contractors and retail garden centres. Visit Awards of Excellence Be inspired by the best LO members have to offer. The Awards of Excellence ceremony, held January 6, 2009 in conjunction with Congress, recognizes excellence in construction, maintenance and design. Garden Centre and Grower Program award winners are honoured at a ceremony on October 20, 2008 during the Garden Centre Symposium, held in conjunction with Garden & Florist Expo. Visit Canada Blooms March 18-22, 2009 The Toronto Flower and Garden Show is produced by Landscape Ontario and the Garden Club of Toronto. Held each year in March, Canada Blooms promotes horticulture to the growing consumer market. Visit for more information. Chapter Events Landscape Ontario chapters are very active with informative meetings, consumer gardening events, trade shows and local charity work. Check the Coming Events page in Horticulture Review or visit 20 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Congress January 6-8, 2009 Congress is Canada’s largest International Horticultural Lawn and Garden Trade Show and Conference. Covering seven acres of exhibits, the show features over 700 exhibitors and welcomes 12,500 trade professionals, all under one roof. The New Product Showcase features hunderds of new product introductions to the marketplace each year. Showcase your green solutions by participating in The Green Forum — a new initiative of Landscape Ontario, in partnership with Communities in Bloom, CNLA and Project Evergreen. Visit Garden & Florist Expo October 21-22, 2008 Canada’s fall buying shows for the green and floral industries has plenty of fresh buying ideas for Canada’s lawn, garden and floral retailers. Produced by Landscape Ontario and Flowers Canada — Toronto Chapter. Visit GreenTrade Expo February 18, 2009 Presented by the Ottawa Chapter, GreenTrade Expo is Eastern Ontario’s only horticultural trade and equipment show. The show features an expanded seminar series, lunch, contests and prizes. Don’t miss this gathering of landscape and horticulture industry professionals. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Call Lynn Lane, show manager, at 613-796-5156 or visit Growers Research Auction September 25, 2008 at Mori Nurseries The Growers Research Auction, held each September is a popular event organized by LO’s Growers Commodity Group. Donated materials from LO growers and suppliers are offered in a live auction setting, with proceeds going toward research and scholarships. Held in conjunction with the Growers Awards Program, winning entries are also auctioned at this fundraising event. Call Kathy (ext. 306) or Kathleen (ext. 309) at 905-875-1805 Prosperity Partnership This exciting LO initiative helps business owners manage their businesses, and their lives, more successfully. For information on seminars and other Partnership offerings. Visit Public Relations Landscape Ontario works closely with many television networks, newspapers and consumer magazines to promote the horticulture industry. HGTV, Global TV, Gardening Life and Canadian Gardening are current partners. Chapter Golf Tournaments Local Landscape Ontario Chapters organize golf tournaments througout the year to benefit local community projects and charities. Participate as a golfer, sponsor, prize donator or volunteer. Watch for event details Call Stephanie at 905-875-1805, ext. 354 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 21 GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Promotional Opportunities and Materials Promote yourself as a professional member of Landscape Ontario. Membership earns respect from both consumers and your peers in the trade. Landscape Ontario offers you several ways to promote your company, your association and your industry. Get the most out of your membership with our awards programs, advertising discounts and trade show exhibit space. Trade Show Exhibit Space, Attendance and Conferences LO members receive exhibitor discounts: $1.75 off per square foot at Congress and $1.50 off per square foot at Garden & Florist Expo. Members also receive preferred rates on trade show and conference registration. Call Paul Day at 905-875-1805, ext. 339 or Lorraine Ivanoff, ext. 366 Magazine Advertising Landscape Ontario publishes two leading industry publications — Landscape Trades and Horticulture Review. Active members receive a 20% advertising discount; associate members receive a 15% discount. Call Steve Moyer at 905-875-1805, ext. 316 Our consumer web site lists member companies by geographic area and industry sector. The site offers a quick reference for customers in search of horticultural expertise. (Free with Active membership). Awards of Excellence This juried competition is for members only. Recognizes excellence within the industry while providing advertising and promotional opportunities for winners. Programs for Construction, Maintenance, Design, Growers, Garden Centres. Call Kristen (ext. 321) at 905-875-1805 Canada Blooms The annual Toronto Flower and Garden Show, held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, promotes horticulture to the growing consumer market. Feature garden builders get a powerful additional exposure opportunity. Produced by Landscape Ontario and the Garden Club of Toronto. Call Gilles Bouchard (ext. 323) at 905-875-1805 or visit Membership List Rental Exclusive offer to Active and Associate members. Hard copy or electronic formats available. List can be ordered by industry sector. Fax numbers and e-mail addresses are not included. Call Stephanie (ext. 354) at 905-875-1805 22 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 CNLA Membership Directory LO members automatically become members of the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and are listed by province in this national publication. (Note: LO dues must be paid by Nov. 1 to be listed in this directory). Members receive a free copy of the directory. Truck Decals and Window Clings Advertise your LO membership on the outside of your vehicle or in the window of your office. Free with membership. Use the order form on page 26. “2009” Decals If you have truck decals on your vehicles from last year, order these decals to update them for the current year. Free with membership. Use the order form on page 26. 2009 Professional Member Labels Show off your membership on mailing, invoices and business cards. Free with membership. Use the order form on page 26. Landscape Ontario Flag 2008 Professional Member 2008 Show your pride in your Association! $45 each. Order form on page 26. Licence Plate Holders Your customers will know you are a professional member of Landscape Ontario. Free with membership. Use the order form on page 26. Membership Certificates Display your certificate to clients in your office or portfolio. It tells them you are an approved member of a select group of companies. Free with membership. Membership Plaques Active and Associate members are recognized with membership plaques. One free with membership. Order additional plaques for $25 each on page 26. Thank You Cards Send notes to your customers after completing the job. Include a business card so they can refer you to a neighbour or friend. Order 100 cards for $25 on page 26. First Aid Kit Keep one in every truck! Regular Kit, $30 each. With mouth barrier, $35. Order on page 26. Clothing See page 12 to order clothing bearing the Landscape Ontario logo from LO’s endorsed supplier, Mulligan Marketing. Easy Ways to Order Simply complete the order form on page 24 with your list of items, shipping address and payment information. FAX TO: (905) 875-3942 MAIL TO: Landscape Ontario c/o Membership Services Dept. 7856 Fifth Line South Milton, Ontario L9T 2X8 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 23 GUIDE to LANDSCAPE ONTARIO Literature A broad range of professionally-produced material helps your business in two ways — as valuable reference material and effective promotion to consumers. Simply use the order form on page 24. For reference Common Insect Pests and Diseases Reference Guide for Lighting Specifications A 16-page booklet with full colour photo graphs illustrates common groups and types of insects and diseases that attack ornamental trees and shrubs. A general specification guide for 12-volt night-lighting for contractors, owners and developers. 1-9............................................$6.00 ea 10+..........................................$5.00 ea Industry Safety Manual Essential tool for avoiding injuries on the job. Compact size, quick reference with emergency phone numbers. An excellent training manual to keep your employees safe. LO Member..........................$8.00 ea Educational Institution....$9.00 ea Regular............................... $11.00 ea Irrigation Specifications Developed by the Irrigation Commodity Group — a great reference for contractors. A REFERENCE GUIDE FOR LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS Available FREE for download at Reference Guide for Developing Planting Details Complete with large diagrams on how to properly plant caliper trees and evergreens. 1-9............................................$5.00 ea 10-50.......................................$2.00 ea 50+..........................................$1.50 ea Available FREE for download at Reference Guide for Selecting and Handling Plant Material An essential resource for the proper evaluation of planting sites and selection of plant material. 1-9............................................$5.00 ea 10-50.......................................$2.00 ea 50+..........................................$1.50 ea Safety Video An excellent safety training video for your employees. A great refresher for the start of each season and a great way to keep your employees safe. LO Member....................... $19.95 ea Potential Member.......... $29.95 ea Snow Contract This piece was developed to be fair to both the contractor and the property owner with regard to slip and fall claims, damages and the amount of work to be performed. Available FREE for download at Advertise the industry Landscape Ontario has a wide range of brochures available that promote industry events and educational programs like apprenticeship, certification and safety groups. Call the LO office and promote the industry at your next event. 24 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 For your customers GARDENING Containers allow you to bring the garden to the deck, patio, steps, driveway or the front entranceway. Getting started: The first step is to select an appropriate container. A drain hole is a must and after that just about anything goes. Containers come in plastic, wood, fiberglass, iron, cement, stone and more. Extra work is needed to keep smaller containers watered as plants grow, while larger containers allow you to use a more diverse selection of plants, and are easier to keep moist. Always use a light growing medium (soilless mix). This allows water to flow easily and provides the roots with sufficient air. Most commercially available mixes are a blend of peat moss, vermiculite and perlite. Some brands incorporate fertilizer into the mix, while others add a polymer, which expands and retains moisture. Do not use garden soils that are too heavy and may contain weed seeds. If using a large container, fill the bottom third to half with a less expensive ingredient such as pine mulch. Most annuals will survive quite well in 30 cm (12”) of soil. By using hanging containers, colour can be added to sheds, garages — any place you can mount a bracket! 3HERRY3MITH Know the light conditions of the spot where you intend to place the container. Most annuals will not do well in heavy, all-day shade, while shade loving annuals don’t like sun at the peak of the day, but do very well with some morning or late afternoon sun. In May, newly planted containers may require watering every two to four days, As the plants establish, increasing in size and filling the containers with heavier roots, watering needs will increase. Water thoroughly each time you water. It may be necessary to water daily, particularly in the summer and especially those containers that are 30 cm (12”) or smaller. Over Over: Step-by-step window box #ONTAINERGARDENINGINDD IPM Leaflets Colour How-to Series Container 0- This flyer explains IPM practices, and why IPM is the best program for your customers’ lawn care needs. Ideal for garden centres. Show your customers you care about their success. These two-sided, colour sheets are full of tips and tricks to ensure long life and good health for the plants they buy from you. Titles available: Clematis, Container Gardening, Fragrant Plants, Japanese Maples. Pkg. of 500.............................$15.00 Landscape and Grounds Management Contractor Rating System Use this system to strengthen your bidding process. Includes evaluation worksheets for contractor prequalification and establishing a bidders’ list. Conveniently hole punched to keep in a binder. 1-12 pkg. of 50................$5.45/ea 12-24 pkg. of 50..............$5.00/ea 25+ pkg. of 50..................$4.45/ea Door Hangers Pkg. of 100.............................$22.50 For use by lawn care professionals for neighbourhood distribution. Advertise your service and attract new business. This handy door hanger also includes customer tips for maintaining a great-looking lawn. Each........................................... $0.10 Planting Instructions Tips and helpful hints for consumers on how to successfully plant and care for new nursery stock. Pkg. of 100.............................$10.00 Pkg. of 500.............................$30.00 Pkg. of 1000..........................$50.00 Enjoy the Landscape & Gardening Experience Q & A on Pesticide Use For Your Lawn Explains the benefits of hiring a professional LO member and includes tips for selecting landscape, grounds maintenance and lawn care contractors. Stresses the advantage of using a professional, licensed lawn care operator to treat your lawn correctly. Features handy tips on why people should maintain a healthy lawn. Pkg. of 100.............................$30.00 How-to Leaflets Pkg. of 100.............................$10.00 Pkg. of 500.............................$50.00 Ideal for garden centres. Answer your customers’ most often asked questions — expertly and inexpensively on everything from watering to overwintering and pruning. Each of the 50 titles has been written by a professional. Selecting a Landscape Contractor Arm customers with a step-by-step questionnaire when they are looking for a professional contractor. Places importance on references, CHT designations, insurability and reputation. 10 pads of 50....................$3.00/ea 25 pads of 50....................$2.75/ea 50 pads of 50....................$2.50/ea 100 pads of 50.................$2.25/ea Sample Pack (100 pads)$210.00 Pkg. of 100.............................$30.00 Selecting an Irrigation Contractor Lists qualifications that consumers may not think about, when looking for a qualified and professional contractor. This attractive colour brochure also explains how modern irrigation systems conserve water. Industry Labour Rate Cards Standard industry charge-out rates in a card format — for business or consumer use. A great reference. Conveniently hole punched to keep in a three-ring binder. Pkg. of 100.............................$32.00 Pkg. of 100.............................$16.00 Reference Binder Interior Landscaping The key to a successful project is to be sure you are working with a credible, qualified contractor. This brochure educates your clients on the need for hiring a qualified interiorscape designer or consultant. Includes one printed copy of all promotional and reference materials. Great to order from. (Excludes Industry Safety Manual and How-To Leaflets). Each.........................................$45.00 Pkg. of 100.............................$32.00 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 25 Landscape Ontario Order Form HOW-TO LEAFLETS Please print or type 50 SHEETS PER PAD, TWO-SIDED AND HOLE PUNCHED FOR DISPLAYING name COmpany shipping Address City PROVINCE Phone Postal Code Fax ITEMS TO Order: DESCRIPTION / TITLE QTY. PLEASE ALLOW 2 TO 4 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. PRICE TOTAL Subtotal $ Shipping $ GST $ PST $ Method of Payment: TOTAL $ q VISA q MASTERCARD card number exp. dateSignature Easy Ways To Order: Please mail or fax this completed form to: FAX: Simply fill out this form and fax to (905) 875-3942. Be sure to include credit card information. MAIL: Feel free to photocopy this form and mail to: Landscape Ontario, Attn: Membership Services Dept. 7856 Fifth Line South, Milton, Ontario L9T 2X8 10.00 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 10 Tips For Longer Cut Flower Fun Annuals Autumn Colour in Your Garden Bonsai Climbing Vines Colour Spring To Fall: Six Basic Perennials Composting Fall Bulbs Forcing Bulbs Front Yard Design #21 Front Yard Design #22 Front Yard Design #23 Front Yard Design #24 Gardening For Moist Areas Grubs In The Lawn Herbs House Plant Pests How To Use Fertilizer Interior Plants For Clean Air Inviting Birds To Your Garden Joy of Perennials Landscape Care, Maintenance and Winterizing Landscaping With Native Plants Ornamental Grasses Perennials For Cut Flowers Perennials For Ground Covers Perennials For Shade Perennials For Your Garden Perennials For Your Rock Garden Perennials In Bloom - Month By Month Perennials in Winter Perennial Shade Garden Design Pests on Trees and Shrubs Planting Vegetables Poinsettias Poisonous Plants Pruning Fruit Trees Pruning Shrubs and Evergreens Rhododendrons/Azaleas Rock Garden Plantings Rose Care Rose Type and Pruning Safe Use of Pesticides Sowing Grass Seed Spring Bulbs Sunny Perennial Border Or Bed Tropical Foliage Plants Water Garden Design Water Lilies and Aquatic Gardens Winterizing Garden Ponds Prices: 10 pads = $3.00/pad, 25 pads = $2.75/pad, 50 pads = $2.50/pad, 100 pads = $2.25/pad SAMPLE PACK: 2 pads each of 50 titles for a total of 100 pads, $210.00 COLOUR HOW-TO LEAFLETS ____ ____ ____ ____ Clematis Container Gardening Fragrant Gardens Japanese Maples Prices: 1-12 pads = $5.45/pad, 12-24 pads = $5.00/pad, 25+ pads = $4.45/pad He who does the most wins. ÀÊÜÀ`i>`}Ê>`iÀÃ]ÊV«>VÌÊiÝV>Û>ÌÀÃÊ>`Ê>ÌÌ>V iÌÃÊÌÊ V«>VÌÊÌÀ>VÌÀÃ]ÊÌiiÃV«VÊÌÊV>ÀÀiÀÃÊ>`ÊÕÌÌÞÊÛi ViÃ]ÊLV>ÌÊ equipment keeps the job running smoothly – and keeps you on schedule. Authorized Bobcat Dealers Bobcat of Brantford, Inc. Evergreen Farm & Garden, Ltd. Matthews Equipment, Ltd. À>ÌvÀ`ÊUÊx£ÇxÓÇää "ÀÊUÊäxnΣ£Ê Bobcat of Hamilton, Ltd. McDowell Brothers Industries, Inc. -ÌiÞÊ ÀiiÊUÊäxÈ{ÎΣÇÇ -Õ`LÕÀÞÊUÊÇäxxÈÈn£ä >ÀÀiÊUÊÇäxÇÓÈÓÓÓnÊ ÌLViÊUÊ{£ÈÈÇ{£ÇÓ "ÌÌ>Ü>ÊUÊÈ£ÎÓ{{{Înn Bobcat of Huron Stratford Farm Equip, Ltd. 7>ÌÊUÊx£nnÇÈÎÈx `ÊUÊx£Èxä{Ó -ÌÀ>ÌvÀ`ÊUÊx£ÎÎÈ£ÈÓÊ Bobcat of Owen Sound -«À}ÕÌÊUÊx£ÎÇÓäÎÇ Delta Power Equipment John’s Equip Sales & Service, Ltd. ÀiÃÌÊUÊx£ÇnÈxÎÎxÊ À>vÀ`ÊUÊÈ£ÎÎnÈxÓÓ “Bobcat” is a registered trademark of Bobcat Company | #0708495 Bobcat of the Tri-Cities, Ltd. LiÀvÞiÊUÊx£nÓÓänääÊ Jacobs Farm Equipment, Ltd. ÃÃiÝÊUÊx£ÇÇÈxÓÎn Increase visibility and market share Congress Canada’s International Horticultural Lawn and Garden Trade Show and Conference January 6-8, 2009 January 12-14, 2010 Toronto Congress Centre Meet decision makers Garden & Florist Expo Canada’s fall buying show for the green and floral industries October 21-22, 2008 October 20-21, 2009 Toronto Congress Centre Reserve your exhibit space today, call 1-800-265-5656 Landscape Ontario 7856 Fifth Line South, Milton, Ontario L9T 2X8 LO Active Members 4 Seasons Landscape Contractors Peter Anthony Vacca 3270 Bowen Rd Stevensville, ON L0S 1S0 Tel: 905-329-4752 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2006 A-1 Landscaping, Gardening & Snowplowing Paul Pascoal 42 Guided Court Etobicoke, ON M9V 4K6 Tel: 647-430-9356 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 4 Seasons Landscaping Inc Robin Matthew 6 Cameron Rd Box 405 Essex, ON N8M 2X4 Tel: 519-839-4355 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U, Y Member Since: 2002 A. Gundert Landscaping Ed Gundert 38 Benville Cres Aurora, ON L4G 7K3 Tel: 416-989-9547 Work Code: A Member Since: 1996 A Cut Above Lawn Care Inc Steven Ferreira 2408 Norland Dr Burlington, ON L7L 6X8 Tel: 905-638-0884 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2007 A. Moura Landscaping & Gardening Alvaro Moura 3 Honeywell Court Hamilton, ON L8E 3H8 Tel: 905-561-3689 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U Member Since: 2007 A Dearborn Designs Alexandria Dearborn 381 Little Ave Barrie, ON L4N 2Z8 Tel: 705-623-2970 Work Code: C Member Since: 2006 A Garden For All Seasons Inc Judith Humphries 1200 Old Derry Rd Mississauga, ON L5W 1A1 Tel: 905-795-0631 Work Code: C Member Since: 2007 A Touch of Dutch Landscaping & Garden Services Johan Bossers 4146 Line 29, RR 3 Stratford, ON N5A 6S4 Tel: 519-393-5560 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1987 A Van Dongen Landscaping Inc Adrianus J Van Dongen 3071 King St East RR 1 Caledon, ON L7C 0S9 Tel: 905-838-3111 Work Codes: A, B, D, E, N Member Since: 1983 A&A Hasselman Plantcentre Ltd Arie Hasselman 5290 Trafalgar Rd Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-878-2203 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1992 AB Ground Maintenance & Snow Removal Jackie Bassila 1086 Gardener Ave Mississauga, ON L5E 1B7 Tel: 416-937-0536 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2002 AJL Janssen Landscaping Ltd Terri Janssen 1031 Beatrice Townline Rd RR 6 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1X4 Tel: 705-385-2627 Work Code: A Member Since: 1985 AM Omorika Gardening & Landscaping Michael Adamovich 285 South Kingsway Toronto, ON M6S 3V3 Tel: 416-767-8384 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U Member Since: 2004 AWS Irrigation Management Inc Alan Driedger 304 Stone Rd W Ste 740 Guelph, ON N1G 4W4 Tel: 519-826-5752 Work Code: U Member Since: 2004 Able Tree Service Inc John Van Ekeren 8 Zachary Place Brooklin, ON L1M 1E3 Tel: 416-283-3851 Work Code: K Member Since: 2000 Membership list current as of July 2008 Abloom Landscape Contractor Inc Stephen Prud’Homme 6547 Bank St Metcalfe, ON K0A 2P0 Tel: 613-822-6560 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O Member Since: 2000 Acadamar Contracting Inc Angelo Ruggiero 730 Peter Robertson Blvd Brampton, ON L6R 1S9 Tel: 905-792-2931 Work Code: Z Member Since: 2003 Accent Green Landscaping Inc Clemente Didiano 7 Brief Rd Toronto, ON M6L 2S6 Tel: 416-242-9741 Work Codes: A, B, N, U Member Since: 2004 Acclaim Lawn Care Calvin Kafka 203 Hwy 5 RR 2 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-689-0796 Work Codes: A, D Member Since: 1991 Ace Lawn Care Jason Dietrich 217 Glasgow St Kitchener, ON N2M 2M3 Tel: 519-578-7769 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2007 Ace Lawn Care and Maintenance Roland/Janice Ruggaber 458 Elmstead Rd RR 1 Tecumseh, ON N8N 2L9 Tel: 519-727-5008 Work Codes: B, D Member Since: 1999 Acme Environmentals Landscape Design Ltd Bill Hewick 274 Unwin Ave Toronto, ON M5A 1A3 Tel: 416-461-2263 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1982 Acorn Landscaping Limited Mike Forbes 5456 Enfield Rd Oshawa, ON L0B 1J0 Tel: 905-432-2341 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, V Member Since: 1998 Acorus Restoration Native Plant Nursery Paul Morris 722 6th Concession Rd RR 1 Walsingham, ON N0E 1X0 Tel: 519-586-2199 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, K Member Since: 2006 Act II Landscaping Richard Arding 103 Howden Rd Scarborough, ON M1R 3C7 Tel: 416-755-7222 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, O Member Since: 1986 Action Anytime Building Services Ltd Didar singh Nijjar PO Box 278 Stn B Etobicoke, ON M9W 5L3 Tel: 416-740-2242 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2008 Active Design Landscaping Inc Gerald Geach PO Box 52073 Oakville, ON L6J 7N5 Tel: 905-825-9882 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 2003 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 29 A LO active members ACTIVE LANDSCAPING CORPORATION Nelson Tome 21 Sunnyview Rd Brampton, ON L7A 3E4 Tel: 905-846-1669 Work Codes: A, B, N, U Member Since: 2004 AL MILEY & ASSOCIATES Al Miley 1416 - 3266 Yonge St Toronto, ON M4N 3P6 Tel: 416-749-3723 Work Code: K Member Since: 1995 ADAMS LAWNCARE INC Robert Adams 1743 Golf Course Rd Minesing, ON L0L 1Y2 Tel: 705-739-8393 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, O, V Member Since: 1988 AL WHITE LANDSCAPING AND EXCAVATING Aaron White 4315 County 9 RR 3 Napanee, ON K7R 3K8 Tel: 613-966-4482 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 ADELE PIERRE LANDSCAPE DESIGN Adele Pierre 554 Baptist Church Rd Caledonia, ON N3W 2G9 Tel: 905-765-7912 Work Code: C Member Since: 2008 ADEN LANDSCAPE & DESIGN Ben Zlotnick 303 - 3845 Bathurst St Toronto, ON M3H 3N2 Tel: 416-633-7790 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2004 AESTHETIC EARTHWORKS Claire Suo-Cockerton 74 Walmer Rd Toronto, ON M5R 2X7 Tel: 416-428-9995 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2006 AGRAM GARDEN CENTRE John Zdunic 2018 Dundas St E RR 2 Oakville, ON L6H 7G2 Tel: 905-257-3577 Work Code: F Member Since: 1993 AIDIE CREEK GARDENS INC Charles Warner RR 3 Englehart, ON P0J 1H0 Tel: 705-544-2474 Work Codes: A, B, F, M Member Since: 1986 AIR QUALITY SOLUTIONS LTD Alan Darlington 55 Callander Dr Guelph, ON N1E 4H6 Tel: 519-820-5504 Work Codes: L, P Member Since: 2004 AL’S LANDSCAPE CONTRACTING INC Al Underhill 7475 Country Lane Brooklin, ON L1M 1N4 Tel: 905-655-7418 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O Member Since: 1986 ALGONQUIN LANDSCAPE DESIGN Peter Woolcott 82 Dovercourt Rd Toronto, ON M6J 3C3 Tel: 416-707-3575 Work Code: C Member Since: 2005 ALGONQUIN PROPERTY SERVICES INC Steve Bell 2053 Audley Rd N Ajax, ON L1Z 1T4 Tel: 905-428-1844 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2003 ALL CANADIAN GARDENING INC Wes James 2209 Joyce St Burlington, ON L7R 2B6 Tel: 905-632-0614 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2004 AL’S LAWN & GARDEN Alan Pinsonneault 359 Grand Ave E Chatham, ON N7L 1W9 Tel: 519-352-4955 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, F, K, N, O, P, U Member Since: 2006 ALL CARE LANDSCAPE INC Syd Black 501 Burnhamthorpe Rd W Oakville, ON L6M 4K7 Tel: 905-257-0587 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2002 ALAN UFKES LANDSCAPING Alan Ufkes 231 - 16 Southdown Rd Mississauga, ON L5J 2Z1 Tel: 416-676-2234 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 ALL GREEN IRRIGATION Alfred Dyck Box 356 1231 York Rd Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-262-5613 Work Codes: N, U Member Since: 2003 ALDERSHOT LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS Bill DeLuca 166 Flatt Rd Burlington, ON L7R 3X5 Tel: 905-689-7321 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, O, U, Y Member Since: 1990 ALFRED STEWART GARDEN MAINTENANCE Alfred Stewart 434 Victoria Park Ave Toronto, ON M4E 3T2 Tel: 416-691-9906 Work Codes: D, N Member Since: 1975 ALGOMA HYDROSEEDING & IRRIGATION Ken Westlake 5 Perini Rd Elliot Lake, ON P5A 2T1 Tel: 705-848-7351 Work Codes: A, U, Y Member Since: 2006 0 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 ALL SEASON SERVICES Robert Struiksma 2534 Bovaird Dr W Brampton, ON L7A 0H2 Tel: 905-455-3414 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2006 ALL SEASONS GARDENING & MAINTENANCE LTD Bruce Gagnon 645 Taunton Rd E RR 2 Oshawa, ON L1H 7K5 Tel: 905-576-4972 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, V Member Since: 1980 ALL SEASONS LANDSCAPING & DESIGN INC John Pavicic 1304 South Aldo Dr Mississauga, ON L5H 3E6 Tel: 905-271-0115 Work Codes: A, C, N, O, U, X Member Since: 2002 ALL SEASONS MAINTENANCE & LANDSCAPING Arnold Sadler 193 Main St Box 57 Parkhill, ON N0M 2K0 Tel: 519-671-0970 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O, X, Y Member Since: 2003 ALL-PRO LANDSCAPING & CARPENTRY LTD Angelo Tersigni 1101 - 90 Ling Rd Toronto, ON M1E 4Y3 Tel: 416-281-7560 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 ALL-SCAPE LTD Jerry, Andy, Steve Caringi 10356 Huntington Rd Kleinburg, ON LOJ 1C0 Tel: 905-893-0556 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2008 ALLAN MCCOY CONTRACTING INC Allan McCoy 631 David Manchester Rd RR 3 Carp, ON K0A 1L0 Tel: 613-831-0303 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2007 ALLGREEN TREE SERVICE INC Mike Hayes 155 Union St Elmira, ON N3B 3L7 Tel: 519-669-0857 Work Codes: K, V, X Member Since: 1999 ALLWEATHER LANDSCAPE CO LTD Phil Charal 77 Jonesville Cres Toronto, ON M4A 1H2 Tel: 416-751-6821 Work Codes: A, B, C, V Member Since: 1983 ALMEIDA & ALMEIDA LANDSCAPING LTD Kevin Almeida 5 Triton Ave Woodbridge, ON L4L 6S2 Tel: 905-851-3376 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 ALPINE GENERAL CONTRACTING INC Danny Kahrimanis 16715 Yonge St Unit 12 Newmarket, ON L3X 1X4 Tel: 416-414-9400 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2001 HUMBERVIEW TRUCKS Humberview Trucks is GM Canada’s largest medium duty truck dealer. Rewarding you for doing business with us. CALL TOLL FREE: 1 800 567.3752 HUMBERVIEW TRUCKS Sergio DeRose Bill Bayne Adam Verdurmen Drew Peddie Malcolm Mitchell 416 416 416 416 416 734.4114 734.4113 734.4115 734.4112 734.4116 Fuel Efficient diesel engines! Special pricing for all LO members. 416 734.4100 / TOLL FREE: 1 800 567.3752 58 FIELDWAY ROAD, ETOBICOKE ONTARIO M8Z 3L2 A LO active members Alpine Nurseries (Niagara Ltd) Donald Colcuc 845 Creek Rd RR 4 Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-262-4971 Work Code: E Member Since: 1990 Alpine Sodding & Landscape Paul Dawson 28 - 13 Kenview Blvd Brampton, ON L6T 5K9 Tel: 905-792-7026 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2004 Althouse Landscaping Mark Althouse 6498 County Rd 50 RR 4 Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Tel: 705-653-5096 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2006 Amalgamated Landscaping Bob Clark 4060 - 19 Ave Markham, ON L6C 1M2 Tel: 905-887-9900 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1985 Amberlea Landscapes John Hadfield 621 Weyburn Square Pickering, ON L1V 3V3 Tel: 416-262-8158 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2006 Ambiance Susan Smith 139 Travistock Square Oakville, ON L6K 2V1 Tel: 905-845-2065 Work Code: O Member Since: 2006 Ambius Inc (aka Initial Tropical Plants) Barbara Blustein 9 - 116 Viceroy Rd Concord, ON L4K 2M1 Tel: 905-669-5777 Work Codes: P, V Member Since: 2001 Ameri-Can Landscaping & Snow Removal Inc Alton Moniz 6303 Amber Glen Dr Mississauga, ON L5N 7V4 Tel: 905-785-7633 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2005 Angelo’s Garden Centre Stella Amendolia 1801 Hwy 7 West Concord, ON L4K 1V4 Tel: 905-669-9220 Work Code: F Member Since: 1996 Aquality Irrigation and Illumination John Lamberink 53 Brock St Acton, ON L7J 1N3 Tel: 519-853-4760 Work Code: U Member Since: 1999 Angus Inground Sprinkler Co Bill MacDonald 610 Barton St E Hamilton, ON L8L 2Z7 Tel: 905-544-3631 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 1999 Aquaman Irrigation Paulo Domingues 4721 Hwy 7, PO Box 64569 Unionville, ON L3R 0M9 Tel: 905-470-9796 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 1992 Anne Gilson Designs Anne Gilson 188 Gloucester Ave Oakville, ON L6J 3W6 Tel: 905-338-9222 Work Code: C Member Since: 2008 Apollo Irrigation Inc Rick Jeske 460 Lausanne Cres Waterloo, ON N2T 2X4 Tel: 519-743-7875 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 1998 Appleby Landscape Peter Wessel 5233 Guelph Line RR 2 Milton, ON L9T 2X6 Tel: 905-332-5423 Work Codes: A, C, K Member Since: 1993 Appleton Landscapes Inc Derek Parkes 366 Revus Ave #31 Mississauga, ON L5G 4S5 Tel: 905-274-6096 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2000 Aqua Turf Sprinkler Systems Walter Afanasiew 3155 Huron Church Rd Windsor, ON N9E 4H6 Tel: 519-977-7770 Work Codes: D, U, V Member Since: 2004 Aquacon Irrigation & Water Play Systems Inc Edward Sebastiao 73 Corstate Ave Concord, ON L4K 4Y2 Tel: 905-761-6022 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2004 Membership list current as of July 2008 32 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Aquatech Irrigation Systems Ltd Michael Tanner 855 Westney Rd S Unit 4 Ajax, ON L1S 3M4 Tel: 905-619-6585 Work Code: U Member Since: 1998 Arbor Landscaping David Forrest 40 Spring Blvd Port Perry, ON L9L 1B4 Tel: 905-985-4626 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2006 Arborcorp Tree Experts Ltd Stephen Shelton 251 Third Line Oakville, ON L6L 4A2 Tel: 905-827-9103 Work Code: K Member Since: 2000 Arbordale Landscaping/ Moonstruck Landscape Lighting Bob Tubby 1889 Highway #7 W Concord, ON L4K 1A1 Tel: 905-761-7719 Work Codes: A, C, O, V Member Since: 1983 Arborwood Tree Service Inc. Andrew Hordyk 2380 Allen Road RR 1 Caistor Centre, ON L0R 1E0 Tel: 905-957-5663 Work Code: K Member Since: 2008 Arcadia Garden & Landscape Services Eric Poupore 628 Beresford Ave Toronto, ON M6S 3C3 Tel: 416-536-2637 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1998 Arch Angel Design Shelley Knox 10715 RR 2 (old Hwy 2) Iroquois, ON K0E 1K0 Tel: 613-652-1264 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2000 Armstrong Landscapes, Design & Construction Peter Armstrong 103 Alexandra St Oshawa, ON L1G 2C5 Tel: 905-432-4803 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2003 Art Lofranco Ltd Art Lofranco 515 Carlingview Dr Etobicoke, ON M9W 5H2 Tel: 416-679-1279 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2002 Art’s Landscaping & Nursery Arthur Bourdeau 166 Bennett St E Goderich, ON N7A 4H4 Tel: 519-524-2645 Work Codes: A, B, D, F, N, U Member Since: 1974 Artemis Landscapes 844 Seventh St Mississauga, ON L5E 1P1 Tel: 416-436-6116 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2006 Arthex Landscape Contractors Chris Campbell 1297 Dundas St E Oakville, ON L6H 7G1 Tel: 905-257-3009 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2007 Artistic Landscape Designs Ltd Mostafa Fallah 2079 Bank Place Ottawa, ON K1V 8A8 Tel: 613-733-8220 Work Codes: A, B, C, E, F, K, M Member Since: 1990 Artistic Landscape Services John Hutten 784 Old York Rd Burlington, ON L7P 4X9 Tel: 905-529-5999 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1999 LO active members Artistic Shadows Landscaping Scott Revington 5 Weldon Ave Arva, ON N0M 1C0 Tel: 519-453-7818 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 Ashbury Landscaping & Consulting Bruce Cameron PO Box 580 Metcalfe, ON K0A 2P0 Tel: 613-739-4204 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, O Member Since: 2003 Astonia Stone Facings James Dennison 40 Rainbow Crescent Brooklin, ON L2M 2N6 Tel: 905-260-3141 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Aubin Nurseries Gene Penner 4230 15th Street Jordan Station, ON L0R 1C0 Tel: 905-562-1320 Work Code: E Member Since: 2000 Audet & Associates Inc Sean Audet 1260 Royal Palm Cres Manotick, ON K4M 1J5 Tel: 613-692-3351 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2003 Aurora Interlock, Landscaping & Construction Ltd Luciana Leggieri 14545 Yonge Street Ste 226 Aurora, ON L4G 6H8 Tel: 416-814-6261 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2007 Avalon Landscaping Technologies Inc Ed Chanady 20350 Bathurst St Holland Landing, ON L9N 1P5 Tel: 905-884-9481 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, O, P, R, V Member Since: 1965 Count on McCloskey for today’s best ideas in trommels! Avante Property Services Tony Acciaccaferri 9 Fockler Lane Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 Tel: 905-640-8187 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2008 Aylmer Garden Centre Ken Sproul 8467 Imperial Rd RR 2 Aylmer, ON N5H 2R2 Tel: 519-773-8969 Work Codes: B, F, M, N Member Since: 2008 Azilda Greenhouses Peter Vanderkooy 300 Carriere St Box 1372 Azilda, ON P0M 1B0 Tel: 705-983-5252 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 2003 B&F Landscaping Ltd Bert Bekends 25 Park Ave Holland Landing, ON L9N 1G9 Tel: 905-836-9454 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2006 B B&L Mettel Limited Leo Mettel 197 May Ave Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3S8 Tel: 905-884-9857 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1985 B.K. Baun Landscape Ltd Brian Baun 2284 Church St N Ajax, ON L1T 4W2 Tel: 905-426-6227 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1988 BCH Landscaping Ltd Maria Klara Balabuch 39 Kenninghall Blvd Mississauga, ON L5N 1J5 Tel: 905-814-1552 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2004 BDC Irrigation Systems Brian de Caluwe 29 Brewster Place Cambridge, ON N3C 3V1 Tel: 519-249-1712 Work Code: U Member Since: 2004 It just doesn’t get any easier than this... or more flexible. For fast “no tools” set-up: just roll into position; you’re ready to run in minutes For quick & easy screen changes: the original Drum X-Change™ system to lift out and drop in screens in ½ hour or less For total portability: crawler mount or wheeled; towable with 5th wheel or pintle hitch For every application: jobs from custom soils to demolition debris, models from 4 x 7 ft. to 7 x 33 ft. For the best in portable screening equipment, the choice is simple. Count on McCloskey to make screening easy. For your McCloskey dealer, go to landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 33 B LO active members BP LANDSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL Brian Perras 12520 Dixie Rd Caledon, ON L7C 2L7 Tel: 905-840-1111 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1998 BADER LANDSCAPE & SNOW REMOVAL LTD Mariusz Marlewski 5265 Giacco Court Mississauga, ON L5M 3T2 Tel: 905-821-3233 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, X Member Since: 2003 BVG LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR INC Brian Geraghty 50 Kingsford Crt. Kanata, ON K2K 1T7 Tel: 613-270-9992 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2007 BAKER’S NURSERY LTD Todd Baker RR 2 Bayfield, ON N0M 1G0 Tel: 519-482-9995 Work Code: E Member Since: 2003 BACKYARD GETAWAYS INC John Petrocelli 6 - 140 Advance Blvd Brampton, ON L6T 4Z8 Tel: 905-789-0991 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Membership list current as of July 2008 BALLANTRAE LANDSCAPING Jerome Vanvliet 664 Davis Drive RR 2 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R2 Tel: 905-642-3030 Work Codes: A, C, O, U, X Member Since: 2000 BALTIMORE VALLEY PRODUCE & GARDEN CENTRE John Moore RR 2 Baltimore, ON K0K 1C0 Tel: 905-372-2662 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, K, M, N, X Member Since: 1989 BARRETT’S GARDEN CENTRE Patrick Barrett 9450 Hwy 27 RR 3 Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A7 Tel: 905-893-2542 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 1996 BARRY BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES Barry Benjamin 4069 Hilton Ave Burlington, ON L7L 1G4 Tel: 905-637-6670 Work Code: V Member Since: 1996 BASELINE NURSERY - DIVISION OF PEETERS LANDSCAPING Henk Peeters 9084 Elviage Dr London, ON N6K 4N5 Tel: 519-657-1265 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, Y Member Since: 1993 BAY LANDSCAPES & POOLS Vanessa Johnson RR 7 F# 635048 Markdale, ON N0C 1H0 Tel: 519-986-3650 Work Codes: A, B, C, O Member Since: 2003 BEAGLE RUN NURSERY & ORCHARD LTD Linda Gowanlock RR 2 Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C6 Tel: 519-389-5069 Work Codes: A, C, E, F Member Since: 1991 BEAMISH LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Tim Beamish 13605 Hurontario St Inglewood, ON L7C 2C9 Tel: 905-838-2044 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2006 BEAMISH LANDSCAPE SERVICES Bill Beamish 37 Crescent Ave St Thomas, ON N5P 2K4 Tel: 519-633-9176 Work Codes: A, B, D, V Member Since: 1996 BEAR CREEK NURSERIES Norm Guthrie 4170 Telfer Rd RR 1 Corunna, ON N0N 1G0 Tel: 519-864-1539 Work Code: E Member Since: 2003 water gardens EXCELLENCE A Division of A&T Industries 10160 Weston Road, Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A6 Tel: 905-417-1799 Toll free: 888-546-3182 Fax: 905-417-1959 Toll free fax: 800-753-1343 Email: landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 LO active members BEARDSMORE TREE FARM Alan Beardsmore 16100 Concession 12 RR 3 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-939-2414 Work Code: E Member Since: 2006 BEAUDRY CONTRACTING INC Gilles Beaudry 215 - 4031 Fairview St Burlington, ON L7L 2A4 Tel: 905-639-6502 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, G, N, O Member Since: 1997 BEAVER CREEK LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION INC Bill Beldham 12 - 100 Jamieson Pkwy PO Box 21004 Cambridge, ON N3C 4B1 Tel: 519-658-6365 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2002 Membership list current as of July 2008 BEDROCK CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN INC Frank Curcio 28 Caesar Ave Ottawa, ON K2G 0B2 Tel: 613-225-3464 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 BEDROCK LANDSCAPES Jeff Overbeek Box 808 Bala, ON P0C 1A0 Tel: 705-644-1410 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2004 BELLAIRE LANDSCAPE INC Bob Bellaire 2025 Ellis Side Rd RR 2 Maidstone, ON N0R 1K0 Tel: 519-723-4948 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, Y Member Since: 2002 BETWEEN THE FENCES LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE David Bogues 2 Captain Frances Dr Unionville, ON L3R 9C7 Tel: 905-475-0999 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1998 BELMORE LANDSCAPING COMPANY Manny Rebelo 171 Edgehill Dr Hamilton, ON L9B 2V5 Tel: 905-529-4209 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2005 BELGIAN NURSERY LTD Rosie Lombaert 2615 Victoria St N Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519-648-2608 Work Code: F Member Since: 2004 BENJ ART LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION & SCULPTURE Benj Albrecht RR 4 Chatsworth, ON N0H 1G0 Tel: 519-794-0559 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2006 BELLA CASA LANDSCAPE INC Mark Luciano 3193 Sir John’s Homestead Mississauga, ON L5L 2N6 Tel: 905-815-2524 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 BERG PROPERTY MAINTENANCE LTD Max Berg 38 Peveril Hill Rd N Toronto, ON M6C 3B1 Tel: 416-781-0555 Work Codes: A, C, D, N Member Since: 1989 CemB_a[7Fhe$ B BETHSTAR IRRIGATION Marek Wajda 42 - 1365 Midway Blvd Mississauga, ON L5T 2Y5 Tel: 905-670-4326 Work Code: U Member Since: 2006 BETZ POOLS LTD Marc Luff 5688 Main Street Stouffville, ON L4A 7Z9 Tel: 905-640-1424 Work Codes: A, C, K, O, P, U Member Since: 2008 BEVCON CONSTRUCTION & PAVING LTD Emidio Bevilacqua 600 Magnetic Drive North York, ON M3J 2C4 Tel: 416-650-9393 Work Codes: U, V Member Since: 2008 8VaadcZd[djg 8dbbZgX^VaLdg`h^iZ EgdYjXi HeZX^Va^hihIdYVn 7gVYBVaidc .