January 2016 - Adat Ari El


January 2016 - Adat Ari El
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Adat Ari El
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Monthly Edition • Volume 78, No. 5
Adat Ari El Sisterhood Honors
Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff and Rabbi Deborah Silver with the Chayai Olam Award
Torah Fund Dinner – Wednesday, February 3, 2016, 6:30 p.m.
Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff
Rabbi Deborah Silver
It’s a great pleasure to announce that Sisterhood has selected
Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff as one of this year’s Chayai Olam
award recipients. Cantor Aranoff’s dedication to Adat Ari El
and our Sisterhood shows how she truly deserves this honor.
Sisterhood is most pleased to honor
Rabbi Deborah Silver as one of this
year’s Chayai Olam recipients.
Cantor Aranoff assumed the position of Cantor of Adat Ari
El in July 2015, following 12 years as Associate Cantor.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Cantor Aranoff received a BA in Psychology,
a K-12 Teaching Credential in Music and in Life Sciences, and a Master’s
Degree in Music, all from UCLA. She is also a graduate of the Los Angeles
Hebrew High School and studied at the University of Judaism (now American
Jewish University) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She received her
Hazzan’s certification from the Cantors Assembly in 2007.
Prior to and during her work as Associate Cantor, Cantor Aranoff taught
music in our Day School. She continues to work with our Day School and
JLC students, teaching them both how to read Torah and how to chant and
understand various tefillot.
In her pre-Adat Ari El life, Judy worked with the Young Musicians
Foundation and the Los Angeles Philharmonic Institute, taught at Fairfax
High School and at Heschel Day School, worked as a musical director in local
community theater, led High Holyday services at UCLA Hillel for over 20
years, and was the Director of the Nashir Choral Ensemble of the American
Jewish University for 23 years.
In the community at large, Cantor Aranoff currently sits on the Board of
Trustees of the Los Angeles Hebrew High School as the representative of the
Cantors Assembly. She is also the Associate Conductor and a singer in the
Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale.
With a special love for singing Israeli songs, Cantor Aranoff has appeared
numerous times singing for various organizations and at different festivals. Her
recordings include a track on CA/USCJ Spirit Series Vol. 7, The Spirit of Israel
II, as well as on Vol. 12 of the same series, The Spirit of Hope and Healing.
Long before she began working here, Cantor Aranoff was part of this
community. She and her husband, Mel, became members and Shabbat
regulars soon after the birth of their first child in 1984. Clergy do not often
come from within the ranks of the Synagogue, and she knows from experience
what Adat Ari El means to its members.
Cantor Aranoff is the daughter of Rabbi Paul Dubin and Esther Dubin,
Cantor Aranoff, continued on page 4
Rabbi Silver holds a Master’s degree
in Hebrew Studies from Gonville and
Caius College, Cambridge, England, and a further MA
in Theory and Practice of Literary Translation from the
University of Essex, England. On leaving university,
she worked in the fields of theater and publishing, prior
to co-authoring “The Young Person’s Guide to Saving
the Planet” for Virago Press in 1990 and acting as
Senior English Editor of the Oxford English-Hebrew
Dictionary of Current Usage.
Rabbi Silver subsequently qualified as an attorney,
working for Mishcon de Reya, London, for four years
before leaving to take a post at BPP Law School, where
she was an Associate Professor, head of legal research,
and deputy head of teacher training. In her spare time
she discovered Limmud, the Jewish learning conference
that has since gone international.
Eventually the call of the rabbinate proved irresistible,
and Rabbi Silver packed up her books and crossed the
ocean to study at the Ziegler School of the American
Jewish University. While there, she was the co-editor,
with Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, of three volumes of
the Ziegler Adult Learning “Walking With” series and
taught Ethics at the Conejo Valley Florence Melton
Adult Mini-School.
