Construction - ARSD College
Construction - ARSD College
TENDER & CONTRACT DOCUMENT Retrofitting Existing GF&Ff for Earth Quake, Modifications of Front Entrance & Compound walls; Construction of New Ramp Physically Challenged & Emergency Stairs at ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi Tender Document No: ARSD/IS/TD/03 Owners: Principal, ARSD Colllege, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi – 110 021. Phone: +91 11 2411 3436 Fax: +91 11 2411 1390 Email: & Dt: 16th Sep 2013 Consultants: IDEAL STRUCTURES, CIVIL & STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS R. Narendrakumar, 11, Avvaiyar Street, Singarayar Colony, Madurai – 625 002. Tele: 0452 – 2528471 Fax: 0452 - 4361471 e-mail: Page 2 of 185 TABLE OF CONTENTS Bid Documents Sr. No. Particulars Sect. No. Page No. 3 Notice inviting Tender 1. Instructions to Bidders 1 4-9 2. General Conditions of Contract 2 10-48 3. Contract Agreement 3 49-51 4. Technical Specifications of Work 4 52- 162 5. Bill of Quantities 5 163 - 173 6. List of Approved Makes 6 174-176 7. Performance BG Form 7 177- 179 8. Mobilization Advance BG Form 8 180 - 182 9. Bid Proposal Submission Form 9 183 - 184 10. Appendix A – Tender Drawings A ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 3 of 185 NOTICE INVITING TENDER TENDER NOTICE No. ARSD/DEL/IS/03/2013-14 Dt. 16th Sep 2013 TENDER DOCUMENT No. ARSD/IS/TD /03 Dt 16th Sep 2013 Sealed and super scribed tenders are invited from technically competent, experienced Civil Engineering contractors for the following work; 1. Name of work: Repair and Retrofitting of RCC Structures at the Existing Buildings of ARSD College, At Daula Kuan, New Delhi 2. Owners: ARSD College, New Delhi 3. Consultants: R. Narendrakumar, Ideal Structures, 11, Avvaiyar Street, Singarayar Colony, Madurai, Tamilnadu 5(Five) Months from 10th day after date of issue of “Letter of 4. Completion Time: Acceptance” 5. Tender Security: Two Percentage (2%) of Contract Amount, drawn in favour of “Principal, ARSD College “, payable at New Delhi 6. Cost of Tender Document: Rs. 10,000/- ( Rupees Ten thousand) only 7. Tender Documents O/o, Section Officer (Admn), ARSD College 8. Last date time and place for receipt of Tenders 4.00 pm, 4th Oct 2013 at the office of the Principal, ARSD College, New Delhi 9. Date and time of pre bid meeting 3rd Oct 2013: Venue - office of the Principal, ARSD College, New Delhi (time will be intimated) 4.30 pm 4th Oct 2013 at the office of the Principal, ARSD 10. Opening of Tenders College, New Delhi Note: 1. The Owners / Consultants shall not be responsible for any delay, loss or non-receipt of Tender Documents or tenders during transit by courier or mail. 2. The Clients reserves all rights to issue/refuse Tender documents and to accept / reject any or all tenders either in part or full or to split and award the work to more than one agencies without assigning any reasons thereof and without any liability to the Clients or Consultants. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 4 of 185 SECTION – 1 : INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Invitation to submit Bid Proposals: 1.1. Sealed Bid Proposals in the prescribed form are hereby invited by R. Narendrakumar, Ideal Structures, Civil and Structural Consultants, , having their offices at 11, Avvaiyar Street, Singarayar Colony, Madurai – 625 002 (hereinafter the “Consultants”), on behalf of The Principal, ARSD College, New Delhi (“Owner ”), having their college Buildings at Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi – 110 021, for Retrofitting the existing GF&FF for Earth quake, Modifications of Front Entrance & Compound wall, Construction of Ramp for Physically Challenged and Emergency Stairs, at ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 110 021. 1.2 The Bid Documents shall comprise of: a. Instructions to the Bidders b. General Conditions of the Contract c. Contract Agreement d. Specifications of the Work e. Bill of Quantities f. List of approved makes h. Performance Bank Guarantee Form i. Bank Guarantee Form towards Mobilization Advance j. Bid Proposal Submission Form Section 01 Section 02 Section 03 Section 04 Section 05 Section 06 Section 07 Section 08 Section 09 1.3. Bidders are expected to read the Bid Documents carefully and familiarize themselves with the instructions, terms, conditions, requirements and specifications in the Bid Documents. Failure to comply with or furnish the requirements specified in the Bid Documents or submission of incomplete Bid Proposals will render the Bid Proposals to be liable for rejection. 1.4 At any time prior to the due date for submission of the Bid Proposals, the Owner may, on its own initiative or in response to request received for clarification, modify the Bid Documents and shall notify such modifications to the Bidders to whom the Bid Documents have been issued. 2. Submission of Bid Proposals: 2.1 Sealed Bid Proposals shall be submitted in three envelope system. The outer envelope shall have two inner envelopes viz., 1. The Technical Bid and 2. The Financial Bid. All the envelopes shall be sealed with the seal of the Bidder. The name of the Work, namely “Retrofitting Existing GF&FF for Earth quake; Modifications of Front Entrance & Compound Wall; Construction of New Ramp for Physically Challenged & Emergency Stairs, at ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi” and the name of the Bidder shall be subscribed on the envelopes. The envelopes containing the Bid Proposals, as aforesaid, shall be addressed to The Principal, ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi, and submitted not later than 4.00 PM on 4th Oct 2013. Bid Proposals received after due date and time will be out-rightly rejected. 2.2. Bidders are required to submit with their Technical Bid Proposal, List of works executed, List of equipments, list of their technical personnel, who will be stationed at Site, if the Work ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 5 of 185 is awarded to them and the value of works done during the last three financial years. The said list shall set out inter alia names, experience and qualifications of such technical personnel. Receipt for Rs. 10,000/- or DD for the same amount in Favour of the Principal, ARSD College, Payable at New Delhi towards the fee for tender document shall be attached with technical bid. 2.3 Bid Proposals must be filled in English and all entries made by hand and written in ink. In case any supporting document furnished by Bidder is in any other language, the same shall be accompanied by an English translation thereof. Information in any other language shall be accompanied by an appropriate translation in English. For the purpose of interpretation of contract, the document translated in English alone shall be considered. 2.4 Bid Proposals shall be submitted without any corrections or overwriting. In case corrections are unavoidable, the authorized representative(s) of the Bidder shall authenticate such corrections by appending his / their full signatures. 2.5. Bid Proposals, which propose alterations in the Work or completion thereof or Bid Proposals which are subject to any conditions are, at the discretion of the Owner, liable to be rejected. 2.6 Bid Proposal should be submitted in the prescribed Bid Proposal Form attached to the Bid Documents, along with other documents specified in the Bid Documents. 2.7 No explanation / request for change or alteration of the information given in the Bid Proposals or submission of any missing or additional documents, shall be entertained by the Consultants or the Owner, after submission of the Bid Proposal. No advice of any change in rate or conditions after the opening of Bid Proposals shall be entertained. 2.8 The Bidders shall bear all costs and expenses associated with preparation and submission of Bid Proposals. The Owner shall in no case be responsible or liable for any such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 2.9 Bid Proposal shall be signed on behalf of the Bidder by an authorized representative (s) of the Bidder. The document evidencing authority in favour of the authorized representative(s) to sign the Bid Proposal shall be attached to the Bid Proposal. In case the Bidder is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 or under any earlier Act, the Bidder shall furnish updated copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation of the Bidder. In case the Bidder is a partnership firm, a certified copy of the current Partnership Deed together with a copy of the Certificate of Registration issued by the Registrar of Firms, shall be attached to the Technical Bid Proposal. 2.10 Bidder shall submit Bid Proposals complying in full with the requirements of the Bid Documents. If any Bidder desires to submit, in addition to the Bid Proposal in compliance with the Bid Documents, alternatives for any of the items of Work, the Bidder may state such alternatives separately, provided such alternatives shall conform fully to the functional requirements and the applicable Specifications. 2.11 Financial Bid will be considered on if the bidders qualify in the Technical Bid. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 6 of 185 3. Earnest Money 3.1 Financial Bid Proposal shall be accompanied by earnest money of 2% (Two Percentage) of the Total Contract Price in the form of a Pay Order/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Principal, ARSD College, New Delhi” payable at New Delhi. Bid Proposals not accompanied by the requisite earnest money will be rejected. No interest shall be payable on Earnest Money. Earnest money shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, without interest within 10 working days from the final decision, concerning the award of the Works is taken by the Owner. In case of successful Bidder, the earnest money amount would be retained by the Owner as part of the security/ retention amount for due execution of the Works by the Bidder. 3.2 The earnest money shall be forfeited to the Owner if the Bidder withdraws its Bid Proposal after award of the Work or fails to furnish the security in the form of Performance Bank Guarantee or fails or neglects to execute the Contract or after execution of the Contract, fails to commence or execute the Work. 4. Tender Drawings Refer Appendix A. 5. Schedule of Works The Bidders are expected to study the Bid Documents and prepare its detailed schedule of work to be done with respect to time, equipment and manpower, in conformity with the Scheduled time frame. 6. Site Location The Site is located at Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 110 021. General information relating to the Site is available with the Owner/Consultants. Such information shall be indicative in nature and shall not be binding on the Owner. The Bidders are expected to familiarize themselves with the Site, the area in which the Site is situated, approach roads thereto, type of soil, availability of materials and other factors relevant for execution of the Work, prevailing in the area where the Site is situated and submit their Bid Proposal, after fully familiarizing themselves with the conditions prevailing in the areas. The Owner shall have no obligation to entertain any claim concerning the location or condition of soil or on any other factor whatsoever. 7. Rates and computations 7.1 Bidders should state the Rates quoted in figures as well as in words. The amount for each individual item should be worked out and the requisite totals should be given in the respective Schedules. If on verification, any discrepancy is noticed between the rates quoted in words and figures or in the amount worked out, the following rule shall be followed: (a) Where the amount worked out in respect of an item is not given in the Bid Proposal or the amount worked out does not correspond with the rates quoted in either in figures or in words, then the rate quoted by the Bidder in words shall be taken as correct. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 7 of 185 (b) Where the rate quoted by the Bidder in figures and words tallies but the amount is not Worked out correctly, the rate quoted by the Bidder shall be taken as correct and the amount shall be worked out based on such quoted rates. 7.2 Bidders are advised in their own interest to submit arithmetically accurate and complete Bid Proposals. Bid Proposals containing arithmetical errors, which when corrected produce a grand total varying by more than +2% from the grand total given in the respective Bid Proposals, are liable to be rejected. 7.3 The Rates quoted shall be the landed cost at Site and shall be inclusive of all present and future Taxes including customs, excise, additional duties/tax, Entry Tax, LAD Tax, Octroi, Cess, VAT imposition of any nature, except Service Tax. The Owner will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect and all rates quoted shall include all taxes and duties. Rates quoted shall remain firm till the entire Works is executed. The Owner shall not entertain any request or claim for any revision of any rates on any account whatsoever. Without in any way limiting the obligations of the Bidder, in the event any such Tax or Taxes are paid or required to be paid by the Owner for any reason whatsoever, the Bidder shall promptly reimburse to the Owner the amount paid by the Owner. 8. Clarifications: The Bidders may request the Consultants/Owner for a personal meeting, any time before submission of the Bid, to obtain any additional information/ clarification in relation to the Bid Documents. 9. Validity Period of Bid Proposals Bid Proposal submitted shall remain valid for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of the Bid Proposals by the Owner and for such extended period, as the Owner may require from time to time. The Bidders shall quote the prices and rates in Indian Rupees and the same shall be payable in Indian Rupees. 10. Bid Opening and Evaluation 10.1 The Owner may open the Bid Proposals at any time after the due date for submission of the Bid Proposals, convenient to the Owner and the Consultants, in any case not later than seven days from the date of Bid Closing. 10.2 To assist in evaluation of the Bid Proposals, the Consultants / Owner may ask the Bidders for clarification of their Bid Proposals. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. However, the Consultants or the Owner will not entertain any unsolicited clarification from the Bidders after the Bid opening. 11. Award of Works ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 8 of 185 11.1 The Owner may award the Work in whole to any one Bidder or split the Work and award to more than one Bidders, as the Owner may consider appropriate, without assigning any reasons for doing so. Bidders shall have no right to revise the rates quoted or specify any conditions, if the Bid Proposals submitted by them are accepted in part. 11.2 The Owner may issue a provisional letter of award (the “Provisional Letter of Award”) to successful Bidder. The issue of Provisional Letter of Award shall constitute only an intention of the Owner to award the Work but does not create any legally binding obligation on the part of the Owner to award the Work to the Bidder. 11.3 The successful Bidder shall, within 10 days of issue of the Provisional Letter of Award: (a) Confirm in writing to the Owner the Bidder’s acceptance to the terms and conditions set forth in the Provisional Letter of Award; (b) Provide a Bank Guarantee towards Mobilization Advance to be paid by Owner, in terms of Clause 13 below; and (c) Provide a Performance Bank Guarantee to the Owner, as stated in Clause12 below. In case the above is not fulfilled within the stipulated time frame, the Owner reserves the right to appropriate the Earnest Money and engage another Contractor of its choice. 11.4 At any time after fulfillment of the conditions specified in clause 11.3 above, the Owner may issue the Letter of Award to the successful Bidder. Simultaneously with the issue of the Letter of Award, the Bidder shall enter into the Contract Agreement with the Owner, subject to such changes or amendments therein as may be made or approved by the Owner. 12. Performance Bank Guarantee The successful Bidder shall, within Ten (10) days of issue of the Provisional Letter of Award, submit to the Owner a Performance Guarantee from a nationalized Bank and in the form specified in Section 09 herein, for a sum of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Laks) only. The Performance Guarantee shall be for the minimum duration of the time specified for execution of the Work and for a further period of three months thereafter. 13. Mobilization Advance Within 10 days from the date of issue of Provisional Letter of Award, the successful Bidder is required to provide a Bank Guarantee from a nationalized Bank in such form as specified in Section 10 herein and subject to submission of such Bank Guarantee and other conditions stipulated in Clause 9.1 of Section 2, the Owner will advance to the successful Bidder a sum equivalent to Ten (10) percent of the value of the Works stated in the Letter of Award, by way of Mobilization Advance. The Mobilization Advance shall be deducted pro-rata from each running bill with final amount being recovered at 80% value of the Total Contract Price. 14. Retention Money The Owner shall be entitled to deduct from each running bill a sum equivalent to five (5) per cent of the running bill and retain the said sum with the Owner (the “Retention Amount”). The Owner shall be entitled to retain the Retention Amount with it, free of interest, until the successful Bidder has duly performed and fulfilled all its obligations under the Bid Documents and the Contract Agreement. The Owner shall release 50 (fifty) percent of the Retention Amount, subject to set off of any sums due to the Owner, on successful completion of execution of the Work and issue of Completion Certificate by the Consultants. The Owner ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 9 of 185 shall retain the balance 50 (fifty) percent of the Retention Amount until the Bidder has duly completed and fulfilled all its obligations or until expiration of the Defects Liability Period, whichever date occurs later. 15. Confidentiality The Bidders shall treat the contents of the Bid Documents and the Bid Proposals submitted by them as confidential and shall not disclose the same without prior written permission from the Owner. The Bidder to whom the Bid Documents are issued alone shall use the Bid Documents. Bid Documents are not transferable. 16. Rejection The Owner may, at its sole discretion, accept or reject any Bid Proposal, without assigning any reason thereof or may accept any Bid Proposal, subject to such conditions, as the Owner may consider appropriate. The Owner reserves the right to annul the bidding process and reject any and all Bid Proposals, without requiring to assign any reasons thereof and without thereby incurring any liability to the Bidder or Bidders. 17. Definitions The words and expressions used in this Section 1 with capitalized letters or with initial letters capitalized and not defined in this Section, but defined in Section 2 and shall have, where the context permits, the meanings assigned to them in Section 2, respectively. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 10 of 185 SECTION - 2 : GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. DEFINITIONS In construing the Bid Documents and the resulting Contract Agreement, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them respectively herein below, except where the subject or context otherwise requires: “Appendix” means the Appendix attached to the General Conditions of Contract. The descriptions provided in the Appendix are only indicative in nature and the same shall apply, subject to the conditions/stipulations contained in the relevant clause of the General Conditions of Contract. "Consultants" means R. Narendrakumar, Ideal Structures, having their Design office at 11, Avvaiyar Street, Singarayar Colony, Madurai – 625 002, and duly appointed by the Owner for the design, drawings and for supervision of the execution of the Work or in the event of R. Narendrakumar, ceasing to be the Consultants for the purpose of this Contract Agreement, such other person as may be nominated/appointed as such by the Owner; “Bid Documents' shall mean collectively the Instructions to the Bidders, this General Conditions of Contract, the Tender Drawings, the Gantt Chart, the Contract Agreement, Specifications of the Work, the Bill of Quantities, the Rate Schedule, the Bid Proposal Submission Form and the Letter of Award; “Bid Proposal” shall mean the bid proposal submitted by the Contractor including the Bill of Quantities, the Rate Schedule and the Schedule of Work, in response to the invitation issued by or on behalf of the Owner, for bid proposal and shall include any amendments thereto accepted by the Owner; “Change Order” means a change in the scope of the required Work or a part of it, approved by the Owner, which may result in a modification of the scope of the Work or the Schedule or the cost of any item, forming part of the Work "Completion Certificate" shall mean certificate to be issued by the Consultants when the Work has been completed in terms of the Contract Agreement; “Construction Programme” is defined in Clause 5.3.2; "Contract Agreement" shall mean the agreement entered into between the Contractor and the Owner pursuant to this Bid and the Bid Proposal submitted by the Bidder; “Contract Documents” shall mean collectively the Contract Agreement for the execution of the Work and shall include the Bid Documents, the Bid Proposal, the Letter of Award, Change Order issued by the Owner and other documents referred to in, or submitted in terms of, the Bid Documents and includes any Work specific documents that may be issued by the Owner; ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 11 of 185 “Contractor" shall mean the person or persons, firm or company to whom the Letter of Award has been issued by the "Owner" and who has entered into the Contract Agreement with the Owner for execution of the Work and includes the Contractor's successors-in-interest and permitted assigns; "Contract Price" means the sum named in the Letter of Award subject to such additions thereto, or deductions there from as may be made in terms of the Contract Documents and the Contract Agreement; "Defects Liability Period" in relation to the Work means a period of 12 months from the date of completion of Work as indicated in Completion Certificate, and in the case of any item of work carried out during the aforesaid period of 12 months in rectification of defect, a further period of 12 months from the date of completion of such work; "Final Certificate" in relation to the Work shall mean the certificate titled as such issued by the Consultants, after expiration of the Defects Liability Period, certifying due execution by the Contractor in terms of the Contract Agreement and due performance and fulfillment by the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract Agreement; "Letter of Award” shall mean the letter designated as such issued by the Owner to the Contractor, to confirm that the Bid Proposal submitted by the Contractor has been accepted by the Owner, but does not include the Provisional Letter of Award; "Owner” means The Principal, ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, and would include its successors-ininterest and assigns; “Provisional Letter of Award” shall mean a non-binding letter designated as such issued by the Owner to the Bidder, signifying the Owner’s intention to award the Work to the Bidder; “Rates” shall mean the rates quoted by the Contractor in the Schedule of Rates for each item of Work, as per the Specifications and Bill of Quantities, forming part of the Bid Proposal and would include any change in Rates, as approved by the Owner, upon approval of the Change Order; “Retention Amount” shall mean the amount deducted by the Owner at the rate of five (5) percent on the bill value from each running bill and retained by the Owner, free of interest, until Contractor the Contractor has duly performed and fulfilled all its obligations under the Contract Agreement, including Defect Liability Period; "Site" shall mean the site specified by the Owner in terms of the Bid Documents, and where the Work is to be executed and waters and other places on, under, in or through which the Work is to be carried out and any other lands, water or places provided by the Owner for the purpose of the Contract Agreement together with any place as may be designated in the Contract Agreement as forming part of Site; "Engineer-in-Charge" shall mean the engineer designated and appointed by the Consultants / Owner and stationed at the Site, or such other person authorized by the Consultants /Owner to act as such including any resident engineer or assistant to the engineer appointed from time to time by the Consultants / Owner to act as a representative of the Owner at the Site; "Specifications" shall mean all directions, technical specifications, provisions and requirements attached to the Bid Documents, which pertain to the method and manner of performing the Work to ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 12 of 185 the quantities and qualities of the Work and the materials to be supplied in terms of the Bid Documents and Contract Agreement for the Work as may be amplified or modified by Tender Drawings for the execution of the Work and shall include the specifications or standards set forth in the latest edition including all addenda/corrigenda of relevant CPWD/BIS and other relevant Codes and in the absence of any CPWD/BIS Standards/specifications, the specifications issued by the Consultants in consultation with the Owner; “Sub-Contractor" shall mean any person or firm or company (other than the Contractor) to whom any part of the Work has been entrusted by the Contractor, with the prior approval of the Owner and their legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns; “Taxes” is defined in Clause 9.3.3; "Temporary Works" shall mean all temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution, completion or maintenance of the Work; "Tender Drawings" shall include maps, plans, sketches and tracings or prints thereof with any modifications approved in writing by the Consultants/Owner and such other drawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the Consultants and the Owner; "Work" shall mean and include all works specified in the Bid Documents to be executed in accordance with the Contract Agreement or part thereof, as the case may be, and shall include all extra, additional, altered, or substituted works as may be required at the sole discretion of the Owner for the purpose of the Retrofitting Existing GF&FF for Earth quake; Modifications of front entrance &compound walls; Construction of New Ramp for Physically challenged and Emergency Stairs, at ARSD College, New Delhi; “Works Engineer” is defined in Clause 6.5.1 and shall mean the Engineer in Charge appointed by the Contractor for execution of the work. 2. INTERPRETATION 2.1 Singular and Plural: Where the context so requires, words imparting the singular only also include the plural and vice-versa. Words importing persons shall include relevant incorporated companies/registered associations / body of individuals/ firm or partnership. 2.2 Headings and Marginal Notes: Headings and marginal notes to these Conditions shall not be deemed to form part thereof and are not be taken into consideration for the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract Agreement. 2.3 Meanings: Wherever in this Contract Documents the words directed, permitted required, ordered, designed, considered, necessary or like words are used, it shall be understood that the said directions, permissions, requirements, orders, designs etc. of the Engineer in Charge, Consultants, and/or Owner are intended to mean so. Similarly words approval, acceptable or satisfactory to the Consultants, Engineer in Charge and/or the Owner as the case may be unless any other meaning is plainly intended. 2.4 Languages and Measures: All documents pertaining to the contract, drawings or any other writings shall be written in English Language. The Metric system of measurement shall be used in the Contract Agreement unless otherwise specified. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 13 of 185 2.5 Conflict Resolution. All the documents forming part of the Contract Agreement are to be taken as complementary and mutually explanatory. Should there be any discrepancy, inconsistency, error or omission in the Contract Agreement or any of the Contract Documents, the matter shall be referred to the Consultants, who shall give its decision and issue to the Contractor instructions directing in what manner the Work is to be carried out. The decision of the Consultants shall be final and conclusive and the Contractor shall carry out Work in accordance with this decision without any increase in cost. 2.6 Discrepancy Removal. In the Contract Documents certain clauses may be repeated in several sections. In case of any discrepancy the same may be brought to the notice of the Owner whose decision regarding interpretation shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Should there be any difference between the Owner and the Contractor, the matter will be referred to the Consultants whose decision on such matters will be final and binding on the Owner and the Contractor. In deciding such matters, the Consultants will be acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator, hence such a matter will not be considered as an arbitrable dispute within the meaning of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any other applicable law, and hence none of the provisions of such law would be applicable. 3. GENERAL PRINCIPLES 3.1 These General Conditions shall form part of the Contract Documents and shall be read in conjunction with the Work for which Bid Proposals are invited, the Specifications of the Work, the Tender Drawings and any other documents forming part of the Contract Agreement wherever the context so requires. 3.2 Notwithstanding the sub-division of the Contract Documents into separate Sections and volumes, every part shall be deemed to be supplementary to and complementary of every other part and shall be read with and into the Contract Agreement so far as it may be practicable to do so. 3.3 Wherever it is mentioned in the Specifications and / or indicated in the Tender Drawings that the Contractor shall perform certain work or provide certain facilities and perform or fulfill certain obligations, it is understood that the Contractor shall do so at its own cost. 3.4 The materials to be used in relation to the Work shall be in accordance with Section 06., Design and workmanship shall conform to the prevailing standards and specifications in the relevant CPWD standards and/ specifications and in the absence of CPWD standards/ specifications, BIS standards/specifications shall be followed. However, in case no specific CPWD/ BIS standards and/or specification are available or prescribed, the specifications issued by the Consultants in consultation with the Owner, shall prevail and be binding on the Contractor. 3.5 A certified copy of the Contract Agreement together with all schedules and attachments thereto shall remain in the custody of the Consultants & Owners and shall be available in their office for reference by the Contractor and the Owner. The Owner shall provide to the Contractor, on the signing of the Contract Agreement, free of cost with two copies of the Bill of Quantities & Rate Schedule, Tender Drawings and the additional specifications, if any and two copies of all further drawings issued during the progress of the Work. The Contractor shall keep one copy of all drawings at its office at the Site and shall allow access to the Engineer in Charge, Engineer in Charge and the Consultants at all times to such documents ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 14 of 185 and the drawings. Before the issue of the Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall forthwith return to the Owner all such documents, drawings and specifications. 4. COVENANTS AND REPRESENTATION OF THE CONTRACTOR: 4.1 The Contractor shall have, prior to submission of the Bid Proposal, examined the Bid Documents and the requirements specified in the Bid Documents and shall have obtained all required information and familiarized itself with all relevant factors and conditions relating to the Work including without limitation, information in all matters whatsoever that might affect the execution of the Work at the Scheduled Rates and as per the Bill of Quantities. The Contractor shall have conducted all required independent due diligence necessary and shall have satisfied itself with all relevant factors and conditions relating to the Bid and the execution of the Work. Any error in description of quantity or omission there from shall not vitiate the Contract Agreement or release the Contractor from its obligations to execute the Work comprised in the Contract Agreement according to the Tender Drawings and the Specifications at the Scheduled Rates, using the approved materials. The Contractor shall have, prior to submission of the Bid Proposal, fully familiarized with and shall have understood fully the scope, nature and magnitude of the Work and the requirements of materials and labour involved, in execution of the Work. The Contractor shall have, prior to submission of the Bid Proposal, fully familiarized itself with the soil conditions and other material and relevant conditions prevailing in the area, availability of materials, labour, electricity, water availability in the area and access road to the Site and shall have satisfied itself, in respect of all existing structures, if any, and also as to the nature and the conditions of the roads, culverts, means of transport and communications, and as to possible interruptions thereto and the access and egress from the Site, and shall have made inquires, examined and satisfied itself as to the site(s) for obtaining sand, stones, bricks and other materials, the site(s) for disposal of surplus materials, and availability of utilities, services and facilities required for execution and completion of the Work, and shall have satisfied itself as to the sub-soil, subsoil water and variations thereof, storms, prevailing winds, climatic conditions and all other similar factors which may affect the Work. The Contractor shall have acquainted itself and taken into account its obligations for payment of Taxes and other applicable charges. 4.2 Any neglect or failure on the part of the Contractor in obtaining necessary and reliable information upon the foregoing or any other matters affecting the Work or Contract Documents shall not relieve the Contractor from its obligations under the Contract Document including without limitation the execution of the Work. 4.3 No oral agreement or inference from conversation with any officer or employee of the Owner / Consultants either before or after the execution of the Contract Documents shall in any way affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. 5. GENERAL CONDITIONS 5.1 LOCATION OF SITE AND ACCESSIBILITY 5.1.1 The Site is located at Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi. General information relating to the Site is available with the Owner/Consultants. Such information shall be indicative in nature and shall not be binding on the Owner. The Contractor has familiarized itself with the Site, the area in which the Site is situated, approach roads thereto, type of soil, availability of materials ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 15 of 185 and other factors relevant for execution of the Work, prevailing in the area wherein the Site is situated and has submitted its Bid Proposal, after fully familiarizing itself with the conditions prevailing in the area. The Owner shall have no obligation to entertain any claim concerning the location or condition of site or on any other factor whatsoever. 5.1.2 The Owner has not made and does not make any representation about the existence or suitability of the roads, and availability of access roads or railway siding or permits for entry of vehicles to any specific area shall in no case be the cause to condone any delay in the execution of the Work, nor shall be the cause for any claims or additional payments by the Owner to the Contractor. 5.2 SCOPE OF WORK 5.2.1 The scope of Work is defined more specifically hereto in conjunction with the Bill of Quantities, the Specifications, Tender Drawings and the Bar Chart. 5.2.1 The Contractor shall procure and use all necessary materials, equipment; labour and such other resources as may be required for the execution and maintenance of the Work till completion of the Work and until issue of Completion Certificate unless otherwise specifically agreed to by the Owner in writing. All materials, equipment and other resources that may be used in the execution of the Work shall be in terms of List of approved materials and where it is not specifically mentioned therein, shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer in Charge and / or the Consultants. 5.3 COMMENCEMENT TIME, DELAY AND EXTENSION 5.3.1. The Contractor shall commence execution of the Work, not later than seven (7) days from the date of issue of the Letter of Award. 5.3.2. The Bar Chart indicating the milestone completion dates is given in the Section 03 to Bid Documents. The Contractor shall prepare a detailed weekly and monthly construction programme in consultation with the Engineer in Charge (the “Construction Programme”) and shall submit the same to the Engineer in Charge and the Consultants, within seven (7) days of issue of the Letter of Award. The Contractor shall, subject to the overall time stipulated herein for completion of the Work, execute the Work strictly in accordance with the Construction Programme and shall complete the execution of the Work within the time stipulated in the Construction Programme. The time specified herein for completion of the Work includes the time required for mobilization, testing, rectifications, if any, retesting and completion of the Work in all respects, to the entire satisfaction of the Consultants/ Owner. The Bar Chart shall be prepared in direct relation to the time stated in the Contract Document for completion of the items or groups of items of work and for the Work as a whole. It shall indicate the forecast of the dates of commencement and completion of various trades or section of the work, which amended as necessary, with prior approval of the Consultants and / or the Owner in writing, but in any case without prejudice to the obligations of the Contractor to complete execution of the Work within the time stipulated herein. Without prejudice to the obligations of the Contractor to complete the Work within the time stipulated herein, if the execution of the Work is delayed for any reason whatsoever, the Contractor shall have no rights to claim from the Owner and the Owner shall have no obligation to pay, any compensation by way of watch and ward, hire charges of tools and plants, establishment expenses, loss of profit, idle labour or any on other account whatsoever, ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 16 of 185 5.3.3. If, in the opinion of the Consultants, the execution or completion of the Work be delayed (a) by Force Majeure conditions; and or (b) by reason of any court order restraining the execution of the work by reason of action taken by any public authority, arising otherwise than on account of the Contractor's own default, the Consultants shall, as soon as may be, give written notice thereof to the Contractor, but the Contractor shall nevertheless constantly use his endeavors to prevent delay and shall do all that may reasonably be required to satisfaction of the Consultants to proceed with the Work. 5.3.4. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer in Charge/Consultants in writing of any occurrence, which has caused or which may cause a delay, which will affect the performance of the Work or the completion of the Work within the stipulated time frame. If the delay is caused by any event of Force Majeure, then and only then Contractor may submit a request to the Engineer in charge/Consultants seeking extension of the time for completion of the Work. It is clarified that mere shortage of labour, materials or utilities shall not constitute an event of Force Majeure, unless any such shortage is caused by circumstance which by itself is an event of Force Majeure. 5.4 PERIOD OF COMPLETION Time allowed for execution and the completion of the work is 5 (Five) Months. The period will be divided in phased work as per CIL priorities, so that they can install plant and equipment in time. The Gantt Chart will be prepared and will form part of the agreement. The period of Five months will commence from the 10th (tenth) day from the date of issue of provisional letter of award. Time is the essence for execution and completion of the work by the contractor. The contractor shall use all reasonable endeavors and exercise all due diligence to execute and complete the work within the stipulated time 5.5 RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEVEL AND ALIGNMENT 5.5.1. The Contractor shall at its cost clear the Site prior to commencement of execution of the Work, so that the Site is free from shrubs, herbs, grass, standing crops, hedges, plants, jungle, debris or any unwanted materials of any kind whatsoever. 5.5.2. The Contractor shall, at its cost, carry out and ensure the horizontal and vertical alignment, the levels and correctness of every part of Work and rectification of any errors or imperfections therein. 5.6 SETTING OUT WORK 5.6.1. The Engineer in Charge shall furnish the Contractor with only the corners of the Site and a level benchmark and the Contractor shall set out the Work and shall provide an efficient staff for this purpose and shall be responsible for the accuracy of such setting out. 5.6.2. The Contractor shall provide, fix and be responsible for the maintenance of all stakes, template, level marks, profiles and other similar things and shall take all necessary precautions to prevent their removal or disturbance and shall be responsible for the consequence of such removal or disturbance should the same take place and for their efficient and timely reinstatement. The Contractor shall also be responsible for the maintenance of all existing survey marks, boundary marks, distance marks and center line marks, either existing or supplied and fixed by the ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 17 of 185 Contractor. The Work shall be set out to the satisfaction of the Consultant The approval there of by the Consultant in setting out the Work shall not relieve the Contractor form any of its obligations and responsibilities. 5.7 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION AND OTHER USE 5.7.1 Water shall be provided free of cost by the owner from their existing wells/bore well free of cost to the contractor at one point near the site. The contractor shall check the suitability of water for construction as per IS: 456 -2000 regularly and provide water test reports as and when tested with engineer in charge/consultants. 5.7.2. Storage: The Contractor shall arrange for adequate storage arrangements so that sufficient quantity of water is available at all times to meet the Contractor's construction, curing and all other requirements. Adequate storage of water shall be made available at all times by the Contractor to ensure continuous work without stoppage for want of water. 5.8 POWER (ELECTRICITY) SUPPLY 5.8.1 Use and availability: The Owner shall supply one three phase electricity supply (temporary connection) at one point in work place free of cost. The owner may also try to ensure continuous power supply using their existing generators during the period of power shut down. However it is also the responsibility of the contractor to adhere to clause 5.8.3. The contractor shall give optimum power requirement with the owner to enable them obtain temporary supply and it is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that power factor does not fall below 0.85. The contractor may erect temporary structure for lighting of the site in night at their own cost. 5.8.2 Temporary works: The Contractor shall at its cost dismantle and remove all temporary lines or structures erected by them at the Site in relation to drawing and using electricity, on completion of execution of the Work or earlier, if so required by the Engineer in Charge. If there is any hindrance to the other works at the Site due to these lines / structures during the progress of work, the Contractor shall, at its cost, realign the same as may be required by the Engineer in Charge. 5.8.3 Standby facilities: The Contractor is responsible to make adequate infrastructure and standby facilities for the continuous supply of electric power required for the satisfactory execution of the Work without stoppage, including use of Generator(s). 5.8.4 Submission of plans: The Contractor should submit its plans on the facility dealt in this Clause 5.8, for the approval of the Engineer in Charge, and shall proceed with the plans only in the manner approved by the Engineer in Charge. 5.9 LAND FOR FIELD OFFICE, GODOWN AND WORKSHOP 5.9.1. The Owner may at its discretion permit the Contractor to construct at the Site at such locations, as may be approved by the Engineer in Charge, temporary constructions for Contractor's field office, godown(s), workshops and assembly yard required in relation to the execution of the Work and for use by the Contractor during the execution of the Work. The Contractor shall at ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 18 of 185 its own cost construct all such temporary constructions and provide suitable water supply and sanitary arrangement as required and approved by the Engineer in Charge. The area required for such temporary constructions shall be subject to approval of the Engineer in Charge and no representations as to insufficiency or otherwise of such area, shall be entertained by the Owner. 5.9.2. On completion of the Work, the Contractor shall, at its cost, remove all temporary constructions and clear and restore the Site to usable condition or as may be directed by the Engineer in Charge. If the Contractor fails to comply with these requirements, or if the Contractor commits any default in complying with such requirements, the Engineer in Charge may at the cost, expense and risk of the Contractor remove such material and dispose of the same as the Engineer in Charge deems fit and get the Site cleared as aforesaid and the Contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of all expenses so incurred and shall have no claims in respect of any such material disposed of as aforesaid. But the Owner reserves the right to ask the Contractor any time during the pendency of the Contract Agreement to vacate the land by giving seven (7) days notice. 5.10. SAFETY STANDARDS FOR TEMPORARY BUILDINGS All temporary buildings, including without limitation, the sheds, workshops, field station, temporary accommodation for the Engineer in Charge shall be constructed as specified of the Engineer in Charge/ Owner, as regards location and type of structures. Roofing and cladding with grass or paddy straw or coconut leaf will not be permitted within the Site. 5.11 OTHER AGENCIES AT SITE 5.11.1 The Owner with the concurrence of the Consultants reserve the right to use the Site and any portions of the Site for the execution of any work not included in these Bid Documents as the Owner may desire to have carried out by other persons. The Contractor shall allow all reasonable facilities for the execution of such work but shall not be obliged to provide any plant, equipment or materials for the execution of such work, except as the Contractor may otherwise agree with the Owner. 5.11.2 The Contractor shall be required to execute the Work in co-ordination with other agencies Contractors engaged by the Owner, for carrying out works at the Site including the agencies or Contractors engaged for site grading, filling and leveling, electrical and mechanical engineering work, other civil works etc. No claim shall be entertained due to Work being executed or inconveniences or interruptions caused execution of the Work in the above circumstances. 6. 6.1 GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 6.1.1 The Contractor shall at its own expenses, provide all materials required for the Work. 6.1.2 The Contractor shall, at its own expense, supply to the Engineer in Charge/Consultants samples of materials proposed to be used in the Work. The Engineer in Charge /Consultants shall be entitled to have the tests carried out as specified herein below, or as may be advised, from time to time, by the Engineer in Charge or the Owner at the cost and expense of the Contractor. If the test of the samples fails, the Contractor shall arrange to supply fresh samples for testing to the Engineer in Charge /Consultants and the testing charges shall be ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 19 of 185 borne by the Contractor. Only materials, the samples for which pass the test, will be used for the Work. If any particular sample, fails to conform to the required specifications in testing, the Contractor shall not dispute the results of the testing and replace/rectify the materials as advised by the Engineer in Charge or the Owner, to make the material compliant with the specifications. 6.1.3 The Engineer in Charge /Consultants shall have full powers to direct removal of any or all of the materials brought to Site and which do not conform in character to the approved samples or specifications. Upon issue of such directions, the Contractor shall promptly remove such materials from the Site but in any case within 24 hours of such direction. 6.1.4 Materials required for the Works shall be stored by the Contractor at the Site only at places approved by the Engineer in Charge /Consultants. Storage and safe custody of materials shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 6.1.5 The Engineer in Charge or his representative shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any materials intended to be used in or on the Work, either at the Site or at factory or workshop or other place(s) where these are lying and the Contractor shall give such facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination. 6.1.6 The Owner shall have a lien on all materials brought to the Site, but all risks of loss of such material shall remain with the Contractor. Materials brought to the Site shall not be removed by the Contractor without the prior written approval of the Engineer in Charge or the Consultants. On completion of the Work and fulfillment of all its obligations under the Contract Agreement, by the Contractor , and when so required by the Engineer in Charge and / or the Consultants, the Contractor shall, at its cost, promptly remove from the Site all plant, equipment and other materials belonging to the Contractor lying at the Site. 6.1.7. The Consultants shall be entitled to have test(s) carried out as required and specified in the Specifications or in the Contract Agreement or considered necessary by the Engineer in Charge/Consultant/Owner, for any materials supplied by the Contractor and such test will be carried out at the cost of the Contractor. The Contractor shall bear all the expenses and provide all the facilities, which the Consultants may require for the purpose. Such test will include without limitation concrete cube test, briquette test, and slump cone test and sieve analysis. The Contractor shall, at its cost, install and maintain necessary equipment at the Site for carrying out such tests and shall maintain a register to record such tests and results of such test and shall make that register available to the Engineer in Charge, the Consultants and the Owner, whenever required. 6.2 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY WITH OTHER AGENCIES Without Prejudice to the Contractor’s obligations, the Contractor shall execute the Work in coordination and co-operation with other contractors engaged by the Owner and / or its other Contractors, for carrying out works at the Site, including without limitation mechanical, electrical, air-conditioning and communication network contractors and other agencies engaged by the Owner and by providing the necessary grooves, recesses, cuts and openings in walls, slabs, beams and columns and making good the same to the desired finish as per Specifications for the placement of electrical, networking cables, conduits, air-conditioning inlet and outlet grills and other equipment etc., where required. For the above said requirements in the false ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 20 of 185 ceiling and other partitions, the Contractor shall, before commencing the Work, prepare and put in place a joint scheme, in consultation with the electrical, mechanical, network communication, air-conditioning contractors and other agencies as well as the Consultant, showing the necessary openings, grooves, recesses, cuts, the methods of fixing required for the work of the aforesaid, and the finishes therein, to the Engineer in Charge and get the same approved by the Engineer in Charge. 6.3 COOPERATION AND COORDINATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS: 6.3.1 The Owner may engage other contractor(s) for carrying out other works at the Site in relation to the project for setting up the Educational Facility. The Contractor shall co-operate, co-ordinate and liaise with such other Contractors engaged by the Owner and / or by the contractors engaged by the Owner, and execute the Work accordingly so that the Work shall proceed smoothly with least possible delay and to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Owner shall not entertain any representation or claim from the Contractor for delay in completion of the Work, on account of engagement of other Contractors by the Owner or otherwise howsoever. 6.3A INDEMNITY BY CONTRACTOR: 6.3.2 Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in the Contract Documents, it is agreed that the Contractor will remain solely liable for any and all loss, damage, cost, expense or other charges incurred by the Owner arising out of any act or omission of the Contractor or its employees, servants, consultants, sub-Contractors, agents and other representatives, in relation to the execution of any part of the Work, and the Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner against any and all such losses, damage, liability, cost, expenses, and claims whatsoever that may be incurred or suffered by the Owner. 6.4 RIGHTS OF VARIOUS INTERESTS 6.4.1 The Owner reserves the right to distribute the Work amongst more than one Contractor. The Contractor shall co-operate and provide other contractors’ access to the Site for carrying out by such other contractors their respective works. 6.4.2 Wherever the work being done by any agent/consultant or contractor or sub-contractor of the Owner or by other contractors employed by the Owner, is contingent upon Work covered by this Contract Agreement, the respective rights of the various interests involved shall be determined by the Engineer in Charge to secure the completion of the various portions of the Work in general harmony. 6.5 CONTRACTOR’S SUBORDINATE STAFF AND THEIR CONDUCT 6.5.1. Promptly on issue of the Letter of Award, the Contractor shall name and depute a qualified engineer having requisite qualification and sufficient experience in carrying out work of similar nature, and acceptable to the Engineer in Charge, for being stationed at the Site (the “Works Engineer”). The materials, which are to be supplied by the Owner in terms of the Contract Documents, for execution of the Work, shall be issued to the Engineer in Charge. The Contractor shall also provide to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge sufficient and qualified staff to supervise the execution of the Work, competent sub-agents, foremen and leading hands including those specially qualified by previous experience to supervise the type ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 21 of 185 of works comprised in the Contract Agreement in such manner as will ensure work of the best quality and workmanship and expeditious completion of the Work. If, in the opinion of the Engineer in Charge, additional qualified and experienced personnel are required for proper coordination, supervision and/ or execution of the Work and accordingly notifies the Contractor, the Contractor shall, at its cost, promptly engage such additional personnel. 6.5.2. If and whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer in Charge, any of the personnel, consultants, agents, assistants, foremen or other employees engaged by the Contractor or its sub-contractors, shall be guilty of any misconduct or be incompetent or insufficiently qualified or negligent in the performance of their duties or that in the opinion of the Engineer in Charge, it is undesirable for administrative or any other reason for such person or persons to be employed in the Work, the Contractor, if so directed by the Engineer in Charge, shall at once remove such person or persons from the Site and the Work and such persons shall not be any responsibility or role in relation to execution of the Work. Any person or persons so removed from the Work shall not again be employed in connection with the Work without the prior written permission of the Engineer in Charge. Any person so removed from the Work shall be immediately replaced at the expense of the Contractor by a qualified and competent substitute acceptable to the Owner. The Contractor shall bear all costs in connection herewith. 6.5.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for all legal compliances and the proper behaviour of all the staff, foremen, workmen and other personnel engaged for or in relation to the Work and shall exercise a proper degree of control over them and in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall be bound to prohibit and prevent any employee and personnel from trespassing or acting in any way detrimental or prejudicial to the interest of the community or of the properties or occupiers of land and properties in the neighbourhood and in the event of such employees or personnel so trespassing, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for such acts and omissions and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner against all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses and liabilities arising there from.. The decision of the Engineer in Charge on any and all matters referred to in this Clause 6.5.3 shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 6.6. PLANT AND MATERIALS 6.6.1. The Contractor shall submit a detailed chart within 10 days from the date of issue of Provisional Letter of Award showing the plant and equipment to be deployed on the works and the periods during which the same will be required for implementation of the Work. In the event additional plant and equipment are considered necessary in the opinion of the Consultants or the Owner, the same shall be provided forthwith at no extra cost. 6.6.2. The Consultants or the Owner may require removal from the Site of any and all plant, equipment and materials brought for execution of the Work, which the Owner considers as unsuitable, without requiring give any reasons therefore. 6.6.3. If the Contractor or any of their employees, consultants, servants, sub-Contractors, agents or other representatives shall due to their act or omission, cause any loss, or damage, to any property belonging to any person including without limitation the Owner, or if any amount is claimed by any person from the Owner for such loss, damage or cost suffered by such person due to any such act or omission on the part of the Contractor, any Sub-contractor or such other persons specified above, then the same shall be made good by the Contractor at its own expense and in default thereof, the Engineer in Charge may cause the same to be made good by other ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 22 of 185 agencies and deduct such costs and expenses from the running bills submitted by the Contractor for which the certificate of the Engineer in Charge shall be final and conclusive. 6.7. CHANGE IN CONSTITUTION The Contractor shall not make any change in its constitution without prior written approval of the Owner. 6.8. FIRE PROTECTION 6.8.1 The Contractor shall provide fire protection equipment wherever it is required, in working condition, as may be prescribed by the concerned Fire Authority/Officer. The Contractor's personnel who are working in execution of the Work will be properly instructed and trained in the operation of such fire protection equipment. In the event of an accidental fire, it is expected of such personnel to make efforts to extinguish the fire with the equipment made available. If the fire situation cannot be controlled, then the Contractor's personnel should immediately get in touch with the concerned District Fire Officer/ Authority and also report the same to the Engineer in Charge/ Consultants. 6.8.2 All efforts should be made by the Contractor's personnel to prevent occurrence of any unwanted fire and in case of occurrence of any fire, due to which any material of the Owner, gets damaged, the Contractor shall be responsible to recompensate the Owner and the Owner shall be entitled to set off such damage (assessed by the Consultant), from amounts due and/or payable to the Contractor. 