Selichot: Those Who Sing, Pray Twice


Selichot: Those Who Sing, Pray Twice
d’var sinai
August 2015
Selichot: Those Who Sing, Pray Twice
At left: Beth
Schafer, on the
Sinai bima during
Rabbi Segal’s
Chai Shabbat
Selichot at Temple Sinai
Saturday, September 5
5:00 pm Hors D’oeuvres & Wine
6:00 pm Dinner (Cost: $25 per person) 8
6:45 pm Speaker - Beth Schafer,
Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair
8:00 pm Candlelit Selichot Service 
Join us for a spiritually moving and meaningful opportunity
to explore the themes of the High Holy Days with Beth
Schafer, our Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair. Together, we will
explore how music transports and transforms us during
these Days of Awe. We will chant and listen (and pray) to
sounds, stories and songs. Please register online at www.
In My Words | Beth Schafer
Of all the things we do over the course of the
High Holy Days, experiencing music - either
through listening or participating - taps directly
into our emotional core. As we busy ourselves
with the logistics of preparing for the holidays, we
also must pay attention to the preparation of our
souls. During the month of Elul we sing special
words from Psalm 27, Achat Sha’alti, “One thing I
ask of You, I earnestly pray for, That I might dwell
in Your house all the days of my life, Knowing the
beauty of You, and to dwell in Your holy place!”
And, prior to the start of Rosh Hashanah, we
observe Selichot, when we begin to enter that
holy prayer space of accounting, recounting,
forgiving and renewing. Our music can help
us get into that emotional mindset, perhaps
more than any word written or spoken. I invite
you to explore this sacred time with me at our
Selichot observance where I will present, “Those
Who Sing, Pray Twice,” a musical experience
to introduce the Yamim Noraim, our holy days,
September 5, beginning at 5pm (see left for more
information). I look forward to you joining me.
In This Issue | AV/Elul 5775
What’s New at Sinai
this High Holy Days
Page 5-6
WISH: Wo/Men’s Infertility
Support Havurah hosts
Inaugural Panel Discussion
Page 20
Annual Pancake Breakfast,
Engagement/Volunteer Fair, and
Gift of Life Registry Returns
Page 7
D’var Sinai | Sivan/Tammuz 5775
Temple Sinai President & Staff
To reach President Scott Zucker, email president@ To reach staff via email,
please use first initial last Ex:
Spiritual Leadership
Ronald M. Segal
Bradley G. Levenberg
Elana E. Perry
Philip N. Kranz, Emeritus
Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair
Beth Schafer
Administrative & Programming Staff
Executive Director
Jack J. Feldman
Facilities/Event Director
Lillie Janko
Director of Operations
Shelly Dresdner
Program Director
Judy Thomas
Communications Director
Kathy Powell
Communications Associate
Kathleen Trella-Newland
Errol Atlan
Member Services Manager
Simone Kallett
Executive Assistant to Clergy
Rachel DeLine
Assistant to Clergy
Lori Jassen
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Jordan Adonailo
Facilities Manager
Andre Parker
Your Journey. Your Home.
Education Staff
Director of Education
Marisa Kaiser
Religious School Director
Caren Feingold
Religious School Administrative Assistant
Jenny Mopper
Director of Youth Engagement
Molly Okun
B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator
Elise Halpern
Librarian, PNK Learning Center
Adelle Salmenson
Interim Preschool Director
Jamah Maman
Preschool Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Adams
Board of Trustees
D’var Sinai
Published by Temple Sinai
5645 Dupree Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30327
P: 404.252.3073; F: 404.252.8570
8 Be sure to visit
our website to
register for
upcoming events.
D’var Sinai Submissions
should be emailed to The deadline for
the September issue is July 25. Thank you!
Advertise with Us
The D’var Sinai has a circulation of approximately 1,500
households and is published 11 times per year. Our
advertising rates are very competitive. Please email for information.
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Accessibility Services
Did you know Temple Sinai
has a committee dedicated to
making our Temple accessible
to everyone, regardless of
ability? HINEINI - which means
“Here I am,” is Temple Sinai’s
accessibility committee.
Committee members ensure
we are welcoming and
accessible to all who wish to
Need assistance? Have
questions? Temple Sinai has
concierge services available to
assist and connect individuals
and families with disabilities
with resources both at Sinai
and in the community. Please
contact our Hineini Concierges,
Ina Enoch, at
or Jan Jay, at concierge@
For more from HINEINI,
see pages 22-23.
“Your ‘book of
life’ doesn’t begin
[with the arrival of
the New Year]. It
began when you
were born. Some
of the chapters
were written by
other people: your
parents, siblings, and teachers. Parts
of your book were crafted out of
experiences you had because of other
people’s decisions: where you lived,
what schools you went to, what your
homes were like. But the message of
the [High Holy Days] is that everything
can be made new again, that much
of your book is written every day – by
the choices you make. The book is
not written and sealed; you get to
edit it, decide what parts you want to
emphasize and remember, and maybe
even which parts you want to leave
behind. “Shanah tovah” means both a
good year, and a good change. Today,
you can [begin to] change the rest of
your life. It is never too late.” (Rabbi
Laura Geller)
The second reason I chose this
passage is because of its timely - and
timeless - message. Sunday, August
16 marks the first day of the month
of Elul. As many know, Elul is known
in Jewish tradition as a month of
preparation, a month intended to help
us ready ourselves spiritually for the
New Year. The Holy Days, also called
the Days of Awe, are weighty matters
and, if approached with the proper
intention, they are capable of affecting
meaningful change and growth in our
lives. Surely we can appreciate, that
in order to achieve these goals for
self-improvement and renewal, some
advance work is necessary. Hence…
Elul. As Rabbi Geller reminds us,
“Everything can be made new again.
Our book of life is written every day,
by the choices we make. We get to
edit it, decide what parts we want to
emphasize and remember, and maybe
even which parts we hope to leave
behind.” Not easy, but imagine the
immeasurably positive impact in our
lives if we take it seriously… Why not
start working on our “book” now?
Introducing Temple Sinai’s
“Sinai SPA” Starting August 7
See page 23 for details
Prospective Member Brunch
Sunday, August 9
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Temple Sinai
If you are considering joining
Temple Sinai or know someone
who is looking for a synagogue
home, this family-friendly brunch
is perfect for you! Our clergy,
lay leaders and staff will answer
any questions you might have
about life at Sinai, give tours of
the building and provide you
with information regarding
Please RSVP to Simone Kallett at
org by Wednesday, July 29. If you
know anyone else who might be
interested in attending, please
call the Temple Sinai office at
404.252.3073. | 404 . 252 . 3073
I began this column with the above
passage by Rabbi Geller for two
reasons. The first is because of where
I encountered it – in the introductory
readings of our new High Holy Day
machzor (prayer book), Mishkan
HaNefesh. You have already received
our High Holy Day booklet which
pictures the new prayer books on the
cover and explains more about them
in the booklet’s contents. I wanted to
provide you with a small taste of the
relevant, compelling and meaningful
writings that you will find within
the new machzor. Accompanying
the traditional liturgy are countless
passages – some poetic, some
narrative, some personal, – intended
to help each of us experience the
awe and meaning of the Holy Days
to the greatest extent possible.
Please note: We are offering three
adult education sessions designed
to introduce congregants to the new
machzor in the hopes that greater
familiarity will enhance your worship
on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.
Please feel free to join us at any/all of
the sessions: Wednesdays August 26,
September 2 and 9, 7:30 pm (See page
6 for more information).
See back cover for the full
worship schedule..
Worship & President’s Message
From My Perspective | Rabbi Ron Segal
Thanks to participants in JF&CS’
TeamWORKS program for helping
us label our new High Holy Day
prayer books. See page 6 for more
information about the new books.
Board of Trustees Message | Marcia Nuffer, Vice President Elect
For the past eight months, I have had the privilege of co-leading Temple Sinai’s strategic
visioning initiative – Imagine Sinai. I say privilege, because this initiative has let me, along
with a task force of 13 others, engage with over 500 congregants and dive into every aspect
of Temple Sinai. It has been inspiring to see the love and pride that we all have in our
synagogue: where we have come from, where we are today, and who we will become in the
Imagine Temple Sinai in 2025… where every one of us feels part of a congregational family,
whether we are at synagogue five times a year or 75 times a year… where we have access to diverse pathways
to deepen our spiritual experience… where learning experiences inspire our love of Jewish life… where young
adults and families are meaningfully engaged… where Temple Sinai is an integral and relevant part of our lives,
both within and beyond walls of the synagogue.
