2015 Sportfishing Summit Program Book
2015 Sportfishing Summit Program Book
OCTOBER 20-22, 2015 LOEWS DON CESAR HOTEL ST. PETE BEACH, FLORIDA ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 1 9/18/15 1:37 PM AMERICAN SPORTFISHING ASSOCIATION Welcome to the 2015 Sportfishing Summit! On behalf of the board of directors, ASA’s members, partners and staff, we welcome you to St. Pete Beach and the 2015 Sportfishing Summit, the association’s business meeting and premier networking event. The Loews Don Cesar Hotel, known as the “Pink Palace,” opened in 1928 when it gained renown as a Gulf Coast destination during the height of the Jazz Age. Today, it’s a modern hotel located on one of the Gulf’s most beautiful beaches! The Sportfishing Summit is the one time each year that the sportfishing community comes together to discuss our collective future. This annual business meeting underscores our desire to bring together the association’s members along with others from the sportfishing community to provide a productive meeting that is timely, useful and a good business investment. In fact, we encourage you to attend the board of directors and committee meetings in order to gain a better understanding of how ASA staff and your colleagues work on your behalf. The networking breakfasts, lunches and the Hospitality Suite also offer informal ways to discuss issues that impact your business. Information and More Information As usual, we have a full agenda planned for members and guests. Monday, October 19 – Today, we have the Keep Florida Fishing Steering Committee meeting and the ASA Board of Directors meeting. We’re also hosting an informal, outdoor meet and greet on Monday evening – a Party with a Purpose – to thank current ASA Sportfishing PAC donors and provide some general information about the PAC. Everyone is welcome to attend. Tuesday, October 20 – Our members and guests meet for breakfast and then we break out into our committee meetings. We meet for lunch and then move onto our afternoon general business sessions. The evening is capped off with a full-on welcome reception for all our attendees and guests. Wednesday, October 21 – Today, we follow the same pattern as Tuesday. The exception is the Sportfishing Summit annual dinner and awards presentations on Wednesday evening. Thursday, October 22 – On the last day of the Summit, the board of directors meets just before our General Membership meeting. At the conclusion of that meeting, the association’s members adjourn for another year. We are serving a full breakfast this year and encourage everyone to attend! We’re glad you are here and welcome to St. Pete Beach! Dave Bulthuis Vice President, Sales, Costa Chairman, ASA’s Board of Directors Mike Nussman President and CEO 2 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 2 9/18/15 1:37 PM AGENDA Current as of September 21, 2015 – The agenda is subject to change. We’re Talking Branding and Angler Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Nothing has more of an impact on our industry than turning new people into enthusiastic anglers – and keeping them engaged. During this year’s Sportfishing Summit, we’re going to take a look at our future, paying particular attention to three key factors that will keep our industry moving forward: recruiting new anglers, retaining the ones we have and re-engaging those who need to get back into our sport! Monday, October 19 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Registration������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer (King Charles Ballroom) 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Hospitality Suite ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Boca Ciega Suite Noon – 2:15 p.m. Keep Florida Fishing Steering Committee Meeting�������������������������������������������Del Prado 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. ASA Board of Directors Meeting ��������������������������������������������������������������������� North Terrace 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Party With a Purpose! ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Beach Pavilion Join us for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and learn about ASA’s SportfishingPac Tuesday, October 20 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Registration������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer (King Charles Ballroom) 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Hospitality Suite ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Boca Ciega Suite 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. 