Senior - Giles High School
Senior - Giles High School
May 2010 Giles High School Volume Four by Brittney Jarrells This year’s prom seemed to be upon us in no time. Before we knew it, we were getting all dressed up and heading over to New River Community College to enjoy pictures, catered dinner, dancing, and making memories with our peers. The night began at 6:00 followed by catered dinner from Country Kitchen at 7:00. The students satisfied their appetite with food such as grilled chicken, roast beef, barbequed pork, mashed potatoes, green beans, macaroni and cheese, broccoli and cheese, and a variety of fruits and salads. Tea and lemonade were offered, along with a magnificent display of desserts: cheesecakes, chocolate cakes, and pies. Anna Millirons states “The dinner at prom was really good. I loved their macaroni and cheese!” After filling our tummies, we hit the dance floor for a couple of hours to “boogie down” to music by Deejay Tony. At 10:00, Mr. Brown announced our prom court: King and Queen Dustin McCoy and Chrissy Stump, and Prince and Princess Tanner Carbaugh and Erica Johnson. Everyone then went back to dancing, and soon after Edward’s Hall cleared out as we made our way to after prom. Seniors Cory Johnson and Beth Miles show off their appreciation for wildlife and hunting through their attire. Seniors Dustin McCoy, Katie Cunningham, Ryan Lucas, Katy Griffith, Hannah Ruark, and Justin Gautier wait patiently for their turn to get in the buffet line and fill their appetites. Photos by Rose Glarner Right: Seniors Cory Johnson and Beth Miles show off their appreciation for wildlife and hunting through their attire. Spartonian Staff Top: Mr. Brown announces the prom court near the end of the night. Right: Queen Chrissy Stump and King Dustin McCoy proudly wear their sashes after being voted as the prom court. All senior message information and superlative pictures have been recorded as accurately as possible. The senior class voted for the superlatives and provided their own messages. These pages are for entertainment purposes only and should be treated accordingly. 2 Lauren Craft Heath Wilson Chelsey Williams Stephanie Hall Brittney Jarrells Courtney Songer Rose Glarner Katie Davis Mykala Ingram Formatting Editor Brianna Caldwell Editor in Chief Janie Milliron Faculty Advisor Mr. Michael Etzler The rest of our night took place at King Johnson and involved lots of fun with inflatable moon bounces, sumo wrestling, laser tag, corn hole, Dance Dance Revolution on the Wii, more food, and The Blind Side featured in the auditorium. The Saltine Project, consisting of Jake Hedrick, Blake H. Martin, Tanner Carbaugh, and Gianni Massaro, also provided entertainment at 1:00 a.m. by playing two of their own songs, Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty, Mr. Brightside by The Killers, and their edited version of In My Head by Jason DeRulo. Although their 3:00 am performance was cancelled, the junior boys did a great job and had quite a crowd to enjoy their show. Prom 2010 was a blast, although it was not easy to prepare for and took more effort than most of the students realize. Special thanks to Mrs. Martin, who has planned out Jake Hedrick on percussion and Mrs. Martin stands GHS proms for 18 years. Also, thanks to the Tanner Carbaugh with rhythm guitar ready to help give out math teachers for helping to set up, Mrs. play for spectators at after prom. roses and sashes to the Photos by Fallon Klecak Burton and the Yovaso/SADD club for all of king and queen for the their efforts to make a safe and successful 18th consecutive year. prom night, Mr. Ventry, Mrs. O’Quinn, and Mrs. Beckner for their assistance, the parents and teachers on the after prom committee, and Mr. Brown, Mr. Mills, Mr. Widdoes, and the office staff for allowing us to have one of the best proms in the area. We’ve all taken home memories that will never be forgotten, and it would not have been possible without your help. Gianna Massaro with lead guitar and Blake H. Martin doubling up with bass and vocals delivered a remarkable performance on May 2nd. The Saltine Project (Blake Martin, Gianni Massaro, Tanner Carbaugh, and Jake Hedrick) enjoyed their first prom together. Roger’s Body Shop Pembroke Stop and Save Hunting and Fishing Headquarters 138 Grill Rd, Pembroke VA 24136 (540)-626-7077 Roger Jennelle & Son Owner/Operator Phone: (540) 921-2524 Home: (540) 921-2520 208 Curve Rd. Pearisburg, VA 24134 ASE and I-CAR Certified 3 Band Trip 2010 by Katie Davis On April 14th sixty-nine members of the Giles Marching Spartans departed Giles High School for their spring band trip. The destination for the trip was Williamsburg, Virginia. After arriving in Williamsburg on Wednesday night, the band participated in a “ghost walk” of Historic Williamsburg. The guided tour lasted about two hours. Our guide told stories of unusual “happenings” and sightings. Thursday found the band visiting the Nauticus Museum in Norfolk where they toured the WWII Battle Ship Wisconsin. Everyone was excited to enjoy an afternoon in Virginia Beach that included beach volleyball, basketball, tennis, and fun in the sun. Later that afternoon the band members enjoyed a hotdog lunch hosted by the G.H.S. chaperones. Thursday evening was filled with fun as the band members boarded the American Rover “tall sailing boat” at Norfolk for a two hour cruise up the Elizabeth River. While on the boat, everyone enjoyed pizza and a night full of dancing. Friday, the sixty nine anxious band members finally got to spend the day in Colonial Williamsburg. After hours of walking, the band returned to the Great Wolf Lodge. The remainder of the day was spent at the hotel’s indoor water park, arcade, and preparing for the evenings’ formal concert performance at Bruton High School in Williamsburg. The band had a fun filled Saturday at Busch Gardens that was capped off with the competition awards ceremony. The Giles High School Band received first place Concert Band in Division A, Top Concert Band in All Divisions, and was the only band to receive a Superior rating. After the awards, the tired students boarded buses for the return trip home. “The band represented Giles High School wonderfully with their character, and manners, as well as, with their performances.” -Mr. White Chorale Tour 2010 by Rose Glarner The annual Chorale Tour began early April 8th. Members arrived at Giles High School and loaded onto the bus, excited but sleepy, and began the journey to Gatlinburg Tennessee! Chorale arrived in Gatlinburg around 1pm and settled into the cabin. After unpacking for a bit that afternoon, the group went to The Ripley’s Aquarium. Then there was more time to spend exploring the cabin, which could sleep 64 people, until curfew. There were only 37 students and 6 chaperones so there was plenty of room and plenty to do! There was time to play in the hot tubs, enjoy the pool table, play and just The Chorale arrives ready to hit the road to Gatlinburg! enjoy each others company. Friday rolled around and was packed with even more things to do such as Wonderworks, a magic show, an arcade, a laser tag adventure and Hoot and Holler(a comedy dinner). Back at the cabin later that night, Chris Johnson, Gianni Massaro, everyone found some way to enjoy Alex Hawkes, Blake Martin and themselves. The rest of the night was Blair McGee wait in line for a ride at spent playing with the Wii, playing Wonderworks! pool and challenging each other to Foosball. Max Ratcliff was the only challenger who was able to win a game Brad Lipes, Molly Gusler, Tanner Martin, Cierra against Mr. Whitten, Hayley Wilburn and Kyle Chaffin spend Marion! Saturday free time shopping together. was spent with a trip to Dollywood. The Chorale spent most of the time going on the rides and seeing the shops around the park. Then later that night it was off to the Dixie Stampede! The Dixie Stampede was a dinner theatre. Chorale was treated like royalty with an enormous meal and amazing entertainment for the night! Sunday morning the chorale headed to the First United Methodist Church, in Maryville, TN, where they were The Chorale sings at the First United Methodist Church, given the honor of singing in the church’s service. Afterwards they in Maryville, TN preformed and were given a chance to work with Dr. Angela Batey a Music Professor at the University of Tennessee and Terry Wilson, the music director at the First United Methodist Church. The Chorale received an on stage clinic with Dr. Batey and then were given insight by both musicians and went away feeling much improved! Then it was off to the shops. Downtown Gatlinburg was filled with many different shops and sights to see so many hours of free time flew by. Monday was bittersweet for the whole group as they woke early to pack and get on the road heading home. We made one last stop at the new Titanic exhibit which was great. They learned many fun facts and were able to experience what life was like for passengers on the Titanic. Mr. Marion was very proud of the whole group’s “cooperation in making it a great trip.” 5 Giles County Teacher of the Year Visit the Covered Bridge on Clover Hollow Road in Newport, VA. by Courtney Songer Purchase Bricks for the Historical Clover Hollow Covered Bridge Walkway! Anything You Want to Say Forever Engraved in Stone! Email: Many of us wouldn’t know much about Biology if it weren’t for Ms. Blanton. She has been teaching Biology 1 and 2 for Giles High School since August of 2000. She also is the Science MACC Coach as well as the National Honor Society Sponsor. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Emory & Henry and her Master’s Degree from Radford University. She also was awarded Giles County Secondary Teacher of the Year and Giles County Teacher of the Year. Giles County Teacher of the Year was announced at the Chamber Banquet at Mountain Lake. When asked how she enjoys GHS, she answered, “I love teaching at Giles High School. The faculty and students here are fun and easy to work with. Teaching gives me an opportunity to contribute in a positive way to the community.” She also feels very honored to be recognized by her peers for her hard work. Your # 1 Source for Local Sports Best Song Released Bed Rock Best Movie Released The Hangover Best TV Show Teen Mom & Secret Life Best Video Game Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 VIRGINIAN LEADER Visit our website 540-921-3434 6 SAE Recognized Staff Members by Courtney Songer Ms. Young teaches Accounting, NRCC Desktop Publishing, Office Administration, and NRCC C.I. Mr. Huffman says, “I feel that I can relate to the students an understanding of what it is like in the outside world and hopefully impress upon them the importance of a good education and worth ethic. Mr. Huffman will be retiring this year after many years with us. Ms. Moore takes care of all of our downstairs computer labs and Ms. Shaver attends to the library computer lab. Ms. Dickerson is responsible for the Bible Club. Also, her husband offers his time substituting as well as her two daughters were past GHS students. Ms. Malabad has been teaching at Giles High School for seven years. She also is in charge of the recycling project at GHS. He is the head football coach of the GHS Spartans. Mr. Etzler is the Teacher Advisor of GHS Journalism Class. They were recognized by the School Board for their duty. Mr. Marion is in charge of the Music Department. He also is the faculty director of the Ambassadors and SODA. SODA teaches elementary students about subjects such as peer pressure. 7 Alexis Ayers: Falling up and down the stairs John Honosky: When Shane and I were moved in office assistance for sparing with our karate. Stephanie Green: The time Amber Gallimore and I broke Mr. White’s glass pumpkin in front of the whole band. We replaced it though☺ Cody Heinlein: When I couldn’t find my classroom in 8th grade. Andrea Neice: I actually don’t have very many embarrassing moments except the time I fell up the stairs in front of a huge group of people and lost my shoe in the process and had to go back and get it. Zach Keffer: When I dropped my lunch tray and it got all over me! Kent Falls: Falling down the stairs in 8th grade. Dustin McCoy: In tenth grade playing football on Varsity and getting ran over at Radford. Rachel Smith: It’s getting shoved back and forth in the hallway and getting pushed so hard backwards that I fall flat on my butt. Chrissy Stump: It would have to be any of the times I’ve fallen up the stairs. Then again walking into the wrong classroom is pretty awkward. Cory Johnson: Falling UP the steps. Jayke Dowdy: Losing to East Mont. Tanner Gorrell: When Ozzie Price pushed me down the steps and I slid all the way down on my back. Ryan Wilson: Falling up the stairs. James Lambert: Coach Reed calling me a sorry lazy punk in the middle of class. Samantha Frazier: In 12th grade I parked on the grass and Mr. Brown made me move it. Michael Carbaugh: Falling both up and down the steps. Cassie Martin: All the jeans I’ve ripped playing volleyball in lunch. Kesha Akers: Falling up or done the stairs. Amanda Baesler: One day at lunch a green bean was in the floor and I slid on the green bean and fell in front of the whole cafeteria. Tiffany Mundy: When I fell off the bus and broke my ankle in front of the school. Zach Harless: When I fell coming up the stairs on the first day school. Chelsey Merriell: When I feel asleep in Spanish 2 and Briana Colle took a picture of me drooling. Haha. Trevor Myers: Falling up the stairs and breaking my wrist dunking a basketball. Adrian Johnson: When I hit the ball in softball practice and went back into the machine then shot back out and hit my knee. Kellan Alls: When I tripped coming up the steps in 8th grade. David Gunter: My phone going off in class. Taylor Britts: Shoveling snow for 5 hours. Ashley Johnston: Toilet paper stuck to my shoe in 9th grade. Dylan Hundley: I fell up the steps the other day. Sierra Davidson: When Ashley Sadler and I were running outside in the snow and I tried to jump on her back and we slipped on the ice and fell in front of everyone. Carly Fields: Being half asleep and falling up the stairs and my books fell open and everything came out. 8 Ryan Shelor: Probably the nemorous times I’ve tripped up the stairs in front of people. Laura Williams: Probably that one time in Chem…. Justin Farmer: Losing to Radford twice in one season in football. Katie Cunningham: In 8th grade I did not realized that I had already opened my milk at lunch and shook it all over Justin Gautier. Dawn Mercer: Going to the wrong class for 5 minutes because I was new and didn’t know better. Andy Warden: Falling up the stairs in 8th grade. Stefan Frazier: Dressing up like a donkey and performing a dance that made me look like I was having a seizure. Hannah Kellison: Falling up and down the stairs. Anthony Woodyard: WGHS News, my dumb questions, falling up the steps and my other acts of looking dumb. Beth Miles: Dropping my books and everything fell out. Todd McCracken: Breaking the ceiling light in Ms. Young’s class with a paper towel roll. Chelsey Gibson: Would have to be when my friend and I ran to hug each other but head-butted instead and fell to the ground during lunch in 9th grade. Andrew Eppling: Winning the prettiest boy competition in a pep rally. Joey Cutler: 8th grade gym class we were playing soccer and I ripped my shorts right down the middle. Alex Lane: Falling up the stairs in 8th grade. Justin Silver: Probably any of the numerous times I fell going up the stairs. Lakin Price: Falling up and down the stairs. Emily Ellis: Falling up and down the stairs. Kaslin Fields: WGHS bloopers. Especially my first time doing sports. Teachers and students both made joke for the rest of the day. Skyler Martin: When I didn’t make the 9th grade basketball team because I was too short. Oliva Humperys: There are so many! Falling up the steps daily, WGHS news bloopers, and putting my foot in my mouth on various occasions. Erica Boone: When Amanda called the school acting like my mom and we got caught and had a day of ISS. Yeah, lame. Shanda Higginbotham: All the times tripping up the stairs. All the times getting stuck in the batting cage and falling. All the jeans I’ve ripped my jeans playing volleyball in lunch. Amber Gallimore: When I was in band my friend Stephanie Green and I broke Mr. White’s glass pumpkin with candy corn in it, in front of the whole band. But we replaced it, with candy corn. Sorry Mr. White☺ Chris McNeill: Running into a TV in eighth grade. Leigh Kauffelt: I was tripped and dropped my tray full of food. Curtis Robbins: Falling up and down steps. Michelle Martin: Busting my butt on the steps all the time. Matt Bane: Greg…enough said. Blair McGee: All the times my laughter got the best of me ;) Chris Pierce: When Ozzy got me in trouble. Chris Collins: When I tripped on the stairs. Fran Haymore: In 10th grade at the Narrows basketball game during the halftime show when I did a jump and fell in front of everyone. Savannah Gautier: In gym 10th grade year I was walking backwards, twisted my ankle and fell down broke my hand. Wayne Vanhoozier: When I broke out a window. Sally Slaubough: When I hit a Wal-Mart pole with my car going to the football game. By the time I made it to the game everyone done knew what happened. Chelsey Ward: Well there are millions and millions of embarrassing moments that happened to me at GHS. All I have to say is “When you fall, just get back up and act like nothing happened.” ☺ Ashley Sadler: Probably tripping at the homecoming parade and ripped my pants, Then setting them on fire. Greg Ray: Leading the football team out to warm ups at Radford and tripping and falling into the mud in front of the fans and other players. Shane Evseicwk: Getting separated in office assistant for doing karate with John. Cody Rose: When I broke my heel jumping down a flight of stairs. Tyler Thorne: Never had one. Zach Pattson: Breaking my wrist between the senior faculty game. Suzane Simpkins: When I tripped down the stairs. 9 10 11 My Favorite High School Memory: Fran Haymore: Graduation Leigh Kauffelt: Spending time with all of my friends at games and senior pranks Rachel Smith: Hitting a homerun my freshman year on varsity softball. Playing volleyball during lunch with everybody. Senior prank. Ryan Lucas: The last drive against Glenvar in the homecoming game. Kaslin Fields: Doing interpretive dance to all the slow songs at Snowcourt. Anthony Woodyard: Working in the concession stand. Chorale trips that have taken me to many new places and spending time with friends. Olivia Humphreys: Being in Symphonic Chorale the Gross Olympics, concession stand, chorale tours, shopping in China Town (NYC), and bribing macho guys to ride roller coasters at Six Flags. Blair McGee: Girls nights, going snowtubing instead of going to snowcourt, laughing at all of the ridiculous rumors about me, football, basketball, and baseball games. Carli Klecak: Meeting my friends and band trips. Emily Ellis: Eating PB&J’s with Briana Colle during our 10th grade English SOL. Ashley Sadler: Pretty much anything that includes my friends, talks in distance learning, and senior pranks. Shanda Higginbotham: All my pity fights with Megan Fisher, Adrian, and Michele. 9th Grade P.E. class. Lindsey Blankenship: Senior Pranks Katie Cunningham: Football games, girls nights, going snowtubing instead of going to snowcourt, and senior pranks. 