Outbound May 2010


Outbound May 2010
Dear Ruthie,
It’s that time of the year
again—my secretary’s birthday.
And this time I really need your
help! I don’t know what to get
her. Last year I got her a fancy
brass pillbox full of my favorite
medley of mood boosters, but
she just THREW it at me, in a
fit of rage. Ungrateful little
bitch! But in her defense, I can’t
really blame her. For one, she’s
British, and frankly between
you and me I think she thought
they were Pez.
This year I thought I’d loosen
the purse stings a little bit and
get her a pair of rhinestone
crotchless panties....like the pair
Kelly Bensimon wore in her
Playboy shoot. But in a way, I
think it might be kind of like
giving my bf a blender for our
anniversary. You know, since
they’d be something she’d
want to wear to work anyway.
Did I mention she’s British?
That’s where you come in. I
rely on your discerning taste
and delicate sensibilities. I
know this is really selfish of me,
but this year I’m really hoping
to get her a gift worthy of an
Emily-Post-style thank-you
card. See, my friend Carly Simon
bought be a beautiful pickle
magnet for Christmas this past
year. And well, I think we both
can see the problem: snazzy
magnet but nothing to display!
I feel naked! And so does my refrigerator. Can you help me out
with a few gifty suggestions?
I’m desperate!
Sincerely Your Pal, CB
Dear CB,
I’ve always found oral sex to be
a perfect last minute gift. But
then again this is your secretary, so that may not be a good
idea. I mean, you wouldn’t
want to keep her from her job
just so you can sample her fish
fry. Plus, you’re a gay man, so
I’m guessing you don’t want to
go down that road...or go
down any woman’s road for
that matter. So, let’s consider
something different.
If I were you, I’d get her what
all British folks need...a dentist.
Treat her to a good cleaning,
and it wouldn’t kill ya to spring
for a whitening job and maybe
a night retainer.
Actually, just go to
That’s right! My own little cyber
shop has everything you need
for any function. Tops, bags,
aprons, caps, sweatshirts and
even cute little thongs...all featuring my lovely puss. And
what self-respecting Brit
wouldn’t want a picture of
Ruthie on her kooch?
But, if your cheap ass just
doesn’t find anything on my
Web site, give the old broad the
afternoon off. She’ll be thrilled,
and doing so will give you
plenty of time to rummage
through her desk, looking for
items for which to blackmail her
come raise time. Or, treat her to
a homemade dinner at your
place some night. Step into my
bitchin’ kitchen, and check a
few simple recipes...shared by
readers just like you!
Ruthie’s Bitchin’ Kitchen
This month we have a few
recipes that come together in a
pinch. And who doesn’t like a
good pinch now and then?
Check out Tony’s and Chad’s
recipes, and you’re sure to find
two new favorites. Now...read
them, try them and eat good
and shut up!
OutBound Magazine - Serving Metro Milwaukee & Southeastern Wisconsin for 9 years!
P.O. Box 1961 Green Bay, WI 54305 toll free 800-578-3785 or 920-655-0611
email:editor@quest-online.com Publisher: Mark Mariucci, Za’s Publications; OutBound & Quest
OutBound Magazine is published monthly by Za’s Publications. © 2009, Za’s Publications, all rights reserved. Distributed
FREE at selected GLBT friendly businesses. Reproduction in part or whole is strictly prohibited unless consent is given expressly by the publisher. OutBound’s use of photos or accompanying editorial material does not imply any sexual orientation
of people or businesses depicted or mentioned within said photos or editorial material. OutBound does not assume responsibility for statements by advertisers. All unsolicited photographs, letters and editorials are subject to OutBound’s right to copyright and publish with rights to change, edit or comment.
Party Wieners
Who likes a nice wiener? I do, I do!
And, apparently, so does Tony from
Milwaukee. He emailed me this hot
little appetizer that’s just perfect for
sharing with a few hot friends during what’s sure to be a hot summer.
Thanks Tony! Your Bitchin’ Kitchen
T-shirt is on the way!