%*+*%".--& =ZcYg^`HX]daiZc *&.)',"(.%% BVg`HX]jabVc *&.('%"%*(. EjiV?d]c9ZZgZidldg`[dgndj!VcYhZZ]dlgZlVgY^c\ndjg djiYddgldg`XVcWZ#L^i]V]j\ZhZaZXi^dcd[?d]c9ZZgZ Zfj^ebZciWVX`ZYWnZmeZgihndjXVcigjhi! 6\gVIjg[^hndjg?d]c9ZZgZhdjgXZ! idYVnVcYidbdggdl# 7oh 3160 Alps Rd (800) 363-3373 9ekhjbWdZ Simcoe 170 County Rd 13 2559 Highway (877) 655-1011 (877) 426-8130 Smithville 24 9592 Highway 20 (888) 843-2133 Tavistock Where Service Comes First. Virgil 537098 Oxford Rd 34 10 Henegan Rd (800) 563-3373 Prices and products may vary by dealer. Not all products available at all dealerships. John Deere’s green and yellow color scheme, the leaping deer symbol and JOHN DEERE are trademarks of Deere & Company. (866) 222-0338 AES7X40801LO-4C landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 5 B LO active members Big Town Contracting Ltd Domenic Maiorano 2310 Yorktown Circle Mississauga, ON L5M 5Y1 Tel: 905-812-5333 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U Member Since: 2004 Bill Van Ryn Weed Control Bill Van Ryn 120 Confederation St Glen Williams, ON L7G 3R9 Tel: 905-877-2594 Work Codes: D, V Member Since: 1981 Bird’s Creek Developing Inc David Laundry 29769 62 Hwy. North RR 2 Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0 Tel: 613-332-0433 Work Codes: A, C, L, N, X Member Since: 2008 Birk’s Landscaping Peter Hogenbirk 2897 Solina Rd N RR 3 Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K4 Tel: 905-404-0602 Work Codes: A, C, N, X Member Since: 1994 Black Forest Garden Centre & Nursery George Kohnen PO Box 697 King City, ON L7B 1A8 Tel: 905-727-4349 Work Code: F Member Since: 1989 Black Rock Landscaping Larry Martin RR 1 MacTier, ON P0C 1H0 Tel: 705-375-0608 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 1998 Blithe Hill Nurseries Jean Watson RR 1 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Y8 Tel: 519-941-0565 Work Codes: E, K Member Since: 1997 Bloom Field Farm Nancy Mallette 3745 Hwy 2 PO Box 20010 Newcastle, ON L1B 1M3 Tel: 905-987-5664 Work Codes: A, C, F, M Member Since: 2004 Blossom Landscape Ltd Jerry Giordano 147 Spalding Rd Downsview, ON M3K 1K3 Tel: 416-741-6726 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 1998 Blue Star Nursery Ltd Guy Ruccolo 5056 Malden Rd Windsor, ON N9E 3T9 Tel: 519-966-5673 Work Codes: A, E, F Member Since: 1991 Blue Diamond Pools and Landscaping Mark Nunn 1 - 647 Welham Rd Barrie, ON L4N 0B7 Tel: 705-726-3403 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 Blue Willow Garden & Landscape Centre Roy Gucciardi 23834 Hwy 48 PO Box 61 Baldwin, ON L0E 1A0 Tel: 905-722-5849 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, K Member Since: 1988 Blue Jay Sprinkler Systems Inc Bruce Lively 1478 Seagull Rd London, ON N6H 5L9 Tel: 519-641-3578 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 1998 Blue Sky Nursery Alice Klamer 4659 King St E Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1 Tel: 905-563-4245 Work Code: E Member Since: 1984 Bluestone Landscaping Ltd Pierre Da Silva PO Box 71 Caledon, ON L7K 3L3 Tel: 416-618-8070 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2006 Bo-De Greenhouses Bob & Doreen West RR 1 St Jacobs, ON N0B 2N0 Tel: 519-664-2623 Work Codes: E, M Member Since: 1992 From experience and know-how come the best results. Working with Nutrite, turf professionals can rely on premium fertilizer products, reliable innovation and personal service that is second to none. Maximum performance on your course is simple – just look to the people with the deepest roots. 1-800-265-8865 36 BLU040 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 NutriteAdA LT.indd 1 1/24/07 3:22:50 PM LO active members Boardwalk Landscapes Inc David Passaflume 7550 19th Ave Markham, ON L6B 1A8 Tel: 905-642-1653 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1995 Bombolini Solution Ivan Stojanovic 2686 Crystalburn Avenue Mississauga, ON L5B 2N8 Tel: 416-565-4826 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2008 Boffo Landscaping Inc Michael Boffo 10 - 71 Puccini Dr Richmond Hill, ON L4E 4X8 Tel: 905-832-3850 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1998 BonRoy Services Inc Bonnie Doucette 3124 Sandcliffe Court Burlington, ON L7M 3H1 Tel: 905-338-3575 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2002 Bolliger Landscapes Ltd Karen Bolliger 16544 Horseshoe Hill Rd Caledon, ON L0N 1C0 Tel: 905-584-4040 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2002 Bomar Landscaping Inc Kevin Bouwman PO Box 25078 Stone Rd Guelph, ON N1G 4T4 Tel: 519-846-8855 Work Code: A Member Since: 2001 Bonzai Landscaping Phil Bultje 3059 Aurora Rd RR 3 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 Tel: 905-888-6100 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 1995 Boot’s Landscaping & Maintenance Ltd Gerald Boot 28 Colston Court Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9Z2 Tel: 905-764-5455 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, U, V Member Since: 1983 Bos Landscaping John Bos 1 Killins St Smithville, ON L0R 2A0 Tel: 905-957-1330 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2003 Bosma Landscape Service Tom Bosma Box 534 Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0 Tel: 905-563-1450 Work Codes: A, D, N, U Member Since: 1994 Botanix - Barrie’s Garden Centre Warren Patterson 375 Bayview Dr Barrie, ON L4N 8Y2 Tel: 705-730-1113 Work Codes: A, B, C, E, F Member Since: 2006 Bouwmeister Landscaping Ltd Gary Bouwmeister 4812 Vandorf Sideroad Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 Tel: 905-640-1323 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 1993 B Brackenrig Landscaping Richard Wright 1015 Brackenrig Centre Rd RR 1 Port Carling, ON P0B 1J0 Tel: 705-765-5565 Work Codes: A, B, C, M Member Since: 1992 Brackenrig Nursery & Maintenance Linda Pots 1015 Brackenrig Centre Rd RR 1 Port Carling, ON P0B 1J0 Tel: 705-765-6261 Work Codes: C, F Member Since: 2000 Bradford Greenhouses Garden Gallery Len Ferragine 4346 County Rd 90, RR 2 Barrie, ON L4M 4S4 Tel: 705-725-9913 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, M Member Since: 1990 Brampton Irrigation Inc Shannon Martin 92 Dawson Rd Orangeville, ON L9W 2W6 Tel: 519-942-8600 Work Codes: U, V Member Since: 1999 Performance and Versatility, Get a Walker Mower working for you. Distributed by: Pro-Power Canada Inc. 1-800-361-0907 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 37 B LO active members Brant Lawn Care and Maintenance Nathan Jenner 18 Meadow Ln Burford, ON N0E 1A0 Tel: 519-861-7910 Work Code: B Member Since: 2006 Brian Cocks Nursery & Landscaping Brian Cocks 1007 Hwy 8 Winona, ON L8E 5H9 Tel: 905-643-1978 Work Codes: A, B, C, E, F, V Member Since: 1990 Braun Nursery Limited David Wylie PO Box 160 Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0 Tel: 800-648-1911 Work Codes: E, L Member Since: 1973 Brian Wilson Services Ltd Brian Wilson 10799 Creditview Rd Brampton, ON L7A 0G6 Tel: 905-459-9779 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 1998 Breeze Landscaping Darryll Hodges PO Box 607 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 416-896-0325 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2002 Brett’s Property Maintenance Inc Paul Brett 3110 Hwy 7 Pickering, ON L1Y 1C8 Tel: 905-686-9847 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2004 Brian’s Tree Nursery Brian Alcock 367 Dundee Cres RR 1 Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0 Tel: 905-269-1170 Work Code: E Member Since: 2004 Bright Lawn and Gardens George Schellingerhoud 43 Glass Dr Aurora, ON L4G 2E6 Tel: 905-727-0803 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 1996 Membership list current as of July 2008 Brinkman & Associates Reforestation Ltd Michael Fischer PO Box 1714 Guelph, ON N1H 6Z9 Tel: 519-763-0737 Work Codes: A, K Member Since: 2007 Brown’s Enterprises Landscaping & Property Maintenance John Brown 23436 Fairview Rd, RR 3 Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0 Tel: 519-461-9035 Work Codes: A, B, N, Y Member Since: 2002 Briscott Landscaping Brian Ainslie 2212 Wyecroft, Unit 5 Oakville, ON L6L 5V6 Tel: 905-825-5783 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, O, U Member Since: 2005 Brownridge Greenhouse & Nursery Ltd Bill Brownridge 8605 Creditview Rd Brampton, ON L6Y 0G8 Tel: 905-459-1314 Work Codes: E, M Member Since: 1994 Bromar Landscaping Tim Brodhaecker 201 - 425 Hespeler Rd Cambridge, ON N1R 8J6 Tel: 416-220-9140 Work Code: A Member Since: 2004 Bruce Tree Expert Company Ltd Ian Bruce 147 - 142 Islington Ave Toronto, ON M8V 3B6 Tel: 416-252-8769 Work Codes: K, V Member Since: 2004 Brookdale Treeland Nurseries Ltd Jeff Olsen 6050 17 Side Rd RR 1 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-859-4571 Work Codes: E, L, V Member Since: 1963 Bruce Wilson Landscaping Ltd Charles Wilson 6300 King Vaughan Rd Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0 Tel: 905-859-4555 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, E Member Since: 1990 OVERSEEDING MIXES HYDRAULIC MULCHES GOLF COURSE MIXES NATIVE GRASS MIXES SPORTSFIELD MIXES WILDFLOWER MIXES SOD FIELD MIXES LAWN & TURF MIXES Where Quality Counts 8400 Huntington Road RR#1 Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 1A5 38 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Ph: 905-856-7333, LO active members Bryden Landscaping Inc Bryan Denbok 785 Rossland Rd E RR 1 Ajax, ON L1Z 1S9 Tel: 905-683-9919 Work Codes: A, C, N, O, U Member Since: 1993 Brydges Landscape Architecture Inc Paul Brydges 35 Galt St Guelph, ON N1H 3G5 Tel: 519-766-1331 Work Code: C Member Since: 2007 Burlington Lawn & Landscape John Downey 4366 Guelph Line RR 2 Milton, ON L9T 2X6 Tel: 905-335-9469 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2002 B Burns Water Gardens Bob/Rowena Burns 2419 Van Luven Rd, RR 2 Baltimore, ON K0K 1C0 Tel: 905-372-2737 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 2003 Butterfly Landscapes Inc Mike Dytnerski 2243 Dunwin Dr Mississauga, ON L5L 1A3 Tel: 905-607-9640 Work Code: P Member Since: 2002 Burt’s Greenhouses Brian Burt 539 Maple Rd, RR 2 Odessa, ON K0H 2H0 Tel: 613-386-3426 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 2003 Bycraft Gardens Daryl Bycraft 11062 Sinclair Dr RR 1 Ilderton, ON N0M 2A0 Tel: 519-666-2927 Work Codes: C, F, M Member Since: 1999 Bugman-Homesmart Plus Terry Barrett Box 1164 Cobourg, ON K9A 5A4 Tel: 905-372-9142 Work Codes: D, K Member Since: 2001 Burch Landscape Services Richard Burch 7 - 6 Colby Court Waterloo, ON N2V 1Y9 Tel: 519-748-5553 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2008 Burgan & Moore Landscaping Kevin Moore 14081 6th Line, RR 1 Limehouse, ON L0P 1H0 Tel: 905-873-8884 Work Codes: A, B, K, N Member Since: 1990 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 39 B LO active members Bytown Paving Giuseppe Maniaci 2723 - 2723 Fenton Rd Ottawa, ON K1T 3T8 Tel: 613-235-8767 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Caledon Treeland Rudy Wall 15316 Mount Wolfe Rd Caledon, ON L7E 3N7 Tel: 905-880-1828 Work Code: A Member Since: 1993 C&C Lawn & Landscape Dave Carr 4305 Fairview St, #208 Burlington, ON L7L 2A4 Tel: 905-319-8807 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2001 Caltrio Company Ltd Dick Grusnick 2505 Don Reid Dr Ottawa, ON K1H 1E2 Tel: 613-738-5353 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1985 C&R Paving Inc Brian Wodehouse 1976 Notion Rd Pickering, ON L1V 2G3 Tel: 905-427-6282 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 1998 Cambridge Landscaping Inc Angelo Camara RR 1 Cambridge, ON N1R 5S2 Tel: 519-622-1173 Work Code: A Member Since: 1986 CET Contracting Christopher Thomas 353 Meegan Court Newmarket, ON L3K 2B7 Tel: 905-898-2070 Work Codes: D, N Member Since: 2006 Cameron Landscaping Inc Dave & Greg Cameron 138 Fenmar Dr North York, ON M9L 1M6 Tel: 416-749-2371 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1969 CJ Landscaping Chad Jackson 2578 King Richards Place Mississauga, ON L5K 2H2 Tel: 905-823-9222 Work Code: B Member Since: 1999 Canadale Nurseries Ltd Tom Intven 269 Sunset Dr St Thomas, ON N5R 3C4 Tel: 519-631-7264 Work Codes: E, F, V Member Since: 1970 CM & Company Chris McKenna 7223 Fallowfield Rd Stittsville, ON K2S 1B8 Tel: 613-913-7925 Work Codes: A, B, K, N Member Since: 2007 Canadian Cottage Mike Dickinson 2360 South Bay Rd RR 2 Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0 Tel: 705-877-1721 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O Member Since: 2004 CNS Property Services & Landscaping Ltd Dick Heslop 114 Timberbank Blvd Scarborough, ON M1W 1Z9 Tel: 416-491-5308 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2002 CR Lawns Inc Chris Warren 4036 Hwy 99, RR 2 Lynden, ON L0R 1T0 Tel: 519-647-2455 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2003 Caledon Hills Perennials David Van de Ven 19654 McCowan Rd Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0 Tel: 905-473-1145 Work Codes: E, M Member Since: 2001 40 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Canadian Green Inc Glen Wylie 67 Braidwood Lake Rd Brampton, ON L6Z 1R6 Tel: 905-846-7188 Work Codes: B, D Member Since: 2006 Canadian Greenscapes Inc Wolfgang Schroetter 1191 Centre Rd PO Box 19 Carlisle, ON L0R 1H0 Tel: 905-424-2220 Work Code: A Member Since: 1999 Membership list current as of July 2008 LO active members Canadian Grounds Landscaping Andrew Eaton 69 Advance Rd Etobicoke, ON M8Z 2S6 Tel: 416-231-8776 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1998 Cedar View Lawncare and Landscape Ltd Heather Hodasy 727706 Township Rd 3 RR 2 Paris, ON N3L 3E2 Tel: 519-458-8602 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2000 Canadian Landscaping Oliver MacPherson Box 427 Agincourt, ON M1S 3C5 Tel: 905-427-2399 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1988 Cedargate Landscaping Inc Brian Gallant 11296 Tenth Sideroad Georgetown, ON L7G 4S6 Tel: 905-825-8636 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 Caradoc Green Roofs Ltd (liveroof) Janet Anderson 24640 Melbourne Rd Strathroy, ON N7G 3H5 Tel: 519-245-4039 Work Codes: E, V Member Since: 1995 Cedarlane Landscape Ron Haverkamp 954 Concession 5 RR 2 Port Dover, ON N0A 1N2 Tel: 519-426-3801 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 Cardinal Irrigation Systems Michael Archambault 18 Pae Dr Barrie, ON L4N 7N7 Tel: 705-333-0333 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2008 Cheyenne Landscaping Incorporated Glenn Ross 8209 Churchville Rd Brampton, ON L6Y 0H2 Tel: 905-452-1068 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, O, U Member Since: 1986 Carleton Place Nursery Ltd David Flatters RR 1 County Road 29 Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1 Tel: 613-257-8175 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 1990 Chow’s Farms (Jade Gardens) Doeman Chow 5558 Trafalgar Rd Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-878-0722 Work Code: F Member Since: 1993 Carvalho Landscape Contractors Ltd Tony Carvalho 106 Hyde Ave York, ON M6M 1J4 Tel: 416-398-1772 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 Chris Bradley Landscape Group Ltd Chris Bradley 34 Hearn Ave Guelph, ON N1H 5Y4 Tel: 519-837-0109 Work Codes: A, C, K, O, Y Member Since: 1996 Cavan’s Landscape Design/ Build Tom Cavan 9478 Wellington Rd 124 RR 2 Erin, ON N0B 1T0 Tel: 519-833-2117 Work Codes: A, C, F, K, O Member Since: 1990 Chris Utter Landscaping Christopher Utter 122 Broad Leaf Crescent Ancaster, ON L9G 3R8 Tel: 905-648-6167 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1993 Cedar Springs Landscape Group Jack Wieske 1326 Butter Rd W Ancaster, ON L9G 3L1 Tel: 905-648-7949 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O Member Since: 1996 C Christine’s Touch Gardening Christine Moffit 5738 Vivian Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Tel: 905-473-7449 Work Code: B Member Since: 2001 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 41 C LO active members Christopher’s Gardens Christopher Trace PO Box 1184 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0 Tel: 905-936-9000 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1997 Church’s Landscape & Maintenance Inc Chris Church 15 - 1860 Upper Gage Ave Hamilton, ON L8W -3Y6 Tel: 905-318-8260 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2008 Ciccarelli Group John Ciccarelli 807 Garner Rd E RR 1 Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9 Tel: 905-648-5178 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, G, N Member Since: 1987 City Wide Grounds Maintenance Ltd Denis Sousa 13254 Innis Lake Rd Caledon East, ON L7C 2Y5 Tel: 905-857-8887 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, X Member Since: 2002 City Wide Property Services Rui Pereira 112/242 - 2400 Midland Ave Scarborough, ON M1S -1P8 Tel: 416-417-9505 Work Codes: A, B, N, U Member Since: 2007 Citywide Lawn Care Ltd Leroy Ford PO Box 871 Lambeth Station London, ON N6P 1R2 Tel: 519-652-6666 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2003 Clark Property Maintenance Richard Clark 12730 Simcoe St Port Perry, ON L9L 1B3 Tel: 905-985-4979 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1987 Classic Interlock Joe Richichi 76 Bongard Ave Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z9 Tel: 613-225-5000 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 Classic Landscape Lighting Byron Hobson 869 Fish & Game Club Rd RR 2 Frankford, ON K0K 2C0 Tel: 613-967-1059 Work Code: O Member Since: 2007 Cobblestone Landscaping & Construction Inc Ernie Bisante 7906 Finnerty Sideroad Caledon, ON L7E 0G9 Tel: 905-880-4998 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 2008 Clean Cut Landscaping Inc Tony Damiano 37 Royal Park Way Woodbridge, ON L4H 1J5 Tel: 416-579-5296 Work Codes: B, D Member Since: 1996 Coivic Contracting Ltd George Coito 5465 Eighth Line Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-878-9101 Work Code: A Member Since: 2000 Clearstream Landscaping Inc Tony Santaguida 3036 16th Sideroad King City, ON L7B 1A3 Tel: 905-833-1587 Work Code: A Member Since: 2001 Coldstream Land Escape Company Derek Geddes 1331 Westdel Bourne London, ON N6K 4R1 Tel: 519-473-3200 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1982 Clearview Nursery Ltd Kevin Elwood 8257 Hwy 91 RR 4 Stayner, ON L0M 1S0 Tel: 705-428-0063 Work Codes: A, C, E, K Member Since: 1999 Coleman Landscaping Inc Richard Coleman 3313 County Rd #27 Lyn, ON K0E 1M0 Tel: 613-341-9054 Work Codes: A, C, K, O, U Member Since: 2007 Clembrook Boxwood & Tree Farm Brad Clements 4231 Derry Rd W RR 2 Milton, ON L9T 2X6 Tel: 905-878-6576 Work Code: E Member Since: 2007 Clint’s Property Maintenance Clint Brown 1401 Matchett Line RR 11 Peterborough, ON K9J 6Y3 Tel: 705-939-2786 Work Code: B Member Since: 2004 Clintar Groundskeeping Services Robert Wilton 1 - 70 Esna Park Dr Markham, ON L3R 1E3 Tel: 416-245-3140 Work Codes: A, B, D, K, N, U, V Member Since: 1997 Membership list current as of July 2008 42 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Coles Florist & Garden Centre Inc Harry DeVries 147 Main St E Box 309 Grimsby, ON L3M 4G5 Tel: 905-945-2219 Work Code: F Member Since: 1996 Colin Harper Landscaping Colin Harper 9 Rowanwood Ave Dundas, ON L9H 4C9 Tel: 905-628-8371 Work Code: A Member Since: 1994 Colonial Asphalt Sealing &Landscaping Services Roy Dhori 5 Hurontario St. Suite 206 Mississauga, ON L5B 4P4 Tel: 416-568-6725 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O, U Member Since: 2008 Colour Paradise Greenhouses Denise Huck 1209 Bleams Rd RR 2 Petersburg, ON N0B 2H0 Tel: 519-745-0200 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 2005 Complete Landscaping Fritz Marthaler 1858 Gordon St Guelph, ON N1L 1G6 Tel: 519-836-5010 Work Codes: A, D, F Member Since: 1982 Complete Outdoor Serv/Cut & Dried Flowers Chris Martin 8530 Concession 3 Glencairn, ON L0M 1K0 Tel: 705-424-9319 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, E, F, M Member Since: 1995 Complete Tree Service Co Randy Hartmier 454 Carlisle Rd Box 150 Carlisle, ON L0R 1H0 Tel: 905-689-8890 Work Code: K Member Since: 1990 Concept Land Design John MacFarlane 40074 Bush Line RR 5 St Thomas, ON N5P 3S9 Tel: 519-637-0610 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, P Member Since: 1997 Connon Nurseries /AVK Holdings Inc Art Vander Kruk 1724 Concession 4 Rockton, ON L0R 1X0 Tel: 519-647-3997 Work Code: E Member Since: 1973 Connon Nurseries /CBV Holdings Inc Cor Vanderkruk 383 Dundas St E PO Box 1218 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0 Tel: 905-689-4631 Work Codes: E, F, V Member Since: 1972 Connon Nurseries /NVK Holdings Inc Rick Vanderkruk PO Box 200 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0 Tel: 905-628-0112 Work Codes: E, M Member Since: 1985 Contour Landscape & Design Inc Michael De Athe 11200 Fourth Line Nassagaweya Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 Tel: 905-854-0640 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N Member Since: 1996 LO active members Contour Landscaping Patrick Callon 7365 Parkhouse Dr RR 3 Melbourne, ON N0L 1T0 Tel: 519-433-7420 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1997 Cornerstone Rick Sova 12782 Kennedy Rd Caledon, ON L7C 2E9 Tel: 905-843-1106 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, M, N Member Since: 1998 Corporate Land Services Luis Oliveira 4370 Lee Dr Mississauga, ON L4W 4A8 Tel: 416-704-2264 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2003 Coulson Contracting Inc Joy Coulson 9610 Winston Churchill Blvd Norval, ON L0P 1K0 Tel: 905-456-5474 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1998 Country Downs Landscaping Ltd Gary Abdee 933 Wingarden Cres Pickering, ON L1V 7C4 Tel: 905-837-0888 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1998 Country Garden Landscapes by MARATHON Kevin Carr 6847 Hiram Dr Greely, ON K4P 1A2 Tel: 613-229-8378 Work Code: A Member Since: 1983 Country Lane Greenhouses Hank Wildschut 5458 London Line Wyoming , ON N0N 1T0 Tel: 519-845-3058 Work Code: M Member Since: 2008 Country Quill Ltd Ross Dutton PO Box 1033 Manotick, ON K4M 1A8 Tel: 613-692-4497 Work Code: A Member Since: 1991 Country View Nursery Joanne/Hank Nieuwenhuis 365179 Evergreen St Burgessville, ON N0J 1C0 Tel: 519-424-9696 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 2004 Countryside Gazebos Canada Paul Forbes 15790 Bathurst St King City, ON L7B 1K5 Tel: 905-841-0612 Work Codes: A, L Member Since: 2005 Courtland Gardens & Landscape Centre Justus Veldman 332789 Plank Line RR 7 Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4H1 Tel: 519-688-3777 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, N, O Member Since: 2005 Craig Clifford Gardening Craig Clifford 11349 Regional Rd #1 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R2 Tel: 905-852-6638 Work Codes: B, E Member Since: 2003 Craven Landscaping and Excavating David Craven 1312 Duncan Ave Oshawa, ON L1K 2Y2 Tel: 905-571-7032 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2007 Creative Impressions Gary Prince 87 Hartwell Way Aurora, ON L4G 7X6 Tel: 905-713-8079 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 1999 Creative Landscape Designs Monty Ward 1175 King St N St Jacobs, ON N0B 2N0 Tel: 519-664-0225 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2006 Creative Gardens & Waterscapes Sheila Allin 11 Shaina Court Barrie, ON L4N 9S6 Tel: 705-721-9654 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2006 Creative Homescapes Sarah Russell 2145 Hwy 3 Oldcastle, ON N0R 1L0 Tel: 519-737-6393 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 C Cruickshanks Property Services Inc Tim Cruickshanks 717 Brock Rd Dundas, ON L9H 5E4 Tel: 905-628-1022 Work Codes: A, B, N, V Member Since: 2001 Cressman Tree Maintenance & Landscaping Ltd Del Cressman PO Box 57 Cobourg, ON K9A 4K2 Tel: 905-372-3801 Work Codes: A, B, D, K, N Member Since: 2006 Crystal Lawn Care Inc Bernie Wolfe 68 Cannon Rd Etobicoke, ON M8Y 1S1 Tel: 800-667-0503 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, Z Member Since: 1997 Crewson Corners Landscaping & Home Maintenance Cees Braamse RR 1 Acton, ON L7J 2L7 Tel: 519-853-3661 Work Codes: A, B, D, K Member Since: 1997 Creating Eden Garden Design and Development Inc Michael Little 17 Dunray Court Mississauga, ON L5N 1E5 Tel: 905-567-4401 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2007 Creative Garden Designs Janet Ennamorato 52 Herne Hill Toronto, ON M9A 2X1 Tel: 416-707-5655 Work Code: C Member Since: 2006 Crimson Leaf Landscaping Ltd John Flatt 9 - 400 Brock Rd Dundas, ON L9H 5E4 Tel: 905-627-3206 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, V Member Since: 1997 Cubic Yard Design Terry Ryan 503 - 55 Montclair Ave. Toronto, ON M5P 1P6 Work Codes: A, C, K, O Member Since: 2008 Tough job got you in a corner? Kubota’s Zero tail swing compact excavators don’t compromise excellent stability, fast operation or lifting capacity making them ideal for jobs in congested areas. U15/U25/U35 • • • • Digital instrument panel Strong bucket breakout force Operator comfort Kubota E-TVCS Diesel Engine • U15 – 13 hp • U25 – 21 hp • U35 – 28 hp Low finance rates available Zero Tail Swing GALER FARM EQUIPMENT LAWN, AGRICULTURAL & CONSTRUCTION 557 Hwy. #5 - East of Brock Rd. 905-628-0551 Kubota dealer for Oakville, Milton, Burlington, Hamilton and Ancaster areas landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 43 C LO active members CUDMORE’S GARDEN CENTRE INC Kevin & Peter Joyce, John Cudmore 3171 Lakeshore Rd W Oakville, ON L6L 1J7 Tel: 905-827-1872 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 1991 CULLEN LANDSCAPING LTD Peter Cullen 1148 March Rd Kanata, ON K2K 1X7 Tel: 613-271-0198 Work Codes: A, C, K, V Member Since: 2000 CULP’S LAWN CARE & NURSERY Kelly Culp Box 22 Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 Tel: 519-638-2082 Work Codes: A, C, Y Member Since: 1996 CUSTOM CUTTERS Reid Cowley 904 Wightman Ave Peterborough, ON K9J 5W7 Tel: 705-743-9357 Work Code: D Member Since: 1998 CUSTOM GROUNDS & GARDENS Michele Mackay 80 Martin Ross Ave Toronto, ON M3J 2T3 Tel: 416-514-0677 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2007 CUSTOM LAWN CARE David Stewart 157 Halley St Nepean, ON K2J 3S1 Tel: 613-825-7499 Work Codes: B, V Member Since: 1985 D HOLMLUND LANDSCAPING David Holmlund 757 Oxbow Park Dr RR 2 Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 2V2 Tel: 705-429-3742 Work Codes: A, C, N, V Member Since: 1992 DA GRACEY & ASSOCIATES Adam Gracey 11 - 665 Millway Ave Vaughan, ON L4K 3T8 Tel: 905-761-9490 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1998 CYPRESS HILL Margaret Abernethy 46 Colonial Cres Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3X3 Tel: 416-526-2177 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2006 D&D LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE CO LTD David D’Eath 32 Flamborough Dr Toronto, ON M6M 2R4 Tel: 416-242-6208 Work Codes: A, C, D Member Since: 1987 DB ENTERPRISES Dan Boothby 4 Seabreeze Rd Dwight, ON P0A 1H0 Tel: 705-635-1774 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2003 CYPRESS HILLS LANDSCAPING & SNOW REMOVAL Mike Cromack 18471 Main St Alton, ON L0N 1A0 Tel: 519-927-1100 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 1999 D&G LANDSCAPING INC Don Stephenson 1341 Coker St Greely, ON K4P 1A1 Tel: 613-821-4444 Work Codes: A, L, N Member Since: 2005 DB MAW LANDSCAPING SERVICES Dale Maw 167 Chaffey Township Rd Huntsville, ON P1H 1C8 Tel: 705-788-1283 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2006 CYPRESS LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Sean Van Aman 15 East 25th St Hamilton, ON L8V 2Z9 Tel: 905-388-3666 Work Codes: A, B, D, K, N, O, U Member Since: 2002 D BANDA PROPERTY MAINTENANCE LTD David Banda 2998 Grand Marais E Windsor, ON N8W 1W4 Tel: 519-945-8965 Work Codes: A, B, N, U Member Since: 2002 D&R LAWN SERVICE AND GENERAL MAINTENANCE Dave Petheram 4573 Portage Rd Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6A9 Tel: 905-356-4394 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 D&R MAZZA LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE INC Ralph Mazza 296 Horsham Ave Toronto, ON M2R 1G6 Tel: 416-224-1411 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1989 DDR LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS LTD Dominic Dirisio 2475 Beryl Rd Oakville, ON L6J 7X3 Tel: 905-337-3337 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2002 DF WILBY TREE SURGEONS David Wilby 2388 St Francis Dr Burlington, ON L7P 1V4 Tel: 905-335-2553 Work Code: K Member Since: 1999 Membership list current as of July 2008 Quality and Price….. Great Business Partners Isuzu Sales Rep: Tony Earle Cell: 647-400-4712 Sales Manager: Robert Ricciuti Cell: 416-677-7801 Products Sold: “N” Series, Class 3-5 610 Finley Ave., Ajax, Ontario L1S 2E3 Telephone: 905-426-6225 Fax: 905-426-2771 Toll Free: 877-841-5880 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 LO active members DG COOTE ENTERPRISES Douglas Coote 97 Read Rd RR 5 Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-688-4271 Work Codes: A, C, D, N, U, V Member Since: 2003 DH WATER MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC Lorne Haveruk 75 Lord Seaton Rd Toronto, ON M2P 1K6 Tel: 416-616-0403 Work Code: U Member Since: 2006 DHF ENTERPRISES CONTRACTORS Dave Fraser 4590 Edgerton Rd Blackstock, ON L0B 1B0 Tel: 905-986-0499 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1998 DJ RAIN & CO LTD Roy Neves 95 Ormont Dr North York, ON M9L 2S3 Tel: 416-746-8860 Work Codes: U, V Member Since: 1998 DKG LANDSCAPING Keith Garbutt 624 Mayfield Rd Caledon, ON L7C 0Y6 Tel: 905-846-7676 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 1990 DOL HYDROSEEDING INC Roger Dol 5009 Concession 13 RR 4 Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 Tel: 705-458-4353 Work Code: Y Member Since: 2007 DALE’S GARDENING & LANDSCAPING INC Dale Winstanley 10386 Hwy 48 Markham, ON L3P 3J3 Tel: 905-640-3253 www.dalesgardeningand Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1993 DARSAN Darryl Shaver 4 Delia Court North York, ON M3H 3G8 Tel: 416-633-3300 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2006 DAVAN LANDSCAPE DESIGN/BUILD INC David Bouck RR 3 Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 Tel: 519-824-7138 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, G, N, U Member Since: 2000 DAN LUC CONTRACTING Paulo Carvalho 33 East Dr Toronto, ON M6N 2N8 Tel: 647-896-2813 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2008 DAVE EMMONS PLANTS David Emmons 208 Pancake Lane RR 1 Ridgeville, ON L0S 1M0 Tel: 905-892-7890 Work Codes: E, F, V Member Since: 1998 DANIEL SHOAG LANDSCAPING LTD Daniel Shoag 69 Douglas St Stratford, ON N5A 5P3 Tel: 519-275-3500 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2005 DAVE’S LANDSCAPING, FARM & HAULAGE David Wallace 20 Spring Blvd RR 3 Port Perry, ON L9L 1B4 Tel: 905-982-1561 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2003 DARMAX LANDSCAPING/ GROUNDS CARE George Harrietha 7602 Wellington Rd 36 Morriston, ON N0B 2C0 Tel: 519-823-5444 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, O Member Since: 1998 DAVEEN CONTRACTING David McBain 2637 Lower Baseline Rd RR 1 Milton, ON L9T 2X5 Tel: 905-878-6984 Work Codes: A, B, K, N, X Member Since: 2000 DAVID GAZE LANDSCAPING David Gaze 1051 Melvin Ave Oakville, ON L6J 2V8 Tel: 905-849-9517 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1999 DAVID TURNBULL & ASSOCIATES David Turnbull 920 John Watt Blvd Mississauga, ON L5W 1S3 Tel: 905-670-8965 Work Codes: E, R, V Member Since: 1993 DAWLAND FARMS & LANDSCAPING Don Dawson 15046 Niagara Parkway Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-262-4862 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1991 DAYSPRING FINE GARDENS Bill West 109 Woodview Dr Pickering, ON L1V 1L1 Tel: 905-509-7000 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2001 Mack Sales Rep: Sales Manager: Chris Campitelli Cell: 416-271-6225 Cell: 416-677-7801 Mack Sales Rep: Graham Prohaska Cell: 416-254-2936 D DAVEY TREE EXPERT COMPANY OF CANADA LTD Mike Nash 3350 South Service Rd Burlington, ON L7N 3M6 Tel: 905-333-1034 Work Code: K Member Since: 2007 Robert Ricciuti Products Sold: Granite, Pinnacle, Rawhide, TerraPro and the new Titan Powered by the heart of a champion 610 Finley Ave., Ajax, Ontario L1S 2E3 Telephone: 905-426-6225 Fax: 905-426-2771 Toll Free: 877-841-5880 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 5 D LO active members DEGOEY NURSERY & FLOWERS John or Jane DeGoey RR 3 Wheatley, ON N0P 2P0 Tel: 519-326-8813 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1978 DEKKEMA LANDSCAPING LTD Mark Dekkema 3151 St. John’s Side Rd RR 3 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 Tel: 905-836-8951 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2007 DIAMOND GROUNDSKEEPING SERVICES LTD Tim Diamond 13 Industrial Parkway S Aurora, ON L4G 3V9 Tel: 905-727-5575 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 1999 DON VALLEY LANDSCAPING LTD John or Paul Ferreira 180 King High Dr Thornhill, ON L4J 3N5 Tel: 905-731-8477 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1994 DEKORTE’S LANDSCAPE LTD Jack DeKorte 799 Balfour St Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 Tel: 905-892-6908 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1988 DELAWARE NURSERY LTD Gord Shuttleworth 2933 Brigham Rd RR 32 London, ON N6P 1P2 Tel: 519-471-1180 Work Codes: E, V Member Since: 1973 DICAM LANDSCAPING Andrew Ostermeier 2330 Fletcher Rd Binbrook, ON L0R 1C0 Tel: 905-383-4488 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1996 DON’S TREE FARMS Don Robitaille 123 Concession 15 E RR 4 Penetanguishene, ON L9M 2H7 Tel: 705-533-3779 Work Code: E Member Since: 2007 DEVRIES LANDSCPING & MAINTENANCE INC Allard DeVries PO Box 201 Grimsby, ON L3M 4G1 Tel: 905-563-8428 Work Codes: A, B, E, N Member Since: 2002 DENBOK LANDSCAPING & DESIGN LTD Leon DenBok 1371 Snake Rd Burlington, ON L7P 4Y7 Tel: 905-336-3476 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1995 DICEMAN LAWN CARE INC Tom Diceman Box 156 King City, ON L7B 1A5 Tel: 905-726-8555 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2000 DOUGLAS MAJORE LANDSCAPING LTD Doug Majore RR 1 Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1 Tel: 613-256-7401 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2004 DECRA-STONE LANDSCAPING LTD Bill Schrama 5087 Britannia Rd, RR 6 Milton, ON L9T 2Y1 Tel: 905-855-8612 Work Code: A Member Since: 1996 DEGROOT’S NURSERIES LTD Art DeGroot 1840 London Rd Sarnia, ON N7T 7H2 Tel: 519-542-3435 Work Codes: A, B, C, F Member Since: 1973 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z TT Landscape Contractor Grounds Maintenance Landscape Designer Lawn Care/Spray Contractor Wholesale Nursery/Grower Retail Garden Centre Parks & Recreation Sod Grower Cemetery Golf Course Arborist/Tree Care Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products Greenhouse Operator Snow Removal Contractor Landscape Lighting Interior Plantscaper Media or Advertising Educator Government Apprentice/Student Irrigation Contractor Others Allied to the Industry Tree Mover Hydroseeding Contractor Interlock Only Contractor Excavator Only DENSON LANDSCAPING LIMITED Waldo Holden 16671 Mississauga Rd Terra Cotta, ON L0P 1N0 Tel: 519-927-5045 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 1999 DEPENDABLE LAWN CARE Reynaldo Mariano 47 Greystone Crescent Georgetown, ON L7G 1G8 Tel: 905-691-6951 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2004 DESIGNS BY THE YARD INC Beth Edney 584 Annette St Toronto, ON M6S 2L4 Tel: 416-233-2836 Work Codes: C, O Member Since: 2001 DESIGNS IN LANDSCAPE INC David de Mendonca 7 Hillman Dr Ajax, ON L1S 6Y1 Tel: 416-917-0068 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 DIMARCO LANDSCAPE LIGHTING Frank DiMarco Box 459 Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0 Tel: 905-473-5610 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 1989 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 DIRECT LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Mark Humphries 935 Bloor St E Oshawa, ON L1H 7K6 Tel: 905-576-8400 Work Code: F Member Since: 2003 DODARO LANDSCAPING SERVICES Frank Dodaro 2 - 445 Edgely Blvd Concord, ON L4K 4G1 Tel: 905-660-8841 Work Code: A Member Since: 1999 DOL TURF RESTORATION LTD Gord Dol 2785 County Rd 27 PO Box 240 Bond Head, ON L0G 1B0 Tel: 905-778-1222 Work Codes: A, B, L, N, U, V, Y Member Since: 2007 DON PROSSER LANDSCAPE DESIGN Don Prosser 5 Meadowrose Lane Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Tel: 519-696-2286 Work Code: C Member Since: 2008 DON VALLEY GARDEN SERVICES LTD Jeff McGilvray PO Box 334 Pickering, ON L1V 2R6 Tel: 905-420-7481 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1982 DOUGLAS WOOD LARGE TREE SERVICES Paul Hanousek Box 339 Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 Tel: 519-856-2771 Work Codes: K, X Member Since: 1995 DOWN UNDER IRRIGATIONSHELDON’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Sheldon Meere 829 Norwest Rd Ste 525 Kingston, ON K7P 2N3 Tel: 613-549-8033 Work Codes: A, B, N, O, U Member Since: 2002 DOWN TO EARTH LANDSCAPING Allan Vissers 183 Patterson Rd Dundas, ON L9H 5V1 Tel: 905-630-8866 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 DOWNHAM NURSERIES (1993) INC Gus Peesker 390 York St Strathroy, ON N7G 2E5 Tel: 519-245-4430 Work Code: E Member Since: 1997 DR GREEN SERVICES Louis Van Haastrecht 3120 Wharton Way Mississauga, ON L4X 2C1 Tel: 905-625-4065 Work Codes: D, V Member Since: 1999 LO active members DREAMESTATE LANDSCAPING INC Thomas Blatter 160 Colonial Drive Guelph, ON N1L 1L5 Tel: 519-823-9287 Work Codes: A, O Member Since: 2008 DUFFERIN LAWN LIFE Richard/Carol Reed 935023 Airport Rd RR 1 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Y8 Tel: 519-942-9333 Work Codes: D, V Member Since: 1996 DREAMSCAPE LANDSCAPING Twan Van Veghel 10554 Hwy 7 Acton, ON L7J 2L8 Tel: 905-873-1917 Work Codes: A, D, U Member Since: 1992 DUFOUR LANDSCAPING LTD Mike Dufour 4665 Fontana Ave Windsor, ON N9G 3E1 Tel: 519-966-6373 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, U, Y Member Since: 2008 DREAMVIEW LANDSCAPE Greg Blower 3217 Heathfield Dr Burlington, ON L7M 1E2 Tel: 905-319-0034 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2005 DURALAWN INC Kirby Bowe 222 Carlton St St Catharines, ON L2R 1S8 Tel: 905-650-4880 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 2007 DUTCH GREEN Nico Van Stralen 3527 County Rd 26 RR 2 Prescott, ON K0E 1T0 Tel: 613-925-3926 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2007 DYNA-CO CONSTRUCTION LTD Daniel Klein 1 - 565 Trillium Dr Kitchener, ON N2R 1J4 Tel: 519-894-0047 Work Code: A Member Since: 2004 DUTCHMAN LAWN AND GARDEN Ken Dehaan 192 County Road 28 RR 7 Belleville, ON K8N 4Z7 Tel: 613-848-1650 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2007 DURHAM TOPSOIL & GARDEN SUPPLIES Jim Kennedy 1480 Lakeridge Rd N Ajax, ON L1Z 1T2 Tel: 905-427-0403 Work Code: F Member Since: 2002 DUENCH CONTRACTORS INC John Duench 106 Royal Oak Rd Cambridge, ON N3H 4R7 Tel: 519-653-9673 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 1998 DUTCHMASTER NURSERIES LTD Henry Tillaart 3735 Sideline 16 Brougham, ON L0H 1A0 Tel: 905-683-8211 Work Codes: