The Honorable Merchant - IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken
The Honorable Merchant - IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken
Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Central Franconia The Honorable Merchant “The Chambers of Commerce and Industry have the function […] to preserve the virtues and decency of the honorable merchant.” (Extract from §1 IHK law) Gaining confidence with proven means Contents The IHK law states a special statutory function for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry: To preserve virtues and decency of the honorable merchant. The term “honorable merchant” appears antiquated, but it still has an enduring timeliness. Even today the concept of the honorable merchant can provide necessary guidance. The current economic and financial crisis not only affects the different economic sectors; people’s confidence in the economy and its protagonists has been seriously shaken and has 1. The Honorable Merchant Tradition and Commitment 4 triggered lively debates about regulation of the markets. Confidence is a major asset of the social market economy. In this context the “honorable merchant” is often mentioned, however, very different expectations and concepts are connected to it. Which qualities does the honorable merchant need to have in today’s world of business and commerce? What legitimate expectations may society have for businessmen and businesswomen? And what actions does the IHK take to fulfill its statutory task to “preserve virtues and decency of the honorable merchant”? With this brochure, issued on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the Nürnberger Handelsvorstand - the predecessor of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Central Franconia - we try to answer all these questions and thus contribute to a more objective debate. That is because commercial actions - carried out in freedom and with responsibility - are the basis of our society. Revenue generation in a responsible manner is in the interest of society and therefore has a moral quality. Dirk von Vopelius President of the Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Central Franconia 2. The legacy of the IHK to preserve Virtues and decency Education Trade practices Mediation and arbitration Commercial judges Personnel development Starting new businesses Foreign trade 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3. Guiding principles of the honorable merchant 32 2|3 1. The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment by Prof. Dr. Nick Lin-Hi A 450th anniversary speaks for itself and reflects the success story of the IHK Nuremberg. In fact, the entire region has always benefited from the work of the IHK. Since the merger of the mercantile community in Nuremberg (Nürnberger Kaufmannschaft) in the 16th century for the purpose of commercial self-management, the IHK has become a powerful institution with more than 130,000 members. The IHK sets the stage for business success in Central Franconia and by doing this has a positive influence on the social environment of the region. Dr. Nick Lin-Hi holds the Junior Professorship for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the University of Mannheim. In May 2010 he was awarded the Max-Weber Award for Business Ethics. Inscriptions on the IHK building at the Hauptmarkt in Nuremberg (see page 22 / 23). 4|5 The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment An anniversary always offers the opportunity principle for today’s managers. The standards of cases of corporate misconduct and the recent newly defined by Hanseatic merchants in the to do two things: to reflect the past and look to the honorable merchants paved the way for the financial and economic crisis have cemented North and Italian merchants in Southern Europe. the future. Certainly, there are many aspects historical success of commercial self-adminis- the prejudice that business is contradictory to The first merchants faced several challenges that deserve attention – such as the creation tration and it is still the prerequisite for future societal interests. Hence, it is not surprising on their long journeys. It proved to be difficult and strengthening of market places, the sup- success of companies. Thus, the standards build that people call for more responsibility from for “commercial travelers” to be regarded as port of education, or the promotion of young a bridge between the past and the future: the economic actors. Companies have to handle the strangers in each town they arrived at. Further- companies – nevertheless one aspect seems es- honorable merchant is tradition and commit- increasing demand for responsibility in order to more, the townsfolk believed them all to be pecially appropriate due to its simplicity but ment to the future at the same time – the latter maintain their social acceptance. For this pur- swindlers. still fundamental importance: the principle of in the enlightened self-interest of each and pose, a return to the virtues of the honorable the honorable merchant. The honorable mer- every company. The topicality and the relevance merchant seems to be appropriate. chant was not only the self-conception of the of the principle of the honorable merchant Hanseatic merchants of clearly express themselves in light of the lack of The roots of the principle of the honorable mer- with any other merchant made life difficult for the past, but should confidence that people have in the market chant can be traced back to the Early Middle businessmen as well. The uncertainty associated also be the guiding economy, companies, and profit-making. Several Ages, when Europe’s economic system was with this collective debtor’s liability in combi- In addition, the circumstance that a townsman could satisfy his claims against one merchant 6|7 The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment nation with the challenges mentioned led to The development of the honorable merchant trolled by fellow citizens and was combined tencies. The merchant became honorable merchants establishing associations in order to was embedded in the social structure of medieval with positive and negative incentives. A merchant through virtues such as integrity, honesty, or improve the conditions of their economic acti- cities. Back then, honor which was rated as the could call himself “honorable” and benefit from decency. The honorable merchant stood out be- vities. This prototype of mercantile self-admin- highest good by most members of society, this reputation if he acted in compliance with cause he always kept his word and others could istration led to the development of procedures served as a mechanism to promote desirable these rules. However, if he violated standards, rely on him. of taking evidence and court proceedings, behavior from the urban communities. Similarly, then he was met with disapproval from his fellow which had advantages for merchants and citi- the guiding principle of the honorable merchant citizens and in the worst case he was expelled Through dishonorable behavior, such as fraud zens alike, particularly regarding a mutual anti- aimed at channeling the behavior of the indi- from the community. or deceit, the merchant lost his good reputation cipatory reliability. The mercantile law system vidual merchants so that their behavior complied of “Good Faith” was established with the interests of the mercantile community. Therefore, the success of a merchant was not evitably led to his downfall. In this respect, the which, in turn, led to commer- For this purpose, standards were developed only influenced by practical skills such as read- merchant’s reputation was intertwined with his cial travelers becoming honor- under the influence of the merchant guilds ing, arithmetic, writing, and attributes such as commercial success and therefore represented able merchants. which had the nature of voluntarily self-imposed empathy, intelligence, communication skills, or a crucial asset. rules. Adherence to these standards was con- business aptitude but also by ethical compe- and the confidence of his customers, which in- 8|9 The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment The honorable merchant in today’s world people believe that assuming responsibility in- for two reasons: on the one hand, no company goods and services and to invest in techno- volves altruistic behavior. Accordingly, the as- can afford to risk its competitiveness through logical progress. However, people seem to Nowadays the notion of the “honorable mer- sumption of “true” responsibility should involve altruistic activities; activities which are incom- understand the benefit of corporate revenue chant” appears rather old-fash- (profit) abstinence. In simple terms: the as- patible with the necessity of companies to generation for society less and less, and nor do ioned. Buzzwords such as Cor- sumption of responsibility has to hurt. How- survive in competition are not feasible in the they consider its moral legitimacy. porate Social Responsibility ever, the notion of abstinence neglects the fact long run. On the other hand, an altruistic (CSR), corporate citizenship, or that companies act in a competitive environ- conceptualization of corporate responsibility The demand for an altruistic assumption of re- stakeholder management seem ment which is becoming even tougher in times neglects the fact that the performance-com- sponsibility expresses the society’s deep distrust to be much more up to date. of globalization. petition (which is associated with the realiza- towards profit-making. For many people, the tion of profits) serves societal interests. The realization of profits per se involves disad- Unlike in the past, there is no Trade will covet people of a kind whose sincerity in words and action corresponds to their heart and mouth real consensus as to what The demand for companies to assume respon- ability to realize profits incentivizes companies vantages for other parties and the environment. precisely defines an honorable sibility in a way which is aimed at restricting to orient themselves towards customers and to According to this view, responsibility is at odds or responsible company. Many the realization of profits is counterproductive make efforts to continuously improve their with profits. It cannot be denied that some- (Inscription on the front of the IHK building) 10 | 11 The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment times there is indeed a conflict between the To ensure responsible realization of profits, it imposed measures to prevent of the pursuit of interest, as it is an investment in the conditions two, as the recent financial and economic crisis may be useful to take recourse to the guiding self-interest at the expense of others. The of future success. This shows that the assump- has clearly demonstrated. Likewise, it cannot be principle of the honorable merchant. The honor- merchant’s honor virtually served as a de-posit tion of responsibility does not imply the ab- denied that there are plenty of examples of able merchant knew about the importance of in commercial transactions. The merchant’s ho- stinence from profits but is a value-creating companies producing corporate scandals and people’s trust, both with regard to his own ac- nor being at risk signaled that he had some- investment. realizing