Corvette Club Santa Barbara
Corvette Club Santa Barbara
October 2010 Volume 4, Issue 10 Event Calendar October Corvette Club Santa Barbara Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Run Sharon Smith Sunday morning, October 3rd, CCSB members Bill Barrison, Pat Bloom, Mike & Sandy Christeson, Ed Clerkin & his mom, Frank & Barbara LoMonaco, Bryce Lovett, Dennis & Lynne Merenbach, Steve & Linda Petersen, Jim & Judy Purcell, Al & Mona Rotella, Steve & Bonnie Sidwell, Fred & Sharon Smith, Robert & Evie Wheeler, and Lee & Claudia Whitney left Carpinteria and picked up Dennis & Sandy Higgins in Ventura. We left the freeway and headed toward the Santa Rosa Valley, an area with acres of rich agricultural land and huge estates that not only have horses under the hood in the garage, but stables on their property with the equestrian variety. Upon our arrival at the library we were joined by Jerry & Dotty Livers and Mike & Linda Wolfe. Docents guided us to the areas still open during the renovation in preparation for the opening of the new library & museum February 5, 2011. Of special interest to the group was ―The White House in Miniature‖ exhibit. It captivated everyone’s attention with its hand-made replicas of furniture, artwork, dinnerware, chandeliers, etc. with intricate detail in the one-inch-to-onefoot scale. Another exhibit ―Born to Be Wild-Celebrity and Vintage Motorcycles‖ showcased an amazing display of cycles that included rare models, ―movie star‖ bikes, and representatives of the well-known Harley-Davidson, Triumph, BMW, Honda, Indian, and Husqvarna brands. The mandatory stop in the Museum Store to purchase mementos completed the visit. A short drive down Hwy 23 brought us to the Claim Jumper Restaurant where we enjoyed a late lunch and spirited conversation. Somehow we all had the will power to pass on the notorious dessert ―claim jumper mother lode cake.‖ However we all gazed at it in the display case as we left. So much cake (6 layers), and so little room left. We should have got it to go. Thanks to all of you who joined us for this run, and plan on a future visit after the renovation is complete in commemoration of President Reagan’s 100th birthday. 3rd Reagan Library Simi Valley 5th General Meeting Santa Barbara 16-17th Bob’s Back Roads Fort Hunter Leggett November 2nd General Meeting Santa Barbara 13—14th Wine Run Paso Robles 19th LA Auto Show LA Convention Center Meetings are 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM . The meeting is held at Max’s Restaurant, 3514 State St. Santa Barbara Inside this issue: President’s Message 2 Membership 3 Classifieds 3 Once upon an time 4 NCM Ambassador 5 Hearst Hacienda/Mission 6 Activities Report 7 Concours d'Elegance 8 SB High Homecoming 9 September Minutes 10 Page 2 President’s Message Volume 4, Issue 10 Sharon Smith After the September business meeting Fred and I left for a 3 week vacation, so we were unable to participate in the run to Avila Beach in September. However we understand that even without the need for fire personnel to assist the group it was very hot. Just a couple notes about our trip. Since we still have the Corvette Club Santa Barbara banner on our windshield from the 2009 Caravan, we often attracted the attention of fellow travelers as we stopped along the way. They not only made favorable comments about our Corvette, but also recounted their personal connections to the Santa Barbara area. We often felt we were a mobile tourism billboard for the Santa Barbara area. It was great fun chatting with people from all parts of the USA and discovering their links to our area. Privacy Reminder Old Club Rosters should be shredded not just thrown in the trash when replaced. We found an unexpected tie to Santa Barbara when we visited the Copper King Mansion in Butte, Montana. It seems that the surviving daughter, Huguette Clark, of copper king William A. Clark has a mansion in Santa Barbara. Articles have recently circulated about her and the mystique that surrounds her. When we returned home I did some research using goggle maps. We have driven by the property numerous times without knowing it. The house and grounds sit on a bluff across from the Andree Bird Refuge on Cabrillo Blvd. in Santa Barbara. The Bird Refuge property was once part of her estate, and she donated it to the city of Santa Barbara asking that it be named in honor of her deceased sister Andree. If you are interested in learning more about Huguette and the Clark family, just goggle Huguette Clark and you will find all kinds of commentary to entertain