Community Support Kiwis flying kiwi


Community Support Kiwis flying kiwi
air force
ROYAL NEW ZEALAND AIR FORCE // issue #115 // JUNE 2010
Community Support
Kiwis flying kiwi
Bersama Shield
Fit to fight
Enduring Freedom
No. 41 SQN
w w w . a i r f o r c e . m i l . n z | AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
AK 10-0253-021
contents JUNE 2010
Our mission
To carry out military air operations to advance
New Zealand’s security interests with
professionalism, integrity and teamwork.
Our vision
We will be an Air Force that is the best in all we do.
He Tauarangi matou ko te pai rawa atu i to matou
mahi katoa.
Air Force News is the official magazine of
the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF)—
established to inform, educate, and entertain its
personnel and friends.
Published by
Defence Communications Group
HQ NZ Defence Force
Wellington, New Zealand
Sussana Hooper
Phone: (04) 496 0289
Fax: (04) 496 0290
Design and Layout
Amy Trlin, Defence Communications Group
Printed by
Keeling and Mundy Limited
PO Box 61, Palmerston North
Operation Enduring
Fit to fight
WN 09-0001-052
WN 10-0002-060
Kiwis flying kiwi
Marianna Robati
Air Force News is governed by an Editorial Board.
Views expressed in the Air Force News are not
necessarily those of the RNZAF or the New Zealand
Defence Force. Defence regulations over-ride all
content in the Air Force News. Editorial contributions
and ideas are welcomed. They can be emailed directly
to the Editor and do not need to be forwarded through
normal command chains.
Contributions need to include:
•writer’s name, rank and unit
•photos provided separate from the text – at least 300dpi.
Contribution deadline for the July Issue:
Friday 4 June 2010—5PM
Contribution deadline for the August Issue:
Friday 9 July 2010—5PM
Air Force News will hold the copyright for submitted
articles or photographs it publishes. Articles and
photographs published in Air Force News cannot be
published elsewhere without permission.
AK 10-0253-040
ISSN 1175-2327
Cover Image: Photographer: AC Edward Beable
OP Kiwis flying kiwi: RNZAF personnel (L to R):
FGOFF Mel Axelrad, FLTLT Jed Hopkins,
FLTLT Rhys Evans, FLTLT Matt Walls, and
FGOFF Eli Khrapko with DOC Ranger, Raelene Barry
(holding kiwi) in front of a C-130 Hercules, prior to
transporting 30 kiwi to Masterton.
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
PM John Key visits
Signed off
Change—what does it mean?
No. 41 SQN—1944–1977
National Award recipient
Feedback—essential to success
No. 3 SQN
RNZAF Active Reserve Force
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
Interbase Competition
Welcomes, farewells, promotions
first word
OH 10-0174-002
Essential to success
Commander, Operational Support Group
You will all be aware of myriad
changes that the New Zealand Defence
Force and Royal New Zealand Air
Force are going through as a result
of numerous reviews—DTP, Shared
Services, Employment Profile Project,
R5, the Support Trade Rationalisation
Review, etc.
The intent of all of these changes for
the RNZAF is to improve the delivery of
military air operations by ensuring we
have the right people, in the right place,
at the right time, in the right numbers, at
the right cost and doing the right things.
These reviews, and the subsequent
changes, will impact on all personnel
within the RNZAF—I have no doubt
about that.
To that end, we all have an opinion
on these changes. I have witnessed
many informal comments in bars,
in crew rooms, during car pools, at
sports events, and at social occasions
where a great number of people feel
compelled to point out the good and
bad in a number of changes underway.
However, what I fail to see is many of
those comments being formalised to the
authorities responsible for the change,
so that improvements can be made.
In the RNZAF, we are generally
‘reluctant’ to provide feedback. Learning
organisations, and we pride ourselves
on being one, rely on feedback loops to
ensure continual improvement. It seems
to me, when it comes to change, we
have a poor history of documenting our
starting point (although our intent and
goals are articulated) and reviewing the
change at a future point to ensure that
we met the intent and goals envisaged
at the start of the process (typically
because we have embarked on further
change and don’t have time to look over
our shoulder at the past).
accountable for the delivery of more
than 25 functions, including:
Feedback is going
to be critical to the
maintenance of levels
and standards of
service to you in the
where provided by a
third party.
I deliberately draw your attention to
the word ‘services’, because these are
the key deliverables of OSW to every
individual in the RNZAF. I can guarantee
that OSW touches you all in some
fashion—perhaps many times in any one
day. Providing feedback is a deliberate
and time consuming exercise, and it is
sometimes easier to do nothing than to
stick your hand up. However, feedback is
going to be critical to the maintenance
of levels and standards of service to you
in the future—especially where provided
by a third party.
Providing feedback is essential to
any organisation’s success and it
also directly benefits you. It allows
governance boards to improve levels
and standards of service to you as the
customer. On that note, the Operational
Support Group (OSG) is a relatively
new organisation and I am often asked
what it does. Well, in essence, it is
responsible for the Operational Support
Wings (OSW) on the three Bases. In this
role, OSG finds itself responsible and
 Crash Fire Services
 Airfield Services
 Photographic Services
 Pers Admin Services
 Hospitality and Catering Services
 Security Services
 Library Services
 Medical Services, and
 Education Services.
As COSG, I would like to feel that we
are delivering the services that you
require; however, I need your input to
validate and to maintain the levels and
standards of service we are delivering. I
urge and encourage you to take the time
to provide feedback on anything you
feel strongly about—be it constructive
criticism or encouraging praise.
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
Brief News
WN 10-0076-012
in recognition of the sacrifices that
employers make in allowing employees
time away from work to serve in the
part-time military.
2010 Employer of the Year Award
Supporting our Territorial Forces
The 2010 Territorial Forces Employer
Support Council (TFESC) Employer of
the Year Award was won by Television
New Zealand (TVNZ) on 13 April 2010,
in recognition of their outstanding
support of their employee, Able-
Seaman Lea Scott-Donelan of the
Royal New Zealand Navy Volunteer
Reserve. The award was presented at
the annual TFESC Employer Awards
hosted at Parliament by Associate
Defence Minister, Hon Heather Roy,
New Zealand Defence Force Director
General of Reserve Forces, Brigadier
Sean Trengrove said, “TVNZ have
demonstrated their commitment
to the Reserves by supporting Lea’s
service in the Navy Reserve. Of note,
they released him at only two days'
notice to deploy in HMNZS TE MANA
to China. Lea was allowed to take his
TVNZ camera equipment with him to
document life on board a frigate at sea.
“It is important that the Defence Force
recognises the sacrifice employers
make in supporting their reserve force
personnel, who, in turn are vital to the
effective operational functioning of the
Defence Force on a daily basis.”
ABOVE: TFESC Award winner (L to R): TVNZ’s
Andrew Fernie accepting the award from Hon
Heather Roy, for support to ASEA Scott-Donelan.
Military justice milestone
One year down the track, following
a massive overhaul of the Military
Justice system, the Royal New Zealand
Air Force has embraced the change.
Designed to be fully deployable across
the three services, summary trials
have been held, not only at camps and
bases, but also overseas in ships and
on operations.
officers, and another 300 able to act as
disciplinary officers.
The Directorate of Legal Services and
the many legal officers posted around
the country have worked non-stop,
training and preparing personnel for the
changes. The Military Justice Training
Programme (MJTP), which involves an
online package followed by a two-day
residential phase, has proved successful
and has led to the expedient hearing of
charges and fairer results.
The Military Justice
Training Programme
has proved successful
and has led to the
hearing of
charges and
fairer results.
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
RIGHT: MJTP legal scenario:
‘Defending Officer’, WGCDR Wally
Butt reviewing his notes.
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
AK 09-0186-004
The MJTP reached a significant
milestone this year with over 1,000
Defence Force personnel able to take
the floor as defending and presenting
"The resounding feedback has been
both positive and complimentary and
in many ways sets a benchmark for
up-skilling and change management,”
said Group Captain Edward Poot, then
Officer Commanding 485 Wing, of the
new system.
The students’ response to the training
has also been enthusiastic, with many
participants finding their inner advocate
over the two days. The students are able
to have fun with the scenarios, and there
have been some imaginative lines of
defence. Following some Oscar-worthy
acting from witnesses and accused,
the students leave with an
understanding of the new
system and the ability to
competently present or
defend a charge.
Brief News
DCAF supports
Defence Change
Deputy Chief of Air Force, Air
Commodore Gavin Howse visited
AIRCDRE Pete Guy, Commander of
the newly created Defence Logistics
Command (DLC) and the Logistics
Change Programme (LCP) team based
in Wellington on 7 May.
DCAF, AIRCDRE Howse was impressed
by the enthusiasm of the LCP team, and
enjoyed spending time talking with them
about a number of key projects they are
progressing to deliver benefits for the
New Zealand Defence Force.
Addressing the team, AIRCDRE Howse
said, “I am confident that the DLC will
ably support the Air Force in what we’re
all here for, military operations, and we
look forward to working with you in the
Prime Minister visits
Prime Minister John Key recently
spent three days in Afghanistan
visiting New Zealand Defence Force
troops. He was accompanied by
Chief of Defence Force, Lieutenant
General Jerry Mateparae.
Complete with body armour
protection, Mr Key stated, “This is
a dangerous place and I am asking
New Zealanders to come here
and represent New Zealand but in
doing that, to put their own lives on
the line. I am not prepared to send
people to a destination I am not
prepared to come to myself.”
AIRCDRE Howse recognised the
good planning that has gone into the
establishment of the DLC on 1 May and
that significant work will take place over
the next two months when the rest of
the Command will standup on 1 July. He
also appreciated the challenges of any
change and offered COMLOG AIRCDRE
Pete Guy and the team all the best for
the transition.