2015 Sportfishing Summit Breakfast��������������������������������������������������������������� South Terrace Welcome and the day’s overview 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Spouses and Guests Welcome Breakfast������������������������������������������������������ Board Room 3 10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Morning Break ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer 9:00 a.m. – Noon ASA Committee Meetings • Government Affairs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� North Terrace • Communications���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Del Prado • Membership�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Buena Vista • Consumer Shows ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Board Room 1 Noon – 1:00 p.m. Networking Lunch������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� South Terrace Afternoon General Sessions – It’s All About the Brand, ’Bout the Brand! All afternoon sessions are held in the King Charles Ballroom 1:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Setting the Stage for the Afternoon’s Sessions 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT 3 ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 3 9/18/15 1:37 PM AGENDA 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker – Ken Schmidt – The Harley-Davidson Brand Ken Schmidt, a key player in one of the most celebrated turnarounds in corporate history – Harley-Davidson – will provide insight into how Harley-Davidson transformed itself into one of the world’s most dominant brands. 2:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.Break������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Building and Sustaining Iconic Brands – Presented by RBFF During this session, Colle+McVoy, the creative agency for the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF), will provide an overview of how they helped build the TakeMeFishing® brand. Going one step further, they will use those concepts to analyze other iconic brands – Indian Motor Cycles, Land ’O Lakes, Old Navy and Purina – and how these branding concepts can be applied to our iconic brand of fishing. 3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. What is the Fishing Brand? This is the perfect time to examine what constitutes the recreational fishing brand and what your association does to promote and protect one of the most iconic brands in the U.S. 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Welcome Reception – Everyone is Invited ��������������������������������������������� Sunset’s Pavilion Wednesday, October 21 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Registration������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer (King Charles Ballroom) 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Hospitality Suite ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Boca Ciega Suite 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. General Summit Breakfast��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� South Terrace 9:00 a.m. – Noon ASA Committee Meetings • Government Affairs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� North Terrace • Data & Statistics �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Buena Vista • Trade Show������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Del Prado 10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Morning Break ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. ASA Committee Meetings • Advocacy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Board Room 3 • Finance ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Board Room 1 Noon – 1:00 p.m. Networking Lunch������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� South Terrace Afternoon General Sessions – Talkin’ About Our Generations! All afternoon sessions are held in the King Charles Ballroom 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker – Cam Marston – Generational Change and the Marketplace Cam Marston is the leading expert on the impact of generational change and its impact on the marketplace. As an author, columnist, blogger and lecturer, he imparts a clear understanding of how generational demographics are changing the landscape of business. 4 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 4 9/18/15 1:37 PM 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. And the Numbers Have It! The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation and Southwick Associates have some eye-opening data to share about generational trends in fishing and how the “churn” rate impacts anglers – and your business! 3:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.Break������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 60 Million Anglers – Can We Get There?! We all have a responsibility to engage new anglers, keep the ones we have and entice back the ones that have dropped out of our sport. Our industry’s future depends on it. We’ll have some “show and tell” about programs that are on target to address these issues. BUT – we want to hear from you as well. This is going to be a two-way session, so bring your best examples and your best ideas. 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. 