E, V Member Since: 1985 DUTCH LANDSCAPING Bill DeHaan 3529 Carp Rd RR 2 Carp, ON K0A 1L0 Tel: 613-839-1510 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1998 DURHAM LAWN CARE Roger Davidson 6 - 855 Westney Rd S Ajax, ON L1S 3M4 Tel: 905-428-3125 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2007 DRYSDALE TREE FARMS LTD Doug Drysdale 6635 Simcoe Rd 56 RR 1 Egbert, ON L0L 1N0 Tel: 705-424-9719 Work Codes: A, E, F, K Member Since: 1992 D DUSTY MILLER LANDSCAPING Brian Miller 20491 Warden Ave RR 2 Queensville, ON L0G 1R0 Tel: 905-478-1820 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N Member Since: 1991 DYNAMIC TERRAIN CONTRACTORS Melanie Lillies 316 Frederick St Whitby, ON L1N 3T4 Tel: 905-493-1115 Work Codes: B, C Member Since: 2005 E MAST LANDSCAPING LTD Arie Mast 51 Medd Rd RR 1 Port Perry, ON L9L 1B2 Tel: 905-640-1091 Work Code: A Member Since: 1985 EBS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION LTD Dino Vito 350 Woolwich St S Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519-648-3613 Work Codes: A, L, V Member Since: 2006 DUTCHMAN’S LANDSCAPING LTD Walter Hasselman 53 Fairwood Place E Burlington, ON L7T 2B7 Tel: 905-335-9999 Work Codes: A, V Member Since: 1985 FULLY STOCKED Natural stone products & Landscaping material Mulch Mossy Rock Waterfall Rock Random Flagstone Square Cut Flagstone Landscape Rockery Decorative Aggregates Triple Mix Armour Stone Genuine Clay Pavers Coursing & Wall Stone Sills, Hearths & Coping Random & Cut Stone Steps Wholesale u Trade DEALER Full line of Residential Brick, Masonry Supplies, Thin Natural & Cultured Veneers Fergus u 519-843-2854 Membership list current as of July 2008 Barrie u 705-730-7505 Hamilton 905-643-8686 u London 519-652-5476 Call us or visit our website: landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 7 E LO active members ECO Landscape Joseph Yu 1375 Bayshire Dr Oakville, ON L6H 6C7 Tel: 905-338-3378 Work Codes: C, V Member Since: 2000 Eastbrooke Contracting Corp Morris Sgro 20 Sweet Water Cres Richmond Hill, ON L4S 2A9 Tel: 416-740-5941 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 2006 Eagle Ridge Tree Movers Tom Patterson PO Box 342 Markham, ON L3P 3J8 Tel: 905-640-5998 Work Code: X Member Since: 1998 Eastern Valley Landscaping Inc Andy Taylor 2257 Old Hwy 17 Rockland, ON K4K 1K7 Tel: 613-830-3157 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 Eagles Weed Control and Lawn Service Gerald Eagles RR 2 Clarksburg, ON N0H 1J0 Tel: 519-599-5928 Work Codes: D, Y Member Since: 2000 Early Bird Lawn Maintenance Inc Matt Tarasenko 5147 Trafalgar Rd Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-875-3233 Work Code: B Member Since: 2002 Earth Incorporated Kennedy McRae, James Dale, Joel Loblaw 112 - 507 King St E Toronto, ON M5A 1M3 Tel: 416-216-0378 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1999 Earthwise Landscaping Inc Steve Dudziak 23 Josephine Rd Woodbridge, ON L4H 0M4 Tel: 416-264-3656 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2004 Earthworks Landscape Development Inc Victor Jaunzarins Box 95 Bolton, ON L7E 5T1 Tel: 905-880-9800 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 1999 East Wood Farms Ermy DiMenna PO Box 474 Leamington, ON N8H 3W5 Tel: 519-326-2161 Work Code: E Member Since: 1992 Eco Landscaping Ltd Eric Brooks 336 River Rd. Ottawa, ON K1V 1C8 Tel: 613-260-1394 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 2008 Ecoman Jonas Spring 44 Shanly St. Toronto, ON M6H 1S3 Tel: 416-556-5516 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 Ed Edskes Landscaping & Maintenance Ed Edskes 19260 Dufferin St RR 2 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V9 Tel: 905-778-8341 Work Codes: A, D, N Member Since: 1993 Ed Hekert Landscaping Ltd Ed/Ellen Hekert 5470 Walkers Rd Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0 Tel: 905-679-4897 Work Code: A Member Since: 1998 Eden Gardenworks Inc Mike Lunau 3 - 580 Quebec St London, ON N5W 3Z2 Tel: 519-438-7783 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 2007 Edengrove Landscapes Ltd David Kampen 9 - 5155 Spectrum Way Mississauga, ON L4W 5A1 Tel: 905-602-9886 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1991 Membership list current as of July 2008 48 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Ego’s Nurseries Ltd Kristin Ego 596 Horseshoe Valley Rd E RR 4 Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0 Tel: 705-326-9922 Work Codes: C, E, F Member Since: 1998 Elendale Landscaping Ltd Dale Banton Box 2459 Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1A6 Tel: 905-780-5781 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1998 Elimination Services Inc Paul Van Zutphen 1487 The Links Dr Oakville, ON L6M 2P2 Tel: 905-842-6100 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2006 Elite Designed Concrete Inc Raffy Hanimyan 166 Matthew Dr Woodbridge, ON L4L 9B1 Tel: 905-850-9697 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2003 Elite Landscaping Inc Anthony/Vince Savoia 49 Olivers Lane Caledon East, ON L0N 1E0 Tel: 905-584-8181 Work Code: A Member Since: 1998 Elite Landscaping Ltd / Paysagement Elite Ltee Pierre Chartrand 2322 Wilhaven Dr Ottawa, ON K4C 1M6 Tel: 613-833-1696 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2007 Elliott Landscape Contractors Brian Elliott 78 - 4000 Bloor St E Mississauga, ON L5A 3M7 Tel: 905-275-0909 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O Member Since: 2007 Elm Landscaping David Nemeth 46 Shaunavon Heights Cres North York, ON M3A 2P4 Tel: 416-293-2976 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2003 Emerald Irrigation Ltd Will McNeish RR 2, Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 Tel: 519-658-5639 Work Code: U Member Since: 1998 Emerald Lawns - Naturally Chris Banks 1595 Onondaga Place Mississauga, ON L5H 4B7 Tel: 905-891-9119 Work Code: B Member Since: 2005 Empire Green Lawn Sprinklers Ltd Sean Sparks 17 - 200 Mulock Dr Newmarket, ON L3Y 9B6 Tel: 905-898-4554 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2007 Enderlein Nurseries Ltd Arnd Enderlein 998129 Con #1 Mulmur Tosorontio Lisle, ON L0M 1M0 Tel: 705-466-2532 Work Code: E Member Since: 1991 Enlightenend Gardens Randy Klippenstein 231 Evelyn Ave Toronto, ON M6P 2Z8 Tel: 416-458-0370 Work Codes: B, O Member Since: 2005 Entire Landscapes Inc Frank Del Vecchio 4296 Hartfield Grove Mississauga, ON L4W 2Y7 Tel: 905-629-2583 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1990 Enviroking Lawn Care Ltd Mark Goodman 730 Trinity St Innisfil, ON L9S 2G8 Tel: 705-431-1670 Work Codes: B, D, V Member Since: 1991 Environmental Design Landscaping Contractors Ltd Koos Torenvliet PO Box 29 Carlisle, ON L0R 1H0 Tel: 905-689-5373 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O Member Since: 1991 Environmental Vegetation Management David Weir 25 Sawmill Rd Caledonia, ON N3W 1Y6 Tel: 905-679-5644 Work Codes: B, D, K Member Since: 2002 LO active members Environs Wholesale Nursery Robert Everest, Pat Arnott 1610 Concession 3 RR 2 St Williams, ON N0E 1P0 Tel: 519-586-7298 Work Code: E Member Since: 2001 Enviroscape Incorporated Ian Payne 838369 4th Line Mulmur Twp Glencairn, ON L0M 1K0 Tel: 705-466-6290 Work Codes: A, B, C, E, O Member Since: 1998 Europa Landscaping Mark Van Landschoot 6241 Trafalgar Rd Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-338-5717 Work Codes: A, C, E Member Since: 1998 Everest Nurseries Inc JD Everest RR 1 Hepworth, ON N0H 1P0 Tel: 888-557-5552 Work Codes: A, E Member Since: 2002 Evergreen Environments Landscape Contractors Lou Savoia 12 Livery Way Brampton, ON L6S 5W2 Tel: 905-453-0392 Work Codes: A, C, O, P Member Since: 2003 E Evergreen Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance Craig Gaynor 17 Chateau Court Hamilton, ON L9C 5P3 Tel: 905-575-4322 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1987 Envy Irrigation Inc Stephen Skovhoj 1125 - 1550 Kingston Rd. Pickering, ON L1V 6W9 Tel: 416-633-3689 Work Code: U Member Since: 2008 Erick’s Horticulture Services Ltd Erick Butts 22953 Coldstream Rd RR 3 Komoka, ON N0L 1R0 Tel: 519-473-4714 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, O Member Since: 1979 Esam Group George McCormick 301 Oxford St W London, ON N6H 1S6 Tel: 519-433-7291 Work Code: B Member Since: 2002 Essential Landscaping Ltd Nick Narcisi 87 Headwater Rd Bolton, ON L7E 2W4 Tel: 905-857-5296 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 2002 Euro Landscape Construction & Grounds Inc Mark Cichon 31 Taber Rd Etobicoke, ON M9W 3A7 Tel: 416-604-1832 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, X Member Since: 2008 Eurogardens Robert Innemee RR 1 Norwich, ON N0J 1P0 Tel: 519-468-2756 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 2006 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 49 E LO active members Evergreen Landscaping Services John Holdstock 360 - 13300 Tecumseh Rd E Tecumseh, ON N8N 4R8 Tel: 519-979-9152 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 1998 Faion Landscaping & Snow Plowing Robert Faion 230 Sandalwood Pkwy PO Box 41521 Brampton, ON L6Z 4R1 Tel: 905-565-6463 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2003 Evers - Landscaping Fred Evers Box 177 Ruthven, ON N0P 2G0 Tel: 519-326-6730 Work Codes: B, D, K Member Since: 1985 Fast Forest Phil Dickie 270 Shoemaker St Kitchener, ON N2E 3E1 Tel: 519-748-6610 Work Codes: K, X Member Since: 1987 Exact Interlock Ltd Jamie Carriveau 345 West Ridge Dr Stittsville, ON K2S 2G8 Tel: 613-321-0833 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 Fausto Presta Design Fausto Presta 63 MacGregor Ave Toronto, ON M6S 2A1 Tel: 416-767-6350 Work Codes: A, B, C, O Member Since: 2001 Excel Contracting Sean Richards 16095 Weston Rd Kettleby, ON L0G 1J0 Tel: 905-751-0231 Work Codes: A, C, O, U Member Since: 2007 Ferguson Forest Centre Ed Patchell 275 County Rd 44 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-0110 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 2002 Excel Landscaping & Property Maintenance Craig Hamilton 4 Portside Dr, Unit F Hannon, ON L0R 1P0 Tel: 905-643-5632 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2002 Fern Glen Garden Centre Terry Rodrigues 48 Masons Rd Emsdale, ON P0A 1J0 Tel: 705-636-0927 Work Code: F Member Since: 2006 Exel Contracting Inc Ian Rowbotham PO Box 13539 Kanata, ON K2K 1X6 Tel: 613-831-3935 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2004 Fern Ridge Landscaping Sean James PO Box 576 Station Main Milton, ON L9T 5A2 Tel: 905-876-4852 Work Codes: A, C, K, O Member Since: 2003 Exteriors by Design Todd Langille 9 - 800 Industrial Ave Ottawa, ON K1G 4B8 Tel: 613-736-1123 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 F Bulow Garden Centre & Landscaping Flemming Bulow 370 South Service Rd W Oakville, ON L6K 3S1 Tel: 905-845-7121 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1995 Membership list current as of July 2008 Fern Valley Landscaping Mark Bassie 23 Queenslea Dr Hamilton, ON L8W 1T7 Tel: 905-385-8950 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2003 Fiesta Gardens Joseph Virgona 200 Christie St Toronto, ON M6G 3B5 Tel: 416-537-1235 Work Code: F Member Since: 2001 Fiona’s Garden Gate Fiona Penn Zieba 229 Grenview Blvd S Toronto, ON M8Y 3V1 Tel: 416-231-8512 Work Codes: A, B, O Member Since: 2004 50 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 First Choice Landscape Licinio Terralheiro 12 - 7750 Birchmount Rd Markham, ON L3R 0B4 Tel: 905-947-0527 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1998 Fitzgerald & Roderick Landscape Contractors Ltd John Roderick 72 Shelton Lane PO Box 191 Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0 Tel: 905-690-1233 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2003 Fleischauer Brothers Landscaping Ltd John Fleischauer 60 Woolwich St S Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519-648-2193 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2001 Floral and Hardy Inc Betty Fretz 6728 18th St RR 3 Moorefield, ON N0G 2K0 Tel: 519-638-3937 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 2006 Flow Landscapes Inc Matt Spencer 279 Zokol Dr Aurora, ON L4G 7Y5 Tel: 905-472-0911 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 Focus On Landscapes Anthony Roy 4 - 4361 Harvester Rd. Burlington, ON L7L 5M4 Tel: 905-637-1067 Work Codes: A, B, O Member Since: 2007 Forest Hill Landscapes & Design Jeff & Stephanie Scott 1301 Old Carriage Lane PO Box 2042 Winchester, ON K0C 2K0 Tel: 613-774-2256 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2006 Forest Ridge Landscaping Design & Maintenance Gerry Visco 22 Morton Ave Sharon, ON L0G 1V0 Tel: 905-478-8311 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, N, O Member Since: 2000 Forest View Landscaping Inc Christie & Chuck Gaudette 4209 Burnham St N RR 6 Cobourg, ON K9A 4J9 Tel: 905-342-9592 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, O, U, Y Member Since: 1988 ForestCare Corp John DeWitt 885 Hwy 24 Monkton, ON N0E 1P0 Tel: 519-586-9116 Work Code: E Member Since: 1999 Forestell Landscaping Kevin Forestell 6951 Forestell Rd Guelph, ON N1H 6J3 Tel: 519-362-1194 Work Code: A Member Since: 2005 Forestview Landscaping Paul Louks 4229 Cedar Springs Rd Burlington, ON L7R 3X4 Tel: 905-331-5383 Work Codes: A, E Member Since: 1995 Forecast Landscaping Ltd Aldo De Bellis 145 Milvan Dr Unit B Weston, ON M9L 1Z8 Tel: 416-744-0888 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1992 Forever Green Lawn & Landscape Inc Alex Lopez 218 - 150 Clark Blvd Brampton, ON L6T 4Y8 Tel: 905-454-0875 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1996 Forest Hill Fine Homes Inc Hugh Smith 1117 Redwood Rd PO Box 59 Port Carling, ON P0B 1J0 Tel: 705-765-6122 Work Code: A Member Since: 2005 Forever Green Tree Property Maintenance Ltd James Stork 5562 South Sunset Dr Manotick, ON K4M 1J4 Tel: 613-692-8228 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, X Member Since: 2002 LO active members Forevergreen Landscaping & Maintenance Inc Joe Medeiros 1174 Old Carriage Way Oakville, ON L6M 2E1 Tel: 905-469-4551 Work Codes: B, C, D, N, O Member Since: 2000 Forster Landscape Contractors Ltd Dan Forster 3286 Nadine Cres Mississauga, ON L5A 3L3 Tel: 905-848-4432 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2006 Fortunato’s General Contracting & Property Maintenance Ltd Robert Fortunato 1480 Fieldlight Blvd. Pickering, ON L1V 2S4 Tel: 905-839-1259 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 Fossil Landscapes Ltd Andrew Skeoch 137 Thirtieth St Etobicoke, ON M8W 3C3 Tel: 416-255-8881 Work Codes: A, C, E, O Member Since: 1999 Contact Mark Peart at 905-407-4748 for the dealer nearest you. F Four Seasons Tree Care & Service Ltd Ken Lund 6282 Bloomington Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 7X3 Tel: 416-410-8770 Work Code: K Member Since: 1993 Frechette Lawncare Danny Passmore 75 Heale Ave Scarborough, ON M1N 3X9 Tel: 416-261-7848 Work Codes: D, V Member Since: 1986 Freiburger Landscaping Inc Frank Freiburger 1876 Huron Rd Kitchener, ON N2R 1R5 Tel: 519-895-0122 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 1991 Fowler Construction Mark Washington 1206 Rosewarne Ave, Box 630 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T9 Tel: 705-645-2214 Work Codes: A, C, L, N Member Since: 2007 Frederick Horticulture Services Curtis Frederick 13928 County Rd 27 RR 1 Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0 Tel: 705-322-5815 Work Codes: A, B, K Member Since: 2004 Fremont Construction & Landscaping Ltd Vince Caporiccio 555 Vellore Woods Blvd. Woodbridge, ON L4H 2V8 Tel: 905-553-3353 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2008 Freeman Herbs Inc Rick Hendriks 4838 Lincoln Ave N Beamsville, ON L0R 1B3 Tel: 905-563-8890 Work Codes: E, M Member Since: 1993 Frenk van Herpen Landscaping Frenk van Herpen 689 Pattersons Corners Rd Oxford Mills, ON K0G 1S0 Tel: 613-258-7420 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2006 Framar Landscape & Maintenance Contractors Ltd Mark Selles 17015 - 8 Concession RR 1 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-939-2999 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, O, U Member Since: 1987 Fraser Wilson Inc Fraser Wilson 1380 Greely Lane Greely, ON K4P 1A1 Tel: 613-821-4991 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, V Member Since: 2002 Freemont Landscaping Inc William Inch 2366 Anson Dr Mississauga, ON L5S 1G2 Tel: 905-676-9106 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2004 Extreme Pro Leaf Blowers •9 h.p. Briggs Vanguard engine •“no flat” tires •curved 15” cast-aluminum impeller absorbs vibration and sound •easy-off “taper lok” hub 1,490. $ 00 Debris Vac Truck Loaders •10 h.p. Vanguard engine •adapts to most half-ton pickups •new swivel stack •tailgate mounted 2,575.00** $ **hitch mount swing-away models available as shown above with 18 h.p. Briggs electric start Vanguard engine landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 51 F LO active members Fresh Landscape & Garden Solutions Diana Cassidy-Bush 254 Palmarteer Rd Tweed, ON K0K 3J0 Tel: 613-478-4723 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2007 G. Robert Landscape and Design Inc Guy Robert 284 Wall Road Navan, ON K4B 1H9 Tel: 613-834-1074 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2006 Garden City Groundskeeping Services John Larsen 1024 Johnathon Dr Mississauga, ON L4Y 1K1 Tel: 905-274-2029 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2004 From The Ground Up Tree & Plant Nursery Dan Furgiuele 22 Tillingham Keep North York, ON M3H 6A1 Tel: 416-275-2822 Work Codes: A, B, D, E Member Since: 2000 GDG Enterprises Ltd Gregory Dubiel 986 Streamway Crescent Mississauga, ON L4Y 2P4 Tel: 416-606-3823 Work Codes: A, B, N, O, U Member Since: 2007 Frontier Landscapes Joe Bontekoe 38 Alderson Dr Hamilton, ON L9B 1G2 Tel: 905-388-9153 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 GW Lawn Maintenance Grzegorz Wasniewski RR 1 Ariss, ON N0B 1B0 Tel: 519-821-2846 Work Codes: B, K, N, X Member Since: 2004 Garden Creations of Ottawa Ltd Tim Kearney 5100 Bank St Ottawa, ON K1X 1G8 Tel: 613-822-0716 Work Codes: A, B, C, V Member Since: 1983 Future Lawn Inc Tim Kraemer 281316 Bentinck-Normanby Townline RR 1 Hanover, ON N4N 3B8 Tel: 519-364-3608 Work Codes: A, B, D, U Member Since: 1998 G Best & Sons Garry Best PO Box 151 Dwight, ON P0A 1H0 Tel: 705-635-9133 Work Code: C Member Since: 2007 G Degryse Landscaping Ltd Mr. Degryse 10660 Yonge St PO Box 30558 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3C9 Tel: 905-883-5783 Work Code: A Member Since: 1976 G Edick & Sons Landscape Contractors Jim Edick 1484 Jalna Ave Mississauga, ON L5J 1S5 Tel: 905-822-8004 Work Codes: A, B, K, N, O Member Since: 1991 G Edick Landscape & Tree Care Gord Edick 2 - 7123 Fir Tree Dr Mississauga, ON L5S 1G4 Tel: 800-265-2658 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O, U Member Since: 2004 Gaia’s Gardens Sarah Moylan PO Box 6197 New Hamburg, ON N3A 2K6 Tel: 519-570-8940 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2007 Gail’s Balcony & Solarium Gardens Gail Malcolm 14 - 1335 Bayview Ave Toronto, ON M4G 3A4 Tel: 416-425-9888 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 1991 Ganden Landscapes Ltd Shane Jordan 1416 Rodney Lane RR 1 Winchester, ON K0C 2K0 Tel: 613-226-6821 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, U, X Member Since: 1983 Garafraxa Turf Inc Jim Spencer RR 4 Belwood, ON N0B 1J0 Tel: 519-787-2522 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 2004 Garbutt Gardens Kristi Garbutt 305 - 3110 Yonge St Toronto, ON M4N 2K6 Tel: 416-485-0587 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2003 52 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Garden Gateway Landscape Services Inc Carson McConaghy 1330 Carling Ave Oshawa, ON L1H 7P2 Tel: 905-579-4675 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2006 Garden Glen Landscape Construction Peter Stegenga 877 Westover Rd RR 2 Branchton, ON N0B 1L0 Tel: 905-659-9886 Work Codes: A, N, O Member Since: 2001 Garden Grove Landscaping David & Paul Lammers 408 Blythewood Rd Burlington, ON L7L 2G8 Tel: 905-690-8000 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, U Member Since: 1997 Garden Holistics Teresa Matamoros PO Box 244 Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0 Tel: 519-599-1003 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N Member Since: 2006 Garden Images Colleen Hobbs PO Box 691 Pembroke, ON K8A 6X9 Tel: 613-732-4477 Work Code: C Member Since: 2005 Garden Maintenance Only Ken Adair 146 Bruce Cres Barrie, ON L4N 8P4 Tel: 705-792-9305 Work Code: B Member Since: 2008 Garden Rabbit Landscaping Ltd Marek Krol 7551 Kipling Ave Woodbridge, ON L4L 1Y5 Tel: 905-850-8222 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2008 Garden Retreats Inc Connie Cadotte 33 Kirkdale Cres Toronto, ON M3B 2J7 Tel: 416-565-8343 Work Code: C Member Since: 2004 Gardenland Garden Centres Inc Marc Brockhausen 289 Brock Rd Dundas, ON L9H 5H2 Tel: 905-520-8190 Work Code: F Member Since: 2004 Gardens For Living Inc Adam Bienenstock 223 Park St W Dundas, ON L9H 1Y3 Tel: 905-628-0040 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2005 Gardens Perennial Lenore Newell 23 Gondola Cres Scarborough, ON M1G 2J2 Tel: 416-439-0465 Work Codes: A, B, C, P Member Since: 1998 Gardens of Prestige Ltd Tim Meijs 3715 12/13 Side Rd RR 2 New Lowell, ON L0M 1N0 Tel: 705-424-4202 Work Codes: A, C, O, U Member Since: 2006 Garland Landscaping Paisley Fisher-Hinde 117 Lakeshore Rd E PO Box 338 Mississauga, ON L5G 4T6 Tel: 905-278-3663 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 1999 Garlatti Landscaping Inc Dan Garlatti 8455 Broderick Rd RR 3 LaSalle, ON N9A 6Z6 Tel: 519-734-0444 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U, V Member Since: 1996 LO active members Gateway Landscaping & Snow Removal Ltd Luca Ferrante 23 Creditstone Rd Concord, ON L4K 1N4 Tel: 905-660-5833 Work Codes: A, B, N, P Member Since: 2005 Gauld Nurseries Joan Gauld 8865 Mountain Rd Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S4 Tel: 905-354-2392 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1998 Georgina Sod & Landscape Ltd John Rittgasser 66 Riverglen Dr Keswick, ON L4P 2R1 Tel: 905-476-5114 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1996 Gerrits Property Services Inc John Fulford 169 Finch Ave Pickering, ON L1V 1H6 Tel: 416-410-3435 Work Codes: A, B, N, U, V Member Since: 1999 Geoscape Exterior Design Ltd Paul Ciampaglia 4822 19th Ave Markham, ON L6C 1M4 Tel: 905-887-1599 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Gib-San Environmentals Jay Middleton 59 Milvan Dr Toronto, ON M9L 1Y8 Tel: 416-749-4361 Work Codes: A, C, P Member Since: 2001 G Gibber’s Maintenance Inc Dale Gibbons 531 Stoney Creek Rd RR 1 York, ON N0A 1R0 Tel: 905-765-5743 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, V, X Member Since: 2006 Gemini Landscapes & Design Inc. (Division of Coalmar Ltd.) Anna O’Neill 1769 Medallion Court Mississauga, ON L5J 2L6 Tel: 416-936-6469 Work Codes: A, C, N, O, U, V, X Member Since: 2008 General Gardening Ltd Sebastian Quartarone 13 - 90 Esna Park Dr Markham, ON L3R 2R7 Tel: 905-475-2220 Work Codes: B, D Member Since: 1999 Genoscape Inc Joseph Genovese 5694 - 4 Highway 7 East Unit 178 Markham, ON L3P 1B4 Tel: 905-472-9112 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2003 George Skelding Landscaping George Skelding 4063 Kalar Rd Niagara Falls, ON L2H 1S7 Tel: 905-357-5258 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1991 Georgian Sprinklers Inc Gordon McLean 7615 County Rd 91 Stayner, ON L0M 1S0 Tel: 705-428-4608 Work Codes: O, U, V, Y Member Since: 2002 Georgina Garden Centre Michael Johnson 2297 The Old Homestead PO Box 71 Keswick, ON L4P 3E1 Tel: 905-476-8722 Work Codes: A, C, D, F Member Since: 1990 RR #4 – 12302 10th Line Georgetown, Ontario Tel: 416-798-7970 Fax: 905-873-9591 E-mail: Membership list current as of July 2008 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 53 G LO active members Glen Echo Nurseries Inc Klaus & Derek Tiessen 15070 Airport Rd, RR 5 Caledon East, ON L0N 1E0 Tel: 905-584-9973 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1973 Glenoaks Landscape Contractors Joseph Cagna 4722 Bethesda Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 Tel: 905-940-8562 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1989 Glenwood Tree Service Inc Steven Lukac 663 Winston Churchill Blvd Mississauga, ON L5J 4P9 Tel: 905-855-8711 Work Code: K Member Since: 2006 Global Gardening & Landscaping Ltd Piero Sabatini 855 College St Toronto, ON M6H 1A1 Tel: 416-534-5611 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2001 Global Grass Clippers Blair Rudyk 9 Trailwood Cres Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3L9 Tel: 905-770-6788 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1996 Go-Green Landscaping Dave Arruda, Mark Tressel 153 Perth St Acton, ON L7J 1C9 Tel: 519-853-2210 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O Member Since: 1998 Gobro Con Landscaping Luca Gobbato 160 Main St PO Box 92517 Brampton, ON L6W 4R1 Tel: 905-487-0281 Work Code: A Member Since: 2003 Gold Coast Landscaping Inc Dan Rathwell 38761 Mill Rd Varna, ON N0M 2R0 Tel: 519-525-8131 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, L, M, V, X Member Since: 2007 Golden Triangle Nursery Inc Herman Baguss RR 3 PO Box 70 Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0 Tel: 613-989-5519 Work Code: A Member Since: 1973 Golfgreen Irrigation Services Byron Pearson 471 Silken Laumann Dr Newmarket, ON L3X 2H9 Tel: 416-523-7431 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2003 Good Earth Landscaping Stephen & Rhonda Good 1189 Hwy 118 East RR 3 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1X1 Tel: 705-646-0444 Work Codes: A, M Member Since: 1998 Goodwood Gardens Greenhouses David Gribble RR 1 Goodwood, ON L0C 1A0 Tel: 905-640-4852 Work Code: F Member Since: 1995 Gord Williams Landscaping Ltd John Williams 278 Rokeby Line RR 1 Mooretown, ON N0N 1M0 Tel: 519-862-3061 Work Codes: A, B, H, N, Y Member Since: 1991 Gordon J Leece Landscapes Gordon Leece Box 216 Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0 Tel: 519-538-9991 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2000 Grand Valley arden Village Ltd Richard Scharringa 3763 King St E Kitchener, ON N2P 2E8 Tel: 519-893-2233 Work Code: F Member Since: 1991 Green All Landscaping Ltd Paul Ivach 574 Rebecca St Oakville, ON L6K 3N9 Tel: 905-842-5333 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2002 Grandpa’s Garden Landscaping & Nursery Mary Hooydonk 23674 Highbury Ave N RR 2 Denfield, ON N0M 1P0 Tel: 519-225-2783 Work Codes: A, B, E Member Since: 2002 Green Apple Landscaping Peter Solti 88 Squires Ave Toronto, ON M4B 2R5 Tel: 416-288-1499 Work Codes: A, C, V Member Since: 2000 Grandview Landscaping Ltd Peter Hummel 35 Durward Place Waterloo, ON N2L 4E5 Tel: 519-886-4098 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 1989 Granite Land Design Inc Alan/Stephanie Oliver 4121 Morris Burlington, ON L7M 3V2 Tel: 905-319-7771 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2000 Granite Park Inc Marc Schutten 16 Gladiola Drive Carlisle, ON L0R 1H1 Tel: 905-690-7275 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, P Member Since: 2008 Granite Property Maintenance and Landscaping Michael Alexander 104 Spencer St Bracebridge, ON P1L 1C3 Tel: 705-645-5622 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2007 Gore Landscaping Enterprises Ltd Mark Eggengoor 12179 Heart Lake Rd Caledon, ON L7C 2K4 Tel: 905-843-2925 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1973 Great Lakes Landscape Contractors David O’Drowsky 12084 6th Line Nassagaweya RR 1 Acton, ON L7J 2L7 Tel: 519-853-4994 Work Codes: A, D, O, P, U Member Since: 1983 Grand Effects Landscaping Chris Ball 2334 Wadding Cres Mississauga, ON L5K 1Z3 Tel: 905-823-0794 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 Great Lakes Lawn Care Inc Henry Valkenburg Box 2843 Station B London, ON N6A 4H4 Tel: 519-457-0800 Work Code: D Member Since: 2000 54 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Green Design Landscaping Inc Rick Harvey PO Box 119 Beachville, ON N0J 1A0 Tel: 519-423-9000 Work Codes: A, C, P Member Since: 1997 Green Grass Lawn Sprinklers Ltd Michael Bruce 4 - 80 Travail Rd Markham, ON L3S 3H9 Tel: 416-321-9591 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2007 Green Lawn Landscaping Kevin Bonn 99 Briarmeadow Cres Kitchener, ON N2A 4C4 Tel: 519-249-0353 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 2002 Green Leaf Gardening & Property Services Gary Kunne 245 Tamarack Court Oshawa, ON L1J 6L1 Tel: 905-438-1399 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2005 Green Masters Landscaping Attilio Pasquali 235 Dixon Rd PO Box 39054 Toronto, ON M9P 2M0 Tel: 416-242-8359 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2004 G LO active members Green Scenes Goundskeeping Inc Randy Andres 2276 Creek Rd, RR 3 Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-468-5535 Work Codes: B, D, N, U Member Since: 1998 Green Side Up London (1984) Ltd Jeff Callow 6356 Decker Dr London, ON N6P 1J5 Tel: 519-652-5025 Work Codes: A, C, E Member Since: 2000 Green Street Landscaping Wayne McMillan RR 2 Rodney, ON N0L 2C0 Tel: 519-785-2138 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1993 Green Things Garden Centre & Landscaping Wally Earl 1892 Hwy 2 East Box 898 Brockville, ON K6V 5W1 Tel: 613-345-2839 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, N, O, U, V, Y Member Since: 1997 Green Thumb Advantage Carol Hofman 4 Line Adjala, RR 1 Loretto, ON L0G 1L0 Tel: 519-941-5806 Work Codes: A, C, P, V Member Since: 2007 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only Green Thumb Garden Centre Mary Shearman Reid 17 Tristan Court Nepean, ON K2E 8B9 Tel: 613-228-0224 Work Codes: F, V Member Since: 1993 Green Thumb Landscaping (a division of 002092394 Ontario Ltd.) Stephen Manganaro 44040 Wexford Postal Outlet Brampton, ON L6Z 4V7 Tel: 416-554-3693 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2006 Green Thumb Landscaping Ltd Kathy Thomas 3077 Guelph Line Burlington, ON L7R 3X4 Tel: 905-335-0752 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1995 Green Unlimited Chris Urquhart 2709 Stevenage Dr Unit 3 Ottawa, ON K1G 3N2 Tel: 613-744-7336 Work Code: D Member Since: 2000 Green Valley Garden Centre Stan/Sam DiMenna 2065 County Rd 34 W Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E4 Tel: 519-326-2341 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1999 Green Valley Gardening & Landscaping Irene/Joe Belo 77 Burlington St Etobicoke, ON M8V 3W1 Tel: 416-255-3904 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1998 GreenLawn Ltd - Toronto West Gavin Dawson 2385 Matheson Blvd E Mississauga, ON L4W 5B3 Tel: 800-565-5296 Work Codes: A, B, D, V Member Since: 1995 GreenSpace Design Merri Corrigall 201 Belmont Avenue Kingston, ON K7M 4T3 Tel: 613-634-1278 Work Code: C Member Since: 2008 56 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Greenbay Northern Ltd Siamak Bay 25 Bloomfield Trail Richmond Hill, ON L4E 2J7 Tel: 416-873-3356 Work Codes: A, B, N, P Member Since: 2005 Greenscape Lawn Maintenance John Hewson 2450 Avongate Dr Mississauga, ON L5C 2X6 Tel: 905-277-4778 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, V Member Since: 1990 Greenbelt Farm John Drummond RR 5 Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0 Tel: 519-347-2725 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, K, R Member Since: 1997 Greenscape Turf & Forestry Management Inc Aurie Botosan 9 Filbert Kitchener, ON N2H 1Y1 Tel: 519-744-1181 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 2006 Greenfield Lawn Care & Landscaping Mansoor Reihani 57 Steeles Ave E Toronto, ON M2M 3Y3 Tel: 416-224-9004 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2001 Greenfield Nursery Ltd Al Devries RR 1 Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Tel: 519-632-7592 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1990 Greenland Irrigation - Toronto Mehdi Hamidi 146 Holmes Ave Toronto, ON M2N 4M6 Tel: 416-227-2433 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2002 Greenlife Sarah Johnston 1102 Antochi Dr Manotick, ON K4M 1K1 Tel: 613-299-2544 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2005 Greenrock Outdoor Landscaping Contractors Rick Lima 20 - 255 Dudas St E Ste 420 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H6 Tel: 905-633-7508 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 Greenscape Garden Centre and Nursery Richard Den Drijuer RR 3 Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 Tel: 519-856-1311 Work Codes: A, C, E, F Member Since: 2000 Greenscape Watering Systems Ltd Bruce Morton 2 - 54 Cleopatra Dr Ottawa, ON K2G 0B3 Tel: 613-723-8528 Work Codes: O, U, V Member Since: 1988 Greenscapes (London) Kris Johansen 27 Chepstow Close London, ON N6G 3S5 Tel: 519-471-2234 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, X Member Since: 2000 Greenside Drive Landscaping David DiCecco Box 129 Nobleton, ON L0G 1N0 Tel: 905-859-2934 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2001 Greensleeve Maintenance Ltd Ross Kaufman 515 Snyder’s Rd E Baden, ON N0B 1G0 Tel: 519-634-5559 Work Codes: B, C, D, K, N Member Since: 2008 Greenstar Landscaping Inc Greg Janes 5605 Richmond Rd Nepean, ON K2R 1G4 Tel: 613-591-1517 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1996 Greentario Landscaping Ltd Carmine Filice 1 - 15 Ditton Dr Hamilton, ON L8W 2E5 Tel: 905-388-5251 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 2000 LO active members Greentec Frank Tchorek 21733 Hyde Park Rd Arva, ON N0M 1C0 Tel: 519-666-2243 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1999 Greenwood Interlock Ian Andrews 3012 Concession Rd 3 Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K2 Tel: 905-983-8279 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1995 Greenview Irrigation Ltd Joselit Cordeiro 194 Valeria Blvd Woodbridge, ON L4L 6W4 Tel: 416-410-5540 Work Code: U Member Since: 2007 Greenwood Nursery Alastair Matheson RR 1 Thedford, ON N0M 2N0 Tel: 519-296-4665 Work Codes: A, C, D, E, F, M Member Since: 1980 Greenway Blooming Centre Kees or Sabina Kennema 2000 Shantz Station Rd Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519-648-2328 Work Code: F Member Since: 2005 Greg Hendrick & Sons Greg Hendrick PO Box 4079 Ottawa, ON K1Y 4P3 Tel: 613-233-8847 Work Codes: A, B, K, N Member Since: 2002 Greenwood Garden Centre James/George Trendos 6745 Kingston Rd Scarborough, ON M1B 1G9 Tel: 416-282-2666 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1998 Greg Varcoe Greg or Sherry Varcoe 5102 9th Line RR 2 Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 Tel: 705-458-9455 Work Codes: B, D, I, N Member Since: 1997 Grieve Home Maintenance Ltd David Grieve 5163 Mount Nemo Cres RR 2 Milton, ON L9T 2X6 Tel: 905-336-0088 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1991 Griffith Property Services Ltd George Griffith 1843 Bethesda Side Rd Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1A2 Tel: 905-888-5084 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O Member Since: 2005 Grindstone Landscaping & Property Maintenance Jason Linde 442 6th Concession E Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0 Tel: 905-638-1511 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 Gro-Pro Lawn Care Ltd Marvin Schaus PO Box 72 Elmira, ON N3B 2Z5 Tel: 519-669-1278 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, Y Member Since: 1995 Grobe Nursery & Garden Centre Perry Grobe 1787 Greenhouse Rd Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519-648-2247 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1973 G Ground Control Contracting Edward Hewis 222 Eastlawn St Oshawa, ON L1H 8J1 Tel: 905-576-9386 Work Codes: A, B, N, O, V Member Since: 2004 Ground Covers Unlimited Ted Spearing PO Box 190 Bethany, ON L0A 1A0 Tel: 705-277-3005 Work Codes: E, V Member Since: 1998 Growing Gardens Phil Zylstra 561 5th Concession W RR 2 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H2 Tel: 905-690-2002 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 1999 Natural Impression Naturally Impressive natural stone products @ wholesale price We are the one stop shop Remarkable range of Flagstone, Steps, Coping, Pool Coping, Cobbles, Walling Stone, Flamed Granites and Custom Design Products available in Sandstone, Limestone, Granites, Quartzite and Slate New and Bigger Location! Landscape stone from around the globe www. Email: Toll Free: 1-800-828-9884 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 57 G LO active members Gunn-Duncan Landscaping Ltd David Gunn 22 Orchard Ave Cobourg, ON K9A 1T2 Tel: 905-373-6067 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 1998 Hall Tree Farms Inc Peter Hall 16725 Jane St Kettleby, ON L0G 1J0 Tel: 905-727-1996 Work Codes: K, X Member Since: 2005 Hardship Acres Landscaping Inc Kevin Fay Box 65 Wyevale, ON L0L 2T0 Tel: 705-322-1371 Work Code: A Member Since: 2002 Gustin Landscape Maintenance John Gustin 1363 Osprey Dr Ancaster, ON L9G 4V5 Tel: 905-648-2161 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1991 Halton Landscaping & Property Maintenance Brian Bell 2352 Ruth Dene Crescent Burlington, ON L7P 1V2 Tel: 905-335-8409 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2007 Harmonia Kirsty Macleod 34 South Terrace PO Box 211 Landcaster, ON K0C 1N0 Tel: 613-347-1187 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 Guy Robert Landscaping 1988 Ltd Mike Proulx PO Box 1347 Station Main North Bay, ON P1B 8K5 Tel: 705-472-6657 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1996 H Richardson Farms Ltd Harry Richardson 4825 Regional Rd 9 East Kendal, ON L0A 1E0 Tel: 905-797-2801 Work Code: E Member Since: 2003 HABITAT Enviroscaping Sergio Chavez 179 Martin Ave Ottawa, ON K1K 2V2 Tel: 613-749-8245 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2005 HT Kroon Gardening Hugo Kroon PO Box 382 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 905-888-9056 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 1973 Habitech Restoration Inc Michael Woodward 12590 Hwy 25 Acton, ON L7J 2M1 Tel: 519-853-8077 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Haldibrook Landscaping and Maintenance Alvin Bosma 100 Sawmill Rd Caledonia, ON N3W 1Y6 Tel: 905-765-7979 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1999 Hank Deenen Landscaping Ltd Harold Deenen 1774 Midland Ave Scarborough, ON M1P 3C2 Tel: 416-757-3218 Work Codes: A, B, V Member Since: 1973 Hans Kumberg Landscaping Hans Kumberg 233 Evelyn Ave Toronto, ON M6P 2Z8 Tel: 416-767-5721 Work Code: D Member Since: 1973 Hansen Lawn & Gardens Ltd Ed Hansen 1559 Alta Vista Dr PO Box 59011 Ottawa, ON K1G 5T7 Tel: 613-260-8175 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2003 Happy Plants Elie El Kalaani 3 - 609 Malartic Ave Ottawa, ON K1K 0X2 Tel: 613-749-9009 Work Codes: A, P Member Since: 1998 Harmony Gardens Landscaping Inc Tilo Cross PO Box 855 Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0 Tel: 613-838-4066 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, M, N, X Member Since: 2005 Harper’s Gardening Centre Craig Harper 102 Plaza Dr PO Box 63088 Dundas, ON L9H 6Y3 Tel: 905-648-2157 Work Code: F Member Since: 1988 Harry Kamstra & Sons Landscaping Harry Kamstra 4665 Liberty St N Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K6 Tel: 905-263-4230 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1973 Harwood Landscaping & Property Maintenance Inc Ian Day 3427 Maple Grove Rd Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K4 Tel: 905-623-0255 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2003 Harada Landscaping Ltd Hiro Harada 62 Crestwood Rd Thornhill, ON L4J 1A5 Tel: 905-881-3852 Work Code: A Member Since: 1985 Harwood’s Soil Farm Todd/Grace Harwood 1230 Britannia Rd E Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-878-1900 Work Code: F Member Since: 2001 Hardscapes Of Muskoka Mike Baker 2374 Highway 11 North Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1R1 Tel: 705-687-4400 Work Code: A Member Since: 2005 Hasselman Nurseries Ltd Ghi Boissevain Box 121 Ridgeway, ON L0S 1N0 Tel: 905-894-0512 Work Codes: A, B, F Member Since: 1991 Membership list current as of July 2008 58 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Hawksfield Farm Ltd. Landscaping George Rapai 110 Maple Ave. S. Scotland, ON N0E -1R0 Tel: 519-446-2404 Work Codes: A, E, K, M, X Member Since: 2008 Haynes Landscaping 129 Ranee Ave Toronto, ON M6A 1N3 Tel: 416-782-6946 Work Code: Member Since: 1979 Hayward Tree & Landscape Services Alan Hayward 5699 6th Line, RR 3 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0 Tel: 905-729-0955 Work Code: K Member Since: 2001 Hedgerow Farm Neil Turnbull RR 2 Sunderland, ON L0C 1H0 Tel: 705-357-1313 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2001 Helmutz Interlock Inc Helmut Zgraja 170 St Leger St Kitchener, ON N2H 4M5 Tel: 519-888-9536 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 