rural views - Badgerland Financial


rural views - Badgerland Financial
Vol. 022 November 2015
Succession Planning: Sometimes Uncomfortable, but Absolutely Necessary
Paul Dietmann, Emerging Markets Specialist, Badgerland Financial
Succession planning. It’s
a phrase that strikes fear
into the hearts of many
farms and families. Without
a solid plan, transitioning a
farm to the next generation
can be a nightmare. In fact,
I’m sure you can think of at
least one family that has
been torn apart because of
improper planning.
comfortably and the incoming
generation’s need to keep the
farm financially viable.
Also, start planning early. Do not
wait for something to happen!
Many people wait too long to
begin planning, not wanting to
think about being unable to farm
or passing away. Sometimes
they start planning so late we’re
transferring the farm to the
Paul Dietmann
But it doesn’t have to be
next generation when the next
that way. With an open
generation should actually be
mind and some possibly
transitioning it to their own children.
uncomfortable but necessary discussions,
you can develop a solid transition plan for
Finally, realize that one of the biggest
your family’s farm, rural land or business.
challenges in planning are the people
and family dynamics. Find a neutral,
Following are a few questions and answers
experienced third party to facilitate the
regarding the succession planning process.
discussion, such as UW-Extension,
What are some common family scenarios
the Department of Agriculture, Trade &
that lead to succession planning?
Consumer Protection, the Farm Center or
the technical college system. Someone
One scenario is when the younger
needs to ask the tough questions, and it
generation wants to take on some
can be difficult for family members to bring
ownership in the farm, but the process
those up knowing that they need to eat
isn’t moving very quickly. They may say,
dinner together at family holidays.
“I’ve been here 10-plus years, I don’t own
any assets yet and I’m starting to get
concerned.” Because of this, they want to
develop a plan to transition the farm.
A second scenario is when the older
generation begins slowing down and wants
to turn over the farm to someone else.
However, their children are reluctant to take
on this responsibility. This leaves the older
generation asking, “What do we do?”
What should we consider as we start the
planning discussion?
It’s important to define the goals of the
family members and farm, as well as the
needs of each involved. Consider both
the retiring generation’s need to live
With the drop in commodity prices, it’s
more difficult to turn a profit on the farm. Is
this causing more people to move forward
with the transition process?
We’re seeing some of that, especially with
grain farmers. A few years ago, many grain
farmers were at an age where they could
retire, but they were having such great
years, they weren’t quite ready to quit.
Because of the downturn in commodity
markets, many farmers are deciding it’s a
good time to begin the transition process.
There are a lot of challenges with this
situation, though. Many farmers who
bought land and equipment during those
good years are learning there are huge
tax liabilities involved as they pass these
assets on to the next generation. That’s
why it’s important to work with a good team
of advisors as you transition.
Ok, we want to start planning. Now what?
Join us at a Succession Planning seminar
at the beginning of December in five
locations around our territory and learn how
to get started.
What’s unique about this seminar is we
have a great panel of professionals in
the same room at the same time. Our
experienced tax and accounting staff will
talk about farm transfer scenarios and the
tax implications from transferring assets.
Plus, an attorney will offer advice on how to
implement your plan, and I’ll provide further
insight into getting succession planning
conversations started.
Remember, succession planning can
be a very emotional process, but it is so
important. That’s why we’re here to help
you get through this–together.
Join us in December for a
See inside for dates
and locations.
Badgerland Financial Holiday Office Closings
As a reminder, our offices will be closed on the following holidays:
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve (Closing at Noon)
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Thursday, November 26
Friday, November 27
Thursday, December 24
Friday, December 25
Friday, January 1
Farm Credit ‘Fresh Perspectives’ Nominations Due December 15th
Focus on Ethics in All We Do
Diane Cole, Chief Executive Officer & President
Badgerland Financial is committed to the
highest standards of ethics and integrity
in the operation of your cooperative. As
part of that commitment, we have long
had a whistle-blower procedure to allow
employees to report suspected unethical
behavior. We have now implemented a new
reporting system with the help of a third
party vendor, EthicsPoint.
This system provides customers,
employees, business partners and vendors
the opportunity to report any honesty or
integrity issues related to accounting,
internal accounting controls or audit
matters. Examples of concerns that
should be reported through EthicsPoint
include fraud, deliberate misstatement of
the financial statements, embezzlement
or theft of Association property, fraud or
deliberate errors in loan documents or
other contractual matters.