2 lbs. sweet Italian sausages
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup ketchup
1 cup beer
Roast the sausages under the
broiler until skin is crispy and
cooked through. Cut the sausages
into 1/2 inch slices. In a small
saucepan, combine the sugar,
ketchup and beer. Simmer over
medium heat. Place sausages in a
serving bowl and top with sauce.
Ruthie’s Culinary Clues
Serve the sausages with tooth-
picks for easy access. Wanna get
creative? Drain a small can of
chunked pineapple and dump into
the saucepan with the sugar,
ketchup and beer.
May-Day Dump Cake
Here’s a sweet treat from a real
sweetie. Chad of Milwaukee shared
his finger-licking cake that can’t be
beat! Geez! Between the finger licking and beating and whatnot,
maybe I should send this recipe to
an erotic bakery!
tom of dish. Drop spoonfuls of pie
filling evenly over the pineapple.
Sprinkle with cake mix. Top with
nuts. Drizzle butter over nuts and
cake mix. Bake, uncovered, for one
hour or until top is golden brown.
Serve warm.
Ruthie’s Culinary Clues
Chad suggests using walnuts
when making the cake, but says
that if you don’t like nuts, feel free
to leave them out. He also serves
the cake warm with scoops of
vanilla ice cream. Don’t feel like
1 20oz can crushed pineapple, undrained melting the butter? Simply slice
1 can (21 oz) cherry pie filling the butter and set the slices over
1 box (18.25 oz) yellow cake mix the nuts and cake mix.
1/4 cup chopped nuts
Gotta recipe for Ruthie?
2 sticks butter, melted
Share it with her at
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. dearmsruthie@yahoo.com.
Spritz a 9 x 13-inch baking dish If she publishes your dish, you’ll get
with cooking spray. Dump pineap- a free T-shirt. And if you’ve got a
ple into dish. Using a spatula, problem only Ruthie can answer,
spread pineapple evenly on bot- send it her way as well!
S u e L u k e R e m e m be r e d
A M em o ri a l P a rt y a t B a l l ga m e
S a tu r d a y , M a y 2 2 ,
Who was Sue Luke
2 pm - ??
Born Eileen Susan Jane Luke on January 21, 1951 and entered into eternal life on May 29th,
2009. Leaving behind her life partner Beverly Tesch, Lynden Tesch, her pets, other family,
and a multitude of friends. Sue was proud to work at Astronautics Delco and Delphi. Sue
loved music, she played throughout her life with various bands. Including Excalibur, South
Side Ride, Dame and Stardust. Her favorite song, “My Happiness,” which her mother sang
to her as a little girl every time her mother came to hear here, Sue would sing that song for
her. After her mother passed, Sue never sang that song again. A talented guitar player, but
singing country songs was her passion. I was privileged to play in two bands with her. She
touched many with that voice. Even recording a CD in Nashville. I was proud to play along
side her and blessed to have her as my friend. Come celebrate Sue’s life. Drink a little, sing a
little, and dance a little. Let’s share some memories. Beverly, personally hopes to see her
many friends and co-workers. She would sincerely like to single out Jay Reinke and Sharon
Megna for their close friendships with Sue throughout the years and for their support after her
passing. Thank you so much. Sue touched many lives and we all miss her tremendously.
Her friend and band mate,
Kellie Martin
May is here, may we bask in the Sun, fun,
and all Milwaukee has to offer this month, for
it’s Cordially yours,
Now that the weather is on our side, we all
want to go, do, and enjoy the outdoors.
The curtain on Ten Chimneys, the Lunt Fontanne Estate will be raised once again on
Tuesday, May 4 for tours now through the autumn. To utilize this great site to better commercial value this season there are some exciting
guest speakers you won’t want to miss.
The first one up, Saturday, May 22, talk
show legend Dick Cavett will share stories
about having the Lunts and Sir Noel Coward
on the last nationally televised interview they
did. Cavett is a great communicator and will
keep you thoroughly engaged for the evening.
Wednesday, May 26 is Ten Chimneys Day and
what would have been the Lunts 88th Wedding
Anniversary. Salute this enchanting First Couple of the American Stage by visiting.
