December 2014 - CSRA Parkinson Support Group


December 2014 - CSRA Parkinson Support Group
The Tremor Newsletter
December 2014
Home Office:
2406 Seminole Rd.
GA 30904
Phone: 706-364-1662
Meeting Date and Time:
Meeting Location:
No December Meeting.
Happy Holidays!
See you all in January!
St. John Towers - Main Dining Room
724 Greene Street
Augusta, GA 30901
A Fun Holiday Celebration at our November Meeting!
At the November Meeting, we thoroughly enjoyed holiday music, led beautifully by Van & Angie Haywood and
Steve Spivey. Because the meeting was the week of Thanksgiving, we had ham instead of chicken. We also
celebrated the success of our Walk and thanked some of the people who made it happen.
Don’t Miss Our January Meeting, with
Great Music!
In keeping with our new philosophy of starting the year off with
informal entertainment, we are pleased to announce that the
Savannah River Stringband, of Aiken, SC, will perform for us at
our January 2015 chapter meeting. They were highly
recommended by Joyce Stump, who saw them at Warren Baptist.
Don’t miss it! ...
Correction from November:
Marilou Meditz made a large donation in
memory of Ron Meditz, her late husband
who lived with Parkinson's disease for 21
years. The memorial designation was
omitted in the newsletter. Our sincere
apologies to Marilou, and thank you for
letting us know!
Moving Day Augusta 2014:
Moving Day Augusta Walk for Parkinson’s exceeds goal!
The latest count records nearly $38,000 income from the 2014 Walk, with donations still being received. This
tops our goal of $35,000 thanks to so many, especially the diligent work of our members, our Walk committee,
and our fundraising chair, Kay Hays. The largest donation was from our Platinum Sponsor, Kroger, over $6000!
As reported in the November newsletter, we had several local sponsors of $1000 with many businesses and
individuals each giving $500, $250, and $100 donations. It all helps toward serving the needs of our persons with
Parkinson’s, caregivers, and researchers, locally and nationally.
Way to Go, Teams!
Teams really stepped up to the challenge: 23 registered.
The four top teams were:
Team Blackwell: 27 members led by Lori Brown,
over $2600
Sam Nicholson Family & Friends:
9 walkers led by Maria Nicholson, over $2500
M & M Plain: 17 members led by Connie Rule, $1500
Alleluia Walkers: 7 members led by John Gentles, $1000
Moving Day Augusta Continued:
Teams, continued:
Teams that met the goal of $500 or more,
and/or had more than 5 participants:
G.E.N.E.: captain Nicole McClain
GRU DPT: Angela Mundy Swartz
GRU Movers: Amanda Stefanakos
Hull Hikers: Dr. Paul York
Memory of Jane Page: Nancy Chesser
Laughing Ladies: Susie Felz
Team Marion Lariscy: David Lariscy
Team Elam: Mary Elam Godbolt
Team Jackson: Tammy Jackson
The youngest team captain was elementary
schooler Emma Grace Maroni. Other captains
who registered included Linda Harless, Angela Keller, Kay Hays, Mary Navarro, Ruth Forbes, Jenna Matson,
Beth Pollock, Jessica Krygier, and Anthony Liutkus. Huge thanks to all!
So Many More to Thank:
There are so many people and businesses to thank, and we covered some in last month’s newsletter, but we
want to continue here:
Year-round supporters: We want to thank those who have supported the efforts of the CSRA chapter as we met
monthly and conducted activities throughout the year:
! St. John's Towers: for offering their dining room for monthly meetings and occasional committee sessions
! Augusta Self Storage: for donating free unit to store our publications, medical equipment to loan,
brochures, publications and Walk supplies
! Trinity-on-the Hill Methodist Church: for meeting room for monthly Board meetings
We also appreciate our contact at National Parkinson Foundation, Atlanta, Annie Long, who provided much
help and advice as we planned our Walk and joined us for that event.
Dedicated Board members serving this year are also much appreciated!
In addition to the four elected ones, C.J. Mitchell, Joe Kelley, Becky
Bonin, and Mary Ann Navarro (who have been re-elected), we have
in various capacities:
Kay Hays, fundraiser
Nathan Searle, web & newsletter
Eva Erwin – newsletter
Pam Elrod – publicity
John Taylor – legal advisor
Rod Barrie – advisor
Hattie Elam – health fairs representative
Mickey Price – member at large
Also, we thank the following who combined with the Board to form the Walk committee: Lori Brown, Jim
Herzberg, Kenneth Hartkopt, Jennifer Holcomb, Rick Elrod, Leigh Porterfield, and Mary and Louie Navarro.
Lastly, we especially want to thank our Corporate Chair for Moving Day Augusta 2014, Gary Kauffman. We
have had unprecedented support from local businesses this year.
