Report from the President


Report from the President
Official Publication of Local 6215 Communications Workers of America—AFL-CIO
Volume 51, Number 2
Report from the President
by: Nancy Lee Brown, President
As of this moment in time we have more questions
than answers about the DIRECTV merger. Now that
the deal is done, we will start to see how things are
going to go. AT&T has announced the senior management for DIRECTV, but we have no details on how it
will affect our bargaining units. The announcement
that the training for Premise Technicians has been temporarily postponed is due to the work load. Chris Shelton, our National President, is proposing to AT&T they
we have national bargaining talks regarding the effects
of this merger. There
are many factors of work to be considered.
Our Local, which is our members, is ready to do
whatever it takes for a just resolve for this work that
will be expected of us. If AT&T wants to be a premier
entertainment company they need to be a premier employer first.
“See you at the next Union Meeting.”
Local 6215
Workers of America
Nancy Lee Brown
Executive Vice President
Nancy Hall
Vice President
Ron Swaggerty
Mary Linhart
Anita Learned
Connie Orms
If you have changed
your address, please contact:
Connie Orms, Editor
1408 N. Washington, Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75204
Nancy Lee Brown……..……………1
From the Editor.…………………….2
Mary Linhart………………………..3
Bargaining Survey-page 1………….4
Bargaining Survey-page 2………….5
Bargaining Proposal Form………….6
Bonnie Mathias……………………..7
Education Fair………………………8
From the Editor
by: Connie Orms
Mark your calendar! The next
deadline for the UNIONEER is
on Friday, September 25, 2015.
Send your articles to the email
address for the UNIONEER by 5:00pm on that day.
If you have any pictures, please send them as an
embedded within your article. Thanks.
If you have moved, let your UNION know
If you have recently moved or your mailing address has changed, please let the Union Office
know. Just because you let your employer know,
does NOT mean the Union Office gets that info.
It is our goal to keep our mailing address for each
member current and correct. It is important that
you get every piece of mail we send to you.
Mobility Bargaining Information
Presented by: Mary Linhart, Secretary
The AT&T Mobility contract with CWA District
6 expires February 26, 2016. Your CWA Bargaining committee will begin bargaining with AT&T
Mobility in January 2016. Over the next few
months, our Local, among others with Mobility
Union members, and the bargaining committee will
be developing specific demands and proposals to
present during negotiations.
2016 Mobility Bargaining Survey:
In preparation for the Mobility Caucus and our upcoming 2016 negotiations, the following forms
have been prepared for use by our Local’s members who are employed by AT&T Mobility.
Bargaining Survey: {see pages 4&5}
This is a 2-page form. All Mobility union members have the opportunity to fill out a survey and
rank their priorities. Please be sure to circle your
#1 priority. It is also important that members fill
out both pages of the survey. The information on
page 2 will be valuable to our Local in assisting to
identify members willing to participate in mobilization activities. Deadline to have the bargaining
survey completed and turned in to the Local is by
end of business Friday, September 18, 2015.
Bargaining Proposal Form: {see page 6}
This form provides members an opportunity to
submit proposed changes for consideration by the
CWA Bargaining Committee and the delegates to
the caucus. Please submit ONE proposal per form
and write or print legibly. Forms should be filled
out completely. When making a proposal, be sure
that it is a proposal for which it would be worth
striking. The proposals will be approved before
sending to the District Office for consideration of
the bargaining committee.
Remember this,
Should you have any questions, please contact
your Mobility Chief Stewards:
Annie Roberson: 214.886.0854
Lamar Banks: 214.436.9397
Lotasha Dennis: 972.322.2852
Call the Union Hall: 214.826.6215
You can print these pages, fill them out and return
Again, the deadline is end of business Friday,
them to the union hall. You can mail them in, or
18, 2015. Thank you for your particiscan and email to .You may
pation in this very important process, and the ultialso FAX the forms to 214.823.8199 or give to
mate privilege of your union membership.
your Chief Steward to return for you.
by: Bonnie L. Mathias, CWA, RMC, and Community Activist
Most CWA Labor Agreements offer tuition reimbursement
for continuing education within the scope of your work and
beyond. Have you looked into what is available? It is better
to be certified and do networking, than one day you end up
Are you ready for 2020?
We are very fortunate to live in an area where there are
multiple educational opportunities. Tarrant and Dallas
County Community Colleges are exceptional and offer a
large variety of technical, academic and certification programs. If you are considering working toward a degree
there are many on-line options to choose from as well as
“Do your homework. Do what is best for your
the many Universities in the DFW area.
career path. USE THOSE BENEFITS!”
Compared to other CWA Districts across the United
States - District 6 members are in the lowest percentile for taking advantage of the education benefits
afforded you by your Collective Bargaining Agreements. During contract negotiations the Company
looks for benefits they can cut or eliminate to increase profit for themselves - If you don't use a benefit
you stand to lose it.
Brothers and Sisters, get all the training, certifications and degrees you can on the Company's dime!
An educated workforce is our future. Wireless Technologies and Fiber are here and must be expanded
to include rural areas per the DIRECTV deal.
Tune in to KNON 89.3 FM every
Saturday morning from 9-10AM
and listen to Bonnie Mathias
and Gene Lantz
Host of “The Workers Beat”