Malakoff Diggins/Humbug Creek Watershed Assessment
Malakoff Diggins/Humbug Creek Watershed Assessment
Humbug Creek Watershed Assessment Pre-Tour Presentation Reclaiming the Sierra Conference 2012 Malakoff Diggings State Historical Park • Malakoff Mining Pit and town of North Bloomfield –intimately connected • National Register of Historic Places (No. 852) • Public Resources Code (5019.59) mandates the DPR to preserve and protect Overview • • • • History Current Conditions Assessment Goals Field trip landmarks North Bloomfield Mining Company • • • • Formed in 1866 Malakoff Diggings operated from 1866-1900 Largest and best financed mines in the West Claims covering ~1,600 acres with gravel 250600ft deep • Estimated capacity of gold in 1870 ~$69 Million • Sawyer Decision 1884, Caminetti Act 1893 • Debris dams to contain HMD-Englebright Drain Tunnels • 1851-Hiller Tunnel 450ft long (over capacity by 1872) • 1875-North Bloomfield Tunnel 7,874 ft – Eight shafts ~200ft deep, 4.5 x 9ft wide – 1,900 ft of sluice – 6,000ft no sluice use bare rock of tunnel • 4,000ft of undercurrents to South Yuba Historic use of Mercury • Quicksilver was added to the sluices to catch the gold • 15 flasks, 1,147.5 lbs were added to sluices and undercurrents each run (Mineralogist Report in 1882) • Mercury was also scattered over the bank to be washed and allowed to work down • 30% of mercury lost, equal to 30lb of mercury per meter of tunnel lost each year during 1853-1884 (Bowie, 1905) • 9,778 kilograms of elemental mercury were lost to the environment at Malakoff Diggins (Moyle, 1993) • 35-40 Million gallons of water were used each day-provided by the Yuba Canal Company • ~40 M yrd3 of rock was mined (Jarman 1927) • ~29 M yrd3 was discharged as tailings to SYR Erosive Force of Water • Pit is 7,000 ft long, 3,000 ft wide and 600 ft deep Operation Summary 1. Gold bearing gravel was washed from the cliffs 2. Slurry was directed through a series of flumes on the pit floor 3. Slurry fell 440ft down the pit shaft (Shaft 8) 4. Washed through 7,874 ft tunnel – 1,900 ft of sluice, where 75lbs flasks of mercury were added – 6,000 ft of bare rock 5. Discharged into 4,000 ft of undercurrents 6. Washed into the Humbug Creek and South Yuba River Overview • • • • History Current Conditions Assessment Goals Field trip landmarks Unstable Landscape • One mile long pit (7000ft), half mile wide (3000 ft) • Surrounded by cliffs 200-750 ft high • Aqiferous gravels, Quaternary colluvium and Holocene deposits • Diggins erosion and deposition processes – ~50,000 yrd3/yr average erosion – ~30,000 yrd3/yr deposition of sand and gravel Air Shafts and Tunnel Openings Shaft 8 in Pit Shaft 5 Green NB Tunnel opening Shaft 3 Red Shaft 2 Hole Shaft 1 Pond Water Quality Hiller Tunnel 100000 10000 Water Quality Measurements 1000 1979 NCRCD and 1986 DWR 100 10 1 1 10 100 Discharge (cfs) Suspended Sed. Yield vs Discharge Turbidity vs Discharge 10000 100000 10000 1000 Turbidity, NTU Suspended Sediment Yield (lbs/min) Suspended Sediment Consentration (mg/L) Suspended Sediment Consentration vs Discharge 100 10 1000 100 10 1 1 10 Discharge (cfs) 100 1 1 10 Discharge cfs 100 Turbidity Mercury Copper Nickel Zinc Potential Sources of Mercury rich sediments 1) hydraulic pit floor 2) tunnel and associated shafts 3) Humbug and Diggins Creek channels 4) Gravel and sediment terraces above waterways Overview • • • • History Current Conditions Assessment Goals Field trip landmarks Watershed Assessment • A tool to help identify available data or information gaps The scientific interpretation of watershed information and data, leading to conclusions about watershed condition • An objective problem-solving tool that identifies the potential causes of problems • Analysis and findings that can be used to develop appropriate actions • A component of a watershed management package that leads to planning, implementation, evaluation, and additional monitoring What will the watershed assessment be used for? • • • • • Informing a watershed management plan Regulatory concerns Restoration or enhancement planning Monitoring program development Remediation action development and design Issue Based Questions What can be done to improve the water quality of Humbug Creek Watershed? Turbidity Mercury Other Metals What is the sediment yield for Diggins and Humbug Creek? Where is the mercury coming from? What restorative actions would improve water quality? How can the physical hazards be addressed? Working Hypotheses • Malakoff Diggins, Hiller, Lake City, and North Bloomfield Tunnels, and other mines within the Humbug Creek watershed are releasing sediment and metals in quantities that are impacting the ecosystem. • Water quality impaiments could be reduced through adjustments to physical and chemical conditions at source areas. • Alteration or reduction of sediment transport mechanisms could significantly reduce sediment and mercury contamination both within mining-related sites and at downstream locations. Sampling Plan Components • Streamage; Hydrology, Turbidity • Storm event sample collection – Grab samples for mercury, TSS, other metals • • • • • Air Shaft and Tunnel Water Chemistry Mercury Source ID-Macroinvertabrates Pit Erosion and Deposition Soil Development-quality Mercury Remediation Water Quality Sampling Locations FTS Sediment Event System Forest Technologies System web site Event Driven Sampling Plan for Mercury and TSS Brooks Rand Laboratories: EPA Methods 1630 • • • • • 1-3 grab samples for each storm 3-5 storms THg (unfiltered and filtered) TSS Other metals TSS, Turbidity and Hg Relationship Poster by Harihar Napar Chico State Graduate Student Stage (ft) Grab Samples 4/4/2012 23:45 4/2/2012 21:45 3/31/2012 19:45 3/29/2012 17:45 3/27/2012 15:45 3/25/2012 13:45 3/23/2012 11:45 3/21/2012 9:45 3/19/2012 7:45 3/17/2012 5:45 3/15/2012 3:45 3/13/2012 1:45 3/10/2012 23:45 3/8/2012 21:45 3/6/2012 19:45 3/4/2012 17:45 3/2/2012 15:45 2/29/2012 13:45 2/27/2012 11:45 2/25/2012 9:45 2/23/2012 7:45 2/21/2012 5:45 2/19/2012 3:45 2/17/2012 1:15 2/14/2012 23:15 2/12/2012 21:15 2/10/2012 19:15 2/8/2012 17:15 2/6/2012 15:15 2/4/2012 13:15 2/2/2012 11:15 1/31/2012 9:15 1/29/2012 7:15 1/27/2012 5:15 1/25/2012 3:15 1/23/2012 1:15 1/20/2012 23:15 1/18/2012 21:15 11/13/2011 19:15 YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS Sampling Dates November 2011-present 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Metal Sampling in Air Shafts and Tunnels BSK Laboratories: EPA Methods 200.7 and 200.8 • Water Chemistry of shafts and tunnels – Sampled with a bailer • Bacterial processes • Transport tracing David DeMaree Chico State Graduate Student Mercury Source ID • Macro-invertabrate sampling – Summer 2012 Susan Miller Chico State Graduate Student Biota Sampling Locations Gage Location Pit Erosion and Deposition Processes Keith Landrum Chico State Graduate Student Soil Development Kathy Berry-Garrett Chico State Graduate Student Mercury Remediation Phyto translocation Rebecca Bushway Chico State Graduate Student Assessment Purpose Statement To determine the watershed processes that contribute to the degraded state of the watershed, specifically with respect to, water quality. The primary purpose of determining the processes contributing to water quality degradation is to design solutions that mitigate these impacts and improve ecosystem health. Overview • • • • History Current Conditions Assessment Goals Field trip landmarks 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 5 3 1 Thank you! Working Group Chico State Graduate Students
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