12 Hannah Ruark: All of those great weekends in Chillhowie, skipping snowcourt and going snowtubing, girls nights, and all of our senior pranks. Suzane Simpkins: Watching a women get a DUI, while in Chemistry class. Adrian Johnson: Graduation Erica Boone: Getting OSS for one day for not giving Coach Reed my phone. Having to go home and change for wearing pajama pants. When Jayke flooded Mr. Ventry’s room by turning on the sink. Laura Williams: Watching a drunk woman get a DUI in front of the school. Track meets. Justin Farmer: When we barricaded the entire school with snow. Curtis Robbins: Going to James Madison and playing for the state championship. Elizabeth Daddazio: Cliché football games and developing friendships that will last forever. Nikki Martin: Going to state in cross country. Chemistry and Physics lab at Governers School. Hannah Kelison: All of the good times in Mrs. O’Quinns class with Brianna Caldwell. Cory Collins: Jake Munsey, Brandon Kelley, Johnnie Fields, and me finding 20 dollars at cross country practice, then going to Wendy’s and eating 7 large fries. Matt Bane: Answering the question of my favorite high school memory. Skyler Martin: Mr. Evans class Todd McCracken: Samurai Sam karate chopping wood in Coach Reed’s class. Mr. Cool Dap…Ballin! Andrew Eppling: Scoring the first touchdown against Narrows by breaking eight tackles and knocking over a referee and getting the victory. Sierra Johnson: Fun nights with the girls, model UN, Friday night football games, and graduating Giles High School. Katy Griffith: Weekend trips to Chilhowie with all my friends, all the girls nights at my house, doing our senior pranks, and being able to play volleyball my senior year. Trevor Myers: Golf State Championship Greg Ray: Taking the ball away from Radford’s quarterback and crushing Dustin in the process. Maleah Quesenberry: Walking to the tunnel with Melissa, Tiffany, and Dustin Steffan Frazier: Being in class with my dad…that was fun Dawn Mercer: Sitting at lunch with Jake, Emily, and Kaslin, talking about whatever strikes our fancies Danielle Combs: All of the FBLA trips my senior year. Cody Rose: Backstage Drama John Honosky: Sparring with karate skills in office assistance. Kyle Yost: Wagon wheel with friends and always being with Cassie. Cassie Martin: All the senior pranks. Hearing Officer Wilburn saying, “Mr. Mills, don’t lie, I’ve seen the rainbow tattoo on your hip!” Priceless!! Alexis Ayers: Bus rides in band Kellan Alls: Joining chorale my senior year Samantha Frazier: Watching a girl get a DUI in front of the school during Chemistry class. Joey Cutler: Breaking in all the new math teachers. Dakota Stanely: Playing football for G.H.S. Cody Heinlein: Joining the FFA. My Favorite High School Memory Stephanie Green: All of the band trips and football games. David Gunter: The end of 8th grade. Andy Warden: Walking through the streets of Roanoke on the Senior Trip. Chelsey Merriell: Spending time with friends. Amanda Baesler: STAR events trip to Virginia Beach in 9th grade. Sierra Davidson: Making new friends. Michele Martin: Adrian Johnson motivating DM in our gym class. Me Alex Lane: Getting pulled over two times in the school parking lot and not getting a ticket. Tanner Gorrell: Playing soccer. When Travis Brown ran up the wall and fell on his side. Wayne Vanhoozier: When I broke out the window. Sally Slaubaugh: Well it hasn’t happened yet but it will June 12th. Zach Harless: Watching a woman get pulled over in front of the school and seeing her fail a sobriety test. Michael Carbaugh: My 10th grade homecoming dance when I met my girlfriend. Carly Fields: When Chelsea Booth and I skipped homecoming after being there for 10 minutes, and were driving down the road and hit a deer. Chris Pierce: When Ozzy Price got me in trouble. Curtis Harris: Graduating Chanler Bandy: Senior prank Michael Trenor: The times I spent with friends. Zach Keffer: When Tiger Woods was caught cheating on his wife. Amber Gallimore: Throwing pillows and breaking a wall lamp on my 9th grade band trip. Chelsey Ward: At a football game with my boyfriend Jeremy. Andrea Neice: Hanging out in the hall with my friends, walking to the pond in Mr. Roe’s class, Sam Aistrop breaking a board in Mr. Reed’s room, Mr. Frazier’s class, the years I had in art class, eating lunch with my sister. Chrissy Stump: All the friendships I have gained. James Lambert: Winning state Taylor Britts: Senior prank Ashley Johnston: Water balloons with Mrs. Burton, Chrissy Stump, Cassie Martin, and Katy Griffith. Lakin Price: Mr. Roe’s tomato plants. Tyler Thorne: Playing sports and all of the fun with my friends. Beth Miles: Beating Narrows in volleyball. Getting homecoming princess with Cory. Chelsey Gibson: All the late nights wasted away with my friends that felt like they would never end. Dylan Hundley: Not being at high school. Chris McNeill: Graduation Ashley Meadows: In 8th grade when I met my boyfriend of 5 years, that had a locker right above mine. Justin Silver: Making fun of the stale, bouncy piece of bread from Ryan’s coming back from the Graham tennis match. Dustin McCoy: Andrew and I almost got the cops called on us on the Spanish trip in Florida. Senior pranks. Ryan Shelor: Meeting my two best friends, Tanner Gorrell and Johnnie Fields, and playing varsity soccer my sophomore year Jayke Dowdy: My play a GW. Zach Pattson: Going to the mountains and climbing trees, digging out car parts, changing tires, and the Doe Creek Parking ride. “Is he sleeping?”… “You could say that.” Chris Collins: When I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. When I met Savannah Honaker. Cory Johnson: Watching some lady go to jail at 10:00 a.m. for ineligibility to pass a sobriety test. 201 Cascade Drive Pembroke Virginia 24136 (540)-626-4567 Featuring everything from gas, Cascade apparel, convenience items, and a wonderful café, Tangent sits right on Cascade Drive, offering you everything you need to make your hike to the beautiful waterfall comfortable and relaxing. 13 14 Erica Boone: I leave to my beautiful sister all the knowledge I wish I would have taken advantage of and to keep up the Boone legacy, and to Morgan her cows and her country music and her argument preventer. Love you girls! Rose Glarner: Aaron Bane-my love for theatre and all that is ART and many more nights of movies and laughs…and a bucket of tangelos ☺ You are the best☺ Katie and MykalaSomebody new to pick on! You are both hilarious! Marti and Kelsy-I leave you my pathetic imitation of Madea and my equally poor interpretation of the “Pot Hole” haha☺ Kellan-Reminders that it’s okay to wear pink☺ Heath-A wonderful senior year☺ And everyone in the graduation class of 2010-Wishes for a beautiful life. Susane Simpkins: For the upcoming seniors, I wish you the best, and to always remember… “If you’re different from everybody else, why change to be the same?” –Taylor Swift Hannah Ruark: I leave Amanda someone to walk to class with and someone to eat fried ice-cream with. Carli Klecak: I leave everything to my sister, not that I have much. Haha. Except to Kaitlyn Katz, I leave her all the drama that girls start in her grade. Blair McGee: To Blake Martin, I leave someone to have heart to hearts with. To Gianni Massaro I leave someone to “stroll” to class with. To Armando and Ricardo I leave a new BFF and a new crew. To Hayley Wilburn I leave patience. Matt Bane: To my brother Aaron I leave my room, to Brad Kessinger I leave my Spartan Spot in football, and to Frankie Robertson, Max Ratcliffe, Codey Williams, and Hayley Wilburn I leave all the great memories we’ve had. Senior Wills Todd McCracken: To Mr.Evans I leave some of MY life lessons. To Wes Grigs I leave my connection. To Murdock I leave my drumming ability and the knowledge of all the Pokemon. Katie Cunningham: Evan Williams, live up your next 3 years at Giles, it flies by. Take good care of Taylor and Austin for me! I love you! Cory Collins: I leave everything to my little brother Cody Collins. Leigh Kauffelt: I leave Lindsey my parking spot and Jessie Boggess fun times in basketball. Kelsey Hayes: To Hayley Wilburn I leave a pair of ear plugs. Kellan Alls: Amber Caldwell-the funny rides in the afternoon. Brook Lavinder-the great hugs at lunch. Michele Martin: Marinna Dowdy I leave you my number 1 in volleyball, and the ability to show people that you can do anything no matter now small you are. Chelsey Ward: I want to leave Giles High to my brother, Justin Ward. I wish you good luck, and I know you can do it! You are smart! I love you my jarfly! Cody Rose: I leave everything to Jack. Zach Harless: I leave my unpaid parking spot to whoever wants it, my machine skills to all the upcoming seniors. I leave my attitude to Mark Jones. Hannah Kellison: I leave Brianna Caldwell a ride to everywhere and someone else’s money! Chelsea Barnett, my pitchers mound and talent and the softball team my blood, sweat and tears, and the #7 to whoever wants it. Alex Lane: I leave my “Mountain Dew” shirt to Mr. Mills, I leave my free parking spot and the $20 I didn’t use for it to Logan Martin. Justin Farmer: I leave my football skills to my brother, Jared. My dirtbike riding skills to Cole Martin. Ha! My good grades to my lil sis Jessie. Samantha Frazier: I leave all of my happy memories to all of next year’s seniors. Grey Ray: I leave Zach Keaton the football that we have fought over everyday since I “found” it. And to my little brother I leave football practices, so the coaches can start chewin’ him out instead of me. Joey Cutler: I leave my first chair sax to Alex Eaton. My love and kindness to my Lauren <3 My strength physically to Brooks Haynie and my awesomeness to all the upcoming seniors. Trevor Myers: I leave my brother everything and my sister to Tanner Carbaugh. Zach Keffer: I leave whatever to whoever wants it. Amber Gallimore: I want to leave all of the good times I had to Makayla Sarver. Hope she had a really good senior year like I had. I love you girl. John Honosky: I leave Jacob Gilmer an awesome mustache. Codey Williams will receive my wrath. Dakota Stanley: My parking spot goes to my girlfriend. Alexis Ayers: I am leaving this whole building to everyone in it. Andrea Neice: My only will is that everyone remaining at GHS after me tries their best to enjoy the experience. 