classifieds - Corvette Club Santa Barbara
June 2009 Volume 3, Issue 6 Corvette Club Santa Barbara Event Calendar June 2nd General Meeting Santa Barbara 7th Installation Picnic Goleta 25—28th Avenue of the Giants Run Summary of Club Activities Ed Clerkin June 2009: Our Annual Installation Picnic is scheduled on Sunday, June 7, 2009 @ Stow Grove Park, Goleta CA @ 11:00 AM. Please bring your own beverages as the club will supply the food and utensils. Dues and Insurance are $72.00 and will need to paid when you arrive so be sure to bring your checkbook. Ed Clerkin has completed the Route books for the Avenue of the Giants (Redwoods in Humboldt County) run scheduled June 25-28th. For those participating on this run, please meet at Timbers Lodge restaurant off Winchester Avenue, Goleta @ 8:45 AM. July 2009: Mike LoMonaco will be rounding up the usual suspects for the annual July 4th Parade downtown Santa Barbara. Frank and Barbara have offered their home for a post parade BBQ featuring hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad and all the fixins. Frank will also be mixing up his famous Margarita’s. Members will need to bring their own drinks if a Margarita is not suitable for them. Members can also park on the back lawn as well. The Pageant of the Masters event scheduled for July has been CANCELLED. The Fiesta Party scheduled in error for July has been CANCELLED. Instead, the LoMonaco’s have planned a post July 4th BBQ at their home. August 2009: Diane Szalay has been organizing the PCPA/Spitfire Grill event up in Solvang, August 30th. All members should have received an email for his activity. Please respond to Diane so that she can get a head count for the activity. 2009 NCM Caravan – August—September 2009: The NCM has opened registration for the time we will be at the Museum. By now you should have received instructions how and where to register. If not, contact Ed, Barbara L. or Fred S. If you are interested in participating in this once in a life time run / event there is still time. Contact Fred Smith or Barbara LoMonaco and they will assist you. July 4th—Parade & Party Santa Barbara 7th—General Meeting Santa Barbara Meetings are 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM . The meeting is held at Jake’s Restaurant 2911 De La Vina St., Santa Barbara Inside this issue: Hwy 99 Fresno/Clovis 2 NCM Ambassador 3 President’s Message 3 Club Throw 3 Installation Picnic 3 4th of July Parade 4 PCPA “Spitfire Grill” 4 Classifieds 5 Membership 5 May 2009 minutes 6 Page 2 Corvette Club Santa Barbara Hwy 99 Run to Fresno/Clovis Area Sharon Smith Friday, May 15 Pat Bloom, Thore Edgren & Pia Woolverton, Roger Hoyt, Frank & Barbara LoMonaco, Fred & Anne Lopez, Al & Mona Rotella, and Lee & Claudia Whitney met in Carpinteria and drove to Santa Paula to join Dennis & Sandy Higgins, and Fred & Sharon Smith to begin our trek up Hwy 99 to Fresno. After an all American lunch of burgers and fries at In-NOut Burger, we took to the country roads of Fresno to one of the first wineries in the area, Nonini Winery. The founder’s grandson, Jim gave us a tour of the winery explaining that many of the redwood tanks and equipment still being used, date back to 1936 when the winery was started. After the tour, Jim’s mom Judy joined us to pour for the tasting. From the winery we drove a short distance to Kearney Park to tour the Kearney Mansion. You really had to have been there to experience the way life was in the late 1800’s for M. Theo Kearney, “Raisin King of Fresno”, and the huge impact he had on the agricultural development of the Central Valley. The raisin co-op he originally founded became Sun-Maid. Our docent, Debra, shared interesting facts about the architecture of the building and the period furnishings that we saw. We were happy to see Daryl & Carole Burgess join the group for dinner at Di Cicco’s Italian Restaurant. Saturday morning, May 16 we took a two hour country roads driving tour to see a sample of the area’s wildflowers, small towns, and beautiful scenery. After lunch at Pardini’s, we went underground for