official fieldbook
official fieldbook
official fieldbook The Metaphorm Technodyssey 2.0™ | Virtual Graphagromania™ Creative Expression & Innovative Cultural Documentation through New Media A QUANTUMEDIA TECHNODYSSEY™ | Virtual Global Expeditions | w: The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. ABSTRACT & ARTIST/TECHNICIANS STATEMENT The Metaphorm Technodyssey 2.0 is a usable, stand-alone new media application that posits live (and recorded) virtual 'performances' of world-wide, real-time documentary excursions, fusing traditional and innovative approaches to photo/journalism, gonzo journalism, poetics, and spontaneous bop prosody. TMT 2.0 is the founding incarnation of a series of technology-based artistic works developed in the field by a single composer, and made instantly available to internet audiences of an interstellar scope. The individual projects are each a part of the Quantumedia Technodyssey Experiment, a conscious combinatory effort of everyday life experience, and thought-provoking, intentional image- and textbased artworks served up within the context of a series of virtual global expeditions. Through real-time, instant electronic publication, these performances are conducted to potential audiences anywhere in the internet world, at any time, simultaneously creating a form of digital folk art and the potential to generate new sociological axioms which can live within and without the virtual realm through which they are transferred; a dimension which Culler describes as our "consensual hallucination." The Metaphorm Technodyssey 2.0 is based on the theory that media are message-concept transport entities, and therefore utilizes a unique perspective on cultural study, digital technology and literary means to explore the "photographic truths" of daily life. This methodology exposes hidden, forgotten, unknown, little-known, ignored, and/or avoided thoughtful elements of a social culture. In short, The Metaphorm Technodyssey is a form of digital storytelling that not only generates content based on socio-geographic muse, but raises and addresses the question of how the use of new media effects cultural documentation and traditional image- and text-based storytelling. "The impossible situation of the realistic novel was that the better an imitation was of reality in the Aristotelian sense, the more it was an imitation in the other, Platonic sense: a shadow, a second-hand version, a counterfeit. The more intensely the novel was about life, the less it was part of it." (R. Sukenick). Sukenick also writes on the "inevitably enervating conflict between art and life, imagination and reality…(an) alienation of consciousness from experience…". The Metaphorm Technodyssey reckons itself a response to this theory, and aims to turn it on its ear, successfully, spontaneously merging real life with the very act of documenting it. Gregory O'Toole South Denver January 26, 2005 The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. Greetings intrepid travelers, I will be your guide, Technodysseus. Welcome to the second incarnation of the Metaphorm Technodyssey, a new media application fusing creative expression and innovative cultural documentation. Here you will be able to travel and partake in an ongoing series of Quantumedia’s Virtual Global Expeditions. Things can get a little strange around here, so use the simple guidelines available on the web site to assist you along our way. The Quantumedia Technodyssey, including all photography, digital poetics, conceptual works, and cultural studies documented on this site are property of QMX | The Quantumedia Experiment © 2005. No part of this project or process may be replicated without the consent of the author, Gregory O’Toole. Peace. Graphomania |psychiatry| Morbid and excessive impulse to write. Origin: Grapho-+ G. Mania, insanity Agromania |psychiatry| An obsolete term for a morbid impulse to live in the open country or in solitude. Origin: G. Agros, field, + mania, frenzy Definitions from the Dept. of Medical Oncology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne © Copyright 1997-2004 The CancerWEB Project. All Rights Reserved. I S B N 0 - 9 7 111 2 5 - 5 - X Number Nine Arts & Books The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. Content from The Metaphorm Technodyssey 1.0™ | HELP page PROJECT PURPOSE / alpha theorem To allow viewers to virtually experience any number of ongoing, real-world, REAL-TIME excursions being made by one traveler (or a group of travelers) from anywhere on the globe, through any internet enabled viewing apparatus. RHETORIC Academic Provisions:// written materials for the projects academic purposes. Intergalactic Provisions:// important and relevant information about the project written by the creator. Abstract & Artist/Technician Statement:// a 400-word abstract and artist/technicians statement on the nature and functionality of the project. This can be used for new media art & tech exhibit submissions or gallery shows. The Official Graphagromaniac Field book:// a downloadable pdf “how-to” publication on becoming an effective GRAPHAGROMANIAC-style cultural journalist running amuck in the fields and high places around the globe. Published by Number Nine Arts & Books and The Quantumedia Experiment. TERMINOLOGY Metaphorm™:// from Ronald Sukenick’s idea that ‘form is the ultimate metaphor’; here the digital interface takes the place of the ‘real-life’ version of the expedition. Technodyssey™:// hybrid state of “technology” (applied science) and the title of Homer’s Odyssey, the classic, epic, literary masterpiece. A term coined to describe expeditional events only possible, or partially possible through the use of new media technology. Intrepid Travelers:// A running tally of audience members who have taken part in one or more of the Quantumedia Experimental Metaphorm Technodysseys. Quantumedia Experiment™:// The name given to my art & tech work; The philosophical pursuit of the fundamental unit of electromagnetic energy. An ontological ‘poetics of experience’. The veritably abstract. Works that fall into such a category are not individual works of any particular medium, but in the tradition of HST, the great roaming gonzo journalist: life as art. Graphagromaniac™:// hybrid state of Graphomania (|psychiatry| Morbid and excessive impulse to write. Origin: Grapho-+ G. Mania, insanity) and Agromania (|psychiatry| An obsolete term for a morbid impulse to live in the open country or in solitude). LexiConductor™:// hybrid state of Lexicon and Conductor: a word, idea, or concept manipulator; new media. APPLICATION FUNCTIONS SIGN-IN:// This allows your/the viewer’s name and region to be used in the main INTERFACE page, where you and many other audience members can be watching the excursions happen at the same time. THE INTERFACE PAGE:// This is the main page for audience members to watch the excursions take place. CURRENT SHOW:// This is the current location of your guide (the composer of the project) a.k.a. Technodysseus. The audience member has the option of sitting back and following along in the expedition being broadcast from afar. PAST SHOWS:// These are archived expeditions. These links take the viewer to slide-show-like The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. versions of past Technodysseys, complete with photographs, journal entries, any chat sequences which may have taken place, and the full range of maps from each respective archived project. THE GRAPHAGROMANIAC PAGE:// This is only seen or accessed by authorized composers, from out in the field. This is the interface through which all of the content is uploaded that the viewers see. THE MAPS:// The maps, like the rest of the documentary content, are updated when the INTERFACE page refreshes itself. The maps are generated by GPS Visualizer, from actual GPS coordinates, into vector based graphic maps. If the composer wishes, upon refresh, the maps can create a course line following the trek of an excursion on the move. The maps are clickable to get a full size view for more geographic detail. THE PHOTOGRAPHS:// The photographs, like the rest of the documentary content, are updated when the INTERFACE page refreshes itself. The photos are documentary of the region from where the composer writes. The composer is able to upload photographs, cut lines, and photograph titles, which all are updated upon page refresh from the database. THE GRAPHAGROMANIAC JOURNAL ENTRIES:// The Graphagromaniac Journal Entries, like the rest of the documentary content, are updated when the INTERFACE page refreshes itself. The entries are writings of any kind from the field: documentary, poetry, prose, etc. Here, anything goes. THE GRAPHAGROMANIAC FORUM:// The Graphagromaniac Forum, like the rest of the documentary content, are updated when the INTERFACE page refreshes itself. The forum allows for two-way communication between the audience members at home and the composer in the field. THE AUDIO:// Once implemented, the audience will have the ability to click and load pre-recorded audio samples, and eventually will have the capabilities to stream live audio from the INTERFACE page. These are documentary sound bytes from the field. A D V E R T I S E M E N T THE METAPHORM TECHNODYSSEY is brought to you by... Old No.9 A finely auspicious malt cultivating new world techno-Dharma on the global road to mindfulness, free-wheeling satori, & cultural enlightenment. WARNING: Adding Old No.9 to your Technodyssey may improve visions and mind-wandering, but is in no way required for a successful