Rabbi Silver’s interests include dance, music, and dogs
(in particular her Shih Tzu, Zalman). She is also a
newly qualified yoga instructor. She feels privileged
to be part of the team at Adat Ari El, and she hopes
that her rabbinate will embody the deep love of Jewish
learning—in all its many and varied forms—which has
characterized her journey to date.
Rabbi Silver has been the Assistant Rabbi at Adat Ari El
since her ordination in 2010. Sisterhood is thrilled that
she is here and is honored to recognize her as one of the
recipients of this year’s Chayai Olam award.
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
President’s Message
Rabbi’s Message
In the December Jewish Journal,
Dennis Prager wrote an opinion piece
on gender roles. To know him is to
not be surprised by his conclusions:
liberal Jews rely solely on the principle
of compassion and not Torah as their moral guide, that
this principle gets applied to only those individuals who
have been excluded from or oppressed by society, and that
focusing on compassion in this way undermines society.
This time around the venue for this trope is the Torah’s
verses on cross dressing and a synagogue’s hiring of a rabbi
who identifies as transgender.
The response was intense and passionate. The letters
to the editor accused Dennis Prager of being cruel,
bigoted, hateful, harmful, etc. The Jewish Journal was
criticized for even publishing the piece.
So many people have worked tirelessly on gender
equality and issues within their congregations, work
places, and across the country. And I agree with them.
Much has been done and much remains to be done.
And I will support them throughout.
And yet I am deeply troubled by the responses.
I disagree with most all of Dennis Prager’s article: both
his assumptions about Torah, as well as his applications
of its principles. However, his opinion is not beyond the
pale of Jewish thought and can be justified according to
authoritative Jewish sources. In addition, he himself has
never been accused of acting in a bigoted manner, and he
has expressed compassion and not hatred for those whose
lives do not conform to traditional Jewish norms.
Many, myself included, called out the right’s stridency
this summer when speaking of those who supported
the Iranian nuclear accord. We warned how unfair and
dangerous it was for the community’s health, that such
stridency inhibited dialogue and learning, and that
they weakened the very fabric of our communal cloth.
To a lesser degree the same is true here.
Our community’s and country’s wellbeing not only
rests on the principles by which we live, but also on
how we arrive at them. And we are impoverished
when unable to hear others...even if we believe them
to be utterly and completely wrong. It is essential that
we all model the appropriate manner with which to
respond to those people. I believe Rabbi Brad Artson
once quipped: “The Jewish community is only tolerant
when speaking about things that don’t really matter.”
Gender roles and inclusion matter greatly, and in
this and other crucial areas, we should not fail to
acknowledge the validity of the person, even while we
vehemently disagree with that person’s opinion.
By Manny Aftergut
Regardless of how old you are, there’s something about
spending an afternoon in a tree that just seems perfect.
Poets, artists, songwriters, novelists, and filmmakers continue to find
inspiration in these arboreal beauties.
I think all of us remember the time we spent around trees as kids. I clearly
recall playing hide and seek during my elementary school years and using
what seemed to me then giant trees to hide behind. Only after revisiting
my old neighborhood did I realize those trees were pretty ordinary street
trees or backyard trees, yet the memory still sticks with me of hiding behind
a majestic and “giant” tree, thrilled at being unseen—these are such warm
memories for all of us, I suspect. Later, as a dad, I have a clear memory of
my kids climbing into our front yard olive tree—photos galore—and that
was before “Facebooking” photos. Some of my most cherished photos are
of my kids in that front yard tree and photos of the family or friends posing
next to the many beautiful trees we encountered in our travels.
Jewish tradition takes a day to reflect on the power, majesty, and
importance of trees. Tu B’Shevat, or the 15th day of the month of Shevat,
marks the beginning of a “New Year for Trees.” Usually though, the
holiday occurs in January/February as it is associated with the start of
spring in Israel. It’s observed as a sort of national Arbor Day in Israel. The
earliest trees to blossom in Israel are almond trees—they show their first
flowers around this time of year.