President Hamid Karzai and the
Commander of the International
Security Assistance Force, General
Stanley McChrystal.
Mr Key said President Karzai
was grateful for New Zealand’s
contribution to the international
force in Afghanistan.
Welcome! PM John Key greeted by
LTCOL Mike Duncan (above), and (below)
NZ Ambassador, Brian Sanders.
Courtesy of NZPA
AIRCDRE Howse also spoke on the new
Air capabilities that will be transitioning
in over the next three years and how
DLC will be well placed to support this.
He predicted that the DLC will offer
other benefits we may not be aware of
Mr Key said the importance to
global solidarity of New Zealand’s
involvement was “huge”.
WN 10-0106-001
BELOW: Well done! (L to R): DCAF AIRCDRE Howse
congratulating AIRCDRE Guy on his leadership of
the newly established DLC.
“The New Zealanders are very good
at what they do. They have played a
hugely successful and a tremendous
role here. Everywhere we go they
have been complimented on what
they do.”
During his visit, the PM met
New Zealand Special Air Service
soldiers in Kabul and the Provincial
Reconstruction Team in Bamiyan.
He also met with Afghanistan's
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
brief news
No. 42 SQN
Two Royal New Zealand Airforce
crews from No. 42 Squadron recently
brightened the day for 10 sick children
from Wellington Children’s Hospital.
They flew Kingairs from Base Ohakea
to Wellington to transport the group
to Masterton for a special treat on
1 May 2010.
kids, parents, minders and the No. 42
SQN crews. In Masterton the group was
shown around the Old Stick and Rudder
Company hanger that houses a fantastic
collection of vintage aircraft. One of
the highlights of the visit was when the
children got to sit in the cockpit of Sir
Peter Jackson’s Helldiver aircraft, used
in his movie, King Kong. The group was
then flown back to Wellington on the
Kingairs. The two Captains,
FLTLT Michael Williams and FLTLT
Aaron Scanlan commented that the
smiles left on the kids’ faces—one
especially, on a little girl who had never
been on an aeroplane before—made it
all worthwhile. A great day was had by
all, with the RNZAF contributing to a
memorable event for all involved.
The smiles left on
the kids' faces
made it all
WN 10-0002-056
Flight Lieutenant Michael Williams
liaised with event organisers, Lee
Bennett and Maria Quigley, who both
accompanied the children on the trip.
Lee and his fiancé Marie-Claire co-own
and run the Snap Roll Café on Masterton
Airfield and kindly put on lunch for all the
RIGHT: King Kong revisited: Shawnee Ryder
stepping into the cockpit of Peter Jackson's
Helldiver aircraft.
OH 10-0221-062
75 SQN ASSN Reunion
The 75 Squadron Association of New
Zealand held their biennial reunion in
Palmerston North over the weekend
26–28 March 2010. It was attended
by 140 people from New Zealand and
Australia including 15 WW II Royal Air
Force veterans, ex Royal New Zealand
Air Force Squadron personnel,
Associate and family members.
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
Events included special tours of the
Boys’ High War Memorial, the Massey
School of Aviation and Dr Baldwin’s
hangar at Milson Airport, a static
aircraft display at Ohakea, and a formal
dinner at the Convention Centre with
guest speaker ex-Commanding Officer
75, Air Commodore Steve Moore.
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
However it was the Sunday
Remembrance Service at Ohakea that
held special significance. The service,
officiated by Ohakea’s Chaplain,
Flight Lieutenant Murray Thompson,
dedicated a new memorial built by
Association Secretary Sergeant
Glen Turner. It was unveiled by
decorated WW II Stirling bomber pilot,
90-year-old Mr Allan Alexander, and
Association President, Mr Graham
Bethell. This memorial honours all
those that served on 75 SQN—
Royal Flying Corp, RAF and
RNZAF—and is a replica of two
memorials built by the 75 SQN
Association in England. Wreaths,
wooden crosses and poppies were laid
by everyone in remembrance of family,
friends and comrades lost, absent or
since departed. The reunion weekend
was a huge success and thoroughly
enjoyed by all who attended.
ABOVE: New memorial unveiling (L to R):
Chaplain FLTLT MurrayThompson, Mr Graham
Bethell, and SGT Glen Turner with the memorial.
brief news
NMIT Graduates
OH 10-0332-014
Sixteen graduates from the Nelson Marlborough Institute of
Technology’s (NMIT) 2010 course in Aeronautical Engineering
Fundamentals (AEF) are now eligible to train with the Royal New
Zealand Air Force as Aircraft Mechanics.
Following selection into the RNZAF Technical Trades, all potential
recruits are now required to successfully complete the AEF course,
prior to commencing RNZAF enlistment and recruit training.
Student’s artwork
wins Defence
In a newly formed partnership with NMIT, the AEF Level 3 Certificate
has been aligned with the Air Force Aeronautical Engineering course,
and also includes first aid and fire lectures. Spread over 16 weeks,
Entry into the RNZAF is now dependent
on potential recruits successfully
completing the AEF course.
Operation Anzac Forces, a competition run
by the New Zealand Defence Force as part
of Anzac commemorations, was won by
12-year-old, Mikeala Kyle-Bellam (pictured
above with her winning entry).
completion of the course saw these graduates move onto R10/01
recruit course, which began 1 June 2010.
Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant General
Jerry Mateparae presented Mikeala with
a certificate at a prize-giving ceremony at
Defence House,
on 11 May 2010.
Running the NMIT AEF course offers many benefits including
considerable cost saving to the Defence Force in the form of trainee
and instructor wages. Also, with students now completing the AEF
course prior to attesting and undertaking the Air Force recruit course,
appropriately trained individuals will progress onto the recruit course.
As the first prize winner, Mikeala chose to
spend a day with the Air Force.
Chief of Air Force, Air Vice-Marshal Graham
Lintott congratulated Mikeala on her
success, and excellent choice
of Services. Mikeala’s winning entry was
chosen from around 600 entries in a
competition for Year 7 and 8 students,
which aimed to raise awareness of Anzac
Day and get students thinking about current
Defence Force personnel.
Additionally, post recruit course Air Force technical trade training
managers will receive qualified candidates onto Primary Trade
Training. This arrangement carries less training risk to the RNZAF and
will benefit all involved.
BELOW: Qualified to train with the RNZAF: The NMIT graduating class of 2010/01.
WN 10-0002-058
The competition was judged by New Zealand
Army Artist Captain Matt Gauldie who said,
“Judging the competition was extremely
difficult as the entries were so diverse. I
chose Mikeala’s entry as the winning one as
it is such a strong image that shows a good
use of textures.”
LT GEN Mateparae said that the Defence
Force has been running a students’
competition since 2007, which provides
an interesting way for students to learn
about Anzac Day and its connection to the
Defence Force today.
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
brief news
OH 10-0319-001
New ‘kit’
On Tuesday 2 March 2010 a contract
was signed to replace the aging
Unipower fleet of Fire Appliances
at Base Auckland. The successful
tenderer, Fraser Fire and Rescue
Ltd was awarded the contract to
build three new Scania-based Fire
Appliances, very similar to the three
already in service at Base Ohakea.
WN 10-0002-059
Essentially the new fire appliances will
look very similar to the Ohakea models
but with some subtle technological and
layout improvements.
The new fire appliances
will look very similar
to the Ohakea models
but with some subtle
technological and
layout improvements.
sweethearts wed
A surprise announcement at No. 3 Squadron saw Pilot, Flight Lieutenant
Dan Pezaro, and Air Force Psychologist, FLTLT Carolyn Freeman, tie the
matrimonial knot.
Surrounded by their family, friends, colleagues and helicopters, the couple
were married in the No. 3 SQN hangar, on 5 May. The groom wore flight
overalls, while the bride wore a white dress she had bought at the last minute.
In response to seeing his prospective bride in white, FLTLT Pezaro said,
“Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. She happened to find a dress she liked and
that was a bit of a surprise for me.”
Additional features to the new Fire
Appliances will include:
Engaged since February, the pair was planning to marry in Europe next year,
while FLTLT Pezaro would be deployed in France and FLTLT Freeman in Syria.
 a roof mounted 8.5 m extension
Surrounded by their family, friends,
colleagues and helicopters, the couple were
married in the No. 3 SQN hangar on 5 May.
 an aspirated monitor (meaning
further reach with the foam/water
 a Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
seat on the passengers side, and
 a slightly larger cab.
Once the new Fire Appliances are
delivered, the old Unipower Fire
Appliances will be gracefully retired from
Base Auckland. Delivery of the three new
vehicles is expected to be completed
before the end of 2010.
ABOVE: Hot new asset: The new, RNZAF branded
fire appliance, complete with all the latest features.
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
However, after the untimely passing of their good friend, FLTLT Hayden
Madsen, the couple decided to bring the wedding forward and live by his
example of living life to the full. They think he would have approved.
FLTLT Pezaro’s proposal was operationally focused and went something like
this: “How about getting married now?” To which FLTLT Freeman responded,
“Oh, yeah, that sounds awesome!”
So, in true Air Force style, the sweethearts stepped up and seized the day.
The question at No. 3 SQN now is, “Who caught the bridal bouquet?”
Cleared for matrimony: FLTLTs Carolyn Freeman and Dan Pezaro tying the knot at Base Ohakea.
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
Resource optimisation
DIY Online Toolkits
Speedy and efficient
While you may be familiar with KEA,
you may not know about the Human
Resource (HR) Toolkit, which went
live in December 2009 and is being
used by civilians, their managers, and
increasingly by military personnel
as well.