profits in an unethical way. Hence, the tivities as well as to the realization of profits in thing to lose if he were to maximize his profits realization of profits requires a differentiated general. A certain degree of confidence needed at the expense of his contractual partner. view. However, it is problematic to assume an to be placed in people, before value-creating The central idea of the honorable merchant irrefutable conflict. Ultimately, the realization transactions could occur. This confidence was involved refraining from any type of irresponsible of profits is responsible and therefore, consistent created through the virtues that characterized realization of profits - such as fraud or deceit with the interests of society as long as profits an honorable merchant. Virtues such as integrity, - to secure the ability to cooperate with others are not realized at the expense of other honesty, decency, and fairness, as well as their in the long term. It must be emphasized that positive effects on business success, were self- such self-restraint is in the company’s own actors. 12 | 13 The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment The honorable merchant in the focus of corporate responsibility charitable work, and other philanthropic en- a company donates financial means to environ- “good deeds” as a particular expression of gagements. mental protection organizations, but massively corporate responsibility leads to corporate fails to adhere to environmental standards in its responsibility being positioned as a correction function for the realization of profits. When analyzing the discussion on corporate responsibility, it is evident that the concept of the Without any doubt, such activities do yield cer- value chain. Independent of such an obvious honorable merchant has become more and more tain benefits and also create mutual advan- misuse of the concept of responsibility, this insignificant. In many cases, corporate respon- tages for companies and society as a whole. interpretation is problematic because it plays The comprehension of “good deeds” as the ex- sibility is associated with good deeds performed Nonetheless, such a comprehension of corporate responsibility off against the realization of pression of corporate responsibility contributes by companies visibly advocating charitable or responsibility is problematic for several reasons. profits. Separating responsibility from the core to consolidating the prevalent prejudice with cultural events or organizations beyond their It is obvious that doing “good deeds” contradicts business implicitly suggests that the day- regard to the legitimacy of business – the con- core business activities. According to this view, the purpose of corporate responsibility, if these to-day business has nothing to do with respon- ception that responsibility has nothing to do corporate responsibility manifests itself in deeds are used to cover up for business mis- sibility - otherwise there would be no need to with the realization of profits and that respon- corporate activities such as donating money for conduct in the core business. It is nothing more assume responsibility beyond the core business. sibility needs to be gained through the afore- social causes, giving employees time off for than the selling of indulgences if, for example, Consequently, the declaration of corporate mentioned “good deeds”. 14 | 15 The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment In general, donations, sponsoring, etc. are tra- and honesty, but it is challenging to live and to Promises should be kept in a concrete situation. This, in turn, requires a ditional components of the marketing and practice these virtues under the conditions of The emphasis on the relevance of asset values specification of the nature of responsible prof- communication mix. They are absolutely legiti- everyday business, such as time, cost, and com- shows that corporate responsibility and the con- it-making. Responsible profit-making means mate and reasonable for both companies and petitive pressure. cept of the honorable merchant are closely re- that organizations act in ways that do not have society as a whole. However, such good deeds The realization of the guiding principle of the lated to a responsible and thus, long-term ori- a negative impact on the legitimate interests of are misleading if they are used as a kind of spe- honorable merchant requires companies to be ented realization of profits. It must be emphasized third parties. The following principle is appro- cial evidence of responsibility. Companies able to organize responsibility. This, in turn, im- again that the responsible realization of profits priate as the point of reference regarding should, in their own interest, reclaim the basic plies that companies need to possess profound benefits society as a whole and hence, pos- corporate responsibility: promises should be concept of the honorable merchant. At the management competencies. Moreover, the or- sesses moral legitimacy. kept! All business relationships are based on same time, they should communicate to the ganization of responsibility calls for the will- people that the concept of the honorable ingness to invest in such assets that are not However, it must be pointed out that it is also partners. Different actors interact with com- merchant is the essence of corporate visible in key corporate figures, but of which possible to realize profits in an irresponsible panies hoping that a business relationship will the honorable merchant knew that they are way. Accordingly, corporate responsibility does enable them to enhance their benefit. Com- However, it is highly demanding to intangible