journey. The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. Ongoing Reflective Statement on the Design & Nature of the Final Work Version 2.0 Digital Media Studies | University of Denver REFLECTIONS As is, right now, the project is moving along at a much faster rate of success than I was even hoping for. I have known for some time now WHAT I wanted the application to do (at least for now, that is), but I thought I might come across some technical difficulties in surpassing the high expectations I have in consideration of design, fluidity, functionality, clarity in purpose and pragmatics, and ease of use for the “uninitiated”. At this point, however, the transcendence of the few very minor hang-ups has come without too much burden at all. All four media feeds (Photography, Mapping, Journal Notebook, and Discussion Forum) in the main INTERFACE page originate in the main database which is housed in a parallel server directory to the rest of the site, images and uploads. The two text based cells (Journal Notebook and Discussion Forum) are dynamically driven at this time and function very well. The two graphics based cells (Photography and Mapping) are also dynamically driven by the same means as the text-based cells, however, due to time restraints, there just aren’t multiple photographs and maps being uploaded into the database. This function will be highly useful when the application is brought into the field, and a composer is out there, consistently uploading new content. For now, though, the cells still refresh, you will only see the same image each time. The only functions not working at this time (due to time restraints as well) are the maps and photo uploads from the GRAPHAGROMANIAC control panel interface, for now I am just placing them manually onto the server. In short, there are two main screens in this application. The INTERFACE view is the audience view. Sign in to get here and enjoy the show. The GRAPHAGROMANIAC view is the control panel, or admin, view, for the composer in the field to be writing and uploading through. You can access this panel by signing into the GRAPHAGROMANIACS ONLY link at the top of the index page. The only requirement is your password which for testing and critique is set to “test”. A great benefit to this project is the use of the <iFrame> html/cfm tag. This allows for the contents in each of the refreshing cells to ONLY REFRESH THE CONTENT, not the entire page. Refreshing the entire page, on the contrary, and originally tested, causes the INSERT coldfusion tag to attempt at reloading the same data time and time again into the database, and then, of course, outputting the same data time and time again each time upon refresh. The result is a multiple publishing of the same users text. The iframe method remedies this problem. As a result of successful critique and useful feedback, I’ve implemented a vast HELP page that is intended to clarify a lot of what is going on with the project as a whole. The HELP page includes information on everything from the reason for creating/developing the project in the first place, to instructions on application elements, to vocabulary used in the process. PLEASE REFER TO THE HELP PAGE at some point during your review of the project as some data which I otherwise would have included here I felt was sufficient to present only there. I am very pleased with TMT at this time. The more I get done on it now, the more ideas I have to improve it including the implementation of web cams, streaming media, and flash remoting to name a few. I am looking into the purchases of a GPS handheld device as well as a satellite phone system. I have already submitted TMT to the iDEAs exhibit at the iDMAa conference in the spring of 2005. I plan to keep a lookout for fitting art/tech/new media venues still, as well as to continue to develop TMT for potential use as a field research tool for my PhD studies. Please contact or for more information. The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. PROPOSED TMT TIMELINE Winter 2005 RESEARCH: GPS handheld, Satellite phone BUY: GPS handheld, Satellite phone Multimedia systems/RIA courses Spring 2005 Bridges Expedition to Dharamsala – 10 days-funding? iDMAa iDEAs-submitted 2005 Extensive Field Testing Finalize Thesis presentation concepts Final M.A. Thesis Presentation (May 2005) Gallery Show? Into Sturm 434 from the field? Virtual Expedition? PhD research: Technology/new media as content generators Media as (creative/innovative) message-concept transport entities Augmented reality inclusion Encouraging the Global Tribe Technology as natural extension, next level of “human” evolution Only the mind is our reality, no “spirit” or “soul”, or “heaven/hell” Draw threads with A Beatific Triad? Applications/Projects/”Shows”: Chicago; The Road/Shakori Rambler; A day in the life; Denver; Psych Hospital; Alaska; Himals; Ireland; Prague; NM; Paris; Andes Regions Academic/Experimental Art/DM Conferences: IDMAa iDEAs 2005 Beatific Triad paper-submitted to Mephisto 2005 BEA 2005 The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. FURTHER INFORMAL PROJECT NOTES Project’s Narrative Elements/Advantages An interactive ColdFusion GUI Interface using semiotic chains, strings of communication and associations Allows reader to add their own input/ideas Limitless potential to the reader/audience VIRTUAL PRESENTations/”SHOWS”: Presented in the form of Live Performances or “Shows”. Upload IP number (CF code) and (C_date) for proof of where, when the works are done. DVD intro for presentation, rest is done remotely. Make it work like a band on stage, improvising. The shows are not talking “about” or “describing” the work, but “creating” work. (NSM p 123) Materializing work is a documentation of some degree HARDWARE: Field Laptop Nikon D100/Digital Camera Sanyo VM4500 CameraPhone GPS Handheld/Magellan Meridian COLOR Satellite Phone System/Iridium 9505 & Data Kit SOFTWARE: Metaphorm Technodyssey (current version) Photoshop (if necessary) GPS Visualizer The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. UPDATED PROPOSAL DATA In Relation to “Siren Shapes: Exploratory and Constructive Hypertexts” Joyce, NMR The Metaphorm Technodyssey merges both EXPLORATORY hypertext (“where audience members view and test alternative organizational structures of their own” Joyce, NMR, 614) and CONSTRUCTIVE hypertext (where the application is used as an inventive or analytical tool / the user develops a body of work according to their needs / they gather info, act on it, transform as they encounter / the work being built is a structure of what does not yet exist) In Relation to “Toward a Theory of Non-Genre Literature” J. Culler The Experimental element of October New Mexico relates to the idea of “recuperation”, as in Culler’s theory that if a computer randomly emitted strings of text, the human brain would eventually make correlations or associations between the strings, drawing commonalities or threads throughout. Same thing with my project of the random haiku and then entering the haiku into a google search. When placing that image next to the haiku (where the two are completely unrelated in any way) it is our nature to draw conclusions and assume an inherent relationship between text and image. In Relation to “Nonlinearity and Literary Theory” E. Aarseth “The verbal oscillation created by two equally possible combinations, the choice of which is entirely up to the user, produces an ambiguity different from the usual poetic double meaning of a word or phrase, because there seem to be two different versions, neither of which can exist alongside the other, and both obviously different from the text itself. Like optical illusions, we can imagine first one, then the other, but not both at the same time.” “When we look at the whole of such nonlinear text, we cannot read it; and when we read it, we cannot see the whole text. Something has come between us and the text, and that (something) is ourselves, trying to read.” BIBLIOGRAPHY (running informal) “Siren Shapes: Exploratory and Constructive Hypertexts” Joyce, NMR “Toward a Theory of Non-Genre Literature” J. Culler “Nonlinearity and Literary Theory” E. Aarseth THE METAPHORM TECHNODYSSEY is brought to you by Old No. 9_ A Finely Auspicious Malt: Cultivating new world techno-dharma on the global road to mindfulness, free-wheeling satori & cultural enlightenment. Graphomania |psychiatry| Morbid and excessive impulse to write. Origin: Grapho-+ G. Mania, insanity Agromania |psychiatry| An obsolete term for a morbid impulse to live in the open country or in solitude. Origin: G. Agros, field, + mania, frenzy. 2010 The philosphical pursuit of the fundamental unit of electromagnetic energy. The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. Fig. 1 The index page (sign-in interface) of The Metaphorm Technodyssey, HELP tab, instructions and clarification of the project objective available here. The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. Fig. 2 The LIVE PERFORMANCE interface of The Metaphorm Technodyssey, signed-in audience viewers can observe all elements and participate in GRAPHAGROMANIAC FORUM. The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. Fig. 3 The GRAPHAGROMANIACS ONLY (Administration) interface of The Metaphorm Technodyssey, authorized composers in the field communicate and upload information from this view. The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver. Big world. Now go. The Metaphorm Technodyssey™ © QMX.05™ Official Fieldbook | Gregory O'Toole | University of Denver.