PrescriPtion medicine
PrescriPtion medicine
Prescription medicine is available at: Nytorv 3 / Nygade 7 Frederiksborggade 18 Kalvebod Brygge 59 Banegårdspladsen 7 Nørrebrogade 47 Amagerbrogade 172 Arne Jacobsens Allé 2 Magleby Torv 10 Lyngby Storcenter 35 Jægersborg Allé 24 Kongevejscentret 2 Stengade 43 Vester Torv 28 Østergade 12 Slotsarkaderne 37 1164 København K 1360 København K. 1560 København V 1570 København V 2200 København N 2300 København S 2300 København S 2791 Dragør 2800 Lyngby 2920 Charlottenlund 2970 Hørsholm 3000 Helsingør 3060 Espergærde 3200 Helsinge 3400 Hillerød tlf. 33150020 tlf. 33936001 tlf. 33120255 tlf. 33132388 tlf. 35377714 tlf. 32555586 tlf. 32626264 tlf. 32535219 tlf. 45881328 tlf. 39901610 tlf. 45763910 tlf. 49210416 tlf. 49131033 tlf. 48796255 tlf. 48245555 Zealand Matas Ro’s Torv Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Ro’s Torv 1 Sct. Hansgade 5 Hovedgaden 62 Centervejen 3 Torvegade 18 Sct. Jørgens Park 64 Badstuegade 6 Jernbanegade 28 Nygade 21 4000 Roskilde 4100 Ringsted 4140 Borup 4550 Asnæs 4640 Fakse 4700 Næstved 4760 Vordingborg 4800 Nykøbing F 4900 Nakskov tlf. 46341044 tlf. 57610056 tlf. 57522022 tlf. 59651913 tlf. 56714826 tlf. 55725712 tlf. 55380058 tlf. 54850044 tlf. 54922425 southern denmark Matas Tarup Centret Matas Rosengård Centret Matas Dalum Centret Matas Matas Matas Svendborg Bycenter Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Esbjerg Storcenter Matas Rugvang 36 Ørbækvej 75 Dalumvej 42-44 Algade 26 Søndergade 21 Tinghusgade 1,7 Ramsherred 15 Jernbanegade 2 Stationsvej 8 Søndergade 20 Kræmmergade 8 Vestergade 10 Gl. Vardevej 230 Saltgade 9 5210 Odense NV 5220 Odense SØ 5250 Odense SV 5500 Middelfart 5620 Glamsbjerg 5700 Svendborg 6200 Åbenrå 6300 Gråsten 6430 Nordborg 7100 Vejle 6800 Varde 6270 Tønder 6715 Esbjerg N 6760 Ribe tlf. 66161504 tlf. 66159668 tlf. 66143360 tlf. 64410116 tlf. 64722392 tlf. 62213381 tlf. 74622727 tlf. 74651054 tlf. 74451711 tlf. 75822019 tlf. 75225800 tlf. 74725678 tlf. 75155400 tlf. 75420034 central Jutland Matas Matas Matas Veri Center Matas Matas Matas Herning Centret Søndergade 32 Vestergade 17 Frijsensborgvej 5 Vestergade 14 Nørregade 16 Merkurvej 8000 Århus C 8600 Silkeborg 8240 Risskov 7620 Lemvig 7500 Holstebro 7400 Herning tlf. 86138711 tlf. 86820696 tlf. 86215586 tlf. 97820318 tlf. 97421077 tlf. 97123755 northern Jutland Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Matas Fr. havn Midtpunkt Vejgaard Torv 5 Torvegade 2 Lille Torv 5 Åbybro-Centret 13 Østergade 29 Søndergade 6 9000 Ålborg 7700 Thisted 7900 Nykøbing M 9440 Åbybro 9800 Hjørring 9900 Frederikshavn tlf. 98129776 tlf. 97920052 tlf. 97720294 tlf. 98242348 tlf. 98920485 tlf. 98424786 Matas og Uldum Apotek har gjort det nemt for dig Hent din receptmedicin, når du alligevel er i matas. Vi modtager gule recepter og bestiller fra elektroniske recepter. Vi klarer også bestilling af håndkøbsmedicin. PrescriPtion medicine Hør mere om ordningen i butikken og få en folder med hjem. Har du brug for faglig rådgivning om medicinen? Ring eller mail til Uldum Apotek. Læs mere på Available at Matas 07.2012 (4462) greater copenhagen Matas Nytorv Matas Nørreport Matas Fisketorvet Matas Hovedbanegården Matas Matas Matas Fields Matas Dragør Center Matas Lyngby Storcenter Matas Matas Kongevejscentret Matas Matas Espergærde Centret Matas VP Torvet Matas Slotsarkaderne Prescription medicine from the pharmacy in Uldum Over-the-counter medicine from the pharmacy in Uldum Your prescription can be dispensed from 50 selected Matas stores (see back page) The medicine is supplied by a standard pharmacy in Uldum, Jutland, where pharmacy professionals fill the prescription, package the medicine and send it to Matas. If you order your medicine by 16:00 on weekdays, it will be available for pick-up the following weekday at Matas from 14:00* At Matas you can purchase over-the-counter medicine normally only available at pharmacies. When Uldum Pharmacy receives your prescription by 16:00 on weekdays for pick-up from Matas, your medicine will be available for pick-up the next weekday from 14:00* When you have an electronically generated prescription (both one-time and repeat prescriptions): 1. Visit Matas and order your medicine available for pick-up the following weekday. 1. Visit Matas and order your medicine. It will be ready for you to pick up the next working weekday. 2. Order online via Matas´ homepage: 2. Order your medicine online via Matas´ homepage: 3. Call or email Uldum Pharmacy and tell them that you would like to pick up the prescription the next working weekday from Matas. Call (+45) 75 67 80 03 or send an email to When you have a yellow or other form of physical paper prescription Hand in your original physical prescription to Matas, and we will send it to Uldum pharmacy on the same day. You can pick up your prescription at Matas from 14:00 on the weekday after Uldum pharmacy has received your prescription from Matas. There are 3 ways: 3. Call or email Uldum Pharmacy and tell them that you would like to pick up the medicine the next working weekday from Matas. Call (+45) 75 67 80 03 or send an email to Of course, you can also purchase all the over-the-counter medicines normally sold at Matas. Advice on medicine Would you like professional advice regarding your medicine? Just call Uldum Pharmacy at (+45) 75 67 80 03 or send your question to, and a pharmaconomist or pharmacist will assist you. When your doctor sends a prescription direct to Uldum pharmacy Your doctor can phone in a prescription to Uldum pharmacy or send it via fax. When the pharmacy receives your prescription on weekdays by 16:00, you will be able to pick it up from Matas the next weekday from 14:00. You ca n also order medic ine on line at www.m atas.d k/ medic inudle vering . Medicine delivery From Uldum Pharmacy Order by 16:00 and pick up your prescription the next weekday from 14:00 * We accept no liability for delays as a result of delivery from Uldum Pharmacy. You can read more at Medicine from Uldum Pharmacy cannot be dispensed to people under the age of 18.