Executive Committee Report


Executive Committee Report
This year’s Executive Committee experienced some turnover throughout the course of
the term. Troy Lundblad, who was elected as Chair, stepped down July 3. Under Bylaw
7.2n, Erin Black (the Vice Chair of Units 3&4) was appointed by the rest of the Executive
to fulfill the Chair’s duties until such time as a by-election could be held. Valentina
Fulginiti, elected as CRS, resigned August 1 to take up an academic position. The
Executive appointed Jessica Gardiner in the position on a pro tem basis. Both Erin and
Jessica were affirmed in their positions at the October GMM when no other members
ran for these seats in the by-elections. Erin subsequently resigned as VC3/4 (since one
cannot hold two positions) and Erich Vogt became the VC3. Supriya Syal was elected to
Vice Chair Unit 5, but stepped down for February 1. Scott Melvin was appointed VC5
on a pro tem basis to serve the remainder of the term. Abe Nasirzadeh was elected
Secretary Treasurer, but had to resign effective April 5, with Emily Clare subsequently
being appointed to the ST position on a pro tem basis.
Throughout the year, the major focus of the Executive Committee was on bargaining
and strike preparations/the strike. Units 1, 3, and 5 were bargaining simultaneously.
Unit 5 achieved its first contract in December (ratified by 73% January 13). Units 1 and
3 had a shared strike deadline of February 27. Unit 3 achieved a contract February 18
(ratified by 78% March 10) that afforded gains in the area of job security that the unit has
been fighting for since 2009, while Unit 1 went on a four week strike, ultimately ended
by a 75% decision to go to binding arbitration on the outstanding issues of graduate
funding and tuition relief. Two new pots of money have been made available by the
UofT to deal with these core issues, with the arbitrator to decide on the specific
mechanism for operationalization of these monies.
In addition to bargaining related matters, the Executive Committee also began the
search for an Executive Director, a position approved by the general membership at the
2014 AGM. The Committee felt it was appropriate to have the ED in place before
expanding the staff by adding a third staff rep position. The hiring committee consisted
of the Chair, Secretary Treasurer, Judy Pocock, Clarissa Forbes (Stewards) and Jamie
Levin (former Trustee). Three candidates were interviewed for the ED position, which
was ultimately offered to Wayne Dealy who started in early February. Please join us in
welcoming Wayne to his new role within the local.
The Executive is also now in the process of hiring a term-replacement staff
representative (to fill Jesse Payne’s position while he is on parental leave for a year;
please join us in congratulating Jesse on the birth of his second child).
Please see the following pages for an individual report from each of the 2014-2015 Executive
Committee members.
Major Task to be continued by the 2015-16 Executive:
- Bargaining for Units 2 and 4
- Bargaining a new agreement with our staff (represented by CUPE 1281)
- Undertaking hiring a third full-time staff member (pending budget approval)
- Overseeing contract implementation for Units 1, 3, and 5 (and eventually 2 and
- Ongoing mobilization
Notice of Motion (M/S: Executive Committee) to Amend bylaw 7.4 a) viii.
(see page 2)
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Executive Report
Annual General Meeting
April 27, 2015
Erin Black
Vice Chair Units 1& 2
Ryan Culpepper
Vice Chair Units 3&4
Erich Vogt
Vice Chair Unit 5
Scott Melvin
(Supriya Syal until Jan. 2015)
Emily Clare (pro tem April 5)
(Abouzar Nasirzadeh)
Grievance Officer
Sean Hayes
Communications & Recording
Jessica Gardiner
External Liaison Officer
Dan Brielmaier
Internal Liaison Officer
Alex Ivovic
NOTICE OF MOTION: (M/S: Executive Committee)
Whereas the current bylaw regarding additional honorarium for the Chair makes it difficult for certain members
to access this honorarium due to the precarity of their work; and
Whereas all members, from all bargaining units, are eligible to run for Chair and should have access to the same
potential compensation; and
Whereas all members, from all bargaining units should feel encouraged to run for Chair;
BIRT that Bylaw 7.4 a) viii be amended to encourage the Chair to take work release where possible, but to allow
the Chair to either be released from, or receive an honorarium equivalent to, one FCE (or equivalent) of
bargaining unit work per term of office.
The Chair shall:
Be the chief executive officer of and spokesperson for the Local.
Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and general membership; at her or his
discretion, she or he may appoint a chairperson for any meeting.
Be the chief administrator of the Local, responsible, in conjunction with the Executive
Committee, for the smooth and efficient operation of the Local, including supervision of
staff and administration of the staff Collective Agreement.