Reports can be filed one of two ways:
1. By phone at 1-855-461-2769.
A compliance specialist from
EthicsPoint will assist you in
2. Online at
(under “Anonymous Reporting”).
This link will take you to the secure
EthicsPoint website.
We fully intend to run the cooperative
with integrity, and providing anonymous
reporting capabilities is a best practice
to ensure that any concerns are timely
raised. I personally hope you never have
cause to use the system, but if you do, I
strongly encourage you to use it. It’s your
cooperative. Help us watch over it.
Do you know an individual or group of
individuals whose leadership and vision is
changing the future of agriculture and rural
America for the better?
To celebrate our 100 years, Farm Credit
is searching for 100 leaders who are
positively shaping what is next for rural
communities and agriculture–applying their
fresh perspectives to current challenges.
Awarded in 10 categories, these individuals
will be recognized throughout our centennial
year, and the top honoree in each category will receive a $10,000 award and a trip to
Washington, D.C.
To nominate yourself or someone else, visit and click on the
Farm Credit 100 logo at the bottom of the homepage.
2016 High School Scholarship Applications Due February 1st
Badgerland Financial is proud to invest $22,000 toward
students’ continued education through our 2016 High School
Scholarship Program.
In order to qualify for the scholarship, applicants must
be either children or dependents of Badgerland Financial
customers in good standing and have a grade point average
of 2.0 or higher.
Applicants must be graduating high school seniors
continuing their education at either a four-year university,
university short course or technical or trade school. They do
not need to be pursuing an agricultural degree to apply.
Applications are available for download starting December 1st at (under “Our Company”).
#LoveMyLand Photo Contest Results In 35,000 Meals for Local Food Banks
We are excited to share the results of our
#LoveMyLand photo contest, which benefited
Second Harvest Food Bank and Feeding
Wisconsin Eastern Wisconsin.
Between July 1 and September 30,
2015, nearly 500 photos were shared by
Badgerland Financial social media followers,
highlighting the Wisconsin landscapes they
love! For each photo shared on our Facebook,
Twitter or Instagram pages, $1 was donated
to local food banks across our 33-county
territory in southern Wisconsin. To ramp up the effort and highlight Hunger Action Month in
September, we pledged a $5 donation per photo.
Katelyn Meinholz, Top 20 Image
Because of the overwhelming response and generosity displayed by our social media
followers during the #LoveMyLand photo contest, we decided to donate additional money to
benefit local food banks. Plus, one of our Top 20 photo contest winners decided to donate her
$100 winnings back to those in need. That brought our total donation to $7,005 and 35,025
meals donated!
We received so many great photos throughout this contest and have created a #LoveMyLand
2016 wall calendar. For a copy of the calendar, stop by your local Badgerland Financial office
starting November 23rd.
Molly Cabaj, Top 20 Image
Thank you to everyone who participated in the #LoveMyLand contest. Together, we made a
difference in the fight against hunger!
Jenny Kuffel, Grand Prize Winner
Grand Prize Winner:
(Winner of both the Facebook Fan-Voted
and Badgerland Financial Staff-Voted
Jenny Kuffel
Matthew Whitehead, Top 20 Image
Oostburg, WI
Photo Title:
“Opportunity is missed by most
people because it is dressed in
overalls and looks like work.”
–Thomas Edison
Laura Podlich, Top 20 Image
Dawson Rasmusson, Top 20 Image
Sue Johnson, Top 20 Image
Tammy Wiedenbeck, Top 20 Image
Join Badgerland Financial for an important seminar for farmers of all ages and stages.
S Uccession
Building your Blueprint for a
Successful Farm Transition
The family and financial dynamics of every farm are
different and often complicated, which makes farm
transition planning a challenge. But with a solid
support team of experts in farm financials, taxation
and the law, you can lay the foundation and turn plans
into reality. Attend this seminar if you want to hear
from the experts–in one place, at one time.
Dates & Locations
Tues., Dec. 1
Cranberry Country Lodge (319 Wittig Rd.)
Wed., Dec. 2
Sun Prairie
Badgerland Financial (2600 Jenny Wren Tr.)
Tues., Dec. 8
Fond du Lac
Holiday Inn (625 Rolling Meadows Dr.)
Wed., Dec. 9
Evergreen Golf Course (N6246 US-12)
Seminar Schedule
9:00–9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:45–10:30 a.m.
Part 1: “Breaking Ground”
What are your vision and goals for the
transition? Does your farm’s financial
situation support these goals? We’ll get
the conversation started by exploring
these and more.