15 Cody Heinlein: I leave my bus seat to my little cuz. Stephanie Green: I leave my brother Thomas two more years of high school. Ashley Johnston: This school I will always miss. Ms. Cunningham, stay awesome and show who’s boss. I love you. Ms. Burton, mama, I’ll always keep in touch, I love you. My girls Heather, Brooke, Paula, Megan, Savannah, McKayla, Kelly-rule the school girls! I love ya! Taylor, my little bro keep that head up. I’ll miss you all! ☺ Sierra Davidson: I leave all my nursing homework to Lakin Price, my parking spot and my frequent trips to DQ to Kathryn Stump. Dustin McCoy: Football and Baseball players give Bales a hard time for me. Rachel Smith: To Megan Fisher-My parking spot. To Hayley Wilburn- My #3 in sports and setting! To the softball team- shortstop and my passion and love for the game! To Amanda Moe- I leave everything else to you lil’ sis! Fran Haymore: To E I leave our amazing memories together, my bad mood and an intense opinionated view toward others. To Tay I leave my knowledge of how to stay out of drama. To Wes I leave you a life away from Xbox. Adrian Johnson: To Mykala and Sydney, all of spida pig’s love. For Jessie, all the fun times in softball and a ride to Mexican ☺ And for Byrd and Fish, domination of the outfield. Senior Wills Tyler Thorne: Shortstop to Heath Wilson. My seat on the football bus to Zach Keaton. Everything else goes to Marinna except my good-looks. Ashley Meadows: I leave my locker to my sis Alley Meadows and I leave everyone great memories and moments @ GHS. Chanler Bandy: Leave my parking spot to whoever gets it first. Lakin Price: I want to thank everyone who was kind to me and supportive while I was at Giles High! Then to finally say I survived 5yrs. in “Paradise”! To all my nursing pals…try not to make too many big scenes! ☺ Katy Griffith: I leave Carson a ride to school; I leave Paige Metro all the friends that I don’t have ☺ I leave Coach Burton a lunch from Papa’s every Friday; and lastly I leave Mr. Brown and Mr. Mills “another year in paradise.” Maleah Quesenberry: I want to leave everything that I have in this school to my dumb elf, Chelsea Price. I love you! Steffan Frazier: I want to leave my seat on the Gov. School bus to Tyler, my lack of responsibility to Gianni and my procrastination to Gunar. Dawn Mercer: I leave the Science MACC captainship to Avery Mahaney. Good luck! Danielle Combs: I want to leave everything that I have in this school to my soon to be little cousin, KK Wilson. I love you girl. Chris McNeil: Heath Care. Michael Acord: My parking spot goes to Robert Wilson. 16 Justin Silver: The only thing I have to give is probably my 2nd seed slot in tennis which will more than likely end up with Devin so don’t mess it up for the team. Chrissy Stump: I’d like to leave my little sister, Amber, who’s an upcoming 8th grader, everything I’ve learned in high school. Oh and my amazing social/popular skills. She’ll need them haha ;) Jayke Dowdy: Garret-My knowledge of our defense. My football locker to Baker. My hang clean rack to Frank. My sisters’ protection to Max, Brad, Kicker, and Nels. Robert and Bubba easy offense practices. Blake-years supply of Roids. Cody Johnson: Being able to walk the halls. Tanner Gorrell: I leave Garret Lee all the soccer skills. I leave my locker to whoever gets it. Michael Carbaugh: I leave my parking spot to Tanner Martin and Scott Dale. Janie Milliron: Brooke, Bre, Kacey and Lyndsey: Snack time! Flat Land! A watch that works! Avery: A very selective club for very special people and the jambox. Kaitlyn: A random visit. Philip: An apology and Connie, she’ll be in Christiansburg. Fallon: The giant spartan head. Ryan Wilson: I leave everything to the next loser to walk these halls like me. James Lambert: I have nothing at Giles High School worth having. So if you can think of anything I can leave, you take it. I don’t care. Shane Evseichik: To my brother…keep doing better in school than I did. Amanda Baesler: I leave all my good times to my sister, Nicole Baesler, and hope she has the best high school experience as I did. Tiffany Munday: I will leave everything I have to my dumb elf Chelsea Nicole Price. I <3 you! Cassie Martin: To all the Farmers and Martins left-the patience to get through this drama filled place. Byrdsomeone else to put up with your ADD moments. Beth Stump-the idiocracy to step into a goal. Momwell at least you have Connor left… Kyle Yost: Josh Yost-the last ticket for the Yost’s to make the mark. Adam Baker-my gift of being a stud. Dusty Boggess-my ability to hunt and fish. Chelsey Gibson: I leave Cody Rowland my parking space and all the wisdom he needs to graduate Giles High School. Beth Miles: Leaving Spanish class memories to Marinna Dowdy, Breanna Farmer and Megan Fisher. Leaving making fun of people to Lindsey Seymour, Leslee Meadows and Brook Lavinder. I love you guys and will miss you. Carly Fields: I leave all my crap to Ms. Tara Lynn, Enjoy ☺ Love you. Sierra Johnson: I leave Ryan Johnson a fun-filled ride to school, have fun on the big yellow bus! ☺ To my nana, Barbara Dunn, I leave an “I love you, and have a good day.” Lastly I leave the remaining student body another “fun” year at GHS, Enjoy! ☺ Shanda Higginbotham: Megan Fisher-someone else to pick on and fight with. Jessie Boggess-someone to sing to you on the volleyball court. Tiffany Cook-my setting position. Sally Slaubaugh: Not sure what I have to leave behind but my parking spot to Spicer. Tarah Myers, all the great times in Art with Kim and I. Cody, riding up and down your road and getting blamed for racing. I’m going to miss you guys. Senior Wills Olivia Humphreys: Olivia Steele-my seat in chorale. Brad and Chris-daily shoves and hugs and my relationship advice. Gwen-Bible club (you’ll do great!) All GHS students-the perseverance to make it through complicated years. Symphonic Chorale-memories that will last a lifetime. Kelsy S. and Marti- daily lunches in Mr. M’s room. Alex-rubber bands and punches. Symphonic Chorale-memories that will last a lifetime. Ashley Sadler: I leave Blake Martin fun trips to Narrows and our talks in Trig. And to Chelsey Barnett-good times in Dollar General. Ryan Shelor: To John Shelor: My #7 soccer jersey, to Alex Shelor: Good grades and Academic success To Zack Keaton and Codey Williams: My Captain’s armband and leadership of the soccer team. To Josh Yost: the good times on XBOX. Curtis Harris: Running in circles Taylor Britts: I leave my locker to Tory Shaver and Shaina East and Adam Baker my parking spot. Curtis Robbins: Never give up until you have succeeded in reaching your goals or making your dreams come true. Zach Patterson: My parking place to Logan Martin. Anthony Woodyard: To the whole Chorale: I leave Concerts, Chorale Tour, the concession stand and the best time of your life. To Mari Jean: The Piano. To the Basses: My musical talent, use it wisely ☺ To Kelsy and Marti: Our Madea moments. To Kelsy May: The Comfy Chair in Mr. M’s room for lunch. To Ms. Radford: Our daily chats. Mr. Marion: Many more years of giving students their best memories. Chris Collins: I leave all my talent to Frankie Robertson. The Hand Tickle and Basketball Dot to Brooks Haynie. Emily Ellis: I leave my little cousin, Alex Pennington, all the great memories with friends and crazy memories. Laura Williams: I leave Fallon all the good times and my half eaten lunch food. I leave all the good fights we had and the good times and the boat load of yummy food. I leave the throwers my record to beat 15ft. Lindsey Blakenship: I’m leaving the upcoming seniors all my homework. All my leadership skills to the next FBLA President. Nikki Martin: To my XC people: I’ll miss my Giant and everyone else! Boys, lets make it to State and Girls, keep making GHS proud! Present and Future Gov. School kids: best of luck and fun labs. Stay unique, keep it fresh. Andrew Eppling: I leave my number 5 football jersey to Max Ratcliff. My Parking Spot to Anna Millirons, My athletic luck to Kyle Chafin, the word of the day to Carson Journell, Brooks Haynie and Mathew Worrel, my tailback position to Brad Kessinger, my 2nd base position to Casey Lucas and lastly my nephews Nolan and Brooky to continue the Eppling Legacy. Kaslin Fields: To the Drama kids: Take it. It’s yours. To all socially awkward students: My determination to make dances as NOT awkward as geekily possible. Trust me. No one will remember in a couple of years. To Brittany Agee and Elena Anderson: bragging rights to be able to say that you were left something in a senior will. And 10% of my awesomeness (don’t worry, I’ll regenerate.) 