assets that are the basis for future not mean to question the profit principle as panies should be bound to their commitments, walk the talk. It is easy to formulate profits: reliability, integrity, honesty, decency, such but to investigate how profits are realized for instance, concerning services, payments, values such as integrity, reliability, and fairness. responsibility. promises that are made between cooperating 16 | 17 The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment procedures, porate values, etc. comprise implicit promises. co-operation for mutual advantage. This prom- ment. Nonetheless, they can and should contrib- thereby ensuring that the trust put in them Moreover, promises are made to various part- ise is the basis for the existence of companies ute to engendering performance competition is justified. This is in their enlightened self- ners who often have differing interests them- and the freedom conceded to them. that benefits society as a whole. Additionally, interest because, in doing so, they are investing selves. Thus, corporate responsibility starts with in the foundation of their future success. the process of being aware of the promises The growing criticism which business is con- nature and limitations of their responsibility in made to other actors and estimating the ex- fronted with shows that many people doubt an understandable manner. This is where the The statement that promises should be kept pectations raised by these promises. In their that companies do keep their promises to soci- significance of public discourse comes to the might sound trivial, but it is not always easy to own interest, companies should not make un- ety. In certain situations, such doubts are cer- fore which is aimed at promoting a reasonable put it into practice within everyday business. realistic promises they cannot keep. tainly justified, which becomes evident of re- understanding of entrepreneurial freedom and curring corporate scandals. However, in many responsibility. Among other things, this is relat- deadlines, or problem-solving The first limitation is provided by the fact that companies must be capable of explaining the companies make various promises, many of The promises made by companies are not only cases, there is the prevailing problem of exag- ed to being able to explain that the realization them in an implicit way: besides explicit com- limited to individual partners but are also relat- gerated normative expectations. Companies of profits is part of corporate responsibility. mitments made to certain business partners, ed to society as a whole. In this respect, com- cannot meet all expectations from society un- advertising messages, job advertisements, cor- panies have made a promise to promote social der the conditions of a competitive environ- 18 | 19 The Honorable Merchant: Tradition and Commitment Companies depend on a sufficient level of trust with words and deeds that they act in the inter- Final remark telfranken (Nuremberg Chamber of Industry granted by their business partners and society est of society in terms of social cooperation In the Middle Ages, the merchants proved that and Commerce for Central Franconia) are par- as a whole. This is the precondition for perserving for mutual advantage. For this purpose, the the collective establishment and implementation ticularly suited in this respect as they possess the freedoms for a productive and socially principle of the honorable merchant offers of the principle of the honorable merchant could the necessary experience, collected over several valuable corporate value creation. In order to appropriate reference points for companies, generate benefits for both companies and soci- centuries, that represents the key success factor achieve these freedoms, companies must prove citizens, and institutions such as the IHK. ety. Globalization and the resulting loss of in- of the German economy as a whole. It is no fluence of governmental control mechanisms, coincidence that the principle of the honorable it resides with the companies more than ever merchant is firmly rooted in the law on Cham- before to create those preconditions that en- bers of Industry and Commerce - this is both a able sustainable and successful business activity. commitment and an obligation. Institutions such as the IHK Nürnberg für Mit- 20 | 21 2. IHK’s efforts at preserving the virtues and decency of the honorable merchant Over centuries, the business communities have preserved and ensured compliance with the concept of the honorable merchant. Today, there is even a legal provision obliging the IHKs to ensure “the virtues and decency of the honorable merchant”. A multitude of services is provided to ensure this goal is pursued – from education, support of new businesses and trade law provisions to mediation and arbitration. “Nürnberger Kaufmannszug mit Geleite” The mural painting on the chamber‘s building shows: “Nuremberg trinkets are sold all over the world”. Since the Middle Ages merchants from Nuremberg sold quality goods to all parts of the world. The city was particularly famous for its toys and tools made of metall. 