PDF - 1.1MB - NIIT Technologies


PDF - 1.1MB - NIIT Technologies
Using Mobile Technologies For Check-in
and Beyond
Pratik Chandra Roy
NIIT Technologies White Paper
Check-in Channels
Mobile Check-in via WAP (Wireless Access Protocol)
SMS Check-in
Top Level WAP and SMS architecture
Check-in Scenarios
Similar Implementations in the Industry
IATA Recommendation
Case Studies on Mobile Technologies by NIIT Technologies
The wireless and mobile computing technology is growing at an
This white paper will document the ideas on SMS based
boarding passes (without 2D barcodes) and various scenarios,
and other relevant solutions that can be implemented by any
airline company. This white paper will go a step beyond mobile
explosive rate across the world. The increasing number of
check-in and make recommendations for other linked areas
telecommuting-users, and the increasing trend of on-the-move
where the mobile technologies could help the airlines in getting
business executives, demands the mobile technology solutions to
ahead of its competitors.
expand to meet their needs. To harness the opportunities in the
space of mobile solutions, NIIT Technologies has extensive experience bringing mobile applications into multiple industry arenas,
including travel, retail and insurance domain.
Check-in Channels
Following check-in channels can be in the scope of the SMS
based boarding passes.
As a solutions provider of Mobile Applications, NIIT Technologies
• Web Check-in
combines domain expertise, knowledge base and intellectual capital
• Mobile Check-in
to solve critical mobile industry problems. NIIT Technologies has
• SMS Check-in
been developing Mobile application development from the age of
• Phone Check-in
Palm and on the way gained expertise on iPhone, Windows Mobile,
• Automated Check-in.
Windows CE handhelds, J2ME, Blackberry and Symbian platforms.
To facilitate the mobile based boarding passes, Mobile
Document Purpose
Scanners located at bag drop, security, lounge, and customer
All big, small, low cost airlines would like to make use of mobile
service checkpoints should be able to read the information from
technologies to provide check-in facilities and other relevant
mobile phones.
facilities to their customers. The BCBP IATA initiative recommends
SMS/MMS based boarding passes with a 2D barcode on it that
contains relevant Boarding pass information. Some airlines and
airports have already implemented the solution, and many others
are in the process of doing so. But some airlines have clearly
stated that they would not be implementing the BCBP. One of the
Mobile Check-in via WAP (Wireless
Access Protocol)
How does it work?
1. This facility is intended for users of Smart Phones with High
key reasons for this is that there are a lot of customers who do not
resolution phone screens like PDA, Blackberry or mobile phone
wish to use MMS facilities of the mobile phones (due to higher
with internet access.
costs), or are contended with a basic mobile phone that does not
provide any image based messages to be sent or received. So, the
2D barcodes may actually not be very popular with the customers.
2. Customers visit the WAP site of the airline using the browser of
their mobile phone. WAP site typically is named as
3. A check-in form is presented to the customer through which
he/she can provide the booking confirmation number, credit
card number, frequent flyer membership number, or e-ticket
number. In some cases first name, last name, and departure
city code may be requested to be entered. The idea is to
uniquely identify the customer and also to ensure that there is a
level of security check built in the check-in form.
4. Mobile Check-in is allowed for flights departing within next 24
hours. All the flights that have been opened for check-in or
through check-in can be checked in via the mobile check-in.
This is same for any other type of check-in as well (web
check-in, phone check-in or check-in at the counter).
5. In case of multiple passengers the names of all the passengers
are displayed, and the customer is able to choose from the
passengers who need to check in or select all the passengers
to check in.
6. Next screens allow customers to choose seat based on his/her
preference (aisle/window), number of checked-in baggage, etc.
In case the customer has a frequent flyer number, relevant
details like seat preferences, etc are already taken into account
and a default seat number is automatically allocated.