2015 Sportfishing Summit Reception and Awards Dinner The dinner will be held in the King Charles Ballroom and the reception is on the South Terrace. Thursday, October 22 7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting������������������������������������������������������������������������������� North Terrace 9:30 a.m. – 10:35 a.m. General Membership Meeting�����������������������������������������������������������King Charles Ballroom You Don’t Want to Skip This!! It’s important for you, our members to hear what the committees and the board of directors ultimately decide is our direction for the next year and into the future. If you haven’t attended the General Membership Meeting, this is the year you want to stick around. Our committee chairmen will report on their committee deliberations and you’ll hear from our board chairman what actions the board took during its two meetings. A full breakfast will be served. Everyone is welcome to attend. PLEASE NOTE – Registration and the Hospitality Suite are closed on Thursday, October 22. The 2015 Sportfishing Summit Registration Desk and Hospitality Suite This year, the Registration Desk and the Hospitality Suite are in two different locations. However, the hours are the same for each. Registration Desk – Fifth Floor Foyer near the King Charles Ballroom. Hospitality Suite – Boca Ciega Suite located on the 7th Floor The Registration Desk and Hospitality Suite are open: Monday, October 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 20. . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 21. . . . . . . . . 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The Registration Desk and the Hospitality Suite are closed on Thursday, October 22. 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT 5 ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 5 9/18/15 1:37 PM BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS Board of Directors Meetings Monday, October 19 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������North Terrace Room Thursday, October 22 7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������North Terrace Room Committee Meetings Monday, October 19 Noon – 2:15 p.m. Keep Florida Fishing Steering Committee �����������������������������������������������������������Del Prado Tuesday, October 20 9:00 a.m. – Noon Committee Meetings • Government Affairs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� North Terrace • Communications���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Del Prado • Consumer Shows ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Buena Vista • Membership��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Board Room I 10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Morning Break ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer Wednesday, October 21 9:00 a.m. – Noon Committee Meetings • Government Affairs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� North Terrace • Data and Statistics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Buena Vista • Trade Show������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Del Prado 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Committee Meetings • Advocacy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Board Room 3 • Finance ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Board Room 1 10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Morning Break ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Fifth Floor Foyer 6 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 6 9/18/15 1:37 PM SPEAKERS The 2015 Sportfishing Summit Keynote Speakers In addition to information specific to our industry, we also have five outstanding speakers who will provide you with unique perspectives on current events and business practices that you can take back to your place of business. This year we again have two very unique and popular speakers on the agenda. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 Visioning Your Brand with Ken Schmidt Ken Schmidt is the former Director of Communications Strategy for Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Ken is one of the most in-demand speakers and communications consultants in America, Ken Schmidt has lived a life that most can only dream about. He has toured the world on two wheels, met with presidents and royalty, partied with movie and music legends, and appeared numerous times on network news. As the former Director of Communications, he played an active role in one of the most celebrated turnarounds in corporate history – and got paid to ride motorcycles. He is widely known as one of the business world’s most outspoken and provocative thought leaders and has partnered with many of the world’s most successful brands. Ken shares stories and insights on the road to building a fanatically vocal customer base, creating a passionately loyal corporate culture and developing leaders who inspire and motivate. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Generational Insights with Cam Marston Cam Marston, President of Generational Insights, is the leading expert on the impact of generational change and its impact on the marketplace. As an author, columnist, blogger, and lecturer, he imparts a clear understanding of how generational demographics are changing the landscape of business. Marston and his firm have provided research and consultation on generational issues to hundreds of companies and professional groups, ranging from small businesses to multinational corporations, as well as major professional associations, for over 16 years. He’s been interviewed for his insights by organizations as different as the BBC, Good Morning America, and German Public Radio. His clients range from the U.S. Army, General Electric, Prudential and PricewaterhouseCoopers to Kentucky Fried Chicken, Kroger and the Boy Scouts. Cam is a native of Mobile, Ala., and a Tulane University alumnus. He is the author of four books, husband to Lisa and father of four. 