SUBSURFACE WATERS AT MALAKOFF DIGGINS: PIT, NORTH BLOOMFIELD TUNNEL AND HILLER TUNNEL ____________ A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of California State University, Chico ____________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Environmental Science ____________ by © David Holl Demaree 2013 Fall 2013 SUBSURFACE WATERS AT MALAKOFF DIGGINS: PIT, NORTH BLOOMFIELD TUNNEL AND HILLER TUNNEL A Thesis by David Holl Demaree Fall 2013 APPROVED BY THE DEAN OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND VICE PROVOST FOR RESEARCH: _________________________________ Eun K. Park, Ph.D. APPROVED BY THE GRADUATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: ______________________________ Guy Q. King, Ph.D. Graduate Coordinator _________________________________ Carrie Monohan, Ph.D., Chair _________________________________ Susan Riggins, Ph.D. _________________________________ Glen Pearson PUBLICATION RIGHTS No portion of this thesis may be reprinted or reproduced in any manner unacceptable to the usual copyright restrictions without the written permission of the author. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my thesis advisor Dr. Carrie Monohan for guiding me through the process of doing studies outside of the Laboratory and through writing a thesis. I would like to thank my whole committee including Dr. Susan Riggins and Glen Pearson for the advice and for motivating me to get this thesis done. Thanks to Dr. David Brown for guiding me through the CSU Chico bureaucracy, teaching me how to do field studies and how to dig holes. I would like to thank everyone who gave me advice Dr. Terrance T. Kato, Dr. Karin Hoover, Dr. Katherine Gray. Thank you CSU Chico, The Sierra Fund, The Sierra Nevada Conservancy, and the CSU Chico Center for Water and the Environment for funding and material support. The US Department of Parks and Recreation for allowing me to study Malakoff Diggins and place borings. The graduate students of the working group—Kathy Berry-Garrett, Cami Ligett, Keith Landrum, Rebecca Bushway, Rajmir Rai, Harihar Nepal, Susan Miller The undergraduate students who helped me out in the field—Travis Moore and Morgan Blofsky Funding for this project has been provided in part by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy and the State of California. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Publication Rights ...................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................... iv List of Tables.............................................................................................................. vii List of Figures............................................................................................................. viii List of Nomenclature.................................................................................................. xi List of Symbols........................................................................................................... xiii Abstract....................................................................................................................... xiv CHAPTER I. II. Introduction .............................................................................................. 1 History .......................................................................................... Geology ........................................................................................ Hydrology..................................................................................... Comparison of Malakoff Diggins to Other Abandoned Mines .... Standards and Laws...................................................................... Literature Review ......................................................................... Purpose ......................................................................................... 5 10 14 17 19 20 22 Methods .................................................................................................... 24 North Bloomfield Tunnel ............................................................. Hiller Tunnel ................................................................................ Borings ......................................................................................... Laboratory Testing ....................................................................... Data Analysis................................................................................ 24 28 28 32 33 v CHAPTER III. PAGE Results ...................................................................................................... 36 Precipitation.................................................................................. North Bloomfield Tunnel ............................................................. Hiller Tunnel ................................................................................ Borings ......................................................................................... Low Level Mercury...................................................................... Principle Component Analysis ..................................................... Analysis of Variance .................................................................... Correlation Matrix ........................................................................ 36 36 47 51 62 65 67 68 Discussion................................................................................................. 71 North Bloomfield Tunnel ............................................................. Hiller Tunnel ................................................................................ Borings ......................................................................................... Statistical Analysis ....................................................................... Blue Lead...................................................................................... Dissolved Oxygen ........................................................................ Limitations.................................................................................... Why Piper and Stiff Diagrams Were Not Used............................ 71 81 83 90 91 92 93 94 V. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 95 IV. Recommendations .................................................................................... 98 References Cited......................................................................................................... 101 IV. Appendix A. Tables ....................................................................................................... vi 108 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1. Location of Mouth and Shafts of the North Bloomfield Tunnel .............. 39 2. Specific Yield of Borings ......................................................................... 56 3. ANOVA of Data at Malakoff Diggins ..................................................... 68 4. Correlation Matrix between Constituents................................................. 69 5. Correlation Matrix between Sample Sites................................................ 70 6. Solid samples from Fleck et al. 2010 and Water Samples from the Mouth on 2/13/2012 and Shaft 5 on 3/26/2012.................. 73 Solid samples from Fleck et al. 2007 and water samples from this study .................................................................................. 80 Hiller Tunnel from NCRCD Phase III Study (2/13/1979) and this study .................................................................................... 81 7. 8. vii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1. Map of Malakoff Diggins, California....................................................... 2 2. Surface Water in the Pit at Malakoff Diggins .......................................... 15 3. Hiller Tunnel Adit .................................................................................... 18 4. North Bloomfield Tunnel ......................................................................... 25 5. Locations of Borings ................................................................................ 29 6. Boring Design........................................................................................... 30 7. Explanation of Biplot ............................................................................... 34 8. Precipitation for the 10/1/2012 - 4/15/2012 Monitoring Period............... 37 9. Locations of Mouth and Shafts of North Bloomfield Tunnel from Google Earth Overlaid by (PBTGM, 1872) ............................. 38 10. Conceptual Model for the Hydrology of North Bloomfield Tunnel ........ 43 11. Average Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH and Temperature of standing water in the Mouth and Shafts of the North Bloomfield Tunnel.................................................................. 45 12. As, Cr, Cu, and Pb in North Bloomfield Tunnel ...................................... 46 13. Ba, Zn and Ni in North Bloomfield Tunnel ............................................. 47 14. Constituents of Mouth and Shafts in mg/L............................................... 48 15. Temperature Change in Hiller Tunnel...................................................... 49 16. pH Change of Hiller Tunnel ..................................................................... 49 viii FIGURE PAGE 17. Conductivity change of Hiller Tunnel...................................................... 50 18. Trace Metals in Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond..................................... 51 19. Fe, Al, and Mn in Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond ................................. 52 20. Fe, Ca, Mg and SO4 in Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond ......................... 53 21. Boring Wet Up Period .............................................................................. 54 22. Boring P-2 Water Height from Bottom of Boring, Surface Water, and Precipitation ...................................................... 55 23. Temperature Changes in Borings ............................................................. 57 24. Changes Over Time pH ............................................................................ 57 25. Conductivity Changes in Borings Over Time .......................................... 58 26. Trace metals in Borings, Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond ...................... 60 27. SO4, Fe, Ca, Mg, SO4 in Hiller Tunnel, Borings...................................... 61 28. SO4, Al, Mn, K, Na in Hiller Tunnel, Borings ......................................... 62 29. Metal Concentrations in Borings from 11/4/2012 to 3/22/2013 .............. 63 30. Total Hg in at Malakoff Diggins .............................................................. 64 31. Dissolved Mercury at Malakoff Diggins.................................................. 65 32. Biplot of the Waters of Malakoff Diggins based on Metals Concentration .................................................................................... 66 Biplot of Waters at Malakoff Diggins Based on Metals, Sulfate and Alkalinity.................................................................................... 67 34. Mouth of North Bloomfield Tunnel Undisturbed .................................... 78 35. Metals at Gage 3 and North Bloomfield Tunnel ...................................... 79 33. ix FIGURE 36. PAGE Metals and Sulfate in Surface Water in the Pit of Malakoff Diggins .............................................................................. 87 37. Bailer Drawn from Boring P-1 on 10/12/2012......................................... 89 38. Oxidation-reduction Conditions in Soils in the Pit .................................. 93 x LIST OF NOMENCLATURE Auriferous gravel – Alluvial sediment that was deposited at Malakoff Diggins forming a placer deposit. The gravel was named for “auri” – gold and “ferrous” – iron, the deposit contained iron and gold. Central Valley – California Central Valley Coast Range – California Coast Range Develop (boring) – After a boring is placed in the ground it is developed by drawing water from it until it the water is clear. This represents the point at which material around the boring has settled and stabilized. DWR – California Department of Water Resources EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA ### - Standard testing methods set by the EPA Gold Rush – California Gold Rush of 1849 Pit – The area of Malakoff Diggins that was excavated during the Gold Rush. Today the Pit is 1.5 miles long, 0.5 miles wide and 170 ft deep. Sediment – The material that has deposited in the Pit after the pit was excavated. Sierra Nevada – Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, USA SM – Standard Method approved by the EPA from Clesceri et al., 1999 xi Title 22 Metals – Metals regulated under Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. Title 22 Metals are Al, As, Ag, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, Zn xii LIST OF SYMBOLS °C – degrees Celsius µg/L – microgram per liter cfs – ft3/s - cubic feet per second cm – centimeters ft– feet km - kilometers L – liters m – meters mg/L – milligram per liter ms/cm2 – millisiemens per centimeter squared ng/L – nanogram per liter pH – pH = -log[H+], [H+] – concentration of H+ in moles/liter or molarity Elements and polyatomic ions are listed by their name or symbol on the periodic table – example, Silver - Ag or Sulfate – SO42- xiii ABSTRACT SUBSURFACE WATERS AT MALAKOFF DIGGINS: PIT, NORTH BLOOMFIELD TUNNEL AND HILLER TUNNEL by © David Holl Demaree 2013 Master of Science in Environmental Science California State University, Chico Fall 2013 Malakoff Diggins, a historic hydraulic mine, has the potential to degrade habitat in the Humbug Creek and South Yuba River watershed with discharges of sediment, copper, mercury, nickel and zinc. Subsurface waters in three areas of Malakoff Diggins, (1) North Bloomfield Tunnel, including eight airshafts, six contained standing water, (2) Hiller Tunnel, and (3) borings in the Pit near Hiller Tunnel, were studied to identify potential sources of metals. Water chemistry (pH, electrical conductivity, total metals and common ions) similarities and physical characteristics (water level) between mine features were used to determine the connections between mine features and subsurface water flow. The metal concentrations were variable in areas studied at Malakoff Diggins. All portals and shafts of the North Bloomfield Tunnel were at least partially blocked, however the downstream portal of the tunnel and Shaft 5, had continuous surface water xiv discharge to Humbug Creek. The degree to which the standing water between the shafts are connected, through fractured rock or otherwise, was difficult to determine, however some shafts, specifically Shaft 5 (had the highest metal concentrations) and 6, had similar water chemistries. Two borings of four shallow groundwater borings in the Pit, P-1 and P-2, had similar water chemistry. The borings in the Pit had higher concentrations of metals than the surface waters in the Pit and Hiller Tunnel. The concentrations of metals in the waters at Malakoff Diggins are likely related to concentrations of suspended sediment and represent an ongoing source of heavy metals to surface waters. xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Gold mining during the California 1849 Gold Rush heavily impacted the environment of California. The California Department of Conservation - Mine Reclamation estimates that there are 47,084 abandoned mines in California and many of the abandoned mines are in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range (Newton et al., 2000). One of the largest historic mine sites in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range is Malakoff Diggins which is currently a California State Historic Park. Malakoff Diggins continues to impact downstream waterways because it continues to discharge water with high loads of sediment, mercury, copper and zinc (California Regional Water Quality Control Board-Central Valley Region [CRWQCB-CVR], 2004). The purpose of this study was to characterize the subsurface water quality at Malakoff Diggins associated with specific mine features to inform remediation efforts. Malakoff Diggins is in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in Nevada County, CA, 28 miles (45 km) north of Nevada City, and 65 miles (105 km) northwest of Sacramento at an elevation of approximately 3000 ft (915 m) (Figure 1). Most of the precipitation at Malakoff Diggins occurs during the rainy season, from November to April, with an average precipitation of 55-60 inches (140-150 cm) (Nevada County Resource Conservation District [NCRCD] 1979a). The temperatures at 1 2 Figure 1. Map of Malakoff Diggins, California. Note: Satellite image of Malakoff Diggins with a map of California and the location of Malakoff Diggins in the bottom right corner. Brown Line – Border of Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, White Line – Tunnels, White Dots – Tunnel openings, Blue Dashed Lines – Water. Inset Map Bottom Left Corner – Map of California. Star – Sacramento, Square Malakoff Diggins, Red LinesFreeways, Blue – Major Rivers 3 Malakoff Diggins range from an average high of 92°F (33°C) to an average low of 30°F (-1°C) (NCRCD 1979a). The first freeze typically occurs early November and the last freeze typically occurs mid-April (NCRCD, 1979a). Many of the streams which flow into Malakoff Diggins are seasonal, though there are some springs that flow into Malakoff Diggins all year round. However, during the wet season Malakoff Diggins pit acts as a large catchment area and discharges turbid water through Hiller Tunnel into Diggins Creek, Humbug Creek, and the South Yuba River The most visible part of Malakoff Diggins from the air is the Pit (Figure 1).The Pit is approximately 1.5 miles (2.5 km) long from east to west, 0.5 miles (0.8 km) across from north to south and 170 ft (52 m) deep at the time of this study (Figure 1). The Pit was formed by hydraulic monitors washing away the auriferous gravels. Due to the historic mining, the Pit has badlands topography. The eastern end of the Pit is known as the slump area (NCRCD, 1979a). The slump area is where the most erosion and deposition has occurred in the Pit. The elevation of the bottom of the Pit decreases westward from the slump area until it reaches its lowest point at Diggins Pond and the inlet to Hiller Tunnel. The cliffs on the northern side of the Pit are the highest and become smaller southward. The southeastern side of the Pit is covered with tailings piles, which may be relics from a unique period of the mines history when hydraulic mining was banned and miners were not allowed to discharge their tailings downstream. The miners at Malakoff found ways to hold processed material, or tailings on site in the pit. The headwaters of Humbug Creek are north of the historic town of North Bloomfield, which was established to the east of the Pit for miners (Figure 1). Humbug Creek runs along the west side of the town of North Bloomfield then curves around the 4 south side of the town. Humbug Creek continues along the outside of the southern rim of the Pit before turning south where it is joined by Diggins Creek. Humbug Creek then runs south approximately 1.86 miles (3 km) until it joins the South Yuba River. Hiller Tunnel runs north-south through the southern edge of the Pit (Figure 1). Hiller Tunnel is approximately 465 ft long, 7 ft high, and 5 ft wide at the time of this study. Hiller Tunnel is traversable during the dry season and it is possible to walk all the way through the tunnel. Stalactites are beginning to grow on the ceiling of the tunnel. Water runs along the floor of the tunnel. The floor is covered with fine orange sediment with rubble strewn through it ranging in size from one inch to one foot in diameter. Hiller Tunnel is the main surface water drainage for the Pit. Diggins Creek starts at the outlet of Hiller Tunnel and runs 0.3 miles (0.5 km) until it joins Humbug Creek. North Bloomfield road starts north of Nevada City, winds north, crosses the South Yuba River at Edwards Crossing and continues to Malakoff Diggins. At Malakoff Diggins it runs between the Pit and Humbug Creek, through the town of North Bloomfield where it turns north. The Humbug Trailhead is on the North Bloomfield road before it crosses Diggins Creek. The Humbug Trail winds along the slopes on the west side of Humbug Creek till it joins South Yuba Trail at the Humbug Creek – South Yuba River confluence. Approximately 200 ft down the Humbug Creek Trail from the North Bloomfield Road the trail goes over an unnamed drainage that comes from the area southwest of the pit that was also hydraulically mined. Approximately a half mile down Humbug Trail from the North Bloomfield Road is the Exploration Campground which is in a clearing next to 5 Humbug Creek east of the Humbug Trail. Approximately 1 mile down the Humbug Creek Trail from the road is a series of waterfalls on Humbug Creek. The North Bloomfield Tunnel starts in the Pit north of the upstream portal to Hiller Tunnel in the Pit. From the Pit the North Bloomfield Tunnel runs south along Humbug Creek ending south and downstream of the waterfall on Humbug Creek. The vegetation in the Pit is highly variable and depends on hydrologic and geologic conditions. Rushes and grasses grow in the marshy areas around Diggins Pond in the south west side of the Pit and near the springs in the slump area in the east side of the pit (Nevada County Resource Conservation District, 1978). Arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis) and white alder (Alnus rhombifolia) grow in the seasonal marshy areas created during the rainy season on the west side of the Pit (NCRCD, 1979a). Eastward the willows transitions to wild oats (Avena fatua) and brome (Bromus) grasses in the center of the Pit (NCRCD, 1979a). Eastward the grasses thin out at the slump area. Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) grow in the slump area. Manzanita (Arctostaphylos) and Ceanothus are in the drier areas on the edge of the Pit and on the tailings piles (NCRCD, 1979a). The area surrounding the Pit was covered with ponderosa pine forest, which also includes incense cedar (Calocedrus), Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), white fir (Abies concolor), sugar pine (Pinus labertiana) and black oak (Quercus kelloggii) (NCRCD, 1979a). History Mining began at Malakoff Diggins in 1851 during the California Gold Rush (Jackson, 1967). The first miners at Malakoff used shovels, pans and sluices to mine 6 placer gold in Humbug Creek. In 1867, the North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company (NBGMC) was formed and hydraulic mining began at Malakoff Diggins in order to access placer gold in auriferrous gravels in the hillside deposited by an ancient river (Jackson, 1967). The peak period of mining was after the completion of the North Bloomfield Tunnel in 1875 until the Sawyer Decision, which put a ban on hydraulic mining in 1884. The Pit was created by hydraulic mining at Malakoff Diggins. Hydraulic mining is performed by using a monitor, a high-pressure hose, to erode a hillside by spraying water on it. Hydraulic mining was used to mine the auriferous gravel at Malakoff Diggins because the auriferous gravel is composed of loose alluvial material that is easily mobilized when washed with the monitors. Explosives were used to break up more consolidated auriferous gravel before using monitors (Whitney, 1880; NBGMC, 1898b). A slurry was formed by the mixture of gravel and water. The process uses a lot of water and the auriferous gravel at Malakoff Diggins was in a bedrock channel that retained water, so Hiller Tunnel and North Bloomfield Tunnel were built to drain the slurry out of the Pit. To extract gold from the slurry a series of flumes, sluices and undercurrents extended a quarter mile down Humbug Creek from the mouth of North Bloomfield Tunnel (Jackson, 1967). The sluices and undercurrents allowed the dense gold to settle out of the slurry while the rest of the slurry remains mobilized. Mercury was added to the flumes, sluices and undercurrents because it is dense and will form an amalgam with gold and is not very soluble in water and will not form an amalgam with most of the other materials in the slurry. Copper plates were often placed on the bottom of flumes, sluices 7 and undercurrents to collect excess mercury that did not amalgamate with gold. The goldmercury amalgam was cleaned out of the sluices and heated to evaporate the mercury, in a process called retorting, leaving behind the mercury free gold. According to Mr. Bowie, the mining engineer at Malakoff Diggins, mercury was not just placed in the flumes and sluices but also on the hillsides before an area was washed with monitors and in the tunnels (Jackson, 1967). The North Bloomfield Tunnel was used as a sluice by placing wooden blocks in the tunnel to act as riffles that slows the slurry allowing heavy particulates such as gold and gold-mercury amalgam to settle out behind the riffles (NBGMC, 1898a). The tunnels were cleaned out for gold when there was not enough water to hydraulically mine usually during the late summer or early fall, and between runs (NBGMC, 1898a). During the Gold Rush from 1850-1981, 26,000,000 lbs (12,000,000 kg) of mercury was used in mines in the Sierra Nevada including Malakoff Diggns, and 38,000,000 lbs (1,400,000-3,600,000 kg) was not recovered and is still in the environment (Alpers and Hunerlach, 2000). Most of the mercury used during the Gold Rush was mined in the Coast Range, which is on the west coast of California (Alpers and Hunerlach, 2000). Much of the mercury used in the Sierra Nevada during the Gold Rush is still in the environment today. In the environment, mercury has multiple forms. Mercury can be bound to particulates and sediment, suspended, and dissolved in water, as a gas or it can form methyl mercury, a neurotoxin. Hiller Tunnel was only deep enough to allow the top layer of the auriferous gravel to be mined. North Bloomfield Tunnel was built deeper than the Hiller Tunnel because to mine the deeper and richer auriferous gravel (Smith, 1871). As part of the 8 construction of the North Bloomfield Tunnel eight air shafts were constructed. The shafts are numbered from one to eight. The shafts were numbered from 1 to 8. Shaft 8 is in the Pit and the number decreases toward the mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel. The eight shafts allowed 16 teams to dig the tunnel simultaneously to quickly complete the tunnel (Smith, 1871). The shafts are vertical holes that connect the North Bloomfield tunnel to the surface and were used for construction of the tunnel and to remove material from the tunnel. While Malakoff Diggins was in operation the purpose of the shafts was not to bring fresh air to people in the tunnel, since the tunnel was filled with water and slurry making it hazardous for anyone to enter (Jackson, 1967). Construction began on the North Bloomfield Tunnel in April or May of 1872 and was finished on November 15, 1874 (Jackson, 1967). Jackson included a detailed account of tunnel construction given by Raymond, a reporter for the government while hydraulic mining was occurring at Malakoff Diggins (Jackson, 1967). According to Raymond, the North Bloomfield Tunnel was 7920 ft (2400 m) long and each of the eight shafts were approximately 1000 ft (304 m) apart (Jackson 1967). All the shafts were 4.5 ft (1.4 m) by 9 ft (2.7 m) wide and had an average depth of 197 ft (60 m) (Jackson, 1967). The tunnel was 6.5 ft (2 m) high and 6 ft (1.8 m) wide from the mouth to Shaft 6 and 8 by 8 ft (2.4 m) from Shaft 6 to Shaft 8 (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 8 (upstream portal) was dug 75 ft into the bedrock below the gravel and the mouth of the tunnel (downstream portal) was 440 ft (135 m) below the gravel/bedrock in the Pit (Jackson 1967). The elevation of the bedrock at Shaft 8 was estimated to be at 2,929 ft (893 m) (Whitney, 1880). The accounts of the North Bloomfield Tunnels are consistent with the Plan of North Bloomfield Tunnel and Gravel Mines (North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company [NBGMC], 1872). 9 In the years after the North Bloomfield Tunnel was completed several million tons of gravel were run through the tunnel (NBGMC, 1877). The gravel running through the North Bloomfield Tunnel eroded the floor 16 inches (41 cm) and smoothed the walls (NBGMC, 1877). Preparations were made to expand the North Bloomfield Tunnel by adding a secondary tunnel from Shaft 7 to exploratory Shaft 1 (NBGMC, 1877). The secondary tunnel from Shaft 7 was mapped by Hoffman (1872) and Uren (1932), but it was not found in written records after 1877. Once the North Bloomfield Tunnel was completed, the Pit quickly expanded exposing bedrock in places. At the beginning of the 1876 mining season the Diggins floor was 40 ft (12 m) above bedrock and by the end of the season 230 ft (70 m) radius of bedrock was exposed around the entrance to North Bloomfield Tunnel (NBGMC, 1876). According to Lindgren the bedrock was exposed at the bottom of the Diggins in an area 300-400 ft (90-120 m) wide and was relatively level (Lindgren and Walcott, 1900). Later accounts give the dimensions of the Diggins as 5000 ft (1.5 km) long, 500-600 ft (150180 m) wide and 500 ft (150 m) deep (Lindgren and Walcott, 1900). Farmers in the Central Valley sued the North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company because the slurry from hydraulic mines was flooding fields and cities (Sawyer, 1884). This led to the Sawyer Decision of 1884, one of the first environmental decisions in the USA, which placed a moratorium on hydraulic mining. After the Sawyer Decision of 1884, impoundments and elevators were used to hold and move slurry, so that sediment would not move downstream (Jackson, 1967). The Caminetti Act 1893 allowed hydraulic mining to continue with restraints such as impoundments for sediment. 10 Though there was a moratorium on hydraulic mining due to the Sawyer decision in 1884, the 1898 water records from Malakoff Diggins document the clean out of the North Bloomfield Tunnel and the amount of gold collected during the summer of 1898 (NBGMC, 1898a). It is unclear when mining officially ended at Malakoff Diggins. Some of the dates that are mentioned for the end of operations at Malakoff Diggins are 1883 (Lindgren and Walcott, 1900) and Jackson notes the end of mining by 1900 (1967). During the 1930s, there was a large landslide on the west rim of the Pit. The landslide filled Shaft 8. Shaft 1 also collapsed during the 1930s (Jackson, 1967). Afterward the Pit filled with water to a depth of 70 ft (21 m) (Jackson, 1967). Since then the Pit has slowly filled with sediment and the water level decreased forming Diggins Pond. Geology The Sierra Nevada Mountain Range was originally part of the sea floor. Uplift and granitic pluton emplacement began as the North American and Pacific Plate collided 200 million years ago (Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001). The formation of plutons was episodic and ended approximately 85 million years ago (Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001). The plutons metamorphosed the surrounding rocks forming gold bearing quartz veins (Clark, 1970). During the Eocene, a series of rivers eroded the ancestral Sierra Nevada (Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001). The Eocene rivers deposited the eroded alluvial material in bedrock channels (Lindgren and Walcott, 1900). The riverbed acts as a natural sluice concentrating the gold in the alluvial material forming placer deposits. The placer 11 deposits at Malakoff Diggins are referred to as auriferous gravel (Saucedo et al., 1992). The gold in placer deposits are often in the form of gold dust, as opposed to gold veins, or nuggets. The channels formed by the Eocene river deposits run from northwest to southeast. The Sierra Nevada was volcanically active 35 - 5 million years ago (Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001). The volcanism covered the Eocene river deposits with ash and lava. The ash and lava was more resistant to erosion than the alluvial sediment preserving the placer deposit. During the late Cenozoic there was a second series of uplift events which created the Sierra Nevada as it exist today (Wakabayashi and Sawyer, 2001). The geology of Malakoff Diggins consists of three rock units: (1) The top unit is andesitic tuff which is part of the Mehrten Formation (Peterson, 1976), (2) In the middle is auriferous gravel which is in a channel in bedrock basement, and (3) Metamorphic bedrock basement. The Mehrten Formation that caped the auriferous gravel at Malakoff Diggins was estimated to be 2-20 ft (1-6 m) thick (Whitney, 1880) and is from the MiocenePliocene (Peterson, 1976). The Mehrten formation at Malakoff Diggins is composed of breccia, basalt, andesite, andesite tuff, dacite tuff, horblende and albite (Bouslog, 1977; Peterson, 1976; Saucedo et al. 1992). This includes intrusive andesite and ancient mudflows consisting of breccia tuff and conglomerate (Saucedo et al., 1992). The auriferous gravel was formed by deposition from the ancestral Yuba River during the Eocene (Lindgren, 1911; Saucedo et al., 1992; Wakabayashi and 12 Sawyer, 2001). The auriferous gravel contains boulders, pebbles and cobbles and quartz gravels and sands (Saucedo et al., 1992). The auriferous gravel forms two layers the top is called "white gravel" and the bottom is called "blue gravel" or "blue lead" (Smith 1871). The upper “white gravel” layer composted of gravel, sand and clay which was 50-500 ft (15-150 m) thick. The lower “blue gravel” which was composed of coarse gravel and large boulders that had a “blue or greenish” color, the blue lead varied in thickness from a few feet to 140 ft (1-43 m) (Smith, 1871; Whitney, 1880). The white gravel is further divided into two layers approximately the top 100 ft was composed of light colored mature graves, sands and clays (Bouslog, 1977). The gravels decreased in size going from the top to the base of the cliff, with more mature sediment near the top of the edge of the Diggins (Yuan, 1979). The upper portion of the Pit contained 53% granules and sand while the lower portion contained only 28% (Yuan, 1979). The lower portion contained more pebbles and cobbles while the upper portion contained smaller portions of cobbles and pebbles (Yuan, 1979). The “blue or greenish” color of the "blue gravel" is due to reduced species of iron (Smith, 1871; Clark, 1970). The blue gravel was cemented and the miners used explosives to loosen the blue gravel before it could be hydraulically mined (Jackson, 1967). The blue gravel had the most value because it contained the highest concentration of gold (Smith, 1871). The white and blue gravels were removed from a 5000-foot (1.5 km) long, 500-600-foot (150-180 m) wide area that makes up the Pit in 1900 (Lindgren and Walcott, 1900). Since 1900, sediment has been filling the Pit. The majority of the 13 sediment in the Pit came from the slump area (NCRCD, 1979b). The cliffs in the slump area were slumping due to clay in the soils (NCRCD, 1979a), that can range from 5-3 % by weight sediment composing the cliffs (Yuan, 1979). The clay was mainly composed of kaolinite (Yuan, 1979). The bedrock at Malakoff Diggins has varying classification, which is partially due to the bedrock in the Pit being covered by sediment during the 1930s (Jackson, 1976). Generally, the bedrock was formed during the Paleozoic/Mesozoic (Saucedo et al., 1992). Lindgren and Walcott (1900) originally mapped the bedrock as the Delhi Formation. Later investigators determined that the bedrock unit was not distinctive enough to be classified (Clark, 1970; Peterson, 1976; Saucedo et al., 1992). The descriptions of the bedrock at Malakoff Diggins are similar to those of the Calaveras Complex. Byers et al. (1976) considered the Delhi Formation as part of the Calaveras Complex. Peterson studied outcrops along Humbug Creek and described the bedrock as Paleozoic metamorphic rock consisting of phyllite, metachert, metavolcanic intermediate, and slate (Peterson, 1976). The phyllite and metachert unit consists of black phyllite and tan metachert (Peterson, 1976). The metachert was bedded and there are bands of marble in the phyllite (Peterson, 1976). The slate was composed of clay slate and was interbedded with hornblende-albite (Peterson, 1976). Both the North Bloomfield Tunnel and Hiller Tunnel run through bedrock. The bedrock is not uniform as noted from the drilling logs of the North Bloomfield Tunnel (Jackson, 1967). The drill logs for the North Bloomfield Tunnel were vague and are summarized briefly below. The drill log from the North Bloomfield Tunnel record the 14 construction from the mouth to Shaft 8 and this order is kept for this summary. From the mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel the material was easy to dig through until harder material was reached 300 ft (90 m) into the tunnel (Jackson, 1967). The first 72 ft (22m) of Shaft 1 was loose material and the top 97 ft (30 m) had to be reinforced (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 2 had 65 ft (20 m) of black quartz (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 3 was rock the entire length (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 4 followed a seam of rock for the first 100 ft Shaft 4 and water was pumped out of the shaft during construction (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 5 ran through hard rock and water was pumped out of the shaft during construction (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 6 was rock the whole length but the rock below 140 ft (43 m) was harder (Jackson, 1967). A section of the tunnel near Shaft 6 had to be timbered (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 7 was composed entirely of hard rock (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 8 went through 110 ft (33.5 m) of gravel at the top then 75 ft (23 m) of bedrock at the bottom (Jackson, 1967). In the Pit, the bedrock in the Pit had a belt of granite 40-50 ft wide, which zigzagged across it (Whitney, 1880) that may be dikes. Hydrology Surface water flows into the Pit from the surrounding areas. The general slope of the topography of Malakoff Diggins is highest north of Malakoff Diggins at San Juan Ridge. Elevation decreases south toward the South Yuba River. Most of the water that flows into the Pit comes from streams that begin north of the Pit. The area north of the Pit is composed of soil on top of volcanic material. The volcanic material, andesitic tuff, could act as an impermeable barrier which would keep water near the surface, so less water would saturate the soil increasing the runoff into the Pit during storm events. 