LAW REVISION 1 THE LAW REVISION ACT ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS 1. Short title. 2. Interpretation. 3. Appointment and remuneration of Commissioners. 4. Duty of Commissioners to revise laws. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Revised Laws to be published in loose-leaf form. Inclusion in or removal of pages from Revised Laws. Validity of Revised Laws. Contents of Revised Laws. Laws or parts of laws may be omitted, and shall continue in force. Revised Laws to be prepared as at the prescribed date and thereafter annually kept up to date Powers of Commissioners. Limitation of Commissioners’ powers. Construction of references to laws embodied in Revised Laws. Expenses. SCHEDULES 1 F e inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480/1973] 3 LAW REVISION THE LAW REVISION ACT Act 42 01 1969. [23rd December, 1969.1 1. This Act may be cited as the Law Revision Act. Short title. 2. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires- himm “Commissioner” means a Statute Law Commissioner appointed by the Governor-General under section 3; “Commonwealth laws” means Acts and other instruments of a Commonwealth country (other than Jamaica) having legislative effect in Jamaica and includes any law applied to Jamaica by any such Act or other instrument; “laws” means Laws, Acts, regulations and other subsidiary legislation and includes Commonwealth laws; “prescribed year” has the meaning assigned to it by subsection (3) of section 10. 3 . 4 1 ) The Governor-General shall appoint one or more fit and proper persons as Commissioners for the purposes of this Act, to be known as the “Statute Law Commissioners”. (2) In case any of the Commissioners shall from any cause be unable fully to discharge his commission under this Act, the Governor-General may appoint some other fit and proper person to be a Commissioner in his stead. (3) There shall be paid to the Commissioners such salaries or remuneration as may be determined by the Minister. IThe inclusion of thia page is suthorized by L.N. 480/19731 tation. Appointment and remmcra. ,!$AfiS9 1 a . 4 LAW REVISlON Duty of 4. It shall be the duty of the Commissioners to cause to be prepared, maintained and published an edition of the laws of Jamaica in accordance with the provisions of this Act, which edition shall be known for all purposes as the “Revised Laws of Jamaica”. Revised 5 . 4 1 ) The Revised Laws of Jamaica (hereafter referred to as “the Revised Laws”) shall be published in looseleaf form or in such other form as the Commissioners may determine and shall comprise such pages as may be authorized to be included therein by order of the Minister made under section 6 . Commissioners to revise laws. Laws to he published in loose-leaf form (2) Every page comprised in the Revised Laws shall bear a reference to the order by which its inclusion therein was authorized. Inclusionin or removal of Pages from Reviscd Laws. 6.41) It shall be lawful for the Minister by order published in the Gazette to authorize the inclusion in the Revised Laws of each page to be comprised therein. (2) Any order made under this section may authorize the removal from the Revised Laws of any page(a) which has been replaced by a new page authorizd by such an order to be included therein; or (b) in any case where the provisions contained in that page may be omitted from the Revised Laws by the Commissioners by virtue of the powers conferred on them by this Act. (3) The inclusion in or removal from the Revised Laws of a page by the authority of an order made under this section shall have effect from such date as the Minister shall declare in the order. Validity of RC”i*od LWS. 7. Subject to the provisions of section 9 and section 12, the pages of the Revised Laws shall from the date declared [The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N 480/19731 , 5 LAW REVlSION in the order or orders by which their inclusion was authorized, be in all courts and for all purposes whatsuever deemed to be and shall be the sole and proper Statute Book of Jamaica in respect of the laws contained therein, other than Commonwealth laws : Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the operation of any provision in a law (in relation to which pages have not been included in the Revised Laws) which repeals or amends any law for the time being contained in the Revised Laws, or modifies the construction or application of any provision of any such law. 8. The Revised Laws shall subject to the provisions of this Act contain(a) as far as practicable every Law or Act in force, and which was enacted prior to the date declared pursuant to subsection (3) of section 6 in the last order made by the Minister under that section other than Laws or Acts omitted under the authority of this Act; (b) such regulations or other subsidiary legislation in force, and which were made prior to such last-mentioned date as the Commissioners think fit to include therein; (c) any Commonwealth laws which the Commissioners think fit to include therein; (d) a chronological list of Laws and Acts (with conversion table), a table of contents and an index: Provided that where a page has been authorized to be included in the Revised Laws by an order made by the Minister other than an order made authorizing the inclusion of pages prepared pursuant to subsection (1) of p h e inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480/1973] Contentsof Revised Laws. LAW REVISION 6 section 10, it shall not be necessary to authorize by such first-mentioned order the inclusion in the Revised Laws of any Act enacted subsequent to the 31st day of December of the prescribed year. Laws or parts of laws may be omiltkd, and shall conlinue in force. First Schedule. Seomd Schedule. It shall not be necessary for the Commissioners to include in the Revised Laws(a) the laws specified in the First Schedule; (b) those parts of the laws mentioned in the first and second columns of the Second Schedule which are specified in the third column of the said Schedule; (c) any current financial appropriation Act; (d) any law containing only special provision in relation to the pension of any person named therein; or (e) any enactment making provision in relation to the application or non-application of any law of Jamaica to the Turks and Caicos Islands or the Cayman Islands as Dependencies or otherwise: 9.-(1) Provided, however, that the said Acts, laws, or enactments shall remain in force until the same shall have been repealed or shall have expired or become spent or had their effect. First and Second Schedules. Revised Laws to be p p a r e d as at the prescribed date and thereafter aMudly kept up to date. (2) The Minister may by order published in the Gazetre vary or add to the First and Second Schedules or either of them. 10.-(1) As soon as practicable after the 31st day of December of the prescribed year and thereafter of each succeeding year it shall be the duty of the Commissioners to prepare in accordance with the provisions of this Act the necessary pages for inclusion in the Revised Laws so that it may contain all the laws which are required or me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480119731 LAW REVlSION authorized by the provisions of this Act to be included therein and are in force on that date. (2) Nothing in this section shall be construed so as to(a) prevent the Commissioners from preparing pages for inclusion in the Revised Laws at more frequent intervals; (b) prevent the Minister from authorizing by Order under and in accordance with section 6 the inclusion in the Revised Laws of any pages and the removal therefrom of any pages. (3) I n this Act “prescribed year” means the year 1969 or any other year which the Minister may prescribe in substitution therefor.