Parish Calendar - Old Mission Santa Inés
Parish Calendar - Old Mission Santa Inés
Old Mission Santa Inés Founded 1804 Capuchin Franciscan 1760 Mission Drive, P.O. Box 408 Solvang, CA 93464 Phone: (805) 688-4815 Fax: (805)686-4468 email: Capuchin Franciscan Friars: Pastor Fr. Matthew Elshoff, OFM Cap. (ext. 223) Associate Pastor Fr. James Johnson, OFM Cap. (ext. 224) Senior Priest Fr. Gerald Barron, OFM Cap. Capuchin Vocation Office: (ext. 227) Fr. Peter Banks, OFM Cap., Director (686-4127 direct line) RCIA & Adult Sacramental Preparation/ Sacramentos para adultos: Sr. Lucia Tu, SDSH (ext. 228) Religious Education/Catecismo: 688-4138 Sr. Carmen Acosta, SDSH, Director Parish Offices/Oficina parroquial: Open Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Silvia Ramos, Parish Secretary (ext. 222) Paula Engel, Bookkeeper (ext. 230) Mission Gift Shop/La Tienda de la Misión: Open Daily, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (ext. 231) Sonia DeLuna, Manager MASS SCHEDULE Masses in English Saturday 5:00 PM; Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM (Youth Mass) Daily Mass: Monday thru Saturday 8:00 AM Misas en español Sabado 7:00 PM; Domingo 12:30 PM Fiestas de Obligación 7:00 PM Holy Days 8:00 AM, 12 noon Vigil of Holy Days 7:00 PM Adoration Chapel: Monday thru Friday, 6:00 AM-Midnight; Wednesday opens at 5:00 AM; 24-hour Adoration: 1st & 3rd Friday/Saturday of each month. Adoración del Santísimo: L-V 6:00-Media Noche; Miércoles 5:00 AM 24-horas de Adoración: primer y tercer viernes/sábado cada mes. Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesión: Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM Sábado 6:15-6:45 PM (Directory continues on back) Sacred Heart Sisters December 12 & 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent (Zephaniah 3:14-18a; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:10-18) Mission Statement We the people of Old Mission Santa Inés, following the path of Jesus Christ, are making His vision a reality through love, unity, justice, joy and hope. Nosotros el pueblo de la Misión Santa Inés, siguiendo el camino de Jesucristo, estamos realizando su vision por media del amor, la unidad, la justicia, la alegra y la esperanza. Jubilee Year of Mercy "alvation is offered to eveS ry human, to every people, without exception, to each of us,"Pope Francis said during the ceremony. None of us can say, 'I am " holy, I am perfect, I am already saved." Pope Francis opened the Holy Doors of St. Peter's Basilica on December 8th, performing a ritual that has been part of the Catholic Church since the 1500s. Holy Doors are only opened during a special year designated by a pope called a Jubilee Year. This iteration will be a Jubilee of Mercy. The last Jubilee Year was in 2000. Traditionally, there are holy doors only in the four basilicas of Rome: St. Peter's, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major and St. Paul Outside the Walls. But Pope Francis has rewritten the rules and said that every Catholic cathedral in the world may designate a holy door to be opened for a year, so that even those who can't come to Rome can participate in the church's Jubilee Year of Mercy by walking through the doors. Walking through the Holy Doors means that you receive a plenary indulgence, which is a lessening of the consequences attached to sin. To receive it you must: 1. Walk through the Holy Doors. 