our tour of Forestiere Underground Gardens. The temperature above ground was 105 degrees, but it was in the 70’s underground. Baldassare Forestiere’s creation of a huge underground system of passageways connecting rooms and courtyards with fruit bearing trees and grape vines using only shovels, picks, wheelbarrows and a scraper pulled by two mules was amazing. From there it was time for more wine tasting. We had a great time at Tivy Mountain Vintners, where owner/ winemaker Greg Pease poured his wines for us. We relaxed on the patio while enjoying the wines, the ambiance of the tasteful decorating by his wife Vicki, and the laid back attitude of their four-footed hospitality committee. Last stop of the afternoon was at Simonian Farms, which offers a multitude of varied dried fruits and nuts for sale as well as an accumulation of antiques and memorabilia. After a brief rest we ended the day with dinner at Tahoe Joe’s, where all the drinks came in one size, huge. Sunday, May 17 we went to Old Town Clovis for some antique shopping. So many stores, so little time. Ask Fred Lopez about his great acquisitions. I think some of us will be back (but not when it is 107 degrees outside). After lunch at Yosemite Falls Café, it was time to head for the cooler temperatures of home. Page 3 President’s Message Volume 3, Issue 6 Fred Lopez Hope everyone is doing well and had a good month. All who went on Sharon Smith’s run to the Fresno area earlier this month can attest to what a great trip it was and the fantastic job Sharon did putting it together. If you haven’t been on one of her runs, plan on going on the next one and see what we mean! Hope to see everyone at the meeting on June 2 and/or the Installation Barbecue on June 7. Don’t forget your yearly dues are due. See you then. NCM Ambassador Frank LoMonaco Things have been pretty quiet lately at the Museum as the staff gets ready for the influx of thousands and thousands of cars and people for the Labor Day Weekend Celebration back in Bowling Green. It is less than three months away!! Don't forget to check the Museum store for caravan items if you are interested. Club Throw Privacy Reminder Old Club Rosters should be shredded not just thrown in the trash when replaced. National Corvette Caravan returns to Bowling Green in 2009 Diane Szalay Attention all new members and those who missed out on the opportunity to order last time. Our Club Throws are available for purchase again at $35 per throw! Excellent quality fabric, detail and color and a great icon Club item. Diane Szalay will bring an order sheet to the June 2nd meeting. Installation Picnic Al Rotella Don’t forget to mark your calendars for one of our biggest events of the year. The Club Installation Picnic on Sunday June 7th, 2009. We will again be meeting at Stow Grove Park in Goleta at 580 La Patera Lane just below Cathedral Oaks Road. Festivities will begin about 11:00 with food being served at about 12:00. Tri-tip, chicken and hot dogs will be served along with salad, chili beans, potato salad and dessert. Bring your own beverages and a good appetite for this event. This will also be a good time to bring your checkbook if you haven’t paid your upcoming dues and insurance for the coming year. Total is $72.00 with a check made to CCSB. Pay by the picnic date and have a chance to win some great raffle prizes. Hope to see you all at this fun event. Jacques Bellesiles PARTNER 5601 Lindero Canyon, Suite 210 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 338-8160 - (805) 626-4221 (800) 320-6364 - (818) 338-8155 FAX ALL MAJOR FINANCIAL EXCHANGES Page 4 Fourth of July 2009 Parade & Party Mike & Barbara LoMonaco Our club will once again be participating in the always popular 4th of July parade. More details - such as the time of the parade and meeting place - will follow as soon as they are available. After the parade and the car show on State Street, there will be a BBQ in the backyard of the home of Frank and Barbara LoMonaco. The club will supply the All-American dinner - hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, etc. and