* 11.-(1) In the preparation of the Revised Laws the Powersor Commissioners shall have the following powers, that is to Commissmnm. . say(a) to omit(i) all laws or parts of laws which have been repealed or revoked expressly or specifically or by necessary implication, or which have expired or have become spent or have had their effect; (ii) all repealing or revoking enactments contained in laws and also all tables and lists of repealed or revoked enactments, whether contained in Schedules or otherwise; (iii) all preambles and long titles to laws, where such omission can, in the opinion of the Commissioners, be conveniently made; (iv) all words of enactment in any law or section of a law; ‘L.N.N. 275/1970, 173/1971, 137/1972, 429/1973. me inclusion of this page is authorized by LH. 480/1973] 7 8 LAW REVISION (v) all enactments prescribing the date when, or the manner in which, any law or part of any law is to come into force, where such omission can, in the opinion of the Commissioners, conveniently be made; (vi) all amending laws or parts thereof, where the amendments effected thereby have been embodied by the Commissioners in the laws to which they relate; (vii) all enactments providing for the validation of acts or indemnity or alterations as to names, localities, offices, titles or ranks where such alterations have been embodied by the Commissioners in the laws to which they relate; (viii) transitional provisions relating to the vesting or transfer of assets and liabilities or enactments providing for the continuance in force of existing regulations and other instruments or the validation thereof; (b) to arrange the laws by chapters in such order and manner as the Commissioners may determine and to leave unallocated such chapter numbers as they consider may be required for future enactments; and to attach appropriate marginal references at the head of each chapter; (c) to consolidate into one law any two or more laws in pari rnareria, making the alterations thereby rendered necessary in the consolidated law and affixing if necessary such date thereto as may Seem most convenient; (d) to alter the order of sections h,or Schedules to, any law and, in any case where it is necessary to do so, to renumber the sections or Schedules; [The inclusion of this page iS authorized by L.N. 480/1973] , LA W RE VISION ( e ) to alter the form or arrangement of any section of any law either by combining it in whole or in part with another sections or other sections, or by dividing it into two or more sections or parts of a section, or by transposing words; V) to alter the form or arrangement of any Schedule to any law, either by combining it in whole or in part with another Schedule or other Schedules, or by dividing it into two or more Schedules or Parts of a Schedule, or by transposing words; (g) to alter the form or arrangement of any law by ,setting out any section or parts of a section as a , Schedule to that law or by transferring any section or part to an existing Schedule to that law, and to number any new Schedules; (h) to divide any law, whether consolidated or not, into parts or other divisions and to give to each such part or division a suitable heading; (i) to transfer any provision contained in any law from that law to any other law to which it more properly belongs; (i) to arrange the laws, whether consolidated or not, in any group or sequence that may be convenient irrespective of the date of enactment; (k) to add a short title or citation to any law which may require it, and, if necessary, to alter the short title or citation of any law; (1) to shorten and simplify the phraseology of any law and to modify the terminology of any law so as to ensure that Laws passed in Jamaica prior to 6thAugust, 1962, will be known as Acts; (m) to correct grammatical and typographical errors in the existing copies of laws, and for that purpose to make verbal additions or alterations not affecting the meaning of any laws; [The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~120121 9 LA W RE VISION (n) t o supply or alter marginal notes, but no marginal notes shall be regarded or construed as being part of any law; (0)to correct cross references; (p) to make such formal alterations as to names, localities, -offices, titles and ranks and otherwise as may be necessary to' bring any law into conformity with the circumstances of Jamaica; (q) to make such adaptations of or amendments to any law as may be required by virtue of any statutory provision having taken effect or as may appear to be necessary or proper as a consequence of any change in the constitution of any Commonwealth country; (r) to alter the terminology of any law to ensure that it will accord with any enactment which makes provision regarding the manner in which words or figures contained in that law shall be construed or otherwise modifies that law; (s) to do all things relating to form and method which may be necessary for the perfecting of the Revised Laws. (2) In subsection (I), "section" includes subsection, a regulation, paragraph, or other division. L~mitat~on of 12.-(1) Commlss~oners' section 11 powers. The powers conferred upon the Commissioners by shall not be taken to imply any power in them to make any alteration or amendment in the matter or substance of any law or part thereof. (2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (4), in every case where any such alteration or amendment is as respects any , .Act or Law, in the opinion of the Commissioners, desirable, the 'Commissioners shall draft a Bill setting forth such alterations and amendments and authorizing them to be made and every [Ibe inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92c/2012] - . \ LA W RE VISION 1 1. . every such Bill shall, subject to the approval of the Minister, be submitted to Parliament and dealt with in the ordinary way. (3) Any such Bill may have reference to more Acts or Laws than one although such Acts or Laws may not be in pari materia. a (4) In any case where an Act or Law, whether consolidated or not, requires such considerable alterations and amendments as to involve its entire recasting, the Commissioners shall draft a Bill accordingly, and any such Bill shall, subject to the approval of the Minister, be submitted to Parliament and dealt with in the ordinary way. 13. Where in any enactment or in any document of whatever kind reference is made to any law the provisions of which have been by virtue of this Act embodied in the Revised Laws such reference shall where necessary and practicable be deemed to extend and apply to the corresponding provisions in the Revised Laws, and all cross references in any enactment or in any document of whatever kind shall, where such cross references are affected by the operation of this Act, be read and construed with such modifications as circumstances may require. 14. The expenses of and incidental to the carrying out of the provisions of this Act (including the salaries and remuneration mentioned in subsection (3) of section 3 shall be paid from such moneys as may be provided by Parliament for that purpose. [The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92d20121 Construction ~'~~P.,,s embodied in Lii:ed Expenses. LA W RE VISION FIRST SCHEDULE L.Nn. Law or Act 14111970 8311973 48111973 Laws or Acts not 39311974 contained in 1938 or 24911975 1953 Revised Edi261N1976 . 