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT 7 ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 7 9/18/15 1:37 PM SPEAKERS The 2015 Sportfishing Summit Featured Speakers Mike Caguin Chief Creative Officer Colle+McVoy Mike Caguin has helped transform Colle+McVoy into a vibrant, creatively driven and nationally recognized agency. Under his leadership, C+M has been recognized by some of the industry’s most revered awards including Communication Arts, The One Show, the Webby Awards, Cannes Lions, the O’Toole Awards, Graphis, Obies, AIGA and the Effies. He has worked at shops large and small and from coast to coast, including Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners and TBWA\Chiat\Day. His client experience includes BMW MINI, Cannondale, Caribou Coffee, Detroit Pistons, ESPN, General Mills, Indian Motorcycle, Infiniti, Land O’Lakes, Nestlé Purina, Nissan, People For Bikes, Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation, Red Wing Shoes, Schwinn and USA Swimming. In his spare time Mike enjoys running, cycling and swimming, as well as fishing with his two children. Rob Southwick President Southwick Associates For 25 years, Southwick Associates, under the leadership of founder and President Rob Southwick, has been the leader in statistics and business trends for fish, wildlife and the outdoors. Southwick Associates helps the outdoor community – both public and private entities – to better understand outdoor markets, how recreational activities translate into jobs, and how to increase sales and profitability. Southwick received his business and economics training at the University of Florida, and began his career working for the Sport Fishing Institute. With more than a dozen talented source experts, Southwick Associates provides the fishing and hunting community with the information needed to improve participation and profits. Frank Peterson President and CEO Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation Frank Peterson joined the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) as President and CEO in 2007. Previously, he served in leadership roles at a variety of organizations including Mobil Oil Corporation, Marketing General and his own business development services firm. At RBFF, Peterson uses his organizational and marketing skills to increase participation in boating and fishing. The many initiatives developed and managed under Peterson’s leadership, including the re-branding of RBFF’s consumer outreach campaign Take Me Fishing™ and the introduction of the industry’s first-ever Hispanic outreach campaign, Vamos A Pescar™, have contributed to positive trends in fishing and boating participation. 8 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 8 9/18/15 1:37 PM SEA PORCH RESTAURANTSUNSETS’ TEQUILA BAR CAMP CESAR TR’S POOLGENERAL STORE ADMINISTRATIVE SPA OCEANA OFFICE MEETING ROOMS MAP ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE DON CESAR CLUB SPLASH CAMP CESAR M NECSESSORIES TR’S GENERAL DEBAZANW STORE COURTYARD GAT PATIO ATM SPLASH THE ELEVATORS M DON NECSESSORIES CESAR W FITZGERALD SHOPPE CHEERS!EVENTS ROOM SOUTH ENTRANCE FITNESS CENTER DON CESAR CLUB UNCLE ANDY’S ICE CREAM PARLOR SECURITY ATM SOUTH ENTRANCE ELEVATORS Lobby Level FITZGERALD CHEERS!EVENTS ROOM FITNESS CENTER Garden Level SEA PORCH RESTAURANT GAME ROOM THE DON CESAR SHOPPE GATSBY POOL PATIO WHIRPOOL DEBAZAN COURTYARD SECURITY UNCLE ANDY’S ICE CREAM PARLOR SPA OCEANA LOBBY LEVEL GARDEN LEVEL BOARDWALK SPA OCEANA SUNSETS’ PAVILION BEACH PAVILION BEACHCOMBER BAR & GRILL LOBBY LEVEL LOBBY BAR GRAND BALLROOM SUNSETS’ TEQUILA BAR POOL WHIRPOOL POOL SPA OCEANA 1 SEA PORCH RESTAURANT GAME ROOM GATSBY CAMP CESAR TR’S GENERAL STORE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE PATIO DEBAZAN LOBBY BAR VERANDA GRAND BALLROOM BALLROOM ARCADE BOARDROOMS 2 COURTYARD MARITANA GRILLE SPLASH THE DON CESAR SHOPPE M NECSESSORIES 1 RESTROOMS VERANDA W 3 BALLROOM ARCADE CONCIERGE DON CESAR CLUB ATM SOUTH ENTRANCE FRONT DESK 2 BOARDROOMS ELEVATORS FITZGERALD CHEERS!EVENTS ROOM FITNESS CENTER MARITANA GRILLE SECURITY RESTROOMS 3 UNCLE ANDY’S ICE CREAM PARLOR ROOM DIMENSIONS SQ. FT. Sunsets’ Pavilion LOBBY LEVEL 32'x42'x16' 1,344 Beach Pavilion ROOM 31'x50'x16'DIMENSIONS 1,550 Fitzgerald Room 23'x21'x8' CONCIERGE THEATER CLASSROOM FRONT DESK CONFERENCE U-SHAPE 35 CRESCENT GARDEN LEVEL SPA OCEANA GARDEN LEVEL Gatsby Sunsets’ Pavilion LOBBY LEVEL LOBBY BAR GRAND BALLROOM Beach Pavilion Grand Ballroom We’re Here to Help! Fitzgerald Room 1 Ballroom Arcade Gatsby Board Room 1 VERANDA BALLROOM ARCADE LOBBY LEVEL If you have any questions about the agenda Board Room 2 MARITANA GRILLE Grand Ballroom RESTROOMS or any other Summit or association-related Board Room 33 Ballroom Arcade CONCIERGE feel free FRONTto DESK speak with an questions, please Veranda Board Room 1 ASA staff member or visit the Registration Board Room 2 Desk or the Hospitality Suite. 