Later this month we will observe the holiday of Tu B’Shevat. The eve of Tu
B’Shevat this year falls, luckily for programming purposes, on a Sunday. We
have planned a wonderful family Tu B’Shevat Art Experience with our Artist-inResidence, Mordechai Rosenstein, Sunday, January 24th, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. You can learn about Tu B’Shevat, create a family art piece, explore the Gallery,
and see the custom piece created for us by Mordechai. The cost is $10.00 per
family, which includes snacks. I hope your schedule will allow you to attend.
Speaking of attending events, many thanks to Stephen Tobolowsky and
Rabbi Silver for their combined energy and drive in putting together a
very successful program during Hanukkah, which built on the very wellattended and successful “Sukkah under the Stars.” Keep your eyes posted
for a spring program.
In the spirit of Tu B’Shevat, I offer the very well-known poem by Joyce
Kilmer titled “Trees.”
Joyce Kilmer
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2016.
Manny Aftergut
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Adat Ari El Bulletin
B’nai Mitzvah
January 2016
Alan Dennis - father of Lance (Marilyn) Dennis; grandfather of
Ethan Marc Dennis
January 16, 2016
Mackenzie Gittelson
Daughter of Steven &
Myah Gittelson
Beth Goldsmith - wife of Gordon Goldsmith; mother of
Noah and Aliza
January 23, 2016
Noah Marcus
Son of Jason &
Malinda Marcus
Leonard Krowech - husband of Selma Krowech; father of Lita
Krowech and Gail Krowech; grandfather of Jessica Stroik, Sophia
Stroik, Becka Stroik and Alex Van DeVenter; brother-in-law of
Adelaide Suplin; uncle of Farryl (Bill) Dickter and Pam Farkas
Yaakov Gonchar - father of Boris (Irina) Gonchar and Leonid
(Marina) Gonchar; grandfather of David, Sasha, Mikka and Masha
Lois Pepperman - mother of Paul (Jacalyn) Pepperman, Donald
(Melodee) Pepperman and Joy (Wayne) Smith; grandmother of Amy
(Evan) Greenburg, Katie Pepperman, Brantley Pepperman, Samantha
Smith and Emily Smith; great-grandmother of Oliver Greenburg
January 30, 2016
Eli Hyman
Son of Michael Hyman &
Robin Finn
Welcome to the World
Reuben Samuel and Lila Simone Endlich - children of Elena
and Jeff Endlich; brother and sister of Julian; grandchildren of
Lee and Marcia Finney, Allen and Ellen Endlich
Isla Sophia Wasserman - daughter of Shana and Adam
Wasserman; sister of Ally; granddaughter of Terry and Jeff Ellis,
Joyce and Steve Wasserman; great-granddaughter of Marilyn
Wasserman and Molly and Steve Weinsheink
On behalf of our entire family we want to thank everyone at
Adat Ari El who helped to make Josh and Ginny’s wedding
such a special and wonderful simcha. From Rabbi Silver’s
lovely blessing at Friday night services, to the beautiful and
personal ceremony that Rabbi Bernhard performed, which
was enhanced by Cantor Aranoff’s chanting, it was a perfect
Tuesday evening! Patrick, Joaquin, and Hugo did a great job
setting up the room. The bride made the chuppah, which
was attached to the poles that belong to the temple. Lighting
transformed the space, and Kensington Caterers exceeded our
expectations with a delicious dinner. We were very happy to
celebrate this life cycle event at a place that has such meaning
and significance to us.
