July Newsletter.pub - Arkansas Hospital Association


July Newsletter.pub - Arkansas Hospital Association
Jul-Aug 2012
Dear Volunteer Friends,
AHAA Board PRESIDENT Thank you for your continued support of your local auxiliary and AHAA.
I salute your continued efforts in giving: volunteer hours, donations to your
hospital and community, and of yourself.
Lynn Smith
Medical Center of South AR
250 Forest Lake Dr.
El Dorado, AR 71730
(870) 864-0473
This issue will not only salute you and your accomplishments, but our nation,
as we celebrate another year of Freedom. What a priceless GIFT that we enjoy
daily as Americans!
Sharon Huffmire
Baxter Regional Medical Center
287 Howard Creek Road
Midway, AR 72651
sharon.ahaa@yahoo.com PRESIDENT Darlene Tuohy
Mercy Medical Center
17 Tanyard Dr.
Bella Vista, AR 72715
(479) 855-8720
SECRETARY A is for the Attitudes that conquer any quest.
M is for the Multitudes who know just why they're blessed.
E pluribus Unum from sea to shining sea.
R for all the Riches found where everyone is free.
I for Individuals who sacrifice their all.
C because our Christian faith will answer every call.
A for Attitudes that live inside of us.
God has blessed America because…In God We Trust.
We are truly a blessed people, in a blessed nation. I sometimes think
that is why we volunteer. Not everyone can serve in the military but
we can all serve in some way.
Thank you for serving in your hospital. Your service is appreciated!
Shirley Walters
St. Edward Mercy Med. Center
P.O. Box 1876
Greenwood, AR 72936
(479) 996-4520
Siloam Springs Memorial
847 Deer Lodge Ct
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
Washington Regional Med. Center
11879 Red Oak Dr.
Fayetteville, AR 72704
Summit Medical Center
107 Elfen Glen St.
Van Buren, AR 72956
Lynn Smith
AHAA President
In Loving Memory
St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center
Evelyn Harris
Woody Harris
Gene Barrow
Vince Bearden
Northwest Medical Center – Bentonville
Mary Kassell
Otto Oberhelman
Mickie Tolzman
Donna Cox
Lorraine Hill
Mercy Hospital Berryville
Elizabeth Snow Priest
Merlyn Baker
North Central
Baxter Regional Medical Center
Bruce Koch
Gene Lotgering
Dorothy Moore
Pam Wagner
Reba Hughs
Rita Mauser
Ethel Askins
Everett Kuhn
Dorothy Dillion
Teresa Munarin
Marie Chorley
Mabel Pacchini
Gladys Anderson
Chicot Memorial Hospital
Dean Ann Smith
Baptish Health Med Ctr—NLR
Jean Pettit
Remembering a friend….
I feel a warmth around me like your presence is so near.
I close my eyes to visualize your face when you were here.
I relive the times we spent together and they are locked inside my heart.
For as long as I have those memories we will NEVER be apart.
It will be my honor as your president to conduct the memorial service at convention. I have always
thought the memorial services were special. I find it very difficult to find the right words to remember a
friend or express my love or my feelings of loss. This past year I too lost a very dear friend and auxiliary
member to cancer. Her name was Gradine Fones and I still think of her almost every day. Some of you
met Gradine but for those that did not...let me tell you about my friend. She was diagnosed with cancer
and on the day I was installed as president elect she was in surgery to remove her bladder. Prior to the
convention last year (between her chemo and radiation treatments) she made dozens of beautiful pink and
green bows that were used to decorate the tables. She made the effort to come to convention and helped
me set up the night before our installation ceremony. On the morning I was to be installed as AHAA
president, she got up early to have her radiation treatment and then came back for my installation. As
proud as I was to be installed as your president, I was even prouder to have my very dear sick friend there
to support me and share in my excitement.
With this said, I want this memorial service to be so special and I want you to make sure I have the names
of your auxiliary friends to memorialize. I will be using the names that you have published in our AHAA
Newsletter. Please make sure to submit names either to shirleyahaa@vanhorns.com or to me at
lynn.ahaa@suddenlink.net by September 1.
Thank you,
Lynn Smith
AHAA President 2011-2012
2012/2013 District Meetings
2012 Fall District Meetings:
October 22nd Northwest - Washington Regional Medical Center --‐ Fayetteville
October 23rd Valley - Johnson Regional Medical Center --- Clarksville
October 24th North Central—Ozark Health Medical Center —- Clinton
October 25th Metropolitan - UAMS Medical Center --- Little Rock
October 29th Southwest - Hot Spring County Medical Center --Malvern
October 30th Southeast - Delta Memorial Hospital -- Dumas
October 31st Northeast – St. Bernard’s Medical Center --- Jonesboro
2013 Spring District Meetings:
April 15th Northeast - Arkansas Methodist Medical Center — Paragould
April 16th North Central - Stone County Medical Center—Mountain View
April 17th Northwest - Eureka Springs Hospital—Eureka Springs
April 18th Southeast - Drew Memorial Hospital—Monticello
April 22nd Valley - Mena Regional Health System—Mena
April 23rd Southwest - Howard Memorial Hospital—Nashville
April 19th Metropolitan - W.P. Rockefeller Cancer Inst.—Little Rock
Sharon Huffmire, AHAA President-elect
Your help is needed! As you may or may not know, the AHAA board has voted to discontinue the
WHALE program due to the high cost of having the supplies printed locally and the fact that the
company has closed its doors. However, I have been searching for a replacement project to put in
place of the WHALE program. I am putting a plea out to EVERYONE; board members, district
chairs, committee members, auxiliary presidents, auxiliary officers and ALL auxiliary members to
please let me know of any programs or ideas you may have for possible state projects. You may
even have a project at your hospital that would qualify for a state project.
