Premium Denture Solutions
Premium Denture Solutions
Design & Communication Guidlines Premium Denture Solutions Inhoud Introduction___________________________________________________________ 3 Logo Vertex Dental______________________________________________________ 4 Variations________________________________________________________________4 Unpermitted applications____________________________________________________4 Colours Vertex Dental____________________________________________________ 5 Primary Colours_ __________________________________________________________5 Typography_ __________________________________________________________ 6 Dax family_ ______________________________________________________________6 Caflisch Script Pro _________________________________________________________6 Identity design_________________________________________________________ 7 Company cards____________________________________________________________7 Address label_____________________________________________________________7 Stationary________________________________________________________________8 Envelopes________________________________________________________________9 With Compliments Card_ ___________________________________________________ 10 Presentations_________________________________________________________ 11 Powerpoint template_ _____________________________________________________ 11 Brochures____________________________________________________________ 12 Cover examples_ _________________________________________________________ 12 Reverse side examples_____________________________________________________ 13 Inside examples__________________________________________________________ 14 Brochures____________________________________________________________ 15 Inside examples__________________________________________________________ 15 Leaflets_ ____________________________________________________________ 16 examples_______________________________________________________________ 16 Internet_ ____________________________________________________________ 17 examples_______________________________________________________________ 17 Communication Materials________________________________________________ 18 Advertisments_ __________________________________________________________ 18 Poster__________________________________________________________________ 19 Images______________________________________________________________ 20 2 Introduction Dear partner, Please find our Design & Communication Guide Lines. This document serves as a corporate identity and brand standards manual of Vertex-Dental BV. All expressions in the field of communication, both internally and externally, must conform to the standards and guidelines stated within. For further information please contact us. Sincerely, Jan Willem Carelse Manager Sales & Marketing 3 Logo Vertex Dental PANTONE CMYK RGB PMS 274 C 100% M 100% Y 0% K 28% R 46 G 0 B 104 Variations Normal Logo Black Unpermitted applications Logo in any other color 4 Logo white Colours Vertex Dental Primary Colours PMS 274 PANTONE 274 PANTONE 319 C 100% M 100% Y 0% K 28% C 52% M 0% Y 19% K 0% R 46 G 0 B 104 R 132 G 201 B 207 The colours can be used in different graduations and combinations 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 5 Typography Dax family Light Light italic Regular Regular italic Medium Medium italic Bold Bold italic abcdefghijklmnoPQ abcdefghijklmnoPQ abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnoPQ abcdefghijklmnoQR abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqst abcdefghijklmnoP abcdefghijklmnoP abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnoP abcdefghijklmnoP abcdefghijklmnopq abcdefghijklmnopq ExtraboldExtrabold italic abcdefghijklmnoP abcdefghijklmnoP abcdefghijklmnopq abcdefghijklmnopq Black Black italic abcdefghijklmno abcdefghijklmno abcdefghijklmnop abcdefghijklmnop Not allowed Extreme character broadening or tightening nonseni Nonsenibh Lam nio aia Vulputat leamet ino Vulputat leamet ino Irit lam nonsenibh euasgiam, sea Caflisch Script Pro Use only for payoff Premium Denture Solutions 6 Identity