

Swimming Pool
Leisure Center
Swimming Pool
Leisure Center
28 S. Nicolau Church (M.N.)
29 N.ª Sr.ª de Marvila Church (M.N.)
31 St.ª Iria Church (I.I.P.)
32 Misericórdia Church (M.N.)
33 Renaissance Window
36 St.ª Iria Monument
37 Renaissance Balcony (I.I.P.)
39 N.ª Sr.ª da Graça Church (M.N.)
40 S. Tiago Gateway (I.I.P.)
45 Sta. Maria de Alcáçova Church (I.I.P.)
46 Hospital de Jesus Cristo Church (M.N.)
47 St.º Estevão Church / Sanctuary of the
Most Holy Miracle (M.N.)
48 Roman Ruins
51 Miracle Hermitage
04 N.ª Sr.ª do Monte Chapel (M.N.)
05 St.ª Clara Church (M.N.)
07 Eugénio Silva Palace /
Town Hall (I.I.P.)
08 S. Francisco Convent (M.N.)
10 Alcôrce Bridge (I.I.P.)
11 City Market (I.I.P.)
13 Palhais Water Fountain (I.I.P.)
14 Palace of Justice (I.I.M.)
15 Figueiras Water Fountain (M.N.)
16 N.ª Sr.ª da Piedade Church (I.I.P.)
17 N.ª Sr.ª da Conceição Church
(Seminary) (M.N.)
18 Manueline Window (I.I.P.)
24 St.ª Cruz Church (I.I.P.)
26 Cabaças Tower / Time
Museum (N.M.)
43 Passos Canavarro Museum
44 Anselmo Braamcamp Freire Museum
30 S. João de Alporão Church /
Archaeology and Medieval Arts
Museum (N.M.)
50 USCI – Urbi Scallabis Interpretation
54 30
32 33
44 City Library
55 Professor Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo
Serrão Investigation Centre
22 Bernardo Santareno Reading Room /
Internet area @
Liberdade Garden
49 Porta do Sol Garden / Belvedere
S. Bento Garden / Belvedere
República Garden
Ribeira Leisure Park
D. Luís I Bridge
“Fórum Mário Viegas” Cultural Centre
35 Taborda Theatre / Scalabitano
Cultural Circle
38 Sá da Bandeira Theatre
34 Brasil House / Pedro Álvares Cabral
Municipal fire-brigade
Railway Station – CP
Santarém Town Hall
23 Tourism Office
Voluntary fire-brigade
Municipal Swimming pools
25 District Archive
27 PSP – Public Security
53 GNR – Republican
National Guard
Rodoviária do Tejo
(Bus station)
Historical Centre Limit
Distances from
Santarém to
National Monument
Building of public interest
Building of municipal interest
24 30 39
Manueline / Renaissance
29 37 47
28 32 46
Vitória Hotel (**)
Thematic Itineraries
2005-117 Santarém
2000-110 Santarém
2005-365 Santarém
54 Casa do Arco (Local Accommodation)
2000-210 Santarém 243 330 800
R. de S. Martinho, 30 • 2000-115 Santarém!histria/mainpage
937 592 705
919 235 751
Santarém is a book of stone where the most interesting and most poetic part of our chronicles is written" (Almeida Garrett)
The foundation of the city of Santarém takes you
back to Greek-Roman and Christian mythology,
recognizing the mythic origins of the names Habis
and Irene. The first documented signs of human
occupation date back to the 8th century B.C. The
population of the village had collaborated with
Roman colonizers when they arrived in 138 B.C.
and gave it the name Scallabis. During this period it
became the main trade emporium of Middle Tejo
and one of the most important administrative
centres of the Lusitânia province.
During the four centuries of Islamic occupation
that followed, the city saw its strategic military
role reborn along with its cultural and artistic role,
as some of the most important poets and troubadours from the Arab world were living there. The
King Afonso VI of Lion gave the city its first charter
in 1095. Conquered again, in 1147, by D. Afonso
Henriques, the city was given a new charter in
During the 14th and 15th centuries the courtly
atmosphere of the city gave it cultural fame. There
were many important troubadours and minstrels,
some of whom were natives of Santarém. The
earthquake of 1755 destroyed a large part of the
most notable heritage of the city, especially
churches and convents. This happened again with
the French invasions and the Peninsular War.
Santarém took on a fundamental strategic-military
role but saw a big part of its most significant
heritage destroyed and plundered by the vandalism of the invaders.
Similar to other walled cities, Santarém's Historical Centre is made up of a network of narrow,
winding streets. Streets that show up unexpected
colours and features, alley-ways, arches, paved
streets and little steps adapted to the ups and
downs of the plateau and hillside. Exploring the
city, porticos and rose-windows, arcades and
dormer-windows, decorative elements with ogival
features, windows from the time of King Manuel I,
renaissance corners, small escutcheons from the
time of King Alfonso V, towers and domes, all
reveal an urban nucleus where civil and religious
elements co-habitated and intertwined. The
innumerable and beautiful examples of gothic art
gave the city the name 'The Gothic Capital". Here
archaeologists, historians, artists or the simple
passer-by can not fail to be enraptured.