Come see “Georgy Girl”, Lynn Redgrave, the
thoroughbred of a fine acting lineage who has
taught a Master Class at the manor, will be appearing on Friday, July 16 to share stories of her
parents close friendship with the Lunts, so
close that Lynn was named after Miss
In November, Saturday the 23, Robert Osborne of Turner Classic Movies returns to reminisce on Alfred’s & Lynnie’s appeal and
influence on the industry.
The New Age Queen of Country, Wynona
is Milwaukee-bound for Tuesday, May 4 7:30
PM The Riverside Theater, appearing with the
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. That will certainly put a lot of Grand in this ole Opry show.
For your seat, please call: 414-291-7605.
The Northern Lights Theater at Potawatomi
Bingo Casino has yet another potpourri of pop
players this month.
“General Hospital’s” favorite medico Dr. Noah
Drake AKA Rick Springfield will put a little
hump in your Hump Day – Wednesday, May 5
8:00 PM what a way to celebrate Cinco de
Mayo! Ole!
Friday, May 14, The Fabulous Thunderbirds
wing in at 9:00 PM. Comedy legend Tim Conway & Friends will leave you in stitches on
Thursday, May 20, and Friday, May 21 8 PM
Now that you know what is on the stage
at Potawatomi, what about the fine cuisine?
Dream Dance Steak has the honor of being one
of only ten (10) properties in the entire state
of Wisconsin to receive the prestigious AAA
Four-Diamond Award for this year (2010).
Why don’t you celebrate this achievement
with dinner at Dream Dance Steak?
Dare to dream…
Now through September, Dream Dance Steak
is adding an additional 40 wines to its already
extensive menu list. These finely selected
wines will be specially priced at only $40. a
bottle. Cheers!
Tuesday, May 4 will bring the ever-popular
Morel Mushroom Dinner back to the casino.
Chef Jason Gorman will prepare a spectacular
menu of dishes that focus on the marvelous
morsels of mushroom – of the Morel variety.
Each course will be paired with a wine specially
selected to enhance the flavors of each dish.
To take part of this feast, call for your reservation now: 414-847-7883. Bon appetite!
There is an old song that goes get your kicks
on Route 66 – popularized by the outstanding
Nat King Cole. This is exactly what You will
get if you attend The Milwaukee Rep’s production of “Route 66” in an extended run until
Sunday, May 9.
This pistol of a program is in the Stackner
Cabaret where you can enjoy a sip and sup if
you wish. Quite honestly, the show itself will
satisfy you like no other! It is compared to
“Forever Plaid” with high-octane fuel! Doesn’t
that say it all?
The cast includes, very pleasing to the eye
– Zachary Dylan Robbins, Danny Calvert,
Adam Estes, and Justin Robertson. Take my tip;
it is truly worth the trip! To book this sojourn
of song call: 414-224-5490 or visit:
“Strain for the Brain” 5 K (3.1 miles)
Walk/Run to support Froedtert Hospital’s Brain
Tumor Research Foundation & American Brain
Tumor Association is Saturday, May 8.
(Mother’s Day Eve) The scenic site will be Veteran’s
Park on the sunny shore of Lake Michigan.
8:00 AM Check In/Registration
9:45 AM Run begins
10:00 AM Walk begins
Sunday, May 16 the Milwaukee County Zoo
will host Ann’s Hope Foundation and Aurora
Health Care Foundation as they proudly present The 6th Annual Block Melanoma 5 K Run &
3 K Walk. Milwaukee Bucks’ Charlie Bell and
his beautiful wife Kenya will be the Honorary
Co-Chairs. To register: www.annshope.org.
For the politically motivated Wisconsin
State Senator Jim Sullivan will be honored with
a LGBT Fundraiser. An evening, in May, to take
place in Wauwatosa, co-host are: Maggie
Cage and Sue Haertel.
The Skylight Opera Theatre, now in their
Golden Year, will be presenting their version of
“Rent”, Friday, May 21 – Sunday, June 29 in the
smashing Cabot Theatre.
