ABN AMRO Private Banking


ABN AMRO Private Banking
ABN AMRO Private Banking, full-colour for coated paper
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Private Banking
welcomes you
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for taking the time to read our brochure and allow us to share with you
what ABN AMRO Private Banking services can offer you.
We believe private banking is all about a long-term, enduring relationship with
our clients, built upon mutual trust, real understanding of your specific needs and
putting your interests at the centre of our services. We work hard to build such
long-term relationships by earning your trust day in and day out, year on year, and
generation after generation.
It is our mission to place you at the heart of everything we do, thereby helping
you and your family realise your financial goals. To achieve this, we invest a sig­­­
nificant amount of time in really understanding your personal circumstances
and goals. With you, we then develop a tailor-made strategy: a transparent, welldefined and realistic plan designed to address your unique requirements.
We use our in-house expertise in core private banking areas such as investment
advice, discretionary portfolio management, private lending, wealth structuring
and estate planning to select and build the solutions that will best serve your
interests. We also actively and transparently apply what is called an ‘open architecture’ approach, where we mainly use investment products and solutions from
external reputable financial institutions.
With our client-focused, personal approach; our dedicated private banking professionals; and the solidity for which we are renowned, we look forward to the
opportunity to be of service to you, too. Our network spans Europe and Asia, and
includes some of the world’s oldest and most prestigious private banks, such as
Neuflize OBC and Delbrueck Bethmann Maffei. Allowing us to provide you with
a better service at home and abroad, wherever your business may take you or
your homes may be.
Please take a moment to look through the rest of this brochure. We’ve kept
it short because we know your life is busy. If you like what you see and want
to know more about what we can do for you, please contact me direct at
jeroen.rijpkema@nl.abnamro.com or visit www.abnamroprivatebanking.com
where you will find contact details for all our offices worldwide.
I look forward to the opportunity to introduce you to one of our private bankers.
Yours sincerely,
Jeroen Rijpkema
Chief Executive Officer
ABN AMRO Private Banking International
ABN AMRO Private Banking?
It is our aim to put our clients at the centre of everything
But before all that, we start by listening to you. Really liste-
we’re trying to achieve. Something others claim, but for
ning. Because only when we understand your goals can we
which we have been renowned for nearly 300 years.
begin to help you achieve them. With a strategy tailor-made
to your needs, but always built upon the dual cornerstones
It begins with identifying your aspirations...
of robust risk management and fundamental growth. So we
We align our goals as closely as possible with your financial
manage your wealth for the present while helping you plan
interests. For example, by organizing our people into Client
for your own future and that of subsequent generations.
Service Teams responsible for meeting your needs. And
by being happy to work with your other advisors, such as
...and earning your trust
your accountant or tax specialist, to ensure that what we
In the best traditions of private banking, we believe we can
do makes sense in the wider context of your goals in life.
only build a lasting relationship with you by earning your
trust. Both year-on-year, through excellent management of
With backgrounds in corporate, private and investment
your wealth, and day-to-day, by consistently providing out-
banking, our private bankers have the knowledge and
standing service.
ex­perience to provide solid, transparent advice and help
you develop a clearly defined wealth management strategy.
how we
serve you
Expertise. At your service.
We offer you expertise in core private banking areas, such as:
▶▶ International Estate Planning
▶▶ Discretionary Portfolio Management
Because you have the right to be served exclusively by
▶▶ Investment Advisory
people who really understand your needs, we work with
▶▶ Dynamic Advisory
Client Service Teams made up of specialists closely familiar
▶▶ Life Insurance
with your priorities and preferences.
▶▶ Private Lending
▶▶ Wealth Structuring
When you contact us, we make sure you will be served by
someone who knows exactly who you are and how you like
Our open architecture approach means we are able to offer
to do business. So they can execute your request profes­
you the most suitable product solutions, either in-house or
sionally, but also with the enthusiasm we aim to bring to
through reputable external financial institutions. In addition,
everything we do.
and depending on your needs, we can of course also draw
on the expertise of our colleagues across the ABN AMRO
Your personal team is for there for you
Group network.
Private Banker - Your key contact person. They review, monitor
and update your specific financial wishes; draw up your
Private Wealth Management
individual wealth management plan; and co-ordinate the
Our top service in the private market is Private Wealth
services we provide for you.