By Sharon Huffmire, AHAA President-elect
I want to thank all of the auxiliaries who have participated in the MedicAlert water bottle promotion.
For those of you who haven’t, you still can. The original letter stated the orders needed to be in to
MedicAlert by April 30, 2012, however they are still accepting orders at this time.
Also, I am very excited that all of the district chairs and auxiliary presidents accepted the challenge
to register your auxiliaries with the MedicAlert Arkansas Ambassador Program. I am very pleased
to announce that since the spring district meetings there have been a total of 47 of the 61 auxiliaries in AHAA that have registered in the program. At this time the districts that have met the challenge of registering 100% of their auxiliaries with MedicAlert by August 1, 2012 are: North Central
District, Northwest District and Southwest District. Congratulations! And, for those of you who have
not yet registered, you have 31 days left to get your auxiliaries registered before the August 1st
Don’t hesitate…there is still time! Please call and register your auxiliary now! Call 1-800325-3789 today and register your auxiliary in the MedicAlert Arkansas Ambassador Program!
I encourage each of you to get on board with MedicAlert by August 1, 2012!
Beth A Nelson, District Chair
Baptist Health Medical Center-NLR Auxiliary
Submitted by: Linda Scott, Volunteer Coordinator
A President’s Reception was hosted to welcome and introduce the newly elected Auxiliary
President, Sharon Cagle as our honoree and her family as special guests. Auxiliary members and
employees who departments host volunteers were invited to drop by to welcome Sharon and to
enjoy the variety of refreshments.
A Uniform 2U2 sale will be held the end of July. This is always a very successful sale for the
Auxiliary and our employees enjoy the ease of shopping provided for them.
The STAR Volunteen Program is well underway. Nineteen volunteens are serving in different
areas of the hospital as well as Child Care. They are working in conjunction with certain volunteers
in certain areas and this has proved to be a perfect fit for everyone. They will be leaving the first of
August and will be greatly missed because of the service they have provided.
The Gift Shop is undergoing an update. Several displays have been moved or replaced and
the tone of the shop has taken on the days of summer with brightly colored merchandise. There is a
plan to begin carrying upscale jewelry for our customers. The volunteers continue to work in
conjunction with our Gift Shop manager to transform the shop to better serve the customer.
My country, ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing; land where my fathers died, land of the
pilgrims’ pride, from every mountainside let freedom ring!
Our fathers’ God, to thee, author of liberty, to thee we sing; long may our land be bright with
freedom’s holy light; protect us by thy might, great God, our King.
Submitted by: Beth A. Nelson
Metro District Chair, Beth Nelson, poses by American flag at July AHAA Board Meeting. The meeting had
a patriotic theme which included readings by all the district chairs and a harmonica solo by Beth. God
Bless America!
Shirley Grady, District Chair
SMC Regional Medical Center Osceola
Submitted by: Dorothy Crockett, Secretary
The South Mississippi County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship Committee is accepting
applications for two (2) $1000.00 scholarships. The students must be a resident of Mississippi County,
enrolled in a medical related field and have maintained at least a 2.5 GPA. The Scholarships will be
awarded for the 2012 fall term.
Under the direction of President Mary "Pud" Thomas, the South Mississippi County Regional Medical
Center Auxiliary Bylaw Committee revised their Bylaws. The proposed revisions were presented to the
committee members at their June 26th meeting. If approved by the members, the new Bylaws will be
adopted at the July meeting. Plans for developing a Hand Book were discussed.
St. Bernard’s Medical Center
Submitted By: Dean Rossa
St Bernard’s' Auxiliary awarded $20,000 in scholarships for the 2012-2013 school year. Ten students
received awards of $2000 each at the Auxiliary's June 18 general meeting. Nine of the recipients are
employees of St. Bernard’s.
The Auxiliary also made the fifth and final payment of $20,000.00 on their $100,000.00 pledge to the St
Bernard’s Hospice House. This was a major accomplishment for our group.
Twenty high school students have been selected for the Auxiliary's summer junior volunteer program that
runs July 6-27. This year the students will be called ambassadors and will be involved in escorting
hospital guests. The hospital’s hope is that as soon as patients, family members, and visitors arrive at
one of the entrances to the hospital, a Patient Ambassador’s smile will be the first thing they see.
The South Mississippi County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary installed the following officers at
their June 26th meeting: Dorothy Boothe, Historian; Dorothy Crockett, Secretary; Melba Shoemake, Asst. Secretary; Mary "Pud" Thomas, President; Norma Hicks, Vice President; Joann Holliman, Treasurer and Gift Shop Buyer; Ann Wallace, Gift Shop Buyer. Not pictured Martha England,
Asst. Treasurer.
