Sunday APRIL * 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST SECTION W +. By admitting mistakes, praising people and modeling teachability, the best executives show their people how to grow and reassure them that mistakes and uncertainty happen. »4W SMALL MEDIUM VISITING ANGELS OF LITTLETON THE CONTAINER STORE "Everyone knows how appreciated they are." )) 8W "It's really all about our employees first." )) 16W TOP WORK PLACES LARGE EDWARD JONES "It's important that everyone who works at Jones is successful." ))19W ONLINE AT THE TOP Take a look at last year's Top Workplaces. )) DENVERPOST.COM/ TOPWORKPLACES +. 2W» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST * A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Workers happy to follow thoughtful leaders By Dana Coffield gested a majority of workers were far less concerned about pay and benefits than they were with the way top leaders conveyed company goals and executed strategy, and how connected they felt to their work. They valued being looped in on their employers' overall progress and appreciated focused managers who helped them do their current jobs well and prepare for the next step on the career ladder. We asked some of these managers to share their strategies in the hope that others may be ble to follow the leads to deveij>p their own best business practices that engage and inspire employees because the bottom line is only as strong as those involved in building it. Denver Post Business Editor The economic news has been pretty good so far this year. Colorado business leaders surveyed by the University of Colorado's Leeds School of Business research division report a mostly positive outlook about the state of the economy, sales, profits and hiring. Job growth continues at a steady clip, and Colorado now is 2.1 percent above the prerecession employment peak. And there seems to be a little less work-related anxiety, even though employees are, in many cases, working harder than ever. And let's face it: Without good employees, no business gets to share in the spoils of an improving economy. For the third annual Top Workplaces, The Denver Post took its cues from the s6.360 employees Carl Knight, owner ofVisiting Angels of Littleton, meets with employees last month. Hyoung Chang, The Denver Post who responded to WorkplaceDynamics' survey last fall and focused on how top management motivates the workforce. While we expected Top Workplaces employees to still be stinging from the effects of the protracted recession, the assessment sug- Dana Coffield: 303-954-1954, or There are over 2,600 reasons why U.S. Bank is a great place to work ... our employees. On behalf of our 2,600+ employees in Colorado, we are proud to be recognized as a 2014 Top Workplace. As a company, we encourage advancement, celebrate success, reward achievements, support a work/life balance, and respect each other as individuals and a team. We take pride in providing our employees with the resources and support they need to succeed so we can succeed together as a company. Thank you to our employees for voting for US! All of C!In serving you 'IIIE DENVER PosT Member FDIC [!E3bank. I. * THE DENVER POST • DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 «3W +. +. 4W» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL * 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST KEEPING EMPLOYEES MOTIVATED AND SATISFIED Positive energy in the workplace makes for happier workers. The chart compares what metro Denver workers value versus the nation in 2014. Denver C Nation Meaningful, fulfilling job lob has met or exceeded expectations Manager helps learn and grow ' New ideas encouraged at company Confident about personal future at company _ _ _ _ _ _ _, ____ - - - - - - -- -- -~ · _..1 Upper management understands company goals Work genuinely appreciated by company Company operates by strong values and ethics Manager cares about concerns ... ' Well-informed, aware of important decisions 1 Acquiring formal training for career 1--- - - -- - - -- Little frustration at workplace Execute projects efficiently and well Benefits package comparable to others in industry Managers make it easier to do job well ' Flexibility to balance work and personal life Pay is fair for the work done Company is going in the right direction Source: Workplace Dynamics The Denver Post Best firms go to the mat By Lisa Greim Special to The Denver Post When people talk about what makes a great workplace, perks hog the spotlight. But the tone the boss sets matters more, experts and workers agree. Colorado companies tout on-site fitness classes, unlimited vacation time, cool chairs, all the soda you can drink, game lounges and a dog under every desk. But workers who answered The Denver Post's Top Workplaces survey showed that appreciation from leadership is a much better motivator than Nerf guns and free bagels. Managers' behavior gets copied and forms a culture, for good or ill, Brannan Sand and Gravel paving superintendent Sunny Alvarez, right, works on a parking lot near uoth Avenue and I -25. Brannan ranks high nationally among midsize employers. Jamie Cotten, Special to The Denver Post says David Hekman, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado's Leeds School of Business in Boulder. ·~ lot of the time, it's not conscious," Hekman says. "Followers really focus on what the leader does, (to learn) what's a legitimate normal behavior. 'We're mean to people, that's what we do.' Or 'My leader serves me, so I serve other people.' " In one paper, co-written by Hekman and published in the Academy of Management Journal, leaders who modeled humble behaviors created a culture of learning and innovation. By admitting mistakes, praising EMPLOYEES>> 6W Yoga instructor Rose Ode helps White Wave staffers, from right, Tanya Rowe, Elizabeth MacD onald and Anni Wildung at a free class during the lunch hour last month. Kathryn Scott Osler, The Denver Post * THE DENVER POST • DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 «5W +. r·--·-·--·- ................. --·- ........... -· -- - -.·- 30 Million Homeowners 80~000 Service Professionals 900 Employees in Denver TOP WORK TOP PLACES Always looking for great • Marketers Sales Stars o Software Developers Internet Product Managers Advisor:M Your Home Improvement Connection Customer Service Reps +. &W» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST revgen partners EMPLOYEES DRIVING PROFITABILITY ® ((FROM 4W Our people make RevGen Partners a great place to work. Our team of heroes is committed to making the online world secure. c aga~ns~ ·fS~~ne viruses, thii '·at._aoti cyber "Ti~e + people and modeling teachability, leaders show their people how to grow and reassure them that mistakes and uncertainty happen. This encourages teamwork and growth from the bottom up. "It's extremely motivating (for workers) to realize where their boss is weak," Hekman says. Team members see ways they can contribute, rather than being intimidated by a boss who appears to know everything. The concept works for highly rated top workplaces. "I've always taken the approach to hire better than me," says Carl Knight, who received high marks for leadership from his employees at Visiting Angels of Littleton. During 10 years of business, he and his agency managers "evolved together," he says. New Belgium Brewing workers earn a cruiser bike after a year, a trip to Belgium after five years and lots of free beer. But asked why they love their jobs, they say things such as: "I smile when I am working, knowing that what I do is part of a greater whole." Most people with a great boss know how lucky they are. A team member at Jackson National Life