Part 2: “Framing It Up”
You have the goal–so how do you get
there? We’ll take a look at structuring your
farm business to support your transition
goals, transfer options available and tax
Noon-12:45 p.m.
12:45-2:15 p.m.
Part 3: “Finishing Work”
A plan is only a plan, until it’s real. We’ll
discuss getting the paperwork pulled
together, formalizing the transition plan
and setting it in motion–all while ensuring
it complements estate plans.
Thurs., Dec. 10 Dodgeville
Dodger Bowl (318 King St.)
2:15–3:00 p.m.
Questions & Answers
Please RSVP by phone at (855) 608-8777 or online at
RSVP deadlines are: November 23 for Tomah and Sun Prairie meetings December 1 for Fond du Lac, Elkhorn and Dodgeville meetings
Understanding the Affordable Health Care Law
Tax & Accounting Reminders
Andy McCarty, Tax Development Manager
Depreciation Law
The Affordable Health Care Law can be confusing. However,
it’s important to understand and follow the rules so that you
don’t get penalized. In fact, the penalty for providing health
insurance that is not in compliance with the law is $100
per day per employee, with a max of $36,500 per employee!
Ignoring this law puts you and your farm at risk.
As of January 1, 2015, the Section 179
limit reverted to $25,000 and bonus
depreciation expired. Keep an eye out for
this valuable deduction to be extended
before the end of the year. A good tax plan
should address your options if the law is
not passed.
If you have less than 50 employees, you are not required to
offer health insurance. However, if you have less than 50
employees and choose to offer health insurance to some or
all of them, you must comply with the new law.
Some basic guidelines to follow are:
Repairs and Supplies
Andy McCarty
1. You are not allowed to discriminate. Once you offer
health insurance to any employee, including your spouse, you must offer it to all
eligible employees. There are exceptions for part-time or seasonal employees,
newly-hired employees and employees under age 25.
2. Offering tax-free reimbursement of employee health insurance costs in lieu
of insurance is not allowed. Recent guidance even suggests including the
reimbursement in taxable wages may subject the employer to penalties.
3. If you have a Section 105 Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) and have
more than one employee, make sure you have your plan reviewed as many of
these plans are considered discriminatory under the new law.
Make sure to discuss the compliance of your plan with your tax advisor or insurance
agent to ensure you are protected from the steep penalties.
A Special Donation
This year, Badgerland Financial made a donation to the Iowa County Fairgrounds in Mineral Point for
the ‘Gard Swine Pavillion’ in honor of Glen Gard. Glen was a loan officer in our Lancaster branch for 39
years and retired in 2007. In 2008, he returned to Badgerland Financial on a part-time basis to work in
the Special Credit department until 2013. On September 4th , Glen and his wife, Connie, along with their
family, gathered for the naming dedication ceremony during the Iowa County Fair. Unfortunately, Glen
passed away on October 30th after being diagnosed with a brain tumor in May 2015.
Updated repair and maintenance
regulations have been in place for
over a year. Among other items, these
regulations clarified what should be
capitalized and depreciated versus what
can be expensed as repairs. Make sure to
review any questionable items with your
tax preparer.
W-2 & 1099 Forms Due February 1
You are required by law to provide W-2s
and 1099s to recipients by February 1,
Please submit your completed W-2 and
1099 information to Badgerland Financial
by Friday, January 8th in order for us to
prepare and return the completed forms
to you for distribution by the IRS deadline.
You must prepare a W-2 if you have
one or more employees, including your
parents, your children or your spouse, who
meet any of these tests:
• You paid the employee any amount in
cash wages during the year for nonagricultural labor.
• You paid the employee $150 or more
in cash wages during the year for
agricultural labor.
• You paid cash wages of $2,500 or
more during the year to all your
agricultural employees.
• You paid non-cash (commodity)
wages of $600 or more. Be sure to
indicate cash wages separate from
non-cash (commodity) wages.
Every business is required to file a Form
1099 if you paid $600 or more to:
• Any person or business, other than
corporations, for interest, machine
hire/custom work, repair services,
rents, commissions, fees or prizes.
• Any person or business, including
corporations, for attorney or
veterinarian services.
Badgerland Financial in the Community
On October 10th, Badgerland
Financial and the University of
Wisconsin-Platteville partnered
to host a ‘Celebrate Agriculture’
football game and tailgate.
Far left: Badgerland Financial
team members present a
$2,500 donation to the UWP
School of Ag during halftime.
Near left: Badgerland Financial
team members Rochelle
Schnadt, Emily Schlien and
Carmen Montgomery work the
registration table.