53 Geo. 111 Cap. 26 83N1981 40N1982 2 1 Victoria Cap. 23 72813983 8911984 98B11986 22 Victoria Cap. 36 66D11987 40'11989 72J111990 29IN1992 10611993 3311996 3 of 1870 89611996 125311997 15t2000 40AL2001 20t2002 (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter An Act to explain and amend an Act for the .ascertainment and regulation of emblements. An Act to facilitate the recovery of forfeited recognizances and pecuniary fines. An Act to repeal certain Acts relating to the Kingston and Liguanea Water Works Company, and to re-enact the same with amendments. , A Law to abolish the Offices of Clerk of the Peace and Clerk to the Magistrates, and to make better provision for the discharge of magisterial duties. The Kingston and Liguanea Water Transfer Law, 1871. Works Wakes. Wakes. The Kingston and Liguanea Water Additional Powers Law, 1885. Works The Kingston General Commissioners Extended Powers Law, 1898. The Kingston Street Improvements Law. The Rifle Clubs Tax Relief Law, 1908. The Earthquake Annuities Law, 1909. The Trelawny Resident Magistrate's Court Law, 1926. The Montego Bay Pier (Enabling) Law, 1929. The Montego Bay Pier (Enabling) Law, 1931. ~ [The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~/2012] LA W RE VISION !2 .FIRST SCHEDULE P L.Nn. 14111970 8311973 48111973 39311974 24911975 261N1976 331977 146N1978 56111979 88N1980 8 3 N 198 1 40N1982 I 72811983 8911984 98011986 66D11987 40211989 72.1'11990 29lN1992 10611993 3311996 89611996 I25J11997 I sn000 40N2001 20i2002 65i2003 132~003 30N2006 72N2006 31N2009 69812010. Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter - Laws or Acts not contained in 1938 or 1953Revised Editions 53 Geo. Ill Cap. 26 An Act to explain and amend an Act for the ascertainment and regulation of emblements. 21 Victoria Cap. 23 An Act to facilitate the recovery of forfeited recognizances and pecuniary fines. 22 Victoria Cap. 36 An Act to repeal certain Acts relating to the Kingston and Liguanea Water Works Company, and to re-enact the same with amendments. A Law to abolish the Offices of Clerk of the Peace and Clerk to the Magistrates, and to make better provision for the discharge of magisterial duties. 1870 I ' . I j of 1871 The Kingston and Liguanea Water Works Transfer Law, 1871. 27 of 1873 Wakes. 3 of 1874 Wakes. 26 of 1885 . The Kingston and Liguanea Water Works Additional Powers Law, 1885. 15 of 1898 26 of 1907 The Kingston General Commissioners Extended Powers Law, 1898. The Kingston Street Improvements Law. 38 of 1908 The Rifle Clubs Tax Relief Law. 1908. 32 of 1909 The Earthquake Annuities Law, 1909. 40 of 1926 29 of 1929 The Trelawny Resident Magistrate's Court Law, 1 926. The Montego Bay Pier (Enabling) Law, 1929. 35 of 1931 The Montego Bay Pier (Enabling) Law. 1931. \The inclusion of this page is authorized bj L.S. 123ROll) LAW REVISION 14 FIRSTSCHEDULE,contd. Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws contained in the 1938 Revised Edition, contd. - Cap. 60 The Manchester Parish Lands Law. Cap. 61 The Saint Catherine Parish Lands Law. Cap. 64 The Gregory Charity Law. Cap. 117 The Pension War Service) Law. Cap. 138 The Church of England in Jamaica Disestablishment Law. Cap. 143 The Society of Jesuits in Jamaica Incorporation Law. Cap. 144 The Methodist Churches Property Vesting Law. Cap. 145 The Weslayan Methodist (Vestin8 of PmPCnY) Law. Cap. 146 The United Presbyterians in Jamaica Inwrporation and Vesting Law. Cap. 147 The Baptist Missionary Society's Trust Law. Cap. 148 The Moravian Church Inmpraticm and Vstiag Law. Cap. 150 The Salvation Army Law. Cap. 207 The Kingston Public Wharf and Public Bonding Warehouse Law. Caps. 209, 229 and 230 Laws autho*g the raising of loans for various p u p e a . Cap. 243 The Earthquake Annuities Amendment Lnw, Cap. 248 Thc International Ocean Telegraph Gnupny's Law. !The inclusion of thia fa88 U authoritad by LN. 41/1987l I J' IS LAW REVISION FIRSTSCHEDULE, contd. Law or Act __ (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws contained in the 1938 Revised Edition, conrd. Cap. 249 The West India and Panama Telegraph Company, Limited, Law. Cap. 250 The West India and Panama Telegraph Commny, Limited, Transfer Law. Cap. 251 The Direct West India Cable Company’s Law. Cap. 252 The Direct West India Cable Company (Wireless Installation) Law. Cap. 253 The Direct West India Cable Company (Rights Extension) Law. Cap. 254 The Direct West India Cable Company, Further Powers) Law. cap. 255 The Direct West India Cable Company. Limited. Transfer Law. Cap. 295 The Prize Goods Law. Cap. 309 The Hackney Carriage Law. Cap. 315 The Kingston Ice Making Company’s Law. Cap. 326 The Leyland Wharf pier Law. Cap. 370 The Maroon Townships Lands Allotment Law. Laws omitted from 1953 Revised Edition Law 28 of 1938 The Cable and Wireless (West Limited, Transfer Law, 1938. Law 54 of 1941 The Spanish Town Water Supply (Parochial Board Transfer) Law, 1941. IThe indurion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480/19731 Indies) 16 LAW REVISION FIRST SCHEDULE, corrtd. Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter omitted from 1953 Revised Edition. contd. Laws - Law 25 of 1942 The Articled Clerks (War Provisions) Law, 1942. Law 33 of 1942 The Peters Lane (Authority to Lease) Law, 1942. Law 41 of 1942 The Society of the Cburch of God in Jamaica Incorporation Law, 1942. Law 28 of 1943 The Manning Town (Conveyance) Law, 1943. Law 29 of 1944 The First Church of Christ Scientist Kingston Law, 1944. Law 57 of 1944 The Pilgrim Holiness Church Incorporation and Vesting Law. 1944. Law 58 of 1944 The Assemblies of God in Jamaica Incorporation Law. 1944. Law 12 of 1945 The Titchficld Trustees (Incorporation, Vesting and Validation) Law, 1945. Law 12 of 1946 The Divorce (War Mamages) Law, 1945. Law 35 of 1947 The Law 8 of 1949 T h e Church of God and Saints of Christ Incorporation and vesting Law, 1949. Law 9 of 1949 The New Testament Church of God (Incorporation) Law, 1949. Law 10 of 1949 The Pilg~im Holiness Church Incorporation and Vesting (Amendment) Law. 1949. Law 11 of 1949 The Holiness Christian Church Incorporation and Vesting Law, 1949. Loan @evelopmeat Works) Law, 1947. me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 480119731 . ~ .. 17 LAW REYISION FlRST SCHEDULE. contd. (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Law or Act Laws m i n e d from 1953 Revised Edition conrd f7 ., Law 5 1 of 1949 TheLoanLaw, 1949. Law 71 of 1949 The Missionary Bands of the World (Incorporation and Vesting) Law, 1949. Law 72 of 1919 The United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica Incorporation Law, 1949. Law 73 of 1949 The Church of God (Holiness) Inmrpomtion and Vesting Law, 1949. Law 18 of 1952 The Revised Edition (Laws of Jamaica) Law, Law 1 of 1953 The LoanLaw, 1953. 1952. Laws contained in the 1953 Revised Edition 0 Cap. 10 The Aliens Property Law Cap. 25 The Bailiffs (Service of Legal hocess) Law. Cap. 130 The Fletchers T W Law. Cap. 138 The General Loan and Stock Law. Cap. 170 The Jamaica Baoana Pmdurxrs kssociation Limited (Rewnsitution) Law. Cap. 177 TheJudicame (Civil F’rocedure Code) Law. Cap. 246 The Merrick’s Charity Law Cap. 275 The F%mhial Markets Law. Cap. 290 The papetual Annuity Law. [The inslu~mnof this p.8~ is ivlhorizrd by L.N 3 / 2 W ] LAW REVISTON 18 FIRST SCHEDULE, contd. Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter contained in the 1953 Raised EditioR confd. Laws Cap. 356 The Sex Disguallscati Cap. 416 The Woher’s Freeschool Validakg Law. Cap. 420 The Yaws NotificatiDn and Treatment Law. Law 21 of 1953 The Revised Edition IW (Laws of Jamaica) (Amendment)Law, 1953. Law 52 of 1953 The Loans (General Development )Law, 1953. Law 11 of 1954 The Emanuel Apostolic United Church of Christ rworparatianand Vesting Law, 1954. Law 12 of 1954 The Sisters of Mercy of Jamaia, British West Indies Incorporation and Vesting Law, 1954. Law 19 of 1954 The Vere Irrigation (Milk River and Cockpit Schemw) (winding up) Law, 1954. Law 26 of 1954 Ihe Loan Law, 1954. Law 21 of 1954 The L a w n Gifford Will (Varialion) Law, 1954. Law 38 of 1954 The I3dks.s Church Inoorporarion and Vest@Law, 1954. Law 39 of 1954 The Jamaican Faith MisriiOn hrpomiion and Vesting Law, 1954. Law 41of 1954 ‘Ihe Church of God in Christ Jesus ( A p t lic) of Jamaica Incorporation Law, 1954. 