High-latitude atmospheric gravity waves observed in images of OH airglow & some other stuff Margit Dyrland The University Centre in Svalbard (Now visiting scholar at the Centre of Atmospheric and Space sciences, Utah State University) & Fred Sigernes (UNIS), Chris Hall (UIT), Mike Taylor & Dominique Pautet (USU) 5th NDMC meeting Oberpfaffenhofen, 8-9. May 2012 Instrumentation The KeoSentry4ix imager is designed to image near-infrared emissions from the OH(6-2) band of airglow. KeoSentry4ix airglow imager. (1) Mamiya RB67 fish-eye lens, (2) collimator lens, (3) filter wheel, (4) Smart motor system, (5) relay optics, and (6) CCD detector. The 1m EbertFastie spectrometer in use at Svalbard since early 80’s. The Nippon/Norway Svalbard Meteor Radar (owned by NIPR and operated by UiT). OH airglow imaging the first two seasons Exposures in sequence that takes ~8 minutes to complete: • • • • • • [CH1] Blocked (dark images) (2 min) [CH2] Wide 750-1000nm + notch filter @ 844.6nm; BP 18.5 nm (30sec) [CH3] Bandpass filter @ 844.6nm; BP 1.8 nm (2min) [CH4] Open (VIS & NIR) (2sec) [CH5] Bandpass filter @ 846.5nm; BP 1.8 nm (2min) [CH6] Bandpass filter @ 840.0nm; BP 1.8 nm (2min) Filter in CH2 was chosen to notch away the OI 844.6nm auroral line – not very successful.. First season: 1024x1024 pixels Second season: 512x512 pixels (2x binning on chip) KeoSentry4ix airglow imager hanging underneath the acrylic dome at KHO (note the aluminium dome cover is on). Initial image analysis Raw images converted from .img format to .tif by IDL 1. Identify wave events (not always easy..) 2. Remove stars from images 3. Calibrate images 4. Unwarp images N E W Example: Data from 24 January 2012 01:00-01:14 S Analysis of wave event 24 January 2012 00:3001:24 UT (auroral event after that) Phase speed: 47.5 m/s Direction: 305° Horiz. wavelength: 25 km Period: 8,8 min Gravity wave activity 19-25 January 2012 9 wave events ____________ Phase speeds: 17-47 m/s Horiz. wavelengths: 11-39 km Periods: 6-17 min Mainly northward direction. Example of wideband NIR images (22 Jan 2012) Simultaneous meteor wind radar measurements Daily averaged mean wind @ 82-91 km Zonal wind mainly eastward in our time period. So intrinsic horizontal phase speed is even larger than the observed. And for 22 January, zonal wind is westward (and wave propagated eastward). Summary of wave properties Date 19.01.2012 19.01.2012 22.01.2012 22.01.2012 23.01.2012 23.01.2012 24.01.2012 24.01.2012 25.01.2012 Time (UT) 16:05 21:20 03:35 04:03 20:48 21:15 00:53 04:15 02:36 Phase speed (m/s) 31,4 17,5 41,8 35,3 37,5 38,5 47,5 44,0 24,8 Wavelength (km) 10,9 17,5 31,5 18,8 34,5 21,7 24,9 39,4 18,6 Direction (°) 37,7 16,9 312,9 3,6 293,6 295,6 304,5 281,3 227,5 Period (min) 5,8 16,7 12,6 8,9 15,3 9,4 8,7 14,9 12,5 Intrinsic phase speed (m/s) 33,2 19,4 40,0 33,3 42,4 43,6 61,2 64,4 34,1 Temperatures measured during the 2011/2012 winter season Wind influence on temperature All 2011-2012 season 15-31 January Cause of signature in mesopause temperature? Minor stratospheric warming – peak in mid January? Solar proton events? Summary - Two seasons of data obtained from all-sky airglow imager at Longyearbyen (78°N). - A bit disappointing s/n ratio. Difficult to identify clear wave structures. - Most waves observed propagate northward. - A good season for the spectrometer :o) - Temperatures agree well with Alomar AMTM temperatures (not shown). - There seems to be a relationship between meridional wind strength and direction, and the temperature. For certain conditions. Further work - Still a lot of data to analyze.. - Investigate the propagation characteristics of the waves observed (freely propagating, ducted etc.) - Compare with Alomar and Antarctic data. - Explore the cameras potential as a temperature mapper. OH(6-2) P1(2) emission 19 January 2012 Trend paper just published: Temperature trends at 90 km over Svalbard, Norway (78°N 16°E), seen in one decade of meteor radar observations C.M. Hall, M.E. Dyrland, M. Tsutsumi, and F.J. Mulligan JGR Atmospheres, VOL. 117, D08104, 8 PP., 2012 doi:10.1029/2011JD017028 Negative temperature trend of -4 ± 2 K per decade found after seasonal and solar cycle dependence were substracted. Meteor radar temperatures “calibrated” by Aura MLS temperatures. A negative trend in pressure (expected) is shown to augment the cooling. Thank you for your attention!
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