2 ROOM DIMENSIONS GARDEN LEVEL Sunsets’ Pavilion Beach Pavilion Fitzgerald Room Gatsby LOBBY LEVEL Grand Ballroom Ballroom Arcade Board Room 1 SQ. FT. THEATER CLASSROOM BOARDROOMS BoardU-SHAPE Room CONFERENCE The Registration Desk is located in the Fifth 32'x42'x16' 1,344 125 — 40 35 Floor Foyer near125the King— Charles20Ballroom. 31'x50'x16' 1,550 24 3 483 40 20 20 107'x53'x16' 5,671 500 300 50 We look forward to speaking with you! 110'x15'x14' 1.650 — — — 40 20 20 31'x50'x16' 107'x53'x16' 5,671 23'x21'x8' 110'x15'x14' 1.650 46'x35'x9'5" 27'x15'x9' 405 1,550 500 483 — 1,500 — 35'x13'x9' 455 107'x53'x16' 30'x17'x9' 510 110'x15'x14' 90'x12' 1,080 27'x15'x9' 30 5,671 30 1.650 — 405 SOUTH TERRACE 35'x13'x9' VERANDA CRESCENT 90'x12' 90 300 50 500 24 300 510 30 — KING CHARLES BALLROOM 24 50 — — — 30 30 — 35 24 50 20 — 14 6 30 — — 20 50 20 — — — 24 NORTH TERRACE 24 VERANDA 20 24 24 20 — — — 18 18 — 100+TERRACE SOUTH 100+ 30 — 50 50 200 300 — — — 27'x15'x9' 405 — — 14 — — — 35'x13'x9' 455 30 24 24 20 18 24 Board Room 3 30'x17'x9' 510 30 24 24 20 18 24 90'x12' 1,080 — — — — — 124 NORTH TERRACE SOUTH TERRACE ARCADE DEL PRADO M M W W BUENA VISTA NORTH TERRACE ARCADE FIFTH FLOOR ROOM DIMENSIONS SQ. FT. THEATER CLASSROOM CONFERENCE 50 U-SHAPE CRESCENT BANQUET 70 144 240 FIFTH FLOOR King Charles Ballroom 69'x50'x15' 3,450 350 170 South Terrace 50'x50'x10' 2,500 150 100 48 46 90 150 51'x52' 2,652 — — — — 60 100 50'x50'x10' 2,500 150 100 48 46 90 150 51'x52' 2,652 — — — — 60 100 120 South Terrace Veranda North Terrace North Terrace Veranda ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 9 9 200 — 24 — — — 24 14 24 — 20 — 24 — 1,080 40 CRES 18 20 20 — 60 U-SHAPE60 20 — 40 90 24 CONFERENCE 24 — 125 455 30'x17'x9' BANQUET 24 125 Fifth Floor 18 The Hospitality Suite is located in24the Boca 46'x35'x9'5" 1,500 60 24 30 Ciega Suite on the 7th floor. 40 20 CLASSROOM 60 1,344 60 20 — THEATER— 46'x35'x9'5" 1,500 32'x42'x16' Veranda 23'x21'x8' 125 SQ.125 FT. 483 Board Room 2 Veranda BEACHCOMBER BAR & GRILL GAME ROOM BEACH PAVILION 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT 9 Del Prado 53'x40'x15' 2,120 150 110 48 50 72 Buena Vista 50'x30'x15' 1,500 90 64 38 30 42 9/18/15 1:37 PM 70 2 AMERICAN SPORTFISHING ASSOCIATION Staff EXECUTIVE OFFICE Mike Nussman President and CEO mnussman@asafishing.org x233 Joyce Anderson-Logan Executive Assistant to the President and Board Liaison janderson@asafishing.org x233 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Scott Gudes Vice President sgudes@asafishing.org x222 Mike Leonard Ocean Resource Policy Director mleonard@asafishing.org x230 Kellie Ralston Florida Fishery Policy Director kralston@asafishing.org 904-553-3733 Liz Ogilvie KeepAmericaFishing™ Director eogilvie@asafishing.org x228 John Stillwagon KeepAmericaFishing™ Community Manager jstillwagon@asafishing.org x254 James Cabrera KeepAmericaFishing® Website Manager jcabrera@asafishing.org x246 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 501 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Melanie Sturm Policy Fellow msturm@asafishing.org x255 TRADE SHOW OPERATIONS AND FINANCE Kenneth Andres Trade Show Director kandres@asafishing.org x231 Diane Carpenter Vice President, Operations & CFO dcarpenter@asafishing.org x242 Heather Ward Trade Show Operations Manager hward@asafishing.org x241 Naomi Evans Receptionist and Finance Assistant nevans@asafishing.org x221 FISHAMERICA FOUNDATION INDUSTRY RELATIONS Glenn Hughes Vice President ghughes@asafishing.org x245 Gary Jennings Keep Florida Fishing Manager gjennings@asafishing.org 407-719-2970 COMMUNICATIONS Ruth Jackson Grants Manager fafgrants@asafishing.org x247 CONSUMER SHOWS ASA/Eastern Fishing & Outdoor Exposition, LLC Tod Alberto Show Director (603) 431-4315 Julia Bubar Assistant Show Director (603) 431-4315 Mary Jane Williamson Communications Director mjwilliamson@asafishing.org x227 MEMBERSHIP Jill Calabria Membership Director jcalabria@asafishing.org x234 Phone: 703-519-9691 Fax: 703-519-1872 info@asafishing.org www.ASAfishing.org 10 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 10 9/18/15 1:37 PM AMERICAN SPORTFISHING ASSOCIATION Board of Directors 2014–2016 Executive Committee Dave Bulthuis (Chairman) Vice President, Sales Costa Donn Schaible (Treasurer) President Wright & McGill Co. Kirk Immens (Vice Chairman) President Sportco Marketing, Inc. Gregg Wollner (Immediate Past Chairman) Executive Vice President Rapala Louis Chemi (Secretary) Executive Vice President & Managing Director, Recreational Marine Division Navico Members David Chanda Director, Division of Fish and Wildlife New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Gary Remensnyder President Lew’s Fishing Thom Dammrich President National Marine Manufacturers Association Paul Schluter President St. Croix Rods Ken Elie President Outdoor Pro Shop, Inc. Aledia Tush President CB’s