0 19 LAW REVISION FIRS SCHEDULE, contd. Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws contained in the 1953 Revised Mition. contd. Law 60 of 1954 The Estate Duty Law. 1954. Law 3 of 1955 The Estate Duty (Amendment) Law, 1955. Law 6 of 1955 The British Caribbean Shipping (Agreement) Law, 1955. Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955 Law 31 of 1955 The Revised Edition (taws of Jamaica) (Supplement) Law, 1955. Law 35 of 1955 The Mcrrick’s Charity (Amendment and Validation) Law. 1955. Law 8 of 1955 Tbe Judicature (Civil Rocedun Coat) (Amadmmt) Law, 1956. Law 32 of 1956 The Gamble Fund Trustem (Iatorporatioll) Law. 1956. Law 40 of 1956 The Loan Law. 1956. Law 61 of 1956 The Missionary church Association Jamaica (Incorporation) Law. 1956. Law 70 of 1956 The Bible Truth Church of God (Incorporation and Vesting) Law. 1956. Law 71 of 19S6 The Closing of Part of Rum Lane,Morant Bay (Validation) Law. 1956. . IThe inolusiOn of ,this page h authorird by LN. 41/19871 in LAW REVISION 20 FIRST SCHEDULR. cmd. Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, contd. Law 74 of 1956 The Mental Hospital (Change of Name) Law. 1956. Law 1 of 1957 The Loan Law, 1956 (Amendment) Law, 1957. Law 31 of 1957 The Open Bible Standard Churches of Jamaica Incorporation Law, 1957. Law 34 of 1958 The parochial Markets (Ameadment) Law. 1958. Law 47 of 1958 The A p p v e d Organisations and Authorities Loans (Government Guarantee) (Amendment, Validation and Indemnity) Law, 1958. Law 49 of 1958 The First Church of Religious Science of Jamaica (Inoorporati.n) Law, 1958. Law 52 of 1958 The Enemy Property Law, 1958. Law 29 of 1959 The Associated Gospel Assemblies (Incorporation and Vesting) Law, 1959. Law 30 of 1959 The Mount Zion Sanctuary Assemblies (31corporatiOn and Vesting) Law, 1959. inclusion of this lrage ia aurhorized ,by L.N.41119871 21 LAW REVISION Fmsr SCHEDULE, contd. Law or Act - (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, conrd. Law 53 of 1959 The Loan Law. 1959. Law 50 of 1960 The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World O! Jamaica (Incorporatioa and Vesting) Law, 1960. Law 51 of 1960 The Gospel Foundation Church of Jamaica Law 59 of 1960 The Petroleum Production (Amendment)Law. 1960. Law 60 of 1960 The Pensions (Validation of Bcncfits to Dependants) Law, 1969. Law 8 of 1961 The Trelawny Parish Council Westing of Proper& and Validation) Law. 1%1. Law 15 of 1961 The New Kingston Hotel Limited Dcbenturs Law, 1961. Law 9 of 1962 The Loan JAW. 1959 (Amendment) Law. 1962. Law 17 of 1962 The Loan Law, 1959 (Amcodmeat) (No. 2) Law, 1962. Law 18 of 1962 The Loan Law, 1959 (Amendment) Law, 1962. Incarporation Law, 1960. WO.3) LAW REVISlON 22 FIRSTSCHEDULE,conrd. (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Law or Act - Laws or Acts cnaacd after 30th June. 1955. cantd. __ Act 2 of 1962 The West Indiw Shipping Corporation (Application of Interim Commissioner Order) Act. 1962. Act 2 of 1963 The University of the West Indies (Tax Exemption) Act, 1963. Act 11 of 1963 The Shioh Apostolic Church of Jmaifa (Incorporation and Vesting) Act, 1963. Act 12 of 1963 The Jamaica Mutual Life Assuranoe Society (Incorporation) Act, 1963. Act 23 of 1963 The Estate Duty (Amendment) Act, 1963 Act 9 of 1964 The Carriage by Air Act, 1964, Act 18 of 1964 The Jamaica Resbyterian (Amendment) Act. 1964. Act 19 of 1964 The Baptist Mid-Missions in Jamaica (Incorprated) Act, 1964. Act 39 of 1964 The Loan Act, 1%. Act 40 of 1964 The Jamaica Red Cross Societ~Act. 1964. Act 41 of 1964 The Church of God of Prophecy of Jamaifa (Incotpocation and Veatind Act. 1%. Corporation , Act 50 of 1964 Tht West Indim (Retirement and Compen~etion) (Application of Orders in Council) Aa, 1964. p’he inciuaim of this is authorid by LN. 41/198n LAW REVISION F ~ S SCHEDULE, T confd. 23 (Section 9) Title or Subjcct Matter LaworAct Laws or A m enacted after 30th June. 1955 conrd. Act 42 of 1966 The Apostolic Church of Jamaica (Iacorporatim and Vcsting) Act. 1966. . Act 18 of 1967 The Loan (Amendment) ActJ967 Act 6 of 1968 The Director of Agricult-m (Change of Statutory Refem~cesand Validation) Act. 1968. Act 38 of 1968 The Loan (Amendment) Act, 1968 Act 15 of 1969 The African Methodist EDiscoml Church Act 16 of 1969 The Jamaica Baptist Union (hmrporation and Veating) Act,1969. Act 15 of 1970 The Romau Catholic Archbishop of Ki~~gston and the Roman Catholic Bishop of Montego h y (Incorporation and Vesting) Act. 1970. Act 19 of 1970 Act I of 1972 The Loan (Ammdmmt)Act. 1970. The African Methodist Episqml Zion Church (Incorporation and Vesting) Act. 1971. Thc Kingskm and St. Andrear Corporation General Election (Postponement) Act. 1972. 'Iha Parish C o d s Gencral l3cctim (Post. Act 17 of 1972 p a n e n t ) Acy 1972. Tbe Lonn (Amendment) Act. 1972 Act 4 of 1971 Act 6 of 1972 Act 3 of 1973 The Unity of Jamaica (Incorporatim and vesting)Act, 1973. Act 4 of 1973 Act 5 of 1973 The church of God in CIuiBt (Incorporation and V*) Act. 1973. Thc christadelphian Bible Mission Jamaica Wwrporation a d Vcstiap) Act. 1973. 24 LAW REVISION SCHEDULE, confd. Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter - Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, confd. - Act 6 of 1973 The Saint Andrew Apostolic Temple (Incorporation and Vesting)Act, 1973. Act 7 OE 1973 The Chwh of the Fmt Born of JamaEca (Incorporation and Vesting) Act, 1973. Act 8 of 1973 The Rainbow Healing Temple. (Incorporation and Vesting)Act, 1973. Act 9 of 1973 The New Testament Church of God (Inwrporation) Act, 1973. Act 46 of 1973 The United Theolo@cal College of thc West &dies @lnEorporatlon and v* Act. 1973. Act 47 of 1973 The Christ Gospel Christian (International) Jamaica Incorporation Act. 1973. 9 of 1974 The Loan (Amendment)Act, 1974 Act 21 o€ 1974 The Consular Fees (Validation and Indemnity) ACT 1974. Act 23 of 1974 The Disciples of Qukt in Jamaica (Incmprated and VestinP, Act. 1914. The Society of the Church of God in Jamaica Incorporation (Amendment) Act, 1974. The National S iritual Asxmbly of the Baha’is of Jamaica iworpratim Act, 1974. The sanatan Dharma Mandir (Inwrpn%tcd and Vcsting) Act, 1974. Act 24 of 1974 Act 25 of 1974 Act 26 of 1974 Act 27 of 1974 Act 16 of 1975 Act 23 of 1975 The Apostolic Baptist churcb (Incorporated and Vesting) Act. 1974. The Loan (Amendment) Act, 1975. The Solemnization of Marriages (Reverend Joslyn Angus) (Validation and Indemnity) Act. 1975. 25 LAW REVZSION FIRST m U L B . COntd. Law or Act - (ktion 9) Title or Subject Mattcr Laws or Acts emacted nfter 30th June. 1955. contd. - Act 27 of 1975 The Loan (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1975. Act 36 of 1975 The Ministers and parliamentary Secrctaricr (Constitutional Amendment) Act, 1975. Act 6 of 1976 The Loan (Amondmcnt) Aa. 1976. Act 7 of 1976 The Port Authority Snpcrannuatim Scheme (Validation) Act, 1976. Act 8 of 1976 The Church of God (fronnd of the Truth in Jamaica (Incorporation and Vcsting) Act. 1976. Act 9 of 1976 The Church of God in C h k l Wtst Indies Jurisdiction (Incorporation) Act 1976. Act 10 of 1976 The Gospel Centre Association (fnoqmation and Vcsting) Act, 1976. Act 11 of 1976 The Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church (Incorpota. tion and Vcsting) An 1976. Act 16 of 1976 The Representation of the Pcople (Extcnsim of Enumeration Period) Act, 1976. Act 19 of 1976 The Jury List (parish of Saint Andrca) Validation Act. 1976. me inclusion of this p g e is authorized by LN. 87/1986] 26 LAW REVISION Law or Act Fmsr S ~ ~ D I J Lmntd. R, (secrion 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted after 30th Junc, 1955, contd. - Act 