Sign all authorizations, contracts, and other official documents of the Local. In
conjunction with the Secretary-Treasurer, she or he shall be responsible for accounting
for all funds of the Local.
Be responsible, in concert with the Communications and Recording Secretary and ViceChairs, for the calling of all Local meetings, except for meetings of Stewards' Council, and
for provision of the required notice for such meetings.
Be a member of all councils and committees of the Local (or name a designate in his/her
Report to the membership at each general membership meeting regarding the actions of
the Executive Committee.
Be released from, up to 280 hours or receive an honorarium equivalent to, one FCE (or
equivalent as applicable) of bargaining unit work per term of office to ensure the best
possible representation of the Local’s interest at their discretion, to perform his/her
duties better. The Chair cannot take an additional honorarium in lieu of release from
bargaining unit work. Where possible the Chair will be encouraged to take work release.
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Erin Black, Chair
 CUPE 3902 Executive – weekly meetings
 Labour Management Committee re: CUPE 1281
 Executive Director Hiring Committee
 Term Replacement Staff Representative Hiring Committee
 Unit 3 Bargaining Team (Co-Chief Negotiator)
 Unit 5 Bargaining Team
 Labour Management Committee Meetings between CUPE 3902 and the University of Toronto
 CAUT Contract Academic Staff Committee (monthly meetings)
 CUPE 3902 representative on University of Toronto Employee Survey (“Speaking Up”)
 Joint USW 1998/UTFA/CUPE 3902 Response Committee Re: Closure of B.Ed/Diploma Program
 Attended Monthly Steward Council Meetings
Bargaining/Strike Support
 Assisted in developing Unit 3 proposals (in conjunction with Staff and Bargaining Team)
 Served as Co-Chief Negotiator in Unit 3 Bargaining Sessions
 Authored Bargaining Bulletins for Unit 3
 Worked with Unit 3 Bargaining Support Coordinator and Strike Committee to prepare for
possible Unit 3 strike
 Attended Undergraduate townhalls on possible CUPE 3902 strike
 Attended Strike Committee Meetings
 Attended Unit 1 bargaining meeting during conciliation & the strike
 Worked with Strike Committee during execution of Unit 1 strike
 Media contact during Unit 1 Strike
 CAUT Contract Academic Staff Committee Meeting (Ottawa, March 12-13, 2015)
 CAUT Council (Ottawa, April 30-May 3 2015)
Communications & Member Outreach (outside of Bargaining)
 Chief Spokesperson for Local
 Answering questions/addressing Members’ (all Units) concerns
 Assisted with drafting of bi-weekly CUPE Digest
 Sending emails with important information membership
 Authored articles for The Guardian
 Organized Membership Meetings
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Ryan Culpepper, Vice Chair Unit 1 & 2
 Chair at Unit 1 and Unit 2 Membership Meetings
 Co-Chief Negotiator for the Unit 1 Bargaining Team
 Executive Committee Representative to the Unit 2 Bargaining Team
 Worked with Staff and Unit Bargaining Teams to write and develop proposal language
 Worked as Co-Chief Negotiator at Unit 1 bargaining sessions with the Employer
 Worked with Unit Bargaining Teams to write and distribute Bargaining Bulletins and other
 Maintained the CUPE 3902 Bargaining Facebook page
 Attended dozens of information sessions and townhalls and spoke around campus regarding
 Worked with the Bargaining Support Committee and the Strike Committee to prepare for and
execute the Unit 1 strike
 Coordinated all departmental orientation sessions for Unit 1
 Assisted Staff and other Executive Committee members in the creation and assembly of
orientation kits
 Worked with Bargaining Support Coordinators, especially that of Unit 1, to develop mobilization
strategies for the units regarding bargaining and strike readiness
 Represented CUPE 3902 as a delegate at CUPE Ontario, the Ontario University Workers
Coordinating Committee (presented a session on “Bargaining for the University We Want”), the
CUPE National Sectoral Conference, the Canadian Federation of Students Graduate Student
Symposium (presented a session entitled “Workers’ Rights on University Campuses”), and the
CUPE All-Locals Emergency Meeting
 Spoke about CUPE 3902 bargaining on a panel convened by CUPE 3903 (York University) to
discuss coordinated bargaining across Locals
 Spoke about international-student issues at CUPE 3906 (McMaster University)
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Erich Vogt, Vice Chair Units 3 & 4, pro tem
 CUPE 3902 Executive – weekly meetings
 Unit 3 Bargaining Team – October 2014 – February 2015
 Unit 1 Bargaining Team (mediation meetings)
 Grievance Committee meetings (throughout the academic year)
 Attended Steward Council Meetings
 OUWCC (Ottawa, 19 – 22 February 2015)
Communications, Bargaining & Member Outreach
 Answering questions/addressing Unit 3 Members’ concerns
 Sending emails with important information to Unit 3/4 membership
 Developed (with U3 BT) Unit 3 Bargaining Commitments
 Assisted with drafting of U3 Bargaining Bullets updates
 Mobilized U3 Membership to authorize Bargaining team to call for strike action if necessary
 Authored article on Academic Freedom in Canada for The Guardian
 Assisted with Unit 3 CA Ratification Meeting
 Engaged with Unit 3 Members’ in Listserv dialogue on the pros and cons of ratifying the CA
 Engaged with Opposition science critic and UFTA leadership on promotion of academic freedom
 Participated in and spoke at campus-wide public goods events (fossil fuel divestment campaign,
anti-Keystone XL campaign, etc.)