17 18 Plans for Next Year Trevor Myers: New River Community College to become a nurse. Adrian Johnson: I plan to work whenever possible at my dance studio while attending Radford University working towards my degree in criminology and minoring in dance. Greg Ray: Play football at Liberty University. Cory Collins: Attend NRCC and find a job. Ryan Lucas: Playing football somewhere. Leigh Kauffelt: Attend Radford University to pursue a degree in nursing while living with Rachel. Danielle Combs: Keep working at Wendy’s. Start college at New River. Curtis Robbins: Working Blair McGee: Heading to Radford, VT, or Roanoke College to major in poly science or fashion design and perhaps leading young life. Chris Pierce: Moving to Florida. Kellan Alls: Go to New River Community College and then go to Concord and get a degree in special education. Rose Glarner: NRCC next year and then possibly transferring to UVA Wise. Samantha Frazier: Going to college and getting married. Taylor Britts: I plan to work parttime and go to New River. Beth Miles: Giles Tech Center at the LPN program. Chelsey Gibson: Continue working and attending New River Community College in the fall. Dylan Hundley: Working and maybe living with someone. Michael Carbaugh: New River Justin Silver: I plan on going to NRCC for two years and taking classes relating to law. Elizabeth Daddazio: This summer I will be traveling to Paris. Next year I plan to attend college for interior design at Virginia Tech, Pratt Institute, or Syracuse University. Joey Cutler: I plan to go to New River to get my general studies done, get a job, and continue dating my girlfriend Lauren Craft. Michael Trenor: Attending New River Todd McCracken: Going to NRCC for one year then transfer to Virginia Tech majoring in Computer Science with an emphasis in networking. Shane Evseichik: Basic training for the Air Force. Lindsey Blankenship: Start working on LPN and continue working saving up money. Nikki Martin: Virginia Tech taking engineering. Laura Williams: I plan on going to New River and taking pre nursing courses. Carly Fields: The Army. Ryan Shelor: Attending Virginia Tech to study General Engineering. Curtis Harris: Virginia Tech Police Department. Kelsey Hayes: Virginia Tech. Katie Cunningham: I will be attending Radford University in the fall and rooming with Hannah Ruark. I want to become a pediatric physical therapist. Kyle Yost: Radford University to pursue my degree in optometry. Sierra Johnson: I plan to attend Radford University in the Biology pre-dental program. Andrew Eppling: Attending Radford University and starting my major in sports medicine. Savannah Gautier: NRCC and getting a good job. Amber Gallimore: Going to NRCC and getting into child care and opening up my own place taking care or kids. Getting engaged. Zach Harless: College and working somewhere. Chris McNeil: Wherever I may roam. Derek Dent: Join the Air Force. Stephanie Green: I plan to either go to Radford or Virginia Tech. John Honosky: Either attending NRCC or joining the Air Force. Dakota Stanly: Go to NRCC. Alexis Ayers: Go to NRCC for a year or two, and then get an apartment with Carli. Cody Rose: Marines Skyler Martin: Going to college, and getting me some…knowledge. Michele Martin: Going to New River for two years, the remainder at JMU. Justin Farmer: Going to college and playing football. Erica Boone: College, work, and living the way I want to. 19 Hannah Ruark: I will be going to Radford University to study fashion merchandizing and living with Katie Cunningham. Plans for Next Year Hannah Kellison: Attending Ferrum College majoring in pre-professional science. Carli Klecak: New River Suzane Simpkins: Be working at a hospital. I plan on going to New River, for nursing, I want to end up as a R.N. Be engaged to the most wonderful boy in the world. As far as going anywhere, I probably will go to Tennessee this summer. I can not forget about Wagon Wheel. Maleah Quesenberry: Going to New River for computer science. Anthony Woodyard: I plan to keep my job as a pharmacist technician while attending New River taking prerequisites for grad school. David Gunter: Work Olivia Humphreys: I plan to be in college, pursuing a degree in elementary education. Rachel Smith: I plan to go to Radford University and get a degree in Nursing and room with my girl Leigh and live up the college life. Zach Pattson: Work Dustin McCoy: attend College somewhere. Kent Falls: Next year I plan to be out in the real world making money. Zach Keffer: I hope to find some girl that will believe me and trust me. Reedy Frye: Hopefully I will have a job a MOOG. Sally Slaubaugh: Going to WVU to work this fall. Chris Collins: Going to NRCC working as a machinist. Chelsey Ward: After graduation, I plan on returning to my second phase of nursing. Ashley Meadows: I want to go to massage therapy school, maybe working at a salon, since I have my cosmetology license. Andy Warden: I am going to turn bowls and go to NRCC. Dawn Mercer: Majoring in fisheries science at Virginia Tech. Steffan Frazier: Virginia Tech Janie Milliron: I am going to Virginia Commonwealth University studying biology with a concentration in pre-medicine. James Lambert: Being graduated and out of the country. Kesha Akers: Working on getting a nursing license. Cassie Martin: Go to Lynchburg College to play volleyball and earning my degree towards physical therapy. Tyler Thorne: NRCC Chrissy Stump: Next year I will hopefully be attending the Giles Votech and I will be in the nursing program. Michael Acord: Army Cory Johnson: Get ready for college. Sierra Davidson: Next year I plan to return to the tech center to complete phase two of my LPN. Amanda Baesler: Working full time at Highland Ridge Rehab Center and starting the R.N. program in the fall. Ashley Johnston: Finding a good job. Andrea Neice: When I get out of high school I am going to get married to Dennis and we are going to get an apartment hopefully in Giles County. Cody Heinlein: Work 20 Chelsey Merriell: Work and New River for two years and then VT for four years. Katy Griffith: I plan to attend Shenandoah University and study physical therapy. Shanda Higginbotham: I plan on attending Wytheville Community College. Lakin Price: Work and school Jayke Dowdy: Going to college Tiffany Mundy: NRCC Chanler Bandy: New River Community College. Emily Ellis: Keep working at Queen’s and attend the Votech for nursing. Tanner Gorrell: Work and college. Ryan Wilson: NRCC Ashley Sadler: Going to NRCC for my general studies. Kaslin Fields: Engineering at VT Matt Bane: Going to Virginia Tech Paul A. Olson, MD Pamela B. Olson, FNP 219 South Buchanan Street Pearisburg, Virginia 540-921-4343 540-726-3000 21 22 23 Carly Fields: “Living in Chicago working or going to school. Maybe go into the army.” Amanda Baesler: “Alive, Married, 3 kids, Truck, Graduated college with my R.N.” Cory Johnson: “In my job that I retire at, out of college, and getting a family started.” Chrissy Stump: “In 10 years I hope to be settled into a nice home. I will be a neonatal nurse and making the big bucks. I’ll hopefully be married and have a kid by then. Well, hopefully married…*cough Christian*” Cassie Martin: “A physical therapist helping athletes living no where close to Giles Co.” Michael Carbaugh: “Be out of school, working, and be married to Hannah Sears.” Katy Griffith: “Be working at my own physical therapy practice and having some of the Bridgewater basketball team working for me. Hopefully, I will be married and starting a family on my own somewhere close to the beach.” Tiffany Mundy: “In Russia with Maleah.” Kesha Akers: “Living in my own house with a great job and a great husband.” James Lambert: “Alive and well, rich and out of the Army.” Ryan Wilson: “In a good job and making good money.” Janie Milliron: “Out of med. school and helping others.” Lakin Price: “A nurse.” Amber Gallimore: “Married to Sam with 2 kids on a big farm and have a really nice car (mustang).” 24 Lindsey Blankenship: “An RN working as an OB or Neo-Natal nurse helping with the lives of infants. I also hope to have a nice home and family.” Nikki Martin: “Either in Florida or Atlanta – house, cars, and nightlife.” Laura Williams: “In 10 years I want to be finished with college and have the top nursing position in the Neonatal unit.” Danielle Combs: “Teaching students around this area. Married and with kids.” Zach Harless: “Graduated from NRCC, paying off my truck payment, working in a machine shop, and married with a kid or two.” Chris Mcneill: “In California being an actor.” Stephanie Green: “Out of school and working.” John Honosky: “Living comfortably.” Dakota Stanly: “Married. Have a great job and have kids.” Suzane Simpkins: “Married to Jeffrey Allen Hunsucker. <3 Be a mom, have my dream house…and of course a jacked-up truck.” David Gunter: “Working.” Rachel Smith: “Happy- living life to the fullest and pursuing my degree in nursing, and maybe have found a guy worth my time.” Dustin McCoy: “Wherever my life has taken me. Just living my life and being happy.” Kent Falls: “Having a good job, and plenty of money, and a hot girlfriend.” Zach Keffer: “Alive; hanging out with my cousin (Maleah).” Reedy Frye: “Alive.” Savannah Gautier: “A sports physical therapist.” Michael Trenar: “Working and starting a family.” Elizabeth Daddazio: “Established in my interior design career – maybe in New York City?” Alexis Ayers: “Out of Giles County.” Curtis Robbins: “Able to accomplish my goals and dreams that God has planned out for me.” Cody Rose: “Overseas still in the Marine Corp.” Kyle Yost: “An optometrist – married with a family.” Leigh Kauffelt: “Married with kids and a job.” Skyler Toy Martin: “Finished getting my masters and have a steady job.” Michele Martin: “Married with kids, and an elementary teacher.” Andrew Eppling: “Out of college, settling down, starting a family, and having a good paying job.” Erica Boone: “Happily married to Chris Williams, with two kids, living somewhere warm and out of Giles County.” Hannah Ruark: “A successful buyer in a big city with a husband, a few kids, and season tickets to the Phillies games.” :) Beth Miles: “A nurse and married.” Todd McCracken: “In a career being a network administrator for a big company.” Chelsey Gibson: “Working at a job I enjoy, married to the love of my life, and just genuinely happy.” Joey Cutler: “Married to my wonderful girlfriend and being one of the country’s best personal trainers.” Alex Lane: “Living the good life.” Justin Silver: “A successful criminal prosecutor.” Katie Cunningham: “Hopefully, I will own my own Pediatric Physical Therapy office, and be married with one child.” Justin Farmer: “Graduated from college and have my own business of some kind, maybe