Wellcome, Wellcome, Joachim Axelsson, energy engineer
Wellcome, Wellcome, Joachim Axelsson, energy engineer
Wellcome, Joachim Axelsson, energy engineer Li kö i Linköping, Sweden S d Some facts • P Population: l ti 138 000 • 413 cars / 1000 inhabitants • One of Sweden`s leading University and Institute of Technology Sh t History Short Hi t 1902 • Linköpings Elektriska Kraft‐ och Belysningsaktiebolag founded 1950s • Waste incineration • District heating 1960s • New combined heat‐ and power plant p p 1970s • Name changed to Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB 1980s • Gärstadverket • Converting kraftvärmeverket to solid fuels Coal and wood • District cooling 2000s • Gärstadverkets panna 4 Today • 984 employers T k i k V Tekniska Verken k i Li Linköping kö i AB Di i i E Division Energy • Collects and recycling of waste • Producing and deliver heat, power d dd l h and cooling Production plants: – Gärstadverket – Kraftvärmeverket – 38 water power plants • District heating to 90 percent of houses in Linköping • And in Katrineholm, Borensberg, Kisa, Skärblacka, Åtvidaberg Å • District cooling to companies W t Waste as fuel f l Waste Separate collection of material Separate collection of material unsuitable for incineration Slagg Roads and building foundation g Ashes To salt mine Fuel District heating Heat Energy Process steam Electricity To power grid ÅVC – recycling li stations t ti P i iti iin waste Priorities t ttreatment t t Reduction of waste in production and consumption Recycling/reuse Hazardous waste is separately collected Material recovery Energy recovery Tekniska Verken Landfill Priorities for Waste Priorities for Waste Reduction Global Reuse 9% Energy recovery 7% 84% Material recovery Landfill 5% 48% 47% Sweden SWEDISH WASTE MANAGEMENT Recycling in EU From www.cewep.com, Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants Makingg waste suitable for burning g – Collect incombustible material separately Glass • May contribute to heavy metals in slag. Impossible to retrieve after incineration Al i Aluminum • Melts in incineration process, causes problems in grate systems • May cause formation of explosive hydrogen gas in slag • Should be recycled for energy saving Sh ld b l df i Iron and steel • Doesn’t Doesn t burn and wears equipment. Ferromagnetic metals can be retrieved from burn and wears equipment. Ferromagnetic metals can be retrieved from slag by magnetic separation Hazardous waste Hazardous waste • • • • • • Batteries Light bulbs Fluorescent lamps Fluorescent lamps Electronics Electrical equipment Mercuryy E i Environmental issues of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills li f i i l lid (MSW) l dfill • Heavy release of green house gas (methane) • May release a great variety of harmful organic compounds to air and M l i fh f l i d i d through leaching (water leakage) • Valuable materials wasted • Valuable land wasted • Basis for vermin, bacteria and mold • Bad smell B d ll E i Environmental advantages of waste‐to‐energy t l d t f t t • Green house impact only fraction p y compared to landfill • Complete destruction of all organic compounds • Metals made available for recycling • Residues Residues are only 10 % of origin are only 10 % of origin volume • Residues hygienic • Slag easily converted to inert building material • A Ashes ‐ h small volume to be ll l t b deposited in salt mine or used as raw material in chemical process • Useful energy output replacing coal E i Environmental issues in waste‐to‐energy t li i t t Uncontrolled burning of waste (landfill fires, back yard burning) inevitably leads to heavy emissions of: burning) inevitably leads to heavy emissions of: • • • • • Acids Dust and soot Heavy metals Nitrogen oxides Poisonous organic compounds, dioxins Cli t and Climate d iimportt off waste t • 2007 was carbon dioxide reduced by 500 000 tons − substitution of fossil fuels − reduction of landfill in country of origin − landfills develop methane gases with a 21 times higher green house effect than carbon dioxide Waste to Gärstadverket Heat values of different fuels 1 ton oil = = 1.6 tons coal/rubber waste 5 tons waste wood = = 4.5 tons wood 4 tons waste Waste storage Steady inflow Waste to storage during summer maintenance W t from Waste f storage t during d i heating h ti season C bi d heat Combined h t and d power production d ti District heating … Short about the technic: •Production of hot water at the powerplants •District heating net transport the hot water 110 C and 10 bar pressure to the customers •Heatexchanger at the customer exchange the energy from primary net to the secondary net (Customer) •After the heatexchange the water returns to the powerplant at 50 C District heating in Linköping 500 km network R i Regional l di district ti th heating ti Wh district Why di t i t heating? h ti ? Cogeneration g g Condensing Power Electricity 35% Fuel 100% Electricity 40% Fuel 100% District heat 55% Losses in production 10% Waste heat 50% Losses in production d i 10% Di t i t h ti District heating and the environment d th i t • Heat in a large scale has many advantages ‐ effective process that can use different fuels e.g. waste ‐ better opportunity for the purification of flue gases ‐ thousands of residential boilers can be removed ‐ optimization of operating in a larger system • Ability to heat houses with waste heat from industries that would otherwise be lost, ex. Skärblacka och Kisa h ld h i b l Skä bl k h Ki • To exercise waste heat from electricity generation in p CHP plants • Convenient for the customer • District heating – a condition for a sustainable Sweden?! Di t i t cooling District li with ith di district ti th heating ti Central parts of p g and the Linköping University District Heating in Linköping 1980‐2010 GWh 2000 Oil 1800 1600 Coal 1400 Rubber 1200 1000 Wood 800 Waste 600 400 200 0 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 The heating sector in Linköping compared to 2% 5%3% Sweden Linköping Increased energy production from waste reduces CO2 emissions i i and db brings i us closer to fulfilling the Kyoto agreement Waste fuelled district heating has b been a corner stone t in i developing our know how in cogeneration: • Waste to district heating • Waste to electricity 90% 8% 4% 2% 15% Sweden Electricity Oil 1% % District heating 20% Solid fuel C Combined bi d b boiler il 50% Heat pump Other Environmental Sustainability GWh 1600 1400 Oil 1200 Coal 1000 CO2: 800 Rubber 1980 278 ton/GWh 2004 83 ton/GWh 2009 50 ton/GWh 600 400 Wood 200 Waste 0 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 Emissions Conclusion: C l i 76% reduction of CO2 while increasing energy output by 60% tonnes / year year GWh / y Emissions of acidifying y g compounds p from energy plants in Linköping 3000 2 000 1 800 1 600 1 400 1 200 1 000 800 600 400 200 0 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Sulphur Nitro gen Oxides Hydro gen Chlo ride Heat and po wer pro ductio n Power production 900 Result 1994‐2010, budget 2010 & 2011 Additional 800 Bråvalla 700 Tornbyverket 600 Gärstadverket gas turbine 500 Katrineholm CHP 400 Kraftvärmeverket CHP 300 Gärstadverket New Steam turbine P1‐P3 200 Gärstadverket Steam turbine P4 100 Water 0 P4 – State St t off the th artt waste t incineration i i ti Residence time NOx CO Organic in ash TOC Metals Ammonia TVAB Wast & Recycling Recycled to Norway Environmental measurement Dust Metals Dioxin SO2 HCl SO2 HCl Metals CO2 Now time to visit the plant