Janet Mruk, District Chair
Baptist Regional Medical Center
Submitted by: Holly Langster
WOW - this summer is hot and dry; so instead of any outdoor activities, the Baptist Health Medical Center
- Heber Springs Auxiliary is hosting a lot of INDOOR activities. SHOPPING events being at the top of the
list!! Knowing we had a lot of activities coming up, we held recruitment social in the cool accommodations
of the hospital dining room, enjoying refreshments and the opportunity to brag about all we do to potential
new members. We held a new volunteer orientation on June 16th to welcome our new volunteers. On the
15th of June we hosted a purse and jewelry sale (always a big hit), and on the 17th of July we will have a
Pampered Chef event. This is a new vendor for us, but everyone is already planning their day to be present for the demonstrations and excited about this new partnership. On July 20th we will host a blood
drive at the hospital, which also brings a great deal of business to our little gift shop. We have the best
buyers in the world stocking our gift shop! When it's time to re-stock the shelves, the volunteers have to
plan on opening early the next day because the line at the door to get in and see what's new is long and
full of excited buyers! As everyone knows, the leadership conference is coming up on the 20th of June
and we are looking forward to participating in that event. It is exciting to watch our little auxiliary grow and
flourish into something of a staple in the community where we reside.
"Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful." Unknown
Baxter Regional Medical Center
Submitted by: Carolyn Hannon
We have created a bookmark that lists each month's fundraisers and where they are to be held. They are distributed around
the hospital, given out at other functions and events in town and through our thrift shops and our gift shop. Our fundraisers
are open to the public.
We have given $50,000.00 toward our pledge of $200,000.00 to help purchase a new piece of equipment for the hospital. It is
an UROSKOPOmni/Cystoscope; a Flat Detector based X-ray System for Urological Diagnosis and Therapy to be used in the
hospital. Every year we give $25,000.00 to the Barney Larry Scholarship Fund. Barney Larry is the Hospital Foundation
Director and liaison our auxiliary. This year at his urging we have voted and pledged to give this year's monies to be broken
down in two payments, $15,000.00 to this year's Lend A Hand Campaign, which assists our Community Houses and
$10,000.00 to our new Mobile Mammography Unit that will carry the new 3 D Tomosynthesis machine.
To celebrate our doctors, we wrote personal notes to every doctor (125) of BRMC Staff thanking them for their service to our
community. We will be hosting a “picnic” for them later in the summer. We had 19 members travel to Newport to our North
Central District Meeting where we were awarded the NCD Community Service Award We held our Appreciation Banquet
celebrating 50 years of volunteerism with 400 people attending. We had 2 of the charter members, one of which had
volunteered that morning at one of our Thrift Boxes, in attendance. There will be 5 auxilians attending the Leadership
Conference in Little Rock. We will be holding our annual Leadership Retreat the end of June.
Stone County Medical Center – Mountain View
Submitted by: Hannah M. Dyke, Newsletter Editor
Our district presidents’ meeting was held here in Mountain View in June. We had a good attendance. Each attendee
received a $5.00 gift certificate to shop in our “Gift Shop”. We had some good shoppers which made the sales good that day
in our gift shop!
Our next fund-raiser will be the “Gently Used Purse, Scarf and Jewelry” sale July 6th .at the SCMC hospital. We have received
a lot of donations and looking forward to the sale. A few items will be donated from the gift shop towards the sale also.
There are five ways to spell FREEDOM
Coast Guard
Honoring our past, protecting our present, guaranteeing our future.
Written by Paul Mruk
Baxter Regional Medical Center,
An ex-Marine and retired police officer
Somebody killed a policeman today, and
A part of America died.
A piece of our country he swore to protect
Will be buried with him at his side.
The suspect who shot him will stand up in court,
With counsel demanding his rights,
While a young widowed mother must work for her kids
And spend alone many long nights.
The beat that he walked was a battlefield, too.
Just as if he’d gone off to war.
Though the flag of our nation won’t fly at half mast,
To his name they will add a gold start.
Yes, somebody killed a policeman today.
It happened in your town or mine.
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors,
A cop put his life on the line.
Now, his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,
And he stands at each new rookie’s side,
He answered the call and gave us his all,
And a part of America died!
Read by Janiece Haworth
White River Medical Center
Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds---and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of---wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence.
Hov’ring there
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark or even eagle flew--And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
--- Lt. John Gillespie Magee, Jr.
No. 412 Squadron, RCAF
Read by Kathy Gammill
White County Medical Center
Nedra White, District Chair
Chicot Memorial Medical Center
Submitted by: Dean Ann Smith
MAY 18TH – We hosted a reception for the dedication of the Emergency Suite at the hospital in memory of
Dr. Charles E. Hicks, doctor and friend at CMMC for 36 years.
We had 4 recipients for scholarships this year – two renewals and two new scholarships were awarded.
They went to Gail Bell and Brody Emerson (renewals) and Miranda McCoy and Megan Morgan (new).
Congratulations to our recipients.
JUNE 15TH – We provided a picnic lunch for the students in the MASH program (Medical Application of
Science for Health) which was held during the two weeks from June 4th thru June 15th. Nine high school
students from the surrounding area participated in the program. This program provides the students great
experience to actually participate in healthcare situations. They shadow various healthcare professionals
in their workplace and visit the various departments of the hospital, even the animal clinic. During the
program they also got to tour UAMS in Little Rock where they visited the pharmacy and made various
compounds. They even ran a code blue at the UAMS Simulation Center.