1 of 1977 The Cabinet (Constitutional AmcndmQlt) Act. 1977. Act 14 of 1977 The Act 32 of 1977 The Jury List (Parish of Wit Andrsw) Validation Act. 1977. Act 10 of 1978 The Glad Tidmgs Church of the Act. 1978. Loan (Amendment) Act, 1977. Fint Born The Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Jamaica (Incorporated)and V d n g Act, 1978. The Holy Temple church of fhe Lord Jtsw Christ (Tnwrporatcd and Venting) Act. 1978. Act I 01 1979 Tbe Port Authority (DeclaraUon d Porb) Vdidatim Acr. 1979. Act 9 of 1979 of the Nauusllp iu JIlrmdcl (Incorporation and Vcsting) Ad. 1979. Act 10 of 1979 The Ch& Act 17 of 1979 The Loan (Amendment) Act, 1979. Act 19 of 1979 26.01 LAW REVISION FIRSTSCHEDULE.conid. Law or Act (Sectiou 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws 01 Acts enacted after 30th June. 1955. conid. Act 29 0t 1979 The. Parochial By-ELdom (Pacrponcwnt) Act. 1979. Act 37 of 1979 The Jury Lists (Parishes of Saint Andrew and Saint Catherine) Validation Act, 1979. Act 40 of 1979 T h e Judicature ( F d y Court) (St. JamaHanover Region) (Validation and Indemnity) ACr 1979. Act 4 of 1980 T h e Parochial General Elections and ByE l d o m (Postponcmcnt) Aa 1980. Act 10 of 1980 The Open Bible standard Cburcbcd of Jamaiu incorporation (Amcndmcnt) Act. 1980. Act 11 of 1980 The Jamaica Bible Chw& (kmporatcd lad vcsting) A a l980< Act 12 of I980 The Bethel Church of God and Saiita of chrirt tlncorporated and VestinP, Act. 1980. Act 8 of 1981 The Rcprescntation of the People (Validity of official Lists of Electors) Act, 1981. Act 9 of 1982 T h e Jury Lists (Parishes of Saint A n d m and Saint CatheMe) Validation Act 1982. d 1983 The Representation of the People (Validity of OlkiaI Lists of Electors) Act. 1983. Act 12 of 1983 The Repreacntation of the People (Otficial Lists) (Special Provisions) Act. 1983. Act 6 p l mInclusimofnhis mpe ia unborlud by LN.%I 19981 LAW REVISION 26.02 FIRSTSCHEDULE, confd. - Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 19.55, confd. Act 18 of 1985 The Loan (Amendment) Act. 1985. Act 21 of 1986 The Pcnsions (Prime Minister) (Amendment1 Act. 1986. Act I of 1988 The House of God Church (Incorporation and Vestjng) Act. 1988. The Church of Jaus Christ of Lattcrday Saiita (Jamaica) (Incorporation and Vesting) Act, 1988. Act 9of 1988 The Church of the United Brethrm in Christ (Jamaica Conference) (Incorporating and Vestins) Act, 1988. Act 10 of 1988 The Deliverance Evangelistic Association (IocorpOrating and Vestins) Act. 1988. Act 11 of 1988 The Jamaica Council Church of God Seventh D a y (Incorporation and Vesting) Act. 1988. Act 12 of 1988 The Passionist Community ol Jamaica (Incorporation and Vesting) Act. 1988. Act 13 of 1988 The Mount Zou Church o! God @orporation and Vesting) Act, 1988. Act 14 of 1988 The Assembly of Yahweh (Incorporation and Vestjug) Act. 1988. Act 17 of 1988 The Rio cobre Canal (Amendment) Act. 1988. 26.03 LAW RE USION FIRST SCHEDULE, comd. Law or Act (Section 9) Titleor Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, cowd 0 Act 31 of 1988 The National Water Commission (Sewerage Rates and charges) (Validation) Act, 1988. Act 5 of 1989 The Parish Councils General Election and B y - E l d W (Postponmat) Act, 1989. Act 6 of 1989 The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Genasl Election and By-Elections (Postpone rnent)Act. 1989. Act 3 of 1990 Act 26 of 1991 The Loan (Am€%ldmat) Act, 1990. The N.C.B. Group Limited (Altaation of Memorandum and Articles of Association) Act 31 of 1991 Act 2 of 1992 The Banking (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1991. TheAppropriation (Validation and Indemnity) Act, 1991. Act 18 of1992 Act 11 of 1993 Act 18of 1993 Act 2Oof 1993 Act 290f 1993 Act 30 of 1993 0 Act 31 of 1993 Act 6 of1994 Act 28 of 1994 (1971-1977)ACf 19Z. TheAppropriatim (Validation and Indemnity) (197&1982)A~t, 1992. ?he R e p d o n of the People (Extension o f E n u m d o n P a i d ) Act, 1993. The Loan (Ammdmmt) Act, 1993. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Mandeville (Incuporation and Vesting) Ad, 1993. The Churches of Christ Jamaica and Vesting Act, 1993. The United Holy Revival Church of Jamaica (InCarporation and Vestmg) Act, 1993. The West Indies Union C m h c e (Jsmaic~) Capaation of SeMlth-Day A d ~ e n t i ~(Int~ Oapaatim and V&g) Act, 1993. The AmxOpiatim (Validation d lndemn&) (1983-1987)Act, 1994. The Foreign Cmcncy (Authaized Dealers) (Validation)Act, 1994. 26.04 LAW REUSZON FIRST SCHEDULE, contd. Law or Act (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted afler 30th June, 195.5, comd Act 4 of 1995 Ihe Telecommunications of Jamaica (Transfer to and Vesting of Assets and Liabilities of Jamaica Telephcne Company Limited and Jamaica htanational Telecommunications Limited) Act, 1995. Act 16 of 1995 The New Testament Church of Christ the Redbemw (Inncwparating and Vesting) Act, 1995. Act 17 of 1995 The Sons and Daughters United Church of God (Inaorporating and Vesting)Act, 1995. Act 18 of 1995 The Full Gospel Fellowship Church of the Lord Jesus Christ (Jncorporating and Vesting) Act, 1995. Act I9 of 1995 The Christian FellowshipWorld Ouireach (Jnaxporatingand V a k ) Act, 1995. Act 20 of 1995 The Church of the Living God (Incorporating and Vesting)Act, 1995. Act 2.5 of 1995 me Apprcrpriatim (validation and Indemnity) (1980-1981 md 1988-1993)Act, 1995. Act 3of1997 The L m (Amendment) Act, 1997. Act 16 of1997 The Representaton ofthe People (Validation and Indemnity) Act, 1997. Act 43 of 1997 The Holidays (Public General) (World Cup Finals Qualifying) Act, 1997. Act 4of1998 Act I I of1998 Act 23 of 1999 The Appropriatim Act, 1998. The Loan (Amendment) Act, 1998. The' United Churh m Jemaica md the Caymm Islands (Jnoaporatioa and Vesting) Act, 1999. "he Beach Conud (Licence Fees) (Validation) Act S of2000 Act 8of2000 0 Act, 2000. The Chief Technical Diredca (Transfer of Funclions and Change of Statutory Refermoes) Act, 2000. 0 LAW RE VISION FIRST -SCHEDULE, contd. Law or Act 26.05 (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, contd. Act 7 of 200 1 The Assemblies of God in Jamaica Incorporation (Amendment) Law, 200 1. Act l of 2002 The Loan (Amendment) Act, 2002. Act 18 of 2002 The Apostolic Church of Jesus (Incorporating and Vesting) Act, 2002. Act 22 of 2002 The Wesleyan Holiness Church (Incorporation and Vesting) Act, 2002. Act 24 of 2002 The Good News, Church of God of Jamaica , (Incorporation and Vesting) ~ c t2002. Act 44 of 2002 The Irrigation (validation and Indemnity) Act, 2002. Act 8 of 2004 The Association of Local Government Authorities of Jamaica (Incorporated and Vesting) Act, 2004. Act 13 of 2004 The Loan (Amendment) Act, 2004. Act 24 of 2004 The Banking (Licences) (Forms of Application and Fees) Regulations, 1973 (Validation and Indemnity) Act, 2004. Act 27 of 2005 The Judicature (Juvenile Courts 'and other Courts) (Validation and Indemnity) Act, 2005. Act 8 of 2006 The Financial Services Commission (Insurance Services) (Validation and Indemnity) Act, 2006. Act 5 of 2007 The Loan (Amendment) Act, 20 10. Christ Act 10 of 2007 The Ministerial and Parliamentary Functions (Phyllis Mae Mitchell) (Validation and Indemnity) Act, 2007. Act 4 of 2008 Act 15 of 2008 Act 7 of 2009 The Appropriation Act, 2008. The Loan (Amendment) Act, 2008. The Appropriation Act, 2009. [me inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~/2032] 27 LA W RE VISION SECOND SCHEDULE Laws or Acts Title or Subject Matter (Section 9) Provisions tosbe omitted 1938 Revisec Edition Cap. 1.8 The Abandoned Cemeteries (Kingston and St. 'Andrew Corporate Area) Law ... Part I1 and the Schedule. Cap. 9: The Rio Cobre Canal Law Sections 3 to 32 b o h inclusive. 