Here’s what you need to know to make
the most of these tools:
HR Toolkit—for commanders/
The intranet-based Toolkit is your first
port of call when it comes to HR support
for managing civilians. The intended
user of this tool is, in most cases,
managers, however all the information is
available to all Defence Force personnel.
“The HR Toolkit should be able to
answer 80% of all queries commanders
or managers have about managing
civilian employees. This will free up
the HR advisors for more value-added
HR work, rather than emailing out
templates and responding to simple
HR queries” said Karu Shaw, one of
the toolkit’s developers. Karu credits
the site’s user-friendly design with its
steadily increasing use over the past few
months—92,767 hits in May alone.
While you may be
familiar with KEA, you
may not know about
the Human Resource
Toolkit, which went
live in December 2009
and is being used
KEA—for personnel
Self-service on KEA was introduced
in 2007, enabling personnel to view
their pay and leave details, as well as
complete a range of administrative tasks
such as changing address or phone
number, changing bank account details
and submitting leave requests.
Recently enhancements have
included a wider range of leave types,
and soon there will be an automated
approval feature.
Did you know?
 KEA is already well used by personnel.
In the last year to April, for instance,
83% of leave was entered directly on
to KEA.
 KEA has online tutorials that you can
pause, fast forward, etc.
 KEA provides online dynamic help
that takes you to the relevant pages
of the User Guide.
BELOW: NZDF civilian payroll administrators
(L to R): Sharon Harper, Krista Stephens,
Laura Cooper, Lynette Davies, Jayne Irving,
Donna O'Reilly, Marian Jowett, and Suzanne Warbrick.
For more information
The key email addresses to
remember are:
South Island personnel—
North Island personnel—
Civilian personnel and their
managers will have already
received a handy wallet card with
full contact details for the
Civilian Payroll
Administration team.
WN 10-0002-055
ivilian payroll and related
personnel administration
activities at Bases are
currently being centralised
to the JLSO National Service Centre in
Trentham. The change means civilian
personnel and their Commanders and
Managers will increasingly rely on selfservice ‘DIY’ tools.
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
o p e r at i o n a l c a pa b i l i t y
Operation Enduring Freedom
team of 10 Defence Force
personnel is proving
to be the epitome of
tri-service cooperation in
an Afghanistan-based deployment—
Operation Enduring Freedom—that
often passes unnoticed. The team has
recently had its first snowfall, but the
cold weather has not stopped the Kiwis
doing what Kiwis overseas always
seem to do—make themselves known
to their neighbours, and have their
presence felt.
The Bagram-based group of Kiwis is
New Zealand’s National Service Element
(NSE), and lives on a stark and sprawling
Air Force base that is also home to about
32,000 coalition force soldiers, sailors,
airmen and civilians from throughout
the world.
The NSE, which is on its 15th rotation,
is the logistics hub responsible for
all logistical support to New Zealand
personnel posted to Afghanistan. As
the Officer Commanding of the National
Support Element (NSE), Major Rick
Anderson puts it, “We’re here to support
the Kiwis in Afghanistan any way we can.
above: Flying proud: The New Zealand flag at Kiwi
Lines, Bagram Air Field.
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
“Providing logistical support in
Afghanistan is challenging, but we’re
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
determined to improve processes,
speed up the logistics pipe, and like all
Kiwi NSE teams, leave Kiwi Lines better
than we received it. To that end we have
extended the deck area, re-arranged
the accommodation area, completely
rewired Kiwi Lines, (thanks to tradesmen
from the Provincial Reconstruction
Team), and added two new 40 ft
containers and an armoury. NSE can now
manage more effectively the increased
freight and mail that comes for the
New Zealand military personnel within
Providing logistical
support in Afghanistan
is challenging, but
we’re determined to
improve processes.
“Our coalition partners have in return
been more than helpful, also introducing
us to an array of specialist military
equipment that makes life on operations
safer and far more effective.
“But after four and a half months away
from home, all of us at NSE Bagram miss
our families and friends at home and
can't wait to return to New Zealand.”
WN 09-0001-052
WN 09-0001-053
Courtesy of USAF
O p e r at i o n a l c a pa b i l i t y
clockwise from top: Prepped for the next
mission: A line of USAF C-130J Super Hercules wait
on the flightline at Bagram Airfield.
High five! CAPT Ricketts with two Afghan children
in Bagram.
CRIB 15 team at Bagram (L to R): Back row: LAC
Dengan, SGT Holvey, MAJ Anderson, WO1 Taylor,
CPL Hartley, and CPL Geary. Front row: CPOSA
Holding, CAPT Rickets, and CPL Louth.
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AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
o p e r at i o n a l c a pa b i l i t y
Eddie Louth,
NZ Army
I am here at Bagram Air Field,
Afghanistan working as a Supply
Technician for the NZ NSE.
My job here revolves around supporting
the NZ PRT based in Bamiyan Province,
and at the same time providing support
to the minor missions scattered around
the rest of Afghanistan.
WN 09-0001-059
The work here is varied and something
different is always going on. An average
day can involve getting documentation
from the Force Protection Unit to allow
a vehicle onto the base, followed by
the physical escort of that vehicle to a
loading area. Then the vehicle has to
be loaded, the paperwork completed,
the container sealed and the vehicle
escorted back to the gates.
The next day could be spent checking
and restacking ammunition in
preparation for a helicopter move. The
third day could then involve a safehand
task to some far-flung corner of the
country. So you don’t get bored.
Corporal Dale Hartley, RNZAF
I am a storeman at Bagram NSE. My job involves uplifting and receiving
inventory from local (US Military) and external sources and preparing
the same for freight forwarding to our outer locations. While this sounds
simple enough, here in the ‘BAF’ as it is referred to, it can be an extremely
frustrating and time consuming task.
I have found that a deployment here
can be thoroughly enjoyable and I am
currently having the time of my life.
WN 09-0001-054
BELOW:On top of things: CPL Eddie Louth.
A great deal of what I do is based on the ‘Brodem’ theory—a word that
has evolved from our ‘routine demands’, and evolved to our ‘Bro’s’ who
help us. Without this help, life could be very difficult for us.
Every supplier hopes to improve on what they inherited, and to make life a
little easier for the next—it’s just what we do for each other. A significant
improvement I have been able to make here is to the handling processes
of our inventory by adding a fourth 20 ft container and separating out our
inwards and outwards transit functions into individual containers. They
are fully equipped with power, lighting and the inwards transit now has a
standalone laptop and colour printer.
All of this was done via ‘brodems’ and the generosity of our coalition
friends and contractors. A huge saving to the New Zealand taxpayer and
all part of the job for a ‘Suppy’ posted to NSE BAF.
WN 09-0001-054
The job is full of variety and I never quite know what to expect next, but it
is satisfying to know we are making a positive contribution to Operation
Enduring Freedom.
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ABOVE: In the driver’s seat: CPL Dale Hartley.
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
o p e r at i o n a l c a pa b i l i t y
Sergeant Stacey
Holvey, RNZAF
“I am the NSE Administration
Finance SNCO, and this is my second
deployment as part of an NSE.
WN 09-0001-058
My job in Bagram includes the day-to-day
administration of all the personnel
deployed to the Middle East (excluding
the NZ PRT in Bamiyan); administering
all finance matters; processing mail
both around theatre, into theatre from
home, and back to New Zealand. I have
been fortunate to travel away from
Base frequently and see a great deal
of the region surrounding Bagram and
Kabul. I have enjoyed my experiences
in Afghanistan so far, and after a lot of
mild weather we recently had snow so it
actually felt like an Afghanistan winter. All
that said, it will be great to eventually get
back to New Zealand.”
Chief Petty
Officer, John
Holding, RNZN
I am employed here as the Senior
Supplier, with a team of two junior
suppliers. Together, we look after all
the logistical needs for our PRT in the
Bamiyan Province and other NZ Defence
Force personnel scattered around
My job requires a close working
relationship with the US Army and the
many civilian organisations that are
involved in Operation Enduring Freedom.
The position I currently fill has many
challenges that I have had to overcome.
It requires long hours but also has
allowed me to travel around many of the
different provinces in Afghanistan.
right: Delivering mail: SGT Holvey.
LAnce Corporal Kevin Kengen, RNZAF
I am the Communications and
Information Systems Technician
(CISTECH) for the NSE at Bagram.
I look after the computers, networking
equipment and satellite systems to
allow the logistics staff here, and staff
at the minor missions, to carry out
their jobs. I also look after the NSE’s
personal and vehicle mounted radio
equipment and organise the repair of
New Zealand units’ radios in theatre.
My job involves liaising with several
American units on the Air Base
to ensure interoperability
between New Zealand and Coalition
Forces. And last, but not least—and
certainly most important from some
people’s point of view—I look after
the satellite television and internet
for us to keep in touch with family
and friends back home—and watch
the rugby.
below: Dishing it up: LAC Kengen
adjusting a satellite dish.
WN 09-0001-056
As we are midway through our
deployment, it has been very satisfying
looking back at what we began with and
what we have managed to achieve, both
individually, as a team of suppliers, and
as a whole unit.
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WN 10-0002-060
o p e r at i o n a l c a pa b i l i t y
By CPL John Ryan
All deployed personnel need to have a
high standard of physical fitness, so that
if called upon they can complete any task
without undue strain or fatigue. Physical
Training Instructor (PTI) Corporal John
Ryan is currently on deployment in
Timor-Leste to make this happen.
This is his story.
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WN 10-0002-062
PTI, Gyro 8
o p e r at i o n a l c a pa b i l i t y
I am one of only four Air Force personnel
here so it has been an interesting
time seeing how the Army operates
and go about day-to-day duties in an
operational environment. I am thankful
for my tri-service PTI training, which has
made the transition to the Army way of
life a lot easier. As the Contingent PTI, it
is my primary role to ensure all deployed
personnel remain "fit to fight".
