Dues Deadline TOMORROW Upcoming


Dues Deadline TOMORROW Upcoming
FY 2016/17 Dues Reminder
Upcoming Tournaments
Professionals Helping
Ira Templeton Chattanooga
Vegas Pro­A m
Registration Now Open Section
Best Practice
Sponsor Spotlight
National Car Rental Las
Vegas Pro ­Am
Number of Spots Still Available
Dues Deadline TOMORROW
The 2016/2017 due s are up and m ust be paid by TOMORROW, June 30 th. You
can pay your due s online at PGA.org.
Upcoming Tournaments
Guardian Enterprises Pro­A m
Ge t your te am re ady to play Millstone Golf C lub. The course is in e xce lle nt
condition with this ne w date . It has allowe d the Be rm uda grass to grow in m ore
com pare d to the e arlie r date in past ye ars. We are re ally look ing forward to a
gre at e ve nt. The De adline to re giste r is: July 6, 2016 at 5:00 PM C DT
Entry Fe e
Playe rs C lub Me m be r $600 Non­Playe rs C lub Me m $650 PR O SKIN+PC Me m be r $620 PR O SKIN+Non PC Me m $670
Firehawk Scratch Pro­A m
Ne w for 2016, the Fire hawk will be a one day 18 hole com pe tition. Profe ssionals
are able to bring up to thre e am ate urs and form a te am with e ach of the m . O ak
R idge C ountry C lub is the gracious host of this e ve nt that will be playe d on July
18th. The De adline to re giste r is: July 13, 2016 at 5:00 PM C DT
Entry Fe e Playe rs C lub Te am $320 PC + 2 Am s $505 PC + 3 Am s $690 Non­PC Te am $370 Non­PC + 2 Am s $555 Non PC + 3 Am s $740 SKINS+PC Te am $330 SKINS+PC + 2 Am s $515 SKINS+PC + 3 Am s $700 SKINS+Non PC Te am $380 SKINS+Non PC +2Am s $565 SKINS+Non PC +3Am s $750
Entry Fe e bre ak down is as follows: am ate ur = $160, PC m e m be r = $160,
additional am ate ur = $160, Profe ssional playing on se cond te am =$25…e tc.
Professionals Helping Professionals
OFFICE PHONE: It is not e ve ry we e k you ge t to he ar about
how gre at of a fam ily the re is within the PGA
ne twork . Hone stly, you probably he ar m ore
about clubs com pe ting against one anothe r
than you do about the m he lping e ach othe r
out. So, whe n we have an am azing story
unfold close to hom e , we have to share it.
O ve r this past we e ke nd, O ld Hickory C ountry
C lub had the ir m e m be r­gue st. Just be fore
the e ve nt was about to k ick off, Joe y
Hick m an’s fathe r be cam e ve ry ill. O bviously,
this put the club in a bit of a bind trying to run a golf tournam e nt without its
longtim e he ad profe ssional. This is whe n David Hardwick , PGA, of the Golf C lub of
Te nne sse e ste ppe d in. The Golf C lub of Te nne sse e took the ir (ne w) assistant Ale x
C ox off the ir sche dule and se nt him back to O ld Hickory C ountry C lub to he lp run
the tournam e nt. Ale x had spe nt the last nine ye ars work ing unde r and le arning
from Joe y. He was able to ste p in and thrive in the tim e of ne e d. O f course the
e ve nt we nt on without a hitch. Many thank s to Ale x , David, and The Golf C lub of
TN for the ir gracious hand. Just anothe r e x am ple of the fam ily within the PGA of
Am e rica. #thx PGApro
Ira Templeton Chattanooga Classic
Flenniken – Back to Back Wins in the Professional Division
Johnny Bridgeman, PGA
Flenniken – Back to Back Wins in the Professional Division
The he at didn’t faze C ase y Fle nnike n who won the 2016
Ira Te m ple ton C hattanooga C lassic by 1 stroke ove r
Marshall Talk ington and 2015 C ham pion Nick Garre tson.
Fle nnike n had a two­day total of 6­unde r­par 134 at
C re e k s Be nd Golf C lub in Hix son, TN.
O n the ope ning day Fle nnike n caught fire . He had five
birdie s and no boge y’s to shoot 65. O n the se cond day
Fle nnike n had to hold off the strong play from Talk ington
who was in the final group with him . The two we re ne ck
and ne ck all round. Pre ssure was put on the final pairing
by Garre tson whe n he poste d his 36 hole total of ­5 unde r par (135). In the e nd a
­2 unde r back nine from Fle nnike n prove d to be e nough to hold off the
com pe tition to m ake it back to back wins. Fle nnike n also won the Re gular
Profe ssional Division last we e k at the C apital C ity Golf Association pre se nte d by
Tootsie s.
Garre tson, an am ate ur, won the Re gular Am ate ur Division while Talk ington
finishe d se cond in the Re gular Profe ssional Division. Scott Moran who was also in
the final pairing finishe d third in the Re gular Profe ssional Division afte r shooting
68, 68.
Jim Vernon, PGA
Vice President
O n the Se nior side Bill Bre e n, PGA and Je ff Gollihe r tie d for the ove rall
C ham pionship, but e ach won the ir re spe ctive division. Bre e n finishe d first in the
Se nior Profe ssional Division and Gollihe r finishe d first in the Se nior Am ate ur
Division. Each shot a total of 134 which is ­6 unde r par.