Legend of the “Historical Centre” map
5 - St.ª Clara Church: Constructed in the middle
of the 13th century, it is a characteristic example
of mendicant Gothic architecture. Illumination is
achieved through a rose-window and by various
chinks and windows.
8 – S. Francisco Convent: Built around 1242 in
Gothic style, the building suffered several
changes and additions through the centuries,
standing out the Upper Choir which lodged the
tomb of King D. Fernando (14th century).
Damaged by the earthquake of 1755 and later
occupied by the army, the convent was reopened
in 2009, after repair works in its interior.
11 - City Market: Dated 1930 and designed by
Cassiano Branco. In addition to the architectural
language of the building, a notable set of tiled
panels stand out on the exterior.
15 - Figueiras Water Fountain: Important
representative of public works in the 13th/14th
centuries. The ribbed dome displays crests with
royal arms (D. Afonso IV or D. Dinis) and those of
the municipality.
16 - N.ª Sr.ª da Piedade Church: Built in the
second half of the 17th century to commemorate
the victory (attributed to the Virgin of Piedade) of
the Portuguese over the Spanish in the Battle of
Ameixial, during the Wars of the Independence’s
Coloured rush and wicker baskets, bulrush
furniture, pottery pieces, leather artefacts, stone
and wooden sculptures, glazed earthenware,
delicate needlework and colourful patchwork
Traditional Sweets
Celestes of Sta. Clara Convent, Arrepiados of
Almoster Monastery, Pampilhos, Queijinhos do
17 - N.ª Sr.ª da Conceição Church
(Seminary): Built in the centuries 17th/18th, over
the ruins of the Royal Palace. In its Baroque
interior stand out marble works, gilded wood
carvings and paintings on the ceilings of the
chancel and the nave. It is currently the Main
Cathedral in Santarém.
24 – Santa Cruz Church: Located in Ribeira de
Santarém, ancient riverside neighbourhood, this
church was built in the mid-13th century in Gothic
style, though elements from other architectonic
styles were added, namely in the Renaissance
and Baroque periods.
26 - Cabaças Tower / Time Museum: Formerly
an ancient tower from the walled area that was
adapted to a clock-tower in the 15th century.
Nowadays it holds in a museum dedicated to the
evocation and interpretation of Time by Man.
29 - N.ª Sr.ª de Marvila Church: Inside we are
surprised by the glazed tiles from the 17th
century (which gave it the epithet of “cathedral
of the 17th century tiles” in Portugal).
30 - S. João de Alporão Church / Archaeology
and Medieval Arts Museum: Built in the 12th
century, during the Christian Reconquest. It is a
testimony to the Romanesque, whose chancel,
doorway, rose-window and oculus on the
triumphal arch deserve the attention of every
32 - Misericórdia Church: Architectural example
Céu (with eggs and almonds
March: City Festivities / São José Festivity;
“Magusto” Gastronomic Festival;
April: Celebrations of the 25th of April 1974;
Gastronomic Festival of the River
May: Expo Hunting
June: National Fair of Agriculture
July: Tuning National Meeting
from the late Renaissance in Santarém with
Tuscan columns decorated with grotesque
elements. The post-earthquake renovation of the
façade, after 1755, reflects the influences of
46 - Hospital de Jesus Christo Church:
Constructed in the 17th/18th centuries, in the
interior the gilded wood carvings on the altars, the
painting of the altarpiece, the tiled covering and
the fresco painting of the ceilings are notable.
34 - Brasil House: 18th century building erected
over the quarters possibly belonging to the family
of Pedro Álvares Cabral. In 1996 it became a type
of museum dedicated to Santarem’s connections
with the discoveries, and especially with Brazil.
47 - Stº. Estevão Church / Sanctuary of the
Holy Miracle: Rebuilt in the 16th century, the
interior is a notable example of the Renaissance
blueprint. The Tabernacle can be found in the
chancel, containing the relic of the Most Holy
Miracle (13th century).
39 - N.ª Sr.ª da Graça Church: Built in the
centuries 14th/15th this church is the most
beautiful example of Gothic architecture in
Santarém. In the harmonious façade the portico
stands out, along with an unusual and flamboyant
rose-window. Important tombs can be found
inside, namely that of Pedro Álvares Cabral (who
discovered Brazil) and the one of D. Pedro de
Meneses (1st General Consul of Ceuta).
43 – Passos Canavarro Museum: Achieved in
1841 by the politician Passos Manuel and
immortalized by the writer Almeida Garrett in the
book “Viagens na Minha Terra”. The house
displays a rich collection composed of paintings,
furniture, porcelain and other objects related to
the connection of Pedro Canavarro with Japan and
the East. (Visits subject to booking Phone: 243
325 709).
49 - Porta do Sol Garden: Considered to be the
most beautiful belvedere and one of the main
tourist attractions of the city. Located in the place
of Santarem’s old Fortress, of which a walled
structure and the Porta do Sol (one of the wall’s
doors) remain.