stated, "I have THE BEST BOSS in the world who also has THE BEST BOSS in the world.... Rare is the company that makes its employees feel valued and listened to." Even in large global companies, the tone set by the CEO or founder can influence the day-to-day work of the whole organization. Top companies deliver "It starts with (CEO) Fred Smith and his leadership and understanding of how important people are. I am treated as a pr:ofessional in the truest sense of the word," a Denverarea FedEx employee wrote. FedEx employs 4,000 people in Colorado and 30o,ooo around the world. At Craig Hospital, "Everyone (from housekeeping to CEO) contributes to our patients' and families' experience through our culture and attitudes," a team member says. Tim Van Binsbergen, general manager of Mountain States Toyota, believes his main job is not selling cars. "It's about growing people," he says, "teaching our associates to be- * come better human beings." Along with a noncommissioned pay structure, good benefits and "a very expensive espresso machine," Van Binsbergen started assigning books to read and discuss. "I do things to feed their brains." Workers who worry about getting in trouble or making a mistake will take a defensive posture toward customers and co-workers, says Simon Sinek, author of "Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't." "You have the responsibility to make the people closest to you feel confident and encourage them to pass it through layers of the organization," Sinek says. Pointing to the outermost layer, he adds, "When this group of people really feels safe, then they will invite in the customer to also feel safe. They will talk to these people as if they are human." Happy, loyal customers It pays off in happier and more loyal customers. For example, credit card call-center employees at Alliance Data Retail Services wrote that they loved their jobs because "I do not have to rush with my customers" and "We are encouraged and rewarded, not threatened." One of The Container Store's core values is "Communication is leadership," says Jodi Hager, general manager of the Flatiron Crossing location. By letting team members at all levels know what's going on, inoculating them with culture and teaching them how to make decisions, "People feel empowered to take care of customers," she says. In "Leaders Eat Last," Sinek uses the military to illustrate a key point: Empathy is the single greatest asset a leader has. Greg Betsinger, regional leader with Edward Jones, recalls wanting to throw in the towel as a brand-new rmancial adviser. Despairing, he called someone he had met during training: Jack Cahill. "Jack is a legend in the rrrm, although I didn't know it at the time," Betsinger said. Cahill, Edward Jones' now-retired general partner, spent 45 minutes convincing Betsinger to stay with the work he has now done for 16 years. "Empowering people to thrive as a leader, that's what I do," he says now. "I keep the vision present for everybody." * THE DENVER POST • tr;::.:' 0 ro":r~ , : : .· , '~ ~ ·~ r=·~ Physician Health Partners Collaborate, Innovate, Mdke a Differen((:~ DENVERPOST.COM • «7W Partners with Patients Partners in Health Care - ·.: PHP is: 13, 2014 Part e s \vith Doctors -r . . SUNDAY, APRIL --_{ - ·-- ... - ~- · ~ more than 200.employees ~ over 340 primary care docto_s ~ a health care manage e t group ~ helping ·mpr ve health care for more than 240,000 Denver area kids and adults an influencer 0 er Thank you to our talented and dedicated You everyday. +. BW» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST * TOP WORKPLACES SURVEY WINNERS: SMALL COMPANIES Staffers given wings to soar By Lisa Greim Special to The Denver Post When most of your employees work outside the office, how do you manage them? How do you make them feel like part of a team? Carl Knight, CEO of Visiting Angels of Littleton, used last year's Top Workplaces survey results to f'md out whether his 120 home-care workers were happy. "The indirect supervision component of our business is hard," he said. "We always worry about that disconnect, (so) we treat our field staff like a customer. We're here for them when they need us.'' Team members conf'rrm this: "They make sure everyone knows how appreciated they are," one says. One of 450 locations in a national chain based in Havertown, Pa., Visiting Angels provides private-duty home care for seniors, enabling people to stay in their homes. Clients choose their caregivers. A woman might request someone who also went through breast cancer or someone who plays the piano. Although Visiting Angels doesn't offer skilled medical care, many caregivers are retired nurses or other health care workers. One worker noted she enjoyed "meeting people from all areas of life, allowing me to keep busy and helpful.'' Visiting Angels of Littleton's 134 team members gave Knight high marks for effective and compassionate leadership toward both clients and themselves. "Every single staff member and the owners show genuine care for employees," one wrote. The Knight family opened Visiting Angels in Littleton 10 years ago, after their son Todd, then 24, suffered a closed-head injury during a dirt-track motorcycle race. Todd received care at Craig Hospital, close to home, and his family had the resources and flexibility to Visiting Angels team member Ramona Howell, left, helps Jeanne Herrick, 95, finish paperwork at Concordia on the Lake apartments and cottage homes in Littleton last month. Hyoung Chang, The Denver Post help him make a full recovery. But it raised questions that led Knight to leave a 27-year career in computers and start a home-care business. "For four months, he could not be left alone," Knight said. "We thought, what do other families do? How does that person get care? I didn't even know these services were available." Employee retention has been a big focus, because f'mding people with the heart to do this work is not easy, Knight said. "I don't want to just put a warm body in your house.'' On the basis of information from the 2013 Top Workplaces Survey, Knight and his managers improved Visiting Angels' benefits package, changed how time off is accrued and increased starting pay. He believes the changes helped decrease employee turnover from 62 percent in 2012 to 36 percent last year. "For what our staff does, they never make enough money," he said. "They should be paid what Peyton Manning gets paid." Rounding out the Top Five Small Workplaces: 2. LIVE Urban Real Estate Like the city dwellers it serves, LIVE Urban Real Estate is pluggedin, wind-powered and always looking for the next epic thing. Their sleek Highland office relies on a paperless system for contracts and file management, communicates with its 55 brokers through a private WordPress blog, and uses Google Docs for ordering marketing materials and scheduling floor shifts. Mobile marketing, a YouTube channel and Twitter feed put the brand in front of the young professionals who form their customer base. LIVE Urban supports nonprofits such as Project Angel Heart and UrbiCulture Community Farms, and puts on events such as Race to Your Next Place, an open-house scavenger hunt with a $1o,ooo cash prize for a down payment. The 2012 event attracted 114 teams and raised mon- "For what our staff does, they never make enough money. They should be paid what Peyton Manning gets paid." Carl Knight, CEO of Visiting Angels of Littleton SMALL))lOW * THE DENVER POST • DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 «9W +. TOP Great c,ity. G:reat news. GreatPfaee -~_:_ ·- t ·;· ~:·"o :_:; · .. ,. _w_·-· .. . ~ ~ . ___ . :· - .. ·.. : • . ,.<~' ... . .. ,.. ·.:o·_-·1'. . . _~-r ' ' :i., ~·~~~·~ -· · .