familygram - Immaculate Conception Grade School
familygram - Immaculate Conception Grade School
familygram NOVEMBER 2013 Immaculate Conception Grade School Elmhurst, Illinois 630.530.3490 Dear Parents, Children love to hear stories about heroes. As Catholics, we are lucky to have so many amazing Saints who dedicated their lives to following Jesus. It is important, though, to remind our children that many of them were ordinary people, just like us. They didn’t set out to be heroes. They simply let their love for Jesus and His teachings guide their lives. Every one of the Saints had different personalities, talents, and interests, all to be used in the service of others. Just like our children, no two Saints were the same. Each was created by God, in His own image, to serve Him in a unique way. These holy men and women witnessed discrimination, poverty, misuse of power, and many other injustices. They did not close their eyes to the struggles of others. Rather, they stood up for Gospel values and took action. It is important for our children to realize that taking action usually isn’t easy. It takes courage, and that courage comes from the divine power of God. That is where the Saints drew their courage and inspiration and we can all follow their example. This year at ICGS we will focus on learning more about the lives of the Saints. It is our hope that these studies will inspire our students to walk in the holy footsteps of men and women that were ordinary people just like us. We will use the example of the Saints to challenge ourselves to see others through Jesus’ eyes and pray for the courage to act in moments of injustice. We encourage you to share this journey with your children. The lives of the Saints hold rich examples of faith for all of us. As Father David suggested this morning at Mass, let us look to the Saints as “holy coaches.” You can encourage your children to read stories about the lives of the Saints and help them identify one to whom they can relate. You can encourage you children to pray to the Saints or to their Patron Saint, asking for their heavenly intercession. You can celebrate the different feast days of the Saints and learn more about each one. As you might know, our “Faith Families” program has begun at ICGS. Ask your child about the Patron Saint of their “Faith Family.” I am always moved when I see our little first graders process into Mass on All Saints’ Day. I cannot help but think of the Saints in heaven as little children like our own. Let us continue to work together to help our children become more like the holy men and women we celebrate today. Happy All Saints’ Day to our ICGS family. Mrs. Cathy Linley, Principal IC GRADE SCHOOL CLASSROOM NEWS PRESCHOOL…. MRS.JEAN SCOLARO AND MRS VAL OSTROUMOV(ASSISTANT) October has brought discussions and projects about safety, the season of fall, Mary the mother of God, Halloween, and All Saints Day with the 3 and 4 year olds. The P3 students learned the safety song, The Wheels on the Fire Truck, and painted a fire truck. The P4 students learned the song, Dial the Number, and made a fire dog paper bag puppet. For fall, the P3 children made fall trees using paint and buff puffs. The P4 children made their fall trees using torn paper as leaves. The P4 class made a poster about Mary and the rosary. Halloween was celebrated by dressing up in costumes and having parties. In their classes, the preschoolers played Halloween math games and made booklets about how to make jack-o-lanterns. P3 students created jack-o-lanterns out of paper plates, paint and streamers. Thank you to the room parents, who prepared for and ran the parties. KINDERGARTEN…. MRS.DEE CROWE & MRS.JANET CAVANAUGH MRS.KATHLEEN HALICK (ASSISTANT) MS. KARIN KUHWAJI (ASSISTANT) ROOM 11 In Reading we’ve covered three consonants and two vowels. The students really enjoy the Super Kids program. They get so excited when it’s time to meet a new letter and the character that goes with that letter. Our newest letter is D and the character is Doc. Doc likes to fix broken toys. In this unit we’ve been introduced to the concept of decoding sounds. This is an exciting concept! We can’t wait for more. In Math we’ve been learning about positional words such as before, between, and after to name a few. We’ve been working with our right and left hand as well. We will be starting our study of numbers very soon. On All Saints Day, the P3 and P4 children discussed ways they could be like the saints. The P3 class colored pictures of the saints. The P4 class cut out pictures to make posters of ways to be like the saints. We learned about animals, plants and their environment in Science. Now we are embarking on a new adventure – the weather. We were introduced to a weather app from The Weather Channel. We will be using this on the teacher computer to check the weather forecast as well and the current temperature and conditions. We will learn many weather terms as we continue our study. We will also look at the weather each day as it was a year ago to study weather patterns. Included in our study will be to understand seasons and the changes each season brings. Fr. David visited both classes. He read a story to the P3 children about how God gave them families to love and