2. Go to confession.3. Receive communion.4. Pray for the intentions of the pope. For more information: http:// -teachings/how-we-teach/newevangelization/jubilee-of-mercy. TODAY Today, the second collection is for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Please give generously to those who have donated so much of their time and talents to us for so many years. Third Sunday of Advent December 12 & 13, 2015 Christmas Parade It was a great celebration! Thank you to Sr. Carmen and the School of Religion for all their work in creating the birth of the Baby Jesus. There was over 70 children participating in the parade. We also thank Nancy Rizzo and all her helpers for hosting the picnic for Jesus birthday party, Greg Gorman provided the Christmas music, Steve and Joy Sawin, for the use of the truck and trailer, and finally, Wayne Natale, driver of the truck and trailer. Especially, we thank the Capuchin-Franciscans for their walk with us during this holy celebration. Happy Birthday to the Greatest Man that ever lived. Ministry of Hospitality and Caring Protecting God’s Children We have an immediate need for a VIRTUS® facilitator for our parish. A professional two-day training session is required for all qualified candidates. This training will be held on January 14 and 15, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Los Angeles, Los Angeles. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. Old Mission Santa Ines, Religious Education classes with the outstanding help of numerous volunteers, presented a lovely nativity display for the Solvang Christmas Parade on December 5. Thank you Jesus! Christmas break will begin December 15. Classes will resume on January 5. The Hearing Loop A date has not been set for the installation due to the Christmas holiday. As soon as a date opens you will be notified. A Message From Our Pastor Thank you to all who participated in my installation Mass, especially, the Bilingual Choir. It was a wonderfully prayerful and memorable experience. Special thanks those who hosted the reception: The Bilingual Choir, Grupo de Parejas, St. Vincent de Paul, Ministry of Hospitality and Caring and the Men’s Club. I am very grateful. Fr. Matt Christmas 2015 / Navidad 2015 Masses / Misas Christmas Eve / Noche Buena Thursday, Dec. 24/Jueves, 24 de Dic. 4:00 PM Children’s Mass (English) 6:00 PM Mass (English) 8:00 PM Misa (Español) 11:30 PM Christmas Carols 12:00 – Midnight Mass (English) Christmas Day / Navidad Friday, Dec. 25 / Viernes, 25 de Dic. 9:00, 11:00 AM (English) 12:30 PM (Español) New Year’s Eve / Visp. Del Año Thurs, Dec. 31 / Jueves, 31 de Dic. 8:00 AM Mass (English) 11:00 PM Misa (Español) New Year’s Day / Año Nuevo* Friday, Jan. 1 / Viernes, 1 de Enero 9:00 AM Mass (English) 11:00 AM Misa (Español) *This is not a Holy Day of Obligation *No es Día Santo de Obligación Advent and Christmas Bilingual Reconciliation Service, Thursday December 17, at 7:00 PM, in the church. Please come and join us as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Chapel to Church Half Marathon When: Saturday, January 30, 2016 From: San Ramon Chapel To: St. Louis de Montfort Church For more information please see the flyer at the back credenza of the church. WEEKLY OFFERING Current Last Year Parish $11,189 $11,205 Religious Education $1,726 $1,584 Thank you for your continued generosity! Did you know? Safety is key even when visiting Santa Clause. Visiting Santa Claus can be a grand and positive childhood experience. However, some people who seek to bring Santa to life in a child’s world are not deserving of our trust. Make sure your child knows that there are special rules for Santa and that parents or guardians must always be with the child when he or she visits Santa. One rule to consider is encouraging your child to stand next to Santa or sit on the floor between his feet rather than sitting on his lap. Parish Calendar Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Tuesdays Wednesdays Friday, 12/18 7:45 AM 8:30 AM 1:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 6:00 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet Rosary for Life, after 8:00 AM Mass Rosary for Vocations Divine Mercy Cenacle Amigos de Los Capuchinos Prayer Hour 24-hour Adoration (until 8:00 AM, Saturday, 12/19) Madonna Chapel Church Blessed Sacrament Chapel Classroom B Blessed Sacrament Chapel Blessed Sacrament Chapel Tercer Domingo de Adviento 12 y 13 de diciembre de 2015 HOY LECTURAS DE HOY Sofonías 3:14-18a Filipenses 4:4-7 Lucas 3:10-18 La segunda colecta de este