7. Depending on the flight route, phone and subscription facility of
1. WAP sites of some of the airlines do not allow any seats
selections. A seat is automatically selected and allocated to the
2. Some do not support multiple passenger check-in and or have
restrictions on the number of passengers, (like maximum four
passengers in case of Air Canada).
3. Some sites do not provide the mobile check-in facility for
travelers with any check-in baggage.
4. The facility may not be available for customers who would be
travelling to any country that requires APIS information, but the
same is not already available (either in the PNR or in their
frequent flyer profiles).
Some examples of mobile check-in via WAP sites are:
the customer, he/she will receive the boarding pass via
SMS Check-in
e-mail/SMS or text message.
Few airlines have started providing the check-in facility via SMS
a. If the customer chooses for E-mail or MMS mode for delivery
(Short message service). Customers should provide their mobile
of boarding pass, a single message with the check-in details
numbers at the time of reservation, or they can update their mobile
and a two-dimensional barcode, (usually in QR code or Aztec
numbers in the profile information that is stored in the loyalty
format). In case of MMS, customer is advised for ensuring the
system of the airline. In some cases airlines send SMS to
MMS is activated by the service provider.
customers who are eligible for SMS check-in when the flight gets
b. In case customer chooses for text message, two messages
are sent to the customer. The first one contains a link that lets
you request your personal barcode that will be scanned at
the airport. The second text message will contain all your
check-in details.
8. If the customer cannot receive an electronic boarding pass,
he/she can print the boarding pass at home or at the airport
as well.
opened for check-in. Customers can simply reply Yes to get
automatically checked in. SAS Scandinavian airlines provides such
an SMS check-in facility for its frequent flyer members. The SMS
may also contain a link to the WAP portal of the airline so that the
customer may choose seats, provide baggage details or choose
the passengers to check-in if the relevant facility is available on the
WAP site. Once the passenger is checked in he/she gets a
confirmation by SMS. This confirmation includes the seat allocation
details and a link to the mobile boarding pass which contains the
flight number, seat number, departure and arrival time and a
two-dimensional boarding pass.
In some other cases the customers (frequent flyer members) can
Check-in Scenarios
send in an SMS to a dedicated number in a specified format to
perform the mobile check-in. Jet Airways provide such an SMS
check-in facility for its FF members. Customers can type an SMS
in the format:
JetC <PNR> <JetPrivilegeNo.>
Case 1
Customer does an online Check-in (Web check-in), but doesn’t
have access to Printer for printing the boarding pass.
Suggested Solution
And send the same to 56388, a dedicated SMS number for Jet
After taking in all the relevant details (like baggage, seating,
Airway’s SMS check-in facility. An example of such an SMS would
dangerous goods declaration, etc), at the print boarding pass step,
be “JetC ABCDEF 123456789”
provide an alternative to customer for sending the Check-in
confirmation via SMS to customer specified mobile number.
The Boarding pass information is sent via SMS to the customer in
Following is the suggested (indicative) format of the SMS text:
the following format:
Airport Terminal
Jet Airways: Seat No. 16F on 9W3001 for 29MAR BOM-DEL is
Departure Airport
assigned to you. Please collect the boarding pass from Check-in
counters at least 30 mins prior to departure.
VA0001 03AUG09 1000
Few other airlines that are in the process of implementing similar
SMS based check-in facility or have implemented the same are:
Flight Details (Flt No, Dep date/time)
Singapore Airlines - Implemented
Seat Number
Austrian Airlines - Work in progress
Passenger Name
Jetstar - Testing in progress 8
Note: The actual format will be decided after a study of old mobile
Top Level WAP and SMS
phone screen layouts to ensure that the relevant text is visible in one
screen. This white paper will be updated with relevant information
once the study of mobile phone layouts is complete.
X25, TCP-IP, frame relay VPNGSM Network WAP Micro Browser
(w/WTA) Application Server HTTP Server Database Contents
SMS will clearly indicate that the message has been sent from the
Request (URL) Response (Content) Proposed Top Level WAP and
airline’s Web Check-in facility or from a dedicated number of the airline.