design Company cards John Doe John Doe Manager Manager Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 3705 HJ | Zeist | The Netherlands t > +31 (0)30 69 76 749 f > +31 (0)30 69 55 188 e > i > Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 3705 HJ | Zeist | The Netherlands t > +31 (0)30 69 76 749 f > +31 (0)30 69 55 188 e > i > Premium Denture Solutions Address label Vertex Dental Asia | The Alpha #04-16 | Singapore Science Park II 10 Science Park Road | Singapore 117684 7 Identity design Stationary Front Following papers t > +31(0)306976749 f > +31(0)306955188 e > i > ChamberofCommerce Utrecht30063196 VAT809415094B01 Jeroen van Stuijvenberg Da Costakade 61 III 1053 WG Amsterdam t.a.v. de afdeling techniek onderwerp: Huisstijl Nulla facilisi. Cras posuere accumsan dapibus. Sed ullamcorper pharetra vestibulum. Vivamus a nunc ac ligula aliquam laoreet. Nulla erat augue, bibendum nec aliquam eget, porttitor sed elit. Etiam odio metus, ornare sed blandit sed, porta at sem. Curabitur sollicitudin dui vel nulla interdum vulputate. Proin erat nisl, imperdiet eu tristique eget, malesuada nec lacus. Vestibulum adipiscing, mauris quis facilisis pellentesque, augue metus laoreet mauris, vitae fermentum dolor nunc sed erat. Phasellus consequat purus nec mi sagittis tempor. 25 november | 2009 Geachte heer, mevrouw, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ultricies, erat at feugiat adipiscing, magna justo interdum elit, sed porttitor velit dui et ante. Sed porttitor ipsum vitae dui lacinia mollis. Proin consequat, ipsum ut imperdiet adipiscing, risus lectus feugiat elit, eu tristique purus felis et elit. Duis lacinia tellus sit amet dolor bibendum volutpat. Fusce sodales neque mattis metus consequat viverra. Mauris et tempor erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas magna orci, ultricies ac rutrum a, mattis ac neque. Nulla malesuada urna id lectus pulvinar scelerisque. Praesent pellentesque lobortis nisi non imperdiet. Integer a porttitor ipsum. Curabitur quis suscipit tellus. Phasellus eget elementum urna. Nullam vitae pulvinar enim. Nulla facilisi. Cras posuere accumsan dapibus. Sed ullamcorper pharetra vestibulum. Vivamus a nunc ac ligula aliquam laoreet. Nulla erat augue, bibendum nec aliquam eget, porttitor sed elit. Etiam odio metus, ornare sed blandit sed, porta at sem. Curabitur sollicitudin dui vel nulla interdum vulputate. Proin erat nisl, imperdiet eu tristique eget, malesuada nec lacus. Vestibulum adipiscing, mauris quis facilisis pellentesque, augue metus laoreet mauris, vitae fermentum dolor nunc sed erat. Phasellus consequat purus nec mi sagittis tempor. Mod dignisisci bla con verit, quat laor autatincilla adiam eum estie tat praesto exer ipsustisi. Em init wisim ilit wis el iriure tat, velisi. Velissenim qui bla facilis modiam nulla feum amcorpe raesequatum iriureet ipisi. Alis exero corper adit numsandre mod tat praessi bla cortionsenim ing exero odionul lumsand igniamcorero conulput vulla am veliquat incidui scilit vero dolor ip et eummodit lore ming el utat. Liquat lam, velit et diat. Ut wis er sustrud estrud tatem vulput dunt wis aut nullaor si. Ut dunt ipsusci liquat del dio odolore exeraes endit, consecte tet lore facidui bla feum nim zzriurer iriure dit nonullaore doloborerit ut iuscin heniam, quiscin ciliquis delessi tatumsan ullam velit in ulla alit aliquam, verosto dui blandio nsequismod min hent ulput loborper susci bla facinci llaorem dolore tie faccum dunt lor si blaore magna am, commod tinim eugiam iliquat la feugue commolenibh enismod exeros nos nos augue veliqui blandiamcor ilit, consed molese enis at nisismo dipsumm odoloreet lor senim il eum vent ilisisi. Doloreet ad exerat prat ulputpat. Ut illaorem quat ad tatue tisi tin verosto consenit utpat, cor iustrud te tetum do odip etum zzriustincil utpate dolore molesse diatum veliquisi bla aute molobore tionsequam euguercilit volorti onulputpat, consenit estrud tinci blandre euissed dolore doloree tummolore faccummy nostrud magna faciliquisci te doloree tuercip ex eui exerosto digniat. Duis numsan etummod iamconsent luptat. Duisl dionsent eliquat delisit nis aliquat. Bore tatum nonsequ issecte tat lum dipit nosto commod modolessi ex etum incilis molendrem incipit, quamcon ulputat. Met vriendelijke groet, Gerrit Munnik Vertex-Dental B.V. JohanvanOldenbarneveltlaan62|3705HJZeist|P.O.Box10|3700AAZeist|TheNetherlands Premium Denture Solutions Reverse side Premium Denture Solutions 8 Premium Denture Solutions Identity design Envelopes EA5 Vertex-Dental Asia Pte Ltd The Alpha #04-16 | Singapore Science Park II 10 Science Park Road | Singapore 117684 C4 Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 3705 HJ Zeist | The Netherlands 9 Identity design With Compliments Card Front t > +31(0)306976749 f > +31(0)306955188 e > i > With Compliments JohanvanOldenbarneveltlaan62|3705HJZeist|P.O.Box10|3700AAZeist|TheNetherlands Premium Denture Solutions Reverse side Premium Denture Solutions 10 Presentations Powerpoint template First slide Dolesto er sumsandio conse feugiam Backside Following slides Dolesto er sumsandio conse feugiam Consequat lum acilit venim nis alis dio consed esed Henit ipit nim quis ercidunt: – velis aliquisl ex elisl – adio odignis diam illa ipit lore modo od 11 Brochures Cover examples Quint Teeth Mould Chart Premium Denture Solutions Academy Training program Premium Denture Solutions VERTEX1038 Dental Academy Folder EN.indd 1 12 14-01-2011 16:58:32 Brochures Reverse side examples Quint Synthetic Resin Teeth Combinated Articulations Anteriors Posteriors Upper Lower A B M1 AL1 08 12 11 14 M2 AL2 08 13 11 C 14 D M3 AL4 09 13 11 15 M4 AL7 09/10 13 11 15 08 12 R1 AL1 R2 AL2 07 13 11 14 R3 AL5 09 13 11 11 15 14 R4 AL6 09 13 11 15 R5 AL8 09 10 11 15 J1 AL1 08 12 11 J2 AL2 08 12 11 14 J3 AL3 09 13 11 15 14 J4 AL7 09/10 13 11 15 J5 AL8 09 10 11 15 Shades Available in 16 shades and tones: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4 B1, B2, B3, B4 C1, C2, C3, C4 D2, D3, D4 The dimensions are in millimeters. Vertex Quint Teeth meet all the requirements of EN-ISO 22112:2006 and are not fluorescent. Vertex-Dental B.V. Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 | 3705 HJ Zeist Postbus 10 | 3700 AA Zeist | The Netherlands Telefoon 030 - 69 76 749 | Fax 030 - 69 55 188 | Vertex-Dental B.V. Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 | 3705 HJ Zeist Postbus 10 | 3700 AA Zeist | The Netherlands Telefoon 030 - 69 76 749 | Fax 030 - 69 55 188 | Premium Denture Solutions Premium Denture Solutions Vertex-Dental B.V. Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 | 3705 HJ Zeist Postbus 10 | 3700 AA Zeist | The Netherlands Telefoon 030 - 69 76 749 | Fax 030 - 69 55 188 | Premium Denture Solutions 13 Brochures Inside examples Durable and wear-resistant Large range of Quint elements leader in the area of innovative, customer-oriented This new product developed by Vertex-Dentalís R&D The Vertex Quint elements are part of a range of models denture products for more than 70 years. department combines five layers made of different combi- that meet all everyday requirements. The range comprises nations of materials to construct a durable, wear-resistant 10 different male anterior upper forms, both athletic and The company’s vision is to lead the market and be material on one side of the element and a material that leptosomic, 4 female anterior upper forms (pyknic) and 8 regarded by dental professionals as the company that offers outstanding bonding with Vertex denture base anterior lower forms. In addition, there are 9 complete upper sets the standard when it comes to premium denture acrylics on the other side. For the denture base acrylics, we and lower posteriors (7 form sets with an angle between 22 solutions that can be reliably worked. recommend using Vertex Rapid Simplified for the pressing and 28 degrees and 2 sets with a 0 degree angle). Vertex-Dental, a globally active company with its headquarters in Zeist, the Netherlands, has been a The five layers technique, Vertex Castavaria or Vertex Castapress for the We are proud to announce our latest innovation: Vertex Quint, a completely new 5-layer range of acrylic teeth, available in the following colours A1, A2, A3, A3.5, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, C3, C4, D2, D3, and