care for them. With the P4 children, he read the creation story and the preschoolers echoed God’s response, “It is good.” In Music we’ve been learning how to use “boom wackers”. These musical tubes have been fun. Mr. Watson is teaching the kindergarteners the different pitches as well as the difference between loud, medium and soft sounds. In Religion we have been covering the story of Noah’s Ark. We talked about how God promised to love his people from the beginning, from the first moment of creation. This promise, or covenant, is renewed in God’s promise to Noah and all living things. IC GRADE SCHOOL CLASSROOM NEWS FIRST GRADE… MRS.FOLEY-GAJDA AND MS. LAURA KAMINSKY First Grade is full of hard workers! We have jumped into Unit 5 of our Superkids program. The students are all making great strides in their reading and writing! We have been learning how to decode words with the –ing and –ed ending. The class has also been learning about verbs and adjectives. They have had fun listing these types of words and sorting them into their appropriate categories. We can now say we know the difference between nouns, verbs, and adjectives! We continue to work on our writing, especially adding in those connecting words and and or. We continue to work on those memory words and pattern words. It is fun to learn a pattern and realize we can spell lots of words, just by learning one! In Math, we are about to finish Chapter 5. In this chapter we studied place value to 100. The students enjoyed learning about digits and the value of the numbers. We discussed the ones, tens, and hundreds place. We used models to create the numbers. We will move on to Chapter 6 in which we will study addition and subtraction facts through 20!! November is an important month in the First Grade. November 1st was our All Saints Day Mass. The first graders did a fantastic job researching their patron saint and designing a costume to represent their patron saint. We processed into Mass and sang “Thy Word” at the conclusion. The class really worked hard for this special day. They truly made great saints!! SECOND GRADE… MRS. MARCIA MAY AND MS.JAN ANDERSON Here it is already the beginning of November and time seems to be moving fast. Please continue to check your child’s assignment notebook daily. Make sure the heading is filled out, and that assignments are being written every day. The students should be practicing their spelling words every day, and their assignment notebook should reflect this. In Religion, we continue to prepare for Reconciliation and Communion. We have finished Unit 1 and are moving into Unit 2. In Unit 2 we will learn how to ask for God’s forgiveness. In preparing for Reconciliation we will learn to be truly sorry for our sins. Mark your calendars for November 11th and 12th. Those are the dates for the 1st Reconciliation Meetings from 7:00-8:30 P.M. for the parents. In Math, we have learned to regroup, first in addition and then in subtraction. Knowing our facts by sight has helped us achieve success in regrouping. We need to be working carefully and accurately plus checking over our work to catch any careless mistakes. Also please keep drilling those math facts daily. We had a field trip to Blackberry Farm this week to enhance what we will be learning about the Pioneers. The students really enjoyed it! Everyone had a great time at the Halloween Hoedown and we are all thankful to our Room Mothers for all their hard work in preparing for our Halloween party. It could not have been done without them--thanks so much! We’re looking forward to meeting with all the parents at the PT Conferences. Have a Fabulous Fall! G R A N D P A R E N T S’ D A Y IC GRADE SCHOOL CLASSROOM NEWS THIRD GRADE… MRS. JANET WOOD AND MRS.MARY CLAIRE LIDGUS In November, the third graders will be working on writing with the use of “voice”. They will write about how it feels to be a turkey for Thanksgiving. They are working on persuading a farmer to spare their turkey from being the Thanksgiving dinner. New concepts in Math that we are practicing include subtracting while regrouping large numbers. Subtracting across the top with zeros is a challenge! The children are being introduced to the ALEKS program. We will be reinforcing Math concepts using this program at school and are assigning, as homework, twenty minutes per week as practice at home. During November the students will be learning about bats. They will choose a bat to research and will create a Power Point presentation sharing information they found, importing clip art, and animating their slides. The children are very enthusiastic as we are exploring the election process. They are working together on committees to participate in a classroom mock election. As we wrap up the Social Studies unit on Pilgrims and Indians, the children will participate in a Thanksgiving feast. The students will give thanks for what they have and enjoy activities that the pilgrim and Native American children may have experienced. They will donate to the food pantry during one of the activities planned for the day. The feast will also be full of delicious turkey, stuffing, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and apple slices! Thank you for all of your support! We are thankful for