PILGRIMAGE TO GARABANDAL – May 10th -- 14th 2015 Organised by Philip Illsley with Fr J.Thomas. Top -- group outside Church in Garabandal – Below some just come down from the Pines. Pictures from Nisha Cooke. THE WELSH PILGRIMAGE to San Sebastian De Garabandal: May 10th – 14th 2015 Organised by Philip Illsley, Spiritual Director Fr John Patrick Thomas. Our recent Pilgrimage to Garabandal ; by Philip Illsley. I have personally been blessed to lead the Welsh pilgrimage to Medjugorje 49 times, each visit has been memorable on my own journey of faith, each visit has brought me peace and tranquillity and a closeness to God, with a deepening and greater love of my faith, the whole atmosphere there echoes peacefulness. I have not experienced the “Exquisite Peacefulness” that we have all experienced in Garabandal, nor have I experienced this anywhere else in the world including Medjugorje. Walking through this very small village, or through the fields and climbing the hills to the pines, or even being in our hotel, the simplicity and serenity and absolute beauty of this holy place, allows your heart to open to the call of Mary, to let the Love of Jesus, penetrate into your whole being, and you inhale this wonderful beauty of God’s creation that surrounds you in every direction that you gaze upon in Garabandal, it is truly breathtaking scenery and breathtaking peace and quietness, the only sound is that of nature and God’s creation. This inner Peace and tranquillity radiates a sense of holiness within the fields and the mountainsides surrounding this village called Garabandal where the blessed Mother appeared in 1961. This remarkable place has No Noise, No Traffic, it really radiates peace and quietness, and it makes us all realise the beauty of Gods creation, and that He created this for the love of all, of His creatures. This inner Peace and tranquillity that you find in Garabandal, also make’s you realise that we His creatures rarely thank God for the beauty of His creation, we rarely thank Him, for the birds, the fields, the trees, the flowers, the mountains, the sun, and we take all this, Love He has spread in His Creation so much for granted, rarely do any of us thank the Father for the beauty of His creation and His goodness to all His creatures, so that we may all return love for love. This inner Peace and tranquillity that you find in Garabandal, helps, us to recapture serenity and purpose, you begin to understand more the reason you are living, where you have come from, where you are going, you feel like a new person, and you are aware that something has changed in your life, you rediscover a love in your life, that perhaps trials, and difficulties have buried; The Love of God! and the beauty of His creation. Many people do not have peace, in their hearts today, because many are far from God. We are all of us craving for a new and better world but this is not possible without God in it! With the denying of God, and the with drawl from God, we are all witnessing in the world today, we are all rushing headlong into the, Tribulation foretold by Our Blessed lady the Queen of prophets here at Garabandal. Before leaving for Garabandal; The Mass Readings for the Friday the 5th week of Easter May 8th 2015 just before we started our pilgrimage and the Key Words were “ Remain in Me “ And these words are really significant now on our return because if we are not at “ PEACE “ then we should ask ourselves these 3 things. 1) Am I doing the Will of God ? 2) Am I trusting Him ?. 3) Am I loving God and my neighbour ? Put simply: Am I being Faithfull, Trusting and Loving. In the Readings for this day, Jesus put it This way ; Remain in me, as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in Me, and I in him will bear much fruit, because without Me you can do nothing. ( John 15 ; 4-5 ) In a word, being Faithful, Trusting, and Loving, according to Gods Word is Friendship with Him! Jesus put it this way; You are my friends if you do what I Command you… I who choose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain. “ Go and Bear Fruit, Fruit that will Last ( John 15 ; 9- 17 ) Go and bear fruit my friends of what you have seen and heard in Garabandal, Spread its message, this is your task now that you have seen and heard. These important messages and events of Garabandal are below !! The Two Main Marian apparitions Ever in my view are Garabandal and Medjugorje By Philip Illsley. Our Lady appeared in Garabandal to four young girls aged between 11 & 12. Conchita Gonzalez, Mary Cruz Gonzalez , Jancinta Gonzalez, and Mari Loli Mazon, between 1961 and 1965, She appeared as Our Lady of Mount Carmel with the brown scapular, and she appeared over 2000 times. The four visionaries with St Michael the Archangel; There are four Ticking Time Bombs in our world today, That have been ticking away for over 54 years and each passing year brings them closer to their Time when they will Detonate with such awesome results for all the world to see and hear. In spite of the serious pleas of Our Heavenly Mother these Time Bombs and the serious events of the messages of Garabandal have been ignored, and basically swept under the carpet by many within the Catholic Church, to whom these messages were directed namely Cardinals, Bishops, and priests. The First Ticking Time Bomb foretold at Garabandal is ; The Tribulation of Communism led by Russia. When I speak about Communism returning today people look at me and think what planet is this