···_:_,. ___ . . : . . #' - • ~. II ,' :- • -_" . - . . ·· · -; :, ·~ ., ·~ . . ~ .·: i ,. Thank you, Maybe it's our company v:alues. Our commitment to Schwab employees, clients. Our diversity and inclusiveness. Our concern for once again naming us a Top_Workplace in Denver. for employee well-being. Or maybe all those things combined make Schwab a different kind of investment firm and a place our employees really like to work. How about you? Is Schwab your kind of workplace? Visit charles SCHWAB ©2014 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC. CS21331 - 03 (0413- 2561) ADP79920-00 (03/14) +. lOW» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST SMALL ((FROM 8W ey for Habitat for Humanity. An energetic and fun environment sets the tone, brokers say. "I feel part of a team, and that's hard in the real estate industry," one wrote. Another described LIVE as "an awesome place to work." Founded in 2006 by John Skrabec and Mark White, LIVE Urban sells homes across the metro area but focuses on Denver neighborhoods from Sunnyside to Country Club. 3. PorchLight Real Estate Group For a taste of what -makes PorchLight Real Estate Group a different kind of real estate office, consider an upcoming charity trivia night to benefit Warren Village, with beer and wine, a burrito bar and trivia by Geeks Who Drink - hosted in the party room at PorchLight's headquarters on Broadway. "We have fun!" an employee said. "I am constantly learning and going and doing." PorchLight describes its work with both buyers and sellers as "concierge-style." It harnesses the power of social media to sell homes, attracting buyers with Pinterest boards and YouTube videos that spotlight neighborhood attractions. Team members gave their company high marks for doing business efficiently and well. "Systems are in place that actually work to streamline the process ofbuying and selling real estate," one said. Support for agents includes website development, virtual tours with professional photography and staging to show off homes. Benefits include 100 percent employer-funded health insurance, 401(k) with match, and fitness perks. "My peers sharpen me instead of compete with me," an agent said. "We have a strong, encouraging team where everyone wants to see the other succeed." Founders Amy and Carol Bayer started the trrm in 2005 and have grown from two women to 124 team members in five locations. Offices are located in Cherry Creek, the Golden Triangle, Capitol Hill, Littleton and Bonnie Brae. The Avery Brewing Co. is brimming with patrons. Employee benefits include free tickets to the brewer's five festivals, an RTD EcoPass, a climbing-gym membership and plenty ofbeer. Jeremy Papasso, Daily Camera family-owned company that sources as locally as possible, employs the best people I have ever worked with, Boulder-based Avery Brewing Co. creates unusual beers and loyal em- and gives back to a community that ployees. ·~very represents the supports us." American dream," one wrote, "a SMALL»11W 4. Avery Brewing Co. BRECKENRIDGE GRAND VACATIONS Join Summit County's Employer of Choice · Great Benefits Package · Family-Owned Company · Employee Recognition Program ·Training and Education Benefits To learn more about our culture and team, visit WWW.AI MCO.COM/CAREERS building community * Visit www. BreckenridgeGrandVacations. com for employment opportunities. * SMALL THE DENVER POST • (( FROM lOW In January, Avery broke ground on a 96,ooo-square-foot brewery and restaurant in north Boulder. The new plant, expected to be completed in early 2015, will double its production capacity, enabling it to expand distribution beyond the 26 states in which Avery's 20-plus ales and lagers are sold. Benefits for Avery's 92 employees include free tickets to each of five· festivals that the craft brewer holds, a Regional Transportation District EcoPass, a climbing-gym membership, and plenty of draft and bottled beer. "The people are great," an Avery employee said. "Management cares about the concerns and well-being of the employees. Creativity and growth (are) strongly encouraged. Training procedures are top-notch. There is a sense of camaraderie that DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 NEWS «llW sharpeners has been around since 1976. "First we made things sharp," its website says, "then we made sharp things!" Its folding and fixed-blade knives are favored by law enforcement, military, outdoor enthusiasts, martial-arts practitioners, chefs and sailors, including the crew of Oracle Team USA, winner of the America's Cup. Employees praise a "caring and strong management team" that shows appreciation and produces quality work. "I love that we have high standards for ourselves and our products," one said. An assembler said, "My team leaders and managers are the best. When you want or need anything done, Dave Lyons makes a knife at Spyderco, whose folding and itxed-blade they're right on it." knives are favored by law enforcement, military, outdoor enthusiasts, "This company means the· world martial-arts practitioners, chefs and sailors. Anya Semenoff, The Denver Post to me," another wrote. Spyderco's 69 employees appreciI have not experienced in any other ate the benefits, which include free work environment." rmancial planning twice a year, free 5. Spyderco Inc. Added another: "Who wouldn't The Golden-based maker of high- flu shots, matching retirement conlove working with beer?" performance cutting tools and tributions and annual bonuses. "This company means the world to me." A Spyderco Inc. employee, in an anonymous survey You deserve a round of app ause. You inspire us. Fed Ex is proud to recognize our Colorado team members for a job well done. ©2014 FedEx. All rights reserved. +. + 12W» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST * Top Workplaces ranking Large employers Rank Employer 1 Edward Jones 2 Anadarko Petroleum Corp./Denver 3 Alliance Data Retail Services 4 Craig Hospital 5 FirstBank 6 T-Mobile US 7 IHS Inc. 8 Sturgeon Electric Company Inc. 9 Charles Schwab & Co. 10 East West Partners More than sao local employeees Headquarters Ownership Des Peres, Mo. Partnership The Woodlands, Texas Public local hires expected local this year n/a 628 n/a 796 35,350 5,068 revenues $4.8 billion n/a Dallas Englewood Lakewood Bellevue, Wash. Englewood Henderson San Francisco Avon 563 831 1,922 1,201 838 525 1,904 599 n/a 100 n/a n/a n/a n/a 300 380 9,181 831 2,200 37,184 5,000 1,372 13,500 1,000 n/a $1.3 million n/a $4.9 billion n/a n/a $4.8 billion $65 million eft rstba myrg rou 1,139 582 711 500 n/a 90 n/a n/a 1,800 582 18,670 1,900 n/a $65 million n/a n/a n/a 16,500 n/a 74,000 n/a 14,800 450 70,000 810 65,254 n/a 4.799 n/a 260,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 878 n/a 1,990 n/a 1,637 775 2,108 n/a n/a n/a 47.700 1,000 40,000 n/a n/a n/a u.s. Sector Financial Advisers Petroleum, Gas and Petroleum Products Public Call Centers Health Care- Hospitals Nonprofit Bank Office Services Private Wireless Communication Public Business Services Public Parent company Electrical Investment Management Public Real Estate DeveloperI Private Manager/Broker Parent company Investment Management Nonprofit Human and social services Public Other Services Food/Beverages Public 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Oppenheimer Funds New York Mental Health Center of Denver Denver Bright Horizons Family Solutions Watertown, Mass. The WhiteWave Broomfield Foods Co. DirecTV El Segundo, Calif. Whole Foods Market University of Colorado Health Aurora Enterprise Holdings St. Louis U.S. Bank Minneapolis Children's Hospital Colorado Aurora Memphis Fed Ex 22 Noble Energy Inc. Houston Public 23 24 25 DaVita Inc. HomeAdvisor, Inc. Sprint Nextel Corp. Denver Golden Overland Park, Kan. Public Public Public 11 12 13 14 Public Public Nonprofit Private Public Nonprofit Public Telecommunications and Cable Health Care- Hospitals Retail Commercial Bank Hospitals Distribution, Logistics and Freight Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Health Care Consumer Services Wireless Communication Midsize em players 1so to 499 local employeees Rank Employer 1 The Container Store Headquarters Coppell, Texas Ownership Private 3 Mountain States Toyota Datalogix Denver Westminster Public Private 4 5 Kentwood Real Estate New York Life Insurance Denver New York 6 Sympoz Inc. Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc. First American Title Insurance Co. New Belgium Brewing Co. Denver Houston Santa Ana, Calif. Private Cooperative/ mutual Private Private Public Physician Health Partners Breckenridge Grand Vacations Denver Breckenridge 2 7 8 9 10 11 EMPLOYEES Fort Collins Cooperative/ mutual Private Partnership Sector Retail- Storage and Organization Retail Marketing Data and Technology Agents/Brokers Financial Services and Insurance Online Education Mortgage Financial Services and Insurance Craft Brewery Health Care T;avei/Vacations 1,864 3,660 14,800 899 2,655 4.788 4,000 u.s. u.s. Web address EMPLOYEES local hires expected local this year n/a 156 5,000 revenues $750 million 150 238 n/a 75 150 282 n/a n/a mou nta instatestoyota .com 283 202 n/a 60 285 21,000 n/a n/a 159 190 183 n/a n/a 40 180 1,150 9,900 n/a n/a $4.2 billion 374 n/a sao n/a 180 374 15 125 200 444 $31.3 million n/a u.s. Web address Source: Workplace Dynamics + * THE DENVER POST • DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 NEWS «13W '+ MIDSIZE EMPLOYERS CONTINUED 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 EMC Corporation EOG Resources Inc ZOll Samuel Engineering Inc. Clinica Family Health Services Trulia Mortenson Construction Apartment Investment and Management Co. (Aimco) The Spectranetics Corp. 21 22 23 Encompass Home Health Dallas Stewart Trtle Company Houston Hammersmith Management, Inc. Greenwood Village Private Public Private 24 Jackson National life Insurance lansing, Mich. Parent company 25 26 Weifield Group Contracting WOW! Internet, Cable & Phone Denver Englewood Partnership Private 27 28 29 Pinnacle Mortgage Group Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Images/ Envision Radiology STRIVE Preparatory Schools DSST Public Schools lakewood New York Colorado Springs Private Partnership Partnership Denver Denver Nonprofit Nonprofit logRhythm Inc. Jefferson Center For Mental Health Webroot Inc. Brannan Sand and Gravel Co. Boulder Wheat Ridge Private Nonprofit Infrastructure Software Exploration & Production Enterprise Software Engineering Community Health Center Internet Construction Multi-Family Real Estate Investment Trust Medical Devices and Products Health Care Title and Closing Services Community Association Management Annuities and Retirement Solutions Electrical Telecommunications and Cable Mortgage lending Accounting/Professional Services Diagnostics, Imaging and laboratories Network of Charter Schools Education - Primary/ Secondary School Enterprise Software Behavioral Health Broomfield Denver Private Private Enterprise Software Asphalt and Concrete 30 31 32 33 34 35 Hopkinton, Mass. Houston Chelmsford, Mass. Greenwood Village lafayette San Francisco Minneapolis Denver Public Public Public Private Nonprofit Public Private Public Colorado Springs Public Small employers Fewer than soo local employeees Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Employer Visiting Angels of littleton LIVE Urban Real Estate Porchlight Real Estate Group Avery Brewing Co. Spyderco Inc. Madison & Company Properties Community Development Institute 5olidFire Inc. Headquarters littleton Denver Denver Boulder Golden Denver Denver Boulder Ownership Private Private Private Private Private Private Nonprofit Private 9 10 Ave Maria Catholic School Done Plumbing & Heating Parker Aurora Private Private 11 12 13 14 Trace3 Restaurant Solutions Inc. Enerplus Resources (USA) Corp. Aveda Academy Denver Irvine, Calif. littleton Denver Denver 15 16 17 18 19 TallGrass Aveda Spa & Salon RevGen Partners Aerotek Clinic Service Corp. Eide Bailly llP Evergreen Centennial Hanover, Md. Denver Fargo, N.D. Private Private Public Cooperative/ mutual Private Private Private Private Private 20 21 Convercent Griffis Residential Denver Denver Private Private 22 Slalom Consulting Seattle Private Sector Private Duty Home Care Agents/Brokers Agents/Brokers Craft Brewing Manufacturing Cutting Tools Agents/Brokers Government: HHS/ACF/OHS/OCC Data Storage Software and Hardware Primary/Secondary School Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Value Added Reseller Back Office Services Energy Exploration and Production Beauty and Fashion Day Spa and Salon Consulting Staffing Vendor Serving Health Care Industry Certified Public Accountants and Consultants Enterprise Software Real estate investment and property management Business and Technology Consulting 125 n/a n/a n/a 26ooO 2400 1679 185 435 500 2100 2,040 n/a $10.7 billion n/a n/a $31 million n/a $2.3 billion 385 n/a soo $117 million spectra 174 154 179 n/a n/a 75 3,540 7,500 179 n/a n/a $19 million 449 n/a 4,300 $25.5 billion 152 407 n/a n/a 152 3,300 n/a n/a we ifie ldcontracting .com/ 167 350 191 n/a n/a n/a 235 38,000 500 n/a n/a n/a 215 284 115 n/a 215 300 n/a n/a 154 489 60 n/a 200 450 n/a n/a 184 290 n/a 20 255 290 n/a n/a u.s. 123 55 125 92 69 80 124 157 revenues n/a n/a $7.7 million n/a n/a $210 million $15.5 million n/a 414 187 219 165 435 233 231 367 n/a 19 n/a so EMPLOYEES Local hires expeded Local this year 123 so n/a 55 Go 124 88 4 8 69 20 80 58 5 100 103 Web address visitinga liveu rba porch lig htg rou cditeam .org 52 61 n/a 20 55 61 n/a n/a 52 84 96 275 89 135 Go 10 n/a n/a 20 Go $400 million n/a n/a $2.7 million 68 71 55 69 133 n/a 40 n/a 15 n/a 68 71 3,500 70 1,300 n/a $8.5 million n/a $5 n/a 64 114 n/a 12 75 120 n/a $60 million 121 n/a 2,412 n/a Source: Workplace Dynamics '+- +. 14W» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 . DENVERPOST.COM . SMALL EMPLOYERS CONTINUED Rank Employer Headquarters Ownership Denver 27 Applewood Plumbing Heating & Electric Boa Technology Inc Cooley LLP Burns & McDonnell Engineering Co., Inc. Denver Academy Denver Nonprofit 28 29 30 31 32 SendGrid GWD Engineering and Design Map Quest Red Peak Properties Booj Boulder Denver Denver Denver Lakewood Private Private Parent company Private Partnership 33 34 35 36 37 38 SpotXchange Halcyon Hospice & Palliative Care Visiting Angels of Lakewood Wolf Robotics LLC Larson Financial Inc. Monarch Investment & Management Group Black Hills Exploration and Production Donor Alliance Inc. Westminster Mead Wheat Ridge Fort Collins Westminster Franktown Private Private Private Private Private Private Denver Denver Parent company Nonprofit 23 24 25 26 39 40 Private Denver Private Palo Alto, Calif. Partnership Kansas City, Mo. Private * THE DENVER POST Sector local hires expected local this year u.s. revenues Web address Home Services 119 n/a 119 n/a Applewood Apparel/Footwear Law Engineering 68 72 105 n/a 4 n/a 70 1685 4400 n/a $617 million n/a Education - Primary/ Secondary School Email Delivery/Infrastructure Energy Industry Services Consumer Internet Integrated Development, Construction, Management Enterprise Software Web-based Services Hospice Home Health Care Services 110 n/a 110 n/a 122 72 63 96 62 55 n/a n/a n/a 20 172 102 109 96 66 n/a n/a n/a n/a $6 million Tax Debt Resolution Real Estate 80 115 85 106 69 52 n/a n/a 20 15 n/a n/a 100 115 85 123 