Saltwater Outfitters Peter Foley President Boone Bait Company, Inc. Gary Zurn Senior Vice President, Marketing Big Rock Sports, LLC Chris Megan Publisher On The Water, LLC Dave Pfeiffer President Shimano American Corporation Jeff Pontius President ZEBCO Brands EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Kenneth S. Hammond CEO The Hammond Group Tom Rolls Senior Merchandise Director – Fishing/Power Sports Cabela’s 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT 11 ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 11 9/18/15 1:37 PM AMERICAN SPORTFISHING ASSOCIATION Committees 2014–2016 ADVOCACY COMMITTEE (9 MEMBERS) Thom Dammrich, National Marine Manufacturers Association (Chairman) Kenneth S. Hammond, The Hammond Group Randy Lemcke, Plano Synergy Jeff Marble, Marble, LLC Dan McDonald, Yakima Bait Company Phil Morlock, Shimano American Corporation Terry Pederson, Daiwa Corporation Gary Remensnyder, Lew’s Fishing Gary Zurn, Big Rock Sports, LLC Staff Contact: Liz Ogilvie, 703-519-9691 x228 or eogilvie@asafishing.org COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE (9 MEMBERS) John Mazurkiewicz, Catalyst Marketing Services (Chairman) Ken Cook, Fishing Tackle Retailer Kelly Gohman, Federation Angler Ali Hussainy, BD Outdoors Jeff Kolodzinski, Johnson Outdoors, Inc./Humminbird Dave Precht, B.A.S.S., LLC George Scocca, Civil Service Media John Sharpe, Bohan Advertising Pam Dunbar, Violet River Consulting Staff Contact: Mary Jane Williamson, 703-519-9691 x227 or mjwilliamson@asafishing.org CONSUMER SHOWS COMMITTEE (7 MEMBERS) Randy Lemcke, Plano Synergy (Chairman) Mike Battistoni, Maui Jim Sunglasses Dave Burch, BBS Tech, Inc. Ken Elie, Outdoor Pro Shop, Inc. Dave Kranz, Dave’s Bait, Tackle and Taxidermy Chris Russell, Shimano American Corporation Janna Superstein, Superfly International, Inc. Staff Contact: Mike Nussman, 703-519-9691 x252 or mnussman@asafishing.org DATA AND STATISTICS COMMITTEE (9 MEMBERS) Chris Megan, On The Water, LLC (Chairman) Louis Chemi, Navico Steve Ferrara, Shimano American Corporation John Foley, The Hammond Group Jeff Kolodzinski, Johnson Outdoors, Inc./Humminbird John Kushnerick, ZEBCO Brands Matt Millete, Simms Fishing Products Dave Morel, Bonnier Corporation Zack Swanson, Rapala Staff Contact: Rob Southwick, 904-277-9765 or rob@southwickassociates.com and Glenn Hughes, 703-519-9691 x245 or ghughes@asafishing.org FINANCE COMMITTEE (9 MEMBERS) Donn Schaible, Wright & McGill Co. (Chairman) Bruce Akin, B.A.S.S., LLC Jack Butts, Rome Specialty Company, Inc. Dick Dougherty, Baker Fishing Ken Elie, Outdoor Pro Shop, Inc. Peter Foley, Boone Bait Company Dave Martin, Big Rock Sports, LLC Dosh McClendon, Qualia Reels K.C. Walsh, Simms Fishing Products Staff Contact: Diane Carpenter, 703-519-9691 x242 or dcarpenter@asafishing.org FISHAMERICA CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH COMMITTEES Conservation Committee (17 Members) Jim Hubbard (Chairman) Jack Charvat, Dutch Creek Marketing (Vice Chairman) Mike Armstrong, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Michael Brooks, Ardent Outdoors, Inc. John Brownlee, Bonnier/Salt Water Sportsman Bert Kaplan, Kaplan Associates Robin Knox, Knox Aquatic Resource Consulting Jim Lebson, G.Loomis, Inc. Gary Martel, Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries Aaron McGabb, Source Outdoor Group Virgil Moore, Idaho Department of Fish and Game John Morlan, Pure Fishing, Inc. Chris Nelson, Ono’s Trading Company Scott Salyers, Bonnier Corporation Rick Constatine, Acme United Corporation Bob Reguly George Shipes, EGS Enterprises, LLC Research Committee (6 Members) Ben Hardesty (Chairman) Glen Contreras (Vice Chairman) Louis Chemi, Navico James Ehlers, Lake Champlain International, Inc. Steve Hoffman, In-Fisherman Gary Kania, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Staff Contact: Mike Nussman, 703-519-9691 x252 or mnussman@asafishing.org 12 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 12 9/18/15 1:37 PM GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (31 MEMBERS) MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE (9 MEMBERS) Bill Shedd, AFTCO Manufacturing Co., Inc. (Chairman) Hughes Andry, Sportco Marketing, Inc. Jeff Angers, Center for Coastal Conservation Joseph Crumrine, Bullet Weights, Inc. Rob Drieslein, Outdoor News Publication Bob Eakes, Red Drum Tackle Shop, Inc. James Ehlers, LCI Fishing Derbies Thomas Fote, Jersey Coast Anglers Association, Inc. Jeff Gabriel, National Marine Manufacturers Association Marc Gaden, Great Lakes Fishery Commission Gene Gilliland, B.A.S.S., LLC Marc Gorelnik, Coastside Fishing Club Ricky Gease, Kenai River Sportfishing Association Jason Haefner, Do-It Corporation/Component Systems Paint (Chairman, Trade & Commerce Subcommittee) Jim Hardin, Grady-White Boats Chris Horton, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Doug Lasko, Okuma Fishing Tackle Corporation Phil Lillo, Don Coffey Company Jim Martin, Pure Fishing, Inc. Phil Morlock, Shimano American Corporation (Chairman, Freshwater Subcommittee) Pat Neu, National Professional Anglers Association Doug