1998 Henry Landscaping & Maintenance Henry Sousa 2045 Spragues Rd Cambridge, ON N1R 5S5 Tel: 519-621-0739 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1998 Hensbergen & DeGroot Andy DeGroot 4315 19th Ave Markham, ON L6C 1M1 Tel: 905-887-5155 Work Codes: B, D, P Member Since: 1985 Heritage Green Landscape Contractors Bernie Schutten 992 Garner Rd E, RR 1 Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9 Tel: 905-648-4777 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O, U Member Since: 1993 Heritage Lawn Care Inc Brian Bustard 58 Golflinks Dr Nepean, ON K2J 5L8 Tel: 613-692-1478 Work Codes: A, B, D, K, N Member Since: 2007 LO active members HERITAGE STONEWORKS LTD Dietmar Bischoff 85 Howard Place Kitchener, ON N2K 2Z4 Tel: 519-744-2261 Work Codes: A, N, O Member Since: 1986 HERMANNS CONTRACTING LTD Joerg Hermanns PO Box 369 RR 1 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-939-1230 Work Codes: A, C, V Member Since: 1991 HESS LANDSCAPING & CONSTRUCTION Fred Dantuma 246 - 6 Concession Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0 Tel: 905-689-5557 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 1988 HIGHLAND DESIGN BUILD LTD JP Galle 84 Bobmar Rd Toronto, ON M1C 1C9 Tel: 416-898-4618 Work Code: A Member Since: 2002 HILL’N DALE LANDSCAPING James Godbold 667137 20th Sd Rd RR 3 Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 Tel: 519-925-3238 Work Codes: A, B, C, O Member Since: 2003 HILLEN NURSERY INC Peter Hillen 23078 Adelaide Rd RR 2 Mt Brydges, ON N0L 1W0 Tel: 519-264-9057 Work Code: E Member Since: 1985 HIRED HANDS LAWN CARE Rick Fountain 138 Hwy 8 Dundas, ON L9H 4V5 Tel: 905-628-3030 Work Code: D Member Since: 1990 HOBSON LANDSCAPES Ted Hobson 63 Lee Ave Toronto, ON M4E 2P1 Tel: 416-486-0081 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2006 HILTON CONSTRUCTION Domenic Pariselli 47 Shaft Rd Toronto, ON M9W 4M3 Tel: 416-241-1773 Work Code: N Member Since: 2004 HOCKLEY VALLEY TREE FARM Jane Blenkarn 994091 Mono-Adjala Townline RR 5 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z2 Tel: 519-942-4030 Work Code: E Member Since: 1998 HINKLEY ASSOCIATES Steve Hinkley 1075 Lower Base Line Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-876-0008 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2004 HOGAN LANDSCAPING INC Greg Hogan RR 3 Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Tel: 905-640-8374 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1990 HOLLAND PARK GARDEN GALLERY Joe Pepetone 2243 Fairview St Burlington, ON L7R 2E1 Tel: 905-639-7740 Work Code: F Member Since: 1980 H HOLLAND VALLEY GARDEN CENTRE Al Richards RR 1 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V8 Tel: 905-836-6900 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1987 HOLLANDALE LANDSCAPING & GARDEN CENTER LTD Mike Boers PO Box 22021 Trenton, ON K8V 6S3 Tel: 613-392-7806 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1990 COrmini mini tranSpOrter dUmperS Quality • performance • reliability 50 DUMP 80 HI-TIP 100 S3 Tracked hydrostatic drive dumpers from 500 kg to 1,800 kg capacity. Gas or diesel models featuring self-loading, high-dump, auxiliary ! W hydraulic tool hookup. Available as walk-behind, stand-on, or rider models. ne Most units fit through a standard size 34” doorway. Heavy duty construction designed for commercial use. Call today for more information. r.r. #, p.o. box 1 Guelph, ontario n1H p1 phone: 519-7-200 Fax: 519-7-90 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 59 H LO active members Hollander Landscaping Ltd Joshua Hollander 4962 2nd Line RR 1 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-939-2784 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2000 Home Garden Solutions Inc Joanne Dale 107 Merrick St Toronto, ON M6R 1E1 Tel: 416-571-9799 Work Code: C Member Since: 2007 Homeland Gardening Inc Mario Fasulo 7522 Creditview Rd Brampton, ON L6Y 0G5 Tel: 905-565-2410 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2005 Hometurf Lawn Care Inc Bruce Van Haastrecht 23 - 8560 Torbram Rd Brampton, ON L6T 5C9 Tel: 905-791-8873 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Horizon Landscape Services Ltd Al Henderson Box 459 RR 2 Shelburne, ON L0N 1S0 Tel: 519-925-2116 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K Member Since: 1987 Horlings Garden Centre Ltd Ed Horlings 3056 Lakefield Rd Peterborough, ON K9J 6X5 Tel: 705-652-7979 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 2001 Horticare Landscaping Susan Beduhn 4692 Boundry Rd Carlsbad Spring, ON K0A 1K0 Tel: 613-822-0461 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1998 Horticulturally Yours Inc Rowland Cave Browne Cave 2087 Port Robinson Rd RR 2 Welland, ON L3B 5N5 Tel: 905-384-8400 Work Codes: A, C, O, V Member Since: 1999 Horvath Contracting Inc Matthew Horvath 14358 Bathurt St King City, ON L7B 1K5 Tel: 905-751-0788 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2006 Husky Landscaping Services Inc Colin Padgett 14 - 3901 Don Mills Rd North York, ON M2H 2S7 Tel: 416-494-8439 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2001 Hubert’s Springhill Nursery David Hubert 1892 Petawawa Blvd Pembroke, ON K8A 7H4 Tel: 613-732-3878 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1995 Hydro-Gro Landscape Inc Zandra Forbes-Roberts PO Box 48521 RPO Long Branch Toronto, ON M8W 4Y6 Tel: 905-238-9168 Work Code: P Member Since: 2000 Hugh McCracken Limited o/a McCracken Landscape Design Jim McCracken 185 King George Rd KGPO PO Box 24019 Brantford, ON N3R 7X3 Tel: 519-754-6345 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1973 Hultink Landscaping Ltd Richard Hultink PO Box 868 Renfrew, ON K7V 4H3 Tel: 613-432-2239 Work Codes: A, F, M, N Member Since: 1983 Humber Nurseries Ltd Frans Peters 8386 Hwy 50 Brampton, ON L6T 0A5 Tel: 416-798-8733 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, V Member Since: 1973 Humber Valley Landscaping Inc Chris Ray 6 Dalton Gardens Lane Markham, ON L6B 0A4 Tel: 416-473-0000 Work Codes: A, O, U Member Since: 2006 Humphries Landscape Services Mark Humphries 935 Bloor St E Oshawa, ON L1H 7K6 Tel: 905-576-9930 Work Codes: A, B, D, V Member Since: 1992 Huron Shores Landscaping John Klumpkens 9943 Prince Phillip St RR 1 Thedford, ON N0M 2N0 Tel: 519-243-1855 Work Codes: A, B, D, F, N Member Since: 1996 60 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 I Domingues & Sons Ltd Fernando Domingues 16 Belfield Crt Thornhill, ON L4J 8B7 Tel: 905-709-5710 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 1999 IDM Landscapes Ian MacKenzie 367 Bay St PO Box 483 Beaverton, ON L0K 1A0 Tel: 705-426-7621 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 IVCO Tree Farms Danielle Langan 3774 Middle Line RR 1 Tilbury, ON N0P 2L0 Tel: 519-682-0801 Work Code: F Member Since: 2006 Ian McClelland Associates Ltd Ian McClelland PO Box 76074 Oakville, ON L6M 3H5 Tel: 905-847-5157 Work Codes: A, C, O, U Member Since: 2001 Ian McGregor Pools & Landscaping Ian McGregor 2532 Governors Rd RR 2 Ancaster, ON L0R 1T0 Tel: 905-627-2066 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2007 Iberia Landscape Services Ltd Chris Altuna 14662 Hwy 48 Stouffville, ON L4A 7Z3 Tel: 905-642-1354 Work Codes: A, B, D, K, N, P, U Member Since: 2003 Ideal Garden Concept David Kenel 365 York Rd RR 2 Burlington, ON L7R 3X5 Tel: 905-689-1700 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Ideal Gardening Ltd Paul & Maria Kenel 167 Hwy 5 W Rock Chapel Golf Centre Flamborough, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-639-3639 Work Codes: A, J Member Since: 1986 Ideal Landscape & Design Ltd Michael Kenel 163 Hwy 5 W RR 2 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-689-6151 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, N, O Member Since: 1990 Ife Landscaping Design Consultants Janice Ife Box 51 Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0 Tel: 613-293-7863 Work Code: C Member Since: 1989 Ikon Landscaping Chris Ward 6927 Steedvale Ave W Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519-635-4566 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, O Member Since: 2002 Imperial Garden Centre Frank Ruso 2460 Queen St E Brampton, ON L6S 5X9 Tel: 905-791-0692 Work Code: F Member Since: 1992 InScape Conservatories Kim/Hugh Burgsma PO Box 355 Goderich, ON N7A 4C6 Tel: 519-524-6355 Work Codes: C, P, V Member Since: 2004 Industrial Property Services Keith Mason 9693 Kennedy Markham, ON L6C 1A4 Tel: 905-887-9122 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2006 LO active members Infinite Gardening & Landscaping Inc Gilberto Calado 653 Shaw St Toronto, ON M6G 3L8 Tel: 416-516-2230 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2004 Innerunion Landscaping & Maintenance Will Desrosiers 1407 Line 8 Rd RR 1 Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-262-8055 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2003 Inside & Out Garden Design Sheree Rasmussen 102 - 21 Vaughan Rd. Toronto, ON M6G 2N2 Tel: 416-534-3691 Work Codes: A, C, O, U, X Member Since: 2002 Inspiration II Leo Anso 13 Kimberley Ave Toronto, ON M4E 2Z3 Tel: 416-698-9774 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 Instone Landscape Company Ltd John Farruggio 5315 Kirby Rd Vaughan, ON L0J 1C0 Tel: 905-951-2916 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, P, U, V, X Member Since: 2008 Integra Works James Solecki 582 Stephenson Rd 2 East Port Sydney, ON P0B 1L0 Tel: 705-385-3000 Work Codes: B, O Member Since: 2006 Interface Designs Brendon Podolski 2455 Cawthra Rd, Unit 21-22 Mississauga, ON L5A 3P1 Tel: 905-949-2834 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2000 Interlocking Stone Works Ltd Robert Deadman Box 3035 Markham Ind Pk Markham, ON L3R 6G4 Tel: 905-472-0827 Work Codes: A, C, D Member Since: 1981 J Dykstra Landscaping Limited Martin Dykstra 215 Concession 5 East RR 1 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H1 Tel: 905-689-1739 Work Code: A Member Since: 1978 International Landscaping Inc Santo & Baldo Gucciardi 1114 Lower Base Line Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-876-3000 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1990 Irwin Foster Inc Scott Irwin, Tom Foster 2105 Snyder’s Rd E RR 2 Petersburg, ON N0B 2H0 Tel: 519-634-8863 Work Codes: A, C, O, Y Member Since: 1985 Islington Nurseries Ltd John Badali 1000 Islington Ave Toronto, ON M8Z 4P8 Tel: 416-231-8416 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, N Member Since: 2001 It’s About Thyme Garden Design & Landscaping Melissa McKerlie 3217 Vivian St Stratford, ON N5A 5E2 Tel: 519-748-6244 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1998 J J Garfield Thompson Landscape Ltd James Thompson 4158 Dundas St W Islington, ON M8X 1X3 Tel: 416-239-6603 Work Codes: A, C, P Member Since: 1988 J Hubble Landscaping Jeffery Hubble 210 Cottingham Rd RR 2 Omemee, ON K0L 2W0 Tel: 705-748-0870 Work Codes: A, C, K, P Member Since: 1991 J Orr Property Management John Orr RR 3 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 416-706-9967 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2000 Non-blasted Armour Stone • Natural Steps • Landscaping Rockery • Retaining Walls Serving customers all across Ontario T: 1-866-503-8770 F: 905-201-2731 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 61 J LO active members J. Williams Landscaping John Alblas 1441 Jerseyville Rd W Jerseyville, ON L0R 1R0 Tel: 905-648-6044 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2004 JA Laporte Flowers & Nursery J A Laporte 1211 Queen St Orleans, ON K4A 3N6 Tel: 613-833-2316 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1992 JD Landworks Ned Yokich 43 Manitou Dr Kitchener, ON N2C 1K9 Tel: 519-893-3300 Work Codes: A, J, U Member Since: 1992 JD Lawn Service Bonnie Dawson 125 Duff Dr Sarnia, ON N7W 1A7 Tel: 519-337-0690 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2001 JAK Maintenance Inc John Hart PO Box 668 Burlington, ON L7R 3Y5 Tel: 905-659-5984 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2003 JD’s Garden Centre Jerry McMullin 231 10th Side Rd Tehkummah, ON P0P 2C0 Tel: 705-859-2393 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 2000 JC Bakker & Sons Ltd John Bakker III 1360 Third St RR 3 St Catharines, ON L2R 6P9 Tel: 905-935-4533 Work Code: E Member Since: 1973 JM Peeters Nurseries Limited John Peeters 1960 Cream St N Pelham Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 Tel: 905-892-4627 Work Code: E Member Since: 1973 JCA Trees Jose Argueta 1102 Erbs Rd W St Agatha, ON N0B 2L0 Tel: 519-884-7662 Work Codes: A, E, F Member Since: 2002 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only JR Interlocking Landscaping and Maintenance Ltd Jose Renquinha 57 Deer Park Crescent Brampton, ON L6X 2T6 Tel: 905-796-3105 Work Code: A Member Since: 2005 JR Neil Ltd John Neil Fiddler’s Green PO Box 81029 Ancaster, ON L9G 4X1 Tel: 905-648-4376 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1987 JS Lawn Sprinklers Jason Chen 18 Jewett Crt Markham, ON L3S 2W2 Tel: 416-993-3167 Work Code: U Member Since: 2004 Jack Lake Landscape Larry Gregg Box 28 Apsley, ON K0L 1A0 Tel: 705-656-1757 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1997 Jack’s Landscaping Jack Roeleveld 12826 Leslie Street Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1A2 Tel: 905-888-1664 Work Code: A Member Since: 1983 62 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Jacob’s Gardenscape Neil Jacob Obach 1413 Centre Rd Carlisle, ON L0R 1H1 Tel: 905-690-4679 Work Codes: A, C, P Member Since: 2006 James Graham Paving Ltd James Graham 185 Bartley Dr Toronto, ON M4A 1E6 Tel: 416-425-2383 Work Codes: A, F, N Member Since: 2003 James Landscaping Company Ltd Beth Melanson Hwy 17 PO Box 127 Arnprior, ON K7S 3H4 Tel: 613-623-2308 Work Codes: A, C, E Member Since: 1970 Jameson Pool Landscape Paul Jameson 1a - 2485 Dunwin Drive Mississauga, ON L5L 1T1 Tel: 905-828-7665 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 Jan Gelderman Landscaping Ltd Nathan Helder 831 Centre Rd PO Box 82120 Waterdown, ON L0R 2M0 Tel: 905-689-5433 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, V Member Since: 1978 Jay - Jay Landscaping Ted Mooij 453 Maybank Ave Toronto, ON M6N 3S7 Tel: 416-769-6862 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1985 Jeff Argue Landscaping & Excavating Jeff Argue 15 Neckaunis Rd RR 1 Waubaushene, ON L0K 2C0 Tel: 705-538-9907 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, Y Member Since: 2003 Jeff White Property Maintenance Jeff White 576 Bryne Dr Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 Tel: 705-734-1282 www.jeffwhiteproperty Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 2006 Jeff’s Lawn Care Inc Jeff Ronhaar 4 - 269 Argyle St N Caledonia, ON N3W 1K9 Tel: 905-765-4200 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2000 Jennifer Hayman Design Jennifer Hayman 201 - 20 Laws St Toronto, ON M6P 2Y7 Tel: 416-769-4029 Work Code: C Member Since: 2006 Jeremy’s Property Services Jeremy Ennis 1478 - 1011 Upper Middle Rd E Oakville, ON L6H 5Z9 Tel: 905-399-5296 Work Codes: B, C, N Member Since: 2006 Jim Bauer Landscape & Garden Maintenance Jim Bauer 5519 Millview Manotick, ON K4M 1J3 Tel: 613-692-3317 Work Codes: B, D Member Since: 1973 Jim Skovhoj’s Landscaping Jim Skovhoj PO Box 3521 MIP Markham, ON L3R 6G9 Tel: 905-477-5356 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1973 Jimrick’s Property Services Richard Riley 69 Gooderham Dr Scarborough, ON M1R 3G6 Tel: 416-285-0172 Work Code: N Member Since: 2003 Jody’s Lawn Care Inc Jody Kirk 1 Woodhouse Ave Port Dover, ON N0A 1N8 Tel: 519-583-1044 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2006 John Peets Landscaping John Peets 1741 Gainsborough Rd London, ON N6H 5L2 Tel: 519-657-4330 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, V Member Since: 1996 LO active members John VanWissen Nurseries & Garden Centre Inc Sylvie VanWissen 2547 Embleton Rd Brampton, ON L6Y 0E8 Tel: 905-457-4007 vanwissennurseryandgardencentre Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1991 John Vos Landscaping John Vos 237 Martins Rd Pickering, ON L1V 2P9 Tel: 905-837-7840 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1998 John’s Nursery John Albrecht 1060 Lobsinger Line RR 1 Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8 Tel: 519-664-2482 Work Codes: A, E, F Member Since: 1980 Johnston’s Landscaping Chris Heckel 871 Crawford Dr Peterborough, ON K9J 3X1 Tel: 705-745-3042 Work Codes: A, B, C, E, F, M, O, P, U Member Since: 1993 Juergen Partridge Ltd Audrey Partridge 16012 Shaws Creek Rd RR 1 Terra Cotta, ON L0P 1N0 Tel: 800-341-6656 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1983 Jung’s Landscaping Brett Jung 301 Finch Ave E North York, ON M2N 4S3 Tel: 647-892-8208 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 2006 Just Add Water Landscape Irrigation Systems Natnael Taera 7281 Harding Cres Mississauga, ON L5N 5P1 Tel: 905-824-5213 Work Code: U Member Since: 2005 Just Centre’s Sharon Hindle 10481 Hwy 50, RR 1 Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0 Tel: 905-893-1515 Work Codes: A, B, C, P Member Since: 1998 KIVA Gardens Evelyn Nepom 412 Roehampton Ave Toronto, ON M4P 1S4 Tel: 416-481-1624 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1998 KJ Property Maintenance Kyle Wyer 324 - 15 Bayly St W Ajax, ON L1S 7K7 Tel: 647-828-4440 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2007 KW Sprinkler & Invisible Fencing Don Diebold 75 Ripplewood Cres Kitchener, ON N2M 4R9 Tel: 519-742-3070 Work Code: U Member Since: 1999 Kaeden Creek Property Maintenance & Landscaping Joel Smith 2359 Gillingham Dr Burlington, ON L7P 3Z5 Tel: 905-331-3351 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2008 Kampen’s Landscape Maintenance Ltd Brad Kampen 42 Collins Cres Aurora, ON L4G 2W2 Tel: 905-751-0247 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 Kamstra Landscaping Harry Kamstra 1460 Taunton Rd E Oshawa, ON L1H 8L7 Tel: 905-579-5571 Work Code: A Member Since: 1973 Karl J Wiker & Sons Landscaping Ltd Bertram Wiker 40 Prout Rd Pefferlaw, ON L0E 1N0 Tel: 905-473-6479 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 1997 Kaster & Company Jeff Kaster 204 - 1105 Carling Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y 4G5 Tel: 613-725-3404 Work Code: C Member Since: 2008 K Kastrau Landscaping & Nurseries Ltd Manfred Kastrau 1210 Wilson St E Hamilton, ON L8S 4K5 Tel: 905-529-9323 Work Codes: A, E, F, N Member Since: 1973 Kawartha Capital Corp Paul McLeod 580 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough, ON K9L 2A2 Tel: 705-750-0440 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2004 Keenan Design Associates Naneen Keenan 301 - 5 Brookbanks Dr Toronto, ON M3A 2S7 Tel: 416-560-6466 Work Code: C Member Since: 2005 Keenan Property Maintenance Kenneth Keenan 2315 Scugog Line 3 RR 2 Port Perry, ON L9L 1B3 Tel: 905-985-4848 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1992 Kelly’s Tree Care Ltd Patricia Thomson 12 Old Kingston Rd Scarborough, ON M1E 3J5 Tel: 416-462-0007 Work Code: K Member Since: 2002 Membership list current as of July 2008 Winkelmolen Nursery Ltd. For Bareroot and Container Grown Trees • Native • Shade • Ornamental 148 Lynden Road, P.O. Box 190 Lynden, Ontario L0R 1T0 Tel: 519-647-3912 • Fax: 519-647-3720 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 63 K LO active members Ken Begg Nursery Sales, Inc Carolyn Begg 426 Pine Crest Rd Port Colburne, ON L3K 5V3 Tel: 905-835-9349 Work Code: E Member Since: 2006 King West Landscape Contracting Ltd Wesley Schell 1220 Conlin Rd E Oshawa, ON L1H 8L7 Tel: 905-728-0977 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 2002 Kent Ford Design Group Inc Kent Ford 300 - 258 Adelaide St E Toronto, ON M5A 1N1 Tel: 416-410-4994 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 1999 Kingcal Properties & Maintenance Inc Rita Berto 8940 Clairville Conservation Rd RR 8 Brampton, ON L6T 0B3 Tel: 905-791-1130 Work Codes: B, N, U Member Since: 2002 Kentwood Gardens Evelyn Poppe 29220 Uncle Tom’s Rd RR 5 Dresden, ON N0P 1M0 Tel: 519-683-4956 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1993 Kerr & Kerr Landscaping & Property Maintenance Inc Rob Kerr 2123 Fifth Concession RR 2 Branchton, ON N0B 1L0 Tel: 519-622-9702 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, V Member Since: 1998 Kerr Sprinkler Systems Kelly Kerr PO Box 59 Foxboro, ON K0K 2B0 Tel: 613-967-1059 Work Code: U Member Since: 2004 Key West Tropicals Ltd Eric Endersby 145 McMichael Rd PO Box 247 Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0 Tel: 519-443-8999 Work Codes: P, V Member Since: 2002 Kim Price Landscape Design Inc Kim Price 315 Beech Ave Toronto, ON M4E 3J1 Tel: 416-693-5143 Work Codes: A, C, V Member Since: 1998 Kimmick Landscaping Michael Martins 1587 Aldersbrook Rd London, ON N6G 2Z1 Tel: 519-473-0210 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2000 Kings Creek Trees Tim Dyer 427 Kings Creek Rd RR 3 Ashton, ON K0A 1B0 Tel: 613-253-4126 Work Code: F Member Since: 2003 Kings Valley Landscape Contractors Angelo Ferlisi 81 Kirkbride Cres Maple, ON L6A 2J5 Tel: 416-896-9333 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 Kingsway Greenhouse Dave Curtis 111 Clarence Biesenthal Dr Oshawa, ON L1K 2H5 Tel: 905-436-0576 Work Code: F Member Since: 2001 Kleck’s Lawn Maintenance & Landscaping Inc Ken Walter 618 Erbsville Rd Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z4 Tel: 519-886-4041 Work Codes: A, B, N, U Member Since: 2004 Klink & Son Lawn Maintenance Paul Klingender 12 Kingsview Dr Stoney Creek, ON L8G 2K5 Tel: 905-570-5558 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2006 Klomp’s Landscaping Inc Anthony or Susan Klomp 2963 Rd 119. RR 7 St Marys, ON N4X 1C9 Tel: 519-284-0254 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1993 64 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Klomp’s Plantscape Ltd Marty Klomp RR 1 St Pauls, ON N0K 1V0 Tel: 519-271-3090 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1984 L. Magyar Enterprises Ltd Steve Magyar 850 Elgin Mills Rd E Richmond Hill, ON L4S 1M4 Tel: 905-737-1447 Work Codes: A, D, O Member Since: 1999 Knecht Landscape Associates Ltd Markus Knecht 4 West St Brampton, ON L6X 1V7 Tel: 905-450-1105 Work Codes: A, C, E Member Since: 1992 LA Landscaping Inc Lia Andrushko 245 Laurentian Drive Kitchener, ON N2E 2G5 Tel: 519-578-9008 Work Codes: B, C Member Since: 2000 Knights Property Maintenance Tom Knight 89 Robinhood Dr Dundas, ON L9H 4G2 Tel: 905-628-8727 Work Code: B Member Since: 1998 Kobes Nurseries Inc Ben Kobes 4765 Old Scugog Rd RR 1 Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K2 Tel: 905-263-8814 Work Code: E Member Since: 1973 Kodiak Landscape Anthony Stephenson 24 Manvers Dr PO Box 6080 Janetville, ON L0B 1K0 Tel: 705-878-4963 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 Kolb’s Green Thumb Nursery Ltd Barry Kolb 1501 Victoria St N Kitchener, ON N2B 3E4 Tel: 519-744-8913 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1973 Kontiki Mature Landscape Specialists Doug McLeish 15735 Hwy 27 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-939-8555 Work Codes: A, C, F, O, X Member Since: 1983 Kowalski Landscaping Terry Kowalski 5505 6th Line RR 5 Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 Tel: 705-435-7670 Work Codes: A, D, O, U Member Since: 1997 LB Landscaping Barry Leigh 290 Ridge Rd W, RR 3 Oro Station, ON L0L 2E0 Tel: 705-487-3085 Work Codes: A, B, F, N Member Since: 2005 LP Nursery & Landscaping Inc Lionel Campeau 2695 Front Rd LaSalle, ON N9J 2N3 Tel: 519-734-1390 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, M, O Member Since: 1995 LTD Lawn Care Darryl McNichol Box 74009 Brampton, ON L6V 4J7 Tel: 905-451-5678 Work Code: D Member Since: 1999 LUNA Pamela Bingham 1539 Broadmoor Ave Mississauga, ON L5G 3T7 Tel: 905-302-3232 Work Code: O Member Since: 2007 Ladell Landscaping & Gardens Jay Ladell 135 Begonia Ave Ottawa, ON K1H 6E3 Tel: 613-526-5251 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 Lady Lawn Care Lenora Shortt 88 Portland St Etobicoke, ON M8Y 1A7 Tel: 416-251-8008 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2007 Lafleur de la Capitale Jim Curran 12 Douglas Rd Chelsea, QC J9B 1K4 Tel: 819-827-1800 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1998 LO active members Lake Ridge Landscaping David Hubers 25 Graham Crt Whitby, ON L1N 6E1 Tel: 905-666-8193 Work Code: A Member Since: 2002 Lakelands Irrigation Earle Graham 164 Queen St E Elmvale, ON L0L 1P0 Tel: 705-739-9000 Work Codes: U, V Member Since: 1998 Lakeridge Contracting Ltd Dean Maahs 270 Monarch Ave Unit 1 Ajax, ON L1S 2G6 Tel: 905-686-1640 Work Code: A Member Since: 2004 Lakeshore Landscaping & Canadian Natural Stone Matt Pawluk 11293 Tecumseh Rd E Windsor, ON N8R 1B1 Tel: 519-979-5076 Work Codes: A, C, F, N, O, V Member Since: 2003 Lakeside Garden Gallery Domenic Crupi 10753 Heart Lake Rd Brampton, ON L6Z 0B7 Tel: 905-846-3773 Work Code: F Member Since: 2005 Lakeside Landscape Inc Dave Heyink PO Box 150 Wainfleet, ON L0S 1V0 Tel: 905-899-2612 Work Codes: A, B, N, U Member Since: 2005 Lakeside Lawn & Property Maintenance Mark Killens 28 Gull Rd PO Box 22 Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0 Tel: 519-238-8277 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2003 Lakewood Garden Centre Ltd Mike Miller RR 2 Zurich, ON N0M 2T0 Tel: 519-236-4479 Work Codes: A, C, F, K Member Since: 1998 Lambton Property Maintenance & Landscaping Louie Sponos 17 Shelby Rd Ajax, ON L1T 0H5 Tel: 905-621-5761 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 2007 Lan Design Inc Peter Bride 300 - 1370 Don Mills Rd Don Mills, ON M3B 3N7 Tel: 416-441-3040 Work Codes: A, C, K, O, U Member Since: 1982 Land Effects Keith Evans 16 Muir Dr Toronto, ON M1M 3B4 Tel: 416-266-6032 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 NISCO: THE LANDSCAPE INDUSTRY LEASE SPECIALISTS Committed to professionalism Laura Catalano is available to find the right equipment for your job — just call 1-888-634-9559 L Land Pride Group Mark Lawee 115 Patricia Ave North York, ON M2M 1J3 Tel: 416-733-4830 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2002 Landmark Landscape Contractors Inc Joe Pfeifer 42 Howard Ave St Catharines, ON L2N 3X1 Tel: 905-687-0005 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, U Member Since: 1988 Landale Landscape Management John Soychak 1230 Hawker Rd Thunder Bay, ON P7K 1K2 Tel: 807-577-5807 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, L, M, N, O, Y Member Since: 1986 Landmark Landscapes Ian MacLeod 185 Forest Hill Ave London, ON N6J 2Z3 Tel: 519-521-9670 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 2005 Landcare Nancy Collins 174 Perth Ave Toronto, ON M6P 3X5 Tel: 416-410-0320 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2006 Landco Properties Ltd Bill Carter 559 Lafontaine Rd E Penetanguishene, ON L9M 2H7 Tel: 705-533-1537 Work Code: E Member Since: 1990 Landform Contracting Mississauga Ltd Ron Richardson 2389 Royal Windsor Dr Oakville, ON L6J 4Z2 Tel: 905-849-6547 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1985 Landscape Effects Group Paul St. Pierre 1125 County Rd 42 RR 1 Belle River, ON N0R 1A0 Tel: 519-727-4769 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, P, U Member Since: 2007 Landscape Florida Inc Waldy Wall 679 Lincoln Ave RR 4 Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-641-5250 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1994 Landscape Garten Ltd Margarete Haefele 70 Sir George Stouffville, ON L4A 1P7 Tel: 905-878-6309 Work Code: C Member Since: 1986 Membership list current as of July 2008 Nisco National Leasing has the vehicle you need: •Any make/model of truck including cab and chassis •New and used vehicles •Equipment used by landscape industry •Terms as flexible as necessary •Over 20 years in the automotive and equipment leasing business 13-3245 Harvester Rd., Burlington, ON L7N 3T7 Ph: 905-634-9559 Fax: 905-634-8219 e-mail: An associate member of Landscape Ontario We go anywhere in Ontario — from Windsor to Ottawa landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 65 L LO active members Landscape Image David Dexter 15 - 6400 Millcreek Dr Suite 312 Mississauga, ON L5N 3E7 Tel: 905-821-9209 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1993 Landscape Plus Ltd Jim Mosher 21 35th St Etobicoke, ON M8W 3J8 Tel: 416-241-2842 Work Codes: A, B, C, O, U Member Since: 2005 Landscapes By DK Enterprises Inc David Klutt 8956 Sixth Line N RR 3 Georgetown, ON L7G 4S6 Tel: 905-693-9288 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2002 Landscapes By Lucin Arvils Lukss 411 Markham St Suite B Toronto, ON M6G 2L1 Tel: 416-253-9130 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 2003 Landscapes Unlimited Inc Andy Lambrou 32 Executive Dr Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 905-841-7680 Work Codes: A, C, O, U, X, Y Member Since: 1998 Landscapes by Northern Pride Dave McVey 8876 Country Rd 56 Angus, ON L4M 4S8 Tel: 705-719-2799 Work Codes: A, B, K, N, O, U Member Since: 2007 Landscaping Concepts Chris Vogel 744 Old Hwy 8 PO Box 119 Rockton, ON L0R 1X0 Tel: 905-628-1264 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 2002 Landscaping With Style Sherry Hayes 26 Innswood Place Hamilton, ON L8W 2V7 Tel: 905-574-7606 Work Codes: C, V Member Since: 2000 Landscaping by Leedle Tom Leedle RR 1 Ashburn, ON L0B 1A0 Tel: 905-655-8500 Work Codes: A, B, C, P, V Member Since: 1976 Landscaping de Sol a Sol Inc Horacio Palacios 219 Old Orchard Grove Toronto, ON M5M 2E6 Tel: 416-876-7437 Work Codes: A, O Member Since: 2006 Laven Associates Ltd Keith Laven 140 Derry Rd E Mississauga, ON L5T 2Y5 Tel: 905-670-5144 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1973 Lawn 911 Inc Steve Conant 70 Maitland St Brampton, ON L6S 3C2 Tel: 905-799-6828 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, O, U Member Since: 2007 LawnSavers Plant Healthcare Kyle Tobin 1 - 511 Edgeley Blvd Concord, ON L4K 4G4 Tel: 905-707-9994 Work Codes: A, C, D, K, U, V Member Since: 1998 Lawnman & Plantscape Inc Hernan Bayna 162 - 250 Dundas St S Cambridge, ON N1R 8A8 Tel: 519-740-9843 Work Code: D Member Since: 2003 Landsview Landscaping Peter Venderis 4 Primrose Path Cres Markham, ON L3S 4B1 Tel: 416-726-5563 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2001 Lawn Barber Inc Frank Andreoli 16297 Humber Station Rd Caledon, ON L7E 3A4 Tel: 905-880-1570 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 1998 Lawns and More Inc Cory Spada 556 Prospect Point N Ridgeway, ON L0S 1N0 Tel: 905-894-8054 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2007 Landtar Construction Inc Nick Riccio 795 Garyray Dr Toronto, ON M9L 1R2 Tel: 416-745-2263 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 Lawn Buster Land Services Inc Sergio Filipe 230 Vodden St W Brampton, ON L6X 2Y3 Tel: 905-457-2420 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1992 Lawnscapes Plus Inc Giuseppe Pino DiLorenzo 13 - 2400 Wyecroft Rd Oakville, ON L6L 6M8 Tel: 905-257-5619 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2002 Lawn Care Professionals Eugene Lazier RR 1 Newbugh, ON K0K 2S0 Tel: 613-388-2588 Work Codes: A, B, N, Y Member Since: 2004 Lawrence Lawn Care Dave Lawrence 1 - 122 Earl Thompson Rd Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Tel: 519-896-3661 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, O, U Member Since: 2000 Landtech Design Landscape Brian VanDyk 8220 Hwy 62, RR 1 Foxboro, ON K0K 2B0 Tel: 613-968-7512 Work Codes: A, C, V Member Since: 2002 Langendoen Nurseries Inc Rob/Andre Langendoen 152 Carlton St E RR 5 Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-688-2797 Work Code: E Member Since: 1989 Langholm Nurseries Mogens Jensen 9722 Third Line, RR 5 Milton, ON L9T 2X9 Tel: 905-878-3100 Work Codes: A, C, E, F Member Since: 1981 Lantech Construction Ltd Robert Donadio 13275 Dufferin St King City, ON L7B 1K5 Tel: 905-833-2888 Work Codes: A, C, G, I, J, O, U Member Since: 1984 Laurel Forest Farms Mark Ostrowski 393453 County Rd 12 RR 7 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z3 Tel: 519-940-4361 Work Code: E Member Since: 2006 66 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Lawn Tech Ontario Wayne Veldman 930 North Park Dr PO Box 16 Brampton, ON L6S 3Y5 Tel: 905-458-1123 Work Codes: N, O, U Member Since: 2004 Lawn-Tech Inc Tim Magill 572 Arlington Ave Toronto, ON M6C 3A5 Tel: 416-651-1740 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2002 LawnMart Inc Michael Schafer 10 - 19 McEwan Dr Bolton, ON L7E 1G2 Tel: 905-857-2957 Work Code: D Member Since: 2006 Lawrence Park Garden Care Ltd Craig Hutchinson 3960 Chesswood Dr Downsview, ON M3J 2W6 Tel: 416-481-1888 Work Codes: A, B, C, K Member Since: 2003 Lawrie’s Property Services John Phinnemore 406 Glover Lane Newmarket, ON L3Y 7G7 Tel: 905-853-9926 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2003 Leaside Landscaping Simon Stevenson 29 Commercial Rd North York, ON M4G 1Z3 Tel: 416-421-9019 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1988 LO active members LEE’S LANDSCAPING Jeffrey Lee 1215 Hwy 26 Minesing, ON L0L 1Y2 Tel: 705-721-8680 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 LEENAARS LAWN & GARDEN Robert Leenaars PO Box 40, Station Port Credit Mississauga, ON L5G 4L5 Tel: 905-276-1931 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2004 LEISHMAN LANDSCAPING LTD Graham Leishman 202 Parkhurst Blvd Toronto, ON M4G 2G3 Tel: 416-482-4111 Work Codes: A, B, C, V Member Since: 1998 LEO LANDSCAPING & SNOWPLOWING LTD Frank Bezzina, Jim Borg 5 Western Skies Court Woodbridge, ON L4L 8B6 Tel: 905-850-1382 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1990 acorus 11/15/06 LES CREATIONS AURA Charles Dorion 152 Ste-Marie Gatineau, QC J8Y 2B3 Tel: 819-213-7050 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 LIGHTHOUSE IRRIGATION Paul Di Loreto 366 Neptune Cres London, ON N6M 1A1 Tel: 519-951-5483 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2002 LET’S LANDSCAPE (TOGETHER) Mike Haunton 5 - 3235 Fairview St Burlington, ON L7N 3L1 Tel: 905-639-7292 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 2004 LIGHTSCAPING OF CANADA Ed Chaplinsky 33 Amberglen Court Holland Landing, ON L9N 1J6 Tel: 416-917-5085 Work Codes: A, O, U Member Since: 1999 LEUSCHNER’S LAWN & LANDSCAPE David Leuschner Box 274 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 905-709-2221 Work Codes: D, K, N Member Since: 1996 LIGHTFX Bob Maheu 46 Lindridge Ave Brampton, ON L6S 3X1 Tel: 905-455-4150 Work Code: O Member Since: 2004 1:11 PM Page 1 LIMESTONE TRAIL COMPANY LTD Stewart Jones 4696 Christie Dr Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 905-563-8133 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1992 L LINKS TO LANDSCAPES LTD Jack Campbell 6280 18th Sideroad Schomberg, ON L0G 1B0 Tel: 905-939-2992 Work Code: A Member Since: 2002 LINTON LANDSCAPING & TURF MANAGEMENT LTD Douglas Linton RR 4 Guelph, ON N1H 6J1 Tel: 519-821-1235 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1986 LISA PURVES GARDEN DESIGN & CONSULTATION Lisa Purves PO Box 3026 Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 Tel: 613-475-5585 Work Codes: B, C, V Member Since: 2005 LINDSAY LANDSCAPE ENTERPRISES INC Phil Lindsay PO Box 8097 Station T Ottawa, ON K1G 3H6 Tel: 613-293-8246 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2003 LISTOWEL LANDSCAPING LTD David Galloway Box 251 RR 1 Listowel, ON N4W 3H4 Tel: 519-291-4121 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 1992 A wide selection of natural stone and precast concrete products f one o Visit s largest s da’ Cana or display outdo • Flagstone • Interlocking • Cultured stone • Masonry products • Retaining walls • Aggregates • Accessories • Bulk/bag road salt Your one stop shop for pond and waterfall kits and accessories Office and yard: 25 Langstaff Rd. E., Thornhill, Yonge & Hwy 7-407 Manufacturing plant: 12350 Keele St., Maple 416-222-2424 or 905-886-5787 Fax: 905-886-5795 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 7 L LO active members Little Tree Horticultural Ltd Jeremy Braun 17 Sideroad 18 RR 1 Fergus, ON N1M 2W3 Tel: 519-843-5394 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 1995 Living Landscapes Kim Goodwin 41 Lillington Ave Scarborough, ON M1N 3K4 Tel: 416-991-1049 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, X Member Since: 2003 Living Landscapes Terry Sheedy 7130 Old Homestead Rd RR 1 Pefferlaw, ON L0E 1N0 Tel: 905-722-9569 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1989 Lloyd’s Landscaping Ltd Richard Lloyd 3330 Balsam Rd Pickering, ON L1X 2W4 Tel: 905-619-2757 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1973 Lobo Landscape Ltd Ray Davis 208 Quaker Lane RR 2 Ilderton, ON N0M 2A0 Tel: 519-666-0296 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 1991 Locke Landscaping Inc John Locke 50 Rolling Meadows Dr Kitchener, ON N2N 1T2 Tel: 519-579-8749 Work Codes: A, B, K, N, Y Member Since: 2006 Locust Landscaping Ron Rupke 104 Riverside Drive Woodbridge, ON L4L 2L3 Tel: 905-851-1621 Work Codes: A, B, C, K Member Since: 2004 Lomco Landscape Contractors Joe Lombardi Box 2 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W3 Tel: 905-953-0803 Work Codes: A, B, E, N Member Since: 2001 Loney Landscaping Ltd Russel Loney RR 2 Frankford, ON K0K 2C0 Tel: 613-398-7791 Work Codes: A, B, D, V Member Since: 1985 Lorne Park Nurseries Ltd Mike Vander Ploeg 149 Peters Rd RR 4 Colborne, ON K0K 1S0 Tel: 905-355-2688 Work Code: E Member Since: 1981 Loyalist Irrigation Steve Mommertz RR 1 Bath, ON K0H 1G0 Tel: 613-352-5776 Work Code: U Member Since: 2002 Lyndon’s Landscaping Lyndon Ziegel 6 Weigel Ave Elmira, ON N3B 1M1 Tel: 519-669-0598 Work Code: A Member Since: 1999 M Davis Landscape & Design Inc Michael Davis 3000 Rushmore Rd Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0 Tel: 613-838-8744 Work Code: A Member Since: 2005 M&M Lawnscaping & Property Management Steve Paas 16 - 2385 Woodward Ave Burlington, ON L7R 1V2 Tel: 905-634-0095 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2000 M&R Landscaping Ltd Hassan Mokhtari 25 Willowlea Dr Toronto, ON M1C 1J4 Tel: 416-286-6565 Work Codes: B, P, X Member Since: 1998 M&S Architectural Mike Beadle 2091 13th Line RR 1 Gilford, ON L0L 1R0 Tel: 905-778-0015 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2003 Membership list current as of July 2008 68 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 M. Putzer Hornby Nursery Ltd John Putzer 7314 Sixth Line Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-878-7226 Work Codes: E, V Member Since: 1973 MB Gardens Inc Michael Boodram 63 Melville Cres Brampton, ON L6W 2S3 Tel: 905-454-8431 Work Codes: A, B, D, U, X Member Since: 1998 MCP Landscape Contractors Inc Leo McPherson 110 Ferris Rd Toronto, ON M4B 1G4 Tel: 416-715-7510 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2001 MMD Property Services Peter Hogenbirk 2897 Solina Rd N RR 3 Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K4 Tel: 905-436-0000 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, X Member Since: 1998 MacKenzie Irrigation Services Scott MacKenzie 124 Bournemouth Drive London, ON N5V 4T2 Tel: 519-857-8195 Work Code: U Member Since: 2008 MacKinnon Reid & Associates Inc Peter Reid, Ralph Ramsey 1910 St Laurent Blvd PO Box 41097 Ottawa, ON K1G 5K9 Tel: 613-521-8829 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 MacKinnon Waterfalls & Ponds Ray MacKinnon RR 4 Grand Valley, ON L0N 1G0 Tel: 519-928-9826 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 1998 Mackia Land Design Glen Keats 1372 Erbs Rd RR 1 St Agatha, ON N0B 2L0 Tel: 519-747-1316 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2002 Magnolia Blu Inc Tony Baggetta 64 Attridge Aurora, ON L4G 6J4 Tel: 905-726-3640 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 2008 Maidstone Tree Farm Vic Bellaire 7010 Hwy 3 Box 129 Maidstone, ON N0R 1K0 Tel: 519-737-2999 Work Code: F Member Since: 1998 Maitland & Maitland Inc Robert Maitland 1355 Limberlost Rd RR 4 Huntsville, ON P1H 2J6 Tel: 705-635-2306 Work Codes: A, B, C, O Member Since: 2007 Majestic Garden Centre & Landscaping Inc Paul Berberich 936 10th Street PO Box 20145 Hanover, ON N4N 3T2 Tel: 519-364-7548 Work Codes: A, B, F Member Since: 2007 Make It Green Garden Centre Doug King 5200 Flewellyn Rd Stittsville, ON K2S 1B6 Tel: 613-599-3419 Work Code: F Member Since: 2002 Mallette Landscaping Mark Mallette 8109 McKendry Dr PO Box 564 Metcalfe, ON K0A 2P0 Tel: 613-821-1791 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2008 Man-o-sa Landscaping & Construction Inc Manuel Dias Box 167 Bradford, ON L3Z 2A8 Tel: 905-775-7212 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1998 Manning General Landscape Ltd Tony Galati 213 Gracefield Ave Toronto, ON M6L 1L6 Tel: 416-990-8182 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Presented by LO active members M MANOR LANDSCAPING Carlo Mann 141 Victoria Rd S Guelph, ON N1K 1B3 Tel: 519-763-0634 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2006 MAPLE LEAF IRRIGATION INC Manuel Jeronimo 9 - 800 Petrolia Rd Downsview, ON M3J 3K4 Tel: 416-739-7484 Work Code: U Member Since: 1989 MARKHAM PROPERTY SERVICES Jim Monk PO Box 296 Markham, ON L3P 3J7 Tel: 905-472-4842 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1992 MARRO LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS INC Mark Botelho 5419 Redstone St Burlington, ON L7L 7C6 Tel: 905-330-9083 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2003 MANOTICK TREE MOVERS INC Ralph Sikkema 1966 Carsonby Rd W North Gower, ON K0A 2T0 Tel: 613-489-1116 Work Codes: E, K, X Member Since: 1992 MAPLE LEAF NURSERIES Ted Sikkema 3197 Culp Rd Jordan, ON L0R 1S0 Tel: 905-562-5563 Work Code: E Member Since: 2001 MARKHAM/SHEPPARD GARDEN CENTRE Tom Kotsopoulos 8885 Sheppard Ave E Scarborough, ON M1B 5R7 Tel: 416-282-9976 Work Code: F Member Since: 2002 MASTERCUT PROPERTY SERVICES Kevin Vanderpost Box 71530 Aurora, ON L4G 6S9 Tel: 905-727-7102 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1996 MAPLE HILL TREE SERVICES Andrew Frederikse 6302 Ninth Line RR 2 Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-824-2100 Work Code: K Member Since: 2007 MAPLE LANE NURSERIES & LANDSCAPE Darren Convery 2590 Taunton Rd E Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K2 Tel: 905-263-4767 Work Codes: A, E, F Member Since: 1999 MAPLE RIDGE LANDSCAPES LTD Tim Sieders 123 Weir Rd N RR 2 Lynden, ON L0R 1T0 Tel: 866-864-0829 Work Codes: A, O Member Since: 2006 MAPLE VALLEY LAWN INC Joe Rizzo 279 Drummond Dr Maple, ON L6A 3C2 Tel: 905-417-9687 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 MARKVILLE LANDSCAPING & NURSERIES INC Robert Eeuwes 5223 19th Avenue Markham, ON L6C 1M3 Tel: 905-471-1010 Work Codes: A, C, K, O, U, X Member Since: 2003 MARQUIS GARDENS LTD Dominic Marchese 2851 Hwy 7 Concord, ON L4K 1W2 Tel: 905-760-9611 Work Codes: A, C, F, O Member Since: 2004 MAXWELL’S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC Ian Maxwell Box 50 Feversham, ON N0C 1C0 Tel: 519-922-2912 Work Code: F Member Since: 1999 MAY FLOWER LANDSCAPING DESIGN LTD Chris Roidis 16 Trojan Gate Scarborough, ON M1V 3B8 Tel: 416-298-9962 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, U Member Since: 1994 GreenTrade Expo SUGRIM MAINTENANCE CO. FEBRUARY 18, 2009 deSign • BUild • maintenanCe Eastern Ontario’s Premiere Green Industry Buying Show 9 am to 4 pm OTTAWA CIVIC CENTRE s 1000ucts d o r of p see! to For sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities, call (613)796-5156 or e-mail Visit Presented by Landscape Ontario’s Ottawa Chapter y Landscape Ontario’s Ottawa Chapter Specializing in: Plaza Maintenance , Landscape, Renova tion and more! Leader in Property Maintenance Sugrim Maintenance Company is a full service property maintenance company specializing in: • Plaza Maintenance • Landscape • Renovation If you are a developer, property manager, owner, or a professional in the field of real estate – commercial or residential, the Sugrim Maintenance Company offers the vital services you require. From maintenance and landscaping, to general repairs and renovations, Sugrim does it all! Call US tOday! 