72 400 n/a n/a n/a $42 million n/a n/a visiti nga kewood mona rchi Upstream Oil and Gas Nonprofit 52 107 n/a 18 104 107 n/a $29 million Machi~ery sendg rid .com Our employees say we're a great place to work and The Denver Post agrees! Thank you, Denver Post, for naming Community Development Institute (CDI) one of Colorado's Top 100 Workplaces! Thank you, Denver; for being a great home to CD/! CD I: 'W ORKPLACES • Serving as the Federal Office of Head Start's National Interim Management Contractor since 2000 • Nominated for Innovation in American Government Award by the Administration for Children and Families, DHHS, 2003 • Appointed the Federal Office of Child Care's National Center on Tribal Child Care Innovation and Implementation 2011-2016 • Providing training, technical assistance and organizational development to public and private organizations since 1970 * THE DENVER POST • Methodology: How the survey was done The Denver Post partnered with Philadelphia-based WorkplaceDynamics, the employee survey firm, to determine the region's 2014 Top Workplaces. Beginning in September, The Denver Post ran articles and advertisements encouraging employees in the region to nominate their companies as top workplaces. WorkplaceDynamics then invited those companies, as well as other organizations in the region, to participate in the program. Anyone could nominate a company. The sole requirement was that the organization employs at least 50 people in the state of Colorado. The company could be public, private, nonprofit or governmental. To pick the top workplaces, WorkplaceDynamics went straight to the experts: the employees. In total, we invited 1,342 companies to participate and we surveyed 2050fthem. The surveyed f"rrms employ 108,724 people in Colorado. Receiving questionnaires were 84.592 Colorado employees, of whom 56,360 responded, either on paper or online. The employee survey included 22 questions, covering seven factors: Three "My Job" factors measure how employees feel about their dayto-day job: • My Work - training, work/life balance • My Manager - cares about concerns, helps learn and grow • My Pay & Benefits The three "OrgHealth" factors measure how employees work together toward a common cause: • Direction- where the company is headed, its values and leaders • Execution - how the company is getting to where it aims to go • Connection - feeling appreciated and that their work is meaningful Lastly, the survey measures engagement - retention, motivation and referral. The OrgHealth factors were the most important to Colorado employees, with "Connection" as the single most important. "My Pay & Benefits" was least important. While pay and benefits remain important to a point, they are more "table stakes" for top workplaces. Paying more money does not make a bad workplace better. After the surveys were completed, WorkplaceDynamics ran statistical tests to look for any questionable results. It disqualified a small number of employers based on those tests. Employers were then categorized into size bands because smaller employers tend to score higher than midsize employers, and midsize employers tend to score higher than large employers. The employers were ranked within their size band based solely on employee responses to the survey statements. The top employers .in each size band were then selected as the Top Workplaces in Colorado for 2014. We also determined a list of special awards based on standout scores on specific survey statements. You may wonder why your employer is not on the list. One possibility is that the company took the survey and scored too low. Another is that it chose not to participate. We hope that next year more Colorado employers take the time to survey their employees and see where they stand. -Doug Claffey, WorkplaceDynamics CEO Carlos Rodriguez cleans the pool at Griffis North Metro in Northglenn on March 31. Griffis Residential is featured as a top Colorado workplace. Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 NEWS «lSW to our employees who make Applewood Plumbing Heating & Electric a top Denver workplace. -t~ We're seeking an experienced Service Manag er. The Service Manager will direct and coordinate all service activities to maximize customer satisfaction, employee efficiency and profitability. This includes managing staff and accomplishing the highest quality service call every time. The Service Manager must be totally professional, completely honest, highly presentable and firm yet friendly. What you can expect from us ... We provide top pay and benefits. As an Applewood Plumbing Heating & Electric Service Manager, you'll be given all you need to succeed including training, support, a phone, uniforms and much more. You'll receive amazing benefits like 100% paid medical premiums for you and your family, dental, vision, and disability insurance, paid vacation, paid holidays, paid training and a 401 (k) plan with a generous company match. Minimum requirements ... • Bachelor's Degree or at least 5 yrs management experience • Intermediate computer skills in MS Outlook, Word & Excel • Ability to inspire and lead others to attain goals • Quick, sound decision-making abilities • Good presentation and public speaking skills • Ability to build trust and demonstrate empathy • A good attitude, motivated and flexible • You must pass a drug test and background check We're always looking for awesome licensed plumbers & electricians, as well as certified HVAC techs. Call to talk with us today! 303-328-3097 'Jf I. 16W» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • * THE DENVER POST TOP WORKPLACES SURVEY WINNERS: MIDSIZE COMPANIES Thinking outside the box ·:-·t1 1l "It's really all about our employees first. Especially in retail, that's unheard of." Jodi Hager, general manager of The Container Store at Flatiron Crossing in Broomfield Cassie Meyer, left, and Dolores Reynoso work at the The Container Store in Broomfield last month. The company was named the top medium-sized workplace in a survey of employees from 205 companies. - .......... RJ Sangosti, The Denver Post ,. - . -!- ... J - ----- ~ - -- ,.,._,.____ - -- By Lisa Greim Special to The Denver Post Proud to be among DENVER'S TOP PLACES TO W ORK Thanks to our employees for their continued commitment to saving lives through donation and ransplantation. - DONQO ALLIANC~ & Organ Tissue Donation 0 eeing The Container Store, a major chain retailer, land the No.1 spot on The Denver Post's Top Workplaces for the second year in a row inspires a little cognitive dissonance. Retail jobs are supposed to be horrible - low pay, no benefits, lousy working conditions, irregular hours and arbitrary, if not overtly, sadistic management. Instead, The Container Store loves its team members, and they love the company right back. As a banner on the chain's "What We Stand For" page states: "What if everyone associated with a business could thrive?" "We have a very, very unique culture," said Jodi Hager, general manager of The Container Store at FlatIron Crossing in Broomfield, one of three Colorado locations with 156 employees. "It's really all about our employees frrst. Especially in retail, that's unheard of." The idea: Workers who feel valued and well-prepared to do their jobs have a strong connection to their company, and will go out of their way to convince customers to love it, S too. This boosts sales, increases share prices, serves the community and enriches vendors. "It's leadership based on love, rather than fear,'' Hager said. A new full-timer will receive 263 hours of training in his or her f"rrst year, a part-timer 150 (the retail industry average is eight, the company says). They start with a day