Nygren, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Martin Peters, Yamaha Marine Group Dick Pool, Pro-Troll Fishing Products Randy Repass, West Marine, Inc. Scott Salyers, Bonnier Corporation Timothy Schoonover, Maxima USA Gerry Scully, Tauten, Inc. Jim Fredericks, Idaho Fish and Game Aledia Tush, CB’s Saltwater Outfitters Gary Zurn, Big Rock Sports, LLC (Chairman, Saltwater Subcommittee) Staff Contact: Mike Nussman, 703-519-9691 x252 or mnussman@asafishing.org Kenneth S. Hammond, The Hammond Group (Chairman) Greg Block, Jones & Company Kirk Immens, Sportco Marketing, Inc. Brian Jensen, Fishidy, Inc. Phil Lillo, Don Coffey Company Mark Newman, Protoco Enterprises, Inc. Brad Stevenson, Maurice Sporting Goods, Inc./South Bend Sporting Goods Zack Swanson, Rapala Aledia Tush, CB’s Saltwater Outfitters Staff Contact: Jill Calabria, 703-519-9691 x234 or jcalabria@asafishing.org NOMINATING COMMITTEE (11 MEMBERS) Gregg Wollner (Chairman) Greg Block, Jones & Company Chuck Buhagiar, Western Outdoor News Alan Gnann, REC Components Kirk Immens, Sportco Marketing, Inc. Bert Kaplan, Kaplan Associates Jim Lebson, G.Loomis, Inc. Randy Lemcke, Plano Synergy Chip Powell, Mason Tackle Company Donn Schaible, Wright & McGill Co. Gary Zurn, Big Rock Sports, LLC Staff Contact: Mike Nussman, 703-519-9691 x252 or mnussman@asafishing.org TRADESHOW COMMITTEE (10 MEMBERS) Carey Graves, Shimano American Corporation (Chairman) Steve Bendzak, Simms Fishing Products Greg Block, Jones & Company Andrew Marks, Pure Fishing, Inc. Fred Haas, Tackle Direct Mike Jackson, Wright & McGill Co. John Kushnerick, ZEBCO Brands Dave Martin, Big Rock Sports, LLC Travis Owens, Costa Terry Pederson, Daiwa Corporation Staff Contact: Kenneth Andres, 703-519-9691 x231 or kandres@asafishing.org 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT 13 ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 13 9/18/15 1:37 PM Thank You 2015 Sportfishing Summit Sponsors The American Sportfishing Association thanks the following companies and agencies for their generous support of the 2015 Sportfishing Summit PREMIUM 14 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 14 9/18/15 1:37 PM GOLD SILVER Search Consultants Specializing In The Outdoor Industry National Marine Electronics Association 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT 15 ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 15 9/18/15 1:37 PM THE INDUSTRY’S SPORTFISHINGPAC The American Sportfishing Association’s Political Action Committee (SportfishingPAC) is a critical tool for giving the industry a successful voice on Capitol Hill and to help us move our legislative issues forward. We say thank you to these individuals for their leadership and commitment to advance the industry’s interests and to improve our impact on policy decisions. Gold Supporters Greg Block – Jones & Company Bill Shedd – AFTCO Manufacturing Co., Inc. Mike Nussman - American Sportfishing Association K.C. Walsh – Simms Fishing Products Scott Gudes - American Sportfishing Association Silver Supporters Dave Bulthuis – Costa Randy Repass – West Marine, Inc. Peter Foley – Boone Bait Company, Inc. Donn Schaible – Wright & McGill Co. Glenn Hughes - American Sportfishing Association Paul Schluter – St. Croix Rods Kenneth S. Hammond – The Hammond Group Timothy Schoonover – Maxima USA Jeff Pontius – ZEBCO Brands Bronze Supporters Jeff Angers – Center for Coastal Conservation Dan McDonald – Yakima Bait Company Dave Burkhardt – Trik Fish LLC Pat Neu – National Professional Anglers Association Wes Campbell – TTI-Blakemore Fishing Group Dick Pool – Pro-Troll Fishing Products Kris Carroll – Grady-White Boats, Inc. Scott Salyers – Bonnier Corporation Jim Dunbar – Fiber Consulting Services Rob Southwick – Southwick Associates, Inc. Bob Eakes – Red Drum Tackle Shop, Inc. Aledia Tush – CB’s Saltwater Outfitters Jason Haefner – Do-It Corporation Harry Vernon III – Capt. Harry’s Fishing Supply Carl Liederman – Capt. Harry’s Fishing Supply Gregg Wollner – Rapala John Ludwikowski – Ludwikoski & Associates, Inc. Gary Zurn – Big Rock Sports, LLC Ryan McBride – Do-It Corporation 16 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 16 9/18/15 1:38 PM 0:54 AM Some Suggestions for Shopping and Getting Around St. Pete Beach If you are looking for other options, please see the knowledgeable concierge team at the Don Cesar who are happy to handle nearly any request. Shopping in and around the Lowes Don Cesar St. Pete Beach has amazing shopping. And best of all, some of the very best shopping is right here at the Pink Palace at The Shoppes of the Don. Of course, they have things like sunscreen or a magazine, but their boutiques also offer the latest designer swimwear and resort clothing. Looking for a little something with sparkle? Browse their lineup of stunning fine jewelry and many other items. Ellenton Outlet Shopping Located just 30 minutes away, this outlet offers shoppers impressive savings at stores such as Banana Republic, Calvin Klein, Coach, J. Crew, Kate Spade New York, Kenneth Cole, Lacoste, Lucky Brand, Michael Kors, Movado, Nike, Saks Fifth Avenue Off 5th and many more. Corey