Our next blood drive will be held on July 19th and our co-sponsor is Arkansas Agriculture.
Upcoming events are the Sept. 13th & 14th Scrub Sale and Sept. 27th is our Fall Mall.
God Bless America
I read a story about a man named Irving Berlin who at five years old watched as Russian Soldiers burned
down his home, in 1893. At this time in Russia, Jews were increasingly being persecuted. Hoping to
escape the escalating violence, Berlin’s family moved to the United States. Their passage included travel
through Ellis Island along with other immigrants and they finally settled in New York.
Making it to the United States Irving Berlin and his family were grateful, to have and to know this country,
the United States of America, as a place of safe refuge. So thankful that Irving’s mother would often say
“God Bless America,” it was the answer to her prayers. She said it so often that Irving hearing it as a child
also quoted it and learned what it meant. He was so inspired by the words of his immigrant mother, praying
God Bless America.
Who is Irving Berlin; he is the one that would later write the song that encouraged our nation as the storm
clouds of World War II gathered over Europe. “God Bless America” was Irving Berlin’s prayer that the lord
would protect our country, bless her, and help her to thrive just as the Father has provided for us in amazing ways.
What was he thinking when he penned God Bless America – maybe he thought that a blessing was God’s
expression of His Goodness and love toward us – His love shown in His provision, His protection, His
favor, and His answering our prayers.
Truly God has blessed America, it is a land that just likes Irving Berlin, we all have learned to love and
we too pray that God stands beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above. God truly
has blessed America.
Submitted By: Nedra White
Southwest District
Dorothy Berley
Baptist Health Medical Center-Arkadelphia
Submitted by Emilie Prescott
Not a whole lot of "new" activities on tap for our Auxiliary in July and August. We do have a Masquerade
Jewelry Sale slated for August 2nd. Until early fall, we will be working real hard to get ready for our Fall
Luncheon/Fashion Show. One of our auxilians, Marilyn Wetherington, is moving to Hot Springs very
soon. We shall surely miss this happy and precious lady. We continue to honor our birthday celebrants
by serving birthday cake during our monthly meetings.
For the "rest of the story" on events behind us, the profit from the Spring Shoppers Expo held on April
26th netted our Auxiliary $1,468.70. Our Patient-Liaison service is still in the planning stage, but we are
hoping this gets off the ground very soon. Installation of our 7/1/12-6/30/13 on June 11th was beautifully
conducted by Dorothy Berley, Southwest District Chair, using as her theme, "Volunteers--A Gift of Love".
Volunteer pins were presented by Greg Stubblefield, Hospital Administrator, and a special luncheon was
furnished by the hospital. (Jerry Berley, President of the Quachita County Medical Center, Camden, was
also present. He and Dorothy are an awesome couple!)
The Leadership Conference held at Little Rock on June 20th was attended by our President, Grace
Calhoun, Emilie Prescott and Loretta Kilts, our DVS. Our own Theda Aud, a past AHAA State President
was one of the principal speakers. We are so proud of her!
Attendees from BHMC-A at the Leadership Conference in Little Rock on June 20 are:
Seated: Emilie Prescott and Loretta Kilts, DVS
Standing: Grace Calhoun, President
Installation of Auxiliary officers of BHMC-A Auxiliary by Dorothy Berley, SW District AHAA Chair,
on June 11.
From left to right: Dorothy Berley, Belva Hipps, Treasurer; Alene Tripp. Secretary; Vivian Herbert, Gift Shop
Chair; and Grace Calhoun, President
Medical Center of South Arkansas
Submitted by: Lynn Smith
MCSA Auxiliary continues to be a wonderful presence on the Medical Center of South Arkansas campus.
Day after day our volunteers dedicate themselves to caring for others by just being on hand to inform,
direct, and comfort staff, patients and guests.
Dependable, helpful, kind and supportive, are just a few words that come to mind when I think of
volunteers in El Dorado and around the state. I am so proud to be a member of this auxiliary and AHAA.
Thank you for ALL you do
Submitted by Daphne Bennett, Newsletter Editor
A check for $30,000 was given to the hospital during our June meeting. This will be applied toward a
$300,000 commitment for new beds and a fetal heart monitoring system. Dorothy Berley was named the
OCMC Auxiliary Volunteer of the Year for 2012. We hosted a successful scrub sale with Uniforms 2U2 on
April 25 and 26. Our commission was $4,788.79. We will host another fundraiser on July 26 and 27--a
sheet sale. Eight members of the OCMC Auxiliary attended the Leadership Conference in Little Rock on
June 20. Volunteers assisted with the Red Cross Blood drive on May 16. Volunteers were invited and
enjoyed the annual hospital cookout on May 9. Four attended the District Chair's Presidents' meeting in
Arkadelphia on June 27.
Mercy Hospital Hot Springs
Submitted by: Peg Kuhnly
Today we are Mercy Hospital Hot Springs, we still have no idea what tomorrow will bring. Mercy and
Capella continue to meet and we are still waiting to see what the final result will be. On June 14th, Capella
officials met with about 100 members of the auxiliary to discuss questions about the plans for the hospital
and for the auxiliary. They did become aware of the fact that the auxiliary members are very involved with
the hospital and have a lot of questions in regard to their role.