5 park street, brampton, on lX 1V1 tel: 905-97-071 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 9 M LO active members May Flowers by Design Deborah May-Forbes 465 Kingsview Dr Bolton, ON L7E 1J1 Tel: 905-951-7780 Work Code: C Member Since: 2006 Meadow Greens Nursery Tony/Jane Hendrikx 4239 Gregoire Rd Russell, ON K4R 1E5 Tel: 613-445-3042 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 2002 Mayerhofer Landscape & Gardening Inc Anton Mayerhofer 44 Johnson Cres Georgetown, ON L7G 6C9 Tel: 905-873-9471 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1988 Meadowbrook Landscape Contracting Inc Andrew Barz 445 Hwy 5 W RR 2 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-627-8730 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, X, Y Member Since: 2003 Mazza Landscaping Enterprises Inc Joe Mazza 9307 Huntington Rd Box 364 Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0 Tel: 905-856-8555 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, G, K, N, O, U Member Since: 1985 McDow Landscaping and Maintenance Keith McDow PO Box 673 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6V5 Tel: 905-680-6776 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2002 Meadowville Garden Centre Joseph Saliba 265 Edinburgh Rd N Guelph, ON N1H 1E2 Tel: 519-822-8208 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, E, F, M, N, X, Y Member Since: 2007 Melfer Construction Inc Carlos Muzlera 111 Crockford Blvd Toronto, ON M1R 3B7 Tel: 416-701-9266 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 McGregor’s TLC Rae McGregor Box 698 Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3K1 Tel: 705-568-7209 Work Code: D Member Since: 2003 Melo Landscaping Ltd Jose Melo RR 1 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-939-7757 Work Codes: A, B, L, N Member Since: 1990 McKeys Landscape Services Ltd Wayne McCart 3727 VanDorf Side Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 Tel: 416-410-8283 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2001 Merv’s Patios & Shewans Ornaments Ltd Merv Shewan RR 2 Dublin, ON N0K 1E0 Tel: 519-345-2701 Work Codes: A, F, V Member Since: 1998 McKinley Horticultural Services Tom McKinley 128 Leland Road London, ON N6K 1T3 Tel: 519-471-3300 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1987 Metro Green Landscape Services Angelo Galgano 202 Gamble Ave Toronto, ON M4J 2P3 Tel: 416-425-5543 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1991 Meadow Acres Garden Centre Charles Schachinger 2315 Queen St RR 2 Petersburg, ON N0B 2H0 Tel: 519-634-5479 Work Codes: A, C, F, K Member Since: 2005 Metro Lawn Sprinklers Div. Of Bradmar Contracting Inc Charles Vasconcelos 67 Crockford Blvd Toronto, ON M1R 3B7 Tel: 416-286-3547 Work Code: U Member Since: 2008 70 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Meyer’s Landscaping Ltd Michael Meyer 496 Montcalm Dr Peterborough, ON K9H 6S7 Tel: 705-742-1074 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2002 Meyknecht-Lischer Contractors Ltd Teja Lischer 119 Walgreen Rd Carp, ON K0A 1L0 Tel: 613-831-3232 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 1993 Michael Scott’s Landscaping Michael Scott 4407 Fairgrounds Rd RR 2 Orillia, ON L3V 6H2 Tel: 705-325-7907 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, P Member Since: 1995 Midhurst Property Service David Emms 20 Rosewood Ave Midhurst, ON L0L 1X1 Tel: 705-792-2382 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 Mike’s Landscaping Art Linde 850 Centre Rd RR 2 Hamilton, ON L8N 2Z7 Tel: 905-689-4946 Work Codes: A, F, N Member Since: 2002 Millennium Landscape Design Inc Ryan Bukovscak 16 Wainwright Ave Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5R5 Tel: 416-567-7926 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N Member Since: 2002 Millers’ Farm and Market Suzanne Miller 6158 Rideau Valley Drive Manotick, ON K4M 1B3 Tel: 613-692-2607 Work Codes: F, N Member Since: 2008 Millgrove Perennials James Feenstra 534 - 5 Concession W PO Box 159 Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0 Tel: 905-689-1749 Work Code: E Member Since: 2007 Milliken Farms Garden Centre Bill Simone 4261 Hwy 7 Suite 115 Unionville, ON L3R 9W6 Tel: 905-477-4211 Work Code: F Member Since: 2002 Mills Flowers Donald Mills 192 King St E Gananoque, ON K7G 1G2 Tel: 613-382-3158 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, F, Y Member Since: 2000 Mississauga Greenhouses Ltd Ralph Ryk 3225 Winston Churchill Blvd Mississauga, ON L5L 2W1 Tel: 905-820-9789 Work Code: F Member Since: 1995 Misty Hills Landscaping Al Cabral 41 Arnold Estate Lane Ajax, ON L1S 7L7 Tel: 905-426-6602 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 Miyabi Inc R Hoshino 13400 Con 4 RR 1 Zephyr, ON L0E 1T0 Tel: 905-473-9268 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2005 Modern Earthscapes Land Design Andre Ypma 92 Taft Rd Carrying Place, ON K0K 1L0 Tel: 613-848-6344 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2008 Modern Turf Care John Snoei 1031 Lakeshore Rd W St Catharines, ON L2R 6P9 Tel: 905-688-2859 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1998 Monarch Landscape Mgmt Bill MacKinnon 550 Parkside Dr Waterloo, ON N2L 5V4 Tel: 519-725-5864 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1998 Membership list current as of July 2008 LO active members MOODER HORTICULTURAL INC Douglas Mooder 11 Dunke St N Elmira, ON N3B 2A6 Tel: 519-669-4073 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1995 MOORE PARK PLANTSCAPES Bill Peel 127 Moore Park Dr Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 416-709-1240 Work Code: P Member Since: 1993 MORI NURSERIES LIMITED Bill Mori 1695 Niagara Stone Road Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-468-3217 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1973 MOONEY’S BAY LANDSCAPING Leslie McRae 949 Visiting Rd RR 1 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-1687 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2004 MOORE WATER GARDENS LTD Sue See Box 70 Port Stanley, ON N5L 1J4 Tel: 519-782-4052 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 1990 MORNING MIST CORPORATION Bruce Dawson PO Box 68037 RPO Blakely Hamilton, ON L8M 3M7 Tel: 905-546-9195 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 1990 MOONLIGHTING OUTDOOR LIGHTING Jason Fleming 70 Manitoba St Guelph, ON N1E 3B9 Tel: 519-767-6774 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2007 MOPAL CONSTRUCTION LTD Francis Macri 35 Cardico Dr PO Box 547 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 905-888-9777 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 MOSER OUTDOOR MAINTENANCE Chris Moser 495 Dotzert Crt Waterloo, ON N2L 6A7 Tel: 519-886-9231 Work Codes: A, B, N, Y Member Since: 1986 MORI GARDENS Tonie Mori RR 2, 1709 Hwy 55 Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-468-7863 Work Codes: C, F Member Since: 2000 MOUNTAIN ASH LANDSCAPING Doug Graves 718 Centre St N, Unit 2 Whitby, ON L1N 9A9 Tel: 905-665-3380 Work Codes: A, B, N, V Member Since: 2001 MOONSHADOW LIGHTING INC Leon Hordyk 3136 Keswick Court Burlington, ON L7N 2J8 Tel: 905-681-7789 Work Code: O Member Since: 2007 M MOUNTAINVIEW NURSERIES Pierre Maurice 177 Balm Beach Rd E Perkinsfield, ON L0L 2J0 Tel: 705-526-0115 Work Code: E Member Since: 1993 MOUNTSBERG HILLS NURSERY INC John Picado 374 Mountsberg Rd RR 2 Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 905-659-3969 Work Codes: A, E, K, X Member Since: 2006 MOUNTVIEW SERVICES INC John Perriman RR 1 Princeton, ON N0J 1V0 Tel: 519-458-8179 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 2002 MR. LANDSCAPE CORP David Reeder 292 Johnston Ave. Toronto, ON M2N 1H6 Tel: 416-590-1067 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2006 Delivering superior sod and quality service • Healthier, greener sod • No.1 Kentucky Bluegrass • Premium Bentgrass • Extreme Fescue • Large or small rolls •Custom grown sod available 17525 Jane Street, RR1, Kettleby, Ontario L0G 1J0 (905) 727-2100 • (877) 727-2100 • (416) 364-5700 landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 71 M LO active members Muskoka Turf Care Ltd Cameron Stephen PO Box 123 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T5 Tel: 705-645-1490 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2007 Nanticoke Nurseries & Garden Centre Joseph Overdevest 1461 Windham Centre Rd RR 1 Windham Centre, ON N0E 2A0 Tel: 519-443-5605 Work Code: F Member Since: 1988 Native Plant Source Jeff Thompson 318 Misty Cres Kitchener, ON N2B 3V5 Tel: 519-748-2298 Work Codes: A, E, K Member Since: 2001 Native Woods Nurseries Stephen Woods 8484 HWY 93 PO Box 221 Midland, ON L4R 4K8 Tel: 705-526-9610 Work Codes: C, F, M, V Member Since: 1982 Natural Landscape Inc Dave Maciulis 3 - 103 King St E Dundas, ON L9H 1B9 Tel: 905-627-1466 Work Codes: C, V Member Since: 1995 Naturally Maintained Ltd Derek Lippert 795 Erbsville Rd Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z4 Tel: 519-569-8014 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 Nature Boy Landscape Maintenance Enzo Ricciardi 2 Coyote Way Woodbridge, ON L4H 1Y6 Tel: 416-573-9865 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 1998 Nature’s Grove Garden Centre Phil Arnold 4 - 8550 Torbram Rd Brampton, ON L6T 5C8 Tel: 905-846-9073 Work Codes: B, F, N, O Member Since: 2002 Nature’s Own Landscape & Design Steven VanLochem 874 Hwy 20 W RR 4 Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 Tel: 905-892-2188 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2005 Nature’s Pride Wayne Michaud 6115 Riverview RR 2 Tilbury, ON N0P 2L0 Tel: 519-436-6194 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U Member Since: 2005 Nature’s Reflection Landscape Ltd Gianpietro Locatelli 172 King St E Ste 302 Oshawa, ON L1H 1B7 Tel: 905-720-1333 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2002 Membership list current as of July 2008 72 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Nature’s Way Landscaping Terry Childs 520 County Rd 2 Gananoque, ON K7G 2V4 Tel: 613-382-1207 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, O, V Member Since: 1998 Naturescape Gord deVries 10173 Danforth Rd E RR 3 Cobourg, ON K9A 4J8 Tel: 905-373-8888 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O, R Member Since: 1992 Naturescapes & Gardens Margot Parker 77 Freemont Ave Toronto, ON M9P 2W7 Tel: 416-875-9892 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 Near North David Goodwin 2324 Gilford Rd Gilford, ON L0L 1R0 Tel: 416-708-2246 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2006 Neil E Pike Ltd Neil Pike 604 Edward Ave Unit 17 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9Y7 Tel: 905-508-9036 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1981 New Horizons Landscape Design Olivier Cusson 5950 Chercover Crt Burlington, ON L7L 6T2 Tel: 905-332-7338 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 1996 New Method Lawn & Garden Liz Monette Box 1813 Guelph, ON N1H 7A1 Tel: 519-369-1673 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1996 New North Greenhouses Inc Patricia Ross-Slomke 719 Airport Rd Sault Ste Marie, ON P6A 5k6 Tel: 705-779-2168 Work Code: F Member Since: 1993 New Style Gardening Ltd Walter Rickli PO Box 9 RR 2 Hamilton, ON L8N 2Z7 Tel: 905-689-8212 Work Codes: A, B, D, M, N, P Member Since: 1981 Next Properties Network Inc Robert Harshaw 24 - 155 East Beaver Creek Rd Suite 106 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N1 Tel: 905-482-6398 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 Niagara Nurseries John/Marilyn Alexander 1643 Regional Rd 81 (St Paul St W) St Catharines, ON L2R 6P7 Tel: 905-682-4783 Work Code: F Member Since: 2000 Nicole Pattenden Landscape Design Nicole Pattenden 1454 Margaret Cres Penetang, ON L9M 2B3 Tel: 705-549-7906 Work Code: C Member Since: 2005 LO active members NIGHTSCAPING Raymond Josephian 208 Georgian Dr Oakville, ON L6H 6T8 Tel: 416-520-1500 Work Code: O Member Since: 2007 NORTH YORK TREE SERVICE LTD Mike McIsaac 20 - 750 Oakdale Rd Toronto, ON M3N 2Z4 Tel: 416-740-8733 Work Codes: D, K Member Since: 1987 NORTHLAND PAVING LTD Gillian Yazdani 70 Minuk Acres Toronto, ON M1C 2W6 Tel: 416-286-4292 Work Codes: A, L, N Member Since: 2006 NODEV LANDSCAPING David Novak 106 St. David’s Rd St Catharines, ON L2T 1P9 Tel: 905-227-8743 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 2008 NORTHEND FLORAL INC Linda Bouw 1541 Fourth Ave St Catharines, ON L2R 6P9 Tel: 905-685-1424 Work Codes: E, M Member Since: 2004 NOLDUS OF DURHAM Don Voorhees 899 Nelson St Oshawa, ON L1H 5N7 Tel: 905-723-2621 Work Codes: D, K, V Member Since: 1980 NORTHERN ECHO LANDSCAPING LTD Andrew Tiessen 16134 Mountainview Rd Caledon East, ON L7C 2V3 Tel: 905-584-8439 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2006 NORTHWOOD LANDSCAPING AND CONSTRUCTION INC Abdikarim (Moe) Mohamed 10 North Eaton Way Unit 201 Toronto, ON M6M 5B3 Tel: 647-280-4799 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 NORFOLK GARDENS INC Case Van Blyderveen 4601 Highway 59 S RR 1 Courtland, ON N0J 1E0 Tel: 519-842-7745 Work Codes: A, C, E, F Member Since: 2006 NORMAN’S GARDEN GALLERY Greg Norman 830 Yonge St Midland, ON L4R 2E7 Tel: 705-526-4361 Work Codes: C, F Member Since: 1991 NORTH STAR LANDSCAPING INC Frank Soave 24 Newbridge Rd Toronto, ON M8Z 2L7 Tel: 416-239-0227 Work Codes: A, B, N, V Member Since: 1999 NORTHERN PAVING LTD Alfred Lauzon PO Box 695 Guelph, ON N1H 6L3 Tel: 519-837-2506 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2003 NORTHERN STONE DESIGN INC Aris Cokinos 39 Batchford Cres Markham, ON L6B 0C2 Tel: 416-509-9471 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 NORTHGATE FARMS LTD Bill Searle 4025 5th Side RR 2 Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 416-417-0005 Work Code: A Member Since: 2004 NORVIEW GARDENS LTD Paul Scharringa 2628 Windham Rd 19 RR 1 Norwich, ON N0J 1P0 Tel: 519-468-3163 Work Codes: E, M Member Since: 2005 NOVAK PROPERTY MAINTENANCE INC Heidy/Adam Novak 601 Dundas St E Waterdown, ON L0R 2H1 Tel: 905-689-0488 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, V Member Since: 1997 NOVASCAPE CONTRACTORS LTD Satch Griffo 6175 Hwy 7 #17 2nd Floor Woodbridge, ON L4H 0P6 Tel: 905-850-6648 Work Code: A Member Since: 1998 NU IMAGE LAWN CARE (BURLOAK) Ryan Benson 1220 Springwood Cres Oakville, ON L6H 5Z7 Tel: 905-847-3700 Work Codes: B, C, D, K, N Member Since: 2006 N NU IMAGE LAWN CARE INC Doug Seager 304 Stone Rd, Unit 182 Guelph, ON N1G 3C4 Tel: 519-836-0044 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2004 NUBELLA LANDSCAPING INC Nick Cascioli 37 William St Mississauga, ON L5M 1J2 Tel: 905-542-3007 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, U Member Since: 1993 NUTRI LAWN - DURHAM Emil Remark 2 Lloyd St Whitby, ON L1N 3M2 Tel: 905-728-7175 Work Code: D Member Since: 2003 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z TT Landscape Contractor Grounds Maintenance Landscape Designer Lawn Care/Spray Contractor Wholesale Nursery/Grower Retail Garden Centre Parks & Recreation Sod Grower Cemetery Golf Course Arborist/Tree Care Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products Greenhouse Operator Snow Removal Contractor Landscape Lighting Interior Plantscaper Media or Advertising Educator Government Apprentice/Student Irrigation Contractor Others Allied to the Industry Tree Mover Hydroseeding Contractor Interlock Only Contractor Excavator Only landscape ontario member Handbook 2009 7 N LO active members Nutri Lawn - Kingston/Belleville Rob Baxby 2715 Switzerville Rd RR 4 Napanee, ON K7R 3K9 Tel: 613-384-9700 Work Code: D Member Since: 2006 Nutri Lawn - Kitchener/Waterloo Gary Mulhall 330 Gage Ave, Unit 3 Kitchener, ON N2M 5C6 Tel: 519-578-7877 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Nutri Lawn - Mississauga Cam Hansuld 16 - 2390 Haines Rd Mississauga, ON L4Y 1Y6 Tel: 905-272-5296 Work Codes: D, U Member Since: 2003 Nutri Lawn - Oakville/Hamilton Don McQueen 15 - 4087 Harvester Rd Burlington, ON L7L 5M3 Tel: 905-632-2077 Work Codes: D, U Member Since: 1995 Nutri Lawn - Ottawa Thom Bourne 1038 Belfast Rd Ottawa, ON K1B 3S3 Tel: 613-739-3399 Work Codes: D, O, U Member Since: 1991 Nutri Lawn - Sudbury Mike House 510 Attlee Ave Sudbury, ON P3A 5T9 Tel: 705-525-1294 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Nutri Lawn Inc Ian Sharp 185 The West Mall Ste 115 Toronto, ON M9C 5K8 Tel: 416-620-7100 Work Codes: D, K Member Since: 1992 Nutri-Turf Landscaping Bryan Lomas 658 Fifth Concession W Millgrove Box 965 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0 Tel: 905-689-4654 Work Codes: A, C, K, N, O, P, Y Member Since: 1991 O’Flaherty’s Landscaping Jim O’Flaherty 20 Thorncroft Cres Ajax, ON L1T 2B3 Tel: 905-427-4143 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2004 O’Meara Contracting Ltd Michael O’Meara 4 Shoreview Crt Bowmanville, ON L1C 3V2 Tel: 905-697-4264 Work Code: A Member Since: 2005 OGS Grounds Maintenance Specialist Marc Thiebaud 5515 Thickson Rd N Brooklin, ON L1M 1X1 Tel: 905-655-3331 Work Codes: B, V Member Since: 1973 OGS Landscape Services Rene Thiebaud 5515 Thickson Rd N Brooklin, ON L1M 1X1 Tel: 905-655-3331 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 1973 OGS Property Services John Thiebaud 5515 Thickson Rd N Brooklin, ON L1M 1X1 Tel: 905-655-3331 Work Codes: B, D, N, O, U Member Since: 1973 OJ Muller Landscape Contractor Ltd Otto Muller 791 Batory Ave Pickering, ON L1W 2W5 Tel: 905-839-5760 Work Code: A Member Since: 1980 Oakleaf Gardens and Landscapes David Vandersar 35 Delatre Street Woodstock, ON N4S 6B6 Tel: 519-421-0432 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 Oakridge Landscaping Contractors Ltd Herman Ciardullo 340 Hwy 20 RR 1 Hannon, ON L0R 1P0 Tel: 905-692-9299 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1998 74 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Oakville Lawn Care & Landscaping Kyle Caya 4 - 2345 Wyecroft Rd Oakville, ON L6L 6L8 Tel: 905-847-3504 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U Member Since: 2005 Oakwood Services Ltd Chris Sant 4045 Old School Rd Caledon, ON L7C 0Y1 Tel: 905-838-0884 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2003 Oasis Creations Landscaping Ryan Marshall 11055 Old River Rd RR 3 Komoka, ON N0L 1R0 Tel: 519-641-8492 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2006 Oasis Garden Creations Amin Nizami 303 Lake Promenade Etobicoke, ON M8W 1A6 Tel: 416-803-3256 Work Codes: A, B, C, P Member Since: 2007 Oasis Garden Design Rob Josling 31 Dundas St E Dundas, ON L9H 7H8 Tel: 905-689-1880 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2005 Oliveira Landscaping Emanuel Oliveira 1 Harold St Etobicoke, ON M8V 2W8 Tel: 416-741-9137 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 Omega Landscape Gardening Ltd Edward Ophelders 5892 Main St PO Box 95008 Stouffville, ON L4A 1J1 Tel: 905-640-5462 Work Codes: A, C, D, K, N Member Since: 1997 On Target Landscape Lighting & Irrigation Graham Leishman 202 Parkhurst Blvd Toronto, ON M4G 2G3 Tel: 416-482-4111 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2007 Ontario Grounds Care Inc Mark Cussons PO Box 190 Burlington, ON L7R 3Y2 Tel: 905-208-0899 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N Member Since: 2002 Ontario Landscaping Ltd Frank Matos PO Box 14 Keswick, ON L4P 3E1 Work Codes: A, B, E, F Member Since: 1986 Ontario Line Clearing & Tree Services Ltd Matthew Wharram 483 Sinclair St PO Box 759 Cobourg, ON K9A 4R5 Tel: 905-376-5121 Work Code: K Member Since: 2007 Ontario Tree Experts Jody Steiger 13 - 22 Passmore Ave Toronto, ON M1V 4T1 Tel: 416-412-2100 Work Code: K Member Since: 2002 Orange Hill Construction & Restoration Inc Steven Forsythe 39 - 30 Dawson St Whitby, ON L1N 6C8 Tel: 416-938-0221 Work Codes: A, C, O, U Member Since: 2007 Orchard Farm Nursery Ltd Karl Klinck 820 North Talbot Rd Windsor, ON N9G 1M7 Tel: 519-969-0570 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 1973 Orchard Park Landscaping Ltd Kevin Beuving Box 486 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 416-522-1429 Work Codes: B, D, K, N, X Member Since: 2002 Orchestra Landscapes Ltd Michael Laporte 38 Donald Cr Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 1E3 Tel: 705-422-0574 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Orchid Unique Landscaping David Simas 293 Ruggles Ave Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1Y9 Tel: 905-508-3593 Work Codes: A, K, N, O Member Since: 2005 LO active members Oriole Landscaping Ltd George Urvari 36 Northline Rd Toronto, ON M4B 3E2 Tel: 416-696-5110 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1995 Ormsby’s Garden Centre Ken Ormsby RR 4 Meaford, ON N4L 1W7 Tel: 519-538-3145 Work Codes: A, B, E, F, M Member Since: 1989 Ottawa Irrigation Ivan McGlashan PO Box 78017 Nepean, ON K2E 1B1 Tel: 613-746-3879 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2003 Ottawa Landscape Services Bill Bitz 1118 Stone Rd Oxford Mills, ON K0G 1S0 Tel: 613-720-6571 Work Code: Member Since: 2005 Membership list current as of July 2008 Outdoor Environments Landscaping Keith Butchart 29 Beckons Ln PO Box 352 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Tel: 519-534-3866 Work Code: A Member Since: 2003 Outer Creations Landscaping Todd Durie 1659 Lindsay Rd Oxford Mills, ON K0G 1S0 Tel: 613-258-9408 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 Outdoor Living Landscapes James Bazely PO Box 131 Barrie, ON L4M 4S9 Tel: 705-725-0054 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2006 Outer Spaces Landscape Ed Dantuma 21 Brian Blvd Waterdown, ON L0R 2H5 Tel: 905-689-8434 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 1992 Outdoor Maintenance Garry Hampton 6 Tangmere Rd Don Mills, ON M3B 2N1 Tel: 416-444-6710 Work Code: B Member Since: 1997 Outdoor Services John Cruickshank 5481 Hwy 6 N Box 191 Guelph, ON N1H 6J9 Tel: 519-821-4764 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1977 YOUR SOURCE FOR HIGH QUALITY CLAY PAVING BRICKS “Genuine Clay Brick Pavers” Hard fired, tested, proven to endure and enhance any landscape design. Available in over 100 colour ranges, 30 sizes, and thicknesses from 1” to 3” 9-5115 Harvester Rd., Burlington, OntarioL7L 0A3 atalogue Samples & C Request n o Available Burlington: 905-637-6997 Toronto: 416-252-5811 Fax: 905-631-7246 Outside Space Dorothy Smyth 221 Sheppard Ave W Toronto, ON M2N 1N2 Tel: 416-222-2780 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1996 Overeem’s Landscaping Peter Overeem RR 1 Norwich, ON N0J 1P0 Tel: 519-468-9154 Work Code: A Member Since: 1987 P Oving Property Maintenance Theo Oving 15199 Winston Churchill Blvd Caledon, ON L7C 1S8 Tel: 905-702-2555 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 2005 Oxford Insta-Shade Jan or Susie Veldhuizen RR 2 Burgessville, ON N0J 1C0 Tel: 519-424-2180 Work Codes: A, C, E, F Member Since: 1979 PAO Associates Paul Offierski 5312 Trafalgar Rd Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-875-0055 Work Code: E Member Since: 1992 PBM Environmental Limited Peter Bradburn 320 County Rd 25 Oxford Mills, ON K0G 1S0 Tel: 613-258-4536 Work Codes: A, B, C, O Member Since: 1986 ONTARIO Convert your pick up truck into a dump truck The EZ Dumper is a hydraulically operated dump unit for pick up trucks designed to hold and unload up to 6000 pounds, or five cubic yards of topsoil, mulch, firewood or whatever in under 30 seconds. With a push of a button you will never have to unload by hand again. The EZ Dumper just bolts into your bed and hooks up to the battery of your truck. Designed to take a beating, year after year, made with 12 and 14 gauge steel, backed by a structural steel frame. EZ Dumper insert is built to outlast your pick up. The Original Hydraulic Dump Inserts for Pick Ups (905) 854-9894 Trucks (since 1972) Manufactured in Campbellville, Ontario Buy direct from the manufacturer. Standard options made to order: Cab Protector, Roller Tarp and Side Extensions. landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 75 P LO active members PGS Landscape Paul Snyders 591 Hill St London, ON N6B 1E9 Tel: 519-851-1955 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2005 PM Landscaping Inc Peter Mersch 119 Sapphire Dr Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6K1 Tel: 807-768-8669 Work Codes: A, O Member Since: 1997 PV Landscaping Paul Vitale 17050 12th Concession Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-939-4601 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 2007 PW Concrete Ltd Pete Wilhelm 3314 Sandshills Rd Baden, ON N3A 3A7 Tel: 519-634-5364 Work Codes: A, C, L, V Member Since: 2006 Pagoda Gardening Ltd Geoff Paquin 36 Plaxton Dr Toronto, ON M4B 2P9 Tel: 416-759-3335 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O Member Since: 1999 Palatine Fruit & Roses Rene Schmitz 2108 Creek Rd Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-468-8627 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 2002 Pan American Nursery Products John Bonas 525 6th Concession W Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0 Tel: 905-689-9919 Work Code: E Member Since: 1995 Par-Bro Design Build Ltd Celestino Pariselli 29 - 390 Edgeley Blvd Vaughan, ON L4K 3Z6 Tel: 905-669-2787 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1997 Paradise Home Landscaping Bob Woropay 1300 King St E PO Box 31035 Oshawa, ON L1H 8J4 Tel: 905-259-1732 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Paradise Nursery & Garden Centre Mario DiNardo 4481 Alma St Amherstburg, ON N9V 2Y9 Tel: 519-736-4829 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 2000 Park Place Grounds Maintenance Inc John Versteeg 6090 18th Side Rd RR 3 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-939-2254 Work Codes: B, C, N Member Since: 1991 Parklane Nurseries Limited Anna van Maris 1430 Durham Rd 15 PO Box 399 Beaverton, ON L0K 1A0 Tel: 705-426-4300 Work Codes: A, B, C, E Member Since: 1964 Parkside Landscaping (London) Inc Jeff Bailey 7183 Egremont Dr London, ON N6H 5L2 Tel: 519-471-8074 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 Parkway Gardens Ltd Erik Jacobsen 1473 Gainsborough Rd Box 28052 London, ON N6H 5E1 Tel: 519-657-7360 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1999 Paterno Nurseries Ben Paterno 334 Hwy 5 West RR 2 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-689-6035 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1983 Membership list current as of July 2008 76 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Pathways To Perennials Lorraine Mennen 4681 Lloydtown/Aurora Rd RR 2 Kettleby, ON L0G 1J0 Tel: 800-551-0355 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 2001 Perfectly Green Lawn & Garden Ian Spence 360 Westwood Dr Apt 506 Cobourg, ON K9A 2B6 Tel: 905-373-1957 Work Codes: A, B, D, K Member Since: 2007 Patricia Stanish Landscape Design Patricia Stanish 60 Parkland Cres Ottawa, ON K2H 7V8 Tel: 613-668-3603 Work Code: C Member Since: 2008 Personal Touch Landscaping Andrew Fankhauser 800 Dundas St E Mississauga, ON L4Y 2B6 Tel: 905-279-2050 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2006 Patterned Concrete Mississauga Tom Mihalaros 7050 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T -2A7 Tel: 905-565-6588 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 Personal Touch Lawn Maintenance Scott Watts 118 Power Line Rd RR 6 Brantford, ON N3T 5L8 Tel: 519-758-0387 Work Code: D Member Since: 2005 Paysagement Trillium Landscaping Inc Jean-Paul Gervais 1138 Maybank St Ottawa, ON K2C 2W6 Tel: 613-596-0467 Work Code: A Member Since: 1993 Pete Vanderley’s Lawn Maintenance & Landscape Services Peter Vanderley 93 Monmore Rd London, ON N6G 2W7 Tel: 519-473-4055 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 1987 Peel Exterior Maintenance Rick Fallis, Lorelei Gilchrist 6472 Trafalgar Rd Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-693-1530 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, U Member Since: 2003 Pendergast Lawn Care Ltd Rob Pendergast PO Box 294 Alliston, ON L9R 1V5 Tel: 705-435-5157 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2005 Peninsula Construction Inc Albert Huibers 2055 Kottmeier Rd RR 1 Fonthill, ON L0S 1E6 Tel: 905-892-2661 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 1997 Perennial Gardens Corporation Terry McGlade 240 Sterling Rd Toronto, ON M6R 2B9 Tel: 416-531-1461 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1993 Peter Hordyk Landscape Peter Hordyk 6461 Milburough Line RR 3 Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 905-336-1667 Work Codes: A, B, N, X Member Since: 2003 Peter Knippel Nursery Inc Joan Johnston 4590 Bank St Gloucester, ON K1T 3W6 Tel: 613-822-0383 Work Codes: F, V Member Since: 1981 Peter Smit & Sons Inc John Smit 6926 McKeown Dr Greely, ON K4P 1A2 Tel: 613-821-6005 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1973 Peter Sullivan Landscaping Peter Sullivan PO Box 281 Station R Toronto, ON M4G 3Z9 Tel: 416-696-2949 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1988 LO active members Pickering Nurseries Joel Schraven 3043 County Rd 2 RR 1 Port Hope, ON L1A 3V5 Tel: 905-753-2155 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 2005 Pinebrook Landscape & Design Inc Steve Fletcher PO Box 91518 Main St Georgetown, ON L7G 5M9 Tel: 905-878-2142 Work Code: A Member Since: 1997 Picture Perfect Landscaping Quinte Ltd Neil Bouma 622 Vermilyea Rd, RR 5 Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Tel: 613-968-1940 Work Codes: A, C, K, N Member Since: 2004 Pineridge Landscaping Silas Allen 36 Bond St Box 114 Fenelon Falls, ON K0M 1N0 Tel: 705-887-2083 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2005 Pieper Nurseries Christoph Pieper 4763 Catherine St Dorchester, ON N0L 1G6 Tel: 519-268-3562 Work Code: E Member Since: 1992 Pine Valley Enterprises Inc Rocky Bova 73 Corstate Ave Concord, ON L4K 2Y4 Tel: 905-760-2215 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 2004 Pinnacle Tree & Shrub Greg Templeman 3044 Notre Dame Dr St Agatha, ON N0B 2L0 Tel: 519-576-1213 Work Codes: D, E, K, L Member Since: 2002 Pioneer Landscaping Inc Craig Lacktin 1513 Wembury Rd Mississauga, ON L5J 2L8 Tel: 905-823-3213 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2003 P Pioneer Nursery Ltd Alfred Semenuk RR 3 Van Buren St Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-5555 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1990 Plantenance Inc Glenn Curtis 2113 St Region, # 250 Dollard-des-Ormeaux, QC H9B 2M9 Tel: 514-684-8235 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 2008 Plant Care Inc Tana Condy 77 - 653 Village Pkwy Markham, ON L3R 2R2 Tel: 905-479-8887 Work Code: P Member Since: 2004 Platinum Construction Enterprises Andrew Norris 1670 Stittsville Main St Stittsville, ON K2S 1A6 Tel: 613-831-5066 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Plant World Limited Paul or Kurt Reeves 4000 Eglinton Ave W Toronto, ON M9A 4M2 Tel: 416-241-9174 Work Code: F Member Since: 1998 Plantation Irrigation Mark Hilmayer 2381 Dominion Rd. Ridgeway, ON LOS 1NO Tel: 905-894-1202 Work Codes: A, C, U, Y Member Since: 2008 Potted Pleasures Garden Centre Cathy Heck 865 Central Parkway W Mississauga, ON L5C 2V9 Tel: 905-897-1622 Work Code: F Member Since: 2005 Potter’s Nurseries Ltd Kent Potter 690 Golden Mile Rd Kingston, ON K7M 6K6 Tel: 613-389-3333 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 1997 Servicing the Golden Horseshoe Area landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 77 P LO active members Potters Road Nursery Inc Ben Penner 144798 Potters Rd RR 2 Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4G7 Tel: 519-688-0437 Work Code: E Member Since: 2008 Pro Green Irrigation Scott Brackenbury 1069 Vice Regent Place Newmarket, ON L3X 1N2 Tel: 905-830-5097 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 1998 Power Property Services Stephen Power 162 Leinster Ave N Hamilton, ON L8L 6X9 Tel: 905-543-1433 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Pro Lock Interlocking (Div. of Diana Construction Ltd.) Ivana Diana 14 - 3650 Langstaff Rd Suite 117 Woodbridge, ON L4L 9A8 Tel: 905-893-7566 Work Code: Member Since: 2006 Predawn Nursery & Garden Centre Inc Joe Mandato 2619 County Rd 42 Windsor, ON N9A 6J3 Tel: 519-969-2255 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 1999 Premier Landscaping & Design Ltd Joseph Morello 12683 Leslie St Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1A2 Tel: 416-321-9626 Work Codes: A, B, C, O, U Member Since: 1990 Premier Turf Inc Rohan Harrison 71 Rosedale Ave Brampton, ON L6X 1K4 Tel: 905-846-2285 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1994 Prestige Land Maintenance Dominic Bonomo 12 Havelock Gate Markham, ON L3S 3X8 Tel: 416-677-9322 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2004 Prestonvale Tree Farms Bill Bagg 1421 Prestonvale Rd Courtice, ON L1E 2P2 Tel: 905-434-3910 Work Codes: E, M, X Member Since: 1994 Prime-Time Services Inc Kerry Keller PO Box 95016 Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 Tel: 905-640-3694 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N Member Since: 2003 Pro Sealing Plus Inc Sam Reitano 100 Bass Pro Mills Dr #27 & 28 Concord, ON L4K 5X1 Tel: 905-761-7281 Work Codes: A, C, N Member Since: 2003 Pro-Cut Ltd Mark Scida 930 Nashville Rd Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0 Tel: 905-951-9333 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O Member Since: 2003 Pro-Land Landscape Construction Inc John D’Ambrosio 19 Kenview Blvd Unit 58 Brampton, ON L6T 5G6 Tel: 905-799-6100 Work Codes: A, C, O, U, V Member Since: 2003 Pro-Lawn Landscaping Dirk Woudstra 3463 Somerville Rd RR 1 Orono, ON L0B 1M0 Tel: 905-983-5978 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 2002 Professional Landscape Services Inc Ritch Ford 5145 Mount Nemo Cres RR 2 Milton, ON L9T 2X6 Tel: 905-319-2111 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1995 Membership list current as of July 2008 78 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Professional Ontario Landscaping Inc Rod Melo 130 Industry St Unit 39 North York, ON M6M 5G3 Tel: 416-769-2137 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2000 Protea Landscaping Wade Buchanan 7101 Adams Ave Niagara Falls, ON L2G 5G9 Tel: 905-356-3653 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, V Member Since: 2007 Proview Landscape Design Steve Beach 283 Taylor Mills Dr N Richmond Hill, ON L4C 2T8 Tel: 416-505-7255 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2005 Pyramid Contracting Inc D’Arcy Watling PO Box 580 Brampton, ON L6V 2L6 Tel: 905-846-7664 Work Codes: B, N, U Member Since: 2006 Q Gardens Landscaping Quinton Neufeldt 11357 McCowan Rd Markham, ON L3P 3J3 Tel: 905-640-7774 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1998 Quality Property Maintenance & Services Stefano Galluzzo 43 Pineslope Cres Scarborough, ON M1E 4M5 Tel: 416-888-8681 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, O, Q Member Since: 2005 Quercus Horticultural and Garden Services David Milne 27 Highcroft Rd Toronto, ON M4L 3G3 Tel: 416-575-9857 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2007 R Neice Limited Alberta Neice 79 Goulding Ave Willowdale, ON M2M 1L1 Tel: 416-222-7567 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1973 R Wilson Tree and Lawn Service Ron Wilson 19 Castlerock Rd Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5A2 Tel: 905-780-0589 Work Codes: K, N Member Since: 2000 R&C Brown & Sons Roger Brown PO Box 2031 Oshawa, ON L1H 7V4 Tel: 905-655-8878 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1985 RC Landscaping Rick Huellemann 115 Crockford Blvd Scarborough, ON M1R 3B7 Tel: 416-283-4674 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, U Member Since: 1994 RCC Landscaping Inc Tony Romanelli 60 Norelco Dr North York, ON M9L 2X6 Tel: 416-747-1920 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 1998 RGT Clouthier Construction Ltd Dave Giles 59 Matthews Ave Pembroke, ON K8A 0A6 Tel: 613-735-6531 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O Member Since: 2005 RJ Rogers Landscaping Ltd Richard Rogers 4077 Viewbank Rd Kars, ON K0A 2E0 Tel: 613-692-3806 Work Codes: A, V Member Since: 1983 RJS Enterprises Ryan Schmidt 106 Walton Dr Aurora, ON L4G 3K4 Tel: 905-251-0793 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 RM Construction Harry Reinders 254 Main St N Acton, ON L7J 1W9 Tel: 519-853-3966 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 RMF Property Services Ltd Patrick Forbes 14845 - 6 Yonge St Aurora, ON L4G 6H8 Tel: 905-841-6687 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2005 LO active members RRG Landscaping Inc Robert Sclisizzi 104 - 2025 Guelph Line Burlington, ON L7P 4X4 Tel: 905-336-5613 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2002 RW Allen Horticultural Services Inc Bob Allen 39 Vineden Dr St Thomas, ON N5P 2M8 Tel: 519-633-2906 Work Codes: A, B, C, V Member Since: 1975 Rainbow Gardening & Landscaping Brent Tower 220 Shadow Place Pickering, ON L1V 7H6 Tel: 905-303-8400 Work Code: B Member Since: 1990 Rainbow Sprinklers and Irrigation Jean Carrier 378 - 1070 Rymal Rd E Hamilton, ON L8W 3N6 Tel: 905-575-4550 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 1999 Rainforest Inground Sprinklers Henry Valkenburg PO Box 573 Station B London, ON N6A 4W8 Tel: 519-453-1661 Work Code: U Member Since: 2004 Raintree Irrigation & Outdoor Systems Bill Clarkson 1690 Brampton St Hamilton, ON L8H 3S1 Tel: 905-545-1323 Work Code: U Member Since: 1998 Raul Liria Gardening & Snow Removal Raul Liria 24 Swinton Cres Thornhill, ON L4J 2X1 Tel: 905-761-9241 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1998 Forest Gene Conservation Association certified nursery NATIVE TREE AND SHRUB NURSERY Products are available as bareroot seedlings, container seedlings, potted in 1-15 gal pots, bareroot whips and spaded trees All products produced