6.9. WRONGFUL APPROPRIATION OF MATERIALS Wrongful appropriation, or attempt of wrongful appropriation, of materials belonging to the Owner or any other contractor working at the Site or commission of any other criminal act by the Contractor or its agents, or employees or workers shall be deemed to be a breach of contract on the part of the Contractor, and the Owner shall, in addition to the other remedies available under the Contract Agreement, be entitled to terminate the Contract Agreement forthwith at the risk and cost of the Contractor. The decision of the Owner in any of the above aspects shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 7. RIGHTS OF ENGINEER IN CHARGE/CONSULTANTS 7.1 The Engineer in Charge has no supervisory duties or responsibilities over the Contractor and all such responsibilities in relation to supervision of the execution of the Work by the Contractor shall vest solely with the Consultants. The Engineer in Charge has no power to approve, restrict, modify or allow any financial transaction or to incur any amount for and on behalf of the Owner. The Engineer in Charge will be responsible for on site progress to ensure that the Works are being carried out by the Contractor in terms of the Specifications stated in Section 04 hereto and in terms of time schedule, measurement, quantities, quality and as per drawings etc. He will inform the Consultants/ Owner in case of faulty workmanship or delays etc. and the Consultants shall take up the matter with the Contractor. 7.2 The Consultants and /or the Owner may appoint other engineers and personnel (hereinafter the “junior engineers”) to assist the Engineer in Charge. The Contractor shall afford them ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 23 of 185 every facility and assistance for inspecting the Work and materials and for checking and measuring the work done and materials. Neither the Engineer in Charge nor the junior engineers shall have power to revoke, alter, enlarge or relax any requirement of the Contract Agreement or to sanction any additions, alterations, deviations, omissions or any extra work whatsoever, except in so far as such authority may be specially confirmed by written order of the Consultants. 7.3 The Engineer in Charges or his representative shall have power to give notice to the Contractor, its representative regarding non-approval of any work or material and such work shall be suspended or the use of such materials shall be discontinued until the decision of the Consultants is obtained. The work will from time to time be examined by the Consultants, the Engineer in Charges or other representatives, but such examination or approval shall not in any way exonerate the Contractor from the obligations to remedy any defects which may be found to exist at any stages of the work or after the same is completed. 7.4 The Consultants/ Engineer in Charge and their representatives shall at all reasonable time have free access to the Work site and/or other places where materials are lying or from where they are being obtained. The Contractor shall give every facility to the Consultants/ Engineer in Charge and their representatives, necessary for inspection and examination and test of the Work and the materials. 7.5 The Contractor shall give, not less than seven (7) days notice in writing, to the Consultants or their representative in charge, before the Work is covered or otherwise placed beyond the reach for measurement. The Contractor agrees not to cover or seal the Work with out the prior written consent of the Consultants or their authorized representative in charge of the Work and the same shall be uncovered at the Contractor’s expense in case the procedure is not followed or any default thereof. No payment or allowance shall be made for such work or the materials with which the same was executed. 7.6 The Consultants shall have full power, during the progress of the Work, to direct the Contractor in writing from time to time the removal from the Work within such reasonable time as may be specified in the direction or any materials, which, in the opinion of the Consultants, do not conform to the Specifications or to the instructions of the Consultants and the Contractor shall forthwith carry out such directions at its own cost. In case of default on the part of the Contractor to carry out such directions, the Consultants shall, with the concurrence of the Owner, have the power to employ and pay other persons to carry out the same and all expenses consequent thereon or incidental thereto as certified by the Consultants shall be borne by the Contractor or may be set off/deducted by the Owner from any money due or that may be due to the Contractor. 7.7 The Consultants/ Engineer in Charge shall have full powers to require removal of any or all the materials brought by the Contractor which, in the opinion of the Consultants or the Engineer in Charge, do not conform to the Specifications or do not conform in character or quality to the samples approved by the Consultants or the Engineer in Charge. In case of default on the part of the Contractor in removing rejected materials the Consultants shall be at liberty to have these removed by other Agency. The Consultants/Engineer in Charge shall have full powers to require other proper materials to be substituted for rejected materials in the event of the Contractor refusing to comply, the Consultants/ Engineer in Charge may cause the same to be supplied by other agency, which may attend upon such removal and/or substitution and such cost shall be borne by the Contractor. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 24 of 185 7.8 All the works embracing more than one process shall be subject to examination and approval at each state thereof by the Consultants and the Contractor shall give the notice to the Consultants or his authorized representative when each state is ready. In case of default of such notice the Consultants shall be entitled to appraise the quality and extent thereof and the assessment of the Consultant, shall be final. 7.9 The Contractor shall make available to the Engineer in Charge free of cost all necessary instruments and assistance in checking of setting out of Work and in the checking of any Work made by Contractor and taking measurement of Work. 8. EXECUTION OF WORK 8.1 EXECUTION OF WORK: 8.1.1 All the items of the Work and parts thereof shall be executed in strict conformity with the provisions of the Contract Documents and with such explanatory detailed Tender Drawings, Specifications and Instructions as may be furnished from time to time to the Contractor by the Engineer in Charge/Consultants, whether mentioned in the Contract Documents or not. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that Work throughout are executed in the most substantial, proper and workmanlike manner with the quality of material and workmanship in strict accordance with the Specifications and to the entire satisfaction of the Consultants. 8.1.2 The Contractor shall give all necessary personal superintendence during the execution of works, and so long thereafter as the Consultants may consider necessary until the expiry of the "Defects Liability Period" stated hereto. The Contractor shall also during the whole time the Work are in progress employ competent representatives and qualified engineers who shall be constantly in attendance at the Site while the men are at work. Any directions, explanations, instructions or notices given by the Engineer in Charge to any representative of the Contractor shall be deemed to be given to the Contractor. 8.1.3 The Contractor shall at the request of the Engineer in Charge immediately withdraw and remove from the Site and the work any of the Contractor’s personnel, who, in the opinion of the Engineer in Charge/ Consultants, may not be a desirable person to be employed at the Site or on the Work. The Contractor shall not reemploy such persons at the Site or on the Work without prior written permission of the Engineer in Charge/Consultants. 8.1.4 The Contractor shall prepare detailed shop drawings, bar bending schedule and obtain necessary approval from the Consultants before executing such item of the Work. 8.1.5 Commencing from the time of taking possession of the Site, the Contractor shall, at its cost, arrange for proper watch and ward staff, lighting and protecting the Work Site at all times until completion of the Work and handing over the same to the Owner. The Contractor shall provide at its cost necessary temporary enclosures, fencing, boundary walls, gates, entrances etc., for the protection of the Work and materials. The Contractor shall, at its cost, remove the same at completion of the Work. The Contractor shall prepare a detailed Schedule of Work for execution in conformity to the stipulated time for completion of the Work, and submit it for the approval of the Consultants immediately after issue of the Letter of Award. The Schedule of Work shall be revised and brought up-to-date every month and copies of the same shall be forwarded to the Engineer in Charge, the Consultants and the Owner. It is Contractor's responsibility to see that these schedules are complied with. The Owner will not ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 25 of 185 be responsible for any claim of any nature by the Contractor and its subcontractor not having completed their work in accordance with the time and progress schedule for any reason whatsoever. 8.1.5 The entire Work including all extra and additional items of work shall be completed in the time stated in the Contract Documents. No claim for enlargement of time, will be allowed to the Contractor on this account. 8.1.6 The Contractor shall allow, free of charge, the use of scaffolding etc. to the Engineer in Charge/ Consultants for inspection and to other contractors for execution of their work in proper manner. 8.1.7 The Owner shall have no obligation to pay any compensation for any damage caused to the Work or materials by rains, floods or natural calamities or any other causes whatsoever, including force majeure conditions. The Contractor shall make good all such damages at its own cost. 8.1.8 The Contractor shall provide to the satisfaction of the Consultants a team of qualified engineering staff including one experienced Works Engineer and experienced general Foreman who will always be on the premises when the work is going on. 8.1.9 The Contractor shall give to the municipal and other authorities all notices etc., that may be required by the law and obtain all requisite licenses for temporary constructions, enclosures, opening into common sewers, water pipes etc. and pay all proper fees, costs and shall meet all misc. expenses in this connection. They shall also construct proper enclosures and fencing for the protection and convenience of the workmen and public, if so advised by the Consultant/Engineer in Charge during the progress of the work and perfectly restore all the adjoining grounds, pavements etc. on completion of the work. 8.1.10 All water pipes, existing drawings or any other work which may be made with or above the excavation shall be properly maintained by the Contractor by means of shoring, strutting, planking over or otherwise as the Consultants/ Engineer in Charge may direct and shall be protected by the Contractor from damage during the course of work or if damaged shall be made good by him at its own cost. However, if Consultants considers that they will have to be temporarily broken down or permanent diversion is required then the Contractor will be compensated for such diversion, at the sole discretion of the Consultants in consultation with the Owner. 8.1.11 All constructional plant, equipment, instruments, temporary works and materials provided by the Contractor shall, when brought to or remain at the Site, be used exclusively for the execution of the Work and the Contractor shall not remove the same or any part thereof without the consent in writing of the Engineer in Charge. 8.1.12 Labour hutments may be allowed at Site only after obtaining permission from the Engineer in Charge. However, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to remove such labour hutments and such removal is a pre-condition to issue of Completion Certificate. 8.1.13 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to see that the building under repair works is not occupied by any person, during construction and the Contractor to hand over vacant and peaceful possession of the Site. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 26 of 185 8.1.14 The Work shall not be considered complete until the Contractor has executed the Work complete in all respects to the entire satisfaction of the Consultants and the Contractor has removed from the Site all scaffolding, temporary works, surplus materials, rubbish and all huts and sanitary arrangements required for its workmen on the Site in connection with the execution of the Work, and cleaned all dirt from the parts of building in, upon or about which the Work has been executed or of which he may have had possession for the purpose of the execution thereof and cleaned floors, gutters and drains, eased doors and sashes, oiled locks and fastenings labeled keys clearly and hand them over to the Engineer in Charge and make the Site fit for immediate occupation or use to the satisfaction of the Consultants/ Engineer in Charge. The Consultants shall have no obligation to issue the Completion Certificate to the Owner until the Contractor has performed and fulfilled all its obligations to the complete satisfaction of the Consultants. If the Contractor fails to comply with any of the requirements of these conditions as aforesaid, on or before the date fixed for completion of the work, the Consultants and/or Engineer in Charge may at the expense of the Contractor fulfill such requirements and dispose of the scaffoldings, surplus materials and rubbish etc. as he thinks fit and the Contractor shall have no claim in respect of any such scaffolding or surplus materials except for any sum actually realized by the sale thereof less the cost of fulfilling the requirements and any other amount that may be due from the Contractor. If the expense of fulfilling such requirements is more than the amount realized from such disposal as aforesaid, the Contractor shall forthwith, on demand, pay such expense. On its failure to pay on demand, such amount, it may be realized from any other sum due to the Contractor. 8.2 WORK IN MONSOON AND DEWATERING 8.2.1 The completion of the Work will entail working in the monsoon also. The Contractor shall maintain necessary labour force as may be required for the Work and plan and execute the construction and erection according to the prescribed schedule. No extra rate will be considered for such Work in monsoon. 8.2.2 The Contractor should install pump(s) of adequate capacity to bail out/divert/ regulate water, which may have collected at Site, from any source/for any reason, including natural causes and it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to keep the construction work Site free from water logging at its own cost, at all times. The Owner shall not entertain any claim, for such costs/expenses or damage caused to its material, which the Contractor, may have incurred, in this regard. Also, the Contractor shall take precautionary/preventive as well as curative steps, as may be advised by the Engineer in Charge. 8.3 TENDER DRAWINGS 8.3.1 Ref Appendix A “The Work” 8.4 ALTERATIONS IN SPECIFICATIONS & DESIGNS & EXTRA WORK The Consultants shall have power to make any alterations in, omissions from, additions to, variations from, or substitutions for, the schedule of rates, the original Specifications, drawings, designs, and instructions that may appear to the Consultants to be necessary or advisable during the course of execution of the Work, and Contractor shall be bound to carry out such altered, additional or substituted items of Work in accordance with any instructions ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 27 of 185 which may be given by the Consultants, and such alterations, omissions, additions or substitutions shall not invalidate Contract Agreement and any altered, additional or substituted Work, which Contractor may be directed to do in manner above specified as part of the Work, shall be carried out by Contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which the Contractor had agreed to execute the Work. At the request of the Contract, the Consultants may, at their discretion, allow extra time, for the part of the particular work on account of such alterations, additions or substitutions of Work, as the Consultants consider as just and reasonable. The rates for such additional, altered or substituted Work under this clause 8.4 shall be worked out in accordance with the following provisions: i) If the rates for additional altered or substituted Work are specified in Contract Agreement, the Contractor is bound to carry out the additional, altered or substituted Work at the same rates as are specified in Contract Agreement unless the Consultants considers otherwise. The opinion of the Consultants, as to whether or not the rates can be reasonably so derived from the items in the Contract Agreement, shall be final and binding on the Contractor. ii) If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted Work are not specifically provided in Schedule of Rates, the rates, the Consultants will, in consultation with the Owner, assess the rates. iii) For additions/ alterations falling under above sub clauses, the Consultants shall determine the rate or rates on the basis of the prevailing market rates of materials, labour cost at schedule of labour plus fifteen percent (15%) thereon to cover Contractor's supervision, over-heads and profit and pay the Contractor accordingly. The opinion of the Consultants as to the current market rates of materials and the quantum of labour involved per unit of measurement will be final and binding on Contractor. iv) Notwithstanding anything mentioned in sub-clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) above, the Consultants shall have the right to determine rates for additional / extra works and the rates determined by the Consultants shall be binding on the Contractor, who shall forthwith execute such works. The Engineer in Charge shall also have the option to employ another agency to execute such works and the Contractor shall provide full co-ordination. 8.5. VARIATIONS: 8.5.1 The Contractor shall carry out and complete the said Work in every respect in accordance with the Contract Agreement and with the directions of and to the satisfaction of the Consultants / the Owner. The Consultants may in their absolute discretion and from time to time issue further drawings and/or written instructions, details, directions and explanations (herein the “Consultants’ Instructions”) to the Contractor, in regard to: (i) The variation of modification of the design, quantity or quality of works or the addition or omission or substitution of any work; (ii) Any discrepancy in the drawings or between the Schedule of Quantities and/or drawings and/or Specification; (iii) The removal from the Site of any works executed by the Contractor, and the substitution of any other material thereof; (iv) The removal and/or re-execution of any works executed by the Contractor; ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 28 of 185 (v) The removal from the Work and / or from the Site any person(s) employed by the Contractor; (vi) The opening up for inspection of any work covered up; and (vii) The amending and making good of any defects. Instructions issued to the Contractors under (i) and (ii) shall be considered as expected matters. 8.5.2 The Contractor shall forthwith comply with and duly execute any work comprised in such Consultants’ Instructions provided always that oral instructions, directions and explanations given to the Contractor or its representative upon the Work by the Consultants shall, if involving a variation, be subject to confirmation in writing by the Consultants to the Contractor, within further seven days and they shall be deemed to be Consultants’ Instructions within the scope of the Contract Agreement. 8.6 NO COMPENSATION FOR ALTERATION / RESTRICTION OF WORK If at any time from the commencement of the Work, the Owner for any reason whatsoever does not require the whole or part thereof as specified in the Bid to be carried out, the Engineer in Charge shall give notice in writing to that effect to the Contractor, who shall have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever on account of any loss of profit or advantage which the Contractor may have derived from the execution of the Work in full, but which he did not derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried out, neither shall the Contractor have any claim for compensation by reason of any alterations or additions having been made, to the original Specifications, drawings, designs and the Consultants’ Instructions, which shall involve any curtailment of the Work. 8.7. INSPECTION OF WORK 8.7.1 The Engineer in Charge/ Consultants will have full power and authority to inspect the Work (and not the Contractor’s workers) at any time wherever in progress either on the Site or at the Contractor’s premises/ workshops wherever situated, premises /workshops of any person, firm or corporation where work in connection with the Contract Agreement may be in hand or where materials are being or are to be supplied, and Contractor shall afford or procure for the Engineer in Charge, every facility and assistance to carry out such inspection. Contractor shall, at all time during the usual working hours and all other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the Engineer in Charge or his representative to visit the Work shall have been given to the Contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and instructions, or have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing present for the purpose. Orders given to the Contractor's agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to Contractor himself. The Contractor shall give not less than seven (7) day's notice in writing to the Consultants before covering up or otherwise placing beyond reach of inspection and measurement any Work in order that the same may be inspected and measured. In the event of breach of above the same shall be uncovered at Contractor's expense for carrying out such measurement or inspection. 8.7.2 The Engineer in Charge shall give written instructions regarding any particular work. The Contractor shall maintain a work order book for each sector in which the aforesaid written instructions will be entered. The Contractor or its authorized representative shall sign the work ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 29 of 185 order book, within 12 hours of issue of instructions, by way of acknowledgement of such instructions. 8.7.3 No material shall be dispatched from Contractor's stores before obtaining the approval in writing of the Engineer in Charge. 8.7.4 The Contractor shall provide at all times during the progress of the Work and maintenance period proper means of access with ladders, gangways, etc. and the necessary attendance to move and adopt as directed for inspection or measurement of the Work by the Engineer in Charge. 8.8. TESTS FOR QUALITY OF WORK 8.8.1. All workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the Contract Documents and in accordance with the instructions of the Consultant and shall be subjected from time to time to such test, at the Contractor's cost, as the Consultants may direct at the place of manufacture or fabrication or on the Site or at an independent laboratory or at all or any such places. The Contractor shall provide assistance / instrument, labour and materials as are normally required for examining, measuring and testing any workmanship as may be selected and required by the Consultants. The results of the tests in original will be forwarded directly to the Consultants or Engineer in Charge by the testing authority with copies sent to the Contractor. 8.8.2. All the tests that will be necessary in connection with the execution of Work as stipulated by the Consultants from time to time shall be carried out at the field-testing laboratory of the Contractor at its costs. The Contractor at its costs shall do all the required tests on materials and works. In case it is directed to carry out tests at an independent laboratory Contractor shall arrange to do so at its cost as directed by the Consultants. 8.9. SAMPLES The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer in Charge for approval when requested or if required by the Specifications, adequate samples of all materials and finishes to be used in Work at Contractors cost. Such samples shall be submitted before Work is commenced and in ample time to permit tests and examination thereof. All materials furnished and finishes applied in Work shall be fully equal to the approved samples. 8.10 SUSPENSION OF WORK The Contractor shall if ordered in writing by the Engineer in Charge, or his representative, temporarily suspend the Work or any part thereof for such period and such time as so ordered and shall not, after receiving such written order proceed with Work therein ordered to be suspended until he shall have received a written order to proceed therewith. The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim compensation for any loss or damage sustained by him by reason of temporary suspension of Work aforesaid. An extension of time for completion, corresponding with the delay caused by any such suspension of Work as aforesaid will be granted to Contractor should he apply for the same provided that the suspension was not consequent to any default or failure on the part of Contractor. 8.11 OWNER MAY DO PART OF WORK ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 30 of 185 Upon failure of the Contractor to comply with any instructions given in accordance with the provisions of this Contract Agreement, the Owner has the alternative right, instead of assuming charge of the Work to place additional labour force, tools, equipment and materials on such parts of Work, as the Owner may designate or also engage another Contractor to carry out such work. In such cases, the Owner shall be entitled, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies, to deduct from any amount due the Contractor, the cost of such work and materials with fifteen percent (15%) added to cover all departmental charges and should the total amount thereof exceed the amount due to the Contractor, the Contractor shall forthwith pay such shortfall to the Owner. In the alternative, the Owner shall recover such costs from Performance Bank Guarantee. 8.12 SUB-CONTRACTING OF WORK 8.12.1. The Contractor shall not directly or indirectly sub-let or sub-contract the whole or any part of the Work, without prior written permission of the Consultants / the Owner, except as provided for in the succeeding sub-clause, of the Owner/Consultants. 8.12.2. The Owner/Consultants may, at their sole discretion, give written consent to sub- contract for the execution of any part of the Work at the Site, such as for anti-termite treatment, water proofing etc., provided the Contractor shall have furnished in advance, full details of such proposal to sub-contract and shall have obtained written permission from the Consultants / Owner to such proposal for sub-contracting. The Owner / Consultants may decline to grant permission for sub-contracting, without requiring to give any reasons thereof. If the Owner/ Consultants permits such sub-contracting by the Contractor, the same shall be subject to the stipulation that the Contractor shall personally be liable for performance and shall guarantee the proper functioning of the such, sub-contracted item of Work. It is expressly understood herein, that in case anti-termite treatment, water proofing, are sub-contracted, the Contractor shall be required to provide a guarantee, guaranteeing efficacy of such work, for a period of ten (10) years, in the form and manner prescribed by the Consultants/ Owners. 8.12.3. At the commencement of every month, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer in Charge a complete list of all sub-contractors or other persons or firms, engaged by the Contractor or working at Site during the previous month with particulars as to the general nature of the subcontracted Work and reference of the Engineer in Charge’s approval, obtained for the same. 8.12.4 Notwithstanding grant of permission by the Owner / Consultants for sub-contracting any part of the Work, the Contractor shall be solely liable to execute the Work and any such subcontracting shall not in any way dilute the Contractor’s obligations to execute the Work or relieve the Contractor from its obligations under the Contract Agreement. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for proper execution of the sub-contracted work by the sub-contractor and shall be solely liable to deal with the sub-contractor. The Owner / Consultants shall have no obligations to deal with the sub-contractors, notwithstanding the fact that such sub-contractors may have been engaged with the prior permission of the Consultants / Owner. 8.12.5 If any sub-contractor engaged upon the Work at the Site executes any Work, which in the opinion of Engineer in Charge/Consultants is not in accordance with the Contract Agreement, ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 31 of 185 the Owner/ the Consultants may by written notice to the Contractor withdraw the permission granted and require the Contractor to execute such work by itself. Upon such withdrawal of permission, the Contractor shall forthwith terminate the contract, if any, entered into with such sub-contractor and remove the sub-contractor from the Site and from the Work. 8.12.6. No action taken by the Owner under clause 8.12 shall render the Owner liable to any claim for damages or compensation from the Contractor or the sub-contractor(s), employed by the Contractor. 8.13 POWER OF ENTRY If the Contractor shall not commence the Work in the manner previously described in the Contract Documents or if the Contractor shall at any time in the opinion of the Consultants: i) fail to carry out the Work in conformity with the Contract Documents, or ii) fail to carry out the Work in accordance with the time schedule, or iii) substantially suspend the Work for a period of seven (7) days without authority from the Engineer in Charge, or iv) fail to carry out and execute the Work to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge, or v) fail to supply sufficient or suitable construction plant and equipment, temporary works, labour, materials or things, or vi) commit or suffer, or permit any other breach of any of the provisions of the Contract Agreement to be performed on its part or observed to persist in any of the above mentioned breaches of the Contract Agreement for seven (7) days, after notice in writing shall have been given to the Contractor by the Consultants requesting such breach to be remedied, or vii) if the Contractor shall abandon the work, or viii) if the Contractor during the continuance of the contract shall become bankrupt, make any arrangement or composition with its creditors, or permit any execution to be levied or go into liquidation whether compulsory or voluntary not being merely a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction, then, and in any such case, the Owner shall have the absolute power to determine the Contract Agreement, without any notice to the Contractor, as specified in Clause 27 herein below, and in addition, the Owner shall have the power to enter upon the Work and take possession thereof and of the materials, temporary works, constructional plant and equipment and stock thereon, and to revoke the Contractor's right to use the same, and to complete the Work by its agents, other Contractor’s or workmen, or to re-let the same upon any terms and to such other person, firm or corporation as the Owner in its absolute discretion may think proper to employ and for the purpose aforesaid to use or authorize the use of any materials, temporary works, constructional plant and equipment and stock as aforesaid, without making payment or ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 32 of 185 allowance to the Contractor for the said materials other than such as may be certified in writing by the Engineer in Charge to be reasonable, and without making any payment or allowance to the Contractor for the use of the temporary said works, constructional plant and equipment and stock or being liable for any loss or damage thereto, and if the Owner shall incur additional expenditure by reason of its taking possession of the Work which are being completed by other Contractor (due account being taken of any extra work or works which may be omitted) then the amount of such additional expenditure as certified by the Engineer in Charge shall be deducted from any money which may be due for work done by the Contractor under the Contract Agreement and not paid for. Any deficiency shall forthwith be made good and paid to the Owner by the Contractor and the Owner shall have power to sell in such manner and for such price as he may think fit all or any of the constructional plant and equipment materials etc. constructed by or belonging to Contractor and to recoup and retain the said deficiency or any part thereof out of the proceeds of the sale. 8.14 MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY OWNER: This clause does not apply to “The Work” 8.15 CONDITIONS FOR ISSUE OF MATERIALS: 8.15.1. At the request of the Contractor, the Owner may from time to time issue materials in such quantities, as the Owner considers appropriate, to the Contractor’s designated person, only for use in execution of the Work, properly documented by way of pre-numbered issue slips. It shall be the responsibility of Contractor to receive the materials and arrange unloading and stacking at its store at its own cost. No additional payment will be made to the Contractor, for loading, unloading and stacking of such material, by the Contractor. 8.15.2. Contractor shall bear all incidental charges for the storage and safe custody of materials at site after these have been issued to him, for the purpose of incorporation or use in performance of the Work. 8.15.3. For the material issued by the Owner, the Contractor shall make suitable arrangements, to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge/ Consultants, for safe storage of material. 8.15.4. Contractor shall be responsible for storing the materials supplied by the Owner, safeguarding the same against damage by rain, dampness, fire, theft etc. He shall also employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the purpose and the material shall be stored in Stores with double locks and keys. 8.15.5. It shall be the duty of Contractor to inspect the materials supplied to him at the time of taking delivery and satisfy itself that they are in good condition. Once the materials are delivered, the Contractor shall, at its cost and responsibility, keep such materials in good condition and if the materials are damaged or lost, at any time, the Contractor shall, at its cost, repair and/or replace to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge. 8.15.6. Unused material (supplied by Owner), shall be properly accounted for and returned by the Contractor to the Owner, after completion of the Work. 8.15.7. The materials issued by the Owner are issued only for the purpose of incorporation and use in the Work of permanent nature performed by the Contractor for the Owner and the same shall be held by the Contractor, only as a Trustee of the Owner. The Ownership of materials ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 33 of 185 supplied by the Owner shall at all times, vest and remain with the Owner and the Contractor shall have or claim any Ownership rights over or on such material, supplied by the Owner. 8.15.8. The Contractor, at his own cost, shall obtain comprehensive insurance cover from a reputed insurance company for materials supplied by the Owner and the name of the Owner shall be incorporated as the “Loss Payee” in such insurance policy. 8.15.9. The Owner shall not be liable for any delay in supply or non-supply of any materials, which the Owner has undertaken to supply where such failure or delay is due to natural calamities, act of enemies, transport and procurement difficulties and any circumstance beyond the control of the Owner. In no case, the Contractor shall be entitled to claim any compensation or loss suffered by him on this account. 8.15.10. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange in time all materials required for the Work. If, however, in the opinion of the Engineer in Charge the execution of Work is likely to be delayed due to the Contractor's inability to make arrangements for supply of materials which normally he has to arrange for, the Engineer in Charge shall have the right at his own discretion to issue such materials if available with the Owner or may procure the materials from the market or elsewhere and the Contractor will be bound to take such materials at the rates decided by the Engineer in Charge. This however does not in any way absolve Contractor from responsibility of making arrangements for the supply of such materials in part or in full, should such a situation occur nor shall this constitute a reason for the delay in the execution of Work. 8.15.11. The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer in Charge wherever instructed, a statement showing its requirement of the quantities of the proposed materials to be supplied by Owner and the time when the same will be required by him for work, so as to enable the Engineer in Charge to make necessary arrangements for procurement and supply of the material. 8.15.12. The Contractor shall issue requisition for materials properly documented by way of pre numbered indents, for such quantities as are absolutely essential for completion of that portion of the work, for which the material is requisitioned. The requisition shall be made at least ten days in advance, before such material is required for performance of any item of work, to enable the Owner to procure such material. 8.15.13. Materials supplied by the Owner shall not be utilized for any purpose other than for which it is issued, without prior written permission of the Engineer in Charge. 8.15.14 The Contractor shall hold the materials issued or supplied by the Owner in trust for the Owner and shall use the materials only for the purposes for which such materials are supplied or issued. In case of any shortfall due to any reason whatsoever, it shall be to the account of the Contractor. In case of shortfall/ shortage of material or the same is unusable, in Engineer in Charge/Consultants’ sole opinion, the Owner at its sole discretion shall assess the value of such material, and such assessed amount shall be deducted from the next running bill or the final bill, raised by the Contractor. 8.15.15 The Contractor shall maintain a logbook, in which details of quantity received by way of issue slips, quantity issued for construction and the closing stock are recorded. The logbook shall contain a monthly summary of actual utilization as per logbook and reconcile the same with the theoretical consumption as per Consultant’s calculations. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 34 of 185 8.16. MATERIALS OBTAINED FROM DISMANTLING If the Contractor in the course of execution of Work is called upon to dismantle any part for reasons other than those stipulated herein, the materials obtained as a result of the dismantling etc., will be considered as the Owner's property and will be disposed of to the best advantage of the Owner. 9. RATES, BILLS AND PAYMENTS 9.1. MOBILISATION ADVANCE (a) The Owner will advance to the Contractor a sum equivalent to ten (10) percent of the Contract Price, by way of Mobilization Advance (“Mobilization Advance”), subject to the Contractor, submitting the following within a period of ten days from the date of issue of provisional Letter of Award: Bank Guarantee securing the Mobilization Advance from a nationalized bank in the Form prescribed in Section 8 to the Bid Document, to the satisfaction of the Owner; (b) Performance Bank Guarantee for a sum equivalent to Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lacs) only from a nationalized bank in the Form prescribed in Section 7 to the Bid Document, to the satisfaction of the Owner; (c) Cover Note for a comprehensive All Risks Cover insurance policy for the Works; (d) Registration, or proof of applying for registration from the appropriate authority under the State Government of Delhi, for registration under the Contract Labour Act/ Inter State Migrant Workmen Act; and (e) Organization structure with resume of engineer in charge and other supporting staff, who will be assigned for performance of Work, by the Contractor. The Mobilization Advance shall be deducted prorata from each running bill commencing from the second running bill and ending with the pre-final bill, such that the entire Mobilization Advance shall be recovered before the final bill is submitted, by the Contractor. 9.2. RETENTION MONEY The Owner shall be entitled to deduct from each running bill a sum equivalent to five (5) per cent of the running bill, and retain the said sum with the Owner (the “Retention Amount”). The Owner shall be entitled to retain the Retention Amount with it, free of interest, until the Contractor has duly performed and fulfilled all its obligations under the Bid Documents and the Contract Agreement. The Owner shall release fifty (50) percent of the Retention Amount, subject to deduction of any amount/sums due to the Owner, on successful completion of execution of the Work and issue of Completion Certificate by the Consultants. The Owner shall retain the balance fifty (50) percent of Retention Amount until the Contractor has duly completed and fulfilled all its obligations or until expiration of the Defects Liability Period, whichever date occurs later. 9.3 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND PAYMENTS ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 35 of 185 9.3.1 The Contract Price to be paid by the Owner to the Contractor for the Work to be done and for the performance of all the obligations undertaken by the Contractor under Contract Agreement shall be ascertained by the application of the respective rates (the inclusive nature of which is more particularly defined by way of application but not of limitation, with the succeeding sub clauses of this clause) and payment to be made accordingly for the Work actually executed and approved by the Engineer in Charge. The sum so ascertained shall (excepting only as and to the extent expressly provided herein) constitute the sole and inclusive remuneration of the Contractor under Contract Agreement and no further or other payment whatsoever shall be or become due or payable to the Contractor under Contract Agreement. 9.3.2 The prices / rates quoted by the Contractor shall remain firm till the issue of Final Certificate and shall not be subject to escalation. Rates shall be deemed to include and cover all costs, expenses and liabilities of every description and all risks of every kind to be taken in executing, completing and handing over Work to the Owner by Contractor. The Contractor shall be deemed to have known the nature, scope magnitude and the extent of Work and materials required though Contract Documents may not fully and precisely furnish them. The Contractor shall make such provision in the Rates as the Contractor may consider necessary to cover the cost of such items of the Work and materials as may be reasonable and necessary to complete the Work. The opinion of the Consultants as to the items of the Work, which are necessary and reasonable for completion of the Work, shall be final and binding on the Contractor, although the same may not be shown on or described specifically in Contract Document. 9.3.3 The Rates quoted shall be the landed cost at the Site and shall be inclusive of all present and future taxes, duties, rates, imposts, levies, octroi, charges, surcharges and other charges in the nature of tax, inclusive inter alia sales tax, commercial tax, value added tax, works contract tax, excluding service tax (collectively the “Taxes”). The Owner will not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect and all rates quoted shall include for all taxes and duties. Rates quoted shall remain firm till the entire Work is executed. The Owner shall not entertain any request or claim for any revision of any rates on any account whatsoever. Without in any way limiting the obligations of the Contractor, in the event any such Tax or Taxes are paid or required to be paid by the Owner for any reason whatsoever, the Contractor shall promptly reimburse to the Owner the amount paid by the Owner. 9.3.4 Without in any way limiting the provisions of the preceding sub-clause, the Rates shall be deemed to include and cover the cost of all construction plant and equipment, temporary work, pumps, materials, labour, insurance, fuel, stores and appliances to be supplied by the Contractor and all other matters in connection with each item in the Rates and the execution of Work or any portion thereof finished, complete in every respect and maintained as shown described in the Contract Documents or as may be ordered in writing during the continuance of Contract Agreement. 9.3.5 The Rates shall be deemed to include and cover the cost of all royalties and fees for the articles, and processes, protected by letters, patent or otherwise incorporated in or used in connection with Work, also all royalties, rents, and other payments in connection with obtaining materials of whatsoever kind for Work and shall include an indemnity to the Owner which Contractor hereby gives against all actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs and expenses arising from the incorporation in or use on Work of any such articles, processes or materials, octroi, works contract tax or other Municipal or Local Board charges if levied on materials, Equipment or machineries to be brought to Site for use on Work shall be borne by Contractor. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 36 of 185 9.3.6 The Rates shall be deemed to include and cover risk of all possibilities of delay and interference with Contractor's conduct of Work which occur from any cause including orders of the Owner in the exercise of its powers and on account of extension of time granted due to various reasons and for all other possible or probable causes of delay. 9.3.7 The Contract Price are fully inclusive rates which have been fixed by Contractor and agreed to by the Owner and cannot be altered. 9.4 PROCEDURE FOR MEASUREMENT/BILLING OF WORK IN PROGRESS 9.4.1 All the Work in progress will be jointly measured by the representative of the Engineer in Charge, and Contractor's authorized agent progressively. Measurements will be recorded by the Engineer in Charge or his authorized representative and signed by Contractor or its authorized representative in the measurement book to be provided by the Contractor. For the purpose of taking joint measurements Contractor's representative shall be bound to be present whenever required by the Engineer in Charge. If, however, he is absent for any reason whatsoever the measurements will be taken by the Engineer in Charge or his representative and this will be deemed to be correct and binding on Contractor. In case of disputes as to the mode of measurement of any work the Engineer in Charge’s directions shall be followed. 9.4.2. The Contractor will submit a Bill in approved proforma in quadruplicate to the Engineer in Charge giving abstract and detailed measurements for the various items executed during a month. The Engineer in Charge shall take or cause to be taken the requisite measurements for the purpose of having the same verified and the claim, as far as admissible, adjusted, if possible, before the presentation of the bill. 9.5 RUNNING BILLS 9.5.1 The Contractor shall raise a running bill, when value of work executed touches 10% of the total contract price. 9.5.2 The Contractor shall submit the running bill duly checked by the Engineer in Charge, to the Consultants, who may approve, restrict, re-assess, or reduce the amount payable against the running bill, at its sole discretion and certify the running bill for payment to the Owner, within Seven (7) days from the receipt of the running bill from the Contractor. 9.5.3 Upon receipt of the certification of the running bill for payment along with the running bill for which such certification was issued, the Owner shall make payment of the value certified by the Consultants, within a period of Ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the same, from the Consultants. 9.5.4 All payments shall be made in Indian Currency. 9.6 RUNNING ACCOUNT PAYMENTS TO BE REGARDED AS ADVANCES All running account payments shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payment only and not as payment for Work actually done and completed and shall not preclude the requiring of bad, unsound and imperfect or unskilled Work to be removed and taken away and reconstructed or re-erected or be considered as an admission of the due performance of Contract Agreement, or any part thereof, in the respect, or of the accruing of any claim by Contractor, nor shall it conclude, determine or affect in any way the powers of the ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 37 of 185 Owner under these conditions or any of them as to the final settlement and adjustments of the accounts or otherwise, or in any other way vary or affect Contract Agreement. 9.7. PAYMENT OF FINAL BILL 9.7.1. The Contractor shall submit the final bill within one (1) month of the date of physical completion of the Work. In case the Contractor fails to submit the final bill within the time specified above, the Consultants may issue a statement showing the measurement and the amount payable, which shall be binding on all the parties concerned. 9.7.2. The amount payable on the final bill shall be the value of the final bill less all payments made on the running account bills, the value of the retention money recovered on the running account bills and any amount payable to the Owner by the Contractor. 9.7.3. The Contractor shall present the final bill, along with a 'No Claim Certificate’ in a format acceptable to the Owner together with such other documents as directed by the Owner, within one (1) month from the date of physical completion of the Work. 9.7.4. The final bill will be processed and certified by the Consultants only subject to the Contractor performing and fulfilling all its obligations including the requirements set forth in Clause 8.1.14 above. 9.7.5. In case, any amount over and above, the amount(s) covered under the Performance Guarantee is deductible at the sole discretion of the Owner, the Owner shall deduct such amounts, as assessed, from the payment against the final bill. 9.7.6 The Owner shall process the final bill presented by the Contractor for payment, only after receipt of Completion Certificate, from the Consultants. 9.8. RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT Receipt for payment made on account of Work when executed by a firm must be signed by a person holding due power of attorney in this respect on behalf of Contractor, except when described in Tender as a Limited Company in which case the receipt must be signed in the name of the Company by one of its principal officers or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipt for the Company. 9.9 ESCALATION: No escalation in accepted rates due to increase in prices of materials, labour, transport, fuel, taxes, duties or levies or any other cause - direct or indirect, is acceptable and rates specified hereunder (Section 05) shall remain firm till the completion of the Contract Agreement. 10. TAXES AND INSURANCE ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 38 of 185 10.1 TAXES, DUTIES, OCTROI ETC. All present and future Taxes including customs, excise, additional duties/tax, Entry Tax, LAD Tax, Octroi, Cess, imposition of any nature whatsoever, except Service Tax as applicable from time to time shall be exclusively borne by the Contractor and are deemed to be included in the Contract Price. Tax deducted at source for Income tax and any other levies/taxes, deductible at source shall be deducted as per rules and regulations in force in accordance with acts prevailing from time to time at the prevailing rates by the Owner from the bills raised by the Contractor. 10.2 COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE 10.2.1. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, insure and keep in full force till Consultants certify completion of the Work, an ‘All Risks Policy’ of Insurance including earthquake risk and any liability under the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 as well as take insurance policy under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, Employer’s Liability Insurance for the full Contract Price with an insurance company approved by the Owner, in the joint names of the Owner and the Contractor, designating the Owner in the Insurance Policy as “Loss Payee” and deposit such Cover Note, Insurance Policy and cover note/ insurance policies issued, in renewal thereof. 10.2.2. The Contractor shall reinstate all damage of every sort mentioned in this clause so as to deliver up the whole of the Work complete and perfect in every respect and so as to make good or otherwise satisfy all claims for damage to property of third parties. 10.2.3. The Contractor shall, upon settlement by the Insurer of any claim made against the insurer pursuant to a policy taken under this clause, proceed with due diligence to rebuild or repair the works destroyed or damaged. In this event all the moneis/amount received from the Insurer in respect of such damage shall be paid to the Contractor and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any further payment in respect of the expenditure incurred for rebuilding or repairing of the materials or goods destroyed or damaged. 10.2.4. The Contractor, in case of re-building or reinstatement after fire, shall be entitled to such extension of time for completion as the Owner may deem fit, but shall, however, not be entitled to reimbursement by the Owner of any shortfall or deficiency in the amount finally paid by the insurer in settlement of any claim arising as set out herein. Any extension of time so granted shall be subject to no additional costs for the extended period. 10.3 Other Insurance: 10.3.1 Commercial General Liability insurance, including contractual liability coverage with respect to any indemnifications set forth in this Agreement, in form providing coverage not less than that of the standard comprehensive general liability insurance policy and insuring the Contractor with bodily injury (including death) limits of Rs. 1,00,000.00 per occurrence and property damage limits of Rs.1,00,000.00 (Rupees one lakh only) per occurrence; 10.3.2 All vehicles owned by the Contractor shall valid and subsisting insurance cover including third party damage and in addition, if the Contractor is using hired vehicles, he shall ensure that such vehicles have insurance cover in accordance with Standard Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance policy. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 39 of 185 10.4 EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE Within a period of seven (7) days from the execution of the Contract Agreement and in any case prior to commencement of Work under the Contract Agreement, the Contractor shall provide copies of the Insurance Cover Note for the policies indicated in Clause 10.2 and 10.3 above, to the Owner. The validity period of the insurance coverage for insurance policies dealt with under Clause 10.2 and 10.3 shall be till expiry of the Defect Liability Period. The Contract of Insurance shall indicate the Contractor as the Insured and the Owner as the additionally named insured/beneficiary (except in case of 10.3.5 above). Upon obtaining such insurance coverage, the Contractor shall provide a copy of the Cover Note and on receipt of the Contract of Insurance, a copy thereof, shall also be provided to the Owner. 10.5 Waiver of recovery: The Contractor waives all rights of recovery against the Owner, subcontractors and/or consultants which the Contractor may have or acquire because of deductible clauses in or inadequacy of limits of any policies of insurance that are in any way related to the Work and that are secured and maintained by the Contractor. The Contractor shall require all subcontractors and consultants to waive the rights of recovery (as aforesaid waiver by the Contractor) against the Owner, and other subcontractors or consultants. 11. LABOUR LAWS COMPLIANCE 11.1.1. The Contractor shall comply with and observe all applicable laws, such as labour and employment laws including Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 and the Rules therein, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Employer’s State Insurance Act 1948 & the Rules, Employer’s Provident Fund & Misc. Provisions Act 1952 and Employees Provident Fund Rules, Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 in relation to execution of the Work and shall be solely responsible for all injury or damage to persons, animals or things, and for all damage to property, which may arise from any factor on the part of the Contractor or any of the persons employed by them. No person under the age of 18 shall be employed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall at its expense comply with all labour laws, as applicable or as may be made applicable, in respect of performance of its obligations under the Contract Agreement and shall keep the Owner indemnified in all respect thereof, from and against any action taken by statutory authorities or affected person(s) or third parties, against the Owner for noncompliance of the laws. The Contractor shall register himself and obtain necessary permissions from the local Labour Commissioner’s office before commencement of the Work. 11.1.2. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner and hold it harmless in respect of all and any loss and expenses arising from any such injury or damage to persons or property as aforesaid and also against any claim made in respect of injury or damage, whether under any statutes or otherwise and also in respect of any award or compensation or damage consequent upon such claim. 12. 12.1 COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS The Contractor shall take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the course of the construction of the Work. Contractor shall abide by all laws, rules and regulations in force ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 40 of 185 governing construction, pollution and environmental protection, that are applicable in the area where the site is situated. 12.2. The Contractor shall at its expense comply with all applicable environmental laws/rules/guidelines and any other instructions issued by the authority having jurisdiction over the Site and the Work and shall continue to comply with all such requirements, as may be specified from time to time. 13. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 13.1. The Contractor shall, within ten days of issue of the Provisional Letter of Award, submit to the Owner a Performance Guarantee from a reputed Bank and in the form appended to the Tender Documents and acceptable to the Owner, for a sum equivalent to Rs. Ten Lacs. The Performance Guarantee shall be for a minimum duration of the time specified for execution of the Work and for a further period of three months thereafter. 13.2. If it shall appear to the Engineer in Charge and or the Consultants that any Work has been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskilled workmanship, or with materials of any inferior description, or that any materials or articles provided by the Contractor for the execution of Work are unsound, or of a quality inferior to that contracted for, or otherwise not in accordance with Contract Agreement, the Contractor shall on demand in writing from the Engineer in Charge and or the Consultants or his authorized representative specifying the Work, materials or articles complained of, notwithstanding that the same may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for, forthwith rectify or remove and reconstruct the Work, so specified and provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at its own charge and cost, and in the event of failure to do so within the period to be specified by the Engineer in Charge in his demand aforesaid, the Engineer in Charge may on expiry of notice period rectify or remove and re-execute the Work or remove and replace with others, the materials or articles complained of as the case may be at the risk and expense in all respects of the Contractor. The decision of the Engineer in Charge as to any question arising under this clause shall be final and conclusive. 13.3. In the event the Contractor fails to perform or fulfill any of its obligations, the Owner may without prejudice to its other rights and remedies, invoke the Performance Guarantee and forfeit the amount realized by invoking the Performance Bank Guarantee. 14. ACTION WHEN WHOLE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE IS FORFEITED In any case in which, under any clause or clauses of this Contract Agreement, the Owner shall have the right to invoke the Performance Guarantee and forfeit whole or any part of the amount realized by invoking the Performance Guarantee or the Contractor shall have committed a breach of any of the terms contained in the Contract Agreement, the Owner shall have power to adopt any of the following courses as the Owner may deem best suited to its interest. To rescind the Contract Agreement (of which rescission notice in writing to the Contractor under the hand of the Owner shall be conclusive evidence) in which case the Performance Guarantee provided by the Contractor may be invoked and the amount realized may be forfeited to the Owner. To measure up the Work of the Contractor and to take such part thereof as shall be unexecuted out of its hand to give it to another Contractor to complete in which case any expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have been paid to Contractor, if the Work had been executed by him (the certificate in writing of the Engineer in Charge of the excess amount ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 41 of 185 shall be final and conclusive) shall be borne and paid by the Contractor and may be deducted from any money due to him by the Owner under the Contract Agreement or otherwise or from its Security Deposit or from the proceeds of sale thereof, of a sufficient part thereof. In the event of any of the above course being adopted by the Owner, the Contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of its having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any agreements or made any advances on account of or with a view to the execution of the Work of the performance of the Contract Agreement. In case the Contract Agreement shall be rescinded under the provision aforesaid the Contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any Work actually performed under this Contract Agreement unless the Engineer in Charge will certify in writing the performance of such work, and the value payable in respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified, after recoveries and deductions if any to be made by the Owner as per Contract Agreement. 