SMS Architecture WAP Device Response (Content) Push Initiator
Mobile Phone Users SMS Processing Application Reservation
Following cases (and probably more) will have to be taken care of:
System Operators SMS Centers APIs/Web Services Departure
1. More than one passenger in the booking. One SMS would be
Control System Loyalty System.
sufficient or would there be one message per passenger sent to
a single mobile phone, or would SMS be sent to mobile phones
associated with each passenger in the booking.
It will depend on the mobile number stored in PNR or alternately
Kiosk Option
passenger is asked to confirm the mobile number at the start of
1. Current Kiosk application can be changed to entertain such
online check in process (stage 1).
cases. Instead of taking the customer through the complete
check-in process again, customer could be taken straight to
Normally it should be one message per PNR. All seat numbers
print boarding pass option, if he has already done a web
allocated should be displayed as passenger/s will show the
SMS to check in staff for issuance of BP. The number of pieces
accepted at check in time for bag drop should also be
displayed in the message.
2. Alternatively, a new kiosk application can be developed
specifically for Mobile check-in/boarding pass printing.
2. In case, Boarding at international location, whether customer
3. Kiosk should have OCR functionality as described below. The
mobile’s roaming facility should be used or not (i.e., will the
Kiosk applicable will be able to scan customer’s mobile with
message be sent to customer when on roaming?). What if the
backlight on, and print the boarding pass based on the
passenger wants to receive the SMS message on some other
information contained in the SMS and relevant information from
(local) number?
DCS. This facility could be made available for all cases of
pre-airport check-in, like Web check-in, phone check-in, mobile
This can be covered again at stage 1 of the process when
check-in, SMS check-in or automated check-in.
passenger is asked to confirm the mobile number or opt for an
alternate number.
Manual Options
1. Check-in agent can read SMS from the customer’s mobile
phone and print out the boarding pass.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Option
A Kiosk capable of reading/scanning the text from the mobile
could be deployed at the check-in counter or a dedicated counter
(new or existing counters like baggage drop counter) to issue
boarding pass for such cases. In case of OCR, the requirement of
printed boarding can be avoided, as the same device could be
2. These boarding passes could also be printed on a dedicated
deployed at other check-points like lounge entry, aircraft boarding
boarding pass printer located at the airport and handed over to
etc which could scan the above boarding pass information directly
the customer by airline ground staff (check-in desk, baggage
from the SMS message of the mobile.
drop desk or any dedicated service desk for distributing
boarding passes for these cases).
Interfacing systems
3. A dedicated service desk could print the boarding pass for such
In all the above options there would be a manual or automated
customers by looking at the SMS on the passenger’s arrival at
access to the CRS and DCS of the airlines (to check the
the counter.
reservation details and to check-in the passengers on to the DCS
system). There would be a link to the loyalty system as well to fetch
This procedure will ensure that airline takes care of all related
the seating/smoking preferences, etc., and for any other special
issues, like gate no show, etc., in the same way as is being
services requests (SSRs). Though in many cases, airlines mention
followed at present. They will not be required to train their airport
that any person with any special service request should do a
staff much except that the BP is to be printed or delivered where
manual check-in at the airport itself, but there is no reason why it
SMS is there on the mobile.
can’t be automated for the loyalty program members where these
preferences are actually captured and stored.
Case 2
Customer doesn’t have access to web and wishes to use his Mobile
for Checking-in via SMS Check-in feature.
Suggested Solution
3. After reading the information from the mobile, and performing
basic validations, the Kiosk software will print a boarding pass
slip. Any additional information needed on the slip, (that is not
available in the SMS text), will be fetched from the DCS system,
via existing web services/APIs that is being used by online
Customer can send SMS from a registered mobile phone (that is
check-in. This slip will be similar to any usual ATM slip, cab fare
registered with his/her loyalty profile (FF membership) or specifically
receipts, or credit card payment acknowledgement slips.
for the PNR).