Whenever possible all Gyro personnel
conduct three PT sessions a week with
me. The type and intensity varies from
month to month and varies from 'clean'
fatigue PT to conducting PT with all our
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on.
The PPE type classes are very important
to ensure personnel are comfortable
undertaking high intensity activity
wearing such equipment.
PT is a big part of the deployment here
in Timor-Leste, with a lot of personal
PT being conducted in the evenings or
when personnel have spare time. As a
PTI it is pleasing to have so many people
after advice on training and trying to
improve their personal fitness in their
own time.
The first PT session here was one I will
always remember; and I think a lot of
other people will too—perhaps not in
the most positive way! PT is a great way
to acclimatise to a new environment
and especially one as hot and humid
as Timor-Leste. Day One in theatre
we strapped on the running shoes and
headed off around camp. It was only
a light jog with a few exercises along
the way. Nothing too strenuous, but
the heat hit everyone hard. Breathing
was not an easy task as it felt like you
had to chew through air that was best
described as thick and hot. Twenty
minutes is all we needed and the
majority, if not all of the group, were
shattered. Now we are five months into
the deployment and while everyone
is still drenched in sweat after a PT
session, it is nowhere near as bad as
the first day.
Breathing was
not an easy task as it
felt like you had to
chew through air that
was best described as
thick and hot.
To break the monotony of the seven-day
work week, sport and welfare activities
are conducted on a regular basis. I am in
charge of entertainment for our welfare
committee and, over the past months,
individual sections within the contingent
have organised welfare events such
as quiz nights, a tabloid top town style
competition, a ‘Kiwiana day’; and
numerous sports competitions.
Gyro 7, and unsurprisingly still do—to a
running race in the second week of our
deployment. They must have seen all
our ‘big boys’ walking around camp and
thought they would beat us with ease.
As a good PTI, I ensured we had our best
possible team, which consisted of a few
fine young 2/1 boys who could run like
the wind. Needless to say, we cleaned
up and retained the cup with no trouble
at all!
During my time here in Timor-Leste, I
have had the chance to experience firsthand all aspects of a deployment:
 what it's like to be away from family
and friends for a long period of time
 how to make the most out of every
situation that is put in front of you,
 the interaction between different
 the NZ Army
 the friendly and open Timorese
people, and
 the Australian military.
I count myself very lucky to have been
deployed as a PTI. As any PTI can
tell you, this is a rare occurrence but
certainly a most pleasurable one and I
would put my hand up again in a heart
beat to experience another deployment.
One great sporting challenge we have
here is against the Australians—the
“Little Bledisloe Challenge”, which
started on Gyro 7. It is a friendly
competition cup we play for every
couple of weeks. The challenging
country picks the sport or contest and
when it is to be played. The Aussies
challenged us—as we held the cup from
WN 10-0002-061
n early December 2009 I arrived
in Timor-Leste for a six month
deployment. I’m the PTI for the
OP KORU, Task Group Gyro 8
contingent which is currently made
up of 150 New Zealand Defence Force
personnel—NZ Army from 16 Field
Regiment and 2/1 RNZIR, with a few
Royal New Zealand Air Force and Royal
New Zealand Navy personnel thrown in.
Opposite page CLOCKWISE: Stairway to heaven: The TG Gyro 8 contingent successfully makes it to the top
staircase of the famous Jesus statue. It’s a gas: PTE Jackson engaging in a PT Gas Mask, QRF Platoon Circuit.
Right: ‘Tyred’ out: PTE Blake during a PT body armour session.
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o p e r at i o n a l c a pa b i l i t y
Bersama Shield
Supporting the Five Power Defence ARRANGEMENTS
By SGT Andrew Fisher
WN 10-0002-064
Exercise Bersama Shield 2010 got off to an interesting start. After an volcano erupted in Iceland
and grounded most flights in Europe, the deployment plans for personnel going to Malaysia for
the Exercise were up in the air—literally.
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o p e r at i o n a l c a pa b i l i t y
The New Zealand Defence Force
advance party had arrived in Malaysia on
24 April, and were up early the following
morning for an Australian-led Anzac day
dawn service at the Penang Cenotaph.
Minutes prior to this service, we were
told of the tragic Iroquois crash back
in New Zealand that claimed three Air
Force lives.
This news hit the entire Kiwi contingent
hard and gave Anzac day additional
meaning. After the service, a sombre
mood ensued as many people thought
of our No. 3 SQN comrades back home.
A service to remember the boys was
held later in the week at Butterworth,
with a large turnout of New Zealand and
Australian Service personnel involved in
the Exercise, and posted to Malaysia.
However, the arrival of the P-3K Orion,
late on Anzac day, focused us all back
on the task-at-hand, and the reason we
were in Malaysia—to fly.
Four flights were planned for the ‘Force
Integration Training’ (FIT) phase of the
Exercise, and were soon underway.
The FIT week was a busy one, with
each flight working up all trades on
board and exposing the crew to South
China Sea’s ‘Iron Highway’—one of
the world’s busiest stretches of water
with hundreds of merchant vessels, oil
rigs and their support vessels, fishing
boats of all shapes and sizes, and
now a number of naval vessels from
participating countries thrown in the
middle for good measure. Operating
in this environment—with its very
high contact density and prevalent
electrical storms—provided challenging
conditions and valuable experiences for
the entire RNZAF crew.
The crew was put through its paces in all
facets of Anti-Surface Warfare—finding,
tracking and maintaining a safe distance
from hostile surface vessels, and Anti-
WN 10-0002-063
he P-3K Orion that was scheduled to be in Malaysia was heading back to
New Zealand from Europe—the opposite way around the world—and
the hardworking maintenance team at No. 5 Squadron only had one day
to turn the frame around and send it north again for Ex Bersama Shield.
Submarine Warfare (ASW)—finding
and tracking simulated submarines
over the four flights we conducted.
As no submarines were attending this
year’s exercise, a typical ASW sortie
consisted of us dropping an EMATT—a
small device that simulates a submarine,
tracking it for the next few hours and
reporting its movements to our friendly
The Exercise facilitated
joint (inter-service)
and combined (multinational) operations.
One EMATT in particular was memorable
and possibly a little confusing for the
acoustics team, as it appeared to stop
dead in its tracks. This was eventually
put down to the EMATT managing
to find one of the many fishing nets
strategically placed in our Exercise area
by local fishermen. It sure would be an
interesting catch when they hauled that
net up!
The highlight for many was the final
flight, when we were tasked to clear the
area ahead of the ‘friendly force’, prior to
their anchorage for the night. We were
to conduct a search in the vicinity of the
Tioman Island group for a potentially
‘hostile’ fast mover, capable of speeds
in excess of 40 knots! Two hours of tight
land avoidance, coupled with a radar
surface search for this vessel, were to
follow. Once the area was cleared, the
RNZAF executed an impressive fly by of
the five naval vessels in formation.
On our return to Butterworth, some vital
members of the crew contracted a nasty
case of food poisoning. In the interest
of flight safety, the tough decision was
made to cancel our final two sorties in
the Warex phase. However, the forever
hardworking maintenance crew took
Ex Bersama Shield is a regular Five
Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA)
exercise held in South East Asia. This
year there were participating forces
from Australia, Malaysia,
New Zealand, and Singaporean
Air Force and Navy personnel. The
Exercise facilitated joint (interService) and combined (multinational) operations, focussing on
high quality training at the tactical
level for ships and aircraft.
this opportunity to take care of some
aircraft maintenance, putting in some
long hours. They definitely deserve a
‘high five’ for their big effort.
Ex Bersama Shield and was a great
success and was over all too soon. Even
with limited sorties flown, excellent
training and experience was gained by all
deployed RNZAF personnel.
Opposite page: Fly by: An RN Lynx helicopter with
HMAS ANZAC during Ex Bersama Lima 08.
ABOVE: Colours flying: The signal flags flying
from the deck of HMNZS TE MANA to HMNZS
ENDEAVOUR on the way to Ex Bersama Shield 2010.
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our reputation
Kiwis flying kiwi
community SUPPORT
Kiwi can fly—well they did recently, with the assistance of
a Royal New Zealand Air Force C-130 Hercules.
hallenged by the logistics
of transporting 30 kiwi over
650 km from Auckland to
Masterton, the Department
of Conservation (DOC) called on a
number of organisations to assist,
including the Royal New Zealand
Air Force.
were driven to Pukaha Mt Bruce and
released into the local reserve forest.
Shortly after the kiwi departed, school
children and the local community were
invited to board the C-130 Hercules for a
quick tour, prior to the aircraft returning
to Whenuapai.
Caught on Little Barrier Island, the
kiwi—15 male and 15 female—were
flown in two flights to Whenuapai by a
civilian helicopter, on the morning of
7 May 2010. A C-130 Hercules from
No. 40 Squadron then provided a
swift and direct transfer from RNZAF
Base Auckland to Hood Aerodrome in
“We want to be able to share this historic
occasion with the community, who
have made this possible. These birds
will help form the breeding foundation
for a planned population of 500 kiwi at
Pukaha,” he said.
A kiwi from the Pukaha, Mt Bruce
National Wildlife Centre was also on
hand to greet the newcomers, along
with the Pukaha Mt Bruce Board; DOC;
representatives from BNZ Save the
Kiwi Trust, who sponsor kiwi recovery
nationwide; and members of the public.
After a brief photo opportunity, the kiwi
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From 'the resting place of the winds'
in the beautiful Hauraki Gulf to 'the
place of strong winds' in the glistening
Wairarapa—the RNZAF played a
valuable role.