15 The water coming into the Pit during storm events has eroded the sides of the Pit creating many small channels and alluvial fans in the Pit (Nepal, 2013). The water in the Pit tends to form braded channels on the floor of the Pit (Nepal, 2013). Water in the southern part of the Pit flows along the southern edge of the Pit until it reaches Hiller Tunnel (Figure 2). Water in the northern part of the Pit flows to Diggins Pond and from Diggins Pond it flows into Hiller Tunnel (Nepal, 2013). Water fills Figure 2. Surface water in the pit at Malakoff Diggins. Note: Hiller Tunnel and dark blue line added to show water flow in the Pit. Diggins Creek course altered from USGS, 2012 because Hiller Tunnel was not taken into account. The Diggins Creek – Humbug Creek confluence is not shown on this map and would be located south of Figure 2. Source: Detail from US Geological Survey, 2012, North Bloomfield quadrangle, California-Nevada County, 7.5-Minute Series: US Geological Survey, scale 1:24 000, 1 sheet. Diggins Pond and creates a marshy area in the west side of the Pit. The only drainage for surface water in the Pit is Hiller Tunnel (Nepal, 2013). 16 During the dry season water flows from the springs in the slump area in the east part of the Pit through the southern part of the Pit. The waters from the springs are transparent but red and green algae grow in the springs. Diggins Pond contains water during the dry season. Diggins Creek flows all year round. There are many factors that could affect ground water flow and infiltration in the Pit and our knowledge of water flow in the Pit is limited. Water infiltration in the Pit could be slow due to the amount of fine grain sand and clay in the sediment (Ward, 1995). Crusts could form on the ground surface slowing infiltration. Cracks in the crust's surface could allow water into the soil increasing infiltration. Vegetation can create macropores and preferred flow in areas where organic material has decomposed increasing infiltration (Ward, 1995). Sediment is actively being deposited in the Pit, and is not compacted by park use which could maintain relatively higher infiltration rates. Beneath the sediment is bedrock which is expected to be impermeable. But construction records of Shaft 4 and 5 show that there are zones of high permeability, probably associated with bedrock fractures. The bedrock makes a channel in the Pit which would restrict the flow of ground water. Potential drainages from the Pit are Hiller Tunnel, Shaft 8 of the North Bloomfield Tunnel and the auriferous gravel channel that runs through Malakoff Diggins. Ground water drainage from the Pit being slow is supported by the fact that Diggins Pond has standing water in it all year. Due to the geology of the bedrock that the North Bloomfield Tunnel and Hiller Tunnel, water is expected to flow out of the pit in two ways, (1) through the fractured rock, and (2) through the Hiller and North Bloomfield Tunnel excavations. 17 Fractured rock has variable flow regimes since water is flowing through fractures in otherwise impermeable rock (Bear et al., 1993). The fractures make a limited network through which water flows. In the North Bloomfield Tunnel surface water discharges only from the surface at Shaft 5 and from the mouth of the tunnel but fractures could act as conduits which would allow pollution from the North Bloomfield Tunnel to spread to Humbug Creek and it would make it difficult to predict the effect of any impoundments created as a part of any remediation effort at Malakoff Diggins (Hamlin and Alpers, 1996). Comparison of Malakoff Diggins to Other Abandoned Mines A common feature of abandoned mine sites including Malakoff Diggins is orange colored particulate matter (Figure 3). The orange solids have many names; some examples are, yellow boy, ocherous precipitate (Brady et al., 1986), iron oxide precipitates (Stanton et al., 2007a, b), and hydrous ferrous oxide. Hydrous ferrous oxide is the term chosen for this study. Hydrous ferrous oxide is formed by minerals precipitating out of solution as solutions change from reducing to oxidizing conditions. The minerals precipitating out of solution are mainly oxidized iron species such as goethite and schwertmannite (Stanton et al., 2007a). The oxidation of iron is catalyzed by bacteria (Stanton et al., 2007a). Acid mine drainage is a common problem at abandoned coal and metal mines. Acid mine drainage can occur at placer mines like Malakoff Diggins if there are sulfide minerals present (Alpers et al., 2002). Acid mine drainage can occurs as sulfide minerals, 18 Figure 3. Hiller tunnel adit. Note: Hiller Tunnel at Malakoff Diggins discharging hydrous ferrous oxides. Photograph by Rebecca Bushway. Reproduced with permission. often in the form of pyrite, are oxidized and dissolved forming acid. The acidic waters can dissolve other metal bearing minerals. Acid mine drainage is not expected at Malakoff Diggins because the sediment in the Pit is mainly composed of kaolinite clay, quartz sand and cobbles, instead of pyrite or other metal rich minerals that lead to acid mine drainage. If there is acid mine drainage at Malakoff Diggins it might be neutralized by the dissolution of other minerals in native rock formations. The blue gravel may contain reduced iron species and has the potential for acid mine drainage but it was removed from most of the Pit (Lindgren and Walcott, 1900). The rate of acid mine drainage and the concentration of mineral rich waters can change seasonally (Church et al., 2007). 19 Standards and Laws Due to the Sawyer Decision 1884 and Caminetti Act 1893 actions were taken to mitigate some of damage that hydraulic mining had caused to the environment; for example, the use of impoundments to hold back sediment in the rivers from the hydraulic mines. By 1900, most hydraulic mines were abandoned because mitigation measures were expensive and it was no longer economically feasible to mine gold. During the Great Depression there was renewed interest in gold mining but interest decreased after 1933 Executive Order 6102 and in 1934 the Gold Reserve Act were passed that outlawed most public possession of gold. Once the hydraulic mines were abandoned, little was done to mitigate any further damage. To this day Malakoff Diggins continues to erode sediment into the South Yuba River. Another law that affects Malakoff Diggins was the Clean Water Act of 1972. The goal of the Clean Water Act was to limit the amount of toxins and contaminants from waters, and to restore and protect the beneficial uses of surface waters. The Clean Water Act allowed the federal government and states to set loads for pollutants in surface water depending on the beneficial uses of the water body and required permits to discharge into surface waters. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 made new mine owners responsible for submitting a reclamation plan and bond when opening new mines. The owners of Malakoff Diggins did not fall under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act because Malakoff Diggins was not operated after 1977. 20 Literature Review Much of the information on the design and mine workings at Malakoff Diggins, comes from Hamilton Smith Jr., who started working at the mine as an engineer and eventually became General Manager of Malakoff Diggins under the NBGMC. (Smith, 1871; NBGMC, 1876, 1877). There are also plans, logs, and receipts from Malakoff Diggins operations (NBGMC, 1872a, b, 1898a, b). Josiah Dwight Whitney was a California State Geologist who studied the geology of California as part of the California Geological Survey (Whitney, 1880). Charles F. Hoffman was a geographer who was part of Whitney's group and created a map of Malakoff Diggins containing Humbug Creek, the auriferous gravel, mine claims, tunnels, ditches, roads and reservoirs (Hoffman, 1872). Waldemar Lindgren worked for the USGS and created geological maps of the Colfax quadrangle (Lindgren and Walcott, 1900). Lindgren (1911) gives a detailed account of the topography of the bedrock and the auriferous gravel deposits in a later work. The most recent geological maps of the Chico Quadrangle which includes Malakoff Diggins were compiled by the California Department of Conservation – Division of Mines and Geology (Saucedo et al., 1992). After California Department of Parks and Recreation acquired Malakoff Diggins, many studies were conducted to assess the site after the California Department of Fish and Game raised concerns about the turbid water impacting fisheries. Jackson (1967) studied and compiled historical accounts of Malakoff Diggins. The rate of erosion was studied by Bouslog et al. (1977) and in master thesis's (Peterson, 1976; Yuan, 1979). 21 The Nevada County Resource Conservation District (NCRCD) conducted studies as part of a management plan to reduce sediment from Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park (NCRCD, 1979a). As part of the NCRCD Phase II study, water quality was monitored from June 1978 to April of 1979 (NCRCD, 1979a). The water quality parameters studied were, pH, dissolved oxygen, hardness, discharge, particle size distribution, and precipitation. Samples were taken downstream of Hiller Tunnel and tested for metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, Pb, Ca, Mg, Na, K), alkalinity (CO32-, HCO31-), common ions (SO42-, Cl-, F-) (NCRCD, 1979a). The NCRCD came to the conclusion that the Hiller Tunnel water was not hazardous (NCRCD, 1979b); even though, the fisheries report noted the poor water quality and low productivity of Humbug Creek (NCRCD, 1979a). Mercury was not part of this study because Mercury has a low solubility and there was little to no mercury found in filtered water samples (NCRCD, 1979b). The USGS conducted more recent studies of the sediments at the Humbug Creek-South Yuba River Confluence (Fleck et al., 2010; Marvin-DiPasquale et al., 2010). The goal of the studies was to determine the impacts of mercury on the ecosystem and if suction dredge mining could be used to remove mercury from tailings and sediments in the Sierra Nevada (Fleck et al., 2010). To determine where the sediment originated sediment samples were taken from the mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel and from Shaft 5 along the Humbug Trail (Fleck et al., 2010). Total mercury was measured for each sample. For grain size smaller than 0.063 mm the Hg concentration was 2,520 ng/g at Shaft 5 (Table 6) and 137 ng/g at the mouth (Table 7) (Fleck et al., 2010). 22 The USGS findings and the lack of any prior comprehensive study of the water quality in all the mine features including all the air shafts was needed to better characterize the potential impact that Malakoff Diggins may have on the Humbug Creek and South Yuba River watersheds. Purpose There were multiple purposes of this study: (1) To characterize the water quality of existing mine features at Malakoff Diggins, (2) To determine if water quality can be used to indicate water flow and connectivity of mine features and surface water, and (3) to provide additional information that can help guide future remediation efforts at Malakoff Diggins. Where as the North Bloomfield and Hiller Tunnels are mine features that were built to convey mine water from the site and are sources of surface water discharge from Malakoff Diggins to nearby streams and rivers. The tunnels are sources of sediment and dissolved metals to the South Yuba River Watershed. For purposes of the is study it was assumed that, if mine features have similar water quality and are geographically close to each other then there is a likely a physical connection between features, such as a common source, or connection that would allow the water in the features to mix and therefore be similar. To accomplish the purpose of this study, water samples were analyzed from the North Bloomfield Tunnel including air shafts and from Hiller Tunnel. Measurements were taken of pH, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and concentrations of metals and ions in the standing water in the air shafts associated with the North 23 Bloomfield Tunnel. These analyses were used as a measure of water quality, and to determine connectivity between sections of the tunnel, separated by blockages between air shafts. To determine if there was connectivity between the shallow groundwater in the pit, the pond in the Pit, and the surface water discharge from Hiller Tunnel, groundwater borings were installed near the inlet of Hiller Tunnel and ground water level measurements and water quality samples were collected from these features. The research questions include: 1. What are the groundwater levels and the water quality of the mine features at Malakoff Diggins? 2. Do the groundwater levels and water quality from the mine features indicate water flow connectivity? 3. To what extent do subsurface water and Diggins Pond contribute to water quality at Hiller Tunnel. 4. What are the physical and chemical hazards of the North Bloomfield Tunnel. 5. Is there evidence of a connection between waters in the shafts and mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel? CHAPTER II METHODS The study was conducted in stages starting in January 2012 to April of 2013. The stages included: (1) Locate all of the features of the North Bloomfield Tunnel, (2) Characterize the North Bloomfield Tunnel for physical and chemical hazards, (3) Characterize the Hiller Tunnel for physical and chemical hazards, (4) Analyze subsurface water in the Pit to determine if ground water was affecting the surface waters in the Pit and Hiller Tunnel, and (5) Analyze the data and find relationships between sites. North Bloomfield Tunnel Air Shaft Physical Measurements Physical measurements were taken of the North Bloomfield Tunnel (Figure 4) air shafts and opening at the mouth in order to gauge the physical state of the tunnel, identify physical hazards, and select water sampling locations. To identify the locations for the shafts of North Bloomfield Tunnel Google Earth images were over laid with historical engineering maps specifically (NBGMC, 1872a, b) to find GPS coordinates. The shafts were located in the field using a Garmin GPSmap 60CSx, Global Positioning System. The surface dimensions of the located air shafts were measured. The width of the shaft opening, near the ground surface was measured using a tape measure. A Water 24 25 Figure 4. North Bloomfield tunnel. Note: The North Bloomfield Tunnel starts in the Pit and runs approximately 7920 ft south along Humbug Creek. Tunnel features include the month and 8 air shafts. Brown Line – Border of Malakoff Diggins SHP. White Lines – Tunnels, White Dots – sampling points, shafts and tunnel openings. 26 Level Indicator manufactured by Slope Indicator Co. Sounder (Model # 51690010) was used to measure the distance from the ground surface to the surface of the water in the shafts. The bottoms of the shafts were measured by using a small weight on the end of a rope that was lowered into the shaft until it made contact with a solid surface. The length of the rope was measured with a measuring tape as it was pulled out of the shaft to determine the depth of the shaft from the ground surface. Elevation of the air shaft openings were taken from the USGS National Elevation Dataset of the Western United States at 1/3 arc second, 10 m intervals, since the area was too densely vegetated to survey. GPS points and depth measurements were taken from the edge of the shafts closest to Humbug Creek at ground surface. North Bloomfield Tunnel Water Quality Measurements Physical measurements were taken of the standing water in the mine features of the North Bloomfield Tunnel. Measurements were taken using a YSI 556Multimeter for pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity. The probe of the YSI was on a cord 14 ft, (4.3 m) long. At mine features that had stable footing near the surface of the water the YSI probe was placed in the deepest part of the mine feature attainable without endangering samplers and would keep the hand held interface of the YSI above water. A bailer was used to draw water from the middle of the water column if the water in the mine features was inaccessible with the YSI probe. Readings were taken after the multimeter had a few minutes to stabilize. Measurements from Shaft 5 and the Mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel were taken multiple times during the study to see if conditions changed over time. 27 A Sink Fast Bailer, 1L (Model # SF16x36SCW) manufactured by Aqua Bailer was used to collect grab samples from Shafts 2, 3, and 4 because water was not at the ground surface. Waters from Shafts 2, 3, 4 were placed in open containers before taking readings for pH, electrical conductivity, and temperature. Dissolved oxygen was not measured because the water was exposed to air as it was drawn up in the bailer and in the open container. North Bloomfield Tunnel Water Grab Samples Grab samples were collected from all the air shafts that had standing water in them. Grab samples were taken following a modified version of method EPA 1669 ultra clean method often referred to as Clean Hands Dirty Hands (Brooks Rand Labs, 2013). Where waters were easily accessible the sample bottles were tilted at approximately a 45 degree angle and placed in the water so that the mouth of the bottle was facing toward the surface or upstream. During sampling care was taken to make sure water only flowed into the bottle. When the surface of the water was not accessible, the Clean Hands Dirty Hands Method was modified for bailer uses. This was true for Shafts 2, 3, 4 and in the borings. A bailer lowered into the water column after it had been rinsed with deionizer water or a new bailer was used for each sample. The sampler designated as "dirty hands" would use the bailer to draw up the water and would hold the bailer while "clean hands" would place a small segment of tubing in the bottom of the bailer to transfer water from the bailer to the bottle. 28 Samples were not field filtered. Samples were preserved in the field with 2% HNO3 or placed in a cooler with blue ice and shipped overnight to appropriate laboratories. Hiller Tunnel Hiller Tunnel was the most visible source of surface water discharge from the Pit. Grab samples and measurements for pH, temperature, and electrical conductivity were taken from outlet of Hiller Tunnel using the YSI multimeter probe. Borings Borings were installed in the Pit near the entrance of Hiller tunnel. Borings were placed in a T-shaped array to look at subsurface water flow and chemistry around Hiller tunnel (Figure 5). P-1 was approximately 60 ft north of the entrance of Hiller tunnel. P-2 was approximately 200 ft west of P-1. P-3 was approximately 200 ft east of P1. P-4 was approximately 200 ft north of P-1 (Figure 5). Locations for borings were chosen that were relatively free of flora in a 3 ft (1 m) radius and to a height of >10ft (3 m) and in the area of distinct surface water flow channels. Borings were dug with a 3-inch diameter soil auger. The auger was marked every foot and a ruler was used to confirm the depth. Sediment from varying depths were placed in one-gallon zip lock bags and taken for analysis in other studies (Kathleen Berry-Garret, pers. comm., 2013; Keith Landrum, pers. comm., 2013; Cami Liggett, pers. comm., 2013). Borings consist of 10-foot long sections of 2-inch diameter PVC pipe placed ~6 ft into the ground. The bottom 2 feet of the pipe PVC pipe was screened with 29 Figure 5. Locations of borings. Note: Borings were placed near the entrance to Hiller Tunnel and are approximately 200 ft from each other and screened at a depth of 4-6 ft. Blue Dots – Boring locations, White Lines – Tunnels, White Dots – Tunnel openings. Coordinates in Appendix A, Table A-2. 