Senstar Integration


Senstar Integration
DVTEL Senstar Integration
Applications & Integration Center
The DVTEL Senstar module integrates Senstar’s alarm annunciation,
control and communication system with DVTEL’s Latitude NVMS.”
The DVTEL Senstar module integrates Senstar’s alarm annunciation, control and communication system with DVTEL’s
Latitude NVMS.
Senstar’s Network Manager software controls communications on the sensor network and provides the software
interface to the Latitude NVMS over TCP/IP. Networked sensors communicate alarms, status, configuration and
response data to the Senstar Network Manager over the sensor network. The Network Manager is Senstar’s
core system management, and it allows for centralized sensor configuration and troubleshooting. It’s primary
function is to manage all interaction with the sensor network, but it’s secondary function in this integration is
to provide the TCP/IP-formated messages to the Latitude NVMS for alarm and event management. Latitude
NVMS receives the information from Senstar and automatically creates incidents and will alert Latitude
NVMS users upon events and alarms. As shown below, Network Manager supports a host of Senstar sensors.
With the DVTEL Senstar integration module, Senstar sensors reside on Latitude’s ControlCenter navigation tree and can
be either double-clicked or drag-and-dropped to an available tile. Senstar Sensors with an associated Latitude camera
can display a live view of the associated camera upon incident and will start recording based on the prealarm and postalarm configuration. If a ControlCenter tile has been armed for alarm, a live view of the associated camera will appear.
When an alarm is received for a specific sensor, an incident will be created with the associated Latitude camera scene.
DVTEL Senstar Integration
As shown in the Latitude AdminCenter screen to
the left, each Senstar entity represented on the
Latitude NVMS tree has an associated Alarm type,
which is automatically created by the integration.
Entity-specific plug-in events are registered and
appear under the entity’s “Actions” tab. Sensor
plug-in events will differ from Device plug-in
events, which will differ from output plug-in
Senstar Plug-In Events
Administrators can utilize Latitude NVMS’s
event and action mechanisms to alert
ControlCenter users of Senstar alarms as
shown to the right.
Senstar Alarm Activation in Latitude NVMS
The integration between DVTEL’s Latitude NVMS and Senstar Network Manager allows for Senstar alarms to trigger
multiple actions within Latitude NVMS including, but not limited to, pre and post recording, associated video camera
pop ups, alarm incident creation as well as the ability to use other advanced applications such as the iPad/iPhone app
or Google Earth mapping.
The DVTEL and Senstar integration is a great example of marrying existing systems into a single operating platform,
creating a more secure environment in which more complete information is received, actions processed more
efficiently and results are more trackable.
Technical notes on the integration module:
1. The DVTEL Senstar integration module is written for Latitude Version 6.0
2. The integration consumes one (1) Latitude add-on license
3. Communication is established between the Latitude NVMS and Senstar System over TCP/IP sockets. Make sure your
network allows for traffic over ports 850-860.
For additional information, please e-mail our presales team at or visit our website at
May, 2013