50 – USCI –Urbi Scallabis Interpretation Centre:
This museum presents archaeological remains and
other historical objects, from the Prehistory up to
the Contemporary period.
55 - Professor Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão
Investigation Centre: Space that provides a
collection of documents and books endowed by
the researcher. Its main goal is supporting several
areas of scientific knowledge.
44 - Anselmo Braamcamp Freire Museum:
Installed in the ancient palace of the Barões de
Almeirim. The museum has a very worthwhile
collection of artistic and bibliographical displays.
August: “Tomato, Olive-oil and Garlic”
Gastronomic Festival
September: Celestino Graça International Folklore
October: Gastronomy National Festival
November: “Bernardo Santareno” Gala; Bike
Portugal Festival; Swimming-Pool and Leisure
International Fair; Child Expo
December: New Year’s Eve Celebrations
Other events along the year
Local Festivities of the Municipality; Classic
Music Concerts in the Cathedral: Exhibitions at
Brasil House; Music, theatre and dancing shows
at Sá da Bandeira Theatre; Organ Cycle
(November to April).
Accommodation in the Municipality
A Nossa Casa (T.R.)
R. Maria do Rosário Tainha
2025-452 Azóia de Cima
Tlf: 243 479 118
Tourism Office | |
Casa Pátio das Oliveiras (T.R.)
Travessa do Lagar Velho, nº7
Valverde | 2025-240 Alcanede
Tlf: 243 400 701
Hospedaria Quinta do Mocho
2005-465 Santarém
Tlf: 243 359 450
Hotel do Prado (***)
A1, (Área de Serviço da BP),
Tlf: 243 440 302
Moradia Turística “o Lagar”
Rua das Quebradas, nº1
2025-451 Azóia de Cima
Tlm: 913497929
Hotel Rural Amiribatejo
Rua Dr. António Maria
Galhordas, nº 40
2025-333 Amiais de Baixo
Tlf: 249 870 339
Quinta da Cabrita – Casa de
Cortelo | 2025-014 Várzea
Tlf: 243 351 239 / 910 654 263
From Bairro to Lezíria
Heading to Hills
Through Bairro
Alternative Route
Road to Fátima
1 – Vale de Meios Footprints: In the heart of the Nature Park of Serra de Aire e Candeeiros one
can find in the quarry several tracks with footprints of dinosaurs “teropods” (dinosaur carnivores)
and at least two lanes of “sauropods” (herbivores). (Visits subject to booking - cell: 966 599 867
/ Tel.: 243 400 630 /
2 –Subterranean Interpretation Centre of the Cave of Algar do Pena: In the deep Naturae Park
of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros, these amazing caves can be found, being considered as one of the
largest subterranean areas in the country. At almost 50 metres below the surface, the view
becomes a spectacle of lights and varied, unusual forms through the amazing stalagmites. (Visits
subject to booking - cell: 966 599 867 / Tel.: 243 400 630 /
3 - Alcanede Castle (I.I.P.): Construction of probably Arab origin, located on the high hillrock.
Rebuilt after an earthquake in 1531. On the main door there is an interesting sculpture of a
heraldic character, showing three castles and an eagle inside a panel.
4 - Quinta da Ribeirinha: A space that integrates a pleasant traditional restaurant (installed in an
ancient oil press) and a selling point for typical products of the region, from artisans to food and
wine. (Tel.: 243 428 200)
5 - Quinta de Vale de Lobos (I.I.P.): Former residence of the historian, politician and romanticist
Alexandre Herculano, whose activity is still linked to the production of virgin olive oil in Portugal.
(Visits subject to booking - Tel.: 243 429 264)
6 - Adega Cooperativa de Alcanhões: Producers of well-known Tejo wines Cardeal Dom
Guilherme, Terras do Paço and Adiafa, where you can enjoy and purchase these delicious nectars.
(Tel.: 243 429 151)
7 - Swimming pool Leisure Center: A fun sports centre where you can enjoy happy moments
resting, being together or keeping fit. It has a covered swimming pool, wave pool, slides,
restaurant and gymnasium.
8 - Ribeira de Santarém: A little village linked to fluvial traffic that formerly made the port of
Ribatejo. Houses, narrow streets and alleys, along with several monuments (Church of Sta. Cruz
and Fountain of Palhais). At the banks of the Tejo River the monument to Santa Iria perpetuates
the memory of the appearance of the tomb of the Saint to the Queen Santa Isabel and to King D.
9 - Almoster Convent (M.N.): Gothic building founded in the 13th century. Magnificent interior
covered with polychrome tiles from the 17th century. Notable carving work, painting, frescos,
altars and large sculptures.
10 – Aerodrome: Space located nearby the city, providing a variety of activities that allow the
visitors enjoying their leisure time on a different manner, meeting nature and adrenaline.
11 - Caneiras: Visiting this riverside settlement with typical houses supported on wooden pillars
allow us to meet the culture of "avieiros" (fishermen that used to come fishing in the river on
winter) while taking a beautiful promenade through the fields of the Tejo River.