The True Te m pe r Profe ssional Sk ins gam e turne d out to be ve ry e xciting once
again. In round 1 two sk ins we re e arne d, one by Ke vin Sne ll who had an e agle on
the par 5 first hole and Gre g Wyatt had a birdie on the se cond hole . Each sk in was
worth $205. Round 2 e nde d with se ve n sk ins: two by Ke ith Burde tte and one by
Nick Baile s, W illie Brook s, Gle nn Hudson, Scott Moran, and Jake Re e ve s. Each
Sk in in round two was worth $56 dollars. Thank you True Te m pe r the #1 Shaft in
Golf for your support of the se ason long Profe ssional Sk ins Gam e . The Te nne sse e PGA would like to thank Buddy Te m ple ton, Mike Ne lm s and the
e ntire staff at C re e k s Be nd Golf C lub for the ir he lp and am azing support at this
ye ar’s cham pionship. W ithout the une nding hard work from the C re e k s Be nd staff,
this ye ar’s Ira Te m ple ton C hattanooga C lassic would have not be e n possible .
Jim West, PGA
C lick he re for full re sults
Vegas Pro­Am
We still have spots available for The TPGA National C ar Re ntal Las Ve gas Pro ­Am
Pre se nte d by TaylorMade ­ adidas Ashworth Golf, E Z GO & C addyX in Ve gas on
Sunday, Nove m be r 6 th to Thursday, Nove m be r 10 th . R EGISTER HER E
$1800 pe r am ate ur ($7200 total pe r te am )
Room upgrade to MGM Grand (Grand Towe r) is an additional $1,200 pe r te am
(O nly 3 te am upgrade s le ft!)
Ken Crowder, PGA
Honorary President
** The profe ssional’s e ntry fe e is com plim e ntary and will re ce ive a $600
appe arance fe e to cove r the ir flight and m e als
** C osts also include am ate ur sk ins gam e fe e s and round trip club shipping from
C addyX.
Sunday 11/06 Arrive in Las Ve gas 4:00pm Hote l C he ck In
Monday 11/07 Round 1 Pro Am Paiute GR 10:30am shotgun
Tue sday 11/08 Round 2 Pro Am Paiute GR 10:30am shotgun
We dne sday 11/09 Round 3 Pro Am Paiute GR 10:30am shotgun
Thursday 11/10 De parture s
Click here for more information and to apply today!
Registration Now Open ­ Section Championships
* Register Now ­ A ssistant PGA Professional Championship
Re gistration for the 2016 TPGA Assistant PGA Profe ssional C ham pionship is now
ope n. The e ve nt will be playe d on August 1 st and 2 nd at The Gove rnor’s C lub.
Re giste r He re .
* Register Now ­ Tennessee PGA Professional Championship
Re gistration for the 2016 TPGA PGA Profe ssional C ham pionship is now ope n. The
e ve nt will be playe d on Aug 29­31 at The Hide away at Arrington. Re giste r He re .
*Register Now ­ Section Senior PGA Professional Championship
Re gistration for the 2016 Se ction Se nior PGA C ham pionship is now ope n. The
e ve nt will be playe d on Se pte m be r 12­13 at The Virginian Golf C lub. Re giste r
He re .
Best Practice
We'd like to feature YOUR Best Practice
in our next issue!
To participate, please send your submission(s) to:
Create a Fun, Social Women's Clinic
Duane Lent on the importance of creating a fun, social women's clinic:
Eve ry Thursday night running April­O ctobe r, we offe r a be ginne r to inte rm e diate
wom e n's clinic calle d the Exe cutive Wom e n's Golf Program . The program include s
a lot of work ing wom e n post­work hours. O ur true focus is ce nte re d on having fun
and re taining the wom e n in the program and in our Monday Night Wom e n's
Le ague . We cove r the basics such as pre ­swing, full swing, chipping and putting,
but include e ve rything we can possibly think of to pre pare the m for playing ­
bunke r shots, playing out of the rough, language , Rule s and trouble shots, to
nam e a fe w. O ur k ickoff night in April, calle d Wom e n's Golf Social, consists of
wine , hors d'oe uvre s, and a frie ndly, non­stre ssful putting and chipping clinic. We
typically se e 20­30 wom e n.
Duane Lent on the business impact of creating a fun, social women's clinic:
Each Thursday night we charge the wom e n $20 for the one ­hour clinic and if the y
want to bundle , we offe r four clinics for $70. O n ave rage we have 10­15 wom e n
e ach we e k , which draws $200­$300. The wom e n re ally e njoy the pre ssure ­fre e
e nvironm e nt and the gre at opportunity to forge ne w re lationships with othe r
wom e n golfe rs. In 2013 whe n I first be gan he re at Hone ybrook , we had five
wom e n in our database . Since the n we have grown to ove r 50 unique wom e n.
Furthe rm ore , this program has not only introduce d m ore wom e n to golf, but to m y
pe rsonal le sson book as 40 pe rce nt of the se wom e n take private le ssons from
m e . By offe ring a fun, social, be ginne r wom e n's clinic, you e lim inate the
intim idation factor and in re turn you capture se ve ral ne w, hungry golfe rs.
Sponsor Highlight