all of our blessings and wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving. FOURTH GRADE… MRS.ERIN PETRY AND MRS.ELIZABETH WITT The first quarter has simply flown by! In Science the children have finished studying and researching the different human body systems. The next unit will be on ecosystems and organisms adapting to their environment. In Social Studies, we recently completed a unit called “We the People”. We discussed the American people, government, and economy. Our next unit will focus on the different regions of the United States and our neighboring countries. In Reading, we recently wrapped up our October Mystery Genre. We think the kids enjoyed being detectives by solving the mysteries and finding the clues in their own books. November’s Genre will be Informational Text. This will help the children prepare for Christmas Around the World. Each student will choose a country to research the way they celebrate Christmas. The students will work hard to bring these customs alive and will share their work on December 5th in Monsignor Plunkett Hall. Please mark this important date in your calendars so that you will be able to join in the Christmas spirit with us. Furthermore, a field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry is planned for December 2nd. Not only will the children have the opportunity to view the way their country’s tree is decorated, we will also see many awesome Science exhibits! The students continue to work on speed and memorization of their multiplication facts. Please continue to work with your child at home on these math facts. Their practice really shows! Don’t forget that Mrs. Schmale and Mrs. Petry’s math students should be completing 20 minutes a week on Aleks. We are trying to encourage the students to notice the use of our vocabulary words in what they read and hear. Don’t be alarmed if they keep pointing them out to you! Enjoy the beautiful fall days. FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE… MRS. SHARON MEYER , MR. BRAD TYZENHAUS 5th Grade English: Students have completed their explorer research and enjoyed exploring the use of our new note taking system “Noodle Tools”. We are now ready to start writing our research paper about how our person persevered and changed the world using their own character traits. We will be using Noodle Tools to create citations and a Works Cited page. Next, we will be taking our research paper and turning it into something different such as a picture book, poem, song, or power point. 6th Grade English: Students have completed their famous person research and enjoyed accepting the use of our new note taking system “Noodle Tools”. We are now ready to start writing our research paper about how our person was rejected but continued to change the world using their own character traits. We will be using Noodle Tools to create citations and a Works Cited page. Next, we will be taking our research paper and turning it into something different such as a picture book, poem, song, or power point. The 5th and 6th grade Reading classes have just explored Elements of Fiction and Reading Strategies which will be helpful tools for the students as we proceed into the Second Quarter. Right now, we are conducting a review on the different types of Genres which should be completed by the end of October or early November. From this point, we will begin our novel studies while continuing on with our year long vocabulary study. The 5th grade Social Studies classes have been working on studying Native American culture. They have explored the lives of the Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands, Plains, Southwest, and Northwest and Arctic. During this time, they created a buffalo skin autobiography which communicated important events that took place in the students lives to this point nonverbally like Native Americans at the time. We will be concluding our study on Native Americans by reading a historical fiction novel The Children of the Longhouse. 4th Grade Science IC GRADE SCHOOL CLASSROOM NEWS 7th Grade English: Students have been learning how to use our new note taking system “Noodle Tools” in conjunction with the Science Fair Research. We will be using the system to create our In-Text citations, Works Cited Page, and Outlines for our research papers. Along with our Science Fair Research, we are working on our own in class research projects about a time period in United States history and how it changed the actions of people. Once again, “Noodle Tools” will be our main note taking tool for this project. Next, we will be taking our research paper and turning it into something different such as a picture book, poem, song, or power point. FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE… MRS. LAURA BEDORE & MRS. GINA LEWELLYN 5th Grade Science: We will be concluding the Life Science unit by studying how organisms inherit some traits through heredity and learn others. Soon we will begin learning about physical and chemical states of matter. 6th Grade Science: Things are shaking in Room 14! The 6th grade students will be beginning to design and test their earthquake resistant structures! We will then learn about rocks and minerals before moving into the astronomy unit. 6th Grade Social Studies: We are finishing our unit on Mesopotamia and the beginnings of civilization. Our next journey will be to the world of pyramids, mummies, and hieroglyphics of Ancient Egypt. 