1953 Revisec Edition Cap. 19 The Arbitration Law ... Cap: 1C The Divorce Law ... Cap. 11 The Estate Duty Law ... Cap. 13. The Foreign Recruiting Law - - The words "or its Dependencies" appearing in subsection (1) of section 19. (a) The words "or its Dependencies" wherever they occur in sections 24 and 25 and the whole of section 45. (b) The words "or an order under section 30" appearing in paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 21. Section 7. In section 3 the words "and the Dependencies". In section 4 the words (b) "or of the Dependencies". In section 8 all those (c) words appearing after (a) - inclusion of this page is aumDliccd by LN. 80rJ2008) LA W RE VISION SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. Laws or Acts Title or Subject Matter (Section 9) Provisions to be omitted 1953 Revised Edition, contd. - Cap. 133, The Foreign Recruiting Law, contd. contd. the words "may have been committed". ... In the definition of "ship" in section 69, the words "or any of its Dependencies", section 86, and the Sixth Schedule. Cap. !89 The Juveniles Law Cap. 192 The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Law Section 222. Cap. 195 The Kingston and St. Andrew Water Supply Law Section 12. Cap. 226 The Local Forces Law Cap. 242 The Mental Hospital Law Law 24 of ,1953 The Banana Board Law, 1953 ... ... Section 33. ... ... [The inclusion of this page is.authorized by All such provisions as were not repealed by the Defence Law, 1962. Section 30. LN. 80d20081 LA W REWSION 29 SECOND SCHEDULE, contd Laws or Title or Subject (Section 9) Revisions to be omiued Acts 1953 -~ Revised Edition, contd Law 61 of 1954 Laws The Tourist Board 1954 ... La ... of -the former Board" in section 2. (0) Defiim (b) section 26. OT Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955 Law54of 1955 'he Traftic Cowt Law. 195 Law 45 of 19% IheIndusplal ' Law36 of 1957 ' h e m s Water Supph (Amvalidation0 Law, 19% Incentives ... Acts and Iodemnity) Law, 1957 0 ... ... Moon 14. LA W REVISION 30 SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. Laws 0 (Seaion 9) Pmvisions to be omitted ride or Subject Maiter Acts Laws or Acts enacted &er 30th June 1955, contd - Law 52c 1957 The HinduManiageLlw, Law 53c 1957 The Muslim Mamiage 1957 .,. -. section 22. Law 3 3 0 TheJamaica sodal Welfdl Commission Law, 1958 .. Section 16. The E l e c t r i c Lightin (Amendmmr and valida tion) Law, 1958 seaions I, 2and ~ParoChialRatesaIn Finance ( ) h 1959 ... .. sectioas 1, 2 and 7. 1958 Law 58a 1958 Law 240 1959 ... 1957 section 22. La1 ..I Lawi33a 1959 The Public utility U* tskiags and Public service Arbilration Law, 1959 (Ameadmeat ... .-. wons1aud4 ... ... subsection (2) of &on 13. LaWZbd 1960 'IheMm!weLaw, 1960 Law61of nLeTrade(Amendmentand ValiaatiOn)Law, 1960 _., 1960 4. w w s 1, 2 aod 4. 0 LA W REPISION SECOND SCHEDULE. contd. Laws or Acts Title or Subject Matter (Section 9) Provisions to be omitted Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June. 1955. contd. Law 12of The Defence Law. 1962 . . . Section 2 14. + 1962 Act 7 0 f 1962 The Trade Act, 1962 Act 10 of The National Water Authority Act, 1963 Section 19. The Debenture &od) (Amendment) Act; 1963 . Section 6. The Motor Vehicles Insurance (-l-hrd-Party Risks: (Amendment ) Act, 1964 . Sections 1 and 9. Act 18of 1965 The Banana Insurance (Amendment) Act, 1965 . Section 13. Act 23 of I’he Governor-General (Expenditure, Personal staff Tax Exemptions and Pension! Act, 1965 ... The National Insurance Act, 1%5 ... Section 9. 1963 Act 52 of 1963 Act 45of 1964 1965 Act 38 of 1965 Act 1 1 of 1968 (Amendment) ... .. The Export Industry Encouragement (Amendment) Act, 1968 ... .. Sections 1 and 12. Sections 51, 52 and the Seventh Schedule. Section 7. [The inclusion of this page i s authorized by L.N. XXi2003] LA W REUSION 32 SECOND SCHEDULE. contd. Laws or Acts Title or Subject Matter (Section 9) Provisions to be omitted Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, contd. Act 160f 1968 The Hotels (Incentives) Act, 1968 ... ... Section 20. Act 36 of 1968 The Local Improvements, (Amendment) Act, 1%8 .. Subsection (2) of section 3. Act 4 of 1969 The Land Surveyors(Amendment) Act, 1969 .. Section 27. Act 8of 1970 The Sugar Industry Control (Amendment) Act, 1970 .. Section 9. Act 70f 1971 The Transfer Tax Act, 1971 Section 46. Act 41 of 1971 The Defence (Amendment) Act, 1971 ... .. Subsection (2) of section 2. Act 3 of 1972 The Jamaica Racing mission Act, 1972 Act 10 of 1972 The Representation of the People (official List) (Spe cial provisions) Act, 1972 sections 1,2 and 3. ComSections 32.33 and Second Schedule. LA W RE VISION SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. Laws or Acts Title or S.ubject Matter (Section 9) Provisions to be omitted Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, contd. - Act 22 of 1972 The Medical Act, 1972 (as amended by Act 28 of ... ... Subsection (2) of section 15. 1975) Act 18 of 1973 Act 23 of 1973 Act 24 of 1973 Act 25 of 1973 The Bank of Jamaica (Amefidment) Act, 1973 ... The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (Amendment) ... (No. 2) Act, 1973 The Parish Councils (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1973 ... The National Insurance (Amendment) Act, 1973 ... Act 26 of 1973 The Workers Savings and ... Loan Bank Act, 1973 Act 28 of 1973 Act 29 of 1973 Act 35 of 1973 Act 48 of 1973 The Poor Relief (Amendment) Act, 1973 ... The Firearms (Amendment) Act, 1973 ... ... The Property Tax (Amendment) Act, 1973 ... The Mortgage Insurance (Amendment) Act, 1973 ... Act 7 of 1974 The Council of Legal ... The signatures of the variEducation Act, 1974. ous contracting parties appearing at the end of the Agreement next after Article 12. Finclusion of this page is avthorizod by Section 25. Sections 1 and 2. Sections 1 and 2. Sections 11, 12,13 and 14. Sub-paragraph (5) of paragraph 16 of First Schedule. Section 4. Subsection (2) of section 2. Subsection (2) of section 2. Section 6. LN. 80A12008] LA W RE VISION SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. Laws or Acts Title,or Subject Matter (Section 9) Provisions to be omitted Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, contd. Act 14 of 1974 The Caribbean Investment The signatures of the variCorporation Act, 1974. ous contracting parties appearing at the end of the Agreement next afier Article 43. Act 19 of 1974 The Hire-Purchase 1974. ... Act 29 of 1974 The Bauxite (Production Levy) Act, 1974. ... Proviso to paragraph (b) of subsection (I)of section 4. Act 36 of 1974 The Airports Act, 1974. Act 37 of 1974 The Children (Adoption of) Act, 1974. .. ... Subsection (2) of section 2. Act 40 of 1974 The Judicature (Revenue Court) (Amendment) Act, 1974. ... ... Section 4. Act 41 of 1974 The National Insurance Section 6. (Amendment) Act, 1974. Act 47 of 1974 The Public Health Act, 1974. Act 56 of 1974 The Industrial Incentives (Regional Harmoniza... Sections 1,2,6 and 8. tion) Act, 1974. Act, ... Subsection (I) of section 40. Authority ... ... Proviso to the definition of "financial year" in section 2. . Subsections (2) and (3) of Section 30. [The inclurion of this page is authorized by LN. 80rJ1008) U W REVISION 35 (Section 9) SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. ~- Laws or Acts Provisions Title or Subject Matter to be omitted Laws or Acta enacted after 30th June. 1955, m i d . - Act 12 of 1975 The T w f a Tax (Amendmcnt) Act, 1975 ... Section 13. AEt 14 of 1975 I%e Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act, 1975 ... Subsection (2) of d o n ... 