Our golf cart drivers always do a great job. We feel they provide a wonderful service for the visitors to the
hospital. With the weather we have been having, it has to be a very difficult job but they are out there every
day and we are all grateful to them.
Seven of our members were able to attend the leadership conference and thought it was great. The
location was beautiful, the food was great and last but not least, the speakers provided information that we
all need to hear, it was relevant to what we do and why we do it. It was a very worth while day. Many
thanks to the leadership chair for all her hard work.
We hope to know who we are before the next newsletter – or before convention – life is a mystery right
Meeting with Capella and Mercy Hospital, Hot Springs, AR.
Hot Spring County Medical Center
Submitted By: Winifred Wheat-Auxiliary President
We are making plans for our General Meeting on July 19 for installation of officers for the New Year.
We are excited to have Lynn coming to install them.
Our DVS has just returned from market with a beautiful new supply of merchandise for our Pink Lady Gift
shop. Business is flourishing. From our profits we have recently contributed $39,753.00 to the hospital for
the purchase of new equipment.
We have added 4 new members to our auxiliary. We needed them and are happy to welcome them.
Our DVS, President and Vice President attended the Presidents meeting in Arkadelphia this month.
It was very informative. We were welcomed in their beautiful Baptist Medical Center.
Upcoming events are: July 31 – Book Sale
September 6 – Jewelry Sale
October 1&2 – Banana Box clothing sale
We participated in the Cereal drive this month sponsored by KTHV channel 11 and our local Brookshire’s
We only had two weeks to collect; we got busy and collected 230 boxes of cereal to help feed the children
during summer months when they are not getting meals at schools. We also have ongoing programs to
feed needy children on Saturdays. Members of our auxiliary meet and cook nourishing meals for them.
Food is collected through contributions from auxiliary members and some local churches.
A Patriotic Creed by Edgar A. Guest
To serve my country day by day
At any humble post I may;
To honor and respect her flag,
To live the traits of which I brag;
To be American in deed
As well as in my printed creed.
To stand for truth and honest toil,
To till my little patch of soil,
And keep in mind the debt I owe
To them who died that I might know
My country, prosperous and free,
And passed this heritage to me.
I always must in trouble’s hour
Be guided by the men in power;
For God and country I must live,
My best for God and country give;
No act of mine that men may scan
Must shame the name American.
To do my best and play my part.
American in mind and heart;
To serve the flag and bravely stand
To guard the glory of my land;
To be American in deed:
God grant me strength to keep this creed!
Margaret Underwood, District Chair
Submitted by Neta Stamps, SJAB Secretary/Newsletter Editor
A number of SJAB members took part in the
Walk/Run Ice Cream Social event on June
9th. No prizes were won, but a good time
was had by all participants.
SJAB members: Anita Spearman, Barbara
Wilhelm, Joy Flake, Ann Coleman, Anita
Rissler, Shelba Miller and Michael Rissler in
49 Auxilians
registered for
the Annual
Meeting on
June 18th
The elected slate of officers was installed by Sharon Huffmire, AHAA State President-Elect assisted by Nichole Hoppel MHB
Auxiliary Liaison. Officers for 2012-2013 are Anita Spearman, President; Joy Flake, President-Elect and Neta Sue Stamps
Auxiliary Liaison Nicole Hoppel
awarded a plaque to workers at
the thrift store. From the eight
names submitted for this plaque
volunteers will choose the nominee for the SJAB Auxilians of the
Year to be submitted to state.
Thrift Store Chair Connie Lascano with plaque. Volunteers
Jewel Pyron, Katie Kriesel and Leona Rundall.
Many door prizes were drawn throughout the meeting which topped off a delicious pot luck lunch.
Volunteer hour awards were presented representing a total of 3,217.5 hours for 2011-2012 with an
average monthly number of 99 volunteers working. Total hours worked since the auxiliary was
reorganized in 1982 now total 518,150 with a total of $899,588.40 monetary and equipment donations.
Plans are being made to attend the State Meeting and the Fall Northwest District Meeting in Fayetteville.
The Christmas Dinner provided by the auxiliary board is scheduled for Saturday, December 1st.
North Arkansas Regional Medical Center – Harrison
Submitted by: Carol Evans Auxiliary President.
Well the year is half over and Christmas is only six months away and God is good.
We had a wonderful Volunteer Appreciation Banquet April 30th, great venue, great food, and great
We have been keeping busy to name just a few with ribbon cuttings, District meetings, colon cancer
screenings, Physician receptions, spring basket sale, uniform sale,
Business EXPO and TB skin test. On May 30th. We held our first gently used cookbook fund raiser. And
today June 30th we are having our World’s largest Baby Fair.
The financial steering committee has met and has a lot to take to the full auxiliary for a vote but I will
leave that until the next time. Looking forward to seeing all at convention in October.
Until the next meeting or newsletter May God be with you and yours.
Submitted By: Judy Overton
One program that our auxiliary supports every year is the Horse Tales Literacy Program, the
purpose of which is to spark the imagination of primary readers so they will experience the joy of reading
through the magic of live horses. The grant proposal which we received requested purchase of student
books including Little Black Pony and Little Black Pony Goes to the Circus for approximately 3100 first
and fourth graders in Springdale’s 14 elementary schools.