Ave Shopping For more than six decades, Corey Avenue has thrived at the heart of St. Pete Beach. Enjoy the great stores, specialty shops, the theater, the wonderful restaurants, art galleries, clothing stores, imaginative gift shops, craft and hobby shopping, beachwear shops and more. Visitors come to Corey Ave from every part of the world, and they return year after year for the friendly service, great sales and fun atmosphere. International Plaza and Bay Street International Plaza and Bay Street, an enclosed, two-story regional shopping center with an adjacent outdoor lifestyle center, is located on the southeast edge of the Tampa International Airport. It features 200 specialty stores and 16 restaurants, plus Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Dillard’s and Renaissance Tampa Hotel International Plaza. Shopping hours are 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sunday. Getting Around St. Pete Beach Free Beach Ride “Free Beach Ride” is 100 percent free (the drivers work solely for tips). Guests can be picked up at the hotel and taken anywhere in the St. Pete Beach, Pass-a-Grille, Treasure Island, John’s Pass, Isla Del Sol areas. The carts themselves seat six passengers and are 100 percent electric, environmentallyfriendly with zero emissions. Pick up times are normally 15 minutes or less. Contact the concierge or call (727) 776-7553. Suncoast Beach Trolley If you have more time, hop on the trolley to explore all of the unique beach communities from downtown Clearwater to 75th Avenue and Gulf Boulevard. Check out the shops on Corey Avenue or enjoy the sights at John’s Pass Village. It’s the fun, easy and affordable way to do and see everything you want to on the beach. The Suncoast Beach Trolley runs every 20–30 minutes from approximately 5:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday including holidays, with service until 12:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Exact fare is required. The bus and trolley fare is just $2 per ride, or ride all day with an Unlimited Daily GO Card for $4.50. 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT 27 ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 27 9/18/15 1:39 PM Welcome to the Pink Palace Opened at the height of the Gatsby Era in 1928, the Loews Don Cesar Hotel has been welcoming guests for nearly a century. The hotel was designed by Henry H. Dupont. Loews Don Cesar Hotel is a member of Historic Hotels of America, the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. If you are looking for a place to eat or relax inside the hotel: The Maritana Grille is Loews Don Cesar Hotel’s signature Four Diamond restaurant serving New American cuisine. Guests are surrounded by 1,500 gallons of salt water aquariums which contain some indigenous Florida fish, as well as lion fish and hippo tangs. The Maritana Grille was selected by Epicurean Rendezvous magazine as one of the “Top 100 Restaurants in Florida.” In a corner of The Maritana Grille kitchen, separated from the grill and preparation areas by a window, is a triangular table known as the Chef’s Table where small dinner parties can watch their food being prepared by the executive chef from a unique menu. The Sea Porch Café is located on the beach and offers Caribbean and Mediterranean cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a garden-like relaxed setting. BARS WITH GREAT VIEWS The Lowes Don Cesar has several bar options aimed to please a wide variety of tastes. Sunsets Bar – Featuring handcrafted cocktails and a tasty tapas menu, this bar offers something for everyone including magnificent views of the beach and gulf. The Beachcomber Bar & Grill – Enjoy your favorite frozen drinks, mojitos and more, served poolside. The menu features fresh seafood, salads, burgers and plenty for the whole family to enjoy. Lobby Bar – Chill out and enjoy this elegant St. Pete Beach bar overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. Newly renovated, and offering an intimate, chic setting, the Lobby Bar is in the epicenter of the iconic Pink Palace. Sip on a seasonal creation “stirred” up by our mixologist – or maybe you prefer a glass of wine or a signature cocktail. Whatever you choose, you are sure to relax and unwind. Live music nightly and a menu of light bites are an added bonus. Fun Facts about the Don Cesar Parts of the 1984 crime film Once Upon a Time in America was filmed at the Don Cesar. Thunder in Paradise pilot movie was filmed around Don Cesar during April 1993. Comedian Ron White talks about his stay at the Don Cesar in the movie Blue Collar Comedy Tour: One for the Road. The 1999 film Forever Mine starring Ray Liotta, was filmed at the Don Cesar. Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers filmed a music video at the Don Cesar in 1985. The Don Cesar was one of the featured hotels in the episode “Big Night Out” of Emeril’s Florida, a 2013 series starring Emeril Lagasse. Robert Altman’s film Health was largely filmed in the hotel. 28 2015 SPORTFISHING SUMMIT ASA-081 Summit 2015 Program Book.indd 28 9/18/15 1:39 PM
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