6th Religion: We learned all about the Old Testament Joseph and found he, like the New Testament Joseph, trusted deeply in God when faced with difficult situations. November will take us to Moses and the Exodus. 5th On-Level Math completed whole number and money addition and subtraction and moved into multiplication. We also spent time pouring over a Meijer Food Ad in search of our, “Mom, Can you buy…..” list. We had a budget of $100 and mad a list of what we wanted Mom to buy. 5th Enriched and Accelerated completed all four decimal operations and moved into Measures of Central Tendency and Graphing. We also planned a party for 10 and used the same Meijer ads to plan out what we were going to serve at our party. Our budget was $120. 6th On-level is wrapping up decimal operations. We are currently in division. We also planned a party and spent time with the food ads too. 6th enriched finished up both decimal operations and Integers. We found integers to be very challenging and did a lot of practice with ‘Subtraction is the same is adding the opposite!”. In November, we will be reviewing fraction foundations and fraction operations. 6th Accelerated finished up integer equations and has moved into decimal operations. JUNIOR HIGH… MRS.JULIE ALBERT, MRS.SARA DONOVAN , MS. JILL VANDERHYE, MS KELLY Math7/8: Students are diligently working in math, and their skills continue to grow. Every student has taken two tests already and a Diocesan Assessment! The seventh graders are working with fractions and decimals in equations. The eighth graders are practicing problems solving skills. We are also using the graphing calculators to graph and trace linear equations. Students who have signed up for the Fenwick High School Math Contests can go to Math Minds after school on Mondays to prepare for the contests Reading 7: We are coming to a finish on our first novel of our Thematic Study. We worked on how to conduct a collaborative group discussion, write a synopsis and complete an interactive project such as a newspaper, commercial, timeline, or song. Students have also learned how to include quotes into their papers for support. Reading 8: We are coming to a finish on our first novel of our Thematic Study. We worked on how to conduct a collaborative group discussion, write a synopsis and complete an interactive project such as a newspaper, commercial, timeline, or song. Students have also learned how to include quotes into their papers for support. We will soon be researching many topics of Chicago History. 8th English: The students have completed a restaurant review of their choice and will soon be studying newspaper articles. They will use information they have studied on Chicago History to create a themed group newspaper. English 8: The students have completed a restaurant review of their choice and will soon be studying newspaper articles. They will use information they have studied on Chicago History to create a themed group newspaper. Science 7 & 8: The eighth graders are displaying their theatrical talents in a culminating activity to the study of changes in matter. They created and will perform skits to demonstrate their understanding of how particles behave when they change from a solid to a liquid to a gas. The skits are sure to be creatively presented. Next they will learn about the structure of atoms and how matter is classified and organized in the Periodic Table of the Elements. In conjunction with this study, the class will visit Fermilab on December 4. The seventh graders are now busy working on their science fair projects. They are using their note cards and outline to write the Background Research component of the written report. They are also designing their experiments as they prepare to carry out their investigations. In class, we are reviewing the metric system of measurement and the steps in the scientific inquiry process. Next we will begin the study of cells. IC GRADE SCHOOL CLASSROOM NEWS The Fenwick Science Contest, which is open to both eighth and seventh grade students, will be held on Wednesday, November 13, at 4:00 P.M. Those who want to be part of the IC School team should have completed the pre-registration form. Prep sessions are being held after school. We know our participants will do a fine job representing IC School. Social Studies 8: What is our ranking? Should we buy or sell? What is the ticker symbol? It’s Stock Market Game time in Social Studies. This educational simulation is sponsored by SIFMA (Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association) and is coordinated at our local level by Econ Illinois, an organization which promotes the integration of economics and finance across the curriculum. Teams have begun to trade stocks at real-time prices and they are maintaining a portfolio on the game’s website. The Netbooks allow for all members to track the companies of stocks in their portfolios and to research and evaluate other stocks for possible purchase. In addition, students are following the daily stock activity of a Chicago-area company. The students