As a thank you to farmers,
Badgerland Financial hosted over
40 harvest lunches at various
sites across our territory this fall.
Near right: Badgerland Financial
team members Dan Kendall, Ron
Bula, Patrick Leege, Karen Seitz,
Stephanie Fosterling and Alison
Kepner serve lunches at Walsh
Grain, Mauston on October 22nd.
Far right: Kellie Grahn serves up
lunches for a customer at Farm
City, Orfordville, on October 20th.
In August and September,
Badgerland Financial hosted 19
Customer Appreciation Dinners
around our service area.
Far left: Attendees sign up for
door prizes during the dinner
in Waunakee on August 11th.
A complete list of door prize
winners can be found in this
Near left: Badgerland Financial
team members Debbie Ruff
and Toby Lubinsky welcome
customers at the registration
table in Eleva on August 19th.
At left: On October 17th,
Badgerland Financial employee,
Rachel Prochaska (center), and
other ‘Celebrate Ag’ sponsors
presented a check for $12,500
to the College of Agriculture and
Life Sciences during the ‘Celebrate
Agriculture’ Badger football game.
At right: On September 26th,
Shelby Knoble served as the
Badgerland Financial Junior
Captain for the Badgers vs. Hawaii
football game. Shelby poses with
honorary captain, John Clay, after
helping with the opening coin toss.
Help End Hunger in Your Community by Investing an Acre
Look for Us at These Upcoming
Trade Shows
Although America’s farmers are among the most
productive and efficient in the world, hunger is still a
significant problem in America. Nearly 15 percent of all
rural households are regularly without food–that’s around
3 million households in the very communities where much
of the world’s food supply is raised. In addition, one out
of every six people regularly goes hungry in the United
January 12-14
Dairy Business Association (DBA)
Dairy Strong Conference 2016
Monona Terrace, Madison
So what happens when farmers band together to feed
households that are struggling to put meals on the table? The result is Invest An Acre,
a program initiated by Howard Buffett and Feeding America to help feed people facing
hunger in rural areas.
Through the Invest An Acre Program, farmers can donate the proceeds of one or more
acres of crops to help feed families facing hunger in southern Wisconsin.
• 100 percent of your contribution will go to Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern
Wisconsin or a Foodbank partner food pantry you choose in your community.
• On average, every bushel of corn can help secure 18 meals and a bushel of
soybeans can help secure up to 40 meals.
• For every dollar you donate, Monsanto will match it, doubling your gift to Second
• Just by donating a single acre, you are helping thousands of your neighbors
receive a healthy meal.
January 13-14
Midwest Farm Show
La Crosse Center, La Crosse
January 24-25
Wisconsin Fresh Fruit & Vegetable
Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells
January 26-27
Symposium ‘16 (hosted by Midwest
Forage Association, WI Customer
Operators & Professional Nutrient
Applicators Association of Wisconsin)
Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells
February 4-5
Wisconsin Corn/Soy Expo
Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells
February 18
Wisconsin Nursery Association 2016 Winter Workshop
Olympia Resort, Oconomowoc
For more information or to give, contact Lisa Gundlach at 608-216-7212 or, or visit
March 4-5, 2016
Madison Marriott West, Middleton
Registration now open at
Growing to Serve You Better
Please welcome our new Badgerland Financial team members who have started since our last newsletter.
Elizabeth Adelmeyer
Tax Consultant
Fond du Lac
Kaley Bockhop
Tax Consultant
Michael Crowell
Tax Consultant
Sun Prairie
Jerec Dorschner
Assistant Vice President
Todd Fischer
Vice President-Risk Mgmt
Sherry Gertsch
Lori Gray
Audrey Gray
Tax Consultant
Scott Heimerdinger
Loan Officer
Katie Keehn
Sr. Tax Consultant
Chelsea Kok
Insurance Technician
Sun Prairie
Alix Kruel
Tax Associate
Fond du Lac
Sidney Lauter
Andy McCarty
Tax Development Manager
Fond du Lac
Kendall Mouw
Assistant Vice President
Customer Service Specialist
Customer Service Specialist/
Team Leader
Customer Service Specialist/
Team Leader
Interested in a Career at Badgerland Financial?
Check out for the most recent job
postings and internship opportunties.