fin de semana es para el Fondo de Retiro de los Religiosos. Por favor sean generosos para ayudar a todas aquellas personas que entregaron su vida al servicio del Señor. NOTICIAS Gracias a todos los que participaron en la Misa de mi instalación, especialmente al Coro Bilingüe. Fue una experiencia de oración maravillosa y memorable. Un agradecimiento especial a los de la recepción: El Coro Bilingüe, Grupo de Parejas, San Vicente de Paúl, Ministerio de Hostelería y Cuidado y el Club de Hombres. Estoy muy agradecido. Padre Mateo Educación Religiosa Las clases de Educación Religiosa de Misión Santa Inés, con la ayuda excepcional de numerosos volun tarios, presentó una exhibición de la natividad preciosa para el Desfile de Navidad de Solvang el 5 de diciembre. ¡Gracias Jesús! Durante la Natividad: clases no estarán en sesión a partir 15 de desembre y reanudará 5 de enero. Angel Rafael Orellana Alvarenga Año Jubilar de la Misericordia "La salvación se ofrece a todos los seres humanos, a todos los pueblos, sin excepción, a cada uno de nosotros", dijo el Papa Francisco durante la ceremonia. "Ninguno de nosotros puede decir:" Yo soy santo, yo soy perfecto, yo me eh salvado. " El Papa Francisco abrió las Puertas Santas de la Basílica de San Pedro el Martes, 8 de Diciembre, realización un ritual que ha sido parte de la Iglesia Católica desde el año 1500. Puertas Santas solamente se abren durante un año especial designado por un papa llamado Año Jubilar. Esta iteración será un Jubileo de la Misericordia. El último Año Jubilar fue en el 2000. Tradicionalmente, hay Puertas Santas sólo en las cuatro basílicas de Roma: San Pedro, San Juan de Letrán, Santa María la Mayor y San Pablo El Aro de Audición La fecha no se ha establecido para la instalación debido a las vacaciones de Navidad. Tan pronto como una fecha se abra se le notificará. Anuncios para el boletín: Anuncios para el boletín se deben enviar a la oficina los martes antes de las 12 de mediodía. Seguridad y Bienestar de Nuestros Niños en la Misión Santa Inés Por favor asegúrese de que los niños estén siempre bajo la supervisión de un adulto, no un adolescente o menor de edad. Los niños deben de ir siempre acompañados por un adulto al baño durante Misa o en cualquier otra reunión. Extramuros. El Papa Francisco ha reescrito las reglas y dijo que cada catedral Católica en el mundo podrá designar una Puerta Santa para ser abierta por un año, por los que no pueden venir a Roma puedan participar en la iglesia durante el Año Jubilar de la Misericordia caminando a través de las puertas. Caminando por las Puertas Santas significa que usted recibe una indulgencia plenaria, lo cual es una disminución de las consecuencias atadas al pecado. Para recibir la indulgencia plenaria, debe: 1. Caminar a través de las Puertas Santas. 2. Ir a confession.3. Recibir communion.4. Orar por las intenciones del Papa. Para más información: beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/ new-evangelization/jubilee-of-mercy. Calendario de las Posadas/ Posadas Calendar Posadas Comienzan a las 7pm/ Posadas start at 7pm Sábado 8pm/ Saturday 8pm Martes, 15 de Dic. / Tuesday, Dec.15 Seminario San Lorenzo/ San Lorenzo Seminary 1820 Sky Drive, Santa Ynez 688-5630 Miércoles, 16 de Dic. / Wednesday, Dec. 16 Armada Blanca 711 Jonata Road, Buellton 688-7904 Jueves, 17 de Dic. / Thursday, Dec. 17 Joanne & Harold Tegge 1469 Kronborg Drive, Solvang 688-7566 Viernes, 18 de Dic. / Friday, Dec. 18 Familia Hernández 2951 Stadium Road, Solvang 245-5335 Sábado, 19 de Dic. / Saturday, Dec. 19 @ 8pm Vecinos de la Maple/ Maple Neighbors 1677 Maple Avenue, Solvang 688-3037/693-5615 Domingo, 20 de Dic. / Sunday, Dec. 19 Nini Lemus 711 Jonata Road, Buellton 688-2220 December 12 & 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent Directory (con’t) Saturday, December 12 Bartoška Family, RIP Gabrielle & little Remi, SI 5:00 PM Walter Britton, RIP Thomas Larrigan, RIP Sunday, December 13 8:00 AM Romero Family, SI Lupita