Reintroducing kiwi and other rare
native species to the forest is
part of a major initiative by the
Pukaha Mt Bruce Board, DOC, and
community and local councils, to
restore the Pukaha forest.
Courtesy of DOC
The Air Force Hercules landed at Hood
Aerodrome with its precious cargo at
around 1.30pm, to a huge welcome
group. Pukaha Mt Bruce Board chairman,
Bob Francis invited everyone to welcome
the birds.
supporting DOC in this worthwhile
project,” said Squadron Leader Kavae
These birds will help
form the breeding
foundation for a
planned population of
500 kiwi at Pukaha.
“The RNZAF had the capacity and
expertise to transfer this number of
kiwi within the required timeframe and
directly from Auckland, which reduced
stress on the birds. The whole Air Force
team involved in the transfer enjoyed
the experience of transporting the
biggest contingent of kiwi ever. We
were proud to be ‘Kiwis flying kiwi’ and
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
Nineteen captive-bred kiwi have
been released into the Pukaha
Forest since December 2003.
They first bred successfully in
2005. So far nine eggs have been
collected from the Pukaha forest
and hatched in captivity, with the
resulting chicks reared in captivity
until they are big enough to be
released into the forest. Prior to the
transfer there were 24 birds in the
forest—15 males and 9 females.
The introduction of the birds from
Little Barrier Island will help enable
the Pukaha forest population to be
self-sustaining and robust enough
to withstand threats that kiwi face
in the wild. It will also expand the
genetic diversity of the Pukaha
kiwi population.
AK 10-0253-021
Courtesy of DOC
AK 10-0253-013
AK 10-0253-010
our reputation
OPPOSITE PAGE: Handle with care: A kiwi chick
raised in captivity at the Pukaha Mount Bruce
National Wildlife Centre.
clockwise from top: RNZAF family lend a
hand: Father and son (L to R): CPL Reece Tamariki
and SQNLDR Kavae Tamariki
Ready for lift off: The kiwi safely secured ready to
be moved inside the C-130 Hercules.
Packaged with care: RNZAF personnel (standing
L to R): CPL Darcy Ayers, CPL Courtney Sefo, and
SGT Emma Hambleton.
Go kiwi: Adult kiwi foraging for food in the Pukaha
Mt Bruce National Wildlife Centre.
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celebrating our success
Instituted by the HOBA, a group of
ex-RNZAF personnel who served at
Hobsonville during World War II, to
commemorate the work done by the
late Cliff Manning in the foundation and
subsequent activities of the Association,
it is awarded annually to the Corporal
or Aircraftman who made the greatest
contribution to the overall effectiveness
of RNZAF Base Auckland during the
previous 12 months.
Chief of Air Force
Chief of Air Force, Air Vice-Marshal
Graham Lintott presented his CAF
Commendation Awards and a New
Zealand Armed Forces Award at Base
Auckland’s No. 40
Squadron, 485 Wing
on 22 April.
AK 10-0243-006
Leading Aircraftman Demelza ChalliesKolk was presented the Cliff Manning
Memorial Award on 8 May 2010 at the
65th Hobsonville Old Boys’ Association
(HOBA) Annual Reunion. LAC ChalliesKolk was presented the trophy by Cliff
Manning’s grandson, Mr Todd Kennedy,
and President of the HOBA, Mr Ian
LAC Challies-Kolk has gained the
respect of her peers and superiors and
has earned a reputation as a motivated,
determined and successful individual.
She is a well deserved recipient, and is an
extremely knowledgeable and efficient
member of the P3/T56 Team at Supply
Commendation for his exceptional
performance over the last nine months
on the P-3K2 Systems Upgrade Project
Sergeant Hamish Munro was awarded
the CAF Commendation for his
outstanding focus, technical expertise
and dedication while serving on the
B-757 Resident Project Team.
Chain Management Squadron. She also
assists with organising many Social Club
activities, and is a skilled participant and
manager of Base football.
ABOVE: Award recipient: LAC Challies-Kolk flanked
by the son and daughter of Cliff Manning, the
award’s namesake.
Squadron Leader Daniel Lazet
received the NZ Armed Forces Award
for serving as an officer in the RNZAF
for an aggregate of fifteen years, whose
character and conduct over this period
has been irreproachable.
CAF Commendation recipients (L to R):
SGT Munro, SQNLDR Lazet, and FLTLT Lush, with
CAF AVM Lintott.
AK 10-0222-008
Flying Officer
Jason Lush was
awarded the CAF
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WN 10-0002-065
celebrating our success
SAR Award for No. 3 SQN
The New Zealand Search and Rescue
(NZSAR) Council Awards, held on 21
April in Parliament’s Grand Hall, saw
No. 3 Squadron among those honoured.
The NZSAR Certificate of
Achievement—awarded for an
important contribution to search and
rescue in the NZSAR region, either
during 2009, or over an extended
period—recognised No. 3 SQN’s
participation in SAR Operation All
Whites, on 10 October 2009.
Flight Lieutenant Dan Pezaro—captain
of the Iroquois involved in the SAR
Operation—accepted the award, on
behalf of No. 3 SQN, from Associate
Transport Minister Nathan Guy. The
other crew members—FLTLT Stuart
Anderson, Warrant Officer Max Cawley,
and Sergeant Luke Millar—were all
present at the awards, and Chief
of Air Force was represented by
Air Component Commander, Air
Commodore Steve Moore.
Chief of Air Force, Air Vice-Marshal
Graham Lintott was unable to attend
the awards ceremony but acknowledged
No. 3 SQN, not only for the rescue
on Mt Taranaki that was formally
recognised, but also for the many SARs
they conduct on a regular basis. “No.
3 SQN has a well deserved reputation
ABOVE: No. 3 SQN recipients (L to R): W/O Cawley,
FLTLT Pezaro, SGT Miller, and FLTLT Anderson.
for conducting challenging Search and
Rescue operations with the utmost
professionalism, and the RNZAF
certainly benefits from the positive
image the team creates,” said CAF, AVM
SAR OP All Whites
ate on the afternoon of
10 October 2009, two brothers
tramping on Mt Taranaki got into
difficulty in the snow conditions.
They managed to send a couple
of text messages; one saying they
needed an ambulance, and another
which helped narrow the search
area to within a 90-minute walk
from Lake Dive Hut. An Air Force
Iroquois Helicopter was needed to
evacuate the brothers. The crew
flew in tough weather conditions
using their night vision goggles.
It was too dangerous to land the
Iroquois at the hut at night, so the
crew, using great skill, winched the
two brothers out and flew them to
Taranaki Base Hospital.The pair’s
core body temperatures were so
low they would have been dead by
morning without the help of their
rescuers, who later described the
conditions as among the coldest
they had ever experienced
on the mountain.
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WB 10-0081-035
our graduates
Courtesy of Massey University
Seven students from the Senior Supply
Specialist (SSUPSPEC) course graduated
on 23 April 2010 at Base Woodbourne.
 17 weeks Primary Trade Training
 18 months on-the-job training
 a 5-week Air Movements Course at
RNZAF Base Auckland, and
 a 9-week residential course at RNZAF
Base Woodbourne.
Trainees are required to demonstrate
their practical application in areas such as
Logistics Warehousing Flight, Logistics
Operations Flight, and Supply Chain
Management Squadron. Within these
areas they are required to engage with
Technical Personnel and Supply Staff
to further develop their skills as Senior
Tradesmen. At the conclusion of this course
the students are qualified to load and
unload aircraft, process passengers, and
also will have gained vehicle qualifications.
It is an essential role for all Suppliers
and is a gateway to long-term and
varied deployment operations. Leading
Aircraftsman Travis Colbert was presented
with the prestigious Air Commodore Baillie
Award for being the most outstanding
student from Advanced Trade Training
who had excelled throughout the entire
assessment period—no mean achievement.
Reviewing Officer AIRCDRE Stewart Baillie
congratulated all the students on their
achievement and wished them well for their
future careers.
Never too old to Graduate
Wing Commander Richard Marshall is no stranger to parades.
However, there’s a first time for everything, and for WGCDR
Marshall, it was participating as a graduate at Massey University’s
recent graduation ceremony.
It was a long time coming, but WGCDR Marshall finally graduated with
a Bachelor of Business Studies majoring in management—18 years
after he took his first paper. He also made the prestigious Dean's List
of students who have an A minus average, or better, for the year. "I have
a busy job as Base Commander in Auckland, two young children and
my wife, Melissa, worked part-time to make sure I could complete my
degree. I've had great family support," he said. WGCDR Marshall has
travelled the world in his Royal New Zealand Air Force career and has sat
Massey exams in Washington DC, Hawaii and Iran. He is proof that you’re
never too old to graduate—it just takes perseverance and commitment.
ABOVE: Graduation day: WGCDR Marshall, with his wife, Melissa, and his mother, Jillian.
below: High achiever: WGCDR Marshall receiving his Dean’s List Award from College of
Business Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lawrence Rose.
ABOVE: 10/01 SSUPSPEC Graduates (L to R): LACs Kim
Morgan, Heather Marceau, Amy Hatcher, Flora Paese,
Travis Colbert, Shaun Drumm, and Tama Eramiha.
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I've had
Courtesy of Massey University
This is the final step in their journey to
becoming fully qualified Royal New Zealand
Air Force Supply Specialists—a relentless
journey that has seen them complete a
minimum of:
recognising excellence
UCOL Academic Awarded
Corporal Rochelle Nicholas was
recently honoured for excellence
in academic performance, with an
award from the Universal College
of Learning (UCOL), for obtaining
the highest results from within the
New Zealand Diploma in Business
and Accounting Graduates.