you and have a history lesson as well. We started October with a run to the Reagan Presidential Library. No matter how many times you visit the library, it is a different experience each time. Each docent brings their own personal history into their tour and you learn new things from their perspective. A run after the renovation is complete will certainly be in order. October 16 and 17 we will be joining Bob and Inge Stallings on their run to the Hearst Hacienda and Mission San Antonio. We should be able to see some fall color along the way. I continue to encourage you to take advantage of the great activities that our club members organize for the enjoyment of all of us while driving our Corvettes. New club member Mike Christeson commented after our run to the Reagan Library, ―We have wanted to go to the library, but never have taken the time to make it happen.‖ Isn’t it great that in CCSB we have the opportunity to participate in activities we have wanted to do, with good friends, while driving our Corvettes. It does not get much better than that. Our Christmas Party will once again be at Mulligan’s Restaurant on Saturday, December 11. What Mulligan’s does for us. Mulligan’s gives us great parking, an excellent meal, a dining area workable for our gift exchange, a festive setting for our party complete with Christmas tree, and a reasonable price for all of the above. What do we need to do for Mulligan’s to get these benefits? They require a minimum of 50 people. I hope you will support our club by your attendance. It is a great evening and a tradition for our club members to celebrate another year together. Our Activities Chair, Ray Seider, has an article about the details for the Christmas Party in this newsletter. Reservation deadline is less than two months away, so I encourage you to put December 11 on your calendar for the CCSB Christmas Party now and get your check to Ray. Remember without ―u‖ there is no club. Check out the Club website Jacques Bellesiles PARTNER 5601 Lindero Canyon, Suite 210 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 338-8160 - (805) 626-4221 (800) 320-6364 - (818) 338-8155 FAX ALL MAJOR FINANCIAL EXCHANGES Page 3 Volume 4, Issue 10 Corvette Club Santa Barbara Membership Column Pat Bloom No new members this past month Our club total is 93 members and 74 cars. Please remember to put a CCSB Interest Card on any Corvette. I will have some available at the monthly meeting and if you are unable to attend, let me know and I will mail some to you. I will have the static cling club decals at the meeting for purchase Please review the roster and let me know of any needed changes or updates CLASSIFIEDS I am now the proud owner, but not for long I hope, of a 1998 Camero Convertible. Silver with black top and grey interior. This was my daughters car, a little young lady from SB. She bought the car new and it has less than 75000 miles on it but it does need some help. It is all there, it drives, the tires are good, there has never been any major damage on the car but it has some dings. This would be a great project. It is a 6 cyl. Automatic, chrome wheels, plus, plus. I will sell it for the best offer! Kelly Blue book says trade in value in fair condition is $3800.00. To me that is too muchy. Contact Steve Petersen 2009 Forged Polished Aluminum Wheels. Fits P245/40ZR18 tires on the front, P285/35ZR19 tires on the aft. One is slightly scuffed, other three in excellent condition. $500 OBO. Contact Fred Lopez 805 964-9546 Factory Reproduction C4 Chrome ZR-1 wheels—2 wheels 8.5 x 17, 2 wheels 9.5 x 17 +56 Offset - On '94 Vette for 4 months, always garaged. Never driven in the rain! Like new condition. Includes short chrome stems, center caps and chrome lug nuts with 4 locking nuts. $375 Contact Bob Szalay at High Performance Crossover Pipe (X-Pipe) 1997-2004 C5 Corvette Balances your engines exhaust pulses for a Scavenger effect that pulls exhaust from the cylinders. This boosts power & promotes faster revving. 