That same night for individuals that prefer a
more traditional, grand opera the Florentine
Opera Company closes out their season of The
Favor, The Fever, The Fervor with - Verdi’s
“Rigoletto” – Friday, May 21, Saturday, May 22,
and the afternoon of Sunday, May 23. Sung
exquisitely in Italian, with English translations.
As always a marvelous complimentary preview will take place at The Room of Boom
the week before: Sunday, May 16 7:00 PM.
And please remember it is FREE!
The night will include: a Star from the show
– who will conduct a Q &A, the Florentine
Interns to sing live, a tantalizing complementary buffet from Miss Katie’s Diner, and a cash
bar. Bravo!
Women’s Voices Milwaukee (WVM) will
serenade you this spring as they return to the
boards for two engagements on Friday, May 21
and Saturday, 22 @ 7:00 PM The Marian Center for Nonprofits 3211 South Lake Drive
Saint Francis 53207.
“Rhythm Of Life Is Building” Lori Gilland is
their NEW Artistic Director, with Stacy Ellens
on Piano and Cynthia Hahn on Djembe (hand
drum). $12. Reserve Tickets/$15. At Door
The BoDeans, one of Brew Town’s most
popular and enduring bands, will celebrate the
release of their ninth studio release – “Mr. Sad
Clown”, with a special CD Release Concert/Party on Friday, May 28 – The Marcus Center for the Performing Arts. A dynamic way to
usher in the Memorial Day Weekend – the first
holiday weekend of the summer of 2010!!!
Tuesdays are PUMP! Night, and the party is
still going on just at a new location – Crisp
1323 East Brady Street, right down the street
from the Hybrid Lounge. Which reminds me
the Hybrid, Milwaukee’s only smoke-free Gay
bar will be serving up food shortly so watch
for their food service this summer. Let the parties happen on the east side!
Ryan Braun’s Waterfront Restaurant formerly Fratello’s Waterfront Restaurant at 102
North Water Street, across the street from the
original M&M Club I predict will be the hot
spot this summer. I was fortunate enough to
be there on Opening Night that just so happened to coincide with Opening Day! The
weather was like the result of the game – dismal – from bright, sunny, warm, to cool and
rainy. But it didn’t matter inside Ryan Braun’s,
the “South Beach” décor was most welcoming. The huge outside deck will have to wait for
later in the season. The creative menu – offering unique dining suggestions – all that we
sampled was superior, as was the service pro-
vided by John. WMYX’s Main Morning Man
Kidd O’Shea, as well as Mr. Braun himself were
among the dignitaries, dining and delighting in
this new darling destination.
Congratulations Tall Keith, and thanks to all
who contributed ever so generously to the
Camp HeartLand FundRaiser. The Wherehouse
never looked better thanks to Paul, and Staff.
I’m very grateful to the Starlets that performed
by sunlight: Dear Ruthie, Maple,
Jonathan, Miss Goldie Adams – what fun
we all had! And $2,600 was raised to send
the youngins to Camp. And that total was
raised at just one of the parties!
Kudos to two great emporiums of adult entertainment - - LaCage celebrated birthday
number 26 in style. Michael & Kris always
know how to present a night none shall forget,
and the occasion of Milwaukee’s premiere
disco’s 26th Anniversary was not to be beat,
or missed! To the next 26 years – a long, long
way since it was Nico’s Tap on South Second
Taylor’s on the corner of Jefferson and Wells
– where you can still hear the cathedral bells,
rung in number 15 of a very successful run.
Dan Taylor celebrates every day so it is kind of
hard to tell a birthday from an anniversary from
a – I had a crummy day at work make it a double day! Salute!
I t ’ s t h e g l a m o u r, n o t t h e g r a m m a r,
as w e la un c h t he sum m er o f 2 0 1 0 an d I
p r o m i s e t o b e S t i l l C o rd i a l l y y o u r s , .
(With 30 million albums
sold worldwide and the
prestigious honor of being
the only artist under the age
of 30 included in Rolling
Stone Magazine’s list of the
100 greatest singers of all
time, 5 time Grammy Award
winner Christina Aguilera
has already achieved an unprecedented level of success. Aguilera’s been hard
at work in the studio for the
past year and is pleased to
announce the release of her
highly anticipated 4th studio album B i o n i c (RCA Records) on June 8th. The
first single from B i o n i c is the fiercely energetic anthem “Not Myself Tonight”, produced by Polow Da
Don. The song premiered on ChristinaAguilera.com
and available on iTunes on now.