American public education is focused on basic reading comprehension to meet the requirements
of the No Child Left Behind Act (from which Arkansas was recently granted a waiver) and other similar
state legislation. The Horse Tales project presents a unique alternative to teachers and students to
meet these rigorous demands, as the curriculum is easy to integrate into lesson plans and enables
teachers to teach the core skills that are needed to meet standardized testing requirements.
Horse owners or members of local riding clubs brought a horse to each of the elementary schools
and talked about the care of their horse, showed and explained tack. The children were allowed to walk
by and touch the horse. Two volunteers visited each school and handed books to each student. Very
The cost of the project for our auxiliary was $8000.
Valley District
Theresa Erwin, District Chair
Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center Auxiliary
Submitted by: Janet Thurber, Auxiliary President
Saint Mary’s Hospital Auxiliary began the summer by welcoming two new Auxiliary members and 12
Junior Volunteens. We are sad to report that we lost three volunteers due to their death – Gene Barrow,
Evelyn Harris and Vince Bearden. They will be greatly missed.
Our auxiliary president and vice president, along with our Volunteer Coordinator, attended the AHAA
Leadership Training in June at the Chenal Country Club in Little Rock. They heard several excellent
speakers talk about leadership and got some tips on volunteer recruitment.
Our Compliments Gift Shop recently added a new product that is proving to be a very popular item for us –
Iron Works Kettle Corn. The kettle corn is made in our home town of Russellville, Arkansas and comes in
a variety of flavors and prices. We’ve found that hospital employees and visitors often grab a bag of kettle
corn when they are looking for a quick snack.
The Auxiliary also registered with Medic Alert. We are waiting on our brochures to arrive so that we can
get started with this new project.
Late July may find us holding our first scrub sale. We are excited about a possible new source of revenue
for our scholarship account. During the past year, we awarded 13 scholarships to hospital employees to
aid them in furthering their education in the medical field.
Submitted By: Mamie Mann, President
On May 7th, 8th, and 10th, Summit Auxiliary members assisted Hospital personnel and local Doctors
in performing Physicals for the Athletic Dept. of Van Buren High School and Junior High School.
These are done with no charge to the families.
On May 8th, our Auxiliary recognized Nurse's Day by providing cookie trays for each Nursing Station
for both the Day and Night shifts.
At our Monthly meeting on May 24th, a new slate of officers was presented by the Nominating
Committee and approved as presented. Officers for 2012-2013 are: Mamie Mann (returning),
President; Gail Ragsdale, First Vice President; Rita Bowen (returning), Second Vice President; Sue
Walker, Secretary; Barbara Peterson, Treasurer; Mae O'Donnell, Corresponding Secretary. These
Officers to be installed on June 28th.
Summit Hospital was a Sponsor for the Cancer Society's "Race For the Cure" on June 9th at the High
School track. Auxiliary members participated by attending the Race and by donating $100.
On June 27th we had our second Book Fair for the Year by "Books Are Fun". Always a good selection
of items in addition to the books.
We had three Auxiliary members attend the Leadership Conference on June 20th at Chanel Country
Club in Little Rock. A very good Conference and very informative. Our own Mary Frauenhoff was one
of the speakers.
Our DVS Norma Shults has been out after having Surgery on June 18th. We greatly miss her as she
is such a hard worker for our Auxiliary. Due to her absence, our Hospital CEO Sue Connelly and
Stacy Calderara ,PR and Marketing Director did our Installation of Officers on June 28th. They also
hosted a reception following the service. We appreciate their help and support…
Upcoming events include our second annual Garage Sale to be held July 6th and 7th ongoing
projects are sale of Rada Products and collection of Best Choice Labels. Also ongoing is our Auxiliary
sponsored AARP Monthly Driving Class.
Thrift Shop Information
Processing "Getting Ready"
I know in my last article I said pricing and display would be my next topic, but thinking about it that is
NOT the next step.
So now we will process ALL these items so graciously given to us. We'll start with clothes as that's what
MOST of your merchandise is. You need to sort (you'll have plenty) so the stained, torn, out dated, no
buttons can all go someplace else. Look around there will be some place you can get rid of them. If ALL
else fails. the DUMPSTER. Now you need to sort into men's, women's, kids, and babies. Then into sizes
as you hang them, so they are ready to go out on the floor. If some need laundering be sure to do that
before hanging on floor. Your next most generous items will be misc. housewares. They need to be
clean before going to be priced. People will pay more, and buy more when an item is clean. When
cleaned and priced out it goes to a shelf in your store.
Another HOT item is books, both in receiving and selling you will get many and MOST need no more
than a price, but some will be musty and water damaged. The ONLY thing we've found for them is the
Your next big thing will be electronics and TOYS, TOYS, TOYS. This is where you need a younger
volunteer or at least one who knows ALL the electronic things.
All the above items need to be clean and in working condition then priced and put out to sell.
When you get purses in be sure to check them carefully as you never know when someone may leave
you a little EXTRA cash for your store. What you will probably get the least of, but maybe a "sleeper" is
jewelry. It is good to have a volunteer who knows her "jewels" or at least a good jewelry store in town
who is willing to appraise a piece for you if you are not certain if it is costume or the real thing.