15. LIABILITY TO PAY COMPENSATION, IF ACTION NOT TAKEN AS ABOVE In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the Owner as above hereof shall have become exercisable and the same had not been exercised, the non- exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of the rights available to the Owner and shall not exercise of such rights by the Owner at a subsequent or later point in time and the liability of the Contractor for past and future compensation shall remain unaffected. In the event of the Owner exercising its rights, the Owner may, at its option and without prejudice to other rights and remedies available to the Owner, take possession of all or any tools and plants, materials and stores in or upon the Work or the Site belonging to the Contractor or procured by the Contractor and intended to be used for the execution of the Work or any part thereof paying or allowing for the same in account at the contract rates or in the case of these not being applicable at current market rates to be certified by the Engineer in Charge, whose certificate thereof shall be final. Otherwise, the Engineer in Charge may give notice in writing to the Contractor or its foreman or other authorized agent, requiring him to remove such tools, plant, materials or stores from the premises (within a time to be specified in such notice), and in the event of the Contractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the Engineer in Charge may remove them at the Contractor’s expense or sell them by auction or private sale on account of the Contractor and at its risk in all respects without any further notice as to the date, time or place of sale and the certificate of the Engineer in Charge as to the expense of any such removal and the amount of the proceeds and expense of any such sale shall be final and conclusive against the Contractor. 16. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY If Contractor fails to complete the Work within the agreed time schedule as given in the Bar Chart or such extended time schedule as intimated by the Owner in writing, as the case may be, the Contractor shall be liable to pay liquidated damages to the Owner at the rate of 0.2% of the Contract Price, per day of delay, subject to a maximum of 5% (Five percent) of the Contract Price. The obligation to pay liquidated damages shall not affect the Owners right to seek and enforce indemnity obligations against the Contractor, nor shall the liquidated damages specified in this clause 16, operate as a cap on the Contractor’s liability under the indemnity obligations specified in Clause 23 below. 17. POSSESSION PRIOR TO COMPLETION The Owner shall have the right to take possession of or use any completed or partially completed items of Work or part of Work. Such possession or use shall not be deemed to be an acceptance of any Work completed in accordance with the Contract Agreement. If such possession or use by the Owner, ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 42 of 185 delays the progress of Work, equitable adjustment in the time of completion will be made, at the sole discretion of the Owner and the Contractor shall be notified accordingly. 18. 18.1 COMPLETION CERTIFICATE When Contractor fulfils its obligations under the Contract Agreement in executing the Work including without limitation its obligations set forth in Clause 8.1.14 and 8.1.15 above, the Contractor shall be eligible to apply for the Completion Certificate. In case the Owner requires completion and handing over of the Work in parts, the Contractor may apply for separate Completion Certificate in respect of each such portion of Work, by submitting the completion documents along with such application for the Completion Certificate, to the Consultants. The Consultants shall verify the documents submitted by the Contractor and after satisfying themselves that the Work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, issue the Completion Certificate to the Owner. 18.2 The Owner shall process the final bill presented by the Contractor for payment only after receipt of Completion Certificate, from the Consultants. 18.3 It is expressly understood that the Contractor shall apply for Completion Certificate only after measurements are verified by the Consultants and only after the Contractor has removed all scaffolding, surplus materials, rubbish, temporary works, labour and staff colonies etc. constructed/erected, from the Site completely, to the complete satisfaction of Engineer in Charge. The measurements of the Consultants shall be binding and conclusive. 18.4 If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirement of the preceding clause on or before the date fixed for the completion of Work, the Consultants/ Engineer in Charge may at the expense of the Contractor remove such scaffolding, surplus materials and rubbish, temporary works and dispose off, the same as they may think fit and also clear off, the labour and staff colonies etc. erected at Site as aforesaid, and deduct such amounts, as may be considered appropriate, from the final bill. The Contractor shall have no claim in respect of any such scaffolding or surplus materials as aforesaid except for any sum that may have been actually realized by the sale thereof. 18.5 For the purpose of applying for Completion Certificate, the following documents will be deemed to form the Completion Documents: i) Test Certificates of the materials supplied ii) Results of any tests conducted iii) Certificate of final completion as set out, for various works, if applicable. 19. PERIOD OF DEFECTS LIABILITY / PERFORMANCE 19.1 The Contractor shall guarantee the construction of the Work for a period of Twelve (12) months from the date of completion of work against all damages and defects including any defect in quality and standards of construction, workmanship and quality of materials used in the construction. Any damage or defect that may arise or lie undiscovered at the completion of the Work, connected in any way with the equipment or materials supplied by the Contractor or in the workmanship shall be rectified or replaced by the Contractor at its own expense as ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 43 of 185 deemed necessary by the Consultants or the Owner and in default, the Consultants may cause the same to be made good by other workmen and deduct all costs and expenses (of which the certificate of Consultants shall be final) from any sums that may be then or at any time thereafter, become due to the Contractor or from the Retention Amount or any other sum due or payable to the Contractor. 19.2 In case the Consultants or the Owner notifies any defect in any item of the Work or any portion of the Work, during the validity of the Defect Liability Period, the Contractor shall forthwith attend to and take such remedial steps to cure the defect, to the satisfaction of the Consultants / the Owner. The Defect Liability Period for such item of work, or portion of work shall commence afresh and the period of Defect Liability Period for such item of work shall be Eighteen (18) months from the date of curing the defect in such item of work. 19.3 If Contractor feels that any variation in work or in quality of materials or proportions would be beneficial or necessary to fulfill guarantee called for, he shall bring this to the notice of the Engineer in Charge in writing. 19.4 From the commencement of execution of the Work until completion thereof, the Contractor shall take and assume full responsibility for the Work including all temporary works and in case any damages, loss or injury shall happen to the Work or to any part thereof or to any temporary works from any cause whatsoever, shall at its own cost repair and make good the same so that at completion Work shall be in good order and in conformity, in every respects, with the requirements of Contract Agreement and the Engineer in Charge's instructions. 19.5. If at any time, before taking over possession of the Work, whether completed or not, the Consultants reasonably (a) forms an opinion that any part of the Work done or materials used by the Contractor is defective or is not in accordance with Specifications, or that the Work or any portion thereof is defective, or do not conform to the quality standards and workmanship applicable (hereinafter collectively the “Defects”) and (b) as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter gives to Contractor notice in writing of such Defects, specifying particulars of such Defects, then Contractor shall at its own expense and with all speed make good the defects so specified. 19.6. In case the Contractor shall fail to do so, the Owner may take, at the cost of Contractor, such steps as may in all circumstances, be reasonable to make good such defects. The expenditure so incurred by Owner will be recovered from the amount due to Contractor. The decision of the Consultants with regard to the amount to be recovered from Contractor will be final and binding on Contractor. 19.7. In order that Contractor could obtain a Completion Certificate, the Contractor shall make good, with all possible speed any defect arising from the defective materials supplied by Contractor or workmanship or any act or omission of Contract Agreement that may have been noticed or developed, after the Work or group of Work has been taken over, the period allowed for carrying out such Work will be normally one (1) month. If any defect be not remedied within a reasonable time, the Owner may proceed to do Work at Contractor's risk and expense and deduct from the Final Bill such amounts as may be decided by the Consultants. If by reason of any default on the part of Contractor a Completion Certificate has not been issued in respect of every portion of Work within one (1) month after the date fixed by Contractor for the completion of Work, the Owner shall be at liberty to use Work or any portion thereof, which has been completed. The Contractor shall be afforded reasonable opportunity for completing the Work for the issue of Completion Certificate. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 44 of 185 20. FINAL DECISION AND FINAL CERTIFICATE Upon expiry of the Defect Liability Period and subject to the Consultants being satisfied that the Work has been duly maintained by the Contractor, during such period as hereinbefore provided and the Contractor has performed and fulfilled all its obligations, under Contract Agreement, the Consultants shall issue the Final Certificate to the Contractor. The Final Certificate shall evidence due performance and fulfillment by the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract Agreement. Until the Final Certificate is issued, the Contractor shall not be considered to have performed and fulfilled its obligation sunder the Contract Agreement. 21 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND ROYALTIES The Contractor, if licensed under any patent covering equipment, machinery, materials or compositions of matter to be used or supplied or methods and process to be practiced or employed in the performance of this Contract Agreement, agrees to pay all royalties and licence fees, which may be due with respect thereto. If any equipment, machinery, materials, composition matters, to be used or supplied or methods and processes to be practiced or employed in the performance of this Contract Agreement, is covered by a patent under which the Contractor is not licensed then the Contractor before supplying or using the Equipment, Machinery, Materials, compositions method or processes shall obtain such licences, and pay such royalties and license fees as may be necessary for performance of the Contract Agreement. In case of any violation/infringement of any of the rights of third parties in relation to its intellectual property rights and royalties thereto, the Contractor, indemnifies the Owner in relation to any claim whatsoever, in this regard. 22. NON DISCLOSURE AND CONFIDENTIALITY 22.1 The Contractor agrees not to disclose to third parties, without the written consent of the Owner any information which relates to the technical, commercial or business activities or the business of Owner or their affiliates (the “Confidential Information”) obtained from or through Owner or Owner employees, agents, consultants or other representatives in connection with the performance of this Agreement. 22.2 Contractor further agrees that it will not, without the express prior written consent of Owner, disclose to any third party any information developed or obtained by Contractor in the performance of Work. 22.3 The Contractor shall ensure that all his employees, agents, representatives and others working at site or in relation to the performance of the Work, at all times maintain confidentiality in respect of the nature of the Work, specifications, drawings and all other information relating to the Work. 22.4 The obligations of Contractor under this Clause shall survive termination of this Agreement. 23. CONTRACTOR TO INDEMNIFY THE OWNER 23.1 The Contractor shall duly observe and comply with in all respects all laws and regulations applicable to performance and fulfillment by the Contractor of its obligations under the ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 45 of 185 Contract Agreement or in relation to execution of the Work by the Contractor or in relation to employment of labour for execution of the Work. 23.2 The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner and its directors, officers, employees, shareholders, agents and consultants from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the Work and all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses which may be made against the Owner for or in respect of or arising out of any failure by Contractor in the performance or fulfillment of its obligations, covenants, representations or warranties under the Contract Documents. The Owner shall not be liable for or in respect of any demand or compensation payable by law in respect of or in consequence of any accident, death or injury to any workman or other person in the employment of Contractor or his sub-Contractors and the Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner against all such damages and compensations and against all claims, damages, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. 23.3 The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner and its directors, officers, employees, shareholders, agents and consultants from and against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever made by any third party, including without limitation by any suppliers, vendors, Contractors or sub-Contractors or labour employed or engaged by the Contractor in or in relation to the execution of the Work. 23.4 The liability under this shall cover inter alia, any damage to structures, whether immediately adjacent to the works or otherwise, any damage to roads, streets, footpaths, bridges as well as damage caused to the buildings and other structures and works forming the subject matter of this contract. The Contractor shall also be responsible for any damage caused to the buildings and other structures and works forming the subject matter of this contract due to rain, wind, frost or other inclement of weather. 23.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for making good to the satisfaction of the Owner any loss of article any damage to all structures and properties belonging to the Owner or being executed or procured or being procured by the Owner of other Agencies within the premises of all Work of the Owner if such loss or damage is due to fault and / or the negligence or willful acts of omission of Contractor, its employee's agents, representatives or sub Contractors. 24. ASSIGNMENT The Contractor shall execute the entire Work by itself. The Contractor shall not assign or transfer, directly or indirectly, the Contract Agreement or the whole or any part of the Work. However, the Owner shall have the right to assign in favour of any party, with prior intimation to the Contractor. 25. LIENS 25.1 If, any time, there should be evidence of any lien or claim for which the Owner might have become liable and which is chargeable to the Contractor, the Owner shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or thereafter to become due an amount sufficient to completely indemnify the Owner against lien or claim and if such lien or claim be valid the Owner may pay and discharge the same and deduct the amount so paid from any money which may be or may become due and payable to the Contractor. If any lien or claim remain ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 46 of 185 unsettled after all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund or pay to the Owner all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay discharging such lien or claim including all costs and reasonable expenses. 25.2 The Owner shall have general lien over all tools, equipment, machinery and materials etc. belonging to the Contractor for any amount due from the Contractor to the Owner on any account. 26. FORCE MAJEURE Any delays in or failure of the performance of obligations by either party hereto shall not constitute default hereunder or give rise to any claims for damages, if any, to the extent such delays or failure of performance is caused by occurrences of acts of any alien enemy, expropriation or confiscation of facilities by government authorities, any war, rebellion or sabotage or earthquake, fires, floods, explosions, riots or illegal strikes (the “Force Majeure”), provided the affected party gives prompt notice thereof to the other party in writing and takes all possible action to minimize the interruption of Work because of such Force Majeure event and resumes work promptly upon cessation of such Force Majeure event. If the Force Majeure persists for two months, then either party may proceed to terminate the Contract Agreement. 27. RIGHT OF OWNER TO DETERMINE / TERMINATE CONTRACT 27.1 The Owner shall, at any time, be entitled to determine and terminate the Contract Agreement, if in the opinion of the Owner the cessation of the Work becomes necessary owing to any cause whatsoever, in which case the cost of approved materials at the Site at specified rates as verified and approved by Engineer in Charge and of the Work done to date by the Contractor shall be paid for in full at the rate specified in the Contract Agreement. A communication in writing from the Owner to the Contractor of such determination and termination shall be the conclusive proof of the fact that the Contract Agreement has been so determined and terminated by the Owner. 27.2 Should the Contract Agreement be determined under the above clause and the Contractor claims payment to compensate expenditure incurred by him in the expectation of completing the Work, the Owner shall consider and admit such claim as is deemed fair and reasonable and supported by the vouchers to the satisfaction of the Consultants . The Owner’s decision on the necessity and Propriety of such expenditure shall be final and conclusive and binding on the Contractor. 27.3 If an order of winding up is passed by the Court of appropriate jurisdiction or if any Official Liquidator or Provisional Liquidator is appointed by the Court/ Tribunal of appropriate jurisdiction and/ a reference is filed under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 as amended or any enactment made in replacement thereof is filed or any Order of attachment is passed under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002, as amended or any enactment made in replacement thereof is passed against the Contractor, the Owner can forthwith terminate the Contract Agreement, without assigning any reason 27.4 In the following cases, the Owner can terminate the Contract Agreement by giving seven (7) days notice: a) where the Contractor has abandoned the contract, or ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 47 of 185 b) c) Contractor has failed to commence the works, or has without any lawful excuse under these conditions suspended the progress of works for seven (7) days after receiving from the Consultants/ Owner written notice to proceed/continue, or Contractor has failed to proceed with the works with such due diligence and fail to make due progress as would enable the works to be completed within the time agreed upon, d) Contractor has failed to remove materials from the site or to pull down and replace work for seven days after receiving from the Consultants written notice that the said materials or works were condemned and rejected by the Consultants under these conditions, or e) Contractor has neglected or failed persistently to observe and perform all or any of the acts, matters or things by this contract to be observed and performed by the Contractor for seven days after written notice shall have been given to the Contractor requiring the Contractor to observe or perform the same, or f) Contractor has sublet any part of the contract. 28. RESOLUTION OF DIFFERENCES BY MEDIATION: 28.1 All differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the Contract Agreement, whether during the progress of the Work or after their completion shall be referred by the Contractor to the Consultants and the Consultants shall within a reasonable time after their presentation make and notify decisions thereon. The decision of the Consultants shall be final and binding on the parties. 28.2 The decisions, directions, clarifications, measurements, drawings and certificates with respect to any matter the decision for which is specifically provided for by these or other special conditions to be given and made by the Consultants are matters which are referred to hereinafter as excepted matters and shall be final and binding upon the Contractor and shall not be set aside on account of non-observance of any formality, any omission, delay or error in proceeding in or about the same or on any other ground or for any reason and shall be final. The Parties hereto agree that they shall use all reasonable efforts to resolve between themselves any disputes, differences, controversy, or claims arising out of or in relation to this Agreement. 28.3 Unless the Owner otherwise instructs in writing, the Contractor shall continue to perform its obligations under this Agreement during the pendency of any proceedings instituted hereunder (or any law suit arising out of this Agreement) as if the said proceedings or law suit had not been instituted 28A.ARBITRATION: 28A.1 If any dispute, difference, controversy or claim between the Parties in connection with this Agreement including without limitation, on the existence, validity, interpretation, implementation or alleged breach of the terms of the Agreement or anything done or omitted to be done pursuant to this Agreement (“the Dispute”) cannot be resolved per Clause 28 above, within seven (7) days after commencement, then the Dispute may be submitted by either Party for resolution by final and binding arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 by a Sole Arbitrator, to be nominated by the Owner, subject to the stipulation that the Sole Arbitrator shall not be connected with the Owner in any manner whatsoever, either in the past or present. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 48 of 185 28A.2 The language for arbitration shall be in English, and the place of arbitration shall be in New Delhi. 29. SET OFF Any sum of money due and payable to the Contractor (including Retention Amount) under this Contract may be appropriated by the Owner and set off the same against any claim of the Owner arising out of the Contract Agreement. 30. JURISDICTION All disputes and differences arising out of, in connection or relating to the Contract Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts in New Delhi. 31. INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTICES 31.1 Subject to otherwise provided in this Contract Agreement, all notices to be given and all other actions to be taken on behalf of the Owner might be given to the Engineer in Charge with a copy to the Owner addressed as follows: The Principal, ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi – 110 021 Mail id: Tel: +91 11 2411 3436 31.2 All instructions, notices and communications etc. under the Contract Agreement shall be given in writing and if sent by registered post to the following address or the last known place of abode or business of the Contractor, as the case may be, shall be deemed to have been served on the date when in the ordinary course of post these would have been delivered to him: Name and Full Address of Contractor: Tel No.: Fax No.: 31.3 The Contractor or its representative shall be in attendance at the Site(s) during all working hours and shall superintend the execution of the work with such additional assistance in each trade as the Consultants, Engineer in Charge may consider necessary. Orders given to the Contractor's representative shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to the Contractor himself. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 49 of 185 SECTION – 3: CONTRACT AGREEMENT CONTRACT AGREEMENT This CONTRACT AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) made this ______ day of _____________ Two Thousand and Thirteen, at New Delhi, by and between ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi (“Owner”), an existing college under the University of Delhi, hereinafter referred to as the “Owner” (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and permitted assigns), represented by its Principal/OSD, of the One Part; And ______________________________________________ ("Contractor"), a company incorporated, existing and functioning under the ___________ and having its registered office at _______________________(which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and permitted assigns), represented by its __________[title], Mr. _____________[name], who has been duly authorized by a Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Contractor in its meeting held on _________, of the Other Part. WHEREAS the Owner is desirous of making Retrofit of existing GF & FF for earthquake, Modifications of front entrance & compound wall, Construction of New Ramp for Physically Challenged & Emergency Stairs at, ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi, India. Hereinafter referred as “The work” and has caused Drawings, Specifications and probable Bill of Quantities showing and describing the work to be done, to be prepared by Shri R.Narendrakumar, B.E.(Hons), M.E.(St), having his office “IDEAL STRUCTURES” at 11, Avvaiyar Street, Singarayar Colony, Madurai 625 002, hereinafter referred as “The Consultant”. Consultants of the Owner, has issued Invitation to Bid along with Bid Documents for “Retrofitting of existing GF & FF for Earthquake, Modifications of Main entrance & Compound wall; Construction of new ramp for Physically Challenged & Emergency stairs” at ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi” (“Work”) and in response to such invitation, the Contractor has submitted its Bid Proposal; WHEREAS on evaluation of the Bid Proposals received, the Owner has accepted the Bid Proposal submitted by the Contractor and has issued the Letter of Award vide letter No. ______ dated ________ to the Contractor, subject to simultaneous execution of this Contract Agreement: WHEREAS as stipulated in the Letter of Award, the Contractor has provided a Performance Bank Guarantee for the due performance and fulfillment by the Contractor of its obligations; together with the bank guarantee towards the mobilization advance to be paid by the Owner and WHEREAS the Contractor represents that it has examined the Bid Documents including the Annexure /Schedules forming part thereof and has obtained its own information in all matters whatsoever that might affect the carrying out the Work at the Scheduled Rates and has satisfied itself to the sufficiency of the consideration to be paid by the Owner, for execution of the Work NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 50 of 185 1. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Owner to the Contractor for the Work to be executed by the Contractor, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Owner that the Contractor shall and will duly provide, execute, complete and maintain the said Work and shall duly perform, fulfill and observe all its obligations under this Agreement or which are to be implied there from or as may be reasonably necessary for the completion of the said Works in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions or stipulations mentioned herein and the Annexures/ Schedules. 2. The Owner does hereby agree with the Contractor that the Owner will pay to the Contractor, in the manner set forth in the Bid Documents, the respective amounts for the Work actually done by the Contractor and such other sum payable to the Contractor specifically provided for in the Bid Documents, such payment to be made at such time in such manner, as specified in the Bid Documents, attached hereto as Schedule and forming part of this Agreement. 3. It is specifically and clearly understood and agreed between the Owner and the Contractor, that the Contractor shall have no right, title or interest to the Site made available by the Owner for execution of the Works or in the Work to be executed thereat or in the materials, articles or equipment brought to the Site or used in execution of the Work (unless the same specifically belongs to the Contractor) and the Contractor shall not have or deemed to have any lien whatsoever for unpaid bills. The Contractor will not be entitled to assume or retain possession or control of the Site or structures and the Owner shall have absolute and unfettered right to take full possession of Site and to remove or evict the Contractor, its servants and agents and materials belonging to the Contractor and lying on the Site, at any time during the subsistence of this Agreement or thereafter. 4. The Owner through the Consultants reserves the right of altering the drawings, specifications, quantities, nature of the work or part thereof and the same shall be performed by the Contractor, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the General Conditions of Contract and other Annexures/ Schedules to this Agreement. Further, the Owner has the right to carry out any part of the awarded Work itself or through any other Contractor, or otherwise and the Contractor shall not object, resist or in way hinder such performance. 5. The following documents shall form part of the Contract Agreement and shall be incorporated herein by reference and read as part of this Agreement, namely: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Instructions to the Bidders – Section 01; General Conditions of Contract – Section 02; Specifications of the Work- Section 04; Bill of Quantities and Rate Schedule – Section 05; List of approved makes– Section 06; Bank Guarantee for Performance – Section 07; Bank Guarantee towards Mobilization Advance – Section 08; and Bid Proposal Submission Form – Section09; Both Parties have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement and on these terms agree to accept and be bound by all terms on the signing of the Agreement by their respective authorized signatories. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their respective hands on the day and the year herein above written ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 51 of 185 Signed and delivered by the within named For ARSD College, in the presence of: Principal/OSD _________________________ Signed and delivered by the within named For _____________________________ in the presence of: [Name of the Contractor] _______________________ Name: Title: Witnesses: 1.0 2.0 ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 52 of 185 4. GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 4.1.1 General Applicabilty: a) These Specifications shall be read in conjunction with other documents forming the Contract, viz: Tender Notice, General Conditions of Contract including Form of Tender, Invitation to Tender and Articles of Agreement for Construction Work, Special Conditions of Contract, Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and Drawings. b) All the conditions specified in the above documents shall apply unless otherwise specifically indicated herein to the contrary, in regard to all aspects of the work, coverage of costs, enabling and attendant works and actions required of the Contractor. c) The specifications for various types of work are included herein, segregated into chapters. Such chapterisation does not preclude application of the specifications to similar works covered / not covered in any chapter as above. 4.1.2 Quality: a) The methodologies and systems to be followed for quality assurance and the quality control aspects are elaborated in the General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract. The technical requirements, for various types of work, are indicated in these Specifications. b) The requirements in regard to materials, procedures and workmanship and their sampling and testing as specified herein shall be strictly adhered to, failing which a Defect, in terms of the Contract, shall be deemed to have occurred. c) All work shall be in conformity with the requirements of codes, guidelines and specifications of applicable standards such as those of Bureau of Indian Standards, Indian Roads Congress, etc., whether or not indicated as such in these Specifications. d) In the absence of applicable standards as above, the work shall be in line with the requirements of British, American or German standards and / or generally accepted practices, as may be directed by the Engineer. Where any material/system of construction is not covered herein, the guidelines of the manufacturer / system-provider of such material/system in respect of storage, application, use, procedures, testing, etc. shall be strictly adhered to. In both the aforesaid cases, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to submit the details thereof in time and obtain approval of the Engineer. e) Materials and manufactured items are to be carefully selected, to meet the requirements of these specifications, the applicable Standards, the drawings and instructions of the Engineer. Makes and brands of certain manufactured materials and items that are to be chosen in preference to others are listed in these specifications. The tendered rates are deemed to correspond to the costliest of these and any material or item outside the above list shall not be used, unless sanctioned by the Engineer in writing. Such substitution shall attract a rebate in the rate against the BOQ Item pertaining to the particular material or item, worked out in detail by the Contractor, with all supporting data and documents, and to be approved by the Engineer. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 53 of 185 4.1.3 Time factor: a) No stipulation herein shall become diluted in the context of time or the effect of prevailing conditions on the time available. 4.1.4 Costs: a) b) c) The tenderer is deemed to have visited the site and ascertained the local conditions, entry, traffic restrictions, obstructions, if any, climatic conditions and' also the site conditions, statutory requirements and any other aspect that may have a bearing on the work, its progress, completion and maintenance. The tenderer is also deemed to have studied the Specifications, BOQ, Tender Drawings, other drawings and soil investigation reports that may be available with the Engineer for perusal of tenderers, all before preparation and submission of his tender. The tenderer is deemed to have taken into account all the above in his tender, fully covering all the costs and expenditures in respect of any and all extras likely to be incurred due to all the above, including quality and time aspects, contingencies, etc. as well as the General and Special Conditions of Contract and other documents forming the Contract. 4.1.5 Measurements and coverage of costs in rate: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items of work are deemed to include the cost of all materials,. consumables, wastages, watering / curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery, sampling, samples, testing, documentation, obtaining and transferring guarantees and warranties from manufacturers / specialist agencies, preparing and furnishing as-built drawings and clearing waste and debris out of the site. The rates in the BOQ are also deemed to include all costs towards licences, patents, royalties, cess, seignorages, taxes, insurance, safety practices, watch and ward, security, medical aid, temporary works, utilities and services, adherence to all applicable local and government rules and regulations, cost of money, capital and funds and bidding for and operating under the Contract. . Measurements shall be as per IS:1200, Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works, unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ Items. 4.1.6 Safety: The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to ensure complete safety and prevention of accidents at site. The safety precautions shall conform to the following Indian Standard Codes, wherever applicable: IS:3696 Safety code for scaffolding and ladders. IS:3764 Safety code for excavation work. IS:4081 Safety code for blasting operations and related drilling operation. IS:4130 Safety code for demolition of buildings. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 54 of 185 IS:4138 Safety code for working in compressed air. IS:7923 Safety code for working with construction machinery. 4.1.7 Benchmarks, reference pillars, etc.: The Contractor shall set up, at his own cost, benchmarks and reference pillars, at the commencement of work and at subsequent instances, as per requirement. These shall be maintained at his cost for as long as required, and shall be removed only where approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall protect bench marks and reference lines, ground water gauges and control points from damage or movement during work. In case of any damage, the Contractor shall have to restore them to their original condition at his own cost. 4.1.8 Cutting of trees: The Contractor is not permitted to cut down any tree without prior written permission from the Engineer. Trees with a girth of more than 450mm measured at a height of one metre above the ground level shall be measured and paid as per the items available in the BOQ. All trees smaller than 450mm girth and rank vegetation shall be cleared by the Contractor at the commencement of work and, where required, at later dates, at his own cost. 4.2 EARTH WORK 4.2.1 Codes and Standards IS: 1498 Classification and identification of soils for general engineering purposes. IS:2720 (All the parts) Methods of tests for soils. IS:3764 Safety code for excavation works. IS:6313 (All the parts) Code of practice for anti-termite treatment measure in 4.2.2 buildings. Work methodology: a) Setting out: The work shall be set out to exact dimensions as shown on the drawings and excavations shall be commenced only after prior approval of the Engineer. b) Side slopes, beams or shoring / shuttering, etc., for excavation work shall be as directed by the Engineer and prior approval of the Engineer shall be obtained for a suitable method of protection before excavation work is commenced. Sequence of earthwork: The Contractor shall carryout the earthwork in accordance with the sequence for the same as shown on the drawings and / or as directed by the Engineer. I 4. 2.3 a) Cleaning and grubbing work: All areas to be excavated for attaining specified levels and for obtaining fill material and areas where filling has to be done shall be cleared of all vegetation, shrubs, bushes, trees, ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 55 of 185 roots, etc. The Contractor shall break and remove unwanted structures and buildings including foundations, fencing, drains and empty and cleanse all old wells, ponds and cesspools. b) All tree stumps shall be removed and roots shall be excavated and removed. c) The cleared and grubbed areas shall be maintained free from vegetation and any vegetable growth during the progress of the work. d) All materials obtained from clearing and grubbing shall be dumped in allotted areas. 4.2.4 a) Stripping: The area to be filled shall be stripped of all materials such as vegetation, organic soil, silt, etc. The surface shall be stripped to a depth of 80mm to 200mm as may be necessary to obtain a foundation of satisfactory density and stability. b) All materials that may be soft or yielding or likely to become unstable with saturation or which may interfere with the creation of proper bond between the foundation and filling shall be removed. The material obtained from stripping should be dumped in allotted areas. 4.2.5 Shoring and strutting: a) Shoring and strutting shall be used as specified / directed when the excavation is to be carried out in soft and slushy soil, which is likely to collapse during the excavation of the work. i) The shoring shall be either open or close-boarded type depending on the nature of the soil and depth of excavation and the type adapted shall be as directed by the Engineer. ii) While excavating in very unstable ground requiring support throughout the period of excavation, runners shall be used and shall be driven always in advance of excavation. iii) The size and spacing of different members to be used in shoring shall be as directed by the Engineer depending on the site conditions. 4.2.6 Protection Work: a) The Contractor shall support and maintain adjoining and abutting property and structures to render work safe to persons, property and structures / installations. b) The Contractor shall provide necessary decking, guard, fences, planking, with red flags and red lights at night to maintain safe pedestrian and vehicular traffic near all open excavations. c) The Contractor shall replace or repair at his own cost in an approved manner, all work damaged through removal of such temporary work or improper protective work. d) The Contractor shall plank and strut as may be required in the sides of all excavations. 4.2.7. Keeping works free from water: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 56 of 185 a) The excavation for foundation and building area shall be kept free from water by the Contractor at his own expense either by bailing out water with buckets manually or by pumping. b) Bailing out or pumping of water shall be carried out either directly from the excavation or from sumps made outside the excavation as directed. c) Adequate care shall be taken to prevent movement of water through freshly laid concrete or masonry work. 4.2.8 Pumping: a) The Contractor shall provide and operate pumps or other equipment necessary to drain and keep all excavation pits, trenches, etc., free from water at all times during the continuance of the Contract, at his own expenses. The discharge of water shall be out of the site, without adversely affecting the surroundings of the site, consistent with any applicable local regulation or rule, and as directed by the Engineer. 4.2.9. De-silting: a) If any excavation for foundation gets filled up with water due to rain, seepage or for any other reason, the water shall be removed and the bottom of the excavation shall be cleared of all silt and slush by the Contractor at his own expense. 4.2.10 Excavation for foundation and trenches: The Contractor shall excavate to remove materials of any nature or description which may be encountered and excavate to depths, widths and inclinations as shown on the drawings and / or as directed. The bed of the excavation shall be made level and firm. Wherever excavations are specified the Contractor has to carryout the refilling with approved earth without any extra cost. 4.2.11 Variation in excavation: a) Bad Ground: Should the, bottom of any excavation appear to be soft, unsound or unstable, the Contractor shall report the matter to the Engineer and if the Engineer so directs, shall excavate the same to indicated depths. In case of such extra excavations, the extra depths shall be filled up with concrete or such other materials as the Engineer shall direct and all such extra excavations and filling shall be valued and paid for as authorised. b) Excavation too deep: If the Contractor excavates to levels lower than those shown on the drawings for any unauthorised reasons, he shall fill it up at his own expense to the proper level with concrete or such other materials as directed. No payment shall be made for excavation taken down to depths lower than those shown on the drawings and for the filling carried out as directed. I c) Slips and falls: Every precaution shall be taken against slips and falls of earth, clay, ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 57 of 185 sand or other materials in the excavations, but in the event of any such occurrence, the Contractor shall at his own expense make good the space affected by the slips or falls, even if the affected area may be outside the dimensions of the work ordered. The Engineer shall determine in each case whether such affected area is to be filled up in whole with concrete, brickwork or masonry of the quality used in the adjoining work or where only a part is to be so filled, the materials to be used for the remaining part. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is a possibility of the newly constructed work having been damaged or disturbed by such collapse, the work shall be laid bare at the expense of the Contractor for inspection. Any damage shall be made good by the Contractor at his expense. 4.2.12 Filling under floors: a) i) Filling under floors with excavated earth: The excavated earth shall be used for filling in the sides of the foundations and under floor where specified between the plinth walls in layers not exceeding 200mm properly watered and rammed. No lumps or rubbish are to be used in filling. ii) All surplus leftover shall be either spread, deposited on the side or shall be carted away to desired places as per direction of the Engineer. iii) Original ground within the plinth walls shall be scraped to make it absolutely free from grass, vegetation growth or any other objectionable materials before earth filling is taken up without any extra charges. a) Filling under floors with borrowed earth: i) The earth required for filling under floors with borrowed earth shall be free from saltpetre, white ants and organic matters and shall be approved by the Engineer. ii) Filling shall be' done in layers not exceeding 200mm and is to be well watered and rammed in respect of each layer. No lumps or rubbish are to be used in filling. b) The borrowed earth shall only be brought from the site as directed and approved by the Engineer and the Contractor shall allow in his rate for any lead and lift in this regard including necessary excavation. 4.2.13 Sand filling under foundation and floor: a) Sand for filling under foundation and floor wherever indicated shall be river sand of approved quality and free from salt, earth, dust or other impurities. Sand filling shall be done in layers not exceeding 200mm and is to be profusely watered and rammed in respect of each layer. 4.2.14 Blasting: Codes and standards: IS: 4081 Safety code for blasting and related drilling operations. 4.2.14 Permission required: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 58 of 185 a) Blasting is normally not permitted, unless specifically permitted by the Engineer in writing, based on the Contractor's proposal, wherein all aspects pertaining to its absolute necessity, local statute, site constraints, safety aspects, detailed programme, etc. are elaborated. 4.2.16 Compliance to rules: a) All aspects of work in connection with blasting and the materials used for the purpose, which includes interalia transportation, storage, drilling and loading of holes, circuiting, firing, post explosion search and disposal of misfired / unused materials are governed by the Indian Explosives Act and the provisions thereunder shall be strictly observed. Protection shall be taken against lightning in accordance with the Indian Electricity Act and the rules framed thereunder. b) Personnel: i) The Contractor shall employ a competent and experienced licensed supervisor incharge for the blasting works. This supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring that all the safety regulations are followed. All activities pertaining to the blasting work, including the firing, shall be conducted by the designated Supervisor only, in person. 4.2.17 Work methodology: Storage and transport: i) Explosives shall be stored in clean, dry and well ventilated magazines to be built for the purpose. Fuses and detonators shall be stored in separate magazines. iii) Explosive shall be kept dry and away from the direct rays of the sun, naked lights, steam pipes or heated metal, etc. iii) Detonators and explosives shall be transported separately to the blasting site. Only the quantity of explosive required for a particular amount of firing to be done shall be brought to the site of work. Precautions: i) Due precautions shall be taken to keep the firing circuit insulated from the ground, bare wires, rails, pipes or any other path of stray currents and to keep the lead wires short circuited until ready to fire. ii) Before any blasting is carried out, the Contractor shall ensure that all workmen, vehicles and equipments on the site are cleared from an area of 300 metres radius from the firing point, atleast 15 minutes before the firing time by sounding a warning siren. iii) The area shall be encircled by red flags. Blasting operation: A wooden stemming rod shall be used to push the cartridge into the shothole. ii) Metal rod or hammer shall not be permitted on the site of the works. iii) The charges shall be pressed firmly into place and not rammed or pounded. iv) The explosive shall be fired by means of an electric detonator placed inside a cartridge and connected to the firing cable. v) The number of shots fired at a time shall not exceed the permissible limits. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 59 of 185 vi) All explosive left surplus after filling the holes shall be removed atleast 400 metres away from the firing point. 4.2.18 Drilling rock for blasting: a) Holes for charging explosives shall be drilled with pneumatic drills, the drilling pattern being so planned that rock pieces after blasting would be suitable for handling without secondary blasting. b) The rock pieces so blasted shall be neatly stacked at allotted places. 4.2.19 Controlled blasting: a) When blasting is conducted in the neighbourhood of roads, structures, buildings or any place which requires controlled blasting, the Contractor shall drill only shallow shot holes. b) These holes shall be filled with a light charge of explosives and the blast controlled by placing steel plates loaded with gunny bags filled with sand or earth over the hole and covering them with wire net fixed to the ground, so as to ensure that the blasted materials do not scatter. c) In such cases, short delay detonators shall be used for blasting purposes. Misfire: a) In case of misfire, the unexploded charges shall be carefully located after half an hour and shall be exploded by drilling a fresh hole alongside the misfired hole (but not nearer than 600mm from it, and by exploding by drilling a new charge. b) The workmen shall not return to the site of firing until at least half an hour after firing. 4.2.20 Classification and measurement: Classification of soil and its measurement for payment shall be according to IS: 1498 and IS: 1200, respectively, and / or as per the items of the BOQ. a) Depths, areas and volumes shall be measured / calculated to the nearest 0.0 lm, 0.01 sq.m. and 0.01 cu.m., respectively. Where in-position measurements are not possible, stacks shall be measured, deducting 20%, 40% and 12% in the case of earth, debris / rock and dry silt / dry slush, respectively. b) Unless otherwise mentioned the initial lead, for which payment is covered under the respective activity necessitating the movement, shall be 50 m, measured from the edge of the excavation. c) Lift shall be measured from local ground level/average ground level of a particular portion of work. Lifts inherent in the lead due to ground slopes shall not be accounted for. d) The Engineer shall decide on the sequential/phased operation of the various earthwork Items in the BOQ. Lift shall be reckoned with referring to the ground level as available at the start of work under the particular BOQ Item, irrespective of the virgin ground levels. e) Cleaning and grubbing work, stripping, shoring and strutting, protection work, keeping works free from water, pumping and de-silting, as described herein, and consolidation, testing and clearing non-excavated debris shall be carried out by the ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 60 of 185 Contractor at no extra cost. Blasting, where required and permitted, is considered covered under the respective Items of the BOQ, such as for excavation, drilling, etc. Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for earthwork are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, watering, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery, testing, documentation and clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, costs for transporting out earth and debris generated through specific dismantling activities to suit the Owner's changed requirements are paid for, under separate Items. 4.3. 4.3.1 PLAIN & REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE WORK Codes and standards: Cement: IS:269 IS:455 IS:4032 IS: 1489 IS:6452 IS:6909 IS:8112 IS: 12269 Aggregate: IS:383 IS:2386 IS:2430 Specification for 33 grade ordinary Portland cement. Specification for Portland cement. Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement. Specification for Portland pozzolana cement. Specification for high alumina cement for structural use. Super sulphated cement. Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement. Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement. Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete. (All the parts) Method of test for aggregates for concrete, Method of sampling of aggregates for concrete. Concrete plain & reinforced: IS:456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete. IS:460 (All the parts) Specification for test sieves IS:516 Methods of test for strength of concrete. IS: 1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete. IS: 1607 Method of dry sieving. IS: 1834 Hot applied sealing compounds for joints in concrete IS:2204 Code of practice for construction of reinforced concrete shell roof liquid retaining structure bins chimneys etc. IS: 4997 Bins. IS:4998 Chimneys .. IS:2645 Specification for integral cement water proofing compound. IS:2911 (All the parts) Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations 1S:9013 Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens. IS:9103 Specification for admixtures for concrete. IS:10262 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 61 of 185 IS:14687 Steel IS:432 (All the parts) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement. Specification of high strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcements. Hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement. Specification wire cloth for general purpose. Steel for general structural purposes. Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement. Recommended practice for welding of mild steel bars deformed for reinforced concrete work. IS:1786 IS:1566 IS:1568 IS:2062 IS:2502 IS:2751 4.3.2 a) b) c) d) e) f) Guidelines for false work for concrete structures. Materials: Cement: Ordinary Portland cement of grade 33 shall conform to IS:269 and grade 43 shall conform to IS:8112. Portland blast furnace slag cement shall conform to 18:455 and super sulphated cement shall conform to IS:6909. Aggregates shall conform to IS:383. Fine aggregates shall be approved river or pit sand. Coarse aggregates shall be approved crushed stone. Reinforcement shall be MS bars conforming to IS:432 or IRC mesh fabric reinforcement conforming to IS: 1566 or mild steel and medium tensile steel deformed bars conforming to or cold twisted steel bars conforming and shall be free from oil, paint, rust coatings. The binding wire shall be of 20 gauge black annealed wire. Jointing Materials such as rubber and PYC water stops, joint fillers, sealing materials etc, used in Joints in concrete work shall be of standard manufacture as per relevant IS codes wherever applicable and / or as approved by the Engineer. Usage of these materials shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Admixtures, where used, shall be of approved quality and shall conform to relevant IS codes. The extent, type, method of use and control shall be subject to approval of the Engineer in all cases. Water shall be as per Clause-4.3 of IS:456. Sea water or water from sources susceptible to salinity shall not be used for mixing and curing of concrete. Concrete: 4.3.3 Production and control of concrete shall be as per IS:456. a) b) ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures The grades of concrete shall conform to Table-2 of IS:456, and shall be as indicated on the drawings and / or the BOQ. The Contractor shall at his own cost, grade the aggregate and control the water cement ratio, design the different mixes to required strength and workability. The design mix concrete shall conform to the requirement of IS:456. Minimum cement content and maximum water cement ratio of concrete shall also fulfill the requirement of durability considered by the condition of exposure in case of superstructures and exposure to sulphate attack in case of underground structures and as per Table-19 and Table 20 of IS:456 and / or as indicated in the drawings or the BOQ. Page 62 of 185 c) d) e) The maximum size of aggregates used shall be as indicated in the drawings and / or the BOQ. Where reinforcement is too closely spaced for the maximum size of stone in a range, the largest suitable range shall be used with the approval of Engineer. Before commencement of work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for his approval,' complete details of the tests for design mixes together with the grading analysis and mix design calculations. No concrete shall be placed on site until the Engineer has approved the mix design. If any change is made in the source / grading of the aggregates, water content of the mix, manner of making or compacting the concrete or any other deviations from the preliminary test procedure, the Engineer may instruct for fresh mix design and fresh preliminary test which shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost. Over the full period of construction, the Contractor shall carry out the work test at his own cost to satisfy the. Engineer that correct grade of concrete is being used. Where 'nominal mix concrete' as defined by IS:456 is permitted by the Engineer for any specific reason, proportion of materials shall be as indicated in Table-3 of IS:456. However, for concrete grade M10 and above, minimum cement content and maximum water cement ratio requirements for durability shall also be considered taking into account the exposure and subsoil conditions as indicated in Table 9 of IS: 456 -2000 Plain cement concrete in foundation under the floors, etc.: a) Unless otherwise specified, all plain cement concrete shall be composed of the following: Stone aggregate 40mm to 10mm; Cement, Fine aggregate and Coarse aggregate in the ratio of 1:4:8 b) Before laying concrete, the bed shall be well watered, rammed and dressed properly. Concrete shall be deposited gently in the trenches in horizontal layers of not more than 300mm thick, gently rammed and finished off in perfect level. The concrete shall be kept wet for a week. c) The specification for plain cement concrete work shall generally comply with that for reinforced cement concrete work as given under this section. For large areas, concrete shall be laid in panels with proper construction joints as directed with proper floor drainage sloped as per drawing or direction of the Engineer. d) The top surface shall be finished evenly with straight edge, and when hard, chipped and left clean to receive floor finishing as per requirement. 