married.” Ryan Lucas: “Coaching college football.” Sierra Johnson: “Working in my own pediatric dental practice. Hopefully, I will be married and start a family of my own.” Chanler Bandy: “Done with a good education and living in a nice house with my family.” Ashley Meadows: “A massage therapist, living in a nice house with Andrew Gusler, and maybe another puppy for our dog Duke.” Maleah R. Quesenberry: “In Russia with Tiffany.” Rose Glarner: “A successful English teacher teaching my love for literature in the inner city…maybe married with 6 gorgeous children. :) Whatever makes me happy.” Sally Slaugaugh: “Working, married, kids, own my house, still living every day to its fullest.” Chelsey Ward: “Happy, have a wonderful job as a RN, or possibly a doctor. It’s my dream to always help people as much as I can. Maybe married with a very nice home.” Taylor Britts: “Alive.” Dylan Hundley: “Somewhere living life in the desert happy. Partyin’ all night.” Olivia Humphreys: “Married to a wonderful man and have a baby or two. I want to be happy and prosperous.” Dawn Mercer: “Working on my doctorate at Virginia Tech.” Ashley Sadler: “A successful vet with my own home, car, and family.” Andy Warden: “A professional bowl turner, and an engineer.” Greg Ray: “Working as an Offensive Line coach at a college somewhere.” Curtis Harris: “Rapper.” Shanda Higginbotham: “Married, with children, and a job as an occupational therapist.” Ryan Shelor: “Happily married with a successful job as a Civil Engineer and still living somewhere in Virginia.” Emily Ellis: “A neonatal nurse in a hospital.” Kaslin Fields: “Either working on a doctorate or comfortably settled as a successful member of society.” Sierra Davidson: “A RN working in the ER saving the lives of others. Also, I hope to have a nice house and a wonderful family.” Ashley Johnston: “Married, at least one kids, HAPPY.” Cody Heinlein: “I want to be working and have a house.” Matt Bane: “Not homeless.” Michael Acord: “Livin’ in the mountains with a beautiful woman by my side.” Steffan Frazier: “28, hopefully with a job and starting a family somewhere where I can’t hear banjo music.” Anthony Woodyard: “A healthcare professional with a good job, a wife, a few kids, and happy.” Hannah Kellison: “Well established and starting a family.” Andrea Neice: “Married to Dennis, have a few kids, and have a job that will work with me so I can still be able to be with my family as much as possible.” Tanner Gorrell: “Happy wherever I end up!” Chris Pierce: “Somewhere other than here.” Blair McGee: “Successful in whatever I choose to do, working on Capitol Hill or for a designer in NYC. I’ll be married with at least one child and happy.” Fran Haymore: “Married and in a job I find fun and interesting that makes good money.” Chris Collins: “Out of school with a good job, a house, and married to Savannah Honaker.” Tyler Thorne: “Very wealthy, married, and an electrical engineer.” Zach Patteson: “Working with my own house.” Shane Evseichik: “In the air force as an MP.” Trevor Myers: “Living next to a golf course and having a stable career making the cash.” Jayke Dowdy: “Raising twin boys. A quarterback and wide receiver.” Adrian Johnson: “Dancing on Broadway and living in Neverland.” :) Kellan Alls: “Have a good job, good house, and be happy.” Samantha Frazier: “A nurse, married to Travis living in Craig with 2 kids.” Cory Collins: “Driving a fast car and making good money.” Chelsey Merriell: “A veterinarian and have a wonderful home out in a peaceful middle of no where.” Kelsey Hayes: “An engineer for NASA.” 25 26 AVERAGE SENIOR How Many Hours A Week Do You Spend? Watching TV? 10.1 In Church? 1.3 Listening to Music? 18.5 Talking on the Phone? 7.1 Practicing/Playing Sports/ School Activities? 6.3 On the Computer? 12 Studying for School? 2.7 With you Friends? 21.6 With your Boyfriend/Girlfriend? 19 Work? 4.5 Who Do You Feel Has Made The Most Positive Impact In Your Life? Parent/Family Member Where Does Your Money Go… Gas Now That You’re a Senior, What Do You Feel Is Most Important In Your Life? Education 27 29 The Disease of Being a Senior: SENIORITIS! By Janie Milliron There is a deep desire within every senior to graduate, to move on and to finally be done with high school. This unquenchable thirst for freedom is commonly known as “senioritis” and it affects almost every senior. The symptoms of this disease vary from person to person and it is important to be able to gage how far it has progressed. Below is a simple quiz to help you see how far your senioritis has progressed. 1. When you get home from school you…. A. Do your homework B. Get ready to go party C. Get HOME from SCHOOL? What are you talking about? I stopped going to school a long time ago. Mostly A’s: Eighth Grader Your Senioritis is non-existent. You might as well be an eighth grader! Clearly you have not taken the time to appreciate your very last year at GHS. 2. During class you find yourself…. A. Taking notes and giving the teacher your full attention B. Sleeping C. At home in my bed. I have to rest up for the party that night. 3. In the past few months your grades…. A. Have stayed the same: Straight A’s B. Have slightly suffered because I have made every class into a mandatory nap time C. Have dropped dramatically… but at least I can still get my diploma with a D average 4. Your favorite thing about school is…. A. Learning! B. When the final bell rings at 3:30 C. Now that I’m over 18 they can’t make me go! 5. The event you are most looking forward to is… A. The senior awards ceremony B. The graduation ceremony C. The after graduation party Mostly B’s: Kyle Yost You have a border line case of senioritis similar to Kyle Yost. While you have still tried to keep up with your school work, all of that late night partying is catching up with you. Mostly C’s: Taniesha Campbell We would fight for a cure but we just don’t care! State Farm Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Chris Turman Agent 1500 N Main Street Blacksburg, VA 24060 Off.: (540) 953-2300 Fax: (540) 953-2441 30 Your Senioritis is most similar to that of Taniesha Campbell. In these past few months you have let it get the best of you. Oh well, at least you still get to party! Will You Block? by Chelsey Williams During summer, people spend most of their time outside enjoying the cool breeze and smoldering sun. Kids and teenagers are so busy splashing in the pool and eating delicious watermelon, they tend not to think much about what is happening to their skin the longer they are under the boiling sun. The longer they stay outside, without protection, the more damage their skin is enduring. Luckily, around the 1930’s, people began experimenting with sunscreen, and in the late 1930’s an effective sunscreen was created. While at least fifteen minutes of sunlight is needed to retain Vitamin D for our bones to grow healthier, too much sun can cause harm to your body. As many of you know, sunburn is a result of excessive sun ultraviolet radiation. These rays cause inflammation of the skin, which also can lead In 1994, Ben Greene to sunburn blisters. Along with sunburn and blisters, ultraviolet rays are also partly responsible for created one of the first wrinkles! Too much sunlight can also play a factor in skin cancer. mass-produced Too avoid sunburn, lather up with some sunscreen, even if it is cloudy! Surprisingly, Sunscreen sunscreen called Red Protector Factor, or SPF, one hundred does not guarantee one is protected from the sun one hundred Vet Pet. Later it was percent. It just means that you can stay out a little longer without applying sun lotion every hour or so. Like remade into the well SPF 30, SPF one hundred only assures ninety-seven percent of blockage from the sun. SPF 15 is around known brand of ninety-five percent. Coppertone. Sunlight is normally most harmful between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., so plan events before or after that time if necessary. If you cannot avoid these hours, and plan on being outdoors dress appropriately. For example, if you are going on a hike to the cascades, wear a hat and sunglasses! However, if you do get burned, there are a few things you can do to minimize the pain. Rub some aloe Vera lotion to relieve pain quickly, or take a cool bath. There really is not much else that can be done. Only time will heal the burns. 31 Soundtrack to Your Summer by Lauren Craft Images by Google Top 10 Summer Songs of All Time: 1. 