This about finishes up the processing part. Next I'll get to the pricing and display.
Peg Meyer.
Special Announcements
“Cultivating Leadership” By: Lynn Smith
Chenal Country Club provided a beautiful venue for the AHAA 2012 Leadership Conference. More
than one hundred auxiliary members, representing thirty-seven auxiliries, gathered to cultivate their
leadership skills.
Leadership Chair, Melissa Williamson, is to be congratulated on planning what proved to be a
wonderful learning experience for all in attendance.
Dr. Lorraine Frazier, Dean, UAMS College of Nursing
Beth Ingram, AHA Vice President
Breda Turner, DOV, St. Vincent Health System
Lynn Smith, AHAA President
Theda Aud, AHAA Past President
Mary Frauenhoff, Immediate Past Presdient
Kathy Gammill, White County Medical Center President
Table decorations of live flowers, continental breakfast, great speakers, a delicious lunch with
chocolate , door prizes and handouts. “ Cultivating Leadership” was fun!
References: Your Leadership Legacy by Marta Brooks My Principles by Nanette Mae Roman
The Leader of the Future by Peter Drucker
For a copy of Breda Turners presentation email: bturner@stvincenthealth.com
Helpful BoardroomTools
October 2012 Convention Information
Registration forms for the October 3-5, 2012, AHAA Annual Meeting and Convention
will be emailed by the last week in July. Auxiliary presidents and the
Directors of Volunteer Services will be receiving a registration form, meeting
program, Delegate's form and a credit card authorization for the DoubleTree
All the above mentioned forms will also be made available by the end of July on
the AHA website. Click on the link below to access the forms:
State Office Candidates for 2012-2013 term
President - Sharon Huffmire – Baxter Regional Medical Center
President Elect – Sharon Sly – Siloam Springs Regional Hospital
Vice President – Jerry Berley – Ouachita County Medical Center
Secretary – Margaret Underwood – North Arkansas Regional Medical Center
Treasurer – Melissa L. Williamson – St. Vincent Health System
Newsletter Editor – Shirley A. VanHorn – Washington Regional Medical Center
Immediate Past President/Advisor – Lynn Smith – Medical Center of South Arkansas
Convention Workshops and their Speakers
Wednesday, October 3rd
3:45 pm. - 4:45 pm., Senior Self Defense
Paul R Mruk is retired from the Memphis Police Department after 34 years of service in many
departments. He is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Air Force and the Air National
Guard. His military career includes overseas service in both Vietnam and the Persian Gulf. Paul
has attended college at University of Memphis and Shelby State College. He has been married to
his wife, Janet, for 37 years. Paul volunteers at Baxter Regional Hospital, teaches AARP driving
and self-defense classes. He also works with the Mt. Home Police Citizen Academy.
5:00 pm. – 5:45 pm., Gift Shop Display
Susan Shaddox has worked as an interior design consultant with Main Street Arkansas since
2006. Prior to her position with Main Street Arkansas, Susan worked as an interior designer in the
Hotel/Hospitality industry. As a member of the interior design team for Felcor Lodging Trust, Dallas,
Texas, Susan worked on design for Embassy Suites, Sheraton Suites, and Holiday Inn Crown Plaza
suite brand hotels. Susan also worked in commercial interior design with Baptist Health Systems,
Little Rock, Arkansas. Susan has designed window displays and visual merchandising for numerous small retail businesses in Texas, Montana, Kentucky, West Virginia, & Georgia as well as for Dillard’s Department Stores. Having owned her own pet boutique for over 20 years, Susan has experience in all areas of retail and merchandising, setting the gift shop displays at Crystal Bridges American Art Museum in Bentonville, AR. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design from
the University of Central Arkansas.
Thursday, October 4th
1:45 pm. – 2:30 pm., Customer Service
Laura Whitlow, RN, MA graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University
of Central Arkansas and earned a Master of Art in Health Services Management, from Webster University, St. Louis, MO. She has 24 years of medical experience with an extensive Operating Room
background. She now works as clinical educator and bariatric coordinator at Summit Medical Center,
in Van Buren, AR. She is champion of the Professional Development team which is responsible for
conducting customer service education to all Associates.
2:45 pm. – 3:30 pm., The Gift Shop
Rosalie Barber taught at Arkansas State University and is one of its distinguished Alumnae.
She has served on the executive board as International President and International Board member
of the Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity. Rosalie became both founder and administrator of the Children’s
House Montessori School and Montessori Children’s House. As a member of St. Bernard’s Auxiliary
she was named Auxilians of the Year in 2009 and is currently their Gift Shop manager. Along with
her Auxiliary involvement, she is secretary of the National Advisory Council and Beck PRIDE Center
for America’s Wounded Veterans. With her busy schedule, Rosalie still finds valuable time to spend
with her two children and five grandchildren.