4.3.4 Reinforced cement concrete work: Unless otherwise specified, all reinforced cement concrete work shall be of design mix only, consistent with the grade / strength indicated in the BOQ and / or drawings. Where strengths are specified in the BOQ, the mixes to be adopted and the slump to be allowed to give the specified strengths and proper workability shall be determined previously by experiment as per IS:456 with representative samples of the materials used and under conditions similar to those to be adopted in actual job. The experiments are to be done by the Contractor at his own cost under the direction and supervision of the Engineer, as and when necessary. When the mix to be adopted is decided upon, it shall in no case be altered without specific written permission of the Engineer. The Contractor shall, however, remain fully responsible for producing concrete of specified strengths in the actual job. This is herein referred to as 'design mix' concrete, the specifications for the ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 63 of 185 same being elaborated elsewhere in these Specifications. Design mix concrete: 4.3.5 At the commencement of each major concreting work, and well ahead of the same, the contractor shall get the proportion by mass of the prescribed grade of concrete or get the correct grade of concrete with proportions fixed to meet the required strength and workability as specified from an authorised laboratory or an expert design mix consultant and obtain the detailed design mix calculations from the agency preparing the design mix and get the same approved by the Engineer who in turn shall examine if the condition of minimum cement content is strictly followed and also any other properties required to ensure durability. Details to be furnished by the contractor for the Engineer's approval shall include information on the proposed grade of concrete and the source of aggregates, cement for the use in the particular grade of concrete and also the water / cement ratio, degree of workability etc. Trial mixes: a) When the design mix calculations submitted by the contractor are approved by the Engineer, the contractor before taking up the actual construction shall prepare the trial mixes for the proposed grade of concrete in accordance with SP-23 of Bureau of Indian Standards, preferably under full-scale production conditions and get six cubes made from each of three batches and get three out of six cubes cured and tested with accelerated regime and remaining three cubes tested after curing for 28 days. b) Trial mixes are required even after commencement of work, and the procedure as explained above shall be adopted for full-scale production conditions. These trial mixes are separate from and shall not be linked to the "Testing works Concrete". c) The workability of each batch of trial mix shall be determined by slump test as described in IS:1199 or by an alternative approved method. When the proportion of the design mix has been approved no variation shall be made in the accepted proportion, the original source of cement and aggregates without the approval of Engineer in writing, who may insist on further test. 4.3.6 Testing works concrete: a) The concrete shall be sampled from time to time in accordance with the norms specified in IS:456: i) The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in accordance with the following: Number of samples Note: Atleast one sample shall be taken From each Concrete Quantity in the work (cu.m.) shift. 1 to 5 1 6 to 15 2 16 to 30 3 ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 64 of 185 31 to 50 4 4, plus one additional sample for each additional 50 51 and above ii) iii) iv) cu.m. or part thereof. Where concrete is produced as continuous production unit, such as ready mix concrete plant frequency of sampling may be agreed upon mutually by supplier and purchaser. Test Specimen: Three test specimens shall be made for each sample for testing at 28 days. Additional samples may be required for various purposes such as determine the strength of concrete at 7 days or to determine the duration of curing, or check the testing error, additional sample may also be required for testing samples cured by accelerated methods as described in IS:9103. The specimen shall be tested as described in IS:516. Test Results of Samples: The test results of the samples shall be the average of the strength of three specimens. The individual variation should not be more than + 15 percent of the average: If more, the test results of the sample are invalid. Ready mix concrete: 4.3.7 The Contractor may be allowed to use Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) with the permission of Engineer, provided that the RMC manufacturer assures in writing that the minimum cement content shall be strictly maintained and also that he would submit the necessary design mix calculations along with the details of source of ingredients for each batch of concrete. The manufacturer of RMC shall agree to the sampling and testing procedures, which shall include onsite casting of test cubes, in addition to those cast at the manufacturing point. The manufacturer of RMC shall agree to the sampling and testing procedures, which shall include onsite casting of test cubes, in addition to those cast at the manufacturing point. Any consignment of RMC not consumed at site within three hours of its manufacture shall be rejected and shall forthwith be destroyed and removed from the site. 4.3.8 Placing of concrete: Concrete shall be transported from the place of mixing to the place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which would prevent segregation or loss of ingredients; it shall be placed in forms within twenty minutes of its being mixed with water. It shall be deposited as early as practicable in its final position to avoid re-handling or flowing unless specially permitted by the Engineer. Concrete shall not be dropped freely from a height of more than 600mm. A properly constructed inclined chute must be used in such cases where it is necessary to exceed this height. Before placing the concrete, the form shall be cleared off shavings or pieces of wood or other rubbish, and thoroughly damped with water. When placing the concrete, the fine materials must be carefully worked against the forms so that the faces of concrete shall be perfectly smooth and free from honeycombing after withdrawing the forms. The defects in this respect shall be dealt with by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer. If honeycombed concrete is allowed to remain, grouting shall be done with I: I cement and sand slurry to the satisfaction of the Engineer without any extra charges immediately after removal of shuttering. Where concrete is deposited against stone work, brickwork or other surfaces likely to ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 65 of 185 absorb moisture, such surfaces must be well watered immediately prior to deposition of concrete. During placing and immediately after deposition, the concrete shall be thoroughly compacted with mechanical vibrators until it fills all the space between and around the rods to ensure a solid mass entirely free from voids and air-bubbles. Excessive vibration must be avoided. It is imperative that the work shall be done quickly and efficiently and adequate number of hands, therefore, must be employed to ensure this to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Great care must be taken in placing and vibrating the concrete so that the reinforcement is not displaced. Concrete shall be placed and compacted in its final position before setting has commenced and shall not subsequently be disturbed. Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints, the positions and arrangements of which shall be pre-determined by the Engineer. Any rest pauses, such as for meals, shall also be subject to his approval. All concreting work shall be so programmed as not to necessitate work at night. If for any reason, this becomes imperative, the Contractor shall obtain previous written permission of the Engineer and make proper lighting arrangement at his own cost. 5.3.9 a) b) c) d) e) Construction joints in concrete: The work of concreting in beams and slabs shall be completed in one operation, as far as possible. If concreting has to be stopped, pennissi0I1 shall be obtained from the Engineer and it shall be stopped at places approved by the Engineer. Joints in slabs shall be made in a direction parallel to the main reinforcements. All joints in beams and other horizontal members are to be formed inserting temporary vertical boards against which concrete deposited can be properly rammed. When the work has to be commenced on a surface which has hardened, each surface shall be well roughened and all laitance removed. The surface then shall be brushed clean, thoroughly wetted and well grouted with cement and sand slurry of I: I proportion. Such works are to be covered by the rates for concrete work. Application of approved speciality bonding agents and / or water stops shall be as per manufacturer's instructions and paid for separately where indicated in the BOQ. 4.3.10 ( a) b) c) Protection and curing of concrete: The Contractor shall adequately protect freshly laid concrete from too rapid drying due to strong sunshine, dry winds, etc., and also from run off water from any other source. During the first 21 days after deposition, the concrete shall be kept thoroughly damp by suitable means as approved by the Engineer. Watering during this period required for this purpose shall be continued daily including Sundays and holidays and the cost to be covered by the rates for concrete work. The Contractor shall make satisfactory arrangement to protect freshly laid concrete during showers by providing tarpaulin on top and sides, failing which the casting of all concrete work shall be stopped at the risk and cost of the Contractor. No heavy extraneous load shall be placed on the structural concrete until after 28 days from the date of completion of concreting in that particular portion. 4.3.11 Steel Reinforcement: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 66 of 185 Reinforcement work shall be done accurately as per drawings and directions of the Engineer. The bars shall be cut to exact lengths,' accurately bent cold to specified shapes, placed and fixed in position as per drawing and tied tightly at each and every intersection with double 20 gauge black annealed binding wire, the loops of which must be tightened with pliers without snapping. The Contractor shall, without extra charges, provide all the supports and fixtures required and shall take precaution to see that all such temporary fixtures are removed before concreting and ensure cleaning of bars, removing rust or scales, if any, and other incidental works in this connection. The Contractor shall also provide without any extra charges pre-cast cover blocks in cement mortar 1:2 and steel chairs of suitable dimension as per direction of the Engineer at regular intervals under the reinforcement bars for keeping the bars in position and to ensure correct depth of cover to the bars. Unless otherwise mentioned in the drawings, reinforcements shall be placed in position so as to allow concrete cover to reinforcements as per IS:456. The Contractor shall get the reinforcement work approved by the Engineer before concreting can be started. Where bars of exact required length are not available, these shall be cut from such length of available bars as would involve minimum wastages of cut pieces. No lapping shall be allowed and paid for within available stock lengths. However, if any lapping is required due to short length of bars, the lapping should be provided as per relevant IS specification and / or code of practice and the bars shall be bound together by wires tightly. The Engineer, at his sole discretion, may call for welding together of bars. 4.3.12. Shuttering of RCC work: Contractor shall supply all necessary centering and shuttering including props, bracings, runners, staging, nails, bolts and nuts, etc., as required and all necessary labour, plant and machinery, etc., for fixing shuttering and boxing as well as labour and tools for striking and removing them. Shuttering and formworks for reinforced cement concrete work shall be composed of either steel plates or 19 mm thick shuttering plywood, with adequate bracings and supports with cross bearers and vertical and horizontal struts in such a manner that the shuttering or formwork remains perfectly rigid during the filling, ramming, vibrating and setting of the concrete. The shuttering and formwork are to be close-boarded and joints lined with kraft paper or other types of approved materials to make it reasonably water-tight. Formwork for beams, lintels and columns shall be framed up perfectly true with all necessary bracings or battens, distance pieces and bolts, so that the beams, lintels or columns when cast, shall be perfectly true to plumb and precise alignment. Spacing of the runners and props shall be approved by the Engineer. Rough-dressed timbers or sal ballahs or steel pipe supports of adequate stiffness and strength and not bamboo are to be used as supports for centering or formwork. Care is to be taken that no timber chips or shavings are left and cast in with the concrete. The supports shall be resting on base plates. If shuttering is to be re-used, it should be carefully cleaned before such re-use, properly aligned and open joints repaired. In fixing shuttering, the levelling shall be done with levelling instrument and the shuttering shall be to perfect, specified levels. Before concrete can be laid, shuttering shall be approved by the Engineer. Drawings showing shuttering details shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 67 of 185 for his approval, if required by him. All shuttering shall be removed without shock and vibration. The wedges are to be first eased gently and violent movements avoided. The shuttering shall be removed with the utmost care in all cases. so as not to cause any injury to any construction or to any stored material. Before the shuttering is stripped, the concrete surface shall be exposed where necessary in order to ascertain that the concrete has hardened sufficiently. The Contractor shall take previous written permission from the Engineer before removal of the shuttering. Where necessary in the opinion of the Engineer, temporary supports shall be installed to support any concrete work when the shuttering is removed. a) Forms shall not be struck until the concrete has attained a strength atleast twice the stress to which the concrete may be subjected at the time of removal of formwork. The strength referred to shall be that of concrete using the same cement and aggregates, with the same proportions and cured under conditions of temperature and moisture similar to those existing on the work. Where so required, formwork shall be left longer. In normal circumstances and where ordinary portland cement is used, forms may generally be removed after the expiry of the following periods: a) Walls, Columns and vertical faces of all structural members b) Slabs (Props left under) c) Beams Soffits (Props left under) d) Removal of Props under Slabs Spanning unto 4.5 m ii) Spanning over 4.5 m e) Removal of Props under beams and arches i) Spanning unto 6 m ii) Spanning over 6 m 2 3 7 days days days 7 14 days days 14 21 days days i) b) In case of bad weather, these periods may be increased at the discretion of Engineer. The stripping time recommended for ordinary portland cement may be suitably modified for other cements. c) The number of props left under, their sizes and disposition shall be such as to be able to safely carry full dead load of the slab, beam or arch, as the case may be, together with any live load likely to occur during curing or further construction. d) No plugs, bolts, ties, holdfasts or any other appliances whatsoever for the purpose of supporting the shuttering are to be fixed in the structure or placed in such a way that these would damage the structure or its elements when the shuttering is struck down. Shuttering shall never be nailed to the door and window frames. 4.3.13 Sundry items: All chases and holes are to be formed as may be shown or directed without any extra charges. The Contractor shall furnish all materials and labour and do all grouting required for filling chases and holes. Grouting shall be done with cement concrete 1:2:4, 20mm and down aggregate / cement mortar 1: I or done with cement concrete 1:2:4 as indicated in the drawing and / or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall fix all necessary inserts in all concrete works for the supports of ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 68 of 185 hangers for pipes, cables, etc., as directed by the Engineer and no extra payment on this account shall be made unless measured separately. Expansion joints shall be provided in such position and in such manner as indicated in the drawing or as per direction of the Engineer. All exposed faces of concrete shall be properly chipped, at Contractor's own cost, to receive sand cement rendering or plastering as specified in the BOQ. The general specification for all plain cement concrete shall comply with that for RCC work as per IS 456. No separate payment shall be made for any moulding, throating, drip course, etc. either in the concrete itself or in the finishing work to the concrete unless otherwise mentioned or provided for in the BOQ. At the junction of RCC column or beam with brickwork! RR masonry, 6mm dia MS dowel bars of required length shall be provided for bonding brickwork with RCC work at suitable intervals as per direction of the Engineer. Precast concrete work: 4.3.14 In addition to specifications listed above, following specifications shall apply for pre-cast concrete work: a) The formwork and ! or moulds for pre-cast concrete members shall be made of metal and true to shape and dimension of the finished product as indicated on the drawings. The moulds shall be close-jointed and perfectly smooth with joints caulked to prevent leakage of cement slurry. The moulds shall be of rigid construction to prevent distortion and bulging of sides and base and shall be designed with suitable fastenings to allow them to be struck without injury to the casting. The moulds shall generally be vibrated on a mechanically operated vibrating table. b) Marking of units: The pre-cast members shall be marked distinctly in a manner approved by the Engineer in a conspicuous place, with date of manufacture and marking number, to ensure proper handling and incorporation in the exact intended paIt of the works. c) Erection of the pre-cast members shall be carried out as per the approved sequence. All pre-cast concrete work to be set in masonry, etc. shall be set in cement mortar 1:3 unless otherwise specified. The rate of the pre-cast concrete work is to include for such setting, mortar, shuttering, finishing exposed surface smooth and even. Coverage of rates: 4.3.15 Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for plain and reinforced cement concrete works are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery, testing, documentation and expert services for designing mix, apart from clearing waste and debris out of the site. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 69 of 185 Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, waterproofing compounds, formwork, centering, shuttering, de-shuttering and reinforcement costs are paid for, under separate Items. The cost of admixtures, such as plasticisers and retarders, for RMC are deemed to be covered under the rates for the respective concrete Items only, and no extra is payable to the Contractor. 5.4 PILES 4.4.1 Codes and standards: IS:1200 (All the parts) Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works. IS:1498 Classification and identification of soils for general engineering purposes. IS:2720 (All the parts) Methods of tests for soils. IS:2911 IS:3764 (All the parts) Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations. Safety code for excavation works. 4.4.2 Bored cast-in-situ reinforced concrete piles: Bored &cast-in-situ concrete piles shall be installed by making a bore into the ground and removing out the material. Boring bore for installing pile: a) Installation of piles shall be accurate as possible and as per design and drawings. The vertically or the required batter should be correctly maintained. Particular care shall be taken in respect of installing either single pile or piles in a row or pile groups. b) Deviation and tolerance for alignment and position of piles shall be as per IS:2911 (Part 1/Sec.I). The piles should not deviate more than 75mm or D/4 whichever is less (75mm or D/l 0 whichever is more in case of piles having diameter more than 600mm) from their designed position at the working level. In case of a single pile under a column the positional deviation should not be more than 50mm or D/4 whichever is less (100 mm in case of piles having diameter more than 600mm). Greater tolerance may be prescribed for piles driven over water and for raking piles. The above guide on deviation is prescribed as a limit of tolerance for the installation of piles. In case the eccentricity of piles cannot be controlled by redesigning the pile cap or pile ties, replacement or supplementing by additional pile is the only alternative. 4.4.3 Procedure for driving pile bore: a) The ground shall be roughly levelled and position of pile marked. The boring shall be done with or without the use of temporary casing. The sides of bore hole shall be stabilized with the aid of temporary casing or with the aid of drilling mud of suitable consistency. b) The e4uipment and accessories shall depend upon the type of bored pile chosen for the job, consideration of sub-soil strata, ground water conditions and type of founding material. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 70 of 185 Boring operations normally are to be done by rotary or percussion type drilling rigs using direct mud circulation or reverse mud circulation method. In loose sand and soft clay bailer and chisel method may be used, with caution to avoid the effect of suction. The size of cutting tool shall be as detailed in IS:2911 (Part I/Sec.2). c) Permanent casing shall be used to avoid the inflow of under ground water. In case bore is filled with water, the bottom part shall be concreted using termie method so that the casing is effectively sealed against entering of ground water. d) In case permanent / temporary casing are not used, or where the soil condition requires so, the bored pile shall be stabilised with drilling fluid such as bentonite, which shall conform to IS:2720 (Part 5). Certificates from the manufacturer showing properties of each consignment shall be obtained by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer. Bentonite shall be mixed thoroughly with fresh clean water to make a suspension which will maintain the stability of the pile excavation for the period necessary to place concrete and complete construction. The temperature of the water used in mixing the bentonite suspension and when supplied to bore hole shall not be lower than 50°C. Consistency of the drilling fluid suspension shall be controlled throughout the boring as well in concreting operations, to keep the hole stabilised as well as to avoid concrete getting mixed up with thick suspension of mud. e) Frequency and methods of testing drilling fluid shall be as specified and the test results shall be as specified in IS:2720 (Part V). f) Bored cast-in-situ piles in soils which are stable may often be installed with a small casing length at the top. A minimum of2.0m length of top of bore shall invariably be provided with casing to ensure against loose soil falling in to drilling mud, or a suitable steel casing. The casing may be left in place permanently especially in cases where the aggressive action of the ground water is to be avoided, or in the cases of piles built in water or in cases where significant length of piles could be exposed due to scour. g) For bored cast-in-situ piles, casing / liner shall be driven open ended with a pile driving hammer capable of achieving penetration of the liner to the length shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer. Materials inside the casing shall be removed progressively by air lift, grab or percussion equipment or other approved means. h) Where bored cast-in-situ piles are used in soils liable to inflow, the bottom of the casing shall be kept low enough in advance of the boring tool to prevent the entry of soil into the casing, thus preventing the formation of and settlements in the adjoining ground. The water level in the casing should generally be maintained at the natural ground water level for the same reasons. The joints of the casing shall be made as tight as possible to minimize inflow of water or leakage of slurry during concreting. i) Boring shall be carried out using rotary or percussion type equipment. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer the diameter of the bore holes shall be not more than the inside diameter of the liner. j) After the boring has reached the required depth, the steel reinforcement shall be lowered in position maintaining the specified size of cover on all sides. The bore shall then be flushed with bentonite slurry and concreting shall be taken up. k) A proper record of pile driving and other details such as sequence of installation of piles, ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 71 of 185 dimension of piles, depth bored, cut off level / working level, time taken for concreting, nature of strata encountered, measures taken to keep the borehole sides stable, etc. shall be maintained in sequence of occurrence at site. I) Chisel penetration energy data shall be generated at each pile location, from start of weathered rock and up to termination depth. Detailed record of number of blows, corresponding penetration and time shall be made. Recovered rock samples from every 3Dminute chiseling shall be preserved in properly labelled and secured plastic bags. m) Rock shall be deemed to have been encountered when the chisel energy level is at 50Tm/sq.m.lcm. Minimum socket length from the point of this energy level shall not be less than five times the pile diameter. n) Minimum chisel penetration energy at pile termination zone, after applying correction factor of 0.80 for bentonite / water slurry drag, etc. shall be 175T -m/sq.m/cm. o) Where drilling mud is used, the specific gravity of fresh supply and contaminated mud in the hole before concreting is taken up shall be recorded for first ten piles and subsequently at interval of 10 piles or as specified. p) Rope-operated grabbing tool kelly-mounted hydraulically operated grab may be used where required, especially when suction is to be avoided as the hole advances. The size of cutting tool shall of as per IS:2911 (Part 1 Section 2) and not less than the diameter of pile by more than 75mm. 4.4.4 Reinforcement: a) In soft clays or loose sands, or where there is likelihood of danger to green concrete due to driving of adjacent piles, the reinforcement should be provided up to full pile depth, regardless of whether or not it is required from uplift & lateral load considerations or indicated as such in the typical drawings. However, in all cases, the reinforcement indicated in the drawings shall be considered as the minimum. b) Piles shall always be reinforced with a minimum amount of reinforcement as dowels keeping the minimum bond length into the pile shaft below its cut-off level, and with adequate projection into the pile cap, irrespective of design requirements. The possibility of the cage lifting at the bottom or at the laps during withdrawal of casing shall be minimized by making the reinforcement U-shaped at the bottom and up to well secured joints. The lifting of 5% of the length should be considered not to affect the quality of pile. c) Clear cover to all main reinforcement in pile shaft shall be not less than 50mm and shall be maintained by suitable spacers. The laterals of reinforcing cage may be in the form of links or spirals.. The minimum diameter of links or spirals shall be 6mm and the spacing of the links or spirals shall be not less than 150mm. The minimum clear distance between two adjacent main reinforcement bars should normally be 100mm for the full depth 'of the cage. d) The reinforcing cage should be left with adequate protruding length above the cut off level for proper embedment in the pile cap. Prior to the lowering of reinforcement cage into the pile shaft, the shaft shall be cleaned of all loose materials. e) Reinforcement in the form of cage shall be assembled with additional support, such as ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 72 of 185 spreaders, forks and lacings, necessary to form a rigid cage. Hoops, links, or helical reinforcement has to fit closely around the main longitudinal bars and shall be tied by binding wire of approved quality. The ends of the binding wire shall be turned into the interior of the pile. Reinforcement shall be placed and maintained in correct position. The reinforcements shall be joined wherever necessary by welding, as per the procedure described in IS:2751. 4.4.5 Concrete: a) Concreting of piles shall be done only with design mix of appropriate grade, prepared, tested and handled as specified for RCC works, unless herein specified otherwise. High alumina cement shall not be used for concrete meant for piles. b) When concreting under water or drilling mud, 10% additional cement in addition to the minimum cement content for the particular grade shall be used. c) The minimum slump should be 100 mm when the concrete for the piles is being vibrated and when the concrete is not vibrated the maximum slump that can be permitted is 150mm. 4.4.6 Placing of concrete: a) Before commencement of pouring concrete, it shall be ensured that there is no ingress of water in the casing tubes from bottom. Further, adequate control during withdrawal of the casing tube shall be exercised so as to maintain sufficient head of concrete inside the casing tube at all stages of withdrawal. b) Wherever practicable, concrete should be placed in a clean dry hole. Where concrete is placed in dry hole and when casing is present, the top 3m pile shall be compacted using internal vibrators. c) The concrete should invariably be poured through a tremie, with a funnel so that the flow is directed and concrete can be deposited in the hole without segregation. Care shall be taken during concreting to prevent segregation of the ingredients. Displacement or distortion of reinforcement during concreting and while extracting the tube shall be avoided. d) Where the casing is withdrawn from cohesive soils for the formation of cast-in-situ pile, the concreting should be done with necessary precautions to minimize the softening of the soil by excess water. Where mud flow conditions exist, the casing of cast-in-situ piles shall not be allowed to be withdrawn. e) The concrete shall be self-compacting and shall not get mixed with soil, excess water, or other extraneous matter. Special care shall be taken in silty clays and other soils with tendency to squeeze into newly deposited concrete and cause necking. Sufficient head of green concrete shall be maintained to prevent inflow of soil or water into concrete. f) To ensure compaction by hydraulic static heads, rate of placing concrete in the pile shaft shall not be less than 6m length of pile per hour. g) In exceptional case of interruption of concreting, but which can be resumed within one or two hours, the tremie shall not be taken out of the concrete. Instead, it shall be raised and lowered slowly from time to time to prevent the concrete around the pipe from setting. Concreting should be resumed by introducing a little richer concrete with a slump of about 200mm for easy displacement of the partly set concrete. If the concreting cannot be resumed before final set of concrete already laid, the pile so cast may be rejected or accepted with modifications, at the sole discretion of the Engineer. h) In case of withdrawal of tremie out of concrete, either accidentally or to remove a choke in ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 73 of 185 the tremie, the tremie may be re-introduced in the following manner to prevent impregnation of laitance or scum lying on the top of the concrete already deposited in the bore. i) The tremie shall be gently lowered on to the old concrete with very little penetration initially. A vermiculite plug should be introduced in the tremie. Fresh concrete of slump between 150mm and 175mm should be filled in the tremie, which will push the plug forward and will emerge out of the tremie displacing the laitance / scum. The tremie shall be pushed further in steps making fresh concrete sweep away laitance / scum in its way. When the tremie is buried by about 600mm to 1m, concreting may be resumed. j) The top of concrete in a pile shall be brought above the cut-off level to permit removal of all laitance and weak concrete before capping and to ensure good concrete at the cut-off level for proper embedment into the pile cap. k) Where cut-off level is less than 1.5m below the working level concrete shall be cast to a minimum of 300rum above cut-off level. For each additional 0.3m increase in cut-off level below the working level additional coverage of atleast 50mm shall be allowed. Higher allowance may be necessary depending on the length of the pile. l) When concrete is placed by tremie method concrete shall be cast to the piling platform level to permit overflow of concrete for visual inspection or to a minimum of one metre above cut off level. in the circumstances where cut-off level is below ground water level the need to maintain pressure on the unset concrete equal to or greater than water pressure should be observed and accordingly length of extra concrete above cut-off level shall be determined. m) The minimum embedment of cast-in-situ concrete piles into pile cap shall be 150mm. Any defective concrete at the head of the completed pile shall be cut away and made good with new concrete. The clear cover between the bottom reinforcement in pile cap from top of pile shall not be less than 30mm. The reinforcement in the pile shall be exposed for full anchorage length to permit it to be adequately bonded in to the pile cap. Exposing such length shall be done carefully to avoid damaging the rest of the pile. In cases where the pile cap is to be laid on ground, a leveling course with cement concrete shall be provided, to the dimensions shown in the drawings. n) The diameter of the finished pile shall not be less than specified and a continuous record shall be kept by the Engineer as to the volume of concrete placed in relation to the length of pile cast. After each pile has been cast any empty pile hole remaining shall be protected and back filled as soon as possible with approved material. 4.4.7 Placing concrete under water: a. Before concreting under water, the bottom of the hole shall be cleared of drilling mud and all soft loose materials very carefully. In case the hole is bored with use of drilling mud, concreting should not be taken up when the specific gravity of bottom slurry exceeds 1.2. The drilling mud should be maintained at l.5m above the ground water level. b. Concreting under water for cast-in-situ concrete piles may be done either with the use of tremie method or by the use of approved method specially designed to permit under water placement of concrete. The method of deposition should not be changed part way up the pile to prevent the laitance from being entrapped within the pile. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 74 of 185 c. General requirements and precautions for concreting under water are as follows: The concreting of pile must be completed in one continuous operation. Also for bored holes, the finishing of the bore, cleaning of the bore, lowering of reinforcement cage and concreting of pile for full length must be accomplished in one continuous operation without any stoppage. I. The concrete should be coherent, rich in cement with high slump and restricted water cement ratio. II. The tremie pipe shall be large enough with due regard to the size of the aggregate. For 20mm aggregate, the tremie pipe should be of diameter not less than 150mm and for larger aggregate, larger diameter of tremie pipe shall be used. III. A temporary casing should be installed to the full depth of the bore hole or 2m into noncollapsible stratum, so that fragments of soil cannot drop from the sides of the hole into the concrete as it is placed. The temporary casing may not be required except near the top when concreting under drilling mud. IV. The first charge of concrete should be placed with a sliding plug pushed down the tube ahead of it to prevent mixing of water and concrete. V. The tremie pipe should always penetrate well into the concrete with adequate margin of safety against accidental withdrawal if the pipe is surged to discharge the concrete. d)All tremie tubes should be scrupulously cleaned before and after use. 4.4.8 Driven precast reinforced concrete piles: Workability of concrete: The degree of workability in this case is "low" since the concrete is placed where the section is not heavily reinforced, and also since the concrete in the pile is vibrated with both internal as well as external vibrators. The minimum slump shall therefore be 25mm to 50mm. 4.4.9 Formwork & moulds: a) Only steel moulds manufactured out of sturdy steel sections and sheets to cast the required size of the pile are to be used. Timber moulds shall not be permitted, under any circumstances. b) The mould shall sustain the stresses generated due to the use of immersion/plate vibrators and some time even form vibrators, depending upon the size and strength of the pile to be cast. c) The manufacturing of the mould shall be simple and permit three sides to be opened within 16 to 24 hours of casting by loosening the bolts without damaging the edges of the pile. d) Fixing' supports for the sides of the. mould shall be done from outside and no use of through bolts through the concrete shall be permitted to support the opposite sides of the ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 75 of 185 mould. e) Proper mechanism shall be introduced to fix the sides to the top of the casting platform so that the plate form vibrators can be operated without disturbing the mould. f) In case of square piles, provision for forming champers of the pile for the corners shall be made in the mould itself. g) The mould should be such that when the pile is de-moulded, all the surfaces of the pile, except the side from which the concrete is laid, should get form finish. h) No rendering or finishing shall be permitted on any surface of the concrete after demoulding. Piles whose surfaces are plastered or rendered, edges repaired, etc., shall be rejected and removed from site. i) After every casting, when the sides of the mould are opened, the same shall be cleaned thoroughly and form-oil shall be applied over the surface before the mould is adjusted for filling the concrete for the next pile. The normal practice of applying grease mixed with diesel or waste oil instead of the form-oil shall not be permitted. 4.4.10 Pre-casting concrete piles: a) The casting yard shall be planned and laid out to ensure that the piles that are cast can be lifted directly from their beds and transported to the storing yard with minimum handling and avoiding any damage to the pile. b) The casting yard shall have a well drained surface so that the water used for curing the already cast piles does not accumulate on the yard inconveniencing the working on subsequent piles. c) The size of the casting platform shall be large enough to accommodate the minimum number of piles to be cast for full 11 days depending upon the proposed progress of work per day, as a pile once cast cannot be lifted from the casting bed till the expiry of ten days, therefore no piles can be cast on these spaces till the expiry of ten days, therefore no piles can be cast on these spaces till the piles more than 10 days old are shifted. d) The casting yard shall be well covered at its top and sides to avoid the direct sunrays falling on the piles that are under set. The piles should also be protected from rain and wind. e) Before taking up actual concreting, the moulds to be concreted for full day's work shall be fixed in position and preferably moulds for concreting on the subsequent day shall also be kept ready in advance. f) The inner faces of the mould shall be cleaned and form-oil of approved brand and manufacture shall be applied. g) The reinforcements shall be lowered carefully in the mould and fixed in position with proper cover blocks and spacers on all surfaces. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 76 of 185 h) On getting formal approval of the Engineer for the fixing of formwork in position and on getting the pre-measurements of the reinforcements recorded, concreting with specified grade shall be taken up. The slump should be checked frequently and constant w/c ratio shall be maintained. i) The piles should be cast from end to end, using immersion, form vibrators, avoiding over vibration. j) Proper care should be taken to see that the concrete is packed in the mould and consolidated. When the mould is full the top surface of concrete shall be neatly trowelled and finished smooth. k) Proper precaution shall be taken to ensure that the vibration from the adjoining work does not affect the previously placed concrete for piles during setting period. On completing the concreting for a particular pile the following information shall be engraved (not painted) on each pile: Date of casting; Grade of concrete used; No. of lot. The lot no. will help to locate the exact position where the particular pile has to be used. 4.4.11 Testing of concrete shall be as for RCC works. 4.4.12 Curing shall be as for pre-cast RCC works. In addition, the following shall apply: a) The piles shall not be lifted from the casting bed for a minimum period of 10 days from the date of casting. b) When the piles are shifted to stacking yard after the expiry often days, where the piles will have to be kept for a period of 28 days from the date of casting, the piles in stacks shall be covered with sacks so that the piles do not come in contact with sun rays till they attain full strength. c) The Engineer may fix up the exact period of curing for a particular project considering various factors. 4.4.13 Storage and handling: a) After the expiry of 10 days from the date of casting, the piles arc to be removed from the casting bed and shifted to the stacking yard where the piles shall be kept for a further period of 18 days i.e., 28 days after casting and later till they are carried for driving. b) The piles shall be stored on a firm ground which will not be liable for unequal subsidence or settlement under the weight of the stack of piles. c) Timber sections of suitable size shall be placed over the level ground to stack the piles on top. The spacing between the timber sections shall be so adjusted that the piles in stack are not subjected to undue bending stresses. d) Spaces shall be left around the piles in the stack so that they can be lifted without difficult and if necessary piles can be cured beyond 10 days. e) The order of stacking the piles shall be such that the older piles can be withdrawn without disturbing the newly placed piles. Separate stacks shall be provided for the piles ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 77 of 185 of different lengths. f) If ordered by the Engineer or if weather conditions so require, arrangements for curing the piles for further period shall be made when the piles are stored in the stack. g) Care shall be taken to see that the piles are not damaged or cracked at the time of lifting, handling, transportation, etc. h) While transporting from the stocking yard to the site, the piles shall be supported at approximate lifting holes provided for the purpose. In case during transportation if the piles are to be unloaded temporarily they shall be placed on trusties or blocks located at the lifting points. 4.4.14 Driving piles: a) The heads of the pre-cast concrete piles to be driven shall be protected with packing of resilient material against the possible damage due to the use of heavy hammers. Care shall be taken to see that packing is evenly spread and placed securely. On top of the packing a helmet should be placed and provided with a dolly of hardwood or any suitable material not thicker than the width of the pile. b) The maximum set for a given stress shall be obtained by using heaviest hammer and softest packing. The drop of the hammer shall be adjusted to suit the allowable stress in the concrete. c) Optimum driving conditions shall be maintained by regular replacement of packing materials. d) For driving a pile, any type of hammer can be used, provided the pile penetrates to the prescribed depth or attains the specific resistance without getting damaged. e) The hammer, helmets, dolly, the pile below should be co-axial and should sit perfectly one over the other. However, the heaviest possible hammer should preferably be used and the stroke should be so managed so as not to damage the pile. . f) If a satisfactory set is achieved for ten consecutive blows with an appropriate hammer and drop the method of driving should be repeated with caution. However, after the pile has almost ceased to penetrate, the driving should be stopped, especially when a hammer with moderate weight is used. g) Where the rate of penetration suddenly changes without any satisfactory reasoning or soil conditions, the pile driving shall suspended until the matter has been investigated and a remedy arrived at. h) Jetting with driving pile: i. Jetting operations shall be carried out only when specifically ordered by the Engineer. Jetting shall be carried in a manner that the stability of soil and the bearing capacity of piles already driven is not in any way impaired. Similarly,' the safety of the adjoining ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 78 of 185 structures shall be taken into consideration. ii. For effective jetting, the quantity of water required shall be related to the cross sectional area of the piles, including external jet pipes. In dense cohesion less soils, up to 2 liters of water per minute per of pile cross section may be required. Less quantity of water may be needed in loosely compacted soils. The water jet pressure shall be maintained around 5.6 kg/ or more. In case large quantity of water is used the draining arrangement for the water that emerges on the ground shall be made. iii. To minimize the risk of blockages, the nozzle should not be positioned at the point of the toe. The arrangement of jets should be balanced to ascertain the penetration of the pile vertically. It is advisable to surge down an independent pile or two pipes may be attached to the opposite sides of the pile for effective jetting operation. iv. The pile shall be allowed to enter the ground gradually after operating the water, under the weight of pile and the hammer. Acceptable verticality shall be achieved by use of rigid leaders, duly controlling the rate of penetration with a pile winch. v. On achieving maximum apparent penetration with light driving by the method prescribed above and when the water jets are running the further penetration may be attained in the cohesion less soils. The piles shall be driven to the final position or set when the jetting is complete. vi. Before closing the driving operation, the jetting should be stopped and the driving shall be continued by ordinary driving methods. If due to the ground disturbances, the pile tips tend to be drawn towards the piles already driven, jetting should be stopped immediately. vii. The correct working of jets should be tested before the work on driving the pile is commenced. If the pile is not provided with a built-in jet arrangement, independent jet pipes down the outside of the pile can be used, and to achieve the best results, jets working on several faces of the pile can be practical which will also assist maintained the verticality. and tolerance for alignment and position of piles shall be as per IS:2911 and as for bored cast-in-situ piles. pile-heads shall be done in such a manner that a minimum 50mm length of pile projects into the pile cap. Sufficient length of reinforcement from the pile shall be exposed for embedding the same inside the pile cap. a) The stripping operation or exposing the reinforcement of the pile shall be done very carefully without damaging the pile proper. In case any portion of the concrete cracks, the defective portion shall be cut and the portion repaired with new concrete joining properly with old concrete. b) Lengthening piles: Where the length of a pile has to be increased either before Or during driving, this may be done by casting additional concrete over the old pile. In such cases, the original head of the pile is to be cut to expose minimum 200mm length of bars. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 79 of 185 c) On completion of welding / overlapping the reinforcement and tying the spirals, for the extended length of reinforcements, the extra portion of the pile may be concreted, thus extending the original pile. 4.4.15 Risen piles: a) Where due to ground heave, when piles already driven to the final depth start rising when adjacent piles are being driven, the measurement shall be noted at frequent intervals during the driving on adjacent piles. On completion of driving the adjacent piles, the piles that have risen shall again be driven back either to their original level or up to a point of resistance. 4.4.16 Defective piles: In case defective piles are formed, they shall be removed or left in place whichever is convenient without affecting performance of the adjacent piles or cap as a whole and / or as directed by the Engineer. Additional piles shall be provided to replace them as directed, all costs and liabilities thereof being borne by the Contractor. Any deviation from the designed location, alignment or load capacity of any pile shall be noted and adequate measures taken well before concreting of the pile cap and plinth beam, if the deviations are beyond permissible limit. During chipping of the pile top, manual chipping may be permitted after three days of pile-casting. Where the Engineer permits pneumatic tools for chipping, the chipping shall be done not earlier than seven days after pile casting. After concreting, the actual quantity of concrete shall be compared with the average obtained from observations actually made in the case of a few piles initially cast. 1 f the actual quantity is found to be considerably less, special investigations shall be conducted and appropriate measures taken as directed by the Engineer. 4.4.17 Measurement: a) Dimension shall be measured nearest to a cm. Measurement of length on completion shall be along the axis of pile and shall be measured from top of shoe to the bottom of pile cap. No allowance shall be made for bulking, shrinkage, cut off tolerance, wastage and hiring of tools, equipment for excavating, driving, etc. b) The rate includes the cost of material and labour involved in all the operations described above including pile embedded in pile cap except reinforcement, pile cap and grade beam. 4.4.18 Load test on piles: General: a) Piles shall be tested as specified in IS:2911 (Part 4). b) The load test on a concrete pile shall not be carried out earlier than 28 days of its casting. Initial test shall be carried on test pile which is not used as working pile and routine tests ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 80 of 185 shall be carried out as a check on working pile. Routine test shall be one-half to two percent of total number of piles or as specified, applicable to vertical and lateral load. Vertical load test: a) General: Compressive load shall be applied to the pile top by means of a hydraulic jack against suitable load frame capable of providing reaction and the settlements recorded QY suitable dial gauges. b) Preparation of pile-head: Pile-head shall be chipped off to horizontal plane and the projecting steel shall ¥ cut or bent and top finished smooth and leveled with material as specified to give a plane surface which is normal to the axis of the pile. A bearing plate with a hole at the centre shall be placed on the head of pile for the jacks to rest. c) Loading platform: A proper loading platform which shall remain stable at the maximum specified load shall be designed and installed by the Contractor. For single pile, two dial gauges, placed in diametrically opposite positions and equidistant from the pile axis, shall be fixed to the pile and bear on surfaces on the reference frame. Four dial gauges are to be used for groups having 0.0 I mm sensitivity. The arrangement shall be approved by the Engineer. d) Application of load: The test is to be carried out by applying a series of downward incremental loads (20 percent of safe load on pile). This method of application of increment of test load and taking of measurement or displacement in each stage shall be maintained till the rate of displacement is either 0.1 mm in the first 30 minutes or 0.2mm in the first one hour or 2 hours, whichever occurs first. The test load shall be maintained for 24 hours. This method is applicable for both initial and routine test. e) Safe load on single pile for initial test shall be deduced as the least of the following: i) Two-thirds of the final load at which the total displacement attains a value of 12mm unless otherwise stated, in which case the safe load should correspond to total displacement permissible. ii) 50 percent of the final load at which the total displacement equal 10% of the of pile diameter. f) Routine test shall be carried for a test load of one-and-a-half times the working load, maximum settlement not to exceed l2mm or as stated. g) Safe load on group of piles for initial test shall be the least of the following: i) Final load at which total displacement is 25mm Or as stated. ii) Two -thirds of final load at which the total displacement is 40mm. h) Routine test shall be carried for a test load equal to working load, the maximum settlement not to exceed 25mm or as specified. load method: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 81 of 185 a) This is applicable for both initial and routine test. In this method, application of increment of test load and taking of measurement or displacement in each stage of loading is to be maintained till rate of displacement of the pile top is either 0.10mm in the first 30 minutes or 0.2mm in the first one hour or till 2 hours, whichever occurs first. If the limit of permissible displacement is not exceeded, testing of pile is not required to be continued further. The test load shall be maintained for 24 hours. b) Pile test data such as load, displacement and time shall be recorded in suitable prescribed tabular form. c) Results shall be graphically presented by suitable curves. d) Test shall be carried out in proper manner and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. After the test is completed the test cap shall be dismantled and pile surface shall be resorted to original shape. e) Measurement: Each completed test shall be enumerated for initial test, routine test separately and for different load ranges. The rate includes the cost of labour, material and all the operations described above such as preparatory work, trimming of pile head, etc" complete. vertical load testing: a) General: This process shall be used in case of initial test to find out separately skin friction and point bearing load on single piles of uniform diameter. For guidance, IS:2911 (Part 4) shall be referred. b) Preparatory pile head, loading platform and application of load shall be as for vertical load test. c) Alternate loading and unloading shall be carried out at each stage as for vertical load test. Each loading stage shall be maintained as for maintained load method. Each unloading stage shall be maintained for 15 minutes and the subsequent elastic rebound in the pile should be measured accurately by dial gauges as for lateral load test. d) The analysis of test results shall be done as per instructions of the Engineer, conforming to procedures in IS: 2911. e) After the test is completed, the test cap shall be dismantled and pile surface shall be restored to original shape. f) Measurement: Each completed test shall be enumerated for different load ranges. The rate includes the cost of labour, materials and all the operations described above, such as preparatory work, trimming of pile-head, etc., complete. load testing: a) Load platform: A proper loading platform shall be installed as specified. Hydraulic jack shall be mounted with gauge between two piles or pile groups under test. b) Application of load: Full load imposed by the jack shall be taken as lateral resistance on ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 82 of 185 each pile or group. Load should be applied in increments of about 20 percent of the estimated safe load. The next increment shall be applied after the rate of displacement is approximately equal to 0.1 mm per 30 minutes. c) The safe lateral load on pile shall be reckoned as the least of the following: Fifty percent of the final load at which total displacement increases to 12mm. Final load when total displacement is 5mm. Load corresponding to any other specified displacement as per requirement. i. ii. iii. d) Pile group shall be tested as per actual conditions as far as possible. e) Dial gauge tips shall rest on central portion of glass plate fixed on the side of pile. f) Displacements: Displacement shall be read by atleast two dial gauges of 0.1 mm sensitivity spaced at 300mm and kept horizontally one above the other and displacement is interpolated at cut-off level. One gauge placed diametrically opposite to jack shall directly measures displacement. Where, it is not possible to locate one of the dial gauges in the line of the jack axes, two dial gauges may be kept at a distance of 300mm at a suitable height and the displacement interpolated at load point from similar triangles. g) Arrangement and test procedure shall be duly approved by the Engineer. h) Measurement: Each completed test shall be enumerated for different load ranges. The rate includes the cost of labour, materials and all the operations described above. 4.4.19 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for pile works are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, temporary liners, bentonite slurry, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery, testing, pile integrity tests, documentation and expert services for designing mix, apart from clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, load tests, waterproofing compounds, permanent liner, formwork, centering, shuttering, de-shuttering and reinforcement costs are paid for, under separate Items. The cost of admixtures, such as plasticisers and retarders, for any RMC used are deemed to be covered under 1jhe rates for the respective piling Items only, and no extra is payable to the Contractor. 4.5 BRICK WORK 4.5.1 IS:432 Codes and Standards Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement. IS:I077 Common burnt clay building bricks. IS:1200 (Part 3) Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Brickwork ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 83 of 185 IS:2185 . (All the Parts) Specification for concrete masonry units. IS:2212 Code of practice for brickwork. IS:2572 Code of practice for construction of hollow concrete block masonry. IS:2691 Specification for Burnt clay facing bricks. IS:3495 (All the parts) Method of test for burnt clay building bricks. IS:3696 (All the parts) Safety code for scaffolds and ladders. IS:5454 Method of sampling of clay building bricks. IS:604 I Code of practice for construction of autoclaved cellular concrete block masonry. IS:6042 Code of practice for construction of lightweight concrete block masonry. IS:6441 (All the parts) Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products. IS: 12440 Specification for pre-cast concrete stone masonry blocks. 4.5.2 Materials a) Cement used shall conform to IS:269, IS:81 12 or IS:455. b) Sand shall be salt-free, well-graded river or pit sand and it shall conform to IS: 1542 for plaster and to IS:2116 for masonry mortar. Sand for the mortar shall be evenly graded from coarse to fine, free from loam, clay, dust, organic matter, etc. c) Water shall be clean and reasonably free from deleterious materials such as oil, acids, alcohol, salts and vegetable growth. d) Bricks used shall be machine-moulded, chamber-burnt and conforming to 18:1077. Brick shall be whole, sound, well burnt, free from cracks, well defined edges, well shaped, uniform in size and shall emit a clear ringing sound when struck. The required compressive strength of the bricks is given in the BOQ. e) Reinforcement: Mild steel bars conforming to IS 432, 6mm diameter, shall be used for half brick masonry. Alternatively, galvanized wire netting of woven hexagonal wire of 20 gauge conforming to IS:3150 of width suiting the thickness of the wall, may be used. f) The workmanship shall conform to IS:2250, for preparation of masonry mortars, and to IS: 1661 for plaster mortars g) The cement and sand shall be proportioned by volume in gauge boxes and thoroughly mixed dry. The water shall be added by sprinkler just sufficient to make a stiff and workable paste. In case of mechanical mixing, the mortar shall be mixed for atleast 3 minutes and for hand mixing the mortar shall be shoved back and forth for 10 to 15 minutes with additions of water. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 84 of 185 h) Mortars shall be used up within two hours of the first contact of the cement with water. All materials remaining after this period shall be discarded. i) Scaffolding, in general shall conform to IS:2212, and shall be designed to withstand the required loads and to ensure complete safety of workmen and materials. The scaffolding shall be double, i.e., it shall have two sets of stands. Where this is not possible, the inner end of the scaffolding poles shall rest in a hole provided in a header course only. Only one header for each pole shall be left out. Holes, if provided, shall be filled in and made good by the Contractor at his own cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 4.5.3 Workmanship: The whole of the brickwork shall be carried out in a uniform manner according to IS:2212. a) Brickwork shall set out and built to the dimension, thickness and heights shown on the drawings, true to plumb, line and level. All brickwork shall be in English bond and half brick shall not be used where required for bond. b) All the bricks shall be kept under water till they are completely soaked and used on the works on their becoming skin dry. c) Bricks shall be laid in full mortar beds with shoved joints. The joints shall not exceed 10mm in thickness and shall be full of mortar, close, well finished and neatly struck. d) The vertical joints in any course shall not be nearer than quarter of brick length from those in the course below. All joints shall be of same width except for small variations to maintain the bond. No portion of brickwork shall be raised more than 1 metre above another in a day. If the mortar in any course has begun to set, the joints shall be raked out before another course is laid. e) The topmost course of brickwork under a reinforced concrete beam shall be wedged against reinforced concrete surface and the joint well filled with mortar. f) The joints shall be flushed up thoroughly with mortar as the work proceeds. Where brickwork is to receive plaster, the joints shall be raked to a depth of 12mm to provide proper bond. The brickwork, as it progresses, shall be thoroughly watered on its faces and top. New work shall be properly bonded with the old work. Old surface of unfinished work shall be cleaned and thoroughly watered before joining new work to it. g) Any work in which the mortar perishes shall be dismantled and rebuilt by the Contractor at his own expense. Half brickwork walls shall be reinforced with 2 nos. 6mm dia mild steel bars, provided at every fourth course or as directed by the Engineer. The reinforcement shall be quite straight on the mortar. Half the mortar for the joint shall first be laid, the reinforcement placed, and then the other half laid, so that the reinforcement is fully embedded in the mortar. In case of 75mm thick brickwork, it shall be reinforced with 20 gauge galvanised wire of 12.5mm aperture size. The free ends of the reinforcement shall be keyed into the mortar joint of the main brickwork. h) The Contractor shall carry out work in as clean a manner as possible and shall remove ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 85 of 185 excess materials and mortar droppings and rubbish daily. Where brick walls and stone masonry are to receive plaster, the joints shall be cleaned of excess mortar and raked to a depth of 12mm and the surface shall be brushed clean. During cleaning operations, adjacent work shall be protected and any damage resulting from improper protection shall be made good by the Contractor at his own cost. 4.5.4 Curing: a) 4.5.5 All brickwork shall be kept wet for atleast 10 days after it is laid. Concrete block masonry: Various types of concrete block masonry, such as with solid blocks, hollow blocks and autoclaved aerated blocks, shall be carried out using material, testing procedures and workmanship specified in the relevant BIS codes. 4.5.6 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for brickwork are deemed to, include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, waterproofing compounds and reinforcement costs are paid for, under separate Items. 4.6. STONE MASONRY 4.6.1 Codes and Standaards IS: 1121 IS: 1124 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones Method of tests for determination of water absorption, apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones. Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural building stone for masonry work. Recommendations of dressing of natural building stones. IS:1127 IS: 1129 IS:1597 Code of practice for construction of stone masonry. IS:3696 4.6.2 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders. Materials: a) Cement mortar shall be as specified for brickwork. b) Water shall be clean and reasonably free from deleterious materials such as oils, acids, alcohol, salts and vegetable growth. c) Stone shall conform to IS: 1127. Rubble stone shall be strong, dense, compact, closegrained and uniform in texture and colour with reasonable facility of working. It shall be free from cracks, flaws, decay and sad holes and shall be taken from approved quarries. A fresh fracture of stone should be bright, clean and sharp without loose grains and free ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 86 of 185 from any dull earthy appearance. The stone shall be properly dressed after quarrying before they are put to use in the structure. 4.6.3 Workmanship: General requirements for construction shall conform to IS: 1597 (Part-I) and as specified herein. Stone masonry shall set out and built to the dimension, thickness and heights shown on the drawings, true to plumb, line and level. Dressing: a) The stones after being fully cleaned and wetted are to be set in the work as received from the quarry and without further dressing of any sort except that of knocking off weak corners and edges with the mason's hammer. All necessary chases for joggles, dowels and cramps shall be formed in the stones beforehand. Bond and laying: a) The stones shall be carefully laid, ensuring that vertical joints are staggered as far as possible, atleast by atleast 75mm and solidly bedded. No joint shall exceed 20mm in thickness. Chips of stones and spalls are to be wedged into the work, wherever necessary so as to avoid thick beds or joints of mortar. No dry work or hollow spaces shall be allowed in the masonry anywhere. b) All joints shall be full of mortar. The maximum thickness of joints shall be 20mm for random rubble and 10mm for square rubble. Raking the joints to expose the edges of all face stones for a depth of atleast 20mm shall be done at the time of building the masonry wherever separate sunk pointing is to be done. All surfaces shall be brushed clean to expose rock face after every day's work. c) Every stone whether large or small shall be set flush in mortar, smaller stones used in the filling being carefully selected to fit into interstices between the larger ones roughly. The outside and the inside faces of masonry in walls must be carried out in the same place as the faces of the preceding length. d) Chips and spalls of stones shall be used wherever necessary to avoid thick mortar beds or joints and it shall also be ensured that no hollow spaces are left in the masonry. The use of chips shall be restricted to the filling of interstices between adjacent stones in hearting and these shall not exceed 20 per cent of the quantity of stone masonry. Chips shall not be used below hearting stones to bring these up to the level of face stones. 4.6.4 a) Hearting stones: The hearting or interior filling of a wall face shall consist of rubble stones not less than 150mm in any direction and shall be carefully laid by hammering down with a wooden mallet into position and solidly bedded in the mortar. 4.6.5 a) Face stones: The face' stones shall be laid as far as possible without pinnings in front and they shall be selected from the mass of quarry stone for greater size, good beds and uniform in colour. They shall be laid so that they shall tail back and bond well into the work and shall not be of greater height than either the breadth or face or length of tail in the work. 4.6.6 Bond or header stones: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 87 of 185 a) Atleast two per square metre of front face area shall be through stones evenly distributed throughout the wall. The through stones shall fulfill all the conditions of the face stone except as regards their length which must be not less than the wall thickness for wall up to 600mm thickness and must run right through the wall. In thicker wall, a line of two or more through stones must be laid from face to back overlapping each other atleast 150mm. Through stones should not be in the same vertical plane in successive courses. For facility of checking, they shall be marked and the marks shall be capable of being easily rubbed out. Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement, 3 coarse sand, 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) may be used in bond stones, if approved by the Engineer. b) c) d) 4.6.7 a) Quoins ` The quoins or corner stones shall be selected stones neatly dressed with hammer and I or chisel to form the requited corner angle and laid header and stretcher alternatively. b) The bed and top surface of quoins shall be chisel dressed to give horizontal joints. The quoins shall have a uniform chisel draft of atleast 25mm width at four edges of each exposed face, all the edges of the same face being in one place. No quoin stone shall be smaller than 0.025 cu.m. (25 cubic decimetre) in volume and it shall also not be less than 300mm in length, 25% of them being not less than 500mm in length. At all angular junctions, the stones at each alternate course shall be well-bonded into the respective courses of the adjacent masonry. c) d) 4.6.8. Jamb stones a) The jambs shall be made with stones specified for quoins except that the stones provided on the jambs shall have their length equal to the thickness of the wall for walls up to 600mm and a line of headers shall be provided for walls thicker than 600mm as specified for bond. 4.6.9 Finishing: a) Where lime mortar is used, the exposed faces of work shall be cement flush pointed, unless otherwise specified. When cement mortar is used the joints may be flushed as the work proceeds. b) Where stone work is to receive plaster or to be pointed other than flush pointing, the joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 12mm to provide proper bond. c) Any work in which mortar perishes shall be dismantled and rebuilt by the Contractor at his own expense. Scaffolding: 4.6.10 a) The scaffolding shall be strong enough to withstand all loads likely to come on it. b) Single scaffolding having one set of vertical supports shall be used and one end of the horizontal scaffolding member shall rest in a hole provided in the masonry. The support shall be sound and strong tied together with horizontal pieces over which the scaffolding ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 88 of 185 planks / jallis shall be fixed. c) 4.6.11 a) b) Holes meant as resting space for horizontal members shall not be left in pillars less than one metre in width. All holes in the masonry shall be made good as the scaffolding is dismantled. Cleaning: The Contractor shall carry out work in as clean a manner as possible and shall remove excess material and mortar droppings and rubbish daily. Where stone walls are to receive plaster, the joints shall be cleaned of excess mortar and raked to a depth of 12mm and the surface shall be brushed clean. c) During cleaning operations, adjacent work shall be protected and any damage resulting from improper protection shall be made good by the Contractor at his own cost. 4.6.12 Curing shall be done for a period of seven days. 4.6.13 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated ii1 the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for stone masonry are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinely and documentation, apart from clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, waterproofing compounds, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 89 of 185 4.7 4.7.1 WOOD WORK & JOINERY Codes and standards: 4.7.2 Woodwork: IS:287 4.7.3 IS:303 IS:399 Recommendations for maximum permissible moisture content of timber used for different purposes. Specification for plywood for general purposes. Classification of commercial timber and their zonal distribution. IS:707 Glossary of terms applicable to timber technology & utilization. IS:883 Code of practice for design of structural timber in buildings. IS:1003 (All the parts) Timber panelled and glazed shutters. IS:1120 Coach screws. IS:1658 Specification for Fibre hardboards. IS:1659 IS:2191 IS:2202 IS:4021 Specification for Block boards. (All the parts) Wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type). (All the parts) Wooden flush door shutters (solid core type). Specification for Timber door, window and ventilator frame. Treatment of timber: The treatment shall be done after each individual piece forming a frame or a shutter has been worked upon and before they are joined to form the frame shutter. Wherever treated country wood is specified, the treatment shall be done either with pentachlorophenol (organic solvent type) or copper-chrome-boric composition (water soluble type). Pentachlorophenol shall be a fully chlorinated derivative of phenol. Copper-chrome-boric composition is to consist of boric acid, copper sulphate and sodium dichromate or potassium dichromate in the proportion of 1.5:3:4 respectively. The anhydrous solid preservatives shall contain atleast 95% of the above chemicals. The moisture content in the timber to be treated shall be reduced to a maximum of 25% by suitable means. Two coats of the chemical is to be applied by brushing, the second coat not to be applied until the first has dried. The timber members thus treated shall be allowed to dry for 4 to 5 weeks before incorporation in the works. 4.7.2 Woodwork in general: Unless otherwise specified, all woodwork shall be done with first class teakwood perfectly dry, well seasoned, uniform in colour, sound, straight, free from gap, crack, knots, shakes and other defects and any appearance of rot. Country wood wherever specified shall be locally available hardwood like Sal, Maddi and Kamba or its approved equivalent. a) All wood shall be well-seasoned, best quality, from approved places and shall be free from defects. b) All woodwork shall be neatly and truly finished to exact dimensions and details as per drawings without patching or plugging of any kind. Woodwork which would be ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 90 of 185 c) d) e) f) g) 4.7.5 a) b) c) exposed to view when the work is complete shall be accurately planed and smoothened by means of rough paper. Unless otherwise specified or directed, all joints shall be mortise and tenon joints with the ends of tenons exposed to view. Joints shall fit truly and full without fillings. Joints shall be painted with white or red lead, as approved, before frames are put together. Holes of correct sizes shall be drilled before inserting screws. Screws shall be dipped in suitable oil before being inserted in the woodwork. Heads of screws shall be sunk and puttied. Portions of woodwork built into or against masonry or concrete and all the faces of rafters, purlins, beams, wall plates or framework for dropped ceiling or wall panelling shall be treated with two coats of hot so lignum or creosote oil or other wood preservatives as approved by the Engineer and rate quoted for woodwork must include for this. Running members shall be in single lengths where possible. Joints, if any necessary shall be made in a first class manner and based on approval of the Engineer only. All the woodwork shall be of high standard of workmanship and shall have to be subject to the approval of the Engineer before these can be finally fixed in position. If desired by the Engineer, the exposed surfaces shall be retouched and finished up after the woodwork has been fixed in position. No primer shall be applied to the woodwork until and unless the woodwork is inspected and passed by the Engineer. The rate for woodwork shall include the cost of materials, all sawing, jointing, framing, smoothening, labour and materials for raising and fixing in position and all workmanship. It shall also include fixing and supply of all straps, bolts, nails, spikes, keys, wedges, pins, screws, glue, wood preservative treatment etc., necessary for the completed work in all respects unless measured separately. Joinery: I . The general specification shall conform to the specification for woodwork described above. Door, window and ventilator frames shall be of exact sizes and in strict accordance with the drawings. The frames are to be dovetailed tenonned joints and fixed to the masonry work or concrete work with mild steel holdfasts. The holdfasts shall be 40mmx3mmx400mm long, unless otherwise mentioned in the BOQ, fish-tailed at end and screwed to the frame in formed rebates with 3 nos. 50mm long countersunk woodscrews of approved quality. Unless otherwise stated, each door shall be provided with 3 nos. and each window with 2 nos. holdfasts on each extreme vertical member of the frame. The holdfasts shall be fixed only on the face of the frame which butts against the masonry or concrete work. The holdfasts shall be embedded in cement concrete block 300xl00xl50mm 1:3:6 (I cement,3 coarse sand, 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) or as specified in the BOQ and approved by the Engineer. Particular care shall be taken to see that the frames are fixed perfectly in plumb, line and level, and the junction of the frame and masonry or concrete faces packed fully with cement mortar I :3. In case of doors, the vertical members shall be either 25mm or 40mm. more in length depending on the thickness of the flooring concrete to enable the feet of the members to be embedded in the flooring concrete. Where plaster butts against the frame, 10mm deep rebate shall be given to serve as key to the plaster as shown in the drawings. All doors and window members shall be cut and framed together as soon as possible after commencement of work and stacked as directed to final season and to be edged and ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 91 of 185 d) a) c) d) e) a) b) c) glued prior to being hung. I All hinges shall be countersunk into the frame as well as the shutter, recess being of exact size. Screws, 38mm, shall be used for 100mm hinges and under. Screw-heads shall be of such diameter as to fit completely the holes and cups in the fittings which they secure. Hanging floor stopper or box type or wooden cleat of size 35x35x75mm shall be fixed to all the doors as indicated in the BOQ and shown in the drawings. Hooks and eyes of the sizes indicated in the schedule of fittings shall be provided to all windows. During the progress of the work, the frames shall be adequately protected from injury as directed by the Engineer. The rate shall include all labour and materials herein mentioned and is for the completed work unless otherwise specified in the BOQ. Panelled shutters: The materials and general workmanship shall conform to specification described earlier. b)The styles and rails shall be 35mm thick unless otherwise specified, moulded and mortised and glued together in a workman like manner. The styles and top, bottom, lock and frieze rails shall be moulded and of widths as per drawing. In wooden panelled shutters, unless otherwise shown in the drawing, panels shall be splayed and fielded on both sides and recesses of the frame receiving the panel finished with a mould. The thickness of the panels of the shutter, unless otherwise specified, shall be 19mm for 35mm shutters and 12mm for 25mm shutters. Panels shall be of one piece upto 300mm clear width for teak and no joint shall be allowed in the panel for such width of panels. In case where the clear width exceeds 300mm, the Contractor may be allowed by the Engineer to use minimum number of joints in the panels, provided that the joints are tongued arid grooved and glued together and filled fully and perfectly and finished with a high standard of workmanship. In particleboard panelled shutters, the particleboards shall be made of wood particles bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin as per IS:3087 / IS:3097. It shall be of 12mm thick veneered or unveneered finish as mentioned in the BOQ. The rate shall include all labour and materials, fittings, fixing in position etc., and is for the completed work. Factory made panelled doors wherever specified in the BOQ shall conform to the relevant IS quoted therein. Glazed shutters: Unless otherwise specified, the glazing shall be patent, flattened sheet glass of the best quality and of approved make. It shall be plain, pin-headed, frosted or wired glass as shown in the BOQ and shall be free from flaws, specks, bubbles or distortions. The thickness shall be 4mm and 5.5mm for window and door shutters, respectively, unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ. The thickness of wired glass shall be 6.4mm+004mm. The wire-mesh used in the wired glass shall be made of steel wire 0.46 to 0.56mm in diameter. The pattern of mesh shall be square or diamond with wires welded or hexagonal with wires twisted. The wire mesh shall be embedded completely in the glass sheet atleast I mm from the surface and shall not be exposed at any place. Wire mesh shall not contain more than 3 broken wires per square metre of the wired glass. The general specification for glazed shutters shall be similar to that for panelled shutters described above. Styles and rails in the glazed shutters shall be rebated to the size as shown in the drawings to receive the glass. Sash bars shall be of full thickness of the shutter and of width as shown in the drawing. These shall be moulded, rebated and ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 92 of 185 mitred on side to receive the glass as per drawing. Unless otherwise specified, glass panes shall be fixed by means of beads and suitable brass nails. The rate shall be for the completed work fitted and fixed in position. a) b) c) d) e) a) a) a) b) Flush door shutters: Unless otherwise specified, all flush doors shall be 35mm thick made width solid core (block board / particleboard) construction with a frame, well-balanced battens, faced with superior quality plywood and commercial or decorative matched teak veneered on both sides. The core stock shall be made from well-seasoned selected timber and treated with preservative chemicals. The particle boards shall be made of wood particles bonded with phenol formaldehyde resin as per IS:3087 / IS:3097. The plywood face and the teak veneer shall be glued into the solid core with water proof resinous glue under pressure and heat. Teak veneers shall be well selected, well matched for colour, figure and grains. The shutters shall be rebated in case of double leaf door. Where specified, flush doors shall be fitted with vision panels, rectangular or round, and louvres. The workmanship and overall finish shall be of very high standard and shall be to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. '. The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer's specifications to get the same approved by the Engineer before the flush doors are procured and fixed. The construction of the flush doors shall be such that no difficulty should arise in fixing mortise locks, hydraulic closers, floor springs etc. Ledged and braced shutters: Door shutters shall have battens secured to three ledges with two braces between the ledges. Battens shall have rebated joints. Each batten shall be fixed by means of 2 screws with each edge and brace. The width of battens shall not be less than 150mm or as shown in the drawings. Unless otherwise mentioned, the thickness of battens, ledge and brace shall be 19mm or as per drawings in case of 35m thick shutters. The width of the ledges and braces shall be as per drawing. Wire gauze shutters: These shall be similar to glazed shutters except that the glazing shall be replaced by galvanized MS wire gauze of IS gauze designation 85G with wire of diameter 0.56mm or as approved by the Engineer. In case of wooden joinery these shall be fixed in the rebates of rails and styles by means of suitable treated country wood / teakwood beading as per drawings, with suitable brass nails. All wire gauze panels shall be in one piece, no joints being allowed. Where specified, galvanized wire mesh / stainless steel mesh shall be of the above gauze. The rate shall be for the completed work. Cupboards: The cupboard shutters shall be of 19mm / 12mm thick particleboard bonded with phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin adhesive as indicated in the BOQ. Shelves shall be of required thickness as indicated in the BOQ with particle board bonded with Phenol Formaldehyde synthetic resin adhesive. Wooden handrails: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 93 of 185 a) b) c) d) I a) Wooden handrails wherever shown in drawings shall be of specially selected first class teakwood fixed to concrete or metal balustrade with concealed steel or metal lugs and bolts as per drawing. Wherever specified, approved treated country wood shall be used for handrails in place of teakwood. Joints shall be made with concealed screws and dowels. All bends, mitres, covers, moulds, etc., shall be strictly to proper profile and finely smoothened by sand paper. The hand rail shall be finished with wax polishing or French polishing or painting as per direction of d) Engineer. The rate shall include the cost of polishing / painting also and is for the completed work. Ferrocement doors: Ferrocement doors shall be made of 16G wire mesh with size 20x60mm diagonals and 3.25mm wide strands 1.6mm thick weighing not less than 3.633 kg/sq.m., embedded in rich cement mortar 1:3 (I cement and 3 fine sand) laid in two layers totalling to 12mm thick of required sizes and shapes. The shutters shall be fixed with hinges of approved quality and with bolts and nuts as per details. Builder's hardware: 4.7.6 Codes IS:204 Tower bolts. IS:205 Specification for non-ferrous metal butt hinges. IS:208 Specification for door handles. IS:281 Mild steel sliding door bolts aldrops for use with padlocks. IS:363 Specification for hasps and staples. IS:412 Expanded metal steel sheets for general purpose. IS:419 Putty for use on window frames. IS:451 Wood screws. IS:723 Steel countersunk head wire nails. IS:1823 Specification for floor door stoppers. IS:2209 Specification for mortise lock (vertical type). IS:2681 Specification for non-ferrous metal sliding door bolts (aldrops) for use with padlocks. IS:3 I 78 Hexagonal bolts and nuts. IS:3564 Specification for door closers (hydraulically regulated). IS:3847 Door handles for mortise night latches. IS:42 18 Commercial bolts and nuts. IS:6607 Specification for rebated mortise Iocks (vertical type). Builder's hardware shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards and shall be provided as shown in the drawings or as indicated in the BOQ. They shall be of the best quality and complete with all necessary screws, bolts, plugs and other fittings. The finish on all ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 94 of 185 the exposed faces of lever handles, plates and fittings shall be of silver anodized aluminium. Hardware fittings for doors, windows & ventilators: a) All mortise or rim locks, latches; cabinet and wardrobe locks, hydraulic door closers, floor springs, etc., shall be of approved make. The rate shall include for all necessary screws, other adjuncts, fixing in position and is for the completed work. The finish shall be as specified in the BOQ. b) Door, window and ventilator fittings shall be as per the BOQ. The rates for doors, windows and ventilators shutters shall include the cost of fixing the fittings, with necessary brass screws to the shutters and the frame. The cost of fittings only shall be separately paid. Fixing or ironmongery: a) Ironmongery shall be fixed solidly to all doors, cupboards and panels and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. b) Hinges shall be carefully housed or led into doors and frames. c) Ironmongery shall be carefully wrapped and protected until completion. d) The Contractor should allow for removing and re fixing of fitting during any painting operations. e) Metal sockets shall be provided to all tower, barrel and drop bolts where the shoots enter brick masonry, stone masonry or concrete. These shall be securely fixed flush with the surface into mortise and cemented. M011ise plates shall be used over holes in woodwork. f) On completion, all locks, catches and similar items of ironmongery shall be properly cleaned, tested and oiled. All keys shall be clearly labelled with metal or hardboard tags of approximate size 50mm x 20mm securely fixed to the keys and handed over to the Engineer. 4.7.7 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for woodwork and joinery works are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, finishing works, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. '. 4.8 STEEL & ALUMINIUM WORKS 4.8.1 Codes and standards: IS:412 Expanded metal steel sheets for general purposes. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 95 of 185 4.8.2 a) b) 4.8.3 a) IS: I 038 Steel doors, windows and ventilators. IS: 1361 Steel windows for industrial building. IS: 1977 Structural steel (Ordinary quality). IS:2062 Steel for general structural purposes. IS:2108 Blackheart malleable iron casting. IS:4351 Specification for steel door frames. IS:6248 Metal rolling shutters and rolling grills. Steel grills: The grills of windows, verandahs, balconies, etc. shall be of mild steel. The design of grills and shapes and sizes of various components shall be in accordance with the drawings. The edges, angles and co rners shall be clean and true to shape. The joints shall be interlocked and over-lapping and neatly spot-welded in such a way that the grill is rigid. Where moulded grills are specified, the moulded work shall be according to the drawings and shall have clear, straight and sharply defined profile. Steel gates: Steel gates shall be fabricated and fixed in position strictly as per design and drawing. All intersections or meeting of all members shall be welded and the workmanship shall be of high quality to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. After fixing in position, these shall be cleaned off dust, dirt, rust or scales and rubbed with emery paper. Two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of zinc chromate primer shall be applied. The rates for the gate shall include the cost of locking arrangements, hanging arrangements, jamming pintels with PCC I :3:6 with 20mm nominal size aggregate, etc. The rate is for the completed work in all respects. 4.8.4 Rolling shutters: Rolling shutters shall be of approved make and conforming to IS:6248, including necessary locking arrangement and handles etc., suitable for fixing in the position as specified i.e. outside or inside on or below lintel or between jambs of the opening. The door shall be either push-pull1:ype or operated with chain and crank device. Shutters upto 10 sq.m. shall be of push-pull type and shutters with an area of over 10 sq.m. shall generally be provided with reduction gear operated by mechanical device with chain or handle. Where bearings are specified for ease of operation, these shall be paid for separately. Shutters shall consist of MS laths 1.25mm thick and 80mm wide or as specified, machinerolled and straightened with an effective bridge depth of l6mm, interlocked together throughout their entire length, jointed together at the end with end locks and mounted on specially designed pipe shaft. Each lath section shall be a contiQuous single strip piece without any joint. The springs shall be preferably of coiled type, manufactured from high tensile spring steel wire or strip of adequate strength to balance the shutters in all positions. The spring pipe shaft, etc. shall be supported on strong mild steel brackets. a) b) ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 96 of 185 c) Guide Channels shall be of mild steel deep channel section and of rolled, pressed or built up (fabricated) construction. The thickness of the sheet used shall not be less than 3.l5mm. Minimum depths for guide channels shall be as follows: Clear width of shutters Depth of Guide Channel Upto 3.5m 60mm 3.5mm and above 75mm d) The gap between two legs of the guide channel shall be sufficient to permit free movement of curtain but close enough to prevent the rattling of the curtain due to wind. Each guide channel shall be provided with a minimum of three fixing cleats or supports for attachment to the walls or column by means of bolts or screws. The spacing of cleats shall not exceed O.75m. Alternatively, the guide channels may also be provided with suitable dowels, hooks or pins for embedding in the walls. The guide channels shall be attached to the jambs, plumb and true, either in the overlapping fashion, projecting fashion or embedded in grooves, depending on the method affixing. Top cover of shaft, spring etc. shall be of the same material as that of lath. Fixing brackets shall be fixed on the lintel or under the lintel as specified with rawl plugs, and screw bolts, etc. The shaft along with the spring shall then be fixed on the brackets. The lath portion (shutter) shall be laid on ground and the side guide channels shall be bound with it with ropes etc. The shutter shall then be placed in position and top fixed with pipe shaft with bolts and nuts. The side guide channels and the cover frame shall then be fixed to the walls through the plate welded to the guides. These plats and bracket shall be fixed by means of steel screw bolts, and rawl plugs drilled in the wall. The plates and screw bolts shall be concealed in plaster to make their location invisible. Fixing shall be done accurately in a workman like manner that the operation of the shutter is easy and smooth. Measurements: Clear width and clear height of the opening for rolling shutter shall be measured correct to a mm. The clear distance between the two jambs of the opening shall be clear width and clear distance between the sill and the soffit (bottom of lintel) of the opening shall be the clear height. The areas shall be calculated in square metres correct to two places of deci!11al. Rate: The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above il1cluding cost of top cover and spring except ball bearing and mechanical device of chain and crank operation, which shall be paid for separately. e) f) g) h) i) j) k) I) 4.8.5 a) b) Collapsible steel gates: The components of collapsible steel shutters shall be of mild steel and as per details given in the description of the item. Either steel pulleys or ball-bearings shall be provided in double channels. Wherever collapsible gate is not provided within the opening and is fixed along the outer surface, T-iron at the top may be replaced by flat iron 40x 10 mm. Special fittings like springs, catches and locks shall be provide where so specified in the description of the item. The shutters shall be obtained from the approved manufacturer. MS sliding shutters: 4.8.6 a) These shutters shall be fabricated of mild steel components as given in the description of the item. MS . sheet as specified shall be fixed to the frame with rivets or welds as approved by the Engineer. The shutters shall be provided with top and bottom guide ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 97 of 185 rails of angles or T -irons, as specified, and 25mm dia. Steel pulley or with 25mm dia. ball bearings at the bottom and guide block with steel pulleys at the top. The frame shall be riveted and / or welded and wherever riveting shall be done, 3.15mm gusset plates shall be provided at the junctions. 4.8.7 Aluminium joinery: Aluminium joinery comprises doors, windows, ventilators, partitions and the like fabricated from aluminium extruded sections, wood / cement-based boards, glass, wire meshes and the like, complete with all necessary accessories such as gaskets and fittings, such as handles, etc. Aluminium sections shall be approved make, anodised transparent or dyed as required. The materials and method of fabrication shall be as per applicable BIS Standards and as directed by the Engineer. a) b) c) The joinery shall be true to dimensions as shown in the drawings. Measurement and rate: Where indicated in the BOQ with area units, the breadth and the height of the finished work shall be measured in metres and cm and the net quantity for payment shall be calculated in sq.m. upto two places of decimal. Where the BOQ indicates weight units for the aluminium work, the net weight of the aluminium parts, excluding any wastages, is to be considered for measurement. The measurement for panelling and glazing shall be on area basis, in sq.m. upto two places of decimal, including the portions inserted into the aluminium sections. The rate shall include the cost of all operations described above including the cost of materials, labour, falfrication, erection, finishing and any scaffolding, but excluding the cost of floor springs and door closers. 4.8.8 Aluminium curtain wall and structural glazing systems: The Contractor shall design, test, fabricate, deliver, install and guarantee all construction necessary to provide the complete aluminium curtain wall and structural glazing systems as per specification and all relevant construction regulations including providing any measures that may be required to that end, notwithstanding any omissions or inadequacies of the drawings. The curtain wall and structural glazing systems shall be executed through subcontractor! specialist agency approved by the Engineer. The aluminium curtain wall and structural glazing systems shall comprise the following: a) b) c) Metal frames, glass glazing, spandrels, windows, ventilators, finish hardware, copings, metal closures, windows, etc., complete with anchors, attachments, reinforcement and steel reinforcing required for the system. Thermal insulation associated with the system. Fire protection associated with the system. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 98 of 185 d) e) f) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) a) Copings and closure and metal cladding and all sealing and flushing including sealing at junctions with other trades to achieve complete water tightness. Isolation of dissimilar metals and moving parts. Polyester powder coating to aluminium sections and anticorrosive treatment on all metal components. The Contractor shall also carry out the following: Engineering proposal, shop drawings, engineering data and structural calculations in connection with the design of the systems. Mock-ups, samples and test units and performance testing of the framing and glazing assembly. All final exterior and interior cleaning and finishing of the systems. As-built drawings and photographs, guarantees and warranties. All hoisting, scaffolding, staging and temporary services. Conceptualising and design of a suitable maintenance system for the systems, inclusive of all metal parts, glass and finish, etc. Any additions and extra provisions that will have to be made as per theoretical requirements or site conditions, during detailed design scrutiny and also during the actual execution of the work, at the contractor's own cost, no extra payment admissible under any circumstances. Design requirements: Curtain walls and structural glazing systems shall comply with all government codes and regulations, building bye-laws, if any. b) All components of the systems, including individual aluminium and glass components and all completed work shall be designed and erected to comply with the basic design and architectural requirements, the parameters to include size of windows, net glass area, ventilator, configuration of windows and spandrels to be retained. c) Alternatives, where found necessary, in the construction details of the building, provided that all basic functional and architectural requirements are fulfilled. d) Tolerances in the curtain walls and structural glazing systems when completed: Deviation from plumb, level or dimensioned angle not to exceed 3 mm per 3.5 m length of any member, or 6 mm ion any total run in any line. Deviation from theoretical position on plan or elevation, including deviation from plumb, level or dimensioned angle not to exceed 9 mm total at any location. Change in deviation not to exceed 3 mm for any 3.5 m run in any direction. e) f) Provision for expansion and contraction of components to avoid buckling, stress on glass, failure of joint sealants, undue stress on structural elements or other detrimental effects. Accommodation of thermal and building movements. g) Water tightness and structural stability of the whole system. i h) Metal quality, finishes and thickness. i) ii) iii) ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 99 of 185 i) Glass quality, coating and thickness and proposed manufacturer's brand names. j) Aluminium extruded sections including mullions and transoms together with structural calculations and proposed manufacturers' brand name and also the name of agency proposed for fabrication work. k) Arrangement and jointing of components. l) Field connections especially mullion to mullion and transoms to mullion. m) Fixing and anchorage system of typical wall unit together with structural calculations. n) Drainage system and provision in respect of water leakage in the curtain wall system. o) Provisions for thermal movements. p) Sealant and sealing methods. q) Glazing Method. r) Wind load and seismic load and any other specific load considered in the design. s) Design concept over lightning protection link-up system for connection and incorporation into the lightning conductor system of the building of the Owner. t) The maximum permissible structural tolerances of the building that the systems have been designed to accommodate in case these tolerances exceed those specified in the specification. Specification for materials: a) Framing system: Aluminium anodized extruded sections, including brackets, mullions, transomes, etc., of approved make. b) Sealant: As specified in the item or silicon sealant. c) Insulation: Glass wool, 50mm thick and of minimum density 48 kg/cu.m. sandwiched with black polythene sheet 100 micron on one side and aluminium foil of 100 micron on the other side or as specified by manufacturer at spandrel area. The surface after fixing insulation shall be plain without any distortion. d) Glazing: Sheet glass, frosted sheet glass, heat reflective toughened glass of any shade approved by the client/Engineer-in-charge/ Architect. e) Aluminium anodized extruded glazing beads or snap beading to be used should also be the product from the manufacturer of aluminium extruded sections used for fabricating the doors windows, etc., No beading manufactured by local units shall be permitted to be used. f) Adhesives for bonding shall conform to IS:848 ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 100 of 185 g) a) b) c) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Panelling, including aluminium alloy sheet panelling conforming to the requirements of IS:737. Samples: The contractor shall submit samples of the various items that would be incorporated in the works and proceed with procurement only based on Engineer's approval to the same. Samples of aluminium extruded sections, mullion and transome sections shall be in lengths of 300mm with the same finish and workmanship as are intended to be achieved. Samples of glass shall be in 300mmx300mm size and shall include exposed screws and other exposed securing devices, if any. Fabrication and erection: Frames shall be square and flat, both the fixed and openable frames being constructed of sections which have been cut to length, mitred and mechanically jointed at the corners. Sub-dividing bar of units shall be tenoned and riveted into frame. All frames shall have comers welded to true right angles. For jointing hollow sections flash butt welding, argon arc welding or mechanical jointing by inserts shall be used. Gas welding or brazing shall not be done. Concealed screws shall be used for joining the subunits. The grid for the systems shall be fabricated carefully with aluminium extruded sections like mullions and transom in exactly the same pattern as per the final drawings with amendments if any received from the laboratory after conducting the mock-up unit test. The sizes of different members of the systems shall be exactly as adopted for the mockup unit tests and the grid shall be fixed to the building member as shown in the drawing, received after conducting the mock-up unit test. The required size of panels keeping sufficient margin to be inserted inside the section shall be cut to correct size and fixed firmly in the frame with CP brass or aluminium screws. Any gap between the frame and support and the frame itself is sealed with silicon sealant. Finish grid frame shall be either anodized, organic coating, backed enamel finish or as specified in the item of work, no visual variation in anodizing / colour being accepted. The systems shall not get deformed or damaged during erection. They shall be protected from direct contact with wet or intermittent wet cement concrete, mortar, etc. Performance testing shall be carried out well ahead of the date for commencement of actual work at site. Mock-up units shall be constructed by the contractor and tested to determine the structural stability as well as air and water infiltration or leakage at glazing beads and all other joints designed into the face of the building. i) After the approval of structural calculations and the drawing for construction of the systems, one test unit for performance testing shall be constructed by the contractor at an independent laboratory or at a laboratory approved by the Engineer. ii) Mock -up shall be installed under manufacturer's/ fabricator's direct supervision and workmen deployed as they would be during the actual erection at the job site. iii) The contractor shall submit to the Engineer the test procedures to be adopted, test ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 101 of 185 schedule and location for testing before the work of actual testing is taken up. iv) Prior to the fabrication of test units, the contractor shall submit shop drawings and design calculations of the test unit for the approval of the Engineer. v) The contractor shall not start the work of erection of the systems on site till the approval for the successful completion of the mock up test and clear instructions in writing to start the work is received from the Engineer. vi) The decision of the Engineer in respect of the procedure to be adopted, in conducting the mock-up test and the judgment over the net results, shall be final and binding on the contractor. b) Test of wind pressure: j) The equivalent load of wind pressure or wind suction shall be given to the test unit by increasing or decreasing the inside pressure in the "pressure chamber" at which the test unit is fixed. ii) The static wind pressure shall be applied upto 1.5kpa at maximum wind pressure. iii) The variation of dynamic pressure shall be of any approximate sine curve line. v) Deflection on each observational points of the test unit shall be observed and recorded under static pressure as described above. v) vi) c) Any damage and harmful permanent deformation on any parts except sealing materials shall not be found at maximum wind pressure. he deflection on the main structural parts in this condition shall not exceed 1/175 of the span between supports or 20 mm, whichever is less for vertical elements and 1/250 of the span between supports for horizontal elements. The extent of recovery of deformation, IS minutes after the removal of the test load, is to be atleast 95%. Test of lateral deflection per floor height: i) For static deflection test deflection of every ±2.5 mm shall be increased upto ±13 mm. ii) The dynamic deflection shall be applied upto ± 13 mm. The variation of dynamic deflection shall be of an approximate sine curve line, one period of 3 seconds. vi) The dimensions of the deflection on each observational point of the test unit shall be measured under the conditions as described above and the damage shall be observed. vii) Any damage and harmful permanent deformation shall not be found in any parts of the system except the damage to sealant at maximum deflection. d) i) Water-tightness test: Water shall be sprinkled to the test unit under wind pressure. Pressure shall not be applied to the test unit. The volume of the sprinkling water in one minute shall be 5 litres ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 102 of 185 per sq.m. minimum. ii) All water leakage and drainage system at the joint and the openable sash of the curtain wall system shall be observed from the outside of the chamber. e) Sequence of tests: The above tests shall be conducted two times, in the following sequence: i) Install :the test unit. ii) Conduct first water-tightness test. iii) Conduct test of wind pressure as described above. iv) Conduct second water-tightness test. v) Conduct lateral deflection test. f) . Water leakage shall not be observed inside at all parts of the test unit during first watertightness test. g) Test report: The contractor shall submit five copies of test report to the Engineer. Cost of samples and performance tests: All costs towards the samples, performance testing and fabrication, erection, corrections to and demolition of the test units including any special provision required in the testing laboratory are to be at the Contractor's own cost. i) The contractor shall allow for and carryout, at no extra cost, amendments and adjustments to the mockup unit as instructed and required by the Engineer. ii) Where the mock-up test unit falls to pass the initial testing, the contractor shall make the necessary corrections to the test unit and shall get the test unit retested by the testing laboratory until it passes the test, all at his own cost. Record of tests and drawings: a) The testing laboratory shall keep the approved copy of the shop drawing and calculations of the test unit at testing laboratory during testing of test unit. b) The testing laboratory shall accurately and nearly record on the above mentioned shop drawings all changes, revisions, modifications, made to test unit, which shall become the record drawing. c) On completion of testing and after approval of the test reports the testing laboratory shall submit the final record drawings to the clients/engineer-in-charge/architects. a) Measurement and rate: The breadth and the height of the finished work including the openable windows shall be measured in metres and cm and the net quantity for payment shall be calculated in sq.m. upto two places of decimal. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 103 of 185 b) The area to be considered for measurement shall be the net area of the exterior face of the curtain wall as fixed including the openable windows if any as part of the curtain wall. c) The rate shall include the cost of all operations described above including the cost of materials, labour, design shop drawings, erection and testing, mock-up test units, fabrication, erection, finishing, scaffolding, undertaking performance guarantee. No other claims of any kind pertaining to this work shall be entertained. 4.8,8.14 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for steel and aluminium works are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, finishing works, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 104 of 185 4.9 WATER – PROOFING & DAMP – PROOFING 4.9.1 Code and Standards: IS:73 Paving bitumen. IS:702 Industrial bitumen. IS:3067 Code of practice for general design details and preparatorywork for damp proofing, and water proofing of buildings Bitumen primer for use in water-proofing and damp proofing. IS:3384 4.9.2 a) b) c) Materials: Bitumen primer shall conform to requirements ofIS:3384. Binding material shall consist of blown-type bitumen conforming to IS:702 or residual bitumen conforming to IS:73 or a mixture thereof. Cement shall conform to IS:269 or IS:455. Aggregates shall conform to IS:383. Fine aggregates shall be approved river or pit sand. Coarse aggregates shall be stone chips of size not exceeding 6mm. Damp-proof course: 4.9.3 49.3.1 4.9.4. The proportion of cement and aggregate and thickness of damp-proof course shall be as shown on the drawings or as indicated in the BOQ. The brick or stone masonry shall be levelled, flushed up and prepared as directed to receive the damp proof course. Damp-proof course shall be provided at positions as shown on the drawings. It shall be laid for the full width of the wall. The top surface shall be kept rough or ribbed, for proper adhesion of masonry coming over it. All exposed surface of the damp-proof course shall be finished fair and smooth. After the surface partially sets, hot bitumen shall be applied at the rate of 1.7 kg/sq.m. and dry sand sprea1 over it. Lime concrete terracing: Codes and standards: IS:712 Specification for building limes. IS:1344 Specification for calcined clay pozzolana. IS:1635 Code of practice for field slaking of building and preparation of putty. IS:2250 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars. IS:2541 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime concrete. IS:3036 Code of practice for laying lime concrete for a water proofed roof finish. IS:3068 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) coarse aggregate for use in lime concrete. a) Material Lime: As far as possible, class C lime (fat lime) conforming to IS:712 shall be used. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 105 of 185 b) c) Quicklime shall be slaked in accordance with IS:1635. Surkhi shall conform to the latest IS:1344. Aggregate shall be from well-burnt bricks and shall be graded having a maximum size of 25mm and shall generally conform to IS:3068. Water used for making concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of deleterious materials. Preferably, potable water shall be used. Preparation of lime concrete: a) One part of. slaked lime and two parts of Surkhi by volume shall be mixed on a watertight platform. This shall then be sprinkled with the required quantity of water and shall be well ground in a mill or using mechanical grinders. b) The lime concrete shall be obtained by thoroughly mixing the aggregate and lime Surkhi mortar in the proportions of 2.5: 1 parts by volume. Burnt-brick aggregate shall be soaked thoroughly in water for a period not less than six hours before use in the concrete mix, 12 kg bar soap and 4 kg alum dissolved in water shall be added to each cubic metre of lime concrete. Detergent soap shall not be used. The lime concrete shall be used in the work within 36 hours of the preparation of lime surkhi mortar. c) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Laying: The roof surface shall be wire brushed and cleaned of all dust and foreign matter. Where indicated, a coat of hot bitumen 80 / 100 shall be evenly applied at the rate mentioned in the BOQ mentioned. The average thickness of lime concrete shall be 100mm. The slope required for drainage shall be given in the lime concrete layer. After the lime concrete is laid, it shall be initially rammed with a rammer weighing not more than 2 kg and the finish brought to the required evenness and slope. During this preliminary ramming, the surface shall be tested and kept perfectly true and even by means of a trowel, straight edge and spirit level. The concrete shall then be further consolidated by two rows of labourers sitting close and beating the concrete lightly and in rhythm with wooden thappies across the entire width of the roof and thus slowly traversing the length of the roof. The wooden thappies should weigh from 1 to 2 kg. The beating shall be carried on for three to four days until the thappi makes no impression on the surface and rebounds readily from it when struck. If the surface during the process of compaction becomes so uneven that water lodges in pools, the surface shall be pricked up and fresh lime concrete spread and consolidated as is necessary so as to ensure that proper slopes and levels are being maintained. Special care shall be taken to properly consolidate the concrete at its junction with the parapet wall. During compaction by hand beating, the surface shall be sprinkled liberally with lime water and small portion of sugar / kadukkai solution. The sugar solution shall be prepared by mixing around 3 kgjaggery and 1.5 kg bael fruit to 100 litres of water. The kadukkai solution shall be prepared with 600 grams of kadukkai (terminalia chebula), 200 grams of jaggery and 40 litres of water for each 10 sq.m. work. This solution shall be brewed for 12 to 24 hours. The resulting liquor shall be decanted and used for the work. As soon as the beating is completed, the mortar that has come on top shall be ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 106 of 185 smoothened with a trowel or float, if necessary, with the addition of sugar solution. All along the junction of the roof surface with the masonry of the parapet wall, a strip of lime concrete shall be laid and finished smooth, to the required batter. i) Curing shall be for six days after compaction or until it hardens, by covering it with a thin layer of grass or straw which shall be kept continuously wet. The terracing shall afterwards be covered with pressed clay tiles of approved quality, grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3 fine sand) mixed with crude oil at 5% of the weight of the cement, over a 12mm layer of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3 fine sand) and finished neat. Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for waterproofing and damp proofing works are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from preparing the surfaces and clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, priming works, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. 4.10 FLOORING & FACING WORK 4.10.1 GENERAL The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation of the surface to be paved or faced to the satisfaction of the Engineer with particular reference to the levels in subfloor, etc. which are laid unevenly, plus or minus of the level given must be rectified by him in order that paving above may be laid to the requisite thickness. a) Proper floor drainage slopes, dishing of floors particularly in bath rooms, WC, etc., cornering at internal angles and also nosing at plinth, steps. or window sills, cutting to line and fair finish to top edge of skirtings and dados shall be achieved as directed by the Engineer, no extras being paid for the same. b) The surface to be covered shall be picked and hatched, brushed, thoroughly cleaned of dust and other foreign matters and well watered before the paving is laid. The thickness mentioned shall be finished and minimum thickness only. 4.10.2 Codes and standards: IS:1237 Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles. IS:1443 Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles. IS:2114 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish. IS:2571 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring. IS:4457 Specification for ceramic unglazed vitreous acid-resisting tiles. IS:4832 (All the parts) Specification for chemical resistant mortars. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 107 of 185 IS:54!: Code of practice for laying in-situ granolithic concrete flooring topping. IS:9197 Specification for epoxy resin hardners and epoxy resin compositions for floor topping. IS:13630 (All the parts) Methods of test for ceramic tiles. IS:13711 Sampling and basis of acceptance for ceramic tiles. IS: 13753/4 (All the parts) Specification for dust pressed ceramic tiles. Cement concrete flooring: 4.10.3 Preparation of sub-base: a) The ground or earth filling shall be thoroughly compacted so that there are no loose pockets left anywhere in the whole area. b) This shall then be covered with clean sand well consolidated to a thickness indicated in the drawing. c) Great care is necessary in the preparation of the sub-base, as a settlement in the sub-base may cause the failure of the whole floor. Laying the base concrete: a) The base concrete may be deposited in the whole area at a stretch. Before placing the concrete, the sub-base shall be properly wetted and rammed. b) The concrete shall then be deposited between the forms, where necessary, thoroughly tamped and the surface finished level with the top edges of the forms. c) The surface of base concrete shall be left rough to provide adequate bond for the topping. Two or three hours after the concrete has been laid in position, the surface shall be brushed with a hard brush to remove any scum or laitance and swept clean so that the coarse aggregate is exposed. d) When the topping is to be laid separately but directly over the structural slab without any cushioning layer, the structural concrete, three to four hours after its laying in the forms, shall be thoroughly brushed with a coir or steel wire brush to remove any scum or laitance and swept clean to expose the coarse aggregate and leave the surface rough. e) Before the operation of laying the topping is started, the surface of structural slab shall be thoroughly cleaned of the dirt, loose particles, cake mortar droppings and laitance, if any, by scrubbing with coir and steel wire brush. Where the concrete has hardened so much that roughening of surface by wire is not possible, the entire surface shall be roughened by chipping / hacking. Laying the topping: a) b) c) d) Before the operation for laying the topping is started, the surface of base concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, loose particles, caked mortar droppings and laitance, if any, by scrubbing with coir or steel wire brush. Where the concrete has hardened so much that roughening of surface by wire brush is not possible, the entire surface shall be roughened by chipping or hacking. Before laying the topping, the surface shall be soaked with water, atleast for twelve hours and surplus water shall be removed by mopping immediately before the topping is laid in position. Floor finish shall be divided into panels of size not exceeding 4 sq.m., by fixing the screed ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 108 of 185 e) f) g) strips over the base concrete. The screed strips shall be so arranged that the joints, if any, in the base concrete shall coincide with the joints in the topping. Before placing the concrete mix for topping, neat cement slurry shall be thoroughly brushed into the prepared surface of the base concrete just ahead the finish. The topping shall then be laid very thoroughly tamped, struck off level and the surface floated with a wooden float. The surface shall be tested with the straight-edge and mason's spirit-level to detect any inequalities in the surface which, if any, shall be made good immediately. The topping shall be laid in alternate panels, the intermediate panels. The screed strips should be removed the next day after the concrete has been deposited in the panels. The edges of panels shall be examined for any honeycombing or undulation which, if found, shall be repaired straight and smooth by cement mortar / slurry. When the concrete is being compacted in new panels, care shall be taken to avoid damage to the panels already laid. If glass or aluminium strips are provided for effective separation of panels, the topping may be laid in all the panels simultaneously. Finishing the surface: a) b) c) d) After the concrete has been fully compacted, it shall be finished by trowelling or floating. Finishing operations shall start shortly after the compaction of the concrete and shall be spread over the period of one to six hours depending upon the temperature and atmospheric conditions. The surface shall be left for some time till moisture disappears from it. Use of dry cement or cement and sand mixtures sprinkled on the surface to stiffen the concrete or absorb excessive moisture shall not be permitted. Fresh quantity of cement, at 2.2 kg per sq.m. of flooring, shall be mixed with water to form a thick slurry and spread over the surface while the concrete is still green. The cement slurry shall then be properly pressed twice by means of iron floats, once, when the slurry is applied and the second time when cement starts setting, and finished floated smooth. Floor finish over ramps, stairs and other similar locations shall be finished in chequered pattern to make them non-slip. Curing: a) Immediately, after the flooring surface is finished, it shall be protected from rapid drying by erecting barriers against wind or drought and strong sunlight. As soon as the surface has hardened sufficiently to prevent damage to it, it shall be kept continuously moist for atleast fifteen days by means of wet gunny bags, 50mm thick layers of damp sand spread over the surface or pooling water on the surface. During this period, the flooring shall not be exposed to any traffic. Regular traffic on the floor should be allowed only after 28 days. 4.10.4 Terrazzo flooring and facing: The terrazzo work shall be done by an approved firn of specialists. Marble chips used for facing coat of terrazzo work shall be best quality and of uniform tint and colour and shall be approved by the Engineer before using in the work. All terrazzo work shall be machinepolished on completion followed by a final wax polish of approved quality. Terrazzo work shall be done either cast-in-situ or with pre-cast tiles to a thickness as specified in the BOQ. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 109 of 185 The rate for terrazzo work shall include any coving of internal angles, nosing at plinth, steps and sills, set backs, mitres, flashing as per direction of the Engineer. 4.10.5 Cast-in-situ flooring: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) The base shall be 1 :2:4 cement concrete (1cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 stone chips 12.5mm and below, graded) and shall be laid in the same manner as that for cement concrete flooring. Unless otherwise specified, the thickness of base shall be 34mm for 40mm terrazzo flooring and 19mm for 25mm terrazzo flooring, laid with proper slopes. The surface shall be levelled with straight edge and steel trowel, but shall be left rough to receive the topping with sufficient grip. The topping shall be 6mm finished thickness in all cases and shall be laid over the base when the latter is still green. While laying topping, adequate allowance shall be given over the finished thickness stated above for cutting down for polishing. The topping shall be with mixed marble chips, the colour and the proportion of which shall be approved by the Engineer and mixed with either grey, white or any coloured cement, also to be approved by the Engineer. When coloured cement is not available, the pigment, the shade, proportion, etc., shall also be got approved by the Engineer before use. Experimental blocks shall be provided by the Contractor at his own cost to arrive at the right proportion for the right shade and texture desired. The proportion of cement and marble powder shall be 3 parts of cement and 1 part of marble powder by weight. 4 parts of cement marble powder mix shall be mixed with 7 parts of marble chips by volume. Cast-in-situ terrazzo work shall be carried out in sections not exceeding around 2 sq.m. in the case of floors. The sections shall be separated by means of glass strips 3mm thick which shall penetrate through the full thickness of the surfacing including the base. Curing shall be done atleast 14 days by keeping the floor marble under water. After proper hardening, the top surface shall be polished evenly and smoothly by means of machine-polisher so as to ensure the even exposure of all marble chips. The polishing shall be of high standard and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. Carborandum stones of coarse, medium and fine grades and pumice stone shall be used for polishing. For surfaces where machine-polishing is not possible, the polishing shall be done by skilled hands. The surface shall be finally wax-polished with floor polish such as 'Mansions' or similar approved polish. Terrazzo cast-in-situ facing, skirting and dado: The work shall be carried out in the same manner as that for terrazzo cast-in-situ floors except that the base shall consist of 1:3 cement mortar (1 cement, 3 medium sand) of 12mm thickness and as specified. The topping shall be 6mm thick finished and shall be laid when the backing plaster is still green. Special care shall be taken to see that the .surfaces are properly cured. 10.4.5 Pre-cast terrazzo work: 4.10.6 Precast terrazzo work: a) b) Unless otherwise mentioned pre-cast terrazzo tiles shall be 20mm thick and of standard sizes as decided by the Engineer. The underside of the tiles shall be kept round for bond with underbed and shall have suitable frogs. Pre-cast terrazzo tiles shall invariably be machine-made and machine-polished and shall be manufactured under a hydraulic test pressure of 140 kg/sq.m. as per IS:1237 in an approved workshop fitted with necessary hydraulic upto date plants and equipments. The edges of the tiles shall be m perfect line and square. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 110 of 185 c) The tiles shall be laid on 20mm mortar bed in cement mortar 1:3 (l cement, 3 coarse sand) or lime mortar 1: 1:2 (1 lime putty, 1 surkhi, 2 coarse sand) as specified in the BOQ and finally laid with sprinkling of cement (half a bag to every 10 sq.m.). After laying, the joints shall be well filled in with cement mixed with pigment to match the tiles. The Joints shall not be more than 1.5mm thick m any case. After the tiles have properly set, the surface shall be machine-polished to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. The surface shall be finally wax-polished with 'Mansion' or similar approved floor polish. The ingredients with proportion for the pre-cast terrazzo tiles shall be same as that for castin-situ terrazzo tiles. The topping of terrazzo tiles shall be 6mm (finished thickness) thick in all cases. Tiles for facing, dado and skirtin'g work in-situ be laid on 1:3 cement mortar (1 cement, 3 coarse sand) backing. The rates quoted for all terrazzo work in-situ or with tiles to include the cost of base concrete, mortar bed or backing plaster as mentioned above and are for the complete work. d) e) f) g) 4.10.7 Natural stone flooring: Unless otherwise mentioned, Cuddappah / Kota / Shahabad / marble / granite stones shall be 20 to 25mm thick and of standard sizes or sizes indicated in the drawings / BOQ and as decided by the Engineer. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) The stone slabs shall be machine-cut and machine-polished to size, except in the case of certain Cuddappah where chisel-cutting is permitted. The slabs shall be of approved quality and of specified thickness and sizes, with straight edges and even surface, free from cracks and flakes and of uniform colour. Slabs meant for each individual area shall be perfectly uniform in shade and pattern. The base concrete or RCC slab on which the flooring is to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted and mopped. The bed for the flooring shall be cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement, 4 coarse sand) or lime mortar 1: 1: 1 (I lime putty: 1surkhi: 1 coarse sand) as specified in the BOQ. In case of certain marbles, only white cement shall be used for the bed mortar. The bed thickness shall be 20mm, or as specified in the BOQ. Required slopes in the flooring are to be achieved considering this as the average thickness. Thickness of the mortar at any point shall however be not be less than 12mm. The bed shall be laid as above, spreading it carefully, avoiding voids. The required fluidity in the mortar shall be achieved by adjusting the water content of the mortar while mixing only, and not by adding water while laying it. The stone slab shall be placed in position and tapped with wooden mallet and brought to required level and slope, considering the already laid adjoining slabs. It shall then be lifted and laid aside. The top surface of the mortar bed shall then be corrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows, and allowed to harden a bit. Cement slurry of honeylike consistency shall then be spread over the bed, using 4.4 kg cement per sq.m. The edges of the adjoining slabs already laid shall be buttered with grey / white cement, as required, with or without an admixture of pigment to match with the shade of the stone. The previously set aside slab shall then be gently lowered and placed in position with as fine a joint as possible and tapped home to the correct level and slope with wooden mallet. Any surplus cement or mortar on the face of the slab shall be cleaned off. The flooring shall be cured for a minimum period of seven days. The polishing shall be done in steps, varying the coarseness of the grinding stones and ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 111 of 185 ensuring atleast 1 to 2mm water layer. Granites and certain Cuddappahs shall not be subjected to grinding, in which case finishing shall be as directed by the Engineer. k) l) m) Where specified, the polished floor shall be subjected to further finishing using wax / tin-oxide. Slabs that are laid in the floor shall enter atleast 12mm under the skirting / dado. The placement of slabs shall be done carefully, matching the grain / veins / streaks and alignment of joints to the required patterns. Natural stone skirting / dado: a) The general procedures for laying and finishing skirtings and dadoes shall be as in the case of flooring, except that the thickness of the slabs and thickness and mix of mortar backing shall be as per drawings and BOQ. b) Where specified, speciality adhesives shall be used, in lieu of mortar backing. c) Coving of internal angles, nosing at plinth, steps and sills, setbacks, mitres, flashing shall be as per directions of the Engineer, these being covered in the rate. 4.10.8 a) 4.10.9 Glazed tiles work: The tiles shall be of approved make and 5mm minimum thickness with straight edges, true and even and of approved colour and the surface free from warping. These shall be laid truly vertical for walls or to slope on floors as directed. In the case 'of flooring, the tiles shall be laid on a bedding of 20mm thick lime mortar (1 lime, 3 surkhi) with sprinkling of cement (half a bag per 10 sq.m.) and in the case of skirting risers of steps or dado, these shall be laid on 12mm thick cement mortar (1 cement and 3 coarse sand). The joints shall be invisible and filled in with non-staining white cement. Manufactured tile flooring / skirting / dado: a) Manufactured tiles shall of approved brand and make, conforming to the relevant BIS code. The types include ceramic glazed / unglazed / vitreous / porcelain, white or of required shade, with / without designed veins / streaks. b) The pattern of laying and the sizes of tiles shall be as per drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Thickness of tiles shall be as specified in the BOQ. c) Laying shall in general be as per manufacturer's guidelines, using cement mortar or speciality adhesives. d) All junctions shall be provided with angles wherever required, the cost thereof deemed covered under the rates for flooring / skirting / dado. 4.10.10 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for flooring and facing works are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 112 of 185 curing, transportation, labour, supervision tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from clearing waste and debris out of the kite. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, waterproofing compounds, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 113 of 185 4.11 PLASTERING, POINTING & SURFACE TREATMENTS 4.11.1 Codes and Standards: 1S:712 Specification for building limes. 1S:1542 Sand for plaster. 1S:1661 Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime plaster finishes. 1S:2250 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortar in buildings. Mortar proportion: 4.11.2 a) Unless otherwise specified, cement plaster shall be composed of I part of cement and 6 parts of sand. The composition for ceiling plaster shall be of 1 part of cement and 3 parts of sand. The proportion of cement mortar for pointing shall be one part of cement and four parts of sand (I :4) or as shown in the drawings in volumetric measure. b) Thickness of plaster: 4.11.3 a) The thickness of plaster shall be as shown in drawings, specified in the BOQ and as directed by the Engineer. Cleaning of joints: 4.11.4 a) All the joints must be raked, cleaned and well wetted as directed by the Engineer before pointing / plastering, at the Contractor's own cost. 4.11.5 Type of pointing: a) The pointing shall be sunk pointing or flush pointing as indicated in the drawings / BOQ and as directed by the Engineer. 4.11.6 Workmanship: 4.11.7 Pointing: For sunk pointing, the mortar shall be applied firmly to raked out and well-wetted joints with a trowel and pressed well home. It shall not spread on the face of rubble / brickwork but shall be strictly restricted to the width of the joint. All superfluous mortar shall be properly removed with a trowel. When pointing is air dry, it shall be rubbed smooth with the trowel and pointing tool. The pointing line shall be regular and uniform in breadth and depth. No false joints shall be made. The size of the finished sunk pointing shall be indicated in the drawing and / or the BOQ and the edges of all face stone / bricks shall be clearly exposed. For flush pointing, the mortar shall be pressed into the joints and shall be finished flush and levelled. The edges shall be neatly trimmed and made straight. All surplus mortar shall be properly removed. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 114 of 185 4.11.8 Plastering: Proportion: a) Unless otherwise specified, all plaster work shall be carried out according to IS: 1661. The thickness and proportion of cement plaster shall be as shown in the drawing and indicated in the BOQ. Workmanship: The surface to be plastered shall be cleaned of all extraneous matter and rubbish. In brickwork the joints shall be raked and in case of concrete the surface roughened by chipping or hacking. Any shuttering material adhering to the concrete shall be removed. The surface shall be thoroughly watered and soaked, aerated and all putlog holes shall be closed before starting plastering operation. Plaster pads of required thickness of plaster for correctness of plumb, line and level shall be established before starting plaster work. For single coat plaster work, the plaster shall be laid slightly thicker than the specified thickness and the surface then levelled with a wooden rule to the required thickness. The plaster shall be well pressed into the joints and the surface finished as specified. Single coat plaster shall be followed to a maximum thickness upto 15mm. Where two coat plaster work is specified, the backing coat shall be applied as described above except that the surface shall be left rough and keys formed for the application of second coat. The finishing coat shall be applied a day or two after the backing coat has set, but the backing coat shall not be allowed to dry. The second coat shall be laid on with a wooden rule to a specified thickness, rubbed smooth and levelled and the surface plastered completely on the same day. The levelling shall be continued fill the plaster cannot be wiped off with fine cloth. The surface shall be kept dry until exudation of moisture ceases, during the process of rubbing. In case of 20mm thick plaster, backing coat and finishing coat shall be of 12mm and 8mm thickness respectively. Rough cast plastering: The surface shall be cleaned of all dust and dirt and the brickwork / stone masonry thoroughly watered. The backing coat shall be 12mm thick of cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement, 4 coarse sand) and keys shall be formed on the surface. After curing this coat sufficiently, the finishing coat 10mm thick consisting of either grey or white cement of cement mixed with pigments for required colour and fine sand to required gradation (1 :3) mixed with 10% finely ground hydrated lime by volume of cement shall be applied and then while green, dashed with a mixture of sand and crushed stone of 2.36mm to 12.5mm size. 4,11.9 Coverage of rates: 4,11.9.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for plastering, pointing and surface treatment works are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 115 of 185 plant, machinery and documentation, apart from forming bands and grooves and clearing waste and debris out of the site. 4,11.9.2 Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, waterproofing compounds, bands and grooves, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 116 of 185 4.12 FINISHING WORKS 4.12.1 Codes and Standards: IS:102 Ready mixed paint, brushing, red lead, non setting priming. IS:106 Ready mixed paint, brushing, priming for enamels for use on wood. IS:123 Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing semigloss, for general purposes. IS:337 Varnish, finishing, interior. IS:347 Varnish, Shellac for general purposes. IS:348 French polish. IS:349 Lacquer, cellulose nitrate, clear, finishing, glossy for metal. IS:427 Distemper, dry, colour as required. IS:428 Oil bound washable distemper, oil emulsion, colour as required. IS:524 Varnish, finishing, exterior synthetic air drying natural resin. IS:525 Varnish, finishing, exterior and general purposes. IS:1477 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings. IS:2074 Ready mixed paint, air drying red oxide zinc chromate priming. IS:2339 Aluminium paint for general purposes in dual container. IS:2932 Specification for synthetic enamel, exterior, (a) Undercoating (b) Finishing. IS:5410 Cement paints, colour as required. IS:6278 Code of practice for whitewashing and colour washing. 4.12.2 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Materials: Paints and finishing materials shall be of approved make only and shall conform to relevant Indian Standards. Application shall also be as per relevant Indian Standards and as per the paint / material manufacturer's guidelines. The materials for succeeding' coats on anyone surface shall be products of the same manufacturer supplying the first coat for that particular surface. Ready mixed paints shall be used for the work unless otherwise specified, or where the Engineer is satisfied that they are not available they may be prepared at site. If paints mixed at site are to be used, they shall be prepared by mixing appropriate ingredients in approved proportions. The Contractor shall submit samples of each material for approval of the Engineer. Cement shall conform to 18:269 and 18:455. Water shall be clean and reasonably free from deleterious materials such as oils, alcohol, salts and vegetable growth. Lime used shall conform to 18:712 Colour used for colour wash shall be of approved colour as specified and as indicated in the drawings. Distemper shall be of approved quality and shall conform to 18:427 and 18:428. Gum and blue pigment for whitewash shall be of best quality. Pigments for all colours shall be non-fading. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 117 of 185 k) I) Varnish shall conform to 18:347. French polish shall be ready-prepared conforming to IS: 348. m) Primer for woodwork, steel and iron work shall be as indicated in the BOQ. n) Brushes for painting shall be of type and size suitable for the work, conforming to relevant Indian Standards. Rags, inferior quality brushes or the like shall not be used on the work. 4.12.3 a) b) c) Storage of paint and materials: Manufactured paints and other materials shall be stored strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The storage area shall be well ventilated and protected from spalls, flames, direct exposure to sun or excessive heat. Proper care shall be taken not to damage the label identifying the paint, date of manufacture, batch number and special instructions. The container shall be opened only at the time of use. Paint which was livered, grilled or otherwise deteriorated during storage or otherwise shall not be used. Paints for which shelf life specified by the manufacturer has expired shall not be used without prior inspection and approval by the Engineer. Varnishing: 4.12.4 Preparation of surface: a) b) Surfaces to be varnished shall be prepared to produce a smooth, dry, matt surface. The operation of varnishing calls for careful attention to cleanliness. All dust and dirt shall be removed from the surface to be varnished and also from the neighbourhood. If the surfaces are dampened to avoid rising of the dust, they shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before varnishing is commenced. Damp atmosphere shall be avoided. For exterior work, a normal dry day should be chosen. Exposure to extremes of heat or cold or to a damp atmosphere will spoil the work. In handling and applying varnish, care should be taken to avoid forming froth of air bubbles. Brushes and containers shall be kept scrupulously clean. Application: a) b) c) The varnish shall be applied liberally with a brush and spread evenly over a portion of the surface with short light strokes to avoid frothing. It shall be allowed to flow out while the next section is being laid-in. Excess varnish shall then be scrapped out of the brush and the first section be crossed, re-crossed and then laid off lightly. Too much or too little varnish left on the surface would mark the appearance of the finish. The varnish, once it has begun to set, shall not be retouched. If a mistake is made, the varnish shall be removed and the work started afresh. In case of two coats of varnish work, the first shall be a hard-drying undercoating or fatting varnish. This shall' be allowed to dry hard and then be flatted down before applying the finishing coat. If two coats are applied, sufficient time shall be allowed between the two coats. When flat varnish is used for finishing, a preparatory coat of hard drying undercoating of flatting varnish shall be first be applied and shall be allowed to harden thoroughly. It shall then be lightly rubbed down before the flat varnish is applied. Sections of the work, such as panels, shall be cut-in clearly, so as to avoid any overlapping during application, as this is likely to impart same measure of gloss to ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 118 of 185 partially dried areas, worked up in lapping. On larger areas, the flat varnish shall be applied rapidly, and the edges of each patch applied shall not be allowed to set but shall be followed up whilst in free working condition. 5.12.4 a) French polishing: Preparation of surface: All unevenness shall be rubbed down to smoothness with sand paper and the surface shall be well dusted. The pores in the wood shall be filled up with filler made of a paste of whiting in water or methylated spirit (with a suitable pigment like burnt sienna or umber, if required), to achieve a good gloss and to prevent the french polish getting absorbed. Application of polish: a) b) A pad of woolen cloth covered by a fine cloth shall be used to apply the polish. The pad shall be moistened with polish and rubbed hard on the surface in a series of overlapping circles applying the polish sparingly but uniformly over the entire area to give an even surface. A trace of linseed oil on the face of the pad may be added which shall facilitate this operation. The surface shall be allowed to dry and the remaining coats applied in the same way. To finish off, the pad shall be covered with a fresh piece of clean fine both, slightly damped with methylated spirit and rubbed lightly and quickly with circular motions. The finished surface shall present a uniform texture and high gloss. Where the Engineer is satisfied that the required ready prepared varnishes or polish are not available, he may approve site-preparation. In such cases, only approved ingredients shall be used for its preparation, ingredients for resin varnish being Resin: Linseed oil: Spirit of turpentine 2:2: 1 and for copal varnish being Copal: Linseed oil: Oil of turpentine 3:2:5. 4.12.6Bees waxing: Preparation of bees wax: a) In case of bees wax, it shall be prepared locally with the following specifications: Pure bees wax free from paraffin or stearine adulterants shall be used. Its specific gravity shall be 0.965 to 0.969 and melting point 63°C. The polish shall be prepared from mixture of bees wax, linseed oil, turpentine and r varnish in the ratio 2:1.5:1:0.5 by weight. The bees wax and boiled linseed oil shall be heated over a .slow fire. When the wax is completely dissolved, the mixture shall be cooled till it is just warm and turpentine and varnish added to it in the required proportions and entire mixture shall be well stirred. Preparation of surface: a) This shall be as for varnishing. a) Application of bees wax or wax polish: The polish shall be applied evenly with a clean soft pad of cotton cloth in such a way that the surface is completely and fully covered. The surface is then rubbed continuously for half an hour. After rubbing well, the work shall be covered with dust proof sheet (cloth for preventing dust falling on the work). Subsequent coat shall be ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 119 of 185 b) applied after the surface is quite dry and shall be rubbed off with soft flannel until the surface has assumed an uniform gloss and in dry, showing no sign of stickiness. The final polish depends largely on the amount of rubbing which shall be continuous and with uniform pressure, with frequent changes in the direction. 4.12.7 Whitewashing and colour washing: a) b) a) a) b) c) d) e) f) Mixing: The slaked lime shall be dissolved in a tub with sufficient quantity of water and shall be well mixed to give a thin creamy consistency. It shall then be strained through a clean coarse cloth and gum dissolved in hot water added to it at the rate of 2 kg for each Cu.m. of lime and ultramarine blue added to the mixture in small proportion just sufficient to give a very light bluish tint. Colour wash shall be prepared in the same way as for the whitewashing except that necessary amount of colouring matter shall be added to lime wash in this case. The entire quantity shall be mixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions unless these are varied by the Engineer. Preparation of surface: Before the prescribed finish is laid on new surface, it shall be well cleaned and brushed and all patchings must be scrapped properly. After cleaning the surfaces, all holes, cracks and patches shall be made good with approved materials. Application: Whitewashes and colour washes shall be applied with brush, each coat consisting of vertical stroke from top downwards followed by opposite stroke upwards over the first stroke and horizontal stroke from left to right followed by stroke right to left. Each coat must be allowed to dry, before the next coat is applied. On completion, the surface when it becomes dry, shall present a uniform appearance. When dry, no coat shall show any patches, hair cracks or strokes nor shall it come off when rubbed with hands. During application, the solution shall be stirred continuously and wash' shall be applied with care to avoid any cut shade or brush marks on the walls when the work is completed. Whitewash shall be done in three coats unless otherwise specified. Unless otherwise specified, two coats of white wash shall be applied before colour wash is applied. Number of coats of colour wash shall be specified in the drawings and / or in the BOQ. The colourwash, whether applied inside or outside of a building shall be of uniform tint and shade. Doors and windows, floors etc., must be protected from splashes. Any splashes and dropping shall be removed and cleaned. 4.12.8 Distempering: a) Mixing: Distemper shall not be mixed in larger quantity than actually required for a day's work. Hot water shall be used in preparing the mixture. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 120 of 185 a) a) Preparation of surface: Before distemper is applied the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt grease, oil marks, cement marks, loose scale etc. After cleaning the surface all holes, cracks, patches, etc., shall be made good with approved material and finally rubbed with a sand paper to give a uniform surface. The distemper shall not be applied on damp walls and shall be applied in dry weather. Workmanship: . The workn1anship for distempering shall conform to IS:427 and IS:428. Distempering shall be done with proper distemper brushes of approved quality. The finished surface shall be of absolutely uniform shade throughout and free from brush marks. On drying the distemper shall not come off when rubbed with hands or shall not crack. The priming shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Succeeding coats shall not be applied until the previous coat has been approved. The first coat shall always be of a lighter tint and shall be applied with care. In case the finish be not up to satisfaction, the entire surface shall be sandpapered to remove the work and fresh coats of distemper shall be applied by the Contractor without any extra cost, to produce the desired result. All splashes of distemper shall be removed by the Contractor at his own cost. Cement paint: 4.12.9 a) b) Mixing: Cement paint shall be of approved manufacture and quality. It should be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions / directions. To start mixing, only half the required amount of water shall be added to the powder and thoroughly mixed to a stiff paste. Water shall then be gradually added till desired consistency is obtained. The paint shall be kept stirred during use and no paint which has been mixed for a period longer than one hour shall be used. Preparation of surface: a) Before painting is commenced on a surface, all dirt, oil, grease, efflorescence and paints of organic type shall be completely removed. Traces of formwork oils remaining on the concrete shall be carefully removed by steel brushes or abrasive stone. If there is a general coating of oil on the surface, the entire area to be painted shall be lightly sand blasted. Efflorescence on concrete surface shall be removed by wetting the surface and then scrubbing with 20% solution of muric acid. b) When the surface to be painted is very smooth it shall be acid washed or rubbed with abrasive stone to obtain a slightly Toughened surface. Before the paint is applied, the surface to be painted shall be damped uniformly. The surface shall be sprayed several times with a few minutes interval between each praying to allow the moisture to soak in the surface. c) Application: a) The cement paint shall be applied only in specified number of coats. After the first coat of paint has hardened sufficiently, it shall be cured by keeping the surface damp for ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 121 of 185 b) c) atleast 24 hours. The surface shall be wetted again just before applying the second coat. Atleast 24 hours should elapse between application of two coats. The second coat shall be moistened with a fine spray' as soon as the paint has hardened sufficiently to prevent marring the surface. It shall be kept wet for atleast two days. I In so far as practicable, cement paint shall be applied in the shade. Open sunshine shall be avoided especially during warm, windy weather. 4.12.10 Enamel painting: a) Mixing and thinning: All ingredients in a paint container shall be thoroughly mixed to break-up lumps and disperse pigments before use and during application to maintain homogeneity. All pigmented paints shall be strained after mixing process and the type and quality of the thinner shall be in accordance with the instructions of the paint manufacturer. a) Preparation of paint: Normally, only ready mixed paints shall be used. Where ready mixed paints are not available and if oil base paints are prepared at site, the ingredients shall be thoroughly ground and thinned with double boiled linseed oil in specified proportion to the required consistency and added to the prepared base. The mixture shall be well stirred and strained through a piece of cloth. The painting materials, when applied, shall spread evenly in a thin coat and flow on smoothly without showing any brush marks or cracks. Preparation of surface: a) The surface of iron and steel work to be painted shall be cleaned free of dirt, oil, rust, mill scale and be r thoroughly dry before painting. Cleaning, degreasing, derusting and descaling wherever necessary shall I be carried out as specified in IS: 1477 (Part-I). b) The surfaces of woodwork to be painted shall be cleaned and rendered dry, free of dirt, grit and grease and shall be rubbed with the appropriate quality of sand paper. All knots, pitch streaks and sappy spots shall be touched up with shellac varnish. Painting iron and steel work:. a) Painting of iron and steel work shall generally be carried out as per IS: 1477. The number of coats including the primer coat shall be applied as specified in the BOQ. Each coat shall be allowed to dry sufficiently before the succeeding coat is applied. b) The type of intermediate and finish coat and the number of coats to be applied shall be as specified in the BOQ. Intermediate and finish coats may be oil bound, bituminous, aluminium or other type of paints. Aluminium paint shall conform to IS:2339. The intermediate and finish coats for structural steelwork, sheet metal work and cast iron work shall be applied as specified in IS: 1477 (Part-II). a) Painting woodwork: After the primer coat has dried, nail holes, cracks and the like shall be filled up with approved wood putty and the surface finished smooth. The type of intermediate and finish coats and the number of coats shall be as specified in the BOQ. The surface shall be rubbed smooth before application of each coat. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 122 of 185 Iron work under water: a) Approved anti-corrosive black enamel paint shall be used for iron works in water such as cast iron pipes, etc. Coal tar paint may also be used with the approval of the Engineer. 4.12.11 Plastic emulsion paint: Plastic emulsion paint shall be of approved manufacture and quality. It should be well mixed 'and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Preparation of Surface: a) The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and dusted. All rust, dirt, scale, smokes and grease shall be thoroughly removed before painting is started. The prepared surface shall have received the approval of the Engineer after inspection, before painting is commenced. Application: a) The paint shall be applied only in specified number of coats. The paint dries by evaporation of the water content and as soon as the water has evaporated, the film gets hard and the next coat can be applied. b) The thinning of emulsion is to be done with water and not with turpentine. Thinning with water is especially required for the undercoat which is applied on the absorbent surface. The quantity of water to be added shall be as per manufacturer's instructions. c) The surface on finishing shall present a flat velvety smooth finish. If necessary, more coats shall be applied till the surface presents a uniform appearance. I 4.12.12 Speciality paints: Acrylic emulsion paints, textured paints and all speciality paints or undercoats shall be applied as per relevant Indian Standards, manufacturer's instructions and as directed by the Engineer. These painting / undercoating jobs shall be executed through specialist agencies, limited to those identified by the manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer. 4.12.13 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for finishing works are deemed to include the cost of all materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from preparing the surfaces and clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, primer works, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 123 of 185 4.13 WATER SUPPLY WORKS 4.13.1 Codes and Standards: IS:404 (All the parts) Lead pipe. IS:458 Precast concrete pipes with or without reinforcement. IS:638 Sheet Rubber and rubber insertion jointing. IS:778 Gunmetal gate, 'globe and check valves for water services. IS:781 Sand cast brass screw-down bib taps and stop taps for water services. IS:782 Caulking lead. IS:783 Code of practice for laying concrete pipes. IS:804 Rectangular pressed steel tanks. IS:1239 Mild steel tubes and tubulars. IS:1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS:1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS:1538 Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS:1703 Ball valves (horizontal plunger type) including floats for water supply purposes. IS:1711 Self-closing taps. IS:I729 Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes, fittings & accessories. IS:1742 Code of practice for building drainage. Pillar taps for water supply purposes. IS:1795 IS:2065 Code of practice for water supply in buildings. IS:2104 Water meter boxes (domestic type). IS:3004 Plug cocks for water supply purposes. IS:3076 Specification for low density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies. IS:3589 Electrically welded steel pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS:3597 Method of test for concrete pipes. IS:4346 Specification for Washers for use with fitting for water services . IS:4984 High density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies, sewage and industrial effluents. IS:4985 Unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water supplies. IS:5822 Code of practice for laying of welded steel pipes for water supply. IS:7634 (All the parts) Polyethylene pipes and UPVC pipes for potable water supplies. IS:8008 (All the parts) Injection moulded HDPE fitting for potable water supplies. IS:10910 Polypropylene and copolymers for safe use in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water 4.13.2 Galvanised steel water supply pipes: Screwed galvanised steel pipes withstanding hydraulic test pressure of 50, confonning to IS: 1239 shall be jointed with screwed socket joints and screwed fittings of the same materials as that of the pipes. Any burrs remaining on the pipe ends after the threads are cut shall be removed. An approved jointing compound together with a grummet of a few strands of fine yarn shall be used for jointing pipes and fittings. Any pipe threads exposed after jointing shall be painted or in the case of underground piping, thickly coated with approved bituminous compound to prevent corrosion. The depth at which the underground water supply pipe is to be laid shall be as shown on the drawings. The dimensions of trenches shall be as below: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 124 of 185 Dia of GS pipes (mm) 15 to 50 50 to 100 Depth (cm) 60 75 Width (cm) 30 45 The service pipe passing into or beneath the building shall be laid atleast 200mm below the ground floor level and be accommodated in a previously laid sleeve in the structure where it enters the building. The space between the sleeves and the pipe at its entry into and exit from the building shall be filled with a bituminous material for a minimum of 150mm at both ends. Piping shall not be buried in walls or floors as far as possible. However, when unavoidable, piping shall be buried for the shortest distance necessary and adequate protection shall be provided against damage. The embedded part shall be painted with bitumen. Piping buried in ground shall be provided with two coats of approved anticorrosive paint. Galvanised steel piping shall be secured by iron or steel clamps and hooks when fixed on walls. Metallic contact shall be avoided by coating the inside of the clamp with bitumen. All pipe work shall be completely water-tight and the joints shall be such that there are no projections of jointing materials or the like into the interior of pipes. Before the pipeline is commissioned, all piping and fitting shall be flushed clean. 4.13.3 Polyethylene and UPVC pipes: Polyethylene and UPVC pipes shall be laid to conform with IS:7634 (Part-II). The pipes shall have screwed ends and of specified colour. Ordinary metal cutting dies of adjustable and guided variety may be used to thread the ends preferably in one operation. Before such threading, the end of the pipe. shall be plugged to avoid distortion. Tapered threads shall be provided and their number shall be such as to be totally enclosed in the fitting. A jointing compound shall be used to avoid the condition of some permanent deformation taking place under prolonged loading, loosening the thread. For neat surface installations, straight lengths of pipe shall be used. Standard pipe clips may be used but these should not be so tight as to restrain thermal movement. Failing continuous support, clipping of the pipe should be performed at distances recommended by the pipe manufacturer. Generally, the spacing shall not exceed 600mm on horizontal runs and l.2m on vertical runs. These pipes shall not be installed near hot water pipes or other sources of heat and never painted. Storage and handling should be such as to avoid damage by cutting edges. The radius of bends shall be greater than 20 times the outside diameter of the pipe for cold bent high density polyethylene pipes (12 times for LDPE) operating at ambient temperatures. For hot bent pipes of diameter up to 50mm, the radius shall be a ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 125 of 185 minimum of 5 and 3 times the outside pipe diameter for HOPE and LDPE respectively. Permanent bends shall be made by heating the pipe in boiling water for a few minutes or by careful application of blow lamp, with fine, warm and dry sand packed inside the bore. Where Polyethylene and UPVC pipes are laid in ground, the trenches shall be as for GS pipes and as per manufacturer's instructions. 4.13.4 Lead pipes: Joints in lead pipes shall be wiped solder joints. Joints shall be wiped in a continuous circular motion in one direction so as to leave neatly formed elliptical shaped joints free of tears, burrs, droppings, etc. All exposed lead pipes, exceeding 25mm in diameter shall be secured to walls by iron clips or lead ears. The spacing of the clips shall not exceed 900mm. 4.13.5 Storage of water: All tanks for storage of water shall be completely water-tight and properly covered with dust, light and mosquito-proof cover of approved type as shown on the drawings or as described in the BOQ. They shall be fitted with an approved type ball valve securely fixed to the inlet pipe. A mosquito-proof overflow pipe shall be fixed to the tank with pipe invert about 25mm above the top of water line or at a height as shown in the drawing. A stop valve shall be provided for every outlet pipe except for the overflow. The outlet and drain pipes shall bf; as shown on the drawings. Support of the tanks shall be as indicted on drawings. In case of galvanised steel tanks, inside surface shall be painted with anticorrosive drinking water tank paints. 4.13.6 Testing of water system: To eliminate the danger of unknowingly attaching the pipe system to a pressure source higher than the pressure rating of the pipe, adequate pressure reduction devices shall be installed. It may be necessary to isolate items of equipment from the pressure test if they are not capable of withstanding the test pressure and where these items are removed, blank flanges or plugs shall be installed temporarily. The lines shall be tested in sections as the work of laying proceeds and joints should be left exposed for inspection during testing. a) b) c) d) e) After completion of each section, the line shall be carefully and slowly charged with water so that all air is expelled from the main, allowed to stand full of water for one / two days and then tested under pressure. The test pressure shall be one-and-a-half times the maximum working pressure. Precautions must be taken to see that the test pressure is not exceeded. Pressure gauges must be accurate and if necessary they shall be recalibrated before the test. The test pressure shall be maintained as long as is necessary to inspect the whole of the pipe work under test and in any event not less than half-an-hour. Open ends of the mains shall be temporarily closed for testing under moderate pressure, by fitting water tight expanding plugs. Where the line terminates with a sluice valve, the wedge of the valve shall be not be used ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 126 of 185 to retain the water, lest permanent distortion of the working parts of the valve occurs. Instead, the valve shall be fitted with a blank flange or socket plug and the valve left in the open position whilst testing. The end of the main and any test plug shall be well secured to resist the end thrust of the water pressure in the main, i.e. maximum test pressure times the cross section area of pipe. 4.13.7 Sterilisation of water system: a) The Contractor shall carry out the sterilising process in accordance with the following: After cleaning the tank of all debris, the tank and pipe work shall be filled with water and whole thoroughly flushed out. The system shall then be filled with water a second time, but as the tank is filling, a sterilising chemical containing chlorine shall be added to ensure thorough mixing of the chemical and water. The dose shall be such as to give 50 parts of chlorine to one million parts of water. If ordinary bleaching powder is employed, the proportion used shall be 150g of powder to 1,000 litres water. The powder shall first be mixed with water to a creamy consistency before adding the full quantity of water. Proprietary bands of sterilising chemicals shall be added in the proportions as per the manufacturer's instructions. b) After filling the system, the incoming water supply shall be shut off and each tap of the distributing pipes opened successively, starting with the nearest the tank. As the water which issues from each tap begins to smell of chlorine, the tap should be closed. The tank shall then be filled again to the water line with water to which has been added the correct dose of chemical. The whole system shall then be allowed to stand charged with treated water for a period of atleast three hours, after which a test shall be made by smell of residual chlorine. If none is found, the sterilisation shall be repeated. c) Before any water is used for domestic purposes, the whole system shall be emptied and thoroughly' flushed out with clean water. 4.13.8 CI pipes and accessories The cast iron spigotted and socketed pipes required for the work shall be arranged by the Contractor. These pipes may also be supplied on "free-issue" basis / "recovery" basis, wherever indicated in the BOQ, depending on availability. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements for transporting the pipes from employer's stores, to the work site and their safe custody at site. All specials, fittings and accessories shall be of best quality and of reputed manufacture and shall conform to the relevant codes and specifications. The trench shall be so dug that the pipe can be laid to the required alignment and at the required depth. The size of the trench shall be as per the following table unless specified otherwise due to the site conditions. SI. No. Dia of CI pipes (mm) 1. 80 2. 100 3. 150 ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Depth (cm) 105 105 105 Width (cm) 75 75 75 Page 127 of 185 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. a) 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 110 120 135 145 155 170 185 205 80 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 Laying of pipes: The pipes shall be carefully aligned to the required line and level. The spigot end shall be centered into the socket of the next pipe and forced home and aligned to gradient. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material tamped under it except at the socket. On level ground, the socket ends should face upstream. When the line runs uphill, the socket ends should face the upgrade. Wherever it is necessary to deflect a pipe from a straight line either in the vertical or horizontal plane to avoid obstructions or where long radius curves are permitted, the deflection allowed at joint shall not exceed 2S as per IS:3114. The cutting of pipe, for inserting valves, fittings or closure pieces, shall be done in a neat and workman like man her without damage to the pipe so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. . Flame cutting of cast iron pipes by means of an oxyacetylene torch shall be avoided. b) c) d) e) f) Jointing of socket and spigot pipes shall be carried out by the following techniques: a) i) Rubber joints: The joint is of the push-in-type in which a specially designed high grade rubber gasket compressed against the inner surface of the socket by the insertion of the pipe spigot, provides the seal. The rubber gasket shall be wiped clean, flexed and placed in the annular recess of the modified socket. It shall be ensured that the gasket fits evenly around the whole circumference. Any bulge which would prevent the proper entry of the spigot end shall be removed. A thin film of lubricant such as soap solution or grease shall be applied to the inside surface of the gasket and to the outer surface of the entering spigot for a distance of25mm from the spigot end. The spigot end of the entering pipe shall be forced past the gasket carefully, which is thus compressed, until the spigot end reaches the bottom end of the socket. Crowbar or any other fork tool shall be used to shove the spigot into the socket. ii) iii) iv) b) Lead joints: i) The joint sealing is done by stuffing a packing material such as spun yarn and pouring molten lead in the joint space and finally caulking thoroughly with lead. ii) Lead jointing shall strictly conform to the specifications with regard to materials and jointing procedure laid down in IS: 3114. Lead used for caulking purposes shall conform to IS: 782. iii) The packing may be done with anyone of materials specified in IS:3144 and approved by the Engineer. The quantities of lead and packing materials shall be as under: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 128 of 185 Pipe dia (mm) 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 iv) v) vi) vii) c) Depth of Lead in joint Weight of Lead per (mm) joint (kg) 44.45 1.814 44.45 2.195 44.45 2.940 44.45 3.447 50.80 4.600 50.80 6.740 50.80 7.330 63.50 9.140 63.50 11.208 63.50 17.010 63.50 18.951 63.50 22.757 Weight of yam per joint (kg) 0.128 0.170 0.298 0.340 0.539 0.652 0.737 0.823 0.935 1.246 1.531 1.814 The packing materials shall be placed around the spigot of the pipe and shall be of proper dimensions to centre the spigot in the socket. When a single strand of packing material is used, it shall have an overlap at the top of not more than 50mm. When more than a single strand is required for a joint, each strand shall be cut out to sufficient length so that the ends shall meet without causing overlap. The ends of the successive strands shall meet at sides of the pipes alternately and not at the top or at the bottom. The spigot shall be shoved home into the socket and the packing material shall be driven tightly against the inside base or hub of the socket with suitable packing tools. Lead shall be heated in a melting pot kept close to the joint to be poured to avoid cooling of the molten metal while being carried to the joint. The lead shall be rendered thoroughly fluid and heated to such temperature that when stirred, it will show a rapid change of colour. All scum shall be removed from the lead before pouring it. The remainder of the joint space stuffed with packing materials shall be filled by running in molten lead using a joint runner. Finally the joint shall be thoroughly caulked with lead using pneumatic tools or a hand hammer weighing not less than 2 kg. The joint shall be finished 3mm behind the socket face and shall be water-tight. Flanged joints: i) Wherever flanged joints are necessitated due to site conditions or otherwise, the jointing material shall be rubber washers of approved make and thickness and shall cover the full diameter of the flange. ii) Each bolt should be tightened a little at a time taking care to tighten diametrically opposite bolts alternately. The practice of fully tightening the bolts in peripheral sequence is highly undesirable. Collar Joints: Wherever rubber-joints and lead joints are not possible, the CI pipes and specials shall be provided with CI collar joints using cement mortar. d) i) a) Anchors: Suitable anchors of concrete and steel shall be provided at all bends and other locations on the pipeline, where unbalanced pressure may exist or develop which will tend to cause movement in the pipelines or fittings while the pipe is under normal or test ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 129 of 185 b) c) d) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) pressure. Where the hydraulic thrust is in an upward direction, anchor blocks of sufficient weight shall be provided to which pipes shall be secured with steel straps. Suitable thrust blocks shall be provided wherever necessary in long stretches to transmit hydraulic pressure. The distance between two successive thrust blocks shall not exceed 50m. Generally, the anchors will be indicated in the drawings, but unless mentioned in the drawings as "Anchors Omitted" anchors shall be provided by the Contractor wherever necessary. Testing of CI pipes and joints: After laying and jointing, the pipelines shall be subjected to pressure test and leakage test as required by the Engineer. The entire length of the pipeline shall be carefully inspected. Any joint found leaking shall be redone and also all leaking pipes shall be removed and replaced at no extra cost, i.e. replacement of burst pipes by new pipes shall be done at the Contractor's cost. The test pressures for CI pipes shall be 12 kg/sq. cm. and 18 kg/sq. cm for class-LA and class-A, respectively. The pipes shall be slowly and careful1y charged with water allowing air to escape and avoiding any shock or water hammer. The draw-off taps and stopcocks shall then be closed and the specified hydraulic pressure shall be applied gradually. Pressure gauge must be accurate and preferably should have been recalibrated before the test. The test pump having been stopped, the test pressure should be maintained without loss for atleast half an hour. The pipes and fittings shall be tested in sections As the work of laying proceeds, having the joints exposed for inspection during the testing. The test should be done at the cost of the Contractor. The testing equipment such as pump, pressure gauge, etc. and water required for testing should be provided by the Contractor at his own cost. Test gaps i.e. short lengths of pipelines which come in between the tested lengths shall be carefully laid, jointed and rendered watertight. Any defect noticed during commissioning shall be made good by the Contractor at his own cost. The valve section of the pipe shall be slowly filled with water and all air shall be expelled from the pipe through hydrants and blow-offs. If these are not available at high places, necessary tapings may be made at points of highest elevation before the test is made and plugs inserted after the tests are completed. All exposed pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants and joints should be carefully examined during the open trench test. When the joints are made with lead, all such joints showing visible leaks shall be recaulked until watertight. Any cracked or defective pipe fitting, valve or hydrant discovered during the pressure test shall be removed and replaced by sound material and the test shall be repeated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the trench has been backfilled to the top, the section shall be first subjected to water pressure normal to the area and the exposed parts shall be carefully examined. If any defects are found, they shall be repaired and the pressure test repeated until no defects are found. The duration of the final pressure tests shall be atleast one hour. Line testing log books are to be maintained at site. The log book shall be so prepared that the following information can be recorded on each page: Cluster number, Name of the branch, Diameter of pipe to be tested, Length of pipe to be tested, Date of pipe laying and jointing, Date and time of testing, Duration of testing, Results and Remarks on testing, signature of the Engineer. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 130 of 185 j) Backfill of the trench shall be progressed only after obtaining the signature of the Engineer in the Line Testing Log Book. 4.13.9 Valves: Sluice valves with chrome-steel spindles, butterfly valves, wheel valves, scour valves, air valves, water meters, fire hydrants and other water supply accessories shall conform to the relevant BIS codes and shall be of approved make. Where the valves are to be provided in ground, suitable masonry chambers as per drawings shall be provided for housing the same. In case of air valves, necessary arrangements for disposal of spill water shall also be provided as shown in the drawings. Fixing of valves and accessories in position shall be as per BIS codes and as directed by the Engineer. 13.10 Disinfection of water mains: 4.13.11 All CI water mains shall be thoroughly and efficiently disinfected before being commissioned, by flushing with water containing bleaching powder at 0.5 gram per litre of water and cleaned with fresh water. This operation shall be repeated three times. The samples of water from the disinfected water mains shall be tested in an approved laboratory. 4.13.12 Coverage of rates: 13.12.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for water supply works are deemed to include the cost of all earthwork, materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from preparing the surfaces, surface treatments and clearing waste and debris out of the site. 13.12.2 Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, surface treatments, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 131 of 185 4.14 SANITARY, PLUMBING, DRAINAGE & SEWERAGE WORKS 4.14.1 a) b) c) d) 4.14.2 General: All water supply, drainage and sanitary work shall be executed by a licensed or authorised plumbing supervisor or a licensed or authorised plumber and shall be in accordance with the requirements of relevant byelaws of municipal or other Authorities in whose jurisdiction the work is being carried out. Specifications for items such as earthwork, excavation, concrete, brickwork, stonework and painting, etc., shall apply for these works also, unless otherwise specified. Unless otherwise specified, all exposed metallic work, such as brackets, shall be painted with one coat of red oxide primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour. The diameter of pipes and fittings wherever mentioned shall mean the nominal bore, unless otherwise specified. Codes and standards: IS:405 Lead sheet and strip. IS:638 Sheet rubber jointing and rubber insertion jointing. IS:651 Salt-glazed stoneware pipes and fittings. IS:771 (All the parts) Glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances. IS:774 Flushing cistern for water-closets and urinals (valve-less siphonic type). IS:775 Cast Iron Brackets and supports for wash basins and sinks. IS:782 Caulking lead. IS:1536 Centrifugally cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS: 1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipe for water, gas and sewage. IS:1538 Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS:I726 Cast iron manhole covers and frames intended for use in drainage works. IS: 1729 Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories. IS:1742 Code of practice for building drainage. IS:2065 Code of practice for water supply in buildings. IS:2326 Automatic flushing cisterns for urinals. IS:2470 (All the parts) Code of practice for design and construction of septic tank. IS:2548 (All the parts) Plastic water-closet seats and covers. IS:2556 (All the parts) Vitreous sanitary appliances (Vitreous China). IS:2963 Copper alloy waste fittings for wash basin and sink. IS:3006 Chemically resistant salt-glazed stoneware pipes and fittings. IS:3114 Code of practice for laying cast iron pipes. IS:3589 Electrically welded steel pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS:4127 Code of practice for laying of glazed stoneware pipes. IS:5329 Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings IS:10910 Polypropylene and copolymers for safe use in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water IS:12592 Specification for pre-cast manhole covers and frames. 4.14.3 Materials The materials, fittings and appliances used in the work shall be as specified hereunder. The type, quality, class, size, finish and make shall be as specified in the BOQ. The Contractor shall submit the Engineer samples of all materials, fittings and appliances for approval well in advance ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 132 of 185 of starting the work. All materials, fittings and appliances used in the work shall conform to the approved samples which shall be retained by the Engineer until completion of the work, if he deems it necessary. a) Lead pipes shall conform to IS:404. Weight and thickness of pipes shall be as indicated in the drawings or in the BOQ. b) Sheet lead for finishing shall weigh atleast 30 kg/ Sq.m. unless specified otherwise, and shall conform to IS:405. c) Bottle trap shall be of approved quality, heavy brass chromium plated trap and madE 'particularly smooth on the inside and shall have minimum 50mm water seal (detachable), d) I e) Cast Iron pipes and accessories shall conform to IS: 1729, 1536, 1537 and 1538. Manhole covers shall conform to IS.: 1726 f) Salt-glazed stoneware pipes shall conform to IS: 651; Class AA. 4.14.4 a) Cast iron pipes: Laying of cast iron pipes shall follow IS: 3114. 