30 premanufactured 0.02-inch slots. Around the bottom of the PVC pipe approximately 2 ft of sand was placed. Bentonite was placed to a depth of ~0.5 ft from where the PVC pipe meets the ground. The area between the sand and bentonite was back filled with native soil (Figure 6). End caps were attached without screws or glue to avoid interference with Figure 6. Boring design. Note: Borings were constructed by placing a 10 ft length of 2 inch diameter PVC pipe into the ground to a depth of 6 ft. The bottom 2 feet of the boring were screened with 0.02 inch slits. The boring was backfilled with 2 ft of sand, 3.5 ft of sediment, and 0.5 ft of bentonite. Brown – Sediment in the Pit, Tan – Sand, Grey – Bentonite, Blue – above ground. Green – vegetation, Clustered Horizontal Lines – Screen pressure transducers and chemical and metal contamination in the boring. All materials were new. Borings were developed by drawing three boring volumes of water out of the borings a week after the borings were installed. No samples were taken during well development. 31 Boring Water Level Water level was initially measured with a Water Level Indicator manufactured by Slope Indicator Sounder. On 11/4/2012, pressure transducers (Global Water, Model WL15-015) were placed in the borings and on the surface near the borings to measure groundwater and surface water levels. The pressure transducers consisted of a probe that was at the end of a capillary tube. At the other end of the capillary tube was a data logger which also had a barometer to compensate for air pressure. Pressure transducers were set to collect measurements every 15 minutes. The pressure transducer probes were placed inside each of the borings. The data logger and the top of the boring were covered with zip lock bags and secured with zip ties or duct tape to keep water out of the boring and data logger. Boring Measurements Readings were taken for pH, electrical conductivity and temperature during the 11/4/2013-3/21/2013 monitoring period, at week to month long intervals or during storm events during the monitoring period. A YSI 556 Multimeter was used to take readings from the borings in a similar manner as described in the (North Bloomfield Tunnel Mine Feature Water Section) with the following changes. The pressure transducer probe was removed from the boring before using the bailer and replaced after all measurements and samples were taken. A bailer was used to purge the boring of three boring volumes of water before taking water quality measurements. Once the boring was purged, the probe from the YSI 556 Multimeter was placed at the bottom of the boring. 32 Boring Grab Samples Grab Samples were taken from the borings before the rainy season to form a baseline. Grab samples were taken periodically, during storm events, or with changes in electrical conductivity and pH measured by monitoring the borings with the YSI 556 Multimeter. Each time grab samples were taken the borings were purged of three boring volumes of water using a bailer before collecting samples. After the well was purged samples were taken the same way they were taken from Shaft 2, 3, 4 of the North Bloomfield Tunnel using a bailer. Laboratory Testing Samples for total metal analysis were sent to BSK Laboratories and prepared by method EPA 200.2 and tested by method EPA 200.7/200.8,and hardness calculated by SM 2340B. Samples were collected in 250 ml HNO3 preserved plastic bottles. Samples were stored at room temperature for up to 4 months before testing this was within the 6 month hold time for the methods use for total metal analysis. Samples sent to BSK Laboratories for chloride, nitrate, and sulfate by method EPA 300.0 and alkalinity by SM 2320B were collected in 500 ml non-preserved plastic bottles. The non-preserved plastic bottles were placed in ice chests with ice or blue ice before being sent overnight to BSK Laboratories. Low-level mercury samples were sent to Brooks Rand LLC. Low-level mercury samples were placed in 125 ml plastic bottles which were double bagged. Samples were placed on ice or on blue ice before being sent over night to Brook Rand 33 LLC where they were received by the lab within the 24-hour hold time per method EPA 1631. Low-level mercury samples were tested for total mercury, and for dissolved mercury. Total mercury samples were not filtered. Dissolved mercury samples were filtered through a 0.45 µm filter at the lab before analysis. The difference between the concentration of total mercury and dissolved mercury is the mercury that is associated with particulates and sediment that was filtered out. Data Analysis Water quality measurements were graphed to determine if there was a change in the parameters between sampling periods. Data from North Bloomfield Tunnel features were graphed as water quality parameters distance from the Pit to determine if there was a trend with distance from the Pit. Bar graphs were used to compare the concentrations of constituents from each feature, North Bloomfield Tunnel, Hiller Tunnel, and shallow groundwater borings. Principle component analysis (PCA) was used on the dataset and a biplot was created to find relationships between samples. A biplot was used to graph samples based on a large number of variables, specifically the metal concentrations in each sample. The purpose of the PCA and biplot is to visually organize large datasets to find samples that are outliers or form groups. Biplots can display large amounts of information in a small space (Figure 7). The axis of a biplot are based on the principle components with the greatest variance. Each arrow radiating from the center or loading represents a variable. The distance of the loading from the center represents how much a loading varies. Lines that 34 Figure 7. Explanation of biplot. have smaller angles between them correlate more closely to one another. Lines that are 90° apart have no correlation and those that are 180° apart have an inverse relationship. Points represent sampling sites. Points which are near the center have average amounts of the variable. Points further away from the origin have larger amounts of the variable if they are distant from the center in the same direction as the loading arrow. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used on the dataset to study the variance in the data between sample locations and between the constituents analyzed. The data 35 from an ANOVA is displayed in a matrix. The first column is the Sum of Squares which is the difference between the value of a sample and the mean of the value squared and then summed for all samples. The second column is the degrees of freedom. The Third column is the mean square. The fourth column has the F-value from a F-test performed on the data. An F-test is used to test if the variance between samples is equal or not. If the F-value is above the F-critical, in the sixth column, then the variances are not equal based on a 5% level of significance. The fifth column contains the P-value. If the P-value is below 0.05 then the means of the samples are not equal based on a 5% level of significance. A correlation matrix was created to find the correlation between samples and between constituents. If the correlation is above 0.95 then there is a statistically significance direct relationship between values. If there is 0 correlation then there is no relationship between values, and if the value is near -1 then there is an inverse relationship between the values. CHAPTER III RESULTS Precipitation There was lower than average rainfall during the 2012/2013 rainy season (NWS, 2013). There were three large storms in November and December that dropped up to 2.36 inches of rain in a single day on November 17, 2012 (Weather Underground, 2013). January and February were the driest since 1920 (Thomas, 2013). There were some small storms in March. Precipitation data (Figure 8) are from B-4 Ranch Weather Station which is located 5 mile southeast of Malakoff Diggins from 10/1/2012 to 4/15/2012 monitoring period (Weather Underground, 2013). The total rainfall during the 10/1/2012 to 4/15/2012 monitoring period was 26.65 in. (Weather Underground, 2013). North Bloomfield Tunnel The North Bloomfield Tunnel runs approximately 7920 ft from the Malakoff Diggins Pit due South along Humbug Creek. The tunnel has eight air shafts that are at approximately 1,000 ft intervals along the length of the tunnel and extend vertical into the ground surface. The Mouth was the lowest point in the North Bloomfield Tunnel. The tunnel was constructed so that each air shaft extends approximately 200 ft below ground. The tunnel slopes downward heading of the Pit with a total elevation loss of 365 ft. Shaft 36 37 Figure 8. Precipitation for the 10/1/2012 - 4/15/2012 monitoring period. Note: Blue line represents daily rainfall. Specific storm events are noted in Appendix A, Table A-1. Source: Data for figure from Weather Underground, 2013, History for KCANEVAD14: WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KCANEVAD14&graphspan=custom&month=1&day=1&year =2012&monthend=6&dayend=16&yearend=2012 (accessed May 2013). 2 and 4 were located using longitude and latitude coordinates found by overlaying (NBGMC, 1872a, b) over Google Earth (Figure 9). The coordinates were found in the field using a GPS on 9/2/2012 and actual locations were noted (Table 1). Shaft 7 and 8 were not found. Locations for Shafts 7 and 8 were determined from historic maps of Malakoff Diggins (Figure 9) (NBGMC, 1872a, b). Shaft 8 is likely located in the Pit north of the entrance to Hiller Tunnel. Shaft 8 was most likely filled in during the landslides that happened during the 1930’s (Jackson, 1967). Since Shaft 8 was the main drainage for the Pit during operations water subsequently filled the Pit after the 1930s collapse (Jackson, 1967). Shaft 7 is likely located northwest of the trailhead for 38 Figure 9. Locations of mouth and shafts of North Bloomfield Tunnel from Google Earth. Note – This is the Google Earth overlay used to find the locations of the shafts of North Bloomfield Tunnel. Source: Locations plotted from North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, 1872a, Plan of Bloomfield Tunnel and gravel mines owned by North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, Nevada County, Cal: San Francisco, California [?], North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, scale 1:24 000, 1 sheet. [Bancroft Library Collection and California Society of Pioneers]; North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, 1872b, Plan of North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company and several locations for a bedrock tunnel bottom deep gravel, Spring Valley Water Company, 1872, scale 1:9600. [Bancroft Library Collection]. 39 TABLE 1. LOCATION OF MOUTH AND SHAFTS OF THE NORTH BLOOMFIELD TUNNEL Site Location Surface Water Bottom elevation elevation elevation Lat. Long. Error (ft) (ft) (ft) (°N) (°W) Mouth 39° 20.923' 120° 55.591' ± 20 ft Shaft 1 39° 21.159' 120° 55.481' ± 9 ft Shaft 2 39° 21.296' 120° 55.423' ± 32 ft Shaft 3 39° 21.439' 120° 55.354' ± 12 ft Shaft 4 39° 21.591' 120° 55.341' ± 11 ft Shaft 5 39° 21.730' 120° 55.329' ± 16 ft Shaft 6 39° 21.884' 120° 55.333' ± 16 ft Shaft 7* 39° 22.023' 120° 55.300' Shaft 8* 39° 22.173' 120° 55.322' Note: Locations of Shaft 7 and 8 are theoretical 2504 2758 2798 2849 2862 2883 2960 3015 3022 2504 2750.5 2754.2 2821 2817.3 2883 2957 2504 2745.5 2682 2791 2697.7 2807 2956 Hiller Tunnel along North Bloomfield Rd. Shaft 7 was difficult to access because it was overgrown by manzanita. Shaft 7 could have been filled from construction of the North Bloomfield Rd. and the turn out on the road for the trail to Hiller Tunnel. Shaft 6 was 962 ft (293 m) south of the theoretical location of Shaft 7 (NBGMC, 1872a, b). Shaft 6 was on the uphill or west side of Humbug Creek Trail. Shaft 6 was mostly filled in and was 3 ft (1 m) deep. Shaft 6 was easily accessible and was next to the Humbug Creek Trail. A wire fence blocks access to Shaft 6 from the Humbug Creek Trail. Though there was perpetual water in Shaft 6 there was no observable discharge from the shaft and the water level did not appear to change from January of 2012 to March of 2013. The water in Shaft 6 was green and hydrous ferrous oxide floats on the surface of the water and on submerged solid surfaces. The walls surrounding the opening of Shaft 6 are composed of loose red dirt which erodes into the shaft opening. 40 Shaft 5 is 904 ft (276 m) south of Shaft 6 on west side of the Humbug Creek Trail (NBGMC, 1872a, b). Shaft 5 is 76 ft (23 m) deep and 17.4 ft (5.3 m) in diameter. Shaft 5 was easy to access from the trail and surrounded by a wire fence. The water in Shaft 5 has color that varies over time from green and red to colorless. Shaft 5 was the only air shaft that had visible discharge into Humbug Creek. The discharge was continuous and flows over the trail and hillside into Humbug Creek at approximately 0.3 cfs (The Sierra Fund, 2013). The discharged water flows under a foot bridge on the Humbug Creek Trail. The area the discharged water flows over was covered with hydrous ferrous oxide. The sides of Shaft 5 are composed of exposed bedrock. Shaft 4 was 889 ft (271 m) south of Shaft 5 (NBGMC, 1872a, b). Shaft 4 was directly east of the exploration campground on the Humbug Creek Trail. Shaft 4 was the only shaft on the eastside of Humbug Creek. Shaft 4 was on an old road or terrace approximately 100 ft from Humbug Creek. Shaft 4 was difficult to access because of the Humbug Creek crossing and there was no trail to the shaft. The opening of Shaft 4 was about 40 ft (12 m) above Humbug Creek (NBGMC, 1872a, b). The diameter of the shaft was 15 ft (4.6 m) at the surface and the top 10 ft (3 m) of Shaft 4 has partially eroded. The erosion occurred after a wire fence was placed, because some of the posts are no longer rooted in the ground and hang over the shaft opening, while other posts have fallen over. Below 10 ft (3 m) the bedrock which composes the shaft walls is still in good condition and the shaft is rectangular. Shaft 4 is surrounded by old rusty mining equipment, and many trees. 41 Shaft 3 was 907 ft (276 m) south of Shaft 4 and was next to the Humbug Creek Trail on the down slope or east side of the trail (NBGMC, 1872a, b). Shaft 3 was 17.4 ft (5.30 m) in diameter, and a wire fence surrounds the opening of Shaft 3. The upper portion of Shaft 3 consists of loose soil which has partially collapsed into the shaft along with some trees. Trees grow around the top of Shaft 3. The lower portion of the shaft consists of rock. Shaft 2 was 906 ft (276 m) due south of Shaft 3 on the west bank of Humbug Creek (NBGMC, 1872a, b). Shaft 2 was on a hillside between the Humbug Creek Trail and Humbug Creek approximately 100 ft (30 m) south of where the Humbug Creek Trail meets an abandoned road which leads to Lake City. The lip of Shaft 2 was approximately 20 ft above Humbug Creek. Shaft 2 was not visible from the Humbug Creek Trail and was difficult to access because there was no trail to Shaft 2. Shaft 2 was surrounded by a wire fence. The walls of the Shaft 2 consist of bedrock and the shaft had a rectangular shape. Trees grew around the top of the shaft. Ground water drips in from the sides of the shaft though there was no water coming into the shaft from the surface. Shaft 1 was 929 ft (283 m) south of Shaft 2 (NBGMC, 1872a, b). Shaft 1 looks like a pond that lies approximately 10ft (3 m) from Humbug Creek and was between Humbug Creek and the Humbug Creek Trail. Shaft 1 was 16 ft (4.9 m) deep and 68.5 ft (20.9 m) in diameter. The area around Shaft 1 consists of unconsolidated sediment and the water in the shaft was black and turbid. The characteristics of the shaft are consistent with the description of loose soil making up the top 72 ft of the shaft (Jackson, 1967), and the 42 collapse of the Shaft 1 documented in the 1930s, “Moreover, No. 1 shaft of the tunnel, down on Humbug Creek, also caved in” (Jackson, 1967, p. 126). The Mouth was 1,509 ft (459 m) south of Shaft 1(NBGMC, 1872a, b). The walls of the Mouth are composed of bedrock. Water flows out of the Mouth and a spring flows into the mouth from the western side of the Mouth. The water from the Mouth discharges into Humbug Creek. Though the water was colorless, hydrous ferrous oxides covered solid surfaces over which the water flowed. The hydrous ferrous oxide increases in depth further into the tunnel eventually filling the tunnel and make it impossible to pass approximately 1,000 ft (304.8 m) into the tunnel (John Lane, pers. comm., 2012). Willows grow in the area between the Mouth and Humbug Creek. From the measurements taken of the shafts a conceptual model was created (Figure 10). To create the conceptual model measurements were taken from the depth from ground surface, to the bottom of the shaft and to the surface of standing water for Shaft 6, 5, 3 and 1 on 2/24/2012 and from Shaft 2 and 4 on 3/21/2013. Profile was taken from Google Earth and elevation was measured by mapping the points on the USGS National Elevation Dataset (USGS, 2013). The location of the tunnel is based on (NBGMC, 1872a, b). Elevation was combined with measurements taken in the field to determine approximate relative the water elevation in the shafts. North Bloomfield Tunnel Feature Water Measurements The water from the shafts were measured for temperature, electrical conductivity and pH, on multiple occasions between 3/26/2012 and 3/10/2013. Shafts 2, Figure 10. Conceptual model for the hydrology of North Bloomfield Tunnel. Note: The conceptual model represents the condition of the North Bloomfield Tunnel based on our current understanding. Brown Line – Ground surface, Black – North Bloomfield Tunnel, White – Sky, Pink – Earth, Blue – Water 43 44 3, and 4 were measured once because they were difficult to access, requiring a pulley system to take samples. The pH from all the shafts (Figure 11) ranged from 8.28 to 5.92. The electrical conductivity (Figure 11) in the Mouth, Shaft 1, 2, 3 and 4 ranged from 0.584 ms/cm2 at the Mouth to 0.202 ms/cm2 at Shaft 3. Shafts 5 and 6 had conductivities of 1.149 ms/cm2 and 1.087 ms/cm2 respectively. The water temperature in the air shafts (Figure 11) fluctuated from 5.66 °C at Shaft 1 to 11.19 °C at Shaft 5. North Bloomfield Tunnel Grab Samples Samples were collected from the mouth on 3/9/2012. Grab samples were gathered from Shaft 1, 3, 4, 5, and Diggins Pond on 3/26/2012, which was late in the rainy season. Grab samples were taken from Shafts 2 and 4 on 11/9/2012 at the start of the rainy season during the first snow. Grab samples were not field filtered, therefore, they represent total metals which includes particulate material. Dissolved metals were not measured. Metals. The concentrations of most trace metals were low in the Shafts and the Mouth (Figures 12 and Figure 13) when compared to other sites at Malakoff Diggins. The highest As (5 µg/L), Zn (150µg/L), Ni (180µg/L) and Cr (2.1 µg/L) concentrations were at Shaft 5. The highest Pb (6.5 µg/L) and Cu (5.4 µg/L) concentration were at Shaft 4. The highest Ba (87 µg/L) concentration was at the Mouth of North Bloomfield Tunnel. The following metals were tested but were below reporting limits for all shafts for Sb<0.50 µg/L, Be <0.50 µg/L, Cd <1.0µg/L, Se <2.0µg/L, Ag <0.25 µg/L, Tl<1.0 µg/L. Samples from Shafts 2, 3 and 4 were below reporting limits for Ba <5.0µg/L, Zn <10µg/L, Ni <1 µg/L. 45 Figure 11. Average electrical conductivity (EC), pH and temperature of standing water in the mouth and shafts of the North Bloomfield Tunnel. Note: North Bloomfield Tunnel mine feature data collected from 3/26/2012 to 3/10/2013 and features were not measured an equal number of times. Blue Diamonds – pH, Red Squares – Electrical Conductivity, Green Circles – Temperature. 