These are the collective visions that came out of roundtables, interviews, and interactive workshops. Many
strategies to realize these visions also came out of these gatherings. We will be pursuing a number of these
core strategies, and putting in place two “enablers” to realize our vision:
Core Strategies
• Institutionalizing practices to foster a culture of relationship in every aspect of the congregant experience
• Intentionally curating varied experiences that enable congregants to deepen their Jewish spiritual lives
• Creating a Center for Learning and Engagement that enables youth, teens, adults and families to build
meaningful experiences throughout their Jewish educational journey
• Facilitating the formation and support for neighborhood and affinity-based congregant gatherings/groups
• Creating social, educational, cultural, and spiritual experiences that engage families
• Facilitating the creation of customized “Sinai Journeys” for members of the congregation
• Researching, prototyping, and piloting initiatives to meaningfully engage with 20’s and 30’s
• Implementing state-of-the-art technology to enhance personalized communication, connection, and
real-time opportunities for involvement
• Enhancing Temple Sinai’s campus to allow for easier physical access, increased connection, and more
diverse and meaningful spiritual experiences
Your Journey. Your Home.
All of these are big ideas that have the potential to transform our congregation. And all of these will require
commitment from every one of us – clergy, staff, and congregants alike.
Different strategies will appeal to each of us. As part of a family with two teenagers, I am particularly excited
about new approaches to education and family engagement for our teens, and initiatives that bring Temple
Sinai to my neighborhood. I am also hugely energized by the idea of making Sinai truly a congregational family,
and doing what I can to create a culture of relationship through everything I do at the synagogue.
You may be excited about other changes, such as deepening your Jewish spiritual experience, creating affinity
groups based on your interests, or innovating our technology. I encourage everyone to find an opportunity to
help make these changes happen and to experience something new at Temple Sinai in the coming year.
You will be hearing more about Imagine Sinai: updates on where we are headed, opportunities to get involved,
actions that you can take. Feel free to contact Adam Mayer (, Jack Feldman
(, or Brad Levenberg ( for more
information on how to get involved. Join us in creating your own journey to imagine Sinai and in realizing our
vision for the future of Temple Sinai!
New In 2015! Watch for these additions to this year’s High Holy Day Programming
This year’s High Holy Days will have a slightly different look, thanks to the new Mishkan HaNefesh prayer books. But that
isn’t the only change. Below is a list of the changes for the 2015 High Holy Days. Please see the High Holy Day brochure or for more information.
• This year we will offer a family-style congregational dinner prior to the Erev Rosh HaShanah service on Sunday, September 13. 8
High Holy Days at Temple Sinai
High Holy Days 5776
Planning for the High Holy Days is in full swing at Temple Sinai! All congregants were
recently mailed the 2015/5776 High Holy Day Brochure with important information
to start planning for this year’s worship experiences. Visit our website for up to date
information and schedules. Additionally, registration forms are now online for: Guest
Tickets, Yizkor Book Submissions, Youth Programming and Special Assistance Seating/
• A new Junior Congregation experience will be offered for 4th through 6th graders and the Youth Program will
continue to be offered for children starting at 18 months through 3rd grade. There is NO COST to participate!
Rabbinic Intern Rachel Heaps will work with our education professionals and High Holy Day Coordinator Sharon Clark
to ensure the success of these programs.
• Both the Youth Program and Junior Congregation will be offered for the morning AND afternoon services on Rosh
HaShanah AND Yom Kippur.
• A New Mind-Body-Spirit Renewal Service on Yom Kippur afternoon will take the place of the separate Healing and
Contemporary Services that have been offered in previous years.
• New start times for the following services/programs: Selichot, Rosh HaShanah Family Service, Rosh HaShanah II, Yom
Kippur Text Study, Yom Kippur Teen Service, Mind-Body-Spirit Renewal Service and Yizkor/Neilah services. The full
schedules can be found onlie or in the High Holy Day brochures.
• Join us for a Family Tashlich Experience on Sunday, September 20 at Morgan Falls Overlook Park.
Make a note that the available overflow parking lots have changed. A parking map will be mailed with your tickets.
Sukkah Raising and Decorating 8
Annual Women’s Rosh Chodesh in the Sukkah 8
Come help us put up our brand new, extra-large, betterthan-ever sukkah! Note the extra hours to allow for
more daylight. We’ll have complimentary lunch. Please
register online.
Retirees Lunch in the Sukkah 8
Raising: Thursday, September 24, 10:00 am
Decorating: Sunday, September 27, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Sukkot Congregational Dinner 8
Friday, October 2 after Rock Shabbat
Join us for “Pizza in the Hut” (and salad) and s’mores
in our new sukkah. There will be crafts for kids and
vegetable carvings for adults as well. Come fulfill the
mitzvah of shaking the lulav and etrog in the Sukkah. $7
per person, children 4 and under are free. Please make
reservations online. Questions? Contact Judy Thomas,
404.252.3073, ext. 330.
Thursday, October 1, 11:00 am in the Courtyard
Did you know that it is a mitzvah to eat in the sukkah?
Now you will have the opportunity to enjoy lunch (dairy)
and some learning with Rabbi Segal in our beautiful new
sukkah. Reservations are required. Cost is $10 per person.
Please make reservations online by September 29. For
questions, contact Judy Thomas, 404.252.3073, ext. 330.
Simchat Torah 8
Sunday, October 4, 6:30 pm
Join us as we unroll the Torah scroll at our annual Simchat
Torah Celebration featuring singing, dancing and sweets.
Reservations are appreciated.
Look for the  icon indicating that the
service will be streamed live and the
8 to let you know that registration is
available online at | 404 . 252 . 3073
If you enjoy decorating, then be part of our Sukkah
decorating team, Sunday, September 27. For questions,
contact Judy Thomas at ext. 330. We are so grateful to
our Brotherhood for funding our new Sukkah.
Tuesday, September 29, 6:30 pm in the Courtyard
Join Rabbi Perry and Sisterhood/Neshamot for a special
Rosh Chodesh program in the sukkah. Please RSVP online
at or to the temple office.
Adult Education
NEW High Holy Day Prayer Books
The High Holy Days are an important time of community, comfort,
challenge and change. Each year at Temple Sinai, we devote a great
deal of thought and energy to ensure that the High Holy Days are
spiritually moving. To this end, we are pleased to share that we have
a new High Holy Day prayer book.
The Reform Movement has recently published Mishkan HaNefesh,
a two-volume set modeled after our siddur, Mishkan Tefilah, in
style and substance. It is a balance of tradition and innovation that
reflects 21st century sensibilities and perspectives. Temple Sinai has
adopted the prayer book and we are very excited to introduce it to
our community.
Special features of this new machzor include:
• Rich commentary drawing from tradition
• Wide range of theological perspectives
• Full transliteration of all Hebrew prayers for easy participation
• Study texts for background and context
• New translations, contemporary poetry and alternative readings
Thanks to a generous donation in memory of George and Eva Stern,
made by their children Michelle and Gary Simon, Carla and Greg
Malever, and Jason and Karinne Stern, Temple Sinai has purchased
copies of the prayer books to be housed at Temple Sinai for every
service attendee. You will no longer need to bring/purchase your
own prayer book.
Adult Education To Introduce Mishkan HaNefesh:
NEW High Holy Day Prayerbooks – How will this impact my Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur experience?
This adult education mini-series will provide three distinct sessions
for congregants to come and explore the layout, flow, poetry and
intention of our new High Holy Day machzor, Mishkan HaNefesh.
Your Journey. Your Home.
All classes are 7:30-8:45 PM. Attend one, two or all three sessions
as schedules permit.
Wednesday, August 26 – Rosh HaShanah and the Shofar Service
Wednesday, September 2 – Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur Morning
Wednesday, September 9 – Yom Kippur Afternoon, Yizkor & Neilah
Upcoming Melton Class (for Temple Sinai Members only) 8
A History of the Jews of the Pre-modern Islamic World
92nd St Y
On David Ben Gurion:
Father of Modern Israel
Sunday, August 9
4:00 pm
Join us to watch & discuss this prerecorded presentation from the 92nd St Y
in New York City.
David Ben-Gurion cast an enormous
shadow across his world, and his legacy
in the Middle East and beyond continues
to be hotly debated to this day. There
have been many books written about the
life and accomplishments of the Zionist
icon and founder of modern Israel, but
this new biography by eminent Israeli
historian Anita Shapira is the first to get to
the core of the complex man who would
become the face of a new nation. She’s
joined by The New Yorker’s David Remnick
and Steven Zipperstein, a professor of
Jewish culture and history at Stanford, to
discuss Ben-Gurion’s remarkable impact
on the world.
Mark your calendars
Sunday, November 1 , 4:00 pm
Thomas L. Friedman in Conversation with
Dov Seidman: The HOW of Repairing the
World (pre-recorded)
Adult Beginning Hebrew Starting this Fall
Learn the Hebrew alphabet. Read
prayers in Hebrew. Become a more active
participant in services. Keep up with your
kids and grandkids. No prior knowledge
of Hebrew is necessary. For more
information, please contact Sharon Fagin
October 20, 2015 - March 22, 2016
Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am, Temple Sinai
This is a course about the history of the Jews of the pre-modern Islamic World between the 7th and 19th centuries.