OH 10-0246-001
CPL Nicholas’ modest and surprised
reaction to the news was, “Are they
sure they have the right person?”
ABOVE: Sitting proud: CPL Rochelle Nicholas
with her UCOL award.
The New Zealand Defence Force
supported CPL Nicholas throughout
her academic journey. Firstly, through
the NZDF’s Voluntary Education
Study Assistance scheme at Massey
University, which she began studying
extramurally, in 2004. Secondly, through
the RNZAF’s New Zealand Diploma
Training (NZDT) scheme, which she
applied for in 2008 after being posted to
Base Ohakea.
Although the NZDT scheme had
ever only been completed in Auckland, the
RNZAF enabled her to undertake these
studies and still be part of the scheme
while living in Palmerton North.
CPL Nicholas is thankful
for the opportunities
the RNZAF have
afforded her.
CPL Nicholas completed eight papers
last year on the NZDT scheme and
was able to cross credit the remaining
papers to gain Diplomas in both
Business and Accounting.
CPL Nicholas is thankful for the
opportunities that both the Defence
Force and RNZAF have afforded her, and
highly recommends the NZDT scheme
to other Air Force personnel seeking to
develop their academic skills.
Air Force cadet top shot
By Andrew Bonallack, Porirua News
Shooting the bullseye “just happens”
for Cadet Under-Officer Deahne Peach.
Courtesy of Andrew Bonallack, Porirua News
The Air Training Corp cadet from
Papakowhai is the top rifle shooter
among New Zealand’s Navy, Army, and
Air Force cadet forces.
U/O Peach learned to
shoot with antique and
weighty .22 rifles over
a 25-yard range.
U/O Peach, 19, has earned her unit
—41 (City of Porirua) Cadet
Squadron—the David Culverwell
Memorial Trophy, in the Wallingford
shooting competition last year. The unit
has only just received the trophy recently,
although her result was confirmed in
December. There had been some debate
over a minute fraction of distance in
her results, but her score came back as
a 98 out of a possible 100 points. U/O
Peach learned to shoot with antique and
weighty .22 rifles over a 25-yard range,
and admits she still prefers them over
the modern lightweight rifles. “I’ve been
shooting since 2004, but I’ve never won
this before,” she said. “I scored 25, 25, 24,
24. It’s hard to explain, when the target
is right in the middle, you squeeze right
then. It just happens for me.” Because
the prize is an actual rifle, albeit mounted
with a plaque, it cannot sit exposed on a
shelf, but is stored away safely.
Congratulations U/O Peach! You have
done your Squadron and the Royal New
Zealand Air Force proud. Editor
ABOVE: Top eye: Underofficer Deahne Peach with
her trophy acknowledging her as the top shot in
New Zealand Cadet Forces.
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pers corner
RNZAF Active Reserve Force
All of the Air Force,
part of the time
By GPCAPT Kevin McEvoy
OH 08-0464-12
Have you ever said, "If only I could join
the Royal New Zealand Air Force and
keep my day job"? Well, now's your
chance to do something about it!
The RNZAF is currently
looking for personnel
to grow its Active
Reserve Force (AR-F)
and make it an integral
part of our Air Force.
The RNZAF is currently looking for
personnel to grow its Active Reserve
Force (AR-F) and make it an integral part
of our Air Force. So if you are that person
or you know somebody with specific
skills sets we could use, then please
be a part of our Recruiting Team and
encourage them to Step Up.
The RNZAF Active Reserve Force (AR-F)
was recently advertised in all major daily
newspapers, on the Step Up website,
and also distributed via email within the
RNZAF. The Active Reserve, although
relatively new, was constrained by
funding and personnel numbers in the
post-recession environment in
FY09/10. In the new financial year there
is now a window of opportunity to
get some real momentum behind the
programme though.
The main emphasis for the Active
Reserve is providing people that
can backfill positions or provide
augmentation. Although it is focused
primarily on ex-Service personnel,
applications have been opened to
all including those without a military
background. The aim here is to ensure
that a broad cross-section of personnel
is captured. Civilians, for example, have
expertise in some critical areas such as
project management, finance,
corporate planning, human resource
etc that may not reside specifically with
ex-military personnel.
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We want the Active Reserve to be
supported by units so we want you to
keep identifying priority positions that
can be filled by an Active Reservist, while
we carry out a simultaneous recruiting
push that is being centrally coordinated.
Once applications are sent in, it is up
to Recruiting to cross-reference the
applicants’ skills sets against existing
vacancies. Lining up the competencies
against vacancies ensures that we
maximise the utility of the Active
Reserve, while also ensuring that priority
areas are filled first.
As a serving member
of our Air Force you
are one of our best
So far the response has been great!
But if you know of somebody out there
you think would be suited to the Active
Reserve, encourage them to apply!
As a serving member of our Air Force
you are one of our best recruiters! So
get out there and help us help you, by
supporting the Active Reserve.
Interested in joining?
If you are interested in the AR-F
and want to learn more, please
RNZAF personnel can also view
information on our mirror site:
Change—what does
it mean?
By W/O Keith Gell
Warrant Officer Air Force
As an Air Force, we are in change
right now and we need to challenge
ourselves personally about what it
all means—not only for those on the
receiving end, but those who are
proposing and implementing change.
For this, I believe, we need to take
ourselves back to the basics and
re-affirm some fundamentals.
First and foremost throughout any
change we must always ensure that
our sense of mission and purpose is
our key motivator. This is critical for
who and what we are as an Air Force.
Without these basic ingredients we
could become an organisation of
‘wandering gypsies’, who belong to
no one.
The next step is re-affirming our
values as both an Air Force and
as individuals. This underpins the
decision-making process that we take
and is something that both the ideas
people and the practitioners need to
be mindful of. If during this process
your personal values are out of sync
with our Air Force values, give yourself
a wake up call because you will
standout like a car salesman dressed
up in white shoes. We have a strong
values base as an Air Force—this is
proven because people are walking
The last step is about want and desire.
It is at this point that it becomes
personal, because only you can make
this decision. And yes, you have to
make yourself accountable when you
come to this point. This will ensure you
make the right decision, not the easy
‘Shape while we create’ is an emerging
category being used during the
We need to challenge
ourselves personally
about what it all
means—not only
for those on the
receiving end, but
those who are
proposing and
OH 04-0139-07
Lots of our personnel are now starting to feel the effects of upcoming change.
Some of it is new, or has been in the pipeline for some time. However, it is not until
it starts to become personal that the effects are felt. Many folk have been engaged
with or are represented at workshops and meetings discussing change proposals,
but again, it is when it hits you personally that it becomes real.
manage and that is the by-product
of this approach. Underpinning this
approach is our values.
Leading through vision and values is
one of the core competencies of a
Warrant Officer. For me, this means
seeing through the change and seeing
what it looks like at the other end.
This is no easy feat when clouds are
blurring your vision, especially when
we take the ‘shape as we create’
However in such instances, we have to
put our faith in the trust and integrity
of those folk initiating the ideas. It
also means they will come under more
scrutiny as more questions will be
asked. Change initiators may see this
as negativity, however I see this as the
‘they care attitude’ because, after all,
our practitioners are our experts.
change process, something I have
thought about for some time and
something that makes real sense to
me. Sometimes we can over-analyse
things around change, because really
what our people want is the ‘get-onwith-it’ attitude and ‘give-it-a-go’.
On the other hand, many change
initiators are purely carrying out
command intent. This is something we
all have to be mindful of when serving
ones country. If Chief of Air Force gives
the command "move to the right in
column of route"—guess what—that’s
what we do.
At the moment we have a few Air
Force initiatives that have just been
implemented, or are about to be. For
me, they fall within the category of
‘shape while we create’. This approach
poses more questions than answers.
However, that is what we have to
Change is something we need to get to
grips with, not only from the receiving
end, but also for those ideas people
initiating change. Think about mission,
purpose, values, want and desire. For
me, that forms the foundation of why,
how, and acceptance.
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our heritage
'They spoke and it was done'
No. 41 SQUADRON RNZAF 1944–1977
By WGCDR (Retired) Geoff Parkinson
Past Commanding Officer, 41 SQN
o. 41 Squadron was better
known throughout the
Pacific and Asia than in New
Zealand. It was formed in
1944 at Whenuapai in response to the
heavy demands of supplying men and
material to New Zealand forces during
the World War II Pacific campaign.
However, for 22 years, from 1955, the
Squadron was based in Singapore—
initially at Royal Air Force (RAF) Changi
then, from 1971, RAF/RSAF Tengah—
with attachments to other areas as
circumstances required. This was the
longest period of continuous service
overseas ever undertaken (then or
since) by a New Zealand military unit.
The Squadron was equipped with a
range of aircraft; Lodestar and Hudsons
initially, then the renowned Dakota, in
turn, replaced by Hastings and Bristol
Freighters from 1951 (the Hastings were
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passed to the reformed No. 40 SQN in
1953). Iroquois (UH1D) helicopters joined
the Freighters in 1971 and provided
excellent short-range support to ANZUK
Force and then NZ Force, SE Asia. On
disbandment, the Freighters returned
to New Zealand for later disposal (the
Iroquois flight and support functions
became RNZAF Support Unit, Singapore).
The key to the
squadron's continued
success was its
No doubt many other memories will
occur to ex-Squadron members, but
all would acknowledge that the key to
the Squadron’s continued success was
its personnel. The aircrew were well
trained but, equally important, was the
range of very competent ground staff
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needed to support flying activities. The
various trades included airframe, engines,
instruments, safety and surface, radio,
mess staff, administration, accounts
and supply, medics, etc—a pool of skill
without which the unit could not have
met its tasks.