devoted to the company's core values, known as the Foundation Principles. CEO and founder Kip Tindell wrote them as the company prepared to open its f"rrst store outside the Dallas area. The principles stress hiring great people, communicating, solutionbased selling, leading in service and selection as well as price, training workers to be independent thinkers, treating vendors fairly, and creating an "air of excitement" in its stores. The objective is for a new parttimer to be as comfortable recommending products as a veteran member of management. "We trust our gut at The Container Store," spokeswoman Nina Smith said. Only 3 percent of applicants are hired. Full- and part-time Container Store employees also receive a suite of health and wellness benefits, paid MIDSIZE» 17W THE DENVER POST • * MIDSIZE ((FROM 16W vacation, generous merchandise discounts, domestic-partner benefits and 401(k). WheJ;t the company went public last fall, 14 percent of the offering was reserved for employees, and a quarter of those eligible participated. Rounding out the Top Five Medium-Sized Workplaces: 2. Mountain States Toyota When Mountain States Toyota general manager Tim Van Binsbergen arrived in 2005, the 2-year-old dealership was ranked 1,175 out of 1,200 Toyota stores in terms of sales. Today it's No. 35, it has won national honors for operational quality and satisfied customers, and employee turnover has dropped from 220 percent to less than 26 percent. "It's not a grinding culture," Van Binsbergen said. "If people feel good, they do a good job." Asked what they like most about their jobs, workers praised co-workers and management, the family atmosphere and positive attitudes and the new espresso machine. "Our product line is top shelf, the management staff is excellent and the facility is f"rrst class," one wrote. The 150 team members at Mountain States appreciate their benefits, which include incentives for wellness and paid time off for community activities. The dealership is owned by Sonic Automotive, a public company based in Charlotte, N.C. 3. Datalogix Datalogix probably knows you. In the fast-growing universe of Big Data, the Westminster-based business boasts it has touched almost every household in the United States. Datalogix helps companies figure out whether promotions, loyalty programs and social media campaigns translate into sales. Its customers include Facebook, Google and Twitter and about l,SOO retailers who can now make a connection between a post you saw in your Facebook news feed and the shoes or car you bought a week later. Its 238 Colorado employees feel jazzed to come to work. "It's challenging every day, the work is industry game-changing, and we're constantly working from a clean palette to create something, which keeps it DENVERPOST.COM • interesting," one wrote. Privately held and venture funded, Datalogix offers stock options, uncapped bonuses and a suite of work/ life balance perks, including inhouse fitness classes and a continuing-education program. 4. Kentwood Real Estate In residential real estate, a busy broker is a happy broker. Kentwood Real Estate's 283 team members, who closed 4,ooo transactions in 2013, must be happy indeed. The largest independent brokerage in the metro area, Kentwood works only with full-time brokers averaging more than 20 years' experience. Corporate relocation and luxury homes are a specialty. Workers say that Kentwood balances competitive drive with camaraderie and team spirit. "Our management are visionaries and they care about their employees," one person reported. Another wrote, "I really enjoy everyone I work with, and the energy this company provides me to be more productive and happier at work." The flexibility of real estate work is also a plus. "I have flexibility to enjoy my family, travel, basically You do r beco ea op workplace without to employees. Thanks to all of our employees for (again) making us a Top Workplace in 2014. 0 0e0 000 0000 ef rst an .co Member FDIC TOP TOP ?LACES PLACES WORK SUNDAY, APRIL WORK 13, 2014 NEWS «17W have a life, while making a very good income," another team member said. Based in the Denver Tech Center, Kentwood was founded in 1980. It also has offices in downtown Denver and Cherry Creek North. S. New York Life New York Life's three Colorado locations employ more than 200 people. Its Colorado General Office is in Arvada, with sales offices in Cherry Creek and Fort Collins. They offer life insurance, longterm care insurance, annuities and other investment products, backed by a parent company that has been in business since 1845. Employees gave New York Life high marks for its formal training programs. The company offers extensive sales training through its NYLIC University, and ongoing support from full-time management and trainers in each office. Company reimbursement is also available for certain industry designations and degrees. As independent entrepreneurs within the New York Life organization, agents set their own work pace and goals. "My income is based totally on my work ethic," one said. + +. 18W» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • Only the BEST of the best... our EMPLOYEES..• . . . they MAKE US a TOP WORKPLACE! Celebrating 56 years of ..BJ.t!IJ~#t?l'"~ ck113fJ5'-1vu Ahl Slrt!~w~CP/HIHRJ't.il14.r••. helping people with mental health issues-from depression, anxiety, and trauma to more serious illnesses. tlta~ !J(l!Al Thank you to our staff and to the communities we servel * THE DENVER POST Exec banks on face time with staffers, mentors Leadership profile: FirstBank CEO John Ikard As CEO of a company that has many branch locations, how do you connect with employees? As we become a larger, more geographically dispersed organization, this task proves to be more difficult. I schedule annual peer-group meetings and branch visits. We've also started to expand our video conferencing to more branch locations so we are able to have face-to-face interaction more frequently. FirstBank is also very active in the John Ikard community, and therefore we are able to attend several fundraising events. Nonprofit events are another chance to connect with and get to know my management team on a more personal level. deserved- you will have a loyal follower for life. Back up your employees when they make a mistake- encourage them to make the tough decisions with the understanding that occasional mistakes are expected. One mentor once told me, "I won't frre you for making the wrong decision, but I will frre you for not making a decision." Smile and greet people when you see them in the halls, regardless of their position. Did you have a mentor or another person who inspired you as you developed as a leader? I have a number of people in town that I try to meet for breakfast or lunch a couple of times a year. They don't even know they are my mentors. I listen to what they have to say in terms of both their successes and failures. People will be very candid as long as you maintain the appropriate level of confidentiality. Denver has some truly amazing leaders - consistent traits include integrity, What advice on leadership do you high IQand EQ, and, most imporgive to developing FirstBank man- tantly, humility. agers? Nothing magical. The old cliche What makes FirstBank a great that you should treat people like you place to work? FirstBank is a great place to work would like to be treated is still a pretty good rule to live by. As a lead- because we really believe in what we er, you need to be realistic but posi- are doing and what we have built. The tive in terms oflooking for solutions founders poured their hearts into this to problems instead of just being the company, and they