are using their math skills to calculate the costs and the returns on their investments. We are also moving along in our study of US history. We are now examining the settlement of the West and the resulting plight of Native Americans. On Saturday, October 26, sixty-nine IC students competed as six teams and took third place in the team competition. The tournament director remarked that the IC students accomplished an impressive feat, because they were taking points away from each other, yet they prevailed. IC far outnumbered the students from other schools. These boys and girls worked tirelessly and performed beautifully. Congratulations to our champions! Individual awards are as follows: Declamation Niamh Horan – Second Place Shane McCarthy – Second Place Claire Libert – Third Place Mary Katherine Kapsch – Honorable Mention Colin Wright – Honorable Mention Ethan Hunter – Honorable Mention Erik Janc – Honorable Mention Michael McKenna – Honorable Mention Jack Castanoli – Honorable Mention Thomas Shipman – Honorable Mention Thomas Hilgart – Honorable Mention Joseph Durkin – Honorable Mention Rochelle Spizzirri – Honorable Mention Liam Enright – Honorable Mention Original Oratory Alex Norgle – Second Place Kimberly Wood – Fourth Place Gena Guinan – Fourth Place Claire Kopec – Sixth Place Ryan Kenneally – Honorable Mention Danielle Dennis – Honorable Mention Paige Corsello – Honorable Mention Josephina Campannari – Honorable Mention Olivia Slavin – Honorable Mention Poetry Maddie Leahy – Third Place Taylor Kamienski – Fifth Place Charlie Stern – Fifth Place Tommy Sloan – Honorable Mention Annie Guinan – Honorable Mention McKenzie Moorman – Honorable Mention Elizabeth Thurber – Honorable Mention Michael Kapsch – Honorable Mention Nicole Farrow – Honorable Mention Bella Gratzianna – Honorable Mention Dan Pierotti – Honorable Mention Kelsey Devereux – Honorable Mention Molly Welsh – Honorable Mention Jake Schiele – Honorable Mention Michelle Eckhoff – Honorable Mention Olivia Brown – Honorable Mention Isabella Leslie – Honorable Mention Olivia Palumbo – Honorable Mention Prose Mary Clare Hughes – Honorable Mention Daniel Morsch – Honorable Mention Ashton Thurber – Honorable Mention Allison Fox – Honorable Mention Allison Lang – Honorable Mention Audrey Buffo – Honorable Mention Will Hoeller – Honorable Mention Kaily Fox – Honorable Mention Grace Hunter – Honorable Mention Alice Martin – Honorable Mention Joey Sloan – Honorable Mention Jackie Lara – Honorable Mention Vito Moreci – Honorable Mention Francesca Campannari – Honorable Mention Seona Albue – Honorable Mention Julia Frey – Honorable Mention Sean Maher – Honorable Mention Julia Mooradian – Honorable Mention Dramatic Presentation Grace Maietta - Second Place Emily Wartner - Fifth Place Colleen Grogan – Honorable Mention Caroline Fahey – Honorable Mention Wilke Macariola – Honorable Mention Brigid O’Hara – Honorable Mention Cecilia Moran – Honorable Mention Meg Schiliro – Honorable Mention Sean Hipskind – Honorable Mention Christian Dale – Honorable Mention 8th graders work on their “Faith Family” patron saint shields. ART STUDIO…... IC GRADE SCHOOL CLASSROOM NEWS MRS. MARY TOUROUNJIAN Happy Fall! With the change in seasons, so too comes a change in our artists’ work. We will be moving ahead (at some grade levels) to our Christmas projects. I hope you have had the opportunity to view student work on the Art web page. They are working so hard and producing a beautiful body of work! Here is a list of projects by grade level for the month of November: Grade 1: PRIMARIES (page 1 in the children’s ARTBOOK) Grade 2: BLOTTO TURKEYS- experimenting with color mixing the primaries to get secondary’s Grade 3: PILGRIM TURKEYS- this 3-dimensional pilgrim turkey will serve as a place card for each student at the Thanksgiving Feast Grade 4: PINECONE TURKEYS-learning about “mixed media” in the creation of a 3-dimensional turkey Grade 5: CHRISTMAS WREATH COLOR WHEELexperimenting with color mixing to create a 3-dimensional color wheel Grade 6: PAINTED POINSETTIAS-exploring the origins of the poinsettia and creating a 3-dimensional bloom Grade 7: RUNNING TURKEYS-applying paper sculpture as an art…students will “disguise” their turkeys so their Thanksgiving fate will not come to pass Grade 8: Semester I/Project 2 SELF PORTRAITS-applying math and shading skills, students will enlarge their portrait ART WEB PAGE: Student work, assignments and class notes are all posted on the Art web page, http:// GRADE 8 collaborates on a t-shirt design of their own! The entire class submitted excellent designs for an 8th Grade t-shirt that will be worn on field trips and at special class outings/ activities. Each of the students voted on the best design and the winners were Luke Ricobene for the front design and Paige Corsello for the back. The theme interprets the ICGS mascot; the knight. CONGRATULATIONS to the winners and their creative fellow students! Pictures will be coming soon. THANK YOU, Mr. Hughes for your kindness and willing support to print the new GRADE 8 t-shirts! You and your staff always provide us with the BEST! IC GRADE SCHOOL CLASSROOM NEWS MRS. MARY TOUROUNJIAN GRADE 4 is in the process of designing a Christmas card for the parish. One student