 CAUT Collective Bargaining Training
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Scott Melvin, Vice Chair Unit 5
 Represent all CUPE 3902 members at the CUPE 3902 Executive
 Liaise between Unit 5 Postdocs and the CUPE 3902 Executive Committees
 CUPE 3902 Executive – weekly meetings
 Chair at Unit 5 Membership Meetings
 Attend Monthly Steward Council Meetings
Communications & Member Outreach
 Answered questions/addressed Unit 5 Members’ concerns (particularly with relation to the Unit
1 strike and Unit 5 contract implementation)
 Sent emails with important information to Unit 5 membership
 Worked with Union Staff Reps to deal with Unit 5 grievances
 Worked with Union Staff Reps to deal with Unit 5 contract implementation issues
 Organized Unit 5 Membership Meeting
 Attended Unit 1 Bargaining Meetings with the University
 Attended Unit 3 Bargaining Meetings with the University
 Chaired Unit 3 Ratification Vote Meeting
 Attended Unit 1 Ratification Vote Meetings
 Attended Unit 1 Meetings
 Attended Strike Committee Meetings
 Attended Joint Strike / Bargaining Team / Executive Meetings
 Attended several strike rally events
 Assisted in strike preparations and office operations during the strike
 Chaired Unit 3 membership meeting
(Supriya Syal)
 Unit 5 Bargaining Team
 Hiring Committee for Unit 5 Bargaining Support Coordinator
 Liaised with CAUT on behalf of Unit 5
 Authored Bargaining Bulletins for Unit 5
 Held Info Sessions for Unit 5 Members
 Organized Unit 5 Membership Meetings
 Chaired Unit 1 Membership Meetings
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Abe Nasirzadeh, Secretary-Treasurer
 CUPE 3902 Executive – weekly meetings
 Labour Management Committee re: CUPE 1281
 Bargaining Support Committee
 Strike Committee
 Unit 2 Bargaining Team
 Financial liaison with Office Admin Finance
 Technology committee
 Undertook studies of the Local’s technology and upgrade of computer systems
 Prepared strategic plans for Unit 1 strike vote, which resulted in a %90.3 yes vote and the highest
ever turnout in a strike vote for any academic local in Canada
 Served as the Strike Coordinator and managed strike preparation activities
 Invested all un-allocated money into high-interest accounts to generate revenue
 Liaising with CUPE National and other bodies for strike preparation
Emily Clare (Pro Tem April 5)
 CUPE 3902 Executive
 Strike Committee
 Finance Committee
 Served as the Strike Pay Coordinator during and after the strike
 Served as the Alternate Duties Coordinator during the strike
 Prepared the 2015-2016 budget with the input of the finance committee and executive
Member Outreach
 Assisting members with strike pay issues and discrepancies
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Sean Hayes, Grievance Officer
 CUPE 3902 Executive – weekly meetings
 Grievance Committee
 Labour Management Committee re: CUPE 1281
 Unit 3 Bargaining Team
 Labour Management Committee Meetings between CUPE 3902 and the University of Toronto
 Attended Monthly Steward Council Meetings
 Responsible for logistics of drivers and cargo vans during the Unit 1 strike
Grievance Handling
 Oversaw the handling of grievances and questions from members.
 Along with the members of grievance committee and staff reps continued to solve the majority of
members’ problems informally at the “Step 0” of the grievance process.
 Helped to negotiate appropriate settlements in a number of grievance cases that were scheduled
for arbitration.
 Worked with staff reps and legal counsel to prepare cases for arbitrations.
Communications & Member Outreach
 Answering questions/addressing Members’ concerns
 Developed (with U3 BT) Unit 3 Bargaining Commitments
 Planned and facilitated Organizer/Union Training for Unit 5 Members (Sept 13, 2014)
 Facilitated U5 bargaining information sessions.