Michael Ray
Tax & Accounting Manager
Sun Prairie
Stevie Riese
Credit Services Specialist
Fond du Lac
Ty Rohloff
Assistant Vice President
Sherrie Sime
Insurance Associate
Holly Thompson
Karla Vale
Customer Service Specialist
Jim Van Pelt
Sr. Tax Consultant
Sun Prairie
Angela Wagner
Insurance Technician
Sun Prairie
Faye Zibell
Customer Service Specialist
Jessica Novinskie
Tax & Accounting Assistant
You love Badgerland Financial’s services. Now tell
others and earn rewards!
For each eligible tax or accounting referral that
you send our way, you could be rewarded with a
$50 gift card*.
Know someone who might benefit from our
lending services? Eligible loan referrals can earn
you a $100 gift card*.
Start spreading the word about how great it is to
work with people who “get” ag and rural life. And
be rewarded for doing it. It’s just another perk of
working with us!
Certain rules and restrictions apply. Contact your
local Badgerland Financial office for more details.
Lower Harvest Prices May
Trigger a Crop Insurance Loss
Final Harvest Prices have been
calculated for 2015 spring crops.
Below is a comparison of the Projected
(Spring) Price versus the final Harvest
Price for corn and soybeans:
Projected Price
Harvest Price
Because the Harvest Price is lower
than the Projected Price for spring
crops, you MAY qualify for a revenue
loss, depending on your yield.
However, this does not mean that you
automatically have a loss. You must
contact your Badgerland Financial
Crop Insurance Specialist to determine
if you qualify for a loss.
Remember–the final date to file a corn
or soybean harvest claim for spring
crops is December 10th. If you think
you may have a claim, you need to
submit it before this date.
Also, if you are not finished harvesting
by December 10th, an adjuster must
appraise your crop in the field.
Please contact your Badgerland
Financial Crop Insurance Specialist
to determine how you are affected by
these prices and deadlines.
Crop Insurance Informational
Meetings Set for January
Keep an eye out for Badgerland
Financial’s Crop Insurance
Informational Meetings coming up in
January 2016. Dates and locations will
be announced in mid-December.
If you have any questions about
these meetings or any crop insurance
question, please contact your local
Badgerland Financial Crop Insurance
2015 Customer Appreciation Door Prize Winners
Thank you to everyone who attended our Customer Appreciation Dinners this fall.
Badgerland Financial was proud to serve over 4,000 customers, staff and guests at
dinners throughout our territory.
Below is a list of door prize winners. Congratulations to all.
Stihl Leaf Blower
Cheryl Junk, Cassville
Pat Lins, Spring Green
Vernon Reed, Burlington
Janice Peterson, Monroe
Jim Roecker, Reedsburg
Kitchen Aid Mixer
Tom Manke, Arlington
Mary Lurvey, Baraboo
Mark Adsit, Burlington
Shirley Hinz, Fond du Lac
Kathy Pedretti, Viroqua
Outdoor Fire Pit
Kathy Duwe, Watertown
Howard Knudtson, Mondovi
Sue Butterbrodt, Beaver Dam
Sara Bartram, Chilton
Sharon Hargarten, Clinton
Nintendo 3DS
Hannah Shaw, Fennimore
Janson Wolfe, Cochrane
Seth Braker, Randolph
Ariel Wier, Osseo
Lois Andersen, Sparta
Larry Losenegger, Mt. Horeb
Jenny Butzler, Rockland
Kathy Bohnhoff, Plymouth
Lisa Sorensen, Pleasant Prairie
Gail Kleinhans, Sheboygan Falls
42” LG TV
Timm Kersten, Marshall
Carolyn Metzger, Dakota
Don Brath, West Bend
Jim Krause, Marshall
Dan Peters, Chaseburg
UW Badgers Football Tickets
Brian Schaal, Burlington
Barb Kersten, Janesville
Rose Durtschi, Monroe
Elissa Jacobson, Watertown
Bernie Mumm, Lancaster
Tim Pitzen, Lancaster
Kay Stanek, Viroqua
ElJane Eckman, Arcadia
Lavern Lenius, Watertown
Linda Hamann, Plymouth
Kurt Flock, Viroqua
Joan Haas, Sparta
Sharon VandeBerg, Fond du Lac
William Dittrich, Arcadia
Todd Thieding, Baraboo
Todd Mefford, Madison
Ralph Dornacker, Plymouth
Zeb Zuehls, Baraboo
Sharon Rud, Mondovi
James Schwartz, Dane
Alfred Schneider, Columbus
Badgerland Financial Board of
Directors Contact Information
Additional Director information is posted at
The 2015-2016 Badgerland Financial Board of Directors. From left: Mark Cade,
Tim Evert, Dan Zimmerman, Ken Congdon, John Manske, Jim Rickert, Dean
Dorn, Rick Carlson, Sandy Larson, Mike Winker, Max Weiss, Greg Pollesch and
Lori Meinholz. Missing from photo: Don Leix.