29. Act 22 of The lnternational Finance C o m d e s nncome Tax Rcliif) (Amendment and Validation) Act, 1975 ... Section 3. Ad 24 of 1975 The Pilotage Ad. 1975 Act 35 of The Acl 48 of 1975 The Income Tax (Amend. Subsection (2) of section 7 ment) (No. 2) Act. 1975 and subsection (2) of the new section 13c b%tul in tbe prinapal A d by 1975 1975 ... (a Subsectiollg (5). (7)and (8) of section 4: suboftion (6) of s d o n 5; subseaioa (5) of d o n 7 and subsmztioas (2) aad (3) of section 46. National Insurance (Amendment) Act. 1975 Subsection (2) of d o n s 1 and 5. scctioa 4 of Act 49 Of 1975 thir Aet. The Pensions (Amendment' scaion 3. Act, 1975 ... [The incluaian of this pags .. is authorized by L.N.42/1995] LAW REVISION 36 -_ Laws or Acts SECONO SC~DULE., confd. (section 9 ) Provisions to be omitted Title or Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955. contd. - Act 4 of 1976 ThC Town and Country Planning Act, 1976 Act 20 of 1916 Act 21 of 1976 Act 30 of 1976 b (Amendment) _.. ... Section 3. coroncn (Ammd- ... ment) Act. 1976 l'hc section 4 Pcnsims (Expet&@ Section 5 Officers) Act. 1976 ... The Land Bondr (&I& ment) Act. 1976 .._The new subsection ( l q inserted in section 4 of prblapal Ad by agraph (c) of section of thii Act. the Act 31 of 1976 Act 32 of me Lsod Dcvclopwnt and Utilization (Amendment) Act, 1976 b e Land Y ... Section 9. Aquidition 1976 Act 38 of 1976 b e Income Tax (Amendmen0 Act, 1976 %&OM ... 7 and 8 and 8 U b section (7) of the llcw 25B insatcd h the principal Act by section 3 of this Act S&On Act 4 of 1978 Act 1 of 1979 lb Institute d Jamaica section 21. Act, 1978 ... chc Law R d a m (Age of Majority) Act. 1979 First and Second Schcdulu LAW REVISION SECONDSCHEDULE,conrd. - -~ _ _ ; _ _ Law8 or Act¶ Title or Sub+ Matter 1 (sbctjw 9) Provisions to be omiued Law or Acts enacted ahcr 30th Juac, I 1955. mud. - Act 2 of 1979 h e Caribbean Food Cot- The signatures of Act 8 of 1979 me Passport (Amendment) Act 12 of 1979 Act 15 of 1919 Act 23 1979 poration Act, 1979 ... ... ... The Petroleum Act, 1979 ... A& 1979 the various mtracting parties appcarhg as tbe end of the Agreement next aftu Article 42. Soction 4. Section 17. The Law Reform &andlords and Tenanb) Act. 1979 ... saction 7(2). ..' of Act 26 of 1979 Fatal Acddmt.4 (Amendment) A& 1979 Sectiw 4. 3c ;he Keeping of Animal0 Act, 1979 ... Section 13(2). ... Act 31 of 1979 %e Licences on Trada and B ~ k a(Amendm a t ) Act, 1979 Section 1 (2) and d o n 2 Act 32 of he 1979 Nathd Tmst Act, 1979 Housing ... Section 41 (2). 0,(4) and Appendices A, B. md C lIhe hduaia. of thia page is aUthOriZcd by L.N. 42/ 19951 38 LAW REVlSiON SEWND SCEEDULB,w a d . (seftion 9) .- Laws 01 Acts Title or Subjeot Matter Pmvisions to bc omitted Laws or Acts enacted after 30th Junt 1955, COnld l signatures of the oonAct 41 of l%e Caribbean M e ~ m I o ~ c a 'he Organisation Act, 1979 ... traainn parties to the 1979 A e & t appearing after Article 33. Act 7 of The Jury (Amendment) Act, ection 35. 1980 1980 Act 8 of m e J& Festival Com- ection 2 (1) aM (3). 1980 mission (Change of Title) Ad. 1980 ... Act 9 of l'he National I n s u r a n c e z) In section l(1) the 1980 (Amendment) Act, 1980 ... words "and subject to subsection (2) shall k deemed to have come into fm on the 1st day of October. 1979". r) Sections l(2). 3(2) and 5 (2). A:t 13 01 .he Representation of the People (O&id Lists) (SPS. cial Pmvisions) Ad, 1984 .. I) In section 1, thc words save a8 ,may otherwise be pronded. shall be deemed to have come into operation on the 30th day of November, 1916". ?) w m s 2. 3. and 4 0. Act 19 of The Education (Amendment) ection 23. Act, 1980 1980 Aot 26 of The National Water Author. Ubs~tionn(2 fmd (3) Of ity (Change of Name and section 2. araggraph 11 1980 Amendment) Act, 1980 of FW schedule. 1980 "and. d Act 4 of The Legal Profession (Amend- ubsection (2) of section 3. ment) Act, 1981 1981 [The indusiw of thia page is authorized by L.N. 42/19951 39 Title or Subjd Matta A d 2 of 1982 Jamaica School of Apricultuie (Rcpcal) Act. %e 1982 Ad 3 1982 ... ...... n he Bauxite and Alumina Indoshia (spai.l PlrwiSiOM) (bleadmcnt) Ad, 1982 ... ...... icdioa 2. Act 7 d 1982 Actzof h e 1983 Rent Restrictioi (Amendmcat) Act. 1983 Ad 8 ol 1983 I~ICI n m Tax (Amend Act 14 0 1983 The Canstables (Spedal (Amendment) Act. 1983 mcnt) Act 1983 .. l’be new &an 31 of ths principal Act inserted by section 4. Act 16 a 1983 The Quarries control Act. 1983 .._ ... sections 35 (2) and 37 (2) and (3). IThe iaduaion of this page is authomnd ’ by L.N.3/u)o1] Laws 01 Acts en . aaed after 301 June. 1955. cowd. Act 3 of 1985 Act 9 1985 Act 12 1985 Act 4 1986 Act 1 1987 of of of of Act 6 of 1987 Act 13 of 1987 Act 16 of 1987 Act 18 of 1987 Act 26 of 1987 Act 27 of 1987 Act 30 of 1987 I _ - Tr; The Building Societies (Amendment) Act, 1985 Section 3. Thecorrections Act, 1985.. . section 87 (2). The Revenue Administration Act, 1985 . Section 20. The Income Tax (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1986.. Sections 13 (c) and 19. The Jury (Amendment) Act, 1987 .. . Section 10. ... .. . I ... ... ... .. ... ... Act, 1987 The Transport Authority Act, 1987 . Sections 20 and 21. The Governor-General (expenditure, Personal S M , Tax Exemptions and pensions) (Amendment) Act, 1987 Sections 1 (2) and 8. The Real Estate (Dealers and Developers) Act, 1987 The Local Improvements (Amendment) Act. 1987.. w o n 3. The Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, 1987 ... Seaion 4. I . ... The Kingston and St. Andrew Building (Amendrnent) Act, 1987 Section 17. ... LAWREUSION Laws or 41 SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. Title or Subject Matter (Section 9) Provisions to be omitted Am Law or Aas en- -.I aaed after 30th June, 1955, contd. Act 31of The cocoma industry cou1987 trol (Ammdment) Act, 1987 ... ._. ... Act Zof The Fire Brigade Aq Section 24 (4). 1988 1988 ... ... ... section 7. Aa 3of The InteEunes' €%atesand 1988 property Ql;uges )-( 1988 Act 50f TheLard Bonds (Ammd- Subseaion (2) of section 1 1988 ment)Act, 1988 ... Act 24 of The T&St Accommoda- Section 9. 1988 tion (LicemDuties) An 1988 ... ... ... Act 29 of The Natiollal Iasurance 1988 1-( AU, 1988 Act2 of 1989 Act3 of 1989 0 Act 4 of 1989 Act7of 1990 LAW REvlSION 42 SECOND SCHEDULE, mntd Lam or (Seaion 9) Title or Subject Maner Acts laws or Aas en- aaed afIer 30th June, 1955, contd - section 21. ACtlOof 1990 Act 16 of 1990 Act 18of 1990 A d 3d 1991 Ad, 1991 Aci 7 o f 1991 Act 9of Ihe E d t i m Act, 1991 section n. section 43 (2). 1991 Aci 16of 1991 Ad 20 of 1991 Act 21 of 1991 Actzdof 1991 SectimW(l),(Z)aud (3). w o n 5. 43 LAW REVISION Samm Smmum, contd. ~ (Section 9) ~ Law or Acts Provisions to be omirted Title or SubjCEt Matter Laws or Acts en- acted after 3Otk June. 1955. contd. Act 1 of The Petrolemn Fillkg !%a1992 tiolls R w t i o n (Repeal) Act. 1992 ktion 3. Act 801 The PriMIe Security Regu1992 lation Authority Ad. 1992 Won 32. Ad14Of The OEenca against the Person (Amendment) Act. 1992 1992 W o n 7. Act 201 The Cariibean Examma1993 tiom Council A A 1993 section 4(3). Act 501 The Jamaican Nationality hi section 1 the comma and 1993 (Amendment) k h 1993 words ",and shall come into operation on the 1st h y oi Much. 1993". Act 60f The citizenship (constitll- In section 1 the comma and 1993 tional Amendment) Act. wods 'I. and shall w e into 1993 operation on the 1st day Oi March. 1993". section 78. Act 80f T h e Seeuntia Act, 1993 1993 ACt160f T b e Town and Conntrv Plannia (Amendmentj 1993 Act 28 of 1993 Act, 1 8 3 Thc N a t i d Insuraacc (Validation and Amend section 15. (a) In section 1 the comma and words and shall be deemed to have come into force on the 30th day of September. 1991". 'I. mcnt) Act, 1993 ' I (6) Sections 11 md 12 miaed by L.N. 3/2001] LAW REVISION 44 SECONDSCHEDULE.comd. Laws or Title or Subject Matter Acts (sccticn 9) Provisions to be omitvd b w s or Acts enacted after 3ott June. 1955, contd. Act 40f The Citizenship (Constitu- Ln section 1 t h e comma and tional Amendment) Act 1994 words “, and shall be deemed to have w m e mto operation on the 1st day of March. 