3 - 5 HP increase. Make Offer Contact Fred Markley (805) 684-4049 Page 4 Volume 4, Issue 10 WE ARE ON THE WEB Corvette Club Snta Barbara. Once upon a time Fred Smith Corvette Club Santa Barbara is 25 years old this year and I thought it fitting that we start a column dedicated to ―who we were‖. I finally found a use for keeping all the club’s newsletters all these years. I have photos from the digital world but very few from the early years on film. I will be seeking out photos from our historian and hopefully this column will bring a little history and maybe a smile or two. The slate of Officers for 1987-1988 were: President Vice Pres Secretary Treasurer Membership Historian Publicity Paul Mariano John Jensen Barbara Mariano Helen Jensen Fred Smith Ron Blumenthal Doug Bickley In June of 1987 some new members that joined us back then that you will recognize were Ray & Mary Sue Seider, Mike & Linda Wolfe and Walter and Allison Van Wingerden. Our first installation picnic was also held that month at Manning Park in Montecito. The first annual (never to occur again) Classic Car Auction was held at Fess Parker’s Red Lion Inn and Corvette Club Santa Barbara participated by driving over 400 cars of various makes and models onto the auction block (a turntable that must have been designed for VW’s).—Too bad this auction didn’t turn out to be an annual event. Ed Clerkin joined the club in July (1987). Eight cars attended the Big Bear Bash with Walter & Allison Van Wingerden earning a 2nd place trophy. The 2nd annual Corvette Club Santa Barbara Show & Shine was held in September at the Orchid Bowl in Goleta (no longer there). Wendell & Judy Hans joined the club in September (1987). The club attended and participated in a Car Show at Mark Christopher Chevrolet in Ontario. The Jensen’s won first place with their 1962. The 1987 Christmas party was held at Federico’s in Buellton after having a conflict with the Red Lion Inn in SB. The 2nd annual Cambria Valentines weekend and picnic was held in February 1988. The large embroidered club logos (9‖ dia) arrived for the club ―Members Only‖ jackets. They were all black. If I remember I will share it at the October meeting. A run to Las Vegas was in March and Ray Seider showed up in a new 1988 roadster. The first ―Cuyama Challenge‖ was a success in April 1988. P.O. Box 40340 Santa Barbara, CA 93140 Page 5 Volume 4, Issue 10 Corvette Club Santa Barbara NCM Ambassador Frank LoMonaco Congratulations and thanks to our Newsletter Editor, Fred Smith, for doing an outstanding job on our monthly club newsletter. I submitted our June, 2010 issue to the Museum for their Best Newsletter Contest. We won 1st place! Club Newsletter Winners Announced! Congratulations to the Corvette Clubs who won this year's NCM’s "Best Newsletter" award! We had nearly 100 entries in the two categories, printed and electronic, and the points were so close! Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry and we look forward to having even more next year! Printed Version: 1st - Northern California Corvette Association 2nd – Sam Houston Corvette Club 3rd - Nashville Corvette Club Online Version: 1st - Corvette Club of Santa Barbara 2nd - Lone Star Corvette Club 3rd - Corvette Club of Utah In addition to the information about the NCM Ambassador Point’s program in last month’s newsletter I thought a further explanation of the system would be interesting. I must earn at least 50 points each year in order to maintain Ambassador status and that all important connection with our National Corvette Museum. Here is the purpose of an ambassador: Each participating Corvette club/organization will nominate/select an "Ambassador" to act as the representative /liaison of that club/organization to the National Corvette Museum. The person selected to be an "Ambassador" will have a distinct interest in the success and future of the Museum. The Ambassador's mission will be that of receiving and disseminating the most current and correct information from the Museum, and to convey that information to their local Corvette club/organization. The Ambassador will act as a Museum representative to promote and solicit support for the Museum through promotional activities and encourage other Corvette enthusiasts to join the Museum. Additionally, the Ambassador will be the voice of the Corvette club/organization, communicating concerns, ideas and suggestions to the NCM. Here is how the point system works: The program will begin each July 1st and end June 30th. A minimum of 50 points must be earned each year. The following is a list of areas where Ambassadors can accumulate points. NCM Membership Sales Raffle ticket sales Attending NCM Function/event Become/or already a Lifetime Member Attend Labor Day Ambassador’s meeting Submit a copy of Club’s newsletter each month Make a presentation about the Museum at club meetings Museum Brick Sales Percent of club become NCM members Points needed in any combination of areas to achieve Master Ambassador: 200 Points needed to remain active Ambassador: 50 Thanks to all of you for assisting me in achieving the rank of Master Ambassador for the 