William Elijah Roth - son of Ilana and Zachary Roth; grandson
of Sheree and Ron Roth, Linda and David Bostwick; greatgrandson of Roslyn Silverman
Henry Meir Manis - son of Amalia and Larry Manis; brother of Izzy
Broadway On Burbank
A Tribute to 45 Years of Musical theater at Adat Ari El
Our 45th and FINAL Production
Directed by Rabbi Moshe J. Rothblum
Thursday, May 26, 2016
For more information please contact Julee Levine
Jean and Steven Orenstein
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
My Leadership Experience in USY
Torah Fund…
Making a Difference in
Higher Jewish Education
by Molly Schwartz
This year marks my second year of being on Executive Board for
USY at Adat Ari El. I took on the position of Membership and
Kadima Vice President. Each day I am learning new things about the
importance of my role. In order to start up my experience for the year,
I attended the Leadership Training Institute (LTI), which was made
possible due to my receiving the Ross Scholarship. LTI took place at
the American Jewish University, and executive board members from
all over the Far West Region joined for this very important leadership
program. The weekend at AJU allowed me to meet with other people
who had my board position and discuss methods that worked and
those that did not work. We also simulated activities in which we
practiced the skills we learned and followed the activities with talking
through our errors and achievements.
LTI taught me many skills of being a good leader, such as
communication and the importance of listening to others. Overall, this
skill has helped me tremendously, because whenever I communicate
with the rest of the executive board, it allows us to plan the best
programs possible. In order to elongate my training, I attended USY
Fall Encampment at Camp Ramah in Ojai. I was put into a program
called Madrichim, which meant that I could staff regional weekends
for younger kids. Madrichim training taught me positive ways to
speak to children and also how to deal with inappropriate situations.
All in all, I have made my fair share of mistakes, but these mistakes
have helped shape me into a better leader. The support of LTI and
Madrichim has given me guidance through my problems and has
helped me improve as a leader for the community.
Molly Schwartz is the Membership/Kadima VP of AAE USY and
was the 2015 recipient of the Ross Family Scholarship for Emerging
Leaders. She is a 10th grader at deToledo High School and is the
daughter of Randy and Nancy Schwartz.
Cantor Aranoff, continued from page 1
both of blessed memory, who were respected leaders in the Los Angeles
Jewish community. She and Mel have two fabulous daughters, Ronit
and Yael, both actors (for which they find Rabbi Rothblum and his
shows partly responsible!) and who have beautifully participated in
leading High Holyday services at Adat Ari El.
With a deep feeling for Jewish life, learning, and music, Cantor Aranoff also
has a strong sense of commitment to the broader Jewish community, which
includes her support of Torah Fund. She believes that to be a cantor is to
do keruv, bringing people close to God and Judaism through music. It is
easy to see why Sisterhood is honored and excited that Cantor Judy Dubin
Aranoff has been selected as one of this year’s Chayai Olam recipients.
The Women’s League of Conservative Judaism,
Sisterhood’s parent organization, raises money each
year for Conservative/Masorti Institutions of higher
learning. The funds raised each year by Sisterhood
women from all over the world provide much-needed
funds to the students of the American Jewish University
(Los Angeles), Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) in
New York, The Schechter Institute in Jerusalem, and
The Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos
Aires. The scholarship funds are vitally important
to rabbinical students during their fifth year as they
study in Israel to complete their degrees. The financial
assistance Torah Fund provides has benefited our own
rabbis and interns.
Nat’ah karem, this year’s Torah Fund theme, is from the
Eishet Chayil poem portraying a hard-working, generous
woman who “plants a vineyard by her own labors” for
future generations. This year we honor Rabbi Deborah
Silver and Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff, two women who
exemplify Nat’ah karem, at our annual Torah Fund Dinner,
February 3rd. We hope you will join us in honoring their
work in our community. Donations in their honor to the
Torah Fund benefit the Scholarship Campaign.
Torah Fund is also launching a two-year campaign to raise
over $600,000 to support special projects at the Jewish
Theological Seminary (JTS) and the Zeigler School for
Rabbinic Studies. The JTS Project will refurbish and
re-sanctify the Women’s League Seminary Synagogue
with capital improvements and innovative programs
re-imagining synagogue prayer. The Zeigler Project will
support the year of study in Israel for our future rabbis.
Gifts made at designated levels beginning at $1800 will be
recognized at both seminaries.