D4. Mammelons cervical area of the elements. This ensures that the element stands out less where it comes into contact with casting technique and Vertex Implacryl for dentures fitted Anteriors to implants with bar and Dalbo structures. the acrylic of the denture base. Outstanding test results Colour retain The result is a successful combination of PMMA and DCL materials without fillers, giving the element superior Where lack of space is an issue, the dental technician characteristics when it comes to durability, wear-resistance sometimes has to polish off part of the cervical or palatinal and bonding. These characteristics are borne out by side. In this case, the Vertex Quint retains its colour as the outstanding test results. The Vertex Quint elements sufficient opacity* remains. Even in different lighting demonstrate 40% less absorption (intake of moisture by conditions the Vertex Quint offers an extraordinary colour the material), 56% less discolouration by foods and higher The Vertex Quint boards feature the latest type of barcode, match when compared to natural teeth. wear-resistance compared to the average test result for the data matrix that ensures easy compliance with the well-known international tooth ranges. GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) registration of medical Five layers of different materials Five-layer morphological construction Boards with GTIN registration devices, which will become compulsory in the future. All the necessary data is recorded in this data matrix, such Occlusal surface This new product developed by Vertex-Dentalís R&D as the item code, model, colour, batch number and expiry Through an innovative 5-layer morphological* construction department combines five layers made of different date. These details can be scanned and added to the technique we have succeeded in giving diversity to the combinations of materials to construct a durable, wear- patientís file, ensuring full traceability. element, resulting in a considerably richer perception of resistant material on one side of the element and a colour. Vertex Quint elements are made up of five layers material that offers outstanding bonding with Vertex The diverse range of models means dental technicians with different opacities and cielab* values, rather than just denture base acrylics on the other side. always have the right materials on hand to manufacture an opaque and a translucent layer. This generates a meta- For the denture base acrylics, we recommend using meric* effect in the element, as is seen with natural teeth. Vertex Rapid Simplified for the pressing technique, Vertex With Vertex Quint elements, the highly prized chameleon Castavaria or Vertex Castapress for the casting technique effect is achieved whether the denture is used in combi- and Vertex Implacryl for dentures fitted to implants with nation with natural teeth or as full dentures. bar and Dalbo structures. the artificial tooth. There are 40 different boards in 16 different colours (A1 to D4). International research The Vertex Quint elements have been tested in accordance with various international standards, such as ISO Comfort 22112:2005 “Artificial teeth for dental prostheses” and ISO/ Polished cervical edge TS 14569-2:2001 “Dental materials – guidance on testing Denture wearers no longer have the sensation of wearing of wear”. In addition, they satisfy the various biocompati- a prosthetic device, it is more like a copy of a natural bility* tests, including cytotoxicity*, mutagenicity* (Ames tooth, comparable to a constructed ceramic crown. test), sensitivity and short-term toxicity. The stimulating We believe the look is improved even further as the effect in the mouth has also been tested and the results element is constructed from the core outwards using do not reveal any stimulation of the mucosa. These results warm colour pigments, similar to those that occur are supported by various studies conducted by renowned naturally. We have used slightly darker shades in the dental research institutes, such as the NIOM in Norway. Vertex denture acrylics Premium Denture Solutions Tray-, Orthodontic acrylics & Separation fluid Soft acrylic, Staining & Putty 1:1 Vertex™ Trayplast Vertex™ Orthoplast Vertex™ Divosep Vertex™ Soft Vertex™ Acrylic Stain Vertex™ Orthoplast Vertex™ Trayplast is a self polymerizing acrylic Vertex™ Orthoplast is a self polymerizing acrylic Vertex™ Divosep is used for the separation of Vertex™ Soft is a flexible denture soft lining acrylic Vertex™ Acrylic Stain is used to give an indivi- Vertex™ Orthoplast is a self polymerizing acrylic for individual impression trays. This acrylic for orthodontic appliances. Its unique grain acrylics to plaster and plaster to plaster. Divo- (heat-curing). Vertex™ Soft has an excellent dual colour characterisation to full and partial for orthodontic appliances. Its unique grain can be polymerized in 10 minutes using the structure makes this acrylic suitable for the sep is available in the following types/colours: adhesion to both new and existing dentures. The dentures. This acrylic is suitable for use in com- structure makes this acrylic suitable for the MultiCure. spray-on technique. Vertex™ Orthoplast powder orange - pressing technique / red - pouring outstanding surface density makes the mate- bination with most denture base materials for spray-on technique. Vertex™ Orthoplast powder is available in clear. In addition, an extensive technique / blue - universal use. rial simple to finish and polish with the special the pressing technique and the pouring techni- is available in clear. In addition, an extensive range of colours (18) incorporated in the liquid Vertex™ polishing instruments. Vertex™ Soft is for que. The use of Acrylic Stain is educated during range of colours (18) incorporated in the liquid is available. temporary use. Soft base is educated at the Vertex the following courses; transferring a wax set-up is available. Dental Academy. Patients with continuous pain by using a pouring type of acrylic, high impact problems because they are wearing a denture are acrylic in implant work and the authentic pres- in most cases helped with a Vertex™ Soft liner. sing technique at the Vertex Dental Academy. Powder, article series AVTNP: 500, 1000 and 2000g in several colours. Liquid, article series AVTNV: 250, 500 and 1000ml. Per colour, article series AVASP: 100g in colour 210, Article series blue AVDSBL, article series red AVDSRO, 220, 230, 240 and 250. Complete package, article article series orange AVDSOR: 1000 and 5000ml. number AVASCOMPLEET: set 5 x 100g (including needles, plugs and PE bottle). Powder, article series AVOPP: 200, 500, 1000, 2000, Powder, article series AVOPP: 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 7 » product range 2010 14 4000, 10000 and 25000g. Liquid, article series AVOPV: Powder, article series AVSNP: 150, 500 and 1.000g. 4000, 10000 and 25000g. Liquid, article series AVOPV: 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 and 12500ml. Liquid, article series AVSNV: 75, 250 and 500ml. 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 and 12500ml. 8 » product range 2010 Brochures Inside examples Transferring wax denture with pouring acrylic Using acrylics on frames Pouring is becoming more and Objective The frame denture is a standard more popular, because people The objective of this course is not element at the denture want a system that combines clean only to give the student an idea of department. Processing acrylic work, speed and precision. all possibilities, but particularly that is done in many different ways The Vertex pouring system also significant cost savings can be worldwide. We consider it our duty meets all these requirements. realized in the laboratory. to get the students acquainted This technique can be applied to with the various options there are practically all dentures. Subject matter of wax model • Positioning the gel in the Castaflask • Pouring out the denture • Taking the pouring and • Stabbing ventilation canals Repositioning the teeth • After completing the course, people to manufacture a frame denture. are able to implement and apply this One of the options is to work with technique immediately in their own a Vertex Putty slot and another laboratory. way