2009/2010 year. In part, because of the huge participation of club members who went on the 2009 caravan, I accumulated 226 points. Thanks again. Page 6 Volume 4, Issue 10 Corvette Club Santa Barbara Hearst Hacienda/Mission Bob & Inge Stallings Oct 16 and 17, 2010 Mission San Antonio de Padua and Hearst Hacienda on Fort Hunter Liggett We travel some of Bob’s favorite back roads to the ―Valley of the Oaks is a Land That Time Forgot‖ with Mission San Antonio de Padua founded in 1771 by Father Junipero Serra and stay at the 1922 Hearst Hacienda. William Randolph Hearst built his California Hacienda in 1922, asking future San Simeon Castle architect Julia Morgan to design it as a working ranch house. Hearst enjoyed the place so much that he kept it after he finished his "little something" at San Simeon, building a private road between the two houses. Like his famous Castle on the coast, Hearst's Hacienda is open to the public, but there's a difference. At the Hacienda, you can spend the night, in the same place where the famous millionaire and his glamorous friends partied and slept in the 1920s and 1930s. The scale and ornamentation of the Hacienda are more comfortable and intimate than the Castle, but this not a simple ranch house, it is an elegant, uncluttered style with mission-style arches, creating rooms for the ranch's cowboys and more spacious accommodations for Hearst and his friends … and us. Some of the roads we will enjoy are 150, 33, 198, Jolon Road, Nacimiento-Ferguson and Coast Route 1. We have reserved all the rooms for October 16, 2010. The Hacienda has 11 rooms. For those that have signed up for this run and have their reservations in hand we meet at Carl’s Jr. in Carpinteria at the Reynolds off ramp. The drivers meeting is at 8am and we leave promptly at 8:15am or earlier if we are all there. River City Corvette Club Run Diane Szalay River City Corvettes was in Santa Barbara on the weekend of September 17th and 28 of their Corvettes participated in the run to our city, plus a couple of vans to facilitate their activities! CCSB was invited to join them for a potluck on Friday evening. They hosted a fantastic potluck buffet in the beautiful Spanish courtyard at the Pepper Tree Inn, tables were overflowing with the feast and margaritas. Seven of our members brought food to share and we had a great time. They were very glad to have us and we met some really nice folks. It was quite impressive to see that many 'Vettes in the hotel parking lot! They have 100 cars in their membership, wow. Thanks to Kelly Barrington of RCC who coordinated the event. We hope to have more of our membership participate next year. Enthusiastically representing our Club at this event were Fred and Anne Lopez; Sandy Rubel Halverson and guests; Bob and Inge Stallings; and Bob and Diane Szalay. Page 7 Volume 4, Issue 10 Corvette Club Santa Barbara Activities Report Ray Seider Saturday, September 25th. 6 Corvettes, out of 12 who signed up, left Santa Barbara at 9:45 sharp but not before some excitement, It seems a fire truck was passing by and Fred Markley's main squeeze Eleanor (Rustie) waved. Well these guys seeing all the cars at the side of the road and a group of people standing around, thought there was an emergency so they slammed on their brakes, piled out of their truck and came running back carrying their emergency gear along with them, only to find out we were just fine. Great bunch of guys who had a good laugh along with us. Well, once we were off and heading over the pass we got stuck behind a group of about 10 early VW's of all kinds driving VERY slowly and they finally turned left at hwy 246 and we got along our way and met Pat Bloom at the entrance to US 101 heading north where we met Ed Clerkin outside Latecia Winery where he took over the lead heading to Old Edna which is a bump in the road but a nice small winery. After about 20 minutes we headed to Edna Valley Winery, a very nice spot with spectacular views. They had us set up on the lawn having expected a larger group but it turned out very nice with temperatures in the 90's. As we headed off towards Avila Barn driving on some nice country roads and all through the fields of vines the temperature grew to 108 and back to 105 when we arrived at Avila. Quaint spot with great petting zoo, all the gourds and pumpkins you could carry home, deli, ice cream etc. One comment…TRAFFIC..we had traffic all the way to our destinations and all the way home as well as large crowds at Avila. The hot weather brought everyone out. We had a ball and my "duties" are