For most of this period, the demographic center of world Jewry lay in urban centers of the Muslim world including
Baghdad, Cordoba, Cairo and Fez. Our class will investigate the social, cultural and political history of these Jewish
communities and analyze the interaction between Jews and Muslims from the time of Muhammad until the arrival
of Napoleon in Egypt in the early 19th century. Instructor: Dr. Craig Perry. Fee: $60 (materials cost). The registration
form is available on our website and should be sent directly to the JCC.
Eat. Engage. Save.
Eat a Pancake. Engage yourself. Save a life.
Sunday, August 30
Temple Sinai
Come to the Pancake Breakfast:
It’s Flippin’ Crazy
8:30 am - 10:00 am 8
What a fun way to get to know your Temple Sinai staff and kick
off the first day of Religious School! No one flips those jacks
like Rabbi Segal and Jack Feldman— seeing is believing! Rabbi
Levenberg is becoming a master omelet maker and Rabbi Perry
has the perfect cup of java to get your morning going. Enjoy
our specialty omelets: The Ron, The Brad, The Elana, The Jack
and The Beth or your favorite made to order combination.
And, here’s the best part – it is complimentary. Please RSVP by
visiting our website or calling the Temple Sinai office.
Sinai Engagement & Volunteer Fair
8:30 am - 10:00 am
Have you been thinking about getting more involved but aren’t
sure how? Come meet some of Sinai’s committee chairs and
find out how you can better connect with your temple and give
back in ways that will be mutually rewarding. Visit the fair in
the Small Social Hall during the pancake breakfast.
Save the date
Scholar in Residence: Dr. Ron Wolfson
October 23-25
Mark your calendars for our annual Scholar
in Residence weekend. Dr. Ron Wolfson is the
Fingerhut Professor of Education at American
Jewish University in Los Angeles, co-founder
of Synagogue 3000 and author of multiple
books, including Relational Judaism: Using the
Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish
Community and A Time to Mourn, A Time to
Comfort: A Guide to Jewish Bereavement.
Calling All Jewish Campers
Camp Reunion During Shabbat
Friday, August 14
Whether you attended Coleman or Barney
or Ramah or Six Points or... If you went to a
Jewish camp, we want to welcome you back!
Join us for a fun Shabbat evening service
followed by a delicious oneg to extend your
time at camp by just one...more...Shabbat!
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Drive Targets
Donors Age 18-45
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
When Temple Sinai hosted the first Gift of Life Bone Marrow
Drive on Yom Kippur a few years ago, not only did we swab the
most number of people among all temples that day, but we
have had 3 participants be selected to be donors for specific
This is a special opportunity for you to give back to the Jewish
community. If you have any questions, please contact Rachael
Youra at or Judy Thomas at 404.252.3073, ext
330. | 404 . 252 . 3073
If you have not already been swabbed and are between the
ages of 18 and 45, then join us for the opportunity to join
the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Registry. The Gift of Life is an
organization that began because registration of Jews in the
national bone marrow registry was incredibly low; in the early
1990’s a Jewish person had less than a 5% chance of finding
a match. Gift of Life started to increase the number of Jews
registered to grow the chances of finding a life-saving match.
Today, because of the efforts of Gift of Life, a Jew has a greater
than 70% chance of finding a match. In order to enter the
registry, you will be asked to swab the inside of your mouth
with four Q-tips, answer four questions and be between 18-45
years of age. It’s that simple!
Sisterhood/Neshamot & Brotherhood
Sisterhood/Neshamot Welcomes New Co-Chairs
The 2015-2016 year is now underway! As the 4 newly appointed Co-Chairs of
Sisterhood/Neshamot, we bring different strengths, perspectives, and experiences
to this dynamic organization of women. We are looking forward to expanding our
demographic and bringing innovative programs to engage our diverse community
of Sinai women on personal, spiritual and educational levels. Our hope is that, by
providing a more intimate women’s social network within the greater synagogue
family, each of us will gain the opportunity to grow personally and build relationships,
as we deepen the connection with our synagogue as Jewish women.
We would like to encourage you to jump in, become part of the evolution of
Sisterhood/Neshamot, and experience our programs! The monthly D’Var Sinai
newsletter and From Shabbat to Shabbat newsletter are wonderful resources that will
keep you current on Sisterhood/Neshamot programming.
Please come at 6:30 pm
for a light dinner and to
socialize. Need a later
start? Join us at 7:15 for the
If you are a woman at Sinai, please join us as we build upon the foundation and
support that our greater synagogue provides, and help us create a sense of fun and
belonging. Come experience new relationships with others as you explore your own
sense of what it is to be a Jewish woman in today’s world! Please contact us should
you want more information or have any questions about Sisterhood/Neshamot, Rosh
Chodesh, or Temple Sinai in general. We look forward to saying “hello”, in person.
Join our new Rosh Chodesh
co-chairs, Amy Seidner and
Pat Stark for this special
presentation by Rabbi Elana
Perry on prayer.
Your 2015–2016 Sisterhood/Neshamot co-chairs,
Janet Lefkowitz (, 860.922.5110)
Emily Sauerteig (, 404.668.8216)
Marcy Siegel (, 770.565.7484)
Lori Zwecker (, 404.861.1514)
RSVP on the Temple Sinai
website or by calling the
Sinai office. Have questions?
Email roshchodesh@
See Page 18 for
details on the
2015 Women’s
“Enriching Daily Spirituality
Through Prayer” 8
Thursday, August 20
Temple Sinai
Kicking Off A New Year With Brotherhood
Men’s Night Out - Brotherhood’s Fall 2015
Kick-off at The Fred Bar 8
Your Journey. Your Home.
Thursday, September 10, 6:00 - 10:00 pm
The Fred Bar (located adjacent to Taco Mac at the Prado)
You won’t want to miss our annual kick-off event! The Fred
is a speakeasy-style bar with lots of TVs, comfortable leather
chairs, a full open bar, and Taco Mac’s best dishes. Did we also
mention it’s the opening night of the NFL season, US Open
Semifinals, and a Braves night? If you are going to be watching
TV, you might as well watch with friends.
Open to Sinai congregants only. $10 for Brotherhood
members, $25 for non-members. Please RSVP online.
Congrats to Warren Lampert (center) who took out
Shaun Winters (R) and Jeff Weisberg (L) to win the
May 2015 Sinai Brotherhood Texas Hold’em Poker
Tournament. Our next poker tournament will be
this winter.
Please pay your Sinai Brotherhood Annual Dues
This is going to be a year full of fun events for the Temple Sinai Brotherhood. Co-chairs Mort Epstein and Josh
Tolchin have put together a full slate of activities that you will not want to miss!
Members can look forward to the Men’s Night Out at the Fred, two Texas Hold’em poker tournaments, a bowling
event, an NCAA March Madness event, scotch and craft beer tasting, Sunday brunches, guest speakers, golf and
much more.
Brotherhood is open to all adult male members of Temple Sinai. It is a great opportunity to make friends and renew
existing friendships. Dues are $50 for the year which includes some free programs and substantial discounts on others. New members of Temple Sinai will get free membership in Brotherhood for their first year. Questions? Please
contact us at We look forward to seeing you soon.
Temple Sinai Barbeque Team NOW Forming
2nd Annual Atlanta Kosher BBQ Cookoff
October 18, 2015
Sinai Book Club: August Meeting
Tuesday, August 25, 7:30 pm
Love & Treasure by Ayelet Waldman
Sixty years ago, the Hungarian Gold Train arrived near
Salzburg, Austria, bearing property requisitioned by the
Nazis from Hungary’s estimated 800,000 Jews, most of
whom were killed in the waning days of the Holocaust.
Ayelet Waldman weaves her fascinating novel of tragic
love, and the unexpected legacies of forgotten crimes,
around the true events of this train containing jewelry,
furs, gold and other valuables plundered by the Hungarian
government from Hungary’s Jews.
Sinai’s ROMEO Club
Tuesday, August 11
1:00 pm
Rumi’s Kitchen, 6112 Roswell Rd
Save the date: Tuesday, September 22nd. Fill up before
the fast! September’s ROMEO Club will meet at Mirage,
6631 Roswell Rd, (Abernathy Square) at 1:00 pm.
The Sinai Business Alliance continues to offer
excellent business development and professional
programming for our Sinai members and friends of
members. The mission of the Sinai Business Alliance
is to support congregants’ efforts to develop and
grow their businesses by encouraging networking,
collaboration, and sharing of experience. This is
an engaging and productive way to connect with
other professionals and to enhance your own career
development. In addition, mentoring is available for
people who are new to the job market, as well as for
those changing careers.