46 Figure 12. As, Cr, Cu, and Pb in North Bloomfield Tunnel. Note: As, Cr, Cu and Pb were measured for all samples. If a site does not have a column for a metal then it was below reporting limits. Columns with values below 1 µg/L are labeled. The reporting limits: As <2.0 µg/L, Cr <0.50 µg/L, Cu <0.50 µg/L, Pb < 0.50 µg/L. All values are in Appendix A, Table A-7. Common Ions, Hardness and Alkalinity. Hardness was relatively high in all the shafts. There were high concentrations of sulfate in the Mouth (89 mg/L), Shaft 5 (150 mg/L) and Shaft 6 (130 mg/L) (Figure 14). Sulfate (SO42-) was below reporting limits in Shaft 1. The alkalinity was lowest in Shaft 3 (33 mg/L) and highest in Shaft 2 (160 mg/L), Shaft 4 (120 mg/L) and Mouth (100 mg/L). Chlorine (Cl-) and nitrate (NO3-) were not measured for Shaft 2 and 4. 47 Figure 13. Ba, Zn and Ni in North Bloomfield Tunnel. Note: Ba, Zn and Ni was measured for all samples. Values with no column were below reporting limits. Columns with values below 1 µg/L are labeled. Reporting limits: Ba < 5 µg/L, Zn < 10 µg/L, Ni <1 µg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A, Table A-7. Hiller Tunnel Hiller Tunnel Measurements The temperature of water in Hiller Tunnel changed seasonally (Figure 15). Electrical conductivity was high (1.154 ms/cm2) during the dry season and low during the rainy season, never exceeding 0.196 ms/cm2 (Figure 16). The pH ranged from pH 7.3 at the exit of Hiller Tunnel on 1/11/2013(day after small storm) to pH 5.96 on 12/2/2013 (large storm) (Figure 17). The pH between the entrance and exit of Hiller Tunnel varied from a pH of 0.15 on 11/20/2012 to a pH of 0.43 on 1/11/2013. The water from Hiller Tunnel was fully saturated with dissolved oxygen averaging 13.6 mg/L at the exit. 48 Figure 14. Constituents of mouth and shafts in mg/L. Note: Chlorine is missing from Shaft 2 and 4 because it was not measured at Shafts 2 and 4. Other constituents without columns were measured and were below reporting limits. Columns with values below 10 mg/L and 1 mg/L are labeled in respective graphs. Reporting Limits – SO42- <4.0 mg/L, Alkalinity <3.0 mg/L, Ca <0.10 mg/L, Fe < 0.050 mg/L, Al <0.050 mg/L, Mg <0.10 mg/L, Mn <0.010 mg/L, Cl < 1.0 mg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A, Table A-7. 49 Figure 15. Temperature change in Hiller Tunnel. Note: Blue line – average daily temperature. Orange Square – Measurements taken from the inlet or entrance to Hiller Tunnel. Grey Square – Measurements taken from the outlet or exit of Hiller Tunnel. Figure 16. pH Change of Hiller Tunnel. 50 Figure 17. Conductivity change of Hiller Tunnel. Note: Values for Conductivity, pH and temperature are in Appendix A, Table A-4. Precipitation measured in inches per day. Hiller Tunnel Grab Samples Grab samples were taken from the exit of Hiller Tunnel on 1/20/2013, 1/23/2013, 127/2013, 3/27/2012 and 11/4/2012 (Figures 18, 19, 20). Data were added from Diggins Pond because Diggins Pond is a tributary to the water in Hiller Tunnel. Dissolved metals were not measured. The highest concentrations of Ba (230 µg/L), Zn (130 µg/L), Ni (110 µg/L), Cr (76 µg/L), Cu (130 µg/L), Fe (39 mg/L) and Al (39 mg/L) from Hiller Tunnel were on 3/27/2012 (1.09 inches) which was during the middle of a storm. The highest concentration of Pb (23 µg/L) in Hiller Tunnel was on 1/23/2012 (0 inches) after a storm. The highest concentration of Mn (1.4 mg/L) was on 1/20/2012 (2.60 inches) during a large storm and 11/4/2013 (0 inches) a few days after a storm. The concentrations in 51 Figure 18. Trace metals in Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond. Note: Measurements were taken for all constituents graphed for all samples. The readings are highly variable columns not visible were very low or are below reporting limits. Columns with values below 10 µg/L are labeled. Reporting Limits: Cu <0.50 µg/L, Pb <0.50 µg/L, Cr <0.50 µg/L, Ni <1.0 µg/L, Zn <10 µg/L, Ba < 5.0 µg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A, Table A-8. Diggins Pond tended to be below those in Hiller Tunnel. The concentrations of Fe, Ca, Mg and SO4 were only measured from Hiller Tunnel on 11/4/2012 and Diggins Pond on 3/26/2012. Borings Borings were installed in the Pit near the entrance of Hiller Tunnel on 9/30/2013, a warm sunny day before the rainy season started so the Pit was dry. When the borings were dug, there was a redox transition zone where the sediment turned from tan to grey. The transition zone was above the water table. The depth of the transition zone was approximately 3.5 ft for boring P-1 and 2, 5 ft for P-3 and 2.5 ft for P-4. 52 Figure 19. Fe, Al, and Mn in Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond. Note: The measurements from Hiller Tunnel were highly variable. Readings were taken from all constituents measured for all samples. Columns with values below 5 mg/L are labeled. Reporting limits: Fe < 0.050 mg/L, Al < 0.050 mg/L, Mn < 0.010 mg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A, Table A-8. Boring Water Level Boring P-3 went from dry to full from 4:00 am to 10:00 am on 11/17/2012 and P-1 and P-2 were also filled during this time (Figure 21). The precipitation measured on 11/17/2012 was 2.36 inches in one day, which was the greatest precipitation in one day during the monitoring period from 10/1/2012-3/21/2013. Before 11/17/2012, there were smaller storm events starting on 10/22/2012 (Figure 8) and the total precipitation from 10/1/2012 to 11/17/2012 was 3.43 inches. The period from 4:00 am to 10:00 am is considered the boring wet up period from wells P-1, 2, and 3. During the rest of the monitoring period after the wet up period 11/17/2012 through 3/21/2013 the water level in the borings and on the ground surface rose and fell 53 Figure 20. Fe, Ca, Mg and SO4 in Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond. Note: Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfate were only measured from Hiller Tunnel on 11/4/2012 and from Diggins Pond on 3/26/2012. Columns with values below 10 mg/L are labeled. Reporting Limits: Fe <0.050 mg/L, Ca <0.10 mg/L, Mg <0.10 mg/L, SO42<4.0 mg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A, Table A-8. with precipitation (Figure 22). During the 12/2/2012 (2.26 inch) storm event in P-1 water reached maximum height at 9:44 am (6 ft) while the water on the ground surface reached its maximum height at 9:46 (0.73 ft). During the first storm period on 11/17/2012 between 12:00 am and 10:00 am there was 1.01 inches (25.7 mm).of rain. Assuming that there was no run off from areas surrounding the Pit, the infiltration of water into the sediment in the bottom of the Pit would be approximately (25.7 mm total/ 10 hour = 2.57 mm/hour). If there was runoff from area surrounding the Pit the rate would be higher. The maximum rate that the borings recharged on 11/17/2012 was 0.56 ft/hour (P-1), 1.48 ft/hour (P-2), 2.72 ft/hour (P-3), and 0.08 ft/hour (P-4). After 11/17/12 the sediment in the Pit was fully saturated a 54 Figure 21. Boring wet up period Note: Left Vertical Axis – Height of the water in the borings in feet (P-1 – Red Line, P2 – Green Line, P-3 – Black Line, P-4 – Purple Line). Right Vertical Axis – Precipitation in inches/hour measured in 5-minute intervals from the B-4 Ranch Weather Station. This is the rate of rainfall not the amount of rainfall during the 5-minute interval. Bottom Right Corner – Map of Boring locations (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4). rough estimate of the storage capacity of the Pit is (3.43 inches + 1.01 inches = 4.44 inches of precipitation). From Figure 21 an estimate can be made of the specific yield of the borings. Specific yield is a measure used in hydrology for the amount of water than can be pumped from a well. For the estimate of specific yield the following assumptions are made: (1) Infiltration can be used in place of a pump test, (2) No water would be retained 55 Figure 22. Boring P-2 water height from bottom of boring, surface water, and precipitation. in the system after a pump test or that the water that would be retained would be roughly equal to the water in the system before the ground was saturated, (3) there was 1.01 inches of rain before the ground was saturated on 11/17/2012 (4) the ground was saturated by 10:00 am, and (5) there was no rain water runoff into the area around the borings from surrounding areas. The time period calculated for is between 12:00 am and 10:00 am on 11/17/2012. The specific yield was calculated by the following formula. Percipitation SpecificYeild % 100 Water ElevationChangein Boring 56 The specific yield was calculated for borings P-1, 2 and 3 (Table 2). It was not calculated for boring P-4 because it was saturated before 11/17/2012. Boring P-1 P-2 P-3 TABLE 2. SPECIFIC YIELD OF BORINGS Water level Water level Increase on Increase on 11/17/2012 by 11/17/2012 by Precipitation by 10 am (ft) 10 am (inches) 10 am (inches) 1.84 22.1 1.01 1.39 16.7 1.01 3.75 45.0 1.01 Specific Yield (%) 4.57 6.06 2.24 Boring Water Quality Measurements Readings of water quality (pH, electrical conductivity, and temperature) were taken on 10/12/2012, 10/20/2012, 11/4/2012, 11/9/2012, 11/20/2012, 12/2/2012, 12/14/2012, 1/11/2012, 2/9/2013, 3/1/2013, and 3/9/2013. Readings were taken less often during January and February because there was little rain (2.04 inches) and the surface conditions changed little. Water chemistry was expected to change more quickly during wet periods than during the January/February dry period. The temperature of the borings decreased during the fall reaching their minimum on 3/1/2013 before rising again (Figure 23). The lowest pH measured in the borings was 3.62 for P-1 on 12/2/2012, during a large storm event (Appendix A, Table A-1). The other borings had pH between 5.81 and 6.84 on 12/2/2012. The highest pH (9.19) was measured from P-2 on 11/9/2012. At other times the pH ranged from 7.55 to 5.4 (Figure 24). The initial conductivity readings on 10/12/2012 were high at all of the borings ranging from 1.483 ms/cm2 at P-4 to 0.689ms/cm2 at P-2 (Figure 25). After 10/12/2012, 57 Figure 23. Temperature changes in borings. Note: Bottom Right – Map of Boring locations (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4), Blue line – Average Daily Temperature measured from the B-4 Ranch weather station. All values are available on in Appendix A, Table A-5. Figure 24. Changes over time pH. Note:- Left Vertical Axis – Boring pH (P-1 – Blue dot, P-2 – Red dot, P-3 – Green dot, P-4 – Purple dot). Right Vertical Axis – Precipitation in inches/daily. Bottom Right – Map of Boring locations (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4). All values are available on in Appendix A, Table A-5. 58 Figure 25. Conductivity changes in borings over time. Note: Left Vertical Axis – Electrical Conductivity of boring water (P-1 – Blue dot, P-2 – Red dot, P-3 – Green dot, P-4 – Purple dot). Right Vertical Axis – Precipitation measured in inches/day. Bottom Right – Map of Boring locations (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4). All values are available on in Appendix A, Table A-5. the readings decreased and ranged from 0.630 ms/cm2 on 1/11/2013 at P-1 to 0.256 ms/cm2 at P-4 on 3/21/2013. Boring P-3 had relatively high conductivity compared to the other borings ranging from 1.656 ms/cm2 on 1/11/2013 to 0.998 ms/cm2 on 3/1/2013. Boring Grab Samples Grab Samples were initially taken from the borings P-1, P-2, and P-4 on 11/4/2012, and from boring P-1 and P-3 on 12/2/2012. Grab Samples from 11/4/2013 and 12/2/2013 were tested for Title 22 metals and SO42-. The data from the initial samples taken on 11/4/2012, before the rain season had started, were compared to samples taken on 12/2/2012, after a storm event, to determine criteria for metals analyzed in further sampling. The criteria were (1) metals that had concentrations above reporting limits for 59 3 of the 4 borings and (2) showed a noticeable concentration difference between P-1 samples on 11/4/2012 and 12/2/2012. The metals that fit both criteria were Al, Fe, Cu, Ni, As, Cr, Pb, and Zn. Boring Trace Metals The first set of samples from boring P-1, P-2, and P-3 tended to have higher concentrations of metals than at P-4 or Hiller Tunnel (Figure 26). The exception was for total Ni which was highest in Hiller Tunnel (96 µg/L). Boring P-1 had the highest total arsenic concentration (31 µg/L) which was much larger than the next highest at P-1 (8.2 µg/L). At boring P-4 and Hiller Tunnel Pb <0.50 µg/L, Cr <0.50 µg/L, Zn <10 µg/L, and Be <0.50 µg/L were below reporting limits. Arsenic <2.0 µg/L was below reporting limits in Hiller Tunnel. Data from Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond are included in Figure 26 to compare the shallow subsurface water in the borings to surface waters near the borings. Hiller Tunnel data from 11/4/2012 is used because borings P-1, 2 and 4 were also sampled on 11/4/2012. In general, the borings had higher total metal concentrations than the surface water in the pond or in Hiller Tunnel. Non Trace Metals and Sulfate The concentrations of non trace metals and sulfate at P-3 on 12/2/2012—Na (41 mg/L), Fe (170 mg/L), Mg (98 mg/L) and SO4 (380 mg/L)—tended to be higher than P-1, P-2, P-4, Hiller Tunnel on 11/4/2012 and Diggins Pond on 3/26/2012 (Figures 27 and 28). 60 Note: Inset Bottom Right – Map of Boring locations (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4). Concentrations were measured for all metals graphed. Columns that are not visible were metals with concentrations below reporting limits. Columns with values below 10 µg/L are labeled. Reporting limits: Cu < 0.50 µg/L, Pb <0.50 µg/L, Cr < 0.50 µg/L, Ni <1.0 µg/L, Zn < 10 µg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A Tables A-6 and A-7. Note: The concentrations in the Borings were higher than those in Hiller Tunnel or Diggins Pond. All samples graphed were measured for As and Be. Columns that do not appear are below reporting limits. Columns with values below 5µg/L are labeled. Reporting limits: As <2.0 µg/L, Be <0.50 µg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A Tables A-6 and A-7. Inset Top Right – Map of Boring locations (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4). Figure 26. Trace metals in borings, Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond. The concentrations in the borings were higher than those in Hiller Tunnel or Diggins Pond. 61 Figure 27. SO4, Fe, Ca, Mg, SO4 in Hiller Tunnel borings. Note: Sodium and Potassium were not measured for Diggins Pond 3/36/2012. All other constituents were measured for samples. Columns with values below 5 mg/L are labeled. Columns that are missing were below reporting limits. Reporting limits: Al < 0.050 mg/L, Mn < 0.010 mg/L, K <2.0 mg/L, Na <1.0 mg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A Tables A-6 and A-7. Top Right – Map of Boring locations (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4) Boring Seasonal Changes. Grab samples were taken from the borings on 2/9/2013 which was during a dry period in January and February, 3/9/2013, after a small storm event (0.62 in. on 3/6/2013) and 3/21/2013, after another small storm event (1.14 in. on 3/20/2013) (Figure 29). Zinc was below reporting limits (<10 µg/L) in P-1 on 12/2/2012. Lead <0.50µg/L, Zinc <10 µg/L and Chromium <0.50 µg/L were below reporting limits in P-4 on 11/4/2012. 62 Figure 28. SO4, Al, Mn, K, Na in Hiller Tunnel borings. Note: Columns with values below 10 mg/L are labeled. Reporting limits: Fe < 0.030 mg/L, Ca <0.10 mg/L, Mg <0.10 mg/L, SO42- <20 mg/L. All values are in Appendix A Tables A-6 and A-7. Top Right – Map of Boring locations (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4) Low Level Mercury Low-level Hg samples were taken from the Mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel on 2/13/2012 when the mouth was undisturbed and 3/9/2012 when the mouth was disturbed. Samples for low-level mercury were taken from Shaft 1, 3, 5, 6, and Diggins Pond on 3/26/2012 after a storm (Appendix A, Table A-1). Samples for low-level mercury were taken from Shaft 2 and 4 on 11/9/2012 during a small storm early in the rainy season (Appendix A, Table A-1). The borings P-1 through 4 were sampled for lowlevel mercury on 3/22/2013 after a small storm event (Appendix A, Table A-1). Samples for low-level mercury were taken from Hiller Tunnel on 2/13/2013 during a dry period. Shafts 2 and 4 were not tested for dissolved low-level mercury, all other sampling included total and dissolved concentrations of mercury. Figure 29. Metal concentrations in borings from 11/4/2012 to 3/22/2013. Note: The graphs are ordered from P-1 at the top to P-4 at the bottom and each is given a letter A-D. For example, the graph for P-1 is Figure 29(A) and the graph for P-4 is Figure 29(D). Columns are colored by date. Colors and dates are the same for all graphs in Figure 29. Dark Blue – 11/4/2012, Red – 12/2/2012, Green – 2/9/2013, Purple3/9/2013, Teal – 3/22/2013 Figure 29(C) – Boring P-3 was not measured until there was standing water in it on 12/2/2012 so there is no column for 11/4/2012. Figure 29 (B) and (D) Boring P-2 and P-4 were not measured on 12/2/2012 so there is no column for them on 12/2/2012. All constituents graphed were measured for all borings. Columns that are not visible were blow reporting limits. All values are in Appendix A, Table A-9. 63 64 Total Hg concentration was highest at Shaft 5 (2270 ng/L) and the dissolved mercury was 0.51 µg/L (Figure 30). Besides Shaft 5 all the other shafts had low total Hg ranging from 25.5 ng/L at Shaft 6 to 0.49 ng/L at the Mouth (Figure 30). The borings had elevated total Hg concentrations—P-1 295 ng/L, P-2 189 ng/L, P-3 574 ng/L, P-4 337 ng/L. Figure 30. Total Hg in at Malakoff Diggins. Note: The bar representing concentration for Shaft 5 extends outside of the range of this graph. Actual value is displayed on the graph. The dissolved Hg was lower than the Total Hg for all samples (Figure 31). The highest concentration of dissolved Hg was at Hiller Tunnel (2.49 ng/L) and the lowest was at boring P-1 (0.15 ng/L) (Figure 31). 65 Figure 31. Dissolved mercury at Malakoff Diggins. Principle Component Analysis Data from the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) are displayed in a biplot (Figure 32). Component 1 has the greatest variance (6.5) and component 2 has the second greatest variance (1) (Appendix A, Figure A-1). The letters after boring names represent the times samples were taken at; a-11/4/2012, b-12/2/2012, c-2/9/2013, d-3/9/2012, e3/22/2013. Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Al and Ni have a close direct correlation. Arsenic does not correlate well with any of the other metals. The borings (P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4) were outliers because they had metal concentrations that were larger than average. Borings P-1 and P-4 form a group because they had higher Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Al and Ni concentrations. Boring P-3 is an outlier because of its high Ni concentrations. Boring P-2 was an outlier because of its high concentrations of As. 66 -4 2 2 P-3d P-3c P-1d P-4c Al Zn Cu Pb Cr P-4d Hiller Tunnel Sample SiteS Green Bubble Diggins Po 5 Shaft Spring P-1c ShaftRed P-3b Shaft 6 31 P-1b Shaft 4 P-1eP-4e Mouth Shaft2 P-4a P-1a 0 0.2 0.0 0 P-3e Ni -2 -0.2 Fe P-2d P-2e -4 -0.4 Comp.2 -2 As -0.4 -0.2 P-2c P-2a 0.0 0.2 Comp.1 Figure 32. Biplot of the waters of Malakoff Diggins based on metals concentration. When more variables—metals, sulfate and alkalinity—are added to the PCA of samples from Malakoff Diggins (Figure 33) more samples are outliers. Sulfate, calcium and magnesium correlate well and have an almost inverse relationship to alkalinity (HCO3-). The metal concentrations do not correlate to sulfate concentrations. The borings are outliers in both biplots (Figure 32 and Figure 33), P-3 has high sulfate, calcium and magnesium while P-1 and P-2 have high metal concentrations, and P-4 has 67 Figure 33. Biplot of waters at Malakoff Diggins based on metals, sulfate and alkalinity. low sulfate, calcium and magnesium. Shaft 5 and 6 samples form a group due to high sulfate, calcium or magnesium concentrations. Hiller Tunnel is also an outlier due to sulfate but less so than Shaft 5 and 6. Analysis of Variance Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is commonly used to study the variance in a data set. The ANOVA of the data from Malakoff Diggins (Table 3) gives F values that are above F critical which means that the variance is not equal between constituents, or 68 TABLE 3. ANOVA OF DATA AT MALAKOFF DIGGINS Source of Variation P-value F crit SS df MS F 10 9 -10 Constituent 7.41x10 18 4.12x10 5.500282 2.17x10 1.656175 10 9 Samples 2.04x10 11 1.85x10 2.476696 0.00628 1.83726 11 8 Error 1.48x10 198 7.49x10 11 Total 2.43x10 227 Note: SS – Sum of squares, df – degrees of freedom, MS – Mean square, F – F statistic samples. The P-values are below 0.05 for both constituents and samples; therefore, the means between samples and constituents are not the same. Correlation Matrix A Correlation Matrix can be used to analyze the correlation between large sets of data. Two correlation matrices were created from the data at Malakoff Diggins, one for metals and common ions (Table 4) and one for the sites (Table 5). Values that are closer to 1 mean that there is a direct correlation values near 0 mean that there is no correlation and values that are closer to -1 have an inverse relationship. The constituents analyzed that have significant correlation are Cr with Al, Alkalinity with Ca, and Be with Cr, Cu, and Pb. The correlations that match the correlations found in PCA are Be with Cr, Cu, and Pb, and Al with Cr. The PCA showed that Ca and Alkalinity almost have an inverse correlation while the correlation matrix shows that they have a positive correlation. The shafts that correlate well are Shafts 2, 3 and 4. There is little correlation between the other samples. Though they correlate well in terms of metal and common ion concentration, there were other measurements taken that were not included in the correlation matrix. TABLE 4 CORRELATION MATRIX BETWEEN CONSTITUENTS Al Ca Al Ca 1.00 0.62 1.00 Fe 0.38 0.11 1.00 0.75 0.20 -0.32 0.70 0.51 -0.33 0.93 0.97 0.93 0.94 0.26 0.63 0.94 0.30 -0.08 0.97 -0.05 -0.03 0.36 0.45 0.38 0.42 0.22 0.37 0.16 0.63 0.29 0.11 0.55 0.48 0.50 0.47 0.49 0.46 0.54 0.48 Mg Mn SO4 Alkalinity As Ba Be Cr Cu Pb Ni Zn Fe Mg Mn SO4 Alkalinity As Ba Be Cr Cu Pb Ni Zn 1.00 0.34 -0.12 0.93 0.05 -0.12 0.51 0.60 0.52 0.53 0.30 0.47 1.00 0.80 0.15 0.33 0.42 0.20 0.23 0.19 0.17 0.70 0.66 1.00 -0.29 0.04 0.48 -0.25 -0.26 -0.26 -0.27 0.61 0.40 1.00 0.00 -0.15 0.47 0.55 0.49 0.52 0.11 0.32 1.00 -0.12 0.63 0.63 0.56 0.58 0.25 0.43 1.00 -0.31 -0.31 -0.34 -0.34 0.27 -0.04 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.28 0.66 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.28 0.66 1.00 0.98 0.30 0.66 1.00 0.26 0.66 1.00 0.74 1.00 Note: Yellow Highlight – Statistically Significant, Orange Highlight – close to being statistically significant. 69 TABLE 5 CORRELATION MATRIX BETWEEN SAMPLE SITES Shaft Shaft Shaft Shaft 1 Shaft 2 Shaft 3 Diggins P-1 P-2 4 5 6 Mouth P-3 P-4 Mouth 0.95 Shaft 1 0.54 0.95 Shaft 2 0.47 0.89 0.95 Shaft 3 0.47 0.88 0.95 0.95 Shaft 4 0.47 0.87 0.95 0.95 0.95 Shaft 5 0.59 0.06 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.95 Shaft 6 0.62 0.32 0.43 0.41 0.41 0.66 0.95 Diggins 0.61 0.52 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.18 0.28 0.95 P-1 0.40 0.42 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.50 0.29 0.10 0.93 P-2 0.40 0.07 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.61 0.36 0.02 0.81 0.94 P-3 0.43 0.81 0.86 0.87 0.86 0.20 0.32 0.20 0.64 0.30 0.88 P-4 0.78 0.53 0.59 0.58 0.58 0.42 0.46 0.21 0.55 0.51 0.56 0.92 Hiller Tunnel 0.54 -0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.75 0.49 0.12 0.21 0.36 0.06 0.40 Note: Yellow Highlight – Statistically Significant, Orange Highlight – close to being statistically significant. Hiller Tunnel 0.91 70 CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION North Bloomfield Tunnel The North Bloomfield Tunnel had varied water chemistries; therefore, different processes could be dominating water chemistry at each air shaft. Shaft 5 and 6 both have similar water chemistries that differ from the water chemistries of the other shafts (Figures 11-14). The pH, electrical conductivity, temperatures, Al, Mg, Mn, Cl, NO3- , SO42-, Ca, Fe concentration and Alkalinity were similar and followed similar patterns for both shafts. They differ when looking at concentration of trace metals As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ba, Zn and Ni. Shaft 5 has higher concentrations of all of these trace metals than Shaft 6. Visually the waters in Shaft 5 and Shaft 6 are similar. Though the water color in Shaft 5 changes seasonally they both have hydrous ferrous oxide. The high Fe and SO42- could be a sign of pyrite oxidation that would make the water in the shaft more acidic and would correlate with the hydrous ferrous oxides on the sold surfaces. The high calcium concentration and alkalinity could indicate the dissolution of carbonate minerals which would increase the pH. Since Shafts 5 and 6 neighbor each other and have similar water chemistries they could have the same source of water or similar geology. Shaft 6 was higher in 71 72 elevation than Shaft 5 and that could be the reason why Shaft 5 discharges water while Shaft 6 dose not discharge water. Shaft 5 is deeper (76 ft) than Shaft 6 (3 ft) (Table 1), therefore, Shaft 5 could be fed by more sources of groundwater at depth while Shaft 6 would be fed by groundwater closer to the surface and precipitation would have a greater impact on concentrations in Shaft 6 (Figures 12-14). Shaft 5 and 6 are also on the same ridge. On the ridge above the shafts is an area that was hydraulically mined and is on the same auriferous gravel channel as Malakoff Diggins. The area on the ridge is noted as the New York claim in (NBGMC, 1872a, b) and (Hoffman, 1872). At the time of this study, there were standing pools of water at the New York claim. The water from Shafts 5 and 6 could be derived from subsurface flow impacted by the New York claim. If the water in the shafts were from the New York claim it could also be the source of water with high metal concentrations. The difference in trace metal concentration between Shaft 5 and 6 could be due to the way the samples were gathered. The samples were both taken on 3/26/2012. Samples in Shaft 5 were taken at a depth of 30 ft with a bailer and the samples in Shaft 6 were taken from the surface. At the surface conditions would be expected to be oxidizing due to mixing with the atmosphere while conditions would be expected to be reducing at depth because the water is isolated from the atmosphere and aerobic bacteria would use up the dissolved oxygen in the water (Eby, 2004). Many metals form solid species under oxidizing conditions, and aqueous species under reducing conditions (Eby, 2004). The samples in Shaft 5 were collected at depth where the water was reducing. If conditions were reducing there could be more aqueous metal species in the water, while samples in 73 Shaft 6 were collected at the surface where conditions are oxidizing, so the species could have precipitated out of solution decreasing the total metal concentrations in water. The highest total mercury concentration is from Shaft 5 (2,270 ng/L) which is much higher than the concentration at any of the other mine features; the second highest total mercury concentration was (574 ng/L) at boring P-3. Though the total mercury concentration at Shaft 5 was high the dissolved mercury concentration at Shaft 5 (0.51 ng/L) was similar to other sites. This could be because Shaft 5 was the only shaft that discharged water. The discharged water may mix the water suspending Hg in solution. The USGS took low-level mercury samples from Shaft 5 on 1/13/2009 (Fleck et al., 2010). The USGS took samples of solid material in the discharge of the shaft and separated it based on grain size before measuring the mercury concentration of each size fraction (Fleck et al., 2010). In the solid material with grain size smaller than 0.063 mm the Hg concentration was 2,520 ng/g (Fleck et al., 2010) (Table 6). TABLE 6. SOLID SAMPLES FROM FLECK ET AL. 2010 AND WATER SAMPLES FROM THE MOUTH ON 2/13/2012 AND SHAFT 5 ON 3/26/2012 Site Sediment Water size (mm) weight (%) THg (ng/g) THg (ng/L) NBT air shaft 0.25-1.0 0 0 surface sediment .063-0.25 0 0 <0.063 32.9 2,520 2270 Since the concentration of Hg in filtered samples was much lower than in unfiltered samples, most of the Hg was probably part of or absorbed on to the solid material. 74 The high metal concentrations in samples from the North Bloomfield Tunnel could be a legacy of historic mining practices. While Malakoff Diggins was in operation blocks were placed on the bottom of the North Bloomfield Tunnel in 1,900 ft of the tunnel between Shaft 8 and Shaft 6 to act as riffles to collect gold from the slurry flowing through the tunnel (NBGMC, 1872a, b; Jackson, 1967). Mercury was placed in this portion of the North Bloomfield Tunnel and on the surface of the Pit before the surface was washed into the North Bloomfield Tunnel (Jackson, 1967). Shafts 2, 3 and 4 are physically similar, with shafts over 50 ft deep from the surface and partially filled with water. The water elevation in Shaft 3 and 4 was similar to the elevation of Humbug Creek adjacent to the shafts. The water elevation of Shaft 2 was below that of Humbug Creek adjacent to the shaft. Shaft 4 was the only shaft on the east side of the Humbug Creek. From water elevation alone the water in Shafts 2, 3, and 4 could be from Humbug Creek The pH of Shafts 2 (pH 8.28) and 4 (pH 8.97) are more basic than any of the other shafts. This could be due to the high alkalinity in Shaft 2 and 4 (160 mg/L HCO3and 120 mg/L HCO3-respectively) which is higher than the alkalinity at any of the other shafts (Figure 14). The high pH and alkalinity could be due to the dissolution of carbonate minerals in the rocks around Shaft 2 and 4. The carbonate mineral marble (CaCO3) was noted by Peterson (1976) in the bedrock. The temperature and conductivity of Shaft 2, 3, and 4 are similar (Figure 11). Shaft 2, 3 and 4 have similar patterns for SO42-, Ca, Mn, Mg, Ba, Ni, Cu and Zn with Shaft 2 having the highest concentrations followed by Shaft 4 and Shaft 3 (Figures 12, 13 and 14). Shaft 4 had higher iron concentrations than Shaft 2 and 3. 75 Cr, Pb, and As do not follow the pattern of the other metals at Shaft 2, 3 and 4. Shaft 4 has the highest concentrations of Cu (5.4 µg/L) and Pb (6.5 µg/L) of any of the Shaft in the North Bloomfield Tunnel. Shaft 3 had some Pb (0.69µg/L) and Shaft 2 had Pb concentrations below reporting limits. In Shaft 2, 3 and 4 only Shaft 2 had arsenic concentrations above reporting limits. Shafts 2, 3, and 4 have some similarities, such as temperature and conductivity (Figure 11). Their similarities are supported by their close correlation in the correlation matrix (Table 5). There are still many differences in As, Cu, Cr, Pb concentrations, and pH. More work would have to be done to conclusively determine if the waters in Shafts 2, 3, and 4 were connected or had a common source. Shaft 1 has different physical dimensions and is visually different from the rest of the shafts. Shaft 1 is a large pond that was only separated from Humbug Creek by a small berm and the water elevation in the pond appeared to be the same elevation as Humbug Creek. Due to Shaft 1's proximity to Humbug Creek and the water level, Humbug Creek should be the main source of water for Shaft 1. The concentrations in Humbug Creek are much higher than those in Shaft 1. Due to the difference in concentration the water in Shaft 1 could be from a source other than Humbug Creek. Another explanation is that the high concentrations in Humbug Creek are due to suspended solids and particulate matter since those samples were taken during storm event when creek water was turbid and full of suspended solids. As the water goes through the berm separating Shaft 1 from Humbug Creek the solids could be filtered out in addition the water in Shaft 1 is stagnant so particulates could settle out of solution decreasing the concentration from suspended particulates. 76 Shaft 1 had turbid black water probably due to organic material decomposing in the shaft; therefore, it was expected to have different water chemistry from the rest of the shafts. The pH, electrical conductivity and temperature at Shaft 1 were similar to those in Shaft 3 (Figure 11). There were low metal concentrations in Shaft 1. The alkalinity, Ca, Mg, Cl, Cr, Zn, and Ni concentrations in Shaft 1 were similar to those in Shaft 3. Barium and Chromium were in Shaft 1 but not in neighboring Shafts 2, 3, and 4. Shaft 1 could be similar to Shaft 2, 3 and 4, but there are many differences so they could have a similar sources, but localized differences such as bacteria ecology. The Mouth was physically different from all the shafts, while the shafts are vertical, the North Bloomfield Tunnel at the Mouth runs horizontally. A small amount of water constantly drains out of the North Bloomfield Tunnel when compared to the water flowing in Humbug Creek. There was a seep that trickles into the mouth from the walls of the opening of the mouth. The seep was not tested. The water chemistry of the Mouth was different from all the other shafts. The mouth had the third highest, pH, electrical conductivity, and temperature (Figure 11). The patterns of constituents in the Mouth are unlike the pattern in any of the shafts. The Mouth had the third highest alkalinity which would account for its high pH. The Mouth had the highest Fe concentration (96 mg/L) in the North Bloomfield Tunnel. The hydrous ferrous oxide that forms on the solid surfaces of the Mouth, Shafts 5 and 6 could be an oxidized iron species, since these sites had higher concentrations of Fe than any of the other sites in the North Bloomfield Tunnel. None of the other shafts had hydrous ferrous oxide or high Fe concentrations. 77 The mouth was also the third highest in Mn, Mg, and SO4 in the North Bloomfield Tunnel. The mouth had the highest concentration of Ba, and had the second highest concentrations of As and Ni. The difference in water chemistry at the Mouth compared to the rest of North Bloomfield Tunnel could be because the Mouth was the lowest point in the North Bloomfield Tunnel and was the drainage from the tunnel. If water was flowing through the material at the bottoms of the shafts, it would be under anoxic conditions which would favor iron reduction and iron reducing bacteria. Once the waters reached the surface at the mouth it would be under oxidizing conditions and would form hydrous ferrous oxides and would account for the high metal concentrations in the mouth. If the water were flowing through the blocked part of the tunnel it would have to flow down without any up welling otherwise the high concentrations in Shaft 5 and 6 would likely be represented in the other Shafts and the Mouth. The high concentrations at the mouth could also be caused by particulates in the sample. Samples were taken from the mouth on 3/9/2013 when the water in the mouth was disturbed due to spelunkers exploring the extent of the North Bloomfield Tunnel. This disturbance caused the water draining out of the mouth to turn turbid and red from the hydrous ferrous oxides. When the Mouth is not disturbed the water coming out of the mouth is relatively clear even though the bottom is covered with hydrous ferrous oxides (Figure 34). The sample from the Mouth on 3/9/2013 could be used as an example of typical discharge from the Mouth when it is disturbed. Data from Gage 3 (Figure 35), which is a site on Humbug Creek below the confluence of Humbug and Diggins Creeks, was included in Figure 35 so that the shaft water chemistries could be compared to nearby surface waters in Humbug Creek. 78 Figure 34. Mouth of North Bloomfield tunnel undisturbed. Samples from Gage 3 were collected by Harihar Nepal during storm events on 3/14/2012, 1/20/2012, 1/23/2012, 1/27/2012 (Appendix A, Table A-1) (Nepal, 2013). Gage 3 data were not graphed with North Bloomfield Tunnel data for As, Cr, Cu, and Pb because concentrations from the Gauge 3 location on Humbug Creek were so high that they overwhelmed the North Bloomfield Tunnel data. The highest total Cu concentration in the borings was at 5.4 µg/L while it was 92 µg/L in Gage 3 samples on 3/14/2012 (Appendix A, Table A-1). At Gage 3 SO42-, Alkalinity, Ca, Mg, Cl- and NO3- were not measured. Figure 35. Metals at Gage 3 and North Bloomfield tunnel. Note: Concentrations from Gage 3 were taken from Humbug Creek during storm events. The variable concentration in Gage 3 may be due to suspended sediment in Humbug Creek water. All metals graphed were measured and all columns that are not visible were below reporting limits. Columns with values below 5 mg/L, 2 mg/L, 10 µg/L are labeled. Reporting limits: Al <0.050 mg/L, Mn <0.010 mg/L ,Ba < 5 µg/L, Zn < 10 µg/L, Ni <1 µg/L. All values are available on in Appendix A Tables 15 and 18. 79 80 Concentrations of metals at Gage 3 were higher than those for all of the borings except the Mouth of North Bloomfield Tunnel and Shaft 5. The difference between the Gage 3 samples and North Bloomfield Tunnel samples could be caused by the amount of particulate matter in the samples. Gage 3 samples were taken during storm events. During Storm events were high flows in streams mobilizes sediment and suspends it in the creek water. There are high concentrations of suspended sediment in Gage 3 samples while there is little suspended sediment in shaft waters, since the water is stagnant in the shafts. Since the total metal concentration in water were tested, the particulates could have added to the metal concentration of the samples. The Mouth, Shaft 6, and Gage 3 have high metal concentrations that could be caused by particulates in unfiltered water samples. The water from Shaft 5 was clear with few particulates so a different process could be increasing metal concentration in Shaft 5 water. Fleck et al., (2010) studied Hg at the Mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel (Table 7). The Hg concentration in water at the mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel was low, but in the solid material it was high (Table 7). While the mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel should not be a Hg hazard if it remains undisturbed. If the mouth were disturbed it would mobilize the sediment and Hg. TABLE 7. SOLID SAMPLES FROM FLECK ET AL. 2007 AND WATER SAMPLES FROM THIS STUDY Site Sediment Water size (mm) weight (%) THg (ng/g) THg (ng/g) NBT Mouth 0.25-1.0 26.6 206 .063-0.25 25.1 268 <0.063 47.7 137 0.54 Note: Sediment samples are from Fleck et al. 2007. Water samples were collected as part of this study. 