is to apply the pouring technique. Even colouring the of the denture • Pouring of the denture • Polymerization out and finishing • Taking the denture frame denture can be done. High Impact acrylic on implant work The acrylics produced for a denture on implants must be of prime quality. These acrylics must be able to resist better to sudden impacts that apply on dentures on implants. Subject matter Vertex Putty • Making slots in various ways back the teeth • Placing in the Vertex Putty • Separation of the moulds • Pouring • Finishing the frame prosthesis Objective The objective of this course is to manufacture, in a controlled way, the frame denture in various ways, with a predictable final result. Authentic pressing method Subject matter the matrix • Fitting the denture • Customizing with a High Impact acrylic • Pressing Polymerization of the denture • Finishing the denture • Objective Pressing is a method known Objective The objective of this course is to by the denture department for The objective of this course is to be prevent breaking caused by lack of decades. Worldwide it still is the able to work predictably to achieve a space, occurring with combination most applied method. This course final result of the highest quality. work. is considered an exchange of thoughts, but also as foundation of the why. The course includes the production of complete models as well as partial models. Attention is also paid to the protection of the modelation and the set up of the teeth. Subject matter and embedding • Fixing of the denture the Vertex Putty • Applying to protect the teeth • Separation the acrylic • Preparing colouring of the acrylic • Individually pressing and pressing • Trial of the prosthesis of the prosthesis • Polymerization • Finishing the dentures 4 5 VERTEX1038 Dental Academy Folder EN.indd 4 14-01-2011 16:58:42 Quint Synthetic Resin Teeth - Upper Anteriors VERTEX1038 Dental Academy Folder EN.indd 5 14-01-2011 16:58:44 Quint Synthetic Resin Teeth - Posteriors Square M1 M3 07 41.3 8.4 8.0 46.0 10.3 8.7 29.9 8.6 31.8 8.2 M2 M4 43.5 9.8 8.3 46.3 10.8 8.8 Ovoid Tapering J1 R1 41.8 9.0 7.6 41.8 9.9 8.1 J2 R2 42.7 9.4 7.8 43.2 10.5 8.4 J3 R3 46.3 9.6 8.6 47.0 10.7 8.4 J4 R4 46.4 10.3 8.8 48.5 10.9 8.9 J5 R5 52.0 12.5 9.8 50.1 13.0 9.5 R5 08 08 29.1 8.5 31.6 8.0 29.1 8.5 31.6 8.0 Alldimensionsareinmillimeters 09 31.8 9.1 34.3 8.7 10 34.1 9.7 36.6 9.1 11 30.3 8.5 33.5 7.4 11 30.3 8.5 33.5 7.4 Alldimensionsareinmillimeters 12 50.1 13.0 Quint Synthetic Resin Teeth - Lower Anteriors 9.5 Alldimensionsareinmillimeters 28.0 7.6 30.0 6.9 13 AL1 AL5 32.1 8.2 4.7 37.4 9.0 5.7 AL2 AL6 34.8 8.5 5.2 38.1 9.6 5.7 AL3 AL7 34.6 9.4 5.0 38.8 11.3 5.6 AL4 AL8 35.8 9.4 5.7 39.0 10.7 6.0 30.0 9.6 31.5 7.5 14 30.5 9.2 31.2 8.8 15 32.8 10.2 33.5 9.4 Premium Denture Solutions 15 Leaflets examples Casting System Vertex-Dental iPhone app ® Premium Denture Solutions Premium Denture Solutions VERTEX1037 sheets [7].indd 11 Nu Gratis iPod Touch bij Vertex™ Quint Teeth 04-02-2011 14:37:19 ® * IDS 2 PRIME011 UR Beste ll de iPh en met on ® van V e app erte Denta xl Acrylic Teeth Vertex™ Quint teeth Advantages of the Vertex™ teeth Quint: Excellent bonding characteristics with Vertex™ Denture Base Acrylics Wide range of models Available in A1 until D4 colour classification Innovative 5 layer concept Easy to grind with cervical consistent color ceramic effect Double cross linked and a high molecular weight Vertex™ TCA Vertex™ TCA is a cold-curing teeth coloured acrylic, which can be used for restorations to dentures and frames where an element must be renewed, repaired or permanently fixed. Available in 9 different shades: A2, A3, A3.5, B2, B3, C2, C3, D2, D3. Vertex™ TCA can be used as well as temporary crown made by Dental technicans. The following products are related to the Acrylic Teeth: Vertex-Dental presenteert een app voor de Apple® iPhone®, iPod Touch® en iPad®. Om Vertex-Dental producten te bestellen hoeft u alleen nog maar de QR-code te scannen. En dat is nu wel héél aantrekkelijk, want bij bestelling van Vertex™ Quint Teeth t.w.v. € 1.000,- ligt er voor u een gratis iPod Touch® klaar. Om direct de nieuwe app te gebruiken. Vertex-Dental heet u van harte welkom in de stand! Hal 10.1 - stand nr C068 - C069 * alleen geldig op onze stand tijdens IDS 2011, 22 -26 maart 2011. Vertex™ Quint shade guide Shows the real life 16 available shades from A1 – D4. Vertex™ Quint cabinet This 8 tray solid Cabinet is made out of high quality wood with inlays for anteriors and posteriors. Vertex™ Teeth grinder Is specially meant to enlarge the contact surface of resin teeth. Vertex™ Acrybond Creates a chemical bonding between denture base acrylics and acrylic teeth. Vertex-Dental B.V. Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 | 3705 HJ Zeist P.O. box 10 | 3700 AA Zeist | The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30-69 76 749 | Fax +31 (0)30-69 55 188 | Apple, iPhone, iPad en iPod touch zijn geregistreerde handelsmerken van Apple. Premium Denture Solutions VERTEX1104 iPod Touch leaflet [3].indd 1 16 02-03-2011 16:04:07 VERTEX1037 sheets [7].indd 2 04-02-2011 14:36:08 Internet examples 17 Communication Materials Advertisments Vertex™ Eco Light Box Vertex™ Quint tandenlijn Vertex™ Eco Light Box Innovatieve 5-laags opbouwtechniek ● ● ● ● Vertex™ Light Curing Trayplates Detachable tray with a black out front Switch can be set at 5 or 10 minutes curing time High intensity and short polymerisation time Suitable for Vertex Light Curing Trayplates (also base plate and registration plate) ● ● ● ● ● | Uitstekende hechtingseigenschappen Uitgebreid assortiment in de kleuren A1 t/m D4 Innovatieve 5-laags opbouwtechniek Behoud van kleur bij het slijpen Duurzaam, slijtvast en kleurstabiel | Premium Denture Solutions VERTEX10?? adv Eco Light Box 2.indd 1 20-12-2010 16:24:33 Enthousiaste en gedreven topper gezocht Vertex™ is wereldwijd in meer dan 80 landen een synoniem voor Premium Quality en betrouwbaarheid en produceert en verkoopt al ruim 70 jaar kwaliteitsproducten voor tandtechnische laboratoria over de gehele wereld. Ter versterking van ons sales team zoeken wij een: Medewerker Verkoop Binnendienst Het betreft een fulltime functie voor de afdeling Sales & Marketing De functie: Je werkt intensief samen met de klant (nationaal & internationaal), beoordeelt de orders, maakt de planning en draagt zorg voor transport en facturatie. Daarnaast geef je ondersteuning aan de Area Sales Managers. Onze verwachtingen HBO, net afgestudeerd of MBO niveau met relevante werkervaring; afgeronde tandtechnische opleiding of tandtechnische kennis is een pre; goede beheersing van de Engelse- en een additionele vreemde taal; accuratesse; teamspeler; verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel; affiniteit met automatisering; klantgericht en commercieel. Ons aanbod Een internationaal georiënteerd, informeel bedrijf; werken in een professioneel team; uitstekende secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden, waaronder goede opleidingsfaciliteiten, een bonusregeling en een premievrij pensioen; aandacht voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Is je interesse gewekt, dan kan je voor reacties, sollicitaties of meer informatie terecht bij Jan Willem Carelse, Manager Sales & Marketing, Vertex-Dental B.V. Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 | Postbus 10 | 3700 AA Zeist | T: 030 – 697 67 59 | | Premium Denture Solutions VERTEX1009 Personeelsad.indd 1 18 25-03-2010 10:04:22 Premium Denture Solutions VERTEX1041 adv Quint tanden [2].indd 1 01-11-2010 11:54:29 Communication Materials Poster Vertex MultiCure Hot-curing acrylics, 4 flasks, 100 °C Rapid Simplified, Regular, Implacryl & Soft Cold-curing acrylics, 3 flasks, 55°C, 2.5 Bar Castapress, Castavaria, Implacryl Cold, Castaquick, Self-Curing & Trayplast Orthodontic acrylics, 9 models, 55°C, 2.5 Bar Orthoplast Crown & Bridge acrylics, (minimum) 93°C,6.0 Bar Premium Denture Solutions 19 Images Photography These images and many others can be downloaded in high resolution on our website: 20 Images Photography 21 Vertex-Dental B.V. Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 62 | 3705 HJ Zeist Postbus 10 | 3700 AA Zeist | The Netherlands Telefoon 030 - 69 76 749 | Fax 030 - 69 55 188 | Premium Denture Solutions