Mark your calendars to join us for our kick off event
with Michael Coles, accomplished entrepreneuer
and the namesake of the Michael J. Coles College of
Business at Kennesaw State University.
50s & 60s Bartending 101
Sunday, August 23
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Temple Sinai, Community Rooms A & B
Join us for dinner and an exceedingly fun time as
you watch a professional demonstration and learn
to make the perfect alcoholic and virgin drinks. Taste
testing? Of course. Come ready to learn and ready
to drink! $20 per person. Please make reservations
online. For questions, please contact Judy Thomas at
404.252.3073, ext. 330.
Gallery Tours
Thursday, August 13
12:00 pm, Bocado Restaurant, 887 Howell Mill Rd
Following lunch, Gallery 72, 72 Marietta St NW
After Lunch at Bocado, we’ll visit Gallery 72 (Atlanta
Magazine’s 2014 Best of Atlanta winner). We will be
Mah Jongg Madness!
viewing the photography of Richard Ducree, who has a
Tuesdays, 9 am - Beginners, noon - seasoned players Fine Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts
and a Masters of Architecture from Georgia Tech. He
Small Social Hall
has selected a body of work that acts as a visual bridge
between generations engaged in the movements of
This summer has been all about Mah Jongg at Temple
Sinai. We have a regular game on Tuesdays with seasoned social justice. Invoking the memories of past struggles
and accomplishments while firmly committing his eye
and new players (who don’t have to play together unless
they want to!). Time may be adapted once school starts. It to the unrest and issues of our contemporary culture,
is free and a great way to meet other Sinai members. If you Ducree shows us all the face of our contemporary
culture. For questions or to discuss carpolling options,
are interested in playing, please contact Judy Thomas at
contact Andy Steinman at
404.252.3073, ext. 330. | 404 . 252 . 3073
Those wild and crazy Retired Old Men Eating Out are at
it again. Join the ROMEO Club on August 11 at Rumi’s
Kitchen. RSVP to Charlie Stark at
Mark your calendars!
Tuesday, October 13, 7:00 pm, Temple Sinai
Adult Programs
First place in ribs. First place in chicken. First place in
brisket. Fourth place in beans. Fifth place in team name.
Sixth place in booth decoration. Yup, the Sinai team
“Not Your Bubbe’s Brisket” won all that and the grand
champion in B’nai Torah’s first city-wide bbq cookoff. We
are now forming another successful team. Stay up all
night and babysit your brisket while you make new friends
and have a great time. Beer and cigars not just accepted
– encouraged! Now we’ve got something to prove! If you
are interested in being part of this WINNING team, please
contact Judy Thomas at 404.252.3073, ext. 330.
Sinai Business Alliance Welcomes Kick-Off
Speaker Michael Coles: Taking on Goliath
A Decadent Adult Day Trip: Greenville, SC 8
Wednesday, August 26
10:00 am - 6:30 pm
Thank goodness the High Holy Days are approaching
because this is one day trip that is inviting sinful
First, kick back in a comfortable touring bus and enjoy
the ride to Greenville, South Carolina. We’ll arrive just
in time for lunch at The Blue Ridge Brewery, known not
only for its creative ales and stout beers but for their
amazing homemade food - even their condiments are
homemade! Surf, turf and fowl, fresh veggies and hand
cut fries are waiting for us. After a wonderful lunch
we’ll stroll a few blocks down the street to the Dark
Corner Distillery, known for its famous moonshine.
We’ll have a tour of the distillery and enjoy a taste
test (of course) designed for the adventurous and
refined palates. Who knew flavor infused moonshine
would be all the rage, but it is. Following the tour we’ll
spend a few minutes across the street at Kilwin’s, a
confectioner’s heaven as they are known far and wide
for their mouth watering homemade fudge, ice cream
and candy.
You can’t leave Greenville without visiting the
famous Falls Park where you can sit back and enjoy
this beautiful intown waterfall or take a stroll on the
popular suspension bridge.
Ralph Kurland
Sales Representative
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Kennesaw, GA 30144
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dealership: 770-419-9800 ext. 312
"The best car buying experience we have ever had! We knew
“Mr. Kurland” would take good care of us and make sure we
got a fair price. He was informative, kind and patient!
We love our new Outback. Thank you!”
Temple Sinai members Robin Miller and Jason Rockman
Call me to test drive any of our new or used cars!
117 Peachwood Avenue • Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Your Journey. Your Home.
Wow, what a day. Board the bus, take a snooze or
schmooze and we’ll be back in Atlanta around 6:30pm.
Cost: $30 covers transportation and distillery tour.
Lunch is extra.
Seating is limited. For reservations and questions,
please contact Judy Thomas at 404-252-3073, ext. 330
or Judy Thomas.
10:30 AM
totally original invitations and event graphics
Early Childhood Education
We are excited to introduce you to Moms & Tots. This is a fun-filled
opportunity for moms with kids, ages 5 and under, to spend quality time
together doing a variety of activities. Just like Daddy & Me we will get
together once per month on a weekend, and have a blast!
Friday, August 21
6:30 pm, Chapel
Join us for our monthly
family-friendly service designed for
children 0-5 years old.
Temple Sinai Preschool is a warm, welcoming, creative Jewish environment with a focus on academics through
play. We offer small classes, an experienced staff, and modern classrooms filled with developmentally appropriate
resources. Your child will receive a well-rounded, enriching education that covers a wide array of academic
subjects and offers learning opportunities for personal development, values, socialization, and Jewish traditions
and customs. For more information or to schedule a private tour, please contact Interim Preschool Director Jamah
Maman at 404.255.6200. Registration is open and forms are available on our website,
Our Programs & Classes
Gaining Independence
Critical Thinking & Communicating
The Three-Year-Old Class prepares children for PreKindergarten. Children are engrossed in activities and
discussions that prepare them with the critical thinking
and social skills necessary to adapt to a more academic
classroom setting. The children in this class use full
sentences when communicating, identify letters and
their sounds, practice counting, and participate in
group activities that encourage creative and critical
thinking skills.
Participating & Learning
Getting Ready for Kindergarten & Beyond
Discovering & Problem Solving
The Two-Year-Old Class enriches a child’s curiosity
about the world. From problem solving as a group to
understanding everyday tasks and objects, this class
embraces children’s eagerness to discover and learn.
Interactive activities, including creative movement,
songs, art, dramatic play and hands-on exploration,
help children develop a sense of self as well as physical
and cognitive readiness skills in playful, fun ways.
The Pre-Kindergarten Class provides children with
a strong academic foundation for Kindergarten. An
interactive classroom environment with specific math,
language, science and social studies activities helps
children develop the necessary cognitive Kindergartenreadiness skills. Students continue to build the love of
learning and positive sense of self that will carry them
throughout their lifetime.
Academic and Social Growth
The Transitional Kindergarten Class provides children
with an accelerated academic kindergarten program
in a small-class setting. This exceptional and unique
program will promote academic growth while allowing
children opportunities to gain self-confidence and
social skills through hands-on experiences and a
developmentally appropriate learning environment. | 404 . 252 . 3073
The 12-Month-Old Class provides an introductory
experience to a social setting. This class is designed
to teach curious little ones how to safely and
enthusiastically participate in a class environment.
Children will become more aware of themselves and
their surroundings while learning language, physical
and cognitive skills through reading, music, games, and
In the 18-Month-Old Class, children learn how to be
part of a group. This class teaches the importance
of participating with others; learning how to listen,
understand, and follow simple directions. Physical
and cognitive readiness skills are learned through
imaginative play, creative movement, art, and other
sensory activities.
Early Childhood Education & Temple Sinai Preschool
Daddy & Me, our monthly social group for dads and their 0-5 children, and
our newest program, Moms & Tots, will both kick off the year in September.
Tot Shabbat
Youth & Education Programs
I have just finished my first year
as Director of Education at Temple
Sinai and what an amazing year
it has been! As I reflect on all we
have accomplished, I am excited
for the future of our community.
This past year, we began a process
to dream big and start to take our
programs to the next level. We launched an Education
Strategic Vision Task Force, chaired by Stacey Geer. The
goal of this task force was to begin to think of a holistic
approach toward youth and education in Grades K-12
and to think about what it is we wanted our 12th
graders leaving our programs having learned, having
experienced and having connections to. We shifted
our focus of education from being classroom based,
to seeing education as a form of engagement, not
only of our kids, but of the entire family. We started
to think about our youth and education programs as
an opportunity to engage our students, parents and
families into Jewish life and instill a love of Judaism and
a strong Jewish identity.