will have their work featured on the card. When the winner is chosen, we will post the news…stay tuned. BITES AND BYTES FROM THE COMPUTER LAB... MRS.ALICE TRUTY & MS. KATY RUDIS October has been a very productive month in the Tech lab! Kindergarten is gaining better control over the mouse every week, and 1st and 2nd grade continue to grow exponentially in their typing speed and accuracy! The 3rd-8th grade students have finished their internet safety unit and are starting to learn about the various Microsoft Office programs. As a part of the internet safety unit, the 7th grade students discussed standing up to bullies and cyberbullies. They were tasked with creating a catch phrase or slogan to encourage others to be upstanders and not bystanders. Here are just a few samples of the great work they created! For I was hungry and you gave me food… (Matthew 25:35) On Wednesday and Thursday, October 23rd and 24th, the ICGS student council sold “World Hunger Awareness” bracelets in order to raise money for those in need. ICGS raised more than $500! That means more than 2,000 meals for those who are hungry. Scenes from the First “Faith Families” Gathering ICGS ATHLETICS 2013-14 School Year ICGS Winter Athletic Seasons are fast approaching…… All Team schedules can be found on the ICGS Athletic website. We encourage our students to go out and watch their classmates play at HOME and AWAY sites. Go Knights! Upcoming HOME Athletic Events: DATE Thurs. Nov. 14 TEAMS Girls 7th/8th Volleyball GAME TIMES 6:00/7:00pm. Sat. Nov. 16 Boys 7th Basketball 8:50am/11:20am. Mon. Nov. 18 Thurs. Nov. 21 Sat. Nov. 30 Tues. Dec. 3 Tues. Dec. 4 Sat. Dec. 7 Tues. Dec. 10 Wed. Dec. 11 Fri. Dec. 13 Mon. Dec. 16 th th Girls 7 /8 Volleyball vs. Visitation 4:00/5:00/6:00pm. ** Girls’ PACK the GYM DAY th Girls 7 /8th Volleyball 6:00/7:00pm. Boys 7th Basketball 8:50am. th th Girls 7 /8 Volleyball 5:30/6:30pm. Girls 7th /8th Volleyball 6:00/7:00pm. Boys 7th Basketball 10:30am/11:20am. th th th Boys 6 /7 /8 Basketball 5:30/6:20/7:10pm. Girls 7th /8th Volleyball 6:00/7:00pm. th th th Boys 6 /7 /8 Basketball 5:30/6:20/7:10/8:00pm. ** Boys’ PACK the GYM Night Boys 6th/7th/8th Basketball 5:30/6:20/7:10pm. ****** Admission / Concession Table 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students can earn service hours by helping at the Gym Admission/Concession Table. Helpers are needed for all winter basketball and volleyball games. Please sign-up at the blue table outside the school office. ********* Girls’ 5th & 6th grade Basketball Evaluations Girls’ 5th & 6th grade basketball season begins in January. Player Evaluations will be held in December. All 5 th & 6th grade girls are invited to participate. Check ICGS athletic website for game schedules. Girls’ 5th grade Basketball Evaluations: Sunday, Dec. 8 (1:00 – 2:30pm) Sunday, Dec. 15 (6:30-7:30pm) Girls 6th grade Basketball Evaluations: Sunday, Dec. 8 (2:30 – 4:00pm) Sunday, Dec. 15 (7:30 – 8:30pm) GO KNIGHTS ! ICGS ATHLETICS 2013-14 School Year I.C.G.S. Coaches - ICGS Athletics is always looking for new Coaches Basketball – Volleyball – Track – Football – Cross-Country If YOU or someone you know is interested in coaching, please contact Mary Liz Dudek, ICGS Athletic Director. Prospective coaches must have completed the diocesan Protecting God’s Children workshop and submitted an ICGS Coach Application in order to be eligible for coaching GS teams. Protecting God’s Children workshops can be found on-line at ICGS Coach Applications can be found on the ICGS Athletic website, under Athletics. ********* P.C.A. – Spotlight: Starting on the Right Foot A Triple-Impact Competitor® is committed to having three levels of impact by improving yourself, your teammates and the game as a whole. This is our starting point, and how you start an effort goes a long way toward the results you get. It is hard to recover from a bad start. Great athletes (and successful individuals in any arena) develop good habits that power them through the inevitable rough times. Habits for a season are often set in the first few weeks of practice. Think hard about the habits that you want to put in place for this season. One example is punctuality. Great competitors are completely ready to go when practice starts. That includes getting themselves into the right mindset, thinking, " How can I make myself and my teammates better today?" BE A GOOD TEAMMATE TO YOUR TEAM! ******* ICGS Fall Athletic Highlights IC-VIS Cross-Country : Season results included a 1st Place finish by the 5th grade girls; top IC runners, Kathryn Dale in 6th place and Anna Dray in 15th place. The Boys’ 6th grade Team also finished in 1st place, led by IC runners by Tommy Sloan in 11th place followed Jack Castanoli and Brendan O’Hara. Other top runners for IC were Jared Wermes who finished in 15th place, Olivia Brown in 10th place and Brigid O’Hara in 28th place overall. Congratulations to all our runners including Brendan Carey, James Golen, Aidan Janc, Clark Davis, Daniel Morsch, Colin Wright, James Petros, Amy Conkle, and Allison Lang and Eileen Petros. 5-Blue VB Team: 1st Place at the St. Pius Pre-Season Volleyball Tournament. 