truly believe in person pointing out the problem. our business model - promoting Admit when you're wrong. Give from within and giving employees a credit to your employees when it is fmancial stake in the company. Car dealership dishes up perks Leadership profile: Tim Van Bins- a grind to come in. bergen, Mountain States Toyota, who Any special perks? We reward people - employees arrived at the dealand customers. Along with all the ership in 2005. normal amenities like bottled water, How have you at 3 p.m. every aftemoon we serve countered the ste- fresh-baked cookies. I just put in a reotypical image very expensive espresso machine. of a dealership as a On Tuesdays, we have a masseuse to Tim Van do chair massages. Wednesdays we shark tank? Binsbergen When people have waffles, and Thursdays we serve come in, they feel omelets made to order. Then we do good. It's a fun place to work. It's not pancake breakfasts on Saturdays. +. * THE DENVER POST • DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 NEWS «19W TOP WORKPLACES SURVEY WINNERS: LARGE COMPANIES Invested in worker success By Lisa Greim Special to The Denver Post Edward Jones regional leader Greg Betsinger, fourth from left, meets with company financial advisers in Denver last month. "We're a highly collaborative organization," he said. Andy Cross, The DenverPost Edward Jones took over the top spot in The Denver Post's Top Workplaces for large employers but it can also be seen as a small employer dozens of times over. That seeming contradiction fuels a company culture that emphasizes autonomy and flexibility, while offering deep support and a collective vision. "We're a highly collaborative organization," said Greg Betsinger, a regional leader for Edward Jones in northern Colorado. '~s a partnership, it's important that everyone who works at Jones is successful." Founded in 1922, the St. Louisbased fmancial advisory f"l.rm has 288 offices in Colorado, each with a financial adviser and one or more branch office administrators. All employees are eligible to become partners, and even part-time workers can earn profit-sharing bonuses under a program that paid out 24 percent of net profit - $126 million -in20l2. During the recession, while other fmancial companies sent hundreds of thousands of workers onto the street, Edward Jones employees worked together to cut costs "and saved every job," company spokeswoman Ellen Wiederanders said. "Not one associate (was) laid off." Colorado employees gave Edward Jones the highest marks of any participating company in 2014 for work/life balance. "I can take time off for just about anything that I want to," one worker wrote. "It is up to me to keep the business moving forward around my own schedule." Another said, "I have the freedom to do my job effectively while supporting a family - and LARGE»20W Thank you to our dedicated employees and clients for making Brannan Companies a Top Workplace recipient again in 2014. We strive to create a culture where everyone at Brannan knows their value and looks forward to coming to work each day. We believe in innovation and creativity and foster it through our Corporate Culture. For over a hundred years Brannan has proudly served Colorado and knows everyone at Brannan is family. You are the heart THE DENVER PosT of our success. Thank you! =+ +: ZOW» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST LARGE ((FROM 19W community-focused lifestyle." Betsinger is quick to note that he worked six-day weeks and took no vacation for the f"rrst three years he ran his Longmont office. But success has brought more flexibility. "It's yo~ business," he said. "You have a bottom line. If you're profitable, how you run your business is up to you, as long as your clients are taken care of." Edward Jones' 628 Colorado team members also rave about pay and perks, a supportive corporate culture, high ethical and customer-service standards, and great co-workers. "I am appreciated, respected and well- compensated," said one worker, while another noted, "I get the real sense ofbeing part of something that helps people." A new employee added, "The training and guidance I am receiving make me confident that this f"rrm is looking after its team members as well as the clients." Volunteerism is a deeply ingrained value. Along with volunteer Korby Bracken, Anadarko director of environmental health and safety, stands on a tankless, three-well horizontal battery in December. Anadarko employs 796 people in Denver. Joe Amon, The Denver Post hours for organizations that include Food Bank of the Rockies, Safehouse Denver and the Marine Corps League, team members give their time to one another other- allleadershiproles at EdwardJones are voluntary. Betsinger figures about half his time is spent recruiting, training and mentoring people. Along with training new hires, experienced advisers participate in Goodknight Programs, offering new advisers some of their "less-active clients" to serve in new branches. Rounding out the top five large employers in The Denver Post's Top Workplaces 2014 are: 2.Anadarko Petroleum Corp. * they appreciate working for a management team that walks their talk of integrity, community focus and servant leadership. "The fact that our core values are actually practiced and honored is extremely unique," one worker wrote. The energy exploration and development company makes a return appearance on the Top Workplaces list, after placing f"rrst in 2012 and 2013. Headquartered in The Woodlands, Texas, Anadarko employs 796 people in downtown Denver. Team members describe their work as "exciting" and "challenging," and say their contributions are valued. "There are no limits set on my job," one wrote. "I can expand, create and be as big a part of the future direction of Anadarko as -I choose." Employees describe Anadarko's compensation and time-off policies as generous and their benefits as "fantastic." They may choose a traditional 40-hour workweek or a 9/8o work schedule, working So hours over nine days and taking every other Friday off to handle personal business, volunteer or head for the mountains. Anadarko's Denver employees say At the Mental Health Center of Denver, we focus on recovery-oriented mental healthcare. We're the national model for success, with more than 75% of people receiving treatment going on to lead healthier, more productive lives. And each of our employees contribute to that success by building a stronger, healthier community. Learn more at MHCD.ORG. Mental Health Center of Denver +. LARGE»21W * LARGE ((FROM 20W Part-time employees who work at least 20 hours per week receive full employee benefits, paying the same contributions as full-timers. 3. Alliance Data Retail Services If you hold a credit card from aretailer or hotel chain, you may have spoken to one of Alliance Data's 563 customer-service team members in Westminster. The Retail Services division of Dallas-based Alliance Data markets and supports more than 120 credit card and loyalty programs for consumer brands such as HSN, J. Crew and True Value. Purdue University's BenchmarkPortal program named Alliance's call centers as industry leaders for eight consecutive years. The result: Top Workplaces responses not usually heard about call center work: ·~azing people" and "I feel appreciated" and "I never worked at a place where everyone is happy, excited and loves their job." THE DENVER POST • Team members like the flexible scheduling, good pay and benefits, incentives and room to grow. Alliance offers tuition reimbursement, a stock purchase plan, 401(k) with match, and paid time off. A work-athome program kicked off last year. Workers gave their managers high marks for helping them learn, making their jobs easier to do well, and caring about their concerns. "He is great with coaching and keeping me informed of what I am doing well, and what still needs to be worked on," one said. In 2013, 275 people were hired and 15 people were promoted in the Westminster center. 