As we launch into this new school year, I am proud of
all our new initiatives that are taking place:
• Hebrew Chavurah is now an option for students in
grades 3-6. Hebrew Chavurah is small group Hebrew
classes that meet in neighborhoods. This provides
convenience for families while allowing groups to
create relationships and connections of peers and even
of families.
• New Wednesday Night Teen Program: One key
finding we have learned is that people want choices
and options. Everyone has different needs and
passions. With that in mind, we have launched a
new Wednesday Night Teen Program for Grades 7-9
as well as a menu of additional teen engagement
opportunities. This allows us to build a cohesive post
B’nai Mitzvah experience as well as engage our teens in
meaningful ways.
• Madrichim (Teacher’s Assistants) for Grades 9-12:
We have expanded our madrichim program for all high
school students in grades 9-12. The power of teens
serving as Jewish role models for our kids and enhances
our Religious School experience brings an energy into
the program that is contagious.
• Sundays as a family destination: By moving our teen
program off of Sunday mornings, we also have the
opportunity to shift the culture of Sundays from being a
drop off Religious School to a family destination. We want
parents in the building. We want to create community
on Sunday morning and provide opportunities for
parents to learn and connect with one another as well
as their children. There are many new parent programs
being offered this year during Religious School, including
a new program called “Parent Learning Connection,”
where the parents in each grade are invited to come
learn with one of our rabbis as well as build community
among grade level families.
• Expanded Family Experiences: Our Family Fun Fest
was a huge success last May. Building on that, we
will be offering a Family Tashlich picnic experience on
September 20th, as well as a family Afikomen Scavenger
Hunt in April. Families want fun opportunities to
experience being Jewish together with each other as
well as connect to other families at Temple Sinai.
These are just a few of the initiatives we have for
our youth and education programs this year. We will
continue to evaluate our programs and do everything
we can to envision new and exciting ways to engage our
youth, teens and parents. I look forward to continuing
on this journey with you.
Back to School: First Days of School
Your Journey. Your Home.
Religious School & Teen Education Programs 2015-2016
Torah Tots
Sunday, September 27
Sunday, August 30
Religious School (Grades K-6)
Sunday, August 30
Hebrew School (Grades 3-6)
Tuesday, September 29 &
Wednesday, September 30
Teen Wednesday Night Program (Grades 7-9)
Wednesday, September 2
Confirmation (Grade 10)
Sunday, September 27
Not yet registered for SInai’s Religious School & Teen Education programs?
Please visit the Sinai web site to download the registration forms.
Questions? Contact Caren Feingold, Religious School Director; 404-252-3073, ext. 316;
August 201 5 | AV/Elul 5775
7 am - Traditional
10 am - OLLI at
Emory “Faith in Film
Class” with Bob Bahr
7 pm - Choir
7 am - Traditional
12 noon - Mah Jongg
1 Vaetchanan
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
6:30 pm - Shabbat
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
8 Ekev
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
10 am - Prospective
Member Brunch
7 am - Traditional
4 pm - 92nd St Y: On
David Ben Gurion
10 am - OLLI at
Emory “Faith in Film
class” with Bob Bahr
7 pm - Choir
12 noon - Mah Jongg
7 am - Traditional
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
11 am - Gallery Tour
6:30 pm - Shabbat
1 pm - ROMEO Club
15 Re’eh
am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
11 am - SCRUFY
Board Retreat
5:30 pm - SBA Night
Networking (Away)
Board Retreat
7 am - Traditional
12 noon - Mah Jongg
5:30 pm - SCRUFY
Teen Lounge
7 pm - Choir
7 am - Traditional
6:30 pm - Rosh
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
6:30 pm - Shabbat
Service, Tot Shabbat
22 Shoftim
Atidaynu Retreat
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
11:30 am - Daddy
and Me
Temple Sinai Hosts Family Promise - August 16-23 (pg 21)
3 pm - Pre-Schoo Ice
Cream Social
6 pm - 50s and 60s
Bartending 101
LLTI 2015
8:30 am - Pancake
Breakfast +
Volunteer Fair
7 am - Traditional
7:30 pm - Book Club
1st Day of Preschool
12 noon - Mah Jongg
10 am - Adult Day
trip to Greenville, SC
7 pm - Choir
7 pm - Preschool
Curriculum Night
7:30 pm - Adult
Education Miniseries
- Intro to Mishkan
7 am - Traditional
7 am - Traditional
9 am - Gift of Life
9 am - Temple Sinai
at USO (away)
9:30 am - Religious
School; PreK
7 pm - WISH
Community Event
Hosting Family Promise at Temple Sinai May 24-31
29 Ki Tetze
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
9 am Torah Study
LLTI 2015
6:30 pm - Shabbat
LLTI 2015
10 am - Shabbat
Our Sinai Family
Booking a vacation?
Welcome New Members
Lea & Richard Artzi
Mya & Nathan
Here’s why you’re not doing
yourself any favors
booking on line.
Our Vacation ~ You’ll have the devoted services
and guidance of a highly trained professional travel
Their Vacation ~ You’re likely to get a telephone
sales rep who hasn’t visited most destinations
Our Vacation ~ No “departments” here, you’ll work
with your personal travel consultant throughout the
entire booking process
Their Vacation ~ Press “1” for accounting, press “2”
for ticketing, press “3” for travel services...
Our Vacation ~ Looking for that perfect experience?
Let us show you all of the options available
Their Vacation ~ “You want to do what???”
Our Vacation ~ If your rates go down, we’ll either get
you upgraded or pass back the savings to you
Their Vacation ~ Your rates went down! Yay for us we’re keeping the difference (true story!)
Our Vacation ~ During your stay, you’ll enjoy complimentary breakfast, free credits and amenities,
early check-in/late check-out and a room upgrade if
Your Journey. Your Home.
The listings below are May & June’s Sinai Family
Updates. Get “real-time” updates on our Sinai Family
every Thursday evening in the weekly “From Shabbat to
Shabbat” e-blast.
Their Vacation ~ What a lovely view of the parking
lot you have!
Let us create an extraordinary
travel experience for you
Paula Azoulay
Lauren Barnes & Ilia
Jennifer & Michael Biggs
Lyla & Clara
Jaimee Boettcher
Barbara Checkner
Angie & John Dumler
Isabella & Sarah
Lauren & Todd Gordon
Lindsey, Marlee, Tatum
& Rian
Ariel & Adam Hubschman
Stefanie & David
Olivia & Isabelle
Jenny & Andrew Katz
Caroline, Annie & Molly
Naava & Colin
Hillary & Max Pilzer
Cheryl & David
Dara & Daniel Redler
Alec, Jansen & Mason
Kathy & Larry Feldman
Nathan & Alec
Beth & Chris Schafer
Hannah & Sarah
Samantha Sheres
Mazel Tov to...
Karina & Josh Belinfante on the birth of their daughter,
Olivia Shay.
Valerie & Seth Cohn on the birth of their son, Jacob
Betty Golden on her 89th birthday.
Billie Greenberg on the birth of her grandson, Miles
Evan DeRossett.
Debra & Adam Greenfield on the birth of their daughter,
Sophie Bella.
Ashley & Brett Horowitz on the birth of their son,
Erin Greer & Scott Miller on their marriage.
Katherine & Hal Schneider on the birth of their daughter,
Adeline Dorothy. Mazel Tov to grandparents Nancy
Hamburger, Marc & Deedee Hamburger, and Barbara &
Martin Schneider, as well.
Merle & Myron Smith on the birth of their grandson,
Asher Smith.
770.952.8300 •
* Applies to Signature Travel Network hotels and resorts.
Morris Zoblotsky on his 80th birthday.
Condolences to…
Our Sinai Family
Paula Alsher on the death of her father, Herbert A.
Joan Blumenfeld on the death of her father, Murray
Alan Goldstein on the death of his father, Bernard
“Bernie” Goldstein.
Ethel Kopkin on the death of her husband, Ted Kopkin.
Barbara Lippman on the death of her father, Robert
Fisher Lichtenstul.
Rita Loventhal on the death of her uncle, Rudy Herzog.
David Rubinger on the death of his father, Robert
Jason Rockman on the death of his grandfather, Herman
Stacey Rothberg on the death of her father, Dennis Geld.
Complete 16 SEER
Jason Schneider on the death of his brother, Jeffery
Scott Schneider.
Brent Suddeth on the death of his grandfather, Hughlen
Stacie Zweben on the death of her father, Philip Zweben.
UP TO 12 RUNS - REG PRICE $475.00
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In-Home Consultation
770.COOL AIR | 404 . 252 . 3073
Pictured at top: Celebrating Shabbat in Israel on our recent
Congregational Trip. Above: The Reptile Guy visits TSPS’
Summer Camp for Rainforest Adventure week.