6-B Volleyball Team: SPL Conference Champions; 2nd in SPL Tournament. Girls 7-A Basketball Team: 2nd in SPL Conference; SPL Tournament Champions. Girls 7B Basketball Team: 2nd in SPL Tournament. Girls 8A Basketball Team: 2nd in SPL Tournament. GO KNIGHTS! ICGS PARENTS’ CLUB NEWS The 2014 Dinner Dance Business Solicitation Committee would like to thank all of our local businesses for supporting our Grade School by donating to last year’s Auction. Please patronize their businesses and when you do, let them know how much we appreciate their support (year after year) with a big “Thank You!” Addictive Jewelry Advanced Spinal Care Alan Rocca Fine Jewelry, Oak Brk Angelo’s Restaurant Arlington Park Race Track Armand's Pizza Bekins Moving & Storage Belvedere Events and Banquets Bukes Salon, Clarendon Hills Camden Boutique Cantina Bar & Grill Capannari Ice Cream, Mt Prspct CE Rentals Chiefs Hockey Club Coach Ed Cochiaro's Pizza, Northlake Community Bank of Elmhurst Cottage Hill Diamonds Crisp-N-Clean Cleaners Custom Bindery Dailey Method Dance Xplosion De Vries Animal Hospital Dennis Uniforms Design Accessories DiCianni Graphics DiCianni Realty Drury Lane Theater Effigy Salon Elijah's Coffee Elmhurst Art Museum Elmhurst Camera Elmhurst Dermatology Elmhurst Historical Foundation Elmhurst Park District Elmhurst YMCA Emerald City Theater Erase Tatoo Removal Fahey & Sons Paving FITT RX Fitz’s Pub Fitz’s Spare Keys Flight 112 Francescas Restaurant Fratellos Pizza Gibbons Funeral Home Gordon Lodge, Door County, WI Green Eyed Maven HB Jones Helping Hands Cleaning Svc Hulen Landscaping IGI Gymnastics Intersport Jersey Mike's Subs Jillian Cut, Color & Style John Garcia, ABC News Kidz Drop In Kie And Kate Couture Kluchenek Music La La Land Leonards Menswear Lizzardprints Lou Malnatis Luscombe Music/Music Together LW Reedy Real Estate Lynfred Winery Marriott Theater McDonald's-O'Keefe Family Melina's Trattoria Mercury Theater Mettle Volleyball Academy Mike's Meat market Mostardi Platt My CI Policy Insurance My Friends Place Salon Oak Brook Park District (OBBT) O'Hare Towing Service Osio-Brown Paintings Overtime Wrestling Palumbo Family Foundation Patriot Boxing Phillips Flowers Phunky Kitchen Pints Pub Pump It Up Pure Harmony Massage Q's Pizza, Hillside Red E Boutique Reel Club Restaurant, Oak Brk Richard Lang, DDS Rocky Mountain Chocolate Rosalia's Deli Rouse Boutique Russo's Hillside Chapels Salsaria Mexican Cantina Scapa Rest, Clarendon Hills Seasons 52 Restaurant, Oak Brk Silverado Restaurant Southtown Hot Dogs Spirito! Singers Splatters Starbucks Stemples Bike Shop Stereo Nightclub, Chicago Storino, Ramello & Durkin Law Sydney Nails Tannins Wine Bar Tea Rose Pasteries The Private Bank Thirty-One Gifts Uptown Shop Wallscapes William Bacon DDS Wines for Humanity Yogenfruz York Furrier York Theater ZuZu's Petals Please patronize these businesses that are so generous to Immaculate Conception Grade School! Thank You to All of Our 2013 ICGS 1900 Club Golf Outing Sponsors! The Miller Family The Burr Family The Guinan Family The Hipskind Family Fleet Feet Sports Elmhurst The Wegner Family The Bill Fahey Family The Schleiter Family The Laluya Family The Schiele Family The McQuade Family Northwestern Mutual Foundation The Julian Family The Dewbray Family The Tom Fahey Family The Gratzianna Family Good Earth Greenhouse The Schoonveld Family The Durkin Family/ Hinsdale Orthopaedics The Tim Hill Family Athletico-Elmhurst The Tom Johnson Family The Condon Family The Wartner Family The Sloan Family The Maher Family The Papp Family The Dan Cronin Family The Cushing Family The Bero Family The Darley Family The Pierotti Family The Moore Family The Gallagher Family FITT-RX The Karsten Family The Sutton Family The Leischner Family The Dan VanEekeren Family The Richardson Family The Kenneally Family The Ray Hill Family The Phillips Family The Hunter Family The Loch Family The Fischer Family The Matthew Johnson Family The John McCarthy Family The Schiliro Family The Libert Family The Vilips Family The Giura Family The Enright Family The Reagan Family The Giannini Family The Wesolowski Family Pints Elmhurst Thank you for your tremendous generosity to ICGS! IC PARISH NEWS 2nd Grade Parents First Reconciliation - Parent Formation Facilitators: Fr. David Mowry & Ms. Chris Hannigan-Wiehn Time: 7:00 – 8:20 p.m. Place: Immaculate Conception Church Date: Monday, November 11, 2013 for Group A (Group A - Grade School Mrs. May’s class, and RE Wednesday Classes) Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 for Group B (Group B – Grade School Ms. Anderson’s class, and RE Sunday Classes) This gathering is designed for the parents whose children will be experiencing the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) for the first time. The expectation is that all parents will be attending. If you are unable to attend on the assigned date, you may attend on the alternate date. Questions . . . contact Chris Hannigan-Wiehn at 630-530-3480 OR ….is coming the weekend of November 23 & 24. Individuals or groups can adopt a family for whom to purchase gifts. Please contact Pam at 530-3497 for further details and watch the bulletin for our timeline and guidelines. The Bereavement Ministry of Immaculate Conception Church invites you and the family of your beloved deceased to a special ALL SOULS