guy on, they say isn’t communism a thing of the past due to the fall of the Berlin wall and the dissolution of the Old Soviet Union. Not according to what the Blessed Virgin, told the visionaries at Garabandal. Communism she said, “Would Come Back “ Communism, will again appear and cause great suffering before its reign of terror is suddenly ended. Our Lady described the expansion of Communism as a punishment resulting from the sins of men. This punishment will certainly come if people do not convert and stop sinning. The visionaries were shown a brief period of time in Europe, suddenly Italy, France, and Spain would be overrun by Communism. There would be persecution of the Church and The Holy Father would have to flee Rome. Prior to all of this the Pope would visit Moscow, and on his return all hell would be let loose, this will be an awesome time for the Church, and priests will be in hiding and churches would be locked. Look what has happened in Crimea, and what is happening in the Ukraine. Mr Putin the Russian leader he wants back all that his predecessors gave away during the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, this means Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, and Romania, they are all under his plan, then the whole of Europe Italy, France, and Spain come into being Just as Our lady has foretold over 54 years ago at Garabandal. Mr Putin He wants back all of below Look at this map : We are back to the 1930’s with western timid democracies facing an aggressor who has no hesitation in changing borders by force, and he knows the hesitant west will not halt his plans to role back Nato’s presence in Eastern Europe. A sign for us all to look out for is if Pope Francis goes to Moscow. Our Late Great Pope Now St John Paul 2nd He said in Fulda in Germany in 1980 about the Coming Tribulation we must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials, which will demand of us a disposition to give up even life itself and a total dedication to Christ. With your and my prayers it is possible to mitigate the coming Tribulation but is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be renewed, how many times has the renewal of the Church sprung from the shedding of blood, this time too it will not be otherwise, we must trust in God and His Holy Mother. Look what Holy Scripture says about The Coming Tribulation: From ( Mathew 24; 21-22) For then there will be a Great Tribulation such as not been seen from the beginning of the world until now, no and never will be, and if those days had Not been shortened no human being would be saved. Sr Lucia of Fatima, in her interview with Fr Augustine Fuentes in 1957 she stated; Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world because of its sins. Our Blessed Lady told Conchita at Garabandal Communism, would come back ! There Her words Not mine. It also seems to me that very little consideration has been given to the fact that an Evil force has deliberately infiltrated the Church with the intent of destroying it ! If you read the book, “ With God in Russia” written by a very good Russian Priest Fr Walter Ciszek S.J. Who spent over 20 years in Soviet prisons, and in their labour camps in Siberia. He talks at great length how the communists tried to recruit him, offering him all kinds of benefits, if he would work as their agent in the church that was already in place. The Second Ticking Time Bomb Foretold at Garabandal ; The Great Universal Warning. This is Otherwise Known as The Illumination of our Consciences; Our Lady assures us that this Great Universal Warning, will bring to every single person over the age of seven, a truly mega gift from Heaven, but this will frighten all humanity. It will be like a fire that will not burn our flesh, and it will last a short time, but for all of us it will seem a long time. It is a Purification a Revelation of all our sins, for each and everyone of us to see our sinful self as we stand before God! What we will all feel in our hearts will be worse than sorrow, it will not kill us, but some may die of the emotion within us on seeing our sins and how they offend God. This Great Universal Warning Stops the Communist Tribulation and corrects the conscience of the whole world. After this Purification the Revelation of all our sins we can expect a large scale return to God and His Church. Then within 12 months of this Warning will come the Third Ticking Time Bomb – The Greatest Miracle of all Time above the Pines at Garabandal. The Third ticking Time Bomb Foretold at Garabandal; The Greatest Miracle of all time above the Pines at Garabandal. The Pines in Garabandal – Where the Great Miracle will take place. Conchita Ganzales the eldest visionary is the only person who knows the date of the Great Miracle and she will reveal it to the world eight days beforehand. We also know through Conchita, that the Great Miracle will take place on a Thursday night at 8.30pm between the 8th and the 16th of March, April or May, only those who are in Garabandal at the time will see and witness the Great Miracle. Our Lady said that all the sick that are in Garabandal at this time will be cured and the unbelievers will believe. Connected with the Great Miracle and which will follow after it is the Permanent Sign, which will appear above the pines at Garabandal and will remain there until the end of the world, so all will believe. Padre Pio now Saint Pio had a great relationship with Conchita and they exchanged