Please contact Joette Labinger at (818) 787-7441 for
any questions regarding the Torah Fund campaign or the
special seminary projects. Donations honoring Rabbi
Silver and Cantor Aranoff may be sent to the Synagogue,
attention: Torah Fund. Receive a Torah Fund pin
(illustration shown above) with a minimum contribution
of $180 as our thank you. The loyal support of Adat Ari
El members over the decades has made our Sisterhood the
largest contributor to Torah Fund in the world!
Thank you for supporting the future of the Conservative/
Masorti movement!
Christine Prell
Sisterhood President
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Adat Ari El Bulletin
The Gift Gallery at Adat Ari El
20 – 75
8:30 a.m. – 3:0
9:00 a.m. – 12
:30 p.m.
Other times
12:30 p.m
by appointmen
Call Beverly a
– 3:00
(818) 789-63
9:00 a.m.
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
invites you to
Join us As we study with our distinguished guests
RAbbi BRAdley ShAvit ARtson, DeAn, Ziegler School of RAbbinic Studies
RAbbi EdwArd Feinstein, vAlley Beth ShAlom, Encino
RAbbi Felipe GoodmAn, Temple Beth Sholom, LAS vEGAS
RAbbi BRiAn SchuldenfRei, CongregAtion ner TAmid of South BAy
RAbbi DeboRAh SilveR, AdAt Ari El, vAlley villAge
RAbbi StewARt vogel, Temple AliyAh, WoodlAnd Hills
We Also welcome
Debbi kAneR Goldich
Women’s LeAgue InternAtionAl TorAh Fund ChAir
SundAy, JAnuAry 24, 2016
AmeRicAn Jewish univeRsity
15600 mulhollAnd DRive, Bel AiR, CAlifoRniA
!")U:MOQ[\:)\QWVŒ9:30-1:15 BRunch & PRogRAm
Cost of Event $36.00
RSvP by JAnuARy 13, 2016
For questions oR cRedit cARd infoRmAtion cAll Joy
weAR youR ToRAh Fund Pin!
men ARe encouRAged to Attend
Return this portion with your check made out to “Torah Fund PSW WLCJ”
PSW Region Women’s League for Conservative Judaism
15600 Mulholland Drive, Bel Air, CA 90077
Phone No.
No. of guests at $36 per person
Total Enclosed $
Names of Guests
Sorry I cannot attend but wish to make a contribution of $__________.
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Everyone had a wonderful evening at the Community
Hanukkah Celebration on Tuesday, December 8. Families
from all parts of Adat Ari El came together for a delicious latke
dinner, candle lighting, edible dreidel crafts, a concert from The
Beat Buds and of course…sufganiyot! Families also brought
new toys and games that were donated to the Oscar Litwak
Foundation Mobile Playroom program. The event was planned
by Heather Frank, Joanna Herschko, Leah Rosenzweig, Mandy
Pankowski, Dalia Goldberg, Sally Greene, and Sarah Schultz.
New Art Studio
We have a beautiful new art studio (atelier) for all the
children in the school. The Day School has art lessons on
Friday with the Star program. Debi Kaufman leads the Early
Childhood Center art program Monday–Thursday. We
are thrilled to give our students access to art and its myriad
cognitive, emotional, and physical benefits. The children are
inspired and love the new art space.
Magic When You Least Expect It: Kindle Your
Inner Light cast (L-R) Annie Korzen, Rena
Strober, Stephanie Blum, Rabbi Deborah Silver,
Carlos Kotkin, Mark Matsumoto, Stephen
Tobolowsky, and Wendy Hammers.
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Adat Ari El
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
January 29
6:00 p.m.
Russell Hall
A musical Shabbat service
with songs from the four corners
of the Jewish world
Followed By
Bring your own meal
plus something to share
Vegetarian/Dairy only, please!
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Adat Ari El Bulletin
The Parent Place
A place to share and learn
listen and grow
kvetch and laugh
and find Jewish community and support
Combine your own brand of parenting
wisdom with that of our visiting experts and
Jewish professionals
Wednesday January 6
7:30 p.m. Newman Room
Ideas In
Ori Zadok, ECC Director
Future dates:
February 3rd, March 2nd,
April 6th and May 4th
Ultimately, it’s
your experience
that matters.