4. The slip will contain the usual boarding pass information and will
Customer may send a message to a dedicated SMS number such
have to be carried by the passenger through all the checkpoints
as 89023 like:
till boarding.
CHECK-IN 7752334566
where 7752334566 is the FF membership number.
Auto-seating feature should be implemented (which will ensure
automatic seat allocation for such check-in). If the customer is a
frequent flyer club member, then the seating preferences of the
customer can be taken into account for allocation of the seat. This
Similar Implementations in the
Southwest Airline Implementation
The customer does a web check-in within 24 hours of the
departure. As a last step (when the check-in process is complete),
the customer should get the print out of the boarding pass.
feature would be available only to those who are travelling without
any dangerous goods. So, customer will not have to send a
separate confirmation message for confirming that he/she is not
travelling with any dangerous goods, and it would be treated as
automatic confirmation from customer that he/she is not travelling
But there are instances where customer is unable to print the
boarding pass due to unavailability of the printer, or if the printer runs
out of the ink half way. There could also be instances where the
customer actually looses the printed copy of the barcode.
with any dangerous goods. Though, based on airline requirements
this could change to accept a second message from the customers
for this confirmation as well.
To ensure that customer has an option of reprinting the boarding
pass at a later stage, Southwest Airline has an option in its kiosk
application. Customer can go to the South west airline’s kiosk at the
Once the check-in is done, then the SMS with check-in
confirmation, (same as the SMS in case 1), will be sent to
customer’s mobile to facilitate his check-in/boarding at the airport.
Mobile/SMS check-in and boarding pass
printing options
airport and insert the credit card that was used to purchase the
tickets. An option is presented to the customer if he/she wants to
reprint the boarding pass.
Air New Zealand Implementation of ePass
Air New Zealand has implemented the RFID-enabled ePass for its
loyalty scheme members which serve as a permanent (reusable)
Architecture 1
boarding pass. Following are the features of ePass:
Fire wall internet dcssms check in web check in sms service
• Permanent reusable boarding pass
provider res kiosk baggage drop security lounge customer service
• Available at 26 airports in New Zealand
boarding pre-airport at airport.
• Distributed to 100,000 loyalty scheme members
1. Customer can choose to do a web check-in or SMS check-in.
• Enables check-in, lounge access and boarding
On successful check-in the customer will receive an SMS
(which may or may not be in encrypted format).
2. Customer will go to the airport and scan his/her mobile at the
kiosk that will have the SMS scanning OCR facility.
• Consists of tag attached to a mobile phone, similar to a small
barcode sticker
• Contains unique sequence number and tag identifier, which is
recognized by the airline’s system and matched with the
passenger record.
The ePass process
The passenger scans the ePassat the check-in kiosk if they need to
check bags or change seats.
If the passenger has no bag to check, they can proceed straight to
the gate.
NZ’s lounges also have ePass gate readers linked to an application
to track access and produce business reporting.
At the gate, the passenger scans their ePass and receives a paper
gatepass with confirmation of their seat number –this is for cabin
crew to inspect.
billion every year. By the end of 2010 all IATA members will be 100%
BCBP, and magnetic stripe boarding passes will be history.
The BCBP standard defines the 2D bar code and the data
contained in the bar code. An airline implementing BCBP has to
re-design the layout of the boarding pass to include the 2D bar
code. The BCBP standard does not provide guidelines regarding
the size and position of the bar code, the human readable data or
the size of the boarding pass.
Recommended Practice 1706d Attachment A defines the minimum
data elements to be included on a boarding pass.