Frank will be making his famous margaritas. Please plan to bring your own drinks if you don't want margaritas as nothing else will be available. A sign up sheet will be passed around at the June meeting and also at the annual club picnic. If you will not be attending either the meeting or the picnic but plan to attend the parade and the BBQ, please let Barbara or Frank know by phone or email. Remember -- in order to participate in these events you must have paid your 2009/2010 dues and insurance PCPA “Spitfire Grill” Diane Szalay On Sunday August 30, we will be going up to Solvang for a barbecue dinner at the River Grill at Alisal, and then to the Solvang Theatre for an evening performance of "The Spitfire Grill" Cost for the dinner is $25 per person, all inclusive: Steak, chicken, vegetables, bread, salad, dessert and gratuity. If you've gone on this run before, we will again be in that beautiful setting on the patio overlooking the golf course. The food is delicious and generous buffet style, we'll go back for seconds and thirds! "The Spitfire Grill" is a musical and the performance is at 8:00 p.m., bring warm jackets to layer/and lap blanket. It gets very cool and breezy there after 8:00 p.m.The story is of a young woman, a parolee, who finds a little backwoods town by serendipity and takes a job there in a cafe run by a cranky old woman, who is about to retire and can't figure out what to do with the cafe. This turns out to be a story of deep friendship and redemption. This has been performed nationwide by other troupes and has gotten great reviews. If you are familiar with the Solvang Theatre, you know what professional actors they have, all talented voices. Price for the play is $24 per person. Hope you can join us if you want something to do while the rest of the Club is on the caravan! Please let me know so I can reserve a block of seats for us at this group rate. I will also be taking sign up sheets to the June meeting. Page 5 Volume 3, Issue 6 Corvette Club Santa Barbara Membership Column Lee Whitney No new members this month. It’s that time again. Your 2009/2010 CCSB membership dues and insurance are due on June 1, 2009. The total amount is $72.00. If you joined the club after January 1, 2009, you owe less. I will contact you and let you know what you owe. The monthly meeting is June 2nd at Jake’s. You can bring your checks made out to CCSB to the meeting and give them to me or you can bring them to the annual Installation Picnic on June 7th. If your payment is received by the Installation Picnic, you will be eligible for some great raffle prizes. The only way to get a raffle ticket is to pay your dues on or before June 7th. You may also mail your checks to me at my home address (check the roster for that information). PLEASE NOTE… If your check is not received by July 15, 2009, your membership in CCSB will expire. After July 15th you must pay the $72.00 plus a $5.00 late fee in order to reinstate your membership. I hope to see you all at the June 2nd meeting and the June 7th Installation Picnic. CLASSIFIEDS OEM New (5 miles) Take Offs 2008/09 C6 Split spoke wheels Silver painted factory finish (fits 05-09 Corvette Coupe or Conv—not Z06) 2 fronts are 18 x 8.5” +56 offset, 2 rears are 19 x 10” +56 offset. Center Caps included—no lugnuts. $400 for all 4 wheels. (these wheels sell for $200 each on eBay) Contact Fred Smith at (805) 647-3881 or Factory Reproduction C6 Chrome Wheels— Two fronts and two rears off a 2006. two wheels have minor curb damage the other two still look new. Includes center caps & chrome lugnuts $250 Contact Dennis Higgins at (805) 6591071 or Factory reproduction C4 chrome ZR-1 wheels—2 wheels 8.5 x 17, 2 wheels 9.5 x 17 +56 Offset - On '94 vette for 4 months, always garaged. Never driven in the rain! Like new condition. Includes short chrome stems, center caps and chrome lug nuts with 4 locking nuts. $400 Contact Bob Szalay at High Performance Crossover Pipe (X-Pipe) 1997-2004 Corvette Balances your engines exhaust pulses for a Scaveger effect that pulls exhaust from the cylinders. This boost power & promotes faster revving. 