2. Margaritaville-Jimmy Buffett Summertime-DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince 3. The Boys of Summer-Don Henley 4. Summer Love-Justin Timberlake 5. Get the Party Started-Pink 6. Just Dance-Lady Gaga 7. Cruel Summer-Bananarama 8. Pour Some Sugar On Me-Def Leppard 9. Surfin' USA-Beach Boys 10. Kokomo-Beach Boys Compiled by 32 Music affects us more than we realize. Not only is music used as a form of expression, but it also has a huge impact on the emotions, heartbeat, muscle tension, movement, and so forth, of the human body. Music therapy, the practice of using music in order to heal, is a growing field in health, and many doctors and hospitals are using music to help many patients with a variety of health defects or injuries. Researchers have found that fast paced songs stimulate concentration, while slower paced songs promote meditation. Because of the frequent change of pace in songs, music can bring lasting benefits to your mentality by teaching your brain to change speeds more easily on its own. Along with this, the change in pace of music can also affect your breathing and heart rate. Music can bring a slower heart rate and cause your body to relax, counteracting the effects of chronic stress. Added on to the physical effects, music can have a positive impact on your mentality. It can be used to bring a more positive state of mind and increase creativity. Music can influence so much in our lives. We sometimes connect old memories we have with songs from our youth or another particular time in our life. Some people even make up songs to help with learning and memorization. The point is, music is important no matter how you use it. The beginning of summer is about to begin. Another year of high school is over. For the seniors, this year was their last. So let’s celebrate with music and have some summer fun! So if you are cruisin’ around in your car or relaxing on the beach, bring your mp3 player, a CD, or even a radio. Enjoy the positive lasting effects of music and Image by Google soak up the sun. Have a summer filled with music! You will not regret it. Take Cover by Mykala Ingram Lots of people wonder “what’s so special about Giles County.” The Cascades, the New River, and Angel’s Rest are the initial things that come to mind. Did you know that three of the eight original covered bridges of Virginia are in Link’s Covered Bridge. Giles? Many people think that Photo by covered bridges came about as something that resembled a barn so farm animals would feel more comfortable crossing them. Actually early bridges were nothing but logs stretched across a creek or stream with a few timbers underneath for support. Since the bridges were constructed from Clover Hollow Covered Bridge in Newport, Virginia wood it became a concern that the weather and water could destroy the structure in a few years. To slow down the decay of the timbers, partially covered bridges were invented. The first covered bridges were constructed in 1808 and continued to grow in popularity. Georgia, North and South Carolina and Virginia quickly became known for their outstanding covered bridges. The earliest bridge built in Giles County was Link’s Farm Covered Bridge in 1912. The bridge is only 49’-0” long and 12’-2” wide. It was originally part of route 700 and when an alternate way was built the bridge was left in place for the family. The Clover Hollow Covered Bridge followed in 1916. It is the longest of the three at 70 feet. The Red Maple Farm Bridge was last in 1919. It is the smallest of all at only 40 feet long. The Clover Hollow Bridge is the only one still open to the public but Red Maple and Link’s Farm are available for visits upon request. Covered bridges are considered some of the most amazing historical landmarks and astonishing romantic structures. So this summer when you’re sitting at home thinking about an adventure, consider visiting one of the covered bridges in the beautiful Newport countryside. Information from: 33 Varsity Baseball by Mykala Ingram The other sports are just sports… Baseball is a love. ~Bryant Gumbel, 1981 Above: Caleb Tilley dodges a dead ball. Below: Dustin McCoy stands ready to hit a homerun. Varsity Baseball at Giles High School has always been a strong family. “A good team is made up of a combination of talent and chemistry,” says Bruce Frazier, head coach for 26 years. “We practice daily and know who is capable of certain things”. Knowing what they are capable of, having that talent and a strong group of coaches is what brought the Spartans to their 9-6 record this season. “The ultimate goal is to get to regional play despite how hard it is to give eighteen players the playing time they deserve,” he added. Coach Frazier encourages his team and every other athlete to play their sport with passion. If you play with passion you will succeed. # Player 02 Casey Lucas 03 Tyler Thorne 05 Andrew Eppling 06 Caleb Tilley 07 Armando Carillo 09 Cody Vaughn 11 Dustin McCoy 12 Michael Perdue 13 Tom Hart 17 Heath Wilson 19 Robert Wilson 20 Chad Robertson 21 Dylan Raymond 24 Steffan Frazier 25 Dalton Graham 32 Blake Martin Above: Michael Perdue throws the ball back to the mound. Dalton Graham awaits a ball in the field. Right: Tyler Throne pitches a strike to the Floyd Buffalos. Middle: Caleb Tilley encourages Michael “Pondwater” Perdue as he throws the ball to second base. Left: Dylan Raymond prepares to bat against Floyd. 34 Heath Wilson runs toward second base. Why wear uniforms….? Back in the early to mid 1900’s the managers were also players on the team. They would wear their uniforms to run back and forth between duties. Coaches are also a major part of a team. Everyone in the Varsity Baseball family wears a uniform to symbolize togetherness. Spartan Varsity Softball by Katie Davis This year the Lady Spartan Varsity Softball team has an 8 and 4 overall record and are 3 and 2 in the district. When speaking of the success of the season, Coach Wilson says “This is probably the most talented team I have had from top to bottom. There are three phases of the game (pitching, defense, and offense) and you need to be solid in all three. We have definitely showed that we are. Also you have to have great team chemistry. Your team has to be like a family.” Senior Rachel Smith waits to see what the referee will call. Seniors Adrian Johnson, Hannah Kellison, Rachel Smith and Shanda Higgenbothem Team Members: Shanda Higginbotham Amanda Byrd Rachel Smith Tiffany Cook Adrian Johnson Megan Fisher Hannah Kellison Jessie Boggess Anna Morgan Millirons Chelsea Barnett Shelby Conley Kathryn Stump Coach Steve Wilson Junior Amanda Byrd patiently awaits the softball to come her way. 35 Softball Today, Softball Tomorrow, Softball Forever JV Softball Roster Captain Hayley Wilburn Captain Karisha Summers Michaela Ratcliffe Marinna Dowdy Jennifer Bradley Amie Cooper Abie Stafford Makayla Cook Alex Hawks Heather Falls Tara Clehm Marissa Simmons Kaylin Wilson by Chelsey Williams This year the JV Lady Spartans consisted of an excellent team and a great coach. They all strived hard to achieve a perfect season. With a talented group of teenage girls and a hard working coach, the season looked promising. Although their season was not as perfect as they wished it to be in the end, it was not due to their lack of effort. They competed to the best of their abilities against their toughest opponents, and that was all that anyone could ask of them. Pictured above is the Lady JV Softball team playing diligently against the Radford Bobcats. 36 Some Pictures by Chelsea Warner Girls Varsity Soccer 2010 by Brittney Jarrells Senior Goalie Cassie Martin sends the ball back to the field after a save. Photos by Stephanie Hall Girls Varsity Soccer 2010 Alley Meadows This years Girls Varsity Soccer Team is Atiya Harris unfortunately 0-8. The ladies are putting up a struggle Beth Stump against our Three Rivers District, which is currently Brooke Lilly one of the toughest in the state. Also, the girls’ team is Cassie Martin playing against teams such as Glenver and Radford, Chelsea Stafford who have both consistently been to the state quarter, Damien Jones semi, and finals of the state tournament with Radford Danielle Vaught winning state twice. Half of our Giles team also Elizabeth Daddazio consists of first year players, pairing against Emily Ellis competitors with three to four more years of Gabrielle Stiff experience. Jade Shrader However, there are ways to improve your wins. Jessie Farmer Continue playing as often as you can throughout the Josalyn Buchanan year. Even a few minutes of practice after school Kara Lilly during off seasons can increase your agility. It has also Katie Cunningham been suggested to place more emphasis on passing than Tarah Myers dribbling, especially during offense. The season isn’t over, though. Keep your heads up and continue having fun and making memories with your teammates. That, after all, is the most important virtue of sports at Giles High School. Beth Stump practices dribbling the ball down the field with Jade Shrader close on her heels. Freshman Jessie Farmer prepares for a kick to return the ball to her opponent. 37 Kickin’ It to the Top by Lauren Craft Spring is well on its way, and so is the GHS Boys Varsity Soccer team. The team’s overall record stands at 9-5 with a tie against Fort Chiswell. The rain and the wet fields at the beginning of the season were no match for these boys, practicing in all kinds of weather. Starting out the season with two devastating losses against Galax and Christiansburg, the boys went on to defeat Narrows 6-0 and Auburn 3-0. The boys have made an excellent season with goals scored by Ryan Shelor, Tanner Gorrell, Brad Kessinger, Jordan Seaward, Matt Keaton, Zack Keaton, Josh Yost, Garrett Lee, Phillip Parr, and Cory Collins, with many assists from several players. Phillip Parr guarded as goalie at the beginning of the season until he encountered a shoulder injury shortly after the season began. Codey Williams, Jeffrey Smith, and Brandon Bandy now switch in and out as goalie, all having numerous saves. The team went on to play Fort Chiswell a second time, defeating them 10-0 by slaughter rule. The team is off to another great season as they head on to the district tournament! Ryan Shelor – Captain 7 Tanner Gorrell – Captain 8 Brad Kessinger 2 Jeffrey Smith 3 Joey Cutler 6 Jordan Seaward 9 Matt Keaton 10 Travis Robertson 12 Zack Keaton 13 Hunter Mathias 14 Josh Yost 15 Ozzie Price 16 Codey Williams 17 Brandon Bandy 18 Sam Steele 19 Garrett Lee 21 Matt Bane 23 Phillip Parr 25 Cory Collins 26 Coach: Above: Codey Williams makes a save as goalie. Randy Roe Assistants: Neil Schmidt Scott Keaton Right: The team takes a breather at half time while listening to Coach Roe. Manager: Derek Dent Right: Josh Yost and Tanner Gorrell slap hands before kick-off at the game against Auburn. Left: Ryan Shelor dribbles the ball down the field in the game against Radford. Below Left: Zack Keaton takes a penalty kick for the team in the game against Radford. Below Middle: Joey Cutler plays defense against Auburn. Below Right: Cory Collins dribbles the ball down the field with Auburn close on his heels. 