letters, St Pio told her in one letter this; They, do not believe in your conversations with the Lady in white; They will believe he said when its to late! He went on to say that The Great Miracle to come at Garabandal; Will be paid for by Oceans of Blood Europeans Blood. This Oceans of Blood Europeans blood is the Tribulation of Communism led by Russia. The fourth Ticking Time Bomb Foretold at Garabandal ; Is The Chastisement of fire! If Mankind does not change and return to God after the Great Universal Warning and the Great Miracle The Chastisement of Fire will Come . The Fourth Ticking Time Bomb is the Chastisement of Fire; This conditional Chastisement will be sent to punish our sinful and ungrateful world But only if mankind responds inadequately to the great graces flowing from the Great Warning and the Great Miracle. A Chastisement of Fire from Heaven is not New if you look at the message from Our Lady of Akita in Japan 1973- 1981 is the same as Garabandal; This is the message of Akita; If Men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the sign left by my Son. Each day recite the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the Bishops and priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see Cardinals opposing Cardinals, and Bishops against other Bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres, the Church and altars will be vandalized, the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. On The Second Night of Screams on June 20th 1962 in Garabandal ; The four Girls were shown the Great Chastisement of Fire; The people who had gathered in Garabandal on that night heard their cries and screams. Many people have testified to the Church authorities that on that night in Garabandal; That the girls screams terrified them and even made their knees buckle And many shook with fear. The people heard the girls cry out Oh don’t let this happen – Please don’t let this come! -- May, everyone go to confession – forgive us –Please don’t let this happen!! ----- Some, people questioned the girls afterwards and they said; We have been shown the Chastisement of Fire, we have seen something worse that being burnt alive, it is going to be horrible!! ----- The girls said they felt the need of repentance, and great sorrow for their sins, and an irresistible desire for the Mercy of God ! THERE IS A WAY OUT !!! And Our Blessed mother shows us the way out ! PRAYER is our Way OUT ! The big problem sweeping the world today and our principal fault is that many have abandoned Daily prayer. In this way many have become estranged form God and without God in their lives everything fails. Let all of us all people pray every Day the Rosary, Our Lady has stated this in all her apparitions so we would be fortified against these times of diabolical disorientation and not be deceived by the evil one. Mary our Mother reminds us in all her appearances that the Rosary is a sign to Satan that you belong to Me ! and with the Rosary in hand she says Go Forward with Confidence and Defeat Him !! Our Mother invites us all to put God in the first place in our lives, to confess our sins on a monthly basis, to go to the Holy Mass as often as we can, and Eucharist adoration as often as we Can, and to fast twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays, and when we do this she says we can stop wars, and prevent natural disasters. We know that after the Great Miracle at Garabandal a Permanent Sign will be left above the pines and will remain there until the end of the world. Our Lady has said the same at Medjugorje that when these apparitions finish she will not come to this earth again and she will leave a Permanent Sign above the hill of apparitions so all will believe. I was in Medjugorje on the 24th June 2014 the 33rd Anniversary of the apparitions there, we were very blessed that on the Friday 20th June our guide had arranged for Fr Petar Ljubicic to come and talk to our group. Fr Petar is the priest chosen by the visionary Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo to reveal her secrets given to her by Mary to the world. Fr Petar told our group that; the 2nd secret at Medjugorje is Warning and the 3rd secret is the Permanent Sign that our lady said she would leave on apparition hill so all will believe. Fr Petar and the Visionary Mirjana THE POWER OF PRAYER – MORE PRAYER – MORE POWER – LESS PRAYER –LESS POWER ! We are Reminded by Our Blessed Lady in all Her apparitions these Last 150 years or so That Prayer is more powerful than anything even in the uncertainty and danger of these times. The power of prayer was especially illustrated in Hiroshima in Japan on August 6th 1945 when the first Atomic Bomb was dropped. Eight people who were only blocks away from the epicentre of this explosion Yet they lived ! – Why did they live ? They say it was because of the power of prayer. A German Jesuit Fr Shiffner and seven of his colleagues, all escaped unharmed whilst flaming death screamed all around them and none of them were affected by radiation, what saved them from incineration and the lethal storm of radiation ? Fr Shiffner gave the answer ; In that house the Rosary was prayed every day, in that house we were living the Fatima message. WE HAVE THE ANSWER – My Friends – More Prayer – More Power ! Live Our Lady’s Messages and Stay Blessed all of you. Philip Illsley. We are going again to Garabandal in 2016 when I have more details I will be in touch. Pgs.illsley@sky.com or www.holyishisname.co.uk