3 - 5 Horsepower increase. Make Offer Contact Fred Markley at (805) 684-4049 WE ARE ON THE WEB Page 6 Volume 3, Issue 6 Corvette Club Santa Barbara Minutes of May 5, 2009 General Meeting Corvette Club Santa Barbara. Meeting called to order by President Fred Lopez at 6:40 p.m. Forewent introduction of officers since there were no guests. Quorum established. Secretary's Report distributed and approved. Treasurer's Report approved as presented. Membership Report: 103 members, 80 vehicles. Dues and insurance in amount of $72 are due 6/1/09. Make checks payable to CCSB. 6. NCM Ambassador: Things are pretty quiet. No current raffles. 2009 Caravan items (hats, shirts, etc.) are available at museum on-line. 7. Activities Report: P.O. Box 40340 5/8/09: Edwards AFB Run – Fred Lopez. Cancelled. Santa Barbara, CA 5/15/09 – 5/17/09: Forrestierre Underground Gardens – Sharon Smith. 93140 6/7/09: Installation Picnic at Stow Grove Park, 11:00 AM. Must pay dues and insurance at or before the picnic to be eligible for raffle prizes. 6/25/09 – 6/28/09: Avenue of the Giants/redwoods – Ed Clerkin. 7/4/09: Fourth of July Parade – Mike LoMonaco. 7/15/09: Pageant of the Masters – Dotty Livers. 7/29/2009: Fiesta Party – Frank and Barbara LoMonaco. September 2009: Caravan - Fred Smith will set up another Caravan meeting. 8. Old Business: Members were reminded to check the Correspondence Table after the meeting for pertinent information. President Lopez reported that club members Bob Stallings, Flo Calderwood, Jerry Livers and Bob Szalay, and Thore Edgren’s friend Pia were all recovering nicely from their illnesses/injuries, and that Daryl Burgess underwent another surgery on Friday. 9. New Business: The proposed slate of officers was presented for approval since there was only one candidate for each office. It was approved as follows: President, Fred Lopez; Vice-President, Al Rotella; Secretary, Sandy Halverson; Treasurer, Steve Peterson; Membership, Lee Whitney; NCM Ambassador, Frank LoMonaco; Activities, Ed Clerkin; Publicity and Website, Fred Smith; Historian, Roger Hoyt. Frank LoMonaco will be submitting an order for club jackets. See Frank to place an order. Diane Szalay will place an order for CCSB throws if there is enough interest (at least 10). The cost is $35. Diane was not present so Fred Smith displayed a throw for her and passed around a sign-up sheet. Dennis Merenbach donated a yellow spoiler for a C6 or Z06. The entire state of Arizona has been designated as a “Strict Enforcement Area” for traffic violations. Sandy Halverson brought a new Camaro from Graham’s car lot for us to admire. 10. Tech Talk: By Fred Markley, subject: When is it time to change your oil? Tony Megowan also informed us that his housing gasket seal has blown out five times and it was finally determined that the problem was bad sealant. 11. Trivia Question won by Robert Wheeler. 12. 50/50 Raffle proceeds $23.00. 13. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Respectfully submitted, Claudia Whitney Acting Secretary Page 7 Swarovski Crystal/Metal Studded Corvette Wear For clothing embroidered with the Corvette Club Santa Barbara logo or static cling logos for your car contact Barbara LoMonaco. For clothing that is screen printed with the Corvette Club Santa Barbara logo contact Bob Szalay. Helen Jensen advises that she has found a source for the studded Corvette Jackets, hats & purses since the Solvang source has gone out of business. MAZi of La Jolla has stock and is able to order items. They can be reached at (858) 454-0151 or Salon Monaco Crescent LoMonaco Helen suggests you use her name and Corvette Club Santa Barbara when calling and they will know the type of merchandise you are talking about. Owner, Stylist Salon for Men & Women 805-684-2337 972 Yucca Lane Carpinteria, CA Alan E. Emslie, P.E. Principal 5290 Overpass Rd., 805-683-1233 Suite 217 Goleta, CA 93111 Cell 805-340-4921 FIRST CLASS PO Box 40340 Santa Barbara, CA 93140 WE ARE ON THE WEB
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