22 | 23 IHK’s efforts at preserving the virtues and decency of the honorable merchant Education Trade practices Within the scope of the IHK’s public mandate is To enable quality assurance, the IHK evaluates The IHK will provide its services as evaluators on security. Based on business clarity principles, the creation of the structural framework and the suitability of the companies providing edu- request of a regulatory authority. Using an ex- this is a question of competition integrity if all the standards of professional training and edu- cation and conducts examinations of trainer tensive procedure including industry surveys, it corporate entities (e.g. stock corporations and cation. Currently, the IHK provides approxi- qualifications as well as courses for trainers. The will examine whether an established trade limited companies) are obliged to register with mately 17,000 intermediary and final examina- IHK academy offers courses to prepare for the practice exists, i.e. a business custom that was the register of companies. The IHK provides tions per year and oversees about 900 examinations of master craftsman’s diplomas used in the respective industries over the years consultancy services both for companies and examination boards. More than 5,500 ent- for specialist qualifications in various fields, and has therefore become unwritten law that is their legal representatives relating to company repreneurs, experts and executives volun- professional training courses and tutorials. Pro- valid between the parties involved. Based on names. It also offers extensive company teer to work as examiners. The IHK offers jects such as “Fit für Quali” and the new free of this expert opinion, the relevant authority or research features. This ensures that the name professional support to those companies charge competence check-up for students in court of law can determine whether there was selected is as correct as possible not only re- who provide education and consultancy lower secondary education help future trainees a violation of one of these trade practices. To garding company law, but also competition law. choose their career paths. do this, the IHK uses expertise that has been Following the requests for inclusion in the certain education levels, educa- gathered over centuries. The register of com- register of companies, the IHK performs tion methods and law regula- panies (Handelsregister) that is maintained at approximately 7,700 evaluations per year and tions in approximately 2,300 the local district court with the support of the can challenge incorrect inclusions on a legal on-site sessions. IHK is an important instrument for business basis. services covering careers requiring 24 | 25 IHK’s efforts at preserving the virtues and decency of the honorable merchant Mediation and arbitration Commercial judges The rules regarding fair play are defined in vari- permanent IHK trade arbitration court is called 500 years ago, the basis for the regulation 30 years of age, their position must either be ous places such as, for example, the Law against upon for decision-making in case of conflicts. authorities was constituted as the first German established merchant, board member, CEO or Unfair Competition. The Nuremberg IHK moni- This is in continuation of the century-old mer- commercial court upon decree of the German Company Secretary, and he/she must be includ- tors compliance and can issue reminders or take chant tradition of solving problems individually emperor, thus creating the position of the com- ed in the register of companies and associa- legal action in case of law violations. In 2008, and without the involvement of national courts mercial judge. The IHK proposes the honorary tions. For selection purposes, the applicants are approximately 1,600 infringements of competi- of law. This is also the aim behind the first IHK commercial judges for appointment. In the invited by the IHK and the chairman who was tion laws were processed. The IHK provides in- mediation center in North Bavaria that was commercial courts, they support the profession- elected previously by the commercial formation on competition matters using both founded in 2007. It provides advice on alterna- al judges using their specific expertise. Today, judges, and their reliability is also bulletins and consulting services. In cases of tive conflict solutions, makes clause or agree- there are 46 honorary commercial judges in the tested in the process. If all pre- client-related conflict between companies, the ment templates available, maintains a mediator Nuremberg region. They are not lay judges but conditions are ful- Mediation Board for Competition Conflicts will pool and administers mediation processes. expert judges with special knowledge in corpo- filled, the applicant is rate management and they have the same proposed to the Pro- rights and obligations as professional judges. vincial Court for ap- ensure amicable pre-court settlements are reached whenever possible. The IHK appoints and swears in experts in more than 100 fields of specialization. These persons pointment. Moreover, companies can use arbitration court are extensively tested for their expertise, suit- According to the Judicature Act, successful ap- clauses in their contracts to specify that the ability and reliability. plicants to this honorary post must be at least 26 | 27 IHK’s efforts at preserving the virtues and decency of the honorable merchant Personnel development Starting new businesses The IHK supports its member companies in their The IHK uses expert conferences and projects to The IHK offers systematic start-up support and from the necessary expertise in the relevant personnel development efforts and training of inform its member companies about the appro- provides economic expertise especially for new fields, individual reliability and financial per- their executive staff. IHK academy workshops priate best-practice approaches concerning pa- businesses. This ranges from individual consul- formance is critical for the IHK both in this covering topics such as “added value by appre- tent and mentor systems, coaching and perma- tancy services (more than 5,000 initial and in- respect and with regard to the approximately