38 Roster Kickin’ for Success! JV Soccer 2010 by Courtney Songer After a slow start with two losses to Christiansburg, our Junior Varsity Soccer team made their comeback to beat Pulaski, Graham, Ft. Chiswell, and George Wythe improving their record to 6-4. In addition to the players work ethic and strive Captain A.J. Ebright chases the for wins, Coach’s ball up field away from the Bret Nicholson and opposing team’s goal as Josh Grady Spiegel joined Harless follows close behind. forces with Head Coach Scott Keaton to make our Spartan Soccer boys a tough opponent to beat. JV Soccer 2010 Coach Keaton expresses that each coach brings Chris Agud – Captain Jonathon Ribbe knowledge and experience to the team and allows the Cody Collins John Shelor Ben Dillon Logan Smith practices to be broken up to specifically target individual A.J. Ebright – Captain Jake Spiegel needs. He also expressed his concern of having a team Devin Elliot Aaron Stubbs – Captain made up of twenty players; two sophomores, seven Jacob Frazier Jacob Stubbs freshmen and eleven eighth graders. The athletes have Brandon Harless Kory Wilson Chris Johnson Jacob Morris greatly improved since their first practices. Both scoring Carson Journell Josh Harless and assists have improved with eight eighth graders Luke Palmer Zackary Munsey across the field. Sweeper Jonathan Ribbe and left fullback Chris Agud also work to improve defense for the team. Left: Captain Aaron Stubbs Goalies Carson Journell and Aaron Stubbs keep tight to the goal to dribbles down field in attempts insure that their opponents have a minimum chance of scoring. to add another point to the game score. Red Flame Oil and Propane “Our customers are our warmest friend” 403 Ripplemead road Rippelmead VA 24136 540-921-3410 Your graduation supply and class ring specialists! Gus Gee ● Joe Assaid Herff Jones/Valley Graduate Services 606 S. Market Street ● Salem, VA 24153 (540) 444-7323 39 What the Deuce? by Stephanie Hall Tennis is a very important sport to those who play and watch. This is year is no exception! The boys have been playing hard to win their matches and show everyone that they are Number One! At the start of the season they had some trouble, but with every match, they continue to get better and better. The boy’s coach is, the amazing, Coach Hurley who has coached the boy’s tennis team for 11 years. “We have a young team. The boys are gaining valuable experience that will aid them next year,” Coach Hurley explains. Senior Justin Silver plays with Todd McCracken to warm up for the match. Who Is Playing You Ask? (left to right) Freshman: Carson Squibb Freshman: Evan Williams Sophomore: Alex Eaton Sophomore: Trevor Shrader Senior: Justin Silver Senior: Todd McCracken Sophomore: Devin Rice Sophomore: Zeb Wall Sophomore: Jordan Walkup Freshman: Freddie Stump Freshman: Ty Journell Senior player Todd McCracken works on his serve before the match against NHS. 40 Devin Rice practices with the others before the tennis match. GHS Tennis Coach Byron Hurley and NHS Coach Todd Lusk talk about the weather for the match. Just Doing What We Do! by Stephanie Hall (left) 2010 Girls Tennis Team! Not pictured: Gwen Ribbe Out of all the ladies in Giles County, the Lady Spartans are Number One!! Gwen Ribbe warming up in preparation for the next big game. For Ms. Havens’ first year of coaching tennis, this has been a truly remarkable year. With all the wins and the losses the team has faced, they kept going into every match with the utmost confidence. The players are very skilled and are out to show the world what they can do! “For the most part, the team is very young and most are tennis rookies. They have been eager to learn and improve. We are working on gaining confidence, while also improving tennis skills,” stated Coach Havens. Hannah Ruark doing some pre-game practice hits. (above) The Seniors of the Team: Hannah Ruark, Blair McGee, Frankie Haymore Blair McGee and Emily Galliher have some fun before the match. The Girls Who Make Things Happen! Senior: Blair McGee Senior: Hannah Ruark Senior: Frankie Haymore Sophomore: Alex Shelor Sophomore: Emily Galliher Sophomore: Gwen Ribbe Freshman: Miranda Flack Freshman: Nina Johnson Freshman: Ashley Estep Freshman: Hannah Long Coach: Mandy Havens 41 Girls Varsity Brianna Caldwell Breannah Carr Breanna Farmer Jasman Hemingway Lyndsey Jackson Erica Johnson Taylor Johnson Arissa Kasey Afton Lane Kacey Mann Paige Metro Janie Milliron Kayla Murray Chelsea Warner Laura Williams Runners on your Mark, Get Set, Boom! by Brianna Caldwell Boys Varsity Ben Allamong Adam Baker Garret Blankenship Chris Collins Chris Dalton Dusting Davis Kearsley Dillon Justin Farmer Wesley Ferrell Tracy Freeman Eric Gadd Bryan Griggs Brooks Haynie Brandon Kelly Ryan Lucas Avery Mahaney Jake Munsey Max Ratcliffe Greg Ray Nicholas Spaur Chase Teats Michael Trenar Cody Vaught Matthew Williams Matthew Worrell Giles Track started their first meet on March 31 against Craig and Narrows. The girl’s team won with a total of 61 points. They boys then took 1st place overall all in the meet also. The team then traveled to Radford running against the Bobcats and the Buffaloes on April 7. The Girls team dominated in the jumps with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes. Then they continued their conquest in the running events. The girls won with 61 Points, then with 58 p (Radford) and 38 p (Floyd). The boys hit a rough patch and finished 3rd overall. The girls continue their dominance by beating Narrows, East. Mont., and Auburn with 97 points overall. The closes team to beating the Girls was narrows with 67 points. The boys finished second in the meet beating East. Mont. and Narrows. The team then traveled to Floyd on April 21 and 23 for a regular meet and then Buffalo Invitational. April 21 the team went to Floyd for a quad meet, with Floyd, Cave Springs, and Auburn. Both teams finished second place overall. On April 28 Glenvar and Radford traveled to Giles for a tri meet. Both girls and boys placed 1st overall in the meet. Both teams had several 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes dominating the meet largely. May 5th the team traveled to Glenvar for there last regular season meet. Both teams won first place at the meet. For the girls team taking many 1st and 2nd places controlling the outlook of the meet towards Giles. Also the boys had quite a few 1st and 2nd places without even breaking a sweat. Certain runners are selected to be able to run at Invitational meets. An Invitational meet is a meet where your fastest runners, furthest jumpers, and best throwers compete against other school’s best usually on Fridays or Saturdays. Saturday, April 17 the track team traveled to Radford for All American Relays Invitational. Running against 14 different teams, the meet itself was very long and time consuming. At the end of the day the Lady Spartans finished second place overall in the meet. Out of the 14 teams, only Pulaski beat the girls. The boys finished 5th in the meet trying their hardest to win. At the Buffalo Invitational the girls stayed in first place most of the meet, with several 1st place finishes by the ladies. But at the end of the meet, the girls finished 5th and the boys finished 7th. The boy’s also took several 1st and 2nd place finishes competing there hardest. The only meets left are New River District, Regionals, and State. Top Left:4 by 1 runners Erica Johnson (3rd leg) hands off the stick to Brianna Caldwell (4th leg) against Radford and Floyd. The team also took first place with a time off 55.66 Bottom Left:Paige Metro shows good form in the last phase of triple jump. Jake Munsey running in the 1600 meter against Radford and Floyd on April 7. 42 Both teams have worked extremely hard every day to get where they are in their track careers. There is not a single day when you will not see both teams out there practicing and getting ready for there big meets in store for the runners. No matter rain or shine they will be running. 4 by 1 runners Brooks Haynie (3rd leg) hands the stick off to Cody Vaught (4th leg). Left: Lyndsey Jackson at the starting line for the 400 meter at the Giles Meet. Right: Chase Teats running the 800 meter at Radford. 8th Grade Track by Brianna Caldwell Boy’s 8th Grade Eric Clark Jenson Doffin Hunter Epperley Josh Ferrell Jonathan Jennelle Christian Kemp Ronnie Lang Brad Lipes Tanner Martin Jack Meredith Logan Merrix Quinton Montgomery Luke Munsey Stuart Myers Chantry Pennington Trenton Ray Steven Scott Andrew Searles Dakoda Sharder Justin Smith Cody Stanley Jonh Teats Issac Wall The 8TH grade boy’s and girl’s track team started there season off with a win on March 31 against Narrows and Craig. The team hosted to meets at the high school on April 20 and April 22. April 22 the boys finished 2nd overall in the meet, but with high place finishes in many events. The girls also finished 2nd, working hard to do their best. Both teams traveled to Radford for another tri meet against Glenvar, Radford, and Giles. The boys finished 4th and the girls finished 2nd overall in the meet. Giles also hosted Three Rivers District on May 6th. The girls took a highly placed finish overall in the meet taking 2nd place while the boys team got 4th Both teams have worked extremely hard this year and looks like they will have bright looking futures in Varsity Track. Riley Hevener shows good form in long jump. Girls 8th Grade Shannon Fergunson Savannah Fletcher Molly Gusler Emily Harless Riley Hevener Sarah Lang Ashlyn Lavinder Brandi Martin Diamond Meadows Leslie Meadows Hannah Mitchell Kaylee Moore Taylor Murray Alex Pennington Taylor Perkins Sarina Sanders Olivia Steele Kaitlin Stevers Amelia Whittaker Journie Widrig Clara Williams 43
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