• Passenger Name
• Date of flight (DD/MMM)
Jetstar Implementation
Jetstar offers their customers the ability to use the revolutionary
• Marketing carrier
• Flight number (marketing carrier)
SMS boarding pass technology each time they travel and more to it
• Schedule Departure Time
is that a passenger doesn’t need to have a smart phone. one of the
• Cabin or Class of travel
fastest and the simplest SMS check-in service available in the
market. This implementation for Jetstar has helped in improving
efficiency and saving time for passengers.
• From City
• To City
• Seat number
In order to make the process simple and convenient Jetstar offers a
range of check-in options. Passengers can register for the SMS
either by selecting automatic check in during the booking process at
Jetstar.com or check-in 48 hours prior to flight departure. The
• Ticket type identifier (paper or electronic)
• Terminal/Gate number
• Operated by
company’s cutting edge technology helps scan text messages at
the Jetstar Kiosk in the check-in area. The text message is a unique
The following items, not available in RP 1706d but used by airlines,
code, analyzed by the kiosk at the check-in counter, to print
may be added. Optional:
boarding passes. Passengers can also enter the number of bags
• Sequence number
they are carrying and print tags for each of them. Once this is done
( this is already done, you can drop baggage at Jetstar bag drop),
• Booking reference
they can drop their tagged bags at the Jetstar Bag drop and head
• E-ticket number
to the departure gate to board their flight.
• Operating airline
• Agent type (e.g. Web)
IATA Recommendation
Bar Coded Boarding Passes (BCBP) use IATA industry standard 2D
bar codes. Because they can be accessed from anywhere - even a
mobile phone - they offer more convenience for the passenger.
• Gate close time
• Frequent flyer Tier and Number
• Remarks (e.g. wheelchair)
• Other travel information (e.g where to drop a bag).
Because don't need to be printed on expensive paper stock and
facilitate off-airport check-in, they save the industry up to US $1.5
Bar Code Size
The horizontal bar code enables the agent to read the text while
The recommended size, based on the definition of the PDF417
scanning the bar code, when using a type of desk-fixed scanners.
standard, is:
Similar recommendations apply to boarding passes issued on the
• X Dim = 10 mils or 0.254 mm
web, except that the size of the boarding pass depends on the
• Y/X ratio = 3
paper used by the passenger.
• Y Dim = 30 mils or 0.762 mm
• Max size: 2.9 x 2.0 inch or 73.7 x 50.8mm
The blue background represents the area where the recommended
layout of ATB size document applies. The rest of the document
Module No.
below the blue background can be used to provide travel information for the passenger, including:
• How to proceed in the airport with this boarding pass
• Where to check-in baggage
• X Dim is the width of the smallest element of the bar code
• Options to check that the flight is on time or to change the booking
• Y Dim is the height
• Legal notices on baggage and air transportation.
• Max size is the size of the bar code at full capacity (928
codewords) using the X and Y Dim
The IATA BCBP initiative has proposed the following information to
be stored in the 2D barcodes. This example is for 2 segments and
all fields populated.
Boarding Pass Layout
The layout below follows the recommendations on the size of the
boarding pass and the bar code, the human readable text and the
multiple flight documents:
ATB Size
MAX: 2.9 inch/73.7mm
Validating carrier (logo)
06 Dec
Departure Gate close
06 Dec
06 Dec
The vertical bar code provides a better quality printing on older ATB
printers. Notes:
• The blue background represents the required human readable items.
• The blue dotted line represents the quiet zone of the bar code.
Validating carrier (logo)
06 Dec
Departure Gate close
06 Dec
06 Dec
But, for the purpose of text SMS based boarding pass we will have
below information can be contained in a single (displayable) SMS
to define the information that needs to be sent, as not all of the
text message.