4. Craig Hospital Craig Hospital specializes in rehabilitation, treatment and research into spinal-cord and traumatic brain injuries. Founded in 1907 as a tuberculosis sanitarium, the "Tent Colony of Brotherly Love," Craig Hospital is now known worldwide as a center for excellence and a life-changing place for nearly 30,000 patients with neurologic disabilities. Craig's 831 team members credit their job satisfaction to a collective DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 NEWS «21W + sense of mission, and day-to-day reminders of the impact that their work has on the lives of patients and families. It gives rise to long relationships; nurses stay at Craig nine years on average, therapists 13 years and attending physicians 14 years. One employee wrote, "Every day I feel like I am surrounded by family members. I have been challenged and pushed and grown into who I am not only as a nurse, but as a productive adult. When you are at Craig, you are surrounded every day by love and hope and support." Another says simply, "We help so many people get better." Employees also appreciate flexible scheduling, continuing education, knowledgeable co-workers and a fun, positive atmosphere. · "Our patients are motivators to me," a Craig employee wrote. "I see them go to classes and push themselves, (and that) leaves no room for whining or being frustrated." cial steadiness, community orientation and commitment to taking care ofboth workers and customers, putting it high on the Top Workplaces list for three years running. They also say "I love my co-workers" over and over, adding words such as "wonderful," "positive" and "awesome." And they believe that sound decision-making has made their company more stable than others in the rmancial services industry. "FirstBank's culture toward employees motivates me every day,'' one worker said. Others cite flexibility, the employee stock ownership program, supportive management, education assistance for both employees and dependents, and many opportunities to advance. FirstBank team members were generous with their praise of senior management, ranking the Lakewood company tops in employee satisfaction with leadership. "John Ikard is a man of integrity and has done wonderful things to grow FirstBank 5. FirstBank without losing the community bank With us Colorado locations, First- feel," one said. Another noted, "It would be great Bank has been employee-owned and if every president at the market level locally controlled since 1963. Its 1,922 employees value its !man- is as genuine as he is." ul,mproud to call Colorado home, and I appreciate businesses that improve the quality of life here/,- Maria told us That,s what our employees do. Whether they're lending their knowledge to our energy customers or serving on nonprofit boards that help our communities thrive, our employees embody our mission of improving life with energy. It takes all kinds of energy to keep Colorado great. And we"re always happy to provide ours. _ _~_ .,2_01_ 4_ ·9-71 ,_4--------------~----------~------------------------------------~ :t ": 22W» NEWS SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST * These companies received special awards in The Denver Post's Top Workplaces survey, based on employee responses in various categories. Included are the special-award category, the survey statement that employees were asked to respond to, and selected comments. Leadership - I have confidence in the leader of this company. Large: John Ikard, FirstBank "I think FirstBank strikes a strong balance between sound principles, differentiating itself, and steady growth. That starts at the top." Meaningfulness -My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful. Craig Hospital "I come to work every day to help others, and leave feeling like I have made a difference." Midsize: Tim Van Binsbergen, Mountain States Toyota "The general manager is fair and understanding. Managers are very good at leading." Small: Carl Knight, Visiting Angels of Littleton "The owner believes in what he does, and it is with great pleasure that I am a part of their vision." Managers - My manager helps me learn and grow; my manager makes it easier to do my job well; my manager cares about my concerns. Alliance Data Retail Services "My direct supervisor is always there to listen and help in areas that I might be struggling in." New ideas - New ideas are encouraged at this company. Sympoz Inc. (Craftsy) "We have innovation challenges for new product ideas, we have a bonus program to reward/recognize innovative thinking, innovation is a company core value - so we goal/evaluate performance relative to innovation each quarter." Doers - At this company, we do things efficiently and well. PorchLight Real Estate Group "Systems are in place that actually work to streamline the process of buying and selling real estate." Outpatient Kaleb Wilson gets assistance preparing for locomotor work on the treadmill from, from left, physical therapists Selena LeClair and Meghan Joyce, and exercise technician Chad Rife (hands on the right) at Craig Hospital. Kathryn Scott Osler, The Denver Post Clued-in senior managementSenior managers understand what is really happening at this company. The Container Store Communication - I feel well-informed about important decisions at this company. Ethics - This company operates Convercent "We hear useful information by strong values and ethics. straight from the top C-level execuCornerstore Home Lending Inc. "I feel Cornerstone has the right . tive, two or three times a week." values and corporate culture for me to be successful. The company truly Appreciation - I feel genuinely has the employee's best interest at appreciated at this company. Madison & Company Properties heart." "I get to do what I love doing, in a place where I feel appreciated and supported. This is my dream job." Work/life flexibility- I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life. Edward Jones "I have two young children an,d my job allows me to be a much bigger participant in their lives than I would be otherwise." Benefits - My benefits package is good compared to others in this industry. Applewood Plumbing, Heating & Electric "Health benefits package is ~ost valuable." Direction - I believe this compaTraining - I get the formal training I want for my career. New York Life Insurance "NYLIC University, Leaders for Life, GO meetings, Kickoffs, Study Groups." ny is going in the right direction. T-MoblleUSA "We are changing a lot of things to make T-Mobile different in a positive way." * THE DENVER POST • DENVERPOST.COM • SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2014 «23W '+ +. 24W» SUNDAY, APRIL * 13, 2014 • DENVERPOST.COM • THE DENVER POST TOP ::=Log hythm. The Security Intelligence Company LogRhythm is the fastest growing, independent security intelligence company in the world. Our patented software helps organizations detect and respond to today's most sophisticated cyber threats - faster and with greater accuracy than ever before. We are proud to be named a Top 100 Workplace and thank our employees for making Log Rhythm an exceptional place to work. Gartner. Niimcd ii Lead e r m Gartner Maqac Quac.Jr<~nt tor SIEM 2013 +. LI~T ~ O A8 ...........,....,..... ,.......21ti{ IHJ lilflnM C: IIAMVIO N .,. VL!NDOR l.ANDSCAPE REPORT _____________ INFO ·'-'TECH r e a • a r c h •roup , MOST INNOVA'TIVE