Ramos, SI, birthday 11:00 AM Bill Warwick, RIP Walter Britton, RIP Monday, December 14 9:30 AM 8:00 AM Kent Taylor, RIP Noel Barron, RIP Tuesday, December 15 8:00 AM Gregorio Tongol, RIP Bobbie & Greg McGee, SI Wednesday, December 16 8:00 AM Joyce G. Lettau, RIP Eladio Tongol, RIP Thursday, December 17 Deceased members of the O’Hara Family Denise Gauld, SI Friday, December 18 8:00 AM 8:00 AM Baptisms/Bautismos: Preparation classes in English: Sr. Lucia Tu, SDSH (ext.228) Second Monday: Please call the parish office for an appointment. Pláticas pre-bautismales en español: Entrevistas: Segundo y cuarto martes de cada mes. Favor de comunicarse con los Señores Rubeñ y Dalila Santos at tel. 686-4813. Pláticas: Primeros y Terceros martes de cada mes. Favor de comunicarse con los Señores Ramoñ y Carmen Garciá al tel. 693-8936. Las entrevistas y pláticas se ofrecen en el salon B a las 7:00PM Confirmation Program: 688-4815 Kim Baggao (ext. 226) Deacon: 688-4815 Diácono Ancelmo Aguirre (ext. 225) Hospitality & Caring Joanne Tegge, 350-0206 Maintenance/Mantenimiento: 688-4815 Victor Bermúdez, Director (ext. 229) Humberto Figueroa No flash photography is permitted within the church. There is no food allowed in the museum, church, or interior garden area. Also, all children MUST be supervised by their parents at all times. Thank you for your cooperation. Deadline for all news and information for the bulletin is due in the office by 12 noon on Tuesdays for the upcoming Sunday. Christine L. Kuzma C.P.A. 686-5871 Celia & Ken Edge, RIP Walter Britton, RIP W elco me i n J e s us ’ N a m e! ¡B ie n ve n id o e n el No mb r e d e J e s u s ! If you a re n ot regi st ered, p leas e fi ll out thi s form and p la c e in th e c ollec ti on or m ai l t o th e pa ri sh offi c e. Si no se r egi st rado en la paorqu ia, favo r de ll enar e sta for ma y pon erla en la co lecta o manda rla por co rr eo a la of ic ina N AME Open 7-10 Mon.-Sat.; 7-9 Sun. 805-688-4300 Custom-Fit Doors & Screens “We screen at your place” Greg & Dodie Gorman 686-4121 A DDRESS : C IT Y & Z IP : P HON E : E-MAIL: ( ) Send me weekly envelopes. Favor de mandarme sobres. ( ) Put me on the mailing list. Quiero recibir la correspondencia del parroquial. ( ) Moving, remove from mailing list. Estoy cambiando sitio fuera de la parroquial, quiteme de la lista. ( ) Change of Address/Phone Number/E-mail Marriage/Matrimonios: Inquire at Parish Office at least 6 months in advance. Hable con el padre por lo menos con 6 meses de anticipación. Parish Men’s Service Club: Bob Leite, 688-8331 Pro-Life/Care Net Pregnancy Support Center Lompoc Care Net 735-2353 Life Network 967-9096 Sacred Heart Convent: 688-6158 Sacramental Records/Registros Sacramentales/Archives (Tuesdays) Sheila Benedict (ext. 235) Safeguard the Children Committee: 688-4815 Susan Gionfriddo, Chairperson San Lorenzo Seminary: 688-5630 St. Vincent de Paul Society: 686-9933 Venturing: 688-4815 (Ext. 226) Youth Group – The Vines: 688-4815 (Ext. 226) Safeguard the Children For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650 Mary Beth Kerr Home visits, overnights, exercise, etc. Cell phone - (805) 245-5620 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Montecito · Santa Barbara Santa Ynez Valley 688-1620 WAYNE NATALE Broker Associate JENNIE BRADLEY Broker Associate NANCY RIZZO Realtor 688-7660 Researchers and manufacturers of family coats of arms Donna Wheatley, owner 473 Atterdag Solvang Old Mission Santa Inés “Help us Help Others” Conference - 686-9933 Life Issues Are you suffering after an abortion? 1-800-5-WECARE Alternatives to abortion 1-800-848-LOVE silentnomore 1-800-395-HELP Old Mission Gift Shop Great selection of Gift Items Religious Articles • Jewelry Bibles & Books Seraphic Mass Cards 688-4815 Daily 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Present this ad for a 10% discount
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Parish Calendar - Old Mission Santa Inés
Joanne Tegge, 350-0206