*$5,295 Complete 2.0 Ton 16 SEER split system A/C with 45,000 BTU 80% gas furnace,
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heat exchanger and 10 year warranty compressor. Price included standard installation.
Please call for additional details.
**Includes parts and labor. Can not be combined with tune-up or maintenance specials.
Contributions | May/June 2015
Arlene & Bruce Turry
Programming Endowment
in honor of
Cary King’s Birthday
The Birthdays of David & Sara
Naomi Turry
The Tezuka’s Anniversary
Cultural Arts Special Fund
in honor of
The Marriage of Shirley
Leaderman & Gary Bernes
in memory of
Roni Sakonas
Ruth Jaffe
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Lynne Halpern
Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair
in honor of
Beth Schafer Joining the
Clergy of Temple Sinai
Early Childhood Fund
in memory of
Finn Dana
Ruth Jaffe
Susan Levitt
in memory of
Ruth Jaffe
Walter Bunzl
Ellyse & Warren Zindler
Technology Fund
in appreciation of
Sheri Labovitz; Endowment
Committe Chair
Candy & Stephen Berman
Leadership Development
in memory of
Linda Horwitz
Cantor Sid Gottler Music
in honor of
The Melkonian Family
& Breadwinner Café/Bakery
in memory of
Aunt Gloria
David Silverman
Ed Simon
Jeff Levenberg
Jennie Leff
Leon Bloom
Linda Horwitz
Margie Shure
Your Journey. Your Home.
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Lynne Halpern
Susan Saltz
Chesed fund
in honor of
Isabelle Skid’s Bat Mitzvah
in memory of
Edith Klein
Haide Rogut
Congregant Relief Special
in honor of
Dolcie Scheinman’s
Bat Mitzvah
in memory of
Jerome Snow
Lyn Wasserman
Paul Spector
in memory of
Ruth Jaffe
in honor of
Ari Isenberg’s Bar Mitzvah
Isabelle Skid’s Bat Mitzvah
Ted & Leah Blum’s Epstein
School Award
in memory of
Dorothy Hytowitz
Linda Horwitz
Robert Rubinger
Scott Saban
Sharon Zindler
Susan Levitt
Ted Kopkin
General Endowment
in appreciation of
Robyn Tanenbaum
Shirley Leaderman
in honor of
Ina & Harold Enoch
Morris Zoblotsky’s
80th Birthday
The Birth of Asher Jonah
The Marriage of Shirley
Leaderman & Gary Bernes
in memory of
Edith Schiff
Esther Padove
Freda Dwoskin
Harold Wenzel
Hede Gay
Helen Goodman
Joshua Krinsky
Linda Horwitz
Olga Franco
Robert Rubinger
Sara Piha
Saul Brourman
George Robbins Enrichment
in memory of
Alan Serrins
Edith Robbins
Jacob Robbins
Gerzon Parzen Holocaust
in honor of
Alexis Pinsky
in memory of
Leo Steg
Goldie V. Morris Music
Enrichment Endowment
in memory of
Mattie Morgan
Ted Kopkin
Harvey White Teen
in memory of
Morris Sobel
Zina Wynne
Hineini - Accessibility and
Inclusivity Fund
in memory of
Florence Berman Robbins
George Stern
Robert Rubinger
Jan & Warren Epstein
Cultural Arts Endowment
in honor of
Jan Epstein’s Birthday
in memory of
Jeffrey Schneider
Ted Kopkin
Kesher Special Fund
in honor of
Alexis Pinsky’s Ordination
Andi & Ed Herzig’s
Important Birthdays
Ellen Goldstein & her work
with the Jewish Home
Susan Schwarzwald’s
Important Birthday
The 50th Wedding
Anniversary of Sylvia &
Barry Hyman
The B’nai Mitzvah of Ari
Isenberg & Isabelle Skid
The Marriage of Shirley
Leaderman & Gary Bernes
in memory of
Bernard Palay
Debbie Kitay
Dorothy Hytowitz
Frances W. Wasserman
Harold Goldstein
Jason Schneider’s Brother
Jeff Levenberg
Linda Horwitz
Morris Schoenberg
Murray Novak
Nancy Gordon
Nathan Robinson
Robert Rubinger
Robert Solomon
Ruth Jaffe
Sherwin Grossfield
Susan Levitt
Ted Kopkin
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Inge Robbins
Kranz Institute for Jewish
Learning Endowment
in honor of
Susan Pepper’s Bat Mitzvah
in memory of
Herbert Maier
Howard Kass
Rose Rush
Susan Levitt
The Marriage of Shirley
Leaderman and Gary Bernes
Susan Pepper’s Bat Mitzvah
The Ordination of Rabbi
Alexis Pinsky
in memory of
Edward Dressler
Estelle Moscow
Gussie Schnaar
Hughlen Suddeth
Hymie Schnaar
Jeff Levenberg
Jeremy Levine
Linda Horwitz
Marie Kurtzman
Michael Nelkin
Regina Moyer
Reuben Cohen
Rita Chetlin
Robert Rubinger
Rose Hotchkes
Ruth Jaffe
Ruth Melkonian
Sylvia Blum
Ted Kopkin
Library Fund
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Philanthropic/Social Action
Special Fund
in honor of
Lynn & Jan Saperstein
Susan Pepper’s Bat Mitzvah
Michael Alembik Memorial
in memory of
Hymen Freedland
Nathan Madenfrost
Sophie Freedland
in memory of
Evelyn Leiman
Fredric Milstein
Robert Rubinger
Saul Silverman
Sylvia Galanti
Murial Torch Eichel
Education Endowment
in memory of
Ruth Jaffe
PNK Learning Center
Special Fund
in honor of
Jack Koransky on Father’s Day
Kris Bonnejonne’s Bar
Rabbi Kranz for patiently
teaching Us
Operating Endowment Fund
in memory of
Harry Stein
Freda Stein
Joshua Lavietes
Mary Levietes
Operating Enhancement
Special Fund
in appreciation of
Robyn Tanenbaum
Shirley Leaderman
in honor of
Ina & Harold Enoch
Receiving the Israel Bond
Star of David Award
Lindsey Lewis’ Bat Mitzvah
Matthew Feldman’s Bar
Scott & David Leaderman
in memory of
Annie Fox
Barbara L. Cohen
Bea Feinberg
David Levenson
Elmer Rosner
Jeff Levenberg
Linda Horwitz
Michael Cucher
Norman Rosner
Ralph Joseph
Ruth Jaffe
Ted Kopkin
Wilma Kauffman Abrams
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Merle Smith
Preschool Fund
in appreciation of
Carol Epstein
in honor of
Paul & Viki Freeman’s 40th
in memory of
Ann Berman
Jeff Levenberg
Leonard Schiff
Ruth Jaffe
Susan Levitt
Rabbi Levenberg
Discretionary Fund
in appreciation of
Rabbi Levenberg
Rabbi Levenberg for
officiating Alex Effron’s
Bar Mitzvah
in honor of
Ava Charo’s Baby Naming
David Snapper’s Bris
Dolcie Scheinman’s
Becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Kristopher Bonnejonne’s
Bar Mitzvah
Stella Eden Rivera’s Baby
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Nancy Harris
in memory of
Annette Gimpelson
Anthony Zoghby
David Rothstein
Edward Lee Ginsberg
Jack Brill
Mosli Hagouly
Shirlee Gilbert
Susan Levitt
Rabbi Richard Lehrman
Memorial Endowment
in memory of
Ben Levitt
Etta Krick
Harris Levin
Irwin Krick
Rebecca & Paul Krachmer
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Herschel Bloom
Rabbi Ron Segal
Endowment Fund
in memory of
Arnold Balser
Mary Ruche
Sara Berry Rifkin
Ted Kopkin
Rabbi Segal
Discretionary Fund
in appreciation of
Rabbi Ron Segal
Rabbi Ron Segal and
the marriage of Shirley
Leaderman & Gary Bernes
Rabbi Segal for the
Shavuot Brunch & Learn
Rabbi Segal for officiating
Alex Effron’s Bar Mitzvah
in honor of
Dr. Mitchell Lippman’s
Jared Heller’s Bar Mitzvah
in memory of
Albert Strada
Bebe Wahl
Bernie Stein
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Gay Lenner
Lynne Halpern
Linda & Donald Horwitz
and Rebecca & Isaac May
Scholarship Endowment
in memory of
Linda Horwitz
Ruth Jaffe
Religious School
Special Fund
in memory of
Morris Bellman
Ruth Jaffe
Richman Spiritual
Relationship Fund
in honor of
Stacy & Kevin Wolff’s 50th
Birthdays & 25th
Wedding Anniversary
The 50th Anniversary of
Barry & Sylvia Hyman
The Birth of Peyton
in memory of
Scottie Saban
Susan Levitt
Rose & Marvin Sugarman
Library Endowment
in memory of
Marvin Sugarman
Rose Sugarman
Susan Levitt
Sam Chyatte Memorial
in honor of
Tracy Seligman’s Bat Mitzvah
in memory of
Morris Siegmeister
Sandybeck & Alan Lease
Visual Arts Endowment
in memory of
Henry Clark
Second Helpings Special
in appreciation of
Atlanta Hunger Relief
in honor of
Ali Labovitz’s Birthday
The Marriage of Shirley
Leaderman & Gary
in memory of
Arthur Sacks
Jo Aksen
Moses Lebovitz
Ted Kopkin
Stanley & Shirley Cohen Bldg
& Grounds Endowment
in honor of
Angie Janko for Mother’s Day
Ellen Cohen for
Mother’s Day
Shirley Cohen on
Mother’s Day
Stanley Cohen for
Father’s Day
in memory of
Dr. Abraham Velkoff
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Stanley Cohen
Susan & Jay Levitt Outreach
in memory of
Robert H. Goldsmith
Susan Levitt
Taylor & Greenberg
Religious School Scholarship
in honor of
Randi Kessler’s Birthday
The Anniversary of Arlene
& David Taylor
The Anniversary of Traci &
Danny Greenberg
in memory of
Joseph Simon
Michael Greenberg
Ted Kopkin
Special Fund
in memory of
Bernice Clark
Jeff Levenberg
Torah Learning Special Fund
in honor of
The Birth of Palmer
in memory of
Dorothy Hytowitz
Florence Nathanson
Harry Knopf
praying for Refuah
Sh’laymah for
Roy Schwartz
Warren Jacobs Enrichment
in honor of
The Ordination of Alexis
in memory of
Susan Levitt
Youth/Teen Program &
Scholarship Fund
in appreciation of
Anna Roberto
in honor of
Cathy & Alan Gottlieb
Ina & Harold Enoch
in memory of
Jerry Zuckman
Thank you for
your generosity!