starting to get a little easier. October 3rd. Sharon and Fred will be lead the club to the Reagan Library see the front page. I want to talk about CHRISTMAS. Yes I know it's early however I want to bring you all up to date. We have a firm date: December 11th. 6pm to 10pm We have a firm location: Mulligan's We have a firm cost $35.00 each including tax and tip Even though it's early I would like to enlist your commitment now. I'm asking that you consider emailing your reservation to me and sending me a non refundable check now or at least soon. Your check should be made payable to Corvette Club Santa Barbara and will be held until the event time but I don't want to run into the problems from the past where we have to BEG people to come so as to fill the 50 person minimum required by Mulligan's. Consider this: the price includes appetizer, choice of 2 entrees, 3 sides, dessert, coffee & soft drinks. (there is a no host bar). We will also have a gift exchange but more on that later. Thanks for your help on this and, by the way, MERRY CHRISTMAS REMINDER: The Activities Planning meeting has been set for Tuesday October 19th at the LoMonaco’s home (see roster for address) at 7pm. Bring your ideas for runs for the upcoming year (2011) help make it the best fun possible Page 8 Volume 4, Issue 10 October 29-31, 2010 Santa Barbara Concours d’Elegance’s Salute to the Mille Miglia The Santa Barbara Concours weekend kicks off with the Salute to the Mille Miglia with a wine country tour. Beginning Friday morning, the tour opens to all cars participating in Saturday and Sunday events. This scenic drive weaves through Santa Ynez vineyards, traverses over sun-drenched mountains and valleys, and tours through several charming towns along the way. Tour participants will enjoy a catered gourmet lunch on the property of an elegant winery, a champagne celebration at the finish, and commemorative gifts. Santa Barbara Concours d’Elegance The 24th Santa Barbara Concours d’Elegance will display 200+ of the world’s finest automobiles on the spectacular Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club, starting on Sunday at 10 a.m. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the main event. There will be approximately 20 classes of cars judged during the event, in their individual classes, but all vying for that coveted award: ―Best of Show.‖ Santa Barbara Concours d’Italiano The 5th Concours d’Italiano brings an Italian flair to the Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club on Saturday, starting at 10 a.m. 200+ vehicles with names like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Alfa Romeo, Abarth, Fiat, Iso, Bizzarrini, De Tomaso, La Forza, and Lancia will be displayed. Italian food and music will be available for guests to enjoy. Santa Barbara American Classics Auto Show The 5th Tribute to American Classics will bring a touch of Main Street, USA to the Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club on Saturday starting at 10 a.m. Automobiles from American manufacturers with names like Ford, Chevrolet, Buick, Dodge, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Chrysler, Lincoln, Kaiser, Frazer, Tucker, DeLorean and more are expected to be showcased. Stroll around to the sounds of the Oldies with the aroma of hot dogs and hamburgers grilling. Vino d’Elegance, a Santa Barbara Wine Festival Local, National, and International wineries gather for a tasting and celebration at the height of the harvest season. This event benefits the local community and creates an exquisite Santa Barbara weekend spotlighting participating wineries. A showcase of vintage automobiles and fine wines blend together seamlessly to create a true luxury lifestyle event. This will be benefiting the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County. For more information see: Page 9 Volume 4, Issue 9 Santa Barbara High School 2010 Homecoming Roger Hoyt For several years now our club has participated in the homecoming activities for the Santa Barbara high school homecoming. This year’s event took place on Friday October 1st with six of our members driving the homecoming princesses around the track that circles the football field with each princess sitting up on the boot of our Corvette convertibles. All of this is done to the cheers of the crowds as we pass by and stop at the viewing stands. The princesses father’s then escort each princess to center stage wherein a queen is named. We then circle the track again and pick up each princesses and the princess chosen as the queen by her classmates. The CCSB member who was lucky enough to have hosted the queen receives the pot that we all contribute $5 to. This year it was Jim Wafer who won helping him pay for his brand new 2011 white Grand Sport convertible. CCSB members participating in addition to Jim Wafer were: Mike Christeson, Dan Eidelson, Roger Hoyt, Jerry Livers and Bob Wheeler. Page 10 Corvette Club Santa Barbara Volume 4, Issue 10 Minutes of September 7, 2010 General Meeting 1. Meeting called to order by Sharon Smith tonight at 6:31 pm. Full house tonight. 