 Conducted multiple orientation sessions.
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Jessica Gardiner, Communications and Recording Secretary
(Aug 1, 2014 to Present)
 Member of Unit 3 Bargaining Team
 CUPE 3902 Executive Officer –attending and taking minutes as member of Executive Committee
(30 mtgs)
 Editor-in-chief of the Guardian
 Responsible for keeping minutes of meetings of Stewards’ Council, the Executive Committee and
the membership (64 mtgs)
 Ensured that proper notice is given for meetings as per the union’s by-laws.
 Oversaw membership applications
 Sent by-weekly digests to members, and ensured that other important information was circulated
through the listserv
 Maintained files for all minutes
 Oversaw all CRS correspondence
The Guardian
 Produced edition in October 2014
 Coordinated activities of Editorial Board
 Provided content for four items
Member of Unit 3 bargaining team
Hiring team for Mobilization Coordinator positions
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Dan Brielmaier, External Liaison Officer
CUPE 3902 Executive Officer
o Attend meetings of Executive Committee
o Attend unit meetings and Steward’s Council when possible
Attend or arrange representation to monthly meetings of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council and
the CUPE Toronto District Council
Organize member participation in educational programmes offered by bodies to which the Local is
affiliated (such as CUPE School)
Organize delegates to the Union’s conventions and all other conventions of bodies to which the Local is
Develop/maintain contacts and liaise with other locals and national organizations
 Unit 1 Bargaining Committee
o Chair of Bargaining Committee from March-April 2015
o Chair's Designate to the Unit 1 Bargaining Committee
o Participated in proposal development, bargaining prep, negotiations, and arbitration prep
o Participated in info sessions with members and at Unit 1 meetings
 Unit 4 (St. Michael’s College) Bargaining Committee
o led review of Collective Agreement
o Recruiting and establishing Unit 4 Bargaining Committee
o Drafting member survey and developing bargaining proposals
Liaising and Mobilization
 Organized participation in Labour Day, Internat’l Women’s Day events
 Secured funds for Women’s Caucus events
 Organized delegates for CUPE Ontario (Windsor); CUPE Sector Conference (Toronto), OUWCC
(Ottawa) meetings, CUPE Women’s Conference (Toronto)
 Participated in Ontario Academic Locals meeting (U. of Guelph) -- Resulted in foundation of resource
group: Contingent Academic Workers Network
 Attended or ensured representation at monthly Toronto & York Labour Council and CUPE Toronto
District Council
 Secured letters of support and helped direct flying pickets from sister Locals
 Composed letters of support for bargaining sister Locals
 Led orientation sessions for several departments
 Attended UofT Employees Associations and Unions (UTEAU) meetings
 Participated in Executive retreat
 Took part in 2-day CAUT bargaining training
 Member of USMC Joint Health and Safety Committee (Unit 4)
 Contributor to the bi-weekly CUPE digest
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Alexander Ivovic, Internal Liaison Officer
 Chief representative of the Local to all on-campus organizations, associations and unions,
particularly coordinating with the GSU before and during the strike
 Attend Monthly Stewards’ Council Meetings
 Representing the Local at meetings of the University of Toronto Employment Associations and
Unions (UTEAU)
 Meeting with leaders of USW Local 1998 to discuss major overhauls of our workplace health and
safety structures
 Working to increase number of CUPE 3902 representatives on the University of Toronto’s Joint
Health and Safety Committees
 Weekly meetings with the Unit 1, Unit 3, and Unit 5 Bargaining Support Coordinators to plan
and coordinate mobilization strategies
 CUPE 3902 Executive – weekly meetings
 Strike Committee – Executive representative from January - March 9th (Week 1 of strike) and
Strike Coordinator from March 10th – 26th (Weeks 2 -4)
 Mobilization Committee
 Chair’s designate on Grievance Committee
 Healthcare negotiation committee
 Hiring committee
 Canadian Labour Congress Convention (May 5-9, 2014)
 Ontario Academic Locals Meeting (Guelph, July 26-27, 2014)
 Good Jobs Summit (October 3-5, 2014)
 CUPE National Sector Conference (October 6-9, 2014)
 Anti-Poverty Assembly – Speaker for University sector campaigning and mobilization (April 1718, 2015)
Communications & Member Outreach
 Authored article for The Guardian
 Participated in Organizer/Union Training for Unit 5 Members (Sept 13, 2014)
 Conducted multiple orientation sessions
 Attended Stewards’ workshop, training and social
 CAUT Bargaining Training (April, 2014)
 Executive Retreat & Management Training (July 18-19, 2014)
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