“The whole worth of
a benevolent deed
lies in the love that
inspires it.”
- The Talmud
Contributions can
be made online
using the Tributes &
Contributions icon
on the home page
of our website or
by mail. | 404 . 252 . 3073
in memory of
Anne Bomes
Goldie Davidow
Hannah Berkman
Haron Horesh
Ida Leff
Jay Levitt
Jeff Levenberg
Leon Hendee
Lewis Canter
Maxine Seligman
Mildred Strada
Mollie Diamond
Nathan Berkman
Ruth Jaffe
Ruth Kushner
Stanley E. Solomon
Susan Levitt
in honor of
Erin Greer & Scott Miller’s
Stella Eden Rivera’s Baby
David Silverman
Herbert Arbeiter
Hy Throne
Jack Loveman
Joseph Horesh
Larry Gimpelson
Leslie Lovenheim
Loeb Ketzky
Max Tauber
Milly Wall
Milton W. Kronskey
Ned Sinder
Rose Crane
Rose Lieberman
Ruth Jaffe
Susan Levitt
Ted Kopkin
Vernon Funk
Contributions | May/June 2015
Prayer Book Special Fund
in honor of
Kalyn Davis’ Bat Mitzvah
Rabbi Perry
Discretionary Fund
in appreciation of
Rabbi Perry for officiating
Alex Effron’s Bar Mitzvah
Rabbi Perry for the
Shavuot Brunch & Learn
Atlanta Born ~ Atlanta Owned ~ Atlanta Managed
Funeral and Cemetery Pre-planning
From If to When: Finding Support to
Create the Next Generation
August 30, 7:00 pm
Temple Sinai
Are you or someone you know facing challenges
with creating a family? Please join WISH for
its inaugural community-wide event. Light
refreshments will be served (dietary laws
At this special event, a panel of fertility and
legal experts will share important information
and resources, and will be available to answer
questions from attendees. Presenters include:
It’s easy: Over the phone, online, in person
It’s safe: Pre-payments are 100% escrowed in an
account you own
It’s responsible: Simplifies arrangements, removes
burden from family, and fixes most funeral costs
David Boring
Michael Braswell
Licensed Funeral Directors
• Jenn Hobby, host of Atlanta radio’s Kicks 101.5,
co-host for Falcons Playback on ATL’s CW69, and
previous co-host of The Bert Show on Q100. In
addition to being an engaging radio personality,
Jenn is an expectant mother who has faced
personal struggles with infertility.
Sinai Women’s Retreat 2015
Sunday, October 18 Monday, October 19
The Ritz-Carlton Lodge
Reynolds Plantation,
Lake Oconee
• Dr. Daniel Shapiro of Reproductive Biology
Associates, an expert in reproductive
endocrinology and infertility
Your Journey. Your Home.
• Attorney Lynn Holland Goldman of Claiborne,
Fox & Bradley, LLC, who specializes in adoption and
• Dr. Angela Arnold, Atlanta psychiatrist who
specializes in infertility issues, post-partum
depression, and psychopharmacology of mood
disorders in women.
Nobody should have to face infertility challenges
alone. Please RSVP online at
All are welcome. Come WISH with us!
For more information about WISH or this event,
please email
Edward Dressler
Temple Sinai Women’s Retreat
October 18-19
The Ritz-Carlton Lodge
Lake Oconee
Engage, Enrich, Enjoy
Treat yourself to the
gift of time away.
Your Journey. Your Retreat.
Nourish Yourself.
Waiting list is available at
Please contact or if you have any questions.
Thank you to our retreat sponsors:
Summer B’nei Mitzvah Ceremonies
Jared Heller (at left), son of Gail Heller,
became Bar Mitzvah on May 2.
Jason Niekamp, son of Jim and Cheryl
Niekamp, became Bar Mitzvah in Hilton Head,
South Carolina on June 13.
Ty Klein, son of Phil and Beth Klein, Preston
Seligman, son of Craig and Tracy Seligman, and
LaWana Streger became Bar and Bat Mitzvah
in Jerusalem on Sinai’s Congregational trip to
Israel on June 13 (pictured below).
Kristopher Bonnejonne (at right) became
Bar Mitzvah on Shavuot, May 24.
Summer B’nei Mitzvah
Caroline Cooper, daughter of Michael and
Marcy Cooper, became Bat Mitzvah in Aruba
on June 4.
KaLyn Davis, Dolcie Scheinman, Susan Kaufman Pepper,
and Nancy Kaufman became Bat Mitzvah on June 6. | 404 . 252 . 3073
Ty Klein, son of Betty and
Phil Klein
For his T.A.G project, Ty worked
with Jewish Family & Career
Services and helped raise
money for a bicycle and helmet
for a young man who needed
to get to school and work. Ty
also continued working for
several volunteer organizations
in the community. He worked for the past three
years to trap feral cats so they can receive veternary
care before being returned to their colonies, and has
contributed his allowance to support their feeding
each day. Ty has been a Second Helpings volunteer
for over four years, and this past year, he committed
himself to helping his elderly neighbor taking out the
trash and bringing in the mail and newspaper.
Philip N. Kranz Learning Center
Learning Center News
The Temple Sinai Library, located within The Rabbi Philip
N. Kranz Learning Center, was designed to be located at
the very center of the synagogue building. This location
was chosen for easy access but also serves as a reminder
that learning is always at the center of Jewish life. When
ancient peoples referred to the Jews as “The People of
the Book,” we considered it the supreme compliment.
The library was established shortly after Temple Sinai
was formed in 1968. Today it boasts a collection of
over 12,000 titles, making it the largest Jewish library
in Atlanta. The Learning Center is a repository for
books, newspapers, periodicals, DVDs, CDs, and audio
books. Films shown at the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
are purchased by the library if available, and may be
checked out for home viewing. Any subject which relates
to the Jewish experience is eligible for inclusion in the
Your Journey. Your Home.
The library contains an excellent fiction and an especially
strong reference collection. Holocaust Studies, books
on Modern Israel, and resources for studying classical
Jewish texts are also featured. Volumes on art, music,
sports, and a large collection of biographies can also be
discovered in the library. A Jewish genealogical section
enables members to research their family histories. Of
special note is the collection relating to Jewish Law
endowed by the family of Steven Eichel, a young lawyer
at Sinai whose untimely death is memorialized by the
ever-expanding Jewish Law Library. The Sinai library is a
rich resource for research and enjoyment. The collection
is available to all Sinai members and also to persons in
the general community who receive special permission
from the librarian.
Membership in the Temple Sinai Library Guild at $25
yearly, allows Sinai members to purchase books
for the collection and to sponsor regularly scheduled
book reviews. Volunteers from the congregation
are always welcome to serve on the Library Committee
or to assist the librarian with technical services.