B i o n i c features songs co-written by Aguilera
along with her much buzzed about collaborations
including Sia, Tricky Stewart, Polow Da Don, Le Tigre,
Hill & Switch, and Ladytron among others. Aguilera
notes, “Working on this album with so many talented artists and producers that I admire was really
an amazing experience. The artists I chose to work
with added so many unique sonic layers to B i o n i c .
My intention was to step
into their world and what
they do combined with my
own vision and sound. The
results were magic.” The
album also features a ballad
produced and written by
Linda Perry titled “Lift Me
Up”. The title B i o n i c reflects Aguilera’s ability to
take her range to new levels and use her voice in various ways never heard
Aguilera describes the
album as a unique mix of
many genres and styles of music, “I was able to explore and create a fresh, sexy feel using both electronic and organic elements with subject matter
ranging from playful to introspective. I am so excited for my fans to hear the new sound. It is something I don’t think anyone will expect.”
In addition to completing the album which was
all recorded from her home studio after the birth of
her first son, Christina also completed production on
her first film, “Burlesque.” The film, which co-stars
Cher, Stanley Tucci, and Kristen Bell will be released
by ScreenGems this fall.
New York, NY: The top-selling men’s underwear
brand in Colombia, Expose Underwear, has launched
globally with its new barely-there line of sporty and
sexy briefs. Emphasizing the companies’ motto
‘DARE to EXPOSE’, Expose Underwear’s Funky and
Shear collections are stylishly revealing briefs that
show off a man’s best assets. Expose Underwear’s
Funky and Shear collections are available in select retailers and online at www.ExposeUnderwear.com.
Made from a breathable, body-conforming stretch
fabric (94% Su Pima cotton/6% Lycra), Expose Underwear’s Funky and Shear collections are available
in three sexy cuts – low rise, brief, and boxer – and
in an assortment of vibrant colors. Every piece features the signature 1 1/4 inch microfiber elastic logo
waistband with the bold stitched logo. The designs
in the collections are designed to inspire confidence
and exude masculine sexuality.
“Expose Underwear’s Funky and Shear collections
are for guys who are not afraid to show it off in a
quality, comfortable brief,” explained Creative Director Jason Sutherland. “They are inspired by the men
of Colombia who know they are beautiful and are
not afraid to flaunt it. It’s time for the rest of the
world to expose themselves – if they dare.”
With its flagship store in Colombia, Expose Underwear is a sporty and sexy brand, suitable for midtier and boutique stores as well as online channels.
In addition to expanding globally, the company will
add two retail locations in Colombia this year.
Expose Underwear is regularly compared to sport
brands like 2xst and CK, a comparison Mr. Sutherland is trying to squash. “Our briefs eliminate lines
and accentuate the positive. We use high quality
perforated fabric that is so comfortable, you forget
you have anything on.
Expose Underwear’s Funky and Shear collections
retail between US$22 and US$28.
While on the subject of hot guys and Columbia, did you know Columbia is fast becoming the
next big destination for vacationing gay men? With nightclubs, bars a fashion scene to envy and
of course the beautiful men and beaches, Columbia is now right behind Brazil and Argentina on
the South American travel “gaydar” according to a recent article in the New York Daily News.
The article states that Columbia only three hours from Miami has a fairly strong gay scene
with progressive homosexual rights laws. Bogota is the largest coty and is where the action is
for the gay scene. According to the Miami Herald, Cartagena, Barranquilla and Medellin are also
popular. for the complete story, check out our link on qnu or just point your browser to:
Well as I sit here staring out of my office window I can’t help but think, and hope that winter is now behind us and summer is here to
stay. With those summer hopes and dreams I
want to, once again, remind you that Pridefest
and the Pride Parade Are fast approaching. Just
a little over one month and they will both be
here! Pridefest will happen once again at Milwaukee’s lakefront at Henry Maier Festival park
(Summerfest grounds) June 11-13, for more
info visit their website at www.pridefest.com.