Case Studies on mobile technologies
by NIIT Technologies
Key Considerations
As a start this application is being developed for iPhone and later
developed for Android, Blackberry, Symbian, J2ME and Windows
B2C Framework for mobile enabling an airline
Mobile platforms. This is a native application with online. as well as
Business Problem
offline access. The various functionalities of this application includes
This application is being developed as a framework to mobile enable
an airline. This involves plugging into existing business service
infrastructure of an airline, and provides functionality targeted for the
Flight search, Flight Booking, Check-in using mobile boarding pass,
Timetable, Weather, Maps etc. This application will be available for
download from the Apple App Store when ready.
air traveller on the move.
Tools and Technologies
The application was developed using objective-C in cocoa framework and for database SQLite was used for iPhone.
For Blackberry platform the application was developed in Eclipse
using Blackberry JDE and J2ME.
For Windows Mobile the application was developed using .NET CF
using Visual Studio.
New Passenger-friendly Application
The wireless and mobile computing technology is growing at an
For Symbian the application was developed using Symbian C++
explosive rate across the world. The increasing number of
using Carbide IDE.
telecommuting-users, and the increasing trend of on-the-move
business executives, demands the mobile technology solutions to
expand to meet their needs. As a solutions provider of Mobile
Applications, NIIT Technologies combines domain expertise,
knowledge base and intellectual capital to solve critical mobile
industry problems.
One of our marquee client Iberia along with NIIT Technologies has
truly taken forward the next big thing in Travel and that is mobility.
Our mobility road map with Iberia extends to not only current
developments but also to future requirements. We are currently
doing development related to Iberia mobile and native applications
(iPhone, Android, BB, and WP7). Iberia mobile has a comprehensive
range of functionalities as compared to any other application of any
other airline. The mobile application offers customers check-in,
baggage tracking, arrival & departure info, schedules, car hire,
booking management, contact centre information, language option,
apart from a range of other services to enhance customer
experience and service levels.
The developed application has automated the entire process and
covers the following areas:
1. Online Check – in
This application reduces the waiting time at airport queues for
travelers. It allows the customer to check-in their Iberia operated
reservations and receive a mobile boarding pass with just the click
of a button.
2. Baggage Tracking
This application also eliminates the need for manual reconciliation
and automated delivery of real-time baggage data. The entire
work flow of baggage movement, from check-in point to a flight,
can be viewed in the WorldTracer record of the application.
3. Arrivals and Departures
11. My boarding cards
NIIT Technologies provides a mobile solution to extend the
Passengers can download their boarding pass using this
passenger assistance information for better service and
application. It eliminates the long waiting periods at the check-in
enhanced customer satisfaction. The application displays
counter. It allows customers to manage and download their
real-time flight status based on the flight number, origin and
boarding pass on the phones.
destination or airport and time.
12. Contacts
4. Air shuttle booking and schedules
This application provides access to the different customer care
The application takes all the hassle out of getting to the airport.
centers, (Iberia offices, Iberia Plus centers), to meet the diverse
E.g. it allows the customer to book a reservation for the
needs of the customer. There is an expert telesales and
Madrid-Barcelona air shuttle. The customer can also check the
telemarketing referral service which ensures business needs
latest flight schedules between Madrid and Barcelona.
are matched to the right call center, using our call center
locator. This solution also increases the efficiency of the overall
5. Booking management
The booking management system is customer friendly. It allows
customer relations and Help Desk. The aim is to help
customers as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
customers to manage bookings and retrieve information about a
customer reservation.
6. Offers
The application provides access to the best Iberia offers in air
tickets for all leading flights in countries, like Spain, Europe or
7. Change PIN
It allows the customer to change their Iberia Plus access PIN by
following a series of steps anytime, anywhere.
8. Avios balance
The application retrieves customer’s current Avios balance and
also track the last movements in his/her account.
9. Subscriptions
The application gives some space to the customer. The
customer can manage the type of mails they receive based on
usage, taste and needs. The customer can also manage how
Iberia communicates.
10. Promotions
There are a wide variety of promotional deals available in the
market. The application allows the customer to retrieve the
Airline Offline Timetable with
Route Search
Business Problem
This application was developed as a PoC internally in the company.