from seed collected in central and eastern Ontario Located at 275 County Rd. 44, Kemptville, On. K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-0110 or 1-888-791-1103/Fax: 613-258-0207 E-mail: CONIFER DECIDUOUS WILDLIFE Ray’s Power Equipment & Landscaping Jamie, Doug, Nancy Cutler 17 York St Picton, ON K0K 2T0 Tel: 613-476-2890 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2005 Raymar Landscaping South Inc Mark Wanders 6584 Mud St, RR 3 Smithville, ON L0R 2A0 Tel: 905-309-7374 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O Member Since: 2004 Raymar North Inc A. Murray Wanders Box 1118 Shelburne, ON L0N 1S0 Tel: 519-925-5409 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 1998 Real McCoy Property Maintenance Ltd Bruce McCoy 92 Smith Dr Georgetown, ON L7G 5S7 Tel: 905-702-8118 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2002 R Reaman Pool Fill-Ins Ltd Robert Reaman 10379 Hwy 48 Markham, ON L3P 3J3 Tel: 905-642-6811 Work Code: A Member Since: 1991 Red Bear Lawns and Landscaping Ltd Darrell Husk 323 Havendale Cr Waterloo, ON N2T 2T2 Tel: 519-884-4790 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2005 Redleaf Landscape Greg Redshaw 14800 Marsh Hill Rd Port Perry, ON L9L 1Z2 Tel: 905-985-9875 Work Code: A Member Since: 1997 Redwood Lawn and Garden Maintenance Brent Anderson 5716 Eighth Line RR 2 Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-875-1759 Work Code: B Member Since: 2003 NATURAL CARE LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCTS 602108 Canada Inc. 520 County Road 2 Gananoque, ON K7G 2V4 We offer a full range of and amendments: fertilizers •Alfalfa 5-1-5 •Easy-Flo Compost •Corn Gluten 9-0-0 •Corn Plus 8-1-6 •AgroGreen liquid 4-1-1 •Salt Stopper •Horticultural Vinegar •Acadian Ornamentals liquid Seaweed 0-0-3 Visit or call 1-866-382-1207 for more information landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 79 R LO active members Reeves Florist and Nursery Robert Reeves 8700 Islington Avenue Woodbridge, ON L4L 1X5 Tel: 905-851-2275 Work Codes: F, M, P Member Since: 2008 Reid Landscaping Ltd Doug Reid 142 Pick Rd, RR 1 Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1 Tel: 613-253-3467 Work Codes: A, C, F, N Member Since: 1998 Reid’s Landscaping Gary Lammers 6783 Wellington Rd 34 RR 22 Cambridge, ON N3C 2V4 Tel: 519-658-6656 Work Codes: B, D, K, N Member Since: 2003 Rekkers Garden Centre Tracy Wood 2258 Hwy 2 RR 6 Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K7 Tel: 905-623-2300 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1998 Reliable Landscape Contractors Inc Emanuel Borges 3111 Dundas St W Oakville, ON L6M 4J4 Tel: 905-469-6504 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2003 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only Renaissance Landscape Group Inc Andrew Mulder RR 1 Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 Tel: 519-822-8668 Work Codes: A, B, C, O Member Since: 1994 Ridgeview Garden Centre Tony Sgambelluri 5699 King Street West Beamsville, ON L0R 1B3 Tel: 905-945-1713 Work Codes: F, N Member Since: 2008 Rockscape Design Craig Rose 15 Barron Drive Bracebridge, ON P1L 0A1 Tel: 705-645-3162 Work Codes: A, B, C, O Member Since: 2008 Renaissance Landscapes Paul Dederer PO Box 29016 Portsmouth RPO Kingston, ON K7M 8W6 Tel: 613-453-0410 Work Codes: A, C, R Member Since: 1997 Riptide Inc Jeff Brewer 153 Churchill Ave. Kettleby, ON L0G 1J0 Tel: 905-841-1253 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 Rockwood Forest Nurseries Marc Ouellet RR 1 Cameron, ON K0M 1G0 Tel: 705-374-4700 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1987 Resicom Contracting Inc Rob Brogee Box 28053 Cambridge, ON N3H 5N4 Tel: 519-650-2730 Work Codes: U, V Member Since: 1999 Richard Boesveld Richard Boesveld 556 Fifth Conc W RR 2 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H2 Tel: 905-689-2215 Work Code: E Member Since: 1998 Richardson’s Pineneedle Farms Paul Richardson 423 Hwy 35 PO 220 Pontypool, ON L0A 1K0 Tel: 705-277-9993 Work Codes: E, X Member Since: 2002 Richert Tree Service Wayne Richert RR 1 Jarvis, ON N0A 1J0 Tel: 519-587-5246 Work Code: K Member Since: 2002 Richmond Nursery Inc Peter Rofner 3440 Eagleson Rd Box 850 Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0 Tel: 613-838-2282 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 2003 Ridge-Lo Landscaping & Creative Wall Design Ltd Bruce Bissell 1383 Effingham St Box 1 Ridgeville, ON L0S 1M0 Tel: 905-892-6004 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2007 80 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc Martin Schoones 1390 Windmill Lane Ottawa, ON K1B 4V5 Tel: 613-741-4430 Work Codes: A, F, R Member Since: 2005 Riteway Services David Barlow 1236 Speers Rd Unit 12 Oakville, ON L6L 2X4 Tel: 905-847-5540 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 Riverbend Farms (Ontario) Ltd Murray Alward 51240 John Wise Line RR 6 Aylmer, ON N5H 2R5 Tel: 519-765-2130 Work Code: E Member Since: 1982 Rock Crest Landscaping Inc Dave Kloet 510 Ofield Rd N Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-627-4711 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2007 Rock Valley Natural Stone Vince Isgro 10160 Weston Rd Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A6 Tel: 905-417-0330 Work Code: F Member Since: 2005 Rockcliffe Landscaping Marc Arnold 5495 Canotek Rd Gloucester, ON K1J 1H4 Tel: 613-749-9585 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, N, O, V Member Since: 1992 Roger Willis Contracting Ltd Roger Willis 1723 Carsonby Rd E Kars, ON K0A 2E0 Tel: 613-222-9018 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 Rosedale Landscaping Ltd Clarke Morantz 216 Cleveland St Toronto, ON M4S 2W6 Tel: 416-815-8080 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2006 Rosepark Landscaping Ltd Ron Fintelman RR 2 Cameron, ON K0M 1G0 Tel: 705-359-1112 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, F, M, O, U Member Since: 1998 Royal City Nursery Peter Olsen 305 Woodlawn Rd W Guelph, ON N1H 7K8 Tel: 519-824-4998 Work Codes: C, F, K Member Since: 1973 Royalty Landscaping Marcello Apa 43 Maques Lane Thornhill, ON L4J 6S8 Tel: 416-333-9273 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 Royalview Landscaping & Snow Removal Barry Kilgour 1704 Meyerside Rd Unit 7 Mississauga, ON L5T 1A3 Tel: 905-696-0432 Work Codes: A, B, D, K, N, U Member Since: 1998 LO active members Running Waters Landscapes Inc John Kustec 2 Elmview Drive Toronto, ON M1N 2W4 Tel: 416-698-2722 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 Ryan Heath Professional Landscaping Ryan Heath 158 Oakcrest Dr Keswick, ON L4P 3H4 Tel: 905-967-0295 Work Codes: A, C, K, O Member Since: 2005 Rynberk Landscape Contractors Scott Rynberk 5 Woodcroft Cres Welland, ON L3C 2H6 Tel: 905-734-4790 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2007 Ruppert Holdings Inc David Pritchard 4 Great Oak Private Ottawa, ON K1G 6P8 Tel: 613-231-6442 Work Codes: A, N, X Member Since: 2007 Ryems Construction Management Ltd Frank Campbell 4 Nurse Court Whitby, ON L1R 2H8 Tel: 905-579-7743 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2007 S Rebelo Landscapes Inc Steve Rebelo 274 West 31 St Hamilton, ON L9C 5G4 Tel: 905-971-3041 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2005 Rural Roots Landscaping Mike Wardell 410 Baker St London, ON N6C 1X7 Tel: 519-433-1774 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2007 Rutherford Contracting Ltd Richard Hawkins 27 Cardico Dr Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 905-888-9444 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2000 Ryerse’s Flowers & Garden Centre Ltd David Rusling 777 Norfolk St N Simcoe, ON N3Y 3R6 Tel: 519-426-0711 Work Code: F Member Since: 1991 Membership list current as of July 2008 Sandhill Nursery Tim Cantelon Box 5463 Huntsville, ON P1H 2K8 Tel: 705-789-5319 Work Code: F Member Since: 1989 Salivan Landscape Ltd Gregg Salivan 75 Nashdene Rd Scarborough, ON M1V 2W3 Tel: 416-321-2100 Work Codes: A, B, C, V Member Since: 1973 Sanderson’s Wholesale Nursery Gord Sanderson 3906 Governor’s Rd Lynden, ON L0R 1T0 Tel: 519-647-2104 Work Code: E Member Since: 1989 S Sarnia Turf Jack DeGroot 3015 London Line RR 1 Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0 Tel: 519-542-7337 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, E, N Member Since: 1996 Scholten’s Landscape Inc Albert Scholten PO Box 76 Drayton, ON N0G 1P0 Tel: 519-638-2060 Work Code: A Member Since: 2007 Schoolhouse Country Landscapes Joanne Bassie 771 Ramsey Rd Little Britain, ON K0M 2C0 Tel: 705-786-7349 www.schoolhousecountry Work Codes: A, B, C, M Member Since: 2006 Trees, Trees, and MORE Trees One of Southwestern Ontario’s Top Suppliers of Quality Mushroom Compost Ornamental and Shade Trees •Bulk loads available. •All natural ingredients shredded and aged into a dark rich texture. •Perfect for all your landscaping and garden applications. •An economical way to fertilize large areas while amending poor quality soil. Evergreen Trees Silverthorn Landscape Supplies 46400 Talbot Line, R.R. 3 St. Thomas, ON N5P 3S7 Phone: 519.765.2379 Fax: 519.765.2300 Nurturing Nature Naturally Mixed sizes from 45 mm up to 200 mm or even up to 900 cm tall. Mixed sizes from 150 cm, some up to 800 cm tall Deliv Contact and planery ting us for available availability and a quote Stam Nurseries Inc. WOODSTOCK, ON Phone: (519) 462-1873 Fax (519) 462-2367 E-mail: landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 81 S LO active members Schoonhoven Landscape Maintenance (2019849 Ontario Ltd) Christian Van Cott 1040 Hwy 49 RR 2 Picton, ON K0K 2T0 Tel: 613-476-2840 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1998 Scott’s Garden Centre Kevin Scott 254 Coldwater Rd Orillia, ON L3V 3M3 Tel: 705-325-2909 Work Codes: B, F, M, P Member Since: 1980 Scott’s Landscaping Scott Herring 1911 Jerseyville Rd W Jerseyville, ON L0R 1R0 Tel: 905-648-8598 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 1994 Seasonal Services 2000 Inc Ed Greenfield 11 Pioneer Dr Erin, ON N0B 1T0 Tel: 519-833-2727 Work Codes: A, B, N, V Member Since: 2006 Seasons In The Country Greg Crozier Muskoka Rd 4 South Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T9 Tel: 705-645-5035 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 1992 Seferian Design Group Haig Seferian 3380 South Service Rd Burlington, ON L7N 3J5 Tel: 905-634-3110 Work Codes: C, V Member Since: 2001 Select Lawn Care Blake Sewell 4 Sunplains Crescent Etobicoke, ON M9C 1M3 Tel: 416-621-7038 Work Code: N Member Since: 2003 Select Sprinkers Harry Hutten 545 Evans Rd RR 1 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H1 Tel: 905-689-8358 Work Codes: B, D, N, U, V Member Since: 1995 Serenity Land Design Jim Anderson 42 Elmgrove Cres London, ON N6J 3X5 Tel: 519-473-4333 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2004 Serenity Landscaping Chad Chambers 3270 Nixon Drive Ottawa, ON K0A 2W0 Tel: 613-791-2219 Work Codes: A, O, U Member Since: 2008 Serv-A-Lawn (division of Donald Banks Inc) Donald Banks 6 Concession 8 E, RR 2 Hamilton, ON L8N 2Z7 Tel: 905-690-6247 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2002 Service Master Lawn Care Ottawa Andre Lebrun 5 - 3791 St Joseph Blvd Orleans, ON K1C 1T1 Tel: 613-830-0614 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Set in Stone Landscape Construction Andrew Macdonald 31 Bentonwood cresent Whitby, ON L1R 1K6 Tel: 800-313-5609 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2008 Shademaster Landscaping Barry Hordyk 764 Robson Rd Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0 Tel: 905-689-4297 Work Codes: A, B, V Member Since: 1981 Shades of Green Landscaping Steve Brown 100 Emby Dr Unit E,F & G Mississauga, ON L5M 1H6 Tel: 905-567-9551 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2006 Shady Lane Expert Tree Care Inc Heather McLachlan 17468 Warden Ave RR 3 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 Tel: 905-773-5906 Work Code: K Member Since: 2000 82 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Shamrock Garden & Landscaping Cathal Boyd 1633 Carletta Dr Mississauga, ON L4X 1E6 Tel: 905-896-9566 Work Codes: A, C, K Member Since: 1979 Shamrock Property Maintenance Frank Vezeau 3 Center Park Lane Angus, ON L0M 1B1 Tel: 705-424-1830 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2002 Sharpe Lawn & Garden Service Ltd George Sharpe 3574 Accommodation Rd Kingston, ON K0H 1Y0 Tel: 613-542-4871 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, Y Member Since: 2006 Shaw Milling Ltd Jim Shaw 211 Bruce St Sault Ste Marie, ON P6A 2Y2 Tel: 705-256-5676 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 2002 Shepherd Lawn Care Ltd John/Susan Nieuwenhoff 162 Guelph St Suite 255 Georgetown, ON L7G 5X7 Tel: 905-702-0389 Work Codes: D, K Member Since: 1998 Sheppard Landscaping Scott Sheppard Box 8021 Ottawa, ON K1G 3H6 Tel: 613-276-3669 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 1986 Sheridan Nurseries Ltd Karl Stensson 12302 Tenth Line RR 4 Georgetown, ON L7G 4S7 Tel: 905-873-7547 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, V Member Since: 1973 Shibui Landscaping Arthur Skolnik 57 Ingleside Dr Toronto, ON M3K 1V2 Tel: 416-226-3910 Work Codes: A, B, C, O, R, U Member Since: 1997 Signature Gardens Chris Slabberkoorn Box 222 Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E9 Tel: 519-733-3434 Work Codes: A, C, E, U Member Since: 2000 Signature Landscaping Eldon Costa 1292 Old Hwy 8 Sheffield, ON L0R 1Z0 Tel: 519-621-7134 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2006 Silver Creek Gardens Don Powers 24 Bryan Dr Collingwood, ON L9Y 2K7 Tel: 705-445-6637 Work Code: F Member Since: 1996 Silverbel Landscaping & Snowplowing Ltd Silverio Fratangel 9 Garden Ave Brampton, ON L6X 1M4 Tel: 905-459-7546 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2000 Silvermaple Landscaping (division of East Forest Homes) Todd Robarts 139 Washburn Dr Kitchener, ON N2R 1S1 Tel: 519-742-2846 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N Member Since: 2006 Silverthorn Landscape Hetty Teuber RR 3 St Thomas, ON N5P 3S7 Tel: 519-765-2379 Work Codes: F, L Member Since: 1993 Simpatico Property Services Ltd Art Simpatico 45 - 850 Tapscott Rd Scarborough, ON M1X 1N4 Tel: 416-332-8780 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U, X Member Since: 2002 Simple Solutions Landscaping Domenic Malatesta 5C - 8 Automatic Rd Brampton, ON L6S 5N4 Tel: 905-799-9199 Work Codes: A, C, O, U Member Since: 2008 LO active members Simply Landscaping & Garden Designs Pamela McCormick PO Box 216 Odessa, ON K0H 2H0 Tel: 613-354-1200 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2004 So-Green Canada (Landscape Design Build) Ghassan Amro 107 - 4001 Don Mills Rd Toronto, ON M2H 3J8 Tel: 416-492-6465 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2003 Sipkens Nurseries Ken Sipkens 3261 London Line RR 1 Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0 Tel: 519-542-8353 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 1990 Soepboer Ventures Incorporated o/a KNK Lawn Care Dave Soepboer 79 Ottawa Ave Box 969 Southampton, ON N0H 2L0 Tel: 519-797-3255 Work Code: D Member Since: 2000 Skeggs Landscaping & Design Michael Skeggs 2211 Deschenes St Ottawa, ON K2B 6N2 Tel: 613-850-2925 Work Codes: A, B, N, V Member Since: 2000 Sloan’s Nursery & Christmas Trees William Sloan 30558 Zone Rd 8 RR 2 Bothwell, ON N0P 1C0 Tel: 519-695-3525 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 2005 Solty and Sons Ltd Nick Solty 4024 Line 13 RR 3 Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 Tel: 705-458-9111 Work Codes: A, E, F Member Since: 1973 Somerville Nurseries Inc Fred Somerville 5884 County Rd 13 RR 1 Everett, ON L0M 1J0 Tel: 705-435-6258 Work Code: E Member Since: 1978 Smith Sutton Contracting Co. Ltd Timothy Sutton 18 Valley Dr Barrie, ON L4N 4R9 Tel: 705-734-2179 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2006 South Pelham Nursery John or Linda Suk 810 Center St RR 5 Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 Tel: 905-892-8995 Work Code: E Member Since: 2005 Smith’s Country Gardens Kenneth Smith 2932 Lot 32 Conc 13 Port Carling, ON P0B 1J0 Tel: 705-764-1330 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, M Member Since: 1991 Southview Greenhouse Growers Inc Joe Reid 2500 Southview Dr Sudbury, ON P3E 4M9 Tel: 705-522-4769 Work Code: F Member Since: 2003 Snider Turf & Landscape Care Inc Steve Snider 119 Michener Cres Kitchener, ON N2A 3T8 Tel: 519-220-8333 Work Code: B Member Since: 2007 Speelman’s Garden Centre Anthony Speelman 1950 Wilson Ave North York, ON M9M 1B2 Tel: 416-741-5593 Work Code: F Member Since: 2000 Snowpro Chad Brown 10 Lorwood Court Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3W3 Tel: 416-606-8080 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2006 Spirit Rock Gardening & Landscaping Stephen Smith 4910 Muskoka Rd 117 PO Box 300 Dorset, ON P0A 1E0 Tel: 705-766-1991 Work Code: A Member Since: 2002 S Spring Valley Landscape & Design David Smith PO Box 81052 Ancaster, ON L9G 4X1 Tel: 905-648-1779 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2002 Stay Green Lawn Care Beryle MacIntyre 4 - 70 Dumart Pl Kitchener, ON N2K 3C7 Tel: 519-743-3233 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 1998 Spring Valley Landscaping Jose Gouveia 152 Gorevale Ave Toronto, ON M6J 2R6 Tel: 416-603-1995 Work Code: A Member Since: 1992 Steenburg Landscape Services Robin Steenburg 1002 Davenport Rd Toronto, ON M6G 2B9 Tel: 416-579-6230 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2001 Springbank Garden Centre Charles Stumpf 460 Springbank Dr London, ON N6L 1G8 Tel: 519-473-9096 Work Code: F Member Since: 2005 Springview Landscaping Vince Tropiano 149 Gidleigh Park Cres Woodbridge, ON L4H 1H9 Tel: 905-850-1443 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2008 St Marys Landscaping Joyce Edye 780 Queen St E Box 923 St Marys, ON N4X 1B6 Tel: 519-284-3111 Work Codes: B, D, F Member Since: 2004 Stam Nurseries Inc Peter Stam 656441 - 15 Line RR 7 Woodstock, ON N4S 7W2 Tel: 519-462-1873 Work Codes: E, X Member Since: 2006 Stefan Bolliger Associates Stefan Bolliger 58 Morrow Rd Barrie, ON L4N 3V8 Tel: 705-737-2142 Work Code: C Member Since: 1994 Stems Interior Landscaping Hella Keppo 2430 Concession F-G Washago, ON L0K 2B0 Tel: 416-966-2762 Work Codes: P, V Member Since: 2001 Stepping Stone Landscaping Mark Cooper 5805 Nineteenth Ave Markham, ON L3P 3J3 Tel: 905-642-6348 Work Code: A Member Since: 1998 Membership list current as of July 2008 • Liners • Shade Trees • Transplants • Native Plants • Deciduous Seedlings • Evergreen Seedlings • Land Consulting 423 Highway #35, Pontypool, ON. L0A 1K0 1-705-277-9993 or 1-888-621-8980 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 83 S LO active members Steve Mattless Landscaping Ltd Steve Mattless 2012 Brown Line RR 5 Peterborough, ON K9J 6X6 Tel: 705-749-1559 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2005 Strait’s Tropical Interiors Inc Mark Strait 4278 Jesse Thompson Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 Tel: 905-642-5453 Work Code: P Member Since: 2005 Stevens Large Tree Sales Henry Stevens 6394 Bethesda Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 7X3 Tel: 800-544-6022 Work Codes: A, E, X Member Since: 1990 Strathmar Trenching Ltd Carter Cullen 6591 Franktown Rd Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0 Tel: 613-838-5777 Work Codes: N, U Member Since: 2004 Stevensville Garden Gallery Marianne Tykolis 2821 Stevensville Rd Stevensville, ON L0S 1S0 Tel: 905-382-2661 Work Code: F Member Since: 2000 Strathroy Nurseries Ltd Jim Fidler 7869 Scotchmere Dr RR 2 Strathroy, ON N7G 3H4 Tel: 519-245-0377 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 1973 Stiles Landscape Construction Inc Doug Stiles RR 1 Sutton West, ON L0E 1R0 Tel: 905-722-9720 Work Codes: A, K Member Since: 1998 Stonebridge Landscaping Greg Burghall 39 Bristol St Hamilton, ON L8L 2T9 Tel: 905-524-5463 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, O, U Member Since: 2007 Stonecraft Landscape Construction David Davies 7225 17th Sideroad Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905-859-5355 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2001 Stonepath Greenhouses Rosanne & John Ballast 1142 Quin-Mo-Lac Rd RR 1 Tweed, ON K0K 3J0 Tel: 613-478-1675 Work Code: F Member Since: 2006 Stonetech Corporation Joe Murgel 4 - 241 Edgeley Blvd Concord, ON L4K 3Y7 Tel: 905-760-8686 Work Codes: A, C, O, U Member Since: 2003 Submatic Irrigation Systems Arnold Cader 10 - 25 West Beaver Creek Rd Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1K2 Tel: 905-764-9121 Work Code: U Member Since: 1991 Suburban Landscaping Mark Hegenauer 4346 Vandorf Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 Tel: 905-640-3301 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, O, P, U, Y Member Since: 1985 Sudbury Landscaping Ltd Arthur Gutsch 440 Moonrock Ave Sudbury, ON P3E 5Y7 Tel: 705-522-2525 Work Codes: A, D, N, U Member Since: 1973 Sugrim Maintenance Co Mitra Kissoon 65 Park Street Brampton, ON L6X 1V1 Tel: 905-497-0781 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, P, U, X Member Since: 2008 Sullivan Lawn & Snow Services Inc Stephen Sullivan 119 Leyton Ave Scarborough, ON M1L 3V1 Tel: 416-699-4754 Work Codes: A, D, K, N Member Since: 1995 84 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Summer Set Landscaping Terry Dobosz 2882 Gulfstream Way Mississauga, ON L5N 6K3 Tel: 905-824-2830 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, U Member Since: 1991 Summerhill Nursery & Floral Joe Gentile 301 MacPherson Ave Toronto, ON M4V 1A4 Tel: 416-922-6902 Work Code: F Member Since: 2001 Sunflower Gardens Nancy Bowslaugh 6702 Main St Stouffville, ON L4A 7W5 Tel: 905-642-4334 Work Codes: B, C Member Since: 2006 Sungreen Landscape Inc Kevin Downes 313 - 1235 Fairview St Burlington, ON L7S 2K9 Tel: 905-312-1226 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2002 Sunrise Property Maintenance & Snowplowing Ray Brown 295 Cavell Ave King City, ON L7B 1A3 Tel: 905-833-5436 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2003 Sunsational Landscapes Inc Owen Burmania 82 Margaret St Angus, ON L0M 1B0 Tel: 705-424-5603 Work Codes: A, C, P Member Since: 1998 Sunshine Express Garden Centre Ltd Andy or Brenda Fluit 18 Carlton St E Niagara On The Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-685-7832 Work Code: F Member Since: 2004 Sunshine Grounds Care Seth Van Stralen PO Box 7 Caledon, ON L7E 3S9 Tel: 800-361-5296 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, U Member Since: 1994 Sunup Estate Services Corp Derek Zavitsky 1333 Boundary Rd 7&8 Oshawa, ON L1J 6Z7 Tel: 905-438-1170 Work Code: B Member Since: 2007 Suregreen Landscaping /Snow Removal Inc Frank Medeiros A12-1250 Eglinton Ave W Suite 142 Mississauga, ON L5V 1N3 Tel: 905-278-7873 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2006 SwanTel Landscaping Jonathan Swanson 1 - 2615 Lancaster Rd Ottawa, ON K1B 5N2 Tel: 613-737-9997 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, P Member Since: 2007 Swiss Hills Limited Harry Cosford 2 Bast Place RR 1 Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8 Tel: 519-664-1179 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1984 Sybran Property Maintenance Bryan Goruk 3 Brown Wood Dr. Barrie, ON L4M 6N4 Tel: 705-739-0974 Work Codes: B, N, U Member Since: 2008 Sycamore Landscape Jason Gaw 30 Rowe Crt Brampton, ON L6X 2S2 Tel: 905-452-0234 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 Symmetry Landscape Design Build Ralph Beder 8 Wiley Ave Toronto, ON M4J 3W4 Tel: 416-465-3191 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 TLC Professional Landscaping Jay Murray 15 Charterhouse Cres RR 3 London, ON N5W 5V3 Tel: 519-661-6895 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O Member Since: 1990 LO active members TLC Tender Lawn Care Giovanni Colagiacomo 3459 Tooley Rd Coutice, ON L1E 2G9 Tel: 905-432-2983 Work Code: D Member Since: 2003 TMJ Outdoor Services Matthew Walker 386 Brant Rd, RR 2 St George, ON N0E 1N0 Tel: 519-448-4138 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N Member Since: 1999 TNT Property Maintenance Robert Tester PO Box 27020 Kitchener, ON N2E 3K2 Tel: 519-895-0450 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2000 TWG Landscaping & Property Maintenance Todd/Tammy Gould 728 Anderson St N #59011 Whitby, ON L1N 2E0 Tel: 905-263-4606 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 1996 Tala Landscaping Nobuaki Tanaka 4 Dersingham Crescent Thornhill, ON L3T 4E7 Tel: 905-881-4192 Work Code: A Member Since: 1980 Tamarack Landscape Contracting Services Ltd Don Kellam RR 2 Alliston, ON L9R 1V2 Tel: 705-435-0747 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 1990 Tapestries Design Cathie Amos PO Box 535 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1M9 Tel: 905-852-9818 Work Code: C Member Since: 2001 Tarantino Nursery Ltd Vince Tarantino 2073 King Vaughan Rd Vaughan, ON L6A 2A6 Tel: 416-529-7739 Work Code: E Member Since: 2007 Tarrascape Innovation Inc Iganzio/Vince Beltrano 712 Mohawk Rd E Box 79555 Hamilton, ON L8T 5A2 Tel: 905-318-5039 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U Member Since: 1998 Tavistock Nursery Ltd Terry Bender 656649 15th Line RR 1 Tavistock, ON N0B 2R0 Tel: 519-462-2434 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 1986 Taylor Nursery Philip Lawton 7429 Fifth Line S RR 4 Milton, ON L9T 2X8 Tel: 905-876-4100 Work Codes: A, B, C, F Member Since: 1994 Taylored Gardening Angela Fox 8 Joy Ave RR 2 Orillia, ON L3V 6H2 Tel: 705-327-5045 Work Codes: B, C Member Since: 2007 Taylorscape Landscape & Construction Inc. Kevin Taylor 12 Coral Creek Cres Uxbridge, ON L9P 1Z9 Tel: 905-852-0388 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2008 Tecumseth Landscape Services Ltd Harald Ois 25 Falling Brook Dr Barrie, ON L4N 7E9 Tel: 705-735-0189 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1992 Temagami Garden Centre Cathy Dwyer Smith Highway 11 Box 288 Temagami, ON P0H 2H0 Tel: 705-569-2942 Work Codes: A, D, F Member Since: 1993 Temagami Landscape Design & Build Ltd Dolf Jansen RR 3 Box 3169 Collingwood, ON L9Y 3Z2 Tel: 705-445-3442 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, O, U, V Member Since: 1998 Tender Shoots Marcel Lauzon Box 272 Midland, ON L4R 4K8 Tel: 705-527-9399 Work Codes: D, V Member Since: 1997 Terra Greenhouses Ltd Jim Pepetone 8 Fifth Concession East RR 1 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H1 Tel: 905-689-8665 Work Codes: E, F, M, V Member Since: 1987 Terra Vista Landscape Construction Trevor/Erin Jones 92 Talbot St PO Box 6214 Picton, ON K0K 2T0 Tel: 613-476-8872 Work Codes: A, B, C, F Member Since: 2002 TerraPro Corporation Hank Mollema 145 Loretta Ave N Ottawa, ON K1Y 2J7 Tel: 613-248-8383 Work Codes: A, B, G, K, N, P, U, V Member Since: 1996 Terrascapes Landscape & Design Inc Brian Rauwerda 824 Dickens Ave Ottawa, ON K1G 2X8 Tel: 613-260-1022 Work Code: A Member Since: 2005 T The Garden Wizard Inc Julien Marit, Mike Travis 1134 Laurier Ave Milton, ON L9T 6W8 Tel: 905-208-6699 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2001 The Gardener Inc David Jones 300 John St #329 Thornhill, ON L3T 5W4 Tel: 905-889-1532 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 1997 The Gardener Landscape Maintenance & Snow Removal Jim Edmonds 2080 Appleby Line PO Box 75001 Burlington, ON L7L 6Y2 Tel: 905-638-4400 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2006 The Gardenin’ Guy Norm Mills 1447 Clearbrook Dr Oshawa, ON L1K 2N7 Tel: 905-240-1406 Work Code: C Member Since: 2007 The Beach Gardener Inc Janna Bradley 254 Bartley Dr Toronto, ON M4A 1G1 Tel: 416-694-0543 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U, V Member Since: 2001 The Grasshoppers Landscaping Services Ltd Wayne Ferguson 5189 8th Line Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-827-0373 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 1979 The Country Basket Paul Bongers 10008 Lundys Lane Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S4 Tel: 905-358-5811 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1999 The Grasshoppers Property Maintenance Inc Rick Le Blanc 8 Howell Square Scarborough, ON M1B 1C4 Tel: 416-321-9994 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2001 The Cultivated Garden Barbara Rosenweig 57 Ingleside Dr Toronto, ON M3K 1V2 Tel: 416-986-2629 Work Code: B Member Since: 2008 The Downsview Group Manuel Guedes 4 - 100 Hanlan Rd Woodbridge, ON L4L 4V8 Tel: 905-264-2170 Work Codes: A, U, Y Member Since: 2008 Membership list current as of July 2008 The Gravel Doctor Donald Belanger 4823 North Augusta Rd Brockville, ON K6V 5T5 Tel: 613-342-7007 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, M, N, O, U Member Since: 2006 The Great Garden Revival Company Inc Michael Dimitriadis 258 Maint St N Markham, ON L3P 1Y7 Tel: 905-471-7627 Work Code: A Member Since: 2005 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 85 T LO active members The Green Team Vic Palmer 34 Avondale Blvd PO Box 83001 Brampton, ON L6T 1H0 Tel: 905-793-3266 Work Codes: A, B, D, V Member Since: 1975 The Little Gardens Greenhouse Ian Burgess 36 Bowes St Parry Sound, ON P2A 2K9 Tel: 705-746-5311 Work Codes: A, C, F, M Member Since: 1988 The Squires Lawn & Garden Maintenance Paul Wolfenden 120 Bellevue Ave Toronto, ON M5T 2N9 Tel: 416-346-8851 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, P Member Since: 1996 The Landmark Group Gary Nordeman PO Box 236 Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0 Tel: 519-599-2957 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, E Member Since: 1995 The Natural Touch Michael Brooks 2366 5th St S St Catharines, ON L2R 6P7 Tel: 905-646-5511 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1998 The Total Contracting Group Mike Robertson 1711 McCowan Rd Box 41560 Scarborough, ON M1S 5G8 Tel: 905-649-5292 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 1999 The Landscape Company Inc Stephen Hary Bruce Kramer Box 125 Aurora, ON L4G 3H3 Tel: 905-713-2281 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1999 The Landscape Maker James Maker 2075 Young’s Point Rd General Delivery Young’s Point, ON K0L 2H0 Tel: 705-652-5033 Work Code: A Member Since: 2006 The Lawn Doctors Inc Steve Agius 2429 Lazio Lane Oakville, ON L6M 4P4 Tel: 905-465-3502 Work Codes: A, B, O Member Since: 2003 The Lawn Ranger’s Garden Centre Troy Rundle 21 Industrial Dr Havelock, ON K0L 1Z0 Tel: 705-761-5296 Work Codes: A, B, F Member Since: 2006 The Lawn Salon Ron Mayhew 7495 Franktown Rd Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0 Tel: 613-838-3557 Work Codes: A, B, D, K Member Since: 1987 The Lawn and Garden Company George Kilpatrick 646 Ramsay 7A RR 1 Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1 Tel: 613-257-6085 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, O Member Since: 2005 The Oasis Group Tom Oldham 88 Edward St Stouffville, ON L4A 1A7 Tel: 905-642-1098 Work Code: U Member Since: 2006 The Other Side of the Fence Landscaping Greg Evanoff 1414 Sandusk Rd. Jarvis, ON N0A -1J0 Tel: 519-587-3373 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 2008 The Plant Lady Inc Stephen Schell 330 Trillium Dr Kitchener, ON N2E 2K6 Tel: 519-748-9388 Work Code: P Member Since: 2006 The Pond Clinic Nicholas Bott 215 Stafford Road West Ottawa, ON K2H 9C1 Tel: 613-225-7663 Work Codes: A, F, L Member Since: 2008 The Rain Man Company Ltd Rick Middlebrook 248203 5th Sideroad Mono RR 5 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z2 Tel: 519-941-5524 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 1999 The Scott Wentworth Landscape Group Ltd Scott Wentworth 13392 Loyalist Pkwy RR 1 Picton, ON K0K 2T0 Tel: 613-476-1181 Work Codes: A, C, O, P, V Member Since: 1999 Membership list current as of July 2008 86 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 The Tree Specialists Inc Karen Blake - Carnevale 23 - 2172 Wyecroft Rd Oakville, ON L6L 5V6 Tel: 905-469-1717 Work Code: K Member Since: 2004 The Urban Forester Jay Schlosser 5403 5th Line RR 4 Milton, ON L9T 2X8 Tel: 905-339-8322 Work Code: K Member Since: 2007 The Waterboys Inground Sprinklers Adam Wagg, Shawn Foley 10660 Yonge St PO Box 30610 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3C9 Tel: 416-399-2002 Work Code: U Member Since: 2002 The Weed Wizards Richard McWatters 9 Lincoln Place Markham, ON L3P 7B7 Tel: 905-475-7848 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1998 Thornbusch Landscaping Company Paul Doornbos 956 Edengrove Rd Lansdowne, ON K0E 1L0 Tel: 613-659-2506 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2006 Tidy Gardens Landscaping Inc Stan Gorczyca 1355 Haig Blvd Mississauga, ON L5E 2M8 Tel: 905-271-7895 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2002 Timber Green Landscaping Ltd Henry Linde 442 6th Concession E RR 1 Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0 Tel: 905-689-8917 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2002 Timeless Landscapes David Kilmer 5801 Bank Street Ottawa, ON K4P 1B9 Tel: 613-821-3780 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2008 Timm Enterprises Ltd Otto Timm 5204 Trafalgar Rd Milton, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-878-4244 Work Codes: E, L Member Since: 1973 Tip Top Landscaping & Gardening Adrian Vanlochem 159 Middletown Rd RR 2 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-627-3370 Work Codes: B, D Member Since: 1982 Titan Scape Ltd Anabela Neves PO Box 374 Bolton, ON L7E 5T3 Tel: 905-838-3003 Work Code: D Member Since: 2006 Tolias Landscaping & Plowing Inc Peter Tolias 377 Burnhamthorpe Rd E PO Box 29673 Mississauga, ON L5A 4H2 Tel: 416-910-1111 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2002 Tom Jensen Landscape Maintenance Inc Tom Jensen 302 Dixon Blvd Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V6 Tel: 416-801-9656 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 1996 Tom’s Landscaping Maintenance Tom Bryson 27 - 1300 King St E Oshawa, ON L1H 8J4 Tel: 905-433-8624 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2005 LO active members Top Grade Landscape & Garden Solutions Tom Davis 2109 Ottawa St Box 24027 Windsor, ON N8W 3P4 Tel: 519-258-3370 Work Codes: A, C, U Member Since: 2006 Town & Country Lawn Maintenance Ltd Wayne Dart 1948 Bensfort Rd RR 6 Peterborough, ON K9J 6X7 Tel: 705-876-8335 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U Member Since: 2005 Top Notch Lawn Care & Snow Removal Service David Cotterell 67 Sixteenth St Toronto, ON M8V 3J9 Tel: 416-252-5296 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2007 Townscaping Inc David Town, Brian Marsh 291 Regional Rd 21 RR 4 Port Perry, ON L9L 1B5 Tel: 888-255-0222 Work Codes: A, B, C, O Member Since: 1995 Top-Notch Landscaping Inc David Hoddenbagh 1791 Hwy #118 E Bracebridge, ON P1L 1X1 Tel: 705-646-7730 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2006 Townsend Enterprises Ltd Moira Tucker 10064 Hurontario St Brampton, ON L7A 0E4 Tel: 905-846-1818 Work Codes: F, L, N Member Since: 2003 Topher Maintenance Christopher Hengeveld 93 Bigford Rd Brighton, ON K0K 1L0 Tel: 613-475-4792 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2007 Tree Amigos Landscaping Inc Drew Hutchison 27 Neilson St Catharines, ON L2M 5V9 Tel: 905-937-5353 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2005 Tormeck Property Services Ltd J Campbell Torrance 8386 11th Line RR 2 Thornton, ON L0L 2N0 Tel: 705-727-1100 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 Total Property Maintenance Eric Mannetje 125 Highpoint Cres Singhampton, ON N0C 1M0 Tel: 519-922-1047 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2007 Touch of Green Helga Ogilvie 23 Maida Vale Toronto, ON M1K 2X6 Tel: 416-690-7476 Work Codes: A, P Member Since: 1998 Touchstone Site Contractors Inc Syl Vaillancourt 30 Oakwood Ave St Catharines, ON L2P 1L3 Tel: 905-685-3864 Work Codes: A, N, Y Member Since: 2003 Tree Valley Garden Centre Ltd Angelo Pignatelli 4431 Stouffill Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 Tel: 905-640-2020 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 2006 Tri-Green Inc Brad Talbot RR 2 Wellesley, ON N0B 2T0 Tel: 519-656-9770 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2001 Tri-Star Landscaping Inc Mike Morro 3 - 2 Holland Dr Bolton, ON L7E 1E1 Tel: 905-857-5203 Work Codes: A, X Member Since: 2000 Trillium Associates Ron Swentiski 21 Cricklewood Crescent Thornhill, ON L3T 4T8 Tel: 905-707-9914 Work Codes: C, V Member Since: 1997 Trillium Maintenance Quinn Spencer 1415 Stonehampton Court Pickering, ON L1V 7C9 Tel: 416-896-2015 Work Codes: B, D Member Since: 2007 Trillium Tree Experts Ltd Wayne Quinn Box 13632 Kanata, ON K2K 1X6 Tel: 613-831-4475 Work Codes: D, K Member Since: 2005 Trio General Contracting Inc Duarte DaPonte 13 - 6741 Columbus Rd Mississauga, ON L5T 2G9 Tel: 905-564-5110 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 Triple H Landscape Supplies Mike Luelo 1859 Crumlin Rd London, ON N5V 3B8 Tel: 519-452-1000 Work Codes: C, F, O Member Since: 2002 Triple J Tree Farm Inc Janice Bigham 938413 Airport Rd, RR 1 Glencairn, ON L0M 1K0 Tel: 705-466-2977 Work Codes: A, E, F Member Since: 2004 Tropical Reflections Patricia Thomson 1053 Mitchell Rd RR 2 Lanark, ON K0G 1K0 Tel: 613-880-0324 Work Codes: C, P Member Since: 2003 Tru-Image Nursery Paul or Patty Beukema 48 10th Conc E RR 1 Freelton, ON L0R 1K0 Tel: 905-659-2054 Work Code: E Member Since: 2001 Tucker Property Services Fred Tucker 1761 Autumn Cres Pickering, ON L1V 6X2 Tel: 416-822-2990 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2006 Tuitman’s Garden Centre & Landscaping Len Tuitman RR 4 Hwy 25 Acton, ON L7J 2M1 Tel: 519-853-2480 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, N Member Since: 1983 Tulip Gardens Garden Centre The Kraayenbrinks RR 3, Station Main Ingersoll, ON N5C 3J6 Tel: 519-285-5403 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1973 T Tumber & Associates Randy Tumber RR 4 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z1 Tel: 519-941-3867 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1996 Tumbleweed Lawncare and Landscaping Fiore Zenone 3671 Governors Rd Lynden, ON L0R 1T0 Tel: 905-516-2605 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, O, U Member Since: 2000 Turf Cover Inc Jason Murphy 225 Rosa St Port Perry, ON L9L 1M1 Tel: 905-505-5747 Work Codes: B, N, U Member Since: 2002 Turf King Brockville Bob Cumming 129 - 163 Ormond St Brockville, ON K6V 7E6 Tel: 613-345-3010 Work Code: D Member Since: 1998 Turf King Hamilton Gerry Okimi 14 - 95 Hempstead Dr Hamilton, ON L8W 2Y6 Tel: 905-318-6677 Work Codes: D, K Member Since: 1997 Turf King Kingston Mathieu Turcotte 501 - 1121 John Counter Blvd Kingston, ON K7K 6C7 Tel: 613-544-8873 Work Codes: B, D, K, N Member Since: 1998 Turf King North Bay Rob Tonkin Box 1134 North Bay, ON P1B 8K4 Tel: 705-472-9299 Work Code: D Member Since: 1998 Turf King Orillia Barrie Ziegler Box 2625 Orillia, ON L3V 7C1 Tel: 705-326-6234 Work Codes: D, K Member Since: 1998 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 87 T LO active members Turf Lawn Care & Maintenance Inc David Cormier 11224 5th Line RR 2 Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 Tel: 905-896-4016 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2003 Turf Management Systems Inc John Ladds 2399 Royal Windsor Dr Mississauga, ON L5J 1K9 Tel: 905-823-8550 Work Codes: D, V Member Since: 2000 Turf Master Landscaping Contractors Inc Tanya-Lynn Woodall 3880 Lauzon Rd Tecumseh, ON N8N 2M1 Tel: 519-979-2221 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N, U, X Member Since: 1990 Turf Operation Scarborough Inc Chris Lemcke 11 Grand Marshall Scarborough, ON M1B 5N6 Tel: 416-269-5754 Work Codes: D, V Member Since: 1977 Turf Plus Inc Bill Hamilton 3 - 304 Stone Rd Suite 154 Guelph, ON N1G 4W4 Tel: 519-822-3051 Work Codes: A, D, N Member Since: 1997 Turf Pro Professional Landscape Maintenance Ltd Dave Colborne 797 8th Concession Rd W RR 3 Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 Tel: 905-659-4242 Work Codes: A, B, K, O, U, V Member Since: 1993 Turf Systems Inc Alan White 412 - 2025 Guelph Line Burlington, ON L7P 4X4 Tel: 905-336-9500 Work Codes: D, K, N, U, V Member Since: 1993 Turf Tamers Andy Skrypniak 2 Adams Street Hamilton, ON L8L 5X9 Tel: 905-522-8873 Work Code: D Member Since: 2006 Turf Tech Andrew McDonald 3765 Cambrian Rd RR 2 Washago, ON L0K 2B0 Tel: 705-689-1400 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2004 Turf’s Up Landscaping Richard Bown 112 - 2720 Queenview Dr Ottawa, ON K2B 1A5 Tel: 613-596-3127 Work Codes: A, D, N, V Member Since: 1995 Turf-Pro Landscaping Kevin Marshall 11055 Old River Rd RR 3 Komoka, ON N0L 1R0 Tel: 519-472-4570 Work Codes: A, B, D, N Member Since: 2006 Urban Forest Associates Inc Stephen Smith 331 Linsmore Crescent Toronto, ON M4J 4M1 Tel: 416-423-3387 Work Codes: A, E, K, V Member Since: 2006 Urban Garden Supply Co Ltd Allan Kling 25 