November 2015
November 2015
November 2015 Volume 13 Issue 11 The Newsletter of Northside Community Church This Thanksgiving... Adrian Dixon, Lead Pastor This Thanksgiving, what will you be giving thanks for? Some will be giving thanks for a new job, a new addition to their family, restored health, reconciled relationships and the everyday mundane things. We really do have so much to be thankful for! This Thanksgiving, I am particularly grateful to God… For the ability to see, hear, think, speak, play sports, work and move around; for an occasional rest from all the day to day things that occupy my time; for my home; for medicine that controls health issues; for having a 36th birthday. For a Christian upbringing and a great church to have grown up in; for a wonderful wife who has made marriage a true gift from God; for a daughter and son who I know have taught me more than I’ve been able to teach them; for a loving brother whose encouragement and belief in the goodness of God and others is unwavering; for a sister-in-law who embodies meekness and a gentle spirit; for a niece and soon to be nephew who make being an uncle a welcomed role; for in-laws who love me as if I had belonged to them all along; for friends who journey with me down the road of life, allowing me to be me; for parents who continue to support me, long after they had to; for grandparents whose legacies of faith give me something to aspire to; for individuals I know who keep no record of wrongs and show me forgiveness. For meaningful work at the hospital, great colleagues and a commute that affords me some much needed quiet time with God; for trials and struggles, both personally and professionally, knowing that they strengthen my faith; for the freedoms and prosperity of our country, in spite of the current divisions we see; for our military who are serving overseas and here at home to protect my freedoms; for the colors and coolness of this season; for opportunities to meet and know good people; to serve God, His people and those who do not know Him yet. For Jesus Christ our Savior, for the blessed Holy Spirit, for Christian brothers and sisters locally and universally, for the privilege of continuing to serve the congregation at Northside, for loving believers whose lives touched many, but who have departed to join the church triumphant, and for the fellowship and encouragement of my church family both locally and around the world. Thank you God. Amen. Happening In November & December 1 Baptism | 1:00 pm Come join us as Knightdale Baptist is hosting us for our Fall baptism service. Lily Johnson and Kevin Lucas will be baptized. 7 Fall Festival | 12:00—3:00 pm Food, inflatables, games, and good family fun for all ages! It’s all free! Invite a friend or neighbor to come with you! 22 24 Thanksgiving Agape Meal & Congregational Meeting Come join us at 6:00 pm for our annual Thanksgiving Agape Meal and congregational meeting. We’ll be voting on the 2016 budget, reviewing the congregational survey and updating the search for a student pastor. All partners and regular attendees are encouraged to attend. Bring a covered dish to share with others. Community Thanksgiving Service | 7:00 pm Come join area congregations at 7:00 pm at Knightdale Baptist Church as we join together for community worship. Please bring a bag of non-perishable food items for our community pantry. 26 Thanksgiving Day Outreach | 11:00 am—2:00 pm Come join us as we mark our 10th annual Thanksgiving Day outreach at Circus Family Restaurant. There are volunteer opportunities for all ages, but you must sign up to participate. Please sign up in the lobby to volunteer. 29 Holy Communion | 9:00 & 10:45 am Come join us as we observe this holy sacrament. Dec 13 Infant/Child Dedication | 10:45 am Come join us for a very special time as we dedicate our youngest children to the Lord. If you would like to present your child(ren) in dedication at the 10:45 am service, please connect with Pastor Adrian Dixon. Dangerous Prayers Series Continues... During the month of November, we’ll be finishing up our 8 week series on Dangerous Prayers. What have you taken away from this series? Come join us on Sundays as we wrap up our teachings on Dangerous Prayers. God, Lead Me November 1 God, Help Me November 8 God, Help Me With My Kids | November 15 God, Help Me to Be Thankful | November 22 SUNDAYS @ 9:00 & 10:45 AM Operation Christmas Child OCC is underway! Our 2014 goal is 120 packed boxes. Containers are available in the lobby. Filled boxes are due Sunday, November 22nd. Your gift could change the life of a child forever! Don’t forget to include the $7.00 shipping charge with each box. Connect with Tara Johnson at if you have any questions. We Need You! As we prepare for 2016, we need partners and regular attenders who are willing to serve. There are volunteer opportunities to greet, serve coffee, usher, keep up the grounds, clean the facility, serve in the nursery and teach in our children’s ministry. To volunteer for any of these opportunities, please sign up in the church lobby. We reflect Jesus best when we’re serving others. 