February 16, 2016


February 16, 2016
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Distinguished Career Award Winners
This ye ar, the DC A Awards com m itte e has se le cte d two
Distinguishe d C are e r Award winne rs, Hunt Gilliland of C ouncil Fire
Golf C lub and Mik e Lathrop of Hillwood C ountry C lub. He re is a
VERY brie f snapshot of som e of the ir care e r accom plishm e nts. February 16, 2016
Issue Number: 05
Hunt Gilliand has se rve d at C ouncil Fire Golf C lub in
C hattanooga, TN since 1991, and has be e n the Dire ctor of Golf
since 1996. He se rve d as on the Te nne sse e Board of Dire ctors
from 2002­2012 and was the Te nne sse e Se ction Profe ssional of
the ye ar in both 2002 and 2012. He re ce ive d the Bill
Strausbaugh award in 2015. He playe d in both the 1990 PGA
C ham pionship and 1988 U.S. O pe n and has qualifie d for the
National C lub Pro C ham pionship e ight tim e s.
Distinguished Career A ward
Winners Tennessee Section Spotlight on
Golf Channel Mik e Lathrop has se rve d as the He ad PGA Profe ssional for 34 ye ars at
Hillwood C ountry C lub in Nashville , TN. Mik e se rve d his C hapte r as an
office r during the 1980’s and spe nt six ye ars on the PGA National
Education C om m itte e . Mik e , k nown for his passion as a te ache r, was
re cognize d by Golf Dige st Magazine as one of the be st te ache rs in
Te nne sse e from 2001­2004. Lathrop has work e d with both PGA and
LPGA Tour profe ssionals, and fam ous country stars including W illie
Ne lson.
Preds Perk s
A nnual Meeting Registration
Now Open
Employ ment Opportunity Best Practice
C ongratulations Hunt and Mik e on such an outstanding honor! The
Distinguishe d C are e r Award pre se ntation will tak e place during the C lub
C ar Awards Lunche on during the Annual Me e ting on Monday, Fe bruary
Employ ment Report
Sponsor Spotlight
DEADLINE APPROACHING Annual Meeting Registration
R e gistration for this ye ar's Annual Me e ting including the Te aching and C oaching Sum m it is now
ope n! Ple ase tak e the tim e to re giste r. This ye ar's fe ature d spe ak e rs will be Lou Holtz and Michae l Bre e d. The
Se cre tary Ele ction will also be he ld dire ctly afte r the Busine ss Me e ting.
W e look forward to se e ing m any of you the re !
R e giste r for All Day Monday ­ Lou Holtz, Busine ss Me e ting, Se cre tary
Ele ction, Awards Lunche on. You can also add the Te aching and C oaching
Sum m it. ($99 OR $168 for Members OR $55 OR $124 for A pprentices)
R e giste r for the Busine ss Me e ting O NLY (Free)
R e giste r for the Te aching and C oaching Sum m it O NLY ($69)
Earn 3 MSR Credits for Business Meeting & Secretary Election MO NDAY, FEBR UAR Y 29th ­ Annual Me e ting
8:00­9:00 AM R e gistration
9:00­10:00 AM Lou Holtz
10:00­ 1:00 PM Busine ss Me e ting & Se cre tary Ele ction
1:00 –2:30 PM C lub C ar Awards Pre se ntation
Earn 6 MSR Credits for the entire day
TUESDAY, MAR C H 1st ­ Te aching & C oaching Sum m it
8:00­8:30 AM R e gistration / O pe ning R e m ark s
8:30­10:45 AM Dr. Mik e Voight & Ashle y C am pbe ll
11:00­11:45 AM Lunch
11:45­ 2:00 PM Michae l Bre e d, PGA
Preds Perks Publisher
Golf Times Magazine
3rdA ssistant Golf Professional
Brentwood Country Club
Outside Operations A ttendant
The Golf Club of Tennessee
A ssistant Golf Professoional
WindStone Golf Club
Teaching Professional/ Clerk II
McCabe Golf Course
TH Feb 18 @ 7pm
SA Feb 20 @ 7pm
TU Mar 1 @ 7pm
Drink Specials thru
50% OFF Tickets
1st Intermission
Car Magnet Giveaway
Office Phone: 615­790­7600
Clay ton Hromadk a
Executiv e Director
chromadk a@pgahq.com
Graham Honey cutt, PGA
Director of Operations
GHoney cutt@pgahq.com
Use Preds Perks to take advantage of reduced ticket rates and service fees
today by clicking the "Get Tickets" button below, logging into/creating your
account, and using:
Promo Code "tnpga" Dav id Olinger
Tournament Director
Don't see the game you want? Click "Get Tickets" or go to
www.nashvillepredators.com/tnpga to view all available game dates.