The objective was to develop an offline application to search routes
for possible combinations and view the timetable for corresponding
flights. This application was mainly targeted for customers who
travel frequently and would like to search flights on the move while
they don’t have internet access.
Key Considerations
As a start this application was developed for iPhone and Blackberry
and the plan is to develop the same to J2ME, Symbian, Windows
Mobile and Android platforms. The key challenge in this project was
the portability issue. In order to handle this challenge portable
database has been implemented using index files which can run on
all platforms. In order to improve usability, the user interface has
been given more emphasis.
Tools and Technologies
The application was developed using objective-C in cocoa
framework, EclipseME for Blackberry.
current promotions and at the same time alerts them to any
new offers available.
Tools and Technologies
Some of the functionalities supported from mobile devices are:
The application was developed using objective-C in cocoa
Register and submit resume
framework, EclipseME for Blackberry.
Set personal preferences for job selection
Search for a job based on location:
• Railway Line
• Station Name
• Freeword.
Tools and Technologies
J2EE Framework – JSP, EJB, Servlets, Oracle 8i enterprise
Job Search Using iMode,
JSky and eZweb Devices
database server, Weblogic, WML, c-html, HDML, MML
Application Architecture
Business Problem
Following diagram illustrates the architecture – the same site
NIIT partnered with NTT Data Japan to create a recruitment portal
www.froma.com can be accessed from PC or any iMode, JSky or
for one of the largest recruitment company is Japan. NIIT was
eZweb enabled mobile devices.
responsible for designing, developing and implementing the web
site, which can be accessed from any web browser or from any
iMode, JSky or eZweb enabled Internet mobile devices.
use Bean
Http Session
Access Control
Log Manager
Mobile Manager
User Account
. . .
use Bean
Worker Bean
use Bean
Worker Bean
use Bean
Worker Bean
About the Author
Pratik Chandra Roy is a Business Solutions Specialist working with NIIT Technologies and
leading the Airline and Travel Distribution sub verticals within TTL (Travel, Transport and Logistics)
Practice. He specialises in the Airlines, Travel Distribution, Airports and Travel agency sub
verticals with over 10 years of experience in the domain. Pratik has over 15 years of experience
with the IT industry and has worked for numerous verticals including manufacturing, retail,
banking, finance and has wealth of technical, managerial and business skills acquired across a
wide range of demanding roles in software development area.
About NIIT Technologies
NIIT Technologies is a leading IT solutions organization, servicing customers in North America,
Europe, Asia and Australia. It offers services in Application Development and Maintenance,
Enterprise Solutions including Managed Services and Business Process Outsourcing to
organizations in the Financial Services, Travel & Transportation, Manufacturing/Distribution, and
Government sectors. With employees over 8,000 professionals, NIIT Technologies follows global
standards of software development processes.
Over the years the Company has forged extremely rewarding relationships with global majors, a
testimony to mutual commitment and its ability to retain marquee clients, drawing repeat
NIIT Technologies Ltd.
Corporate Heights (Tapasya)
Plot No. 5, EFGH, Sector 126
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Ph: + 91 120 7119100
Fax: + 91 120 7119150
business from them. NIIT Technologies has been able to scale its interactions with marquee
clients in the BFSI sector, the Travel Transport & Logistics and Manufacturing & Distribution, into
extremely meaningful, multi-year "collaborations.
NIIT Technologies follows global standards of development, which include ISO 9001:2000
Certification, assessment at Level 5 for SEI-CMMi version 1.2 and ISO 27001 information
NIIT Technologies Inc.,
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Ph: +1 770 551 9494
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Fax: +1 770 551 9229
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ISO 20000 IT management standards.
NIIT Technologies Limited
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A leading IT solutions organization | 21 locations and 16 countries | 8000 professionals | Level 5 of SEI-CMMi, ver1.2
ISO 27001 certified | Level 5 of People CMM Framework