Nominations Sought for Board of Directors
Do you know someone who would be a good addition to the Badgerland
Financial Board of Directors? Let us know! If you or someone you know is
interested in running for a director position, contact either a nominating
committee member in your area or any Badgerland Financial office.
Nomination committee members by region are as follows:
Mark Cade
(608) 634-4877
Don Leix
(608) 574-1790
Rick Carlson
(608) 574-1096
Lori Meinholz
(608) 836-3588
Ken Congdon
(608) 582-4476
Jim Rickert
(920) 960-9640
Dean Dorn
(608) 756-9591
Max Weiss
(715) 946-3500
Tim Evert
North Freedom
(608) 544-5935
Mike Winker
(920) 994-4669
Dan Zimmerman
(920) 579-1597
NE Region
Ray Halbur, Fond du Lac
(920) 922-9672
SE Region
Dorothy Anderson, Cambridge
(608) 423-3679
Ed Montsma, Fond du Lac
(920) 923-1105
Steven Endres, Waunakee
(608) 849-7687
JoAnn Wingers, Randolph
(920) 348-5837
Todd Kronberg, Milton
(608) 868-1137
Sandy Larson
(608) 290-5545
NW Region
Matt Danzinger, Alma
(608) 685-4106
SW Region
Ken Laufenberg, Dodgeville
(608) 623-2883
Outside Directors:
Dennis Frame, Osseo
(715) 694-2362
Matthew Schmitz, Richland Center
(608) 647-6246
Teresa Simon, Tomah
(608) 372-5244
Mark Yager, Mineral Point
(608) 935-9241
John Manske
(608) 258-4403
Board of Directors/Nominating Committee
Information Guide Available
For election purposes, Badgerland Financial’s 33-county service area is divided into four
geographic regions to ensure all regions of the Association’s territory are represented on the
Board of Directors and Nominating Committee.
Voting Stockholders in each of the four geographic regions elect three Directors and three
Nominating Committee members for a total of 12 elected Directors and 12 elected
Nominating Committee members.
If you’re a voting member, we recently mailed you a copy
of our new Board of Director and Nominating Committee
Information Guide. If you need a copy, stop by one of our
branch offices and ask for one.
Information Guide for
Prospective Directors and
Nominating Committee Members
©2015 Badgerland Financial, ACA.
1430 North Ridge Drive
SE Region
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
SW Region
NE Region
Fond du Lac
Green Lake
proud member of the
NW Region
La Crosse
Greg Pollesch
(920) 235-1027
1430 North Ridge Drive
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
proud member of the
In This Issue
• Succession Planning Seminar
Dates and Locations
• #LoveMyLand Contest Results
• 2016 High School Scholarship
Badgerland Financial Office Locations & Phone Numbers
Office Transactions
Badgerland Financial is happy to serve you at your
home or place of business. When you need to come
to us, we offer a friendly reminder that you can go
to any branch office you prefer.
Cars for Sale
Well-maintained company vehicles are periodically
available for purchase from Badgerland Financial.
Visit for a current listing
(under the “Our Company” section).
Farm Credit Discount Program
Badgerland Financial customers are eligible
for discounts available from retailers through
the nationwide Farm Credit Member Savings
program. Visit the Member Benefits section on to view the most recent
Member Savings flyer.
Arcadia: (800) 236-4425
Mondovi: (800) 236-2188
Corporate Headquarters
1430 North Ridge Drive
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
Baraboo: (800) 236-3376
Monroe: (888) 755-9166
Beaver Dam: (800) 569-6838
Plymouth: (800) 569-6844
Burlington: (800) 755-0345
Prairie du Sac: (877) 780-6410
Chilton: (800) 569-6834
Sparta: (800) 236-3148
P : (800) 356-2197
F : (608) 643-0116
Dodgeville: (800) 236-3396
Sun Prairie: (800) 324-5766
Fond du Lac: (800) 569-6840
Viroqua: (800) 236-1288
Janesville: (800) 755-0344
Watertown: (800) 686-1338
Lancaster: (800) 236-2030
Rates Online
Badgerland Financial posts representative loan
rates online at
©2015 Badgerland Financial, ACA. NMLS ID 458065.
This Agency is an Equal Opportunity Provider.

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