1993”. 1994 The Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 1994 Ln section 1 the words “and shall k deemed to have come into operation on the 1st day of January, 1993”. Act 21 of The Pensiom (Amcndmrnt: Act. 1% iukctions (2) and (3) of section 1. Pensions (Parochial OEcers) (Amendment. Act. 1994 Subsections (2) and (3) d section 1. 1994 Act 9of 1994 Act 22 of The 1994 Act 23 of 1994 The Constabulary Force (Amendment) Act. 1994 iubsections (2), (3). (4)and ( 5 ) of section 1. Act 24 of The Pensions (Teachers) (Amendment) Act. 1994 n section 1 the words “and shall be deemed to have come into operation on the 1st day of January, 1990”. ubsections (2). (3) and (4)of section 1. 1B4 Act 2 of 1995 Act 3 of 1995 The Bank of Jamaica (Amendment) Act, 1995 The Building Societies :Amendment) Act. 1995 Act 10 of The General Consumption 1995 Tax (Amendment) Act! ection 5. uhection (3) of section 1 1995 [The inclusion of ehis r a g e ia authorized by L.N. 31u)oIl LA W RE VISION 45 SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. Laws or Acts (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, contd. - Act 240f 1995 The Professions Supplementary to Medicine (Validation and Amendment) Act, 1995 Section 2. Act 320f The Judicature (Resident Magistrates) (Amendment) Act, 1995 The Water Resources Act Section 4. The Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act, 1995 The Redring Allowances (Legislative Service) (Amendment) Act, 1995 The Coconut IndustryAid (Validation and Amendment) Act, 1995 The Coconut Industry Control (Validation and Amendment) Act, 1995 The Constables (Special) (Amendment) Act, 1996 The Forest Act. 19% Sections I 1 and 12. The Road Traffic (Amendment) Act, 1996 n section 1 the words "and shall be deemed to have come into operation on the 1st day of April, 1996". Act 36of 1995 Act 370f I995 Act 380f 1995 Act 41 of 1995 Act 420f 1995 0 Act 4 of 1996 Act 17of 1996 Act 18of 1996 iection 51 (2). Section 1 (2) and (3) Sections 2 and 3. Section 5. LAWREWSION 46 SECONDSCHEDULE, contd. Title or Subject Matter Laws or A& ( W o n 9) Provisions to be o m i d Laws or Acts enacted after 30th he, 1955, contd. Act 19 of 1996 Act 23 of 19% In &on 1 tkwords "and shanbedcemed tohan armeintoopaationon the 1st day of April, 1996". [npction 1 t k words "aad shall bedeemcd to hwe allneintooperatiaaonme Act 24 of 19% 1st day of April 1996". su3ioll34. An 17 of 1996 Act 1 of 1997 Ad 4of 1997 Act llof 1997 Aa 19of 1997 section 2. LA W REHSON (Section 9) SECOND SCHEDULE zonfd. Provisions to be omitted Title or Subject Matter I ~ Laws or Acts Laws or Acts enacted after 30" June. ~ ~~~ ~ ~ 1955. contd. Act 26 of 1997 Act 27 of 1997 Act 33 of 1997 The Banking Act. 1997 (Amendment) Section 2 1. The Financial Institutions Section 20. (Amendment)Act. 1997 The Pensions (Parochial Officers) (Amendment) Act. 1997 Section 3 (2). Section 29 (2). (3) and Act 36 of 1997 Act 37 of 1997 The Legal Aid Act. 1997 Act 39 of 1997 The National Insurane (Validation and Amendment) Sections 2 and 3. Act. 1997 Act 2 of 1998 The Betting. Gaming and In section 1 the words "and shall be deemed Lotteries (Amendment) Act. to have come into 1998 operation on the 1st day of February. 1996. Sections 464 and 465. The Shipping Act. 1998 Act 8 of 1998 Act 15 of 1998 Act 18 of 1998 (4. The Pensions (Amendment) Act 1997 Section 3 (2). The Revenue Administration (Amendment) Act. 1998 Section 8. The Pensions Veachers) (Amendment) Act, 1998 Section 1 (2), (3) and (4). [The iticlusioii of this page is authorized by L.N 88/2003] LA W REVISION 48 SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. (Section 9) ~ Laws or Acts Title or Subject Matter Provisions to be omitted Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, contd. - Act 3 of 1999 Act 7 of 1999 Act 260f 1999 Act 270f 1999 The Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Act, 1999 The higation (Amendment) Act, 1999 The Pensions (Parochial Officers) (Amendment) Act, 1999 The Universityof Technology, Jamaica Act, 1999 Act l o f 2000 The Telecommunications Act, 2000 Act 60f 2001 The Criminal Justice (Reform) (Amendment) Act, 2001 The Unit Trusts (Amendment)Act, 2001 The Insurance Act, 2001 Act l l o f 200 1 Act 26 of 2001 Act 280f 2001 The Constables (Special) (Amendment) Act, 2001 Section 13. Section 3(2). Sections 3(2) and 4. In section 1the words “and shall be deemed to have come into operationon the first day’ of September, 1995”. Sections 75(2), (3) and (4), 76,77, 78, 79,80,81, 82,83, 84 atad 85. Section 3. Section 3. Sections 149 (2) and (3) and 150. Section 1 (2) and (3). [The 11iclns1011 of this page is authorized by L.N. 88i20031 LAW REVJSJON 49 SECOND SCHEDULE, contd. Laws or Acts Title or Subject Matter (Section 9) Provisions to bc omitted Laws or Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, contd. Act 10 of. 2002 The Financial Institutions (Amendment) Act, 2002. Section 15. Act I l o f 2002 The Banking (Amendment) Act, 2002. Section 17. Act 12 o f 2002 The Building Societies (Amendment) Act. 2002. Act 27 o f 2002 The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Amendment, Validation and Indemnity) Act, 2002. Act 3 1 o f 2002 The Pensions (Teachers) (Amendment) Act, 2002. In section I the comma and the words, 'and shall be deemed to have come into operation on the loth day o f June, 1996'. Act 33 o f 2002 The Assets Tax (Specified Bodies) Act, 2002. Section 10. Act 6 o f 2003 The Coconut lndustry Aid (Validation and Amendment) Act, 2003. Act 7 o f 2003 TheCoconut lndustry Control (Validation and Amendment) Act, 2003. Act 19 o f 2003 Act 7 o f 2004 1 1 Section 6. Section 4. Section 2. Section 2. The Municipalities Act, 2003. Sections 2 1 and 22. The Nursing Registration ment) Act, 2004. Homes (Amend- Section 8. [The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 123ROll( LA W RE VISION 50 SECOND SCHEDULE, conrd. Laws or Acts Title or Subject Matter (Section 9) Provisions to be omitted Laws or Acts enacted after. 30th June, 1955, conrd. Act I l of 2004 The Child Care and Protection Act, 2004. Act 22 of 2004 The Pensions (Superannuation Funds and Retirement Schemes) Act, 2004. Section 95. Section 59. Act 3 1 of 2004 Act 1 of 2005 The Executive Agencies (Validation and Amendment) Act, 2004. Section 3. The Offences Against the Person (Amendment) Act, 2005. Section 8. The National Insurance (Validation and Amendment) Act, 2005. Sections 6 and 7. Act 8 of 2007 The Legal Profession (Amendment) Act, 2007. Section 17. The Firearms (Validation and Amendment) Act, 2008. Act 3 of The Carriage by Air (Montreal 1 Convention) Act, 2009. 2009 Section 2. In section I the comma and the words '2009, and shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette.' Section 5. Act 10 of 2009 The Income Tax (Validation Section 3. and Amendment) Act, 2009. (The inclusion of thk page is authorized by LN. 123nOIlI 51 LAW REVISION ~ a w or s Acts Lawsor Acts enacted after 30th June, 1955, I SECOND SCHEDULE, contd (Section 9) Title or Subject Matter Provisions to be omitted 1 1 contd. Act 12 of 2009 The Sexual Offences Act, 2009. Act 13 of 2009 The Child Pornography Section 14. (Prevention) Act, 2009. Act 14 of 2009 Holidays with Pay Act, 2009. In section I the comma and the words '2009, and shall come into operation on such day or days as may be appointed by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette'. Sections 42 and 43. In section 1 the comma and the words ' 2009, and shall be read and construed as one with the Holidays with Pay Act (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act) and all amendments thereto, and shall come into operation on a date to be appointed by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette'. (The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.S. 123120111