2. Introduction of Officers. Guests tonight. Chris Fanello and Bill Johnson from Lompoc. Members of SLO Vettes 3. Secretary’s Report distributed and approved. Correction on pool party date Sept 17. 4. Treasurer’s Report passed out and approved. 5. Membership Report: Pat Bloom reports 93 members and we now have 75 cars. 6. NCM Ambassadors Report: Frank LoMonaco reports on raffle of 2010 Crystal Red Grand Sport Conv. ($20 each). Drawing held on Oct 10th. Got more tickets for sale because sold out of what tickets had last month. National Corvette Museum has announced that the Corvette Club of Santa Barbara has won the Best Online Newsletter contest. Congratulations Fred Smith. Great job! Still have ten flags left for sale. 7. Activities Report: Ray Seider. 09/17/10 – River City Corvettes invite us to join them at Best Western Pepper Tree by the pool. 09/25/10 – Adamson House Tour & Santa Monica Pier. Cancelled. 09/25/10 – Avila Valley Barn. 10/03/10 – Reagan Library run. The tour is scheduled for 11:00. Sign up sheet. 10/16 – 10/17/10 – Mission San Antonio and Hunter Liggett run. Bob and Inge Stallings. We will be staying at the Hearst Hacienda. Rooms limited. 10/20/10 – Activities meeting at the LoMonaco’s at 6:00. 11/13 – 11/14/10 – Tony and Paula Megowan. Paso Robles and Santa Ynez wine run. Email sent out on hotel. 12/11/10 -- Christmas party at Mulligan’s. 8. Old Business: Thanks to the Grahams for agreeing to have Graham Chevrolet Cadillac and Saab be are our club sponsor. Thanks to Wayne Reddoch and Fred Smith for working with the Grahams to too create a sponsorship agreement. 9. New Business: Happy Birthday to Mona Rotella, Roger Hoyt, Wendel Hans, Jerry Livers, Mike Wolfe, Jacques Bellesiles and Dennis Higgins. CCSB membership cards distributed to use to identify you as a CCSB member for applicable discounts at Graham Chevrolet. See Pat Bloom for cards. New feature in the CCSB newsletter: Once Upon a Time. Featuring things from our past newsletters going back too the beginning. Santa Barbara High School Homecoming October 2. They need convertibles to drive princesses around track. Fred Lopez passed around mug that you can have your car photo put on it. 10 Tech Talk: Fred Markley discussed Chevron Techron and other fuel cleaners. Steve Petersen had car painted at Diamond Finish Auto Body. Vehicle had been keyed on both sides. 11. Trivia question. 50/50 Raffle $50.00.The pot of $25.00 was won by Marylyn Bruce. 12. Next meeting October 5 at Max’s. 13. Correspondence Santa Barbara Concours d’Elegance Car Corral (Oct30-31) and CASA Newsletter. 14. Meeting adjourned at 7:32. Respectfully submitted, Sandy Rubel Halverson, Secretary Page 11 Members of the NCM receive 10% to 15% discount on purchases from the museum store. For clothing embroidered with the Corvette Club Santa Barbara logo contact Frank or Barbara LoMonaco. WE ARE ON THE WEB For clothing that is silk screen printed with the Corvette Club Santa Barbara logo contact Bob Szalay. Check the store before buying Corvette related items from other vendors—you might be surprised at the current inventory as well as prices. Be sure to check the items on sale while you are there. Fred Lopez reports: I bought a new set of wheels from West Coast Corvettes. I mentioned that I was a member of Corvette Club Santa Barbara and they gave me a 10% discount. Head West Crescent LoMonaco Stylist Salon for Men & Women Corvette Club Flags 805-963-3626 21 W. Victoria #C Santa Barbara, CA We now have CCSB Club Flags. CCSB Members receive 50% off first haircut. 10% off services thereafter They are 12"w x 8"h and are $15 each. Please contact Frank LoMonaco to purchase one or more. Alan E. Emslie, P.E. Principal 5290 Overpass Rd., 805-683-1233 Suite 217 Goleta, CA 93111 Cell 805-340-4921 301 S. Hope Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Phone: (805) 617-3438 Email: Contact Us Fax: (805) 898-2244 Service/Parts: (805) 617-3436 National Corvette Museum October, 2010 Calendar Wallpaper
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