Management, which we render to private families with over
Investment Advisor - Helps you manage your investments, and
€ 25 million in liquid assets and family offices. We partner
identify and achieve your financial goals.
with our clients to develop innovative tailor made solutions
Commercial Assistant - Focuses on day-to-day activities. Ensu-
of highest international standard, whether in lending, invest-
res your requests are promptly and efficiently processed.
ments or other financial services areas. In offering these
The Product Specialists - There to provide technical information,
solutions we are able to combine capabilities in Corporate,
know-how and insights into specific key areas.
Commercial and Merchant Banking on an international scale.
a modern bank with strong historical roots
ABN AMRO Private Banking is part of ABN AMRO Bank N.V.,
A leading private bank
an independent bank with Dutch roots reaching back as far
Servicing well over 120,000 clients through our domestic and
as 1720.
international offices in 12 markets worldwide, ABN AMRO
Private Banking is respected across the financial world. We
Open and friendly in character, we are an ambitious, mod­
rank in the top three private banks in the Eurozone, top seven
ern, international bank at the forefront of the very latest
in Europe and top twenty in Asia. We recently won the Euro-
developments in the worlds of finance and industry.
money Award 2011 for The Netherlands’ best private bank.
With offices in 28 countries, ABN AMRO i­s a bank well
ABN AMRO Private Banking offers a full range of banking,
aware of its role in society and we conduct ourselves in a
financial & estate planning, and investment services. Our
socially responsible way in countries where we operate. We
on- and off-shore offices in 12 markets include the pres­
are committed to regaining our position as a leading sus­
tigious private banks of ABN AMRO MeesPierson in the
tainable bank, for example by reducing our environmental
Netherlands, Delbrueck Bethmann Maffei in Germany and
footprint, along with smart purchasing and further energy-
Neuflize OBC in France, as well as the world-leading
saving initiatives.
International Diamonds & Jewellery Group. We also enjoy
a significant presence in both Singapore and Hong Kong.
We employ 28,000 people. They are active in retail banking;
private banking for clients with savings/investments exceed­
ing € 1 million; and Commercial and Merchant Banking for
business, corporate and multinational clients.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is established at Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP, in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
The telephone number is +31 10 241 17 20. The internet address is www.abnamro.nl.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has been granted a banking licence by the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche
Bank N.V.) and is entered in the register of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Auto­
riteit Financiële Markten, AFM) under number 12000004. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. may act as:
- a supplier of payment, savings and credit products;
- a broker and consultant for payment, savings, credit and insurance products;
- an investment firm for all investment services, investment activities and non-core services.
Information relating to ABN AMRO Bank N.V.’s complaint procedures and Disputes Committees to which
the Bank is affiliated is available on www.abnamro.nl/klachtenregeling. You can also order this information by dialling +31 10 241 17 20.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is subject to the Investor Compensation Scheme (beleggerscompensatiestelsel)
and the Deposit Guarantee Scheme (depositogarantiestelsel). For more information go to www.abnamro.nl/
garantieregeling or call +31 10 241 17 20.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is entered in the Trade Register of the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce under
number 34334259. The VAT identification number of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is NL820646660B01.
General Disclaimer
The information provided in this document has been drafted by ABN AMRO Bank N.V. and is intended as
general information and is not oriented to your personal situation. The information may therefore not
expressly be regarded as a recommendation. Decisions made on the basis of the information in this document are your own responsibility and at your own risk.
Although ABN AMRO attempts to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information, which has
been obtained from sources that are considered reliable, ABN AMRO makes no representations
or warranties, express or implied, as to whether the information provided is accurate, complete or
ABN AMRO assumes no liability for printing and typographical errors. The information included in this
document may be amended without prior notice. ABN AMRO is not obliged to update or amend the information included herein.
Neither ABN AMRO nor any of its agents or subcontractors shall be liable for any damages (including
lost profits) arising in any way from the information provided in this document or for the use thereof.
ABN AMRO, or the relevant owner, retains all rights (including copyright, trademarks, patents and any
other intellectual property right) in relation to all the information provided in this document (including all
texts, graphic material and logos). The information in this document may not be copied or in published,
distributed or reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of ABN AMRO or the appropriate
consent of the owner. The information in this document may be printed for your personal use
ABN AMRO Private Banking, full-colour for coated paper
Width shield: 20 mm
Overlap: 0,05 mm

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