10 Years & Counting... This year marks the 10th anniversary for our Thanksgiving Day outreach at the Circus Family Restaurant. This outreach has become a fixture in our community and one of the largest Thanksgiving Day outreaches in the Triangle area. Last year, over 1,000 plates were served to those in our community. To make this Thanksgiving one to remember for you and others, sign up in the church lobby to help serve. There are volunteer opportunities for all ages. November 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts 6:30-8:00 pm May Small Group 7:00 pm Read & Feed 5:30—6:45 pm NAMI Group 7:00-8:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00 am IHOP Northside’s Fall Festival 12:00—3:00 pm 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts 6:30-8:00 pm Girl Scouts 6:00—8:30 pm Read & Feed 5:30—6:45 pm NAMI Group 7:00-8:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00 am IHOP Middle / High School Youth 5:00—6:30 pm Middle / High School Youth 5:00—6:30 pm Worship Team Practice 7:00 pm Worship Team Practice 7:00 pm God, Grace & You Bible Study 6:30—8:30 pm 15 16 17 18 19 20 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts 6:30-8:00 pm May Small Group 7:00 pm Read & Feed 5:30—6:45 pm NAMI Group 7:00-8:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00 am IHOP Middle / High School Youth 5:00—6:30 pm Deacon’s Meeting 7:00 Worship Team Practice 7:00 pm Staff Meeting 7:00 pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts 6:30-8:00 pm Girl Scouts 6:00—8:30 pm Read & Feed 5:30—6:45 pm Thanksgiving Day Outreach Circus Family Restaurant 11 am—2 pm Men’s Bible Study 7:00 am IHOP 30 30 Congregational Meeting & Thanksgiving Agape Meal 6:00 pm 29 Worship 9:00 / 10:45 am Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts *Holy Communion 6:30-8:00 pm Middle / High School Youth 5:00—6:30 pm Community Thanksgiving Service 7:00 pm Knightdale Baptist Church 21 28 Congregational Support Our Elders are available for any spiritual needs you have. Our Deacons are available to assist you with your physical needs. These individuals are able to assist you this month. Crews have installed the sump pump system for the Lower Level. With all the rain we had in October, the system has already been put to use and is working properly! Thank the good Lord! November Elder Our 27 year old HVAC system will start being replaced the first week in November. The HVAC work should finish up by November 11th. Crews will split the HVAC units specifically for the Upper and Lower Levels. In addition, the Prayer Room and Nursery will be getting new ventilation to make those rooms more comfortable. Tom Bodette | 919.217.5662 Jonathan May | 919.334.8358 November Deacons Tara Johnson | 919.649.9073 Need Prayer? Email requests to: Following the HVAC installation, the floors in the Lower Level that were impacted by the sump pump installation will be replaced. This will include new carpet in the children’s check-in area. The total cost for these improvements will be near $45,000.00. Thank you for your faithful giving that has helped cover these important needs. October Stewardship October 4 October 11 October 18 October 25 Attendance 196 (110/86) 161 (77/84) 141 (58/83) 166 (89/77) Offering $5,900.90 $2,895.31 $2,525.33 $4,543.75 Average Sunday Attendance: 166 Total Amount of Tithes $15,865.29 Amount Needed Per Week $3,842.12 Average Weekly Tithes $3,966.32 YTD Budget Overage $6,882.21 “The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to fear the Lord your God.” (NLT) Deuteronomy 14:23c November Birthdays Rita Almond Leigh Ross Greg Gordon Jessica Jones Bill Scorso Johnny Brooks Tammy Hawkes Josie Pfeiffer Cadence Baldwin Jaxton Bodette Eden Reynolds David Vinston Frances Rogerson Wesley Sawyer Austin Bodette Camellia Atkinson Rachel Barnes November 3rd November 3rd November 14th November 14th November 18th November 20th November 20th November 20th November 23rd November 23rd November 24th November 24th November 25th November 25th November 27th November 28th November 28th Did we miss yours? Please let us know. Northside Community Church Mission | Values Mission: Our mission is to meet our community’s changing needs by living the unchanging Gospel of Christ. Values: Fidelity | We are committed to Biblical truth and prayer Authenticity | We are committed to creating an environment where people can come as they are Compassion | We are committed to heartfelt concern for the needs of others Engagement | We are committed to intentionally pursuing involvement in our community Staff: Adrian Dixon, Lead Pastor | Eric Dixon, Pastor of Worship | Dee Belvin, Minister to Children | Leigh Ross, Minister of Discipleship & Small Groups | PO Box 1139 Knightdale, NC 27545
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