DAY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 8:00 am in the Chapel. Reception immediately follows in the rectory. Need an ICGS yard sign? Purchase an Athletics yard sign through the online “Spirit Store” (click on “Athletics” or “Parents’ Club”). Please watch for a flyer that your child will be bringing home regarding specific items needed for the annual IC Thanksgiving outreach. It is only through the generosity of the grade school, high school and parish-at-large that we are able to fill and distribute over 120 Thanksgiving baskets to those in need. Non-athletic yard signs can be purchased via the ICGS Development Office. Simply email Kathleen Hillsman at All signs are $15. “Bits and Pieces” Need an extra ICGS car magnet? Stop by the school office and purchase one for $5. THANK YOU, Maureen McNicholas, Marya Gibbons, & Peggy Castanoli, for taking beautiful photos on Grandparents’ Day! Thank you, Meg Sullivan, for your help in getting our ICGS Annual Report out! Thank you to our ICGS Parents’ Club for our amazing Birthday lunches and delicious lunches on Hot Lunch Day! We appreciate all that you do for our ICGS staff! Need Christmas gift ideas? Buy ICGS “Spiritwear” and ICGS “Team Gear” for the people on your Christmas list! Shop online at and click on “Parents’ Club” or “Athletics!” NCEA DISTINGUISHED GRADUATE AWARD INFO! If you would like to nominate an ICGS alum as an NCEA Distinguished Graduate, please go to , click on “Development” and then on “Alumni” for more information. GRADE SCHOOL ALUMNI NEWS… Do you have alumni news to share? Please contact the ICGS Development Office. Save the date! January 14th, 2014 7:00 PM in the Marion Room INTERNET AND CELL PHONE SAFETY Do you know the latest lingo- keep up! Snapchats Twitter Internet Predators Facetime Facebook Safety Tips Instagram Chat Rooms Safety Equipment MySpace Instant Messaging On-Line Bullying Due to the graphic nature of material NO CHILDREN ALLOWED, PARENTS ONLY! SPACE IS LIMITED. RSVP BY 1-6-2014 TO IC CATHOLIC PREP IMPORTANT DATES FOR FALL ICCP CELEBRATES HOMECOMING WEEK 2013 OPEN HOUSE November 19, 2013 6:30pm Registration - ICCP Gym 7:00pm Presentation Begins DODGEBALL TOURNEY November 2, 2013 6:45pm – ICCP GYM MATH CONTEST November 16, 2013 8:30 am - ICCP SHADOW DAYS Spend a day with us for a sneak peek at life as an ICCP Knight. Questions? For more information about these upcoming events, please call 630.530.3484 or visit ICCP MATH CONTEST IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! Start getting ready for the Annual ICCP Math Contest! Saturday, November 16 @ 8:30am ICCP The ICCP Math Contest is open to all 7th and 8th grade students. The format of the test will be multiple choice and short answer questions on topics chosen from Pre-algebra, Algebra and Geometry. The test will include both calculator and non-calculator portions. Students are required to bring their own calculators to the exam. For more information or to register, contact the ICCP Admissions Office at p.630.530.3484 or email at IC Catholic Prep proudly announced the 2013 Homecoming court. Representing the junior class were Hannah Hartnett, Cristina Loizzo, Bailey McCann, Caroline Murphy, Gretchen Vitek, and Erin West. Senior Court members were Hazel Aquino, Rachel Hill, Charmaine Leverson, Bre Lobello, Rory Manion, Meghan McCann, and Abby Radoha was named 2013 Homecoming Queen. This year’s ICCP Homecoming theme was “A Knight With Gatsby”, and the week’s festivities officially kicked off with a Powder Puff game on Sunday, October 6th, at Plunkett Athletic Complex. On Saturday, October 12th, ICCP hosted the 3rd Annual All School Reunion on the IC Lawn on the corner of Cottage Hill & Arthur. This annual event featured great food, adult beverages, games, prizes and much more! The Homecoming Dance was held on Saturday, October 12th also, and was the culmination of a week packed with activities and events at the school! ICCP TO HOST “MEET ICCP” COFFEE Were you unable to attend our open house? Did you attend open house, but still have some additional questions? No problem! Please join us in this warm, casual and comfortable environment for our "Meet ICCP" coffee and learn more about us! Meet with the administration to discuss our collegeprep curriculum, and the entrance exam, admissions process, and financial assistance procedures. You can also learn more about student life, including clubs and athletics. ICCP ANNOUNCES TRIVIA KNIGHT Wednesday, November 6 7:00-8:00pm Wednesday, December 4 8:30-9:30am All "Meet ICCP" Coffees will be hosted in the Parish Administration Center (PAC) in the Marian Room located at 134 Arthur Street in Elmhurst (2nd Floor). Please RSVP to Mrs. Sarah Ford, Director of Admissionsp at 630.530.3484 or to reserve your seat today! ICCP KNIGHTS THEATRE PRESENTS “LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS” Saturday, November 23 @ 7:00 pm in the ICCP Cafeteria 7th and 8th grade student teams will compete to win the title of Academic Olympiad Champion! Questions will be from all academic subjects as well as pop culture. A minimum of 4 members per team, not to exceed 6. Space is limited. Contact the Admissions Office to register today! Questions? Contact Mrs. Sebastian at
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