A dam Greeno
Director of Tournament Operations
A Greeno@pgahq.com
att Dy k sterhouse
General & A dmin Intern
MDy k sterhouse@pgahq.com
Tennessee Section Spotlight on the Golf Channel
This Friday, Fe bruary 19th, the Te nne sse e Se ction Spotlight will run on "Morning Drive ." The
se gm e nt on golf channe l is airing in ce le bration of the PGA of Am e rica's C e nte nnial. The program
will spe cifically spotlight se ction profe ssionals and the
Te nne sse e Junior C up. “In ce le brating our C e nte nnial, we want to honor our
28,000 m e n and wom e n PGA Profe ssionals in all PGA
Se ctions across the country. Each day, the y’re growing
the gam e and using golf to be tte r live s in the ir
com m unitie s, as e vide nce d by program s lik e that of
the Te nne sse e PGA Se ction. W e ’re ve ry proud of the se
PGA Profe ssionals and look forward to highlighting
the ir e fforts this ye ar.” ­ De re k Sprague
The se gm e nt runs in conjunction with the #Thx PGAPro
C e nte nnial cle bration social m e dia cam paign whe re golfe rs can post picture s, vide os, and
m e ssage s in support of the ir favorite PGA Profe ssionals. Employment Opportunity
Bre ntwood C ountry C lub is look ing for a 3rd Assistant Golf Profe ssional. This is a full tim e position, and the de adline for re sum e s
is Fe bruary 19th. For m ore inform ation ple ase contact the club at 615­373­
C lick He re to re ad m ore about this position.
Best Practice
Day Camp Kids Go to Golf School
Scott Reilly on the importance of day camp kids going to golf school: For the last thre e ye ars, we have re ally e m phasize d m ak ing the youth golfe rs he re fe e l as though
the y ge t quality instruction, and also inspire the m to be com e ce rtifie d and m ore inde pe nde nt. To
be com e ce rtifie d the y ne e d to shoot 45 for five hole s in one hour while walk ing, pass a writte n 25­
que stion R ule s te st, and write about what golf m e ans to the m and the ir goals. O nce a youth
be com e s ce rtifie d, it ope ns the m to m ore e ve nts. That include s our youth inte rclubs, which we play
e ve ry Tue sday and Thursday afte rnoons, one ­day youth inte nsive clinics, the youth club
cham pionship and be ing able to play on the ir own on our additional nine ­hole layout. W e re cognize
youth golfe rs are the future , and if the y com e to the club so will the pare nts. But we also re m ind
the pare nts that once the youth be com e ce rtifie d, the y can sim ply drop the ir child off at the course .
W ith that in m ind, one thing we quick ly re cognize d was to bring what's attractive in adult golf
schools and transfe r that to our youth cam ps, all while k e e ping it fun and loose . So we m ak e sure
the sam e instructors are with the sam e k ids, and have a ne w give away e ach day. W e m ix it up with
on­course instruction and range se ssions and by switching stations with as m any as five in one day,
to k e e p things m oving. And if it's hot out, we m ak e sure e ve ryone is tak e n care of and continue s to
have fun, with snack s, popsicle s and drink s.
Scott Reilly on the business impact of day camp kids going to golf school: W e have se e n all of our Youth C am ps, which cost $295 pe r playe r, com ple te ly se ll out in a m atte r
of one day of sign­ups. W e cap our youth golf program s at 30 k ids for e ach cam p (which lasts four
days), with a ratio of six k ids to e ve ry one instructor. W e run thre e we e k ­long cam ps throughout
the sum m e r, and we have waitlists of m ore than 10 pe ople for e ach of the m . The se have be e n in
large part to ne w and fun program m ing along with stre ssing be tte r ratios of stude nt to te ache r and
m ore e m phasis on quality instruction to ge t k ids achie ving ce rtification at our facility. W e te nd to
se ll m ore youth clubs and attire , with sale s up 20 pe rce nt during this tim e , along with m ore golf
balls and e x tra le sson incom e for our instructors. O f the 90 k ids, we se e about 30 pe rce nt stick with
golf and k e e p playing re gularly ove r the sum m e r. Howe ve r, we also se e anothe r large group that
atte nds our Saturday m orning clinics and play a lot with the ir pare nts. O ur goal isn't about the
m one y. In the e nd, it's ultim ate ly about ge tting k ids to love the gam e .
Employment Briefs with Kevin Walls
Em ploym e nt Brie fs – Fe bruary 16, 2016
Ke vin W alls, PGA
PGA of Am e rica, Em ploym e nt C onsultant
662­306­0719(C e ll) 662­489­1528 (Hom e ) k walls@pgahq.com FEBRUARY REMINDERS
Sponsor Spotlight
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