Canvarco Rd Toronto, ON M4G 1L4 Tel: 416-465-1485 Work Codes: A, B, C Member Since: 2005 Urban Green Peter Tigchelaar 64 Lillian Ave Dundas, ON L9H 5T6 Tel: 905-522-6464 Work Code: P Member Since: 2005 Twin-City Interloc Inc Paul Cressman 11 Crestview Pl Kitchener, ON N2B 3X6 Tel: 519-745-8854 Work Codes: A, B, N, Y Member Since: 2005 Urban Landscape Solutions Greg Scarlett 935 Bloor St E Oshawa, ON L1H 7K6 Tel: 905-260-4373 Work Code: C Member Since: 2005 Two C Services Inc Christopher Crooks 4580 Benson Rd Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0 Tel: 905-435-3866 Work Codes: A, B, K Member Since: 2006 Urban Wilderness Landscaping Inc Janet Kuzniar PO Box 201 RR 2 Norval, ON L0P 1K0 Tel: 905-840-5483 Work Code: A Member Since: 2002 Tydan Landscape Design Inc Paul/AnneMarie Rancourt 1585 Black Maple Crescent London, ON N5Y 6L7 Tel: 519-672-5558 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, N Member Since: 1999 Uncommon Ground Design Group Inc Gary van Eijk 2189 Hixon St Oakville, ON L6L 1T6 Tel: 905-465-0008 Work Code: C Member Since: 2004 Underhill Landscape Ltd David Underhill 75 Howden Rd Scarborough, ON M1R 3C7 Tel: 416-288-0313 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, K, N, O Member Since: 1973 88 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Uxbridge Nurseries Ltd Harry Worsley PO Box 400 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1M8 Tel: 905-655-3379 Work Code: E Member Since: 1997 Uxbridge Tree Service David Watts 9 Douglas Rd Uxbridge, ON L9P 1S9 Tel: 905-852-5313 Work Code: K Member Since: 1999 V Kraus Nurseries Limited Linda Kraus 1380 Centre Rd PO Box 180 Carlisle, ON L0R 1H0 Tel: 905-689-4022 Work Code: E Member Since: 1973 VIP Lawn Care Inc Joey Smith 25 Keys Way Ottawa, ON K1G 4M3 Tel: 613-739-9099 Work Code: D Member Since: 2005 VPS Group Inc Vincent Sequeira 252 Blair Rd Stouffville, ON L4A 5Z6 Tel: 905-591-0156 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, O, U Member Since: 2007 Vallee Verte/Green Valley Paul Bouillon 69 Gaudette St Box 64 Chelmsford, ON P0M 1L0 Tel: 705-855-1438 Work Code: D Member Since: 2002 Valleybrook Gardens (Ont) Ltd Phil Goodfellow 961 Line 4 Rd RR 6 Niagara on the Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Tel: 905-468-4210 Work Code: E Member Since: 1991 Valleyview Gardens Larry Varlese 3012 Kennedy Rd Scarborough, ON M1V 4Y2 Tel: 416-291-1270 Work Codes: F, P Member Since: 1996 Valleywood Landscaping Inc Dan Vandelden 94 Fiddler’s Green Rd Ancaster, ON L9G 1W3 Tel: 905-304-6847 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2008 Valterra Landscape Contractors Inc Vince Baggetta 39 Leor Court Maple, ON L6A 0A8 Tel: 905-832-3082 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2006 Van Beek’s Garden Supplies Henry/Helene Van Beek 2410 Lower Base Line Oakville, ON L6M 4G1 Tel: 905-842-5053 Work Code: F Member Since: 2002 LO active members Van Beek’s Nursery Philip Van Beek-Paterson RR 2 Ingersoll, ON N5C 3J5 Tel: 519-485-3081 Work Codes: A, F Member Since: 2000 Van Dongen’s Landscaping & Nurseries Ltd Adrian Van Dongen 6750 Trafalgar Rd RR 1 Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-878-1105 Work Codes: A, C, E, F Member Since: 1973 Van Horik’s Greenhouses Ltd Steve Teske 930 Gainsborough Rd London, ON N6H 5L4 Tel: 519-471-1846 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1988 Van Oordt Landscaping Ltd Keith Van Oordt 760 Huron Rd RR 1 New Dundee, ON N0B 2E0 Tel: 519-696-2981 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1979 Van Raine & Sons Landscaping & Snowplowing Van Raine 2929 High Point Sdrd Caledon, ON L7K 0K1 Tel: 905-846-6636 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2002 Van Staveren’s Harry Van staveren 34 Regency Cres. Whitby, ON L1N 7V1 Tel: 905-688-5634 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2008 Van der Kroft Nursery Paul Van der Kroft 24478 Glen Oak Rd RR 2 Strathroy, ON N7G 3H4 Tel: 519-245-3891 Work Code: E Member Since: 1985 VanWissen Perennials Margaret Brooks 2547 Embleton Rd Norval, ON L0P 1K0 Tel: 905-459-1392 Work Code: E Member Since: 1996 W Vandermeer Nursery John Vandermeer 588 Lakeridge Rd S Ajax, ON L1Z 1X3 Tel: 905-427-2525 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1994 Victory Gardens Landscaping Ltd Thomas Morrison 9220 Elviage Dr London, ON N6K 4N5 Tel: 519-671-3693 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 Walter’s Landscaping Ltd Chris Kuettel 10 Ruggles Ave Thornhill, ON L3T 3S5 Tel: 905-889-2691 Work Codes: A, B, D Member Since: 1973 Vanderwerf Landscape Ltd Warren Vanderwerf 8098 Glendon Dr Mt Brydges, ON N0L 1W0 Tel: 519-264-9054 Work Codes: A, B, C, D Member Since: 1973 Viri Property Services Inc Riccardo Magaletta 150 Butterfield Crescent Maple, ON L6A 1J4 Tel: 416-881-9599 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2007 Ware-With-All-Contracting Brad Ware 3196 Magwood Rd Mississauga, ON L5L 5K7 Tel: 905-569-8434 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2004 Variety Landscape Steve McMahon 1937 Michigan Ave Ottawa, ON K1H 6Y1 Tel: 613-526-3106 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2007 Vissers Nursery Tony Vissers 5495 Enfield Rd Hampton, ON L0B 1J0 Tel: 905-263-2126 Work Codes: A, E, Y Member Since: 2004 Vast Exteriors Inc Jordan Murfin 96 Sherwood Glen Holland Landing, ON L9N 1R3 Tel: 905-960-7652 Work Codes: A, C, O Member Since: 2007 Vista Groundworks Inc Jude Henderson 40 Harringay Crescent Scarborough, ON M1W 1Z3 Tel: 416-410-9889 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, O, U Member Since: 2001 Warwick Orchards & Nursery Ltd John Van Diepen 7056 Egremont Rd RR 8 Watford, ON N0M 2S0 Tel: 519-849-6730 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1981 Vaughan Landscaping Giuseppe Agrippa 72 Patna Cres Maple, ON L6A 1N5 Tel: 416-991-9333 Work Codes: A, B, N, O Member Since: 2008 Vivian Plantation Paul Grose 16721 Hwy 48, RR 3 Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Tel: 905-473-3537 Work Code: E Member Since: 1998 Verbancic Tree Supply & Landscaping Ltd Joe Verbancic 1939 Alton Rd Pickering, ON L1V 1M8 Tel: 905-509-2500 Work Codes: A, E Member Since: 1998 Verbinnen’s Nursery Ltd John Verbinnen 1456 Brock Rd, RR 4 Dundas, ON L9H 5E4 Tel: 905-659-7072 Work Code: E Member Since: 2001 Vermeer’s Garden Centre & Flower Shop Karin Vermeer 684 South Pelham St Welland, ON L3C 3C8 Tel: 905-735-5744 Work Codes: E, F, M Member Since: 1998 Vern’s Garden Centre Annette/Vern Pikar/Toews 450 Hespeler Rd Cambridge, ON N1R 6J7 Tel: 519-624-0088 Work Code: F Member Since: 1997 W.L.Morrow Designs Inc Wendy Morrow 1023 Shaw Drive Port Credit, ON L5G 3Z3 Tel: 416-697-2492 Work Code: C Member Since: 2008 Walkways Plus Harry Regeling 212 Thornton Ave Thornton, ON L0L 2N0 Tel: 705-458-2280 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2007 Wall To Wall Landscaping Ltd Steve Wall 71 Thomas St Oshawa, ON L1H 3W6 Tel: 905-571-7600 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 2005 Walter’s Greenhouse Diane Hutchinson 363 Governors Rd Paris, ON N3L 2V7 Tel: 519-752-4436 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1995 Water Optics Inc Renato Mancini 144 Queenslea Ave Toronto, ON M9N 2L2 Tel: 416-577-7779 Work Code: U Member Since: 2006 Water Works Irrigations & Illuminations Ltd Kevin Bazak 6 Hailey Ct Bowmanville, ON L1C 3X5 Tel: 905-623-9165 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2003 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 89 W LO active members Water Your World Inc Warren Knegt 494 6th Concession W Millgrove, ON L0R 1V0 Tel: 905-689-6168 Work Code: U Member Since: 2007 Weed Man - Belleville Dennis Blair Box 249 Belleville, ON K8N 5A2 Tel: 613-962-2210 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Weed Man - Innisfil Harold Webster PO Box 7043 Innisfil, ON L9S 1A8 Tel: 705-436-4733 Work Code: D Member Since: 2002 Weed Man - Picton Paula Kelly PO Box 6130 Picton, ON K0K 2T0 Tel: 613-476-3065 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Water’s Edge Landscaping Jacki Hart 3343 - Box 631 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1T9 Tel: 705-645-2787 Work Codes: A, B, U Member Since: 2002 Weed Man - Brockville Brian Mchugh 2 - 3518 Coons Rd. Brockville, ON K6V 5T4 Tel: 613-925-3305 Work Code: D Member Since: 2008 Water-Matic Irrigation Joe Leal 51 Mountainash Rd PO Box 15005 Brampton, ON L6R 2W6 Tel: 905-204-0239 Work Code: U Member Since: 2004 Weed Man - Collingwood George Laing 1491 Fairground Rd N RR 4 Stayner, ON L0M 1S0 Tel: 705-428-9333 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Weed Man - Kitchener Bill MacKenzie 695 McMurray Rd Unit 5 Waterloo, ON N2V 2B7 Tel: 519-746-8333 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Weed Man - Sarnia Bruce Ballingall 805 Ontario St Box 2450 Sarnia, ON N7T 7T1 Tel: 519-336-4221 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Weed Man - Midland Adrienne Gardner Box 152 Midland, ON L4R 4K8 Tel: 705-526-5977 Work Code: D Member Since: 1998 Weed Man - Toronto Paul Gaspar 15 Lesmill Rd Unit 5 North York, ON M3B 2T3 Tel: 416-510-0777 Work Codes: D, V Member Since: 2001 Watertight Home Services Neil Whitehall 158 Walker St Cambridge, ON N3C 2C2 Tel: 519-249-1717 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2006 Waterway Irrigation Nelio Silva 52 Dalbettie Ave Toronto, ON M9N 2Y7 Tel: 416-667-0660 Work Code: U Member Since: 2007 Waterworks Lawn Sprinklers Inc Neil Risavy 12 - 2601 Matheson Blvd E Mississauga, ON L4W 5A8 Tel: 905-624-2996 Work Code: U Member Since: 2004 Wayside Garden Market & Groundskeeping Ltd John Hawkes 3840 Hwy 118 W Port Carling, ON P0B 1J0 Tel: 705-765-5260 Work Codes: A, B, F, M Member Since: 2005 Weather-Tech Property Maintenance Ltd Linda Farr 7 Alpaca Dr Scarborough, ON M1J 2Z8 Tel: 416-989-5606 Work Codes: B, D, N Member Since: 2003 Weed Man - Exeter Shawn/Jordan Rutledge PO Box 32 Exeter, ON N0M 1S6 Tel: 519-237-3124 Work Code: D Member Since: 2002 Weed Man - Muskoka Gary Lachance Box 1561 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1V6 Tel: 705-645-5944 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Weed Man - Goderich Mark Coulthard PO Box 455 Goderich, ON N7A 4C7 Tel: 519-524-2424 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Weed Man - Niagara Anne Schattmann 383 Buchner Rd RR 1 Welland, ON L3B 5N4 Tel: 905-227-7300 Work Code: D Member Since: 2002 Weed Man - Hamilton Tom Davies 3 - 505 Kenora Blvd Bldg 1 Hamilton, ON L8E 3P2 Tel: 905-561-2259 Work Code: D Member Since: 2005 Weed Man - Hanover/ Listowel/Orangeville Kim or Treves Lucas PO Box 279 Listowel, ON N4W 3H4 Tel: 519-343-2227 Work Code: D Member Since: 2005 Weed Man - Huntsville Dave Begg 692 Phillips Crescent Huntsville, ON P1H 1B4 Tel: 705-789-2217 Work Code: D Member Since: 2006 Membership list current as of July 2008 90 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Weed Man - Oshawa Jim Coburn 120 Russett Ave Unit 1 Oshawa, ON L1G 3R5 Tel: 905-576-9333 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Weed Man - Ottawa Robert Shane 2675 Blackwell St Unit 6 Ottawa, ON K1B 4E4 Tel: 613-746-0883 Work Code: D Member Since: 2003 Weed Man - Pembroke Ron Ethier PO Box 1115 Pembroke, ON K8A 6Y6 Tel: 613-638-4855 Work Code: D Member Since: 2001 Wellington Landscapes Corp Jason Palmer 200 Windsor Ave PO Box 966 Cambellford, ON K0L 1L0 Tel: 705-653-0279 Work Codes: A, C, N, O Member Since: 2000 Wells’ Greenhouses & Landscape Services Inc William Wells PO Box 235 Innerkip, ON N0J 1M0 Tel: 519-469-3463 Work Codes: A, C, E, F, M, N, U Member Since: 1990 Welwyn Wong Landscape Design Welwyn Wong 115 Corsica Private Ottawa, ON K1G 5X9 Tel: 613-265-7580 Work Codes: C, O Member Since: 2001 Western Landscaping Irene Hoekstra 3385 Van order Road PO Box 100 RR 1 Elginburg, ON K0H 1M0 Tel: 613-389-2384 Work Codes: A, B, K Member Since: 1983 LO active members Wheatley Woods Native Plant Nursery and Garden Centre Craig Willett 2448 Essex Rd 14 PO Box 765 Wheatley, ON N0P 2P0 Tel: 519-825-4217 Work Codes: C, E, F Member Since: 2006 Whispering Pines Nursery Greg Wildeboer 23 Commerce Rd Orangeville, ON L9W 3X5 Tel: 519-943-0330 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 1998 Wildflower Farm Miriam Goldberger, Paul Jenkins 10195 Hwy 12 W RR 2 Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0 Tel: 866-476-9453 Work Codes: C, E, F, M, R, U, V Member Since: 1998 Wildrose Gardening James Irwin 100 Burndale Ave North York, ON M2N 1S9 Tel: 416-221-7173 Work Codes: A, D, N Member Since: 1997 Willand Grounds Maintenance Willem Tiemersma 340 John St Thornhill, ON L3T 5W6 Tel: 905-882-6182 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, U, V Member Since: 1988 Williams Nurseries Ltd Susan or Mark Williams 261 Rd 12 RR 3 Leamington, ON N8H 3V6 Tel: 519-326-6911 williams.htm Work Codes: A, E, F Member Since: 1973 Williams Snowplowing & Lawn Care Keith Williams RR 1 Lisle, ON L0M 1M0 Tel: 705-466-2495 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2005 Willow Gardens Services Ken Dekkema 282 Ridge Rd W Aurora, ON L4G 3G8 Tel: 905-713-0735 Work Codes: A, B, C, N, U Member Since: 2006 Windover Nurseries Inc Paul Windover RR 4 Petrolia, ON N0N 1R0 Tel: 519-882-0120 Work Codes: A, E, F, M Member Since: 1973 Willow Landscape Inc Kevin Theriault 2089 Ashmore Dr Oakville, ON L6M 4T3 Tel: 905-827-2998 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2006 Winkelmolen Nursery Ltd Jan Winkelmolen 148 Lynden Rd Box 190 Lynden, ON L0R 1T0 Tel: 519-647-3912 Work Code: E Member Since: 1985 Willowbrook Landscape Contracting Inc Kevin Scholes 7 Abbotsford Rd Toronto, ON M2N 2P6 Tel: 416-527-3991 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2007 Willowbrook Nurseries Inc John Langendoen 935 Victoria Ave RR 4 Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 Tel: 905-892-5350 Work Code: E Member Since: 1983 Willowbrook Ponds David Steele Box 265 Bolton, ON L7E 5T2 Tel: 416-571-2749 Work Codes: O, U Member Since: 2002 Willowcreek Landscaping + Pools Tom Moroz 12338 Fifth Sideroad RR 3 Georgetown, ON L7G 4S6 Tel: 905-878-3852 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1994 Windermere Garden Centre Richard Emmons RR 2 Utterson, ON P0B 1M0 Tel: 705-769-3238 Work Codes: A, B, E, F, M Member Since: 1988 Windmill Garden Centre Bob Wink 5206 Hwy 11 RR 1 Orillia, ON L3V 6H1 Tel: 705-323-9463 Work Codes: A, C, F, K, M, O, U Member Since: 1996 Winona Garden Shoppe Jeff Beattie 1381 Hwy 8 Box 10002 Winona, ON L8E 5R1 Tel: 905-643-2161 Work Code: F Member Since: 1997 Winsom Landscaping Nino Grieco 8 - 222 Advance Blvd Brampton, ON L6T 4Y7 Tel: 905-850-0377 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2006 Winsome Landscaping Design Group Ltd William Cheng 2095 Roche Court Suite 236 Mississauga, ON L5K 2C8 Tel: 416-716-0084 Work Codes: A, C Member Since: 1998 Wintergreen Grounds Management Services Shawn Marynuk 354 Neptune Cres London, ON N6M 1A1 Tel: 519-474-4400 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2007 Wintergreen Grounds Management Services (St Catharines) Fraser Morse 44 - 113 Cushman Rd. St. Catharines, ON L2M 6S9 Tel: 905-684-1287 Work Codes: A, B, N, U Member Since: 2008 Wintersinger’s Tree Farm Josie Wintersinger 5837 Third Line RR 1 Hillsburgh, ON N0B 1Z0 Tel: 519-855-6163 Work Code: E Member Since: 2006 Y Wood Grounds Maintenance Ray Wood 213 Langford Church Rd Brantford, ON N3T 5L4 Tel: 519-756-1283 www.woodgroundsmaintenance. ca Work Codes: D, N Member Since: 1997 Wood’s Lawn & Landscape Daniel Wood 200 Rideau River Rd RR 4 Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0 Tel: 613-269-4422 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 1991 Woodhill Garden Centre Ian McCallum 320 Steeles Ave E Thornhill, ON L3T 1A5 Tel: 905-889-2917 Work Codes: A, C, F, M, P Member Since: 1995 Wright Landscape Services David Wright 801 Sawmill Rd Bloomingdale, ON N0B 1K0 Tel: 519-742-8433 Work Codes: A, B, C, K, N, O Member Since: 2004 Wright Lawn Care Service Ltd David Wright 801 Sawmill Rd Bloomingdale, ON N0B 1K0 Tel: 519-742-8433 Work Codes: D, K Member Since: 1972 Wynn’s Property Maintenance Peter Lomax PO Box 157 Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K9 Tel: 905-263-2200 Work Codes: A, B, D, N, U Member Since: 2003 Xterior Image Design & Construction Victor Brown 308 Prince of Wales Drive Whitby, ON L1N 6P6 Tel: 416-476-3338 Work Code: A Member Since: 2008 Yard Weasels Inc David Ososki 8146 Side Road 15 Rural Route 3 Fergus, ON N1M 2W4 Tel: 519-843-5489 Work Codes: A, B, N, U Member Since: 2008 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 91 Y LO active members Why worry? Hire a certified professional! All across Canada, horticultural professionals are working together on certification programs that define competence levels. Theese designations all require proof of skill, education, written test results or experience. Once certified, professionals must meet renewal requirements to keep their credentials current. Ask about certification when you consider your next outdoor purchase or project. It pays to hire a professional! Certified Horticultural Technician Certified Landscape Professional Certiifed Landscape Designer Certified Irrigation Technician Yard Works Landscapes Ltd John Gallant 12324 McLaughlin Rd Caledon, ON L7C 1Z9 Tel: 905-843-2625 Work Codes: A, B, C, D, N Member Since: 2005 Yards Unlimited Landscaping Inc Ian Stewart 250 Greenbank Rd Suite 231 Nepean, ON K2H 8X4 Tel: 613-721-8195 Work Codes: A, C, D, N, V Member Since: 1990 Yates Custom Lawn Sprinklers Chuck Yates PO Box 275 Manotick, ON K4M 1A3 Tel: 613-692-1937 Work Codes: N, U, V Member Since: 2002 Yeoman Landscape Russell Yeoman RR 5 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N7 Tel: 519-372-2988 Work Codes: A, B Member Since: 2007 York Downs Garden Centre Ltd Jim Peters 9719 Kennedy Rd Unionville, ON L6C 1N7 Tel: 905-887-5176 Work Codes: A, C, F Member Since: 2003 York Nursery Limited Bud Hebel 1541 Highland Rd W Kitchener, ON N2N 3K4 Tel: 519-745-9876 Work Codes: A, B, C, F, N, U Member Since: 1973 Yorkshire Garden Services Inc Lindsay Drake Nightingale 609 Queen St Newmarket, ON L3Y 2J1 Tel: 416-804-2212 Work Code: B Member Since: 2004 Young’s Landscaping and Maintenance Ltd Grattan Young 99 Francis St. E. Fenelon Falls, ON K0M 1N0 Tel: 705-887-3447 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2007 Zilmont Property Maintenance & Snowplowing Inc Vitto Montesano 3195 Wolfedale Rd Unit 1 Mississauga, ON L5C 1V8 Tel: 905-848-7929 Work Codes: A, B, C, N Member Since: 2002 Zimmermann’s Landscape Nursery & Supplies Ltd Tony Zimmermann 430 Carroll St E RR 1 Strathroy, ON N7G 3H3 Tel: 519-245-0304 Work Codes: E, F Member Since: 1978 Zomer’s Gardens Ltd Walter Zomer 6101 Walkers Line RR 2 Milton, ON L9T 2X6 Tel: 905-335-0062 Work Code: E Member Since: 1991 Zone 5 Landscaping & Property Maintenance Inc Brent Pilon 2626 Moncton Rd Ottawa, ON K2B 7W1 Tel: 613-223-6299 Work Codes: A, B, D, K, N Member Since: 2004 IPM Accredited Lawn Care Practitioner Visit for more information 92 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Membership list current as of July 2008 LO Associate Members Membership list current as of July 2008 404 Stone Limited Chris Kuettel 2686 Stouffville Road RR 1 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 905-887-3404 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Acti-Sol Anny-Sandra Hamel 22 Brinloor Blvd Toronto, ON M1M 1L2 Tel: 416-913-0060 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 Arbrux Limited Peter Barbe 6 - 33 Alliance Blvd. Barrie, ON L4M 5K2 Tel: 705-739-7878 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Bannerman Ltd George Bannerman 41 Kelfield Street Rexdale, ON M9W 5A3 Tel: 416-247-7875 Work Code: L Member Since: 1964 4WD Equipment Centre Greg Capon 225 Nugget Ave Unit 14 Scarborough, ON M1S 3L2 Tel: 416-321-9897 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Agra Turf Equipment Services Inc Brad Malton 10 Henegan Rd Virgil, ON L0S 1T0 Tel: 905-468-7117 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2003 Arctic Equipment Manufacturing Ltd John Kidd 531 N Service Rd E Oakville, ON L6H 1A5 Tel: 905-844-6902 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Barracuda Inc Gerry Gold 527 Parliament St Toronto, ON M4X 1P3 Tel: 416-923-7789 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Alex Watson Consulting Group Inc Don Schier 9565 Baldwin St BrooklIn, ON L0B 1A0 Tel: 905-655-9300 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Atlas Hardscapes, Manufacturer of Allan Block Retaining Walls Roberta Courtemanche 15288 Hwy 12, PO Box 670 Midland, ON L4R 4P4 Tel: 416-568-0173 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 A Bigg Idea Ted Oorsprong George Van Rijn PO Box 280 Jordan Station, ON L0R 1S0 Tel: 905-562-0551 Work Codes: L, M Member Since: 2007 A Miron Topsoil Ltd* Aurele Miron 310 Hawn Dr PO Box 1377 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Tel: 705-647-5823 Work Codes: N, V, TT Member Since: 2006 A&T Industries Frank Armstrong 10160 Weston Rd Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A6 Tel: 905-417-1658 Work Code: L Member Since: 1993 AMA Plastics Ltd Richard Bradt 1367 Oxford Ave Kingsville, ON N9Y 2S8 Tel: 519-322-1397 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 ASB Greenworld Ltd Sam Papadakos 332911 Plank Line Mount Elgin, ON N0J 1N0 Tel: 519-688-3413 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Academy Stone Landscape Supply Frank Nocerino 2369 Royal Windsor Dr Oakville, ON L6J 4Z2 Tel: 905-844-1573 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 All Treat Farms Limited Rod Kidnie 7963 Wellington Rd 109 RR 4 Arthur, ON N0G 1A0 Tel: 519-848-3145 Work Code: L Member Since: 1983 Atlas Polar Company Ltd Peter Scott 60 Northline Rd Toronto, ON M4B 3E5 Tel: 416-751-7740 Work Code: L Member Since: 1992 Allan Fyfe Equipment Ltd Alastair Fyfe 261 Bowes Rd Concord, ON L4K 1H8 Tel: 905-669-1313 Work Code: V Member Since: 2004 Audio Marketing Concepts Joel Ostroff 32 Magani Ave Bradford, ON L3Z 2S7 Tel: 905-775-5335 Work Code: V Member Since: 2003 Alpha Precasts Ron Berchtold 183 Rutherford Rd S Brampton, ON L6W 3J7 Tel: 905-457-4911 Work Code: L Member Since: 1973 B&T MacFarlane Ottawa Ltd* Bruce/Chris MacFarlane 45 Slack Rd Nepean, ON K2G 0B7 Tel: 613-225-0555 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 Applewood National Leasing Tim Dixon 3000 Woodchester Dr Mississauga, ON L5L 2R4 Tel: 905-828-9500 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Aquascape, Inc Derek Dunphy 100 Westcreek Blvd Unit 3 Brampton, ON L6T 5V7 Tel: 905-454-7300 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Barrett Marketing Group Ltd Pat Everett 201 St George St Lindsay, ON K9V 5Z9 Tel: 705-324-4499 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Battlefield Equipment Rentals Mike Knox 27 Finley Rd Brampton, ON L6T 1B2 Tel: 905-457-4916 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only BR Dickson Equipment Inc* Barry Dickson 4038 Mainway Burlington, ON L7M 4B9 Tel: 905-331-5040 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1991 Banas Stones Inc Firoz Khan 2 Industrial Rd Bolton, ON L7E 1K6 Tel: 905-857-9684 Work Code: V Member Since: 2005 *Chapter Associate members (denoted with an asterisk) are suppliers serving regional customers within specific chapter areas landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 93 B LO associate members Bayer Environmental Science Brian Rosenberg 5 - 160 Research Lane Guelph, ON N1G 5B2 Tel: 519-767-3885 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Beaver Valley Stone Limited Tony Pacitto 25 Langstaff Rd E Thornhill, ON L3T 3P7 Tel: 905-886-5787 Work Code: L Member Since: 1987 Begley Automated Gates Peter Blair 26 Holtby Ave Brampton, ON L6X 2M1 Tel: 905-846-6000 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Belmont Rose Granite Corp Carole Proud 116 - 7225 Woodbine Ave Markham, ON L3R 1A3 Tel: 905-940-0700 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Bennett Golf Cars (Division of Bennett Equipment) Ryan McCutcheon 4 Paisley Lane Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Tel: 866-552-2787 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Best Way Stone Ltd Frank Pacitto 8821 Weston Rd Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A6 Tel: 416-747-0988 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Bik Hydraulics Ltd Elemer Ivan 41 Claireville Dr Toronto, ON M9W 5Z7 Tel: 416-679-3838 Work Code: V Member Since: 2002 Bip floral inc. France Lebeau 5042 Dickson St. Montreal, QC H1M 3L3 Tel: 514-253-0606 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Bobcat of Hamilton Ltd John Quast 370 McNeilly Rd Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5H4 Tel: 905-643-3177 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Bolduc Dany Bolduc 1358 2e rue park industriel CP608 Ste-Marie, QC G6E 3B8 Tel: 418-387-2634 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Bon Gro Landscape & Design 202 - 7581 Jane St Vaughan, ON L4K 1X3 Work Code: Z Member Since: 2007 Bon Gro Landscape & Design Sal Zambito 7581 Jane St Ste 202J Vaughan, ON L4K 1X3 Tel: 905-669-5499 Work Codes: A, N Member Since: 2007 BonaVista Pools Melissa Brown 40 Shields Court Markham, ON L3R 0M5 Tel: 905-475-6980 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Borrowed Spaces Inc Ronald McCarthy 77 Rivalda Rd Toronto, ON M9M 2M6 Tel: 416-693-6226 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 Bosman Homefront Inc Ed/Tilda Bosman 6770 Wellington Rd 109 RR 1 Palmerston, ON N0G 2P0 Tel: 519-343-3456 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Bradstone Craig Halliday 5291 Bethesda Rd PO Box 1060 Stouffville, ON L4A 8A1 Tel: 416-798-7809 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 94 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Brampton Brick c.o.b. Oaks Concrete Products Tony Neves 225 Wanless Dr Brampton, ON L7A 1E9 Tel: 519-240-2252 Work Code: L Member Since: 1980 Brandt Tractor Ltd Larry Shore 8035 Esquesing Line Milton, ON L9T 5C8 Tel: 905-693-0771 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Brooklin Concrete Products Ltd Randy Deschamps PO Box 370 Station Brooklin Brooklin, ON L1M 1B5 Tel: 905-655-3311 Work Code: L Member Since: 1980 Brouwer Sod Farms Ltd Gerry Brouwer 23965 Warden Ave Keswick, ON L4P 3E9 Tel: 416-291-2323 Work Code: L Member Since: 1992 Brown’s Fuels Glenn Brown 410 Industrial Dr Unit 1 Milton, ON L9T 5A6 Tel: 905-875-4800 Work Code: V Member Since: 2003 C Frensch Ltd Ian Frensch 4774 Hinan Dr Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1 Tel: 905-563-4774 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 CA Building Products Bruce Wilson 2082 Queensway Dr Burlington, ON L7R 3T1 Tel: 905-634-7707 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 CJ Marketing Ltd Brian Chan 781 Tapscott Rd Scarborough, ON M1X 1A2 Tel: 416-292-4545 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 CM Diamond Blades Long Zhang 168 Labrosse Ave Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 1A1 Tel: 514-428-6666 Work Codes: A, D, E, V Member Since: 2003 CRS Contractors Rental Supply* Kevin Bell 535 Welham Rd Barrie, ON L4N 8Z6 Tel: 705-739-6999 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Calco Soils Andre/Nathalie Lafleche 17354 Allaire Rd RR 1 Moose Creek, ON K0C 1W0 Tel: 613-538-2885 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1998 California Outdoor Kitchens Inc Deborah Vero-Forgione 8 - 111 Zenway Blvd Vaughan, ON L4H 3H9 Tel: 905-652-1216 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Camilla House Import Ltd Rena/Surjur Hans 6819 Pacific Cir Mississauga, ON L5T 1S6 Tel: 905-564-5433 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Campo Equipment Co. Ltd. Daniel Campo 6 Carson Court Brampton, ON L6T 4P8 Tel: 866-323-0042 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Can-tario Brick & Stone* Chris Byl Box 22028 Woodstock, ON N4S 8Y1 Tel: 519-537-6645 Work Codes: F, L, O Member Since: 2001 Canadian Benefit Administrators Ltd Cindy Robinson 930 The East Mall Etobicoke, ON M9B 6J9 Tel: 416-620-1701 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 *Chapter Associate members (denoted with an asterisk) are suppliers serving regional customers within specific chapter areas LO associate members Canlok Stone Inc* Nelly Vile 950 Moodie Dr Nepean, ON K2R 1H3 Tel: 613-828-7686 Work Codes: A, L, N, Z Member Since: 2006 Paul Lauzon 151 - 304 Stone Rd. W. Guelph, ON N1G 4W4 Tel: 519-760-8880 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Carriere & Poirier Equipment Ltd* Michel Poirier 5024 County Rd 17 Alfred, ON K0B 1A0 Tel: 613-679-1103 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Cliff’s Lawn & Garden Equipment Ltd Cliff Carley 488 Morden Rd Unit 2 Oakville, ON L6K 3E4 Tel: 800-482-7669 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 Case IH Dealers Don Richards 5676 Main St PO Box 455 Stouffville, ON L4A 7Z7 Tel: 905-640-3830 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Caterpillar Pierre Saubous 902 - 3700 Steeles Ave W Woodbridge, ON L4L 8K8 Tel: 905-850-6989 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Central Precast Inc* Rudy Mion 25 Bongard Ave Nepean, ON K2E 6V2 Tel: 613-225-9510 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Champion Road Machinery Sales Andre Raymond 1075 Clark Blvd Brampton, ON L6T 3W4 Tel: 905-791-3131 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Coleman Equipment Inc* Gord Waters 3541 Trussler Rd New Dundee, ON N0B 2E0 Tel: 519-696-2213 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 D Complete Rent-Alls (Burl) Ltd Glen Taylor 3018 New St Burlington, ON L7N 1M5 Tel: 905-632-9010 Work Code: V Member Since: 2005 Dan R Equipment Luc Tourangeau 755 County Rd 9 PO Box 219 Plantagenet, ON K0B 1L0 Tel: 613-673-5129 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2007 Compliance Safety Solutions Patrick Evangelisto 801 8th Concession RR 3 Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 Tel: 905-659-4651 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Decorative Landscape Stone Bill Hajdu 275 Main St. E. Box 208 Otterville, ON N0J 1R0 Tel: 519-879-6893 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2006 Con-Ag-For Inc Maurice Paiement 495 Chemin Des Eauvettes St Sauvehr, QC J0R 1R3 Tel: 450-227-3205 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Dell Services (1632884 Ontario Ltd) Doug McCanley 10 Eiffel Blvd Brampton, ON L6P 1V9 Tel: 416-458-3700 Work Code: N Member Since: 2006 Collingwood Ethanol VAP Angelo Lamanna 304 - 330 Bay St Toronto, ON M5H 2S8 Tel: 416-628-2828 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Cramer Nursery Inc Walter Cramerstetter 1002 St-Dominique Rd Les Cedres, QC J7T 3A1 Tel: 450-452-2121 Work Codes: E, F, L, M, V Member Since: 1996 Delta Spring & Chassis Ltd* Larry Hackbart, Herb Preikschas 232 Woolwich St S Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519-648-2119 Work Code: V Member Since: 2003 Coloured Aggregates Incorporated Jackie Stewart 5 Leith Hill Rd Willowdale, ON M2J 1Y9 Tel: 416-491-0230 Work Code: L Member Since: 1999 Cub Cadet Gord Small 60 Ottawa St S Kitchener, ON N2G 3S7 Tel: 519-571-2345 Work Code: L Member Since: 1999 Denco Storage Sheds Inc Dennis Martin RR 1 Moorefield, ON N0G 2K0 Tel: 519-638-5550 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Custom Rock Creations Cheryl Campbell 258 Exeter Rd London, ON N6L 1A3 Tel: 519-652-8811 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Diamond Systems Inc Don Graff 39 Hale Rd Brampton, ON L6W 3J9 Tel: 905-796-0640 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Daimler Chrysler Canada 6500 Mississauga Rd N Mississauga, ON L5N 1A8 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Direct Source Management Donald Fines 129 Oakland Rd RR 1 Scotland, ON N0E 1R0 Tel: 519-446-3200 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Commander Industries Bill Stanton 16 Second St Strathroy, ON N7G 3H7 Tel: 416-402-3084 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Channell Derek Small 6185 Tonkin Rd Units 3-5 Mississauga, ON L5T 1X3 Tel: 905-565-7100 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Commonwealth Brick & Building Supplies Ltd Isaac Raposo 73 Eastern Ave Brampton, ON L6W 1X9 Tel: 905-457-3654 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 City Buick Pontiac Cadillac Ltd Russell Turner 1900 Victoria Park Ave Scarborough, ON M1R 1T6 Tel: 416-751-5920 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Compact Sod/ Greenhorizons* Ronald Schiedel 1400 Middleblock Rd Cambridge, ON N3H 4R6 Tel: 519-653-7494 Work Code: H Member Since: 1990 Dan Greer Enterprises Ltd* Dan Greer 146 Hwy 20 South Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2T7 Tel: 905-662-2828 Work Code: L Member Since: 1989 Dirt Cheap* Jonathan Weiler 342 Breezewood Cr. Waterloo, ON N2L 5K5 Tel: 519-574-3488 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 95 D LO associate members Durham Truck & Equipment Sales & Service Emily Paterson 610 Finley Ave. Ajax, ON L1S 2E3 Tel: 905-426-6225 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Echo Power Equipment (Canada) Ed Zynomirski 311 Sovereign Rd London, ON N6M 1A6 Tel: 519-685-7011 Work Code: L Member Since: 1995 Donway Ford Sales Ltd* Sean Lockhart 1975 Eglinton Ave E Scarborough, ON M1L 2N1 Tel: 416-751-2200 Work Code: V Member Since: 2002 Dynascape Software Dave Malda 3425 Harvester Rd Ste 217 Burlington, ON L7N 3N1 Tel: 905-639-9668 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 Eco Habitat Agri Services Michael Short 1138 Hwy 97 RR 3 Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 Tel: 877-449-2847 Work Code: V Member Since: 2006 Draglam Salt Inc Pat Lamanna 401 Bowes Rd Concord, ON L4K 1J1 Tel: 905-669-5104 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 ECO Wood Products Ltd Brian Ainscough 75 Freshway Dr Concord, ON L4K 1R9 Tel: 905-669-4340 Work Code: L Member Since: 1993 Eco Solutions Antonio Vaccari 1114 Lower Base Line Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-864-8740 Work Code: Member Since: 2005 Dreamscape Outdoor Living and Garden Inc Russ Wilson 11 Lyle Street PO Box 105 Cottam, ON N0R 1B0 Tel: 866-939-4300 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 EZ Dumper Ontario Angela Armstrong 3045 15 Sideroad Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 905-854-9894 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Ecoval Horticultural Products Inc Michael Dreben 96 Spadina Ave, Ste 408 Toronto, ON M5V 2J6 Tel: 416-216-6770 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Donnelly Automotive Group* Tim Brady 2496 Bank St Box 40010 Ottawa, ON K1V 0W8 Tel: 613-558-8946 Work Code: V Member Since: 2006 Drive Products Ro Kumar 1665 Shawson Dr Mississauga, ON L4W 1T7 Tel: 905-564-5800 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Dufferin Aggregate Percy Ford-Smith 2300 Steeles Ave W Ste 400 Concord, ON L4K 5X6 Tel: 416-605-1498 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1990 Duke (G.C.) Equipment Ltd Dick Raycroft 1184 Plains Rd E Burlington, ON L7S 1W6 Tel: 905-637-5216 Work Code: L Member Since: 1985 Duracraft Canada Shirley McDermott 7 - 145 Riviera Dr Markham, ON L3R 5J6 Tel: 905-470-1100 Work Code: Member Since: 2004 Eastern Farm Machinery Rob Snyder Box 3613 RR 3 Guelph, ON N1H 6P1 Tel: 519-763-2400 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Eastgate Ford* Ken Kerr 350 Parkdale Ave N Hamilton, ON L8H 5Y3 Tel: 905-547-3211 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Easystone Jim Churko 5161 Highway 21 Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0 Tel: 888-828-8663 Work Code: V Member Since: 2007 Ebel Quarries Mark Ebel PO Box 69 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Tel: 519-534-0380 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 96 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Ed’s Concrete Products Ltd Ed Veldjesgroaf 1266 Erie St Stratford, ON N5A 6S4 Tel: 519-271-6590 Work Code: V Member Since: 2004 Elmira Farm Service Ltd Mark DeGraaf 122 Church St W PO Box 188 Elmira, ON N3B 2Z6 Tel: 519-669-5453 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Eloquip Ltd Cor Bultena 6915 County Rd 7 RR 1 Elora, ON N0B 1S0 Tel: 519-846-0914 Work Code: L Member Since: 1995 Engage Agro Corp Sean Chiki 1030 Gordon St Guelph, ON N1G 4X5 Tel: 519-826-7878 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Environmental Factor Inc Brian Rylott 8 Taunton Rd W Oshawa, ON L1G 3T3 Tel: 905-571-5047 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Envirostone Manufacturing Inc Mark Piwowarski 60 Juniper Lane RR 1 Belleville, ON K8N 2Z1 Tel: 613-922-1433 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Estate Lighting Supply Ltd* Bill Alley 190 Bovaird Dr W Units 54 & 55 Brampton, ON L7A 1A2 Tel: 905-874-1022 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Evergreen Farm & Garden Ltd* Tom Morawetz 3242 Taunton Rd Box 156 Orono, ON L0B 1M0 Tel: 905-983-9119 Work Code: V Member Since: 1999 Exacon Inc Mark Relouw 254 Thames Rd E Exeter, ON N0M 1S3 Tel: 519-235-1431 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 FS Partners Don Campbell 259 Innisfil St Barrie, ON L4N 3G2 Tel: 705-435-6235 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 FSI Landscape Supply Carlo Mercuri 7385 Farmhouse Crt Brampton, ON L6T 5N2 Tel: 905-456-2435 Work Code: F Member Since: 2001 Fafard et Freres, Ontario Sales Michel Levesque 771 rue Principale St Bonaventure, QC J0C 1C0 Tel: 819-396-2293 Work Code: L Member Since: 1994 LO associate members Fairgreen Sod Farms Ltd Cam Fairty 10378 Hwy 48 Markham, ON L3P 3J3 Tel: 905-640-9090 Work Codes: F, H Member Since: 1997 Flagpave Inc Jim Peckham 4342 D’Arcy Cr Niagara Falls, ON L2E 5S9 Tel: 905-358-1550 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Gilbrea AgriServices Bob Wilson 9327 Seventeen Side Rd RR 2 Hillsburgh, ON N0B 1Z0 Tel: 519-855-4990 Work Code: V Member Since: 2005 Ferrell Brick & Stone Colin Roy 57 Schaefer St Waterloo, ON N2L 4C4 Tel: 519-884-0861 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Floridus Ltd Bob Havenaar 7245 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T 1V1 Tel: 800-268-4902 Work Code: V Member Since: 2007 Global Arch Inc ‘Stonearch’ Arun Goel 10 Polenta Cres Bolton, ON L7E 5S3 Tel: 905-857-6600 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Ferrera Concrete Limited Rita Benacquista 2403 London Rd Sarnia, ON N7T 7H2 Tel: 519-542-7071 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Franceschini Bros Ltd Nick Morcinelli 2531 Cawthra Rd Mississauga, ON L5A 2W7 Tel: 905-277-1471 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Grand River Natural Stone Ltd Danny Trombetta RR 2 Elora, ON N0B 1S0 Tel: 519-843-2854 Work Codes: F, L, N Member Since: 1995 Ferris Industries Bruce Barker 248 Fittons Rd E Orillia, ON L3V 2J8 Tel: 705-327-1054 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Fibramulch Peter Etherington 8711 Keele St 2nd Floor Concord, ON L4K 2N1 Tel: 905-761-6969 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 FireFly Energy Laura Gallaugher 45 Speedvale Ave E Guelph, ON N1H 1J2 Tel: 519-780-5230 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Firestone Agricultural Tire David Eleyonich 400 - 5770 Hurontario St Mississauga, ON L5R 3G5 Tel: 800-267-1318 Work Code: V Member Since: 2003 Fisher Landscape & Golf Supplies John Fisher, Ron Verougstraete 258 Exeter Rd London, ON N6L 1A3 Tel: 519-652-6752 Work Code: L Member Since: 1990 GP Masonry Ltd (Barrie) John Cuppage 1319 Bayfield St N Midhurst, ON L0L 1X1 Tel: 705-726-2321 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Galer Farm Equipment Ltd Kevin McAllister 557 Hwy 5 W, RR 2 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-628-0551 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2004 Gardenscape Ltd Beverley Mitchell 2010 Queen St E Toronto, ON M4L 1J3 Tel: 416-686-7349 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 General Seed Co (2000) Ltd Wayne DeBoer 1 - 648 Alberton Rd S Box 3 Alberton, ON L0R 1A0 Tel: 905-648-2101 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Geosynthetic Systems Peter Mulrooney 3543 Conroy Rd Ottawa, ON K1T 3S6 Tel: 613-733-9585 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 *Chapter Associate members (denoted with an asterisk) are suppliers serving regional customers within specific chapter areas Grass Roots Richard Tighe 1905 Dundas St E Box 40173 London, ON N5W 5T0 Tel: 519-659-0080 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Gravely, an Ariens Company Dan Boyd 655 West Ryan Brillion, WI 541 10 Tel: 847-420-1855 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2008 Great Lakes Wood Products Inc Bob Braun 12673 Coleraine Dr. Bolton, ON L7E 3B5 Tel: 905-857-7939 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Greely Sand & Gravel Inc Brent Pyper PO Box 430 Greely, ON K4P 1N6 Tel: 613-821-3003 Work Codes: L, N Member Since: 1986 Green Tech Ag & Turf Glenda Curtis 5831 Perth St Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0 Tel: 613-838-4355 