3:45 pm. – 4:30 pm., Recruitment and Volunteerism
Sherry Middleton serves as director of the Arkansas Department of Human Services Division
of Community Service and Nonprofit Support. She has over twenty eight years of experience in non
-profit and government development, management and training. For six years before coming to the
Division of Volunteerism, Sherry owned her own consulting firm specializing in government, nonprofit and volunteer management. Sherry holds a BA in Human Resource Development; an MA in
Psychology and Counseling; is an international Certified Volunteer Administrator (one of only 5 in
the state of Arkansas); and a certified trainer for Kahler Communications. In 2006 Sherry obtained
her national status as a Certified Executive Leader. She is an instructor for the Certified Volunteer
Manager & Certified Public Manager programs in Arkansas.
Possible Bylaw Changes
Article VI. Officers
Add a new Section 2. All members of the state board, elected or appointed must have access to the internet.
(the state newsletter, state board minutes, notice of meetings, AHAA forms, convention registration material and
Voter Voice information is all available on line. It is the primary means of communication within the organization)
Renumber Sections 2-9.
Change Section 9 (new number 10) to read Officers appointed by the president shall be gift shop consultant, thrift
shop consultant, parliamentarian, convention chair, handbook chair, legislative chair, leadership chair, bylaws
chair, state scholarship chair and historian. (With the annual legislative sessions and the additional awareness of
legislative action at both the state and federal levels having a legislative chair every year seems necessary. The
position of leadership chair could be altered to add additional responsibilities; both should be defined in policies
and procedures and should be appointed every year.)
Article VII. Duties of Officers
Section 7. District Chairs
g. Instruct the auxiliary presidents to send a copy of their newsletter to the state president, president elect and district chair. A brief report of auxiliary activities should be sent to the state newsletter editor. (The newsletter editor has requested this change.)
Article XI Committees
Section 2. The president shall appoint chairs as well as members of all committees which are not specified
elsewhere in these bylaws or in administrative policies and procedures. A co-chair may be appointed to these
committees if the composition is not addressed in other sections of the bylaws. (increase the number of the people
who have an opportunity to serve on the board—people appointed to committees should be encouraged to consider running for elected positions)
Possible changes to Administrative Policies and Procedures
General Information to the Board of Directors:
Add new number 9. Board members are expected to have access to the internet and an email address to facilitate
communication within the organization. (Reasons noted above in the bylaws section)
Renumber number 9 to10 and 10 to 11..
Expense Allowance.
Move number 8 to number 2 to clarify the special policies in regard to expense for the annual convention board
meeting. Number 2 becomes number 3; Renumber the remainder of this section.
The new number 2 should read – Transportation of thirty –five (.35) cents per mile and partial lodging expenses
will be allowed for current board members, board nominees and any other persons authorized by the board who
attend the annual convention board meeting (s). The amount of lodging reimbursement shall be determined by the
board each year and be available if the expense is not being paid by the member’s local auxiliary.
Standing Committees
Bylaws and Policies and Procedures
e. Move the responsibility for reviewing and revising all forms annually to the Leadership chair. (These forms
are used for gathering statistical information and providing guidance to the auxiliary presidents and district
chairs. They could be viewed as a leadership tool.)
Appointed Officers
4.Convention Chair
e. Provides guidance for committee chairs who report to this position.
(clarifies the routing of questions in regard to specific areas of responsibility)
Delete the current number 8 and replace with a new number 8.
Leadership Chair
a. Facilitates AHAA leadership activities such as conferences, workshops and orientation for AHAA state officers and district chairs as requested by the president.
b. Reviews and revises all AHAA forms annually and provides these
forms to the district chairs in hard copy and on disk to be made
available on line.
c. Arranges for the forms to be made available as an AHAA publication
via the AHA website.
d. Reviews and revises the Guidelines for district chairs as needed
e. Works with current or former state officers to develop and in the future reviews and revises the guidelines for
state officers.
(Pat Lavender, Brooke Ivy, Courtney Moody, Melissa Williamson, Lynn Smith)
2012 AHAA Scholarship recipient, Courtney Moody, poses with Brooke Ivy of UAMS, scholarship
committee ( Lavender and Williamson) and president Smith. Ivy and Moody attended AHAA board
meeting in May, to express appreciation for scholarships being awarded by AHAA members. Miss
Moody graduated with honors from UAMS at the end of May. Congratulations Courtney!
By Shirley VanHorn
Thank you all very much for your timely submissions of your articles. I would like to remind everyone that if at all possible if you could submit your articles for the newsletter as an attachment to your
e-mail. This format makes if much easier for me to work with. If anyone has any suggestions for the
newsletter please let me know and I will try my best to use them.
Newsletter Schedule/Reminder Issue Date 2012Cutoff Date Covered Activities Sep/Oct Sep 5 2012 Activities for Sep and Oct Nov/Dec Nov 5 2012 Activities for Nov and Dec Jan/Feb Jan 1 2013 Activities for Jan and Feb Mar/Apr Apr 5 2013 Activities for Mar and Apr May/Jun May 5 2013 Activities for May and Jun Jul/Aug Jul 5 2013 Activities for Jul and Aug It is highly appreciated if submissions are made electronically via email to (shirleyahaa@vanhorns.com) as a
Microsoft Word attachment. But, if you absolutely must submit via snail-mail, please mail early so that I receive it by the cut-off date. Photos using the .jpg extension may also be submitted – just let me know what
event it goes with and, if appropriate, identify those in the photo. Please do not send photos that you have
scanned from a newspaper…these are too blurry to publish. – Thank you!
Lets all do a rain dance!!!!