The parade is also coming! It will take place on
Sunday June 13th at 2:00pm; the route is still
from Greenfield Ave to Seeboth Ave along 2nd
street. For more info check out their website at
Alright now that that’s done let’s get on
with it shall we? This month with summer fast
approaching I thought it would be good to talk
about tattoos.
While avid readers of my column will recall
that I am a strong believer in getting tattooed
and pierced in the winter most people don’t listen and will get their work done in the summer.
With the summer coming a few precautions
and things to know about will help you in the
care of your new tattoo in the harsh days of
First off, let’s review how to heal your tattoo. Wait a min, we did this before and if I remember correctly that took a whole damn
column to explain!! So, let’s just go over a
quick review. 1. Don’t ever pick the scabs!!
(Pick your nose and not your tattoo okay!) 2.
Keep the tattoo out of water, with exception
to when you wash it every day with mild antibacterial soap. 3. Moisturize your skin according to what your tattooist recommends.
If they don’t recommend it then don’t do it. 4.
Listen to your tattooist!! (The most important
thing I think) Well that about wraps up how
to take care of them, I wonder why the last
time we did this it took a column? (That’s right
it’s called “fill” in the industry)
Second of all, you absolutely need to make
sure to protect your tattoo from the sun. This
means using clothing to cover it or using sun
block, not sun screen, on your tattoo. The sun
destroys your skin cells (which is what makes
you tan along with a bunch of medical stuff
that will put anyone to sleep) which allows the
ink form the tattoo to spread out in your skin.
Overtime this will make your tattoo look fuzzy
and almost out of focus. The only cure for this
is to have the tattoo redone, a very costly position as you are now paying for the same tattoo twice! This is even more important if your
tattoo is fresh as the skin has yet to heal from
the initial injury, by putting it in the sun you
are just hurting it more.
Lastly, make sure you protect your tattoo
while you are out enjoying that wonderful
weather. By this type of protection I of course
mean against physical damage. (i.e. dirt, concrete, your drunk friend hitting it) A fresh tattoo is very sensitive and delicate, even a small
cut or scrap on the tattoo could cause major
damage to the artwork below. So be wary of
this fact when getting your tattoo if you are
going to be doing anything at the beach or
participating in a sporting event, as both of
those things can easily damage a tattoo beyond repair in some cases.
And this all I have to say about that. This
month the mail bag was kind of dry and about
all that was in there was a couple pieces of
hair, two letters from my personal stalker, and
a small man who I think is attempting to
smuggle something into the country. (I think
I’ll just leave him tied up in the bag for right
now and open that one later)
So without reader mail I am once again
forced to plug away the upcoming pride
events. Pridefest has announced their entertainers for the year and I have to say that
it is a great line-up, with the exception that
I had to Google a few of the names on the
stage list to find out who they are. (or were
as the case may be) The festival is really
shaping up to be a great one for the record
books. Don’t forget June 11-13 at Henry
Maier Festival Park, mark your calendar.
For more info visit
The Pride Parade is also in full swing from
what I hear with an announcement of a
Twitter and facebook page. They are also
doing fundraisers around town to raise
money they are some great parties so stay
in tune with them for more info. The parade is on Sunday June 13th at 2:00pm. Be
there or be square. It is down a drag some
many of us have walked (and seen too
much drag along) south 2nd street from
Greenfield Ave to Seeboth Ave. Stand in
front of your favorite 2nd street bar and
watch, enjoy, and drink.
For more info visit www.prideparademke.org.
Well I am all done for this month. I
guess I’ll go see what the guy in the mailbag wants . . . or hasJ! Until next time have
a great May and enjoy the great weather
(hopefully) and show off your tattoos and
piercings at Pride in June!
If you have a question, or would like a
topic covered, email Brent at:
To d d & D o l p h , Bel Ami & M e a s u r e U p C h a n n e l 1
Todd & Dolph, Bel Ami
From the moment that George Duroy
began Bel Ami, the studio has unfailingly
produced first-class gay adult entertainment. With sultry, blue-eyed stud Lucas
Ridgeston as the fresh face of the franchise, Bel Ami offered beautifully filmed
scenes of gorgeous, fit young men having
safe, indeed invariably vanilla sex.