Moving Day® Augusta Continued:
Honor/Memorial Donations:
In addition to the track sign level donations listed last month, we want to recognize the following:
In Memory of Jim Blackwell:
! Carolina Contracting Solutions
! Linda Altman
! David Blackwell
! James Blackwell, III
! Kathy Britton
! Kimberly Brown
! Lori Brown
! Peggy Brown
! Ashley Clark
! Jessica Galamb
! Helena Galamb
! Asure Grace
! Kelli Grace
! Jessica Hoyt
! Tyler Infinger
! Connie Jackson
! Bryan Jordan
! Lisa Jones
! Winter Murphy
! Cyndi Price
In Honor of Mike Felz:
! Susie Felz
! Janis Pryor
! Jackie Reese
! Erin Weiss
In Memory of Marion Lariscy:
! Betty Lariscy Ley
! Patrick G. Smith
! David Lariscy
! Steve & Mary Beth Lariscy
! Patrick Smith
! John Taylor
In Honor of Sam Nicholson:
! Damron Sunday School Class
! Robert & Arti Brown
! Mittie Conners
! Red & Beverly Dalber
! Ethel Davis
! Beverly Dunbar
! Guy Fiebiger
! Kathleen Leysath
! Fred Mitchell
! Dr. Russell Morses
! Chris Nicholson
! Maria Nicholson
! Van Pagunas
! Margaret Rice
! Connie Smith
! Camille Sutton
! Jacqueline Swain
! Gertrude Walter
! R. Welch
! Betty Welch
! Donna Woo
In Memory of Marilyn S. Marshall:
! Jimmy Adamson
! Vonda Adamson
! Abigail Bond
! Morgan Davis
! Johanne Gimbrone
! Kristina Gonzolez
! Lunden Hutto
! Leroy Meckley
! Tim Meckley
! Anna Rule
! Connie Rule
! David Rule
! Benjamin Sullivan
! Hunter Sullivan
! Maddie Sullivan
! Tabetha Sullivan
In Honor of Sam Nicholson
& Sue Cooper:
! Theresa Heffernan
In Honor of E. B. Pollock:
! Beth Pollock
! Nathan Searle
! Sara Searle
In memory of Paul Gentles:
! Alleluia Christian Service Center
In memory of Bob Merritt:
! Pamela Nestor
In Honor of Andy Forbes:
! Ruth Forbes
! Martha Forbes
! Garland Forbes
In memory of Lou Navarro:
! Rose Marie Fox
! Mary, Louie, Robert and Alice
In honor of Jeanna Bartlett:
! John French & family
Honor of Connie Jackson:
! Tammy Jackson
! Debbie-Sue Jackson
In memory of Bobby Price:
! Charlotte Price
! Sandra Griffin
In Memory of Emory Singletary:
! Jessica Krygier
! Teresa Singletary
In Honor of Betty Royal Hartkopt:
! Kenneth Hartkopt
! Jennifer Jones
In Memory of Gene A. McClain:
! Alicia Mcclain
! Bridgett Mcclain
In Memory of Mary T. Elam:
! Bobbie Elam
! Mary Elam Godbolt
In Memory of Jane Page:
! Judith Johnson
Moving Day® Augusta Continued:
Honor/Memorial Donations, Continued:
In honor of Drs. Sethi and Chatto: In honor of Pam Brigham:
! Blanche Knight
! William B. Brigham
In memory of Harry C. Anderson:
! Denise Anderson
In Memory of Laura Lokey:
! Linda McGowan
In Memory of Bob Pride:
! Carol Pride
In Honor of C. H. Steen:
! Michelle Starnes
In Honor of Chuck Bassi:
! Emma Grace Maroni
In Memory of Helena Norris:
! Shirley Orange
In Honor of James Mahoney:
! Ryan Mahoney
In Honor of Mac McKie:
! Angela Keller
In Honor of SunCha McZorn:
! Christina McZorn
In Honor of Tony Liutkus:
! Anthony Liutkus
In Honor of the GRU Movement Disorders Clinic:
! Joe Kelley
Pennies for Parkinson’s:
After Mr. Fred Daitch, owner of International Uniforms, and his daughter,
Alex, attended our corporate recruitment breakfast in August, they asked for
a “can” that could be put in the store so customers could make donations to
our support group. Building on a fund-raising idea from Mary Navarro, three quart-sized ceramic piggy banks
were purchased – one for each of Mr. Daitch’s cashiers. Our logo and the words “Pennies for Parkinson’s” was
taped to each bank, accompanied by a stack of our chapter brochures. Alex and Fred created an enticing plan:
Anyone who placed a donation of any size in one of the banks would be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift
certificate to the store. Cashiers did not ask for donations, but instead asked each customer if he or she would
like to participate in the drawing by dropping some change into one of the banks. If a cashier forgot to ask, she
was required to put a quarter in her bank. The banks were in the store from the first of October until the Walk.