To be sure, we’re proud of our 27 years of
experience in senior living. But, to us,
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Adat Ari El has spaces available
in a special section at reduced
member rates.
Current prices will not last long.
If you are interested
in purchasing space(s),
please contact:
Ernie Goodman
at (818) 788-1420
Alan Altschul
at (818) 522-6081
Adat Ari El Bulletin
Tevet/Shevat 5776 • January 2016
Postmaster: Please send address changes to:
12020 Burbank Boulevard
Valley Village, California 91607-2198
(818) 766-9426 Fax (818) 505-9223
Published Monthly During the School Year
Design by Galileo Graphics
Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard
Assistant Rabbi Deborah Silver
Rabbi Emeritus Moshe J. Rothblum
Cantor Judy Dubin Aranoff
Rabbi Aaron M. Wise
Cantor Allan Michelson
Manny Aftergut, President
Michal Lesner, Executive Director
Adat Ari El is affiliated with
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Adat Ari El is on the Internet...
our website address is:
Rabbi Bernhard’s address is:
Rabbi Silver’s address is:
The Bulletin (USPS 661-900) is published monthly by
Adat Ari El, located at 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198.
Phone: (818) 766-9426, ext. 257 Fax (818) 505-9223 email: JKrautman@adatariel.org.
Adat Ari El is a non-profit organization
Total requested circulation averages 850 copies monthly
Periodicals paid at North Hollywood, CA
POSTMASTER – Send address changes to:
Adat Ari El, 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607-2198
Schedule of Shabbat Services
Friday, January 1, 2016
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 4:37 p.m.
Friday, January 22, 2016
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 4:56 p.m.
Saturday, January 2, 2017
9:30 a.m......................... David Familian Chapel
Parsha & Torah reading:....................... Shemot;
Exodus 5:22-6:1
Darshan:...........Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard
Saturday, January 23, 2016
9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary
Bar Mitzvah................................... Noah Marcus
Parsha & Torah reading:......... Beshalach Shira;
Exodus 14:26-17:16
Darshan:.........................Mordechai Rosenstein
Friday, January 8, 2016
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 4:43p.m.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
9:30 a.m......................... David Familian Chapel
Parsha & Torah reading:..........................Va’era;
Exodus 8:16-9:35
Darshanit:........................ Rabbi Deborah Silver
Friday, January 15, 2016
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 4:49 p.m.
Saturday, January 16, 2016
9:30 a.m............................................. Sanctuary
Bat Mitzvah:....................... Mackenzie Gittelson
Parsha & Torah reading:..Bo; Exodus 12:29-13:16
Darshan:...........Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe Bernhard
Friday, January 29, 2016
6:00 p.m................................. Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting - 5:03 p.m.
N’ranena—make a new sound on Friday
nights with the N’ranena Experience.
Bring your ears, your voice, and your
extra soul to sing and pray with music
from the four corners of the Jewish World.
N’ranena replaces our usual Friday Night
Service and will be held on January 29th in
Russell Hall with a potluck dinner following.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
9:30 a.m......................... David Familian Chapel
Parsha & Torah reading:............................ Yitro;
Exodus 19:1-20:22
Darshanit:........................ Rabbi Deborah Silver
Saturday, January 30, 2016
4:30 p.m............................................. Sanctuary
Mincha Bar Mitzvah:.......................... Eli Hyman
Parsha & Torah Reading:................. Mishpatim;
Exodus 21:1-9
All ages and generations are welcome.
Daily Minyan - Deiber Chapel
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m.
Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m.
Sunday - Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
If you are not already receiving it, make sure you sign up for the weekly “Adat Ari El Weekly” email, which is sent out
every Friday. The email includes important information12about service times and upcoming events, as well as rabbinic
commentary about the weekly Torah portion. Email Jerry Krautman at JKrautman@adatariel.org to stay connected.