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2007 Green Tractors Inc Karl Davis, Phil Bedley 6770 King Rd Box 340 Nobleton, ON L0G 1N0 Tel: 905-859-0581 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2002 H Greendale & Utica Equipment Services Inc (Port Perry) Brian Kerry 620 Durham Rd 21 PO Box 717 Port Perry, ON L9L 1A6 Tel: 905-985-9701 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Greenstar Plant Products Inc Brent Jackson 9850 201st St Langley, BC V1M 4A3 Tel: 888-747-4769 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Grey-Bruce Sod Supply Ltd* Shawn & Kristine Lawrence RR 2 Hepworth, ON N0H 1P0 Tel: 519-422-2222 Work Code: H Member Since: 1985 Gro-Bark (Ontario) Ltd Bill McKague 151 Frobisher Dr Suite D-213 Waterloo, ON N2V 2C9 Tel: 905-466-0077 Work Code: L Member Since: 1980 Grower’s Choice Jodie Leis 270 Shoemaker St Kitchener, ON N2E 3E1 Tel: 519-896-9459 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 Growers Greenhouse Supplies Inc Micheal Camplin 3559 North Service Rd Vineland Station, ON L0R 2E0 Tel: 905-562-7341 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 H&M Turf Ltd Brett Murray Box 218 RR 2 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z6 Tel: 416-659-1020 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 97 H LO associate members HG Spec Inc Claude Montreuil 1120 Michele Bohec Blainville, QC J7C 5N5 Tel: 450-434-3384 Work Code: V Member Since: 2003 Hi-Line Gift Ltd Frank Cheng 6340 Kestrel Rd Mississauga, ON L5T 1Z3 Tel: 905-564-2815 Work Code: V Member Since: 2003 Humberview Trucks Bob Deflece 60 Fieldway Rd Toronto, ON M8Z 3L2 Tel: 416-233-9262 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Halnor Equipment Ltd Brian Vanrooy 297 Thompson Rd W RR 5 Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0 Tel: 519-443-8622 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2005 Hickory Dickory Decks Johnathan Boyes 115 Dundas St W Flamborough, ON L9H 7L6 Tel: 905-689-4774 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Hunter Industries Inc Dean Armstrong 55 Houghton St Cambridge, ON N3C 4K7 Tel: 519-220-1421 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2002 Hickory Dickory Decks Whitby Garth Hutchinson 1857 Regional Road 3 Enniskillen, ON L0B 1J0 Tel: 905-665-9579 Work Code: V Member Since: 2006 Huron Tractor Ltd* John Meadows RR 4 Thamesford, ON N0M 2M0 Tel: 519-285-3845 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Hole’s Greenhouses & Gardens Ltd Bill Hole 101 Bellerose Dr St Albert, AB T8N 8N8 Tel: 780-419-6801 Work Codes: F, M Member Since: 1999 Husqvarna Forest & Garden Stephen Oles 200 Hamford Lachute QC J8H 4C2 Tel: 450-562-7976 Work Code: L Member Since: 1993 Holland Imports Inc Cam Millar 400 Chrysler Dr Unit A Brampton, ON L6S 5Z5 Tel: 905-792-2888 Work Code: L Member Since: 1995 Hutchinson Farm Supply Becky Bryan 14183 Hwy 48 RR 2 Stouffville, ON L4A 7X3 Tel: 905-640-2692 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2008 Honda Canada Inc Robert Weatherseed 715 Milner Ave Toronto, ON M1B 2K8 Tel: 416-284-8110 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Ike Vanderwoude Landscape Supply Ltd Sanford Vanderwoude 1735 Hwy 2 RR 1 Jerseyville, ON L0R 1R0 Tel: 905-529-9714 Work Code: L Member Since: 1983 Hamilton Sod Company* (Greenhorizons) Steve Schiedel 2907 Upper James Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0 Tel: 905-389-1315 Work Code: L Member Since: 1990 Hanes Geo Components Richard Therrien 5675 Royalmount Ave Town of Mount Royal, QC H4P 1K3 Tel: 514-335-2520 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Haney Pottery Sales Ltd Peter Foell 7890 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1A7 Tel: 604-940-0554 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Hanson Hardscape Products Inc (Cambridge) Corey McQuillen 1081 Rife Rd RR 2 Cambridge, ON N1R 5S3 Tel: 519-740-6000 Work Code: L Member Since: 1980 Harkness Equipment Ltd* Doug Harkness 5808 Hwy 9 RR 4 Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0 Tel: 519-338-3946 Work Code: L Member Since: 1988 Hartwick O’Shea & Cartwright Ltd Marc Boddy 3245 American Dr Mississauga, ON L4V 1B8 Tel: 905-672-5100 Work Code: L Member Since: 1995 Horta-Craft Limited Brian Lofgren 4836 Egremont Dr Strathroy, ON N7G 3H3 Tel: 519-245-8441 Work Codes: C, L Member Since: 1996 Horticultural Marketing Inc Grant Fish PO Box 172 Strathroy, ON N7G 3J2 Tel: 519-245-3054 Work Code: L Member Since: 1979 98 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 In-Lite Design Corporation Ramon Pieters PO Box 83 4159 Breen Rd Putnam, ON N0L 2B0 Tel: 519-425-0024 Work Codes: L, O Member Since: 2007 Innovative Ag & Technology Mike Stewart 345723 Quaker St RR 3 Norwich, ON N0J 1P0 Tel: 519-424-2034 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2006 Innovative SURFACE SOLUTIONS Bob Wilson 78 Orchard Rd Ajax, ON L1S 6L1 Tel: 905-427-0318 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 Investments Hardware Ltd Domenic DeGiorgio 127 Aviva Park Dr Woodbridge, ON L4L 9C1 Tel: 905-851-8974 Work Code: V Member Since: 2003 Iron Eagle Industries Michael Leone 1256 Cardiff Blvd Mississauga, ON L5S 1R1 Tel: 905-670-2558 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2002 Ironco Equipment Sales & Rentals Inc James Tipping 207323 RR 5 Hwy #9 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z2 Tel: 519-943-0144 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Irvine Truck Centre Mike Mintsopoulos 75737 Woodbine Ave Markham, ON L3R 2W1 Tel: 905-695-8902 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 J.Frank Schmidt and Son Co. Paul Lother 9500 S.E.327th Avenue Boring, OR 970 09 Tel: 503-663-4128 Work Code: Member Since: 2008 J.Jenkins and Son Soil Mixtures Jaime Douglass 12519 Woodbine Avenue Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 416-783-6137 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 JB & D Company John Hildebrand 3912 Hwy 7 Unionville, ON L3R 1L3 Tel: 905-477-1881 Work Code: L Member Since: 1985 LO associate members JDJ Trailer Manufacturers Inc Maria Demkowich 1056 Hwy #6 Hamilton, ON L8N 2Z7 Tel: 905-689-7100 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 K&B Concrete Lawn Ornaments Inc Ken Rousson 1770 Manotick Station Rd Greely, ON K4P 1K4 Tel: 613-821-7953 Work Codes: L, N, V Member Since: 2007 Kooy Brothers Lawn Equipment Ltd Karl Vanderveen 15 Torbarrie Rd Toronto, ON M3L 1G5 Tel: 416-242-3513 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 JP Horizon Incorporated James Paluch PO Box 2039 Painesville, OH 440 77 Tel: 440-352-8211 Work Code: V Member Since: 2006 KID Trailer & Equipment Mike Dwhytie 1090 South Service Rd E Oakville, ON L6J 2X8 Tel: 905-842-2942 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2005 Kubota Canada Ltd Robert Allison 5900 14th Ave Markham, ON L3S 4K4 Tel: 905-294-7477 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 JPL Consulting Paul Lamarche 236 Millard Ave Newmarket, ON L3Y 1Z2 Tel: 905-954-1154 Work Code: V Member Since: 2006 KTO Imports Ltd Martin Bouwhuis 4106 Foxwood Dr Burlington, ON L7M 4L3 Tel: 905-631-1049 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Jack Van Klaveren Ltd Carmen Roblin 1894 Seventh St Box 910 St Catharines, ON L2R 6Z4 Tel: 905-641-5599 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Kawartha Rock Quarry Inc George Nagy 96 Main St N Markham, ON L3P 1X8 Tel: 866-503-8770 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Kuntz Landscape Depot Ltd* Raymond Kuntz 136 Water St St Jacobs, ON N0B 2N0 Tel: 519-664-1706 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1999 John Deere Landscapes Ltd Gillian Glazer 140 Bowes Rd Concord, ON L4K 1J6 Tel: 905-881-4794 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1995 Kenworth Truck Centres of Ontario Mark King 500 Creditstone Rd Concord, ON L4K 3Z3 Tel: 905-695-0740 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 John Deere Limited Hugh Berry Box 1000 Grimsby, ON L3M 4H5 Tel: 905-945-7852 Work Code: V Member Since: 1995 King City Trailers Kevin Joosten 1161 King Rd King City, ON L7B 1K5 Tel: 905-773-4260 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 John Holmlund Nursery Company Larry Porter 29285 S E Hwy 212 Boring, OR 970 09 Tel: 503-668-1207 Work Code: L Member Since: 1992 Kissner Group Jeff Browes 32 Cherry Blossom Cambridge, ON N3H 4R7 Tel: 519-650-9998 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 John Vanderwoude Sod Farms Ltd John Vanderwoude 7055 Airport Rd RR 2 Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0 Tel: 905-521-1567 Work Code: H Member Since: 2002 Kitchener Tractor Centre Jeff Sallans 1876 Huron Rd Kitchener, ON N2R 1R5 Tel: 519-696-2568 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 L&R Shelters Inc Lucy Dubeckyj 461 Hwy 5 RR 2 Dundas, ON L9H 5E2 Tel: 905-627-1101 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2006 La Maison Des Fleurs Vivaces Michel Corbeil 807 boul. Arthur-Sauve CP 268 St Eustache, QC J7R 4K6 Tel: 450-472-8400 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 Lasting Impressions Stoneworks Tony Leblanc 118 Market Box 348 Lucan, ON N0M 2J0 Tel: 519-227-2016 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Lawlor Haulage Ltd Pat Lawlor 9289 Hwy #12 RR 2 Orillia, ON L3V 6H2 Tel: 705-325-4582 Work Codes: B, N Member Since: 2006 Leasebank Credit Corporation Brenda Corbett 1100 Burloak Drive 7th floor North York, ON L7L 6B2 Tel: 289-288-3596 Work Code: V Member Since: 2007 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only Lanark Cedar Sandy Grella, Phil Ito RR 1 Hwy 7 Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1 Tel: 613-257-1107 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 Landsource Organix Rick Buist 100 Brittania Rd E Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 877-548-8558 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Lane’s Landscaping Inc* Michael Lane 3513 Mavis Rd Mississauga, ON L5C 1T7 Tel: 905-279-1945 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 L Lange Transportation Greg Smith 3965 Nashua Dr Mississauga, ON L4V 1P3 Tel: 905-362-1290 Work Code: V Member Since: 2002 *Chapter Associate members (denoted with an asterisk) are suppliers serving regional customers within specific chapter areas landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 99 L LO associate members Leo Gentry Wholesale Nursery Melanie Hicks Sales: Vaughan, ON Nursery: Gresham, OR Tel: 905-787-8266 Work Code: E Member Since: 2007 Lubo Lighting International Inc Bertrand Ouellet 1352 Pierre-Mercan Carignan, QC J3L 3P9 Tel: 450-658-7795 Work Codes: L, O Member Since: 2004 Leona Stone & Building Supply Ltd Tony Leonardi PO Box 2610 Station B Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1A6 Tel: 905-773-4251 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Luke’s Mower & Machine Ltd Mark Ypelaar 5799 Luke Rd Mississauga, ON L4W 1T2 Tel: 905-670-2129 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Les Serres Rosaire Pion & Fins Inc Jean Raymond 8185 Grand Rang Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 9A8 Tel: 450-796-3131 Work Code: E Member Since: 2002 M Van Noort & Sons Bulb Co Carl VanNoort 417 Winona Rd N Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5E4 Tel: 905-643-2152 Work Code: L Member Since: 1985 Limberlost Stone Inc Dennis McCutcheon PO Box 820 1692 Highway 6 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Tel: 519-793-3830 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Livingstone Terrasso/ A Division of Janssen International Wendy Woodley 4700 South Service Rd PO Box 120 Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0 Tel: 800-337-6203 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 Lohnes & Associates* Todd Schwindt 8 - 29 Water St St Jacobs, ON N0B 2N0 Tel: 519-664-0326 Work Code: V Member Since: 2004 Loveland’s Landscaping Michelle Loveland 196 Main St N Markham, ON L3P 1Y3 Tel: 416-291-9340 Work Codes: A, B, N Member Since: 2002 Lowry Metals Inc Bill Lowry 1073 Massey Lane RR 3 Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0 Tel: 613-339-1293 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 MS Sprayer Inc Jean-Luc Lafreniere 4300 Vachon Drummondville, QC J2B 6V4 Tel: 819-474-1910 Work Codes: B, C, D, K, L, M, N, Y Member Since: 2000 Manchester Products (963488 Ontario Ltd) Anko Scholtens 6 - 25 Sheffield St PO Box 1727 Cambridge, ON N1R 7G8 Tel: 519-220-1151 Work Code: L Member Since: 1976 Manderley Turfgrass Products Inc Shannon Pichette 1200 - 38 Antares Dr Nepean, ON K2E 7V2 Tel: 613-225-7500 Work Code: H Member Since: 1999 Mapel Lease Financial Services Les Wailing PO Box 511 Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0 Tel: 800-256-2474 Work Code: V Member Since: 2002 Maple Farm Supply Limited* Rae Murray 8112 King Rd W PO Box 370 Bolton, ON L7E 5T3 Tel: 905-857-2000 Work Code: L Member Since: 1992 100 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Markdale Tractor Sales Dann Olesen 7828 Hwy #89 Alliston, ON L9R 1V1 Tel: 705-434-1847 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Martek Landscape & Golf Supply* Gerald Marshall 4161 Morris Drive Burlington, ON L7L 5L5 Tel: 905-333-5670 Work Code: L Member Since: 1993 Meldan Kelly Ellis 25198 Hwy 48 RR 1 Sutton, ON L0E 1R0 Tel: 905-722-7774 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Metro Rentall Limited* Bob Eon 1933 Kennedy Rd Scarborough, ON M1P 2L9 Tel: 416-291-2521 Work Code: V Member Since: 1996 Mason’s Masonry Supply Ltd* Dale Kuhl 6291 Netherhart Rd Mississauga, ON L5T 1A2 Tel: 905-670-1233 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Miller Compost - The Miller Group Al Ramsay 8050 Woodbine Ave Markham, ON L3R 2N8 Tel: 905-773-9876 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Maurice Yelle Excavation Ltd* Dominique Lafrance 1583 Star Top Gloucester, ON K1B 3W5 Tel: 613-746-0514 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 Miltowne Ent/Pebbleman Larry Brown Box 403 Milton, ON L9T 4Y9 Tel: 905-876-2888 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 McCannell Consulting Bob McCannell 3021 Silverthorn Dr Oakville, ON L6L 5N4 Tel: 905-847-6269 Work Code: F Member Since: 2003 McCloskey International Limited Barry Greenaway 1 McCloskey Rd RR 7 Peterborough, ON K9J 6X8 Tel: 705-295-4925 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 McLaren Equipment* (John Deere Dealer) Don McLaren 3464 Horseshoe Valley Rd W Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0 Tel: 705-734-2424 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 McLauchlin & Associates Robert Kennaley 200 - 155 University Ave Toronto, ON M5H 3B7 Tel: 416-368-2555 Work Code: L Member Since: 1999 Miska Trailers Joseph Van Den Hurk 56 Beach Road Hamilton, ON L8L 8K3 Tel: 905-522-2107 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Mulchit John Reynolds PO Box 100 Putnam, ON N0L 2B0 Tel: 519-425-0342 Work Code: L Member Since: 1993 Multi Shelter Solutions Norman Eygenraam 360 King St PO Box 1125 Palmerston, ON N0G 2P0 Tel: 519-343-2335 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2007 Multiview Locates Inc John Scaife 325 Matheson Blvd E Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Tel: 905-629-8959 Work Code: V Member Since: 2004 *Chapter Associate members (denoted with an asterisk) are suppliers serving regional customers within specific chapter areas LO associate members Muskoka in the City Inc Al Seymour 7178 Ridgeland Crescent Mississauga, ON L5N 1Y9 Tel: 905-812-8872 Work Code: V Member Since: 2007 Newholm Aggregates David Beaton 2638 Brunel Rd RR 2 Huntsville, ON P1H 2J3 Tel: 705-788-7361 Work Codes: A, L, N Member Since: 2007 Myers Lawn and Garden Renata Rosteck 75 Plant Farm Blvd PO Box 265 Brantford, ON N3T 5M8 Tel: 519-753-2667 Work Code: L Member Since: 1990 Newtonbrook Block Wayne Murphy 2665 Aurora Side Rd PO Box 69 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 416-798-7337 Work Code: L Member Since: 1994 NNS Quarries Tracy Thomas RR 1 Manitowaning, ON P0P 1N0 Tel: 705-368-0965 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2007 National Concrete Accessories Vimal Naik 110 Belfield Rd Toronto, ON M9W 1G1 Tel: 416-245-4720 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Nattel Inc John McKibbon 1 Regan Road Unit 16 Brampton, ON L7A 1B8 Tel: 905-840-1150 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Natural Insect Control Sandra Michell 3737 Netherby Road Stevensville, ON L0S 1S0 Tel: 905-382-2904 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Nebs Business Products Ltd Ralph Lynn 330 Cranston Cres Midland, ON L4R 4V9 Tel: 800-461-7572 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 NewRoads National Leasing Peter Scully 7200 Yonge St Thornhill, ON L4J 1V8 Tel: 416-587-1021 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Nisco National Leasing Laura Catalano 3245 Harvester Rd Unit 13 Burlington, ON L7N 3T7 Tel: 905-634-9559 Work Code: V Member Since: 1999 Ontario Seed Company Ltd Cathy Plomske 330 Phillip St Box 7 Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z6 Tel: 519-886-0557 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 Ontario Stoneworks* Gyorgy Wagner 82 Lakeside Ave Toronto, ON M1N 3C1 Tel: 416-693-6850 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Oregon Distribution Ltd Dan Limoges 505 Edinburgh Rd N Guelph, ON N1H 6L4 Tel: 519-822-6870 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Norleans Technologies Inc Fred Minduik 6273 Paddler Way Ottawa, ON K1C 2G5 Tel: 613-834-9313 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Ottawa Brick & Stone* Gilles Gravel 1410 Windmill Lane Ottawa, ON K1B 4V5 Tel: 613-747-6800 Work Code: Member Since: 2005 Nortrax Canada Inc Cam Tyhurst 760 South Service Rd Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5M6 Tel: 519-200-1252 Work Code: L Member Since: 1989 Outdoor Supplies & Equipment Inc Rick McDowell 25 Arrowsmith Rd Hamilton, ON L8E 2W4 Tel: 905-578-2411 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1979 Nutrite (A Division of Fertichem) Ken McLeod 1 Chandaria Place Unit 5 Kitchener, ON N2C 2S3 Tel: 519-895-4237 Work Code: L Member Since: 1985 Outfront Portable Solutions (A division of All Cover Portable Systems) Pat Van Es 4664 Ontario St Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 800-282-1239 Work Code: V Member Since: 2001 ON-Trux Ltd Craig Oliver 223 Boida Ave Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Tel: 519-620-1086 Work Code: V Member Since: 2002 Ogilvie Daugherty Financial Services* Dale Scnieck 70 Victoria St N Ste H Kitchener, ON N2H 5C2 Tel: 519-744-4083 Work Code: V Member Since: 2008 Paccar Leasing of Canada John Baker 6711 Mississauga Road N Mississauga, ON L5N 2N3 Tel: 905-858-7033 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Palfinger Inc Kristi Kraneyk 7942 Dorchester Rd PO Box 846 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6V6 Tel: 905-374-3363 Work Code: V Member Since: 1998 P Parkview Building Supplies Marco Lucente 46 Northline Rd Toronto, ON M4B 3E2 Tel: 416-752-4748 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Patene Building Supplies Brian Pescod 641 Speedvale Ave W Guelph, ON N1K 1E6 Tel: 519-822-1890 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 Pavnat Inc Michel Paquette 25 rue Pacifique Est Bromont, ON J2L 1J4 Tel: 450-534-1250 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Pefferlaw Peat Products Inc Peter Prust PO Box 148 Pefferlaw, ON L0E 1N0 Tel: 705-437-1490 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 Permacon Toronto Marcus Poirier 3 Betomat Court RR 3 Bolton, ON L7E 5R9 Tel: 905-857-6773 Work Code: L Member Since: 1982 Permalock Interlocking and Design Brandon Marton 266 Moore Park Ave North York, ON M2M 1N6 Tel: 416-886-0276 Work Code: V Member Since: 2007 Petersen’s Turf Farms Jes Petersen RR 1 Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0 Tel: 613-821-2863 Work Code: L Member Since: 1985 Petrie’s Quality Topsoil Ltd John Wheeler 740 Weller Court Unit D Oakville, ON L6K 3S9 Tel: 905-842-7645 Work Codes: L, N Member Since: 1998 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 101 P LO associate members Pickseed Canada Inc Doug MacMillan PO Box 304 Lindsay, ON K9V 4S3 Tel: 800-661-4769 Work Code: V Member Since: 2002 Provincial Lift Truck Inc Ron Fritz 150 Shirley Ave Kitchener, ON N2B 2E1 Tel: 519-894-9079 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Regional Tractor Sales Ltd John Hepburn RR 1 Freelton, ON L0R 1K0 Tel: 905-659-1094 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Pinpoint GPS Solutions Inc Bob Farrell 2425 Matheson Blvd 8th Floor Mississauga, ON L4W 5K4 Tel: 905-467-9192 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Provincial Snow Plowing Myles Douglas 373 Bridge St W PO 41028 Waterloo, ON N2K 3T5 Tel: 519-658-7841 Work Code: N Member Since: 2003 Reveal Marketing Group Mike Melidoni 6185 Tomken Rd Unit 8 Mississauga, ON L5T 1X6 Tel: 905-795-3327 Work Code: V Member Since: 2007 Planet Pals Inc. Dan Galea B2060 Concession 6 RR 2 Beaverton, ON L0K 1A0 Tel: 705-426-7045 Work Code: M Member Since: 2008 Plant Products Co Ltd Harold VanGool 314 Orenda Rd Brampton, ON L6T 1G1 Tel: 905-792-5411 Work Code: L Member Since: 1970 Premier Tech Biotechnologies Simon Martineau 1 Avenue Premier CP 3500 Riviere-du-Loop, QC G5R 6C1 Tel: 418-867-8883 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Prerisk Ltd Grant Sharp 309 - 762 Upper James Hamilton, ON L9C 3A2 Tel: 905-296-4574 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Pro Sport Surfaces Greg Woolvett 23 - 7050 Bramalea Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1T1 Tel: 905-671-0333 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2008 Pro-Power Canada Inc Paul Penny 67 Helen St Meaford, ON N4L 1S9 Tel: 519-538-0570 Work Code: L Member Since: 1994 Pyke Farms* Bev Pyke RR 4 Wolfe Island, ON K0H 2Y0 Tel: 613-385-2119 Work Code: V Member Since: 2000 Quality Fertilizers Inc Charlie Dunsmore 114 Sackville St Shakespeare, ON N0B 2P0 Tel: 519-625-1166 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Quality Seeds Ltd Peter Coon 8400 Huntington Rd RR 1 Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A5 Tel: 905-856-7333 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Qxpress Scheduling Software Paul Jackson 210 - 57 Spadina Ave Toronto, ON M5V 2J2 Tel: 877-529-6659 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 RM Adams Trucking Ltd* Randy Adams 483 Bridge St E Kitchener, ON N2K 3C5 Tel: 519-744-8471 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1994 Rain Bird International Tel: 905-319-5397 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Redbud Supply Inc Everett DeJong 1345 Fiddler’s Green Rd Ancaster, ON L9G 3L1 Tel: 905-304-7958 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 102 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 Richlyn Nurseries* A. Richard Taylor Concession 2 Property ID 7856 Fergus, ON N1M 3E2 Tel: 519-843-5394 Work Code: M Member Since: 2006 Richview Lawn Equipment Ltd* Douglas Selders 8392 Yonge St Box 7042 Innisfil, ON L9S 1A8 Tel: 705-722-8400 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Rittenhouse Since 1914 Mark Rittenhouse 1402 Fourth Ave RR 3 St Catharines, ON L2R 6P9 Tel: 905-684-8122 Work Code: L Member Since: 1986 Rizmi Stone Ben Wong 11333 Dufferin St PO Box 663 Maple, ON L6A 1S5 Tel: 905-303-5040 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Road Equipment Links Robert Roszell 508 Gardenview Square Pickering, ON L1V 4R7 Tel: 905-420-4118 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Roma Fence Ltd Christina Marra 24 Cadetta Rd Brampton, ON L6P 0X4 Tel: 416-798-7566 Work Code: V Member Since: 2002 Rust Oil Canada /Pro Fleet Care Greg Lawrie 3189 Maderna Rd. Burlington, ON L7M 2W3 Tel: 905-336-3594 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 SEL Recycling Services Steven Sittler PO Box 36 Elmira, ON N3B 2Z5 Tel: 519-669-2456 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Santerra Stonecraft Nino Papa 7885 Howard Ave McGregor, ON N0R 1J0 Tel: 519-726-5444 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Select Stone Supply Tony Schenkel PO Box 597 Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0 Tel: 905-689-1450 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Sid’s Ponds & Gardenscapes Inc Imtiaz Mustapha 6000 Ninth Line Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-824-5104 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Sifton Properties Ltd Barry Parker 299 Scottsdale Dr Guelph, ON N1G 2W6 Tel: 519-823-1500 Work Code: L Member Since: 1988 Sinclair-Cockburn Insurance Brokers Jim Aston 3389 Steeles Ave E Ste 910 Toronto, ON M2H 3S8 Tel: 416-494-7700 Work Code: L Member Since: 1980 Smart Watering Systems Chris Leconte 1198 Ezard Cres Milton, ON L9T 6N9 Tel: 905-208-2030 Work Code: V Member Since: 2007 LO associate members Smith Petrie Carr & Scott Insurance Brokers Ltd* Stacy Elliott 359 Kent St Ste 600 Ottawa, ON K2P 0R6 Tel: 613-237-2871 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Solideal Canada Michael Dembe 297 Carlingview Dr Etobicoke, ON M9W 5G3 Tel: 416-674-5441 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2004 Southland Insurance Service Patrick Pannunzio 98 Talbot St W PO Box 490 Leamington, ON N8H 3W6 Tel: 519-326-4455 Work Code: L Member Since: 1992 Southridge Sod Supply Inc* Mae Pederson 2408 Manotick Station Rd Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0 Tel: 613-821-3764 Work Code: H Member Since: 2007 Specialties Robert Legault Inc Robert Legault 100 - 22 Desjardins E Ste Therese, QC J7E 1C1 Tel: 450-433-7007 Work Code: L Member Since: 1985 Splash Pools JP Boileau 11 Marketa Kitchener, ON N2B 3B5 Tel: 519-648-2763 Work Code: N Member Since: 2004 Sprout’s Premium Earth Products* Stuart Sprout 673 Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Tel: 613-966-1411 Work Code: V Member Since: 2005 Sprucedale Agromart Ltd Frank Coulter 291 Yonge St Box 40 Tara, ON N0H 2N0 Tel: 519-934-2340 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Sprucewood Leasing Ltd David McLean 101 - 3565 King Rd King City, ON L7B 1M3 Tel: 905-833-6056 Work Code: V Member Since: 2006 Sterling Truck Corporation Jewel Sray 12120 Telegraph Road Redford, MI 48239 Tel: 313-592-4215 Work Code: L Member Since: 2008 Stonemen’s Valley Inc Robert McFayden 17525 Jane St RR 1 Kettleby, ON L0G 1J0 Tel: 905-841-8400 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Stonescape Quarry Rob Darling 2002 Hwy 36 Buckhorn, ON K0L 1J0 Tel: 705-657-7111 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Stevenson & Hunt Insurance Brokers Ltd Nancy Waller 400 - 250 York St London, ON N6A 6K2 Tel: 519-963-3530 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Stronco Show Services Gilles Bouchard 1510 Caterpillar Rd Unit B Mississauga, ON L4X 2W9 Tel: 905-270-6767 Work Code: V Member Since: 1999 Stihl Ltd Greg Quigg 1515 Sise Rd, Box 5666 London, ON N6A 4L6 Tel: 519-681-3000 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Successful Gardening Show Paul Newdick 410 - 1110 Sheppard Ave E Toronto, ON M2K 2W2 Tel: 416-512-1305 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 Stinchcomb Associates Inc David Stinchcomb 118 East Adams St Sandusky, OH 44870 Tel: 419-609-2233 Work Code: L Member Since: 1999 Stone in Style Ltd Darcy DeCaluwe 502 Charlotte St London, ON N5W 4A4 Tel: 519-451-0583 Work Code: Z Member Since: 2005 Stone-Link Corp Robert Verrilli 137 Vinyl Crt Woodbridge, ON L4L 4A3 Tel: 905-850-8430 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Stonehenge Construction Paul Adamson 137 Raleigh Ave Toronto, ON M1K 1A1 Tel: 416-467-6059 Work Codes: N, T, Z Member Since: 2003 *Chapter Associate members (denoted with an asterisk) are suppliers serving regional customers within specific chapter areas Sunset Transport Ltd Jose DeMedeiros 1382 Myron Dr Mississauga, ON L5E 2N4 Tel: 905-274-6763 Work Code: V Member Since: 1999 Sure-Gro Inc. Bob Falconi 150 Savannah Oaks Drive Brantford, ON N3V 1E7 Tel: 519-754-2936 Work Code: L Member Since: 1985 Surgenor Truck Centre Ralph Milligan 1571 Liverpool Court Ottawa, ON K1B 4L1 Tel: 613-745-0024 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Swanston Farm Equipment Ltd Steve Lush 5205 3rd Line RR 3 Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 Tel: 519-856-9512 Work Code: L Member Since: 2001 Synlawn Canada Mike Holdenried 948 McCurdy Rd Kelowna, BC V1X 2P7 Tel: 905-973-3600 Work Codes: A, L Member Since: 2006 T T Arnts Loam Supply Ltd* Michael Arnts 2490 Brock Rd N Pickering, ON L1V 2P8 Tel: 905-683-0887 Work Code: L Member Since: 1995 TRY Recycling Inc. Sara Little 610 - 111 Waterloo St. London, ON N6B 2M4 Tel: 519-858-2199 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2008 TS Benefit Solutions Todd Schwindt 544 Conestogo Rd Waterloo, ON N2L 4E2 Tel: 519-746-2288 Work Code: L Member Since: 1985 TankTek Environmental Services Ltd Tom Burt 970 Third Concession Rd RR 1 Pickering, ON L1V 2P9 Tel: 905-839-4400 Work Code: TT Member Since: 2004 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 103 T LO associate members TechniSeal Inc Rick Beaulieu 300 avenue Liberte Candiac, QC J5R 6X1 Tel: 514-523-2110 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Techo-Bloc Mario Chiappetta 5255 Albert Millichamp St Hubert, QC J3Y 8Z8 Tel: 450-656-2992 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Techo-Bloc Ottawa* Marco Racine 6310 Hazeldean Rd PO Box 1791 Stittsville, ON K2S 1B4 Tel: 613-836-2990 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Thames Valley Brick & Tile Jon Gravell 5115 Harvester Rd, Unit 9 Burlington, ON L7L 0A3 Tel: 905-637-6997 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 The Dirt Depot* Bruce McKnight RR 1, Troy, ON L0R 2B0 Tel: 905-627-4776 Work Code: L Member Since: 1999 The Investment Guild Sara Munshaw 100 - 11 Allstate Parkway Markham, ON L3R 9T8 Tel: 905-470-9840 Work Code: L Member Since: 1988 The Salt Depot Tony Morra 2695 Fourteenth Ave Markham, ON L3R 0H9 Tel: 905-479-1177 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 The Stone Place Corp Robert Rolfe 39 Manitou Dr Kitchener, ON N2C 1K9 Tel: 519-894-1880 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 The Toro Company Denise Koehnen 8111 Lyndale Ave S Bloomington, MN 554 20 Tel: 952-887-8632 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 The Vavaroutsos Automotive Group (Eastside Chevrolet) Diane Parsons 8435 Woodbine Ave Markham, ON L3R 2P4 Tel: 905-475-7373 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Thomas Equipment 2004 Inc Brenda MacQuarrie 25 Hawkins Rd. PO Box 510 Centreville, NB E7K 3G4 Tel: 506-276-4511 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Thorncrest Sherway Inc Bill Redford Jr. 1575 The Queensway Toronto, ON M8Z 1T9 Tel: 416-521-7000 Work Code: V Member Since: 2005 Thornhill Lawn Equipment Ltd Eric den Engelsman 6 - 385 John St Thornhill, ON L3T 5W5 Tel: 905-889-5517 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Toemar Garden Supply* Moses or Dave Comarin 1005 Eglinton Ave W Mississauga, ON L5V 1R7 Tel: 905-826-3821 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 Trackless Vehicles Ltd Joe McIntyre. 55 Thunderbird Dr Box 244 Courtland, ON N0J 1E0 Tel: 519-688-0370 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Tractor Turf & Trail Company Ltd Chris Hare 753011 2nd Line Mono RR 5 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z2 Tel: 519-941-0250 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2002 Tractorland Inc Bob Nixon 14390 Woodbine Ave Box 594 Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Tel: 905-726-2283 Work Code: L Member Since: 1989 104 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 TradeWinds International Sales Co Inc Caroline de Vries 370 Britannia Rd E, Unit 7 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9 Tel: 877-654-6458 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1995 Unilock Limited Mike McIntyre. 287 Armstrong Ave Georgetown, ON L7G 4X6 Tel: 905-453-1438 Work Code: L Member Since: 1979 Trenchless Utility Equipment Inc Jeff Lyons 2070 Queensway Dr PO Box 1338 Burlington, ON L7R 4L9 Tel: 905-634-0669 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 United Agri Products Jeff Crampton 789 Donnybrook Dr RR 2 Dorchester, ON N0L 1G5 Tel: 519-268-8001 Work Code: L Member Since: 1987 Triple H Concrete Products Ltd Albert Hoogendoorn 4366 Breen Rd Putnam, ON N0L 2B0 Tel: 519-485-4741 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 TrueNorth Chevrolet Cadillac Ltd Keith Etmanski 1370 Seymour St North Bay, ON P1B 8G4 Tel: 888-472-1210 Work Code: V Member Since: 2006 Turf Care Products Canada Ltd Ronald Craig 200 Pony Dr Newmarket, ON L3Y 7B6 Tel: 905-836-098871 Work Code: L Member Since: 1982 Turf Revolution Tammy Lawrence 1 - 122 Earl Thompson Rd Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Tel: 800-823-6937 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2006 Turf Tech Inc Peter Ulbricht 22 - 975 Westport Cres Mississauga, ON L5T 1E8 Tel: 905-696-0731 Work Code: L Member Since: 2002 Twin Equipment Ltd Marc Cousineau 3091 Albion Rd N Ottawa, ON K1V 9V9 Tel: 613-745-7095 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 United Rentals Steve Dyke 924 South Service Rd Stoney Creek, ON L8E 6A2 Tel: 905-643-6701 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Upper Canada Mulch & Nursery Supplies Inc. Matt Robertson 25 Brown St Box 261 Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Tel: 905-876-3456 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Upper Canada Stone Company Ltd Perry Hartwick 55 Cedar Pointe Dr Unit 606A Barrie, ON L4N 5R7 Tel: 705-722-6500 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1996 V & P’s Topsoil & Landscape Supplies* Jason Van Rybroeck 4020 Dowell Dr London, ON N6L 1P9 Tel: 519-690-0003 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 VRE Systems Pat Ferguson 7367 Young St, RR 1 Grassie, ON L0R 1M0 Tel: 905-945-8863 Work Code: L Member Since: 1995 Van City Truck Outfitters Robert Dowse 3455 14th Ave Markham, ON L3R 0H4 Tel: 905-947-1100 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2007 LO associate members Vanden Bussche Irrigation & Equipment Ltd Marc Vanden Bussche 970 James St Box 304 Delhi, ON N4B 2X1 Tel: 519-582-2380 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 1991 Vandergrift Wholesale Florist Ltd Vandergrift Chris 353 Elizabeth Street Guelph, ON N1E 2X9 Tel: 800-446-5781 Work Code: E Member Since: 2008 Vanhof & Blokker Ltd Ian Koopmans 6745 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T 1S6 Tel: 905-670-2852 Work Code: V Member Since: 1985 Vermeer Canada Inc Craig Drury 10 Indell Lane Brampton, ON L6T 3Y3 Tel: 905-793-9339 Work Code: L Member Since: 1991 Vincent Lawn & Garden Equipment Inc Cliff Billard 635 Main St E Cambridge, ON N1R 5S7 Tel: 519-621-7805 Work Code: L Member Since: 2005 Vineland Growers Co-Operative Ltd* Scott Wright 4150 Jordan Rd Box 700 Jordan Station, ON L0R 1S0 Tel: 905-562-4133 Work Code: L Member Since: 1996 Voth Sales & Services Inc Frank Voth 10816 Plank Rd RR 1 Eden, ON N0J 1H0 Tel: 519-866-3459 Work Code: L Member Since: 2004 *Chapter Associate members (denoted with an asterisk) are suppliers serving regional customers within specific chapter areas W R Smale Co (1979) Ltd Pat Smale 4583 Putnam Rd RR 2 Mossley, ON N0L 1V0 Tel: 519-269-3754 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 Wellmaster Carts Doug White PO Box 456 Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4J1 Tel: 519-688-0500 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 York Region Equipment Centre Kim Knight 772 The Queensway S Keswick, ON L4P 4C5 Tel: 905-478-1553 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Z Wacker Neuson Ltd Dean Nasato 160 Admiral Blvd Mississauga, ON L5T 2N6 Tel: 905-795-1661 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Western Toronto International Trucks Inc Paul Lagerwerf 7450 Torbram Rd Mississauga, ON L4T 1G9 Tel: 905-671-7600 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2002 Wajax Industries Shanna Small 16745 111th Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5M 2S4 Tel: 780-483-4487 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Willowlee Sod Farms Ltd* Kurt or Darilyn Vanclief 908 Victoria Rd Ameliasburg, ON K0K 1A0 Tel: 613-966-0338 Work Codes: H, N, Y Member Since: 2004 Your Deck Company Todd Mounsey 12619 Leslie St Richmond Hill, ON L4E 1A2 Tel: 416-605-7207 Work Code: V Member Since: 2007 Walker Equipment Ltd James Walker PO Box 118 Markham, ON L3P 3J5 Tel: 905-294-8333 Work Code: L Member Since: 1984 Wilson Niblett Motors (division of Wisand National Leasing) Brian Hay 10675 Yonge St Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3E1 Tel: 905-884-0991 Work Code: L Member Since: 2006 Zander Sod Co Ltd Claus Zander 17525 Jane St, RR 1 Kettleby, ON L0G 1J0 Tel: 905-727-2100 Work Code: L Member Since: 1973 Wallenstein by EMB MFG INC Allan Fallis 4144 Boomer Line RR 1 St Clements, ON N0B 2M0 Tel: 519-699-9283 Work Code: L Member Since: 2007 Water Arts Inc Dorothy Shand 4158 Dundas St W Etobicoke, ON M8X 1X3 Tel: 416-239-5345 Work Code: L Member Since: 1993 Waterdown Garden Supplies Ltd David Di Cecca 1771 Hwy 5 West Troy, ON L0R 2B0 Tel: 905-527-7779 Work Code: L Member Since: 1980 Watergardens Unlimited* Chuck Pronger 2580 Jefferson Blvd Windsor, ON N8T 2W6 Tel: 519-974-3403 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Windmill Power Equipment Ltd* Vincent Borgdorff 368 Mill St Dundas, ON L9H 2M1 Tel: 905-628-3055 Work Code: L Member Since: 2003 Wood’n Things Paul Scoular 57 Shady Lane Cres Thornhill, ON L3T 3W6 Tel: 905-881-0897 Work Code: L Member Since: 2000 Woodchuck Farms Inc* Karl Retzer 5259 Sixth Line RR 1 Hornby, ON L0P 1E0 Tel: 905-876-4998 Work Code: L Member Since: 1997 Xero Flor Canada Ltd Joy Schmidt 3965 Zenith Ct Mississauga, ON L5N 7H7 Tel: 289-997-1544 Work Codes: L, V Member Since: 2007 Young Sod Farms Inc* Barb Christopher 360 Foss Rd, RR 5 Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 Tel: 905-892-2681 Work Code: H Member Since: 2000 Zwart’s Topsoil & Landscaping Supplies Ltd Peter Oosterhoff PO Box 836 Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0 Tel: 519-599-1027 Work Code: L Member Since: 1998 KEY TO MEMBER WORK CODES: A Landscape Contractor B Grounds Maintenance C Landscape Designer D Lawn Care/Spray Contractor E Wholesale Nursery/Grower F Retail Garden Centre G Parks & Recreation H Sod Grower I Cemetery J Golf Course K Arborist/Tree Care L Manufacturer, Supplier of Related Products M Greenhouse Operator N Snow Removal Contractor O Landscape Lighting P Interior Plantscaper Q Media or Advertising R Educator S Government T Apprentice/Student U Irrigation Contractor V Others Allied to the Industry X Tree Mover Y Hydroseeding Contractor Z Interlock Only Contractor TT Excavator Only landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 105 Advertisers’ Index COMPANY PAGE PHONE EMAIL WEBSITE A & T Industries 34 Acorus Restroation 67 888-546-3182 519-586-2603 Agraturf Equipment/John Deere Canada 35 AMA Plastics Ltd 81 800-338-1136 Ariens Company 5 800-472-8359 Atlas Polar Company Ltd 7 888-799-4422 AWS Irrigation Management 15 888-LAWN H20 Beaver Valley Stone 67 416-222-2424 Best Way Stone Ltd 17 416-747-0988 Bobcat 27 Clintar Groundskeeping Services/Home Depot 19 800-361-3542 Duke (GC) Equipment Ltd 51 905-407-4748 44,45 877-841-5880 Durham Truck & Equipment Sales Eastern Farm Machinery Ltd 59 519-763-2400 EZ Dumper Ontario 75 905-854-9894 Ferguson Forest Care 79 613-258-0110 G & L Group 71 416-789-7050 Galer Farm Equipment 43 905-628-0551 Global Arch Inc 57 905-857-6600 Grand River Natural Stone Ltd 47 519-843-2854 Greenhorizons Group of Farms Ltd 77 519-653-7494 Hanson Hardscape Products 2 800-265-6496 HortProtect 49 800-459-8990 Humberview Trucks 31 800-567-3752 Kawartha Rock Quarry Inc 61 866-503-8770 McCloskey International Limited 33 877-876-6635 Miller Compost 13 866-887-6457 Nature’s Way Landscaping 79 866-382-1207 Nisco National Leasing 65 888-634-9559 Norleans Technologies Inc 40 Nutrite (div of Fertichem) 36 800-265-8865 Oaks Concrete Products Ltd 107 800-709-OAKS Pan American Nursery Products Inc 39 800-262-0401 Pickering Nurseries 72 905-753-2155 Pro-Power Canada Ltd 37 800-361-0907 Quality Seeds 38 905-856-7333 Richardson’s Pineneedle Farms 83 705-277-9993 Sheridan Nurseries Ltd 53 416-798-7970 Silverthorn Landscape Supplies 81 519-765-2379 Southland Insurance Service 55 888-999-6591 Stam Nurseries Inc 81 519-462-1873 Stihl Limited 9 519-681-3000 Stinchcomb Nursery Sales Inc 11 800-875-2296 Stonemen’s Valley Inc 73 905-841-8400 Sugrim Maintenance 69 905-497-0781 Thames Valley Brick & Tile 75 905-637-6997 Unilock Ltd 108 800-UNILOCK Van Noort Bulb Company Ltd 77 604-888-6555 Vermeer Canada Inc 41 905-793-9339 Winkelmolen Nursery Ltd 63 519-647-3912 Zander Sod Co Ltd 71 877-727-2100 106 landscape ontario member HandbOok 2009 1-800-709-OAKS (6257) Visit our New Website at * S CK PA E L MP A S E RE F FREE Sample packs delivered to your door in 72 hours! 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