In that sort time, $63 was donated and, more importantly, customers were made aware of Parkinson’s disease
and of our support group. This project is a model other businesses could follow in 2015.
More Walk Pics:
Enjoying these pictures from the Walk? Like us on facebook
( and then look for more pictures
from Moving Day 2014! Thanks Jennifer Holcomb of JLyn
Nature Photography for so many awesome shots!
Nine from CSRA chapter attend November luncheon:
Training for caregivers was the theme of the annual
Caregivers Award Luncheon held last month. The
course that was designed under the auspices of the
Rosalind Carter Institute for Caregiving was introduced and demonstrated by two of the initial trainers.
The six-week course is available for Parkinson’s
caregivers and may be scheduled early in 2015.
Attending the luncheon from our group were
Maria Nicholson, Hope Williams , Debra Jenkins,
Debbie Hixon, Joyce Stump, Ruth Forbes, Barbara
Zagrodnick, C.J. Mitchell, and Mary Ann Navarro.
Tai Chi for Balance:
Interested in Tai Chi? Great for movement
control, proven to slow Parkinson’s!
Kathleen Nohe, the instructor who demonstrated
Tai Chi at our Walk, is starting new beginner
classes in January at the H2U office near Doctors'
Hospital. Registrants must be members of H2U
($20 per year); class fee is $5. Classes will be held
at 9:45 on Tuesdays and 11:00 on Fridays.
Participants may attend one or both. Instruction is
structured for older adults, particularly for those
with arthritis or movement problems.
Come Join us for Exercise!
Group Exercise Classes:
Join us for fellowship, fun, and exercise every
Monday and Wednesday at St. Mark United
Methodist Church from 10:30 to 11:30 AM. The
church is located at the intersection of Washington
Rd. and Woodbine Rd. The class is led by Maria
Nicholson and Connie Smith, and is free.
Aquatic Exercise Classes:
Aquatics exercise classes for people with
Parkinson's or MS, Mon & Fri, 12 noon, at the
Family Y on Wheeler Rd., Augusta. Free for
members of the Y; $5 for others for access to the
pool. For more info or to register, call or email
the director, Claudia Collins: (706) 922-9664
Remember these folks:
GWVH - Margaret Carden
Golden Living - Katie Mae Pollard
Camellia Walk - Mary Johnson
Honor/Memorial Donations:
In memory of Ron Corona:
Jessye Corona
Aiken Meeting:
For more info about the next Aiken Support Group
Meeting, contact Kathy Crist at (803) 640-1410
To the folks who have
birthdays in December,
we wish you a Happy
Chapter Officers:
Tremor E-Newsletter:
President: C. J. Mitchell – (706) 736-2383
Vice-President: Joe Kelley – (706) 855-6575
Secretary: Becky Bonin – (706) 373-7633
Treasurer: Mary Ann Navarro – (706) 863-6355
Walk Fundraising Chair: Kay Hays – (803) 292-1908
“e-newsletter” in the subject.
A Message From C.J.:
we come to the end of another year (oh, how the time
does fly), we see that great things have taken place: the
program began; we passed our goal for the Walk;
and we enjoyed some truly excellent chapter meeting
the next couple of weeks as family and friends gather, it
could be the hardest time of the year as we remember past
ones in our prayers. For others, it may be the
greatest time as they welcome new members into their
For all, may we be ever aware of the true
Thanks to you all for your hard work and cheerful service
past year, and now for allowing me to be your
President for 2 more years. I couldn't have done it
each of you.
bless each and everyone,
Sending Donations or Memorials:
Donations or memorials for our local Parkinson’s
Chapter should be sent to:
CSRA Parkinson Support Group
ATTN: M.A. Navarro, Treasurer
116 Lottie Ln., Grovetown, GA, 30813
Donations can also be made online at our chapter
website: ... Click the orange
“Donate” button and select “Honor/memorial.”
Respite Care Grant Program:
Download applications from our website,, or call the
office at 706-364-1662. Fill out the application
completely to expedite approval. If your
application is approved, you will have a year
from the date of approval to be reimbursed for
up to $1000 for respite care. The Respite Care
Grant Program is made possible by the money
raised through our annual Moving Day Walk
for Parkinson’s.
Caregiver Corner:
Caregiver Support Group:
Parkinson’s caregivers will be meeting for their
monthly gathering on Wed., Jan. 14th, at 1:30 pm at
O’Charley’s restaurant on Wheeler Road. All
those caring for Persons with Parkinson’s are
For more information, call
Maria Nicholson at 706-736-2611.