Today No. 41 Squadron is but a memory.
However, there are various symbols
still to be seen—a Bristol Freighter (NZ
5903), resplendent in the camouflage
of its latter years, is cared for in the Air
Force Museum at Wigram. The museum
also houses Dakota NZ 3551 in its No. 42
SQN, VIP fit-out (the Queen flew in this
aircraft during a Royal Tour). This aircraft
also served earlier with No. 41 SQN from
1945–53, and made many flights to Japan
in support of J Force.
The intricately carved Gate of
Welcome—presented by the Maori
Our heritage
Queen to commemorate the 25th
anniversary of the Unit, and which
was a focal point at Changi and then
Tengah—is now the gate through which
passengers pass on arrival at Whenuapai.
And a real treasure—the Squadron
Colour, awarded in 1972—is laid up in the
chapel at RNZAF Base Auckland.
Twenty-five years ago on 6 December
1977, No. 41 (Transport) SQN, RNZAF
was disbanded at the Tengah Air Base of
the Republic of Singapore Air Force.
Although support flights were often
the norm, the Unit was also engaged
on operations, particularly during
the Malayan Emergency and the
Confrontation with Indonesia (in Borneo).
In these conflicts, the Unit flew more
operational missions than any RNZAF
Squadron since WW II, and had the last
RNZAF aircraft to be damaged by hostile
fire (NZ5906 in Borneo, 1965), sadly
losing the last RNZAF crew to be killed
on operations (SQNLDR Tie, FGOFF
Devescovi and FGOFF Nelson, while on
a supply drop mission in the Cameron
Highlands, Malaya, in December 1956).
The No. 41 SQN motto was;
'Korero Ka Oti'—'Speak and it shall be
A fitting epitaph to reflect the deeds
over 33 years of memorable service
would be;
'They spoke - and it was done'.
Noteworthy recollect
A detailed record is better left to historians. However, the 'potted' Squadron
history and recollections from No. 41 SQN Association newsletters and other
papers disclose some noteworthy events:
 1945—a special flight was formed
in Singapore, after the Japanese
surrendered, to assist quick
repatriation of ex-prisoners of war,
with some Dakotas fitted out as air
ambulances (they returned 156 sick
personnel by October 1945).
 1947—the Unit ceased providing
post-war internal flights for civilian
passengers (as well as undertaking
military tasks). NAC took over.
 1949—three crews flew in the
'Berlin Airlift' (the Berlin Coalmen).
Later that year, a flight of three
Dakota aircraft was detached to
RAF Station, Changi, for transport
support tasks around SE Asia and,
later, supply dropping during the
 1955—the Squadron deployed to
Singapore to become part of the
RAF Far East Air Force. Military
tasks involved aircraft and crews in
regional tensions and conflict over
the years, including:
• Korea, Malaya Emergency
• Thai/Malaya border confrontation
• Operation Scorpion and the
Vietnam conflict.
 1971—Iroquios Flight formed.
 1975—a Freighter was one of the
last aircraft to depart Tan Son
Nhut (carrying the New Zealand
Ambassador, some staff and
refugees), immediately prior to the
fall of Saigon.
 1976—the Sultan of Johore
presented a mounted eagle to No.
41 SQN in appreciation of the many
tasks flown by Iroquois in support
of the State Government.
 1977—disbandment ceremonies
were preceded by a tribute to fallen
comrades. The Freighter aircraft
flew in formation over the Cameron
Highlands crash site and dropped a
wreath to honour those who
had perished.
OPPOSITE PAGE: Men on a mission: No. 41 SQN personnel (circa 1955) in front of Bristol Freighter NZ5910 at
RAF Station, Changi.
ABOVE (L-R): Loading up goods for Cambodia (circa 1955) into No. 41 SQN Bristol Freighter NZ5906 (L to R):
FGOFF K. Harford, M/SIG H. Stone, and FGOFF G. Familton, based, at RAF Station Changi.
Embarking for Malaya (circa 1961) on a 41 SQN Bristol Freighter (L to R): SQNLDR R. Manners, SGT Batchelor,
FGOFF B. Greer, LAC B. Davidson, and FGOFF W. Moore.
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our museum
Museum receives
National Award
By Dave Clearwater
Communications Manager,
Air Force Museum of New Zealand
At the recent Museum Aotearoa
conference awards dinner the Air
Force Museum was announced as
a finalist in the Selecon Award for
Exhibition Excellence.
The evening was capped
off with the Museum
Director, Thérèse
Angelo receiving the
‘Individual Achievement
Award for 2010’.
The museum team nominated the
‘History Gallery Redevelopment
Project; Horizon to Horizon’. The award
is acknowledgement “For a team or
organisation for an outstanding new
exhibition/s and/or visitor programme
that contributes to best practice in
the museum sector in Aotearoa New
Zealand, and demonstrates excellence,
relevance and vision particularly in
lighting design."
The evening was capped off with the
Museum Director, Thérèse Angelo
receiving the ‘Individual Achievement
Award for 2010’, “in recognition of an
outstanding record of achievement
in many dimensions, all related
to the wider heritage domain.”
All staff at the Air Force
Museum can feel proud of
their many and varied efforts
over recent years, but being
acknowledged by our peers
within the Museum and
Art gallery sectors
provides immense
satisfaction, and
validates our work
within the wider
Royal New Zealand
Air Force.
LEFT: Bunch of accolades:
Thérèse Angelo with her
winner’s bouquet of flowers.
Courtesy of Jane Dove Juneau, Museums Aotearoa
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Achievement Award
for 2010
Thérèse Angelo’s career to date
has bridged libraries, archives
and museums, but the museum
sector has benefited most from
her dedication, professionalism,
strategic thinking, energy and
During some 20 years service,
Thérèse has flown up through
the ranks to lead the Air Force
Museum as Director since 2002.
Throughout this period she has
contributed unstintingly to the
museum sector’s development
through exemplary service to
Museums Aotearoa (chair 20052007, board 2003-2005), actively
building the credibility of the
ATTTO museum qualifications,
mentoring students and
supporting smaller museums. Her
many contributions have been
recognised in the archives sector,
and honoured by both the NZRAF
and the Defence Forces.
It is inspiring to
have Thérèse Angelo
as a role model.
As the Air Force Museum
celebrates the opening of its
revitalised history galleries, it
is timely that the museum field
proudly acknowledges Thérèse
with the 2010 Museums Aotearoa
Individual Achievement Award.
The Air Force motto is Per ardua
ad astra—through adversity to the
stars. As our museums and art
galleries face arduous times, it is
inspiring to have Thérèse Angelo
as a role model. We can all learn
from following her progress as she
takes the Air Force Museum
into a new decade.
AK 10-0035-001
By CPL Kieran Eades
Base Auckland
Intersection Sports and Base Auckland
recreation activities for 2010 began with
three different and challenging events
being offered by the Physical Training
Instructors (PTIs):
Intersection tug-of-war
Held on 3 February in the Motor Trade
(MT) car park, the 12 teams each arrived
quietly confident of being crowned the
victors. MT and Air Security were looking
like they might struggle but, through
grit and determination, managed to
achieve a great performance and did
well for their sections. Also putting in
a great performance, Avionics showed
that brains and technique could be just
as effective as brute force and strength.
But it was No. 40 SQDN's two teams that
showed their dominance from the word
'go' with convincing wins over all their
opponents to take out first and second
Bridge-to-bridge fishing
Round the bays fun run
Hobsonville’s hot temperatures,
sunshine, low winds and plenty of blue
sky provided a great day out on the
water for the annual fishing event,
on 10 March. The collection of fish was
impressive too with people catching
some great looking snapper and
mackerel. The heaviest and the longest
categories were both won by Rod
Hawkin’s catch, measuring in at 51 cm
and weighing 2.96 kg.
Avionics showed that
brains and technique
could be just as
effective as brute force.
The Hero of the Day award was changed
to the ‘Bad Luck’ achievement prize, and
went to Mark Corbett in recognition of
his boat’s engine failure—10 minutes
into the event starting! Prizes were
kindly donated by Hotshots Canteen,
Base Auckland, and Hunting and Fishing
at Westgate.
It was an early start on Sunday 14 March
and PTI, Sergeant Matthew Pitts was
busy making sure all was prepared
for the competitors—last minute roll
calls, handing out of race numbers, and
instructions of where to meet at the
finish. The Air Force runners competed
exceptionally well and did the RNZAF
proud with their efforts. Noticeable
performances were from Aircraftmen
Matthew Philips and Todd Lambourne,
who made the gruelling 8 km run look
easy. PTI chef, Corporal Chris Campbell
greeted the runners at the finish line
with food and refreshments—all
gratefully received and the perfect way
to end a great event.
Thanks to all sections that assisted.
Let’s keep it up, as there are plenty more
activities left in Intersection Sports and
Base Recreation activities 2010.
ABOVE: Taking the strain! (L to R): LACs
Michael Leonard, Erin Smith, Corey Gent,
Bevan Whyte, and Louis Nicholas.
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OH 10-0166-021
By FLTLT Darryn Welham
Interbase Water Polo 2010 was hosted by Ohakea over the
period 5–8 March 2010, with the actual competition conducted
at the Linton Army Camp pool. The event also included an
exciting swimming Relay Competition. Base Auckland’s
FLTLT Darryn Welham was there.
2010 Results
Water Polo Interbase Final Game
Auckland (11) v Ohakea (2)
Interbase Swimming
6 x 1 Freestyle—Winner: Ohakea
4 x 1 Medley—Winner: Ohakea
Tournament trophies
or the uninitiated, water polo is similar to football—both codes aiming to
move the ball past the goalie to score goals. In water polo however, there
are a few twists—you use hands instead of feet to direct the ball to your
team mates; swim instead of run; and tread water instead of stand, while
you call for the pass.