Lucas is behind the camera these days
and with their two new releases Bel Ami
has gone from safe to downright controversial first in To d d & D o l p h and later in
Ta b o o , which features the chiseled, already infamous Peters twins giving new
meaning to the notion of brotherly love.
To d d & D o l p h begins with the sort
of lighthearted scene that has long characterized favorite Bel Ami releases. Acclaimed photographer Howard Roffman
has enlisted Todd Rosset, Dolph Lambert
and Luke Hamill for a photo shoot. This
casual sneak peek behind the scenes offers the three luscious lads frolicking naked in
a sun dappled lake. It is a scene echoing an
early, more innocent time. Later Hoffman
brings the three indoors for more frolicking.
Jacking off side-by-side, Todd and Dolph provide a suitable creamy conclusion to this playful beginning.
During his extended stint with Bel Ami popular Canadian cutie Ralph Woods had hoped
to be paired with blond stud-puppet Dolph
Lambert. His wish was granted in the next
scene. Ralph Woods is a perfect fit with the
boys of Bel Ami. The youthful brunet is slim,
trim and his endowment, in a word, is supersized. Ralph eagerly peels off Dolph’s shorts
and effortlessly engulfs his partner’s quivering
erection. Dolph gamely tackles Woods’ erect
uncut monster but looks much more comfortable deep dicking Ralph, first a missionary position and later in a side-by-side fuck during
which Woods pops his nut for a second time.
Dolph then pulls out and proceeds to coat
Woods’ spent cock with a load of his own.
Todd’s up next in a sweetly naughty bandage scene with another cute brunet, Jack Blue.
Helmed by Bel Ami legend Lukas Ridgeston,
this stairway encounter finds Todd tying Jack’s
hands to a convenient radiator. This allows
Todd total control as he toys with Jack’s instant erection. Next, Jack is blindfolded as Todd
allows his bound partner to thoroughly pleasure him. Later Todd slides a condom on Jack’s
perky hardon and effortless mounts the
sheathed ramrod. He clearly enjoys the ride. A
change to a missionary position obviously
suits both and as he is plundered relentlessly,
Todd strokes his rigid shaft to full release.
After these two conventional Bel Ami pairings, Todd and Dolph are seen on a road trip
for a Croatian holiday. Previously available only
online, this sequence follows Todd and
boyfriend Dolph as they film their getaway.
Whether they are sight-seeing or performing
such mundane tasks as making breakfast, it is
only Todd, Dolph and a video camera. The two find ample opportunity for sex along the way, the lads
doing double duty as their own
film crew. Sans the usual Bel Ami
polish, these scenes are refreshingly
unscripted, surprisingly sexy and
totally bareback.
The bareback sex continues
during the lengthy finale as Ariel
Vanean, a gorgeous brunet, joins
Todd and Dolph for a pool-side
three-way. When Todd and Ariel
decide to give hardworking pool
boy Dolph a break, clothes are
quickly shed. The three lads jump
in the pool although very time is
spent swimming. Todd and Dolph
take full advantage of Ariel, both
taking Ariel from behind unsheathed; Ariel seems happy to
lap up Todd’s thick, creamy load.
After cooling off briefly in the pool,
this sexy trio is back at it again,
now with Todd in the middle. As
he manfully makes of a meal of
Dolph’s manmeat, Todd eagerly
surrenders his pucker to Ariel’s
bare shaft. Later, Dolph proves a relentless
fuck machine, thrusting deep into Todd while
Ariel keeps Todd’s unflagging erection on full
simmer. His legs spread impossibly wide,
Todd is once more skewered by Ariel, his
muscles impossibly taunt as he coaxes out
another load with Ariel’s thick meat buried
deep in his bowels.
Bel Ami’s legion of fans will undoubtedly
find something to enjoy in To d d & D o l p h .
There’s real chemistry between Todd and
Dolph, especially in their home movie sequence but also in the final scene with Ariel.