81 The waters of the North Bloomfield Tunnel are complex. The complexity is partially due to isolation of the shafts after the collapse of the North Bloomfield Tunnel. The complex water chemistries and water levels in the shafts could indicate a fractured ground rock aquifer with an extensive fracture network. Hiller Tunnel Samples from this study can be compared to samples taken from the Phase II study conducted by the NCRCD in 1979 (Table 8). Samples in the Phase II study were taken from below the outlet of Hiller Tunnel during a storm event on 2/13/2013 TABLE 8. HILLER TUNNEL FROM NCRCD PHASE III STUDY (2/13/1979) AND THIS STUDY Concentrations at Hiller Tunnel Constituent 2/13/1979 filtered unfiltered (mg/L) (mg/L) 1/20/2012 unfiltered (mg/L) 1/23/2012 unfiltered (mg/L) 1/27/2012 unfiltered (mg/L) 3/26/2012 unfiltered (mg/L) 11/4/2012 unfiltered (mg/L) As <0.005 0.35 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 Cd 0.004 0.007 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Cr <0.005 0.11 0.00086 0.065 0.0027 0.076 0.0059 Cu 0.01 0.7 0.0026 0.093 0.0039 0.13 <0.005 Fe 0.11 45 9.4 34 3.6 39 4.2 Mn 0.03 3 1.4 0.58 1.2 0.52 1.4 Ni 0.02 0.62 0.048 0.081 0.047 0.11 0.096 Zn 0.095 0.75 0.022 0.11 0.016 0.13 <0.05 Pb <0.008 0.24 0 0.023 0.00074 0.02 <0.005 Ca 7.1 14 Mg 3.3 7.5 Na 2.9 4.2 K 1.4 2.7 HCO37.3 6.7 2SO4 34 69 Source: Data for table from Nevada County Resource Conservation District, 1979b, Malakoff Diggins Water Quality Study, Phase III Progress Report: Grass Valley, California, Nevada County Resource Conservation District, 66 p. 82 (Appendix A, Table A-1) and filtered and unfiltered samples were tested to study dissolved metals in the water from Malakoff Diggins. The samples from 2/13/1979 were collected during a storm event in the middle of the rainy season (Appendix A, Table A-1). Samples taken on 1/20/2012 and 1/23/2012 were also taken during storm events (Appendix A, Table A-1). 1/27/2012 was after the storm event on 1/23/2012 (Appendix A, Table A-1). Samples taken on 3/26/2013 were taken between days that had storm events (Appendix A, Table A-1). Samples taken on 11/4/2012 were taken early in the rainy season when the system was still dry. The concentrations of trace metals in unfiltered samples tended to be highest during storm events on 2/13/1979, 1/23/2012, and 3/26/2012 Appendix A, Table A-1) and lowest during dry periods 11/4/2013. Trace metal concentrations were higher in unfiltered samples in 1979 than filtered samples. During storm events, large amounts of sediment flow through the Hiller Tunnel making the waters highly turbid. The water coming out of Hiller Tunnel is less turbid during dry periods (DWR, 1987; Nepal, 2013). The reason for this pattern could be that the trace metals are carried in particulates and are not dissolved in water. There were higher concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na, K, and SO42- in 11/4/2012 than in 2/13/1979 samples. This could be caused by many factors. Samples from 2/13/1979 were filtered while the samples from 11/4/2012 were not, so some of the ions could have been removed during the filtering process. Calcium, Mg, Na, K, and SO42often form salts and highly soluble species. During dry periods, evaporation could cause salts to form. During the rainy season, the salts would dissolve increasing the 83 concentrations in water. As the rainy season continues, the salts would be diluted and removed from the area decreasing concentrations. There are many reasons why the 2/13/1979 samples have higher concentrations than the other Hiller Tunnel samples. The concentrations in Humbug Creek at Gage 3 (Figure 35) fluctuate depending on discharge and turbidity. The water years 2012 and 2013 were dry water years so there was less discharge and less turbidity in 2012/2013 than in 1979. The concentrations from 1979 could be less accurate since they were analyzed using older and perhaps less accurate technology. The Pit is more eroded and vegetated reducing the amount of suspended sediment coming out of Humbug Creek. Borings Infiltration of water was quick through the sediment near the borings because of the sediment texture. The sediment texture was classified as sandy loam at P-1 and loam at the other borings (American Society for Testing and Materials, 1985; Kathy Berry-Garrett, pers. comm., 2013). The infiltration rate of sandy loam and loam is expected to be 5-90 mm/hr (Meek et al., 1992). The rough estimate of infiltration was 1.5 mm/hour, slower than expected but did not take into account water flowing in from outside of the Pit. The infiltration may be greater than 2.57mm/hr which is supported by how quickly the borings went from low water to full (Figure 21) and by the rapid response of subsurface water to surface water (Figure 22). The borings were placed in an area of the Pit that was full of willows and alder. The decomposition of plant matter and burrowing 84 animals, can leave large macropores which could allow water to flow into the subsurface much more quickly (Ward, 1995). The sediment in the pit near the borings was fully saturated after 4.44 inches of precipitation while the average annual precipitation is 60 inches (NCRCD, 1979a). The estimated specific yield for the borings was between 6.06% and 2.24% which is similar to the specific yield found in the Escalante Valley, Utah for sandy clay loam 5.3% but it is much lower than that found in San Diego, California for fine sandy loam 30% (Johnson, 1966). The amount of precipitation needed to saturate the pit and the low specific yield support the conclusion that most of the water flows through the Pit adding to Malakoff Diggins discharge problems instead of infiltrating into the ground. More advanced models and equations such as the Green-Ampt, Horton's Equation or Darcy's Law were not used to calculate infiltration, because the variables (hydraulic conductivity, water content, infiltration rates) needed for the equations were not measured and would require too many assumptions to be useful. The variables were not measured because infiltration was outside of the scope of this study. During the dry season surface water in the north side of the Pit flows towards Diggins Pond, while on the south side of the Pit it flows towards Hiller Tunnel, and from Diggins Pond the water flows back towards Hiller Tunnel (Figure 2). Once the sediment in the Pit has become completely saturated the water becomes visible on the surface of the Pit. During saturated conditions, sub surface water would be expected to flow in a similar direction as the surface waters (Figure 2). Due to the vegetation in the Pit around Hiller Tunnel, we were unable to accurately measure the elevation of the borings. 85 If the bottom of the Pit is treated as a horizontal plane then during the dry season subsurface water would originate at boring P-2 and P-4, flow to P-1 then flow north to P-3. This would mean water was flowing toward the center of the Pit, the opposite direction of the observed surface water flow. There are two ways to account for this. (1) There is an elevation change in the Pit and P-3 is at a higher elevation. (2) There could be a pathway for the water to drain from the Pit near P-3 such as infiltration through the collapsed material in Shaft 8 of the North Bloomfield Tunnel or through the auriferous gravel channel that extends from the northeast to southwest of Malakoff Diggins. Subsurface drainage from the Pit is slow since the borings remained saturated after the wet up period. This fits with the current model of the Pit that it is composed of unconsolidated sediment on top of impermeable metamorphic bedrock. The bedrock acts as a bowl retaining water in the Pit. This would account for how quickly the pit near the borings becomes saturated because there would be little to no drainage through the bedrock channel, so most of the groundwater would be retained from year to year with some loss due to evaporation. The pH of Hiller Tunnel was relatively stable between pH 5.96 and 7.3 with a slight increase in pH during the monitoring period. The pH of the boring fluctuated from as high as 9.19 at P-2 on 11/9/2012 to as low as 3.26 at P-1 on 12/2/2012. There are two potential reasons for the fluctuating early season pH; (1) the borings were not fully developed and (2) most of the rain was at the beginning of the rainy season in November and December (Figure 8) so this could have been first flush phenomena. 86 The electrical conductivity of borings P-1, 2, and 4 at the start of this study were high with the highest measurement on 10/12/2012 of 1.438 ms/cm2 at P- 4 before decreasing to around 0.5 ms/cm2 on 11/4/2013 for P-1, 2, and 4 (Figure 25). The electrical conductivity at Hiller Tunnel followed a similar pattern starting at 1.154 ms/cm2 on 10/12/2012 before stabilizing between 0.138-0.5 ms/cm2 from 11/4/2012 to 3/21/2013. The conductivity at P-3 remained high (1.656 to 0.998 ms/cm2) during the 11/4/2012 to 3/21/2013 monitoring period. The high conductivity readings on 10/12/2012 were taken during the dry season before any storms (Figure 25); therefore, evaporation could have caused the ion concentrations to increase in the waters and to be diluted during storm events. Boring P-3 was dry until 11/17/2012 and once it had water, it took the boring up to 4 hours to recharge. The conductivity could have remained high due to the low flow and the well could have been fully developed increasing the amount of suspended sediment in samples. Since P-3 had the least water it could be the most affected by evaporation which would increase the ion concentrations and conductivity. There was a high clay content in the sediment which could also have caused the high electrical conductivities. The Hiller Tunnel tended to have lower concentrations of constituents, Fe, Ca, Mg, Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn and Ba than the borings. The exceptions were Ni (96 µg/L) which was higher in Hiller Tunnel than any of the borings and SO42- (69 mg/L) in Hiller Tunnel which was higher than all of the borings except P-3 (380 mg/L). The high concentrations of Ni and SO42- could mean that the main source for that water in Hiller Tunnel are from areas that were not sampled and that there is little mixing between surface and subsurface groundwater. 87 A potential source for waters that could account for the high Ni concentrations at Hiller Tunnel are springs in the slump area (Figure 36). The springs were sampled by Dr. Carrie Monohan on 11/4/2012. The springs have different aesthetics and were labeled by the color of the spring. The Red Spring had hydrous ferrous oxide and the Green Figure 36. Metals and sulfate in surface water in the pit of Malakoff Diggins. Note: At the Green Bubble Spring Cu and Fe were below reporting limits. Samples from Diggins Pond, Green Bubble Spring and Red Spring were gathered by Carrie Monohan. Columns with values below 5 are labeled. Columns that do not appear on this graph and are not labeled were below reporting limits. Reporting Limits – Cu > 0.50 µg/L, Fe >0.050 mg/L. Spring is covered with green algae. The springs have lower pH (pH 3.88 Red Spring and 2.4 Green Spring) than the mine features analyzed in this study (Carrie Monohan, pers. comm., 2013). There were high Ni concentrations at the springs (Figure 36) and they could be a source of the Ni in Hiller Tunnel. 88 P-4 tended to have lower concentrations of all metals than the other borings (Figures 26-29). P-1, 2, and 3 tend to have similar concentrations with the pattern of P-1 having the highest concentrations, then P-3, followed by P-2 for Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn, Ba, Be, Mn, Al and K (Figure 26). P-2 has high concentrations of As (31 µg/L) when compared to the other borings (Figure 26). P-3 had high concentrations in Fe, Mg, SO4, Al, and Na when compared to the other borings (Figures 27 and 28). The concentrations of metals in the borings are complex. The borings may be related but, there are many factors that differentiate them. Diggins Pond had much lower concentrations of metals than the borings or Hiller Tunnel except for Al (1.8 mg/L). The metal concentrations could be lower in Diggins Pond than Hiller Tunnel because the water in Diggins Pond moves slowly through the pond which allows the particulates to settle out of solution while the water in Hiller Tunnel is constantly flowing. The willows in the Pit near Diggins Pond are known to bioaccumulate heavy metals, including Cd, that could lead to lower concentrations in Diggins Pond (Robinson et al., 2000). When examining the change in concentrations over time for Al, Fe, As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn for the borings P-1 and P-2 follow the same pattern of increasing late in the season then decreasing in concentration as the season progresses (Figure 29A, B). The concentrations for P-3 constantly increased through the sampling period (Figure 29C). P-4 increased early in the season then slowly decreased through the sampling period (Figure 29D). This would indicate that there are three groups of subsurface waters that correspond to the three patterns of metal concentration change over the monitoring period. 89 Hiller Tunnel had lower total Hg concentrations (56.7 ng/L on 2/13/2013) than the borings. The highest concentration of total Hg in the borings was 574 ng/L at P-3 on 3/22/2013 and the lowest was 189 ng/L at P-4 on 3/22/2013. The samples from the borings were very turbid (Figure 37). The turbidity could have been caused by the Figure 37. Bailer drawn from boring P-1 on 10/12/2012. Note: The water in the bailer is turbid due to the large amount of sediment suspended in solution. 90 disturbance caused by drawing water from the boring and by not screening the borings well enough to remove clay. Hg absorbs on to solid particles giving the borings elevated Hg concentrations (Reimers & Krenkel, 1974; Tiffreau et al., 1995; Fleck et al., 2010). P-3 tended to have higher concentrations of metal and electrical conductivity than the rest of the borings, Hiller Tunnel, and Diggins Pond. P-1 and P-2 are similar in many respects so the waters may be hydraulically connected. P-4 tended to have lower concentrations and had different seasonal patterns than the rest of the borings. A reason for this could be that there are three different water paths; (1) one for P-3, (2) one for P-1 and 2, and (3) one for P-4 with different factors affecting each path. These three paths are supported by the movement of water on the surface of the Pit. More borings would need to be made to make any conclusions about the subsurface hydrology. Statistical Analysis From the biplot created through PCA (Figure 32) most of the samples at Malakoff Diggins tend to fall in the same cluster for samples at Malakoff Diggins or for the constituents Al, Fe, As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn, but the borings are outliers. P-2 is an outlier because of high As concentrations and P-1, 2, and 4 with other metals, Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Al and Ni. The high metal concentrations in the borings could be from all the particulates in the boring samples. When more concentrations, Be, Ba, Cd, Mg, Ca, SO42-, Alkalinity (Figure 33) are taken into consideration Shaft 5 and 6 and Hiller Tunnel are also outliers, which could correspond to the high concentrations of Ni at Hiller Tunnel and the high metal concentrations at Shaft 5 and 6 when compared to other features in the North Bloomfield Tunnel. 91 The correlation matrix (Figures 4 and 5) confirmed most of the relationships found using PCA. In the correlation matrix, Al/Cr, Be/Cr, Be/Cu, Be/Pb all had statistically significant direct relationships greater than or equal to 0.95. The one relationship that was found using the correlation matrix that was not found using PCA was that Ca and alkalinity have a correlation coefficient of 0.97 while they were shown having almost an inverse relationship in PCA. When ANOVA was performed on the dataset (Figure 3) the mean concentrations of metals and ions were not equal and the variance of the concentrations were not equal. When samples were compared to one another it was found that the means and variances of the samples were also not equal. Since the variance and mean were not equal the dataset was variable (Table 3). The correlation matrix also showed a variable data set with few correlations (Tables 4 and 5). The waters of Malakoff Diggins are varied and the relationships are complex. Because of the varied chemistries in the shafts of the North Bloomfield Tunnel, there is a little connection between the shafts so each one should be treated separately. The borings were also variable and there are at least three separate groundwater sources. More borings should be installed and sampled to draw conclusions about the hydrology of the Pit. Blue Lead The blue lead or blue gravel was removed from 5000 ft (1.5 km) long, 500600 ft (150-180 m) wide area in the Pit near Hiller Tunnel during mining operations (Lindgren and Walcott, 1900). If the blue lead is having an effect on the waters of Malakoff Diggins it would have to seep in from areas that were not mined. The borings 92 are in an area where the blue lead was removed. If water was seeping into the Pit from areas where the blue lead still exists it could account for the high concentrations of Ni in Hiller Tunnel in relation to other Pit waters because Hiller Tunnel drains the entire Pit. Dissolved Oxygen Results for dissolved oxygen were not included in the study but are in the (Appendix A, Tables A-4 and A-5), because the readings often would not stabilize. Dissolved oxygen can be used as a measure of oxidation-reduction conditions. When the dissolved oxygen is high and there is gas exchange with the atmosphere the conditions are oxidizing (Eby, 2004). When dissolved oxygen is low and there is little gas exchange with the atmosphere then conditions will tend to be reducing this process can be catalyzed by bacteria (Eby, 2004). Most metals form soluble species under reducing conditions and insoluble ones under oxidizing conditions (Eby, 2004). Shafts 5 and 6 and the borings had low dissolved oxygen measurements (Appendix A, Tables A-4 and A-5). Shaft 5 and 6 had highly turbid waters with red and green colors, which are often a sign of eutrophication which would account for the low dissolved oxygen (Eby, 2004). The water in the borings is separated from the atmosphere so there were presumably no sources of oxygen in the subsurface water, which would account for the low dissolved oxygen (Eby, 2004). When the borings were made during the end of the dry season we did not reach the reduced layer until a depth of 2.5-5 ft (Figure 38). The reduced layer was where the sediment turned from tan/orange to grey which was also the depth at which we encountered water. During the rainy season the Pit was marshy and the 93 Figure 38. Oxidation-reduction conditions in soils in the pit. Note: Left – Footstep in Malakoff Diggins Pit sediment 3/1/2013. The red material was bacterial and hydrous ferrous oxides. The black color in the foot step was decomposed and reduced organic material. Right – Malakoff Diggins Pit Sediment removed from borings. The first few feet bored from the boring was the tan oxidized sediment. The grey black sediment was the reduced material that was below the tan sediment. oxidation-reduction conditions behaved like those in a marsh with conditions turning reducing only a few mm deep (Figure 38) (Howe et al., 1981). Limitations The main limitations of this study was that samples were not taken at regular intervals and conditions were not the same between sampling periods; for example, some of the shaft samples were taken on 3/26/2012 while others were taken on 11/9/2012. The conditions at Malakoff Diggins on these two dates were very different 3/26/2012 was at the end of the rainy season in the middle of a storm event (Appendix A, Table A-1) while 11/9/2012 was at the beginning of the rainy season and there had been little precipitation. Similarly, Shafts 2 and 4 were not found until later in the study 94 and that was why they were not tested on 3/26/2013 and why sampling times are not standardized. Why Piper and Stiff Diagrams Were Not Used Piper and Stiff Diagrams are commonly used to analyze relationships between waters and their water quality. The limitation of Piper diagrams are that they are series of trilinear plots that look at Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO42-, and Alkalinity. Stiff diagrams create polygons based on Na, Cl, Ca, Mg, HCO3-, and SO42-. These are the most commonly found constituents in natural waters. Piper and Stiff Diagrams were constructed for this study but yielded inconclusive results. The Piper Diagram of the samples did not form well-defined groups. Relationships between samples using Stiff Polygons could be found on the graphs already made for this study. Also not all of the elements used in Piper and Stiff diagrams were measured for each sample. Principle component analysis was used instead of Piper or Stiff Diagrams because it allowed for the grouping of samples based on any constituent not just ones that were commonly found in natural waters. It also allowed for the comparison of multiple constituents. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS Malakoff Diggins is a source of pollution, sediment and metals, to the South Yuba River (NCRCD 1979a, 1979b; Peterson 1976; Yuan 1979; CRWQCB-CVR 2004; Fleck et al. 2007). Subsurface waters were studied in order to determine point sources of contamination. Three areas at Malakoff Diggins that were studied include, (1) North Bloomfield Tunnel, (2) Hiller Tunnel, and (3) subsurface waters in the Pit within 300 ft of the entrance to Hiller Tunnel. The physical characteristics, hydrology and concentrations of metals and ions were measured in each feature. The North Bloomfield Tunnel poses a direct physical threat to park visitors because many of the shaft openings are only partially enclosed by fences and have sections that are damaged. The Mouth of North Bloomfield Tunnel is open and it is possible for anyone to enter, though it is difficult to find from Humbug Creek Trail. The North Bloomfield Tunnel has varying water levels (Table 1), conditions (Figure 11) and concentrations of metals (Figures 12 and 13) and ions (Figure 14). From physical measurements the North Bloomfield Tunnel is dilapidated and has partially collapsed (Figure 11). The collapse of the North Bloomfield Tunnel may have isolated the shafts creating the different water chemistries. The source of pollution from the North Bloomfield Tunnel is Shaft 5 that has the highest concentration of metals (Figures 12 and 13) 95 96 and is the only shaft with a continuous and visible discharge to Humbug Creek. The Mouth also discharges high metal concentrations into Humbug Creek. Hiller Tunnel is the only observable point for surface water to discharge from the Pit; therefore, it acts as a point source for all pollution from the Pit. Diggins Pond is the largest body of surface water in the Pit that is perennial. The borings placed in the Pit near Hiller Tunnel were used to study the subsurface waters in the Pit. Due to the proximity of Hiller Tunnel to the borings and Diggins Pond the waters were expected to show a relationship, but the metal and ion concentrations at Diggins Pond were much lower than those in Hiller Tunnel. The infiltration of water into the sediment, the wet up period (Figure 21) was slower than expected for sandy loam and the specific yield was low but within known range for sandy loam but this could be due to the assumptions made when estimating infiltration rates. The surface water and subsurface water height in the borings follow one another with little to no lag time once the borings were saturated. The sediment was in a channel in impermeable bedrock that acts as a bowl that had little subsurface water drainage. Both factors could contribute to the short lag time between surface and subsurface water height. Sites in the Pit in order of decreasing metal concentration are; borings, Hiller Tunnel and Diggins Pond (Figures 26-28). There were a few exceptions such as Ni, which was highest in Hiller Tunnel (Figure 26), and Al, which was high in Diggins Pond (Figure 27). The differences in water chemistry could occur because there is little mixing between the surface waters and subsurface waters. The high turbidity and particulates in 97 samples taken from the borings could have increased metal concentrations in the total metal concentrations. The water conditions and metal concentrations of the borings varied (Figures 23-28) and formed three groups showing some connectivity between subsurface waters. Surface waters also flow along three pathways which correlate to the groups the borings formed by water chemistry. Since there were four sites and only two sites showed a relationship more analyses are needed to make conclusions. One way to accomplish this would be to add more borings into the Pit. Though samples were analyzed for total metals, which includes dissolved and particulate portions there seems to be a pattern in metal concentration based on how much suspended solid was in a sample, samples that had high turbidity and concentration of particulates tended to have higher metal concentrations, than those that had lower turbidity. Total suspended and total dissolved solids were not studied, but Nepal found that Hg concentration increased with total suspended solids at Malakoff Diggins (Nepal, 2013). The relationship found by Nepal between Hg and total suspended solids could extend to other metals. The relationship between suspended solids and metal concentration would be valuable for informing future remediation efforts. The water quality of mine features at Malkoff Diggins was poor due to the metal concentrations. The high variability of water quality constituents in the dataset at Malakoff Diggins indicates that there is isolation of the mine features of the North Bloomfield Tunnel and a complex water flow regime in the Pit. CHAPTER VI RECOMMENDATIONS There are many ways future research can build on and improve the data set gathered in this study. More work can be done to study the relationship between suspended sediment and metal concentration, because suspended sediment may be the main factor creating the high metal concentrations at Malakoff Diggins. This can be done by measuring metal concentrations in sediment samples, measuring dissolved and total solid or turbidity of water samples. In the North Bloomfield Tunnel air shaft water samples should be taken at the water surface and at depth to see if oxidizing or reducing conditions are affecting metal concentrations. Water samples should also be taken from the New York claim above Shaft 5 and 6 to see if there is a relationship between water at the New York claim and Shaft 5 and 6. A parshall flume can be placed at the Mouth and Shaft 5 of the North Bloomfield Tunnel to measure the water and metal discharge from these mine features. More samples could be taken from surface waters around the Pit, especially in the pond, because the water at Hiller Tunnel has different metal concentrations from the borings and Diggins Pond. More borings can be placed in the Pit to enlarge the study area because to find the sources of the varying water chemistries in the borings. Samples can be taken of precipitation to see if atmospheric deposition is contributing to the metal concentrations in waters at Malakoff Diggins. 98 99 Infiltration studies can be conducted finding all the variables needed to use infiltration equations, such as Green Ampt, Horton's Equation and Darcy's law, to make a much more accurate assessment of infiltration and storage in the Pit. Future remediation efforts should focus on removing suspended sediment from water discharged from Malakoff Diggins. There is evidence that the high metal concentrations in the Pit have a direct relationship to the concentration of suspended sediment. The suspended sediment can be removed from the water by filtration. There is limited water storage in the Pit so rerouting water around the Pit would slow erosion of the Pit (NCRCD, 1979b). Slowing water in the pit would have a limited effect on decreasing suspended sediment, since the suspended sediment coming out of the pit is mainly composed of silts and clays (DWR, 1987). The silts and clays remain suspended for a long period; after a water sample was allowed to settle for 1 hour, 1.1 ml/L had settled out while 1,680 mg/L remained suspended (DWR, 1987). Strategies for slowing down water such as, impoundments and vegetation, would remove some of the sediment but much of the sediment would continue to discharge downstream. Remediation efforts for the North Bloomfield Tunnel should be focused on Shaft 5 and the Mouth of the North Bloomfield Tunnel. Shaft 5 discharges so capping it may force water to be released from another area through fractured ground rock aquifer (Hamlin and Alpers 1996) or it could flush the debris out of the North Bloomfield Tunnel. It may be possible to isolate Shaft 5 by placing a small berm around it. 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TOTAL HG AT MALAKOFF DIGGINS Total Hg Hg Site Date (ng/L) filtered(ng/L) Mouth 0.49 0.21 3/9/2012 Mouth 0.54 0.31 2/13/2012 Shaft 1 4.36 2.41 3/26/2012 Shaft 2 2.02 0 11/9/2012 Shaft 3 16.7 1.07 3/26/2012 Shaft 4 2.96 0 11/9/2012 Shaft 5 2270 0.51 3/26/2012 Shaft 6 25.5 0.22 3/26/2012 Hiller Tunnel 56.7 2.49 2/13/2013 Diggins Pond 12 1.07 3/26/2012 P-1 295 0.15 3/22/2013 P-2 189 0.16 3/22/2013 P-3 574 1.26 3/22/2013 P-4 337 0.44 3/22/2013 111 TABLE A-4. IN SITU MEASUREMENTS FOR SURFACE WATERS AT MALAKOFF DIGGINS Site Constituent Date 3/26/2012 Lake City NBT Mouth Shaft 1 Shaft 2 Shaft 3 Shaft 4 Shaft 5 5/5/2012 T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH 9 0.413 83.1 9.59 8.02 T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH 11.12 0.937 88.6 9.7 7.84 10.67 0.22 61 3.41 7.43 5.66 0.193 100 15.61 6.67 10/12/2012 11/9/2012 11/20/2012 11.16 0.465 102.2 11.04 6.89 8.82 0.431 8.28 7.06 0.202 90 6.56 8.97 0.32 8 11.19 1.149 26.8 2.96 6 11.48 1.164 6.8 0.72 6.26 11.37 0.538 21.6 2.28 5.68 12/2/2012 112 Table A-4 (Continued) Site Shaft 6 Hiller Tunnel (Entrance) Hiller Tunnel (Exit) Diggins Pond Constituent T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH Date 3/26/2012 5/5/2012 7.97 1.087 41.2 4.85 5.92 10.03 1.323 6.6 0.66 6.68 T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH 10/12/2012 10.58 1.154 24.4 2.47 6.42 T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH 8.1 0.042 71.3 8.66 5.87 12.59 0.042 35.9 3.82 6.76 14.1 0.055 41.1 3.72 6.79 11/9/2012 11/20/2012 12/2/2012 9 0.194 91.6 10.43 6.42 9.65 0.041 91.1 10.3 6.38 8.84 0.196 104 11.94 6.57 9.12 0.041 98 11.3 5.96 113 Table A-4 (Continued) Site Constituent Date 12/14/2012 Lake City NBT Mouth Shaft 1 Shaft 2 Shaft 3 Shaft 4 1/11/2013 2/9/2013 3/1/2013 T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH 10.62 0.35 84.4 9.36 7.34 3/9/2013 3/10/2013 114 Table A-4 (Continued) Site Constituent Date 12/14/2012 Shaft 5 Shaft 6 Hiller Tunnel (Entra nce) Hiller Tunnel (Exit) Diggin s Pond T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH 1/11/2013 2/9/2013 3/1/2013 11.21 11.19 11.33 0.534 48.1 5.09 6.99 0.415 24.7 2.63 6.57 0.419 17.4 2.9 6.22 3/9/2013 2.5 1.34 1.212 10.07 8.25 0.142 107.5 14.65 6.17 0.154 101.2 14.22 6.87 0.117 86.02 12.18 6.84 0.161 78.9 8.89 6.84 0.149 87.5 10.62 7.29 2.54 1.4 0.142 104.1 14.17 6.57 0.138 124.2 17.02 7.3 3/10/2013 3.94 0.13 101.6 13.31 7.11 115 TABLE A-5. IN SITU MEASUREMENTS FROM BORINGS Site Constituent Date 10/12/2012 P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH H2O Depth (ft) T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH H2O Depth (ft) T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH H2O Depth (ft) T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH H2O Depth (ft) 12.41 1.225 34.3 3.42 6.74 8.12 11.65 0.689 18.7 2.02 6.11 5.86 11/4/2012 11/9/2012 11.58 0.492 5.72 11.67 0.321 5.4 11.58 0.49 5.72 12/2/2012 11.24 0.537 44.5 4.65 7.48 10.23 0.505 22.2 2.57 6.1 9.35 0.509 19.7 2.23 3.62 10.8 0.317 55.4 6.45 9.19 10.91 0.315 16 1.72 6.58 10.7 0.317 21.4 2.34 5.52 10.59 1.375 44.3 4.96 6.23 9.86 1.61 37.7 4.17 6.84 10.12 0.38 15.2 1.68 6.12 9.44 0.337 45.35 5.02 5.81 NO WATER IN BORING 12.73 1.483 12.7 1.3 6.04 7.01 11/20/2012 10.4 0.279 33.2 3.51 7.8 Note: There was no water in Boring P-3 till 11/20/2012 to take measurements from 116 Table A-5 (Continued) Site Constituent Date 12/14/2012 P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH H2O Depth (ft) T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH H2O Depth (ft) T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH H2O Depth (ft) T (°C) EC (ms/cm^2) DO (%) DO (mg/L) pH H2O Depth (ft) 1/11/2013 2/9/2013 3/1/2013 3/9/2013 3/21/2013 5.53 0.396 9.5 1.19 7.24 4.34 9.84 0.261 24.5 2.74 6.38 3.2 6.52 1.124 30.3 3.68 6.63 3.62 6.38 0.261 26.2 3.07 6.35 4.11 6.21 0.379 182 2.18 6.94 8.48 0.489 54 6.05 6.84 5.99 0.63 24.9 3.05 6.82 5.44 0.411 29.1 3.56 6.41 5.16 0.392 38.1 4.66 6.03 10.51 0.317 37.2 4.07 7.22 10.3 0.392 21.5 2.41 7.55 9.86 0.256 21.4 2.41 5.86 9.82 0.255 28.1 3.15 6.1 8.69 1.509 58.2 6.66 7.18 6.54 1.656 52.3 6.3 6.87 6.21 1.084 45 5.51 6.03 6.62 0.998 32.8 3.97 6.26 8.72 0.359 38.1 4.36 6.54 7.22 0.437 28.7 33.5 6.71 6.45 0.271 36.7 4.41 6.2 6.56 0.264 24.2 2.96 6.03 Note: There was no water in Boring P-3 till 11/20/2012 to take measurements from 10.1 0.255 17.8 2 6.75 6.981 1.221 43.5 5.23 7.14 7.16 0.256 16.6 1.98 6.18 117 TABLE A-6. P-1, P-2 , P-3, P-4 , AND HILLER TUNNEL 11/4/2012 Hiller Constituent P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 Units Tunnel Alkalinity CaCO3 140 42 460 53 6.7 mg/L HCO3 140 42 53 6.7 mg/L 2<3.0 <3.0 mg/L CO3 OH <3.0 <3.0 mg/L 2SO4 20 44 25 69 mg/L Al 14 11 18 0.86 0.14 mg/L Sb <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 µg/L As 8.2 31 4.6 3.9 <2.0 µg/L Ba 0.42 0.22 0.18 0.13 0.071 mg/L Be 1.7 1.2 1.1 <1.0 <1.0 µg/L Cd <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 µg/L Ca 37 13 170 12 14 mg/L Cr 60 49 53 <10 <10 µg/L Cu 110 64 69 7.8 5.9 µg/L Fe 72 66 32 51 4.2 mg/L Pb 30 20 21 <5.0 <5.0 µg/L Mg 22 7.7 98 5.5 7.5 mg/L Mn 1.9 2.8 2.8 2 1.4 mg/L Hg <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 <0.40 µg/L Ni 88 60 78 30 96 µg/L K 2.8 3 4.8 <2.0 2.7 mg/L Se <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 µg/L Ag <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 µg/L Na 6.1 3.8 41 4.1 4.2 mg/L Tl <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 µg/L Zn 130 79 94 <50 <50 µg/L Hardness 183 64 828 53 66 mg/L 118 TABLE A-7. NORTH BLOOMFIELD TUNNEL AND DIGGINS POND Constituent Al Ca Fe Mg Mn Hardness Cl NO3SO42Alkalinity Sb As Ba Be Cd Cr Cu Pb Hg Ni Se Ag Tl Zn Mouth 0.054 49 96 11 3.4 89 100 <0.50 4.2 87 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 0.60 <0.50 <0.40 90 <2.0 <0.25 <1.0 13 Shaft 1 Shaft 2 Shaft 3 Shaft 4 Shaft 5 Shaft 6 Diggins Unit 0.11 13 2.4 3.4 0.43 170 1.7 <1.0 0 56 <0.50 <2.0 19 <0.50 <1.0 0.53 <0.50 <0.50 <0.40 <1.0 <2.0 <0.25 <1.0 <10 <0.050 49 0.21 8.5 0.49 160 0.47 12 0.46 1.4 <0.010 35 1.5 <1.0 3.7 33 <0.50 <2.0 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 0.75 0.81 0.69 <0.40 <1.0 <2.0 <0.25 <1.0 <10 2.5 50 2.8 3.5 0.16 140 1.1 39 40 15 4.4 160 2.3 <1.0 150 50 <0.50 5 28 <0.50 <1.0 2.1 4.5 1.5 <0.40 180 <2.0 <0.25 <1.0 150 0.087 40 18 15 4.1 160 2.3 1.1 130 57 <0.50 <2.0 23 <0.50 <1.0 0.52 <0.50 <0.50 <0.40 15 <2.0 <0.25 <1.0 47 1.8 1.2 2 0.7 0.082 5.8 1.8 <1.0 4.6 8.9 <0.50 <2.0 23 <0.50 <1.0 2.5 1.7 <0.50 <0.40 4.3 <2.0 <0.25 <1.0 <10 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L 23 160 <0.50 2.3 65 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.40 <1.0 <2.0 <0.25 <1.0 <10 15 120 <0.50 <2.0 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 5.4 6.5 <0.40 <1.0 <2.0 <0.25 <1.0 <10 119 TABLE A-8. HILLER TUNNEL AND DIGGINS POND METALS Hiller Hiller Hiller Hiller Hiller Diggins Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Tunnel Pond 1/20/2012 1/23/2012 1/27/2012 3/27/2012 11/4/2012 3/26/2012 Arsenic Beryllium Copper Lead Chromium Nickel Zinc Barium Iron <2 <1 2.6 <5 0.86 48 22 64 9.4 <2 1.8 93 23 65 81 110 190 34 <2 <1 3.9 0.74 2.7 47 16 68 3.6 <2 2.4 130 20 76 110 130 230 39 Calcium Magnesium Sulfate Aluminum Manganese Potassium Sodium 0.13 1.4 20 0.58 0.7 1.2 22 0.52 Unit <2 <1 5.9 <5 <1 96 <10 71 14 <2 <1 1.7 <5 2.5 4.3 <10 23 2 µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L mg/L 4.2 1.2 mg/L 0.7 4.6 1.8 0.082 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 7.5 69 0.14 1.4 2.7 4.2 120 TABLE A-9. SEASONAL CHANGES IN METAL CONCENTRATIONS IN BORING 11/4/ 12/2/ 2/9/ 3/9/ 3/22/ Boring Metal unit 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 P-1 Aluminum 14 4.4 17 37 19 mg/L Iron 72 21 54 110 64 mg/L Arsenic 8.2 2.1 3.5 5.4 5.6 µg/L Lead 30 8.9 29 59 31 µg/L Chromium 60 18 59 120 63 µg/L Copper 110 29 98 200 100 µg/L Nickel 88 39 93 180 100 µg/L Zinc 130 <50 120 250 120 µg/L P-2 Aluminum 11 13 29 12 mg/L Iron 66 73 95 71 mg/L Arsenic 31 29 18 21 µg/L Lead 49 58 110 50 µg/L Chromium 64 63 140 63 µg/L Copper 20 19 38 18 µg/L Nickel 60 60 110 61 µg/L Zinc 79 81 190 87 µg/L P-3 Aluminum 32 62 79 96 mg/L Iron 53 98 130 160 µg/L Arsenic 69 140 170 230 µg/L Lead 78 150 190 250 µg/L Chromium 94 170 240 310 µg/L Copper 4.6 3 4.5 4.2 µg/L Nickel 21 38 49 62 µg/L Zinc 18 34 43 52 mg/L P-4 Aluminum 0.86 35 27 14 mg/L Iron 3.9 5.3 5.3 3.2 µg/L Arsenic <2.0 55 43 21 µg/L Lead <5.0 99 80 40 µg/L Chromium 7.8 170 120 64 µg/L Copper 30 160 120 67 µg/L Nickel <10 220 180 90 µg/L Zinc 51 130 120 84 mg/L 121 Metal As Cr Cu Pb Ni Zn Ba Al Mn Fe TABLE A-10. GAGE 3 METALS Gage 3 3/14 Gage 3 1/20 Gage 3 1/23 Gage 3 1/27 <2 <2 <2 <2 56 0.53 39 0.97 92 1.3 57 1.5 21 <0.5 15 <0.5 79 23 56 14 95 50 68 <10 170 50 120 38 15 0.054 11 0.2 0.39 0.57 0.37 0.21 26 9.4 34 3.6 units µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 3 0 1 2 Variances 4 5 6 122 Comp.1 Comp.3 Comp.5 Comp.7 Figure A-1. Components for Biplot of subsurface waters at Malakoff Diggins based on Al, Fe, As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn. 123 Figure A-2. Components for Biplot of Subsurface waters at Malakoff Diggins based on all constituents with concentrations over reporting limits.
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