A room in the library is devoted to children’s and youth
literature. It is the setting for story time for preschool
and religious school youngsters and, each year, the
library conducts a Reading Program for religious school
students. The program is designed to introduce children
to the world of Jewish books and to give them a head
start in Jewish literacy. The Birthday Program honors
children’s special day and provides funding for new
children’s books. For a contribution of $18, a nameplate
with the child’s name is placed in a book.
For the more technically minded, the Temple Sinai library
maintains a complete online catalogue, available on
the Temple Sinai website. Wi-Fi connection and three
computer stations are available to member families.
The Learning Center is open on Sunday mornings during
the religious school year, and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
and Thursdays during the year. It is often utilized for
classes and as a quiet setting for private reading/study.
Members are encouraged to stop in at the library, to
browse the shelves, and to consider reading a book for
pleasure. The library’s current circulation is remarkably
high for a congregation of our size but the reading
population is still not large enough. Plan to make the
Temple Sinai Library a part of your Jewish religious life at
Temple Sinai.
Happy Birthday to the
Birthday Book Program
Ilana Levenberg
Library Guild
Thank you to the
following members for
renewing their Library
Guild membership:
Bonnie Aronin,
Inge Robbins
For more information about the Learning Center, please call
Librarian Adelle Salmenson, 404.252.3073 ext. 320.
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High Holy Day Food Drive
To volunteer to assist with the High Holy Days Food Drive stapling bags, making/distributing posters, or helping load
and unload collection trucks - contact Simie Faskowitz at
Throughout August, Temple Sinai will collect
school supplies to benefit the
Community Assistance Center.
Bins are located in the front lobby
and religious school lobby.
Social Action
As in years past, we are excited to continue the High Holy
Day food drive to benefit the Sandy Springs Community
Assistance Center. Donation bags will be available at
Temple Sinai on Rosh HaShanah. Grab a bag (or 2 or 3!), fill
it with suggested food and toiletries, and return it to the
temple on or before Yom Kippur.
Monthly Collection
“My Grandma Taught
Me to Never Waste
As a native of Germany
who has lived in Atlanta for
the past 15 years, Nicole
Essawy has a unique perspective on American
habits including our tendency to waste food. “I
was taught by my Grandma not to waste food
or water. Everything got used.” Her response
was to take action by becoming a Second
Helpings Atlanta volunteer driver.
Social Action Sunday
Starting Again in the Fall!
We are excited to announce another fun-filled year with
Social Action Sundays. Each Social Action Sunday is held
at Temple Sinai and begins at 12:15 pm with pizza and the
mitzvah projects begin at 12:30 pm. Mark your calendar for
the following dates and plan to join us for one of Temple
Sinai’s fun intergenerational events.
November 8
December 13
January 10
February 21
March 6
April 10
It’s time... once again to
open our hearts and our doors to
Family Promise
Please consider donating your time to be an overnight or
Saturday day-host, to help provide meals, to launder linens,
or to help with moving the families out of Sinai. Your
participation is greatly appreciated by the guests and is truly
a wonderful act of kindness and generosity.
Questions? Ready to volunteer? Please contact us:
Nicole is a successful trade
show organizer who opened
her own firm several
years ago. “I was always
going 150 miles an hour
and eventually the stress
and the pace got to me.”
This year she is taking a
sabbatical year to regroup
and reflect. “A neighbor who
was volunteering for SHA told me about it and
took me on a couple of runs. I thought, ‘Yes, I
could do this.’” She currently drives two routes,
Target at the Prado and Sprouts in Norcross.
Having made positive changes in her own diet
Nicole is especially encouraged to see those
in need receive nutritious food from Second
Helpings Atlanta. “Beyond the basics they’re
receiving healthy food, which makes me feel
Nicole shares her enthusiasm for SHA with
others and has encouraged a Dutch-born friend
to become a driver as well. Thanks and danke
Nicole, for all you do!
Want to know more and becoming a Second
Helpings Atlanta volunteer? Contact Program
Coordinator Julie Elster at volunteer@ | 404 . 252 . 3073
Family Promise is one of many Temple Sinai organizations
that enables our congregants to become involved in the lives
of those less fortunate by giving of themselves through time
or donations. This month, Temple Sinai will again be hosting
up to four families that are in need of temporary housing,
August 16-23.
Hineini: Ensuring A Welcoming and Inclusive Sinai
Temple Sinai strives to be a leader in the Atlanta Jewish
community in addressing the needs of individuals
with disabilities and ensuring that our congregation is
welcoming and inclusive.
The Hineini (“Here I Am”) committee was created to
bring together Sinai members who care deeply about
ensuring that our temple is accessible to all. Jan
Epstein and Sari Earl, Hineini Co-Chairs, work closely
with Sinai’s rabbis, staff and a committee of caring
leaders to meet this goal.
Sinai has two Accessibility Concierges, Ina Enoch
and Jan Jay, available to assist any with questions or
issues regarding accessing all that Sinai has to offer.
They focus on inclusion, accessibility and cherishing
the differences and uniqueness that embody our
membership and make our community stronger. Ina and
Jan can be reached at concierge@templesinaiatlanta.
org and provide insights
As part of our inclusivity efforts, Sinai hosts T’micha, a
support group for family members of children who learn
differently, need behavioral support or have special
needs. We have informal, open-ended discussions
about our children, as well as ideas for schools, services,
camps, activities, etc. Families leave our sessions with
new ideas and connections to other families facing
similar challenges. For further information, email
Furthermore, Sinai ensures that all schools —
Preschool, Religious and Hebrew — have supports
in place for children who learn differently. Contact
mkaiser@templesinaiatlanta for more information
Temple Sinai takes the accessibility of its services and
programming seriously and wants everything offered
available to all congregants and guests. If you have
any questions, comments, suggestions or wish to join
the Hineini Committee, we welcome you. We want to
continue to be a leader in inclusion and accessibility in
the Jewish Community and want all those who wish to
become a part of our community to do so proudly and
with ease.
Accessibility in Each Issue
A reminder of our accessibility services is now
included in each D’var Sinai on the inside cover.
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Introducing Temple Sinai’s NEW Special Parking Assistance Program...
At Temple Sinai, we strive to foster an inclusive and
welcoming community. We realize, however, that
with an inadequate number of handicapped parking
spaces and our challenging topography, too many
congregants struggle to navigate the inclines from
the parking lot to the building. Recognizing this as
a deterrence to active participation in synagogue
life for some in our congregational family, Sinai is
piloting a new Special Parking Assistance Program
(SPA) for Friday night services beginning on August
What you need to know:
•Sinai SPA is for those who struggle with mobility issues
•Parking attendants will be available from
5:30-8:30 pm each Shabbat evening
•Sinai SPA is complimentary (no tipping allowed)
•This is a pilot program, so adjustments may occur in
the future
Endorsed by our Hineini Accessibility Committee,
the Sinai SPA will provide professional parking
assistance for those who struggle with mobility
issues (e.g. the elderly, those convalescing following
a major surgery or injury, women in their final
months of pregnancy). To use the SPA, simply drive
to the front of the building; attendants will park
your vehicle prior to services and will retrieve it for
you when services have concluded.
We are extremely grateful to the generosity of the Sinai SPA initial donors:
Roger & Corky Gelder, Martin & Phyllis Isenberg, Bob & Dede Thompson.
If you wish to support this effort, contributions should be directed to Sinai’s Hineini - Accessibility and Inclusivity Fund. If you have
questions about this initiative, please contact Shelly Dresdner at 404-252-3073 or
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Temple Sinai August Worship Schedule
Saturday, August 1
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
Friday, August 7
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Saturday, August 8
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
10:30 am
B’nei Mitzvah ceremony of Ainsley Brown, daughter of Kay and Gregg Brown; and Bradley Friedrich, son of Robin and Darrin Friedrich 
Friday, August 14
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Saturday, August 15
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
10:30 am
B’nei Mitzvah ceremony of Madeline
Fellner, daughter of Allison and Dan
Fellner; and Andrew Wyatt, son of
Stephanie and Justin Wyatt 
5:30 pm
Bat Mitzvah ceremony of Josie Palisoc, daughter of Tama Lynn and Ed Palisoc 
Friday, August 21
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Tot Shabbat
Saturday, August 22
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
10:30 am
B’nei Mitzvah ceremony of Daniel
Raymon, Danny is the son of Alison and
David Raymon; and Jay Satisky, son of Shelly and Brian Satisky 
Away at Camp Barney - B’nei Mitzvah ceremony of Caroline and Isaac Goldman, daughter and son of Lynn and Ronnie Goldman
Friday, August 28
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Saturday, August 29
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
10:30 am
B’nei Mitzvah ceremony of Leah and Seth Nuffer,
daughter and son of Marcia and Kevin Nuffer
Can’t make it to synagogue?
Look for the  icon indicating that the service will
be streamed live. Visit to