Ralph Woods is always a treat and Todd’s
stairway encounter with adorable Jack Blue
might just be the film’s highlight. There might
be disappointment ahead for those picking up
To d d & D o l p h just for the novelty of Bel Ami
boys and their rather tame bareback scenes.
Rating **** of *****
M e a s u r e U p from Channel One Releasing
Big dicks and measuring tapes are the order
of the day in this latest release from Chi Chi
LaRue. Cameron Marshall needs to measure off
eight inches in the opening scene, so it is a
good thing co-worker Cort Donovan’s girthy
measuring rod is the exact size. Pint size
Cameron Taylor thinks he has a small cock,
bearded Lucas Knowles eagerly proves him
wrong. Lee Stephens, Vance Winter and Josh
Vaughn all boast about possessing the biggest
dick but it is a foregone conclusion that blond
bottom Josh will take on all cummers. M e a s u r e U p saves the biggest for last, when cute
twink Kai Ford eagerly takes on horse-hung
porn legend Chad Hunt’s every last inch. Only
Hunt actually tops the charts but there’s still
plenty of meat on display in this rock-solid Chi
Chi release.
Rating ***1/2 of *****
Milwaukee Map Listing
* Art Bar M, W
722 Burleigh, (414)372-7880
1 Ballgame M, F
196 S 2nd (414)273-7474
3 Boom & The ROOM M, Cr, P, St
625 South 2nd St (414)277-5040
4 Boot Camp Saloon M, LL, Cr
209 E National (414)643-6900
* City Lights Chill M, Cr, G,
111 W. Howard Ave (414)481-1441
5 ETC (Lower Level) M,W,V,F,G
801S 2nd, (414)383-8330
6 Fluid M, W, G
819 South 2nd
7 Harbor Room M, LL, Cr, F, P
117 E. Greenfield (414)672-7988
* Hybrid Lounge M, W, F
707 E Brady St (414)810-1809
8 JACK M, W, D, P
200 E. Washington (414)389-3596
354 E. National (414)272-KRUZ
6 LaCage M,W,V,D,DJ,S,
801S 2nd, (414)383-8330
10 Midtowne Spa (Men’s Health Club)
315 S. Water St. (414)278-8989
Rascals (920)954-9262
702 E. Wisconsin, Appleton
Ravens (920)364-9599
215 E. College Ave, Appleton
Napalese (920)432-9646
1351 Cedar St, Green Bay
Sass (920)437-7277
840 S. Broadway, Green Bay
Shelter (920)432-2662
730 N. Quincy, Green Bay
XS Nightclub M,W, V, DJ, G
1106 Main, Green Bay
Deb’s Spare Time (920)235-6577
1303 Hrrrison St., Oshkosh
Blue Light (920)457-1636
1029 N. 8th St., Sheboygan
5 Applegate Ct (608)277-9700
Plan B (NEW Dance Bar!)
924 Williamson Street
Shamrock 117 W. Main
Key to symbols - Men, Women, Food (608)255-5029
Dancing, Shows, Strippers, Cruising, Woof’s woofsmadison.com
Patio, Games, Video, LL = Levi & Leather
114 King St. (608)204-6222
* means not on map
11 Mona’s M,W,DJ,P,F,D,V,Cr,
1407 S. 1st St. (414)643-0377
5 Montage (2nd Level LaCage)
801S 2nd, (414)383-8330
13 Nut Hut 1500 W Scott (414)647-2673
* PUMP @ Decibel (Sun only)
1905 E North Ave (414)272-3337
* 35 Live 3945N. 35th (off 35th & Capitol)
14 This Is It 418 E Wells (414)278-9192
15 Triangle M,W,V,P,S
135 E National (414)383-9412
* Tropical Ultra Lounge
626 South 5th Street (414)460-6277
16 Walker’s Pint W, P
818 S 2nd St (414)643-7468
18 Woody’s M,W,G,Cr,F
1579 S. 2nd (414) 672-0806
6305 120th Kenosha (262)857-3240
JoDees MWS (262)634-9804
2139 Racine St, Racine