14.4.2 Trenching: The width of the trench at its bottom shall be such as to provide 200mm clearance on either side of the pipeline. Trench shall be dug wider to permit convenient placing of supports handling of specials, and at positions of sockets and flanges for jointing to be made properly. At joints the depths of the trench' shall also permit easy finishing of the joint. b) In case of rocky areas, the minimum clearance alround shall be l50mm for pipes below 600mm in diameter and 200mm for larger pipes. Normally, the trench shall be excavated so that the pipe rests on a solid and undisturbed ground when laid. Where drilling or blasting becomes necessary, the excavation shall be trimmed to a depth 80 to 150mm below the bottom of pipe and filled to a like depth with broken stone of size 13mm and below and well rammed to form a fair bed. c) All excavated material shall be placed on one side of the trench. All pipes, water mains, cables or other utilities met within the course of excavation shall be carefully protected and supported. a) a) Handling: Pipes shall be unloaded from trucks on wooden skids with a steadying rope to prevent bumping with other pipes on that side of the 'trench, which does not have the excavated material. All pipes, fittings, valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into the trench by means of a derrick, ropes, tripod or other tools to prevent damage to the materials or protective linings on the pipe. Laying underground: The pipe shall be checked for cracks by being rung with a hammer, preferably when ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 133 of 185 suspended. Pipes shall be placed with their sockets facing upstream. After placing a length of pipe in the trench the cleaned spigot end shall be centered in the socket and the pipe forced home and aligned to gradient. Then it shall be secured in place and approved backfill material tamped under it except at the socket. Then, the pipe shall be jointed by caulking. Jointing: a) If the pipes used are of the spigot and socket type, the spigot shall be carefully centered in the socket by one or more laps of clean white hemp / spun yam with about 25mm overlap. Sufficient yam only shall be forced into the socket to leave a correct depth for caulking. The pipe shall then be examined again for line and level and the proper depth of each joint shall be tested before running the molten lead. For pouring of molten lead, a ring of sterilised hemp rope shall be wrapped round the pipe at the end of the socket and the joint shall be covered with stiff damp clay. The top shall then be removed carefully leaving a V -shaped large hole at the top of the joint to pour the molten lead. Lead shall be poured in one operation only. After a convenient length of pipe has been laid, lead shall be caulked sufficiently with a pneumatic tool or hand hammer till the excess lead is removed and the joint shall be made neat and clean. b) If it is necessary to deflect the pipe from its desired alignment to avoid any obstruction, the deflection at the joint shall not exceed 2.5°. Backfill: a) The pipeline laid may be partially backfilled except at the joints in the following manner: b) Upto the level of the centre line of the pipe by hand with sand, fine gravel or approved material in layers of 80mm and compacted by tamping. c) Beyond (a) upto 300mm above the top of pipe by hand or mechanical methods without injuring or moving the pipe. Approved material shall be used for backfill and well rammed. d) Beyond (b) upto the finished ground level by hand or mechanical methods in wellcompacted 300mm layers. Suitable material containing stones upto 200mm as their greatest dimension may be used. Testing: a) The pipe shall now be pressure tested to double the maximum working pressure. The pipe and joints shall be absolutely watertight while the test pressure is maintained for 5 minutes. Thirty six hours after the successful completion of the water tightness test, a two hour leakage test shall be performed at 1.5m times the designed pressure by slowly filling the pipeline with water and expelling all the air. b) The permissible leakage shall be allowed as specified at Clause-6.6 of IS:3114. c) On completion of testing, the trench shall be completely backfilled with approved nondeleterious material. The backfill shall be neatly rounded over the trench to a sufficient height to allow for settlement to the specified level. 4.14.5 Salt-glazed stoneware pipes: Laying of salt-glazed stoneware pipes shall conform to IS:4 127 Trenching: a) The width of the trench at its bottom shall be diameter of the pipe +300mm for trench depths upto l.2m and diameter +400mm for greater depths but subject to a minimum of 750mm for trenches deeper then 0.9 metres. At joints, the width and depth of trench ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 134 of 185 b) shall such as to facilitate easy installation. The trench shall normally be excavated to the specified gradient to give a continuous bearing to the pipe. If any unstable area or unsound material is encountered, they shall be removed and the specified gradient attained by backfilling with approved material in uncompacted 80mm layers. Then the bed concrete shall be laid. c) Where rock is met, the trench shall be trimmed to a depth of 80mm, below the level of the bottom of the pipe and filled to a like depth with broken stone of size 13mm and below and well rammed. d) All excavated materials shall be cast on one side of the trench. All pipes, water mains, cables and other utilities met with within the course of excavation shall be carefully protected and supported. Bedding: Where pipes are laid on a soft soil with maximum water table level lying at the invert level of the pipe, the pipe shall be bedded in concrete as indicated in the drawings. Haunching: Where pipes have to be laid in a soft soil with the maximum water table level rising above the invert of the pipe, but below the top of the banel, the pipe shall be haunched as indicated in the drawings. Encasing: In the following cases, the sewers shall be completely encased with concrete as indicated in the drawings: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Where the highest water table level is likely to rise above the top of the barrel. Where sewers are to be laid adjacent to growing trees, to avoid damage to the pipe likely to be caused by the roots of trees. Where the depth of the pipe is less than 1.2 m under the road surface. Where the intensity of load on the pipe exceeds 1,600 kg per metre length, At water and sewer crossings, where the sewer lines runs above the water line. At water and sewer crossings, where the water line runs above the sewer line but the vertical separation is less than 0.5 metre. Where the horizontal separation between water pipes and sewers is less than 0.3 metre. No work shall be encased with concrete until it has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. a) Materials for bedding, haunching and encasing: The concreting wherever necessary shall be done with PCC of mix and dimensions shown in the drawings. a) Handling: Pipes shall be unloaded from trucks on timber skids with a steadying rope to prevent bumping with other pipes on that side of the trench which does not have the excavated material. In shallow trenches manual handling is enough but for deep trenches, tripods and rope shall be used to lower the pipes. a) Laying and jointing: The pipes shall be inspected for defects and be rung with a light hammer, preferably when suspended to detect cracks. The pipes shall be laid with the socket ends upstream. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 135 of 185 b) c) d) After placing a length of pipe in the trench, on concrete bedding where so specified, the cleaned spigot end shall be centered in the socket and the pipe forced home and aligned to gradient. The pipe shall be secured in place with approved backfill material except are the socket. Then the pipe shall be jointed. Spun yarn soaked in neat cement slurry or tarred gasket shall be passed around the joint and inserted in it by means of a caulking tool and wooden mallet. More skeins of yarn or gasket shall be added if necessary and shall be well caulked, till they occupy one fourth of the depth of the socket. Cement sand mortar 1: 1 shall be slightly moistened and inserted by hand to fill the remaining space and caulked tightly. The mortar joint shall then be finished off neatly outside the socket at an angle of 45 degree to the face of the socket. The Cement mortar shall be cured for seven days by covering with wet gunny bags. a) Testing: All underground pipelines shall be subjected to a test pressure of 2.5m head of water at the highest point of the section under test. A tolerance of 2 litres per centimeter of diameter per kilometer may be allowed during a period of 10 minutes. b) In accordance with IS:4127, the test shall be carried out by suitably plugging the low end of the drain and the ends of connections, if any, and filling the system with water. A knuckle bend shall be temporarily jointed in at the top end and sufficient length of vertical pipe jointed to it so as to provide the required test head. c) Subsidence of the test water may be due to one or more of the following causes: Absorption by pipes and joints; sweating of pipes or joints; leakage at joints or from defective pipes; trapped air. Allowance shall be made for absorption by adding water until absorption has ceased, after which the test may be i commenced. Since any leakage will be visible, the defective part shall be drained, cut out, made good and the test repeated. Slight sweating, if uniform, may be over looked but excessive sweating may be considered as indicating faulty pipes, joints or fittings. Any faulty joint shall be rectified or embedded in M15 concrete, 300mm long and the relevant section re-tested. Backfill: Backfilling shall be commenced only upon satisfactory completion of testing. The method and materials used shall be the same as specified for backfilling cast iron pipes. a) 4.14.6 Unplasticized PVC pipes: Unplasticised PVC pipes should conform to IS: 4985 to withstand continuous hydraulic pressure. Rubber seal rings should conform to IS:5382. Reasonable care should be taken in handling and storage of these pipes, while loading and unloading. Pipe should be lowered / lifted and not dropped / dragged to prevent image. Pipes should be stacked on an even surface free from loose stones and sharp objects. They should be given adequate support at all times, the stacking not exceeding 1.5m if they have to be stored for long period. Pipes should preferably be stored in shade during summer. Fittings should be stored in gunny bags and rubber rings should be kept tension free. For jointing the pipes, pipe and socket should be accurately cut. The ends of the pipes and fittings should be absolutely free from dirt and dust. The outside surface of the pipes and inside of the fittings shall be roughened with emery paper and solvent cement shall be applied to the matching surfaces and pushed home and joint. Since solvent cement is aggressive to PYC, care must be taken to avoid applying excessive ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 136 of 185 cement to the inside of the pipe socket as any surplus cement cannot be wiped off after jointing. For above ground installations, pipe clips should be spaced at intervals of not more than ten times the outside diameter of pipes for horizontal run. For vertical runs, they should be spaced at intervals of one metre to maximum of two metres according to pipe diameters. Laying of pipes in trenches and concealed locations: The pipes should be laid over a uniform, relatively soft-grained soil, free from hard objects such as rocky projections and tree roots. The trench width should not be less than pipe diameter plus 300mm while trench depth should be 600 to 1000mm depending on the size of pipe and slope required for gravity flow. Pipes shall be positioned in the trench so as to avoid any induced stress due to deflection. Any deviation required shall be obtained by using proper type of rubber ring joints. Rubber ring joints should preferably be made when the 105 pipe lengths are placed in position in the trench and they should be checked to ensure that they are fully engaged. At all times during the ingress, dirt and any foreign matter into the bore of a pipe and if the jointing is stopped for a time, the end of the last pipe should be blanked off temporarily. Concealed installation: For concealing the pipelines, slots are made in the wall or concrete. The slot size should be such that the system remains stress-free at the time of installation. Sharp edges should be avoided. UPVC pipes and fittings should be cleaned and a light coat of solvent cement applied externally before they are inserted in the slots. Sprinkle dry sand on them to form a good base for proper fixing with cement. Leakage test must be carried out before concealing the system. a) b) a) Testing of soil and waste pipelines: a) Before the system is put into use, it should be tested for leakages by air test, hydraulic test or smoke test. Smoke test: On completion of laying all above ground, PYC / UPVC soil, waste and ventilation pipelines shall be smoke-tested by the Contractor under a pressure of 205m head of water for 15 minutes to detect leakages. This shall be done after all trap seals have been filled with water. The test shall be conducted using proper apparatus with attachments for applying smoke to the pipelines under pressure. Cotton waste or brown paper soaked in creosote oil shall be fixed to obtain dense and pungent smoke. While conducting smoke test, top of soil, waste and ventilation pipes shall be kept open till smoke starts coming out of the openings. The openings shall be then be securely plugged with expanding rubber or any other approved plug. The floor traps and other openings. for connecting sanitary fixtures shall be sealed with water or other approved. plug. The entire pipelines shall be tested in suitable sections as directed by the Engineer. The entire length of the pipelines including all joints under test shall be closely observed for any sign of smoke leakages. All leakages and defects shall be rectified before the system is put to use. b) i) c) Hydraulic testing: i) ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures All control valves shall be positioned open for the duration of the test and open end closed with watertight fittings. The testing pressure on completion of the work shall not be less than one and a half times the working pressure of the pipes. Page 137 of 185 ii) Pressures shall be applied either by hand pump or power driven pump. Pressure gauges shall be correctly positioned and closely observed to ensure that at no time are the test pressures exceeded. The systems shall be slowly and carefully filled with water to avoid surge pressure or water hammer. Air vents shall be open at all high points so that air may be expelled from the system during filling. iii) When the system has been fully charged with water and air displaced from the line, air vent shall be closed and the line initially inspected for seepage at joints and firmness of supports under load. Pressure may then be applied until the required test pressure is reached. iv) Without any additional requirement of make up water, the test pressure should not fall more than 0.2 kg/sq. cm. at the end of one hour test duration. Test pressure should not exceed twice the safe working pressure of the pipe and be not less than 1.5q times the maximum operating pressure. v) vi) Line Testing Log Books are to be maintained at site. These log books shall be so prepared that the following information can be recorded on each page: Cluster number, Name of the branch, Diameter of pipe to be tested, Length of pipe to be tested, Date of pipe jointing, Date and time of testing, Duration of testing, Results and Remarks on testing, Signature of the Engineer. d) Backfill of the trench shall be progressed only after obtaining the signature of the Engineer in the Line Testing Log Book. 4.14.7 Concrete Pipes: 4.14:7.1 The laying of concrete pipelines shall conform to Clause-9 00S:783. Pipes shall be laid true to line and grade. Laying of pipes shall always proceed upgrade of a slope. The type of jointing for concrete pipes shall be with loose concrete collars and the joints shall be packed from either side with spun yarn dipped in cement slurry as specified for jointing stoneware pipes. Stiff cement mortar (1: 1) shall be filled from both sides and splayed at an angle of 450 on both sides. The joints shall be adequately cured as specified for joints in stoneware pipes. The pressure test indicated for underground stoneware pipes shall apply to concrete pipes with the same leakage factor. 4.14.8 Sanitary appliances: a) All sanitary appliances shall be fixed in position rigidly on floor and walls as indicated in the drawings / BOQ or as directed by the Engineer. b) Each sanitary unit shall be complete in all respects, encompassing all the necessary fittings, accessories, items, materials and labour between the following two battery limits: water supply fitting (inclusive) and trap (inclusive), but excluding the platform and taps in case of wash basins / sinks. The rates in the BOQ shall therefore be deemed to include all pipes, wastes, valve fittings, etc. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 138 of 185 a) Water closets and urinals: The type of water closets and urinals and their mounting on wall / floor shall be as per the BOQ and drawings. a) Wash hand basin: Wall-hung wash hand basins shall be fitted in position to true level on a pair of cast iron brackets rigidly fixed onto the wall with 50mm long brass screws and suitable plugs. Counter-top wash basins shall be fitted below the platform or with their lip above the counter. Wash basins shall be fitted with 15mm dia approved quality chromium plated pillar tap and 32mm dia waste fittings. The type of waste pipe and their connections shall be as given in the BOQ and as directed by the Engineer. b) c) a) b) These shall be as per the BOQ and of approved make and quality. Unless otherwise specified, these shall comprise all the accessories indicated in the BOQ. The cast iron brackets, if any, and GI waste pipe of 40mm dia shall be painted with two coats of approved paint over a coat of approved primer. The rate shall include for supplying, fitting and fixing the above including any other fittings and is for the completed work. Other miscellaneous fittings: a) All such fittings shall be of type and sizes prescribed in the BOQ and shall be fitted in position true to line level and exact locations as shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer and as per manufacturer's instructions. 4.14.9 a) Mirrors: Mirror glass shall be AA grade silvering quality polished plate glass silvered on one side copper backed, varnished and painted. Edge of mirrors shall be bevelled. b) The mirror shall be mounted on asbestos sheet 6mm thick and shall be fixed in position by means of four CP brass screws and CP washers over rubber washers and wooden plugs firmly embedded in the wall. The plugs shall be of hardwood and of size 50mm x 50mm at base tapering to 38mm x 38mm at top and of length 50mm. These shall be fixed in wall in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3 coarse sand). After the plugs are fixed in the wall, the mortar shall be cured till it is set. The height of the bottom edge of the mirror shall generally be 1200mm above the floor level unless otherwise shown in drawings. The shorter sides shall be fixed horizontally or as shown in drawings. 4.14.10 a) 4.14.11 Glass shelf unit: The brackets of the units shall be fixed with CP brass screws to wooden plugs firmly embedded in the wall with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3 coarse sand). The height of the glass shelf above the floor level shall be 1150mm. unless otherwise shown in the drawings. Towel rail ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 139 of 185 a) The brackets of the towel rail shall be fixed by means of CP brass screws to wooden plugs firmly embedded in the wall with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3 coarse sand). b) The height of the towel rail above the floor level shall be 750mm unless otherwise shown in drawings. 14.8.9 Toilet paper holder and soap tray: c) The size and make of the toilet paper holder and soap tray shall be as indicated in the BOQ and shall be fixed with CP brass screws onto wooden plugs embedded in the wall. 4.14.12 Bibcock and Stop cock: a) Bibcock and stop cock shall be either plain or CP brass of easy clean, screw down pattern of medium weight and with crutch head as indicated in the BOQ. These shall be of approved manufacture and shall conform to relevant Indian Standard Specifications. 4.14.13 a) 4.14.14 Valves: Unless otherwise mentioned in the BOQ, these shall be peets pattern gun metal fullway valves, heavy type, conforming to relevant Indian Standard specifications. Testing of drains and sewers: Testing shall be done to establish that the drainage system would function satisfactorily under working conditions. No work shall be covered up or buried until inspected and approved by the Engineer. All drains and sewers laid underground shall be tested for water-tightness, by means of water pressure maintained for not less then ten minutes. Where possible, testing shall be carried out from manhole to manhole and short branches to a main drain between manholes included in the test for the main drain. Manholes should be tested separately. a) b) Water test method: The test shall be carried out by suitably plugging the low end of the drain and the ends of the connections, if any, and filling the system with water. A knuckle bend shall be temporarily jointed in at the top end and sufficient length of vertical pipe jointed to it as to provide the required test head. Subsequence of the test water may be due to one or more of the following causes: Absorption by pipes and joints; sweating of pipes or joints; leakage joints or from defective pipes; trapped air. Allowance shall be made for absorption by adding water until absorption has ceased after which the test may be commenced. Since any leakage will be visible, the defective part shall be drained, cut out, and made good and the test repeated. Slight sweating if uniform, may be overlooked but excessive sweating shall be considered as indicating faulty pipes, joints of fittings. The loss of water after equilibrium has been achieved for drains upto 300mm diameter over a period of ten minutes shall not exceed two litres per centimetre of diameter per kilometre of drain. a) Water tests for cast iron pipes: Cast iron drains or sewers laid underground shall be tested to a minimum pressure of ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 140 of 185 1.5m head of water. The drain plugs shall be suitably strutted to prevent their being forced out of the pipe. Alternatively an air test may be applied. a) Water test for pipes other than cast iron: Vitrified clayware pipes and concrete pipes, laid underground shall be subjected to a test pressure of atleast 1.5m head of water at the highest point of the section under test, but not more than 2.4m at the low end. Testing of cast iron soil and waste pipelines: a) On completion of laying, all above ground, cast iron soil, waste and ventilation pipelines shall be smoke tested by the Contractor under a pressure of 205m head of water for 15 minutes to detect leakages. This shall be done after all trap seals have been filled with water. b) The test shall be conducted using proper apparatus with attachments for applying smoke to the pipelines under pressure. Cotton waste or brown paper soaked in creosate oil shall be fired to obtain dense and pungent smoke. While conducting smoke test, top of soil, waste and ventilation pipes shall be kept open till smoke starts leaking out of the openings. The openings shall then be securely plugged with expanding rubber or any other approved plug. The floor traps and other openings for connecting sanitary fixtures shall be sealed with water or other approved plug. The entire pipelines shall be tested in suitable sections as directed by the Engineer. The under test shall be closely observed for any sign of entire length of the pipelines including all rectified before the system joints smoke leakages. All leakages and defects shall be is put to use. Testing of straightness and obstruction: a) b) For freedom from obstruction: A smooth ball of a diameter 12mm less than the diameter of the pipe shall be inserted at the high end of the drain or sewer. Provided that no obstruction exists, the ball should freely roll down the pipe and emerge at the lower end. Projection into the drain or sewer of any jointing material will usually stop the ball. For straightness of run: A lamp shall be inserted at one end of the drain and a mirror placed at 45° to the invert at the other end. If the pipe is straight, the full circle of light can be observed. Any deviation or obstruction can be readily seen. Test for manholes: a) Manholes shall be tested for water tightness by filling them with water, and observing any subsidence. It is also necessary to fill the downstream length of drain in order that the drain plug may be removed on completion of test. 4.14.15 Ancillary structures: Manholes: a) All manholes shall conform to the requirements of 18:4111 (Part I). Manholes of different types and sizes as specified shall be constructed in the sewer line at such places and to such levels and dimensions as shown in the typical drawings and as ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 141 of 185 directed by the Engineer. The size specified shall indicate the inside dimensions (between wall faces) of the manholes. Sewers of unequal sectional area shall not be jointed at the same invert in a manhole. The invert of the smaller sewer at its junction with the main sewer shall be such that the crown of both sewers shall be in one line. The branch sewer should deliver sewage in the manhole in the direction of flow and the junction must be made with ease so that flow in the main is not impeded. h) The manholes in general shall be built on a bed of cement concrete 1:4:8 / 40mm (1 cement, 4 coarse find, 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size). For drop manholes in particular the bed concrete mix shall be 1 :2:4 (MIS). The thickness of bed concrete for the different shapes of manholes shall be as indicated in the following table: Depth of Manhole (mm) Upto 1000 1010 to 2000 2010 to 2500 Above 2500 Shape of Manhole Square Rectangular Rectangular Circular Bed thickness (mm) 150 200 300 300 b) Projection of bed concrete beyond the masonry wall shall be 150mm. c) The brick masonry shall be in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement, 4 coarse sand). All brickwork shall be carefully built in English bond. The jointing face of each brick shall be well buttered with cement . mortar before laying so as to ensure a full joint. d) In 800 x 800mm square manholes and 900 x 1200mm rectangular manholes, walls shall be of brickwork 230mm thick, built in English bond in cement mortar 1 :4. e) In 1400mm dia circular manholes, walls shall be of brickwork 230mm thick upto 3500mm depth, 350mm thick between 3500 and 9740mm depth. In 1500mm dia drop manholes, walls shall be of brickwork 230mm thick upto 1900mm depth, 350mm thick between 1900mm and 3000mm depth, and 470mm thick beyond 3000mm depth. f) In the case of manholes of circular type or drop manholes the walls shall be corbelled inwards on three sides from r height 2050mm to 1900mm as the case may be, below the top of manhole cover, to reduce its internal size to that of the internal diameter of manhole cover frame to be fitted. All manholes shall be constructed so as to be watertight under test. All angles shall be rounded to 75mm radius with cement plaster 15mm thick. The joints of sewer with masonry wall shall be made perfectly leak proof. Excavation, filling back, ramming, disposal of surplus earth, preparation of bottoms and sides, etc., shall be carried out as indicated in the drawings and / or as directed by the Engineer. g) h) Manhole covers: a) Pre-cast PFRC / SFRC Manhole covers shall be as per relevant IS and of duty indicated in the drawings. For square and rectangular manholes, the cover frames shall be of size 1 000rri.mxl000mmx160mm with clear opening of 500mm diameter. For circular manholes, the cover frames shall be 1000mm diameter and with clear opening of 560mm diameter. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 142 of 185 b) The manhole chambers are to be constructed upto 600-900mm below the ground level, unless otherwise indicated in the drawings or required by the Engineer. The pre -cast PFRC / SFRC slab with integral dame is to be placed over the chamber after making provision for bonding against the top surface of the walls of the chamber using hotasphalt / bitumen mix. Thereafter, the sides, edges of the slab along the chamber / road surface are to' be packed with additional quantity of hot-asphalt / bitumen mix (6 - 10mm). The manhole cover of required size is to be placed in the frame using proper lifting handles to prevent damage. The pre-cast PFRC / SFRC manhole cover system should never be carelessly dropped or handled, during loading / unloading in transport, or while fixing / placing it in position at site. a) Plaster: The inside plastering shall be 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 finished with a floating coat of neat cement and outside plastering shall be 15mm thick with cement mortar 1:3. a) Channels and benching: Channels shall be semicircular in the bottom half, and the diameter equal to the sewer. Above the horizontal diameter, the sides shall be extended vertically to the same level as the crown of the outgoing pipe in such a manner as to provide no lodgement for any splashings in case of accidental flooding. The benching shall rise at a slope of 1:6 from the edge of the channel towards the wall. The top of the benching shall be suitably rounded off. The branch channels shall be similarly constructed with respect to the benching, but at their junction with the main channel an appropriate fall suitably rounded off in the direction of flow in the main channel shall be given. All channels and benching shall be done in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 coarse sand, 4 graded r stone aggregate 20mm.nominal size). The channels at the bottom of the manhole shall be plastered with I cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement, 2 coarse sand) and all rendered internal surfaces shall have a hard impervious finish obtained by using a steel trowel. Testing: Manholes shall be tested by filling with water to a depth not exceeding 1.2 metres as directed by the Engineer. After completion of the work, manhole covers shall be sealed and Contractor's rate for manholes shall include for this. Steps: Cast Iron Steps shall conform to the requirements of IS:5455. Plastic encapsulated footsteps shall comprise an outer layer of plastic to IS: 1 091 0, over 12mm dia steel bar to IS: 1786, of approved make. Steps shall be provided in all manholes over 800mm in depth and shall preferably be of cast iron. These steps shall be set staggered in two vertical runs which shall be 380mm apart horizontally and 300mm apart vertically. The first step shall be 450mm below the manhole cover and the lowest step not more than 300mm above the benching. The steps shall be embedded 200mm deep with 200x200xlOOmm blocks of cement concrete mix 1 :3:6 (1 cement, 3 coarse sand, 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). The block with steps placed in its centre shall be cast in situ along with the masonry and surface finished with 15mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (I cement, 3 sand) finished smooth to match with the surface of the manhole. Steps shall be painted with coal-tar, for the portion embedded in the masonry, and the cement concrete blocks shall be painted with thick cement slurry before finishing. b) c) a) a) b) ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 143 of 185 a) Barricading and warning signs: Where underground works on sewer, C1 water mains, GS pipes, manholes, etc. are in progress, the excavated site shall be protected by means of suitable barricades to the approval of the Engineer. Warning signs and night lamps shall be provided for such excavation in any public thoroughfare. The rates quoted for the main items of work shall include for such costs. 4.14.16 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for sanitary, plumbing, drainage and sewerage works are deemed to include the cost of all earthwork, materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from preparing the surfaces, surface treatments and clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, surface treatments, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 144 of 185 4.15 ROAD WORKS 4.15.1 4.15.2 a) b) c) d) e) f) a) b) c) d) a) Road works shall be carried out as per lRC Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, hereinafter referred to as IRC Specns. Concrete pavements: The concrete mix and other specifications shall be as for reinforced cement concrete works. Concrete shall be deposited on the base as near the joints as possible without touching them. It shall then be shoveled against the sides, maintaining equal pressure and deposited approximately 50riun higher than the depth of the joints, care being taken that it is worked well around the joints. The concrete shall not be dumped directly upon or against the joints. Needle vibrator should be used all over the area for obtaining initial compaction of concrete. These should be of diameter not less than 45mm. If the vibrators are pneumatic, the pressure must not be below 4 kg/ If electrically operated, they should have a minimum frequency of 3500 impulses per minute. A vibrating screed consisting of a steel or timber section weighing not less than 15kg per metre with a tamping edge of not less than 70mm width and having a vibrator mounted thereon shall follow needle vibrators to obtain full compaction. The face of the wooden tamping edge of the screed shall be lined with MS plate rigidly fixed by means of countersunk screws. At the discretion of the Engineer, for compaction at edges and joints, vibrators may be supplemented by hand tamping and rodding for securing satisfactory results. Under no circumstances, honey combing of concrete at joints -or elsewhere shall be permitted. The screed vibrator should not be dragged over the concrete. During the initial passes, it shall be lifted to the adjacent forward position in short steps, and subsequently, it shall be slowly slid over the surface with its axis slightly tilted away from the direction of sliding and the operation repeated until a close, dense surface is obtained. Workmen shall not be allowed to walk on freshly laid concrete and proper cat walk shall be provided with independent supports beyond the width of the concreting bays. Finishing of concrete: During compaction, any low or high spots shall be made up by adding or removing concrete. After longitudinal floating has been completed but while concrete is still plastic, the pavement surface shall be tested for trueness with 3m straight edge. Any depressions or high spots showing departure from the true surface shall be immediately rectified. High spots shall be cut down and refinished. Depressions shall be enlarged to about 80-100mm and filled up with fresh concrete, compacted and finished. The straight edge testing and re-floating shall continue until the entire surface is free from observable departure from the straight edge, conforms to the required levels and cross section and conform to the specified surface when the concrete has hardened. These operations are to be carried out while the concrete is still plastic and workable. Belting: Just before concrete becomes non-plastic, the surface shall be belted with a two ply canvas belt not les than 200mm wide and atleast 1m longer than the width of the pavement. Hand belts shall have suitable handles to permit controlled uniform manipulation. The belt shall be operated with short strokes transversed to the centreline of the pavement and with rapid advance parallel to the centre line. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 145 of 185 a) b) Brooming: After belting and as soon as the surplus water, if any, has risen to the surface, the pavement shall be given a broom finish with an approved steel or fiber broom not less than 450mm wide. The broom shall be pulled gently over the surface of the pavement from edge to edge. Adjacent strokes shall be slightly overlapped. Brooming shall be perpendicular to the centre line of the pavement and so executed that the corrugations formed shall be uniform in character and width and not more than l.5mm deep. Brooming shall be completed before the concrete reaches such a stage that the surface is likely to be tom or unduly roughened by the operation. The broomed surface shall be free from porous or rough spots, irregularities, depressions, and small pockets such as may be caused by accidental disturbing of particles of coarse aggregates embodied near the surface. The brooming shall be of uniform pattern all through. Edging: a) a) b) c) d) After belting / brooming has been completed, but before the initial setting of concrete, the edge of the pavement shall be carefully finished with an edger of 6 mm radius, and the pavement edges shall be left smooth and true to line. Honeycombing: The side forms shall not be removed until 12 hours or such longer period as the Engineer may decide after the 1ating of concrete. As soon as the side forms are removed, any minor honey combed area shall be filled with mortar composed of one part of cement and two parts of fine aggregate. Major honey combing areas or segregated concrete or other defective work or areas damaged by removal of the forms or concrete damaged by rain or due to any other reason whatsoever shall be considered as defective work and shall be removed and replaced by the contractor at his own expense. The total area of honey combed surface shall not exceed 4% of the area of the pavement side. However, no individual honey comb patch shall exceed 0.1 0 sq.m. Engineer's decision as to whether the concrete is defective or not shall be final and binding. Surface accuracy: a) b) c) After the concrete has sufficiently hardened after about 12 hours and not later than 24 hours, the surface shall be tested again for high spots. All high spots shall be marked and those exceeding 3 mm shall be ground down immediately. Care shall be taken to see that the grinding does not in any way damage the concrete surface. The final surface finish is to be such that when tested with a profilograh / roughness indicator / or a 3m long straight edge or an equivalent mechanical unevenness indicator placed anywhere within the same or adjoining pavement in any direction on the surface, there shall be no variation greater than 3mm. If the surface irregularity exceeding 3mm still remains despite grinding, the concrete shall be removed to its full depth. The area of concrete to be removed shall be complete pavement between the nearest joints, where the defective pavement is less than 4.5m from the expansion joint, the whole area upto the expansion joint shall be removed to the. full depth. The concrete so removed shall not be reused in the work. Fresh concrete shall be laid in the manner already described in these specifications and shall again be subject to test for surface accuracy and other quality control measures. Nothing extra ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 146 of 185 shall be paid for the same. Every pavement shall bear an impression not exceeding 3mm in depth comprising the number allotted to the pavement and the date on which it is laid. This impression shall be formed by the contractor when the concrete is green so as to leave permanent mark on setting. d) Initial curing: a) Immediately after completion of the finishing operations, the surface of the pavement shall be entirely covered with wetted burlap, cotton or jute mats. The mats used shall be of such length (or width) that as laid they shall extend at least 450mm beyond the edges of the pavement. The mats shall be placed so that the entire surface and both edges of the pavement are completely covered. b) This covering shall be placed as soon as, in the judgment of the Engineer the concrete has set sufficiently to prevent damage to the surface. Prior to being placed, the mats shall be thoroughly saturated with water and shall be placed with the wettest side down. The mats shall be so placed and weighed down as to cause them to remain in intimate contact with the surface covered, and the covering shall be maintained full wetted and in position for 24 hours after the concrete has been placed or until the concrete is. Sufficiently hard to be walked on without suffering damage. Water shall be gently sprayed so as to avoid damage to the fresh concrete. If it becomes necessary to remove a mat for any reason, the concrete pavement shall not be exposed for a period of more than half an hour. Worn burlap or burlap with holes shall not be permitted. Burlap reclaimed from previous use other than curing concrete shall be thoroughly washed prior to use for curing purposes. If burlap is obtained in strips, shall be laid to overlap by a least 150mm. Burlap shall be placed from suitable bridges. Walking on freshly laid concrete to facilitate placing burlap shall not be permitted. c) d) Final curing: a) b) c) d) Upon the removal of the burlaps, the pavement shall be thoroughly wetted and then cured as follows: All joints shall be filled with filler in order to prevent the edges of joints from getting damaged and entry of clay materials during final curing. Exposed edges of the pavement shall be banked with a substantial berm of earth. Upon the pavement shall then be laid a system of transverse and longitudinal dykes of clay about 50mm high immediately covered with a blanket of sandy soil free from stones to prevent the drying up and cracking of clay. The rest of the pavement shall then be covered with sufficient sandy soil so as to produce a blanket of earth not less than 40mm deep after wetting. The earth covering shall be thoroughly wetted while it is being placed on the surface and against the sides of the pavement and kept thoroughly saturated with water for 21 days and thoroughly wetted down during the morning of the 22nd day and shall thereafter remain in place until the concrete has attained the required strength and permission is given by the Engineer. Thereafter the covering shall be removed and the pavement cleaned and swept. If the earth covering becomes displaced during the curing period, it shall be replaced to the original depth and re-saturated. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 147 of 185 e) f) g) h) a)' b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Contractor shall appoint necessary watch & ward, at his expense, to prevent workmen, cattle, etc., straying on the pavement concrete. Concrete shall not be subjected to any load or weight of any plant until at least 28 days after laying. 15.2.10 Construction joints: Construction joints shall be provided as shown in the drawing and also at places where concreting is stopped due to unforeseen circumstances. The joints shall be straight and vertical through the full thickness of the pavement. While concrete in adjacent bay is still green, flats of suitable size shall be drawn along the edge and a groove of size 10 mmx25mm deep-shall be neatly formed and finished. The edges of the groove shall be full nosed. After curing of concrete is complete, this groove shall be thoroughly cleaned of all sand and dust and shall be perfectly dried and filled with hot poured sealing compound conforming to Grade-B of IS: 1834. Before filling with sealing compound, the faces of concrete of the joint shall be coated with Shalijet primer of equivalent to a depth of25mm at the rate of2.6 litres per 10 sq.m. Dummy joints: The joints shall be I0mm wide and shall extend vertically from the surface of the pavement to a depth equal to one-third of the thickness of the pavement but not less than 40mm in any case. The joint may be formed by depressing a high tensile MS or other approved Tee or flat bar, of depth not less than required depth of the joint plus 25mm, into the soft but compacted concrete. the bar used for forming the groove shall be coated with soft soap or other suitable lubricant to facilitate Its removal. Upon removal of the steel Tee or flat, joints shall be neatly formed with proper tools and mortar / fine material from the pavement itself. No additional cement mortar (rich or otherwise) shall be used. Cutting or sawing by a saw mounted on a movable frame and driven mechanically shall also be permitted as a method for making the joint. In this case the width may be reduced to 6mm. Any other method for making joints can be followed with the prior approval of the Engineer. In all cases, except where cutting is done with saw, the joint edges shall be bull-nosed. Care should be taken to see that the edges of the grooves are not damaged. The grooves shall be filled with hot poured sealing compound conforming to Grade-B of IS: 1834. Prior to filling with sealing compound, the joints shall be cleaned by compressed air and primed with Shalijet primer or equivalent at the rate specified for construction joints. All joints shall be sealed as soon as practicable after 28 days of placing of pavements. Joints shall be sealed flush with the adjacent pavement surface in summer and 3 to 4mm below finished concrete surface in winter. The pavement shall be opened to traffic only after joint sealing over the entire pavement. To prevent tackiness or pickup under traffic, the exposed surfaces of the sealing compound shall be dusted with hydrated time, if directed by Engineer, for which nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor. In case of sudden rain or storm, the work can be conducted at the dummy joints but these will then be formed as construction joints. Before sealing of joints, it may be ensured that the groove extends fully across the bay between consecutive longitudinal joints, in the case of transverse joints and is continuous in the case of longitudinal joints. Any concrete or other foreign matter must be removed from the groove. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 148 of 185 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) I) m) Expansion joints in concrete pavements (with non extruding filler pad): Pre-moulded joint filler shall conform to IS:1838 (Part-I). The thickness shall be 20 mm and shall be of the maximum available standard length. The joint sealing compound shall be fuel and heat resistant type complying to grade B of IS:1834. It shall be capable of adhering to the concrete without cracking, spalling and disintegration. Primer shall be Shalijet or Expanjet primer or equivalent. Bituminous emulsions shall not be used as primers. Expansion joints shall be provided as shown in the drawings and as per directions of Engineer. All joints shall be constructed true to line with their faces perpendicular to the surface of the pavement. The joint shall be 20mm wide. The depth of the nonextruding filler pad shall be 25mm less than the depth of the concrete pavement. Before the provision of expansion joint, the face of the already laid concrete pavement shall be painted with primer at the rate of 2.6 liters per10 sq.m. The expansion pad shall be properly cut to shape and shall then be placed in position abutting the painted face of the already laid concrete pavement. The adjacent pavement shall then be concreted. The face of the pad against which the new concrete pavement it to be laid shall also be painted with primer before laying the concrete. While concreting, a neat groove 20mmx 25mm as per drawing shall be formed on top of the pad, taking care that the edges are absolutely straight and that the groove so made does not get filled with any material like concrete mortar or rubbish. Before the curing process is started, the top of expansion joint shall be filled with bitumen-sand mixture in order to ensure that no foreign material used in curing enters into the joint. The filling shall be removed before filling the joints with sealing compound. For sealing, the joints shall first be cleared of any foreign matter to the full depth upto the top of expansion paid With steel spatula. The Joints shall then be blown with compressed air and cleaned with kerosene. Priming is to be done with spray gun @ 2.6 liter per 10 sq.m. of the surface to be primed and the primer allowed to dry completely before pouring the sealing compound. The sealing compound Grade-A is to be heated to the required temperature ranging between 155°C to 165°C or to the temperature range specified by the manufacturer. Over-heating shall be avoided. Pouring shall be done from vessel with spout in such a manner that the material does not get spilled on the exposed surface of the concrete. Any excess filler on the surface of the pavement shall be removed immediately and the pavement surface cleaned. The filling shall be worked into the joints with hot flats to ensure escape of trapped air. The filling is then to be ironed with hot iron. It is recommended that while in summer the joints may be sealed flush with the adjacent pavement surface, in winter the sealing compound may be filled to a depth 3 to 4 mm below the surface. The edges of the joints are then to be cut and trimmed to ensure neat and straight line finish. To prevent tackiness or pick up under traffic, the exposed surfaces of the sealing compound shall be dusted with hydrated lime, if directed by Engineer, at no extra cost. The measurement of the specified depth of joint shall be recorded in metres, correct to two places of decimals. Rates for the joint items shall include the cost of all materials, plant, machinery and labour involved in all operations described above, including all cartages and lifts. Painting & marking on roads & pavements: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 149 of 185 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Special road marking paint of approved brand and manufacture conforming to IS: 164 shall be used. Ready-mixed paint as received from the manufacturer shall be used without adding any admixture. During work, if the consistency of the paint gets thick and thinning becomes necessary it shall be done with the approval of the Engineer, by use of thinner recommended by the manufacturer. The paint shall be brought to the site of work by the contractor in original sealed containers. The material shall be brought in one lot in adequate quantity to suffice for the entire work. The material shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and the Engineer. The empties shall not be removed from the site of work, till the work has been completed and permission obtained from the Engineer. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and dusted. All the dirt, scales, oil and grease shall be thoroughly removed before painting is started. The prepared surface shall be inspected and approved by thee Engineer before painting is commenced. Before pouring into smaller containers for use, the paint shall be stirred thoroughly in its original container. The paint shall be continuously stirred in the smaller container while applying to the pavement surface so that its consistency is kept uniform. . The paint shall be applied evenly and smoothly by means of crossing and laying off. The crossing and laying off consists of covering the area over with paint, brushing the surface hard for the first time over and then brushing, alternatively in opposite direction, two or three time and then finally brushing lightly in al direction at right angle to the same. In this process, no brush marks shall be left after the laying off is finished. The full process of crossing and laying off will constitute one coat. No hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint puddles shall be left on the work. Each coat shall be allowed to dry out thoroughly before the next coat is applied. The surface shall ordinarily not be painted until it has dried up completely. Trial patches of paint shall be laid at intervals to check if drying is satisfactory. Earlier applied coat shall be cleaned off dust before the next coat is laid . No left over paint shall be put back into the stock tins. When not in use, the container shall be kept properly closed. The marking shall be done in accordance with the drawing unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer. After work the brushes shall be completely cleaned of paint by rinsing with turpentine. A brush in which paint has dried up is spoiled and shall on no account be reused for painting work. On no account kerosene oil shall be used for washing the brush. Measurement and rate for marking work: a) Length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. Area shall be worked out in square metre, correct to two places of a decimal. Rate shall include cost of all material, tools and labour involved in al the operations, described above including all cartages and lifts. 4.15.3 Water bound macadam: Road metal shall be either crushed or broken stone, crushed slag or kankar / laterite, hard, tough and durable. Flat, elongated or flaky materials shall be avoided. a) The physical requirements shall be as per Table-400-5 of IRC Specns when tested in accordance with IS:2386 or IS:5640. b) The weight of crushed slag shall not be less than 1,120 kg per cu.m. and its water absorption shall not exceed 10 percent. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 150 of 185 c) The grading of coarse aggregate shall be one of the following as detailed in Table-400-6 of IRC Specns: 90mm to 45mm; 63mm to 45mm; 50mm to 22.4mm Screenings: a) b) c) d) Screenings needed to fill voids in the coarse aggregate shall generally be of the same material as the coarse aggregates. Where drawings / the BOQ specify a non-plastic material like moorum, the liquid limit and plasticity index (PI) of such material shall be below 20 and 6 respectively and the fraction passing a 75 micron sieve shall not exceed 10 percent. Generally screenings of size 13 .2mm Table 400-7 of IRC Specns shall be used with the first coarse aggregate grade and those of 11.2mm with the last grade mentioned. For the intermediate grade either type of screenings is suitable. Approximate quantities are indicated in Table 400-8 of IRC Specns. Binding materials: a) To prevent ravelling of water bound macadam the binding material shall be fine grained material having Plasticity Index value of 6 as determined in accordance with IS: 2720. Stack measurements: a) Measurements of materials like stones, aggregates, screenings, sand, etc. shall be taken in bottomless boxes or measuring boxes or in closely packed stacks on level ground. While no special compaction is necessary by ramming, shaking or hammering, no attempt at loose stacking will be permitted. Materials and labour: a) Measurements for finished work for which 'Materials and Labour' rates are to be paid, shall be taken in two stages, viz. measurements of road aggregates, etc. in stacks as above, and measurements of the completed work. The former is necessary to ensure that the required quantities of road aggregates have actually been collected and are of the sizes, etc. indicated. b) Stack measurements shall not, however, absolve the Contractor from the responsibility of conforming to the required specifications and dimensions, etc. and provision of more materials, if necessary, to make up the required thickness, etc. without any extra charge. Quantities of materials for WBM: Class ificat ion a) Approximate quantities of coarse aggregates and screening required for 10sq.m. of 100mm compacted thickness of WBM sub-base and 75mm compacted thickness of WBM base course as per IRC Specns and are given in the following Table: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Coarse Aggregates Screenings Crushable type, Such Stone Screenings as Moorum or Gravel Grading/ Classification and size 100 mm 1.21 To 1.43 Cu.m Type A 13.2 mm GRADING 2 63 mm to 45 mm 0.91 To 1.07 Cu.m - Do - - Do - Type A 13.2 mm Type B 11.2 mm GRADING 3 53 mm to 22.4 mm 75 mm - Do 75 mm 0.12 to 0.15 Cu.m 0.22 to 0.22 Cu.m 0.18 to 0.21 Cu.m b) - Do - Do - - Do - Loose Quantity Loose Quantity 99 mm to 45 mm Grading classification & Size Compacted Thickness GRADING 1 For WBM Subbade. Base Course (Loose Quantity) Size Range Page 151 of 185 0.27 to 0.3 Cu.m Not Uniform 0.30 To 0.32 Cu.m - Do - 0.22 To 0.24 Cu.m - Do - - Do - - Do - - Do - The quantity of binding material where it is to be used shall depend on the type of screenings and function of WBM. Generally, the quantity required for 75mm compacted thickness shall be 0.06-0.09 cu.m. per 10 sq.m. for sub base / base course of WBM. For 100mm thickness the quantity required shall be 0.08 to 0.10 cu.m. per 10 sq.m. Kerbs / edgings: a) The kerbs / edgings shall be of PCC precast blocks with cement concrete 1:3 :6 (l cement, 3 coarse sand, 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). The size shall be as indicated in the drawings. The kerbs / edgings shall be laid to proper alignment and level with sufficient anchorage as indicated in the drawings and jointed with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement, 2 coarse sand). b) Macadaming: a) b) c) d) e) The coarse aggregates shall be spread uniformly upon the compacted soling in required quantities. Proper profile shall be maintained by using templates placed across the road about 6 metres apart. The aggregates shall normally not be spread in lengths exceeding three days average work ahead of the rolling and bonding of the preceding section. After laying, the road metal shall be compacted to full width by rolling with a 8 to 10 tonnes power roller. The WBM course shall be constructed in layers of not more than 75mm compacted thickness for Grading 2 & 3 and 100mm for grading 1 as specified in Clause-404.2.5 of IRC Specns. The rolling shall begin from edges with roller running forward and backward until the edges have been compacted. The roller shall then progress gradually from the edges towards the centre parallel to the centre-line of the road, uniformly lapping each preceding rear wheel track by one half width. Rolling shall be discontinued when the aggregates are partially compacted with sufficient void space in them to permit application of screening. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 152 of 185 f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Sl.No 1. 2. On super-elevated portion of the road, rolling shall commence from the lower edge and progress gradually towards the upper edge of the pavement. Rolling shall not be done when the subgrade is soft or yielding nor when it causes a wave-like motion in the base course or subgrade. If irregularities develop during rolling which exceed 12mm when tested with a 3 metre straight edge, the surface shall be loosened and aggregates added or removed as required before rolling again. In no case shall the use of screening to make up depressions be permitted. After coarse aggregate have been rolled, screenings to fill the interstices shall be applied gradually over the surface. Dry rolling shall be done when the screenings are being spread so that the jarring effect of roller causes them to settle into the voids of the coarse aggregates. The screenings shall not be dumped in piles but applied uniformly in successive thin layers by the spreading motion of hand shovels. Trucks plying over the base course to spread screenings shall be equipped with pneumatic tyres and so operated as not to disturb the coarse aggregates. After application of screenings, the surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water, swept and rolled. Hand brooms shall be used to sweep the wet screenings into the voids, and to distribute them evenly. The sprinkling, sweeping and rolling operations shall be continued and additional screenings applied where necessary until the coarse aggregates are well-bonded and firmly set and a grout of screenings and water form ahead of the wheels of the roller. Care shall be taken that the base or sub-grade does not get damaged due to addition of excessive quantities of water during the construction. After the application of screenings, binding materials where specified shall be applied at a uniform and slow rate in two or more successive thin layers. After each application of binding materials, the surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water and the resulting slurry swept in with hand brooms / mechanical brooms or both so as to fill the voids properly. This shall be followed by rolling with 8 to 10 tonnes roller during which water shall be applied to the wheels to wash down the binding material that may get stuck to them. The spreading of binding material, sprinkling of water, sweeping with brooms and rolling shall continue until the slurry of binding material and water forms a wave ahead of the wheels of moving roller. Setting and drying: After final compaction of the course, the road shall be allowed to cure overnight. Next morning, hungry spots shall be filled with screenings or binding materials lightly sprinkled with water if necessary, and rolled. No traffic shall be allowed till the macadam sets. In the case of water bound macadam base course to be provided with bituminous surfacing, the latter shall be laid only after the WBM course is completely dry and before allowing any traffic on it. Surface evenness: The permitted tolerances are as below: 90 - 45mm 63 -45mm or 50 - 22.4mm ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures 15mm Maximum permissible variation from specified profile when measured with a camber template. 