The Greer Cup (Interbase Water Polo
competition winners)
The Goddard Cup (Relay swimming
competition winners)
In some ways water polo is also similar to rugby—it can be aggressive. Despite
numerous rules that mean you can’t tackle and dunk the opposition, the referee can’t
see much under the water, so a lot of ‘jostling for position’ occurs underneath the
water! Theoretically, you can get the ball off the opposition player, however if you are
seen to lean on them and dunk them under the water, a foul is awarded against you
and they get a free throw. It’s all great fun!
The Laurie Corlett Memorial Trophy
(Men’s player of the tournament)
Armed with a thorough understanding of the code, Base Auckland’s water polo
experience and training helped them conquer their opponents, to take out the
competition. But Ohakea gave them a run for their money in the Relay Competition,
scrapping into first place in both events. Speed through the water was an advantage
for both competitions, so Speedos (for men, of course) were the order of the day.
The Dave Sherriff Trophy
(Sportsperson of the tournament)
AC Blair Paterson, Woodbourne
Water polo has successfully contested its removal from being an official RNZAF
sport in 2009 and achieved reinstatement. This year’s Interbase Tournament proved
the growing enthusiasm for the sport, with full teams from each of the three Bases
competing for the first time since 2003. Woodbourne’s team of rookies learned
heaps from the experienced players and we look forward to chasing them around the
pool next year.
Water polo teams across the Bases are always keen to expand their teams, so if you
can swim and like a good tough competition, give water polo a try!
FGOFF Lachie Johnston, Ohakea
The Corlett Memorial Cup
(Female player of the tournament)
PLTOFF Hayley Price, Auckland
Rookie of the Tournament Certificate
FGOFF Alex Tredrea, Ohakea
opposite page:
Shooting for goal: (TOP) PLTOFF Hayley Price.
A rare moment: (MIDDLE) Goalkeeper, FGOFF
Lachie Johnston letting a goal through.
Team talk: (BOTTOM) Coach, Dave Sherriff
(wheelchair) giving the RNZAF Selection Team the
game plan.
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WB 10-0074-008
Following two months of dedication,
hard work and enthusiasm, a group
of 14 Base personnel and dependants
represented the Royal New Zealand
Air Force, and themselves, proudly
at the recent Contact
Tri-Woman event in
Triathlon team
Sergeant Greg
experienced triathlete
who has represented
New Zealand on a
number of occasions—
stepped up to lead our
training, undaunted by
an all women team. He
began with a session
to establish a team
‘contract’, which was
eventually embroidered
on the team singlets
worn on race day:
 Commitment—To
each other and to the
nine weeks of training.
 Consistency—To individual training
and to attending each group session.
 Teamwork—Towards each other
throughout the training sessions /
 Goals—To know what it is you want
to achieve, and remain focused on it.
We each had an individualised
programme and attended two group
sessions each week.
In the first team session we learned
how to run efficiently and attempted
to correct techniques which had
been ingrained by years of inefficient
performance. It sounds easy but took
a bit of effort and must have looked
hilarious for passers-by as we hopped
and skipped up and down the field doing
one legged running!
Initially, we focussed on running and
swimming drills. Closer to race day, we
practiced transitions—which took a bit
of concentration for some of us—and
mini events, which saw us biking and
running around Base soaking wet in our
togs and shorts!
Considering that, for many, this was our
first attempt at this multi-disciplined
sport, our results were awesome. Flying
Officer Kirsty Calman attained a third
placing out of 215 competitors, with the
fastest bike and second fastest swim
time. We also had seven in the top 25
places, and all completed within, or near,
the one hour mark.
Our thanks go out to everyone who
helped us, particularly SGT O’Connor
for his unfailing support, excellent
advice, his dedication to our training and
willingness to take on the challenge that
training a group of amateurs presents.
We had a fantastic time, forged some
great friendships, and had lots of laughs
along the way.
For many this was our
first attempt at this
multi-disciplined sport.
ABOVE left: The team (L to R): Back Row: Mrs Linda
Fletcher-Firks, Mrs Claudia Baker, Mrs Joyce Bishop,
Mrs Raewyn Buscke, Mrs Trish Pokia, CPL Joe
Atkinson, Mrs Tracy O’Connor, Miss Hollie Brown,
Mrs Lisa Miller, FGOFF Kirsty Calman, SQNLDR
Jackie Searle, and Mrs Cheryl Rogers. Front Row:
SGT Greg O’Connor. Absent: CPL Gemma Riley and
LAC Michele Liddicoat.
WN 10-0002-057
LEFT: Happy to place (L to R): Mrs Trish Pokia and
Mrs Cheryl Rogers.
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brain fitness
#7(Air Power Development Centre)
By FLTLT Kelli Williams
By FLTLT Kelli Williams
Air Power Development Centre
Dear Ma and Pa
Am well. Hope you are. Tell brother
Trev and brother Fred the Defence
Force beats working for old man
Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up
quick before maybe all of the places
I was restless at first because you got
to stay in bed till nearly 6 am, but am
getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Trev
and Fred all you do before breakfast
is smooth your cot and shine some
things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch,
mash to mix, wood to split, fire to
lay—practically nothing. Men got to
shave but it is not so bad, they git
warm water.
Breakfast is strong on trimmings like
fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc
but kind of weak on chops, potatoes,
ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie, and
other regular food.
We go on ‘route’ marches that the
Sergeant says are long walks to
harden us. If he thinks so, it is not
my place to tell him different. A
‘route march’ is about as far as to our
mailbox at home.
I keep getting medals for shooting. I
don't know why. The bulls-eye is near
as big as a possum and don't move.
And it ain't shooting at you, like the
Higgett boys at home.
Be sure to tell Trev and Fred to hurry
and join before other fellers get into
this setup and come stampeding in.
Your loving daughter, Gail
1. Military training camp
1. Join military
1. Military training camp
4. Potential hostile party
2. ASUW: Anti ___ Warfare
4. Potential hostile party
7. AC-130
3. JPR: Joint ___ Recovery
7. AC-130
9. Destroying enemy air threats is an
5. No 5 SQN operates six of these
9. Destroying enemy air threats
is an example of ____ Counte
example of ____ Counter Air
Air ___ Commander
10. Manufacturer of Seasprite
10. Manufacturer of Seasprite
C2: ___ andapplication:
11. Specific effects through8.accurate
____ Applica
11. Specific effects through accurate
13. Stockholm is capital 10. OH-58
application: ____ Application
14. ROE: Rules of ____ 12. ISR: ___, Surveillance,
13. Stockholm is capital
16. Capital of Israel
14. ROE: Rules of ____
15. CAS: Close Air ___
18. FOB: Forward ____ Base
17. Manufacturer of 757
Mission undertaken to obtain information
19. AH-64
Mission undertaken to obtain
Join military
2. ASUW: Anti ___ Warfare
3. JPR: Joint ___ Recovery SOLUTION—CROSSWORD #7
5. No 5 SQN operates six of these
6. ACC: Air ___ Commander
ACROSS 1. Exercise 4. adversary 7. Spectre 9. Offensive 10. Kaman 11. Precision
13. Sweden 14. Engagement 16. Jerusalem 18. Operating 19. Apache 20. Reconnaissance
are filled.
DOWN 1. enlist 2. Surface 3. Personnel 5. Orion 6. Component 8. Command
10. Kiowa 12. Intelligence 15. Support 17. Boeing
Why rednecks make good
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and farewells
Congratulations to all the following personnel for
their well-deserved promotions.
Welcome Back
The RNZAF extends a warm welcome
back to the following skilled personnel
who have rejoined us recently:
F/S M.L. Neville
Enlist: 6/04/10
Specialisation: General Service Airman
CPL R.W.M. Taylor
Enlist: 26/04/10
Specialisation: Avionics Technician
LAC K.N. Donaldson
Terminate: 10/05/10
Specialisation: Aircraft Technician
LAC C.A Hardinge
Terminate: 2/06/10
Specialisation: Senior Firefighter
Base Auckland
The RNZAF bids a fond farewell to the
Base Auckland
SGT K.M. Clapham
Terminate: 13/05/10
Specialisation: Communications and
Information Systems Technician
CPL J.K. Darby
Terminate: 3/05/10
Specialisation: Avionics Technician
SGT A.R. McDonald
Terminate: 18/04/10
Specialisation: Air Security Specialist
Terminate: 18/04/10
Specialisation: Air Warfare Officer
Base Ohakea
CPL S.W. Bishara
Terminate: 3/06/10
Specialisation: Senior Supply Specialist
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
Base Woodbourne
AC L.J. Clarke
Terminate: 30/04/10
Specialisation: Avionics Mechanic
SGT R.W Spice
Terminate: 6/06/10
Specialisation: Communications and
Information Systems Technician
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0
Support our LAC!
Leading Aircraftman Grant Armishaw has
been selected for an Australasian tour with
the prestigious New Zealand Youth Choir
(NZYC), later this month. To assist with funds
to get him there, the NZYC will perform a free
concert—with donations welcomed.
Auckland Town Hall,
Saturday 26 June, 7:30 pm
A0639 - NZ Field Intelligence Tri-Service Course
Noms Open 2nd July Noms Close 8th August
SELECTION COURSE: 5th – 10th September
Operator HUMINT Brief: 1330hrs
COMD HUMINT Brief: 1500hrs
Operator HUMINT Brief: 0900hrs
COMD HUMINT Brief: 1030hrs
For More Information
w w w. a i r f o rc e . m i l . n z
AFN 11 5 j u n e 2 0 1 0