ciation”, “holistic personnel development” or nent learning processes. With its initiatives tensive sessions per year) and customized 100 trade businesses requiring approval and “personnel management” picture building towards family-conscious personnel policies workshops covering mandatory accounting, licensing. blocks for optimized strategies. The up to date standards are set for a “helping infrastructure” business plans, cost and financial planning, expertise and knowledge conveyed includes in- to allow for individual balancing of profession- marketing, market and location studies to legal formation about quantified personnel de- al life and childcare or nursing care for family information. mands, qualitative demand planning along members. Additionally, the IHK offers support with the processes for potential analysis to to small- and medium-sized companies which Additionally, the IHK in Nuremberg for Central education demand planning, employee involve- introduce corporate health management pro- Franconia offers advice and examinations for ment projects as well as the establishment of cedures with the emphasis on issues such as prospective entrepreneurs and their staff in the management principles. burnout, bullying and harassment at work, al- personnel, goods and hazardous material traf- cohol and addiction prevention as well as inte- fic, catering and in specific trade areas. Apart gration following sickness or work accidents. 28 | 29 IHK’s efforts at preserving the virtues and decency of the honorable merchant Foreign trade Our region has been closely associated with From that time on, the Nuremberg Chamber of Incoterms sumption of costs, information obligations for international markets since the Middle Ages. Commerce NCCI has provided extensive services Especially in foreign trade, reliable rules for goods and transport documents, customs, Today, industrial exports amount to more than to promote and consolidate foreign trade rela- cross-border business transactions are required. transport, packaging and insurance. The 50 percent of overall output. This makes Central tions. The main focus is on the sovereign task of The International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) NCCI is part of the process of updating Franconia one of the strongest export regions export document certifications (90,000 per that were first issued in 1936 by the Internation- the incoterms on a regular basis and to in Germany. year) and information services for member com- al Chamber of Commerce in Paris summarize adapt them to changed business cus- panies, for instance by tariff workshops that the essential obligations for buyers and sellers tom, thus providing consulting ser- In 1826, the Nuremberg Director of Trade who take place in Nuremberg on a yearly basis. The on the delivery route of goods from the place vices and expertise on the different acted as an advisor to the Bavarian government NCCI also offers country-specific consulting - of dispatch to their destination. meanings of the respective terms was assigned the task of establishing a consulate both in individual sessions and events such as network abroad. The merchants devoted much the Asia-Pacific Forum Bavaria or on the occa- These terms specify the buyers’ and sellers’ re- energy to foreign business and its diplomatic sion of business delegation trips - as well as sponsibilities with regard to procurement, as- advancement, they recommended the appoint- training in areas such as “cross-cultural compe- ment of agents in the recognized countries and tence” or “creation of international teams”. agreed upon in a sales agreement. they demanded providing goods from Bavaria with certificates of origin. 30 | 31 The honorable merchant as a person: Commitment to value compliance 3. Leitsätze des Kaufmanns TheEhrbaren guiding principles of the honorable merchant The first assembly of the Association of Honorable Merchants in Hamburg dates back to 1517. The association advocates abiding by the ethical principles commonly acknowledged in business as well as the principle of equity and good faith and refraining from all actions that are not in line with the requirements of business confidence within the framework of applicable law. It has developed the concept of the honorable merchant involving nine guiding principles. This concept provides a framework of reference for honorable behavior. The honorable merchant has a tolerant and liberal attitude. The honorable merchant keeps his/her word with the handshake as a binding act. The honorable merchant develops commercial judgment capabilities The honorable merchant in his/her company: Creating the conditions for honorable behavior The honorable merchant acts as a role model through all actions. The honorable merchant promotes honorable behavior in his business. The honorable merchant aims at long-term and sustainable business objectives. The honorable merchant in society and the economy: Comprehending and creating the framework for honorable behavior The honorable merchant heeds the principle of equity and good faith. The honorable merchant recognizes and takes responsibility for the economic and social order. The honorable merchant always advocates his values both in domestic and foreign trade. 32 | 33 Imprint Published by: Industrie- und Handelskammer Nürnberg für Mittelfranken Hauptmarkt 25/27, 90403 Nürnberg Conception and Contents Markus Lötzsch Renate Doeblin Michael Bantele Photographs IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken Realisation and Design Birke und Partner Kommunikationsagentur, Erlangen July 2010, 2nd edition, November 2013 Print Bresler Print & Digital, Erlangen IHK – Die erste Adresse