12mm 12mm 8mm Size range of Maximum permissible coarse aggregates undulations when measured with a 3m straight edge. Page 153 of 185 m) 4.15.4 a) b) c) Measurement for payment: The volume of the stone aggregate stacks (calculated as per the actual measurement) shall be reduced by 7.5 percent for looseness in stacking to arrive at the net quantity for payment. The volume of the binding material stacks (calculated as per the actual measurement) shall be without any reduction for looseness in stacking to arrive at the net quantity for payment. Premix carpet: Materials: Coarse aggregates shall be broken stone of best quality granite or trap obtained from approved quarries and shall be clean, dry, hard and free from dust and any other foreign material. The stone shall be of angular shape with rough surface and free from flaky and laminated pieces. The sand shall be clean, dry and coarse grained. Bitumen for surfacing and priming shall conform to either 18:217 or IS:73 and as approved by the Engineer. Bitumen shall be obtained from approved manufacturer in sealed drums. The materials required per 10 sq.m., shall be as per Table 500-17 of IRC Specns and as indicated in the Bill of Quantities. a) Preparation of base: Before the carpet is applied to the existing base, the road shall be free from dust or caked mud. Where the existing base is potholed or rutted, these irregularities shall be corrected with premixed chippings coated, laid after applying a tack coat of binder and well rammed thereafter. The surface shall be cleaned by removing caked earth and other foreign matter with wire brushes, following by sweeping with brooms and finally dusting with sacks. a) Priming tack coat: The binder shall be heated to the temperature as recommended by the manufacturer and then applied uniformly to the base by means of a sprayer. Preparation of premix: a) b) c) Mechanical mixers shall be employed. For small quantities of work, improvised hand mixing drums may be used as directed by the Engineer. The binder shall be heated to the temperature as recommended by the manufacturer and mixed until the chippings are thoroughly coated with the binder. The premix shall then be emptied on to stretchers or wheel barrows and carried to the site. a) Spreading of premix: Immediately after applying the tack coat I priming coat, the premix shall be spread with rakes to the desired thickness and to the correct camber, or distributed evenly by means of a drag spreader. The surface shall then be checked for camber by means of a camber board and any inequalities found, shall be corrected. a) Rolling: As soon as sufficient length, say 15 metres of the premix, has been laid, the surface shall be rolled with 8 to 10 tonnes power roller. Rolling shall commence at the edge and progress towards the centre (except in case of super-elevated curves, where the rolling shall progress from the inside towards the outside of course), longitudinally. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 154 of 185 b) a) b) I 4.15.5 When the roller has passed once over the area, any high spot or depression which becomes apparent shall be corrected by removing or adding premix. When this has been done, the surface shall be rolled to compaction. The roller wheels are moistened in the process to prevent from adhering to wheel and being picked up. Seal coat: Premix sand seal coat wherever indicated shall be applied immediately after laying the carpet. The binder shall be heated in boilers of suitable design, to the temperature appropriate to the grade of bitumen. The aggregates shall be dry and suitably heated to a temperature directed by Engineer before the same are placed in the mixer of suitable design. Mixing of binder with aggregates to the specified proportions shall be continued till the latter are thoroughly coated with binder. The mix shall be immediately transported from the mixing plant to the point of use and spread uniformly on the bituminous surface to be sealed. As soon as sufficient length has been covered with premix material, the surface shall be rolled with 8 to 10 tennes power roller. Rolling shall be continued till the premix material completely seals the voids in the bituminous course, yielding a smooth uniform surface. Where only spreading of sand is indicated in the BOQ, the required quantity of and shall be spread and r rolled till the voids are sealed and uniform surface is obtained. Drainage pipes: Pipes meant for surface drainage and utility crossings shall be NP2 class (non-pressure) reinforced concrete pipes confom1ing to 18:458, unless otherwise stated. a) Laying: Reasonable care shall be exercised in loading, transporting and unloading of concrete pipes. Handling shall be such as to avoid impact. Gradual unloading by inclined plane or by chain blocks is recommended. All pipe sections and connections shall be inspected carefully before being laid. Broken or defective pipes or connections shall not be used. Pipes shall be lowered into trenches carefully. Mechanical appliances may be used. Pipes shall be laid true to line and grade as specified. Laying of pipes shall always proceed upgrade of a slope. If the pipes have spigot and socket joints the socket ends shall face upstream. In the case of pipes, with joints to be made with loose collars, the collars shall be slipped on before the next pipe is laid. Adequate and proper expansion joints shall be provided, wherever necessary. In cases Where the alignment of pipes are in the proximity of trees or poles, under existing or proposed tracks, near manholes, etc., the pipe shall be encased in low strength concrete. In places where the natural foundation is inadequate, the pipes shall be laid either in a concrete cradle supported on proper foundations or any other suitably designed structure. If the concrete cradle bedding is used, the depth of concrete below the bottom of the pipe shall be atleast one-fourth of the internal diameter of the pipe subject to a minimum of 100mm and a maximum of 300mm. The concrete shall extend up the sides of the pipe atleast to a distance of one-fourth of the outside diameter for pipes 300mm and over in diameter. The pipe shall be laid in this concrete bedding before the concrete has set. When the pipe is laid in a trench in rock, hard clay, shall or other hard material, the b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 155 of 185 k) 1) m) n) 0) p) q) r) 4.15.6 a) b) c) 4.15.7 a) b) c) space below the pipe shall be excavated and replaced with an equalising bed of concrete, sand or compacted earth. In no place shall the pipe be laid directly on such hard material. Trenches shall be kept free from water until the material in the joint has hardened. When the pipe is closed and the trench liable to be flooded by rain, care shall be taken to prevent the pipe from floating. Walking or working on the completed pipe shall not be permitted until the trench has been backfilled to a height of atleast 300mm over the pipe, except as may be necessary in tamping and backfilling. The tamping around the pipe shall be done by hand or other hand operated mechanical means. The water content of the soil shall be as near the optimum moisture content as possible. Filling of the trench shall be carried on simultaneously on both sides of the pipe in such a manner that unequal pressure does not occur. In case of embankment of low or medium heights, the following considerations shall apply. In the case of pipes 600mm or less in diameter, the embankment shall be constructed to an elevation 150mm above the level proposed for the top of the pipe after which the trench shall be excavated and the pipe installed. In the case of very high embankments, the embankment shall be built to an elevation above the top of the pipe equal to the external diameter of the pipe, after which a trench shall be excavated and the pipe laid. When the backfill material is placed above the pipe, the vertical surfaces of the trench above the top of pipe shall not be more than 200mm beyond the outside diameter of the pipe. After the pipe has been laid, suitable backfill material shall be placed around the pipe and carefully compacted in layers, not more than 150mm, after compaction upto the top of the pipe. Therefore, a loose fill of depth equal to external diameter of pipe shall be placed before further layers are added and compacted. Boulder pitching: The stone boulders for the pitching shall be granite, trap, basalt or similar hard stone. Pitching stones shall generally be 225mm thick unless otherwise mentioned in the drawing. Sand used shall be approved fiver or pit sand conforming to IS: 1542. The proportion of cement mortar for grouting the joints and plastering or flush pointing the top surface shall be as per the BOQ and or as indicated in the drawing. Fencing: RCC posts and struts shall be as shown in the drawings, precast to correct dimensions and details. The spacing of posts shall be three metres centre to centre unless otherwise directed by the Engineer to suit the dimensions of the area to be fenced. Every tenth post, last but one end post and comer post shall be strutted on both sides and end post on one side only. Pits of sizes as shown in drawings for the posts and struts shall first be excavated, true to line and level to receive the posts. The pits shall be filled with PCC of specified mix to the thickness indicated in the drawings. The posts and struts shall then be placed in the pits. The posts projecting above ground shall be true to line and position. Where the drawings indicate that the PCC top is below the finished level, the remaining portions of pits shall be tilled up with excavated earth and the surplus earth disposed off as directed by the Engineer and the site cleaned. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 156 of 185 d) The barbed wire for fencing shall be galvanised steel barbed fencing wire of 2-ply 12G with 4-point thick set barbs at 75mm centres (weighing atleast 9.38 kg/100m) and conforming to IS:278. The barbed I wire shall be stretched and fixed in the number of rows as shown in the drawings. The diagonals wherever indicated shall be stretched between adjacent posts from top wire of one post to the bottom wire of the second post. The barbed wire shall be fixed to the RC posts by means of GS binding wire tied to 6mm galvanised nibs fixed while casting the posts. Turn buckles and training bolts shall be used at the end posts. The work shall be done as per IS:4996. The chainlink shall be of gaivanised steel 10 gauge conforming to IS:2721. The chainlink shall be stretched and fixed to the RC posts by means of two rows of GS binding wire at top and bottom, tied to 6mm galvanised MS nibs fixed while casting the posts. e) 4.15.8 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for road works are deemed to include the cost of all earthwork, materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from preparing the surfaces and clearing waste and debris out of the site. Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, surface treatments, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. 4.16 ANTI – TERMITE TREATMENT 4.16.1 Materials: a) The materials to be used for pre-construction anti-termite soil treatment shall generally conform to IS:6313 (Part II), unless specified otherwise. b) The materials to be used for post-construction anti-termite soil treatment shall generally conform to IS:6313 (Part III), unless specified otherwise. c) Any of the following chemicals, conforming to the relevant BIS Specifications, and as permitted by law applicable at the time of work, shall be applied uniformly in water emulsion at the prescribed rate in all stages of treatment: Chemical a) Chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate Relevant Indian Standard IS: 8944 Concentration by weight: Percent For mound For soil treatment treatment 0.50 1.00 4.16.3 Safe handling: a. Detailed precautions for the safe handling of these chemicals shall be taken as described herein. 4.16.4 Pre-constructional anti-termite treatment: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 157 of 185 Site preparation: a) The removal of trees, stumps, logs or roots from a building site reduces the hazards from subterranean termites. Similarly, the sub floor area should be kept free from all debris in which new colonies of termites might be established. In order to ensure uniform distribution of the treating solution and to assist penetration, some site preparation may be necessary. The information given below is for guidance in preparing the site for chemical treatment. i) On clays and other heavy soils where penetration is likely to be slow and on sloping sites where run off of the treating solution is likely to occur, the surface of the soil should be scarified to a depth of atleast 75mm. ii) On loose, sandy or porous soils where loss of treating solution through piping or excessive percolation is likely to occur, preliminary moistening to fill the capillary spaces in the soil is recommended. iii) All sub floor filling, leveling and grading should be completed; all cutting, trenches and excavations should be completed with backfilling in place; borrowed fill must be free from organic debris and shall be well compacted. If this is not done, supplementary treatments should be made to complete the barrier. iv) All concrete formwork, leveling pegs, timber off-cuts and other builder's debris should be removed from the area to be treated. Soil treatment: a) Anyone of the chemical emulsions described hereinabove shall be applied uniformly at the prescribed rate in all the stages of the treatment. A suitable hand-operated compressed air sprayer or watering should be used to facilitate uniform dispersal of the chemical emulsion. On large jobs, a power sprayer may be used to save labour and time. Mound treatment: a) If termite mounds are found within the plinth area of the buildings, these shall be destroyed by pouring chemicals into the mounds at several places, after breaking open the earthen structure, and making holes With crow-bars, at the rate of 4 litres of chemical emulsion per cubic metre of mound. Conditions of formation: a) Barrier shall be complete and continuous under the whole of the building / structure to be protected. b) All foundations shall be fully surrounded by and in close contact with the barrier of treated soil. Each part of the area treated shall receive the prescribed dosage of chemical. Time of application: a) Soil, treatment should start when foundation trenches and pits are ready to take mass ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 158 of 185 concrete in foundations. Laying of mass concrete should start when the chemical emulsion has been absorbed by the soil and the surface is quite dry. Treatment should not be carried out when it is raining or when the soil is wet with rain or sub soil water. This applies also in the case of treatment to the filled earth surface within the plinth area before laying the sub-grade for the floor. Disturbances: a) Once formed, treated soil barriers shall not be disturbed. If, by chance, treated soil barriers are disturbed, immediate steps shall be taken to restore the continuity and completeness of the barrier system. Treatment for masonry foundations and basements: a) The bottom surface and the sides (upto a height of about 300mm) of the excavations made for masonry foundations and basements shall be treated with the chemical at the rate of 5 litres per square metre surface area. b) After the masonry foundation and the retaining wall of the basements come up, the backfill in immediate contact with the foundation structure shall be treated at the rate of7.5 litres per square metre of the vertical surface of the sub-structure for each side. If water is used for ramming the earth fill, the chemical treatment shall be carried out after the ramming operation is done by rodding the earth at l50mm centres, close to the wall surface and spraying the chemical emulsion at the above dosage. After the treatment, the soil should be tamped in place. The earth is usually returned in layers and the treatment shall be carried out in similar stages. The chemical emulsion shall be directed towards the masonry surfaces so that the earth in contact with these surfaces is well treated with the chemical. a) Treatment for RCC foundation and basements: The treatment shall stal1 at a depth of 500mm below the ground level except when such ground level is raised or lowered by filling or cutting after the foundations have been cast. In such cases, the depth of 500mm shall be determined from the new soil level resulting from the filling or cutting mentioned above, and soil in immediate contact with the vertical faces of RCC foundations shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre. The other details shall be as specified above for masonry foundation structures. Treatment of top surface of plinth filling: a) The top surface of the consolidated earth. within plinth walls shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 litres per square metre of the surface before the sand bed or sub-grade is laid. If the filled earth has been well rammed and the surface does not allow the emulsion to seep through, holes upto 50 to 75mm deep at 150mm centres both ways may be made with 12mm diameter mild steel rod on the surface to facilitate saturation of the soil with the chemical emulsion. Treatment at junction of the wall and the floor: a) Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of the vertical chemical barrier on inner ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 159 of 185 wall surfaces from ground level upto the level of the filled earth surface. To achieve this, a small channel 30 x 30mm shall be made at all the junction of wall and columns with the floor (before laying the sub-grade) and rod holes made in the channel upto the ground level 150mm apart and the iron rod moved backward and forward to break up the earth and chemical emulsion poured along the channel at the rate of 7.5 litres per square metre of the vertical wall or column surface so as to soak the soil right to the bottom. The soil should be tamped back into place after this operation. Treatment of soil along external perimeter of building: a) After the building is complete, the earth along the external perimeter of the building should be rodded at intervals of 150mm and to a depth of 300mm. The rods should be moved backward and forward parallel to the wall to break up the earth and chemical emulsion poured along the wall at the rate of7.5 litres per square metre of vertical surfaces. After the treatment, the earth should be tamped back into place. Should the earth outside the building be graded on completion of building, this treatment should be carried out on completion of such grading. b) In the event of filling being more than 300mm, the external perimeter treatment shall extend to the full depth of filling upto the ground level so as to ensure continuity of the chemical barrier. Treatment of soil under apron along external perimeter of building: a) Top surface of the consolidated earth over which the apron is to be laid shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 5 litres per square metre of the vertical surface before the apron is laid. If consolidated earth does not allow all emulsion to seep through, holes upto 50 to 75mm deep at 150mm centres both ways may be made with 12mm diameter mild steel rod on the surface to facilitate saturation of the soil with the chemical emulsion. Treatment for walls retaining soil above floor level: a) Retaining walls like the basement walls or outer walls above the floor level retaining soil need to be protected by providing chemical barrier by treatment of retained soil in the immediate vicinity of the wall, so as to prevent entry of termites through the voids in masonry, cracks and crevices, etc., above the floor level. The soil retained by the walls shall be treated at the rate of 7.5 Iitres per square metre of the vertical surface so as to effect a continuous outer chemical barrier, in continuation of the one formed under 19.2.7. Treatment of soil surrounding pipes, wastes and conduits: a) When pipes, wastes and conduits enter the soil inside the area of the foundations, soil surrounding the point of entry shall be loosened around each, of such pipe, waste or conduit for a distance of 150mm and to a depth of 75mm before treatment is commenced. When they enter the soil external to the foundations, they shall be similarly treated for a distance of over 300mm unless they stand clear of the walls of the building by about 75mm. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 160 of 185 Treatment for expansion joints a) Expansion joints at ground floor level are one of the biggest hazards for termite infestation. The soil beneath these joints should receive Special attention when the treatment under 19.2.9 is carried out. This treatment should be supplemented by treating through the expansion joint after the sub grade has been laidt at the rate of 2 litres per linear metre. Precautions for health hazards and safety measures: Safety precautions as outlined under Appendix-B of 18:6313 (Part II) shall be adopted. a) All the chemicals indicated herein are poisonous and hazardous to health. These chemicals have an adverse effect upon health when absorbed through the skin, inhaled as vapours or spray mists or swallowed. Persons handling or using these chemicals should be warned of these dangers and advised that absorption through the skin is the most likely sources of accidental poisoning. They should be cautioned to observe carefully the safety precautions given in 19.3.3 to 19.3.6 particularly when handling these chemicals in the form of concentrates b) These chemicals are to be brought to the site in the form of emulsifiable concentrates. The containers should be clearly labeled and should be stored carefully so that children and pets cannot get at them. They should be kept securely closed. c) Particular care should be taken to prevent skin contact with concentrates. Prolonged exposure to dilute emulsions should also be avoided. Workers should wear clear clothing and should wash thoroughly with soap and water especially before eating and smoking. In the event of severe contamination, clothing should be removed at once and the skin washed with soap and water. If chemicals splash into the eyes they shall be flushed with plenty of soap and water and immediate medical attention should be sought. d) Flames should not be allowed during mixing, since the concentrates are oil solutions and present a fire hazard owing to the use of petroleum solvents. e) Care should be taken in the application of soil toxicants to see that they are not allowed to contaminate wells or springs which serve as sources of drinking water. f) In case of poisoning, suitable measures shall be taken for protection in accordance with IS:4015 (Part I): Guide for handling cases of pesticide poisoning- First-aid measures, and IS:40 15 (Part II): Guide for handling cases of pesticide poisoning: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. 4.16.5 Coverage of rates: Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for anti-termite treatment works are deemed to include the cost of all attendant earthwork, drilling, materials, consumables, wastages, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from preparing the surfaces, and clearing waste and debris out of the site. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 161 of 185 4.17 4.17.1 General a) 4.12.2 CONDUITING This specification covers the requirements of supply and installation of concealed conduits, pipe sleeves, junction boxes, fan hook boxes and allied accessories for the electrical and related installations. Materials and items: a) All materials and manufactured items for. conducting shall be of approved make and as indicated in the BOQ and / or drawings, conforming to the relevant BIS specifications. Samples shall be got approved in advance of procurement and installation. b) PVC conduits and fittings shall be of heavy class conforming to IS: 9537-Part III. PVC bends, couplers and draw boxes, to be provided at suitable locations, shall correspond to the conduit sizes. c) Junction boxes for luminaires shall be made of cast iron (CI). The junction boxes to be installed in slabs shall be of 65mm dia and 65mm deep and that on wall shall be of 65mm dia and 25mm deep. They shall have two or four knockouts with extensions for conduit entry. The knockouts shall be suitable for the particular diameter of the conduits. The junction box shall be suitably treated to avoid corrosion. Where sheet steel junction boxes are specified, they shall of l6G CRCA sheet steel, galvanised after fabrication. . d) Fan hook boxes shall be made of 16G CRCA sheet steel with 10 / l2mm dia MS hook cum lug and 25mm dia x 25mm long conduit extension closed at one end, suitable for insertion of bolts, with 4 numbers of knockouts for conduit entry. The fan hook boxes to be provided in RCC members shall be 95mm dia and 60mm deep. Where specified, these shall be galvanised after fabrication. The fan hook boxes shall be painted with two coats of red oxide primer, whether galvanised or not. e) Switch boxes shall be made of l6G CRCA sheet steel with front / corner lips with screw holes. Where specified, these shall be galvanised after fabrication. The switchboxes shall be painted with two coats of red oxide primer, whether galvanised or not. f) Galvanised steel / GI pipes shall of medium class, unless otherwise indicated. g) Any material or work not specifically mentioned in this specification but considered essential shall be included by the tenderer in this offer. 4.17.3 Drawings: a) All items and their placement and location in the work shall be as indicated in the drawings, true to line, level and alignment. b) Where required, the Contractor shall prepare drawings indicating the conduit layout, based on the drawings available for location of electrical and other points, in which case the work shall be carried out based on the Engineer's approval to the same. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 162 of 185 4.17.4 Installation: a) PVC conduiting shall comprise the conduits and necessary bends and couplers for vertical dropping and for joining together conduits respectively. b) Draw boxes shall be provided for every 10m length of conduiting meant for wiring, in stretches involving more than two bends and where the alignment passes through ceiling slabs which are at different levels as well as at points where specifically called for as per drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Elbows shall not be used. c) PVC items shall be jointed together using approved adhesive only. d) GI fish wires shall be provided in the conduits. e) All openings shall be sealed to prevent entry of concrete or creatures. f) Conduits, draw boxes, junction boxes, fan hook boxes, etc., which would be concealed, shall be secured in position by tying to the reinforcement bars using binding wire or appropriate check nails in case of masonry. g) Conduits to be concealed in masonry shall be set into necessary chases, secured in position and the chase patched up using cement mortar. The dimensions of the chases shall be appropriate for the sizes of the concealed items and as approved. h) The conduits, accessories, junction boxes and fan hook boxes fixed in position shall be inspected thoroughly during concreting and concealing, for any displacements, damages, etc. Sufficient stock of materials and workmen shall be deployed to immediately attend to any rectifications. A thorough check for any damages or chokages shall also be carried out after concealment. All such measures and rectifications shall be at the Contractor's own cost. i) Conduits and sleeves meant for passage of cables, etc. shall be fixed on / through masonry / RCC members or laid in excavated / pre-formed trenches, all as approved by the Engineer. Curves in the alignment of metallic conduits shall be achieved by bending to profile using non-heat methods only, without the use of elbows. . j) Switchboxes shall be fixed in position using cement mortar. Cement concrete with small size aggregates shall be used where the gap exceeds 20mm. The front lips shall be flush with the face of wall plaster. Front covers for switchboxes are normally outside the scope of civil engineering works. These shall however be provided, where specifically called for in the BOQ. 4.17.5 Coverage of rates: a) Unless otherwise indicated in the BOQ, the rates for the various Items for conduiting works are deemed to include the cost of all earthwork, materials, consumables, wastages, curing, transportation, labour, supervision, tools, tackles, plant, machinery and documentation, apart from clearing waste and debris out of the site. b) Only where specifically indicated in the BOQ, masonry chambers, if any are specified, are paid for, under separate Items. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 163 of 185 Section 5 BOQs ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 164 of 185 5. BILL OF QUANTITIES ( FINANCIAL BID ) SI No Description Unit Quantity SECTION - I STRUCTURAL WORKS 1.00 EARTH WORK 1.1 Earth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto 500m and lift upto 1.5 m, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly dressed All kinds of soil M2 100 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means over areas (exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated earth, lead upto 500m and lift upto 1.5m, disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed All kinds of soil M3 875 Ordinary Rock M3 875 Hard Rock Excavation for Retrofitting work M3 875 1.30 BACK FILLING: Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 500m and lift upto 1.5m Back Filling M3 910 M3 390 EARTH WORK EXCAVATION 1.2 1.4 - do - Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in excavation / banking excavated or stacked materials All kinds of soil Back Filling above 1.5m ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Rate Amount Page 165 of 185 SI No 1.5 1.6 1.7 Description Supplying and filling in plinth with Jamuna sand under floors, including watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete. Surface dressing of the ground including removing vegetation and inequalities not exceeding 15 cm deep and disposal of rubbish, lead upto 500 m and lift upto 1.5m All kinds of soil Unit Quantity M3 15 M2 900 M3 1 M3 180 M2 1030 Applying a coat of residual petroleum bitumen of grade of VG-10 of approved quality using 1.7 kg per square metre on damp proof course after cleaning the surface with brushes and finally with a piece of cloth lightly soaked in kerosene oil M2 1 Extra for providing and fixing water proofing material 'Impermo' or equivalent in cement concrete work / plastering @ 1 Kg. per 50kg of cement 50kg 1 Carriage of material by mechanical transport including loading unloading and stacking (upto 10km) 2.00 PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE (PCC) 2.10 PCC FOR FOOTING Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggreg te 40 mm nominal size) 2.20 DAMP-PROOFING COURSE Providing and laying damp-proof course 50 mm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) 2.3 2.4 ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Rate Amount Page 166 of 185 SI Description No 3.00 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE 3.10 READY MIX CONCRETE Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge All works upto plinth level Unit Quantity M3 1225 M3 1890 Upto plinth level KG 65000 Above plinth level KG 245000 M2 1 M2 2100 M2 7150 All works above plinth level upto floor V level 3.20 REINFORCEMENT STEEL (REBARS) 3.30 Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars 3.40 Smooth finishing of the exposed surface of R.C.C. work with 6 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 fine sand) 4.00 FORM WORK (SHUTTERING WORK) 4.10 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for a Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete b Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, etc ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Rate Amount Page 167 of 185 SI No c Description Unit Quantity Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts M2 5100 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform M2 765 5.00 BRICK MASONRY WORK 5.10 Brick work with clay flyash F.P.S. (non modular) brick of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor five level in Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) M3 101 5.20 Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth including levelling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) upto plinth level with : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) M3 25 5.30 Random rubble masonry with hard stone in superstructure above plinth level and upto floor five level, including leveling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) at window sills, ceiling level and the like. Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) M3 45 M2 350 d SECTION -II 6.00 FINISHING WORK PLASTERING WORK 6.10 INTERNAL PLASTERING WORK CEMENT PLASTER (IN FINE SAND) 12 mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Rate Amount Page 168 of 185 SI No Description CEMENT PLASTER (IN FINE SAND) 12 mm cement plaster of mix 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) 6.30 ROUGH PLASTERING FOR DADOING AND CLADDING WORK CEMENT PLASTER (IN COARSE SAND) 12 mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand) Unit Quantity M2 8 M2 264 M2 17000 RM 1000 M2 12,800.00 6.40 EXTERNAL PLASTERING WORK Providing Plastering for external plaster are for height upto 10m from ground level unless otherwise stated CEMENT PLASTER (IN FINE SAND) 12 mm cement plaster of mix 6.50 ELEVATION GROOVE WORK Forming groove of uniform size in the top layer of washed stone grit plaster as per approved pattern using wooden battens, nailed to the under layer, including removal of wooden battens, repair to the edges of panels and finishing the groove complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer-in charge 6.60 PAINTING WORK CEMENT PRIMER FINISH FOR INTERNAL WALL Applying one coat of water thinnable cement primer of approved brand and manufacture on wall surface Water thinnable cement primer ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Rate Amount Page 169 of 185 SI Description No 6.70 PUTTY FINISH FOR INTERNAL WALL Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete Unit Quantity M2 350 M2 350 6.90 WHITE WASH FINISH FOR INTERNAL CEILING - NEW WORK White washing with lime to give an even shade New work (three or more coats) M2 8 6.10 CEMENT PRIMER FINISH FOR EXTERNAL WALL - OLD WORK Applying one coat of water thinnable cement primer of approved brand and manufacture on wall surface Water thinnable cement primer M2 17500 M2 17000 M2 12,800.00 M2 12800 6.80 DISTEMPER FINISH FOR INTERNAL WALL Distempering with dry distemper of approved brand and manufacture (one or more coats) and of required shade on old work to give an even shade 6.11 CEMENT PAINT FINISH FOR EXTERNAL WALL - OLD WORK Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade Old work (one or more coats @ 2.20 kg/10 sqm) complete 6.12 CEMENT PRIMER FINISH FOR EXTERNAL WALL - NEW WORK Applying one coat of water thinnable cement primer of approved brand and manufacture on wall surface Water thinnable cement primer Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm) ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Rate Amount Page 170 of 185 SI Description No 6.13 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade : 13.61.1 Two or more coats on new work 7.00 FLOOR / WALL / DADOING TILES FINISH 7.10 VITRIFIED FLOOR TILES FINISH Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. Size of Tile 600x600 mm 7.20 CEMENT CONCRETE FLOORING Anti- Skid Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. 40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate 7.30 MAKING APPROVED PATTERN ON CEMENT CONCRETE FLOORS Extra for making chequers of approved pattern on cement concrete floors, steps, landing, pavements etc 7.40 GRANITE WALL DADOING (CLADDING) Stone tile work for wall lining upto 10 m heightwith special adhesive over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), including pointing in white cement with an admixture of pigment to match the stone shade. 18mm thick (mirror polished and machine cut edge) Granite of any color and shade ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Unit Quantity M2 900 M2 80 M2 500 M2 500 M2 174 Rate Amount Page 171 of 185 SI Description No 7.50 GRANITE EDGE MOULDING Providing edge moulding to 18 mm thick marble stone counters, Vanities etc., including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per design approved by Engineer-in Charge. Granite work Unit Quantity LM 198 STEEL & IRON WORK (HAND RAILS & GATE) 8.10 Providing and fixing (Hand rail / Steel Gate / Steel Door) steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works Fixing of Foundation bolts supplied by ownerfor PEB works in Second floor (one set may contain 8nos of 25mm bolts 900 long – Labour charges only for aligning and fixing as instructed SECTION -III 9.00 REPAIRS WORK DEMOLITION WORK 9.10 Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means including disposal of material within 500 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in - charge. 9.20 Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or richer mix (i/c equivalent design mix) KG 7800 1set 200 M3 101 9.30 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 500 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in- charge. M3 1200 8.00 9.40 Making the opening in brick masonry including dismantling in floor or walls by cutting masonry and making good the damages to walls, flooring and jambs ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Rate Amount Page 172 of 185 complete, to match existing surface i/c disposal of mulba/ rubbish to the nearest municipal dumping ground. For door/ window/ clerestory window M2 276 9.50 Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 500 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in charge In cement mortar M3 121 Demolishing stone rubble masonry manually/ by mechanical means including 9.60 stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge : In cement mortar M3 55 9.70 BRICK MASONRY WORK Brick work with clay flyash F.P.S. (non modular) brick of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor five level in : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) M3 41 9.80 REMOVE THE KOTA STONE FLOORING Dismantling KOTA STONE Slab Flooring laid in cement mortar including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 500 metres lead - do – for Reception Area M2 1 M2 1 M2 500 - do – for Main Building - Ground Floor – Corridor Floor Area 9.90 REMOVE THE EXISTING PLASTER Dismantling old plaster or skirting raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 500 metres lead 9.10 MAIN BUILDING - REMOVING ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 173 of 185 EXISTING TERRACE FLOOR WEATHERING COURSE (1st Floor Roof) SI No Description Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material within 500 metres lead For thickness of tiles 10 mm to 25 mm Unit Quantity M2 3100 9.11 Demolishing dry brick pitching in floors, drains etc. including stacking serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 500 metres lead M3 465 9.12 Demolishing brick tile covering in terracing including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 500 metres lead M2 1 9.13 Dismantling tiled roofing with battens, boarding etc. complete including stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead M2 1 KG 1 KG 1 KG 1 9.14 Dismantling steel work in single sections including dismembering and stacking within 500 metres lead in R.S. Joists Channels, angles, tees and flats 9.15 Dismantling steel work manually/ by mechanical means in built up sections without dismembering and stacking within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineerin-charge. Grand Total of all works: Rate Amount Rs. Financial Bid: Total cost of all works is Rs. (Rupees ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures = ) Page 174 of 185 SECTION-6: LIST OF APPROVED MAKES A. APPROVED STANDARDS/MAKES 1. Coarse sand : 2. Fine sand : -do- 3. Stone aggregate : -do- 4. Construction Chemicals : Sika/Fosroc/Pidilite/BASF/Hilti/Fischer 5. Expansion/ insulation board : Armour board of Supreme Industries 6. Fibres for plaster : 12mm Cera Fiber 7. Fibres for Conc : Fibremesh 8. Micro Silica for concrete floor : Elkhem 9. Water vapour barrier HMHD polythene sheet : Supreme Industries Limited 10. Bitumen and solignam : Shalimar 11. Bitumen sealing compound : Shalitex 12. Flush doors : As Instructed By Client during Pre Bid 13. Commercial ply and commercial board : Truwood, Greenlam, National, Alpro 14. Mortice latches and locks Multipurpose lock : Godrej,Dorset, Gurdian 15. Door closers and : Everite, Garnish, Hardwin ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures As IS:383 (Latest edition) from approved area Page 175 of 185 floor spring 16. Brass hinges 17. Screws : Nettlefolds 18. Adhesive – Wood : Fevicol of Pidilite Industries 19. Adhesive – Glass/ marble : Araldite, Laticrete 20. Dash fasteners/ cutting tools : Hilti, Fischer 21. Floor hardener and construction chemicals : Fosroc, Sika,Cera, Tehney Chemy, Roff 22. Glazed/Cerami tiles : Kajaria, Johnson, Somany 23. Acid resistant tiles : Restile, Coromandal, Johnson 24. Vitrified tiles : Johnson, Bell, Restile, Kajaria 25. Polythene sheet : I.C.I. 26. Aluminium sections: 27. Aluminium fittings : Sigma, Duke, Hardwin 28. Float glass and mirrors : Modiguard, Saint Gobain, Indo Asahi 29. Water-proof cement : paint Super Snowcem (Killick Nickson) 30. Wax polish : Mansion 31. Paints, primers, thinners : Asian Paints, ICI, Berger Paints, Jenson & Nicholson 32. Sun-control film : Garware Polyester 33. Textured paint : Spectrum, Heritage 34. Welding rod : Any IS Certified ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures : Saffire, Palladium Jindal, Indal, Hindalco Page 176 of 185 B. SANITARY WORK 1. Vitreous china fittings : Hindustan Sanitaryware, Cera, Parryware 2. C.I. pipes and fittings : R.I.F., Neco, B.C. 3. C.P. brass bib-cock, angle valves etc : Gem, Parko, Ess Ess 4. R.C.C. pipes : India Hume Pipe Co. 5. Gully traps and stoneware pipes : Perfect (Jabalpur), Dalmia 6. Stainless steel sinks : Sanifire, Neel Kamal, Prince 7. G.I. pipes : Tata, I.T.C., Jindal (Hissar) 8. G.I. fittings : ‘R’ Brand, Unik 9. Full-way valve/ Ball valve : Leader, G.G., Zoloto 10. P.V.C. pipes : Supreme, Finolex 11. Water tank : Sintex 12. Floor & traps : ‘Chilli’ of Veer Sanitaryware or equivalent ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 177 of 185 SECTION- 7 : PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE FORM [To be executed on stamp paper of appropriate value] BANK GUARANTEE To Principal, ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi – 110 021 Gentlemen: 1. In consideration of ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi, an existing college Under University of Delhi, located at Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi, (hereinafter referred to as the “Owner” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns) has proposed to contract (as contained in documents hereinafter collectively referred to as “Contract”) in favour of _____________________________ [Name and address of the Contractor] (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns) for the work of “Retrofitting Existing GF & FF for Earthquake; Modifications of Entrance & Compound wall; Construction of New Ramp for Physically Challenged & Emergency Stairs” (“Work”) at ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 110 021. 2. The Contractor has agreed to abide by and perform all its obligations in terms of the terms and conditions contained in the Contract and in terms thereof, the Contractor is required to submit to the college a Performance Guarantee for a total amount of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lacs Only), before the execution of the Contract. 3. We, ________________(hereinafter referred to as "the Bank" at the request of the Contractor do hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to the Owner that the Contractor shall duly perform and fulfill all its obligations under the Contract and undertake to pay the Owner an amount not exceeding Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lacs Only) (the “Guaranteed Amount”) for (a) or any loss, liability or damage arising out of any defects or shortcomings of the Contractor in performance of its obligations in terms of the Contract (b) or the debts the Contractor may have incurred to any party(ies) involved in execution of the Work under the Contract mentioned above, whether these defects or shortcomings or debts are actual or estimated or expected and (c) for any loss or damage caused to or suffered by, or would be caused to or suffered by, the Owner by reason of any breach or failure on the part of the Contractor to perform or fulfill any of the terms and conditions, contained in the said Contract. 4. We, the Bank do hereby, in pursuance of the terms and conditions contained in the Contract, absolutely, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee, as primary obligor, and not as a surety, the payment of the Guaranteed Amount to the Owner to secure due, proper and faithful performance and fulfillment by the Contractor, of all its obligations under the Contract. 5. We, the Bank, do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this Guarantee without any demur or protest, merely on a demand from the Owner stating that the ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 178 of 185 amount claimed is due by way of loss, liability, damage, debts, defects or shortcoming caused to or suffered by the Owner by reason of breach or failure by the Contractor in performance or fulfillment of any of the terms or conditions contained in the Contract. We, the Bank, do hereby agree that the decision of the Owner as to whether the Contractor has failed or committed breach or failed to perform or fulfill any of its obligations under the Contract, as aforesaid, and as to the amount payable to the Owner by the Bank hereunder, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bank. 6. We, the Bank, do hereby undertake to pay to the Owner any money so demanded forthwith on receipt of demand from the Owner without it being necessary to prove to the Bank the loss, liability, damage, debts, defects or shortcoming of the Contractor or the failure of the Contractor to perform its obligations in accordance with the Contract, notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto. It is expressly agreed that the Bank’s liability under these presents is absolute and unequivocal. 7. We, the Bank, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall come into force from the date of execution of the Contract and shall remain in full force and effect for a period of six (8) months from the date of execution of the Contract. 8. We, the Bank further agree, that notwithstanding the validity period specified in paragraph 7 above, the validity of the guarantee shall be extended under the terms and conditions contained herein, for successive periods of three (3) calendar months at a time, until the Owner has certified in writing that the terms and conditions of the said Contract have been fully and properly carried out by the Contractor and accordingly discharges this guarantee. The guarantee shall expire and become ineffectual only upon such certification by the Owner. 9. We, the Bank do hereby undertake to issue and forward appropriate extension sheets to the Owner regarding extensions envisaged in paragraph 8 above. 10. We, the Bank, do hereby agree that any claim, which we have or may have against the Contractor, shall be subject and subordinate to the prior performance and payment in full, of all our obligations hereunder to the Owner, and the amount guaranteed hereunder and we will not, without prior written consent of the Owner, exercise any legal right or remedy of any kind available to us in respect of any such performance or payment so long as our obligations hereunder remain owing and outstanding. 11. We, the Bank, further agree that the Owner shall be at liberty, at its option, to enforce this guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance, notwithstanding any other security or guarantee that the Owner may have in relation to the Contractor’s liabilities or obligations under the Contract. 12. We, the Bank, further agree and confirm that this guarantee shall be irrevocable without prior written consent of the Owner and our obligations under this guarantee shall not be conditional upon any prior notice by us or by the Contractor. We, the Bank, undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent in writing of the Owner. 13. This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee and shall not be discharged or affected by any change in the constitution of the Contractor or of the Bank or of the Company or liquidation or winding up of the Contractor. We, the Bank, further agree that our obligations under this guarantee shall not be affected by reason of the Contractor acquiring any new status or change in its ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 179 of 185 status or the Contractor becoming entitled to or claiming any special exemptions, privileges or immunities, whether pursuant to any existing or new statutes, regulations, orders or otherwise, including without limitation, the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 or any enactment made in replacement thereof. 14. We, the Bank, further agree that this guarantee is in addition to, and not by way of limitation of or substitution for, any other guarantee or guarantees, if any, hereto before given to the Owner by the Bank (whether alone or jointly with other(s)) and now existing in force and that this guarantee is not intended to and shall not revoke or limit any such guarantee or guarantees. 15. The payment so made by us under this guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability or payment there under and the Contractor shall have no claim against us for making such payment. Executed at _________, this ________ day of _______________, 2013. For: [Name of the Bank] By: Name: Designation: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 180 of 185 SECTION 8 : BANK GUARANTEE FORM TOWARDS MOBILISATION ADVANCE [To be executed on stamp paper of appropriate value] BANK GUARANTEE To Principal, ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi – 110 021 Gentlemen: 1. In consideration of ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi, an existing college Under University of Delhi, located at Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi, (hereinafter referred to as the “Owner” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns) has proposed to contract (as contained in documents hereinafter collectively referred to as “Contract”) in favour of _____________________________ [Name and address of the Contractor] (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns) for the work of “Retrofitting Existing GF & FF for Earthquake; Modifications of Entrance & Compound wall; Construction of New Ramp for Physically Challenged & Emergency Stairs” (“Work”) at ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 110 021. 2. The College has agreed to pay Mobilization Advance under the terms and conditions of Letter of Acceptance, subject to production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs. ___________(Rupees __________________), by the Contractor. 3. We, ________________(hereinafter referred to as "the Bank" at the request of the Contractor do hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to the Owner that the Contractor shall duly perform and fulfill all its obligations under the Letter of Acceptance and undertake to pay the Owner an amount not exceeding Rs. _____________ (Rupees ____________ Only) (the “Guaranteed Amount”) against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by, or would be caused to or suffered by, the Owner by reason of any breach or failure on the part of the Contractor to perform or fulfill any of the terms and conditions, contained in the said Letter of Acceptance. 4. We, the Bank do hereby, in pursuance of the terms and conditions contained in the Letter of Acceptance, absolutely, unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee, as primary obligor, and not as a surety, the payment of the Guaranteed Amount to the Owner to secure due, proper and faithful performance and fulfillment by the Contractor, of all its obligations under the Letter of Acceptance. 5. We, the Bank, do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this Guarantee without any demur or protest, merely on a demand from the Owner stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or suffered by the Owner by reason of breach or failure by the Contractor in performance or fulfillment of any of the terms or conditions of the said Letter of Acceptance. We, the Bank, do hereby agree that the decision of the Owner as to whether the Contractor has committed breach or failed to perform or fulfill its obligations under the Letter of Acceptance, as aforesaid, and as to the amount payable to the Owner by the Bank hereunder, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Bank. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 181 of 185 6. We, the Bank, do hereby undertake to pay to the Owner any money so demanded forthwith on receipt of demand from the Owner notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto. It is expressly agreed that the Bank’s liability under these presents is absolute and unequivocal. 7. We, the Bank, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall come into force from the date Contractor receives from the Owner the said Mobilization Advance and shall remain in full force and effect so long as the said advance or any part thereof remaining outstanding and shall expire and become ineffectual only after the recovery of the entire sum of Rs.________________________ covered by the Guarantee or till the Owner certifies in writing that the terms and conditions of the said Letter of Acceptance have been fully and properly carried out by the Contractor and accordingly discharges this guarantee. 8. We, the Bank, do hereby agree that any claim, which we have or may have against the Contractor, shall be subject and subordinate to the prior performance and payment in full, of all our obligations hereunder to the Owner, and the amount guaranteed hereunder and we will not, without prior written consent of the Owner, exercise any legal right or remedy of any kind available to us in respect of any such performance or payment so long as our obligations hereunder remain owing and outstanding. 9. We, the Bank, further agree that the Owner shall be at liberty, at its option, to enforce this guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance, notwithstanding any other security or guarantee that the Owner may have in relation to the Contractor’s liabilities or obligations under the Letter of Acceptance. 10. We, the Bank, further agree and confirm that this guarantee shall be irrevocable without prior written consent of the Owner and our obligations under this guarantee shall not be conditional upon any prior notice by us or by the Contractor. We, the Bank, undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent in writing of the Owner. 11. This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee and shall not be discharged or affected by any change in the constitution of the Contractor or of the Bank or of the Owner or liquidation or winding up or filing of the Contractor. We, the Bank, further agree that our obligations under this guarantee shall not be affected by reason of the Contractor acquiring any new status or change in its status or the Contractor becoming entitled to or claiming any special exemptions, privileges or immunities, whether pursuant to any existing or new statutes, regulations, orders or otherwise, including without limitation, the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 or any enactment made in replacement thereof. 12. We, the Bank, further agree that this guarantee is in addition to, and not by way of limitation of or substitution for, any other guarantee or guarantees, if any, hereto before given to the Owner by the Bank (whether alone or jointly with other(s)) and now existing in force and that this guarantee is not intended to and shall not revoke or limit any such guarantee or guarantees. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 182 of 185 13. The payment so made by us under this guarantee shall be a valid discharge of our liability or payment there under and the Contractor shall have no claim against us for making such payment. Executed at _________, this ________ day of _______________, 2013 For: [Name of the Bank] By: Name: Designation: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 183 of 185 SECTION 9 : BID PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM To Principal, ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi – 110 021 Dear Sirs, Subject: Tender in relation to Retrofitting the Existing GF & FF for Earthquake; Modifications of front Entrance & Compound wall; Construction of Ramp for Physically Challenged & emergency Stairs for ARSD College, Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi 1. We have received and examined the tender documents, including General Conditions of Contract, Tender Drawings, Time lines, Contract Agreement, Specifications of Work, Bill of Quantities, Rate Schedule, Bid Proposal Submission Form issued in connection with “Retrofitting the Existing GF & FF for Earthquake; Modifications of front Entrance & Compound wall; Construction of Ramp for Physically Challenged & emergency Stairs of ARSD College” at Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi. 2. We have inspected and examined the indicative site and its surroundings and have satisfied ourselves before submitting the tender as to the nature of ground and subsoil in the region, the form, nature and means of access to the site, availability of water, power and other requirements. 3. We hereby submit our tender for the execution of the works referred to in the aforesaid documents upon the terms and conditions referred to therein and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings and other relevant details at the rates contained in the Bill of Quantities and to complete the same within the stipulated period of completion. 4. We agree that any arithmetical errors in our submission can be corrected by applying a percentage adjustment so that the tendered amount remains unchanged. 5. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any other tender and you have the right to accept the whole or part of our tender and We agree to execute whatever part is accepted by you at the quoted amount for the same. 6. We agree to keep the tender open for minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of the Bid Proposals by the Consultants/you and for such extended period, as you may require from time to time. 7. We also understand that any time during the validity of the tender, you have the right to abandon the tendering process and the tenderers will not be compensated in such a case, in any manner whatsoever. 9. A Pay Order/ Demand Draft for a sum of 2% of Contract Price Rs. (Rupees ---------- Only) dated __________issued by ______________________ (name of bank) in favour of “Principal, ARSD College” Payable at New Delhi is attached as Earnest Money. ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 184 of 185 10. We agree that the Earnest Money shall be forfeited if we withdraw the tender during the period of validity or if we fail to accept corrections or errors in our submission, or enter into the contract in the format prescribed in Section 3 of the Bid Document, after fulfilling all requirements including submission of performance Bank Guarantee, Bank Guarantee towards Mobilization Advance. 11. We agree that should this tender be accepted in whole or in part, we agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and conditions annexed hereto. If we fail to execute the contract in the specified form or commence the work specified in the above Contract Documents by _________, we agree that our Earnest Money shall be forfeited, otherwise this shall form part of the Retention Money mentioned against Clause 14 of the Instructions to Tenderers. 12. We understand that forfeiture of Earnest Money will be without prejudice to any of your rights or remedy available in law. 13. We have independently considered the amount shown as liquidated damages and agree that they represent a fair estimate of the damages likely to be suffered by you in the event of the work not being completed in time. 14. We agree to provide a performance Guarantee in the form of a Bank Guarantee for Rs. Ten Lacs, from a reputed Bank in the form prescribed in Section 7 of the Bid Document, to your satisfaction, within the stipulated time, if the work or part thereof is awarded to us. 15. We agree to provide a Bank Guarantee for an amount representing 10% of the contract value as specified in the Letter of Award, from a reputed Bank in the form prescribed in Section 8 of the Bid Document and agree that the provision of Bank Guarantee will be a pre-condition to payment of mobilization advance by you. 16. In the event of award of tender, we agree to abide by all the terms and conditions specified in the Bid documents. Dated the ______ day of. ______, 2013 Signature: In the capacity of duly authorized person to sign the tender for and on behalf of: ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures Page 185 of 185 Appendix – Tender Drawings ARSD College, Delhi. Ideal Structures